y -IS- - 3 . a. -a - ; 1 - '- I u " FARM, GARDEN AND HOUSEHOLD. 1 Grasp. ' An old physician tells us that alum and sugar make the most effective mix ture he has ever used in cases of croup. Powder a spoonful of the alum and mix with an equal quantity of fine su gar, and give in a sirup. Saris; Insects. A correspondent of the Canada Farmer writes: Melon and cucumber bugs like radisli leaves better than any other kind. I 'sow a few radisli seeds in each hill, and never lose a plant Earth-worms, cutworms, white grubs, and in fact, all soft-bodied worms, are easily driven out by salt sown broad csst. You can do no barm with ten bushels to the acre, but a half bushel is ample. Dry slacked lime is also effect ual. Potato bugs find their "ami" in Paris green one tablespoonf ul ; flour, ten spoonfuls; water, one bucket; mix and keep mixed, as the Paris green settles jjipply with a watering pot. Watering Horse. In regard to watering horses imme diately after a full feed of grain, a writer of the Stock Journal says: "The first effect of this is to largely distend fee stomach, and the result may be as serious as if the material were masti cated gram and saliva. But should this danger be avoided, matters are not necessarily left in a better state. The sudden and excessive influx of water is likely to wash on mucli of the con tent! of the stomach into the intestines before the nitrogenous principles have been digested, and fermentation, extri cation of gases, overdistentions, colics and inflammation result Even this is not all. The application of an excess of cold water on the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines causes vascular congestion and violent muscu lar contractions, so that all tend to di gestive disorder of b. dangerous nature." Here you have the result in a nutshell, and to avoid foundering a horse he should never be watered, beyond a few quarts, when heated. In fact, it is not safe to give a horse any water when much heated. T. B. Miner, Linden, N. J. Spralna. Hall's Journal of Health gives a chapter on sprains, which may contain useful hints to sufferers from them: Sprains or strains of the joints are very painful, and more tedious of recovery than a broken bone. What we call flesh is muscle; every muscle tapurs down to a kind of string, which we call cord or sinew. The muscle is above the joint and the sinewy part is below it or vice veisa, and the action is much like that of a string over a pulley. When tlie ankle, for example, is "sprained," the cord, tendon, or liga ment (all mean the same thing), if torn in parts or whole, either in its body, or from its attachment to the bone, and inflammation that is, a rush of blood to the spot taies place as instantly as in case of a cut on the finger. Why? For two reasons. Some blood-vessels are ruptured, and very naturally pour out their contents ; and, second, by an infallible physiological law, an addi tional supply of blood is sent to the part to repair the damages, to glue, to make grow together, the torn parts. From this double supply of blood, the parts are overflown, as it were, and push out causing what we call 'swell ing" an accumulation of dead blood, so to speak. But dead blood cannot re pair an injury. Two things, then, are to be done; to get rid of it, and to allow the parts to grow together. But if the finger be cut it will never heal as long as the wound is pressed apart every half hoar, nor will a torn tendon grow together if it is stretched upon by the ceaseless movement of a joint; there fore, the first and indispensable step, in every case of sprain, is perfect quiet ude of the part; a single bend of the joint will retard what nature has been hours in mending. It is in this way that persons with sprained ankles are many months in getting well. In cases of sprain then, children who cannot be kept still should be kept in bed, and so with many grown persons. The "swelling" can be got rid of in several ways: by bandages, which in all cases of sprain should be applied by a skillful physician otherwise mortifi cation and loss of limb may result A bandage thus applied keeps the joint still, keeps an excess of blood from coming to the part, and by its pressure causes an absorption of extra blood or other extraneous matter. Another mode of getting rid of the swelling is, to let cold water run on the part injured for hours. Cheese as Food. We are quite sure that cheese is not given its proper place as a food mate rial. We are aware that some systems do not take to it kindly, and such per sons should not press it upon their di gestive economy. Wre are aware also that much cheese because it is poorly made is indigestible, These facts should be borne inTmind. And yet as a food possessing great strengthening power and adapted to those who have hard physical labor to perform, there are few foods so satisfactory as rich and well cured cheese. We propose to give some authorities on this point both for the good of the eater and to contribute toward securing one or our important branches of agricultural production the ' demand to which it is justly entitled. Dr. Austin Flint one of our most eru dite physiologists, says: "Old cheese, taken in small quantity toward the close of a repast undoubtedly facilitates di gestion by stimulating the secretion of the fluids, particularly the gastric juice." Here its effect is attributed to a differ ent principle than that of its f erment mg quality; but an active ferment may also increase the effect of the gastric juice. Dr. Flint says: "New cheese is a highly nutritious article, as is evident from its composition." The long experience of English, Scotch and Irish laborers proves cheese to be a ' wholesome as well at nutritions food. - A small quantity of cheese, with them, takes' the place of a larger quantity of meat ATM, smartleai them tn ruitire eiirh I hard labor as the American thinks he can only perform upon a generous meat diet In Germany, farm laborers de pend largely upon the curd of milk after being skimmed for butter. This curd is frequently nsed in a fresh state, and makes an important part of the labor er's diet It is related of a certain Dane that he could carry a stone so heavy that it required ten men to lift on his shoul ders; that he performed such wonder ful feats of strength upon a diet con sisting of large quantities of thick sour milk, tea, and coffee. His enormous strength must have been sustained by the curd of the milk. This case refutes the common error that milk does not furnish a diet for vigorous manhood. There are numerous cases in which a milk diet has sustained the system under the most exaeting labor. Win. Vincent of Stonington, Conn., in a letter to Dr. Alcot says: "I liave lived prin cipally on bread, cheese, and butter, with a few vegetables, for more than 24 years." Ileentirely abstained from ani mal flesh. The "American Encyclopedia" says: "The peasants of some parts of Switz erland, who seldom ever taste anything but bread, cheese, and butter, are a vig orous people." Our American women take too little nitrogenous food, owing, perhaia, to their great predilection for the finest flour and much pastry. Their vitality is confessedly much lower than the better class of English women. Women are not such flesh eaters as men, and with their love of sweetmeats the ner vous system becomes illy nourished. They may almost be said to be made of starch and sugar. If they would make cheese a more constant article of diet, and use more unbolted flour, with more open-air exercise, they would soon be come the most healthful and robust as they are now the most beautiful women ill the world. Cheese is less liable to putrefactive change than flesh, and thus much less likely to develop in the human system those scrofulous diseases attributed to animal food. Plants in Rooms. Influence of Growing- Vegetation on the Health i'olsonoas Perfume of Certain Flowers. Growing plants, vegetation in general, is the means nature employs to purify the atmosphero. The gasses which are the products of respiration and of the decomposition of organic matter, either vegetable or animal, are assimilated by the growing plant or converted into its tissues. In the wondrous laboratory of nature these processes sire constantly in operation, so that all organic sub stances in ttieir turn, together with all the effete products of animal life, serve the purpose of sustaining vegetation. The process of this assimilation of mat ter or food in plants is a direct result of the action of sunlight though there is reason to believe the process is not wholly intermitted during the night, but that the peculiar action induced in the plant by the direct sunlight is con tinued with a diminishing force in tho hours of ordinary darkness. Probably but little new matter is received into the plant in the night but the process of assimilation is in completion. The facts and experiments on which these deductions are made could be given in detail, but those curious in this matter we would refer to the writings of veg etable physiologists. So far, then, as growing plants are concerned, we have a clear case, and can say positively that they are not in jurious, but actually beneficial. There is, however, another view to take of the subject and that is in regard to bloom ing plants. The perfume of some flow ers is not only disagreeable to some per sons, but when they are exposed to them for some length of time, affects them with headache, nausea and febrile symptoms, more or less aggravated especially is this the case with those peculiarly heavy odors, given off by some varieties of hyacinths, tuberoses, jasmines, orange blossoms, and some other kinds. Of these effects there is no question, and all such plants should be avoided by those sensitive to them, and, probably, it would be well for any one not to have many such plants in a sleeping room, but the caution is scarce ly necessary, for it is seldom that any great amount of bloom is attained in house-plants in the winter. Again, the ventilation that is necessary, and that in every well regulated room is given, secures from all harm, inordinary prac tice, from the odors of flowers. A bouquet left standing in the same water for several days, as is sometimes allowed, may become quite offensive, but this case of decaying vegetable matter is far different from living plants. A light burning in the room, or a small animal, like a cat or a dog, occupying it, will vitiate and destroy the atmosphere to a very sensible ex tent but who objects to their presence on this account? The least care in ventilation corrects it all. In this con nection we may well requotean ex tract from a note we published last year from the editor of one of our med ical journals. He says: "I think plants could be used as a sort of vitaometer. The value of plants in a health point of view is not yet appre ciated as it will be, A room where plants do. well makes a good living room. The three sources of 'ill health in in-door life, in winter in particular, are first superheated air; second, too dry air; and third, an air loaded with carbonic acid. Kegulate the first two conditions so plants will live and thrive, and they will rapidly absd the acid. Under our plant stand, my wife has a long tray of water, which keeps the air moist by evaporation, absorbs ths car bonic acid, and our plants are the won der of my patients, and the health of our rooms. I can thus point many a lesson in hygiene." In conclusion, then, only discrimi nating against those plants, the odors of which we know to b disagresablt or injurious to us. we can safely say that plant in living or sleeping rooms are beneficial in purifying the atmosphere, and that a room with more or leas of thrifty, growing plants lias not only an air of refinement but literally a purer air than without them. Floral Guide. l)om Pedro. Dom Pedro's indifference to the rules of palace etiquette during his stay in Berlin horrified the German courtiers. He apiared at the Empress' reception wearing a black cravat instead of the regulation white necktie, which, as the Cologne Gazette observes, "is indispen sable even at the White House in Wash ington." Kaiser William and his Em press called by appointment at the Hotel de Home to return Dom Pedro's visit but the Brazilian tourist was not in. Astonished and somewhat chagrined, the Kaiser gave directions to his coach man to drive back to the palace, when a droshky rapidly drove up, and a stout elderly man in a gray overcoat crying "Sire! Sire!" alighted, and springing to the Imperial carriage helped the German Empress out. The Emperor William followed, and on reaching Dom Pedro's appartments the latter apolo gized for his apparently rude conduct by saying he had gone to Prof, Iielm holz's without previously setting his watch to Berlin time, and a discussion on physiological optics had so much in terest for nim that he overstaid bis time. The Brazilian sovereign had no desire to see the barracks and parade grounds of Berlin, but the university, the art galleries, the scientific institu tions, and above all the palace library, underwent his careful inspection. I'KOF. TYNIAI.Id WARlCIJfG. In concluding an kiMrcsalo the student of University College (London) Prof. Tymlall, who is unquestionably one of tlie mot inde fatigable bralM workers of our century, said, "take care of your health. Imagine Hercules an oarsman in a rotten boat; what can he do there but by tlie very force of hi stroke expe dite the ruin of his craft. Take care of the timbers of your boat." The distinguished bcl cntist's advice is equally valuable to all work ers. We are apt to devote all our energies to wielding the oars, our strokes fall firm and fast, but few of us examine or even think of the condition of our boats until the broken or rotten timbers suddenly give way and we find ourselves the victims "of a calamity which could have been easily avoided bv a little fore thought. What be pan with a efight fracture, or perhaps even a careless exposure to disor ganizing influences, ends In the complete wreck of the life-boat. Tlie disease which began with a slight headache or an undue ex posure to cold terminates in death, unless its progress be checked, and the disease reme died. The first symptom, tho heralds of dis ease, give no indication of the strength of the on-coming foe, and the victim trusts that his ally, Nature, will exterminate the Invader. But Difcasc is an old general and accomplishes his most important movements in the night-time, and some bright morning finds him in posses sion of one of the strongest fortifications; and when he has once gained a stronghold hi the svstem Nature ignomiuiously turns traitor and secretly delivers up the whole physical armorv to the invader. Like the wily politi cian, Nature Is alwa son the strongest side, and the only way to" iusure her support is to keep your vital now era In the asceauant. Keep your strongest forts the stomach and liver well guarded. Do not let the foe enter the arterial highways, for he will steal or destroy vour richest me'rehaudise and Impoverish your kingdom. To repulse the attacks of the foe vou can find no better ammunition than Dr. Pierce's Family Medicines. (Full directions accompany each package.) His Pleasant Pur gative Pellets are especially effective in de fending the stomach and liver. His Golden Medical Discovery for purifying the blood and arresting coughs and cold's. If you wish to become familiar with the most approved sys tem of defense in tills warcfare, and the His tory of the foe's method of Invasion, together with complete instructions for keeping your forces in martial order in time of peace, vou can find no better manual of these tactics than "The People's Common Sense Medical Ad viser," by It. V. Pierce, M. D., or the World's Dispensary, Buffalo, N. Y. Sent to any ad dress on receipt of Sl.fiO. It contains "over nine hundred pages, illustrated by two hun dred and eighty-two engravings and colored plates, and elegantly bound in cloth and gilt. Westers School ol Telegraphy. Exolbwood. Illinois. Mar 1. 1877. (Formerly N. W. Telegraph Institute, Janesvllle, Wisconsin.) Ever sluce we commenced supplying the Western Union Telegraph Company with opera tors, for Its Chicago City Lines the officers of that Company nave been anxious that we snoald re move our school from Janesvllle to either Chicago, or tome point quite near there. In order that, we might fill their orders for operators with more facility. At a meeting or Telegraph Super intendents and ourselves, held In Chicago, March 10, It was suggested tbatweremovetoKngleweodi Illinois, seven miles south of Chicago, and were promised If we would go there the great advan tages of having the principal Hallway Tele graph wires and one of the Weitera Union Com mercial Telegraph wires pat Into our school rooms, and also that our graduates would be hired as operators by the several K. B. Companys represented at the meeting. The Importance of this arrangement to us and our students caanot be overestimated. By It we are enabled to place obi graduates In a direct line of certain promotion to profitable employ ment, and also to give actual easiness practice 1b all branches of Railroad and Commercial Tele graphy without going outside of our rooms. We gladly accepted the proposition, removed to Englewood, May 1. 1877, and are fully prepared to receive students there. Fnglewood Baa aboot 4,000 Inhabitants, and is beautirnlly locates on a rise of ground seven miles soath of Chicago, oa three or the great trunk railways the Chicago. Rock Island and Pacific, running from Chicago to umana; inc rwauurg, rorx wayi e ana unicago, running through trains f rnm New York via Ptfll 'delphfa and Pittsburg to Chicago, and the take Shore and Michigan Southern, running throagh i rains from New York via Albany. Buffalo. Cleve land and Toledo to Chicago All these roads make direct connection with other railroads, and as almost all ra'l roads In the United States point toward Chicago. w will be moch more easily and cheaply reached at Englewood than Janesvllle. and as Chicago Is headqnarters for all telegraph, and railroad Superintendents, we can assist our grad uates to promotion much better than heretofore In fact enloyirur all the basinets facilities or Chicago wita none of the unpleasant features consequent upon a residence In the city. We have arranged for boarding facilities supe rior to what our students had at Janesvllle, and at the same low rates-$S.OO per week with famished rooms. onr school rooms are situated oa the third1 Boor or Tllletson's brick block, directly over the post otJee. Tlllotson's Woes: Is diagonally opposite and Jnatwestof thscnlrago. Rock Island sad Pacific and Lake Shore and Michigan Pouthera depot (both companies use the same depot), and two blocks aorta of the Pittsburg. Fort Wayne and Chicago depot, and can bo plainly seen from both, there oelngBo iaterven ag bnlldingc We. have Placed a sign IP fret long oa the top of our butldlnr, reading, "Western Pckool or Tele graphy." We make the change of nasse that we may not be roaronrded with the varloas hnmbojr teleeraph schools throughout the eoantry that use tho aame "Telegraph Institute." We hare engaged a gntlemaa af loner experi ence as railroad and express agent, to take chart or oar Railroad and Zxeress riepartmeat. Tho books, blanks, etc. used la this deaartaseat are kindly furnished by tho aper!nteodent of th Chicago, BurUogton and Qnlney Railroad. Whenever rt Is possible for them to do so. eta deata for our school shonli take one of the three roads raaalac to Englewood at the nearest point from home, aad thus avoid a change or cars: hut these who cannot reach a by those roads direct, sheald perehaae tickets to Callage. dast before reacbtng Chicago the ageat tor the Chicago Omni bus Transfer Company will pass through the trala. of whom tickets can be ohtalred transfer ring yoa aad your baggaee to the Chieaee. Rock Islaad aad Pacific depot, from which trains leave every hoar la the day for Englewood. Oa ar riving at the latter place keen year baggage checks aatll yea report at ear office aad have Beaa assteaedto vour beardin honae. There la ao omnlbas Mae at Eaclewood. hat the ticket ageat at the Xaglewood depot will direct voa to the school. la-the Tillage charter of Englewood Is a elaaee forever f oruddtac the sale of liquors la the Tillage, eoaseqaeatly there are no aaieoas aad ao k afera la the place. We think all wIU agree that this m agreed featare. We shall have direct eemmaaleatlon hy wire with the offices of the different sap riateadeats. aad wheaaa operator is waatcd caa tarsias him la thirty minutes. It U impossible wlthla the MaMta et this circa -lar to fully explata the BBeqaalled facilities ear school wllloffer an Eagl wood, ant la coaelaaloa we will aay come to aaglewood inspect oar la stttatloa from cellar-to garret, aad If weeaaaot show yea the most complete Telegraph School la existeaoa, we will pay your axpoaaes there aad hemeadaia. There m ao arofeesloa ao ealekly acqalred as TetegraastiBC, aad aeae that pays as well lass short ansae. Theaverauge time repaired to leara la rear meatus, sor rauj-aaracauare with ataaaa. TAUITn Managers Westera School el Telegraphy, Eagle wewa uuawjor HUMOROUS. A little jrj ri safferinsT frwa the munpm. declares that she "feels as though headache had slipped down into her neck." Somesnehas discovered thi a wo man can be agent, bat a Rent cant be a woman. Tsis is one of the rules that wont work both wars. One swallow doesn't make a fiprinjr. but nine grasshoppers out of ten do. just when you think you've jjot your hand on them. Don't be insultan," exclaimed Prince Cortschakoff. "And dont you czars me, replied Safret Pasha, savagely; "none of your czars around me." A minister asked a new deacon if he had family prayers. "Yea, sir; night and morning, regular, if I have to knock every one of the young ones down on their knees." A boy was riding en his father's back, when the latter suggested that it was rather an elevated railroad. "Yes, pa," said the youngster, "I'm riding on a dummy." Early morning. Man with head out of window "Halloa! Who's there?" Man at the door "IJaker, with the bread." "Oh ! WelL just put it through the keyhole." At a restaurant the guest called the waiter to him and remarked: "This goose with wine sauce would be most palatable but for a slight mistake the age is in the goose, and not in the wine." It Was in Boston. A low, musical sound came up from the closet under the stairs, and the mother listened. It was her little son softly singing to himself. "I need thee every hour." "How glad I am that I took my boy to hear that sermon or "Closet Devotions at the Tabernacle last evening," said she. Then she could not forbear atei ping quietly to the closet door to catch a glance at the "dear child,'' the "pre cious lamb bless his heart!" So she did. And she saw him saw him de voutly engaged in humming that revi val hymn, and also running his finger around in the preserve jar! And there the devotions broke up broke up amid groans of reientence for sin found out. Cheerful ueea the Offsprlagr of Health. That equable state of the mlml which Is un ruffled bv trifllnp incidents, and looks on tlie sunny fcfde of things in general, is the re emit of a healthful state of the brain and otomach. Tlie dyspeptic and uervous invalid may although this li rare indeed feign cheerfulness, and may lear the harrasslng nyniptoms which persecute him with an as sumption of heroic indifference, but in rcalltv he is the victim of despondency. To experi ence genuine cheerfulness of mind, the stom ach must recover its lost tone, the thinking organ its normal quietude. Hosteller's Stomach Bitters are the best remedy for mental depres sion, since they overcome the nervous debility and Indlgestlou which originate and foster it. PenPoint Mifferinic from iuMrmltiea peculiarly incident to the decline of life, ladies In deli cate health, aud convalescents, derive solace and vigor from Its uae. Drive away the blues and revive the dnwpiug energies" with thih grand stimulative tonic THE MARKETS. IT TOBE. DVOi vJalil C DOpta) 'lelTtt npii Flour Oood to choice Wheat No 2 Chicago , Corn Western mixed Egs DrnTCliVg w OgSB" w ee HxTmw. LrnVrs - oKuao. DVVw Qmr4j HOI 09 HOfZm Sheep Oood to choice Butter Choice to yellow , Flour White winter , Spring extra.... Wheat Spring No 3 IOrnwo "war!'! O maaaai K J 7"X O Z ai Or " - aiCWa. ffestl IVf '""eW 9 m aUmVri 0T. LODlB. Beef Cattle Fair to choice nOa Flour Ke! I XX .. fV heat No 2 Ked COsD 7IO OaaXet KjC-WO ! rOf KemOBal LsTO ' nraciMKATx. WD6m""IWl eaa uoru LeXel ! B4tsFICb ! K O rOTK ' .. 8Ti mil 75 .. .X . son so . 1 TD o m 44K W 1-H l .. i: ) . IU X 10 . an 31 . SSI & 75 ,. 3o msoo a .. 7 73 mSW 49H n mm .. 16 w ml .V) m 73 .. 10 05 410 ! . 4 75 W ,. 4 0) 5 41 ,. 3 25 T7S 2 15 46 Vm 37 m .. i 2 m .. I) 12X 10 50 ,. 140 .. 41 17 41 42 m m m 80 . 18 75 m 4W7J JMmVlU oi MlLWACEBB. Floor Wheat No 2 Cora .. Oata No 2... Barley No 2. I 79V Sf M m 7i .f l.'O 4 .. U) SIO 3 38 U Z7 ,. :o m M 8 41 S 18 41 18 ,. 4 50 4 3 50 m425 ye no i. ivorai Flour Wholesale . Wheat aew uoro IJeMeTt Derss lwf stye.. a But Hogs UKUV I FEEL DUIX IMS STUPID. We hear bear this every day. and why Is this, because you are bilious. Quirk's Irish Tea wilt set yoa right. Wbxls Elliott. Agents. N. T. McDonaltj's Tube Fexcb. The most beau tiful as well as the cheapest and best iron fence in the market is McDonald's Patent Tube Fence. The frame is made of wroueht iron, and the castings are bolted on. The fence may be set on a stone wall or used with out. Various designs are furnished. Ad dress A. Y. McDonald, Dubuque, Iowa. of Dr. Marshall's Lnn Simn eompletelr eared my child era a vere eeie of Croap. I have used a great maay different Coogh medicines, hat have nerer foand anv so emclemt as Dr. Marshall's. J. W.gramiAX.EUart,lnd. For sale la every drag store. VATCBini TRIUMPH. Nature, in her luxuriance, has clothed the hills and the dales with herb and shrub, whose occult natures merely require the earnest ap plication of the scientific and inquiring mind to reveal their curative properties, for in the vegetable world a kindly providence hasplaced healing for all nations. The only speeucs for any disease yet discovered are vegetable in their nature, and while quinine has been ac cepted as the onlv remedy for one class, the extract of the Buchu plant is rapidly taking its place as a sovereign remedy for other of those ills which afflict humanity. The trpe of disease to which It is remedial is a broad one, and its BiaBifeetations are legion, bat it msv be stated in general terms that all diseases o'f the urinary organs, whether caused by climate, irreeularity, or self-generated, submit at once to the operation of its power. HelmboWo Bnchu for all such complaints, fr the result of long research, and is acknowledged superior to all other preparations. Read's Sorb Throat and Gatarrb Powder, acts like magic and is one of the wonders of the age. It cures almost any case of throat disease in a single day. Sent by nail on receipt of 50 eta. W.H.BeavilTOBaltisooresueLBAW- mDre, IfdL; VacSchaack, Sterenson A Reid, Chicago, Agents. Read's Grand Ducmse Cologne took the Centennial Medal and is the r3iest in Amwrica. Twenty-fire cants ajdf LOO per bottle. BaTSTor TaTAYTsauuBUB Cocas. EverTeas aloaed ay aavtagr taaea eoM, waiea It glowed to raa tta coarse will seea week Its way tase tee air Moaagea, aad taern te to laaaa. aad if a - fcv ami sack eeaak as ZUerfa Extract et Tar AJ !-. waica taaarlvatted rorau of taetaroet m maraetae OTM OTV.f, m aad a expeaaive Oeetmmmte ry eemaiafata. Prtaa s casts, larae aecust, seam, Poa-BelmearyaavOaat, Pa. WaaCTaMwigaaaasCTBiBaio fat Masse aBsaasmsj ce. aaeeaieamem. ma BmBTBaa. I neeemeevsiiasaa Teeaammmwm m ao see mem urnm wamas) to mDWBEKXBBBKmm Tsx BrT sUxjta-o Wtat; TartoLWe tall special atUatice to Uh sirrrUcal t Frcstrre BrbJ Wire Fcace C. TWr fescc j-ara asaav potato c? cBwti5 orrtr sur ibxl aa JurcVjiwc hs o5rrri v U pablic. ad cwprcUJIj Is ii B7wrVmy cJ the btrb. which U dk of tix t'- rfeaTrm! iron vr kUL It I rexV a tesSf p4re fct oat of tte eoBtl true, -TTCtlEyc Uzr jwr-v fee points ttid in pvwltkmty tMttcd arocsd the hut. TV frtscr ffl &o nut vbm tho barb I pet to, h ecalrr t cax where the baft U eosod arvu&J lh trr This bub wOl U: tvfc xt ixtg . 1&.U Ucit I woend sjvanl the wtrr. Aifelrw Frrstrr iUrbni Wire Troc C Ironldth, IU. My de.-." aM Mr. S to hU bluoadT ' brlpowt, "l mutt cooralsUlc iraui ur recent Injprmrt&cat tn cVr, Meruit, hrra.1. rolU, every Uad of partry la short. -ta Mid tiw? wife, "re toJtol Ibr Tt In .lc the jrrcatrst Ihtcj in UV tnarkrt for Ualtac Ilxt" Yaurr 1'ot'tfc. Hrocrforih tat kitchen knows no other ' i'emalard t:ii-av4wm Kmle. Every UMxhaaic, lumberman, fanarc, aii every orc hari&z use for a rule thootd trad at postal card for descriptive drrtlar E. Smith Co.. KfOrfard 111. The recent arccoelca of Mrcarx Bko. ,t Gttir to the proprictorhip of the Oiflou House. Chicago, La dctaontrtl a fact rrj important to the proplr of Uwr Vorthwrst, that a flrt-clA hotel cxn t krpt in Chicago without miWlnc the cfcarr exorbitant. Tbrre is no neater, cleaner, nor mre itjlieh hotel tn Chicago, none with a ttt-r tabic, not"- w hero the HtUe and err-al ccntial rrclrr nvnr a: tention, and it charge arc only fit) aad S2..V per day. It U kcatcU on Moan- trv-t, bctwrcn StMle. and Waltash aicnue, and di rectly opjjItc the Palmer 1TCiI1XJ I'ILK - Rymptnms arc Molrtarr, IHatrrtitB JtOln a tboof h pin worsa were craw liar la atxl atat the rwluiB. tartlralarlr a! blcbt, 1 1 prtvat ruii are annrttmet eaVctcd. SWATSII OlT. ME.NT." pleasant, saracor alto for ttr. all tkla disrates. Maitnl to ear addressee receiptor price yu a box. ortarec boxrfLS. A4dra Utters. Dr. Swayec A Hon. 70S Jlortb hlltti HU. ?bU41 phla. sUalt by T. O. order, or respite ted Icltrr. MrTo prreerve anlBial Baiter ft any lnJ after death, artificial meats Bin be emplored. Tito, te arp aeo ollllte the ittni of rattle, tbep are tanned and enrrlsd. vartoo mean being en ploved lntreproceM. until leather" U lEe re salt. To further preere tbls prodoet, it is eeeeiaarr to taaka ceeailonal appllratlon of preparation similar to tboe natvj by corners. Tie teat known eotnr-oanil of tbla tort ta I'aeie Hb'i Uarbt(1l.wMcb lenders leatber sort aad r 'liable, and rfretnall) eloaea lb pr agaiuat be entrance of tlaeipnaea, dust, and I be tuner oh other deleterton InSaencea wblch tend to hasten lb decay of leather. There U no doubt that tlie 1'at Wrf-1 Box Stove INvlloh Vwlc is the quickest puliah and the cleanest to use, of any Patentees and inventors should read the advertisement of Edon liros., (etablLhrd in ISfifi,) in another column. One thing we can ar for htonebraker I.lver 11 1 1 a. ! that tber ate an excellent remedy for Wck Ileadaebe, Ittlouinris. Coatlveiieaa. and for Drspekila there It no equal, a few dore relieve all such caie. Vilceacenu a tx.x or . for 91. e et Her eteawedy Hetewai i emai to cab TKK's Kitikot or Rmakt Wit for breaking up a cold and curing hoaraene. pain tn the breast, side or bsek, sorenea f the fler nd bones. stlCuess of toe joist, annmp, swrllnl neck. etc. W .,...V, III'M'M't nuUIII JI'H IISW JUII Il,n linMH flTA..l .m B.KBA b.uk roraea in pniuv ronoiiioo ror )our prltlx and hnrnmer work? If so. several thlnr should be strictly obaerved. good rare, rrsntar Teed and liberal currying are among the eaaenttal. hot do not fall to give them Vnci.u ijLM t'onniTiom pownrtn arrnrdlng to dlrertlona. aod ton will be well rewarded for -our expenao and trouble r"o ale by all druggUts Sr. HfHrll.of Okie, : I be tried Ir Carter' Comtennd Kxtract of Mnart Weed at the bedside tn ntirneroiii eaiea of Acute!)) a. entery and othr Iiowel arTeetiona. and aln tn IMptherla. aud have found It lurprldngly efflet. elona- It aeem almoat a sracinr' te theerae HO! EVERY ONE! Al' In nee or a Crt-rla lluitr. 'arrlKe. Two Heated Light Spring Warona, ior 1 prlrin should by all meant i itend itirvirtt Aiirrlon Vale of T. I- J.eW.AlT. at KreHtt. IM'tiol Maj U.V and 7K aed eeure Kreal lmraltn Ti.ee aalet have hereiorore given great mrrf o to all piirrhaKer. All t hi work I ma1 infer uiy fupcrvlnlou and warranted for two yetr. Will be aold without te.erve to the b cheat tildder. ti eight month's lime, without InUrrat en ap proved security. A TaWJiA. TneonTy"nreremeily. Trial park 'agerrec. I. MMIT1IMUHT. Cleveland, tiblo ffOPv ANN'S HOP PILLS for PeverandAgt J1 Thev rtrM onre an' are a i rrventlve. PMSIMS A S HOCTl is.erea.ed. - write col. u Itlngham A i o Attorneys for Claim. Patents. I and Tit lea. Wanhlngtoa. . c. 0B Q WATCHES Cheapt-.t III tlm known TV A w,'ld. ."tmUr vorvA an.t ,Ht fr in AyU. lsWlaVKorteniinddriCOUI.TKKA-().CTilcao WRITE TO BAHIIS ;kfat To !l mr KEOKUK, IOWA ta every sstyaad soaaty Bead for sjeseler aad ariea I to Jeaa T. Ore, M Dlamead SC. PKlVfif AeTm "tatter bow slightly dis STSXSISSOiailW.,,1, Inneaseti i.roeureil. Advice aud circular fre. WM. J. WHAT. VS Carpenter Ktrevt. Pbltadelphla. Pa. $2500 ye-r to A?f .t. ntit f t-Shsi I.Vn . for term ad d re-. . J. II., rtA J CM..Af.i....J-. Bevolversi -abottZSO.TOIilndm. (JanaKifii ?OJU. XonterIlI.Cat.lorXeLtainn. iTta iius noRU, Ublcacu. Hi warAMTSCt UimkI active ranairr and atfeet seller, to sell '.'new I) pat.teuted io cent arti cles that everybody wants. Sample by mall, sue Information tree. J. V. Mtkiukr. Iiubuque.lowa. AAASflcbjr one Apeut IniT da). jaricw iiamMSeiataLartli:l a. Satnplt4 free. Aililrt-. WVIOnr C. M. IlXllaJT4WtCiaeaw. rOPIIAM'8 .nrmmn J?" IS-rTsl. lOipnmis ifLUIIlL. rii pacaage rree. t. CO., 19. H. Oth street. Philadelphia. Pa. TDAI- Importers prices. Largest Company aciA9an America, staple article. Trade coatluually tacreaslDg. Agenu wanted every, where. Send fer circular to Ron bet Wblia. 4 Veeey street. N. Y. P. o. Bix, lar;. PATIHTS sxlNVmNTOKS I !- KBsav sans.. I and For- elgn Patent Aeenta. Wuhlnvtnn n r. r.atah. llshe ed In 19B6. Pee after allnwuiw. rirenlar of Instructions, references, etc.. sent free. NEURALGIA and RHEUMATISM! I have tbeonly remedy In the world that bktkb vails to care Neuralgia and seldom fslls In Kneamattsm. 1 will tend by mail enough to cure three rases for one dollar. Address. O. A. BYBNS. M. D.. Cooperstown. Brown Coanty. IIL oaaa.a. J. u.. v,u OPIUM 01!? f AfJOa.atfSSi: lyajajftsTj. only Snceeasfal Remadr. Rend for Patter on OPIUM EATING. Its consequence and cure. Drs.D.d L-Mbekcb. La Porte. Indiana, Box 47V SMK1M Combination or Capitals New mode or or Derating In Stocks. Loss impossible. ProSts sore. Kxolsnstorv eireaiarsent free. Broad street. P. o. OREAN CO.. Brokers. M Box SW. New Tork. s A Beer susir ArtlSlelal asy. Cwaaaafi Having bad charge aid manafactured t YiartincTil limbs rr the late Ur. Illy. I 1 more than fifteen years. I can now If make the Ban and Socket Leg. or a ) Patent Ankle Jolatard CortJ, of my la- s Tention. whl:h has no equal for strength anddnrabllltv. For farther partlcolara. ad iress J. Dawes. 1T0 Went Ave., Rochester. N.Y. CATARMH! SJre. Sr. Keek. Davenport. Iowa, office and rest- deneeilJBr"v.H. ETCrv one afflict ed with tbene sore CURED. death and loath some diseases. should sead to her at once tor book or testimoni als or her unparalleled and wonderful cu res for the last eight years Instruction for cere free. Can be cared at home; no detention from business. WHTTirEY HOLMES ORGANS! VEW AND ELEGANT STYLES, with Tamable wjaiBroTemeau: newaadBeaatireisoi Organists and 3tas1claaa everywliev these Orgaas and recommend them ae Stbictxt PtasT-CLAS Id Tee, ajechaalsm aod DaraMI Ity. Warranted Five Tears. Send for Prise Uses. WHITHaT DOIBIIUUAS COL, UBIBCy, IIL. Lehman A Rice, Agts, Maalc dealers. Pes aloines- 88.000 COPIES SOLD easketPB Oompeadlam Is a superior work on PoDmaasklp: it consists or text teek ae a great variety or aialaaad eraameMaleewysit: ssore elegant writers owe their oeaatlfal aaadwriUec te iais won teae aay etaer teacBer. paid ror ff 1. Addrea a J. S. BO LM. A vera. 1 ova. CBEWIM. TOBACCO. .'QSSfis. c &MATCHIES8 Twunaer raxo totbaooo im te woua JkhWL Wmr it taks no ones tie rnitxriBicci a.f 1S4 Wsmmr SX. H. T. elC SSfXAKK ONX-HOLK BAND. AND Twe-Hete Haad, or Power COUN SlfELLIvRM. wltk raw attached. Not ex celled, if eejea'ed.oyaayotBr make. Saperier lead, aid rally warraatod. W. tt. A W. KAKNFB. xresaory. uuaois. (mmm COIIliPTlON! sBHS 0fema"ammTV -eft-Ba-mWVr s C. Smarm aaammasi 01. ClteOK'S Wilt OF TAI . e I 4t M Temee ed . bbIMi Seed ae rereed 1 witseeeaZ-fmrta VV Creek 0 eWemeo afH ttee aay eiatilbe tetr It te rta l tile maMaai goeliUee l Tr ae4 aesle4 t !: mf tie Ullll eS Las, r-'mi at I kaV r fee l rtJIS rare) ra. fUee. 4 tiateHbe. i ke eteJ ee f AeSmamea eased aeCajmsms. Itw. tat It kaa We . asl a lrt1 ( e-r'.ila r 0-wle tm sis meweaes. lde. eV Baeveaa. tieeteel ee Silelmep aeSaesaee. 4.e. f tv t rtmarp e sreie.Jaaealle.ee ? L4e ta.slel it Ved ae ejaU It te a retelllee tmr tmw resssma4lem. II laevlema eeiBaeeter Twwlr. aeieeee tkve Aefe4l, treaase tme apeaesm. mewteree tme Weak suae) 0e04llm(d. erassee lm rewm mlwet. laedttrwesaem. Silee 4eee te yeat By BTwPITSS. Tfce -lAi4e reaaex! v t Aod a Wl&eefTar. TTy oae taotUe. s4emTB?eaLrTrr.- Dr Crvoke Wl&e&l Ta WtU rvtsaove It at ooo. t'Sfr msiww AIIUIISl or prwtnpi svitd st ty cure ua Ir. Crook w wAam ed Tar. You ouly tveeal Tsksnma twttle to ea r-nriiisml 4 Keemeetv whlefe kae tmesi leUl ftr yeera svad be ootae noud tar relle-tsg aS uroetc&tei mao a g to be trteO by all enaWtad! j. WIU too let pref mile eraasref leAete.Umsm. l a sasaUla aray, Btaad ta tae amy wiaaorxaa-. Dr. Cruoae Wise Tar ahceUd be need foe all Lang OotaplalnUleaetllRd tawerde OeemasnpUcm. Jtwilllacaaea sdueaam, prueaoua ekamctoratloa. the beeaUilng, aad affords Immediate teUeat aad taeJUi IbUaera from tU asm. waedemetme) inaaaeett eara of alt ThroeXaKtl Long trva- bias la Ir. Oookw Iklae mf rar. TryH Far Salt fey til Drugglitt. I. LmUTal S CS PreorUtere, 4 YTwS, kmKM o Otieer Cro. Cev c lm e P.H-"5se ' JJa'. Zt -. e 7ee w Tlfl? lirt'frvi'lAV7 fV JIOWIXU tlAt'HIXFS. Moado-w !B MOWERHi Improveil tar IM77. R. U HHKLIU.V. we.ia..n. Wlaeonttn. Oeneral Wrjieri Aeetiu for aale with moet pr rnleent agrirnltnraT machine agent tbrougauut the Wi. Capitals, Brackets. Medallions, And all kind of Architectural Plaaler Work, manufactured by K. MBJITM A .. IM and I HtateMt.. opjvoalt lhel'alo.r llrua- tlllCAUO, I III noli. gae-.Hefi.t for illustrated Cauiogue, TKY A KOX OP THIS AXD XOXJ WILL USE NO OTUEB. Portable FAX XNCrQvX BEST IX THE MAatJmET. Hat mire gtol points than any (Bginc made. Powtrand pertorav aoce guaranteed. ScnJ lor circular. CbiriltT.t?t7lc, iMniAMArOLU. IxD. ManuCtctiiren of Portable and Stationary Kncrvet, Partable MoLar and CircuUr Saw 14 ill i. IrauTiU Machine. Shmjle Machine, Sutc Drcsacrs tt-C TheTrlal Confeee Km and Kiepstlon of John D. Lee OWI MASSACRE, t-r -i J.m 77m mti r Mormonlam solymamy oj ANN ELIZA, tU frth WrPB? VI6MAb1 YOU NO. Taa mTi r t men! yUwkt. 20O r '-"-yy- AOECrt WAjrnCD. rT"' I .. .yt-1 tonwj. V.tmnii eirnier, fi. Oustin, CHman A43e "ercMk.cur.ttW MONEY Ta tesa tm levew. aTssdesra eramam.aad aevtheveederm aHaeaarl upea Improved farms la sams of 0Md aad a swards, ror a term or s to S years; Uteres at per eeat, payaole seml-anaually. Choice Iowa loeas of 11.099 aad apwards. made at per rent Interest. SCHOOL BOND WANTED. Arelyte sjatagiAM at TCaerva. Gcoeeli Biaffs. Iowa. T tatneaue vrntiat traied. A Mmg9 Oatd MvniauiMyr I..a, tarajaT. Keeled er tea Weeod iVrhtri aad a Prtrate Xeteal AVartaer oa Wt I onta4 ebeae ef t Ma!e lUvmSarUn eexaee. Oerati lf&j oH Imyvai. wxh IM fcrat ocaa at" can. t f aa OArm n rT el TS eas. a Da.srrrrw.5.us staao-t.stLoeia.aj'!. aflASa0Eaday made by Ageets eat. w'r wwjiag oar tTBromoe, Ctayeas. aad ag ear rnromoa, Crayeaa, aad me Reward. Mocte. aerlFtere Text it. Pita re aad Chroma rafds. sdm Traasaarea samples, worth aVS. seat tsstjaajbl traied catalesrae free. i. BL So. I roe tb. iirae PPORXTS SOOTS. BOOToe. KeUMleaed I FREMTRESS aKkaa?SHSamSa. sseeem, wefsWsmt. mBBBB smrnm -2:S- as Cr-.,oj sjb eT,mWsdtfVmaaaea B s S efeXleTCI3: irH-22--:& I .'2 2a T3 -e4ne-1Fv-T-1 - 3-a 2. CD SwCA-SCeUl a. -i--s,5- are ssfl ibwiIo P-3z: lni rteesTaff "amarafVeir aW da?llawllllldmBaaBaB K BtsfCHcriTixrr BamW- -a?BsW BBsmm---mai-r BABBED FENCE WIRE PATENTED SlTlmTKml 14, AtteaUoa la called te tats NEWLY PATaWTSD BAKB. aad lis aeeiieatioa ta fecce wire. A eteee ta spectlea awl trial will smUary aU tkat for tae aae oaerea xe tae pabueiaet will temparewttk rats, la tae tret Maes, tave Beta Baade of tae eemCkareeal area or toot. Bora U made eat at a Steele eteee -eeteateftaesaxd tree piaesaUBg rora peeleetisa: polata. SraUv keid ta Poiuob ey tee wire aeiae; iwmtea areas tae Bark, mere taesa wttaeet tae asei er Tease, or ror raem Addrese; - CHAMPION HOG UIOER, Klaae aavd aTsMer. IfJT aaaaSt Hlf tlV Ufatti. Tke esuy BaaaT tkat win atajBgwoai Xe BaasPS, tttt JHU BaawasaL jfc ,UIU4 QClBLAM, K saj BJaksemTTsi UCSAm ! j-aSaiilm " I mTl yfmT sTjtTsl'a smT I I VtA VCuamleN ! f .ammmmmesaewaaw eXJmmlmT mT I I smmmfmmmtalT ?. emiBmmml n HhBHhRBs WO- LeM a at arlewl. HeeeJaaaH'a Urt;U!i J Ve fd a l.iW-. UaA wil, - -rj at r .iT7 feAe I IVe laavd. We tw r ),Sit.ajy CkWVte irkl wJ ! tv tsJwd Hm Ua tV rwd etl 4 1a fmneftt Ve a deft 13- a ISJk T1w enrpH " awJ ai wk,U 4 va. ek.- I ere mU I. II te Cood Par artetefw a Ceaeo trtaVwt. WtarO, re4 atei ta SWes, P.wWd Pat. teawe ta S'wy.. CVwtl UeU, I IkMh. Hew-ria PUsa, TaulUiW, ltaaaaUa. Ojetlwa, w-ery, Pwaele. etaSife. Cakad rVvseU, tsar. MffUe, tarK t?4 aaaeea. (wt. Wnte. tVaaja. ywau Wekaee e Jetwle. Cetr4tS af 1mU OkJaWfeN trim tUkn, t.lb aad RtImmw yiFa W b, ttttere.! r4aw, 4 trwli UJ of ii kJCt THttaat. Intwck, 1MI SU KwetUtira. TVaveea, CrsrtfaCwwK, Crwikad TeeA. Caaoe. lame raa. Mora luevBje fraKV, 6ttuw, PI L ee. rarer, AWm Of U t-'dJef, ! Welted Le(. TWr. Cltrart rBfs a iettre (rHs ! A la. AStad UaaOTre .V M Ja SO. JStA. TV. aaedfet .arrttac OUi i U Wat teat UiUm aed It rl'M ftl etltellra. We freaeaUy Va fall fr It l pCei f"B rwcwaaedaw f CYKt Seat pJatr!a&, aad Ukare U ae aUalaka Wei wu l .&trnt, HiUt frvaa letter frwta Ile Natk.ee Ud rj loaftty Jie f Vlfc? alj lni 4IH ltl. AtU I. t -U i ede4l rxr4 u as; ot&er llatBt aoi4 ta 111' Mll Kitraet frvaa a tritee tmta It M nuotVer Jl ed lab. M Af 1 171 I aaa eUie Urn b4t)ee e-f jwr titrrttar t'U ! I i: aa tmttie of aBT t4jM-r ItataaeaL Ktlmrt frtian a Uttee fHna J II tHaaveaaarr dl-d runt, Cerikee Nallua tad. Te "vrH 3, )l-1 kj fin uritng Vul , H U rap4 WrrrbsHl' fiargllMB 0U I IV a4 rj llalmeal t tae I a'u-1 ntatee OtaHtuiul 1-CVV Larpe ! II toadlaia id aauall EW 'mail atae Uit t um SV kiaitxlarnl al Luc.tort, N Y Kt Vtr.abi arr'ec iHt J00MN MNSMar.. Ser'r. IMAMS 4 WESTUKE OIL STOVES! rterburae'a Pat t as atb l wrrtTt at a IhrAdaatsA WotiakcMfj-.O ,.. (Irralrr (a par II rOOKlMJ AND HEATING vaaa t rraaa OIL MTOVK l TtlU tlUtI t' SAKli! K UMIMICAI m'UAIII.K' UDUUI.KS' A I lftl. at Rl mil ouaiaadaae Wet ter anu uuiriarthiaut the wrdlaat) iI r I atove. weaning and Itwnins far larffe fsMiiiee rati be don witbwut Mfeaviao Tm MICMB" (ar-A'iKTa wamk" r.VKKTWiiaast. end fr llluatrateil i Ireulara aad lrma IVURNSMM. OkH It tleJk at IkUege riABIII'in'M TOIIKT MOAP. Jrlaaiad fer tae tmtet aad tkeaath. Hear ItlSetat aad ae rept I a ntr a U tttirt Manm ad delererleee lagradleale. nt rear er artentlSe a l pertmeel the menafaeture ut rt, r Heitiu h f, "e tareftei ai4 w tiger the pablletfce riNPXT TOILP.TKOAP IN TUB V41KLI. r Ibepareet vegetable nlla aaett lb IU laennfseteta. Per t'a la Ik) Mareer It Itae fcajwel. Werta tea lltnee Ita eot ui rr mulber abd laaatlr la t brUtendom Han.f.1. IkI (ubielnlng Irakeeaf anubreera.il, nt free t't aaa rddreeaoa reeelwt it Tj real dife m.w, bsbbiii, wee aewst w for t:r wr ail uiaaeuta. R. P. HALLI SAlTAH-OIeTiE PL AST EH. A (letvaatt m U tiwtanlead to a w tlterp dleaaal pUatoe . e4. abaa afHae U lnUf, DflOMt a tul tml mf I Jof ns(nT the rauat laweefvl rMaadUl aaiel t-n Um Ke .V" 'Ure('v, wm filiMMo huI. Wmm Mwkmwii. IUe9eUarrfVei. WW Vf trseWaata. or Mnt tr aaail i-n r4f A aa. T- a- . AA.jr Mk-.l.l, MANS da W, PrefalaaWa. ml Wabeab.T , (Xaceco- fAiJirncTFxmiiciimT 13 dlf ereat maehtaas wtta which Mallaara. (,aMMt Maker. Wagofl Makaee at Jobbers In Mlaeatle. neou work raa aoaiaaaa aapjVAUTT t parcawita team -nmmt manafeetartaej, aleo Araatear sappllea. saw blade, fancy wood aad da. signs. Mr where jreo reed tats and end for rsyalogee aed rt ee. w. p. a Jnum Raaeaa Kaekford. Wlaaebega Co.. Ilia. "lVVlctorifl-- (ICHlHittlMre ayv) sTUlUXTVtlOtftABief. TUd 1 year. Taj' 4 la na. A ewM ww-aj w-t U rrMe-alipee'eel. re rwer. Bad wiS awt rm sway. wa acita is sates iite a rafai i ItuMM Or. !VaWMmHf..l SICK CHICKENS. If yoa wast fceeltby. vigoreas fewts. key HOUDsN CHICKEN POWDER, a wiattf weaaattea of CTBimiJaVJO t m BSkd St eeata a peek age. It Is warraatod tjgtve aaae. e Seat by maiL at. M. a0wPmf I , wrsv prs eomr, Coveev maws aae BELL mi HACKMIC Y, o tae we Capes! aewJldlaa, Daa Moraas. Iowa. ttaau BBaetaeaUaao aad aetia seetieae aad eedmaaa made far ail elaaaaa of trstUlssm. Coart Heeeae aad Coart neeeae eaxs areea n a saeetaOty. Correedeaee ae ictia. MASK TWAIJI1 yKW BOOK! TOM SAWYEK, Is raaoy rr aaeatc. Dea get kamrad MM tiwe not awed f e terrltorr ee etreeie;es t4 Add! ivtiirit retllB1SA CO II RaadatpB street. Cke9tH. PaTERT Im7S. isudadL ae0riaaTkae beee ae ae te lewder IS to be be resaeved BROWN'S hoo un pio iUT ekaje tmt U fat lef tkat reasisoa t ae made at tke e saara muu la tae te keep K save. Kaeetee Mi r JaT a&ffll aWaaTWeW IbYBBBBv II, BWaBBB BmBaraawawae5BA ' I ilwR aaV- a. BBBaBaBaBaBTBBBaBaaaBWBVM aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BfgfgL- ICHICACO J jtwl - JmLM aae rails' tmsmaarMe te re ar saaset tevetsver. aatat SawaVCal CakU BBllllaB, SaB. kk.i-A'BV -wi V'amaV AM i t : : : ii "-TsfBT0jkjraN WiZ&i: ts: . IC.fe?w- 3 2SEELjjjucdBSl'k' r ' was)e-we ti 'Ssijft a- aL, atoJtai?maaIlBiB '-0