The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 10, 1877, Image 4

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Notice in thin Column 10 Cents a Line
The "Millinery" war han commenc
ed. Mrn. Lutz is ahead, w far.
Elder Maxwell has cone to Fairmont
to look after his farm at that tdace.
Charley Potter m cnt Monday night
at his hoiuejstcad. Tally one.
Mr. Richard-nnV office is rapidly
approaching completion.
Mr. B"ntly is improving the appear
ance of hi.-- new house by putting a
Ftoop in front.
If any one feela ngricved thii wcelc,
it if no ue t make a fuss, for the pa
per is in the hands of the 'devil.'
Head J. J- MillcrH card in another
column. He is the "boss" carpenter
of this section of countty.
The Board of County Commission
ers was in se.inn last Monday. There
was not much business to transact.
We hardly know which is most
needed, the spirit or improvement, or
the improvement in spirits.
The State Sundnv School Conven
tion meets at Omaha, June ."th. flih
and 7th. Let our Sibbath School be
The sound of the ?aw and hammer
is daily heard in different pans of the
town, and a the result we see seveial
new buildings looming up.
Two "larks' ' from town, went over
into Kansas for a pleasure ride, last
Faturday. We understand they not
more rain than pleasure.
The crops in not thorn Kansas are
looking fine, md the farmet.s ate for
getting the dread of tho well- knowu
The Butler county P, ess cornes to
our table this week for the time,
with the words, "please exchange. "
Yes, we'll gladly X, Here's our Jc?
Uncle Brice is very buy making a
neat railing to place around his wife's
grave. If all who have lots would do
this, how much it would add to the
appearance of our cometety.
The compositor thinks it would not
take the "boss" ho long to build bin
house, if it were not so near Mr. Yei
Ber's croquet grounds. Don't let his
wife know this.
We are glad to learn that Governor
Garber's health is rapidly improving,
and that ho intend-? to spend a few
days in Red Cloud, on his return to
the Capitol.
The Band of Hope meets this even
ing. Mr. Yciser talks to the children.
This is the only temperance societ in
our town. It ought to be well sus
ITou'e cleaning has commenced in
carnet, and it. is astonishing to see in
how shoit a time men can cat their
dinners and get back to their shops
and stores.
The new addition to the Valley
House will soon be completed, and Mr
Warner wiil then have one of the bset
sample rooms in the western part of
the State.
Loofc out for a dazzling coat of paint
on Charley Potter's house, opposite
Mr. BentleyV new building. Improve
nient, like the measles, is catching.
Let us have a few cases in different
parts of the town.
Last week we were handed a no'icc
for publication, to the effect that there
would be a meeting of the Webster
County Agricultural Society. Through
carelessness of the printer it was not
inserted. We tender an apology.
Died, on Thursday, the 3d inst.,
Kitty Potter, after a long and expen
sive illness. Charley bears it like a
christian. Says ho will have to look
up a girl nearer home, as he is not a
We learn that a little son of Mr.
Harvey, of Inavale, was thrown from
a horse lat week, receiving evere in
juries. One leg was broken above the
knee. Dr. Weston, of Riverton, wis
called and set the limb. The littlo fel
low is now getting along very well.
It is surprising that any intelligent
man will attempt to do business with
out advertising. With the amount of
business done in Red Cloud, we ought
to have our patent side entirely filled
with advertisements. No investment
pays so welL
vM 1. I j n--m . , , '
jury, precipitated the cm
flashed before me. Etoi
with its darkly suggest
"good material'' for me 1
cally significant What i
intelligent lawyer make op
T 4-nw nn inofanflv anil a
- ..-"..,
We would feel truly grateful if some5
of our friends would bring us omev
wood, as we are out of that necessary
article. It there was no wood promis
ed us oo subscription, or if there was
no one owing us whom we think might
bring in a little "jag." when they are
coming to town, then we would go out
and see if we could find some one
whom we could induce to let us have
a small amount of wood on time, but
if we can get the wood on subscription
we would rather do it, as repeated re-
fusab of credit hare somewhat dis
couraged us.
H. S. Kalcy left oa Monday for
Tie salaries of good base-ball play
ers will this season range from twenty
dollars per week down to a whack un
der the jaw for jumping into a man's
gatden after the ball.
Kev. J. Pa tettton. lebyterian
minister from Kearney, will preach on
next Sabbath at the School Hou-e at
7 p. m. The ltd'& sujioer will be
administered after the mm won. Other
denominations ate invited to attend
and participate in the services.
Mi. D. C. fhobbick, ooe of Kana-'
energetic farmers, made the heat t of
the Chief icjoice this week, by the
ptesentation of a greenback. The
Cif'EK goes tesulariy to Mr. Chub
bick. and long may he live to enjoy
the 'cading of it.
Hare you seen the "Red Cloud
Waon ?" Sleeper v. Tinker have
jiir-t completed and sold a wagon belt
ing tbe above name, that is a credit to
the cotintv and speaks well fw the
pluck and entopri-e of the butldets.
We believe they can compete success
fully with the eastern wagon manufac
tories. We are glad to see so many new
comers on our streets. We coidially
extend the right hand of fellowship to
all, especially tho.-e who ate looking
for farms, and ioteud to abide with u.
Prominent among that class now with
us. are Geo. Bcufer, Henry Goshen,
Michael, and Mr. Fogel, all
?t in uv fanners from Mifllin countj',
Pc'in., old acquaintances of the Ka
Icy's. We hope our citizens will each
do their pait to make these people
(eel at home. The-e men have wives.
A hint to the wise is sufficient.
To irlom it wy torrent :
This is to give notice that on and
after the date of this publication, any
perron who shall drink intoxicating
liquors, or play cuids, or other games
of chance, in or about the school house
or who shall by boisterous speech or
manner, or menacing demonstrations
outside, or by wiudow-pceping willful
ly disturb any public meeting in the
school house, or who shall mutilate or
destroy scholar's books, pencils, &c.,
will be considered guilty of a breach
of the peace and treated according to
law. Signed, J. C. Warner,
Justice of the Peace.
The editor is building him a house.
Did j'ou ever superintend the con
struction of a domicile? If you have,
we wjll ventuie the assertion that you
have so far forgot your early christian
training as to indulge in sundry re
ntal ks, at times, that was mure forci
ble than polite. We have bc2ti 'super
intending' for tho last two weeks and
expect to contiuue to superintend for
an indefinite time ; yet we never swear
oh oo, although, we uduiit, that at
times we ate just the least bit provok
ed. We expected to move into our
niw quarters the fir.-t of May, but
changed our mind. We hope to get
moved by Chtistmas, if wc should
have no bad luck, in which case wc
will feel devoutly thankful for favors
The foolish flut ry ah tit grasshop
pers has about subsided in the State,
and those who were disposed to be
puujky tow have time to reflect on
the absuidity of their actions. The
fact of the matter is that we have not
been lhreatei.ed with any scriou
trouhl', on the contrary wj never had
such cheering prospects for an abund
aut harvest, and at n time siuce the
State has been settled has there been
any way near the flattering prospects
for good pt ices on surplus farm pro
duets. Nebraska, aud especially the
southern part of ihe State, will make
many persons' eyes eularge with won
der this fall when her immense crops
move toward market. Aud the good
prices expected and which we have
every confidence wiil be leceived, will
enable many improvements of a sub
stantial nature to be made that were
not even dreamed of last season. And
before our people will hardly realize
the fact the thousands of unoccupied
fertile acres will all have earnest in
dustrious productive occupants. Wo
hear of them iu all directions, and they
are bouud to come. Ex.
Ex-Gov. Furuas adheies to his de
claration lat fall, thit a farmer can
r.d his fields of grashopper eggs and
young hoppers more easily than of a
crop of weeds. He has had experience.
His plan is frequent harrowing of the
e g ltifested patehes aud burning of
grass and ditching alter the hatching
of eggs not destroyed by the harrow.
He says that he disposed of all the
hoppers grown on his own farm iu thc
spring of '75, and that it was the hop
pers of his neighbors that afterwards
destroyed his nursery.
All that is
needed is for every farmer to look after
his own crop.
We therefore urge upon tbe people
of the State, should the young brood
make their appearance again after
these recent btorms, to see that the
intent of the law calling upon the su
pervisors to summons the polis of
every road district to the work of
fighting them, be fully complied wit:.,
aud that a systematic aud organized
effort be made, and no "patch" of the
insects be iefk unvexed anywhere in
the settled portion of the state
1 State Journal.
The old reliable firm of S. Cubcr or
Red Cloud, is the place where you can
alway.4 get jcoTd goods, honct good,
and alay just what yon pay for. No
lht weight.i or .bott measure. Go
iheic and we for yourself, and be convinced.
Oor corotnetmy wa? taken by sur
price ihi mo-oing, (the 4th init..) by
the report that Mn. John H Wood
had committed fuicide. It fcera that
Mrs. W. had vi-itcd a neighbor's on
ThufJav evening, and obtained a
phial of laudanum, for the putnoe, as
she s'aled, of enablin;: her to get a
good rest dutin? the ri;ht a. the nert
day phe had a largy washing to do.
She tetui n;d to her home, and from
that time nothing wis seen or heard
of her until she was di-covercd, itgid
in death, this mo:ning. It is p e-um-ed
by many that she procured the poi
son for the exptess puiposj of ending
her life, whi'e on the other hand,
somo a'lese tint her death was pro
duced bv an accidental over doe. An
inquest was held over the remains thit
afternoon, the jury returning a vet diet
of death rc-uhing from an over-dose
of laudanum, administered by the
hands of the deceased, with uicidal
intent. The body was not discovered
till this morning, as Mr. Wood slopt
in Cameron's store that niaht, it be
ing his turn to stay and watch the
s.tore. AdatiH Co. Gazette.
Thomas vi m.e. Neb. 1
May I'd, 1S7T. J
En. Chief. The Catholic Church
on Liberty Creek, near thn place,
caught fi.e from the stove pipe, on
la-t Monda morning, and burned
quite a hole in the mof. Through the
efforts of .Joe Weinsinger, Mr. Sebum,
and others whose names we did not
learn, the fire wa extiiieuidted. The
Catholics clo-e a thn'e days meeting
to-day. 1 understand that the Hi-shop
will be here this fall, and locate a cler
gyman between here and Hastings.
Mr. Moody, of this place, expects a
few families of his friends from Cana
da, soon. They will probably locate
near here AN IKK
Prcceeilags sf tho Scsnty Commissioners.
May 7th, 1S77.
Met pursuant to adjournment. Pres
ent, L H. Luce Geo. W. Bull, Com
missioners, J. A.Tulleys, Clerk.
Minutes of Inst three meetirgs read
and approved.
The Treasurer made a report of the
receipts and expenditures from Oct. I.
1870 to date, which after examination
was approved.
The following accounts allowed :
A. A. Pope, Co. Sup't fees $ SI 00
H. C. Scott, assessors fees 110 00
.J no. Elliott, salary as Co. Phy
sician 27 50
Yi. H. Jonc3, fees on collec
tions 3-15 29
L. H. Luce, Com'rs fees, 20 -10
Adjournel till Monday, July 2d,
1877, at 9 o'clock a. m.
J. A. Tullevs, L. II. Luce,
Clerk. Chairman.
Atk for the Chicago Store, Ha-lings
Go to the Chicago Store, Hailings.
Best coffee l lbs. for one dollar, at
Best Calico, 7cts. per yard at L
Best peaches 2 lb. cans, 20 cents per
can at Baum's.
Jut received a large spring stock of
Dy Goods, at Baum's.
Fine summer Shawls, large size and
litest style, $1 50 each, at Baum's.
Taken up by the undersigned, living
one mile east of Bed Cloud, Webster
county, Ncbrisk a. One steer ctlfS
month? old, color brown and white.
The owner is requested to call, prove
property, pay charges and take the
animal away. T. J. BKAL,
Bed Cloud, April 23d, '77.
m i
3C3523 AI'D HULZS.
Notice is hereby given, that I will
be at the stable adjoining the Bed
Cloud Breweiy with my Stallion and
Jack on the 2nd and 4th Moudays of
April, May, June and July, 1377.
L. Smith,
34-tf Guide Bock, Neb.
John G. Potter wishes to say that
he has just received a full line of La
dies, Misses, foot gear, consisting of
the latest styles. War on high prices
has begun. I.a lies please call and ex
amine and you will be satisfied that I
mean business.
37 tf John G. Potter-
The Chicago Store still leads in style
quality, bottom price, square dealing,
and by doing jot what it advertises.
They hare the largest stock of Cloth
ing, Dry Good, Boots end Shoes, in
Hastings, and are selling cheap, cheap
er, cheapest.
36 D. Weinbere, Prop.
J. D. Post informs us that he has
the largest barn west of Joe, War
ner's and i prepared to accommo
date the freighters, and all others
who may call. Livery rigs furnished
on short notice 33-tf
Mrs. M. R. Bentley has just receiv
ed a full and complete stock of Mtlliu
ery G-ods, which will be sold cheap
for cash. The article are all first-class,
Call and examine before you purchase
elsewhere, as wc feel sure you can be I
wl Jstate Jgmcj.
.Ml win i nl llst r wt.h
to.rtl. or tv " 'otVwvref !U iljii it
li r io f rk nr i oi J. L. no . ttir
Cai'f ore. i.( t-taj In ial
Itntnl ijc , sod 'b dtiroeof -8r-inf
ho-nr ia &Mth-tra Ketrv.
tif.oIC'lo wt'l toc-'t3!tthl AsfQ?-, ts-ti-inr
Uta; .r tot.
Wc have at pe?ent the foUoHinj,
docriled liacts of land for ale:
-ituated nn Klra Creek. ,V) acre under
rultivation, pleniv of timber and water
Good wefi, 20 feet deep; house. tta
bles, etc. Land nearU all Icvtd, bcwis
mostly second lot torn. Clo-j to ;chool
hou-e. Price, ilAfO). 5)X down, Ual
anc in payments to auit purcLaser.
UeeJ given.
120 Af'KKS
of decilcl land, situated in Kltu f'reek.
Plenty of tttub-r. under cultiva
tion. Coitvcuient to schools and
churches. 'Jcrm, $50J cash.
ofdeeded land, 1 mi'es from Bed
(Jloud, 15 acre under cultivation, corral-,
etc. Good vrull 20 feet dei'p.
Terms, $1,000, -5'X cash duwn, bal
ance in a year. A bargain.
of land on Elm Cicek on tbe Hatin?e
and Bed Cloud freight toad, 25 acres
under cultivation, good liatne hnue
10x20 with basement IA , good welf.
tablo r'oui for 70 team-; building 11
x2S for the accommodation of freight
ers. Corn crib and corrals. 'flits
properly ha long been known n
Hummers ranch e. There U Jome t;tn
bcr on the p!:u'e. Will iulir.r(iih for
$70. or will five deed for $b00 Halt
down, balanco m one year, or wid
trade for team aud stock.
ofdeeded land. Two miles from Bed
Cloud. Timber and i tinning water.
10 acres broken, mostly good grass
land. Pi ice, $-150, half down, balance
iu a year.
Timber claim, being the soth east
1, Sec. M, T 3, H. i, Webster county
Neb., Sti'lwater precmet. Mo-tly ood
farm land, 45 acres under cultivation.
Will reliiiquish for MOO, half cash,
balance iu one and two yeats.
100 ACHES,
of land on State Creek, Wcb-ter Co.,
10 acres under cultivation, timber anil
runniii!: water, house, stables, etc.
One SO of this land is deeded, the
other is a irc emption. Will relin
quish the 80 that is not deeded and
uive a deed for the other for $000 in
cash or Hade.
The above described lands are of
fered for sale at reasonable figure0,
and are (lettable locations. AH let
ters of enquiiy promptly answered.
M. L. Thomas,
for sal; by Mowery & Farrcll, Ha?-
tings, Neb.
Agent for the White Sewine Ma
chine. Any one wishing to puirha
one of these machines, will find a sam
ple machine at the Kuruiture store.
Tiy the Chicago Stote, at Hastings,
Laugh an 1 gr w fat. Best Cove
Oy.-ters, 2lb cans louts, per can at L
Baum's. 30
A new and simple method of grain
ing. Enclose oOots and I will send by
return mail printed directions for
grainiflg: all shades. No humbug
Address. Rufus Miksch.
34-Om lied Cloud Neb.
Wheat, per bushel
1 35
1 00
J 00
I 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 Oo
1 00
Uorn, " "
Potatoes " " -
Oats "
Bat ley " "
Ergs iter dozen
Butter per pouud
Lud "
Onions per bushel
Dried apple, 10 ths for
Salf Jike peaches 5 ths for
A Sugar, 7 lbs for
C Sugar 8 lbs for
New Oilcans suir Si lb for
Best Bio Coffee 32 Sc 4 lb3 for
Hice 9 lbs for
Prunes ) lt3- for
Hlackbenieo 0 Ibn for
I'urrants 8 lb for
Teas from 40 cfs. to $1.00 per lb.
1 00
.Iaiius 4 to 1 J per yard.
Ducks, from 1 7 to 25 ct. per vard.
Prints 0 & 8 cents per'ja'rd."- "
Keties to leszzsrz.
Notice isherby given, That I will ex
amine all persons who may desire to
offer themselves as candidates for tea
chers of the pnmaty or common schools
of Webster count.v, at Red Cloud on the
first Saturday in the months of Feb.
ruary, May, Ancust, and November.
A, D. 1877. Examinations will also
beheld in Distiiet No. 21 Stillwater
Precinct, and in Harmony precinct,
before summer schools eommeuce.
A. A-. Pope, Co. Sup't.
Negunda Jan. 5th 1S77.
The tLird semi annua meeting o
the Cong'l Church or Web-ter county,
wiil be held at Wheatland, District
No. 20, May 12th and 13ibf beias'og
Saturday at 2 o'clock p m Subject
for consideiation, 1st, Oar duty to the
A. H. M. Society : 2d. the bt .meth
od of advancing C'i'gregationaIisai in
the county. Business, to consider the
propriety of becomig district churches.
To make arrangements for the support j
oi the gospel for the enduing year. J
A. Maxwell, Paster.
Commercial Hotel.
Riverttn, Nebraska.
W. W.
Good bed?, good fare and chartc
rcao cable.
fQ3r-Mcl3 at aH htnrj.-'S
The Farmers Restaurant,
J. A. WILLIAMS, PRorKtcroiu
Freighters and other will find it to
their inteiest to patronUe this house
afWarm mci's at all hours!
IIastinos Avknl'e,
IIAKTl.C?i .... CCtAU.
Id r.:ud. yci.
Is prepared to male estimate and
take contracts fur all kind of buiUtug.
ay ly
.J AS. CALVKRT, Proprietor.
Peals exteusivelj' in a'l kmd of fut
nitiiie, such ai Bine-u-, Bt-a Istcads,
l'dblc-. Chair-, Mir-ots, and in lact
fvcrvth'og to be fnutid iu a lirsi-oUs
furniture tore.
Heo Ci.oii), - - - Nr.u.
37 lvr
GoKfti: zi:iss,
-UEAl.tS 15-
Vines & Liquors
Chewing, Smoking, Tobacco
And Ivpecially
Fresh Lager Beer.
Billiard Saloon
W. C. I:ENoO:.t, Proprietor,
Kcps constantly on hand a fine
stock of
B E E 11
I have nlf-n a pood .stiptil." of the
best C GABS in the market.
In the same building, (un-stait..) i-s
the laise-t and mon co'iiujodiou hall
in the village which will be rented on
reasonable term--, to the public, for
conceits, sociables, balk, or traveling
Faliii! Sicklies
PrriHNii4nily Ciircil ni hmwbns-
by one iu onthV aae of Dr. HouIanlV Celc-5)rat-it
In;atltb!c Fit Poi!:rs. To ctinnnce
juifrer!' tnai thte ior'Jer will Jo ul we
claim fr them, wc wiil .-end them by mail.
Iot p.iid. a trte Trinl box. A Mr. (Jou'anl
istbeoDly phyician tijjl h ercr male
this iJ-ieao a ypccwl study, aud as to our
kiiowleujre Thousands have b-en pcriaanent
!y cared by tbe- uc ot thue i'owdcr. we wiil
cu.nrantec a iitfrnian'nc cure in every cae.
or retut.a u .tit money expen led- All rut
tcrtrs ."hould giro thee I' wders xu erly
tria and be cuuriceed ol their cm a ire puw
dcr .
I'ric. for larse tmx. $3X0. or 4 Lore for
jiO.UX tut by m-Aii t .my i art ol she United
s.iitesor dauaua on receipt of pi ice, orb
exprej?, c, O. U. Addrcj.
A6JI Jt r.riUISS.
C60 Fultuc atieet, Urookya H. Y.
Pos.tiYsIy Cured.
AH sufferer froc this ilifz. e that are
aaxiocc to n cur-J t 'ot d iry lit. Kiac'i
t'e.ebietl onmtire t'owder. These
l'owiers are tne only r reparation Vr.owa
t-at Rill cure Conjumpttua .oj I d.jeAij
of the Ihrotari LudT indeed, to tltrn
ii oar f.nth in thcin. and atjj to cenriore
you thi tb x arr no hntnbaj r- for
ward l" ever -afferef. by ina.i. . l p..J. a
fee Trial ilox.
Ve don't want yar money unul yoa are
rerffcclly satiified f their curative powers,
f yoor it" L worth rt inr. don't delay ia
siTin theas Powders a uLJ, aw they will
l-icc. fortarse box. I0a. tent to ty p?t
ol ths United :atcs or Cana-ls . aU o
reccipi o: pnee.
AJdre, ASH A P.0SBI55.
SS-iy CCO Fulton St tirooklrn X. Y-
JKrrttiM of Youth
AGESTLEMAX who rtffereJ for jiars
from Xerros Deuttity. Preraatnre De
cy. a.ui alt the etfecv- of yoaihtul mdbcre
tiin will, for the fate of a .enn ham tatty.
s nd tree to all whj need it. the 'cip nd
dirrcuwa Jor icikiny the simple rrniedr by
wuieb Le wj cared. Satfrrtr whinx- to
prS byiheiwtt-ertifer'i experieace can do
x uy tuAiirctns in pertort cooSdeuce.
JvllS ii jibLZ, i: ucAtr at., A Y.
DKA1.1C& 1.1
Dry Goods and
Hats? Caps. 6l
Rauhj Made Clothing I
We have the Largest
Stock in the Valley and will
not be undersold.
C, I V K CS A C A LL. 0 N K A: A 1 .1 .
SamM Carben
lie d Kud, vh.
jdain5 ounln jhnnh,
A General Banking Business
Drafts on Europe bought aud pold
Agents for several Fteatn.htji lines. I
asafoustues cntrusiuu to us win nirc
prompt and careful attention.
9d '
H fe U2
L-j m 2 ?
-2 t S.
r a z.Tj c tv i
a i 68 j s & H
ro ip a. Sksfc
5 ft r&
PARKS BROS.- Propritors.
Tb: tjrm it - pprH o fttth tbf r?Ufc? -mtth' ! 7
ax! f th Wt d t iivte W tt t fel r
All Kinds of Repairing Done With Neatnejt and
t&A hrr f tif paWw1 ptjrare rpwA fcr'i Alw
rk Jul wrastl.
itnl be 6riicd tbat it i jar aeirit t ;aUtAic c
vmiks nnoruKKs.
Red Clcud. - - - lYcbrsh
l)i our
.BOOTS aiul SI U)i:s. '
HATS. CAPS &. Furnishing Cood."
Call and See Us Before You Buy.
On FIRST STREET, opposite Commercial Httel,
Nov 1 tf
Ira Kl4MH-r V H Ma. Tinker, l'r.
U'c woulil rcj!octfiiPy Itifortn tKn pubiif that ar irtr- I i
do nil kitnN of work iu our luis, ronriir arid f worVuia dil r
C- I'Imw riniritij; ;i fcia ty I.uut'nT 'i'Mi. Ih ."pii'
W nuti .itnl Hupjc, lult to -rd.-r. tr arstfittil in.l tU
v.s :a"? be ?2UK3 at clzspzt: ziz stash.
llt.V Sl.KHI'Klt. 1. lMl1Kltt. ,
'Tje 3ot fittfing
fs domxifcfi.
Job Jork of all $ind
sa. l mmm
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