The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 05, 1877, Image 4

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Wnir Cream. Beat the whites of 3
eggs to a stiff froth; add a pint of thick,
sweet cream ; sugar and flavor to taste;
whip the whole together to a light froth.
Bkown Bkkad. Three cups of corn
meal, two cups of rye flour, two-thirds
cup of molasses, three and one-half
cups of warm water, and one teaspoon
f ui of soda. Steam four hours.
Railroad Cake. Break two eggs
into a teacup, heat well, then fill the
cup with sweet cream, one cup of
sugar, one and one-half cups of flour,
one teaHpoonful of cream of tartar, and
one-half teaspoon ful of soda.
Lemonade, One of the most re
freshing drinks in warm weather is
lemonade, hut the great secret in mak
ing it is to use hoiling water and let it
become cool, when plenty of crushed
ice can be added.
Muffins without Yeast. Three
pints of flour, one quart of milk, two
eggs, three teaspoonfuls baking powder,
one of salt Sift the baking powder
with the flour, beat the eggs very light
and mix. Bake in muffin rings in a
quick even. Nice for breakfast or tea,
served hot.
Corn Meal Waffles. The yolks of
two eggs well beaten, one tablespoonful
of butter, one of wheat flour, one tea
spoonful salt, one pint sweet milk (or
water.) one pint of corn meal, or corn
flour if you have it, is nicer; and lastly
the whites of the eggs well beaten.
Bake in waffle irons.
Corn Bread. One pint of sour milk
or buttermilk, one pint corn meal, one
pint wheat flour, two even teaspoonfuls
of soda, one teacupf ul molasses or sugar,
one large teaspoonful salt Jiake half
an hour or more in a thin loaf. This
makes a nice breakfast dish, hot, and
is good cold.
Lemon Cream Pie. Stir together to
a cream, one tablesioonful butter, and
one teacupful sugar, wet a tablespoon
ful corn starch in cold, then stir into a
cup of boiling water, and mix all with
the butter and sugar and let cool.
Grate the outer rind of one lemon, and
mix with a well beaten egg. Remove
the white inner rind of your lemon, tako
out the seeds and chop the remainder
fine, then stir all the ingredients to
gether, and bake without a top crust
Sweet Potato Pudding. Beat to a
cream a pound of sugar and one pound
of butter; boil and mash fine two
pounds of potatoes; beat the potatoes
by degrees into the butter and sugar:
add r well beaten eggs a wineglassful
each of wine and brandy, and one of
rose water, two teaspoonfuls of mixed
spices, and half a pint of cream, and
bake in a crust
Fried Celery. Having cut the eel
try into lengths of 3 or 4 inches, boil in
salted water, and when sufficiently ten
der draw off the water. Make a batter
in the proportion ot two eggs to a cup
ful of milk. Putinto the oatter enough
bread or cracker crumbs to give it con
sistence, and mix well together. Roll
the pieces of celery in the batter and
fry them to a light brown in hot lard,
celery is very nice when cooked as
jisparagus, boiled tender and served
with a white sauce.
Almond Sfoxge Cake. Ten eggs,
one pound of sugar, half a pound of
flour, a few drops of lemon juice. Take
half a pound of almonds which should
be blanched by pouring hot water over
them, and scraping off the skin and
then pounding fine in a mortar. After
the other ingredients have been well
mixed, add the blanched almonds and
flavor with extract of peach or bitter
almonds. Bake in a tolerably brisk
oven. This is a very rich and superior
Oyster OMELETTE.-Chop a dozen
large Oysters fine. Beat the yolks of
six eggs well and stir into a cup of
milk with a little salt and pepper and
some chopped parsley, if in season.
Next add the chopped oysters and a
tablespoonful of melted butter, stirring
in lastly the whites of the eggs to the
ether ingredients. Havingyourfrying
pan ready with some hot butter, pour
in your batter and fry to a fine brown
withoutstirring m the pan, f urtlier than
to raise the edges with a knife to pre
vent burning. As soon as the centre is
fairly set, turn out on a hot plate and
serve immediately. The above forms a
most delicious dish for breakfast or
Whipped CREAM.-Beat the yolks of
five fresh eggs and half a pound of
powdered sugar until very light and
white; put one pint. of milk and one
ounce of isinglass in a saucepan and
boil ten minutes, stirring continually
flavor with vanilla and lemon mixed or
any other flavoring; pour the milk'on
the eggs and sugar; put on the fire, stir
well together, but do not let boil; pass
through a fine hair sieve into a round
dish; when cold set on ice, add two
liquor-glasses of Maraschino ; keep stir
ring rapidly all the time; when it
begins to thicken stir into it a pint of
cream, whipped to a froth; put into a
mould on the ice until you wish to
use it
An Excellent Hop Yeast. Four
large potatoes, two quarts of cold water,
a double handful hops tied in a coarse
muslin bag, four tablespoonfuls flour,
two of sugar. Peel the potatoes and
put them with tke bag of hops into a
saucepan with the two quarts of water,
cover and boil until the potatoes are
done, then remove and mash fine, mix
ing with them the flour and sugar,
moistening it gradually with the boil
ing hop tea, stirring it to a smooth
paste. Cool -this to about blood heat
and add four tablespoonfuls of lively
brewers' or home-made yeast and set
away to "work." Keep this in a warm
place until the bubbling ceases, or say
until next day, although a few hours
will suffice in summer. When quite
light put in a jug or jar with small
mouth and cork tight, and set away in
cellar or other cool place. It will keep
good a fortnight, perhaps twice that
time in winter. Yeast will spoil in a
few hours in a hot kitchen and some
times in less than an hour's time, hence
the importance of leaving it in a cool
Ari'LE Puffets. The following
recipe for a plain desert I have tried
and And very nice: Two eggs, one pint
of milk, sufficient flour to thicken as
waffle batter, one and one-half teaspoons
of baking powder; fill teacups alter
nately with a layer of batter and then
of,apples chopped fine; steam one hour;
serve hot with flavored cream and
sugar. You can substitute any- fresh
fruit or jams you like.
Hulled Corn. This is a genuine
country luxury. Though not very easy
of preparation, a large quantity can be
made at one time, to be eaten cold or
warmed over in some way. If you
wish only a six-quart pailful of corn
when hulled, take half that quantity of
shelled corn. The same amount of
ashes, or three quarts, is sufficient to
make the lye, if hard wood ashes are
used. To the ashes add six quarts of
water, heat and boil several minutes,
skimming as impurities rise. A little
cold water poured in, settles the lye
when set off from the fire. Turn the
lye off from the ashes and strain it into
a kettle with the corn. Boil it briskly
half an hour, stirring it frequently.
By this time the skins of the kernels
should be loose and strip off easily.
Strain off the lye or skim out the corn,
and rinse the kernels well with several
waters. Then wa9h the corn covered
with water in a large pan, rubbing it
well with your hands until the black
chits come off. Then rinse until the
water looks clear. Put it back into the
clean kettle, with clean water enough
to cover it, and boil it slowly until
quite soft, adding hot water when nec
essary, and stirring frequently. When
quite soft salt it a large tablespoonful
for six quarts of soft com. To be eaten
with milk orcream, or sweetened cream,
or sugar, or butter.
Seletlons of Seeds.
The selection of the best seeds of all
crops usually cultivated on the farm
should not be deferred to the last mo
ment A large increase in the acreable
yield of cereals and forage crops may
be attained by using the best seeds of
the most approved varieties, preparing
the soil thoroughly for their reception
and getting them into the ground at
the right time. A frequent change of
seed is beneficial, for the best varieties
of the cereals, etc., wear out after a few
years. Every farmer may improve his
cereal crops by selecting the largest ears
and propagating from them. In this
way the most celebrated varieties of
wheat, oats, barley, corn, etc, have been
originated. The process is simple and
inexpensive, and is within the reach of
every farmer. Before being sown seed
should be thoroughly cleansed from
seeds of weeds and shriveled grains by
the fanning-mill and separator. The
neglect of this precaution causes heavy
losses to farmers every year.
Beer Cattle
Sheep Live.
Hlotir Good to choice
8 T. all 75
5 12K 5 37M
4 00 a 4 7S
Wheat No 2 Chicago 143 alM
Corn Western mixed 51 at 55
wllio--YYC8lCril 3t )
Kms Id ft 27
Butter 15 so
Fork Mew Mess IB 50 lfi H
Lard 10 30 eios
Keeves Choice f I oo a oo
Hoes 80 fia
Sheep Oood to choice 3 50 5 00
Batter Choice to yellow
II 30
.. 20 . 3
.. 4 00 5 0U
Flour White winter.
Spring extra.
Wheat-Spring No 2 1 ZX 1 SI
Corn No 2. U4
"io ""X4
J O1 Xa O ) v9
Pork Mess, new 15 85 ftl6 90
Barley No 2 Ml,
uaru it, ill o74IU SJU
Beef Cattle Fa!r to :holce 4 75 5 00
VogS Live 6 70 0 6 90
Flour Fall XX 3 25 3 75
Wheat No 2 Bed a 1 46X
Corn- Vo 2 33Q
ubib. ................. ................... . 34 V
ye xso i... .. . ...... .............. a eos
Pork Mess 16 50 &16 7&
"ru XI & vp
riuor, ). y b on
Wilt at Rod 40
vvall W
orioy.. m
Rye so
Pork 16 75
Wheat No 2 .
9 7 10
ttl 50
a 42
a 95
10 75
a 45
a 3ii
a 71
Oats No 2
Barley No2..
Rye Nc
Flour Wholesale .
.9 2 75
. 80
.. 25
,. 30
4 25
wheat new.,
Barley .
Otitis -
"'Cload Banners of the Alps.
Among the most exquisite scenes
which delight the eye of the European
traveler are those wonderful rose-colored
cloud-banners, floating from the
Alpine cliffs. But it is only in the sun
light that Nature hangs out these
beautiful tokens. So it is only in the
glow of health the sunlight of our
inner being that nature reveals those
physical cloud-banners, the "rosy cheek"
and "cherry lip." to praise which every
poet of the earth has invoked the Muse
to aid him. But they are as rare as the
cynical Hood conceived Christian chari
ty to be. Woman, eager to retain this
charm, resorts to French art and rouge,
Tke effect is similar to that which
would be produced by substituting
auctioneers flags for the delicate glow
ing cloud-banners of the Alps. If
woman would aid Nature instead of
adopting art, would seek health instead
of vainly trying to mask disease, she
would not only win the greatest charm
of womanhood health but she would
avert much misery both from herself
and others. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre
scription has received the highest praise
from thousands of pale, delicate, suffer
ing women. One bottle often affords
more relief than months of treatment
by caustics and other medicines. It is
harmless in any condition of the sys
tem, and its use often renders the mod
est invalid exempt from that most try
ing of ordeals a personal consultation
with a physician. It is the duty of
every woman to become familiar with
the causes' and svmntoms of the manv
diseases to which her peculiar organiza
tion renders her liable, and also to learn
the proper means of preventing these
maladies. The People's Medical Ad
viser contains an extensive treatise upon
"Woman and her Diseases.'' The author
also advises courses of domestic treat
ment, which will often render the servi
ces of a physician unnecessary. Every
woman should read it A copy of the
Adviser can be obtained by addressing
the Author, Dr. B, V. Pierce, at Buffalo,
N. Y. Price 1.50, postage prepaid. Fa
vorite Prescription is sold by drugtirtB.
The Hawkeye Iasaraace Cwftiy.
The occasions are not frequent upon
which we feel impelled by duty to com
mend the acts of an insurance company.
Rather have we looked upon such associ
ations with some degree of distrust, yet
always ready to give honor where honor
is due, we must acknowledge our con
viction of our error. The sad remem
brance of the loss to this county by the
destruction of the court bouse by Ore is
greatly ameliorated by the fact that
the foresight of the local agent, Mr.
Frank Burns, prompted an
jxilicy on the building in the Hawkeye
Insurance Co. of T)es Moines, Iowa.
And that upon being apprised of the
loss of the building by Ore, this com
pany sent their representative to this
place, and after taking a careful and
honest account of the property de
stroyed, the loss was adjusted and
paid promptly, and in accordance with
the stipulations of the policy. This is
all that can be asked of any man, com
pany or association, that they shall
fulfill promptly the conditions of their
coutracts. And for the promptness
with which the Hawkeye Insurance
Company have paid to our county its
ratio of loss it is but an act of simple
justice that we should acknowledge the
favor, and heartily recommend the
Hawkeye Insurance Company to all,
both in and out of our county, who
have perishable property not secured
by insurance. That which recommends
the Hawkeye above most other com
panies, is the fact that it 'is an Iowa
company and does business upon a
liberal plan, is prompt in adjusting
losses, liberal in making estimates, and
just and honorable in all their dealings
with their patrons. We would say to
all who have perishable property n
secured by insurance that you owe it
as a duty to yourself and those de
pendent upon you for a support, to
secure yourselves by insuring your
property in a good and reliable insur
ance company, so that If your prop
erty is burned you will save at least
three-fourths of its actual cash value
by virtue of your policy of insurance
Ida County Pioneer.
On I rat's Irish Tea Cores Biliousness.
Quirk's Irish Tea cures headache.
Quirk's Irish Tea cures dyspepsia.
Wbli.8 &. Elliott, Agents, N. 1
About $100,000 is still needed to save
the Old South Church, Boston. Some
of Boston's best men are now on the
committee charged with the raising
of the money, and hoje is felt that they
will soon raise the whole amount If
this is not raised, the $170,000 which
has been conditionally subscribed will
be lost to the enterprise.
Helnibold's Bochn.
Helmbold's Buchu has long been
known as one of the most valuable med
icines attainable in certain classes of
diseases, such as dyspepsia, chronic
rheumatism, dropsy, cutaneous effec
tions, and especially affections of the
urinary organs. As a diuretic, it is su
perior to almost any other medicine in
use, and the great care with which it is
prepared, the absolute purity of the
preparation, and the diligence used in
the selection of the crude material, have
made it known far and wide as a relia
ble and effective preparation, and one
that can always be used with safety
and benefit The great success of Helm
bold's Buchu has led to the production
of many spurious preparations, which
are made cheaply and placed upon the
market to be sold on the reputation ac
quired by Helmbold's original prepara
tion. Parties who desire a really good
medicine should be careful and use
Helmbold's only. Sold by all druggists.
I'rice, 81 per bottle, or 6 for 85. Medi
cal depot 104 South 10th St, Phila., Pa.
prilonSES, Horses. -Would y m bare your
horses tn prime condition for your bprlnfr and
.Summer work? if so. several things should be
strictly observed, good care, regular feed and
liberal cu-rylnjr are among the essentials, but do
not fall to give them Umolb Sax's Cosditiok
Powder according to directions, and you win be
well rewarded for your expense and trouble. For
sale by all druggists.
Most all good Grocers and
Storekeepers sell Dooley's Yeast Pow
der. Should your grocer not have it
ask him to get it for you, but if he will
not do bo, send 20 cents for lb., 35 cts.
for M lb, or 60 cents for 1 lb. can. direct
to Dooley & Brother, New York, and
you will receive it by return mail.
Bead's Sore Throat and Catarrh
Powder, acts like magic and is one of
the wonders of the age. It cures almost
any case of throat disease in a single
day. Sent by mail on receipt of 50 cts.
W. H. Bead 179 Baltimore strset Balti
more, Md.; VanSchaack, Stevenson &
lieid, Chicago, Agents.
Bead's Grand Duchess Cologne
took the Centennial Medal and is the
finest in America. Twenty-five cents
and $1.00 per bottle.
Benne's Pain-Killing Magic Oil is ex
cellent for Farmers and Teamsters to
use on cattle and horses for hurts, galls,
horse colic, lameness, kills lice on cattle
or colts, cures distemper and is equally
?;ood for family use; when you try it
airly you will thank us for this ad
vice. Important to Perse as Ylatuas; New York.
Grand Union Hotel, opposite the
Grand Central Depot Baggage taken
to and from this depot to hotel free.
350 elegant rooms. Elevator. European
plan. Single rooms, $1.00 and 81.50;
also elegant suits for travelers. Prices
reduced. Cars and 'stages pass this
hotel for all parts of the city, and to all
the depots.
0TSeBder yonr harness water ard weatker
proof by using Uncle Sam's Han ess Oil.
eUaasebrahere Cfeaarl Ryras stands with
out a rival, and Is acknowledged by consumers
and dealers, to be the best Cwa;h Myrwp in the
wduj, ior congas, coins, croup, ere. use triJl
proves kb superiority over ail
others. Only s
cents a bottle.
Since we have been using the Pat
Wood Box Shoe Blacjdng the leather of
our boots has kept soft and it has cer
tainly proved a water-proof dressing
though not advertised as such. Its con
venience is great and only excelled by
its shine.
Patentees axd Investors. All persons
desirous of taking out a patent, or who have
business of anv land to be transacted at the
Patent Office, are advised to place it in the
hands of Edson Bros., Patent Attorneys, Wash
ington, D. C. This firm is stroncfv recom
mended and rank high in their profession. Es
tablished in 1866. Their fees are very mod
erate. It Say ITarCk
tae ssost certala remedies gaesra for tae eare of
Dlarraea, caelera Merbas. and all forms of Bowel
Diseases, Is Canna ooMromre ExtbactOf
8XAJtr Wwmd. a Htue aataseg grated ea a tea
spooafal wf taeabeve aaedielne fi a tare cure fer
JJIarraea. If year draagtst deat keep it lasts
ea aavlag tals valaable asedldne. Take ae sab
sUtate. TTjae betUe used U a tamily wUl sake R
HF"Mr. CoUsrd's jtreat stock le adrr
tled in this jarwr for April 12th. will afford a
rare chance for the parcha- of nee tlocfc- He
is one of Jcrwa's bm bretdrr.
PATETTt and inrrntor" bouVi rrad tfcr
advcrti-Hrmmt vi FAm Brus., fub!ihi n
ljyJ,) in another column.
TOr TKirTltitin rVir-CH ru
of MBisaptioo rcmariicn lia roa.b. oca.
losedbj bailee ku cold, watrb If allow to
ran IU coure lit kx,3 aots lt wy in: in a r
. cd tbn t tb limts. atd If bot
c&ekJ. by onr ceft T.ob! couth rrmvij
a Kllert's Kxtrtrt of T-r atd WiW Cbftrj.
bleb U ucrl.aJlrd f0r jj utr of tbe tfcr t
anainnft. a wnoai ijei : tirtcru mr t tb
T.?l .of..,.cco sfeiesssesi aad au iptlt
loci n'a bill to pay.
, W esi Mafrljr Art ttt lr Martbtll's
I'dat-hymp li the Unt rvtnedy for er . cold,
broactiiu nd all pcim nrf euBp'UiiU. Cli
ob o rdruitjWs attdiry a Tn 1
oaly 2J Cent, fur lite la eciy arac lore.
To pretrrvp aniiuml Bimtir nf inr ktirf
after tfeatfe. ai;iacial mra nail b rsiplujed.
Tba. to kwp u.i u:ixr tte klti of txl 1c. teey
are tnnrl d currUd. tirlua-. me.n. Mifrm.
plowed la ir proc. until Iratbrr" ltr rr
Hl To funhrr prrv tbli prodnrt. It it
DfrtrT to njke .cc!obii llout of
preparation ltulir to tjto e urd by currlr.
The beit known rompuatid of t it sort I t'nc r
-am' Haruct on. wi. ten render ie:brr torntxi
pllab e, ana effectual I j rlote. tne port ati.ti
tbeenuance of tlinpaci. dmt. and tbe burner
ou otbr iieletcnuu. Influences blcb tend to
baaten tbe dcri) of leatter.
"irC'HlNG TILKt -
Hymptorat are Moisture. iHitn ttln IrrMng. at
though ptu orm weie crawl us In and abint
ibe rectniii, particularly at nlittit, the r.rHaie paru
art- sometime ea.cted. MWAYNK'a Ol.NT
MKT," pleasant, sure core alto for t't.r. all tk n
dlteates. Mllt-dt an) bdlreton terr pt of price
cts a box. or luree Noxes $i;x AU.lrrt. inter
Dr 8ane ANon s Murtn tilth m r'bilaUri.
pnla. Kemn tiT Y o order or regltterrj le'ter.
a year to Ajre.t. -tjU m.t a
$ZZMt4 jn. for term ail
drcti.J. WvrtA J: Co., St. U,uu, M.
Iale by one Arent In 57 dart. 13 new
artlelt. Sample free. Addrct.
SPECIFIC. J".1. P-cka,,e free T
1IIUM, J CO.. is. a.
9tbttreet. fbllatelpbla,
fI.TJII) LIGHTNING is tne irreat I'aln It-mtdy
If your drujTKl't does not keep It we win tend
by mall on receipt or price. JO rrt and SI per
bottle. Address, Cram MaacHKU, IU East
Randolpb street. Chicago. III.
Kallroad and Express bus
Ine 'auRbt. Mtuallon
guaranteed. Small salary
paid while learning:. Address Immediately. N.
W. Telegraph Instl'ute. JanetTllir. Wit.
raw a sa imiiorteM prices.
Larxett Company
SEim.CT jn America, staple article.
i rane
continually IncreasttiK. Audits wanted every
where. Send fr circular to Kohkrt Wai.
43 Vesey street N. Y. f. Q. x. rjff.
Davenport Seed Store.
Specialties made in all kinds of Kleld Seeds. Our
vegetable seeds (prlticlpall) Li (ireihV)are of the
very best Ktowtb In tbe roui try Headquarter for
Onion Seed. Order promptly filled. GArKNKY
A CO.. 119 limit tret. Iavenport. tow.
l.-i tor aluir n well . Ulj Lure iurnUbcd
Soldier on ;ienniieiit order
Transportation furnUhed free.
V a I ted
KDMO BHOS., I and for-
Irn Patent An
;n Patent A
etits. Washington. 1). C batab.
Il.Jhed in 1W6. ee af er allowance. Circular of
li structlous, references, etc., sent free.
K you want the BKHT MKLI.IX
ARTICE.K In the United Slates
send two Scent stamp.
401 North Clark St.. Chicago.
Is raaiiy for agents. Int get
behind hand this
time, but serd iorieiritor
or rlri'uiar: at once.
118 Itandtlph street. Chicago. 111.
eA90(i!rilirtarr made bv Agents el-
91Vh9iIIiik our Chromos. Crajons. and
Kewanl. Mott. Scripture Text.
Transnareut. Picture ami Chromo Cards. ISJO
samples, worth 94, sent postpaid for 75r. Illus
catalogue free.
Established 18 0.
Millinery, Silk and Straw Goods.
12V . I.
i.. isf, ronrwi m . juin-t, .
Orders promptly filled.
L cure
A popular and beautifully lliuktrated treatise on
the dlseaies of the ee and e:ir by t. U. Miles.
Aurlst. Those atllicted with deafness or any din
ase of the ear. will find something of advantage
In this excellent little work bend for a copy.
Price 23 cents by mall. Address SIkhmonitk
PUBLI8HINU Co., Elkhart. Ind.
Office at the New Capitol Building;,
Dss Moihks, Iowa.
Plans, specifications and estliia'es made for all
classes ot buildings. Court Houses and School
Houses a specialty. Correspondence o Iclted.
MaithtrfV Harder SmhI
as Improved fer 1STT. and
aatthFwt' Hand Cultivator,
are unequalUd. sold sen
arateor combined. Apply
to yonr nearest dealer, or
sen J for circular to
Hoston Mitt A.
Made of beat Mate
rial, In all sixes, for
adnlta and chllara
f both sexes; kxpatcds
the chest. trl(iit
rntup s'ocpf d shoul
ders ; worth ten times
IU cost for children
and at dessta. Sold by
tbe Trade and Clere
land HhealSer
trace ., Cleveland,
Ohio. Send 1.23 and
chet meisnre.
Ask for Pratt's)
Mew Patent Brace, m
In the YOICM. AHK for
124 Water M, .
25 LAKE St Chicago.
960,000 AF SoDtbwest Missouri.
Flrst'Class Stock Farms, excellent Aerlcu tnral, ana ne oesi iuuicco j
Short winters, no srrassboppe
good euarkeu and a healt
Prices! Lome Credit! FreeT
Lands, and 'be best Touacc Region In tbe West,
iers. onieny socieiv.
tbv coantrr. Low
Tran s no rtat 1 on to t h e
tanas rn.nisnea purcnasers. j-or mrtner in.
formation, address A. L. Dxahk, LandComaili
sloner, St. Louis.
DEERE k COatPASY, Moltae, III.
Importers of therreat f is Stem Winder. A bean
tunl heavy stem winder and stem setting watch,
In solid 4 ox, open face, stoned nickel IS fnll
jewels, expansion balance, adjusted to beat, cold
and position. We grnarantee the best time piece
auu iuusv roinomicai waicn ior ranroao men.
farmers, school teachers, mechanics and buslne
men, yet invented, and tbe
price plai
W or V
laces it within
or all. uont
or V tor a watch
r a watch
Sent C O.
wnen you can bn
this one for $15.
D.." to any part of tbe V. . with privilege of ex
amining oerore takinr.
Over S.SMw In nse In ew
York State alone. Address. Gsxxva Watch Co.
importers: Western offlce 1S Clark St . Chicago. Ill
We Always Go to the
A born House
aaoACsa it is tri
Osanlbases Ran to au Trains,
Tke proprietor la
.Uarl vailed for
tne toilet and
tne hath. He ai
tlaeial and de
certiv odors to
cover common
and deleterloas
After rears of
sclentlfc ex
oetlBSCBt tae
saanafac.are of B. T. Babbitt's Beat So a, baa
perfected aa row offers to tae paellc tke PINEST
TOILET SOAP Of THE WORLD, oaly tbe purest
Tegetable o(is sned tn it maanfsetare. For re
tsssisaMwurwesssa saaass-Kamal. Worta tea
ttaea IU eesa te every atotber and fasallr la
Sasaale bex caatalalag 3 cakes ef
atstC free te aar ddr ess oa treeelac
draw sa.TWsikklrt, VtwYera
efTSessMa. A
in si
fJtt-wVatf .Tw.qj a im
wwlGw Va
sW. m XTX Dfsw
'wsbbbwZ. Awl -F
I dsBsssV a aadkf slssx ' ssllBrt
mskt 1 it 11
TbfIrtI,Ckraptt,aUr4 Xfiat.M a
Ilsmj fleefclj ! law .laa!
1lte Pklladelyata Wrltlv T1sa .;i u
'toed ery Satsraar a leKit 0sUttt
tttef tie Ually-eljM pafr. STtj-tlt (Xbtaav
In aOdltlca to teltc tt.eUfrt ot tbe Km tea
Week'let. It "111 t- tbr&rp4 atKl iBMt at
trartlTr Neatra er tot at ctin f reader.
pnMitnea n tn Co ot. la Litratar Vrieo
Art, Af ricoltor . Iloawbotd Ko om fa.nicA.
vxiai krtte . U it and II amor. Pot tie. I&eat.
try. Cotometee. Trad. Klna&c. Markrtt, iur
rrtpoadenre and Oeseral New. It mut & a tar
ptfd by ar) otn,r like paWlcaUoa to tbit or
any roastry
One ff tne dlttnr:iT Iralare of Tm it.
tCt ruia Wii KLT nka, cottsieac sf wlta ttt
ar.t nan ber !:l re r rbapter ot ta
Vn written Hlttory t tie 1vtl War. irvm leadin
aeior In tie rabft. In tbe BeW. la tb f rote.
Norm anl outrj. mon- tbe article alfeaiy
prepated ortpovtally and totttively arranged f,r
uUrtLg tbe tear, are tbe fnli lot
T.e Irun-Ll.d Monitor." Ind enu Is Her
Cact.focilon and Career. tj Hon Oldeon M'etiet
'!' retary of the ay rbe Itt Morteaser
o! tbe War." b Unt lrB Kletaaru Tailor
Arm in- tbe Hiark Ma." by lion Mno Cs.
eioo, ei..e-retary of War Tn llamsmn
Kuadt Peace Conterence." ti Hon K. . T linn,
ter, ex-L' .1. vatiur and Confederate Cornr-.
doner War Kem'nl .-cere tnu Crla'b.b
oL Kobert O. lofertoll, C Iry Co. mato'er Ml S." by ucorral ti pa Hun on. onfed.
erate ommander. "the Army f ,ae oo-Jac
in 1 I."b iJ r General W.illars h Prtbkltn.
Tbe At an a C mpalsn,- bj Lltnt lleneral
Jo epb K. Joan ton '-Tbe luttle or Wiuiam.
burnb Major General Jotepb ilouttr " our
Year rv-ntlmefital Journey Tnroujn uixietr
Harry Watterton "AOjb aisrn u tbe V rt-U
Jti.untalnt "by Major II neral Joan C rremont
Morjau' Kaid Into Ohio and Indiana." tj ton.
era! naall Duke. coed in mmmiDiL "Pae
of the An'i-Mavery Amendment" by lion. fc.d
wiM Mcl'lierioj. "burnlnc of Cbautx-rUar.-
by Ueneral John A. Mciautlauo. Coufedv ale
(minaudr "llorder Life In Mar Time,- n
Ker MmutlJ NlceoH. . I) "Leetn ;mnt)d
rleia." by rIotiel Waiter If. layior, of Lr'
tafl "Tbe Kald forme Krteue of the U bj and
belle 111 Pit'oners." by Ma) tim Jn sou KIN
iairlck. cavalry Commander "Campaign Life
of Muait, tbe Co federate lUldrr," bj Col J
Ettcn Cooke, ot Suarts ttaS. Hump rej'
Chsige atPrederlckuurK."b Colonel M .i.Ouar
cr arj o: me cotntnouwealtb 'Jutiniuii
lure b tluuj." OT Hon lleularu n II
A.tatmatlun Nlcbt in Wa.hinnon - i.r
Mr K. r.. UrlK-t I'll lla " "The Kxtbauie of
Pruouer." Pi Colonel Kober fu.d i'inr.,.t.i.
Commltloner of Exchange. "Pennrylvanla Hu
i. anltle In War." by Hun. Andrew l. Curl In
"Lee Wrt M k nla C.mpalan." b (Seneral A
L. Lonir. Lee' Mtlliary etreta- v. "iJeneral K
nold' Lat Uttir. by Major Jn () Itotenear
ten. of Keyuold' Malf "the Plrtt Hostile uiin
of tbe War." b Major General . W Crawfurd
Suig on kt Port humpter. -Morale and PUcl"
pllneot Lee a Arm) " by Kev J William Jon.
l. I). Confederate chaplain "vVat arnlval ot
Fraud." bj colonel H Olcott. .tpecial Gove n
merit ..Kent. ,.out Lifeln ttie i,? federac "bt
Major H It. McClrllan. of Muar ' and lia'nip.
ua .staff. "Why .-mart Failed to Join Lee at
Gelt) bunt." iy Major General u. MeM. GreKi;.
commander of Cavalry "In ihr Valley tter
Gettsb'irK."by l.c-eralJ. U. lmboden. 6. nfed
erate, cavalry Commander. "At Mifht on ibe
Kleld of Fredericssbur:." by Hn. u. Wauou
Kowe htouewall Jarkton In Camn and In itmt.
tie." by M Jor H. K)d IouKlat,of Jackton't Maff.
... jn .uk ui Jiciiuni sun.
s In the south " by M Jor General
i "Partisan Life on tbe border" by
iH. Mntny. "ocial Life In me Con-
rrison i.uo iu me
llarr. White
colonel Jotin
reierate caiuoi." br Mrs Charlotte M nra
Clialk-Level." The Winter Kald on .Salem." b
Major General W. W. Avtrill. "General A Sid
ney Johnston. b Colonel W. Preston J hnton
"r-rlson Life of Jrlferson Pavls " by Colonel Hte
vetison. Kederal Commandant s'Cotiret In
Winter of CiwUliI - by Hon. Alex It Bote er.
"Tbe Pursuit and Death of J. Wi.kes llooth." by
Ilotton Corbett.
IF-In addition to the forerntns;. a number will
beitUenfrora such men as iiovernor lUrt anft
Ueneral HestireRarJ. Carl Hrliurx. General Lonr
"treet, audothert. whotn toplca are et I
ded. Thlt feiiture of Thk I'milai.cliiiia
KKKLV TlMV alune will inak one of ibe mot
entertaining and instructive volume on tbe tin-
rltten record of tbe la e war that ha ev, r been
Kiven to the nation. While tneie eoiitr tmtl.nt
will be free from all sectional partisan tone, they
will be written from tbt various laiid,olnt of
me rrspecute auttors SliI over tbelf
r e copy ......................................... j iti
Klvecope? 8 (l
Ten cop I i.. .............. ............ ............. I i.i ft
lwenty copies j w
An extra copy vll be sent free to any person
sendlitfc clubs of ten tr twenty subscriber. Ad
ditions may be mde to clubs at any time at club
i ales and from d tferent pojt ofTlccs. r Adver
tise ents will be Inserted at thirty cent per Hue
for earn insertion.
CaTThe circulation or "The Dally TIwm"
ex erdthatof allfe oilier Philadelphia Moru
Ihk i aperacombturd. wlibone nn-ininn '.,.
90. v m j car
r: or. to cent a u.onth. postage free.
Addrea Till-: T.MKs
Times Hulldlnr. PhlladelfnU, Pa.
Short-Horn Cattle,
Clydendale Uornen,
ef the Ii.oomfleld Meadows Farm, will be held at
De. Moliee, Ia.,1 hursdaj, April 12, 77
! will b noticed by the variety as well as te
exrelienc- of the Mock nere offred. that this will
constitute one of the mos. attractive sales of th
teason. The herd of Miort-ncrns number slxtj
nead. many of which have been selected on their
true merit regardless or cost. At tne head stands
the pure Bates bull, .d Compton. Lord Wild Kyes
Kmi. whoe preient worthy lieutenant Is Imp J1
Duke of Under-Price. The fem.Iet of ibe ne'd
embrace In part tne following: Imported Iiuih
js of KuiKntiy Hall, anu Imp. Annette of
KnlKhtlr Hall, (bosh rre Hates). Prln e a.
Gwjnnes. Miss Wlieys. Loun. llride Go den
Ilr ps, Phyllie. Pansys, and in ny other famine
or equally srood repute.
Theeeiebrated younjr Clydesdale xtalllo". "Can
ada's Glory "sired by imp. Hrotiand' Glorj, I a
tirst prize taker wherever exhibited AI. two
young heavy draft mares, stinted to Canada's
Tbe Cottwo'd . about fifty In number. Imported
and from Imported slock. III be offered, a Km
ited nun ber of Herksblres or verv cholre bree.I
Ing Will alaOk sold. JjIIN C'lLAKI).
Des Molne. 'owl
W7W. Monroo 8f Chlraffo. Ill
4-ton Har Scalr, $60; old pries. 8100.
AH other sixes at a jrreat reduction. All Scales
Warranted. Send for Circular and Price List.
tir"" v mtammsmamfrnm . muuxn iSTsj
Impart mlid electric currents to the bodywUboot
inconvenience, and maybe worn night and day.
Tney are. witboot medldns. a speedy cure of dis
eases that arise fr-m Impaired vital force Dys
pepila. Kbeumatl-m. enra gla. Kidner dis
eases. Nervous Debility. Impe'ency weakness,
and other derangements. I'lastrated pamphlets
wlthendortensentof pbrslcla'ia, snt fr-e Ad
HT East Fifteenth street. Hew Tors.
New York Stationery PickKaTld,l
t- Kxrelaler,' Prlfe, 25 ciit.JE3
Contains tbe Finest Articles, and Is tbe 3aO-T
VALUABLE Package r the kind In tbe wotld
oticc This rnveiu e contains more sta
tionery than any other Variety Package and 1
tbe only Genuine Package made np. Ever y Pack
age also eon'aln one or two Vatasafei Pleeea
r Jeerely. aad over dd konseaold rrolDta
Reed for circular or refereae-a. c. C. BKfaTOL.
71 East Houston street, Hew Tork.
I Two istrmunr o:k ol
I CJ pt. brajttfar t.i-
zraieo. a atrruit j-uiom
1 on voiaaa and ber tfttatit.
Vrnlayj aad a Private
Medical AOTlarr oa iV
I ditordertawt atae ef tbe
JS BTOlieii'r orrtn.
GromziT Urbtliry and Impotence, vrtt the belt mtaa
of carr. troi u tor ioutm mt rrmn si i exa- or
STJse De Rojer's Ti
Per an diseases ef tke woes aad aaso, aad for
tee care of CATARasr,oae or tke aaost eemm-a
aad asoet dUagreasie of eesapltuata. Headreds
ef teatlatealaw eoald be aivea bet tbey woaldke
aseiese. as a trial ef It U Its be-t seamoalal Its
effect la esleaeieaa. rleaelag safe aad sara. Bald
by au drefgtete at a eeata per ber-or peetawe
free by snalL a DR ROJEeLlS W. Mats street
Kecbeeter. H. T. JrvKaaxAwa Raas. Dn-
baqae. waelesaie ageau forio
ssssslBssZiMisBSBwH (BSBSBrsawawssslliwlwlawSlsBSBSBSBSBSBSB
a,- k biBiiisrrtr-r
Wteiber fur n on mn tv Vt Mervbtct t
tJrsMertHl l.i b fcund a ?ab.e Ul
meat, aei ortby of k b, eery feViet Is it
land. We know of no pnpfttry rititt c
article now neJ In lb t mted "taie Vka
baxe tbe cood wt'l of ibe prjJe Id a rTtT
d'trre tbn ttlv Yellow rapper 1W tnlraal
and vrblle for bsman 2eh..V J" hlsj-r4rl
ll la Cm4 tor
Hern nd Srali!.
CbilbbU&A. PrvMt HltM,
ptlnt and ilrnlo,
Cbjpi! lla&tla.
Kleth Woenda.
External 1'olton,
and Crack. of all klD-1..
Mtfatt, KInbone.
Poll Evil.
elllncs. Tnmor.
Oariret In Cow.
Cracked Teat.
Calloot, Ltamm,
Uiirn lllemer,
Crowncab, Unittor,
Ponl Clcrr. Farxv,
Abre of tbe L dIer,
dwelled Lrf.
fvraUbe or (.reat
Mrtofhall Wn4rUt,
Pool Hot la 'beep,
londeri Ket
Hoop in l"'irj,
CYaAed llelt,
Ijtae li A,
ltemorrbulda or PUra,
pavlnt, 'te-iv,
Plttata. atanrv,
Caked lUeatlt.
ire Nipple.
tnrb. Old !sre.
Corn. M billow t.
framp IWt,
W eakne. of Jftct
Contractloa of MbhIm
Extract from a letter frra tVwev A
Hanover. N II , Jan 30. liSA Vb
t dtteri
(darKlIni; (1U l all told but fnor Uitlle and tt
eve prrat tatUfactlon We frroentif bte
call for It by p-run npon rromtnrn(iiHn tf
onr bet ibvtrlaa, and tbcre It no tmukr bat
what It I efficient
Kxtract from a letter from lion Ntthtn ut&d
ev, t'oontv Jndjfe of hrlb t oonlv Iowa date
Harlan. April 13. lG? It I deridnlU preferred
to any other liniment old In tbl etfn
Kxtract from a letter frum It M ut.tber dt
ed Cuba, Mo. Auc 1" IsTr- I m erlUnp ten
iMitllr of jour iSarjrllnff OH wberr 1 eV one
Imltle of any other liniment
Extract from a letter from J 11 !anti-n)nrr
dated Flint, Cber.Ve Nation Ind. Ter rej.t .
1-Ti. I keep vonr t.argtln tU It ej rap dij
.lrrrhant,a liargllrtaj fill libe.i,nj
srd Ilnlm nt i-f the I nlted tte lu .j.-d
I'ftS. Ijtr-e le f 1 medium W- ml! sv
Mnall r-lre for fm' ) ti- T Msnnftrtnrrd tl
Ixickport, N Y bv Merchant (.ar? Inc 1 M (0
j JOIIM IIOIH.i:. sarr'i.
Hit m re ci' p"'
than a )'rt tliuJi
P un.( tttjttu-
ance f rnlrcd
bend fur
Chandler iTajIsr,
MjnufiCt rerofl' rlaUe an tali norlnfi-'i,
Pi rlahlr Mi 'ay wind Or uUr S. M, li.l'rMi 1 I
Alachinct, bhintc ilac!.inet,bt Ijtr. Ac.
NOWFOK USINKtS.-utk. Mew Book
BjiML wi, ii. cki.r ( r i Kmm
n."l ttr U.( kNi pL
Itp FmUI TVlt.t ti. ..iv
Itatf mm lianv... rma.
.T b.t. Itlt,lll4 r'fr f if.-. lil'M IN, ulLM 4S m
0..lltl'.4. tl., rU.rsl.UOlKiaMll.U RkliBMU.t.
For sale in a'moat every ton In tbe.Httte tf
AtljiiMtablo to Tiirc Iin'crcnt
WIlIlllH of ICOUN.
24 Tears or Soccessfnl Operation
Hon red of Tbontand of rarmer. and ttt
multiplied victories I trie field ami elteaftere.
attet Its worth anu eitabllth lit claim to tuperl
orlty over all eomp-tltor
W. Hltovry. Oaletburg. III.
Madeouly by OEO
Steel Beam Plow.
Three Horse Equalizer Plow Clevis
shows on above en l
Tbe simplest, best aad
cheapest way to plow a
:heaoest war to nlow with three borse. Alio
Wood Mae an Flews. Caltlvators k Harrows.
Enqalre for t bete roods, ore-rite to XOKKIM
BRuH. Maanfactnrers. roar MaPtsoa. toa.
It are by which
eapsea can be taken from a iolb wxmao, at
tbe rate or from i to Is per minute, fa praellea
dally ase by merchants, manafaexanrra. raliroaais
coonty c;erks. boards of education, lawyers, Pro
fessors of mnsleaad others GEO. M. BLIA.
Oeaersl Maaacer, T Kleiie ttrect. Cftteaao.
W. P. WHEELEK. General fTestrra Aaet.lC
La Salle street, Cbicaao.
W. K. A.NDatklM.
daea'. Des afetnea.
Magical Witch Hazel Outwent !
A rsiltlv Care for Pile, Old fferea. CKers.
Infl 8tl Eyelids. Rolls, i arba&cle. Coras. Baa
lotu. Chapped llasdt, 4t,Jc
Prtee. - S caU per box. IPrepald by !!.?
a boxes by mall, pre? aid. for - - 91
One dozen, by n all. prepal.for - - i
endfora trial box and ronfldeatlal circular fo
iireats. and too III be ear to orr more, a
yon will sad It tbe most martcaJ healing- and
rnrins; medic ne yon ever tiled. Send art sams
or r-r une Dollar ia Pox OfieeOideritr Pert- ex
letter. Artere C C, BRISTOL.
n East Hoaac. a street. ew Terfc.
'-atxeje. rota:. cs a Kia ea
KP blQ I Pff ""-- MoeatrULCa4.fOT't.laXBp.
lliSLrl lltln 1rwa l.n nn. r !'
AA, .T.V' - " M - . . .
EgFlji. ? ',-"JsrTy a,
eriasaWj?"!!?" " "3'sssssM"'sPiPsssaav''
r "ssi' jk 'rBRRal' aPBsaraa
aVaet Jf-j yraid sssssati
m ALI. MTMML WIMM wfck sear sraat. batb-l&t or J7T
W fses to tbe red. Potac bervicd srsea bcb skies. Eet ;W to aaa- W
M 4bt. FaSe bceoee tewfer ALL THE BOTlOJa PATaATb. No
Usier ol beasrj tnsbted fee iaa-asjeaacBtt. Aafc yoor Manfvar Wee-
caaass fer tae JT i?Er.r HA MM TKXrm t,t.A w 1
1 Zt,
ill Prrdb el k alr. treated by
all with rerfect fw a ii-xt'i.
(af Ikelr .SymategM.
fae 4r .tr e
4 . !
f..r -
l v
h 4 '
r it
1 11 r t
tf SUI i IfSTC 11 -a4 ft
IktTf -t liatit r fciti it
UalS T Mb. fltttt j 4 !- trt
rttafc4 4riv j r ' .
Bronchitis ! r
' .
. .
t k as .
i -.4
all ran o ru T a.
ej is ar -. l t -t .
re4 f ' war U at kc 4 k -eaaltf-l'j
t it tl-i r.
4 l .
rtper, tt ft- i ar -
' t
a .
tT ,. aea
t a (l-lll mt Ik,
Mf. k'.l t -. -, ! j
. S.aatti -m 4
tr .. ml taa mm
tlpthera, Pcear. a a. . , A ,., ., .
euraiata. ad toil ..,., , ,. v.
all atar tattr al . it ... , , . ...,.
ebee atl etaar rm.tlt
taart tt !
a r 4 or. t
L ttt e.i
!'. f et
r ' fktirti,t
f c( t ' t .f rt-
t !? a tt a
t tat f it, air r
!!' rt -f
& t.r if t ti
I '. at' if
DTurxriiu wg
r KR. I -tr a IK
tey corap alb tit at
'eetnallr ra b4 kj
Z)genate4 a:r
To ttiitt its-
4 t r !! aatt
it M l ia )
h f '. m tl4t
t rt4f
t! l' rf(. t
uatie ifr..4 air
t t 4'it v ia
I ft t '. B t 1 1 1 1
at .t i- ti.twt aas
f.t la In mt mt
. i a . t t i i
t mi h mihf
a tu. r
a i 1.. i.aj t r
t.i-.t iiirnti i ta
fiM ll (tai wrim
', t If IB BIwm 1....
-I f'.tt ftvMI
M B (t, a4
j rHi ui r
i a e ! la lutri
that fy pmUtt a
I -i VI Vet. "I J t
in, in attel vita
CCBri w.taa' f '1 I I
or Urali-c jA. L
very t'.CIe er t i (at
any pr tua
with Cancer
tr .
a-J T
uers will pl !;
fur tettlina .'a.t, t .
Iron t t.r.'t cjtel
W warraat a
pel fer t , lMtttttl., tn
M 4t It MtMtltt S
'urn eati( kt 4
to Ir rteaied tk.l II
ireir'ii) Bart ( IS
t-if at U ( a Ha
ft, HlM.t 'Wr.Bfk Ik
rtt h If iMr MH
I par j-,o rtttrl be
ft W. 4rlt Mr.
art and ilfc-r Imp.
r'tt tm r taa tto4
We entrant. ! r'fr
tn f ft la at rairS
be t m f.f an; tt
r -mn fimell
LaTB ortKi
Ilotpltal. PhIJa leljit ?a.
Pa-. ae bat va t
ueeeatfal lhro-jsr aul
Maw Kogtand In !'.
sure of Caarert tt ; Tu
mora take chars "f
ali leasee a era
lit ! MreM, rrerleeare, R. I,
Pferstelab wltb'ng t I1 m atslava at
sltylntbi buiiret. o 'ur'.i,-i wita i
rltory aad octr i i,strai4 ti fr 4vtilag
ts seas, ay a4rel at. t
There are apria'"lJ fr '
alsewbers tnatarapnttis . a r"t LlyCIS
and trying to is nil or MT Ttt f
Olygsnaied Air and e titol ltltl.ti'lt ilt
on gnuir ue t ' rtt llt IOW1
tE!Di allt aas itr H
eoTTLa tin rflsTkirr La sat.
BOSH and DAUOHTLKH. albntlon!
lnrn to tlfy yonr IIOMK.H arxl
FIWKST and bat OUIDK3 aod CAT
Krnryonm havlnr a PAriSt or OAIU
DEN ahoUirf lanrtrJ n Poataj-Carfl nt bct
for TllKK lcnvll CIKCUI.Ak or
10c for Jiluatrated CataiOifuo. 1-W ptse
34 DaxcL.7 SL. Nw Yerk,
So. 6712.
A. S. TO!!',
Xanufactarer of X'Uat CmM1
i'ria-BK Jit-ara au) IIHt;e jBir-r.
fcleflin, I Hi whs.
V a. A. a, T')!r-Te Meiartaer, rrm'iot
b-art I Jntt tb tH fr fix Mt.1-. i ,,
jrlven n-i a Utormtm trltt in K.a rear4 as.4
bedee auj thlnX It tana', lev 3rp.-t
Tears a c w w ifjrf.
w. . . . ft. Itx,
wr a. Trxt Tn preser t-titr'kt ef y-nr
aeentla tbebett I rvr w a-l f wta3 avt tai
fie for It If I . ootj j t a-
leer trxly. j ron tntn.
VCkTT Wii r. -t'av vn -k'rin.-r
Msl WATCHES l--r-t t e twt
tmaV wtr'J Jwmfz mvlth mi -1 r .Ia i Ci.
WWW tvf ui4 mt -t1 m . fj Tl.
arunaitlrtu tot LTI.'if A COJCU
rrr Maee Sou, Oktcat.
ys. A'-tCMCM e-7La-N.
pVsaBv atrccj. fSY fv
aJaTavssI S il ,rr" di!
w2 Sz A nuih. k
XreVaatVyi1 " SBBBBBBBsKr