5S eeSSSSs--' r-iii-- xzxz- -Tt S-aSPfeCJ a- -" - gsssestssarsasK: fc I i V f L ' : THE RQ CLOUD CHIEF LOCAL MATTERS. Notice in thu Column 10 Cent a Lint lUin. More rain. Mostly wind. Corn plowing. Weeds are thriving. Look out for your hat. Winter rye will soon he ripe. Plenty of water hut little soap. Now there arc no amount to anything. craHihoppers to W. N. Richardson stripped several carloads of hogs east, last week. We leain that candy is cheap at Garner's. McgTH. Gilliam and II. S. Kalcy are at Nelson this week attending court. The river has been rising for the pnst few day, and they catch fish at Bloomington. Two teams passed through town yestcrd:y morning, hound for Wash ington teiritory Hev Olmsted gave us a pleasant call this week. Sec his appointments in another column. We learn that Mr. Bea! lost a valu able hor.-e last Saturday. Just now seems a had time to lose a hrje. From all over the State comes the cry of failure of nod houses and dug I niK The late rains have soaked tbem through and through. Mr. Cook has opened a meat mar ket in the building just below the couit house, where Wc can get carniv orous food in plenty. We enw Mitchell, the tinner, on the roof of Geo. Zeiss' new addition with his little stova. Wonder if he is try ing to dry up this moist atmosphere ? Cawker City is huvim: an excitement over a religious fanatic, who is making a great stir, and intends starting for Jerusalem. Hereafter the- printing of delinquent tux lists is to be let to the lowest bid der, according to tlur law passed last winter. A bootmaker, silversmith and me chanic, from Jewell-Contra, Kan., are in town on their w&y to1 Washington territory, seeking their health. We look dinner at Mr Kennecker'a hotel the other day, and the way they brought on the "fish, flesh and fowl," was good to a hungry man. We learn from- the Globe that Clay county histories in pamphlet form are for snle at ten cents oach. Where is the Webster county history that was to be published ? a The westward Burlington and Mis souri frieght train was abandoned-at Hastings last night, because they had a great many carloads of stock to ship eastward from that point-Daily Press. Judging from the way this wind blows, we should think it had got to moving all the way round from- polc We venture to say that they havea noi therly wind across Aia to-day. Temperance societies are scringing up rapidly in trrc eastern part of the Stato. What has beoome of the Red Cloud temperance society, started a few weeks iince T We notice that Mr. Chat. R. Potter is moving his lumber from town to the Red Cloud Mills where he Intend to tmild a store and continue in Che lum ber busioeaa, Red Cloud mtfrt look out or she wiH hav a rival tows be fore she knows it Franklin county w making a utrerju ous cfFiirt to carry off the priie sjraiff at the State Fair this fa. Webster county may jut m well have it, and a little energy among farmers and look ing after the bet, will greatly help along, and it is time to be awake, The County Sabbath School Con vention is to meet on Friday, June 8, at Red Cloud. The executive com mittee to make arrangement are C. W. Kaley, Rev. D. Fetx, and Mrs. Florence Cook. Let there be a good attendance. A company consisting of men, wo men and children pawed through town last Sunday, in e;ght wagons, six of them were drawn by from three to four yoke of oxen atnT cows, the others by imrfrs. They were from Kansas, sad their objective point, the Black Hills. The bridge case, which called so many of our citizens to Omaha, before the Circuit courtr was continued. No foods from the gorenrarcnt to ran the court. War and justice seem to be treated7 alike by onr (hotter tic con gress in the way of appropriations. The editorial corps of the Cflrir is just new making up in quantity what it may lack in quality. The "Boss" is in Iowa, a representative in the Rocky Mountains with the editorial excursion, and another at home doing the work, white the same "dev." pre sides that did ir the days of yore. Rev. Maxwelf and J. Q Potter with their wives were at Fairfield Iaat week attending the assocJalmn ofCong'l churches. The neethjgft were inter eating and! there was a good attend ance by the people of the place: Their aext aweting will be at Sutton, on-the laet'Iotcday in September next We learn from the Independent that a session of the State District Normal Institute will be held at Graud Island commencing Juno 18th, and continu ing two weeks: This rs not a conven ient point for our teachers to attend, but we hope that as many as can, will do so. Since spring has clothed all nature with a lovely green, no one can fail to notice the beautiful appearance of Mr. Ed. Kellogg's young and thrifty shade trees near his residence. If wo could have more of thee lining the principal avenues leading to town, it would in a few yearg add greatly to our pleasant surroundings and give an air of cothi try icenery truly enjoyable. A new grist mill has just been com pleted by Messrs. Roberts & Polly, situated on Elm creek, four miles east of Red Cloud. Those gentlemen are well known by the people of our coun ty, as being Cm-class oilier and-fair dealing men. They will do a large share of the milling business in south western Nebraska. Nuckolls County Uaald. tnut they will sot suffer taueh on ac count of it. Bet what wouIJ be the effect on Borin Bros , if they were re lated to Case t Maury ? Would they becoaie so unpopular and fear a de ereaaiog eubcripttoo lint to that ex teat that they wotfld have to leave the county for a wore lucrative clime? If we mistake not tbew wrac gentle Ben have bed experience on the f "great sea of journalism" io Nuckolls county, and "went ap too. ' How ever this may be, gcrafferaeo, we sug gest that you give niore attention to home matters and let your neighbor rest. 0LASGS ABOUT TOW. Red Cloud is still thriving, and new buildings are going up constantly. Among the new additions since last fall may be mentioned the following : M R. Bentley has elected a inc building with a gable roof reminding us of the manoious of out forefathers on the Cape Ann shore It is 30x22, and 14 feet high and occupied by the Mrs. Bentley & Cook as a millinery aud dress-making establishment. The back room is used for kitchen and din ing room, and is a model of neatnes. It will repay one to visit this place and see the stock of goods and find out what drives the revolving hat rack wbkh makes so conspicuous an attrac tion from the street. On tho next lot is another new building not yet finished, belonging to W. N. Richardson, to be used as an office. Mr. Richardson is doing a large business for this country in cattle and hogs, and hi3 office will be an orna ment to the town. Hampton It Ralston have been in their new blacksmith shop for some time, and we should judge they are doing a good business. Mitchell & Morhart have erected a building in which to keep their ma chinery from the weather, and for a general storehouse. J. C. Warner has erected an addi tion to his hotel which will be used for a sample room. Geo. Zeiss is also ad ding anothct room in the rear of the "Boys Home." Rev. Geo. O. Yeiser has bought aud repaired the bouse formerly occupied by Michael Cook, and now has a neat and attractive res idence. The "La Clede" has changed name and owner aud is now refitted and run by A. J. Rennecker who fills the hun gry with the staff of life, uutil they are satisfied. The "Freighter's Cook House" built by J. D. Post has been a resort, and made a home for mauy a teamster during the winter. Mr. Thomas has a fine new residence just south of Rev. Yeiser's, which helps to fill the gap on the west side, and when painted will be a neat look ing residence. New comers are constantly arriving and every house in town is occupied, and still moro could be, if they were here. says A gentleman from this place has re ceived a letter from Portland, Oregon, whicti stated that the trees arehang ing full of fruit while vegetable?, pota toes, &c, are ready for use. m We should expect that anyone vis iting the railroad towns nortlrand'east of u might expect to see very fair complexions and Iilly white hands, judging from the priced- paid.for soap lately. - Mr. Mediae, living north of town, informs us that there are fish in the buJliio w.iilowa near bis house, and wishes to know how they eamo there Some say they caoio down- with the late rains (?) Will some one explain. Business is lively at Sleeper &Tin ker's just now. They have received three new orders for the "Red-Cloud Wagon," and they are working lively. Mr. Sleeper is an experienced' work nan, having been a foreman in a wag on factory. Rev. Yeiser has been quite sick-the past week. He has many friends in this community and' now in his time of affliction he should be remembered with more than the sympathy of words. Notice his appointments in another column: If the people generally are not' satis fied with the papeMhis week", please remember that nobody is responsible. If we have said anything that we are sorry for we are willing to be forgiven: Next week will find the Chief under the proper helmsman. What the Butler Cc ie about one of its exchanges : "Next comes the Red Cloud Chief; in this vivacious little chatter-box we expected the Chief to come to us-look-- tog- ugly-bristling with scalping knives and as full of bloody insinuations as a mosquito or bed bug ; but instead, we find that-from the "old sinner" down to -the ' devil," thoy all deny the charge of courting a pretty girl, al though the evidence is powerful strong. " The schools closed last- Thursday, with the intention of enjoying a picnic on Friday, but were disappointed on account of the rain. The term was five months in length and about 4r pupils were enrolled in the higher di partment and nearly 30 in the pri mary. Some of- the pupils have studi ed algebra, natural history and Phi losophy. Several of the pupils among whom were Chas. Ludlow, Willie .Mitchell, James Maxwell, Fred. Lutz, reddie Richardson and Lora McBride have shown that scholars can tend to thorrown business,, and not whisper without leave During the whole term no official visits were made by the Co. Supt This may be a flattering com-- Lmendation to the teacher and nunils. but we fail to see it in tbat light.-The teacher wishes to express his thanks to the pupils for their may little kindnesses shown him during the sev enteen months which he has taught' iu- tne place and he will ever remember thega with pleasure. S.- - As we seated ourself- as- editor nro tern for the week (the editor being ab sent) we did not suppose we had any editorial notoriety, bat almost the first thing that flitted across oar vision was the following "seadoff" from the Pairbeld flews, which makes change our mind slightly: "Nuakolls county has one good- pa per, and they are about starting another.- BoriipBroe., of Webster Co., are about to bring, an -office there, and risk their little all on'the great sea-of 'journalism.' The Borins are re?ativs of Springer who 'edited. the Superior Enterprise and went up, too so one ma reasonably suppose that their ,stay in Nuckolls couaty will be ofshort us doratio Rer: Cha..Reilly of Gibbon, has been visiting his . nan? friend about town during the past week He iiaa . i Af -rHw-nce for a tloo' andJis : mlfef tram a severetrotf-1 Oh !- ah ! ah !ah !-Howsome folks- Die in his throat- We hope he- will j .w we sorry to Save such' x a. reeaiu hii hltb.- i-mwnu inuuence over our relatives ana- Stea "I .yjta, -"m Mr. Win. Parks will please except our thanks for copies of the Salt Lake Daily Herald and the Deseret News, both published at Salt Lake. Thoy report all quiet in Utah and the late warlike reports from the territory as gotten up for a sensation without foundation. t "Young man," said a father to his daughter's intended, "your visits here remrndme of a newspaper." "How so?' inquired the young gent. First you-come monthly, then daily, ltYes, sir; and when we get married, we'll issue an extra." ne old gentleman collapsed. To-day is the lest day of May. Trimmed Oats Lutz. for $1.00' afcMr?.-42 Sash Ribbons, 3 yards for $ 1.00 or 35 cents per yard, at Mrs. Lutz. Call on O. L. Battles & Son, Guide Rock, Neb., for Adams & French Harvesters.- 41tf ESTftAY K07XC2. Taken up bytlfedndorsigncd, living one mile east of Red' Cloud, Webster county, Nebraska. One steer calf 8 months old, color brown and' white. The owner is requested to call; prove property, pay charges and take'tbe animal away. T. J. BEAL,- Red Cloud, April 23d, '77. H03S2S AND KTTLES; Notice is hereby given, that Twill be at the stable adjoining the Red 'Cloud Brewery with my Stallion and Jack on the 2nd and 4tb Mondavs of , April,- May, June and Jaly, 1877. L. Smith, 34-tf Guide Rock, Neb: !- tm m WAR IS IMMINENT.. John G. Potter wishes to say thar tie has just received a full line of La dies, MiUes, foot gear,- coiiisting of the latest styles. War on high prises has began. Ladies please call and ex amine and you will be satisfied th'kt T mean business. 37 tf Jbhn G: Potter. The Chicago Store stall leads in style qmality, bottom prices, square dealing, and by doing jost what k advertises. Tbey have the largeet'stock of Clot n iog, Dry Goods, tBeete awd Shoes, in Hasttflgs; anstuM cfceap, cheap-' ex, ckeapeeL 36- U-Weinberfi Prop. . eil state Jgtntj, All h bTf Krai tt tht ihrr itl to . or eUitsJ to dujt f, will Sod it to their m!rret tocall ua M. L Thorn At, at tW Cnur oScr. whirr tercu will b mt known. ltnmirrcU. and liioe dmlxf of eur in h'loief in Sourh-wwtera XcbrMk. woclddowrlJ to catull litis At ACT. cetru inc rUD tut ttplr. We have at present the following described tracts of land for eale : 1C0 ACRES iituated on Kim Creek. .70 acres trader cultivation, plenty of timber and water Good well, 20 feet deep ; house, sta bles, etc. Land nearly all level, being mostly second bottom. Cloe to sehooi houe. Price, $1,000. 50udowri. bal ance in payments to suit purchaser. Deed given. m ACRKS of deeded fand, .ituaud on Kim Creek, Plenty of timber, partly under cultiva tion. Convenient to schools and churches. Term, $StJO cash. ICO ACRES, of deeded knd, Ii miles from Red Cloud, 45 acres under cultivation, cor raU, etc- Good well 2o feet deep. Terms, $ I, tKK., f00 cash down, bal ance iu a year. A baigain. 80 ACHES of land on Kim Creel on the Hastings and Red Cloud freight road, 25 acres under cultivation, good frame house 10x20 with basement i4x."5, good well, stable room for 70 teams ; building 1 4 x28 for the accommodation of freight ers. Corn erilx and corral."1. This froperty ha- long been known as luminel's rancho. There is some tim ber on the place. Will relinquish for $700. or will give deed for $300 Half down, balance in one year, or will trade for team and stock. 1G0 ACRES of deeded land. Two miles from Red Cloud. Timber and running water. 10 acres broken, mostly good grass land. Price, $450, half down, balance in a year. ICO ACRES Timber claim, being the south-cast 1, Sec. 14, T 3, R. ii, Webatcr.county Neb., Stillwater precinct. Mostly good farm land. 45 acres under cultivation. Will relinquish for $400, half ca.-h, balance in one and ttvo years. 100 ACRES, of land on State Creek, Webiter Co., 40 acres under cuitivatiou, timber and running water, house, siables, etc. One SO of this laud is deeded, the other is a pre emption. Will relin quish the SO that is not deeded and give a deed for the other or both for cash or trade. The above described lands are of fered for sale at reasonable figuro, and are desirable locations. All let ters of enquiry promptly answered. M. L. Thomas, Agent. Ask for the Chicago Store, Hastings. J. L. iniLEE. Agent for the White Sewing Ma chine. Any one wishing to puichac one of theso machines, will find a sam ple machine at the Furniture store. Try the Chicago Store, at Hastings, Nebraska. DO YOUR OWN GRAINING ! ! A new and simple method of grain ing. Enclose 50cts and I will send by return mail printed directions for graining: all shades. No humbug Address. Rufus Miksch. 34-Gm Red Cloud Neb. BED CLOUD CUB&EH? XABZS? BEFOBt CORRECTED WKKKLV BY S. OABBER. Wheat, per bushel Corn, " " Potatoes " " Oats " " Barley " " Eggs per dozen Butter per pound Lard " . ' Onions per bushel Dried apples, 10 fts for" Salt Lake peaches 6 lbs for' A Sugar, 7 lbs for C Sugar S ft3 for New Orleans sug4r 8 lbs for Be.t Rio Coffee 3 A; 4 tbs for Rice 9 lb? for Prunes 9 lbs for Blackberries 7 lbs for Currants S lbs for Teas from 40cts. to $1.00 per ft. Muslins 7 to 1 1 per yard. Ducks, from 17 to 25 cts. per yard. Prints 6 & S cents per yard. $1-30 30 20 25 05 00 10 75 1'00 l-on I 00 100 1 00 3 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 100 J. D. Pot informs ns that he has the largest barn west of Joe, War ner's and is prepared to accommo date th'tr freighters, and all others who may'call. Livery rigs furnished on short notice 33-tf Notitc tc Tea&crs.' Notice is hcrby given, That I will ex amine all persons who may desire to offer themselves as candidates for tea chers of the primary or common schools of Webster county, at Red Cloud on the first Saturday in the months of Feb. ruary, May, August, and November. A, D. 1877. Examinations will aNc be held in District No. 21 Stiil water Precinct, and in Harmony precinct, before summer schools commence. . A'. A. Pope, Co. Sup't. Neguoda Jan. 5 th- i77. m Go to the Chicago Stofe Hastings. W00L- ! I Will pay tBe highest market valae for any quantity of Wool delivered here.' I: M. Norton, Dealer In Grain and Stock. 40-i Hastings, Ntb. May, 1S77. -" CoiMHierrial Htl. RivtrtM, Nebraska. W. W. Romssox. - - Prop. Good bed?, gcoxj fare aad chart reaftobabkL ftaMes!. af all houra.'BI The Tamers Restaurant, J. A. WILLIAMS. PaormrroR. Freighters and other will 5 ad it to their iBterest to pmtronire thrs house. MIT. Warm meals at all hour! HAfiTIXnf AvfcMTK, MAJrriaa - - .WKaaUnatA. Rufus mrihetch, C-ujifnlrr Sc iFoitif r o Particular attention given to shop Work, and coffins made to order. OrPriniirji: a Spccii!ty.5t Shop we?t of Bent'ey's new building. RED CLOUD, - KXB. Red Cloud Mills! We are prepared to do cus tome work. Flour pieil and Cora Meal for Sale. & Satisfaction gu aranteed in quality of flour sni.ii. and ci'.stom work. Farmers -honld be particular to secure the best of seed wheat. Potter & ie! GEOR6E ZEISS, DEALIRIX Wines & Liquors CIGARS, Chewing, Smoking, Tobacco CANNED FRUITS OF ALL KINDS, AND CONFECTION KRIS, And Especially Fresh Lager Beer. GEORGE ZEISS, RED CLOUD, NEB. 13tf STAR Billiard Saloon ! W. C. BENSON, Proprietor, Keeps constantly on band a fine stock of WINES, LIQUORS. KUMMRL. BIT TERS. fclTtESII BEER- I have aUo a pood supply of the best CIGARS in the marker. In the aine building, (uo-fltairs.) in tho largest and most comnwdiou) hall in the village, which will be rented on reasonable tertue, to the public, for concerts, sociable-j, balls, or traveling troupes. OT. G. Beiison, RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. FITS EPILEPSY, OR Fa J Hog. SiekneflB PerMkn.'Btly Caret! a a urn bag by one month's usae or Dr. Goulard' Cele brated Infallible Fit Powders. -To esmriacc frtfiferer thnt thwe'powders will do all we claim for them, we will fend theia by mail, post paid, a Jrec Trial box. A Or. Uoufcrd latheoBlr physician tbat ha eTtfmale this dinrams a special study, and aa to out knowioUae thousands hare bfen permanent ly cared by the use of these Peaders. we will (uaraatve a permaaeat care ia every eaae or relana yon all money expended. All uf fcrcr? should sire the p.wdet an arly trial aad Le convinced of their rrra irspow der. , , i'rie. for Ian box. iS.00. or4 boxes for $10.00. seat by mail to 'any tart of the Unite-i States or Canada on rucei pt of price, or by xpreat. o. O. D. Addreji. ASH A ROBBIN8. 3Ci Fultoa Street. DrooTtlyn. . Y. CONSUMPTION Positively Cured. All u2ereri from thi ditae that are anxious to be cured should try Dr. Kisiceri Celelrrated Consumptive Powder. Thee Pawderxara th only preparation knows tfcitTtli core f oas impti'ja and all djca.i of the Threat mi Luati- indeed. fyMirzig Uonf th in theai. and aUo t convince yoa lha :h r are no hftrabnx. w will for ward to ctctj suCerer. by niail. pcii pa.d. a frcoTrJa! ltox. WedonVw&ntyoBriaontry nr il you a-e perfectly Eatifil"of their coram tower. If your life U wonh a?injf. doa't delay n fivifl. thM Powders atnai. aa they will Price, for lara box, fiOTTsai to any part of the United State or Canadar a.U oa receirt of pnec- Addrwa. A3E xBSlKi ,. Mrrmr of Yutliv O GESTLSMAS who ca?.rc! iot iksnr Airuai Merroa lebiluy. ircuiiuje,l sty-SDti an ie vaec ui jvaiaiu isaiacre-. tioa trill, fjr the rake of fwsariaT humanity. acad tne to all who aceJ it. the secipc aad dirtctloa for akiac the tiatple reaiedy by whic he was e-rred. Saf"er-r wwhin; to profit by tbe ad rmrtiaers exprieaca caa de so by addraesiag ia perfect coafcd cw. Jou5TBOCIfiNf 41 Cedr St.. 21. Y. SAML GARBERi riCLtft IS Dr0 GO tH4f7 Groceries. BOOTS anil SHOtl w Hats. Caps. & Rcadij Made Clothing ! We have the Largost Stock in the Vallty and will not be undersold. (J I V E US A CALL. 0 S K A A LL Sam'l Garber 47-d Itt'd Clouil, livh. jdamn ounfn ptlt, 1IASTIN(I, A I MS COUNTY', NK11. A General Banking Business TRANRACTKn. ei(i(geT8ws MADE A SPECIALTY. Drafts on Kuropc bought aui toM. Agents for several steamship linen. aTBa'iinesa entrusted to us will hare prompt and careful attention. O 2 a r 2 tj h ai r ? H " . f r " 5 B a j S" aQSB Ft- 2 j BOOT AND SHOE SHOP I PARKS BROS.. Propritors. TliU Srta r rtrrj farpt'H tr rW9 with HO 7 & of th U.t tsauna! and it SiUrr- k tkat o 1 f h-rt fooJoJ. Alt kit( tf EcfainrQ Drr.e WHIi Keitneu ar.d Oispatch. L-A thtr cf the pWc Iatrt?ni rripectfally JwlJtaJ. AJ orV full wamalrd. C-ITt: VH A TUtlL and b rtBtlttffd that it 10 jour intrrrt la j-Ut Dr o. PARKS RROTIIKHS. Mf Red Cloud - - KTebMska. GO TO MIS!! ltyv Your CLOTHING, coo&s, BOOTS jiikI SI IOKH, HATS. CAPS & Furnishing Goods CHEAPER TKZ CHEAPEST ! ! Call and See Us Before You Buy. ZrrAA il NEW BUILDING, On FIRST STREET, opposite Commercial Hetel, Nov. 23 tf IIASTIN'iS. NKIJUASKA. THE PIONEER BLACKSMITH dt WAGON SHOP. 0 WViJaa-a-a-a-a-faBmTaBmTaBmmmammmmmTBmmV Ira SUvur & It Ia. Tinker, Propw. Wc would rrijiccifull inform the nul Iu that w an? jirrpawl lo iiO all kitnU of work in our hii proiujtiy ud in t worlialiVo tn'inr aJX-)'i r n Itanium n (if it'iy I.uiur Waoin Ijrlt StMti Wairori" and Hiyjji'. lii It t idrr Mil vartnulnl a coMln tfi- t'l. 1'UICKS RKAONAHI.K. and SATKSFACI'IO.N (.WAUANTKKH s :a.; 22 ror.TD at sizepws dld sta:o. I It A Sl.Kl.'1'Llt. H. L TlMCFHi .10 KKD CI.Ol I, NKUKASK . NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE FOR (i .IP'IOISC'C t J-BBBaaB -Jr ItaWBBW . -HaM iAltA XIX ld r THE ONLY NEWS PAPER m wiss'rea cejBWTSf, AXZZJL7B3 THE T.AMUEHT f.ATI OF ANY PAPER IN THE Stptttlimn ffltXUfr Ob Va7rk xL && Ijob Jor of all Jind a f tiKalrf 4 JJ J f . u mmm rrtfreswp. St ! .X .i-Lji-' .J.-1U y- jrr--"- t-rr'rfwriHi HWTrTtffflmm -nJbJ-.ajacJfcie;TiBB lfBrwfcyQS,-y!!WSB?a ' jBMjaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa LfeaaaB6!ssew5SS33Sw I it 1 V jiiM,wiai7'''WM,lBa '"-' .l MimiumwffMui'i"'1"'" "T uiu.-.y ' .t? Z -.MiaaMaaaaaaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaTaaaaTI 55?. - l2alBt.i?lvj'-- -"