X, WWaffff ?i i -AM -"- BSHBBRHHRHmMIhHIBIHHHbSs BBs ifmMwMiMMaw : UJM. SffcSSSSs8 Vv- "ii J2sozq w$Hr4BI9i .-stfHaaaaAMAMMMBrrs ---&ummmm vwaaESSi TTflWs 3flBHHgffflwJBMB Jtygw M6it f .v ! r r7 I n? FARM, GARDEN AND HOUSEHOLD. IIouHcliold Hints. The skins of fruit, especially grapes, are often swallowed with the vague notion that they prevent any bad ef fects from eating said fruit No error can be more fatally absui d. Cases have occurred where such practices have been the cause af death, and that of the most excruciating nature. The skins of fruit contain no nourishing qualities, but are one of the most indigestible substances that can be swallowed. They pass the stomach without any change, although they cau?e excessive irrita- the strip by a slip knot. This completes the operation, which can be successfully done even by a novice in less time than it takes to describe it. P. T. Quinn in Scribiier. Names. There might be much amusement in tracing the origin of family names. Long ago say about six or seven hun dred years since there were no family names at all. J'enp'.e bad Christian names and nothing more, and, of course, there was ofien considerable difficulty in distinguishing individuals. Such at nrf'SMil. is tin t-.mo in Turkev. where the tion and fnquently ii.tlammalion of old Easlwn pRclice of ;.,, but a single name continues to be followed. Surnames were not introduced into England until after the Conquest. The fashion of using two names carne to us from France, but for a time was con fined to families of distinction, and ex tended slowly o'.er the country. One thing is said to have promoted its use- young ladies of aspiring tastes declined to marry gentlemen who had only a Christian name, su-di as .John or Thomas, for they would meessarily have still to be called by their own name, Mary, Kli'abeth, or whatever it was. Spinsters accordingly thought it to be a grand thing to form an alliance with a person possessing the distinc tion of a family nam", by which the should ever after be e.ilh d. Curiously enough, so diiHcu.l is it to alter old usages, that until veiy laleh surnames were scaicely used among the humbler classes of people in some parts of great Britain remote from cen ters of civilization. In these places a creditor would enter the name of his debtor in his books as .John the son ol Thomas, just as you see genealogies in the Old Testament. Only now, from improved communication with the outer world, have practices of this kind gone out of use. "We can easily understand how the name ending in son, as John son, Thomson, Munsou (abbreviation of ;Magnussen),origiii4ted;a;!tlitisequally easy to conjectuie how names fioin professions, such as Smith, Miller or Cooper, came into existence. It is equally obvious that many family names aic derived from the nature of the com plexion of individuals, as Hl.t'-k, lirown and White. At liist sijzU tlit i e is a msleiy as regai ds the diffeient ways in which the bowels. Croton bug3 and red ants can be driven off by sprinkling the lloor with pulverized borax, and leaving a place for them to get out ; to kill them mix I'onx with sugar, so they will eat it. For ants or other vermin, wash the slielves with a strong solution of borax ; then sprinkle the same with borax mixed with sugar. "When whitew:isli ing your room, add a tablespoonful of pulverized borax to each pailful of lime. Di-iitNtiy ii Uoim-s. It is generally believed, even among the best horsemen in the country, that glanders is quite prevalent among horses. Many a valuable animal has been killed by direction of his owner because of an offensive discharge from his nostiils, which is considered as a sure indication that the horse is affected with that dreaded disease, glanders. The fact is, cases of glanders are tew and far between. C. J). House, the vet rinary dentist, says that in all his expe rience he lias never known of but two e.ihes, although he had known cf hun dreds of instances when horses have been killed because they were supposed to be aifected with this disease. The whole trouble aiises from neglect of the teeth. Yesterday Mr. House operated upon the horses of the ITambletonian Breed ing Stud, Dr. Flagg, C. M. Dyer, Wash luirn & Vaughn, and W.i J. Strong, pull ing or cutting, or filing the teeth of nearly overy animal he examined. In one of tlit' horses' mouth the wolf teeth were found to be entirely covered by the gum, ami detached fiom the j iw, so that eeiy time tJie bit was moved in the hoise's mouth these teeth were turned, crowded, and iammed in tlit gum, of course causing the hotse to certain words are spelled. Smith is Another case was found sometimes written Smyth; ami in bomt jump and run wlieie the grindeis had been worn rough and uneven, and were slightly displaced, so that the horse in eating was continually gi hiding away upon the inner lining of the mouth, keeping it constantly raw and painful, and of course making tlie beast cross and irri lable. Still anotlier osise was wliere one ot a colt's temporary teeth, after being partially birred from its place by tlie second teeth, had remained fastened by one fang, and in such a position as togrind continually upon tliegum while the animal w:is feeding, and yet so nicely h;id the decaying tooth been lodged that its presence was only de tected by the offensive odor arising therefiom. Several cases of inflamma tion of the imms were found which were accounted for by the presence of tartar m the front teeth, which w:is readily removed. Mr. House's opera tions yesterday were closely watched by a large number of Iiorsemen, and many who were unable to account for sensitive mouths in their own horses became satisfied that the trouble was with their teeth. The animals rather appear to like having their mouths worked upon, and Mr. House says lie never had one at tempt to bite him. lie runs his hands and nrma into their mouths freely. works away upon the sen.Mtive parts w ithout causing the horse to exhibit siens of pain or uneasiness. Won-cisr Muss), Spy. Kit. Mint Fniit Ttci. There are two viy well established methods now in very general use among experts in fruit culture -for changing or multiplying varieties of tlie same class on the same tree, and both of these are simple and inexpensive. The fn st of these is known as yratiny, and is only i radioed on larger trees, and always in the spring hefoie the fo liage is developed. Tlie other method, which is nincn more rapid, and quite as sine when pnprly done, is hutbiiny, and tlie time for doing this extends from oir .....vile ol July until the tlrst of Septt mber. Whenever the baik sep arates easily from the wood, the buds may be set, w itli fair chances of success. The outfit for budding consists of some narrow strips of bass matting, such as comes on the inside of coffee-bags, and a pocket knife with a single blade, with a small piece of ivorv fastened in tlie cud of the handle. When the ii eision is made the ivoiy is used to raise the bark up on either side, so that the bi.d may be pressed into place. The buds to be inserted should be cut from vouiur. healthy trees, and always of the present year's growth, those that are most ma tmcd being selected. The leaves may Mien be clipped off the branch of buds, hvring say half an inch of the leaf stiffc attached to the bud. -Then with a keu-edged knife cut off each bud separably from a half to three-quarters instances Drown has an e at the end of it. We see the name Ib'id spelled ;is Iteade, ib-ed and Kede. We see hong, and Lang, and Lain jr. all variations of one name. The same thing can be said of Strong, Strang, and Strange; of Littleand Liddle; of Ilomeand Hume; of Chimbeis and Chalmers, and soon with a host of surnames in daily use. The mystery which hangs over various sptllings is cleared upon a consi ier alion of the indifferent scholarship which prevailed until tven the middle of the eighteenth century. Names in old legal documents and in tlie inscrip tions on the blank leaves of family Inbles, are written in all sorts of ways. A man seldom writes his name twice in succession the same way. Each member of a family followed the spell ing suggested by his own fancy, and added to or altered lelteis in his name willi perfect indiflVrenc". Eccentrici ties of this kind are still far from un common in tlie signatures of imper fectly educated persons. There is, in fact,"a constant grow th of new names, springing from carelessness.lhough also. in some cases, i rom a sense 01 ieuut- ment A Romance in Ileal Life. An extraordinary sb-ry has just come to light at Hath. Some weeks ago there was received at the D.itli Post oilice a letter addressed to "The Protestant Minister or the Circuit of Path." The letter consequently reached the hands of Canon Brooke, rector or Path. It came from a lady at Pangalore. India, and staled that in looking through the papers of a deceased son she found that he had left two children in the neighborhood ot Path, and she asked that they might be sought for. The in quiries set on foot revealed a highly ro mantic little history. The two ctnairen were found one in the Path Union and the other a domestic servant, tilling a situation to which she had been sent by the authorities of the Pulton Union. They had each been left with tanners in the immediate neighborhood of Path by a person named Morton, who, 12 years ago, presented himself first at one house and then at the other. In each instance he c'aimed relationship, and. after a pretty lengthy visit, obtained permission to leave a child which he and a women by whom he was accom panied, and Mho parsed as his wife, represented ;is their on'y one. I n inti o ducing themselves they stated thai they had come from India, and produced le ferenees to Anglo-Indiui families of high position in Bath. They represent ed when lliey left the children that they were going to Scotland to visit rela tives, and would be back in a few- weeks, and in one int nice they prom ised to pay . shillings per week for the maintenance of the child. They were never afterwards heard of, and the two HUMOROUS. Two oysters in a gallon of lukewarm tluid at a church fair are no longer call ed stews, but aquariums. What's the difference between a girl and a night-cap? One is liorn to wed, and the other is worn to bed. Hibical scholars will be pleased to learn that the Vanderbilt heirs have unanimously resolved to stand by the old testament. On Danube's stormy banks I stand, and cast a wistful ey t'ward Turkey's fair and unhappy land, where corres pondents lie. The Toledo Blade ;isks "How to do up shirts V" Well, if you have not got more than two, you can do them up in a brown paper pucket parcel when you travt-1. Flie w;i3 very particular, and w hen the dealer informed her that all his ice was gathered winter before last, she wouldn't give him her order. Mie said "He couldn't palm off his stale ice on her." Paterfamilias: "To-moirow is the tu tor's birthday; what can I get for a present V" Charley (who has been watch ing the dogs in the street;: "Get him a muzzle, papa; he is always biting the governess on the cheek." ."I don't believe in fashionable chur ches," said a lady recently; "but, after all, considering tha we are all to go to the same Heaven, perhaps it's better to keep up the social distinctions as long as we can." Good-looking young man who has called at the house on business "I re gret, miss, that your father is not at home. 1 hadanimpoitant proposal to make to him." Young lady of the house, demurely "Well, perhaps you could make your proposal to me; I am disen gaged at present." Good-looking nng man excuses himself and retires in con fusion. A white minister in a Methodist pul pit in Charleston, S. C, a few years ago, after a sermon preached by another minister, prayed that what had been "sown in weakness might be raised in power," what had been "sown in cor ruption might be raised in inconup tion," and so on through several phrases of Paul's great argument lor the resur rection, and all to the infinite amuse inent of the brother wIjm had preached and of several Northern visitors. The Pev. Dr. McCosh, of Princeton College, tells a story of a negro who prayed earnestly that he and his col ored brethren might be preserved from their "up-H'tUn' sins." "Prudder," said one of his friends at the close of the meeting, "you ain't got de hang oh da' ar word. It's besettin', not upsettin'." "Prudder," replied the other, "if dat's so it's so. Hut I was prayin' de Lord to save us from de sin ob toxicaliou, an' of dat ain't a upsettin' sin I dunno what am." The darky was right that time. An editorial friend in New Hamp shire sends this to Harpers Maya zinc: S.nne time ago an aged man, who had just lost his wife, came into our sanc tum, and with tears standing in his eye3, eulogized the memory of the de ceased, and asked us to record the death in our next issue. "And," said he, "while you are about it, make an item about one of my Hrahma hens laying an egg measuring seven and a quarter inches in circumference." Thus sud denly our thoughts of sympathy weie directed to the sterner realities of life. "Shy as a girl!" This is a pretty and pertinent simile. This morning a bevy of young girls were passing the office, eating peanuts and snapping the shells over their heads, when a couple of boys in a wagon came along, when one of the shy maidens said : "Want a peanut, Pilly r" "Yes," answered the expectant Wil liam. 'Stand on your heal, then, and I'll give you one." she cried back. And then all the maidens lilted up their voices in a volumninous scream, and William gave the hor.se such a lick that tilled it with consternation. Gems of Thought. The clock of hti age had struck .$. Cellini. The h'ghe3t art is artlessness. T. A. Durivage. Years do not make sages ; they only make old men. Madame Swet chine. All tilings are artificial ; for nature is the art of God. Sir Thomas Prown. Old age is a tyrant th.it forbids the pleasures of youth on pain of death. Rochefaucauld. Well has it been said that there is no grief like the grief which does not speak. Longfellow. O, what authority and show of truth can cunning sin cover itself withal Shakspeare. It is easy to defend the innocent; but who is eloquent enough to defend the the guilty V Publius Syrius, The object of art is to cnstaltize emotion into thought, and then to fix it in form. Francois Deisarte. Life is an outward occupation, an actual work, in all ranks and all situa tions. Wilhelm von Humboldt Let no man trust the first step of guilt; it hangs upon a precipice, whose steep decent in lost perdition ends Young. It is only necessaiy to grow old to be come more indu'gent. Xsee no fault committed that I have not committed myself. Goethe. That which is usually called dotage is not the weak point of all old men, but only of such as are distinguished by their levity. Cicero. 'CINKKK IN TIIK I'.l'l) You watch its dew-lnpim-nt with expectant MilirituiW tlie chuie, eiui-itc.y moulded hud which promises to unfold with the perfect (lower, i'ou perhaps think liowitwiliudi.ru the drawing-room v.i-e, ami autieipute the plea-ure of -houini; it to your llower loiing friend-. Hut some morniii'i you lind it- head droopinjr, it.-frairranee tied, and an ui'ly pur ple -pot on one of thedelieatt ly-tinted pet.il. It i- the poet'- canker in the tunl. llow often the loath-ome canker hliirht- the t-her i-licil 'infant bio omV in our household ar den tho-e human hud-which trivc earue-t of a brilliant future. Tlie noi-ome canker. o lout; concealed -crofula at length icveal-it dreaded pre.-ence and to our bright hopes -uc-cccd- t'.ie mo-t aironiinir fear, for we know the fatal sequel it portends pulmonary con -umption. It is estimated b eminent medi cal authorities that at Iea-t one-iifth of man kind arc allluted with this iiiMdious malady. But it- raa:e- are mi secret, that even lt. ictims arc unaware of it- presence until it Middenly di-c!o-e-in somcof it- myriad ami oftciitune- fatal form-. A .-li-,'ht cutancou cruption i- often the onlv'indicatorof its pres ence. The onlv means of eUenninatim.' thi-di-e.i-e from the .--tcm is by a thorough iour.-c of coii-titutioiial treatment. Thi-treatnieiitmu.-tfullil three indication-, name lr, promote nutrition, alter or purify the blood, a'ud arrc-t di-onraiiizatimi of the tir5Ue-and the formation of tubeicles. No more ellicient alterative can be employed for these purpo-e-than Dr. Tierce's (iolden Medical I)i-covcry. While impartimr -tremrth and tone to the dh'e-tiye ortran- it clcan-e.-the blood and heal-thedi-eaed ti ue-. 'I e-t its virtue-ere the deadly canker ha- blighted the lifejou prize. IF you reel dull, drowsr. debilitated. hTe fre quent headache, mouth tate badlr. poir aji tlt nd torgne coated, you ate uerlng from ttrpld liver, or IdllousneM." and nothHiff will cure you so reed ly and rtriaanehlly as to Uto Siiuinoi.s' Liter UtRUlaor. iwi-ti. rntl iK.siwt.'le. ltiltoiM -ulTer- er via ins f heer an i Aue. inr uirrcuu. ( U.'a.fd !.!'!.. hew Oiej mwred r.ea.''n . :erfj! .ir.t 3-.l co.m1 a prttte- they will le.l BAD BKEATH! Notlilrs i -o 'i- i.'ea.v.t. ntlirK sorummon a hi.1 iTcatn. ri.li-i nr.irl nn) case iicoiuej from th st -ma h. :n !. ra-li corrected If )u wili taVe -liiimoaH' 1.1 yt Kezulator I not nrg- !. t .oturea rmtdl f-- t:.l reiiu'slve II.irI-r. It wllial-o tuii.re jou and Ke!.eral : e-iltn. STEEL HORSE SHOES kh-catj Farmers anil Owners of Ilonw ' ..,.,. ii.. . nf nO WAX CENT1 IX MONKVJ Y & u.lcK- .srKF.L SHOES in th- rlao- of IKON 1 1 Jlil iU ll; ! II Kor al 1 y all leading- hardware hou.ea through- 'V, " ,.' .'.V?,.!! outtheccur'rv : for circular to Mjioot r M !.! I i.va'vmMI KOLL1NO MILL CO.. lanufartnrer. C!ec n L O- 3 R. P. HALL'S 'Bawaso-eugb:: jlasti:i;. PILES ! A ;H:lllr ll.lllriy ! It'-1 i-I It IIM .'.! t-ii..tT. r..l. bII 1 .-"1 t" 'Ar r-rrrr ' T ' II many u:.-r ?tture 'av af er!a. hiakoik I fn ., i.ur..fli j'i 1 r..:'''ir n!rr.re .f :ll j.lfa-iit- w 1 ii '.. ti. -nit -i.TVf li fr.m 1 ie 1 r' re irf I- f 4-! ! tlit- tiaii.l ? alm-'st an iim Iio v.lllu'fs l-n.it il tlir reined tlit tia ler iii n.-i.T iv' .rt-.i it. ii-a-.d-i N.- !ra tic, TU'lenl pur. t'Ul a gnitlc ait jut to nature CONSTIPATION! HfL' not lie r-nl ! a- tritlli. at ment in t-t l.jtur lt-:i-.oi the utuitft tvul.lrll of the !. Jim ati I-ltlwii fr.iu lit . demand pa en the .i o'trli lo n-riflis d.iliKer. It ! quite a' iiecar t reinoc lm i.urc af."iim . latum'. frm tlie I . .e'1- a it lt .-it or -Itep. and m lie i Ml .J'l t.e ,-n-.le! where 3 MIe lialdt Of t"l Ilt.ill. SICK HEADACHE ! Till- di-trf.l-iR T" rM..'iocrur inot freiiient Iv. TIiedKurbame of tlie -o.ui.n-h arising frin the lini'erfeet .1 .-t.-l ei -I'ei.t.. i-aile-3 e e t :itn In ttie he "' a I'l'tnin" ed witti dlMirrteatde naii-e.i. and Mi .lit tules what l Jepillail) know u a MrS Hi-adai he J. H. ZEILIN & CO.. ;ole prooriefurj Miimoiis' Liier K.uUt.T 'llll.ldell,llt.l. H.Mk-kei y r .rrt Merxtntlll k ..r rail r " Xr. Its? at.d m K. r fltra r .tr I .L (. I I '.K. :k Loal t- r h jt.le l.i oJ tP 1" - " e ttle rrmlul it f.rth-. ,r , the I . tlrpcfte I v . .. - M ! . I Hern I"-- -r.iiiTl -1 - ' - r t- i h ' tul. ' re :e ay I -irk' j- fr .,.lniiUt NiJlrI'r.' t w ii..l nrt-r, t i -,lCTr-. 1 T f " t" li- IIKI.I. ,"I V t ., rrv.;.tket.- In. .,,,..,. ... te.-.r.... I lllnlnHII I 4 T '.-it: tnttllBtli Carpenters Jolliers, MM .sronts. ! rviaKTiiM-ou.Ko Or any one Building a House. terfert l 1 ITl TK VOX Irr-irtti.e..'.. hrth t'trji af- i.n to !i leilH of o oftit) are Srrl l We aie li ak r. a ferfert MltMlTlT KK .ar. aoit e4U3 VIM)OW AMi WVHilir, h:c re at 'he J nure. erfi rTerc f saite I. me a I'KKrMT UKvrilKK Tltir. ,,r, ,,4rla uotl .U c an I e ai ; 'ie.1 1 mi P irflluMi ( l-i.tii" Mn f i;a r . .r. u:ir. irroii; iu;i ji for .e- KiKru tiikc.'-T f elK'!,tr Local nireiit- lnuted in Kvery County. rur furtl er Hjfeii:..i t' ari'.i to KAflNK llVKlUVAltV: ilAN'h'li 4H HAUBITT'S m, TilK MAKhKTS. I.V YORK iieer futile, !I i(S Llvu Sheep Livo. Klour (5ood to choice WIie.it No- K4il eorn Western inlxwl OsM Weotorn Kujts Ilutter I'oiK New .Mes Lard ........ OUIOAOO. HeeTes t'Uolce JJOK?.. .................. Sheep lood to choice Mlllier 4-iIIOICU lO jciiuxr .? ll W ai- ' . . - hJ cl. .S 'S .. 4 Ml a .. h mi a . : .. 1 tl tt I 41 .. ! Xi it .. Ifi IT ... n 'i a ... 5 JJ KtfKs Klour White winter HnrliiK extra Wheat Stirling No - :. ... Corn No '2. Oalf No -.......... .. Bye No - eork Mess, now Itarley No i Lard .. - HT. LOtllH. Beef Cattle Fair to :hoice Hops Fl.n:r-K.ill XX ivue.it No J Bed Corn- No 1 ORt.s Bvv No 1 Bork Mess Lard. OtHOINKATl. Plonr Wheat-Bed. (T.irn oif Barley Be fork Lard ...3 S VI & 6 i"i . . Ml' 43 " I" ... .' 75 ft I ll H ' .... -" S! .... 9io asv '.'.'.'. 1 41 44 I 4S .... 47 Ct 4S .... VHi .... i3 j; &i3 w ,...? ; w e. 7 .... 4 a .... 7H 17 2. .... i e ii .... 4h ii 4'.t .... SJ(4 it .... B A " .... 13 SO .... 9 25 ii .... s v. a - 7 .... 1 1' I ' e ! ' rt " .... v & r .... It oi A (a. o i;i:iti.n(; w i:i.i. n ijncii. "Millie pnj8.cl.ilis .tie i.. ...se.l to w Mill Hit II eliien. Thej cure too j n H Hie hill don't Ke ..irj;e en uijii. Hftt !'"' "r Ii of Lf'-C Worm ililer hai .-fen ...-ie w hat (lftv dot ar' iior.h of i" Iim -' Mils cmiM not do in -..ivltii: m.iri) a . !ill! from death ai d l-Nt.iln; It to ! p II eli i III f.l ! In Utli ami V or. .'.11 l' dealers 111 intdlCllie ever wheif. All "h1 Ikoi-i kcejicr- ui-i-t on u-tiii.' 'I win l.HoTHI.r.- Yl'i-T flIloii-Kn M.iiicKt. -Mould u have your n.ir-e- Mi irime condition for jour .''prliiK ami summer werk" If to. several thin' should he strlctlj o'isereil. irnod cjire. reeular feed and ll'ieal currj li.; are .moi the es-eiitlals, hut do not r- 1 1 to k'w them I'm t k Sam - main-rio Tow iiklf ai tordlns to dlreetioti. and jou will he wnl rewarded for TJiir expense and trouble VV Mk l a l tlTiiiv' I'sK KK.NNirs TAIN KII.I.IN4J MAGIC OIL! "It Works Like a Cluirin." Iii-n ne's l'.un-KiUinj; Masic Oil is ex eel lent I'm Fanners and Teamsters to use on e.ittle and hoii-es for hurts, wills, hor-e eolic, lameius.s. kills lice on ent ile r colts, cures distemper and is equ.tllv tfnn! foi family use; when you t.rv it f.urh ou will thanlOis for tint advice. IMInirr i:.-iii.m t mitt ii ii euai to ("Alt-ruit'- Kin:.'i"r ok .MAKT WKKt) Tor hre3klHK up a .-old ,i;ui tiottiK hoars neii, pain In the hreail il.le or ia V, sorenens of the tle-di And io:i -h." stldic-H of tin jollity 111 li Hips, swelled ne-k. e.c. . r"rof THAT 1'KUltlliLi: O'fOll.- Kverj rH ..r .MiMUtiit-'lo'. oinuiei.ces with a coiuh. occa dimed ! having 'akem old. which If allowed to rim Us iMurM- v. ill soon nmk U way Into the air p'o.siKts, and tlmn to tlie ln.iijs. and If not hcke.; l.y some sucli valuable coiikIi remedj i i-liert'-. Kstr.iet of Tar and Wild Cherry, wist Ii M unrivalled tor all dlieisen of the throat and Iuiij.-s. A mtIoiih speli of lckIles may he the reK lit of R. i l. lareiessues aim .u ,-.jn.iiii... llort ir's "'Ml to P.ii I'.iini.f-: )..iwi:i tin. 1 u to ir int ret to fe... it i s.,'.i l -f totirlir.ikel s ll.irwr ilinl ut ile I'.iwil.ri.iii liilnl.is i lie) ;iie .io..oie ..--i.leVen'.i, il . me of 11.. I h-dera t- 'lhe ho ild l.e o .. d f r- e J m 9u Id. - eut-i a package ni f. I o e ilol a1 . Hl . W.N lltll I'li.U. lor tuui auo K"e I iie i r M oi.re an .ire a preventive. Ck! .ilHV. llow oPdaVelt. Mimeltill.K lieu-for 3? IWAireiilo. I OK. OM.KA l'O..St. I.-mN. !o KAxlIlOSABLi:. l'M()tKt'.KllS-olv.o ' mike wltliliaine Hr, nt-. poHt-p.ild. ' ;k I KKKIia 4'0.jNaian. N VKH. htt KBF.K.-M:VK.n"sHOT BKVOLViill fcnltli Imx citrldses. .Ia. Bows A hod. 1 and 1 Wood street. 1'ltHdwrg. l'a. r "''rTPllIfc Men to fravei and sell goods AM 5ii to merchant!. 5i a month and trivelliiK exjicnse.s laid Adilres yi'KK! Cirv if.Afci am Lamp wchk. cinrini ati.i hio 1ij3'h HIaMc ItoollliiK .Mnlrrlil- Iiirfke-4 the most dutal.le and clteapest ruuf In the word, heiid Btaninfor circular nd price list to .f OII.V T. OBAV. V. O. Iiox2-. l'ttstmKh. l'a. Tlinin'A;A,,v,,,'r ',",, 1'r'vat'" MfJral, 1 Iie3CC.l fil Cuiiif Sutlerersfroin tihjslcal d-hllit j .Indiscretions, at il exi-ee. sen 1 iv to lr. .IiiIiii oo or. B l Box -M4s. enlla It tell jou In plain lai-Kiiae what jmi-iuht to know. KOOIi )K ItMIH I.KIMJK. or .Nec.eUof a Lifetime, -"ip. Shows liow to Ket married. live h3pp and ohtaln tieailii. weaiiu aim is diin M.iOed for P cents in itmup or currency, hy The I limn 1'uilisl Iim .. Newark. N. .1 $100 a -llontli to Agents. Th mil mi... .lit i il terr.toM A(ldre-n. HOV1VS, So l'-rr) street Parent ort. Iowa '.ir "i 'f' t ace ;s TOII.KT SOAP. nrlvalrd fotj I .e toilet s.a.1' t e'tatli. Nont t nelsl and dr. c ; 'Ivr inlorsto c-Tt-r coinuioB :irt delrterlou. inttre.l lent, vftrr tfw of . !e' 'ftc e x -.terlu.riit the in.it.iit.iciure ot It. 1. it iliii Brsl trn lias nerfe. ted and now-niters to the i ul:i the KIN fr VII,KTMA1 IN TIIK WOKLP On ) it ep'irt Tepethle oils u.ed It. Its liiauufa.-tute -r I III tlit Siirnerj ll lui" no Kiiinl. ''h teii times its eost to mcry ii.itler i.d tan uy In Chrlstrudoui atiitile loj cou'alt i it -kesof nouuees t-acfi. sent free to aii tililirx - recrlpt of 7S Cents. V.ldress It. T. Ilnbltllt. .sjr 1 oil fit. ir"Kur .sale ) all dtUKitlots. " aery tie News to Maey. Great Reduction In the Price of flu! l'lw American" Sewins Hacbines. CA-H orCOD for tl.o NEW AMERICAN The t-amc Machine formerly J Acaih'iny of i Third St.. Di I II. ardrrs li.I Hay if XI'.Vn (IK THK Tir si , , vrar ct ! K l' lit .ill - f IllfT J i,.l the K i -T r KiMKll r. t .tf ' . ' it ant tl a tut h .1 firl'c frieii.e .t re . l.rlll mission Tie i urr .n ever. : 1 I ' i' an l 4ii sll for ' . lies I ).;. I) . i it le. 'rest Vr '!' .-. -. llttj ST. JOS Cor, It MmIii mi. I i:ttli I JjjD .-i.l.l at it'A ir, FOK No. l.PHOI- l.KAK The same Machine toniierly miM at .j Ifc. N.- A-tkt' 1. a oaly . -"!! MfcLlM-bklifct. SILKTHKhSHIXi MltTTlt- Thr-stt'4 vs. - Mfctnoti In tkt WM U .-sra.J l(i.otic-H'.mf J, 4 Ul Jo oor w 4 - tl-ixn fci Ti'.'.w. J. 8. McKENNEY, Mnnngnr. Dillon. J-1-1, AVUumU Avu.. Uluji. Sheet-Iron Boofins I WA'l KlM'KOOF, II KK-IKOO- LIGHTNING PROOF! AND DURABLE. .M .II.M.I ItKHHor III 'KTH tlir.uiK he iron, so th.it ll can ttpmul '' romriirt WITHOUT GETT1HC LO0SE1 fan he laid . n FLAT. HTKKI and llll-fKI IIOtlFMof Kartorl. s stotesand Iw. lilt k' housrs with li I feet h.ltlsf.ietlou IUs h.eli Uses! over lwent jeaisandood jet All persons ownii., or eim-aced In tiulldliiK. houK. examine It. Man ufartuied t.J 11. H. MIHTIIIMM'. ttfjlm. AKriit. i avenport. low a. tr ml for circular a Kent wanted lu every comity and tov.ii in Iowa to work on rojalty Eireia Scbool Seat S t I Ul ' ' I Ttishf-I TIIOCOI (III lt. t '! VMl I in I HHN TI r srss n titieit s Ksr Inf fi a ! let Ce t-rt.i" N.sf . si I'llK I.MM t I l. ACAI 1A KM'tUii'. I t. r e IMr Hl.ll-ls of I I. ll ill Wers t.i Ht N". 1. ll' i.ir a th.'l-.iiir me i. t . I oMsli. ) div r ' oil' tts e ii i. -i'i. r"i. Mitii'i.tv il m, in't i 1 mar) I'u ' a .1 'He dur't'.' 'tie ... fin e t . t f t-ai . It u t d nut- iitm i' e toriu ml i 'i 'u.il .trs n r Msi B ' : ra 1. n lit. Si, Clara II A IKHBlt l !. S!si s or tin' Onl S! v , A , Mti S I ' I lit ' aatrlll V tS r-l i -i p.l f :!e a I ft. ! i. tiei a Illinois. M low i It i. i .1 es t ll I. .ur- ',ne s trs In the .-J. tl. MO. lieMiltltttll) 11 snrr. i dlnifs m t lir fn ... ii. . .it brli rvert H r ,, ti" r mrr I lie IH'-f ii. t. 'I I'l I nil-ll III IS f .rnltl.e l 'tn il mb I he term n lit romwetii-w Irlilrllllirr. "t tllltl MOTIIK V I !aia Ar.il MILVAfKHB. Flour Wheat u 2 . Corn Oats No 1 ... Barley No -'.. Bye "o i..... Flour Wholesale.. Wheat new . Corn O.ltS Barley Bve eks Bntter IlOk" (Jattle DHS MOIMKH. .9 kS C I "S V s 43 t'S I -i '' .s i :. ei : . I .'i e I .1 23 . J a Sj1 Il Id. 13 ,. )l C4 iS 1 50 fi)W IT CUKES Blllo Kiiess. headache and liver citnplalnt , j Is tilrk s.ltisli Tea. the V cen's remedj. Lest pat n'ed article In use. tkes mi .lrflit .e in m.i I f iriscn.tj. Agents wanted ni ail tttr jSiiiire-n. ....-. rr street P.irftit orl. Iowa A I tt t? t A -- I. K Xj. Ill'i. )nl Mircesslnl OI'lCM KaTINMJ. its coii.seiKience-andciire. IIS I) .1 UMKKKi.lt, OPIUM Us coIisei,tience i I..i l'orte Indiana Tallman's Musk. Tjinmim-. iH-itmi r.; d.r..K f . SUrgeOnS. Adhesive IMaater. Bellied) Send for Taper on Ol'I I nlrtirc. La l'orte lii'liaua. Htx 4 --y Wy vn ' -r iiy r. .r sUi tl Art needs solitiule or misory or p:is sion. Lukewarm zephyrs with it. It is a rock llower nourishing by stormy blasts anil in strong soil. Alw.ant.ler Dumas. It is base to filch a purse, daring to embezzle a million, but it is gre.tt be yond measure to sieal a crown. The sin decreases as the sin increases. Schiller. W klls Klliott. A Kent. N. Y. st" rrrv- ANI NOT a?CSaSffiffMr Out. so'il ii) uvchmalcers mall. :mc Circulars free t jujti It A O. .'tH Oej Street. New orlc W-N. F III ISMIAM'S 1S74 "X ater-wheeJU ,.,71 .l.r 7 tMIAKII I I ItlllXK. I. over '.." petit IIS who ue It. l'rlce trduced Sew patiip' let tree X. V. Itl KMI TH, orkj'a. n-i7'"'" fX - -- GerO frl JJj p Kt?tcr.s.cc (&n JxCt- .N-.-4. lr-?Brvirps;.H i7"s. of an lach in length, leaving a thin persons with whom the children had slicf v.c "cod back of the eve or bud. These sKouIa w vept moist and pro tected frou tlie sun or air until set: exposure evn for a short time may prove fatal. When the tVIe top or any part of it is to be budded over, select tlie spot for f'achbud inasnitx)tli part of the branch, not too large, say from one to two mclies in diameter. On this part make an incision through the lurk in the form of the capital lttter T, and raise or separate the bark from the wood villi the ivoiy on the handle of the knife. The bud may then be pressed iiii: x)CLyt, luttiiifr off Mjuarethe por tion that gots"Uove the cross incision. ,ilu a stiip oi fcejMiss matting -uu below tke e. fastening u&nd of V Rmi'illal A cent or Uncommon Power. Iti-n fact w ..ieli bceaim patent year airo to the people of the United Mate?, that His tetter's Stomach Bitters i. a remeilial airetit of uncommon power. A? a consequence of thl reco"iiition, its sale.have inereasel IniinetjM'ly it home and abroad, anil It has risen to a fore most rank anions: the proprietary medicines of the dav. Chemical analysts, after subniitttns: it to tlie closest scrutiny, pronounce it abso lutely pure, ami skilful anil conscientious med ical practitioners recommend its use. A wide ranee of disorders falls witinn uie scope oi 11 curative operation. Anions: them may be enumerate! dyspepsia, liyer complaint, con stipation, ncrvou ailment, urinary and uterine affection, rheumatism and com. It i a supremely efficacious tonic, hapten con valescence, clieers the mind, imparts apjietite. and promotes sound sleep. Hi.mvxn College. We call tlie special attention of parents and guardians to the card of this institution. It i- for .nunc ladies t. cluMvelv. and is delightfully located at Hich-l-in.l I'fk. near Chicago. The most thorough instruction is imparted in all the branches which iro to make that eVeant culture which parent require for their daughters, including natural sciences, mathematics and languages. Prof. Weston, who is well known as an expe rienced and successful instructor, with his ex cellent corps of teacher, are to lw congratu late! upon uie success oi mis institution. One of the oldest and best known school? in this Mate, and one w hich has as many friends as any other, is at. .ice-eptrs Academy at uu buoue, Iowa. Its facilities are very superior, aua its curriculum up to the highest standard. The Sisters in charge are scholars and instruc- sent seventv pounds to Onou 13roke, -or5 tue - ?one of tnc ori, and their ItlOs-ll-IIUs, 4 s..A ..-, .- 4l4.r. -.ses 'SWA-V-- out of our girls. At home and throughout the been left, mutual y learning some months afterwards of the manner in which they h id been duped, sent the children to Uie work house belonging to the res$ective district in wln-h they resided, and there they remaimtl for 12 years. On learning of their discov ery the lady, who hiui at first written. A VAI.K..W.K MKIUriNK. Huchu in various f.irms has for mam yar been one of the chief articles in the Materia. Medica for the trcatn.ont of certain diseases, am.itig which ar. chiellv those affciling the urinary, digestive, and circulatory organs. The dillicultv that was long experienced in otnaiu ing a preparation of this valuable drug that could always be relied upon for uniformity in strength and absolute puritv led to the intro duction of Hclmbold's Extract of Buchu. which for the last quarter of a century has been extensively used ImjUi by physicians and in house and family practice, and w ith verv gratifvinc success. This medicine, like every other "thine, has been extenslveh imitated, and those who have Use for it will do well to ee that thev obtain the genuine " Helmbold Buchu." "the onlv pure and reliable preparation. Sold bv all drusfcists. Price ?1 per bottle, or rt for "io. .Medical deiK)t 104 south Tenth street, Philadelphia, Pa. PERFECT HONESTY GOES HANI) IN HAND with excellence and success. If you don't believe it weigh a can of Poolei". Yeast Powpeic ami try it in your Kitcnen. You get full weight, and And little more than one-lfalf as compared with others, suffice the purpose of making the most delicious bread, biscuit, cake, pastrv. etc. iniprMATISM OL'ICKI.V CCUKIV 'ihirang's Rheumatic Remedy." the great 1 Ivtekn vl Medic in"e, win t.ostttveiy cure any iii; i:3Il,'aJ ."ir- r aue u Aeeiits ei-;-! V- C,s.J,, jj. o:.r Chromos. Crayonn, jind i hew aid. Motto, scripture Text, Trat sjarc t 1. 'ore at.d . t.rorno "3rd. lOO .ir.r.-5. worth , sent iinti Id for 7.1c. Illus triit.' r.V.'..'ituc Tree. .1 II HLKt'OUIS SO.VM. Ki.stom h'i Isl.cl lUi. I'IMKII, MI.K.- ltKAlARH, ARV-IKWi A ' ( ( , i he best la tt c world. If jou cannot l.uj- : ta ! i.r rltv. t-nd for It hv mall. It will h forwrardcl. r"staKe ra'd. at 51 v Pr doi-n. inn yard ioo:s i.r'fii s-ft-r 1 ilor vyrd iMKi.or ,nrt for -5 sr.oo s t.utton-ho:c twist. Mack or col or ant ail sizes. Addr-. IIkaisakd. ARM stronii .1 ' s Hroadway. ". V. .2 n C4ff nflT3MKi. Tt . .T.rMi r t. oiuu.uu nn. , i-.. P t' - - . C fc.:. J-T-.1 1.1 G . 1 iihi- i:kii:i iiik. MAM.KAITCKKH BV rn:KK MAxrpcirix(; ro.. Itot'K Kali.1-, III sndfor irlrl!-t it d trnis , HOW TO Adorn and h-ut'fy the head Is the ifrraj ik.i k catl M of all re mali ocli-ty et no art can j-iai the u aunlflcnt Ifiiity of a lon and l-izurur t growth of lle .ilkn trse. lint maiiT Udls hair fall out in ratddlr and biroiun iott nd thin that thrj can't nop'.ort a cluti" w.ttjont the aid of "dfart hair." shorn jrrha from i.m-dlsra-pd calj. We will t-Il you tiowto stop o r hair troni lining oiii ai nnrr. mn m iuj- u. itrow very lnur and err lajddly hr the U- of at. WCKStit and hlithly perfiiniinf llalr Drmslrif which cleatisrs and coHi the calt and I rre frotn uar of lead or any other poison. SAVE YOUR n.oneyfor thl purpose lientlemen tio have lost ll'Clr Mir and t.icome hald-l.eaded. can, l.y l.e ue of the ame article rretr a (trotti of new hair all orer the hald sjot. It will aUo ar re t the hair frr.m fallltK .ut and clne the scalp f -m dandrnfT. It -111 jctte a growth to unliKfli auu moiistarur. 4.k"' ... dre,,tic It has no superior Ma y pert on are ready to cry "huint'Ujt. hut. Keiitletuen. you can nave your OWN HAIR! Till wonderful preparatlcn cauet hair to xrow klx feet In length on the header a Kentucky lady - ho had neen bald and ha restored hair to the head, ol many Kintlemen Lo had t--en hald from 10 to S years Troof positive a-.d mmUta kahlerrorn merchants, preacher flietoM.Cnu- els't. etc. free. The article ai'onru 10 ip anw- JIM COLLROF fil 1 .stpecKt 'I ir fl mi tocin s. Uradiiii's Studeu recel Coinirierrial r If iterlir hoardl' V ami rlea t riiins V-r rl 'ilars or ini-c where yf i this advei ( .VI.II' Lhilnm-i Compute Itonrilnl Talc fahilli.... " arro.srrn.s rot tnnh'T partle.i 1 J A. OlI.Ks errl nrmci KIM I.Kl'sV, or KALI.ISII 1' I IS! FITS. -rr-ti1 hi one- hy IK " ----' yitl.KK'S KIT CUKK. 1'KHOK' (JENTLEit r. Yt r a nu" her of years I hare hf .-. t. idly ariiri-d. with Kpilepy. Tne ns were qmt- f r 'I'l'ii'. I have r.ot I.ad a ln-I a'tark s nee tak i. th flr. .iraof lin. SitKtM!'K Kit ,lbe s veral months ao. Very rf.per it.i'v .lonx Korrwi ni ? K-yn.1 it s'ree, t'Hif Inn.i'i tJhic. Fr fi i" r par .ruiar ae. ;t the piorrlrU r Urnie L t'.TA IVMIy. -. Malt. i:..('!t rlnnatl..O ciiEn'i . Tomt to- I. Newton S i Itrr llalr i'esoralle-njcn I sold at f 1 pr bottle, or three rr I- ' aa i.rnm.M lu'.nni mil hi. ynu - .-....... at Or I t. 1 SPECIAL j 1 I :c'' .' J U'f hst(..I 54v I t rsr4'rig . t.i I. T ire Hm V IwIivVloalarH, j ..'i.ii.eTrl I I iinrrrXM dafj 1'- r'4M .rar i Tt e adnMi ?f A .AiWre, Ir rc J case of rheumatism on the face of tlie earth Price -?1 a bottle, sis liottles, --". Sold bv all druggists. Send for circular to HelrihenstlLe ,: BeutJey, Dniggists. Washington. I). C- re-xo prt-set r .uiui.i !uitc .if any kld fter death, artificial raeaas mast be employed. Tfcus. to keep anu utilize the kln of ca'tie, they are tanned and curried, various &eacj tetiis er p!oed In tfce process, until "leaThcr" s tke re sult. To further preserve this product, .t t neeearT to taake occasional aprillcatlor of nr.mri'lnn, .similar to thoe used by cnrrlers. The licit known compound of tils ort t. rcit A12i2f ..SSTl Z2W.'- TO A '' : I-fl i, r-sa ClHp. - - -- - - -- ,7siHKsT PLLIf lOOAu n lite UKI.IJ. -- t. TAKK 0 OTKH: 7r rsr p'fiiTT? Tnair f?!.. X& "'" i 3, W-tersr-Z -VT CP.rt" 25 LVKK "t- Ctilcmr. WHITNEY &. HOLMES with a request that the children should bo sent to India. The application was made known to the Guardians, who. after investigation, consented. Till the inquiries were set on foot each of the children was in ignorance of the exist ence of the other, an 1 ihy will r.ot onlv now meet their grainha ithei for the first time, but a orother younger than themselves. From the Birminyliam Euylamh Post. Mate and elsewhere the duH? of this j-choO. are numerous, and thev pcak well universally of their Alma Mater. Inquiries will be promptly answered by the Sister Superior. Read the advertisement to Carpenters, Job lers and Agents, in another column. Write at once to Racine Hardware ManuPg Co., Racine Wis., and receive the agency for your county ATIONAL YEAST. Superior vegetable dry bop yeast, the best In the marketand warranted. Ask your gro cer for it, and take no other. For .-! by alt R-holesale and retail groeers. saut's Uaraess Oil. which render leather oftana PliatjJe. and eZectnally close tfce pore apa.nst tue fllirpuCC Ul u.uiuns. wwrv. v ... . - . on' othei deleterious Influence which tend to tiaten the flecarof leather. Tlie lcst meiiicine for throat allections, for lung complaints and that which ails nature In restoring the human system to natural ht-ilth is the long tried Cordial known as Wimlkt' Pine Thee Tak Cokdial. It comes in large bottles. Don't put oil treatment until change able seasons and cold weather come to a'gra vate the disease. All nature is present now to aid those afflicted, and Dr. Wlshan's Pine Tree Tar Cordial is aa active agent through which nature can do its work successfully. It will work out a permanent cure and now 1 the time to do it. Cgjl on vour druggkt lr,i . sist on having this ublisheJ a-nd reliaL- ccedicine.' Br. HfwMt, or onfe. -y: 'J'W a Ur. Carter's Compound Jtxtract oisa-t c. at the brsUide In numerious ce of Acute Dji entry and other Bowfcl iffectlon. ad . la I)ITn& n h fnjru It arCMSlti2ir cE.C clou- It soeraji almosKra ?ECt7tc I lie- . ORGANS! The Fineit Toned d-Most IhirabU Made w i?ryie. rew .fi ci.i'-Warri-'ci re Tears. SerS far rire IJi's. TETJETi HCLXES Cffiil COIFin, 3TJCT, HL LehmaaJt Itlce. AxUMasIcdexIeri. Pes Moines - If K CKl-fllit-lTKU IRATtER lar. rail on ynnr d nirirl't or ad re. J. 1 IlP.OMOOOLK A fO. IiulsTtlle, kentnefcy. Til K NICHOLS, SHEPABD fm 6--srr-i a- J" Vl Draw- Original and Only Genuine ! CV T Ul Tbresnin Macnmes owa. Are' tt well f:al o4 .aeharjce ees'il tea'ber. aJ ,- .ea. Yor OH mit 'i'b aVlr k --psjaiJBj3p-ff-i i BAYLtT TJaion Archl Vanlt Dwir Oarrlru sl. Jail andruirt 'TWIN It OJN, The flr.li Havtsc. Urae-JCf. T-.as.l raak'ni TcreiSer of fte crfxl. Tae K!l.l-tA-T rccx of tfcl martine ta atcalfce4 tE rbauiplont of tfce old ty!e rraln-wafjar pja cnlne. It 1 aow emrftatlcal j tae LEDI0 TIIRr.stHIX MACHINE of tai cUj an sen eratlos. ..... nratn-RaUer? Prr f-r It at It ! o vx-rnt H .!-. train tli m4 tVr TaSHlttW 2art 5t far more proatab'e anJ ajte-mW u ma macMne wntea naa no air. pic" v'" wblcii aand'.e. otht alllet- aa r-' . '. . .. . j ICB BIBOll mmr u --, - ... .-. ! & baa no Watr. picxtr. or pi" i tfatap arrata, lonjr riw. Sax. tlts al all dlScalt xrala aac T1' e atxl ere-tenet. wfclct - rerfectlT. reaaires so roaiH-i- -.-------- - r-l iaJteTi. make, no Ht. J; J!'.! 5 ft I I'Llo. ae4: rejalre.le.i ? 2 tMpe3"7 I llU '"' ulo t oiUeri are -oat of Jo . fcl "?- . , , r aa r w w w m i r m w i - .- - .. atxt''' 6 are xaade. ru- -. ? ItJuSrt ur. m4 .. 9JiS6 ; Powen- Alta 1 Xi- -a. - .-7woPfr.-'P.'r 0.tt.w-.- Ill 1.11 1, ?W-e5rvtor.iwt ertltvaer car:er. ' fTIrl .' irJSakerawi5 ou? nichle sUao T6r terta- A C I- Q C r w . . x z- VT-Bt i TP-B - - i - - . . .MettVr aluair -Mtw wttaooi artral. iTri-t- xwe fr"rciff.fi; Stum U wk! fLfnrtvi zi r ui Jsi". ----, - . v- -- - attest. fVemr T ,, it. la r-r 9 I 1 -! yv