The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 19, 1877, Image 4

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    jC-W '2"T'"V - '
So of tfce Violet
Perhaps the violet hai bad more
poems written about her than any flower
except the rose. How can we help say
ing her" of Uiis lowly, sweet-breathed
child of thejneadow and road-side?
The air begins to be as sweet as if the
breezes of another world were blown
through ours, when the violets unfold.
This, too, was noticed long ago. Shales
peare speaks of
" The sweet south,
That breathes upon a bank at violets,
Stealing and giving odor."
Barry Cornwall says this lovely thing
about the violet:
" She comes, the first, the fairest tiling
That heaven upon the earth doth fling,
Ere winter's star has sett
She dwells behind her leafy screen,
And gives as angels give, unseen
The violet."
Lucy Lorcom,in St. Nicolas.
Pre-Hirtorfc America.
Extraordinary ArelitroTocleal Discover- Id
StiMnrJ Wonders or the Lowlands ot
the MlMlMfppl.
In Stoddard County, Mo strange arch
irologfcal discoveries have been made
and unique relics of a forgotten race
exhumed. I have written to the World
already of inscriptions on a tablet of
stone inserted in the inner wall of a
ruined temple in Guanajuato. The wri
ting is in the same characters, if my
memory be not grevlously at fault, as
those used by the sun-worshippers of
the old temple of stone in "Western Mex
ico. The tablet exhumed in Stoddard
county is of glazed terracotta, and is
almost as perfect as when deposited in
the mound from which it was taken a
few days ago. It is 10J inches wide
and thirteen inches long, and covered
with characters clearly cut, bearing a
suggestive resemblance to Sanscrit let
ters. On both Rides of the tablet appear
these unique hieroglyphs. The tracing
was evidently executed when the clay
was yet soft and thin; it was dried,
hardened, and glazed. The whole ap
pearance of this undeciphered leaf from
the Continent's remotest history has
many characteristics of the library tab
lets of the Assyrian King Assur-bani-pal
recently dug from the mounds of
Nineveh, and when I remember how
near the likeness is to the inscriptions
in the old Mexican temple, I am per
suaded that some explorer will yet have
photographs made of all these draw
ings and of that discovered on a stone
not far from Tuscaloosa, Ala and, com
paring the strange records of the un
known races, ascertain their origin, and
determine perhaps the vexed question
of unity. The characters on this Mis
souri tablet are arranged in regular
lines or rows and are clear and" distinct
in outline. A key to solve the myste
ries involved in these two "pages" of
pre-histeric lore would be an "open ses
ame" to the profoundest mystery that
affects the fortunes of the human race.
Is there no Champollion to make stones
eloquent, dead centuries loquacious, and
to invest mummies with habiliments of
ancient life? Were the Mound-builders
of the valley of the Mississippi of
the same race with those who reared
temples at Chichen and Copan and Oto
lum and Palenque? Were the bearded
Natchez Indians the descendants, as they
claimed, of this race, whose power was
coterminous with the two oceans and
extended, as their raconteurs told the
followers of Bienville and La Salle,
even to Africa?
They said that when the continent
was convulsed, as never before or since,
their broadest; richest domain east of
Florida and South America was sub
merged and the West was" upheaved.
The French forefathers of the writer
of this said further that the Natchez
Indians were never beaten until their
priests were made drunk, and sacred
fires that burned perennially on the
great mound below Natchez were suf
fered to become extinct. When this
cataclysm befell the the hapless race no
further serious resistance was encoun
tered by the French invaders. The
Natchez were destroyed or dispersed,
and this was the end of the latest and'
very remote descendants of the Mound
builders that left traces of their toil
everywhere, from the great lakes to
the Gulf, in the valley of the Mississip
pi. Whether the writer of the strange
glyphs on the Stoddard County stone
was of the Colhuas of Toltecs, or a wan
derer from the Orient, a voyager with
Hanno or some 'Phoenician who passed
beyond the Pillars of Hercules to re
turn no morethese are inquiries to be
solved by him who translates the story
inscribed on this tablet and on that in
the old temple of Guanajuato. If Con
gress should appoint a commission to
survey the lowlands of the Mississippi
not only with reference to the possibil
ity of controlling its floods, much might
be done in the way of exploring the
hidden mysteries of the swamps, once
the seat of this unique and ancient civ
ilization. The Stoddard County tablet has been
forwarded to the learned Orientalist of
Harvard University. Though the sim
ilarity between the characters employed
by the Mound-builders and the Sanscrit
letters" is striking, it is perhaps only
fanciful, and a careful analysis of the
structural forms of these glyphs may
reveal no likeness whatever to an al
phabetic language. In fact, the in
scription may be wholly idiographic,
and the language employed by the
writer may not have been developed
into lexicographic unity. If this be
true, speculative archaeologists may
again infer that this was the oldest of
inhabited continents and the seat of the
earliest civilization of our race. Aus
tin, Texas, Cor. V. T. World.
The Maaif ctmreof the Ottar of Roses
Luxurious Babylon is the first people
mentioned in history as having prac
ticed by a process unknown to the
Greeks or Romans, the extraction of the
frjsfrant essence of the rose. Dear down
to the present day is this essence to the
Southern Asiatic. The large quantity
produced at Gazeepoor, on the Ganges,
is entirely consumed in Asia. Penl
produces rose water, but no ottar; as
regards Egypt, its production is scarcely
equal to the demand of its market
While, therefore, all the ottar and rose
water produced in India. Persia, and
Egypt are consumed in the East, the
large quantity of ottar required by the
European and American perfumers is
supplied by the district of Philippopolis
in Bulgaria. The whole of the hilly
northern parts of this district, from Za
ghra to Aorat-Alyn, is studded with
rose fields, the greatest number of which
are found around Z:tzanlyk. Moltke, in
his "Travels in Turkey," calls it "the
Kashmeerof Europe, the Turkish Gutia
tan, the land of roses."
The beauty of this valley will be best
understood from the fact that out of the
350,000 metricals six metricals, one
ounce avoirdupois which constitute
the average annual yield of ottar, and
which represents a value of 0O.OCO H3.
Turkish, more than one-half is pro
duced by it Tfie area required for this
production may ')e imagined when it is
known that 300 ounces of rose petals
produce ten ounces of ottar. The vari
ety of roses cultivated for this punose
Rosa damascena, sempervireus, and
moscliata thrives beat on sandy, sunny
ridges. The planting of the rose trees
takes place in the spring or autumn,
and the crop is ready in May or the
beginning of June. As a rule, every
peasant in the ottar-producing district
is more or less of a rose cultivator, and
he is generally distiller too, unless he
chooses to sell his roses to the large
producers at the price of 30 to 00 paras
per ounce d to Id per pound. The
distilling has to go through two pro
cesses; first the rose petals with pure
fountain water are put into the retcit
and distilled; then the liquid thus ob
tained is mixed with the petals which
have undergone the first distillation;
the mixture is distilled in a water-bath
and pure rose-water is obtained. The
rose-water is collected in medium-sized
glass bottles and allowed to cool down.
During the cooling process the ottar
contained in the rose-water, being of a
lighter specific gravity, rises to the necks
of the bottles, from where it is taken
out by means of a funnel-shaped spoon,
and poured into small flagons. The
quality of ottar thus obtained depends
entirely upon the soil upon which the
roses were grown and on the weather
they had experienced. Moderately dry
and sunny weather is generally most
favorable for the quality of the ottar,
which, if obtained in the hilly parts of
the district, is much stronger than if
produced in the plain. Good qualities,
however, are seldom sent pure into the
Western markets. Exporters complain
that the perfumers in the West never
pay the price of the best qualities if it
is offered to them unmixed. For this
reason superior qualities are generally
mixed with inferior, while both are
often adulterated with the oil of gera
nium. Philadelphia Press.
A Romance.
Rochester, Minn., has a romance. The
story is that a young Bostonian, named
Charlton Stanton, went to Minnesota
for his health in 1870, and at Rochester
met loved, and became engaged to Mary
Phillips, a worthy girl. Unfortunately,
however, Stanton was thrown from a
sleigh a few months after, and fatally
hurt by the discharge of a revolver in
his pocket His mother, then visiting at
Chicago, reached him in season to see
him die, and then returned to Boston.
The poor girl heard no more till last
summer, when she received a letter
from Mrs. Stanton saying that her dy
ing boy made her promise that $5,000,
half of his estate, should be givento
Miss Phillips; the mother had post
poned the fulfillment of her promise,
but was not content; her only remain
ing son had just died, and she assured
the girl that she should soon have her
money. Months passed, till, about
Thanksgiving time, another letter from
Mrs. Stanton begged the girl to come to
Boston, for she was ill. Miss Phillips
went and was taken to a luxurious
home, not too soon, however, for Mrs.
Stanton died that night But she ap
pears not to have forgotten her pledge,
for within a few days Miss Phillips has
received, at her home, $8,000, the amount
due from her lover's estate, with the
news that Mrs. Stanton had willed her
$335,000. Springfield, Mass Republi
can. The following story of a little boy,
son of a Professor in a college, is told
by a correspondent who writes that the
little fellow, who had been trained for
some time past to remove his hat when
he went into a house, came in one day
and, in the presence of his older sister,
who was seated in the room as just re
turned from a walk, said to his mother,
"Mother I want to die." "Why do you
wish to die, Robbie?" "Because I want
to go up and see God a little while."
"Why do you wish to see Him?" my
son ?" "Because I want to see if I can't
be changed into a girl so I can wear my
hat in the house.
Love is a flame which burns in heave n
and whose soft reflections radiate on us.
Tke Ctavpel ef Merit.
Where there is so much rivalry as ia the
manufacture of familv medicines, he who
would succeed must give positive and convinc
ing proof of merit. This is an age of inquirv.
People take nothing for granted. Thev must
know the "whys" and "wherefores" before ac
knowledging the superiority of one article
oyer another. Among the few preparations
pt hare stood the test, those manufactured
- Fte" M- D., of the World's Dispen
sary, Buffalo. . Y., have for many rears been
foremost. The troth of anv statement made
concerning them can be easily ascertained, for
Sr;jag?I? $ Rneay and Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Diar-nrprr- n n- -
V manv DhT&icians in mrimr nhc;n. ......
of Catarrh "and incipient Consumption. The
DIscoyerT has no equal in curing Coughs, Colds,
Bronchial and mH Wrmnc Tr.i - t. ?
5 J1 ?r,riution of the mucous membrane,
aids digestion, and when used with Dr. Pierce's
Yleff Puitive Pellets readily overcomes
torpid liver and Consumption, while the Favor
ite Prescription has no rival in the field of pre
pared medicine in curing diseases peculiar to
female. If you wish to "know thyself' pro
cure a copy of "The People' Common Sense
Medical Adviser," an illustrated book of nearlv
1000 paew, adapted to the waaU of everybody.
Price fLSO, postage prepaid. Addrwe the
author, R. Y. Pkrce, Buffalo, KeY.-
Jennie June is going abroad.
Miss Emma Abbott is the wife of one
Eugenie, ex-Em press of the French,
still preserves the youthful beauty of
her ey, brow, and expression.
Postmaster General Key has thirteen
children. A bunch of kejs that may fit
somewhere in Cabinet-making.
Longfellow possesses a bit of Dante's
ccflin, and a cane made from the spar of
the ship on which the "Star Spangled
Banner" wai written.
President Julius II. fceelye, Amherst
College, has donated all of his salary
while a representative in Congress
from Massachusetts, to the town ot
Amherst, to be expended in laying side
walks throughout the village.
By a singular coincidence, a letter
written by John D. Lee since his con
viction and addressed to one of his
wives reached the dead-letter office In
Washington on the day and near the
hour of his execution.
Probably the oldest lawyer in the
world is Elbert Herring. He was bom
on the 8th of July, 1777, at Stratford,
Conn. He was admitted to the bar in
December, 1799, and made a Judge in
180.'. He was the first Register in the
State of New York. It was in his of
fice that Charles O'Conor studied law.
Ttie death of the Morman Bishop.
Lee, is called a judgment after twenty
years. Ileal ly, it was only a deferred
payment, for the stone cross above the
bones of Uie massacred at Mountain
Meadow said: "Vengeance is mine,
saith the Lord, and I will repay."
Queen Victoria's health is so bad that
she can not endure the heated atmos
phere of crowded rooms or the fatigue
of prolonged ceremonials. The pros
tration which they induce is such as
many persons suffer on sea voyages,
and the discharge of her enormous po
litical and official duties taxes her
strength to the utmost.
A young woman recently established
a real estate agency in Chicago, and
netted $500 the first month. On the
same street is the office of Miss Ellen
Culver, for eight years the Chicago
manager of the large real estate busi
ness done by the Baltimore millionaire,
Mr. Hull. Miss Culver has 300 tenants
in charge, and collects her rents very
Mrs. L. Harrison, of Peoria, 111., has
an apiary, which in four years has
grown from two to forty colonies of
bees, besides selling swarms as she had
opportunity. She does all the work in
cident to the business herself, and says
she has proved by her experience that
"any woman who has a suitable locality,
observation, perseverance, and patience
can succeed in this business."
Jeanette M. Kobinson, of Chicago,
who asserted that, for seven years, pa
ralysis prevented her from uttering a
word, and that in an instant, in answer
to prayer, stie was cured, has been
recognized by a reporter as a woman
who, under the name of Mary DaviB,
had only a year ago been a remarkably
glib witness in a lawsuit. The expo
sure of the fraud seems to be complete.
Vanderhllt's Daughter.
Arbitrary as the Czar, he was wont
to govern in his private affairs with
rod of iron. The husband of one of thee
daughters of the Commodore being un
fortunate in business, many years ago,
she went to her father for assistance,
which was refused in a manner more
forcible than elegant She abruptly
withdrew to fight for complete inde
pendence. Next morning the New
York of those days was highly sur
prised to read the following advertise
ment, specially displayed :
THAT SHE HAS excellent
table board and accommodations for
families or single gentlemen. Refers to
her father, C. Vanderbilt
That advertisement appeared exactly
one time, for the Commodore realized
the situation and advanced backward
promptly, and there was no more dis
sension in that branch of the family
forever more. V. Y.Cor. Buffalo Com
mercial. THE MARKETS.
most OsftUiv '
Hom LlT6o.m. tt..t
"D&XmT6 9 I7V
rioar Good to choice 460 g75
Wheat No 2 Ohlcaio 1 43 1 45
Corn Western mixed M
Oa to -Western . v 4
i utter ee 9t
Pork New Mesa 190 ctfCCH
Beer ee Choice . ....................... S 4 00 ASM
UOffS.. ...... ....................... 3 a as D l.
Sheep Good to choice s s 5 w
Batter Choice to yellow 14
Floor White winter IN
BPaiug enrs
Wheat-Spring- No 3 1 Jm 1 II
uornno xew
UftCEB2V 0 2taiiii(ti Ei 10
Kjrefio m v7jee
Pork Mess, new IS tt ll
BsjieyEfo & es eS
ST. Louia.
BeefOattle-ra!rto?beice f 478 SM
Voga-UTe 7
Flour Fall XX IS Sil
Wheat No 2 Ke4 1 W
Cora- Vo2 3SX4I
Oatt MY
Bmj9m&0 EE ii
ImiV AV av ES
w iostr ntni, is m es
wiru y s
Vrefca m j ES "
Ua0j y ES W
aTvaK 9 ES
lni ESeW S4V
rioar f
Waeat-No X 1
Oata-Nex S4J
Barter-Net. 74
dm xomaa.
Tgjir WBolaaalf 9 3 75 4 as
j'" f ES "
"V mm ES E
jBfrS 9 ES
"yr ! eS 'S
a--! 9 ES
Two IrrecmciIaMe CeaaHtioBS.
Debility and health are irreconcilable condi
tions. Weakly people, that is to sav people
who lack the vitality requisite for a Vigorous
discharge of each and all of the bodily func
tions, are invariably afflicted with some, "though
it may be a triilnp, disorder of the system.
Anatony, or a want of nervous and muscular
vigor, is accompanied bv poverty of the blood
and leanness. A certain wav to overcome it
and prevent the aggravated maladies to which
it must ultimately lead is to use Hostetter's
Stomach Bitters, which promote digestion and
assimilation of the food, and thus are the
means of furnishing the bodv with a supplv of
blood of a Quality essential to its proper nour
ishment. Invigoration through the instru
mentality of the matchless tonic protects the
feeble from s host of bodily Ills which huk In
ambush for the debihtatttl. The Bitters are
an article which it is most desirable to keep
eouatantly on hand.
Etr. Fame's MexipltJBl.
Ab IswMlBllia la Uk Umm AaHr4
wHliCwf K lTa w ! LI fa.
On North Root trt taotl the cacr hos
pital, erected by Ir. P. L. Fowl o iartilu
tSoa which U fast gaining repute throaghec:
the country for the sacceMf al masser in which
is treated that heretofore Incurable di-xe,
cancer. Atout three vean ago the IXxrtor
came to Aurvra and fooodM hU institution.
which was looked upon not vithost dltrct by
the many who had seen the fatal caocrr drfr
the skill of the mort scientific physician anil
tpedalUta, wboe operation rem! to rather
forward than delay the terriM ranu.T of tfc
destroyer, until it'had workrl It dradlr root
to the Vat of life, and drarwi th- virtlro Ut
its goal. But the Doctor hail not rrcktml
without hi bot, for. havinj; a rrpuUtion f x
succe in thl dirrcikm, which hr had galuM
elx'whereT acqulml by year of carrfol rr
Bearcb and cienti!ic rxperini:nt, patJrnU
began to put in their anprarancr from abrvL
The accommodation of uletablifamntere
not sulliccnt for all who demanded trraunf nt,
and !n continence the hospitality of private
families bad largely Ut be drawn utu. The
IVtor devoted himMrlf earnoUv to hi Lilr.
and Mn reports were, circulate! of Miderf'il
cures performed. Afflicted one nere borne
to him ua the very Tergc of the grarr. and
when they came forthwith a jerfect cure ef
fected, utrongand rijjirous the doubting uoe
were compelled to adaajt thai the da of mir
acle were not yet pa4d.
The neceslty for a more extensive etablih
inent became imperative, and step ere taken
for the erection of a large Institution. The
Doctor, with the enterprise which character
ized his movements from the liit, employed
a large force of workmen, and soou the wall
of a building 33xU feet, four rforie high,
were towering in the air, surmounted bv a
Mannard roof, and which Is fat beiug puned
to completion. The work I being carried on
under the scientific supervision of the Doctor,
whose experience will enable him to complete
the edifice without the omUMon ot a k-uil
which will conduce to the comfort and uo
ceMfuI treatment or thoe Intrusted to hi
care. Large, airy room, with complete w ater
and gas arrangements, well lighted, and over
looking the most picturoque portion of our
citv, will be placed at the difjal of the
atllicted, and those attending from abroad cu
pats a short time pleasantly in Aurora, and
then return to their deliglited famlle ami
friends to enjoy veara of life and uef ulne.
where it seemed but a short time before, they
were to bo ruthlessly Miatciied from tltefr
Some fifty or sixty patients are now receiv
ing treatment, many of whom hate been bar
barously mutilated "bv the knife, and other
method", In the hands of the unskilled. As
the more recent arrival behold the patient
who have been longer under treatment go
forth relieved of their fearful burden, their
eyes fill with hope and they reMgn them
selves to the Doctor's care with Increased con
fidence. It cannot fail to be noticed, till con
fidence and kindly feeling existing toward the
Doctor bv all, and so pleasant i everything
connected with the institution that it remove.
it beyond all comparison with the dNmal real
ity of nioit hospitals and institutions of a
similar character.
The building L able to accommodate about
three hundred patients, and Dr. Pond, with
the aid of his skillful medical assistant, la
prepared to do justice to all who apply.
Persons wishing to communicate with the
Doctor, will address him at Aurora, Kane
County, Illinois.
There have been fewer friends on
earth than King. Cowley.
THE POOR .tlAiV KK.tlKltY.
Quirk's Irlih Tea the wonrtf rfal ntllotu reue1r.
Sold by every druggist, frioe i centi. Wells
4 Elliott, Agents. N. jr.
v iiunnw. nuiuiM.- ti uiiiu )uu tiiii juur
iiurarn iu iriiuo cuziuiiiuu lur mir CirinK uti
Hummer work? If so. several tblnei lion!il hn
strictly observed, good care, rrgular Teed ami
liberal carrying are among the essentials, hut do
not fall to give them Ukclb Ham's Conditio
Powder according to directions, ard ou will be
well rewarded for your expense and trouble Tit'
sale by all druggists.
A Valuable Medieine.
Buchu In various forms litis for manv eur
been one of the chief articles In the .Materia
Medica for the treatment of certain diseases,
among which are chiefly thoe affecting the
urinarv, digestive, and circulatory organ. The
difficulty that was long experienced iu obtain
ing a preparation of this valuable drug that
could always be relied upon for uniformity iu
strength and absolute purity led to the intro
duction of Helmbold s Extract of Iiuchu,
which for the last quarter of a century ha
been extensively usea'bflttrbv physicians and
in house and family practice, ami w ith very
gratifying success. Tms medicine, like every
other thing. hasleen extensively imitated, and
thoe who have use for it will" do well to see
that they obtain the genuine " HelmtmM
Buchu," the only pure ana reliable preparation.
A !Yer Klad of Fencing:.
Farmers and others should rend in
this issue the notice of W. G. & W.
Barnes, who are prepared to furnish
a barbed iron fence strip, which is
said to be not only superior to board
fencing or barbed wire, but to be cheajer
than eithpr. This firm also manufac
ture the "Gem" and "Sweepstakes" corn
shellers which are said to be unexcelled
by any in the market, and are war
ranted perfect in every particular.
Combined Extennlon Rule.
Every mechanic, Iumlerman, fanner, and
every one having use for a rule should send us
postal card for descriptive circular.
E. Smith Jc Co., Kockford, Ills.
Doolet's Yeast Powder Is prepared on
scientific principles and from Ingredient that
are the most effective and wholesome. It has
received the highest encouiums for thec merits
from eminent chemists, score of our Iwst phy
sicians and thousands of intelligent cooks and
housewives. The genuine can be had only iu
tin cans.
We understand that the trade on the Pat.
Wood Box Shoe Blacking and Stove Polish
Paste has sprung so rapidly Into favor that the
lumber for the boxes already exceeds 100U feet
per day.
A few doses of Or. MarstulllLnng Syrup enrtd
y chl'd of a aaost dreadful cough. I ean cheer
fully recommend U as the best cough mtdlclnel
have ever tried. Mas. O. Hilt, VU Wayne, Ind.
For saie la every drag store.
Read's Sore Throat and Catarrh
Powder, acta like magic and is one of
the wonders of the age. It cures almost
any case of throat disease in a single
day. Sent by mail on receipt of 50 cts.
W. H. Read 179 Baltimore street, Balti
more, Md.; VacSchaack, Stevenson &
Reid, Chicago, Agents.
Read's Grand Duchess Cologne
took the Centennial Medal and is the
finest in America. Twenty-fire cents
and S1.00 per bottle.
ta7STor That Tbbkirlb cocoh. Every case
of consumption ooeasaeness witn a eo&kb, oeca
sloaed by aavtag takeu cold, wale, if allowed to
ran IU coarse will soea work Ks way into the a r
passages, aad thea te the laaga, and If not
checked, by sosae sea vaiaahle conga remedy
as Ellerrs Extract of Tar and Wild Cherry,
which Is aari vailed for all diseases o the throat
and laaga. a serious spell or slctnes maybe the
result of snea carelessness and a xpenslve
Doctifs 6U1 to pay.
Iaapertmsit to Peraesie Tlslaag; New Terk.
Grand Union Hotel, opposite the
Grand Central Depot. Baggage taken
to and from this depot to hotel free.
350 elegant rooms. Elevator. European
plan. Single rooms, $1.00 and 31.50;
also elegant suits for travelers. Prices
reduced. Cars and stages pas3 this
hotel for all parts of the city, and to all
the depots.
mw-Reader year aarnese water and weather
roof by Being TJaele Sam's Harreas OiL
For eleganc, for comfort and luxury In the
way of hotel accommodations, we know of no
house anywhere which commends itself more
to the public than the Beckel House at Dayton.
Ohio- This said the whole story is told, and
everr man who ever enjoved the hospitality, of
the house will attest thls'assertlon. Its rates
range from fiOO, t2-50and 3.00 per day, ac
cording to location and size of room.
nrTe preserve animal matter of any kind
after coats, artllelal meats mast be employees
Tans, to keep aau ouiiie the skins of cattle, tney
rsi a aHSjff' m s a a w-- - w-v.- v,
Dloved la tte process, aatll -leather- s tuere
sali. To farther preerre this prodBcs. it w
nccceaarr to make cecaaloBai applications oi
reparations similar to rno e eserf by cmrrltn.
Tbebeet knowB,eompoBnd of Jft bort is Vucb
lurturi - - "- - - "z
pliable, ana eteetaally close. i the mm afMBM
fbe entrance of dampaes. oast, and the Earner
ob otbTr deletertoB, talfleaes whleb wd u
tntj tbo decay of leetner.
Patextees and inTentors should read the
advertisemant of Edson.Broe-, (established in
1666,) in another column.
me S Breach E.dIng Mine
.wrta in this Isaac to a remarkable bar
eottlBC nesulj WM to maamiacmre.
l Tonur et Rem) are well kwn dealers,
a perfectly resfc-
Wr r sd all da lg. few
mm f ssteersilkWe ' tjvep in
rtie to. It bee te tsui jt ra eta
plaiaU. UJya bbeSr itttL
- itcHio u "
yrus Jitr. rHtie X:c. k
tttevaa rla tt.t erl;cl aJ l-t
tb rrt,rrlri7 , 'VJUl!"
jrT."iJ5.tcr ifruir. aQtt
Cttrun. trittl rrK
cuwt.rwrNina Aetui
tr ! a rta tita t. raa
tla. jygiii .i r a. trt t rettrM !,
"a T'HWA.-TtiJ nrm-d J'1 ?X
Mf t :ritMOHT UHtiutm.,
bA(rj V ati us: i. tj
9VO c. .1. uioTb.ckie.
- t2o.;eaawta. trtIIU4u
vi l Httr IU. Ct I. t.
Wmou t.c U". Ci.r l.
PAIIl it-j- bruo.Imflo
ta nrr cKf maA tunuXj rWa Hr trtUr asJ prv
IM U Joia T. Gray, M DUsmn4 1 ItawrsK l'iitw's " sl rl.
Joi-ww a JrEClX T' HtM tree T
.h ttrrrt. r-btUI'tnbia. fa.
fy VI f LlMTSt' l tb rrt r"a Tt- w J
If jar nuKttt U i kxptt U U
hr mall on rc-pt f rrlt. ve arj fi ijfr
b.tlr. Atdrrsk. tK WUXBa. IU !-
iUailvlpb U'H. C6JCra. HI
r KAllrol ksii e.jLp-rr tn
t tirtl tnauoa
niri. mill lai7
ralJ whll- .eJrti lattiatcly. ?s
W Tc rfaph Iu 1 ul. Jn1l r. U
AOENT It" t-tur than a 04d Mln tnr
.NotWtf la r'atetoabO. ot jtor rtrl
tory al otir ead for cataloga. AAitt,
W II I. II OV lr W JlallMa rtt. calcaso. liU
U'tVTl'll MfBlowllloMMrtusti
w r.B m wtmw
scontti antl trc!in riM -
c paid ;rn 3linnlrtuttcc to. hi. Ucl. Xu.
yrr n Ajnr tv (, J a
tZj ', t. 'f url rwi !-
ijrVM.M-rtA-ta.SJ -....
rp aa; Imvitr ncr
.. LaraMt Corspacr
in Amcrie.
ttaM artfla. Tra4e
Continually Iticrraslea. A. rut tiMnl tfrrf
where. SnJ fr clrrnlar to Kopust WtLa
41 r Mrcrt N. Y t- Haa. 'JST
mviittri'ti Lt-iaiiy m ijii i
rtc K'tcenrunneociiJirr rr aftr 1 trr
A. 0(K)IKiCH. attorney at law, i:i Ixatboru s
Cnl Cairo. IlllLOII.
31UU.UU ritu.., n..kji h
m-u, ubj u.m w nni uttau iliiir.
vltlKNl ljrT. .lUUMtllulul. rrVl)t
la m-)1 ljf nmu, lrk. m.1? fcmu.
a. L. wtn a c. , ruiio in jw tern.
CSermaii AccrdeonN.
e sm v- m
atxl Kor-
elen faint Akci.U. V bltwu:i. l. V, htab
llhel In K. Ke? af rr allowance. Circular ot
lratruetIo.. rfetenre. etc. sent fne.
i An
II Cui Itlnatl'in of Capital
.C mint" 'l tvirT;i !( l
IJrriiS' ure. Kxiilnnaiurr
circular eni f'-e.
llroad trcet. I
aiuitKN C . Ilroker. 3"
Hoi 3,V. w York
$ 1 OOfor $ 1 .120 AVortli of PniiipiiN
We will pay 5HO in rah tor the laret crops
of Ibis new pralu that cn be rlr 1 In KT frota
ttnee tackaues. 1'rlcr II.7U Ktill narllculars of
pmpoiltlon. ascription an1 sample of Tampa
rel, lu cents. Agrvtt wanted. Addteav C M.
KKKSS A CO.. Jackson. Michigan,
kilrtp fttbrrailay aaire ma-le- by Arent set-?M9r-
"lnu our Cliromos Craons. and
aaaaBBaaaBBMSSSBBBB Kearl. Molto. Scripture Text.
Transparent. JMcture and I'hroinn Cards, lew
sample, wortb aM, sent imaipald for 7r. Ilius
traled cataloirue free. J II. IIUKKOKUli SON.s.
lloTON. Ktabllbed 1" 0.
HAHITcurelathome. lantrvtl-
nU "bum dif. Kma, tM. Sm,
IKt Mr. Imj U Uf.lf nrm. w
mi pr Mt.t !...'
-nM, , !. 14. ICV I m4 M
I .f m .. Mr. Mi at Wiii."
Dr. K. K. Marsh, Qulncy. .Mich.
Davenport Need Store.
Speclaltle nia-leln all kln1nf KleldSee.U. -ir
veRetatile eerts (principally Land rrthV) are of the
very bestRronth Iu tlierountry. Ilatliuauet for
OnlonSeeU. Orders prumplly filled. iHeTNKY
at CO . 119 Hrstly street. luvenpott. Iowa.
Is re(.y for aeents. Iont jfet beblnd hand this
time, but sei d for territory or circular; at once.
Aildiess. AMKKICAN rOt.I.INIIl.MJ ()..
US Kandolph rtreet. Chicaco. III.
BBl A-a IwirwwifJgani
t.fSt fur ! u e n- l-eluu kn 111 I Iti.ttfU
SoMirr. on ! i 1 1 iiietit onb r.
Transportation furnltlied free.
If you want healthy, vigorous fowls, buy
a positive preventive or (HOtRRs : T and vi
cents a pack sue. It I wariantol to ln ratii
tlon. hetit lv malL It. K. rilWKLL. Pro.
prletor. Corner Main and 8th streets. lmbuiue.
CHEWiym TOiurq).
" aTBgt- ' J--Kr VV
k'-p mAIUilLhSS
iTriPiKST PLi:o ToiMuro
iu i lie, woki.ii. ask ror
II. TAKK NO tlTlfS-ir
Om2gMsBs7f tot tnnirr aYiniren no
VVafaaVaWvV luti H'-'Iibl 1UOALUU I.U.,
i??aV' 24 Water Mt., N. V.
OH X 2.1 LAKK .St, Chicago.
To Loan In Iowa, Kaatera Nebiaaka. and
Upon Improved farms In sums of SKveo and ep.
bards, for a term of 1 to S years; Interest at lu
per cent, payable eml-annuaily.
Choice Iowa loans uf ll.ioo and upward. male
at 9 per cent. Inien at.
Couicll liluff . Iowa
Cliiai Cbnrn!
Is the best rnave. eatl
est te ciean. and rnjt
durable, easiest to op
erate. The rant con
venient and complete
In the market
For sale by dealers
everywhere. Mann,
factored oHy br
W. . atW KRT.
yreepoti. Ill
ant sa tike W re
fore aoparent to
stfcbr. Made of
Band Iron. Sharp
rtarbedrdrea. Wa-ler-proof
Sells 1 s barbed
wire. Co ts 's
bier 1 fence. W.d.
a W. BIABlMat,
Frsepert. Ilia.
I fidlfreretit machines with
I I whleh Ball lers. Cabinet
I Maker. Wagon Makers
I fland Jobbers in Mlacella-
" neons work can compete
steam power mannfaetnrlnc:
aUo Amateur's sapeltes. saw
blades, fancy woods and de
signs. Sav where yoo read tbls
and send for ca'aloarae aad prl
ee w. r. A Job a HaxTKa
Kockford. Winnebago Co Ills.
SUse Ue Kojer's V
For all dlseaaea of the xosa and hiid. and fa
tse care of CaTABKH. one of tbe moet commo
and moet disagreeable of eomalaiBta. flondreds
of teetiaioalals eonld be alvea. bat taey wnnidbe
nseiess. aa atrial of It is lu beet testimonial Its
effect la efflearlooa. rlcaalac. safe and sore. Rota
by all drugaiste at m eenu per box or pcrware
free by mauT a. DK ROJKR. S w. Main tre-:
Kocbester. X. T. JtmxuAis A Baas. Ia
bnoe. wnolesale agents for Iowa.
Importers of the arestfUMem Winor. A rae
Uf al heavy stem winder aad stem senior tei.
IB solid 1 ox. opn face. stooM airkel rase. IS fall
jewels, expansion nalaaee. ad J it ted to r.eii, cold
aitd position. We guarante the beettlx- pt-e
and moet economical watch for niimai ram.
faimera. school fleers, meeriaales aad baslne-s
mea. yet Uiveated. aad the price piavee It wltbln
reach of alL Donl pr t or i for a wateb
wcea yoo can boy tals one for f IV. Ss C .
D"toany part of the C. i. with prtvlieir-of ex
amining before takinx. OTer S.SMm In o-e in '
Tork State a'one. Addre. Okxbva wtcs Co.
I m porters ;TVetera em eelClArkK ,ca'c. I-
lot- PrlatUava: C. aa is. .r
tkm Aaf TwrmswaweeJt fm
Wltb M keys, double note Italian 1 rercola. dr
man Mlvar Cornrfk In fart with all the latr- t
Imprnvrrnrnts-pach. s I, t" to flO. at J
HAKNOEK'S niatiatarturrr and Importer of
ronOrJl Initruinri t and strliiK. No. ltCLatn
twrssirfet, w York.
tit ;i.i.Mrn
o luiiiiiii
' 1 111 III! if I U
nfinisW. 1 1 an
af -
ys, AM.CMCM rrrS.
S55iiifes$ Yf- mil
M Ttmam mmMM
te.sHsfIIT Cr s
erit taa Siatiter
rrratia. It Is rWb I
tfc e4 Hl tl!ti4w (
Twj al aj fr
,. f tk vtkraHM m
Laaga. frfralsf U
- rjU-r It
Cwtaall re Ca-agbe.
CaJ. e-l rasat Uaw I X
a rtl ea aaaay cm m(
AsSbissaai avasai messsaeme
I lav, tbal it k res
aveaee4 a iftflli fr
tS esaJaiaU. rer
ralae Iss lbs akeessel.
msate. m Bkavrk. ajrma
e HMasy llsjesaae. 4ie
n relmairw e
sxsssaw Ja)tsa4les t ay
Ur tsiflisIU baa
ao ejal.
II Ib as rwwlllee Care fetr CemesssmmUeaav.
It la ml m esssaerlwe TsmsIc.
Bevtaire tlse Ammwtll.
Hlressstlsmw ttbw yeteess.
elere Use Wsrnk saw tbllllalea,
Cmsawew tlse rswsel (as abtajweja.
, gbwajaeemsUas anas, I ss4 1 as.
fileew tssase le year wye lean.
twPITXSW. Tbbmst
rvttable rr tSoO r 1 Dr.Crnuk w
WlaufTr. TryotieUitUav
turn n ebT yt re lcct it.
Dr Crook V W lr wt Tax will
rvroo c it at one.
Kor is i n iyt i nd .vt
"ure o Ir.i rook' W!rot
sr, :tlnulj neI tavkeO&B
tfOttle to ln COOl iDCsat.
4 Rrssseafy which has trn
teoUM fir years snU lx
m notrl for rit.vlng all
Dtvnchlat I)t-aodrK-rre
to bv lrtet by a. I sutTrrlhg
In a aimllar way. V.I I vou !'. prrlu.llcw
stand In the war or a cure 7 Take Dr. Crook W
Wine of Tar.
Or. t rook luo of Tar
tbOtllil Urt um1 for a.11 Ijng
t'oinblavlutatrtultng towanta
0numptlun- ItwiUIuaMa
Uie phlecui, piomotee cxroctorailon, e-e
the brraUitng. and nfTtmU Immmltale rollet
btrength antf Lcalth follows from ita uasi.
Tme Rrsmeely noted for the
rlyanil wnnaiteni cur
jf all Ttiroat and Lung trou
ble Is lr. Crook's Wine ut
I far. TryllaAMlaet wetf
For Sale by all Druggists.
Socceon U Oiirtj CioJk A Co.
IT"Kor aJleiti a mo.t esrry In lhMle jij
AdjiiMtablo U Tliren DinVrent
WiilthN of Kowh.
24 Years orSnGcessfnl Operation.
Hun rdi of TTiiianil of Farmer and lis
roilltlpltrd Tlctoriea I the nel.l n.l rleief.
attsl II worth and eta!illb Its cUIui loup.rl.
orltl otrer all cintlltr.
Malenly bydF.U W MIIOWX. Oa'rsbi'rg, 111
MBHBJBW lk NOT P.rchast
V rV a,,y article
m H V H jruu have our
M M M H new Catalogue.
LB PA threat reduction
ggBmawF HBawT n I,rlCC-
to any address.
Oriel rul OrnK Supply Ilotiajs
227 4 22t WagaSH VE.. CHICaCO.
" Secret
Brr h ri4.M.u.ciii.' r. o fctTTTFFZJZrZ
iu, a. ,-.- . AGENTS WANTED
...r-W.r. I.!-! rlrt al.r. Hr I1 l I . 1.II.H A S
O.. I Litres, CL, taU.r.IUOHaMit.O, K . Va.
Portable PAELI ENGIN2.
Hat more z potnts
than a-y crgtbe mad.
Puwcrand prfocs.
aoce guarantr.d
Snd for circular.
Manufacturer of I'urlabI and ctrotry Facioet,
PcrtaUc Mulay and Circular ii M.ltt UrainTiU
Alachif.ei, thinj!e Machines, Stave l)rt. &.C
Manufaetorer and Wholesale Dealer la
Presyl and Japannea ware. eol Table
ware, Kags ana Xetais.
Bapliia, Iowa.
u Iowa Av&oe
Oi-tt-t lu Um
urM. .V"l tratfk ami 'tl r a JvrMU.
ForttTTuaaJdrcaCOt LTKltA O.Cltiago
Kloga Bssl HoMfr.
sir fti& Liz Etw hmisi.
sm ri ti oaiy B' ibh eiu .
.M xTaT tea lyseet HU from rooting
aW ,o insrs pxinu n in nuM.
Kngets.'7yeeoU. Kir g. - lt Holders. TUc
(HsaHlilH, HfcKiyO A fjVIHI.AJf
fc-.jraC'-wfcSr ' " "TamBBr vJbbBBBbV'
mr!-----l1l. bbbbI' aVmrrVal
! -b.t .aSBaaaaBTaTaTaBaw-HaBaTaTaTavsmy
rtiraraVM.'i' ABrararaHararamBBBBBBBBBBBBBmaW
',SbasWBBWSWSWSK -BBWBr-BBWSWsWsWaataSaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaV aSTkl
BaBWawawawawawabkam.aB .aawawasraPaBaBWawawawBSaBWawawaT7lwawawaw
WmmmWmmmM IgSSwaBSaBSbalBabawa-! aTl
JK o?i.
k . a. mW k aap. t
Sav . L .aMaaW
-av V. m . -"mawawasaae---.
W. I TX Orr
aflmBgeV I '
mA-JML. 0
ALT. ATMKZ. WtMtS with terr
roeso 10 the rod. Ptaat Vnthi trrrei US ut. ftati tyaeA i& aav
A. T ?.j &- ALL THF. fcOTTOM ?ATT ,,
Ujgr ol 1K trcnUed fee ofnjmnH. Ask rtw MrVM Ma.
tfca tr the KKI.tT HAHK rf.rr. f,i&Kztf try
,aBaVaaaW a -
Tn'w ! e)ffeKtljrlsowwata)n4bjawaatgfrtr
rja-ra.f ia .aw.nfUSi- w'SFii bn I A a . f a 1 ,aaU iilwlr .- .-..-.
i'aaaetHS-- TWtefa gw-Ur- li-all-Saoa-awtf.aum..rT...SrtSa-wta t-
mctm,mn&tL7TUMtrrtrtmf mmg, Hare watS ae. 11-1 Hi.l ., , m Bi. mm rt)W,M
eaa a. wuom'w vr,r in.n wim r. . a wan 1 imii
Wa 'J.aa-S 1m I twin CI aalra . ikim aBiperiua wb -m nirtWll
naa rtaar rraavaan. Tvy rvati atavcarT . p ra-ii. gyig3-t . ai.I !
MrteS, nlttr. W.W.-rttlAJ.ifial-tf. .AOf.ttnim an SSa, a a 1 1 ay
Taaeaaaa -MUttsw -.-. ltU--Tir auai. Tta
mBtrtSUrrtTlnimir.aM?-'Uttl.ttmT1- TS rktn.lhvTbnrvif Mnll v
a4ra'aTirwM ranaalaa C-4IUirTWei1 ieai,-jaanw a W. a,., uM a-r-s S-.UaSara aroa
w -! tvaw r at rtMrWirWIWi -- Skew. - -. - -1 ,-iji-rrr I Sal tmaiiTiiiir ua-jT
a r-a. ri DOtJWAirt. Tb l saartiay w sslissl er riwreti. '
,22 QOjiTetiare
SbaC Fswelf EMU4
w-la-MjwlriWaaaLaTarrU .Swlanala
vX L-s-s-L-
mmrwa mmmmi
HaaMflmV .BJpjrjpjpjpjpF
Ti ill tke Patrsis if Tkls Piper.
IW I i
170U the lrSf?.t Of tlrfweP CWT IVt4crs
. wko have f a.W uj eccarc it it Ui
r3tuWe .HlUrr lrrmlMrn crl bj
rlr.w of the Ulow vublilxa owttlrarl
of tbt CUrul tl"r V. t
t'hlro, at hfreby reNlh lb ksn.
This Cwtar h-vw ratrr-l lato an r.
raa5cnt wjbfnf UT c Tr
cch pairwt ot IhU rajwf mrt of sit
clexat i:tru Elctrt MUrr
IMntrst Tcst-Srvooti. braqtlfwl ki
trie, r4 with pan? cla silvrr, a4
arrrrlaj: alo U dktV. rath str "
tlth Up iaUlai 4 tfce sier a
cli:rit iiiononim Jcltr. li
al.i the foi.wiB oe
- i K 4w Tf
t ie. a p4'a r- rf" 4
w rat j -! aa i4 "'
iutMiwri:ui .i-miwir.
tHM.iUwbMl ( jeMjasaw j.e
t4J ! rt ajIV.rfr
nr.M -t-r t an, Wa a -HHa
rxBur! Hit lH.Tlk U t'B li
rl . aa - v a- W 1V
. . 4,- . a SW 1
nrTwr CoTrawcr ti Clra.i r5v
rs vt ChifeK It, - tijao nj- ot
thoajvme. etit ftxttn U J"! r kl
a.l-1 L. With lb rwue f IK mArt rl
acr(ntiariUi in rretr cae uh 7 A rsle
Its ruerr Sparking, Hot trig Initial
SMarattstg, rjpreaaurmsll, ami a!l
hrf chars. ' rn'l ' 'h" U4le lnm
S-i .if i-lX lSorr. l thrtr Fls ICVtra
ICtvrtro IIrr-IMale1 Tea-sse,
tint Uw artHtr-r in p-wrv-irram
Irttrr, nl TTt U Uimg tt lb
Min t l mr c-.lef of the U. fv
I ero- here!V ti rrtr trio rtnp" In
ma .am! iwrmtun. ju are VA vr-a-ntrL
riMvttiKt. That if thia CrrUrWle U
trrentl atU- rwiK. 1M, InTJ 3 rU a.l
ttUnAl otm li sb-nt , mVill. thai W.
VrUfJ"t- 4U.Ie M ftT WW JU
fsrm lb late leri.
Witnrwa th name atwl ral of bahI 0s
Uus the 1st, tlay ot Urrh, X. l 1"?
Csltra.s Silvir Ct.,
nnc.M.o iu
In M'tllfs M lK Brlt '! lfce
l t rarT'r ufci r" r f-ft(r b"t
to r.J o rir ' t l i te ',
Ut in.trh PV" n ' trlmi .f 7 rta. a.l4Uwal 1 ali
flll, ilrlalt JitU. that- .
2d ITotice!
Any reron mhn gtr ilot cjimIh to ihw rr' f
rrl up a Club of le of in"-) fil'M a(4 4er -)
lr tlwia rontrul r r o it Aug vt ftu ln
rrceUr, " ara cMrg wkalrrtr,
Nineteen Pieces of Silver Plate,
coiiTi-i or
1 Htttrr-Knlfr.9 Tramtmn,m fmnr-
tiwtrttSHrrr r'urkm, fj rsrssrs
ituutbeeuit corner Hcntei and Jakckwei Mta..
ON8 and DAUOHTKK.H. attention 1
LMsm to bautlfv your 1IOMKJ rni
Kveryon havlhar a PARK or OAR
DEN should ae-nd a I'oetal Can! at one.
for FRKK doecrlnUve CIRCULAR, or
10c for IllUBtratawl Catalotrut. lfkl pagaw.
ro.iu,(. . K. ILItt & SONS,
No. 5712. 34BarclarSL. New Terk.
O ales Lee V Iver Hmlt tutup.prtug .
Most lnrlr ttmtinrti! im eiy ftprtm4 of
at.y I" "' laattty f asa.eriai ard fr dara
M'ity It'&all'Cg.s 'arspsritoa. F.a.ily a )art1
fo oy tin 1 r gtau4. 39 scras only e fair day's
" Tfcbeat alf damp raS ,s en)Hleala1
b It mabln.ry -all Sk r UdrlTr's walgat.
A culia eaa p.reta- It. 5.V.-M t14 la II year, and
a lnrrs1n pral A. .
CSATfcSS at fee., maftvfsetqrer. AMTajsoa.
Ohio Far aal by aeneeitersl ltap.Mt oa4
ers. aad rtardwar. st rwi
atlegsr end King.
OElT lUfl! Oil i k IlJtST
tnat el on it.oataid. H lo
s 5o sria v $olaI ia tt
nose to keep It nte.
Esrlealy Mawafeetrr. D'raiar, III.
srsex. Urie wefabt JT oa
1 1 vmmtmmmvt vm n fr m . y an.Mi
ytn a 11 ,anaTawa a r My aea
mamiiitWi ait m. TSw 1 Vaa aaaaf -.-
' -w aar, tinmiiwMaa r asns
amWaa-a. aa . a am4-a 1 SS .era
f r"n iti trrr- fa-1 r 'ranrawlil
Setaaeav Try w aft-1llltaafa'a V
uriiiaianrmiiir, 1
rasin SS naSai al 1 a ta.r 1
Aa . mmt aj.. . e-Tr Sa
aWtaaariliei'itfS in .wrtaaa 1
'II ajiiuiii la a aiinili
ainsaaalraw.aae Saa - S nmH; tw
aaaei '. rmiira. w w a-ae fy s-ax-fasaia afta
a ,1 Sana Baa aa Oa.. wvtca ta a mli- aaSaa
iWalaataaawBallrHaWa, Va
". i w
. J;
fa-- -.
?5. -
J, At -V - r"?