'?! m"m I TibmMS6MEj! M iiiMiii7iiiniimiwiiifiiifinriifnwiiii fmririiinltniirtl i ai'iTaf minim H.r(!,,lu-t r 'r Jr ill t ) t A f - wazL.. -i , t K. '- h THE RED CLOUD CHIEF WEBSTER CO . NEBRASKA. LOCAL MATTERS. Nnticnin this Column 10 Ccntr a Line i Ar rival and IH-pnrlarr of T.mttm rr the wt cio-tf p. o. HASTINGS leaves .Monday ! ednedav and rrulay i a. rn. ... - . i Tuesday, Thur-day and Saiuid.ty, h A. of., Arrives every day fc:3c p. m. HARVARD leaves Mondays and Tbur.-dsy.- 7 a. n:., arrives ediKS days and Saturdays 6 p. tn. Pleasant Hill leaven Thursdays 7 i a. in. Arrives Wednesday's 0 p. in. ' FRANKLIN, coin? east, Monday's and Thursday'? 2 p. w. Goiugwest Tuesday's and rriday s 9 a. m ! -, t i iLWKi.i. raii-au. ii-acs lutiun)-, Thtii'dai.h ar.d Saturday S a. ui.. ne Munddjo, W ednerJays an'l Friday- G p. m. RuriSCL, K:tu-as, Lenves Monday-. ' idu'.-l.ij-arj Friday.- 7 a. tn.. J arrive- Tue.-cin.s, Thursdays and fcunday.-, G p. in. Office ooen from 4 until 0 p. m. Sundays. All recirtcred matter must be in by 7.3j p. ur. Mincv Order business closed at 7 30 n. MopidsH i-.-ufd on Sun day. M. R. McNht, P. M. (SI CUt II IIIKKCTOKY. CON'REGATI)NAL CIirRCH St-rvicc ejey "r-t and third Sat-bath-of each month at Bed Cloud mid Inavate. 7i o'clock V. 51 at R-d Cl.-iid. 2 oVl.iek l. M at In t.ve. Every e'mnd and fourth Suhhitihr. at Rutin and Harmntiy Pr-rim-ta. Rev. A. Maxwell, Pa-tor. BAPTIST niriU'iI Rev. .1. T. MlLNF.u. Service- -econd Sabbjth in 'ib motj'h at 11 a. .M. i Saiiuath School ivcry Sabb-jth ' UiOltlli.U Hi Itl A. M I'lo-i- at 1 1. . J-J IttX.EK. Jiot. RAND OF HOPE trri't- cv.-ry two ' w.-cl r n alternate Thursday' even ( ins- ; 0.30 o clock Subseri' i- s n-h io not n'1'.-iri- thtir iia-1 P-r r k ' tI. wi:I con. or a favor by notify inr e ol 1' 'ni"t s i !- -ui-rnUiT who fni.i:.r. r?',"tJ7 in rkt 1 t- lie in;.rcn..t luir TV i-iir.vu!l kii..ihtr a'-'i-r JA k'oaxireh v.nn ti.e i uihik i I tl..niiiff ..I..I Micv Mritri.p-tv to sfitw- :twi'p, Tjn.w!ifi!iiIal.liiTn."nt-pir ' nil . i. 1U ti !. -I Ijf.tcct;.lijicitli.- 70lVX.lM COLWrHY. C. W. Spiinper will eK you a fine American Oiiian for ca-h or on time. . V L.i dlow will mike you li irtu-s. or repair jour old ones, on hnu at th po.-t ofii:e. new Call Ttse hiithct. ci-li -ic- p-.id for h: ping hogs, al-o w'leat and corn, by :v:,S c. R. PoTiEit. A phvaichti ha- pi-t dicoveied tht 4 Jiil.iiiare," ar :. jroteral thleg, toi- in t.t- ci:;i those uho ate wwitsg a pun tCl's lili R..II ..f Honor. Charle- lVillow, A iH-e .Mitchell, .Jamie M-ixwell. Cora lot'er. Lnra MeBride, Freddie Rich-ani-oii. O-car Potter. The .-cr 'ech of the steam whi-tle FO'iudeih. in the ear- vi' our Walnut Cicek neighbor-. T!i2 :iw mill at that phee h-is begun oporati---. tu-t the He-t Buy Smith's Amer ican Organ. Buy it for y.-.ur wife buy i; tor your anjrhtcr. C W. Springer agent for Webster county. 33 tf We eenteiiiplate making some clintige.- in the mechanical construction oftheChie. which wil we think, improve its appearance. T 1'here wIU be a competitive examin on in map drawing, on Friday afler- anon in map noon, of the cliss in geography at the Red Cloud intermediate school. Par ents and fiUuds are iuvited. Say the word, and i will deliver to your door an Orzan that wiU- please vou Pi ices range between $100 and $ 1 000. C. W. S PR I N r ER. 33 2w Ageut. We publish this week, seme of the new laws passed by the last leglsture. je shall publish such otheis as we think v.-ill be of interest to our readers, 2 soon a- we have space for them. Vol. 1, No. 1, of the Fiiendville Advocntt is on our table. R is a lively spicy sheec, edited by Coanell, former ly of the Harvard Advocate. We wi-h kiu success in your uew undertaking, Rro. Contiell. Mr. M. Murphy of the Plattsmouth JJcrald, and Secretary of the Nebraska VM.ntrinl A ssnej ition. has kindlv nre- rented us an invitation to accempa-iy j them . n ihcr excursion to the Pacific ' eoat, next May. Please accept thanks, j p, put the pail into spot of boiling Hter and let it boil until the chicken fender. "When the chicken is done, . Vmove it to a hot dish, covering imme- set it where it will keep the gravy from the pail into mix ihiu; turn one tamespooniui oi i IpT llirca tahlaaoa USr The wolf scalp bounty is one dollar in-tead of two, as previously stated, and is paid out of the State wstea 1 of the county funds. Nearly every paper in the State published what they had reason to believe was the law, but sub--stquently learned it was not. ''Mac" dresses up now, since the election of ITayes. The idea that some democrat would handle thg precious mail bags and letters for the good peo- pie of Red Cloud, weiched upon him, snd he only resumed buoyancy of spirit heu the count was settled. uely, and Turn The nnterial ofthe Harvard ,4 ' catc has been niored to Fricndrillc, Saline county. Mr. Elder, of the firm or P. A. Wil liams h. Co , of Ri vert on, gave Of. a pleasant call bit Monday. Notice the new ad. of the Sar Bil- j ;anJ ijaj JjjjJ fceer,, an orderly house I and h;H a co(i uWd fo. ai, thoc w,j0 n:or ,i.r. -r.i -.. of hniiarda. -j fob sals. 20.000 Seedling Cottonwoods at Rrd (loud, by I). Lutr. 34 We wi-h to inform our patron- tint a Chicapo firm ha? lately opened up at Has'irc, and art; selling Iry Good, Clothing, Bool, and Shoe", at .-uch . . ...i it low prices that have never before been known in Ha-tjni They warrant to give jjatisfict'on or money refunded. D. Wki.nbfko, ?.?. tf l-tMreet, Hj-tiugs, Neb. The eastern troubles are likely to be I amacahly .-ettled. The trouble that ha- hcejuf-rc cxUted in this county in regard to galling goad haru'-a-s at rea-omble figures i- al-o fettled. Win. McRnde ha- jut received a large ttcek of the best material and will get up rood harness at icnyinabl fizure j Call at his .-hop in Red Cloud. 33-tf J The array of" larm maahmerj' in Red i Cloud this .-prin? is a-toni-hing to a 4 . i.... ... ..:... v ,t -:. i j; riiTiiriT. iiiil lii :l ii;iLivt? . Kiir-ikUii ' . ,. . , there i- nothing to excite remark. .iake .i innr na-1-i-.t recuved a iarg- ,. ri, i - i i upply of plows and cultivator.-, eta, which he i- .-elling cheap. Don't buy until you call on him to ,r "?a is Cuczei ad OraTrlaz Old!" Alas, what a Veen, sharp pang of unafpreeiated love and care pierces the .-oui of that silent and undeuion- -trame father, who-e "Hi-art feels , must '.vhen the lips move not," on heanng the almve often cau.-ele.-s and iliP,,ant remark fiom the lips of some vor;te n,,. 0f hs fUaiiiljr. whose happiness and ral welfare. from the happy das of htdpl.-s.s itrfancy have ever btcti among the tn&in-i.rinzs of his efFo.t, ami closely inter-uoveii with ,. . . ,, ... ills Vc iieart-MlI.'.S. f ilOUtr he Iia- , , ... , P vivnieu unnseii, uunrg many years or j i;,- .. ,lf.J-nf hP i.leiP'irP, ami rn laxatt'ius that other men enj y, ai.d labored by day and night in the sweet hope of making for his family, his loved ones a happy home, looking and asking oulv for a kind and proper appreciation ot his labors, and in re turn, while meeting with cruel, uu-looked-foi and heavy losses at the band of 'be woild, what to him is fnr i, mr-e little or no aid or support from those he loves beat ! Is it a wonder that "Pa is cbauged, and growing old.' Ob wife, son and daughter, stop and on-ider ! Doubtless the father ha-his fuu hare -of faults; doubtless he iu coramou with an other frail human nature-, tall- short of doing his full duty, and oft times fails to be all you could hope and wi-h. Rut try and mentally put yourself in bis place ; try and feei as he feel- under the pre.-sure which U ever upoti him ; think of his never-ending, cea-eles. almost sleep less contact and contest with the cark ing cares of life. Remember th it in addition to hi.- own burden, he ha-, in a great mra-ure, to a-.-ume thoe of you all, provide for all, be responsible for all ! Think, if you can, that the one end and aim of his life, at his age, must have for it- motive power your own gieate-t good. Aud, if he comes home at night seemingly cold and ab sorbed and distrait ; if be caurjot read ily join with you in the light gossip of the day ; even if there be a fruwn upon hi brow and no smile upon his lip, do not think it follows that he is cold or angry with you ; that he docs not, away down in the bottom of his heart, :ove you as of yora ; tlrat he is not tenderly sensitive to all you say or do ; but rather know that the thousand perplexities of the day have leen a hard and grievous burden, hi mind and manner have lost much of their elasticity and then, of ail other times, he needs all the sweet and tender sym pathy yoa can give him; then his soul hungers for kindness and support. And where else on God's green earth can be look for it, if net at home ? If he has been uufortuuate, and especial ly by no fault of bis own, but by the ehieanery and bad faith of others, or by some ge era! calamity; if he is in debt, and his good name and credit, as dear to him as the apple of his eye, be at stake, and lie is overwhelmed with anxiety as to hov he is to' maintain u; if from morn until night, and even in uuimu.u, ujiU$ lve lhc creat ProbIem of hoTT hc 13 hu - rlrtri Hfntne wr lc tf ftr to nav his debts, keen his credit intact. !sei ve his business, and provide for j-our imperative wan's ; if you are a true mother, daughter and son, you will hesitate long before asking him for this, that or the other you could do without, and which vou know must cut him to the heart to refusr, or if granted but adds to his load 1 -Not only this, if your heart has any love remaining for him, any apprecia tes of what he has done oris doing for you, you will never, never wanton ly add to this butden, under which he is manfully and courageously Btrug "filing but feel, as you should, that he is doing all this more for you than himself; that all he accomplishes must be for your own advantage ; that a kind and loving word, a kiss, anaffeo tionate glance an easily expressed j sympathy, will strengthen his arm and i heart, and render him all ihe better i fitted to succeed. JL Of .1 LS Go to the Red Cloud Furniture Store, for your furniture. 15tf School District Record- for fra'e by C. W. Kaley. zs. HATS and CAPS. Go to.I. G- Pottefn for the bcf Mylca of Hats and Caps in the rallcy. Cheap. for ca-h Call at City Drue Store and be vac cinated from pure virm. Irs. Hc-ad k Sherer. WANTED. 5ri fat hops, for s-hich I will pay l he hicheat market price. 20 tf W. N. RiniARDSON, J. U yTL!.T!3. Agent for the White Sewinz Ma chine. Any one wi-hine to pu!cbae one of the-e machine., will find a. -amide machine at th Furniture stoie. rA2'-sas1wSi ssiE I will et hedge for ai! tho- wi.-hine work of that kind done, for 25 cents per rod and insure a stand of live plants. Call on or add re -s, Wm. W. Bunnell, 24 tf Stillwater, Neb. J. D. Po-t inforiiH us that !:C has the large.-t barn wert of Joe, War- , ,- i . . , jners an 1 i- p-spirel to acibWmo-, idntellie freighter.--, and all oilier.- ' . n i . r ' . '. ... ... t I niill JI(S, l.lli. Uil.l Ml luiut-inu in.ja. . ii. uii.i f ..' .. .. . ' on short notice , , . ., ,r 16 tf When you come to town stop at the I -i Clede Ilou-e, where you can find good accommodations for yourself and team. HARNESS! HARNESS !1 Wm. MeBride will get you up a good harness at rea-onab!e figure-. Call and see him. One door south of the new Meat Market. M-if Ql'EENSWARE ! QUEENSWare! John G. Potter has just received a large amount of Queenware, etc., etc. which he will rell at figures to suit purchasers Cail and see. John G. Potter, Red Cloud, Neb. 32 When yon come to town call at the "Boys' Home," Geo. Ziss, proprie tor, where you can get good accommo dations at reasonable rates. Board by the day or week. 33 2w BOOTS aud SHOES. J. G. Potter wishes to say that he is selling his tock of Roots and Shoes at extremely low figures. Give him a call. 33 tf 22 AD THIS ASD IT WILL 33 SSSTSH CIAL StTYOU. Having received over 50 cases of Dry Goods, 30 eases Clothing, 3000 pairs Boots and Shoe-, a large assort ment of Oil Cloth, and Carpet, which we must sell, reg-ardles of cost, for the want of room. This" N a golden opportunity for those who wi-h to buy. Uhicago Store, 1st Street, Hastings, Neb 33-tf Holloway's Pills and Ointment Scrofula was considered incurable until the great discovery of "Holloway's Pill? and Oiiitmetii" fh-hed upon the world. Diseases which baffle the skill of the medical schools, readily yield to these- peerless remedies. Scurvy. Ery sipelas, Saltrhcum, Itch, and all cu taneous eruptions are curable by tbetu. 25 cents per box or pot. WOLSAOS'S P-ICSft Good Cottonades at 15c. a yard. Good Heavy Jeans, " " Brown and Blue Duck, 12c " Denim, Bleached Mu-lin, 7, 3, 9, 10.. Unbleached " 72, S. S2-9. Heavy Toweling, Sjc. " Cheviot Shirting, 12jc Bed Ticks S. 10; 12e. Four Spools Coat's Thread 25c. We also have an endless variety of Spring Goods, just arrived from New York. Come and examine osr Goods have a full line of Ginghams, Cali coes, Poplin?, Alpacas, Cashmere, Embroideries, Laces, striped Ho-iery, also Balbrigan and English Under wear; Ribbons; Buttons ; Trimmiugs. Our Clothing Stock fe Complete. We are offering suits at f4 50 to $12 00. 30 percent less than can be bought elsewhere. The ladies will please give us a call. We have onr brands of boots aud shoes, which we can warrant to you. Hoping to get your patron age, we are R&pectfully Yours, WOLRACH BROS. 1st door south of the Bank, Hast mgs. aeb. Louisa Creek, Marsh 9, 1877. Ed. Chief. Everythine i flourish ing on the Creek. The farmers are beginning to sow wheat and make pre parations to farm. We are going to' sow some onions. F. D: Hutchinson snd myself will now two acres, to give the young hoppers a chance to sweet-' en their breath. We have had some new settlerrin our neighborhood" ftis springs Mr McCall, a brother of O. MeCll, tas settled here, and there is prospects far others to come, soonL We enjoyed thelea-ure of hearing a splendid discourse by Rev. Elliott, at the school hoase. The Lord's cau-e is prospering ia this neighborhood. There has several joined the M. E. Church during the recent meetings fceld-here. G. W. ff. Krai Jsfafe Jgfnr2. AH fc k T1 -t:t ikt ttr th ttr &i-r? "torxil os !. L- Tbscst. ai tbr Ca'itr o&ce. fcetr Ura "ill tx d knows. ts tun; !o: reply. We have at present the following de-cribed tracts oflan'I for falc : 10ij ACRES, -huated on Eim CV. Z) acre- nodcr i cultivstion. plenty of tiuitn-r anj water Gved wci, 2i frtl dc-p ; hou, U b!e, etc. Jand ncar'i all kvel. brinr nrtril 8cond Wioui, C'Ium; to chol hoae Price. I.."V $J down, bal aiic in pavnjeut:? to .-uit porcusjicr. Deed given. 1217 ACRES ofdeedeil lind, itua:d un Eku Creek, Plenty of tun her. tartly under cultiva tion. Convenient to eshools and churches. Term, I5W cash. 160 ACP.ES. of deeded land. .! miles from Red Cloud, 45r acres under cultivation, corral-, etc. Good well 26 feet kp. Tenuri, $l,rj., $:J) cash dowu, afcii acce in year. A bargain. ACRE3 of land on Elm Creek on the Hasting and Red fTIuud freiht road. 2o acre j under cultivation-, god f.ame bou-e J JoVJo with ha-4'ment i43.). good well. -iaii' r oui lor ru ie.im-, uunuins it rJS fr tt. accomrn)jailon 0f freiKht er.H. Corn crib- arri cornb. Tbli uronertv ha- lomr Leen known a- . ' r r -f Hummel V ranehe. Ihere i. some tim ler on the place. Will relifiqut-h for ilif). or will give deed f r 00 Half down, balance in one yeir, or will trade for team and .-took. 160 ACliES of deeded lend Two mile-- from Red Cloud. Timber and running water. 10 acres broken, iim-tly good era land. Piice, $450. half Jon, babn e' in a yr ar FOR SALE. Our pcroi! property, con-i-ting in part of one span of bay mare-, birnes--and wajon One s:in of mules, hai ne and wacon. One young milch cow. '1 en bend of hogs one seeder, nearly new, plows barrow- and eulti vator-, and aoout fhe hundred bushel of corn, and other articles too numer ous to mention. All of which will be sld cheap for ca-h. Young -:ock and two ponies wanted. Geo. M. Simpson. 29 F. r. Baily. U miles West of G aide Rock Neb. FOIt AI,E. 160 acres of land, five miles south west of Juniata, Neb., cheap tor cash or on easy terms Enquire at Herald office, Juniata, or at. ClIiKF office, Red Cloud. 32tf TO Tllr" FRONT! WOLBACITS Don't fail to examine the Bargains in the following line of Goods just re ceived at Wo'bachV. Table Linen and Napkins Towehna, Crashes, Embroi dery, Linen Handkerchiefs, Spring Shawls in Stripes, Brown Duck, Che viot Shirtings etc. We have special bargains in all ihe above nsmed goods Wolbach Bros , 1st door south of Bank, Hastinir-, Neb The La Clede is prepared to accom modate all on as good style as any one in Red Cloud. SED CLOTO C uBSSlTT XA3ZZT SS?03t CORRECTED WEEKLT II V S. GABUEE. Wheat, per bushel I .80 Corn, " 25 Potatoes " " 25 Oats " " 20 Bailey " " 25 Ecgs per dozen 05 Butter per pouud 15 Lard " " 10 Onions per bushel 75 Dried apples 10 fts for 1 00 Salt Lake peaches 5j tbs for 1 00 A Sugar, 61 lbs for 1 00 C Sugar 7 lbs for 1 00 New Orleans sugr S lbs for 1 00 Best Rio Coffee 34 lbs for 1 00 Rice 9 lbs for 1 00 Prunes 9 tb3 for 1 00- Rlackberries 6 lbs for I 00 Currants 8-tbs for 100 Teas from 40 cts. to $1.00 per lb. Mu.-lins 10 to 12 per yard. Ducks, from 17 to 25 cts. per yard. Priuts 9 cents per-yard. Unclaimed letters remaining ia-this- oface March 1st. 1S77: Bernard Cooney. Mrs. Annie Cartan. David R. Iiurins. Booth McCoraicE. M. S. Parorg. M.3. McNitt, P. 31. Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb. " STAR Billiard Saloon ! W. C. BENSON,Proprietor, Keeps constantly on band a fine stock of WINES, LIQUORS KUMMEL. BIT TERS, & FRESH B E hi jx- I have also a pood supply of tba best CIGARS in the market In tbe rame building, (on-stairs) is the laree-t and nost onmmiou' kail in the village which will be rented on rea-onawe term-, to tne panne, kit concerts, sociables, balls, or traTenag troupes. W. C. Benson. RE0 CLOUD, NEBRASKA. H I SISESS DIRECTOR Y Atlomcyt at Law. J. S. Gil ham. A 1 1 f y at Law, AND NuTARY PUBLIC. 2$T Collection proaptlr attended to. OaUe ir J. 2. TZlzsft. Ui 7.rzi Vt. J. R. Willeox ATTORN EV AT LAW, and L Si ComrotJoner. 3&T CAllectioa Promptly Attesdcd to OFFICE ONK DOOU OU'I H OF BVUM'S ilORE Ret Ctoui. K- M. L. Thomas, 2UL2STAtJA5ISTT. Will -n RI Eut aJ Teroal prtirty oa cv3Bi"iot. 93rii!Bee at Chief office.- RED CLOUD - - - - NEBRASKA. H.S.ZALS7, Act. B .M. K. K. Lod. f v riT?T 5otary Public. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, AJT3 22AL SSTlTS AGTS. Will practice in all the Couru a this State and Northern Kansas. Colection promptly attended to and Corre.-pondence solicited. Rfl Cloud, XtLraika. JAS. LAIRD, ATrORNEY ASDCOrNSi:LOR- j - at h7 .lunitf Nebra-ka, N ill S t.ractrce in aft the Courts of the Staff Prompt attention civen to atl lufn- etitru-ted to hi- care. DlSce on t!. i. ist bide Juniata Avence. July 1 7 Geo.W. Sheppard. GOVERNMENT ati& 3tlforatj BLOOMINGTON, NEB. iDsicians mi p urncons. -3 All medical calls promptly attended to at all hums. CrOfficc in City Drug Store. 45-17 B;d Clsui. Ketruka. W. S. RICIIABHSON, J. A. TULLETS Richardson & Tulleys, BSAL S3TATS & COL'CTIKS ASS2.TS Will buy aid sMl Real En.te on Coreaii 'ioi, ami pay tnxe. for non-reident. Special attt-ntion Kiveutc) collection. Cor reponJence solicited. AM letters ofiaqni. or oe business proaiptlj an? wereil. BED CLOUD, NEB. (r k fitr yw Jniiiata, JsTeb- GEO. KUDER - - - PROP. Good Beds Good Meals, & Stabb ing. 17 5m Commercial Hotel. ftiverton, Nebraska. W. W. Robinson. - - - Prop. Good beds, good fare and charge reasonable. fMeafe at all bour.s-f I. W. TUMLEYS, HOIKEiPATHIC PH YSICI ' n Office with Kaley Bros. AH professional call? promptly at tended to. Ssaidtsct eat mile aast of Bed Cirai. la. ITASTINGS, AmMSCOUNlT,NEB. A General Banking Business TRANSACTED. eiiiiuntW! BADE A SPECIALTY. Drafts da Earope borjefct ad mU. Ageats for wreral fteawfcia Hats. ISBasiaeas eatrostod to will kare preBf t a?reAt! atteatiow. fianl, SAM'L GAKBEB DLiLta 15 Dry Go90im N4f Grmceriew. ROOT and Mil OK Hats? Caps, it. Hiady Made Clothing ! We have tke Largest Stock in the Vaiity and will not be undersell 0U"E US A CALL. ONK i ALL Sam'l Carber. c.d ' Cloud. X-b THE CHIEF, NEWS AM) Triutiuq ir. mm f Job )crft wil5 rcu:cd J mm 4 w Ttf ONLY PAPER IN WEBS IER CO M. L. Thomas, Proprietor. IF YOU WISH THE Lightest Running, Best Constructed, 1 Most Noisless Lock-stitch Shuttle SEWING MACHINE Yoa cannot afford to purchase with out examining the 'VICTOR" To try it is to be convinced that it i the machine mot tu be desired. If you have no Agent in your vicin ity, write for Circular and terms, to Victor Sewing Machine Co., 331 Tsl Eaiirs Sirttt, rRICACt. itt. Red Cloud MiU's! We are prepared f o do cos. tome Flow Fee mm tSf6, Satisfaction garaate ia lualiry of. Soar sold, aad cutftox' work, FareT? -koald be fiartiealir to necnr taw baet of aeedwkawt. Potter & Friabiel J 0 Ollr wL 'BiaaiKaaaflP'CujISP' VtiaiaiiK7uBalamlSl-L CaaLaH&8HiB ,t-rlr 'iaiaHK9!HiaHffF' i" xTMSK aMM. I BL A C K S M ITU SHOP. HAMPTON & RALSTON. Props. Tin atvJertt4d barta; raivl I tlait bm id cf Wrbrf -lr r r n frI la & ail o bort aotxc aJ fof tW. All Wtrk WarfaRtN Mru e trrvjcr oar ibol U th j rrfpcctfailj tolknt a ewJtloafr ( ike HAMPTON A n4 :und, ROOT AND SHOE SHOP ! PARKS BROS.. Propritors. Tlt firm m o"w tr'hTwl to furnb ilw i-.We Mh BOOTS i made of the lt tutlenal tid at fuurei o o tlat oo fcod g tar fyc.'ed. Ail Kinds of tfepairimj Done Dispatch. A harr of the public patrotiasr rrp-ctfultr MHi'iL .V ork fully warranted. UlXl. VH ' and be crcvir.cf d that it n te rour PARKS BROTH EK J -j? cf Red Olcud. Potter haijut received u (Eoota I J G attb Jo&biuii Ev;r brouRht to the Valley. Give h a rail and rxn ai gOO'W' and priccea. -T O. Potte Re. Clou-. Nebraska. GO NAY'S! Fox Your CLOTHING, cSSyDS, J300TS and STICKS, mmmim. HATS. CAP8 & Furnishing Cod CHEAPER T"5Z CHEAPEST ! I Ctll and See Us Bcfere Yen Buy. iSTA-t the HEW BUILDING, 9n FIRST STREfctT, opposite Commercial Hotel, Not. 03 tf HASTINGS. N EBRASKA, MotUbp St &tWabtf CHEAP CASH STORE Wbofenfe aad Retail Dealer ia DRY GOODS. HATS, CAPS AMD NOTIONS. frerle, Fltir St YrorMmmn. WOOD. WILLOW GLASS AND QUEENSWARE. WEYilLLSOTBE UNDERSOLD. CALLAlfD SEE USf North of Baalr, U-Zm at ft s CO CO a a 4? 2 t at o J A X J) V AGON Wf & iW ! or ui lklr & ti 6iv SLtiifaclim. roW fjr rt jtaf8sui5 fcv I . HALSTON. ai 3TrJb. With Neatness ami A Till n. mirrot to j ttvuuc us lVebnsk the &nrt iittxtct &vmit$. TO t fl,ATTC.S NrBEASKA. s m9 a? o 3 fc i 5 Li - 9 ?.. JL St mm m mr m o 4, L'SJ IA 1- ' -ri -..-wi r-fwrmmma- 'rrrr vr 4&m&tBUZH& t5- K "J " i. ".