. THE RED CLOUD CHIEF. if. L. THOMAS, - - - Kmtok THURSDAY April 5h, 1877 Sates cf Subceriptien. One copy 1 year $2.00 One copy 6 months 1.00 One copy 3 .................. ..0 (JorrrspouUence solicited from all part o he County an-1 .State, on matters of snera liferent. Ollicial Directory. CONGRESSIONAL. A. S. Padd-ek. Beatrice. U. S. natar. W. Hitchcock, Omaha. U.S. Senator. frenzo Crounse. ReiiresentatiYe. BXECUTIVK. 5ILASOARBKR. Oomraor. Lincoln. Kruno Tsschtick. Sec. of State. J. B Weton. Linsola, Auditor. J.C. McUride. Treasurer, (loo. H. Huberts. Att'y (en. .1. M. McKenzie. Lincoln. Sap. Pab.Imtruc. JUDIC ARY. Geo. It. Like. Omaha. ChiefJisticc. D tn'HtanU. Nebraska City. I jt . Ba-iTJ Maxwell. PIUinoath A"oc,ale Ju'- WEMSTKR COUNTY. J. A. Ttillcys, E. II. Jnnc. I. W. Tiilleyf. II. Hill. A. A. Pope, C C. Coon. County Clerk. Treasurer. Prolate Judge. Sheriff. School Han't. i'oronrr. CoantySarreyor County Commissioner. W K. Thorn. (J. W. Rail. Is. II. Luf. J. II. HobarU 1 Bob. Ingcirol hnB been recently purring tip the denizens of the east' crn cities with his humorous, patriotic and well-timed speeches. Over I.'j.OOO applications for office 1 avc been received by the Pottna!ter General during bin brief incumbancy, and filed away for future reference. A shootinc affray recently occurred in Topeka, Kansas, in which J . C. Swazy, editor of the Blade, was killed and John W. Willson, editor of the CnmmntnccnUh van tlit;htly wounded. The shooting was the result of an old trudge. Tt is stated that the President has determined to withdraw the ttonps from South Corolina and allow the denizens of that warlike State to ad just their own difficulties, in which which case. (Jen Hampton, the dem ocratic choice for governor will be sus tained If you know of any penon i uppo.scd to be on the down grade, give him a kick. It is J-o encouraging 1 If you can do it in a sly, sneaking sort of way you will deserve admiration for your hiiih moral courage and charitable fpirit. Ex. John D. Lee, of Mountain Meadow notoriety, was shot, recently, on the very spot where the massacre occurred, iicarly twenty years ago. He left be hind, a written account of the awful deed, in which he claims to have hcen the tool of others, and implicating Brigha'u Young and other high dig nitaries of the Mnrman Church. A wealthy citizen of Omaha by the naaie of Edwards brought suit against. a young girl, by uaae May Thompsou charging her with attempting to take his life bv putting strychnine in his food. The exawiaation showed that she was a deuie-tic in his household ; that he drugged and seduced her, and himself put the poisoa iu the fond. The girl was discharged". She will now bring suit for heavy damages against Kd wards. The dam of the Staffordvifle reser voir in Connecticut gave way on March 27th, cansing fearful damage to life and property in the valley. The rail road freight house and alt th ears wer wa-hed away. The Staffordville National Bank and Congregational church, and fifteen other buildings were swept away. The flood is said to have come upon the village very sud d'-nly The loss of property in Staf fordville alone, is said to exceed two millions of dollars. Postmaster General Kfj says tbat in the appointment of postmasters in th outh he will apnoint a republican if he can find one satisfactory to a large majority of the people. The postmaster general will never find such a republican inany southern democrat ic community. U is impossible for the southern mind to recognize any thing good in a political enemy ; and iu the ordinary southern town the peo ple would sooner have a confederate thief for postmaster thaa a union gen tleman. What to write about to a local pa per : The kind of crops being cultiva ted in your vicinity, their condition, aud whether in greater or less quanti ty than usual ; whether much or little grain or produce is on hand. Anything about your school, church, Sunday school or grange ; names of officers, ministers, etc Marriages, births and deaths Revivals, number of conver sions; festivals or entertainments, what for and amount of proceeds. New arrivals and departures; improve ments what kind and by when. Ac cidents primes, and fires. Call atten tion to any enterprise or improvement wanted by the community, any pablie evil, or any curious circumstance. And then, leave it to the editor's discretion tooondease, omr or modify anything that you have written, and don't feel that he has not treated jtou with kind! consideration if he should do so. The object of smllLpapers must necessarily he to get tba greatest amount of infor mation in the least possible space. Short words, short statements, short paragraphs. Brevity is the soul of wit, J yet it matter not fcpw long an article w provided it is sufficiently, important - The fame of Nebraska h becowaiojt greater every year, and many eyes are turned hither. Parties of eicursioti ista are already arriving and looking around and rotne are invetinj in va rious enterpri-es and this i we!lt we tru-t. fur all who come among us The truth id Nebraska U now and i Mwn to become one of the grandest atate between the Miasou-i hiver and the Rocky Mountains, and yoa might as well attempt to dam up the riv r Ni'e with bull ruahe- a.i to slop iujtnigrarion to this fair and happy Lod. Lincoln GloU. There is more truth than poetry in the following, from the Hep. City Neic: 'If we publish jokes; people say wc are rattle-headed. If we omit jokes, they pay we are an old fat-i'. If we publish original matter, they blame us for not giving selections. If we pub lifib selections, folks say we are lazy for not writing nomething they have not read ia some other paper. If we give complimentary notices, we are ceneured for being partial. If we do not give complimentary notices, folks will say we are jealous. If we do not cater to the wishes of the ladies, thj paper is not fit to tie op a parcel or make into a butle. If we remain in our office and attend to our bubinens, folks say we are too proud to mingle with our fellow. Ifwegoout, they hay we never attend to our business. If wu wear poor clothes they say busi-tie.-n is bad. If we wear goo J clothes, they ray we never paid lor them.' A TOvJSH STOBY. The Cheyenne Ledger tell the fol lowing story, of which our readers may believe as much as they like : "Two men were traveling in Kansas last summer, and when about fifteen miles from Liudsey, on the Solomon river, the grasshoppers appeared over them in such swarms a to make it a dark as twilight. Suddenly they be gan to settle down in swarms right where the two men were riding along on horseback. The jerky birds came down in countless millions, and all traces of vegetation disappeared as if by magic. They covered the ground several inches deep, and suddenly seemed determined to settle on the men and horses. One of them, a man named Dan Kavanagh, was thrown to the ground by the frantic plunging of his horse, and the grasshoppers, ap parently attracted by a green calico shirt which he wore, swarmed upon him, and in less time than it takes to tell it, had eaten every shred of cloth ing from him, and, horrible to relate, began devouring him alive ! His com panion, a young German named Fred Keiser, had a blacksnake-whip, with which he triwd to whip them off and tried to save poor Dan. The horse reared, full ani rolled over with him, but he regained bis scat, and it was not until Kavanagh had been skinned alive, and all the muscles and flesh had been eaten from, his breast, aud ribs that Keiser nave up and galloped away. About seven miles from the scene he found a ranchy and was cared lor. He was s bitten tbat his hands, arms and head swelled to twice their natural size, and he lay in the greatest agony and delirum for a week. When he recovered his horse was dead, and the ranchman went with him to the s.-cne of the disaster. They found nothing but the skeleton of his com panion, the bones picked clean and al most buried in the nia3 of grasshop per which still covered the ground to the depth of a foot His horse's skel eton lay near him, the voracious in sects having eaten flesh, hide and hair. As the ranchmen own nearly a whole township rn that vicinity, which they are about to sell to an English colony, they swore Keiser to secrecy in regard to the affair, gave him a horse aud an entire new outfit, and let him go on his way rejoicing." Proceedings of the Conn'.y Commissioners. April 3rd, 1877. Board met in- regular session. Full Board present Minutes of last two aieetincs read and approved. Report of W. J. Vance, Overseer of the Poor, Inavale precinct, present ed and approved. The following account? audited and allowed: State Journal Co. books, blanks $35 3v B. G. Bill, Sheriffs fees $124 95 J. A. Tttlleyd fees in criminal cases 1900 Petit Jurors 203 30 Special Jurors 46 00 Grand Jurors 10S 90 M. L. Thomas, printing 37 90 J. A. Tulleys, salary i0U 00 A. J. Weston, medical attendance on pauper $70 00 41 42 The following official bonds approv ed: L. N. Edsonr Supervisor R. D, No. 2: Geo. P. Cather, J. P. Harmony Pre Petition of J. B. Stanser and others for fhe location of a road across sw fc. Sec 21, 1, 10, presetted and laid over till next meeting. Petition of W.N. Richardson and others for the appointment ofa com missioner to locate a road running south from Republican, River bridge was aranted and J. L. Miller appoint ed. Valuation of Ed. Parks for 1876-on w4 uwl, Sec. 2, and ei nei. Sec 3, 1, II, reduced to $4 00 per acre. Ordered that all the School Bond tax be stricken from the tax list of 1876, Adjourned tiil Monday, April lGth. 1877, at 10 o'clock a. m. J. A. TiiLLErs, L. H. LrjcE, Clerk. Cuairaian. tkulcawirisfLJa. It is an old saying that one has to go away fro home to learn the new-, and thi is verified in one instance at It ait. which was accidentally brought to our notice. It apiera tbat two frisky damsel, living not a great way from Lincoln, took it into their bead few week ago to have a spree, and to carry out this prai eworthy deter mination, started for immoral St. Jo seph with no less and consequential a per.-onagc than a dashing St Louis drummer, one of that ilk tbat wear striped breeches, side-board collate, dyes his mustache, and looks charming at the ladica, a la heart-a masher. Be fore going, however, the girls got ;xz ttrJumU'viM to come down with a sutfi cieut amount of cub to take them comfortably on a trip to Chicago, where they were going ostensibly to visit relatives. But here is what a St Joseph paper says in r gard to the matter : "A sen.-ation was caused yesterday by the arrival of two elegantly drcsseJ ladies, strangers to the large majority of the citizens, who, to judge from their actions, were evidently out for a firstclas spree. They registered at a leading hotel, and during their stay were recognized by a friend of their father, who resides iu Nebraska. Ve.i terday they left St. Jo, and no infor mation ul their whereabouts has been received, but it is to be hoped that they have ere this repented of their folly aud returned to their homes. In appearance they are two as haudsomc youug lirls as one will see for many u day, and are dressed in the latest fash ions aud mutt elegant style. Lincoln, Journal. Wade Hampton aud his Lieutenant, M. C. Butler, of Hamburg fame, mad: himself conspicuous for his folly in de livering buncouibe speeches at every town as he progressed fiom Columbia to Washington. He said he demaud d no recognition from the President, but that he was g)ing thereto demand our rights, nothing less, aud so help me God, to take nothing less." This kind of bravado will let Wade down with ease, if the President and cabinet bappcu to find after careful examina tion that he has no rights. The peo ple are tired of big talk, aud admire a little more modesty on the part of these heroes in buckram. Ex. Hayes certainly possesses a power of conciliation rarely possessed b a man of his evident firmness aud self confi dence, but which, when combined with the other qualities of statesman ship, is an element of great strength. He has undertaken the most difficult task tbat can devolve upon an execu tive after a battle and close election, that of reconciling the defeated pirty, and bringing them to agree with him upon important measures, that the opposition would inevitably defeat. It was generally believed throughout the country, that he could not succeed, but the republicans praised him for at least making the attempt But as his policy developed, mid it is seen how uniformly he impresses his political opponents who uuet him face to face, to talk over these measures with his good fxitn and ability, it looks very much as though he has not undertaken a job too heavy fur him. Stillwater, Neb. March 26, '77. Ed. Cm BE. As our part of the country has not been beard from for some time, we vesture to give some items. The farmers of this viciuity are busy putting out their crops. They do not think it best to make any cal culations on grasshoppers. There has been quite a number of new comers of late that are going to settle in Still water. Among them are Mr. Andrew Dice and son, from Plaiufield, Ills., who are well pleased with Ike country. Mr. John Livingstone aud Mr. Brig am from Jones county, Iowa, the for mer geutleman is au old pioneer, and says that Nebraska is far ahead of any new eountry he has seen yet. IMi. B. is doing a driving business in the way of selling agricultural im plements. There has been quite a numbei of new buildings put up lately. F. Bonn and John Smith aie erecting nice frame houses. Chas. Teal has put up a large addition to his dwelling, of the native material. Chas. is one of our most enterprising farmers that is bound to make his mark. Wuj. Wil kinson is getting quite a large field ready for wheat, which he is going to sow as soon as the weather will permit. We mark a trip down o Bearer Creek not long since and were much surprised to see those splendid farms J. Potter's and S- Croxtotsy aad a number of others that belongs to the Germans, (would give their names if we were good in spelling.) that will compare favorably with any that we t have seen in Nebraska. We have ao fears of grasshoppers, as- a coaple of oar inventive citizens are getting up-a aachine to net the whole hopper tribe, sutpiate the hostle Sioux, and cause it to raiu reg ular every Sundav. Mr. Bunnell is doing a big business ig the. hedge line. Farmers are roll ing in their orders at a rapid rate, and we expect in a few years to 6ee good fences all through western Nebraska. A. I Burton, our model school teacher, has returned to his h-.e or Willow Creek for the purpose frig ing ap a cage for some oae's bird. There was a youug lady made her ap pearaawe at Jaaies Ralph's, net loag siace, which phrased the whole Swtily, aud Sim says-it weighed five pounds We wtil close for this tisae. will 9 f mentioa more of our worthies when wc write again. Yours, A. W ASK tae wmt rt lrffU'. ' !iilu ufrr. rLrtiaii of Kavtr an 4 Aa llienavr- rarta! diaearee ij lirat bow thrr r-eoera-l beat lb. berfal tririu Jk j a-.UP-J7 ill leu JOB bjr (Rise SlMMOS LlTB kttiCLATOl. Tht Chtartst, Fsrtrt ani Sen Fanilj XedieineintleWttli! For tyipciia. CoLtipatitn. JaaoJic. iiilloa attack. Sick iica'Jach. 0"he. lfr preMiun of Spirit!, roar -totaach. Heart bjrn. Jkc ic. Tbi anrirJd Southern lletnir i war ranto! not to contain a tingle particle of Mercury, or any injuriom mineral vtabalancc b0,U PURELY VEGETABLE. eontaininc thoc Southern Root and Herb, which an aliwi Trwi-zen e ha placed ia countries where Liver Ui-ae mt prvr.il. It will cure all Djcar? cau cl by Ue-aaje-tnent ofthe l.irer nd bowel. The Symptom of Lirer Complaint ara a bitter or bad taj'e in the mouth : I'aiu in the Hack. Side or J tint, often tnUtakca fur Hheuaiatim; Sour iloiuach: Lom ot Ap petite: Dowel, alternately cotive and lax: Htadacbe: Lom ot mriuory. with a painful seniatiou of havinx failc t to du muetbttic hich ot'icht to bare been done; dobility ow iritf. a thick ellow appearance of tbetkin and eyec. a dry euh oft n wWtakea fur Cj -utiption. Vtneuines many of thee symptom attend the dieac. at other very few ; but the Liv er, the larset organ in the body. i generally the et nf ihedi-ei. a difnt keula rd in time, great uSermg. wrrlchedaeti and Death will enue. 1 can rccouiiaeud a an eficacitia remedy for iti.cae of the Liver. Hearbarnaadt)y ptp.'ia. amMiiaa liveb acoi'LAToa. Lewis G. W under, 1625 Matter Street. Assistant Tot Matter. Philadelphia. "We have tested iu virtue. peroally. and know that fur Dypep ia, Dilioaxiea, and Throbbing Headache, it if the bet medicine the world ever taw. We havo tried forty other remedies before HimmoL' Liver Keg ulator. but none of them gave ui more than temporary relief: bat the Uegulator notoulr relteved. bu cured u.' to. Telegraph aad Meatcnger. Ma-on. (.t. aanufacturi-donly by J. H. ZXJK CO.. MACON, CA., Slid 1'HU.ADKU'IIIA It contain! four medical element, never united in the same happy proportion in any other preparation, vii: a gentle t'atnmrtic. a wonderful tonic, an uueiceptiouabie Alt-r ative und certainjfo. recti ve otall impuritie of the body. Wereh signal tuccess ha atten ded it ue. that it is bow regarded as the For all diseases of the Liver, Stomach and Spleen. Ai a ICemedy in MALARIOUS FEVKRS, IIOWKL COM PLAINTS, DVSI'EPSIA, MKNTAI. Df. PUKSSION, UK.STLK.SSNESS, JAUNDICE, NAUSEA, SICK HEADACHE, COI.1C, CONSTIPATION and BILIOUSNESS Il,UA8NOKQUAL. UAUT.OX As there are a number of imitation offered to the puolic. we would cjiiiiou the commu nity to buv no powders or prepared Simmons' Liver Kegulator. unless iu our engrated wrapper, with the tr.ide mark. sUmpaud signature unbroken, None other isgeuuiue. J.H ZEIUXftCO., Macon. (,. and Philadelphia. Your valuable medicine Simmons' Liver Kegulator. has saved me many Doctor's bills 1 ue it tor everything it i recommended, and never knew it to fail, I have used it in Colic and Uruhb. with iu mule and hordes givii g them about hall a buttle .tt a time, I have not lost one tbat I gave it to, yuu can re ommeud it to every one that has s ock as being the bet melicine known for all com plaints that horse flesh is heir to. fc 1'. TAVI.UK. 18-ly Agent for Grangers of Georgia. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiser having been permanently cured o that dread discis. Conumption. by n simple rcmed. in anxious to muke known to his fellow sufferers the means of cure. To all who dc.'irc it. he will send ac py ofthe prescription used, tfree of churge), with the directions lor preparing and using the same, which they will find a sure euro lor Consump tion. Asthma. Bronchitis. Ao. Patties-wishing the prescription will please uddrws, Ker K. A. WILSON. :!2-t 1'JI Penn St.. Wtlliamsborgh. N. Y. Error of Youth. AOKNTLKMX who suffered for years from Nervous Debility, Premature De cay, nod all the effect of youthful indiscre tion will, for the sake of u tenng bum.-inity, send tree to all who need it. the recipe ind direction for miking the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's experience can do so by aadrcssing in perfect confidence. JjHNBOUDIiX.UCedarSt., N Y. I will mail (Free) the recipe for preparing a simple Vegetable Balm that will remove Tan. c'reckles. Pimples and Hloiches, leav ing the skin soft, clear and beautiful ; also instructions for producing a luxuriant growth of hair on a bald head or a mooth face. Address Ben. Vandelf A Co.. Box 5121 No. 5 Wooster St.. N. Y. 32 THE CHIEF, NEWS AND f riulittg f ki. y Iol(orh leallg f tttutfd THE ONLY PAPER IN WEBSTER CO 91. L, Thomas, -. Piopricter. J 0 o sma snnm s Win JssbHJbjbV Red Cloud & Jew ell City Stage Line- ' Connecting at Bed Cloud with the IlcpubJican Valley hoc, running straight to Halting. SuThrre regular lrip wiUbemauC each week, Iravitijc llrd Cfoud the an:e time the stage from il&un? doe. 3C0SS!3SA:rD SCCS 73(2 SODX CX T3X20A2. FA RK RE' A S OS A B LK. 30 ly D. II. UODFRKV. GEORGE ZEISS, DlaLtala Wines & Liquors CIGARS, Chewing, Smoking, Tobacco CANNKD FRUITS OF ALL KINDS, AND CON FEC HON KRIS, And Hpccial!y Fresh Lager Beer. GEORGE ZKI3S RED CLOUD, NEB. 13tf mum immm 5! ft C. R. Potter, Prop. BZD CL0T73, 11Z2. People at large can find constantly on hand Lumber. Litli, SImiikIcs. Sadb, Doors and Blinds. Building Paper and Mould ings. Pine and Hard wood LUMBER. w If7i'i( Kill be takfn in exchange fur lumber. Qul&Stl i and Smill Profits. 5 ?5 Q W 4 IC O 4 85 ! 41 P 2r 5 0 5 2 tilks -i i i K Hi bsa 3 r-ij a 5 5 rid Xy lo(vd Hrht Honr Cnfr nm at cntnnll. VILkCOX AQIBM Tra fsaiWila 1UTAMATIC SILENT OCWIMO MACHINE. U tae mSy tfemimg Xacaiwe ta te warM with automatic Tension, aai Automatic Stitch InUcmfr; ia Always Raatfy far Warfc, a I Altacathar UnparaMaiad. faW Paatal Catd f er mastmai Friee List, Ac. Willcax & Gibb. S. M. Co. , Cer. oad Sf-) BTtasshray, Saw Tarfc m frTyr m mfOmfr' WSKBl cfr BKtiM. O. Ca i ne roil. IlATiMia, NtU. Flat the !arct tnck of Oood rl of Lincoln on hanJ, and more being daily received. My stock con?bt of DRY GOOPH, FtuicMr , Mtuple clot ha a specialty ; also a well a or ted stock of Notioas of all kind' cheap. I hare al?o a large stock of Oofhiug ?cry low n price, splendid f aluc. SHIRTS!? DRA WERS of all kitidi. My stock of GKWEIUK8, CHOCKKKY and Gla--warc are all complete, ami will be sold very cheap for ca.h. Call and examine my stock of BOOTS, SHOES, Hats, Caps. and all kinds of furnishing Goods be sold at very low price?. rill Call and get price and he convinced that this ia the place to trade. 17 Uin C. CAMKUON. WELL BORING. N C. Clark of Guide Hock, has fur sale the best Vcll-hiii apparatus ever ned, coti-iMinx of drilN, auuer. etc. Two men with one of thee drill can drill from 40 to f0 feet in one day. through the rock of thit country. These drill an warranted to he the New York Artesian Drills. 40. if KED CLOUD SMITH CKNTKR Stage Line. Connecting at Red Cloud with the Republican Hiver Stage Line. Three regular trip a week, arriving and departing from Hcd Cloud at the Mmc time the stage from the railroad doe. FARE VERY LOf. nil. J. S. BU3B0W, Prop. THE NEW HOME was att.dC in FIEST PEEMIUM! At tha Centennial rThihition. If., and ha aiwaj a csmr t c 3 His l.ir hoi honor wherever exUiUuoi a COMPACT. nixvT.r. icmir.x.K. Idjfht Bunsma'tml EFFICIENT LOCK LkTlTCH" M CIIIVE. AUAflKU to the WAXTSJ of KVJltYs50DY. Th MO MP SEVINC MACHIfJE waprrfrctaTelh' rears since br the I1 of the bt irvrntivr lalMt and Nfrhan leal BVUI. ItoiiiBi;r illTSe KaaeatlM 1'arra fa FJE ? fla-? MAOHIITE. is Sf 3IP1.E In CONS1 EUCTIO:.. tiUffiMlOR l Strerg-.h awl Eeauty, contain 1cj Vor kind Part aad UCrulSt of DOING a .rif rBy-V V.rlr than Her Jwincj Macriine. ItwHI ItUX ftTiKZ iriibootoiSTiso ONE CFNT'nrK rarua. iu the Xsusaractara cfthi M.tniM: tte Very Bt ?.Tnter:nli are USED. The WEAIU.NG FAKIS rc HARDNEP. aadUieMedMRlsun has lr.i ooiraucnu TUB Ike tpeeial of rroducinfl an ?urr Batmlur, rVJllit.i an4 alsscst I -iOtSKVKS-i MACHINE, adr pted qc.u r I iTblx, for Cearae or flae Til KKAI. QT- TOX.SHIor LINEN, SEWING frcn the I M.ifhtrmt MmliMM to JUmwrr C1 h arvj xu use ltrrmTtSic miwis or the MONN 1P.CWC MACHINE thavt ererr JIAClllNe la ftUly iTarranfcd for Fire Years. LIVE AGENTS vasta-1 ia locaUica where tro ire at reprcacst&t. 5n4 fnr rriee. ssd aamptea of work doar c tat llOil, or call aXasy of ear csacea. JOHHSOS, CUIK ft GO., 30 Uaiaa Saw, few Tark. 541akajt Street, Itatas, Maaa. llll l9uml Am, PItlilfcfi, fa. 141 tuta ftreat, Caicaja. DL l 8xa 5tk Etraat, Sc Iaab, Mm. 17 Saw XaK..3cr7 ., Zu. Tttxim, C&L "HLssBsME3sSlBBl s Sewiiiff MaclLtiG IT. V Till !? TO, V. fTs afc 1 CtrfH-e th Urtst ui la fiKU(5. CnOICK FAMILY Mr U icinks. iwi.vTi. oiia (n.A.. pirrrv. cuuui. book STATIONARY, aftj to fact citrjthitu o i faI St . D;u Houe We dral larr lr in DRY UOOfK, S 1 1 WVIA Oj0VB , TIONS. Ud.' IVJer arr, ROOTS. allOrSs. aoi !IAKD K U I VKS and KU IIS a .p-tahy. "Quick Salen 4 cmall Profits !' IS? OIK MOTTO sjrWc will rll T tj rvl hritwr than anr koq' n f l t Call and examine our ftxl and prtcc, aa! b cwatitvcrd mi ' ajr. : : CHAS. R. Junimim T23LXSALT Airr SITaIL TlAlXS IX DRY COODSr NOTIONS. HATS . CAPS. Tinware Queenswaro GROCERIES AND. PROVISIONS. f illKUvnt CmmIi lrlcr Paid for .ritiii. oiLLON&rou:. DKALKUS GENERAL MERCHANDISE and Groceries, a We keep coti-tanlly on Imnd a fare aortmct.i f DRY GOODS, HATS. CAPS, (JI OVI MITTKNS, HOOTS SIIOKS, &('. Also AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, &c, &c Call and ce a. Wc ull very lo m tm-h, and I'ty t,A fr Grain. m DILLON I7'3tu HARNESS S. V. Iiud3jv Ifiiow prepared to do all kind, of wor6 IN TltK tiavnenn line. The hest of material ued, and a.i ork WAIirtANTKO. REtMlRsLM. Dane On l"rt noticr and at rcasonalfe Trlcca. JHiop To JfeNm-'M Star?. Real Clonal XrhrnKt. STAR Billiard Saloon I W. t IJKNSON, Propnetor, Krr cofutootly am ttwni a fr Mock of WIN B. LIQUORS. KU.MMKL. BrT TEUS,&FKKSFI B E E 11. Jmaraf:CSS?r,r,h Tn the mujc buildinr. (arvtafnf) U the laryeit and root criu:nrtJiou hall m the village which will be rcntd on TtwtHrirbk tenn-f w the pul.lie, for concert.?, aocii,Ies, ball, or (ravelin,' troapea. W. C. Benson. BE J CLOUD, NEBRASKA. imw onnfg anfcf IIAMTISfOn. Aftytcotxir, szv. h 6fftra( Baikinf TRANSACTED. WADE A SPECIALTY. Dfta o Kwrope bosflit d HjJi AsmU for aevcral atesuaki !. iBaaiMM eatrsxed to will hare prompt aid eanfa atteatW. iiim5? Co! ' t i i Vlii. JONKS, lYobramlia IN J .mi.K. JTMATA. NKIIAK . SHOP 4 Bntiatt 1 fj . A fef . iis te. r t T