k-vr.'v-"; THE RED CLOUD CHIEF LOCAL' MATTERS. Notices in this Column 10 Cents a Line Take the Chief. Last Sunday was a hot day. Monday ditto. and Qen. Bowen, of Juniata was in towu last Monday. Win. Reily of Oak Creek, threshed out 28 bushels of wheat to the acre. The mercury Iheruly boiled over, and run oot at the- top of the ther mometer, last Tuesday. Mr?. Patterson arrived from Santa Cruz CaF. last Friday. She is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Doc. Sherer Mr. Henry Roger: has-rented Carl H"T.-., .,;hini onllorv. WA RT( fnTfL ami will hereafter conduct the bu&i- news. N- Hauey of Batin threshed, last week, a portion of his wheat which yielded a little over 22 bushels to the acre. We have received vol. r No T. of the flarved Phoenix, edited by Con nell, late editor of the defunct .Advo cate. 1 There is sickness in the Ciiikf's family this wck. llie neighbors will please accept thanks fir lueij; kimi- The prairie grass up west, en- the sattle range, iH .said to be perfectly dry, and! prairie- fires are said to be raging. A herd of pouie.-, came in from the west on last Tuesday. Quite a num bcr have dcen bought by our citizens we understand. Wo acknowledge the receipt of a complimentary tick ok to the Neb raska State Fair to be held at Lincoln Sept. 24th to 28th. Our Satan was recently out in the rural districts, foraceing, and "garden 8a-s" is consequcn&ly plenty at the Ciiikf's doinanile, A very pleasant occasion for the lUtle folks was trhat of the sixth birth day of Lulu Warner, she was- the re sipient of several handsome presents m Mr Robert Hicks informs us that he threshed out 271 bushels of barley from a four and, one half acre field. 60 bushels-per acreTs not a bad yioM. ThoCamt -luestiagr dbwn on-the river is progressing finely at last an ... . i. ..i: 1 oounts. All tne reugim.s;v nn-ui.v folks, and a great many who arc not o inoliued have bcero in attendance. Mr. R. L. MeCuue has just thiesh 3d out 1400 bushels of small grain, (wheat oats an barley) the yield of 52 acres. Mr. McCune has 50 acres of corn, making in all 102 acres of grond, tended with oae team. H. S. Kaley has commenced the construction of a fish pond which will contain several acre, and be supplied with the best of fish that can be obtain ed. It will also be used for boating, in the summerand skating in the winter. Watermelons are becoming plenty in town, some folks arc afraid to eat theni, not so with the printers, oh no. Tn the language of the illustrious Pat rick Hemy, we know not what course others may take, but as for us give us liberty an di give u watermelons We understand' that Mr. Brice dis dains to receive further support from the county, and has goue to work at the RedCloud Mills, having obtain ed a situation as clerk, or bookkeeper of that establishment. The old man has more "backbone" than some of tfie youngand'able bodied men of Red Cloud. We would like to know how a cer tain man who residt'8 not a thousand miles from Guide Rock, knows ju-t what appears in the Chief each week, and takes the liberty to comment thereon, when he is not a subscriber to the paper. Now sneak 'around and borrow your neighbor's eopy of the Chief, read this item and then get mad and abuse us. Mr. Levi Moore called this week and made the editorial heart rejoice by the presentation of some "grccn hax," the first wc had had the pleas ure of drawing caressingly through our fingers since the last time we succeed ed in borrowing, a dollar several months ago. Mr. Moore takes sever al copies of the CniHF and sends them to friends in the cast, ho has pain us $12,00 on subscription within the last' year. Win. Smith a citizen of Oik Creek precinct, -was recently found insensible, in his wagon, to which a team was Hitched5 and' wamifering at will over the prairie: Smith" Had hitched un His team and gone to the house of a neighbor an-Miad'started homo about noon; while or Iris-way it is supposctT that he was knocfccd-sensJess in his wgon.by stroke of lightening. The team wandered around until discovcr ed:by seme one and taken home. Mr. Smith remained insensible until the next-morning- He has no recollection " of any thing having happened, to h,m white on his way-home. He recollects starting home, and fwm that time "s. . ! .l- ..- .f vT!fiiUMie, the Proceedings cf the Souniy Commissioners. August 24th 1ST7. Board met pur-uant to adjournment, Present L H. Luce, Geo. V. Ball, J. H. I lobar t Comnjishioner.-, J. A. Tullcys Clerk. Minuets of la.st two meetings were read and approved. Petition ot Henry Curtes anil oth ers to call an election to be held on the day of the general election No vember to vote on the proportion to cvne bonds to build a bridge across the Republican River at some point in Gi Sle Ilot-k precinct. Amount of bond.-, six thousand dollar, election ordered. The following accounts ware aflowed and. warrants ordered ; John Elliott Salary Co. Physi cian, $27,5U M. L. Thomas Pub. Comr's proeeed R8 &c. $24 40 State Journal Co. Stationary $17,75 A-A- ope Co. Supt's fees $123,00 Urdered that the removal and re construction of the bridge across the Little Blue by Silas S. Wells and otheis be approved and that said par tics be released from their bond. Resolved that the salary of the Superintendent of Public It strucion. for Webster county be three (3). dol lars per day after the 1st day of Jan uary 7H. The following resolutions were adopted': Whoaraon the .'M day of July 1877 thi-5 Board paced an ordt-r that the Clerk eaube notice to be .served upon Henry II. Bultterworth and Charlc W. lla'cr Trus'ees of the Kansas and Nebraska Railway C-mipany of Kansas and upon Alfred Mitchell Land Commissioner and Attorney of said Trustees and apoa a-11 per.-ons claiming lands in Webster county through or uuder them, to appear be fore this-board u on this day aud show cause why certain lands described, in said" order .mould not b entered upon the as..csMucnt rolls and tax list for taxation and be taxed for the years 1S70 and 1S77, and whoaras it appears that there has not been good and suffi cient service made upon some of siid parties, therefore be it. Resolved, that the entire matter re specting the taxation of all of said lands be and the same is hereby con tinued and postponed until the 2d day of October J.S77. at 1 o'clock P.M. and that the Clerk bo and he is hereby oidered to serve notice upon said par ties as hertofore ordered for said par ties to appear and show cause upon suid 2d day of October 1877 why said andf arlould not be lax' d- Adjourncd until Monday Oct. 1st 1S77 at 9 am. J. A. Tin i.p.Yt,. L. II.. Luce, Clerk. Chairman. ANNOUNCEMENTS; Ui!t thi load -xe will" mftkffatroonaco mentsf rail wo wish to bo ciindiilatei for couut y office 'hiii-KCP will be two dollars, and upwards, according to stylo of notice We are authorized to announce the name of II (.' Scort as candidate for the ofiicc of Sheriff of Webster county Nebraska, subject to the action of the county Republican Convention. We are authorized to announce the name of (Jeo. 0. Yeiser, .s candidate for the office of County Judge of .Webster Co. Nebraska subject to the action' of 'the county Republican Con vention. Retnember that all locals and other advertisements ordrrcd in for an indefinite time, will be regularly cliarg gcd up until ordered discontinued. Said order to be given tc the editor of the paper. New styles fall goods at Mrs. Lutz Grants Ki'uots & & hoes. 3 hoes. A large lot just receive at J'. G. Potter's. Latest stylos of Iadic and Mioses frhoes and gaiters-,, and mens and boys boots and shoes. Call aud examine aud you will not purchase els where. 5-6tf STAR WAGON. For alo by Mitchell & JIrliart. These w-.g.n-; are among the best that arc undo, and arc fully warrant ed. it will pay you go and look at them before purchn.-ing elswhere. Wheat and barley taken in exchange for goods at Jl G. Potter's: STOVES! STOVES rr A carload of stoves just received at Mitchell & Morhart's; of all sizes pat terns and styles. Coal or wood' stoves of all kinds, they will be sld. at bed rock prices. Call and- see. C lothing ffilotbin C 1 o t h in g sJL 1 o t h i i CLOTHING. At J. G. Potter's, men's and Boys Miits of ready made clothing (latent style) call and examine these good' and be convinced that it will be to your interest to buy your clothing of me. J. G. Potter, Red Cloud EASTINQSmSETS;. corkf.ctf.d weekly by" x. n Norton, dealer in grs ani STOCK. Wheat lowr fair te pood. fiO'to 65 Rarity 25 to 45 as to qualities. Rye 25. Flax so d So to 90. Ilogs in good shipping condition 3 50. I . ft 1 A Ck Go to Mitchell & Morharts for vour gang plows. HORSES HORSES,! All who have mares they wi-h to breed, arc informed that Garbers home will stand in Red Cloud for the nef t few weeks. J uly 5:h Xfoticf to Teacfler:, T Notice is herby siren, That I will ex amine all persons who may denrt, to offer themselves as candidates for tea chers of the primary or common schools 1 Webster county, at Red Cloud on the first Saturday in the months of Feb. ruary. May, August, and November, A. A. Pope, Co. Sup't. Negnnda Jan. Oth 1S7. Mitchell & Morhart have just re ceived a large stock of Mining plows. All of which will be sold at bottom prices. 5 3tf Dress-making & Stamping. Mrs. Bauer wishes to inform the public that she is prepared to make dresses on the shortest notice, and do all kinds of stampinrc. Please give me a call at Carl Weber's. Red Cloud. 43-3m Mrs. Bauer. DO YOUR OWN GRAINING ! ! A new and simple Method of grain ing. Enclose 20cts and I will send by return mail printed directions for tgTaiDTo-frr all shades. No humbug Address. Kufus Mikteh. 34-fan Red Cloud Neb. Lanifs For Sale. We are now oftering for .-ale on bet ter terms and cheaper than ever be fore, all hm belonging to 15 & M. St. Joe & D. C. and Midland Pacific Rail Road Companies in Webr-ter and adjoining counties. We also have some choice claims for sale. Give us a call. Kaley Bro. Atty's & Real e.-tae Agt'sRctf Cloud Nub. 52tf GO to the Post office for yonr station ery, where you sxu get 24 sheets of note paper for the small sum of Ten cents. CHEAP CASH STORE. We are selling good goo is cheaper than any other firm in the city. The mar ket will be fall of shoddy goods this fall, but don't waste your money buying them, when you can buy gen uine goods at the same price, of L M. THOMPSON and Co' Hastings, Neb. J. D. Post informs us that he has the largest barn west of Joe, War ner's and is prepared to accommo date the freighters, and all Others who may call. Livery rigs famished on short notice --ti The largest stock of sncct-u-le- west of Lincoln, can be found at W. A. Smiths Hastings Nebraska, folc agent for the Laziru. & He is Morris perfected glas.-e, the market for the money. fiiiCbt in the 5-lff Wanted. Fifteen or twenty haiuli tocut broemcorn, or I will let tlnrjob out by contract, at so much per aue. a man1 can take as many or as few acres as he likes. George M. iaylor. one and one half miles west ot !?.K ll Cloud. 5 3w A fine loif of prints, fall styles, at J. G. Potter's. Wanted.- -10 head of calves for which thchighe.-t cah price will be paid. Geo M. Tavlor, Red Cloud Nob. 5-32m ATTACHMENT NOTICE. Robert R. Sherer v. Clark Wat son, before Joseph Warner. Justice of the Peace, Webster Co. Neb. Ie fendant will take notice that an order of attachment for the sum of nineteen dollars ami Sifty ots ($10.30) ha been issued in the above ca-e, and that the cause will be heard Aug 25th, KS77 at the office of said Justice. lol i rt R. Sherer. Per John 3. Willcox, 53 3w Attorney. LEGAL NO-TKJE. District Jourt in aud for Webster County, Nbera.-ka. Csti ariue DeLancv Plaintiff, ver-us William Henry Dc Lancv, defendant. NOTICE The defendant, William Henry De Lancv, will take notice that the plain tiffha filed her petition inthc Dis trict Cnurt of Webster Co. Nelra-ka. pntying that the marriage between the plaintiff and'd fenJan may be do clarcd a nullity, and that he is reqmr ed to an.-wer s;iid petition on or bt tore the 5th day of October A. D 1877. Catharine DeLaic-v J. S. Gilliam att'y for pLiiutiff. SE3M7? AL2. Ry virtue of an order of sile i-surd bv the DisTict Court of Wobst r Co Nebraska and directed to me as sher- iffofsaid Webster Couny. I wiil offi'r for sale at public auction at the door of the Court House, in KedCioud in said count v, on the 24th of Septetu ben 1S77 at tea'o'c'ock A. m. cfsaid day the following real estate, to wit. The nw of the se of sec. 14 town 1 range 12. The s w qr of the s e qr of sc. 14 town 1 ramie 12. The i e (jr of the swqr of cc 14 town I ranire 12 The e qr of the s w qr of ce!4 town 1 range 12. All in VVeb.-er county Xhra-ka Sold.oii nn order of sale in hivor of Dudl ey M Steele, & Samuel Johiiaon, and against George W. Reman. HeuryG. RilU'1-nfF, by Mali il. Warner dej.u v jjral Jafafc Wj -Ml who have RpsiI c?tate thnt they v:?b to ?cll, or elaiuw to liapoc of. will frntJ it to their intiT-t to call on M. I. Tfionwj. at thv Oiii-y oiBce, where tenn? will bs caaJe known. Imniicrr.'nt. and those deh-eoiofsifcar-inc home- in South-weatern Nebraska, wouIiiIo?r-il tocon-ultthb Arenc7, eatlos ii)g:tauiilur reply. We have at present the following dc:-ciibed tract? of land for sale : 1GU ACRKd, .-itnatcd on Kim Creek. 50 acres tmder cultivation, plenty of timber and water Good 7i-li, 20 feet deep ; house, sta bles, etc. Laud nearly all lercJ, be:ng mnstlv second bottom. Close to school hoase. Pi ice, $1,000. $500 down, bal ance fn payments to suit purchaser. Deed given. 120 ACRES of deeded land. MtuateJon Elm Creek, Plenty of timber, partly under cultiva tion. Convenient to schools and churches. Terms $500 cash. 1 GO ACRES, of deeded land, 1 miles from tied Cloud, 45 acres under cultivation, cor rals, etc. Good well 26 feet deep. Terms, $ I, U0, $500 cash down bal ance in a year. A bargain. 80 ACKES of land on Elm Creek on tho Hasting and Red CTami freight road, 25 acres under cultivation, good frame house ir,x2( with basement 14x35, good well, 3ablc room for 70 teams ; building I 4 x'l for the accommodation of freighter-. Com cribs aud corral--. This property ha' long been known as Hummers ranehe. There is wine tim ber on the place. Will relinquish for .-7(10. or will ui'.c deed for $M)i) Haf down, balance in one year, or will trade for team and stock. 100 ACRES Timber claim, being the south-east 1, Sec. 11, T :, R. 9, Webster county Neb., Stillwater precinct. Mostly good farm land, 45 acres under cultivation. Will relinquish for $IU0, half cash, balance in one and two years. 1G0 acres of n'ce laying land on Elm Creek, no drawes running through it, partly under cultivation, less than a mile from ehoul and church, crek run- through the '.' , plenty of tim ber, a very desirable location, terms of sale made known on application. K,0 ACRES, of land on State Creek, Webster Co., 40 acics under cultivation, timber and running water, house, stables, etc. One H) of this land is deeded, the other N a Die emption. Will relin quish the SO that is not deeded and give a deed for the other or both for cash or trade. The above described lands are of fered for sale at reasonable figures, and are desirable locations. All let ters of enquiry promptly answered. M. L. Thomas, Agent. Owen &' Chamberlain's Camphor ated Hartshorn Liuauient, i not a Pattent, but the old YoktHe linament made of the bst material and' by an improved method; It needs-no rec ommid, but is acknowledged by Phy -icians to be old and reliable, and Horsemen fall back on it when all e!.-e fail, and regard it a-? their tuini by. Sold and guaranteed by C. EL. Pot ter, Red Cloud. Fi--e of charge simple bottle. One do.se of 0. C.'s Colic, Cholera ar.d Diarrca Remedy. A sure aud effectu al remedy for the cure of Dysentary. diarrca Cholera morbus, Summer complaint, pain in the" stomach and bowels. Chronic diarrca, bloody flux &e Ac. Also cohc in horses. One dose will cure pain in the stomach in 3 minuets, cholera morbus in 5 to 30 minuets, according tt evcrcness of attack, one dose will cure an ordinary attack of Dy-cnteiy or diarrca. It is never failing in its results, and so pleasant when reduced with 20 parts of water thnfe children will cry for it. Sold and guarantezd, by C. H Potter; Red Clour? Neb. 5 1 Gm W. A Smith of Hastings keeps a large and' well selected stock of books stationeryjewelry, musical in.-trumen.-. wall paper, picture frames, toyes and notions. He has a Sr-t c!v-s watch maker and engraver, and wiil guaran tee sat i-factiou -gith work entrusted to "his "care. Cn-tomers can rely upon being dealt with fairly. 5 ltf For your hay rakes go to Mitchell A Morharts. f l . So "2 a t'-o l-5 . 5 HzUirl - 'i' - -o "-!--i 2s LV !.-. c Qr-c- a - - e V ... - S rFiVt-i is.r in - t "-" fc t- fcjTZ - w $? i ift Ci !A i J. J. - - nl!?4-siisl-t4i? Jc" 55 -li .-i-a!-! I S : if Z 1 4lxll!ssiMii1a ii:tfj if ?ifJ4:l siil , il z? I zi -1 1-5 lP2 S- J -l V 1 5 e-?S3S!S5!Jt3Si f rc s -?! Ti-r?-"'ri'r-s ? Hotels Thompson House a 3i. TioMi'soy, Prop. Cor. 1st SL and Burlington A7e., HASTINGS - NEBRASKA. free Hicks to and fr:n Sarcts. US' Fine Sample Room in connection with the House, for the accouimoda tion of Commercial Men. jy2G Commercial lfotl. Riverton, Nebraska. W. W. Roihnso.v, - - - I'rop. Good beds, good fare and charges reasonable. eSf-Meah- at all hrur-.&a The Farmers Restaurant, .7. A. WILLIAMS, Pkoi-uietor. Freighters and others will find it tr their interest to patroube this house. J6--2?.Waim meals at all hours! IIwtinms Avexuk, HASTINGS . - - - ?KIIUASMA. Kufus IVJihsch, (fsarxtcufn; Ik Swum -o Particular attention given- to shop work, and coliin- made to order. frarPainting Speci.ilty. Vcfl, Shop weit of Rifhard.-on's building. USD CLOUD, - - - NEB. Van llvliC fc .Smclsci. Plasterers & Stonemasons; Wc are prepared to take contracts aud do all kind- of work in our line at reasonable prices. Satisfaction guar anteed, and all kind" of stock aud grain taken in exchange for work. C5?" Cistern work a specialty. Ki:iM-I.OUI - - XKHKVSK.. t 13-ly J. L. MILLER, Prop. ,- Keep? con-tantly on hand a full line of stock, such as Harnc-s, Collars, Whips. Saddles, ami all other goods usually kept m a tirst-class shop. ALL WOSK WARRANTED. 45.tf Red Cloud, N.b. J. J. MILLER CARPENTER and BUILDER. Eed Cloud, Neb. Is prepared to make estimates and take coutracts for all kiuds of building. 33 Ty Red Cloud Drug Store. C. II. POTTER, Prop. Keeps tho largest and best stock of drugs, medicines, paints, and oils, to be found in the Republican valley. JO? Prcscrrpfious carifully compoun ded, day or night. SED CLOTO, . S3BASSA. !2jyfim Red Cloud Mills! We are prepared to do cus tome work flour Ftetl and Qorn MiLl "OP Sale && Satisfactirn gu arantccd io quality of flour son, and cistom work. Farmers -hould be particular to secure the best of seedwheat. Potter & Frisbie! GEORGE ZEISS, -1CALSBI5- Wines & Liquors CIGARS, Chewing, Smoking, Tobacco C ANNO D FRUITS OF AUC KINBS, CONFKcffoNEJtlS, And E-pecialy Fresh Lager Seer. C.EOI1GE ZKI53, TIED CLOri), 'KS. Utf n 3 3 e C3 o CO & H r CP it0,. oo 1 W Q IIS UJ Q J iS J 3 C3 4 -j- V SOI i CO CO W H t? S- Pi x N (A .V P . M i 5 P S S 5 3 P E P- S c m 30 O o n "-3 CD 0 -s SAFL GARBER PKAI.KK IN Dry Goods and Groceries. KOOTS and SUOKS i Hats? Caps & Raid? Made Clothing ! We have the Largest Stock in the Valley and will not be undersold. C-IVKBSACALL. ONE a ALL Sam'l Carber? 4T.d lied Clouil, ISvh. &m -JLounlj J anli, HASTINGS AI . MP COUNT V, NKU. A Genera! Banking Business TRANSACTED. mumwm KADE A SPECIALTY. Draftc on Europe bought aud roid Agents for several steam.hip lines. f-Businc?s entrusted to ut will hare prompt and careful attention. STAR Billiard Saloon ! W. C. BESSON, Proprietor, Keep3 constantly on band a One tock of WINES. LIQUORS, K17MMBL. 1HT- TEIIS.&FRKSH B E E n. Lhave alw a pood supply of the best CIGARS in the market. In the same building. uD-sUtr.) is the larpe-t and most ooruaiodiou ball in the villa.ee. which will bt rented on reasonable term, to the public, for concert., sociably ball, or traveling troupe. W. C Benson, RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. BOOT AND PARKS BROS., Propritors. ThN tirm is nr pn'parcd o furni-h the plhlfc with HOOTj? made of the ben material and at nVure.i a low that uyne need jjo bare footed. All Kinds of Repairing Done With Neatness and . uisparcn. SfiuA share of the publ?c patronirc resyceffctty whviteil. Al work fully warranted. GIV u a rnm. and be convinced that it is to your interest to parronixe ua. PAKKS KKOTIiEKS. Red Cloud, - - - Nehrmskm, GO MAI'S!! Kov Your CLOTHING, c8SYos, BOOTS and ST-LOICK, : HATS. CAPS & Furnishing Coods. CHEAPER T'.M2 CHEAPEST ! t Calf and See Us Before You Buy- IET.A.I U10 NEW BUILDING, On FIRST STREET, opposite Commerciai Hste Nov.SiMf HASTINGS. Njjjya-SK A. THE PIONEER BLACKSMITH &WACONSHOP, fya Sloir Ac It We would respectfully inform the &CAt7 B3 70u2:D AT IllA SLUKf-Kil, 3G HEP CA)U)K uo nil KHKls (.1 work in rnr lm. pruuipt V ..nd 111 a workinajihl iium r ti-)J'lnw n'p.iiriin; a pi'-iatty. iliiuihcr Wnrni. I.ncht Sfn Wajrnn" ami Hujn;io4, built ti. onh-r. nml warranted nn ?y t l-.i I'KICES KKASJONAIJLK. and SATISFA1TION t.'HAHA.Vfl-.Kir. mw& wmm mm. fr-iA HASTINGS NEB. Cnn-ie the largest and aio-t rrnnpletr trrk of Pit V IJ'MItKItof ' kirnl., for H'jil iiu;, HriilK-y 'd general purp) , flow in any yrl "'f N,'ebni.a. Our Mock or PODRS, WfNI0VS. BilDS. IlitlLDIN't V I'EK ttc, is urn'U.i!cd. Owninirour own tiruli:r land-, mw and ptainin; mill", taithr wiiJ 'peei.il iat-')ii fr-iht. fivi-. us a char.o ty urc;HfIlly compete wnh .itiy ard in Kan-. vr Ncbr-i-ka. irc d-a rll. AGS37S roa "2:2 tAa" ms)CLL, na sm?- vj otx. Isaac 6-1 Cuv FARMERS W. A.CAMP, Prop. Y.-HOLESAI.K AND MtYGOOM; CL,OTHM.Y0, BOOTS, awl SHOES, ii.il S. C.IPS and GROCJE MftS. CHEAPEST STORE 111 Axlanas Conrrty I ! SHOE SHOP ! TO t iltlif, Jj. Tinker Prop puldic that we ro prrpartd tr SLSSB'S OLD 5TA4JD. H. L.TlHJfKt, EHitASKA. ,i lADioyir At. STORE r RETAIL DEALER- F Xiebn -"Hfm"-H5. re'Ulii vt v;a-... - J '"" no 2, TO j::. ITastiDirs, Jao. IL. Wil cos P til mV