Sk Ul .-V fc ivfc I if gg ' ggp an-r i -' ' ! i i - j 7 v 5 2 jf 7 -jaLaa it rT 1 1 ifM BBHfc,ivWrv i iii ii It i .bbb.bbbbb . abbY JBkeHBBln'BBBBBV'iea' bbbOPw'Vbbbw vBHaWeBBanaBBY naanaiBBBBBBBBBi aaawnwifcnaaBBBBHBBa --aa - .vseS ''y nae bb jhi J and.McMlly A Co..Crvtr. Chicago. R T 1 .c - f ) Lt A K DESERT r tPk U MmtfmWfoW I If 1 mm . i i i The above map will furnish the reader t with a very clear idea of the disposition of the Russian forces in Roumania and Asia Minor. The headquarters of the Army of the Danube were originally at Kischeney. which is on the railroad line leading from Odessa to Jaasy, Capital of the Province of Noldavia, and about midway between the Dniester and the Fruth Rivera, but the base has since been established at Jaasy, which is in easy railroad communication with Russia, and from which a railroad and two or three good pnblic roads run down to Galatz, on the north bank of the i Danube, not far from its mouth. The army crossed the Prath at three points between Jassy and Galatz, and has swung into position between Ismail f and Braila, threatening to cross at this paint into the Dobrudscha, a district in the extreme northeastern part of Bulgaria. The only available crossing places above on the Bulgarian frontier are at SUlstria, Rutschuck, Sistova, and Totrokan; but all of these are com manded by powerful fortresses. It is more than probable that the apparent intention to cross at Ismail is only a jeint to draw attention from the real the army could easily turn the Balkan Mountains and penetrate the heart, ot TurkcyJn the direction of Sophia and Adrianople. , , The Bussian army in Asiatic Turkey, as originally organized, composed a corps of over 100,000 men. commanded by the Grand Duke Michael, brother of the Czar. The Russians since the Cri mean War have constructed their reads with reference to possible wars in this very section, and their communications, therefore, are now perfect She has a railroad running from the Don to the crossing-place up the Dauubc on the foot of the Caucasus, and has reduced Servian frontier, near Gladova, whence I the time of travel to two days. Across the mountains she has construct ed a line -anacadamized road extending to Talis on the Kur, through the valley of which she ;has a perfectly easy ap proach into Armenia. The locality of the skirmishing recently reported from Constantinople is in the Turkish vila yet north of Armenia and along the coast of the Black Sea east of Trebi zond, and near the mouth of the Tcho ruk River. The two objective points of the Russian army are Trebizond and Ezeroum. Trebizond is the capital of the vilayet, and is the first commercial port of importance on the Black Sea, Importing large amounts of grain from Russia and the Danube, and command ing the overland trade with Persia. Ezeroum, the second objective point of the Russians, is the Capital of Armenia, on the west branch of the Euphrates, about 100 miles southeast of Trebisood. It is the halting place of the caravans from Teheran to Mecca, and the dis tributor of the Trebizond trade with the East, and commands the road from Constantinople to Persia, and itn pos session by the Russians will give them controi of Armenia and the south shore of the Black Sea. Kara, the location of recent battles, is a fortified city of Turkish Armenia, situated on the river Kars, 100 miles northeast of Erzeroum, and about the same distance inland from the extreaae east coast of the Black Sea. Itisadty or about 15,000 inhabitants. The place partly walled, and contains number of mosques, also several Armenian churches and convents, most of the lat ter being in ruins. It was taken by the Russian General Paskevitchin lsJS.aad occupied two years. In lsu'A. having been strongly fortified under the direc tion of English JCojrineers, it was siren ulously defended by Gen. Williams and . small Pasha against the Russians under Muravieff. An attempt to capture it by assault (Sept lh) failrd aftrr a bloody struggle but the place finally surrendeml from famine at the end of November. iAler on the place re verted to Turkish pncwwiion. and has so remained for over twenty year. NATION A I. YKAVT. Faprior v-rteM dry bop yU the & In the aaerlu-t end warranted. AU jour rt err tor Jt, and take t other Tut aJ tJ all wbdreaJt and rrUil irrucera. NKVEK SAY Il. bet wa joo araatet uitiduwot gain lru Tea. Frlee MroaU ktdrvMttt. Wall Bt UOTT. as ta. T Patkxtxm aAtl tntrntor ahoaJJ reed the advertlernieet of Edeoa Hroa., (MrtahiJehed U tSBS,) la aaolfcer eoturazu I i a "By their fForka ye atuall Kaow ThcB. The Irishman -who thought the druggist Ktingy because the emetic we so small. Is only surpassed In his parsimonious drollery bv those -who persistently adhere to the use of UioM.nauses.tlng. dlsgustinrlv large and dras tric pffis, while Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purga tive Pellets, which are sugar-coated, and little larger than mustard seeds, will by their steady and gentle action on the liver, correct all tor pidity, thus permanently overcoming consti pation. In South America thev have almost entirely superseded all other pills, and are re- 1 lied on' fully by the people, and often used as a preventive of the various affections of the tomach, liver, and bowels, so prevalent in sflhat climate. Price's Pocket Memorandum Books are given away at drug stores. Smtbxa, Aroostook Co., Me., Not. 6, 1878. R. V. Pierce, M. 1). : Dear Sir-I write to 1 inform you that I hare used your Pellets for some time, and find them to be the beet medi cine that I ever used. I hare also used your WTOritereecrlption inTny family with entire satisfaction. I have seen jour People's Com mon Sense Medical Adviser and I think it is the best thing that 1 have ever seen. Tours truly, C. Shkbmak. USE KKKMIT8 PAIH-KITXIH6 MAOTC OIL! "It Works Like a Charm." Rnnes Pain-Killing Magic Oil is ex cellent for Farmers and Teamsters to 9 use on cattle and horses for hurts, galls, horse colic, lameness, kills lice on cat ia or vkltiL rnrflu diatdmner and is equally Kood for family use; when you try tt fairly you will thank us for this sKvice. -Head's Sore Thbo at asd Catarrh Powder, acts like magic and 1s one of the wonders of the age. It cures almost any case of throat disease in a single day. Seat by mail on receipt of &0 eta. Vf. H. Head Y Baltimore street, Balti- msre, Md.; VacSchaack, Stevenson & 9 Reid, Chicago, Agents. Read's Grand Duchess Cologne took the Centennial Medal and is the nest in America. Twenty-five cents aodtljOO perbattts. m- --- ijii SMMTTrTll t CAM- rBas ExTxacr ot Sxaxt Wbd fer Braktt m a eeM aa carlnK feoarseaeas. ata U tti IMS OT DBCK. WBI9V eeaes. sttta . mmi, sata ta tti i af tie flaaft sad of the jetata, mmatsa, swaUeS rmmnf ymrnmrTrA 4turrittitln(n nl 1 I n inc infls countrv for the now aekBowledced necessilT Ui uiuniutu uuuw uiuuui, un Bryant fe Stratton Bnsinese College, Daren port, Iowa, stands a' the modbx school of the Northwest, unequalled In patronage, or in facilities for thorough traiaiog in ereiy de- arrTaiT, an lae eacuuamoie can. W rr. Carter's OoaipeaHfl Extract ef Satan West attteeeeaiaelB lutnuaMK S2!JiZ eatery aa ettar Bowel aAetteaa. aaS alM ta DIBtaenamM louma. ik wpnsuwy - Ih WOM mitmvm m Braivw A WORD For ou qI 1e Best Fire Miaia compaiiys in Iowa. All persons owning property are interested In Insurance matters, and knowing that fanners especially, are desirous of securing their property from the ravage of Are, it is desirable that when a good reliable company Is in existence, that the fact should be made known to the people. While there are large numbers of worthless fire insurance companies in the land, there are, at the same time, a few which hare stood the most severe tests and been proven worthy of the most implicit con fidence. It is not often that we give editorial notice to any firm, and when we do, our readers may rest assured that we mean what we say, and speak only when we are sure of what we are saying. The Burlington Insurance Com pany is now one of the few fire Insurance com panies whose reputation can be vouched for. This company was established in the year I860, and has earned a name and reputation second to no company in the 8tate. It has stood the test of panic timet and heavy losses, and come out with flying colors. It has always paid its losses promptly and exactly as agreed upon. The sworn statistics of the company, and the State insurance statistics show that the com pany has the largest rates of assets in pro portion to its liabilities, and proportionally the smallest number of losses of any company doing business in Iowa. Again, the Burlington Insurance Company insures only DwzixiXG Houses aktj Faxx PBorniTT both comparatively safe risks thus r"P"E the company in every way a de sirable one for farmers and householder to insure in. "We speak a good word for this A Polat oa Wbtrh tb Doctor Acre. Physicians who have tested Hosteller's Stomach Bitters concur in representing it to be an eminently safe stimulant, far preferable to the ordinary'llquors of commerce, not only because it is medicated, but because it is infi nitely pure. Its alcoholic basis is the finest old rye, and this is tempered and rendered medical bv the curative ingredient of botanic origin which it holds in solution. It has often been imitated, but never rivalled, and is to day the leading tonic, diuretic and aperient of America. Malarial fevers are prevented and remedied by it, and it is a thoroughly reliable medicine in cases of dyspepsia, constipation, liver complaint, rheumatism, gout, nervous ness, urinary and uterine affections. It im proves the appetite, increases the bodily stamina, checks premature decay, and as a sustaining and comforting cordial 'for the aged and infirm is unequalled. I'o Druggists and Storekeepers. The undersigned having purchased all the business connected with the manufac ture of the "Oriainal Marmalvke Lin- MmenC and "Ganoee Stock Powders." would solicit the orders of the old pat rons, and new ones, for these prepara tions, the same as heretofore sold by t A. Johnson ; also for all of our great Family Rtmedie. For circulars and price list, address Dr. S. F. Baker & Son, Keokuk, Iowa. HOBSBS. Hoksbs. Wonla 70a bare roar ta ansa ceawtJea for year Sanaa; aao The convenient form of the Pat. "Wood Box Stove Polish Paste and Shoe Blacking com mend It at a glance. AWTSaaiA. TneoniTiuranaiMiT. Trlai pack ttttn. L. SMITH SIGHT. ClTClaafl. oaia. HOP ANN'S HOP PllXH for Few aad Agae Taey cure tt once an, are at rtTtatUa. -thotaSJfi.TDkfcuta. UiMlBlflnll toStOQL MomuxULOut.totl6i.lMmp. WESTzax one woaaa. cueago. ul Revolvers'; $3 WATCHES. Clirajiot In world Snmyl irrttrA amJ tmtiit Jr For ttrrmi aQilres COULTER A CO.Cblcajro Uiu known to J. S2S00 Art;U- &JU mmd a Jrrr. FOT IHTUt Bt a rrar to S21 SAot Pm 1 re. J. fort 4Ct St.lsmu,M: $984 Made br one Agent In ST dars. U new artlciri. Sample! free. AddreM, v. m. uaniiiwx, IMPORTANT! t swam etrleUT Uaeal earryuc an aaaee taa aaaeatiaia. eat eo wont? U as. aereral tal&jn ahoaid fee M ear, irajwar reaa aaa WS7AxRa Good artive can vaster seller, to fell 2 newly pautented 31 elea that evervbodr wanta. Maatilebi InforaaaUon tree. J. F. STKivaa.Inbaqac.Iowa. and street W oeat ani le br auuL kSe. NEURALGIA mJ RHEUMATISM ! I bavetkaoBly reateir lata wsrM that aaTaa vatLa to car Xearaigia aad scldoai ratla la Raeaaaactias. I wUI aaad by ataH aeaga to ear tkrae eaaaa far one dollar, adlraaa. a. A. BT RK8. M. D Caopwaf wb. Brows Comaty UL TallmanT8 Musk. TaJlaa'a ! fia in a. Surgeons AAkVILtA.tW vi. W Ma.. Maaaiaetaroall klixiaatTw. aDdtTkalratacaiaerr vrwrrai Sli Oagaa Lataaa. Kara Kaaa. ate AU latest is prevaaiBU aapl4. Balldara. Faraltara facta torlaa. aa all tasac ta aaapte woo for aay aaraoae afeaald eoaiaiaaleata aarars rareaaalaa;. Tk WooSwortk Fiaaar la alaea froaa 1 to M laeaaa. aad tka aowMnod Sawtaa aa4 Itazltc MaekiBeareapaetaUlaa. Xo faaiory u eoaiplcta wiuoii tasaa. aauraaa aa aoava. warraTo BATLnr Gmwmc Callere mini, IOWA1 EPILEPSY fit CITt alMoIatalr and miMt eared tjr tn aw eT Dr. Rom ptla- tie Kmrai. iiii nnini aciri N.H Xui Mmu RtcaHown. I PAIILSWIff nps?ASl iBBporters pn m. nrw in ABtanea. eoaUnaaMy laereaslBf. wkara. Baad lr etrea atTaaaTBtraat. 21. T. P. atlNVAvKTQIlS PATIHIS lArgast CeaBpaay la artleK Tra4a Asaatai waataa a BOBBBT a Bar. tsr. tail set tall to aire taasa ttbclb Sam Cotohoi rovnn aeeartUaa' to AlreetloBa. aaS y oa win bo waU loaaiSoi for yoaraxyaaM aaStroaMa. Fo aala by an arBaaiaia. KATTJatara TRirrsira. Nature, in her lnxnriance, has clothed the hlDa and the dales irith herb and shrub, whose occult natures merely require the earnest ap- Tltirn nf the arlentJfir anil InnnlHru' mind company, because we know its managers to be reTcal their curative propertiea, for in the I RbYTalTJOITE The Dabuque Driving Park Aaaociataon hold tkefer Spring Meeting, Jane 5,6, and 7, at which faey offer $4,100 In premiums, with entries to dose May 29. Dubuque, in racing matters, etsada a the Buffalo -ast the West. The fact has Tin lows waU known aU'over the country that tae SaastesTsrs of this Aaaootatloa are eqaare dsattac Bk8a,aAa?ery sbaaoa tasfr natk -wfli bare a fair deal, sad etery dollar of Saflavey won win be proaapCy paid. Bain or aatea, we adrlee taoee wao ea avert of that alBJL lu aiuml Liu, lijtliift Msessaj, st Dsains la Jaae, as there wifi, ao doaMe tae laigeet . aadsaeatseUof aoraee there that hae erer v bees teen la the West. honorable men, its management good, aad its statements reliable Ft Madison Democrat. Elias Bfley, Thornton, Ind., says: "My daughter, Ann Biley was confined to her room nostof thetiate for four years; the beet of our physicians pronounced her disease con sumption and incurable. She used three bot tles of Dr. Crook's Wine of Tar, and Jtesrtirely cured her. Wb bzxxetx it was DkI Cbsok s WiNi or Tak alone that Satxd Him Iatxv I will give full particulars of the cure ot ny daughter to any one addressing me at Thorn ton, Ind., or calling on me at my residence, two mflee northwest of Thornton." taTBxw TKATTuanu corem. Rrary eaa , ran Ma eeeiee wKaawCwerk Ma way 2i Hiaatia, aatC Sea tor tee liaJB. eaaakaa, by aoaae smeb vaiaeMe ooajb raaaety aa MUarra Krtraet ef Tar aaS WtJa.aaaiii. waleb tamarlvaUaa fer aU eiaaaaaa ot See aaSlaaaa. Aaanoaasaatiot raomR of each oar poekorabintoeaT. aroat axtaraal raaaety: imi. It atrlkoa at tlie aoaoy care for weaaea.occ. SraaStatk. Tcryreeaeffli io eaaaa, taeraey araaaciaa; ta a bottle. Seat rrJee &ii aaaaa aiaaiaaBi Fisyat latter amtt: 1 la aa 1 tear, km jaytkoaaMaeejt efftbla Tffctahle world a kindlT nrovidence has Disced healing for aU nations. The only specifics for any disease yet discovered are vegetable in their nature, and while quinine has been ac cepted aa the only remedy for one class, the eitraetof tae Buchu plant is rapidly taking its place ae a sovereign remedy for other of thceeilto watch aftkthumanitv. The type of deeaseto which Rlajamedial toaflrfid one, and4te;inaawetstlona are legJon, but tt may, be staled intfneral terms that all dlaeaaea of the urmary organ, whether eaased by rTiiaete, alartty, or SMigeaeiaiea, amean as once tcthe-ooeratJon'ol k nower. MeHaboid'a Bsjcbu-for aM eaav complaints, ia the reealt ef loaf reaearss aad is ainowledged empezier toecaaeraeenaraneaai g lT,ISSAnBT THOSE WHtil KNOW THAT DOO- urr fc laccaathe--wi tmtf actarers of the tastlv celebratedaBd well anowa Teast Pow der which bean their nanteT hare the largeat. aadnost cooplete eetabliafement of the find in the woriEB The capacity of their maaamoU facaary ia simply marvakea, reachlBg the iaa mitMir qnmtltj sTttir mflHrmt nf pounds en a"J' "..- " "ITCHING FJsXK8." Ira VakeaC Ajroata. WaabiBCtoa. Uabod la WSLfo) after allowaaea. lcatraetlona. laferoaeoa. ot-. mfB7 aoa acTiiib- Olreaiarer frae. Taw iaa Ann JIUU.UW Illun aa prvaand e a Motfe Urn fcy Ik an tt BTESS BaABS BUXU. wliaaQtlahaT.arwatirMtSIOUB. rrteJwaa ta nates mckaf tmm. I ftmmm aalr k ana. A. U. Mm m Utt, nauwLiiu n !. aad Exaraaa taaett. Sit. aatloaa caaraateeo. : Satan salary aatd walle learaiac. Acdteaa. lmaiaeiaioiy. SCHOOL "F TELXQHAFHT- WETZaN lewooa.iniBoia nnillll CUBE! ?;& UrIUM o?rtrsimG. tTeeeinclraro. Dr.. L-Btaaxaw, CHfc' ..-.,.- iBiaaaoaorva SICK CHICKEiNS. If yea waat healthy, wlgoroaa fowls, bay HOUDAN CHICKEN POWDER. Carpefc.Joliliers, Or aiy oae liiliing i House. Wa are nAk1a a awrfart SCBTl1CTa FOB WINDOW SASH Wfeiosrr. wklea are at tea a tin a rKBFECT w Hint. BTBUr ean be applies l old wtBBOva aa wall ao l. roroaa-rirraTaaooeror wie"a. Local affeaM Waatd la Every Ce-aty. For fartkor lafanaatloo araly. KACINK HABUWABK AN'F0 CO. ae. wia. BABBITT'S TOILET SOAP. JarlraloS for ao louek as Aobata.Boa- UOB. a poalUva vrovoattve ef CBfSlaMtSia t 3 aad K lie a Baeaaar. it n warrantee lajnve aaoM- Seat by stall, at- aa. rveesHUaw rw ooraoT aaaia aaa ate otreota. oabaqaa. SABKBr FEMCKHTEIP taac Ilka wire. re aonaroBt ta olfct. Mad of area, aearp l wa- tar.wwefOeaetac. soua wire. Ceota Basts gaaaBHBBaM. Baaaaaaaaaaaai nBaaBaaBaaHl bBbbBbBbBbBbBbbHBw Tierkoa naaaaWAni j.-' J ' -a. ;sl ' l"J-: RB.CSOO Haakalla OaaiBoaeiaai la a avaatlor wort oa Foaaaaasbia: K fnaeUM of text keek. e asroat 2b7bSnu7arm paid for SI- Aawreaa.J.asie)lJa, laaarMLiaaaaa, -4taV.lBhvV hftlBl M 111 II IFIaiH aaSPreSM rtmtervii frae. MtOBJCAS Bread suoaa. r. u. i law ec eteawxiaarta Leaa maoew51e- aTdoJBroaanlai COPIES SOLD oaakMiv oiipaaan Foaaaaasbia: K eeawk anaty of alala aaa o etoa-aat writers ewe xi to tbla work tbaa aay BATLfT l EREflSUlE, Uiiii ArtlitNtml Irn f irb, CAsnaee or axx asatsiriiewa, Taalt Dewny Wmth Irwa aUIllBft, Garde fiatf. t. 9aabeTlkteirwa,ae. JaUaa4(wrtsUsuWerafeaIty. '" CalKWiMi TOBAtxjfw " f.w IMI BBaHaBraTarTTBTaw BaVjataaav aaWBaVjakaVI aaaVwBaltM aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan atlaaw etlvaoeorato taareeteata. after years of Be ii mm tbe BtmiMitrf i B. TTaeeam'a Meat Seoa. Jbag 1101 Ten ad iaS bow ntorsTa tbt raanr Tbr rTnaWT TOlUrrsOAFIXTBBWOBXD. Daly the poraot ale sua aaaa ta na aiaaaianara, rer cow TRY DR. BAKERyS GftEATftMEDlS. ircfTiiit nitons Pl KYPTION SULVE. Turkish Liniment. PainBeUef. Condition rowaerw. uiiii tt Mae en Baial Werta tlatos tta ot to orory aiotber aad taaatty Mi tlatea tta eoat to erory aiotber aad raatny la ChrteteaeesB. SeaiBlebex cweaatalaf eaaaa of Soaaeaa oaefc. seat fraaaa aar 1 latiiToa raeatft of a eoaea. Aeeraaa aV T. BMiabSM. w erli dStw. bW I or aale w aH draawwAa. City. SAW MKi FOR THE KtTLE. X M mmmmmt.wm mi nr ttmmZtim. n(aliMawrt(fnwlnea BbbVSbbbBbbTmwV WWmWtZZl IB. i fob Dmzr oa bbaixow wkub. ? 'V w mitiui limm n8rta y I ayaaat CHAhtUl 4 TAYlJt. HewT flgtnuS .r .BertScmlarly atB3rx.i Dr. I latare. TMCraatac ItealBf. 1 iwmvt erawuaa; la aad ao rtTjatafJaCaafaaeeiaa pa alas far aasatv F let are rAaaM eet- lea. CraTOaa, aaa EawSaw inaa- Iferl BELLt 01 iaatfcM: Iowa. Hoi .ISSSfd vQ jm SbBbBbBbBbBbBB VXATOBLXil i S weaTS: B t. I THIS CUT Itoaayi s for a rah) alksald aead as m rbaalai v B. F. H AI-I., 0sHsaTiB-a&wa BaaBaaaaBW naliBMSs' awijli ig. mmWmwS B3 aaanawijlga aaaSJaMaB afaS'.jBV Vl'ljSaaanTarJTg JMaal AteakwAw. JBjnaaw JBBBnar jBBebr Wbakaas waBBBaBwVSssaaBaH g sMBijslaal . BBaBHawaaaBHaBB ' fad BeaMir anfSTBnXM BBBSb. "W mmWmy 'flHHHaBft yjuiadaptedu BawaKSSBMSaPeweatry. .Btade. ta .aPsaBaWSHawawL rl fw9kJ sal ?V -sW $kZW Mm &3fe yjr n ' bbT -B Ta eaery way Sbe baeraad mym fmmtfmt faaatlr ewraoeee or at ark bow M aaa. It aeeSete mmih tries to bo fewae eeejakriev SaeSbyeaai- eras sray. Maefawaroby , 9. W. FOWnti WMoaa. MS. TBT A BOX Oa THIS A3TI SO FEB rVSfJM. CBJTT Ur BOaTaCT, Bba.tjaaeaef1 Bswawawaaav bmbbbbbbbbwBhV W TOCWIIX TOE JfO TOM SAWYER, IB) BBSBTSmMmJM ". BBaa X i f- tyef 1 f M.I.LJBW,. 4 0a.,