zs s .",r " -- jp V . Li fcL . . -- V i sir i X '( Is U i :x. a w$ n n iv ix Ii t -; THE RED CLOUD CHIEF. Published every Thursday at SSfi CLOUS, tfEBSASZA. M L.THOMAS, fUUloritutf Projtrifiur. 2.00 per year, Invariably in Advance. Sub.ocrihets who 1)9 not receive their in w fers" rcRuIitrly. will confer a favor by uoti.'y m tng us of the f net at oncs. Correspondence policttod from all pnrtof ?o case are ice retpmtsiblc far the v.rtcs nr opinions tif our correspondents. We. do vol publish anonymous hlteix and- ton municatitms. Affray jive your name. Local notice, to insure insntion fnusthchande.d in ascailyas Wed. iiftfny nmru in a. Official Directory. CONGHKSSIONAL. AW qIi ?e?rice- U-s- Senator Airin Senmltnr. Oteaha, U. S. Senator Wenzc Cronn.c. Rcpt-nUttY KXEfiTTTTVK ?V..T"chuc,k. , See. 0 Slate. j: c. SfifiSi L,no,'ln- T j- U00.IJ j.lUhrt, Au-yUcn: J. Al. McKonne. Lincoln. Sup. Pub Inntruc. JUDICIARY. 0.11. Lifce.Onraha. Chief JiFtice Dan'I Uantt. Nebraska City, . . . ' ' Haio'l Maxwell, l'lntmouth J As"cinte Jut. WEtiSTKlt COUNTY, i- T'lllexi. County Hork. I A-'fr Treasurer. if fV iiii,ey3. Probate Judw. A ' 1. 1,U ' Sheriff. e"n0,e' School Sup't. ft w Tn"' . CiTifnty Surveyor .. II. Luce.' V County Commissioner J. II. JioliarU I CONGREGATIONAL nnnMnri- ServiFs eyefy first and tn ifoT Sab- f bath of each month at Red Cloud and Inavale. 7 J o'clock P. M. at 1 Cloud. 2 o'clock P. M. at In- tv.iic. Kvery second anl fourth Habbaths at Batin and Uarmonv Precincts. Kev. A. MAXwi.r.i", Pastor. fiAPHST CM1 URCIT.- Rev. '- f. luii.NF.n, Services second Sftbath in each month at 1 1 a. m. HETH0DI8T CFIURCH. Rki Cl.fU'f). Fervioc-on alternate Sab hath at 11 A. M. com'g May tin. and the alternate evenings eoni'p May 21, at 7 1-2 P.M. East Guide Rock. Alternate Sab- atlisat 11 A. M. and at Wesi Gkiiik Rone at -2 -1 P. M. com May 27. Pexnev Chi:eic. Alter- na Sab baths at 2 1-2 P. M. and at FTummcl School-house at 7 12 J. M. eom'g Jiav 2(). . Rev. j Or.MSTEn, Pastor. ev Geo. CV Yciseii, Hapfist, Ser vice at, Ked Cloud sehool-hoine. jHoruml; C W. Sl'KINGEU. Supt. AAND OF HOPE m-ets every two weeks on alternate 'lliurMlay even in's at C:'.)f) o clock. Arrlviil mhtl Urpnrlure mt .Tiallr .fruw llio Ked ClonfT P. O. JIastino Leaves Monday V" Wednesday's and Friday 7 a. m Tuesday, Thur.-day and Satuiday, .v nmtti., knives every day fr'A p. m IIarVAUD Ijeaves Mondays and Thur.Mlays 7 a. m.. arrives Wednes days and Saturdays t n. m. Pleasant 11 ill leaves Thursdays 7 a. m. Arrives Wednesday's ft p. m. Franklin, going east, Monday's and Thursday's 2 p. ni. Goinejwesl Tuesday's aud Friday's y a. m. M" Vl if -SZIts--' pSNfffc--W1 a ukatii Schoot. orefy Sabjiiatli 5 " iKoriiinlr at Tif a. m. Closes at 11. L JhnVELL Kan!a5, leaves Tuotdays j 'S yAitjilnys and Saturdays 8 a.m., 4'rrTt, Xl ondaya, WednCbdays anl B'riday. 0 p. ui. USSEL, Kansas, Leaves Monday.-. Wednesdays ane Fridays 7 a. in.. arrives Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays, 0 p. tu. Office open from 12 ui until 1 p. m. Sundays. . All registered matter must oc in iy r. p. " Money wruer uusiucsis cios-eu ai 7:3()-p. ui. Wo ortfers issued on bun dy' M. B. McNirr, P. M. fted Cloud & Jew ell City Stage Line. Connoting; at Red Cloud" with the KegaMican Valley liue, running straight to Hastings. i,Thrco regular trip? will be made taohweefc, k-avihg Red Cloud the gnine time the sugo from hasting. doefl. ICODSiaS AK GOOD TIU& IfACS ON TKS BOADi Pare r&asosable. 30-iy D. H. GODFREY. ED CLOUD b SMITH CENTER Stage Line . w. .:n.. m Rr.il f!loilil Willi tbi I .Tli:w.- :.. Ht.m T.inn. jvcpuJiu . v-ftw Three regular trips a week, arriving itid departing from Kd Cloud at the same time the btage ffom the railroad 4e'-FARE VtolTLO-ft. .lH J. B. BttSSOW, Prop. ' HARNESS SHOP flf. V. Ixudomr iW prepared to do all kinds ofrork 1 THE Harness line. 1 TMfebcst ofiaterialsused, and all "rlTrfc WARRANTED. ki:pairi Jlbac ob short notice ad at reasonable It' Prices. . 4 Shop in McNirr s Sitorc. The VOL. V. H l SLVE8S P W ECTOR Y Attorneys at Law. J". S. (xilliam. A 1 1 ? y at Li a ot, AND NOTARY PUBLIC. I CSf Collections promptly attended to. Office in J. 2. VTJcte's. 3ed Cisud :?eb; f . II. Willcox ATTOKNNY AT JyAW and U.S. Coniniissiofrbr. JB" Collection Promptly Attended to OFFICE ONK DOOH "OUTfl OFBAU.M'S STons Red Cloud. Neb. JAS. LAIRD, flf TTORNKl' AND COUNSKLOR Cy at n. Juniata Nolraka. Will practice in all the Courts of the State. Prompt atHtion given to all bunme.-s entrusted tn his care. Office on the east nde Juuiafa Avenue. july 1 7 Geo.W. Shepparcf, GOVERNMENT Jr IJLOO.M INGTON, NEB.' H. S. KALST, Agt. U..!. R. It. Land. C. W. KALEY, Notary Public. ATFORNEYS AT LAW, AND REAL ESTATE AGENTS. Willj notice in all tho Courts in this State and Northern Kansas. Collections promptly attended to and Corresjwulence solicited. - Had Cloud, Nebraska. LM..L, thomn f V.iATi 38TATB AGEXTv r"VltH'!tp''.'nUtc and' I'or.'onul prorerty" on 'joismt.-'Uii;. i I'OlHoe at CirtKr ofiice,-1Sa RED CLOUD NEBRASKA. X W. N. iflOIIAUUdON, J. A. TULLEY: IJ Rishardson & Tcilleys, r,-i"T fifArT7 . r-.T '".- i.TVr "tViliVuy anil ?ell Real Kft tr mi riiinmi. ton. aa'l pay taxes lor non-rvi.l"tt. Sc..i 1 .ttici.t ton ki.s! t...(i ii'ti-.i:. r rojiinnlLTifO snliritexl. -U Ict'.'re ..f i".iU!ry. or ou tiu'Itic-? prouil'llj aiwervii. HEDPLOUD, V ' ' " . ill'. I.E.sniTi'. II. V. Iks.."!. H. 1'. SsiiTn. Trc-tli'iit. Vicc-rrt--iilout. Coshior. irst Rational lyanlt, "(BEAT-ICE, K2S3ASSA. (SucccAjyr tu ?.'.! mi in;o!,) CAriTAL, 4.i.ooo.nu. DIRECTORS. Hos.AS PAnixn h US fc'cn., C.fl.DiR.-KV. J vr K1.1.IS. N.w YorS. H. W 1ai:kk b Kl.;iH FlLLI-.Y. .ISO. HSmITH. 4-U .m'l C. Su;?it. PHYSICIANS. jjgsiriann and jSurgwis. All mrdieal calls promptly attended to at all hours. fgyOffiee in City Drug Store. $5-17 Eod Oloud, Nebraska, HOMCEOPATKIC PKVSIOAn U. S. Pension Surgeon. Ofkick two doors M,uth of the Court House. SED S10U2 nZ3KA2.. Physician and Surgeon. ift-PAUTJCri.AK ATTF.STIOS I.IVKN TO DISEASES I'ECITLIARTO FEMALES. 05ce asd Uewlence Sva oilss wet of 2ei:i:ci Kear Elai-Crcelt-i'ills. WEliSTEK Co. NSB. 3G-xn4 RED CLOUD FURNITURE -STOEEr JAS. CALVERT, Proprietor. Deals extensively in all kinds of fuf niture, such as Bureaus, Beadsteads, tables. Chairs, Mirrors, and in fact everything to be fouud itt a-rirbt-clsas furniture istore.- GIVE II DI A CALL. RedClocd, - - -: - EB.K"rhetae Getihal C-muitccc . '1. 1 :l.;i i ... .,1.. --Vr.r ..,.!. Red 'Eternal Vipifanvc s JiliDCLOUJKWEBSTKUCO., NKHU-AKA. lilUKSDAY. Al?(Mrr 20. 18?7 EDITORIAL. The readers of the Chief wi.l look for the Co: Commi-iou- r- pro.-eMl- ings, in'this iue cf the paper, tut will look in vain. a? the cmm.ion. t-rs decided tt tho last ?r--in of hoard that ther wouid uut hnve their proceedings published. If there i any one thine that the wo:i!o of the county i . arixinu-. !o kimw, it is what is boing lone by their Mov ants, the county cotniiiissioper, the people cannot a come to town at cr - cry session of the board, to w wb-u i bem- done, hence the n.'c;-.y of . ..... .. , ,, . hiu.ixiiiu me prue:U(iing. .m ;i e prominent men o" the county, as we have heard, have expued themselves as very u.u..-l ..li-WMl with the action of the ba,d in thi matter rf.l,. .,,,., , ao it, ineir onjrci is a mvS:rry, trying only paper in the county, neither are we prepared to believe that they have coscoctc'd a scheme to defraud the county, and wish to keep their actions a secret, we do not for a m mnnt en tertain sa'eh an idea as this, and hope 'pc m-iiij. uuii it nun eur mimou, al though we, in common with the re.-t j,l . r 1 r of the citirens are forced to confer tliat this action of the commissioner- , , v , , , A . , us a uau iuuk auoui it, to nay the least. Since the above was in type, the indignation on the part of the most prominent citizens of Red Cloud, that has been manifested on account of the refusal of the comity iathgrsUn -have-tho coramishioners proceedings published, has finaly culminated in j their (the citizens) ordering such pub-j licatiou to be made, and the "proceed-1 mgs appear m another column. Two spans of the Missouri ri'r bridge, each 250 feet in length was can naro.y neuevc tnat, acruatoo i.y ; . -; --o, Kome petty personal spito. thoy aim.d c ,mon 0 stunnm Mrfs fmui Bh; t 1. 1 c ... , , -r.-i .- -iri.) i..;i.i-.ii. .. . 1.... , au,rustatti,eijinEF,tor.t:epuIpo,e!;:;- ;-;- --. " '- annually kill thou-and of th,-m v 10 crusn out or ex'-ninec- ui . -''.". w . -. tii..v-. i' ijj-r-i -.! .- iWojlnum oo PjzgyJ.4jI;JfU..r;.,'WwMMtt of ehQ.yn,iwrtoJakeordBjtKW inv wild, lutri'i mo--t wTioIiy destroyed. 1 boonn 17 Wub such .abundant. pro-TS. or nest at anytime," etc. No was from the north, and struck the ' juc. jmsil7e. 0f all kiuds must feel , hawk's or owl'.- not are to bt rlos east end of the inruense structu 0 ' m,w jjj;, an(j v-Vtr0T pr0xperty is' troyod either ; and you inu-t net ta'ce with such force 1 to wrench Sou feet of it from its connection?, and toppling it into the river, twis'i1:-, the large wrought iron s'ringer,- .and col umns into an endless variety of shaprs. About one half of the del-fi is out of ight uthlf" the water, and the remain der !ie on the side and at the foot of the high embankment of tho eastern approach. It is impos-ib'e at thir writinr to 'ive nnyhinv Hk" 1 norrfel estimate cf the loss, but it is undoubt edly very heavy. The Hastings Journal gives an 20 '" cunt of a terrific thun-lcr storm WtiHl VWted th-U plan.. l,st wek. h O.AlS0 living mar I,,and w, ,,, cne ccuar at worx at tne time ni; While a woman w;u mi'king a cow tiie cow wai struck and killed aud the woman was unhurt. Tho following item we clip fro.mtlie 1 Listings Gazette. ' - M. Wi'son the postmastor ' at C!o-. vcrton, and one of our most enter prising tree growers, was in town yes terday, and took a- printing outfit home with him. ,Hc uroposos to set the andvantages of his section of ooun try before the general public, and in duce ciniijration to Webster eounry. 1 , . 1 t i- 1 , '! iagen lias nisu purcna.-ea jt t ini; uii'ivnia .ouwioru ik.-hh.-iij is wnr- house Wa Stlltek tiV lightening, and I ,.,-. , . , - r.into 1 n. '.'. -o-Uid j i-.usle .artirlunf , . - . ., , .T, , ,, 1 nnro- ;oiit?j ot I'lr. Moak :n the same Mer ur, ornnj ii iL-.-'ov mi-.Tdl3ubeUaLu he was instantly Killed. Seei.u h.u- ., , , , i,,.t , I7 , -cut ion wit n a tine er ve and plenty, l scs in anu around Hastings V.M.-stiuek, , , t t ... . t. , 01 coot! water tn. voar rouna. o-roci vv-rcTiini c but the inmates were not senou-lv .. . T . ,. , PJRtLY VtGETADLE. hurt. The Hotel at JuniVi u-."n h's lj"xna'L Lw has nccn crmlninini: tbr.,r?athpm llu i.l . ourt. .itc iiott. at jui.M.a u..s school this summer, U WA Jiwis.'.Pn.riD W,.Hiio struck twice, and djifasrd .Nome. , . , , , eaaatric.b"r. I.trrr Discwcintwti.reil. .ir. . is au otnewspapcr man ana . (ent thorron has fulfilled all the re wc are pleasedtto see him take up the iiuirements aud can throve un if he so "stick nd rule." We aw hi receipt of a complimcn Ury iuvitatiuu to attend the Interna -tioaal Exhibition at Philadelphia, and to be, present at the receptiou cormo-' nies to the Governors of rhn lT:i;ril Slates. Aucust 30th. Wn ilwrL' think we can ho nnwnt. hnf !,nn,. tba Governors will pardon us. Ifhowev- ! A little jrirl about two and a ha'.f years old, the youneeit chiM of Mr. S. C. Rose, of Washington county, disappeared very uiyNtcriousby. A thorough search has been instituted, but without success, she is suppa-cd . , , , , . -' , . to have be;n abduetea, ana a man, (a' The loter-Oceari says that if you want to iiiake a copperhead mad just cxpreseY dislike ofiiie prldeat's pbli, "- .- - .1 ... .. . liniirifn.irl T livi tn cfntn tit r.n t iv . .il KSrJsiri iirr.;l t" ihlT'CTtUi" er, 111c reception shouid prove a tail- --.-" - ef thc Lody u.h rfffnal pBrcew hiw at:en. lire, iu couscouenee cf our n-n a? 'en- lucsl,0D doe-nut come withta tue dt-I:uuie. that itism.w resirded'ai the ... " t :..:-.!..: j ...:,. ,re .. .u ,-.l anvifiTCAt.xi'ittiil'ifi. I'-nc. we should ncVef be able to for-; J"u" Ul lu,a ulUTC- "re "" 1 " ; , .Mt7n An,..ir of taxation bv local authorities ircon- Forall JiseaJtwcrtccLtve.-. atonmchaau 1C OUrrcll. - 1 J-vlecc. 1 !! trollel by local laws. a a UtncJ? in Nii!inrpjnisph-nhtprl iN n nrm;f. I lU tne l "tle ?Uing a pat- lavcr Kcfraistor. uaress in pur itpw suspicious en-racier; nas ixen arrest-1 . . , " ' wraprer. with tte tra!e axze. jampica od on suspicion of bom iupUcated in,ent' u 1:rtn re ur'ior.Ntood as applun- M-aatu.-cunrrs. NweotbrLcenatne. i. ..:. b'e to cs"; were the richt to the rat-' J. E SilL!!? t CO., L11L lUiUli 4 " VyJu the price of shorty." (tnl$2.QQ a year U the price, nf ! '-t''-TCJlJ Nebraska' Notes. f inc tn. -.nifat cropLt the season tura; known a? the ' (Jatuc Law." , -a- thr.-'.ed ye-'T !ay on the lunu of basbcen pasol upon 1-yJu lrc i'ound, JUIliata Nebraska, !:,"h- s' '- It v.-s 3piiua' Cher- tfUiu ?fccona Judicial Diari-t, arl ! '"V "'J 'krU ln.rn iho inartaiie held to he Constitutional. That it he.Mi:iff Kia.i'ri? K.rr v-T5: li!.S the ' . . .u,. .., n,; . ' .,,... i i- - to ,f; aer - littruri .Mt iL I The R3pcr& WiaMiemU ilourio0' jiiiilsonJeatik-e.ok firu on Sunday, the 19th inst ami Jmrned jo , fir..und. The mill was one-of pn.Miiiicnt mtiiutiun of Beatr.ee, , .'.nd five year ago the people of Web- ; -;-r county were .applied hlmo.st.ex- jHuMVoly v.uh fijur Iruiu the Ueatnce T ... II. II!.- n ,i i t . fn i ""' i'lMia vii aiy lam" more SUO- ui Jourm, ; La,t fhurday ,., ,y ; v'""i Sli.-r-r :widW-. .M.''niNcl,t. p , P . 01 :crc. radian hay on Mr. Church's vluuv JZ I""1-- u opn crerK, ; croke !irhr,.;a L-f,n,l ci. r ., we,, 7 --.- w .. M wc Omaha Commercial Exchamret John McCormiek & Co. bhipped three cars (,i i.ew Nebra.-ka bp'iiug wheat one day this week w' ieh went ro. 1, wiehmi: 61 pounds to the 'bushel Vr?ii!i nfi h n.r,. r,. mi. :.... t(Jj by a prominent dealer that he had li'inJ!. mr tnt r.V V 1 ...... t... : I """"- ' ' ""UI JClliiHiSkU Spring , u.hcat hj ,w h ' 1... .i...i mi: , . , , ,. uu.-m;i. j him i-tct apeaKs voiumes lur this stale as a grain country From the Sta'o papers comes one universal report thfct Nebraska never but to no purpose tho action of the saw ?uch imnience crops as the prof- lower court sustained. Henceforth Cllt seaenn. Sn.in.nlw n lnu n...c,.c . if n-Iin.!r -ii u. -t ''uu iu.-,.0-itn not Ji'ar of valuable tracts of !anl bing rpiiet'y taken by capital - i;;t, 1,(jOO to lf0,Oui) ecres at a timo. Immigration is larger than u.ual, and rln-der, in lands all report much better demand th.n for some yeirs past. ' The display of cereals collected by tho J httid department of the Uuiou Paeiuc road is a niairninVent advertisement of' dawning upon Nebra-ka Omaha Commercial Hxchanqc .viiij :Lij. jUlir. j tilt be. IJY W II. Everything seenn to be a tnur i. bine on the Creek ; the farmers arc busily engaged in their fall work, pet ting un their Lay and doing their lalj 1 Some more now settlers come into loururiL-hborhocd'a week. Mr C. I Ften'; formerly of Eastern Iowa has! iy oi i'jasiurn ioa iun bouebt Ifiu acie? of 11. ?i M. lands. . 'Ui cot a fine farm an 1 p:cnty of run-i Dl, ,vor on :t, lUvl c a good ! . . .. . . . . ISS Ludlow nas taught three terms III district no. 9 and gav good r , . 1,1 satisfaction and :s aod teacher. ii c- . . ." c v. ! Corn .S a:niO.-t out ot vu, of the g. h nnd in'i ffW morn rbiv thern will n ami m a in. .uo.e aa., tncre win be plentv of it. . ' , , . . e ought to liecin to get rsativ for the fair and !ooc ntfr -besc things. "fB?J,"r" 1 tM'i .M'ntvn tz-i I'l-viiLV-f'tn IMPORrANTTO hOMhbfliAD- ERS J j ,, , . . . ' 1 he Kilowiug letter explains rtse! f and settles the vexed tiucation of the m viviui ta-ation of hoiuesteads after the reM- t - desire : Department ox the' Interior, General Land Odice. J Wa-hin.cfonD.C-1? Jun S, 1377, ) 1 Mr, W. C. ili'LLKN. Aida, Neb r Sir lu answer to your letter of the? 2"(1 ult- cnclo-ini: a ux n6ti th tie KqieM for the opinion of the office telatinc to the taxation of your While we recognize the doctrine heretofore laid dnwn by thi court that -an3s -501,1 b-v United Saes' miv ht tnxpd hofnro thev Kive tiartrd xn; - lMeu DIorc u,f Dave pan.a ent is complete, and the etpiitable ti .,..-,,- .'-i. . :.t. J tie is tuliy mvestea in thc party : with-- I00J of the right Very rcstect fully, J. A. WTLLIAMSfS '. - i v;lu,u imj 1 iuiii iim. i u iviucan'm' uirv -v.- i- u-v j um -i.v Tnthh connection I refer vou to xauwous fevers bowel com- ., PM . r ,- r.i PL.UXTS. DYSPEFSIA. MENTAL !.- the following cw of a decision of thc paESSI03Jt betless.vess, jalxdiue, Supreme Court of the Fni'ed States: saU.sea, sick headache, colic tanvthimrqreto lpaitt or any tfM.V&Z8Z ri ho rlnnft nntn.'-M thrTHKtMilAtlon O die and Graabr. th-ny mrv 3rl hot. 'Ji'ntu.L-.-ioc'. GUI) The act pasml l; :ho ':tt ' is " r;?;. - lia irr;a ., 5... ,i , . . the CMtotkT term w nn- n.ir..i i Wliil.. th .' nr..t r... .- -.... .w t uuj uiiillk JsUUU lUU lUTl.-. jt au0 has -f,,w nnnr n,s- ieaturet-that arc liable to make it thcd letjcr upon our ttatut booi the yeoment itir'rrotebline' inec" tivorous birdr, tire i-e member who drafted it, and the wie one-? who Us-, ,icte l i ,lUlri.ie it tIiroub eubravd w:.i,:u lhL, i:.. ..r,,.- ,. tn h rir,ftIlfn., - ---..- .w ..w I'lWlviLII i by it the bird destroying hawk and owl. i ever w;ls anitnmg more sub oti, ... , . . - , , , I ''e two cla,,os ot 1 ,rd. alone. .?h ,:. .,,-. wf, ,in ; 4 , .. . w ....w MM ItOtHJ ttl'U ittlc and et the broad pron-nn of the bid make lt n Pc,1: ifc"-' f- kill either. The ' CG w'-- rceeni'y tested- t refirod to above by the arrest of a young man 'n Lanc;;4er County, who had vjola- ted its priviMons and out rated the rnm imnm nf rl.r. ., 1. .i,.:.. a hawk that w;s"in the wry act of . carrying off a chicken from the door V!rrl tS tn niTnn.I.i. IT,. ... C. .. J-' "" "' "M I. IIU V.l1 nr.' taken before a justice, who fund him c-. ... i. . i v- oun u.;tp , ii;ijic;ii wis ai;i!ii tome If.,..:.! n i ...i ii ., . i'i.-i tuiv.iuii, wiiere an me mittgiu ting cir-'un.-sfanro-? w.re U'ged, ti'nd the defenfo made strong ns pos-iible ' nrc not restrained from throwing your ! hat at him, but let us caution you t against hittiug him, least you might , "wound" him, and thns be liable to , the full penalty of the law, for it says in good English "That fiotr and after the firs day of June, A. D. 1S77, it shall be uulawful for any person to take, wound, or kill anv wild bird (c;pture) any hawk or owl, a3 the law specially pr l ibits yoti from making any "pets" of them. TIim Nebraska is 11 great State. JWbrasIca Farmer. ASH 'bo ro"T rr'l ihiiiiiticd i;.!i( lit jtjiJsj-tXli'F' vinrH of lev-. ci.v7. i-. ;.-j2ck- 1.,, i ,,'uu tb-11 T- i-r.xj r- 4 r:" "f.oiTiui ?t irn ,v y&Xggp ".'' jel "?; '-"' 'jx I-" hk'.vlator. -1. 4- - w -t &'-i- cooia;ietito tbi-y -y. Thn 2rieaTJct. I'lraz and Best Famil? " Itadicine in ihe TTor!i ! JjfWVv '.ia-V tii? fe l.f s;.i-Ls ur itomah.IoVrt &imi..ve. .v.. The 5-.,,., of Liri-r Complaint e a '"Jtrr r bu I tA ,11 themoutb : Fain m the lJack, 5i.it .- r .luits, oftin tuit.tKcu fr I'.bvani.-nijm u- -t-mih. Lr.s ct Ap- i"ti:. Uowcl- altcn.stt!" d-U?c .in I 'ax. eaa,,.h.-. Lo ot iremory. tvith .1 painful sensation of liavinsrfnileJ to do inetbiOK hich ou,ht ,oi:.ue L0e3 ,ionc. ,i,iuty o; pirit-. a thick J elb-w iippearancu oi'tliuokin -nd eyes, h Jry coash- ott n mi-talt-n fr c-uui: -wa. thp a?., lf -4' vry w : uni the i.ir- cr, the J uvct Ti. isth b dy. Mceacratly b Jcat i.f the Ji-u .a d t t. l Kc:tt -I intittie. emu tufe.-u.ir. T.-ftcl.Incw -iuJ Death will cndic . l cau rtciuutnd van e!S.tou r'metly for U.u'.t ta-Liver. H tar J-.urnaadly j ciuia. Sisynv.N .. tk r.i la-jr. . ..! f . I I .1 . Lkwis G. Wundf.r, I J Matcr Street. A?iu..nt V 'i jj ur. l'hi4.vJc!j.h:a. "WeuHvetcaie litvirtc. rwr ..atny. and Iraow that far Dypeti"i. If;!? unN. auJ ThpL'H"i: ilv'i J Sc, r ' vh fc t lrtie thtrarld titer fctr-. V'e "he tnd tatty ether remedies before Sltnc --' I.er Kr p ilator. but none oftbetn a uf in re th ii" teinirary rvl.of, but ta KtvjlAorBot&ly ivlieved.bu eure-i j." -Lj Telegraph atd Me;5cncpr. Ma-oti. tt. kaaul.it.' a-p iyby J. K. SSLP.C k CO.. MACON, GA., and I'iULADELI'HIA. It coBtaini bar mtMiteal lerscnt;. never united ia t5e in:c ht.py proportion in .tny &Xl?ffi;. constipation and biliousness " " 1 1 Af thfrcaraaaniberofiniuticn offered to the piblic. e wjuMcaniwi thecotcmu- rtity tl,,buvao;wWsler?orpreparedSiiaaoBJi , A J t. - in. Oi,. and Philadelfbi. Your vjilsiiNe rce4icine ainsuson' Liver jjr. h.v iare,i ,. ymny Dtor biiu ,V. TTR.rtfatb.ct'3Mfbu3catJ.ticae, Ij I have aot lt or u at L nfc it ', y. eti ; re onm-rui ivi ?try "re tbiw a- ..c " 1 J bets.. Uc bo-i lueikiuc Voowt. for jeIZ cic J plain Jfeat hr-e 6ib ii "aeir . ?-!'. I , T fl , 15-Iy - Ak-ttrtT'r-ias' : ueTifi' ----- - .- the Hnl Claud Chief. D1I.1.0N & COI.K. 'a- I will Arc now prepared to buy WHEAT. a tand other grain.and pay the highest ca-'ii rice lor tne .-auic. .0. They also have a full stock of general lEIM IfiA.MUSK of such a3 Groceries, DRY GOODS, UAI'S. OAI'S, Gl.OVKo. 1500TS SHOES, itCl whieh they are ofTertngrft prices that are bound-to suit ttcir cus'tomers. REMEMBER THE PLACE. cast .-ide of Juniata Avon uc, JUNIATA .- - vumt-wKA. 0 4tt 1I r 5 rent chance to tuako tnonoy II I I 1 I I tfyou can.t tretKoldyoticiii " J -' Ket rcenbacs. U c md a prryon in r-y towu to t.iku (ubcripliiiiii for tbt lr.ri;cit. clicajic-t an 1 bc-t Illmtr.itI family publication in the world Atu im "nn bt'cotn a 'ucce.vtu! -.Kent. Tho ia ..t oU--irant worki. of art Kiven free to .-ulxoribir The price ii n low tbnt :ilmoit overjlK.d Fuhjeribcd. One a. cut rtnort. nt-k. . n'r ,8150" ia tr-TJiSk. A la.ly k nt r for: Uk- inK 6vor4tHi tub-cribirs. iu ten tlays, , who etiKaKt- make riont-y fu . You can d voto all joar ti o to thc buiiic. r only your yiaro titno inunfi-l not be away cw(M. n.uiin. nvcr rt)t ...Ji".-N-tV, nxi t,.yi.n ftjM 1IMr inr ftntl n r tn..iC.k'a. i 111 f Itf fr. . I f I ou want pniutablo work onl y..nr iltlr.-jn at once. It coL nothin t tty the bu i'.e . No one who cub.ikw f.iiN to mnkv rct pay. At'drcpd "Iho I'cople's Joarn n," I'trtUnd. Jtal to. .. i fVinot easily em nod in thc-e tiinefr f betit canbetna.1 -i tbrdCnuinibr vjlf I I by Moyono )f citht r ex. ir; any part of tin." country who ie willit. tt. work ftuiulily at tho employment thatwo turni.-h. fV per truck in your own town. You can icivo ur wholo ttne'o tho trr.rlT. or only jobt -parts tnt'iiiettti1. W ti li.ivt;irnl vbo jm ini kinirnvcr 3Ja ;.cr day All who ctur e-i at unci an unKc iik icy fft't At tht. tr.i.-'tit ttiuti.,oncy r.it.not be 1. .tie tj-.-i? .md rap ,idly t any other btwino'i It cf-i ntthti to try the liu-inc--'. Terni.itid 3" outfit free. dt!rcra j'.topcc, II. Uallxit X Co . "-t 17 I'otttand. Maine. iXAl.ai.Ul.I.ATr.II I'.V.Tf 11V.H.C.h-n. avi iu trio KnoH n h orio. itnju. nu re to 'Agcnu. AUUruaA. A-COULTi;uiC'J..ctiicas. a jj rRKmni watch anp nmv- ifhAmtcin-wirjiipr.i. rw iini-i-t-ryoriifr.uui TVBX tree J. IJ.GAlor.t i Co . Ll.Ii ago. 111 TO CONSUMPTIVES. Tho ndvcrti'cr bavins lien pt-nnanently curcl o' tbatdro.ul diic.i. Tuinptinii. by a fimplo rriucdv. i antiou 'o tnakf know n to hi fellt w i'uir.,rcr. tho tii" :ti of cure. To all who dc-irc it. be will -end : c py of tho prevent tir.ii u.-.-ti. frc. f.f '-bar?"i. with the direction forpri-pirrirf and UMtiir the caino. which they will tin J - r.t v curot'-r Conumi -10K. A?thma. Iironcbiti:.Vc. lirti wih in the preriptton will ple.i'e ..tldrtvr. Uev K A. WILOX. Jl-fi " 1 Pejn rit.. " tiiiatn'btirK'n. !.!. JKrror.H of Youth, AOKNTLI'MAN who fufTtrr'il tr )carK frH.i Ne'voa'-i Debility. 1'rcn.ifire !) cay. atd all tho e.T "" of . outhtu f ! -c-tion will, fortbe.ke of ti ertn-; '. : nity, !ttid tree to all who neeil it. 'bt: :c-ipo md direction for making the implo remedy by wbrchjr wacirrL SufTen-r- Tifhtnc to profit by tsc a eTtie-' cxp'-'-bn'-o cm do o by aitdrpf'tns in perfect riL'fnie..c". J.tJIN U 0;iEN.2 Cr-lr .it.. 17 Y. " i o to 29 CO H 2 3 (J2 n a' a - o H CD CT 5 ffl a g 02 7t CD O (D n so CO I 1 s 7. O X z m CO as Q o o 3 1J i" --i rr I , 3' 9 "w- Chief -37 IN (,) 0 .l.dluimsrlo. Carries the larco.M .-lock in PlJCGS. CHOICE FAMILY MKI ITv'Vy? (m' l8,'ASS- ,(TrV' '"0VL ifOOKS. iN rut House. ..mvV?,-,,",, !aFr,vin ,mV ,:),,s'. SH W. 01.OVK8. NO I'nnpc' L'Vh,M!V,lor WJ.rV ROUTS-, SHOi-is. aaU HARDWARE, HII'hHud HJR a.speeulty. Quick Sales & Small Profit V LS OUR .MOTTO. n 'c wm 0,i i' ,u Btiod cheaper thuti anv houV in lhi VHr. Call .i:nJ examine or goods ami prices, and bo cbnvmccd of vjut wS ay' nl-J I3LACKSM1TK SHOP. HAMPTON & RALSTON, Pioprf, 1 Ti'n.,Ior?nul ,,nvil,K II,,,VuI lo t,"'fr m'w b'l on trWteal Mdo .1! ebrter Street nrc now pre,...red to do all work ifr th.ir i4 .u cwii iiuuiu unu guuu .11 vie. All Work Warranterf to 6iVe Satisfa-ffiif.- Woten.kT our tha-ftXafo'triP public for paVt patrona'.o a respectfully solicit u coutiimanco or tho name. "wo x HAMPTON A R.vLSTON, n27 J. 0. Potter has just rec'ei7ed a.' Ky ittiS n&biaun. Ever brought to thc Valley. Civc him a call arid limine t06 aud pricees. -T. G. Pottery Red Cloud, Nebriisti, -EtiirT(6ic & COEAP CASli STOiiE Wholesale and Retail Dealer in DRY GOODS. HATS, CAPS AND' NOTIONS Groceries, Flour A Pr6viniMt WOOD. WILLOW, OLAHS AND Q!'KKNSVrAKK. WE W ,, SOT HE ilSDEit SOLI) CA LL ASD .SEE USf North, of t 17 .'Jm .A- HARDWARE St ORE. 1 ITi;iIil. Jk JtOKHm lfrmpn We kcep'orrhand'&r all!ftufera .Tin, and Hardware. WE Keep a Supply of Faroting 1piemfrAtti, fQrOivc u-s a ch ai we feel nrc we can surt jon; tkl at figvrH as low a- any other ana ia iHi vt.-"(i SKtfmcrolwr the tila'?c, 1 door norjh of the Printiag; ocr. Red Ciouii.Nb. ArfvrrHftiBg Vat t -o-- Lbrt, ami iH be a.le I nova otf ;I'Hfettfox o l.ecnl advurtirim; at Statute rtc AH transient advertisements mn I 'v J'1 ?"or "' advance. AND WAGON tne finest aniortmnt of -U.ml tu. tfiElcJ)or ". & i'ank. U.M-TiyCH, NXRBAKITAtf bre and eoifefil:k of Si.-fMS. rriCr -p ti C!au1 icbraK lyr calicd to in6et at Lm-ola ;i i!h .r. j: t -,J?--I-- .5Hs."y!-." -viSi-.-K'ii :-.. - - jA-M " ! 1 m 1 1 a b ; 5r?3?-"jfS5gi 'T ... S?i- .jt" ijr-c$$!s .jAej..,--. .. A,.S: rt j "Sfr illfi r"fr?. a VCya.,