ri r t - s -.J? --x . J. - -("i -fc. y-ssa - - A4itttU4mmmtf THE RED CLOUD CHIEF. i The Red Cloud Chief. rUIJUSHED EVF.UY THURSDAY AT BED CLQuD, 1TZBBA5ZA. ML. THOMAS, KUIter nud I'raprirlor. LrJ -lmi4f u Stiaf il w "JZlernal Vigilance is the price of Liberty." "4$2.00 ri yrir i. thr price f the lint Ctmttl Chief . - KED CLOUD. WEBSTER CO., SKIJKASKA, 1 HUKSDAY. MAY 10. IS77. NO 39. ' w ty VOL-IV. 55C?gtaE- 1 N v 9 7 T $2.00 per year, Inrariacljb Advaac. Subucrifceia who do not receive their pa per regularly, will confer a favor by notify ing tu of the fact at once. Correspondence Folicit-d from all pari of the County and Htatc, on inattcn ofccneial interest. Xi FSubfriberi' who findarol cron X in.thcd on he marcin of tln-ir ItaiH-ri1, ill know tlicr r ubTip kti'tn exirirer with the number- fullowirir. jtl thiv urt zutuoftvii to renew lit onrc. Ttiof e who find a blue cr' tr on th tr finpei? will kno that ther urc in arrears. iii.j a little money wou! i be acceptable to u. Oilicial Directory. CONGRESSIONAL. A.S. Padd..pk Beatrice. U.S.?enftt.r. Alvin Saiindf xt. Omaha. U. S. Senator. Lorenzo Urounxc. Representative. KXKCUTIVK. SILAS HARDER. Gov.ruor,. .Lincoln. Bruno Tzrclinck, ' Bee. of Stat. J.B Weston. Lincoln, Auditor. J.C. McUride. ., Treasurer. Geo. II. Rjbt-rt. Att'y Cm. J. M.Mcivenzie. Lincoln. Sup. Pub. Instruc. JUDICiAKY. Quo. 15. Like. Omahi. CbiefJmtice. Dan'MI-intl. N'-,f:" y. Aociato Ju. Haw I Maxwell, I'latguioulli t WKilSTKIt COUNTY. J. A.Tulleyf. K. II. .Ione, I. W.Tulley. II. O. l:,u, A. A. Pope. C. C. Co-.n. W K. Thorn, G. W. Rail. ) I,. II. L.ie. Y J. U. IlobarU I County "Icrk. Treasurer. Probate Judpn. .Sheriff. School Sup't. 'oroner. County Purveyor County Couimissiouerji. iii;it-ii :hi:i:th:y. CON(JKK(JATIONAL CHUIUMI Scrvices eyerv fir.-t nd third S::b hath. of rneh month nt lied ('loml and Inavulc. lh o'clock P M. at Kcd Cloud. '2 o'clock p. M. at In avale. Kvery recoiid antl fourth Sahhalhs at Hiitin and Harmony I'recinutH. JJev. A. MaXWKLL, I'at-lnr. BAPTIST (MIUHCIT. IIkv. .1. T. Mi i.n Kit. Scrvieos M.-cond Sabbatlrin eaih month at II a. M. Sariiatii Scikiol evry Sahhalli morning nt l) . 51 Ciop at 11. V. W. Siri.n(ii:r. Ftut. BANDOFHOPK iiipcIs every two week; on alien.'alc ThuiMiay even iliKS al Cr.'.'A) o clock. Arrival mid Dinrfurf f .VhIIn from I Ik; K-il Cloiul C. O. Hastinijs Leaves Monday'.s Wedne.-dav's and J'ridny 7 a. m. Tuewday, Thursday and Satutday, S a. m., Arrives evciy day f 3C p. m. IIarvarh Ieaxes Mondays arid Th in .!.- 7 a. u:.. nrrive.s Wednes day. and Saitndnys f p. m. Pleasant Hill leaves Thursdays 7 a. in. Aitivi-.- Wedne.-day'h 0 j. m. Fi:a:;xli.v, nine oast, Monday's and Thnrj-dju''.- '2 v. in. Goini; wat Tuesday and Fritlay's 'J a. m. JEWELL Kansas, leaves Tuesdays. Tiiur.-ilay- a.d S.imrdayi. 8 a. in., Mi:i'i;s Mtiiid 13&, Yrcuiicrd:iyd and IV:day? G p. 111. KtlssEL, Kan-a-!. Lnvps Mnndays, Wudiiehd.ys and Kiiday- 7 a.m.. arrives Tuexiaxh, Thurtdays and Sunday.-, t p. ui. Office open from 12 m until G p. m. 8unduys. All rojiibteied matter must be in by 7:30 p. m. Money Older business clo-cd at 7:30 p m. No ordcia iued on Sun day. M. B. McN'itt, P. M. Red Cloud & Jew eSl City Sltage Line- Connecting at Red Cloud with the Republican Vi'dey line, running htnught to Hastings. -Three icgular trips will be made each week, leaving lied Cloud the same time the stage fium Hastings does. GOOD BIGS AND GOOD THIS ilADS Oil THE SCAD. FA Ri: KL'AS OXA BLE. SO-lv D. H. GODFREY. iED CLOUD & SMITH CENTER Stage Line. Connecting at Red Cloud with thc Republican River Stage Line. Three regular trips a week, arriving and departing from Red Cloud at the pame time thc stage from the railroad does. FARE VERY LOW. all. J. B. SUBE07, Prop. HARNESS SCOP S. Va Iiixdow Is now.prcparcdtodo all kinds ofwork IN THE Harness line. The best of materials used, and all STOrk WARRANTED. REPAIRING Done on short notiee and at reasonable Prices. Shop in McNitt's Store. Red Ctond ftebrasK. ' US1XESS DIRECTORY Attorney at Law. J. S. Gilliaro.. A 1 1 2f at I a w, AND NOTARY PUBLIC. V5Sm Collections promptly attended to. CSce in J. 2. Wilkes':. 2ci Ciszi Ito. JT. K. Willcox ATTORNEY AT LAW, - - - ' and U. S. Commissioner. SST Collection Promptly Attended to OFFICE ON Iv DOOIt OUTI I OF JIAUM'5 STORE Red Cloud. Keb. JAS. LAIRD, A TTORNKV AND (X)UNSKLOU. (pi at law. .Juniata Nehia-ka. Will practice in all llic Couils of the State. Piompt at tent ion pi veil to all huine.s eut.ii-ted to his caie. OlUce on the eat tide Juniata Avenue. July 1 7 GeDrW. Sheppard, GOVKKX.MEXT nnh tkttmmi, 1ILOOMINGTON, NKB. E. S.ZAL27, Axt. B.MI.U.K. Lan.l. C. W. SALS7, Notary Public. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, A1TD 32AL SSTATE ACffiKTS. Will practice in all the Courts in this State and Northern Kansas. Colections piomptly attended to and Correspondence solicited. Red Cloud, Xihrasha. M. L. TioiTias5 T.EAL ESTATE AGS2TT. Wi'l sell Iteil Kstnto and Personal property on roiiiiui.ion. ddy-Ofiicc at Cu ii:f OiTi('c,-a RED CLOUD - - - - NKBilASKA. N. RICHARDSON, J. A. TULLEYS Richardson & Tuiteys, E3AL ESTATE k CGL'CTJNG AGENTS Will buy ami soil Ho.il Et ite on Cominia- ioh. anil iay tuvos for non-rc-nilcnt. Si-pi:il :iUnt.oii i;ivci) toeollections. Cor respondence olicitcd. A 1 Irltcrrof innuiry, oron bu&ine;s piomp-ly niiMWrcd. RKD CLOUD, NEB. PH YSICIANS. 83EA3&S3S5BEB jjIjgrjicianB ; and Surncons. All medical calls promptly attended to at all hours. frSrOfiiee in City Drug Store. 45-27 Bed Cloud, ITefcrasla. X. W. TULLEIS, HO.V1CEOPATHIC PHYSICIAn U. S. Pension Surgeon. Office two doors south of the Court House. BED CLOUD - - X532ASSA. mm, L2 Physician and Surgeon. ST Particular attention given to diseases rEciTLiAii to Females. J OSes and Seddsrcs Eve ailes east of BeaCiozd. Near ElaCreeillilis. WEBSTJSIt Co. NEB. 3G-tii4 Red Cloud Mill's! W3 arC prepared tO dO CUS- tome work. FiOUr peetl antl.fo andefnouse to auvbodv. ex- Corn Mal for Sale. Satisfaction gu arantecd in quality of flour SOLD, and custom WORK, farmers hoold be particular to secure the best of scedwheat. Potter & Frisbi6! ISDITORI A.L. ----- - - - The population of GaKe county, ac - eo,diug to the h crnsu-i, 6,370. "".""""""""""" The ccniu.- for H77, pivci county a population of 2, 113. II arlan - A etieeial e.sion of Consrreas has , - .. been determined upon by the Cabinet to assemble on the I th ol October. KusMa believe" that in the event of a ccneral vrar America would side with her and attack Kntrland." . Mre. Sarloris ha another baby, and ;,-..- lit i . owing to tne eeosrannicai siiTiition or- , , - . . -Knpland sccrns a good deal clojer to a ' i And he wj nj:i. .... .. i it.. : i i'...i... i?...:. : .t, i il, . .n...,i.n i n . i Kr C. . . t i ! l .. Juster county, whtcli will be orpan- i?cd about June 1st, hes immediately san .-...I. ... tm iili rT iliij mntiili and take an excursion to the Hocky Mountains. General Crook has returned to Omaha, after a year s abence on the fionlHT. He thinks thc worst is over, and he is hopeful for the future. U e truly hope this one Indian report may be true. T. - ,1 , . n r ..- 1 , i: It is thought in well informed poht- 1 .. . 1, ) , 11 . t ;I nirflpq flint I'rosiilfnt IIaviv- h:i IC, made a mistake in calling an extra se3- MonofconfrrcjdinJitnp. when many of the republicans a.e dissatisfied with thosnu.heinpuhcy, and before t,e - "-.'-. . .w. " -.- liciiple have had time to look upon his eonciliatoiy measures with favor, or to sje its practical working. B. F. Allen, the distinguished Iowa hanker, is not out of tlie meshes of the law. Recent discoveries by a govern ment apent, in Chicapo, will uive him not a little nouble, and he may yet Had quarter.-, in some state's prison. Manv lowans will not shed tear.-, should such be the result.--Washington (Iswa) Gaulle. The Omah'i. Ilrrald says one of the - ., . most potent agencies fur thc ultimate ... . .... , extinction of the almighty and ever lasting grasshopper will be the fores s that the people are now planting in this State. Tiecs retain and prccipi tate moisture, and in this way increase rainfall. Grasshoppers do not Infest timbered countries, aud always like to get away "out of the wet." Moral : PLnt trees. Hon. J. S. Mclnlyre, of Hastings, has been accused of living to instigate riot and blood-he i on the occasion of the leeent county seat fyjht in Adams j county. We confess th.tt U.o'igh we I may not -hilcli with .Mr. .Melntyre , gentleman, whom, in our opinion, would be wholly incapable of stooping 10 the acts of meanness which is laid at his door. The president of the board of public paiks of New York City, has written to Governor Garber, in answer to his aui'lieuiion for Eneiish fparrows with which to stock Nebraska, that he will be furnished with fifty or one hundred il the Governor wants to receive so small a number; that they have not f 1 1 ,1 rI t yet exeeedel their u.efulnesi m ew ' York- tha for food thev nrt'fur pe,! xorK, tua. ior ioou tuc prtur SClOs, and grains t and that while thev iui"ht . b V -iiu mai wiinc iu c.- iui0m, destroy the eges and young insects, he does not think they would attack a full grown giasshopper. Hemdon's herd of tame buffalo cows on thc South" Platte, numbering twenty-two, have given birth since March 17th. to eighteen calves, not one of which has died, ojcavoits though it wanted to. Some tchvcse and butter manufacture the product of this herd, and put upon the Sidney market, compares favora bly with the Orange and Genesee couuty, New York, manufacture. A stock dairyman from Peoria, HI., is in Sidney and negotiated for a portion of the herd to take home with him. The Smith couuty (Kan.) Pioneer is whooping it uo to the Proarcz of Kirwin, for publishing contest notices that the Pioneer claims justly belongs j to it. Contest notices s ould always be published in the paper having the largest circulation in the couuty where the parties most interested reside and where the land is situated, otherwise to the printer who publishes them. Such notice is unlawful, null and void, and to the litigants themselves i i.i. . .- .i i i it is a iniuu, ueiusion ana a snare. J Parties who have such business Iv.torA the Bloomington land office plea-e , ... . , , . . jbeanhisin mind, and insist upon j your rights. Arid if you have not a hwful notice, then compel the land offiM mcn to Jo thcir work over asaia' norm 01 i'aWhOII, exiciiutng to iu , i iiu svu;iiu.ii pari u. ifcuui is jli- imuiiuuuh: m.iiuu iii; '"-'1 "' t kf IV 1 Vji1JJ5LJ north bound.uy of the State, ! haps the chief sraiii pruJucin.? .section replied, 'if he p.;-Shlr' we clerks - of Europe. Tlii- portion ..f H.. "e "T-.hr.. -Kx. - Pani'V. slaille cloth . ,r 1 V . .1. . 'L. .1 . f I.. I. : ...;,.!.,;.. W,l ..IN I ,. Nhl.l. ' -ho' . "VKW. The Editorial Association of Ivan- open- on the Black sea. The Black Thev have nuite a lively war over will Hold a meetinir at i,ea en- a, which more reaemblc-H a lake than th ll.iaor lius.. ordinal, down in m "' I piditieally,. wt are not prepared to .sehuen, and are more or less dis.-atis-, Tas Cheapest, lurs: ani 3e:t saoilj , ci edit these stalements, as in private J ficU I S.'rvia, Montenegro and Her-! D .fjf ViiLtion3 Jaun.lice , life we have always found him to be a J zeirovina thev have been strut? jlinir Pilhom MbickTsick HeTjarh"'. C-illel' Dc- I The Russian War. i !.. .. ..l.. r tU t.iv.1 in , f Lurop, h no. the all ab.orbmz topic 'nr;,ii.r..n in fh nnir.rnruVJ. thp :"""""" ..w.. r-K-. , - . Hreet.-, aud in the atorfcs. IbaiSlOJpIe !.. t fact that the price of wheat has been r.r,iv i-.Up.1 tn l.f..r rr huLel and .. ... ..... , , j.- tiatof Qour t0 t -j per hunoVcd, in , . q wa ia,lrateil hor strongly the projjre&a may affect the prosperity of the proJuccra 'of tbb country, ereu in Nebrx-ka. The oiiiiu of the war h dombde. i . , - , ,. , .j'. ikUMJi auu luikiv. nu.-.-u ia mo, newest of the European ttates. I '. One of the lady clerks in the Trite I ,...., nor wenartiuent has tenetrated a ' i i . . t j power extent and wealth the already vies with the stronset and the oldest. i- :..i I....C. ...ii .. r....i. .. : , cultural wealth of Husaia. Constauti-! uople situated at the outlet of the 1 lick sea i the chief city of the an - i-..i ,...,;.. nff!i.r;..;r. K..r..., .S j , w j . diff t 1.1V.. y.i(vu.vo . v... .-.-.. ""'"l I . , , . 1 ttinr'.riorJ r-iKlnnic l'ic rrn'A nmi n. ... ,. . , ., ligiou from all the other European na- tiona. v tlm I,..tf,.r..s nf il.i.-m.v must the whole foreign commerce of 'southern Russia tjas.. The red obiec ' . Oi iius:a must he either to ob ait ect in . I , Potion 01 tins p.aee to ,o weaicca i Bod d,IUIBIsh lurkfl,t the latter u,ay liever prove a & . or to wret the ijovernment of 'lurkey ,ruiu u,u "-imen aim comer u up- on some christian power. The Grst object would certainly bethe most de sirable to liu-sia. But the attainment of it would probably be impossible, and the attempt even would involve Europe in the greatest war of the cen tury. The two latter purposes seem U1 feasible aud more in harmony Wl,n c Ostensible rea-ons which the Czar assiens lor the war. lhecondi tion of Turkey seems to invite inter- fi'irnrifH lit' Itiutci I rP 1 1 ,. , I urkey is an extensive and powerful. , , . . u . Jookinij country on a map. But in 1 . ,. , 'act is or.e of the weaKest nations or 1,1 in 1 . rm 1 i'iiiiupe. 111 tnat puriion 01 lurKcy, ,. , as it apnears in our geographies, north . ,. p. , -11 of the Danube, is an independent . provmce recoguizmg no allegiance to , , , , '. ., l urkei', and apparently ready to side with Kus.-ia in the coming contest. The people of Roumauia are of thc j same religion with the Russians, and in closer sympathy with them than with the Turks. Thc belt between the . Danube and the Balkan Mountains, 1 eonsVing of the centre of Turkey comnrNes the provinces of Bulgaria. uosnh, Herzegovina, Serviaand Mon- ,cr,egro. In thc four latter provi ces, ,,e Christians out-number the Mus- 1 1 n 1 1 1 . with the lurks during thc past year. 'Pi... m.: .: r.i. : , . imlm3u.unu.luCTi.1u1i1;(Mu less the Same religion and form of worship that the Rns-iaus do. They were encouraged last year in their in- . " ,, , , surrcetions by Klissia, Who perhaps ..nr lir iiiinnrhmiiv 1 11 nrPMn ruiiniior saw her opportunitj to erect a numoer of independent Christian provinces ' -.1 .u 1-. a .:,, ri.. n. within the boundaries of her old ene- tiiv nu.l .vnntii!il!v to tilnr'iithiiPnntrnl " J ul" fnr..tn?itinnnli in thft nownr of , ... , . ... . fnflS lllnrO nn.'irlV alllOll tO lier.-Ctr. n. , ,:. :....,,; ,nJ .llwl Ihese various insurrections called h ; f of the European ,., ,. , .., i. ,. . wrft TPnrLifiCntGd in the i i r jr., (Jonst:rUnonle conference, and after . .i..i:u-.,f:rtr -,,,.,-. wn.l l UJ4UUU ueiiwiauuu nw-muinw w the Porte the adoption of certain re- . , , . forms in his treatment ot the Lhnst- lans, with which Rusia profes-ed her self satisfied. The Porte, however, refused to abide by the Conference, and the Czar on the 23J of April, do the Gran Asiatic Turkey for its field, the other aud more important uuder the Graud Duke Nicholas assaulting Turkey in Europe. So far there have been nnrmnamantc Tn ?ifr ,. f . . , , . . . niied with rumors or patties in Asiatic Turkev near Batoum. But nothing I 'authentic has been ascertained save ti at the Russians are steadily and surely advancing to Kars, the strong- hold of Eastern Turkey. In European Turkey the Russians have succeeded I in urassiug their forces on the north ern bank of the Danube, which stream they will probably cross without great difficulty, and force the Turks to tho .i i . r i ,; A.rant, mountains, the last of their defence, ThAnnn tW mnvhet tken bv the other European powers in the matter is at present wholly speculative. whioh now displays any anxiety. The Conservative party appears sufficiently . ,. , ,, - , , - -.v.?u indisposed to UUSSta d deSlgBS u Alia tdai;AnI narrc nnHpr Gladstone tneliioerai party uuaer waastocc, advocates non-interference. The peo- ple have held mcetinss in several of i : .. ip...i .i ,u ' lurobbin lleadaeue. it l the oa-tmcaicme ciarcuwar aga.usi iui, "": the worla ever ,aw. We have incd forty 3lll ..... ' i:...l- ... r.tli.. ...n.j; !i.r. C!mr.'ir .' Virtr Krr. ,. i ivussian troops were imiucuiaieiy set . .vu...i ...--.. ...... Ot the v-"' v .... .alitor, but none of them jravo usmoiothan 1(1 hV I 1 r?ii.vwl Iiu nnrfti its 'In TV! im t n rm d Uuke .Michael haviog ilcic -. iWI4r VU w m. v -V . ' the prominent cittiwof Britai atfi ea- dorJ Gbhiotc. It i protiU that uol.. Ku.ii pecV zccefa to bor wrritory. the two wtic- iil U J Uhw for our . ' I'.ti.-i. ; iI tiffm.M fh U.t rhlii Vflli.r a ,,ic. . s--l ... - . .w-..- i nf Iori2nimI.rtan towor exix-Hed ftuia (Jh i-tian Kurop, and the turban and j the -cimetar relegated to their uitive t,aunti'' l& fc " -ri; J" froa the He publican Valley vterdaj. lie re-, Purl lu valIt'' ooe W3vI2 whl field, with the mo.l contented farmers ou thc faw of thc filbe. State Jour- ...nal. Jiur icpaiiiuciii nas irurwvuaifu n .. ' '....., ..r .... Secretary Being told thit iho tnu.-t I i Tie il:rmss Prepirisg fcr Tar. ! . " LvioitK, May .. - Herald speciil from Salt Lake City Pay the indignation aroused throughout the 1 country by the te.-liinony at duo. 1). ee s inai, relative 10 wie .Mountain ! I t XI Ioa,1w iua3.-acre ha3 led Mormons to I apprcneuu wie arieat 01 iripuam YouriR and others accused of sanction ing the commi-siou of the crime. The Saints have determined to re-ist anv movement against YounR by Federal authorities, and they are secretly arm inland drilling throughout Utah. The Herald further says that order have been privately issued by the funou Nauvoo Legion, lequiring that the or ganisation be in readinc-s Ibr action on the 'Jl.-t. The order 13 signed by Col. Wui. II. Dome, commander, one of the chief men indicted for partici pation in the massacre. Preparations for hostilities are particularly active among Southern settlement'', to which four boxes of breech-loading rifles were shipped Ktit week. Night meet- nignand urills ofxpiads of Mormons . . , . , . . are going on 111 aalt Lake. It is re- , f ... ,. I'unuu uiui suiuu ui uiuiu niuveuuiiiK , ,...., . I are conducted within inclosurcs in the . ,. ... r . ,.. ,, 1 imuiedrtte vicinity of the Aion IJouse , , . , ., . "There Bngham resides. Brigham ,, , , r. . 4 .. ., 1 loung boldly asserts that the Mor- 111 1 1 mons who have been driven so olten , ... , . . , 11m ou tar villi uu uuvcu iiu iuult. 1 rtss. 1 1 Snsi ereil LWiXVX U,,io, "uff"". rSJUJXiAVVjfcJitvictiiii of Fever apepil 3. ks cnrial ihiieaee p.a-j tient how they re ovcreJ health. cheerful r iril" .V 2oiIutpc.i e ihev 1 mil tell von iv t knt sImmox's LlVKKLC(.l'LlOC. predion 01 spinu, lour siuiuucn, iichh burn. Ac. A -. . This uurivnl'd Southern Uetneriy iwar- ' rantcl not to contain a single panicle of Mercury, or anv usurious mineral suhsiancc ,s PURILY VEGETABLE. con-uininj: thoe Southern ItooUaml Ilcrbc. uhtiliaii Iivti 1'roviilcn o hu plctil in ,-ou.i.riu where Liver Dijeaj-e, most pretvil. 1 'H cuicall Diseases ciu-wl by Do-ange- UK.Ul,(lUhc i,lTeranl bowels, 'Hie Sjmptowa of Liver Complaint.are biiter or bal taaie in theinoiith: i'ainin the liac gjiior J.au. often uUukcu for Ktieomatum ; sour stomach; Lo3 ot Ap- vctitc: Koarel alternatt-Iy cotn tire and zx: Headache: Lo'i ot uicmory. with a ntiuful sensation of hiving faile 1 to do Motuethin; Iih nnrlu In Inrn Iionilnno- itnliilitr Itir spiri". a ..hick yellow appearance of thekin ar.d eyes, u dry oouSh olt n laUtaVeu for Coosuuip.ion. Soinetitncd many of thee symptom? attend the dite.ue. at others very few: but the Liv- cr thelarsetorauiuthe body, i? generally the scat of thodi;cae,a d if not Re;ula ed in time, KrcatftU tiering, wreicutuneis ana Death will ensue. , 1 can recommend s an efficacious remedy fordircucof the Liver, Hear:burn and Uy.- ' pep.a,aiMuos'uvKK bccclator. Lewis G. V under, 1625 Master Street. AssiJitJJit Tost ilaMer. Pfailadelpbi. "We i,.irelesicdit3 virtues. PCHOKaIly.nd know thai for Dyjpep-ia. Lihou'nc. s.a-1 user. Mason. (J.i. z.anufaclur d only br J. E. S22JH k CO.. 2IACOX, (.A., and PHILADELPHIA. It contains fur medical cleraenu. never united in the nunc happy projortion in any other preparation, vn: a ten tic uatnarttc. a i dei in rue, that it U now regarded as the E1T&STHAL SPECIFIC. For all diicoica of the Liver. Stomach and ftpleen. As a Keuiciy in MALARIOUS, FEVERS, BOWEL COM J plaints, DYSPEPSIA, MENTAL DE- tression, restlessness, jaundice, NAUSEA, SICK HEADACHE, COLIC, CONSTITUTION and BILIOUSNESS rrilA&NOEQGAL. GAUTION, At there are a number of imitation! offered to the pablie. we would caatioc the comma city to bur nopowdersorpreparedSimmaos' I Liver Regulator. aalc?a tn oor enjrravea wr-nt,. with the trade mark, tuup and t iaatre uabrukea, Kone other is Bccuxae. J. 2 SS2in?C0., Xacoa. Ga.. acd Philadelphia, roar valuable medicine Simtaoas' Utt ..l.n W- va.I v.. fann rnfCP rillLil j JVJhSS7uS "hSrSSIht ciic ad Grabb. with y mui&.jki hoc 'emejr them about halt botUet time. I . iTe BotIost one that I gave it to. yus exs i" orameed it to every one tht oaJock m . . Uje best meJ-K-me known for all wm- 'jjjjf b keir - is-lr -Axeatfor6ranserfofGeoria- -- - -.- . - ri w Jxssr nd mnnrlmi wonaenui tonic, an nncxeepnonaoie Aiier 00 important , at- and cer.ain c-rective of all impurities t 1i-vp Fwxin ofthebodv. such fiscal accej has attea- s, sy .,.,-. ,-k ,.,-.., IlAiTI.mS NtK. lias the larseJt tjl of C,txl veal ' of Lincoln on hand, and bia win on recelvod My tool con.it of a specialty ; a'o a well aortel Mock ' 0f Notions of all LIihN el,e..p I I-&e nlso a larce stock of Clothing vr) low u price, splendid value. suK rs on a rnit8 of all kinds. My stock of GKOCKHIKS. CROCKKRY and Glassware are all complete, and will be sold very cheap for cash. Call and exuuino my stock of BOOTS, SHOES, Hats, Caps, and all kinds of Furii'shing Goods will be sold at very low prices. Call and got prices and be convinced that this is the place to trade. 17 9m C. CAMKKON. I wi'l xn M 'Fl',) tbc icc-p for prcoarin a iiiiii Vc-.c 'ilo Liiltn lUiu will remote 1 Tn. t'iccVIr' I'itnoletrn! II'oc'ie, le. r-,Ci-,. i.i. .boi-i '. ci'f i"fil i' it : ii., AMv tne rrcor- :..,..,...,. r... ..,.,,.., i.,t.,. :t face N v"l tO Tt. 1, ,,rii irun 1 !i 'ii lii-iiil iir 1. niof.. ). A irr Ken. Vnoileir A t-.. Uox ..! 00 .er si.. . 1. - THE NEW OIE WiS i.7TXZiZZ 1KB "I'D ctrp PEEMIDM ! thn ntcnr.l-l Tx' .r'or., I'TK. arvl fca9 tlwajici . tTt l...jhctbubor wlitrcv tr C o.UjL a crva:7, r7??Z.r. TiTjTtAm.K. OlU. i.J'111-tT "i.iiir' tccK ITC1: - V N" K. , u M Z.D to the vrjisizstr Lvj.i.vuoav. ic hOMK SEWf :f C !fl ".C"! : ? E va r.:ircl"i dxM carj'rsiceLytcri of thc rcr i.'.ventivc .lntsalrrt in.c-t fcUli. ItO'KBisu r:i Hm zz -it-Hi :'-. ts f 7 T rL" -iKIX'tHe-. H7Z12- J 7: Ii CONS! RfCIlON, zV km r.kZLiiH i.n r x-nrxj- i ard L'tautr, 3ntaiai' 3f-l 'rn P:" -l ,JC pW, cfiX.INu z. tri.trr f m-cJ lYirkxzr.hrtxt ew.na Mc .iic:. Jt Tlltn U rrtizi ..ntlntcr-if- Z C""?'" ,: txvxx. a thfi HatjKf ct. -j alui.i ilAtLINKtiw Very Z.lrrZ 1 .-frlalo are DellD. The vTEAKJ.r JU si n-Q HAHDNED, sdthcMccbca'sx L-3 Lcra oo rrX?CTi-X vrlib the tprdul r:'te of rroducino a "Sty Bcsslrs, DtTt.VELE, aaJ aiftt NOISELESS 31 ACIilNK, adapted QCa LtT Stt. far Cmim or fla TirtK.n. COT ro:sSILor JLINi::, PKW1.ST. trcsx tix I irjUtrzl Mumfin U Tarrr Ctf h Asri leather. Bach ConfldoncoI'FELT n the INTHINSIC MEH11S of ht HOM SEWIHo MACHINE Ut every MAClilNE is IwHt v7arranfod for live Years. LITE AGENTS rrnle-I in lodTrici -wiere -c sre aln prcrcst-l. ?cr J fcr prcr, a. 1 sample of vrk dos en the UOjIZ, vr aZ zl zaj of ocr oSces. Jchsssh, GlfiRK ft Go., JO TJziat ZftMlt, JtvTsrk. SCi T a-HrVn Eset, Zeitac, Xau. 2121 tcszi Are., Rsuicrgi, fa. 242 EUto Stn'ii, Ctiea ?. ID. &v. a th Street, St. Li. M. A.- ?i5r A A Vrjtm, J It in ISM ifie ?..HRnmslo. lti9ERTO,Y. Trr tW i,,. ,,1 ia7Rrt?, I'HOirK FAMILY MK! ICINKS IWINTS. OILS. OI.VNS. IMTTY, rUUHl. iHKjt. STATION A K V, fcd m fl -rwjtLltf tm W ftl Sm-Hw Dru; Houk Wo .lral !rrJr n DRY IH1US. isll WtA ilLOr. .VO TfONS. Id rilr - RUUTS.SI!U$ o4 ilAUtnVAU II 1 VhUs tvi KfKS a ptky. "Quick Salei 4. Wjxv - OJ,.Hba3tUllU, CaM and exammr nr fvJ xJ Jt, aa-1 W rnKf4 mf Uf OH AS. R. JONKS, Juniata. IVTcbrasUa. DRY GOODS. NOTIONS. ..ATS CAPC Tinware. Quccnsware. I GROCERIES AND provisions. HigheKt CuhIi Irlrr BLACKSMITH SHOP. HAPJiPTON Sl RALSTON. Th.' tlrderi'fii 1..4v!fi. tnoVd L 1 14 tr nrw ijjop on ll.r rttl side nf Vbt'r Street nr now pe,''td .o do nil. fiijik in thir lit on hoft nottew anil good s yl. All Work Warranted to Glvo Sctfkfiction. ErVti tender otrr thanks to ih public for pat patrouaje tnj ectfuHy solicit a continuance of the miiik. rcapec IIAM1TOX k Red CIoimI, J. G. Potter has just ruacivod s 1 fx$ (nn& an& Ever brought to the Valley. and priccca. -T. G. tfflorff&rjii & trWa-of, CHEAP CASH STORE S'hoIcs!alc and BcUil Dclrr in DRY GOODS. HATS, CAPS AND NOTIONS. Groceries, Flour & ProvNionw. WOOD. WILLOW, GLASS AND QIiKENSWAHK. WE WILL SOT RE C'XDEKSOUh CALL AXD SEE US! North of Hsufc, I" 3m flAKTf5J( SrAKA. HARDWARE VTttltt. IL iTIIL.i ifc JtOnilA KT JPrmpmm We keep on hand at all times a large and cothpkre?tok f Sti.VM, Tib, and Hardware. WE AWO Keep a Supply QfTriltzImpltmrntm. JfirGive us a call, as we leel are we ran tail yt, ni at igmttm m low at aa; other firai ia the VcaLS Bei iber tke place, 1 door aorta .yi:ii Small Profits V9 "PllJ w, I'nitl fr rnlM. AND Y'AGON Prop, RALSTON, r27 Nefc. ".w the Guc orthirril ol wmu$r 5 m $mhmm$. Give hirn cIJ nd rn ir $ f, 4 Potter, Red Clcud. Kebraska. of the VntUtmg Red Cloud Neb. . V'l IJ fv - ' "" '"!MtMiJM kpLICl ii nii nfiur --Sk "itii-',f?!!