r j THE RED CLOUD CHIEF. . L. UJOMAS, K::7or. THI.'J:gUAY March Is 1877. Bates of SnSccriptionl One copy 1 year, $2.00 One copy G months ).X) One copy 3 " " 50 CorrrKnlence solicited from nil parte o. the Connty and Ktate. oa matters of Rwuera' interest. Orlicial Directory. CONGRESSIONAL. A. S. Pad.lck. Beatrice. 0. S. Senator. V . " itchcock, Omaha, U. S. Senator. Lorenzo Crouiue. Representative. EXECUTIVE. SILA8GARBKK. Governor. Lincoln. Bruno Txsehoek. Sec. of Slate. J. B tPeston. Lineoln. Auditor. J. 0. McHri'lo. Treasurer. ieo. H. Huberts. Att'y Oen. J . M. McKenzie. Lincoln. Sup. Pub. Instrue. JUDIC.ARY. Geo. H. Like.Omaba, Chief Jistice. I) an'l Gantt. Nebraska City. 1 ,:.. jUi Haia'l Maxwell. Plaunouth I A,0,le Jul' WESTKR COUNTY. J. A.Tnlleys. R. If. Jones, I. W.Tnlleys. II. C. Bill. A. A. Popo, C. C. Coon. W K. Thorn, G. W. Ball, f It. II. Luci). r J. H. Hobari. t County Clerk. Treasurer. Probate Judee. riheriff. School Sup't. Coroner. Connty Surveyor County Commissioners. Hays and Wheeler Elected ! TAKE A LOOK AT THEM. A SURE THING ! The Commission decide that the Hayes Electors in Or egon were authorized to cast the vote. The news from Washington that the Oregon question is decided in favor of Hayes and Wheeler, thus ending the long coutinued strife, creates a good deal of quiet satislactiou all over the United States, but has resulted in tit tle loud demonstration, in fact, it was especially requested by governor IIaj es some days since that io public action be encouraged by his friend?; and at this result has been so long anticipated and indeed looked forward to as almost a certainty, the friends of the governor have been enrolled to hold in check the more impulsive pneiJ. Governor Hayes is receiving t-nnpiatulatory telegrams from all l:irtu of tho country. He is taking the Htuation very quietly, and refused, as usual, to be interviewed. A DIRGE. BY G. A. W. Put away the little barre's. Sumniy emptied out with care. Bitch t to seven was what upet him, "He has climed the golden stair." Pu t away tho little laurels That our darling used to wear. Cronini's vote was only left him And no ace can beat a pair. tiV.cn to tho fearful cur? That salute the eager air. Sammy's gone the jig is ended. Gone to meet the bulldozaire. An honest president's the noblest woik of the men of the people. Wel come, houest Hayes. J. W. Paddock, of Omaha, has been appointed post-trader at Camp Robinson. Mr. Paddock'? republican ism is unquestioned, if not unquestion able. Senator Simon Cameron, who will fee sevenry-ejgbt years old on the 8th of March, was raed for breach of promise on Thursday1 by a woman. Mt by an office seeker. She is des cribed as a treasury clerk, rather un wereiied, tod about forty years old. She alleges that the ancient Simon has damaged her $50,000. The Senator's friends propose that the case shall be nfered to the electoral eonHBission after it aa settled the presidency. The following bill for the relief of settlers on the public lands under the pre-emption laws, introduced by Mr. Paddock has passed the senate Be it enacted by the Senate and Home of Representatives ef the Uni ted Stales of America n Congress as sembled, That when any person who has made a settlement g the publie lands under the pre-emption laws shall change his filing to- that fcr a home stead entry, the time required to per fect his title nnder the homestead Jaws shall be computed frtxn the-Jkto of his original settlement nride wder ia pre-emption laws. . N Jgy'AV Wml&j&&yz4m., .saw wIKSBkKjl aHLaawi aWiJi rfWaWMsaam iFJWsP 27277 LA775. Tin: following acts have been isrned by the Governor, and have become Lwa. 1. To provide for the payment of members of the fourteenth uewsion of the legislature. 2. To provide for the payment of incidental expenses of me fourteenth session. 3. To repeal section 25 of act con cerning the organisation, powers and jurisdiction of county courts. Ap proved March 3, )873r 4. To anicud section 43G, criminal code. 5. To legalire tha incorpcation of the City of Columbus and the acts of its officers, C. Concerning the competency of jurors in certain cases. 7. To repeal the act creating a State Hoard of Immigration. 8. To repeal the act creating the office of delinqanet tax collector. 9 To regulate means of egrerss from public buildings. 10. To amend section one of the homestead exemption act. 11. Appropriations for expences of the 12th and 13th sessions of the leg islature. 12. To amend sections II, 41,76 and 91 of an act incorporating cities of the first class. 13. For the publication of the cu prcme Court reports. 14. To provide the manner of pro posing amendment to thecon'tttution, and submitting the same io the elect ors. 1 3. To crevent the fraudulent trans fei of personal property. 10. Establish ng a Bjard of Pub'ic Lands and Buildings and defining their duties. 17. To make taxes a perpetual lien unon certain ner.'oual property from March 1st. of each current year Mid declaring' the same personal for purpose- of taxation. 18 To declare the true intent and meaning of the expression School District" act anendiu act to provide for registration of precinct, or town ship, and school district douds, ap proved Feb. 2f, 1873. To provide for the funding of all outstanding warrcnts and other in debtedness of the State. 20. To provide in what courts the State may sue and be .sued. 21. For the relief of Thos. B. Ste venson, Mary Hays and others. 22. Declaring Niobraru the county seat of Knox county. 23. To amend section 1 of an act authorizing the raising of troops on extraordinary occasions, etc. 24. To provide for bounties for des truction of wild animals. 25 To exempt property of the husband for liability of debts contract ed by the wife before marriage. '26. To provide for inorporation of street railroad companies in cities. 27. To. amend sections 5 and 6, chapter 19, revised ttatutes, entitltd "fees" 28. To regulate purchase of sup plies for public institutions and execu tive departments of the state. 29. Apporpriations for expenses of the state at the Ceutennia exhibi tion. 30. To reimburse temporary school fund for amounts approprated for ex penses of Normal School in 1875 and 187G. 31. Joint resolution expunging from the Journals of the eight session of the impeachment of David Butler. 32. Relating to service of process in certain actions ccnoerning real es tate. 33. To provide for transfer of ! r ritory from one county to another. 34. To defiue duties of secretary f state. 35. To amend sec. I ofact amend ing eec. 592 of civil code approved Feb. 24th, I875i 3G. To enable associations of er sons of the learned professons to be come bodies corporate. 37. To appeal sec. 5S3, chapter 57, of civil code procedure. 38. Joiut resolution relating to an extra congressman. 39. Te transfer suplus county sink ing and otner funds to the general fund, 40. To amend sec. 308 and 311 of code of rivil procedure, and provide for settling bills of exceptions. 41 . Tn tiro vide for foredoseore and, collection of securities held by perma nen) school fund, 42. To amend sec. 49 and 50 of an act to provide a system of revenue. 43. To regalate fees of county judges, clerks, sheriffs and treasurer". 44. To prafcibit county officers from entering into or receiving benefit of any contract executed by county for supplies or other purpose, 45. To enable the state to realixe upon juegments and mortgages held and owned by the state agr-inst any person or body corporate. 46. To amend sec. 73, 74 awl 75, chapter 43, revised statutes, entitled "real estate." 47. To repeal sec. 25, 27 and 28 chap. 22 of general statutes, imposing a tax upon the entry of suits in dis trict 'and supreme courts 48. To provide for the appoint ment of clerks of district conrk. 49. To amend section 222 tf the eivil code. 50. Appropriations for salaries of the officers of the government, atata penitentiary, etc-. 51. -Appropriawent for the enr Tent expenses of the government ft "77 and -78. 52. To provide for towasuip or ganization. 53 Creatine a commission to re vise the general law of the ?ate de fining ttheir duties and formt'v their corporation. o. Jo amciJ'f section .J-' nt an ac establishing a system of public instruc tion. 55. To amend section 2 and 4 of an act to provide for funding the warrants of Madiwm county. r0. To govern stock growers and drovers. 57. To amend fection 1 of an act to extend provisions of herd law to Knox county. 58 To provide for examination and adjustment of claims upon the tate trea-ury in accordance with sec. 9, article 9 of the constitution. 59. Joint resolution relative to the transfer of the Indian department to war department. 60. To amend an act entitled roads, approved Feb. 25. 1876. Nasbj called a meeting at the cor ners to consider the decision of the electoral tribunal. The meeting resol ved l'that the aoksheu uv the Repub likin members uv the comiuissioa-t heir stubborn refusal to vote with the Di mocrisy, and Tilden and reform slide throueh. shakes our confidence in hu man nacher, and makes u tremble for the repubfic. The Corners with "on voine pints the finger uv scorn at them by declaim it he uo longer any confidence iu them." Gov. Hayes Is expected to be in Washington to-day (Thursday). He will be a guest at Wiliard's, having a suite of rooms prepared for his service. It is understood that President and Mrs. Grant invited Governor Hayes and family to the White House, but they declined. The President and Colonel Grant were busy Saturday directing the pack ing of his library and papers, which will be taken to the residence of Gen eral Sharp, the President's brother in law. President and Mrs. Grant will be the guests of Secretary Fish until they leave for Europe. They have a mountain lion down at Tecum-eh which is creating considera ble of excitement. Several persons have been chased and frightened by it but no one ha- been hurt. The Smith murder trial at Juniata, was concluded last Thuwday, the jury bringing in a verdict of man-slaughter, and recommending the prisoner to the clemenvy of the court. The court, however, seemingly failed to see the poiut, and sentenced the prisoner to ten yearssolitary confinement the ex treme limit of (he law. Every Western man should, and most of them do, take a pride in the success of our manufactures, for above all elso our half-developed country needs them. Merchants of the west are beginning to realize the. fact that every dollar paid for eastern products is just one dollar gone from us forever, while the money pud to heme facto ries comes back to them again, for it is paid to the mechanic, who, in turn, pays it back to the retailer who fur nished the money for the manufacturer to pay his help with. The Mormon people are the most wealthy of any in the West ; and wny ? Simply becau e they manufacture nearly everything tfyey usa at least everything they can manufacture. Ex. While in Omaha last Tuesday even ing, we wentwith John B. Dinsmore, Hon. J. W. Small, 11 Bayley, W. D. Young and three other gentlemen from Webster county, to the Union Pacific office, where we had an iuterview with Thos. Kimball. The advantages of our proposed line were well explained to him, and everything connected with it. The Superintendent of the road was at that time- in New York confer ring with Messrs Gould and Dillon on the different routes. He further stated . that it has been Mr. Dillon's wish to run the-road in the proposed line. Our opinion is that wherever they can get the most aidr they will run their road, provided that mute is-a feasible one, or in otner words, if k seems to be the one which will pay the most. Sutton Times. Communicated. Stillwate, Neb. Feh. 20th, '77. Ed. Chief. Tour correspondent in traveling around the country finds a good many eSsaontented farmers that are grumbling because the country does not settle up faster, and that the farms are not better improved than they are. Now I think, they ought not to do it for thb country is far I ahead of Illinois twenty years ago, and i even at that date Illinois had been set tled much longer than this part of the state hasr and I think that the houses are far more comfortable and conveni ent, (if obey are sod) than the board shanyes that were built in Illinois when that state was new. There has been several good sod hoase built here this last fail. Mr. Howe-, Geo. Francis, Mr. Waller, and Mr. Foe have all built them very good booses ; and Mr. John Smith is about to eofa vence to build him a good fraBae house. Now that looks like improve' meat taken ia connection the thous ands of acres of land that was broke last year, and the vast amount more that they iatend to break this year. Now, I say; aon't get frightened out of Nebiaaka, Yours, etc., W.WVB. Red Cloud & Jew ell City Stage Line- , ! Connecting at Ii-I Coud with the nepuniicafi vanoy line, runiij itraight to Hatting. S-Three recuhr trip will be made f each week, leaving lied Cloud same time the sUg from natmgf i i , g. g-. -rj 2 OS 732 233. FA RK UK A S OS A H L E 30 ly D. II. GODFREY. GEORGE ZEISS, -DfAl.il IS- Wines & Liquors CIGARS, Chewing. Smoking, Tobacct I A TVTM t H 1?R TTTTS J All llllilJritUllO OF ALL KINDS, AND CONFECI'lONERIS, And Especially Fresh Lager Beer. GEORGE ZEISS, RED CLOUD, NEB. 1 3tf I I&& !&. 0. R. Potter, BSD CLOUS, Prop. NSS. People at large can find constantly on hand Lumber. Lath, Shingles, Sash, Doors aud Blinds. Building Paper and Mould ings. Pine and Hardwood LUMBER- Wheat icill be taken in rxehange fur lumber. Quick Salts and Small Profits. teoeived Highest Honors Confer red at Centennial. VILLCOX it CI1B2 Trlr Mm. rBMalUoala olrnrj michta. NEW AUTOMATIC ILEWT 8EWINC MACHINE. 4TZST DTTISnOJT.Prjisetaf atAtTXLCUl 2XSUL7! la the only Scwisg Machine In the world with automatic Tension, and Automatic Stitch Indicator; Always Ready for Work, and c Altogether Unparalleled. Send Postal Card for Illustrated Price List, a Willcox & Gibbs S. M. Co., Cor. Bond St) ess Broadway. New York HrfiQ !W I rm av aw . lit si ffia 9J . h I Tfc, cb m Um WaihBF E? IE M N lc,t Cat ghd jgsg: p 2: ia- s 4 pS O CT09 N 'f h?rby eirn. That I will ct .ii i pirrn win itu dirc to orTct :aemt!ve j canJjdti.- for tf cherof the pnrrurj orcotuiunn chooU " -Uter e.u:y. at Hcd CW1 m. the i- . -w m i.tv umi'- m if ruarr. May. .n:ul. and November ; p js;7. Examination wilt al' U-hrf,! i DUtflct N 21 ctUlwatrr . . ,. I rr ci net. ami in llarumny iirecioct. ' tcioc suuituer cnoi commence A A. I'ot. Co. Sup't. NegundaJan. tli 177. CKIStlMDOUO'M HAIit DYE. Critadoro's Hair Dye U the ?afet and Ke! ; it acts iiistantancou.-lv. producin.; the uiot na'ttral -hade ot H'ack or Hrown ; do Not Stain the Sm. and U eaMiy applied. It u a standard pretnilioii, and a favorite op n t vtry wen appointed lonei ior Uiuy or "jentietuen SoIU ny i;rug-gi-sts. J. CaiSTASOSD. ?. 0. Sox, 1533. Kew 7:rt ASK. tho recor errd il in-r-pti- . Utliou ruflrrer. Tirltui f Frver an! Aenr the rarr curial die:c j tlrnt how ihry rr Civrrr! h r 1 1 h. chtrrful iiril Jk good 4ppetiie I hey will trll son liy f-kinr M M mik'ii Liu.t i iollaTob. The Cheapest, Pores: and 5t Tastily Medicine in the WerU I For Djpep-Ma. lontiiati n. Jaundier. ltillioue aU-K-'m. :ikk llei'l.ichc. Colic. !) preffiun of d)irit, cour tuuach. HerC turn. Ac. .t-. Thi- unriiaUd Southern Kerned t war ranted nut to contain a jinifle articluf Menurjr. or an tttjuriuu mineral ubtance PURELY VEGETABLE. containing- tbc Southern Boot and Herb, which an .iliwii- l'rovi im hi- iUcrl in ei untriL-a whcrt Liver lifac mt iirr. tl It will cure all D!'iMes cau d by Ucango wienl vftbe I.tTur fintl bowrl. the Synii't-Mn.' of Livr Ooiutiluint are a butur or ImiI taste in thi tnouth . Tniti in the IWk. Sid vr or J tint.'. oit-u uitkkcn t.ir Khi-umau-in ; .Sour 't'im.ioli . I.?s ot Ap I elite; Uowei? alterunlvly colne ami l.a: llind.ictit:: l.ui ol memttry. with a yumtul ruination oflinvint t.ute to dt .- rrrtliinir hioh ought tu hat e been don, okihility ow prritt, thick jellow aiipciranci-ol'ilifckin and et'j. a dry 0uh oil n tuitaVen lor CoTMimjiUuii. .-jiuutimet many nfthciMsinitoiii .ittrnd the di5e.uu. at othnt. wry ttw ; but the l.i cr. te largest organ in the ti!j, ir ucrully the jeat ol the dieae. a d tl nt Ur.-uU el in tune, xrc.it .uCeruik Hretchedne and beath will enoue. 1 cau recomutcud i an t-Uic.icioin remedy fordiseiuc of the Liver. Heir burn aud U)- JiOJxia. 6l)lllll.V3' Ll Kb UkUl L-ITOU. liKWIS (j. Wu.NUKIt, As'fctant I'oflt Ma.-ttr. I'liiludclfihia. "Wen ivetesiediti virtue. Dcrnonnlly. and know that lor L.iei ia, lljlioa-iifAc. und 'IhrobbiiiK Hm.Jatl.e, it le the bt-.-t lueilichio the world ever .w. We hate trad forty other remedies before .Simmo..?' Liter Kik utalor. but ntme of them gave un more tti.m temiiurary rei!el : but thi Htulutor not only relieved, bu cured us." Kt. l'eltjr.i'h and .Ucjivnuer. Ma:oa. (Si. kauufi.turKdonly by J. 2. S2LI1T & CO.. MACON, 5A., and l'HMDKl.I'lllA. It contain four medical olement. never united in tho name baiy rroiortion iu any nttier nrepurutiou. riz: a gentle Catntrtic. a wonderful lor.n. Mi unexceptionable AltT-.ititt- and certain to. recti ve otull impuritied of the body. Surh ttgn ?ui-ceis has atten ded It" use, that it in now recanted us tho KrFKCTEAJr xvr.MYic.. For all diseases of the Liter. Stomach and spleen. An a Remedy in MALAKIOU.S KEVK1W, 11(1 WEL COM PLAINTS, I)YS1'KIJJIA. MENTAL IE- IMIESSION, KESTLKtSNESS. JAUNDICE, NAL'&tA, SICK HEADACHE, COLIC, CONSTIPATION and ItlLIOUSNESH II" HAS NO KQUAL. C-4 UT. OS. At ther are a number ol imitation offered to the puolir. we would caution the commu nity to but no powder or prepared Simmon Liter lU'KUlator. ualt.. in our ensrateil wrapper, with the trade luslrk, t.mpanl nignature unbroken, None other ia genuine. J.S ZZIUN&CO., ILicon. Oa.,mnd Philadelphia, Your valuable medit-ine Siminotia Lrver Iteifiilator. h.tj saved me man) Doctor' bill 1 ue it for everything it i recoiiunrnded. and never knew it to tail. I hare u.ed it in Colic and Grubbs. with nty mulenand hordes xirii g them about half a buttle at a lime, i bavo notlot one that I R.ivo it to. you can re ommend it to every oa that has ock aa being the b:t me-Jk-in known for all cota pUintu that horse fleih is heir to-. E.T.TAVLOR. lS-ly Agent for,Oranger of Georgia. MARK THESE FACTS. The Testimony of the Whole World. HOLLOW AY'S PILLS. "I had no appetite; ilolloway's Pills (are me a hearty one." "Your PilH are marvellous." "J seud for another box. and keep them in the house." "Dr. II lloway has cared wy headache that was chronic." I ca e of your Pills to y babe for cholera morbut. The dear little thing got well in a day." . . "My nausea of a morning is now cured. " our box of Ilolloway's Ointment cured me of noises in the head. I rubbed some of your ointment behind the ears and the noue ha left." "bend me two boxes; I want one for a poor family.". 'I enclose a dollar, your price is 2? cents, bat the medicine to me is worth a dollar." I have over 20) such testimonials as these but waat of sae compels me to conciade. Fox Coisneoai Siscrdars, And all eruptions of the skin, this Ointment is most i valuable. It does not heal exter nally alone, but penetrates w'rtn the most searching effects to me very rootoitneevii. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS Invariably core the foKbwiac diseases Sisariar of the L30sys. In all diseases affecting these organs, wheth er they secrete too ranch or too little water : or whether they be afflicted wits ste or gravel, or with aches and pains etU4ia the loin over the regions of the kidneys, these pills should be taken according to the i.ri'.ted directions, aad the Ointment showld be well robbed intj the small ot the back aC bedtime. Thi treatment will give almost immediate relief when all other means have failed. Far StcTEtcBf Out of Order. No-sedicine wi 1 so eSectU'Ily improve the toae- of the stomach as tbee Piils: they remove all acidiry occasionta either by in temperance or improper d iet HOLLOWAY'S PILLS ars the bestk,Bwa ia the world for the following uisease: Ague Asta a. liilioas Complaints. Blotches oa the Skin. Bowels. Conramp ieo. Debility. Dror.rr. DrMnterr. ErniDeiaSL Female Ir regularities. Fevers of all kim.FiU Goat. unuKue. luuiiauuu. ibuui. -""i tl 1--1.- tj: .: Ta..". a.,.- 'Tt .- ij. j rtL I U.'. ... il . .or?tt."VrBe Da "" " j bubos, w eaanes ztobb an j cawi. w DsTOBTASTTSATmO. Koac are cvaaiae aalcsa the sittratare of J. Hatdoct. aa af-ent for the Unit4 States. sarroands eaca box of Pills, and OiotsaeM. A hand-omo reward will be given to anyone reo-ieriiHr nek iatbrsaatioa as mar lead t the detection of any party orpar ieecoan er feitiBC the siedieiaee or Tendiuc the tint. knowins; tbess to be'sparioas. -Sow at taa Baaaractoiy or rroivsor BotUMTAT k CO-. 1 spectable draapMs and dealers ia medicine ew York, and by all re in medicine ia cozes at mroiaewt the emlised world. S eeau. 62 eau aad f I. each. asTThere is considerable saTisc T takiac thelarjersisee. i. d. tnreetiowf ror the faidaaee ox pa tieaUiser7 disorder are aftaed to ea-h box. &3J-I7 02s, 112 ISartj Strxt, ST. T. ' j MOWERV 4 FABRELl. Kr-p trf ltt:rl f mot cowpUtc noc of hui.vrKi:!.. : l.i;0N TMIItKK. IIARDWAKK. sod TINW.UK. of any hfnj m th wt. and cH the che3--t, Mo i cciiasi-jaxnrsncircyT:, of every hand. drcription cataitiy oa io atu! Sec Tbeta. 15 tf lt Stre!. alASiTiaCi!. Set). C. Cameron f Hastings Neb. Ha the lariret tock of GtwJ ei J 0f l.i,lc,Jn ,Wi liatl, and mure Lcing JajJ received My stock consists of OKA7 GOIS, JFhuc', Ntiipie elotlm vV JVlMiiiielM a .opeciahy ; also a well s-orted ?tccl of Notiou of all kindr cheap. I have al-o a large tiol of Clothing ver) lutr in price, pleudid value. SHIRTS URA WERS of all kinds. My Mock of GltorKKIKS, CKOCKKKV and Glauare are all coinpli'tc, and will be sold very clu-np fvrcu-h. Call'and exauiinu my stock of BOOTS, SHOES, Hats, Caps. and all kind of Furnishing Good- will be eold at very low priro. Call aad get j rices and b convinced that this ia the place to trade. 17 Oin C. CAMERON. WELL BORING. N. C. Clark of'tJuide Hook, ban for j-ale the be-t VII-bo'iiiK apparatus ever nrd, conitin if drill, aiiKer", etc. Two men with one of thee drill can drill from -U) to 5 IV et in one day, through the rock trf rhin country. Thee drill are wat ranted to bo the New York Artesian Drills. 10-tf RED CLOUD & SMITH CENTER Stage Line. Connecting at Red Cloud with the Republican River Stage Line. Three regular trip a week, arriviriK and depart int; from Red Cloud at the 3uie time the ctage froai the railroad doe. FARE VERY LOW. nil. J. B. BTJB30W, Prep. THE 1SEW HOME FffiST PEEMIDM! At the OntrrtnL-1 rthlbltlrn. 1TC. arwt bu always arm! 3 vc li.rnc.l Lcoors wherever exluLnloi- WAJTT9 of KVKIIYKODV. Tl HOME SEWING MACHINE waFtrfrc3Wtf cars fetv by the aid of the bet irventic alent lD'l M-han!ml M.KI. It tmwL rJl Uw K.afatiAl Iarf ifa F'H'T Cl.Af'3 aflCHIKE. i SIMPI . In CoNt I liUCTIO.V. aUmiilOK In 5-irargih atl Eeuty, contain lc3 Working Part t Irsaai5 of DOISG a m-ttrr mtlym ot Work UunVbex Jv9wlrnrMacninsc. ltwi'AHVX Urnta without cosnso OWE CPNT forB raia. In tnXaraelu- ofUis ilAtUINE the Very Boft UrntcrialM arc JJjjED. The VEAHINO I'AICTS an: HARDtNED, Rsd thi Mpchaa lata has Lccs ot STCCCrau 7.VLSor Camnm or Maw TMItMD, CUT TOX.SILZor LINEN. SEWlTtU froa. the 'Tyz' TT"T Z. mm w ' "T r" . (. Il-iV.W- - - riniiif Biutii rarfMii rn -r m tbf irfTHINSXC MER11S t ot the MOM r gEWINC BflACMIHC fht every JdACiLLVE is fully Warranted for five Years. LITE AfIETS wanted la localities where we are aot repnesiu. Scd for priof ?, and samp! of work dose os the llvllL, or cait at any of our oatce. JOHHSOM, CLAM & Co., 30 Thlis t rnrr 5e Tarx. 5&i ITuhiatss Strset. BctVTSr Xxn. llli tKczi Ave., Paasab, Pa. 141 Bute street, Ci:iea. III. 21 SKHi 5tk ?trKt, S Lecs. Kn - - Fncd. cL BjajasarwsVftV laassssr 5. Ksasssssssssssssaiai -.t-cvv " aBssakBwBl sajPafsw v " r pwinir MppIudp ODirill liMl'lllliu wxs x fCATixt.tr tint PTR.ST PPP.MT7TMII . , JfflfiT.V, rT tfw rf!vvsi I'tivTS STATION A UV. 1 is fct -vrrrtbtn U fml u f . Iru !lou Vd.lUrr.irJnOUViKI!.5IIWI.S. (JU)UI TIOVS Ud Utnlcr wrr. HLH3TJ1. HOr55, II .A HIIh4od FflW pKlty. 4 Quick Sales & Pmnl! Profits rj a)rVc will ell y u so" ehnvr thn nr Ki- - -CH and examine our gwdj and pr wo, aol b nmrf ! ay. r in DrUI.KHSIN DRY GOODS ! GBOCKRIFM, IIOOTM h ml II OK Patent Medicines, Oils, Paint UV have tho larvt to-k in Hipftnn, aad wiling t (.live u a call one and all, and rxaiutm i;ihmI and pnrra TO THE PUBLIC SLEEPER t TINKER hiving IJiniiiil a im paitnerhip Iw trr prrrpivj n( mKs liiiii('s of Vaii iiiakitiK' and Itbeksniithtn,!, arc f accoiniiiudatc the public. All Work Warranted to Give Satisfaction.- CtW . en . o P3 ? . i i 11 vvjiU !uk ix UUKl.1 i( ( Call and See "CT? ltd Coud, CIIAS. K. .IOjNK.S, Juniata Nebraska WH0L2SAL2 AITS B27AIL DEAL22 3 DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, r ATI CAP3, Tinware Queensware. GROCERIES AN PROVISIONS Ila-lieat DIJJ.OX&COLE. DKALK1K) IS a, GENERAL HVlERCHAIUDIi and Groceries, U'c keep constantly on hand a Ifrgc aortmnt DRY GOODS, UATS. CAPS. li ( MITTENS, EOOTS SIIOKS, kbt Also AGRICULTURAL UHPLEMENTS, 4c, Call and see us. Grain. 1-Zm HARDWAR X ITCHELL 7CORKABT Fn w s P o harxf at alf tfuic a large ind cotupfetc sfcci J S aiu, aaa uaraware. Keep a Supply tmwmimgJmplemei ire a a call, aa wo f1 m aa low as aay other firm in the weat. ' ? vtaer arm m me WeaL.atj steatembcr the place, I door north of the Fnntinjr offi. - Red Cloud Neb. t t f ; i,rct . i niiiroA niorrn kmiu v, st. nu. r.i.A. pirrrv. huium iui. . Ki atiS iFiriiiiMnurr JlafN. Chim, lliirlnnr urrns ware n ii tl (jalMvtttaf. u"-1 try LUUFFA h:.VSMfrKK. Ivivorton, Nt i ". IRA will bv loiiud it WiKjin'a old hoiK Did t sh J Vti tn jn a A ( AIrHHki Prlec VnlA Tor Oral We ell rcry low for cih. anl 'tjaV DILLOX k COLE. JU.VfATA. NEBKA r V ST0RI. re ran soit yoa, ni at h