$! SSgtlWW'Wi 35 "W- i - ' S5SCEsesSMR9feSSigSSSSfe8a9Wr a 3 - f4 K- " r-ji THE RED CLOUD CHIEF WEBSTER CO., NEBRASKA. LOCAL MATTERS. Knticrtin thin Column Q Cent n Lit" Arrlvnl Ktoil lepnrtnrr ef 3iII frte ttii KrO oil l. O IJahtWok Leaven Monday' Wedneda 'f, and Friday 7 a tn. Tuc-dHV, Thur-day and Satuidav, 8 a. tn., Atrif es every day ii.3t p. m. IIaUVAJUi leaves Mondays nnd ThurMlays 7 a in., arrives W edited daj and Saturday. C p. m. Pl.KAKANT HlI.I. leave Thursday? 7 a. u. Arrive. WcdncMlay's G p. tu. Franklin, cninc cast, Monday V and Thurultiy V 1 p. in. Goinc wcM J Tiie.-day and left pome of tbe "need Tuesday's and Friday 9 a. rn fu,., fiuIire we,ky v;,Us of thp Jkwki.L Kansas, leaves Tuesday, r . .. . . . r. .,.. .:.,. .. TJ,urnht and Saturday- b a i.! Chief to his home, for sometime u. strive .Miiiiilay.1-, Wednesdays and l'ridayi 0 p. m. Kiksi:(., K.in-a, Leaves Monday-. W dnodaji- and Irnla 7 a. in. nrriver Tm-rda, Tburnduy.'s and Sunday-, l p. ui. f Office open from 4 until G p. m. Sundayf. All registered matter tuuit be in by 7 JJ" . tu. Money Order buMnrjs rlocd at 7 3D p m. No orders if.-ucd on Sun day. M. II. MrXiTT, I'. M. 1 'llt'KII IIIHKCIOKl. CONGRKGATIONALCniTHCH - S.rvi.. mihid fir. ,....1 il.r.l . ttiit Iii ofi:ii'! niMiitli at Red Cloud ntid Inavale. 1 o'clock P M. at livd Cloud. '2 o'clm-k l. 31 at In- a vale. Kvery ."-croud and fouith Sabbaths at Hatin and Ilariiiony I'n-citici RhV. A. MaXWKM., Pa-tor. BAITIST CIH'P,''U. Rkv. J. T. Mi l.N Kit. Servic"- -econd ' Sabbath in vuh month at 11 A. M. AHHATH Scijoru. evorv Saboat li i liiornmg at hi JI CIciM... at 11. W hi KiNt.Klt. ?llpt. 1IA.MMM' JltM'J'j mocK ev.ry two' w-ek- on al't'tt.ate Thur.-day ceti j ing- at i III) o clock. Fubcrilic r Initio not receive their pa fierii rrRiilnrlj. will cotitrr a far lij imtily ini u of tlic inrl at onvn. X '"iil-nMT wlm finl ji reil ir X in rk-d ! lie iiuirsHti f tin lr ! ipi r. ill kncic tin t hIim ri- tt on fxiure- null ttn- iiumln f"lorimr. nnii tlic art- miiiftct4 lt 'vi w Jit mire. TInot- w lli fititl it lilin- rn li tllcir pV4pcm Mill kmt t that tlii- rt- in a rt-,t. mi i n little niniic) vmi.Ii1 b.ic i-ptiililv ttUS ro ivy .ix ocxritY. Ka-tur Sunday ha emiie mid gone. II S. K ilcy xv nt to Lincoln lat JI)tnlay. A complete- .-toc of groccne-1 an 1 dry gooJ-j'is.: received at J. G. Put iter .-. Pi. Wt Cllll.r S:: 1 i.cdav. "ton. ol Iiiveitou i.ciiim a fticndly paid the visit l.iht . Mrs W. V. A. Whi to, if Ha'tinp--, (J. will deliver a temperance l.fil Cloud, Wed;ic.-day CtlHC in evening, Aptil 1 1 h. WANTED. A pil, to do general hou-e-work. A I ply mioii, at tbe Cll'hF oQicc, Red Cloud Neb. Annuul School meet in at the Feb .ol bou-e in Di-trict No. '2. Mc Niit, our worthy P. M. was choett to a utne the arduous dutie of mod viator G W. ILsj of Iinvale, va- tu town la-t Tuodav, he ha-, been on the i?iek li-t for the !a-t trvo or th ee months W' are gla I to .-tate, however, that he : improving iu health. New st'ed i-tore in Red Cloud, J. A. TulIey.N ptoprietor. eed for gratuitous distribution Irom Wa.hini.ton, can be f.ttind at the County Clerk'h office. They haTC been goi a like 'hot cakes.' A fight on the street last week. We did not witness the "onpleasantneas," fut are informed that one of the par tics got pretty badly bunged up. luut do it auy more. Job -work ha been accumulating on ur hand.s for the lat week. We will havg;ome new rollers ioi our jobber Iffa day or two. So bring your job work right along. The Br.-t number of the Clay county Democrat i ou our table. It is a very creditable hect, primed at Harvard by L. E. Day, editor aud proprietor. W'rjjp iisingly exchange. There has been some tHanifes'ations of spiiituahfeiti at a private reMdence iu thi-s quiet burg recently. As we had no invitation to witne.-s the antics of ie ".-pirit-," wc are not prepared to Ipuak knowingly on the subject. Gilham has been officiating at the Court House for the la.st two weks. l"e aie Dot informed as to the nature of the duties a-sinned him. He say he is'deputy eountv official." " : . A de-tructive pra r.e fir.' al ou thn lhilesouthve't of Guide Rock, did considerable damage to Mr. Woodard, an old roident of that vicinity, who had all hi corn, bay aud corals burn ed up. Thi is a severe los to 3Ir. "Ifcwdard. Where tke fire originated is not known. Mrs. MoreLous will continue to run tbe La Clede Hotel, and we believe it -yill be conducted far better than it has been heretofore, and the public will do christian act by giving to this house their support. As the worse tLan widowed woman has no other meacs if supporting herself and three children. Cigar at J. G. Potter's. Mr SmeVcr and Miss Artie Rob erta, pave i" a pleannt call yesterday. Uncle Sam does a routing business in his line Grnnd Inland now want- a "Temple of Honor." A Butier county editor i Faid to be superintendent of a Sabbath School I'rcposieroai ! Tha front of Mitcbel h Morhart' building pre-entft a better appearance f Iian furuietly tho-c larjje windows look well. I Mr. Hnwe, of Stillwater, called la.t cmie. Tlic hncond number of tbe Fairbury Tiinei) conic' to us loolitiR in Kiod idiape ItiiprinU'd with new type, and i- rinite a f-picy bheet. G. P. Price i. ib cdt'or. I We i-h it dt-tiiictly understood, ' that hereafter we will Hittle no bills, J not of our own contracting If we give an order, then we will honor the i-a&ie when we are Mttling up. Fartiier.i de-irinK anything in the line of agricultural implement, will do lrcl,,byt'a!'i"f ", EJ ?f?' ,W,' ' l'h tor .tale the cclfbnitcil A eir plow, Kan-a-' vVagona, Monitor Corn Plant ers. &c .") tf In anollu-r col u in will be found an account of the qjnpemetit which rcur red last week. The de-elted wife beg ged us to not make the affair public. While we deeply hympathizj with the unfortunate womin, and would not willingly wound her already lacerated ft elm;.'-, yet we realize that ju-tice to an outraged community demad that the tact? in tbe cac be made known. We would roped fully urge upon our t.uueiiler.i who are in arrears, the tiece-i-ity of paying a pan, at leant, of what is due. We hue to pay the cah each week for tin paper, and it hardly iccm-ju-'t that we .--hould wait a!.va for oUr pay. If you cannot pay the full amount without luconve niei.ee to our-elf. pay what you can, be ll i- evet feu little, if each one would do i hi- we wouKi be enabled to meet our bills promptly and get out a much better paper ibuu we tu w do. In some couutiea iu the State the at-seseorr- have had to do their work over h'"i they having on thir Gr.it i ou nd neglected to comply with the law, by a.-i-enHiiig ail the old clothes the homcKcaders had laying around (their premises. The aa-esbors iu this county will prub ibly have to do their woik ugaiu. The law requiring such an u.s.M.-mcut is a cur.-e to the State, aud Will be more influential in ietnrd ing imuiigraliou to our fair Statu tbau nil tbe grahoppera aud other plagues cutubiuod. We feel like peakiug a good word for our Stillwater friends, who are, we think, as enterprising a class of set tlers as W ehster vouuty can boast of. They show their appreciation of home enterprise by the libi ral manner wita which they support their county pa per, and cncourare ciiierpn-e in the.r own imm iate neihborhooi. It stems difficult uovv to realize that le.-s than a half dozju years ago, we hunt ed BufFilo over that ery section of ejuutry that is now dotted with farm houses and productive fields, where peace, prosperity and plenty abounds. We have I ten over that ground time aud again when there was uo more sigu of civilization than there is ou the untrodden deserts of Africa. hat a mighty change iu five hort years. We send a larger bundle of Chiefs to Stillwater P. O., than wc do to any other postoffice in the county, except lied Cloud; and we must say it, the Stillwater list is kept piid up better than any other list on our books. Long may you wave. We are sati-fieJ that those who ate seeking homes iu the west, cannot find a place where greater inducements to laad-seekers is offered than here in Webster couuty. Good schools, good climate, good society, good laud, good water aud god neighbors Come ye landless ! come and secure a foothold iu the Vape of a rich tract of land in this beautiful valley. "There is no place like home." We have been for more than ten years a resident of Ne braska, having settled with hi its bor ders w..i!e it was yet a territory ; aud each successive year but strengthens our faith iu hr future. Last week was a lively week for Red Cloud. An elopement, street fight, runaway, variety show, lots of false hoods in circulation, go-sip mongers busy, and a St. Joe 'bummer' tojk Charley Kaley 's girl out for a bugtty ride, to the evident disgust of Char ley., Who said Red Cloud was a dead town? This all happened in one week. From D. H. Wheeler, secretary of tbe State Board of Agricu'tar, we have received a copy of the Premium list of the Nebraska State Fair for 1877. The State Board, by resolution, pro vide that to beeoDK a competitor and entitled to tbe "Arbor Day" premium, the planting must be done on the 3d WeflDewiay of April IS77 For the greatest number of tees plan ted on said day' to include fruit, forest, evergreen and all varieties, $50 00 Greatest No- hard wood, 25 00 j GreatestNo. cutting, Hi (.Hi. Grand Ball at tbe Sur Hall on next Wednesday crcnine. April Ilfh. m School District Record- for le by C. W. Kaley. 2b. Beautiful weather, and tbe sown? still going on. The highct cadi price paid for hip- pine bogs, abo wheat and corn, by 33 if C. It. Potter. HATS .nd CAPS. Go to .!. G. Potter' for tbe bet Ptylen of Hat and Cap in the valley. Cheap, Tox cath. Hampton k Raltton have mounted their new signboard on their Llck fuiitb hhop. Notice h hereby given, that Twill le at the "table adjoining the Red Cloud Brewery with my Stallion and Jack on the Und and 4th Mondays of April, May, June and July, 1S77. L. Smith. 34-tf Guide Rock, Neb. Unclaimed letters remaining uncall eJ for in this office. April Ud, JS77 : Henry Anderson William W Dale A L Ferguson Frank Mattison Hank Simmons II Z Tillostou Nnah White William Wond rly Frank Btxter2 Warren P KHis Frank Ktng '1 Richard Neidhold Cna- Spelder K Vandevender E C Wondcrly M. li. McN'itt, P. M. Red Cloud, Webster county, Neb DEATHS. DIED On Monday April 2d 1S77. at the residence of Carl Weler. Sarah, wife of W. Biice, in the 7Gth year of her age. Died March 24th of Croup; little Willie, Son of Silas and Sylvnia Welli. Aged three year?, three mouth? and twenty thiee days We loved our Willie fondly, But Je.-Us came one day And folded him in His bootn And bore his Soul away. Beyond the the clouds into Heaven, That beautiful Land above, Where the flowers are ever blooming Our darling used to love. Fi lends. NCriCE TO TA2-PAY2SS. Notice is hereby given that on the Kith, 17th and ISth days of April, 1677, the County Commissioners will sit at Red Cloud as a Board of Equal ization of asscsmcuts. All who think themselves aggrieved by the assessors are notified to appear before said board on siid days and make their several complaints, as no changes in the assessments will be made after that time. By oider of the Commissioners. J. A. TtiLLEYs, Clerk. We are in receipt of a copy of the Arazona Enlerpriic containing the fol lowing : 'The Fallace mine belonging to W. A. Smith. A. S, Neffand C G But trick i- now down ten feet and shows every indication of being a good mine, aud I as an ore body two feet through. Two assays recently made from it gave respectively $1 13 and $280 Its char acter is chloride and bromide of silver.' Mr. Neffw.ii formerly a resident of thii count-, but emniigrated to Arozo na some three years ago. TAKENUT1CH Office hours at the Red Cloud Post Office. 7 a. m to 8 p. tn., every day except Sunday, when the office will be open from 12 in to 1 p. m. No letters registered or money orders issued on Sunday or after 8 pm. M. B. McNitt, P. M. The strange conduct of Mr. More hous, landlord of tbe La Clede, ha been the occasion of various surmises during the past week. On account of the feelings of Mra. Moreho'is, who is de-erving of the utmost consideration, we would gladly avoid publishing any thing relating to the matter. But our duty to the public demands that the facts should be made known Ou Monday of list week, Morehous obtained Joe Warner's team and in company with Maggie Lampire, his servant girl, and his little daughter went down into Kansas. His Ostensi ble o'jtcts were to take Maggie, the servaut, to her home near Salem, and to transact some private business of his own at Cawler City. His return was expected last Wed nesday eight, On Tuesday and Wed nesday vague rumors aud suspicions were circulated to the effect that Morehous had decamped. On Thurs day morning Joe Warner went down to Maggie's home and ascertained that she had not been there. He then re turned to Red Cloud, procured a team and with Mr. Lowe started for Cawker City to bunt up the absentees. At the date of writing this, (Monday,) noth ing has been heard from Joe or either of the parties, sav? that Morehous and Maggie were seen in Cawker City last Monday evening and that Maggie told that she and her ''husband" were on the way to the K. P. Road, to take the train to- California. It is difficult to believe that Mor -hous intended to steal the horses. Wis character previous to his comjng to Red Cloud, with the exception of a fondness for liquorv has been that of an honest, iadtwtrcros maa. There have been and will be various con structions placed upon hw conduct In the meanwhile, we have our own, and eiwply suggest that, m bk return to his family is still poasiblef and, per haps, probable, we withhold owr eon detonation until we tnow all the fact. r to U. ur cialtaf tu rItM f will Sn tit ctr iDlrrrt to all a M L- Tbota. t tik Cxicr Sc. wire lew will W taJ hninrti. Inxtmstt. wl tbe 5cirottiof rar- In bn- ID Soatb trvtlrro Xrferk. I woalU Ju wf-ll ttc2aU thM Afvscy. t , inr tMit fu; rrrlr. We nave at present tbe folio rinc described tract oT land for ssie : 100 ACRES, .situated on Elm Creek. .00 tcrc under cultivation, plenty of timber and water Good weh, 3) feel deep; houftC. ta-bk-fc, etc. Iand nearb all level, beiua: mosti) second bottom. Clow to achool bou-c. Price. II.OuO. f60J dowa. Ual - a nee in payments to suit purchx-ter. Deed gncn. VJV ACRES of deeded land, situated on Elm Creek. Plenty of timber, partly un4er cultiva tion. Convenient tn j-ehoola a&d churches. Term-, J 500 cajh. 1G0 ACRES. of deeded land, lj miles from Red Cloud, 45 acres under cultivation cor rab, etc. Good well 26 feet deep. Term, $1, 000, ?."0u cash down, bal auce iu a ear. A bargain. SO ACRES of land on Elm Creek on the Hasting and Red Cloud freight toad, 25 acre? under cultivation, good Haute houe lGx2G with basement 14iT., good well, stable r om for "U team-, building 14 x2S for the accommodation of freight ers. Corn crib and corrals. This property ha- lonu beeu known as Hummers ranche. There is some tiu. ler on the place. Will relinquish for 700. or will give deed for $600 Half down, balance in one year, or will trade for team and stock. 100 ACRES of deeded land. Two miles from Red Cloud. Timber aud running water. 10 acres broken, mostly good grass laud. Price, $450, half dowu, babuce in a year. WOLBACH'S P-2CSS. Good Cottonades at lc a yard. Good Heavy Jeans, " ' Brown and Blue Duck, I2c. " Denim, " Bleached Muslin, 7, 8, U, 10c Unbleached " 7?, S. S 2 J. Heavy Toweling, 8?c. 44 Cheviot Shirting, 12jc. Bed Ticks, 8, 10, 12c. Four Spools Coat's Thread 2.jc We also have an endless variety of Spring Goods, just arrived from New York. Come aud examine our Goods have a full line of Ginghams, Cali coes', Poplin?, Alpacas, Cashmere, Embroideries, Laces, striretl Hosiery, also Balbrigan and English Under wear; Ribbonv, Buttons . Trimmings. Our Clothing Stock is Complete. We are offering suits at $4 50 to $12 00v 30 per cent, les than can be bought elsewhere. The ladies will please give us a call. We have our brands of boots aud shoes, which we can wan ant to you. Hoping to get 3'our patron age, wc are Respectfully Yours, WOLBACH BROS. 1st door south of the Bank, Hast ings. Neb. All calico's Sold at loyds for one Dollar, at Wolbach Bro's one door south Bank, Hastings, Nebraska. Apple Trees, Cherry Trees, Currants Goo-ebcrrie.s, Rhubarb, and Hedge Plants, "raised," and for sale, at Mi' ner's Nursery near Jloverton. 34 3 MILLINERY ! New Patterns, New Goods, at Mrs. McBrides. Hats done over in good style. Ladies of town and country are cordially invited to call aud examine goods. Shop in south part of town Ophite Mr. W. N. Richardson's. 34 J. iTlSLLSB. Agent for the White Sewine Ma chine. Any one wishing to pui chase one of these machines, will find a sam ple machine at the Furniture store. We wish to inform our patrons that s Chicago firm has lately opened up at Has'ings, and arc selling Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, at such low prices that have never before been known in Hastings. They warrant to give satisfaction or ixroney refunded. D. Weinberg, 33 tf 1st street, Hastings, Neb. SEAT THIS AVS IT WILL ST 3EK3FI CIALTOTOU. Having received over 50 cases of Dry Goods, SO cases Clothing, 3000 pairs Boots and Shoe-, a large assort ment of Oil Cloth, and Carpet, which wc must sell, regardless of cost, for the want of room. This is a golden opportunity for thoe who wih to buy. Chicago Store, 1st .Street, Hasting6, Neb. 33 tf HARNESS! HARNESS H Wm. McBride will get you up a good harness at reasonable figures. Call and see him. One door south of the new Meat Market. Sl-tf QUEENSWARE! QUEENSWake! John G. Potter has just received a large amount of (Jueensware, etc., etc which he will ell at figures to suit purchaers- Call and see. J ohn G, Potter. Red Ctotri. Neb. 32 fABlEES LOOS TTTtf I will ,et hedge for alrtheee wkwisc work of that kind dose,- for 2cat per rod and insure siaad of fir plants. Call on or address, Wm. W. Bunnell, J4 tf Sullwatcr; Nb. 1 1 SIXESS Dl HECTOR Y Attanteyt it Law. -tb t - J. S Grilham. i ' ' ' Att'y at Law, AND NOTARY PUBLIC, ' a Collection- protaptlv attended to. . -.w --.4 JfLst ir ;. X. Td J. WL Willcox ATTORNEY AT LAW, mu4 U 8 Com mi'. loner. Ja Collection Piomptly Attended lo OFFICE ON'F DOOIt Oi; TH OF IIAUM'S STOKE Red CImI. - . I M. L. Thomas, SIAL SSTATS A5i:?T. Will mU Rel I lt:e aJ Prot.a! i-roj.-tj UB COIBZDIMIUlL. iwr Office at Chief office, RED CLOI'D - - - - NEBRASKA. Z. S. Zkl.Zl, Agt. U -fM. R. H. Ind. C. T. 2A1IT, Notary Pablif. &alry SrofTjers, ATTORNEYS AT 1AW. A2T2 SSA1 SSTaIS ASTS. Will practice in all the Courts in this State and Northern Kanan. Colection pMfeptly attended to and Correspondence solicited. lied Cloud, XtLrtiika. JAS. LAIRD, Ct TfORNEY AND COUNSELOR 7 at law. Juniata Nebraska. Will practice iu all the Court of the Stat Prompt attentioH riven to at! business j entrusted to his care. Office on th j eaat side .Juniata Avenue. jui) i Geo.W. Sheppard, GOVERNMENT anb Jfeffortttti, RLOOMINGTON, NEB WZKB&ZU , . I Ifynnirians and Surgeons. All nu'dical calln promptly attended to at all hours. . JOffice in City Drug Store. 15-17 Bed Cloud. Xofcr&ska. I. W. TUMiEYS, HOMEOPATHIC PHVSICI An U. S. Pensiou Surgeon. Office two doors south of the Court House. 2E2 CLOUD - KISRASiU. W. S. RICHARDSON, J. A. TJJLLEVS Richardson & Tulleys, EEAL SS7ATS & C0L'C7K?3 ASSETS Will bay and sell Real E.t ite on ChjIs- ioa. and pay tax en (or non-reMcn(. SeriarttStnn given tocollectinnk. Cor respondence solicited. AH letter" of inquiry, or on business promptly answered. RED CLOUD, - NEB. RZD CLOUS CTOSSOT KASZZT EZFOUt CORRECTED WEEKLY II V S. OAKIIER. Wheat, per bushel Corn. " " SO 25 25 20 05 15 io 75 1 00 1 00 1 00 i oo 1 (XI I 0 1 00 100 1 00 1 00 Potatoes " ti Oats Barlev it Eggs per dozen Butter per pound Lard " Onion per bushel Dried apples 10 lb for Salt Lake peaches 5 lbs for A Sugar, (il tit for C Sugar 7 lbs for New Orleans sucr S lbs for Beat Rio Coffee 3 lbs for HieeJ? lb for rii lines 9 tt's for Blackberries 6 lbs for Currant? 8 lbs for Teas from 40 cts. to $1.00 per lb. iIuMins 10 to 12 per yard. Ducks from 17 to 25 cts. per yard. Prints 9 cents per jard. When you come to town call at the "Boys" Home," Geo. Z-iss, proprie tor, where you can get good accommo dations at reasonible rates. Board by the day or week. 33 2m BOOTS and SHOEc. 3. G. Potter wishw to fay that he is sellioj? brs tock of Boots nd Shoes at extremely low figures. Give him a call . 33 tf DO YOUR OWN GRAINING ! i A new and simple Method of grain ing. Enclose oOctsand I will send by ! return maw printed directions for jrrarnuag: ati shades. No rntabwg Address. Jtufus Mikses. 34 6m Red Cloud Neb. J. D. Post informs us tint be has the largest bus west of Joe,- War- Ber's and h prepnred to areccftumo date the freighters, and all ethers woo auay cau. livery nga iuxaissea j ou short uotice 03-if Jmict- i brrby nrr. Tb: ! :R rt alloc rr- ibo out tirurc o .1,1 a odiatr ft, i ' cbet f tb priajyr f wttutxsoo on4 , of eUtrr cousiy. at RH CVtd tm tbe Srt Saturday t tl tactb cfFeb roary, Miy. Aod, i 7tsibr? ,' A D lt?7 Etmt&ataf( W$j j i held iq Pcinrt No. rt SiaitBf -.v t J"". d to HarSMsflj prrviact. , a p,. cc Pt cscda Jan. ih J-77 mm m$H' Juniata, T0 GEO. KCDER - - - PROP G.l lltd 6'iHxf .Vi, f StaV- Ciiituirif Hotel.: Ked :,au,, Rive ton, Nebraska. W. W Rom.N-o.v. - - Prop (Jood Inrds, good rcaoooable. fafe and cbarr M?ab at all bcurv Red Cloud Mills! We are prepared to do cus. tome work. i pUnuC pet:cl aiml Corn Mcl or '' HflT Satisfartion gu amntoet! ti. quality of flour sOl.D and ci si y U'OUK. Farmer- 'hooUl b- particuia: to secure the best of seed wheat. Potter Sl Frisbie! SAM'L GAiiBER ur.ALr.it i?f Dry (moods on ft Groceries. BOOT and Hats. Caps. & ' Rmdu Made Clothing We have the Largest Stock in the Valley and will not be undersold. 1 GIVE US A CALL. ONE k ALL Sam'l Carber 47d Kcd Cloud. 3Tcb IF YOU WISH THE Lightest Running. Best Constructed, 1 Mast Nsisless Lock-stitch Shuttle SEWING MACHINK You csrroot afford to porchase with' out examiniag the "VICTOR" Tc try it is to be co-aviated that it is the aaaehrae awost tu be desired.- If yoa have no Agent ia yor Ttaa ity, write fof ClreeUr asd tertats ttt Victor Sewimj Machine Ct n 312 WtftlCaiises Street, CHii'A.er ixa,. JLafMK- AcK;llllHflBBBjnaM, LLaLLLKssSasBisSE tliiiiiiiiBi9S? vi;if to ! ' APk5 T j llilVlU i I SHOP j HAMPTON a RALSTON. Props Th- etotUrkcJ br& at4 u .t ! tV Jr if W rbtrr ''trri r &a prtmt to d X ! f tiif & 0b hort osttrc J Ci jW All Wtrif Wirrantti tt Hr Stisfactiin. iiBjrWp tmdrr oor thaaV t the pl4c tint at t"rtvi -J repcrtfa!lj !ok a cttisabrr f tbe mid HAMPTON BOOT AKD SHOE $Y(V ! PARKS BKCS Prcpritors. Tin firm tKw pr-rarrd Irt rtidr of the l-rst tuatctia! and at fcrurr. a 1 iit c. tU Urr All Kindt of Repairing Dtna With Neafneit and Dispatch. A barcnflrit pablic palronarc rvrelruPt uriM. work. loH wariatitcd. .?! YE l A TVML and be tuiiiirictd lLat it i to jour irlrrit tc patiir u. PARKS BROTHERS, l tf Red Cloud, .1 G Potter bat just recciTrd j j , 1 mw Stoo&ii vT att& 'JPrabisions. Ever brought (o the Valley and priccca. T. G. no MAY'S!! Kor " our CLOTHING, cSSk, BOOTS and SI IOKS, fcBMI$S. HATS CAPS Sl Furnishing Goods CMAPM '?. CHEAPEST ! ! Call and See Us Before You Bay. grj.i the NEW BUILDING, On FIRST STREET, opposite Commercial Hstff, Nor. 23 tf H ASTI N'JS. NEBRASKA. CHEAP CASH STORE Wholesale and Retail Dealer in DRY GOODS. HATS, CAPS AND NOTIONS Greerie, Flour Sl Pro'ilM, WOOD. WILLOW, GLASS AND QUEENSWARri WE WILL XO T BE UXDER SOLD. CA LL AXD SEE US 1 5orth of Rank, 1 2zii i HARDWARE STORE MITCHELL Sl XORHAKT We keep o hf ad at B ti Tib, sad Hardware. a WE AliSO Katp a Sapfly tlWmwmlmm lawpl he as a cxtf. as we f elsmre as low as aey ether fine ia the wLv Reaesber the pkee, i eVr atarflr A V I . V . f H N 4 1 J.S l A) RAIT1 ON. 2t Srhs furiih thr ul kf mYJ i1fT4 M Nebraska, the Snrt ortUirM Snirrirs, 3 line him a rail and ltxr'tbr xchhw Potter. Red Cloud. Nebraska. to Hacti.. NrrfftXJKA. Large vieteleetefSicvee, mUL we nm awH yew. of Cm PrisXMa '3 V Red CleusV IM ! -A- '- 71 A li 1$ St3"a E"'-'