The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 22, 1877, Image 2

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M. L. 'I HUM AS, - - - Kiutok
THURSDAY Feb" 22ih. 1877.
. 1.00
.... ..00
Sates of Subscription.
One copy I year,
One copy G months,
ne copy .
(.Vrrpfor.Icee yoliritrd from all purl o
the County end -State, on inisttrrsof g.ncra'
Official Directory.
A. S. Ta Jd .ck. I5etnc. IJ. S. Senator.
W. Uitcln-ock. Omaha. U. S. Senator.
Lorenzo Crounse. KcprescBtttive.
SJT.VSO MtKKH. Uov.ruor. Lincoln.
Itruiiu izccln'ck. Sec. of Stale.
J.U 'Veitun. Lineuftj, Auditor.
.!.:. McUride. .. Treasurer.
ieo.ll. Hib-srt. Att'y Gen.
f. M. McKenzie. Lincoln. Sup. Pub.Instruc
lo. It. Like. Omaha. Chief Jiiticc.
Ilin'l 1 lantt. Nebraska fity. 1 Asgocimtc JW.
Saul I. Maxwell. l'lat.inoutbi
Connty Clerk.
Probate Judge.
School Sup't.
County Surveyor
J. A.TuIley.
K H.Jruirji.
L vV.Tnlleya.
If. O. Hill.
A. A. Pope.
O. C. Coon.
W K. Thorn,
O. W. Hall. "J
1: II. Lure. r
J. II. HobarL I
County Coinmicaioner.
Kays and Wheeler Elected !
1 he Connissicn 67 & vote of 8 to ' Count
Louisiana tor Hayes and
Aru tccide that they cannot gstehind
lis Certificates in any State".
The Contest virtually ended and the
country Politically and Finan
cially Safe.
An littrmpt wo? recently made to
ad.:3mate Gov. Packarl at New Or
lean, while onattl in conversion
wiiJi some pcnt'ciiHti in hi: private
office. The would-be-as'-ain jra'ned
admittance by rcpre-entine himself tr
he a corre-pondentof ihc Phihde'phia
pres, and jjave his name a WeMon.
He walked into the room and prp?c.T
cd his pi-tol full at the Governor'.
heart, when .Mr. Packard fpranj; for
ward and struck the pi-tol down and
grappled with the a.$5i-in The pis
tol was di-charged, the ball striking
the povernor in the knee, hut inflicting
no t-erions injury The bystander'
then firrd upon the young man Wei
don, inflicting a slight wound in the
arm. Tt must le pleaant to he a pub
lic man, and a target for the assassin's
CVf county held large era-'hop-per
convention last week, and canre to
the conclusion that ihc tras-hopper
can be circumvented by machines and
appliances, and have instituted mean"
with this object in v'ew.
We are glad to state that the ob
noxious law allowing stock- to ran- at
large during a part of each year, In
this and other counties, has been re
pealed. The Chief advocated the
annulling of thii law from the first, yet
wo take no ere lit to onrself, but would
remind the people of the county that
they are indebted to the Hon. J. S.
Giiham and J. E. Smith, of this dis
trict for their untiring zeal in working
for the interests of their constituents.
Nuiie i- hcrbr civn. THnt I will ex
atnioe jU rv who ny !4c to
offet tire-?lte cailte far tpa
Eeraocrats. Beware of Compromise Commissions.
Your cwn Proposition Settles your hash.
Gnash Your Teeth, Sut JJcn't Wail
The .tectorial Commission have de
cided evidence can be received
in the Louisiana case except elcctorial
certificates. The vote was eight to
seven t aud according to the latent news
icceived, the electorial coninihsiou nas
give:) the Louisiana cleetoiiul vote to
Hayes and Wheeler.
The following is a report of the de
cision, with a brief statement of the
reasons therefor, which was signed by
a majjrity of the commisbion :
The electoriai commission, having
received certain certiGcates and papers
purporting to be certiGcates of electo
riai votes of the state of Luui.-iana,
and certain papers accompanying, the
same and objections thereto, report
" ,--Vfrj'-"Ait?riS)ri
iozz, j. n. nrewster. A. 15. Lovse,
O.-car Jeffraincs, Peter Joseph, J. H.
"Bitch, 1 . A. Sheldon, and Morris
Maiks. named in ihe ceitifleate of
Wm. T. Keilogg, IJorcrnor of said,
state, winch votes are .-crtified to by
said persons. As appeais bv certiG
cates mbmitted to commission as
aforesaid, and marked No. 1 by said
oiuiuiisMon, and herewith leturned as
votes, as provided for by the const it u
tlon of the United State?, and that
tve anjL. arc lawfully to be counted as
th.:rt:Tn certiGod. namely: eitffir votes
for Rutherford B. Hayes, ofthoitate
o )h"o, for Pre ident, and eight votes
tm Win. A. Wheeler, of the itate of
New York, for Vice President. Tho
csmmiMion aUo decides and reports
that the ciaht persons first before
named were duly appoiutod electors in
-. -j mu eaiu Mam or jouiMaua.
TV ground of this decision isttated
bra fly and suhjuantially.
That it is not competent to go into
evidence as to papers opened bv the
president of the senate in the presence
of the two houses, to prove that other
persons than those regularly certified
to by the governor of the state of
Louisiana, and according to. the de
termination, and declaring of tlieir ap
pointment. In other words, to go be
hind the certificate of the governor, so
far as it isibunded upon the action of
the returning board. The report will
also state that the commission could
not receive any evidence-to show that
any eleotor was. eligible on the 7th of
.November, the day of the election, on
the ground that it was not essential to
i-how that an elector was eligible on
that day so long as he was eligible
when be cast his vote in. the electoral
col'ege, and in fact appears that the
alleged ineligible electors, Brewster
and Levessee were chosen to fill va
cancies, cuiised by thtir own absence
fiom the college, and there was no al
legation of ineligibility at the time
they cast their vote. The commission
remained in tession until 9 o'clock
when, it adjourned until 4 o'clock p.
in., to-moraow, ,u ordered. While the
commission was in, secret session re
marks were made by Morton, Thur
man, Garfield Bayard, Hunton, Hoar,
and Bradley ; the. last named dosing
tl. a- discussion'.
the plant- (10SOO) h worth ?2I $0, j LEGAL XOTICL'.
miUiiiE the mil- or hedge rcM him i Mafy j,.J!en , 1W ,,l.,;nfrf n..nn
ir't sO, or $; ') ai-ire than 1 charce ' ynu. Law, .lfoilnt.
lor putth'g ut and in-urin?, llu'iatnc N-Uic 10 K'aitl )1. hr, noi rf:-
.... 1 .- ,i .?..t, f il..r,.fni int 1 oil ii h.'r?hv OO
tor luce are actual tucu, an : am , ;? f , c5l0r.tof th pritM,rJ Ttmtnaa hoo.
willing i!ut the fanner sho-iM Mmly 0Bci. of the Cerk n! tj. I),.,rict (mrt " of WeUtrr rouwiy. at K.J Cloml on ti.
iH-ui. W. W. B torxiiiil, .Jod.'ial Di'tn-t. County ' t'ir. ,turA. ;n th- u,f,4 0fl-Vh
'J. ' lot U b-'er and Mt. of .', a' . . , v ,
r- - i w 1 t-.t f - - c 1 . .r -:. ruarv, ,'Uv, Arut, and cremWr
S7ILLW.THC iNeb. 1'fb lth, . . I of th hbivv p Uutti F. partus , -J
i,. .. . 1... ,.x.. rr.. ...,., n ,1. r,t,.,u ;. 1 ii. r.xaumiaixm- iu as
I'll a ui'iv nm ;u " iT 4.f-.i .
of exirtfiin rrui-hy, nerfh'ct ami habu- b? held in I)itrKrt No 1 SliHwatrr
u-il drunkeiie--. and uile v.u an-wer , r.eict, and in Narmoay ivdnc.
K-!- ---e "x-x" ftd n
of asr hot 19 tWm rt, aaf ."!" tUe
ciitas:. AIo
? . iinil ianiii CGuV -
Kn Chief. Seeing you are o jren
crou8 to five space in your column
Fr. nnrrT.Tnni.-Tin thit t-iriijr tr-it i i e . .1 . ...-.I. 1
iu tiii.-.'"r.w..wv1 -j , iipru, on or I'rl ire ilic 'iil ua " 1 i r l l
exenance view in ri'Karu iu i.inmni; i reiruar. !"' nt an siion cjii
1 I taiuud therein will in trikt-n a true.
G4t Alt"? for lTuff.
if orrry
r,r.-.',rf-viniiro nmirxrvMin
i tr.t v t . . i v r , t j nt . .- )rev ji.u .1 i.. . .
.1. .iuhi enM4i;y V L lr.'. . . x. ' ' " ' M lr u - "S'JT V "' T ' ' x
- - .iiifixBr m . a - - . - sLm im ma s. . .hm . .
' i. ., i. - w . y 'j ww ! v mt . .
The Governor ha3 received notifica
tion from Gen. Goshor of the Centen
nial exhibition, that a diploma an'i
medal have been awarded to the State
of Nebraska for its extensive and in
teresting exhibit of cerals. gras-es,
fruit.-, vegetables, wool etc., from the
State, and that the same will soon be
ready for delivery. The Governor has
several stereocopic views of the Ne
braska section at the exhibition, giving
one a good idea of the neatness, com
pactness aud completeness of the ex
hibit made. The k-gislature pased
the appropriation bill yesterday ta
cover the $4,500 expenses incurred by
the Goveinor in securing a. represent
ation of the State at the Centennial.
The bill, however, met with a strong
opposition from soma of the democrats
which was not very cielitable either
to their party or to the State.
The fiiet was that public opinion
strongly demanded that some step be
laken to represent Nebraka at Phila
dclphia, and a speci'tl sassion of the
legislature was urged by many newspaper-;.
The Journal approved a
spec-it.' soi iyn because it would cost'tnnciqeaitf'
this view, and on the recommendation
of a large number of lending citizens
of the State, among whom were a ma
jority of the memberof the legislature
he borrowed the money on his own
note, and defrayt d the expense, trust
ing to the pre-ent legislature "to reim
burse him. The State has been a
gainer by this prudence, and it would
have been an outrage upon common
decency to have refused to reimburse
him. Lincoln Journal.
an 1 how to make the farm pay.
thought that I would venture a few
line.- for ihe first time in the ClilKK.
In reply to Mr. C. N K. of Baiin, in
regatd to budging. Now, my expe
rience, is that if any man will mrrre
me stand of living plants as W. W. B
proposes to do, 1 will take my chance
on grain raising, and pay him in what
I know 1 can raise and let him ri-k
the hedge. Now to tell you my experience-
in hedge raking will not oc
cupy much space, and probably will
be of advantage to some of my brother
farmer. It is this : In JS74 I bougjjt
(10,00i)) plant to set one-half mile,
which I did. I got intruction3 at the
same time I got the plants, and set
them acco-ding to same. Before win
ter came on. on examination I found
that I hadn't tnouqh of living plants
to jutif my protecting them.
Drought killed them. My $2o 00 and
labor lost, you see. In 187G t bought
of Mr. Milner, Cioverton Nursery,
2,500. Tgot instructions from him,
and certainly think I worked according
to instructions. I find that on exam
ination that about one half of the
plants are living. Now the cause of
my iron success, I attribute to a want
of knowledge to grow hedge. And a
I have said, if W. W. B., will iu&ure
me a fence or no pay, of course, I
think it money in my pocket to let him
experiment. Not but what I think
he wifi succeed. In the first place he
is an old hand at the busine-m. Cer
tainly it seems that 16 years of experi
ence should at least give him a knowl
edge sufficient to know-whether to in
sure or not ) and I think that anybody
to talk with the gentleman on hedge
growing, will be satisfied that he is
about right iu his views.
Respectfully, J. W.
Potsdam, Feb. 17th, '77.
Ed. Chief. Does farming pay,
here iu Nebraska, is a question asked
by many, and auswered negatively, or
evasively. Many say. why if a-far
mer makes a living, clothes himself
and family, aud can manage to keep
hi.' little stock and add to it the in
crease, that something will turn up
after awhile of a speculative nature,
and he will suddenly aud by some un
accountable meaus be thrown into a
way whereby he can market grain,
cattle or hogs for two prices, or sell
rlteH for nugget.
This' is outrageous. The Rochester
. Democrat ssys"?Ene sale of Bibles in
Chicago is said to be three times as
great as it was a year ago. Mr. Moody
drev attention to the work. and they,
think it is a new book:
Still wao-er, Neb., Feb. 13. '77.
Ed. Chief. Your correspondent
had the pleasure of a trip into .Nuck
olls county last week and. there saw
Mr. Lee Burns, the stock mao and
his fine herd of cattle. It is a pity
that as fine land as there is in that
county, could not be owued by actual
settlers, and be farmed, instead of be
ing owned by speculators, as is the
case with a large portion of the land
in that county. I feee that Nuckolls is
ahead of Webster in one respect, that
is the roads are all bridged, and cul
verts put in where the roads cross the
draws,, wlu'cb, makes it much pleasaut
er to travel there, thau. here. Why
cannot we nave bridges ?
I see that C N. II. of Batin.. has
written a piece, that is intended to
demoljoh me at the first stroke. He
seems to think that I have hit upon a
good plan to advertise my business,
anu i tntnt80too,.for I advertise in
the Chief, and pay for the same. He
also says that he would not willingly
injure my business, and does not want
me to understand that he is trying to
do so, which puts me in miudofa
little oiroumstance that took Dlace in
Connecticut. Two Irishmen having
taken too much whiskey on board.
when one picked up a stone and hit
the other on-the head, aud knocked
him senseless, when-he ran up to him,
and said "Begorra Pat, did it hurt
yees, bedad and I did'nt intend to."
The difference in the two cases is, that
the Irishman hit with' his- stone,
whereas, C. N. K. did not hit with
his. He has given some figures in re
gard to hedging, which at once ex
. poses his ignorauce of the business
for it takes 32 plants to the rod, in
p!aciof2fras he stated, and as for a
farmer setting SOrods in one day, and
doing it as it should be, without help,
I say that he cannot Jo it, unless he
has had considerable experience in the
husmess, and then the farmers time
at the time that hedge should beset.
is worth (as several faimers have told.
But let us com
pare uotes and look at facts that actu
ally exist in our own county, and see
whether even ordinary knowledge of
farming, with pluck and perseverance
will warrant theassenion that farmii.g
does pay heic in Webster county. We
will take a single casj of the Buscliow
boys, and make an axhibit of their
"returns" from the farm, and what
will apply to que case will apply to all,
where soil, climate, grasshoppers and
drouth act alike, at least, throughout
the county. Their workiog force con
sists -of three men, one boy of twelve
and an old man of uearly s-ixty years.
Three teams and the required amount
of farming implements. They raited
1084 bu.-hels of wheat which averaged
18 bushels vper acre ; 800 bushels of
oats, 40 bushels per acre ; 234 bushels
barley 23 bushels per acre; 1900 bus.
corn, 47 bushels per acre.
They hired but very little in harvest
and-in addition to this Jabor they had
to herd their cattle of which they have
some good grades.. Charley who owns
a well auger, has put down at least a
dozen wells, and the- old gentleman
carries on shoemakingextensively. in
the winter season. They Iroke about
sixty acres of prairie, and setout three
miles of osjge orange hedge, which
looks as thrifty as any I ever saw in
Illinois or Missouri. We could cite
you to others in this precinct who cau
make as good an exhibit
And.uow I am aware of the fact
each preojoct has its model farmer's.
Let's hear fromyou. Let every state
ment be based upon facts, and see
who can make a better showing. Sev
eral weddings in Potsdam of late.
The two Misses Soles to Messrs-Humphrey
and Hilton. Two- souls- made
happy, two half-soled gentlemen
have become whole souled now, and
two s-ouls saved from ruin. The good-
wisbes or tiie people attend them.
Mr Harrock has a w'od mil), also
Wilson aud Kershner, since which
ume no wind has blown of any conse
quence. F. U.S.
Red Cloud & Jew
eil City Stage Line-
Connecting at Ited Cioud with the
Republican Valley line, running
straght to flatting-'.
tr-k-Three regular trips will be made
each week, leaving Bed Cloud the
same time the stage from Hastings
T22 &0A3.
30 Iv D. H. GODFREY.
A A. IVrN Co. Sojf't.
Ncgunda Jan. uth 177.
I fcafio aai 5rw Theia.
15 tf l ?ti-t.
I1A TI.MN, rVrli.
Wines & Liquors;
ChewFng, Smoking, Tobacco
And Especially
Fresh Lager Beer.
Cri-tadoro's Hair Dye is the ?aft.t
and Be-t ; it acts iu?taulai.eou-!v,
pioducing the mot natural .-hade- of
B.aok or Brown ; doe- Not taiu the
Skin, and is e.-wlv applied. It is a
standard preparation, and a favorite
up'-n every w-H appointed Toilet for
Lady or Geutlemen. Sold by Drug
?. 0. Bex, 2533.
1'ox 7:ri.
W"JW4!,"Is!a"3 s
ASK the recov
er. ! iljspot-fi t.
Lih'iu fulfrfr.
v. tnu of Fever
mill Ague tbt-mrr-
ruiu! dt."4.- i'.
tirnt how i boy r
CovrreJ health.
cbrrful fiirit A
gooJMipelite llicy
mil tell rou by
tklr.(t M MMOk't
Live icvutok.
TV - ?'' ft"- Se, ?"&',4lv
... . . w. ...
w.W4.. ... .( Ml..,..
For Dy-U'ei'- a. n.tiatifU, .Lurndiee,
I ilHu attack-, SMek llcul.tclic. (.' In. lc
prcs'on of i.rtt, sour s-touiach, Heart
ljrn. A.C.. A1.
Thii uurii'iUtl .-Miu'hern Ht-mely i war
nuir.'d not to contain a Mtiirlc jiitrncle f
Mer ury, or auy injunou- mineral Mili:liitK-e
con'ainim; ihii'c s'outhi-ni Kot ami II-rl).
hifh an nli-i l'rovi u-o e h.i '1:obI in
cwuii trie.- where Liver Di(m luu.-t r-,il
II will care nil l.'i-i.cswu wl ty beaiu't
lUOIltOl'lllu JXltS 'xiltel-.
The yiiijitnius f Liver Cii!ilmnt nr a
bitter oi bt.i tu'iciii lh4iii-julli; i'uiii in ih
laek. f hUj ur Juiit'1. (lien tui-'i.tkeii for
Itbeutniiu-ni: oiir stoni.icb ; !.( o Ai
lictitu; liowel- alteriiit ly co.-tn e aii'l lax ,
tl(ttil:icti;; I.oji-ol iiit'iuory. lib .1 -.iiiiltil
ft-ii-itlii'ii of h ivint; latlei to lo .-utiit-tliiiitt
birh iut;ht to have lio.ii iltrn-; tltibitii ow
-jiint-. h thick vt-ll'.w ni)tnr.irK-eoi thuhkir.
uu ec-, n ilry CjIIkIi oil 11 lui.-lakcii lor
Co .sunij'tiou.
- inviiinc: iii-my orthe-i,?.iiitoiiiatt(iitl
tho di-ci-e. at othi't-i vry lov : bul the Lit
er, th" liir.-csi vn.ii: 111 the hx-iy, i koim raily
the .( ol tho !! 1- i-e, a it it ! !'.. ul.i l
in tunc, sreat .-.itlcrin. rctthciiin-.-. i:.I
Death will eni-jc.
1 can rec'Miiiiieml a :m ctlirncitiu rcniel
f(rli.-eiiie of the Liver. I'enr. I.uru iu4 D-
pL'Ii.-lH, aiUUu.v.-' I.IV ,.K KKLLCATtll'..
Lkwis G. WlWUKIt,
loii Master street.
A"fi'Uantriit Mu-ti-r. l'!iilailclIiU.
"Woii sv etcflieil iu virtue-, pcr'nn illy, mid
kuiit) thaclnr I.--ii i . Ililiou-iiM . .eil
'Ihrobliiiic lleilactie. It I? the tiert uif.t.cMtr
the vurl 1 ever i-aw. He have lntil lyij
r other ifiiit-'lie-helore Siiuiii.oi p Liver K c
ulator. bat none ol thvui jravc 11 moio ll1.11
Lleiupor'trv lel.ot: but tin Uc"..aiir : ot nlv
reiievetl, bu cured in. - r.i. ielctrai'Ii unJ
Me.-enser. Ma -on. li.i.
.miit.i turiilonly by
T XT TliV (-"I
MACON, OA., and I'Hll.ADr.I.I'HIA.
It contains four ineilicul clcincuu. neVMr
unitel in the -uine haj-iiy tiroioiti';i in any
other irci.fiitlori. vix: a penile CatU'trtic. n
womli-rtul t 'Hie. an -jueact-ptiniiabie Alter
uwi 119 u?u, "taat it i iivh rcb-arue.j a? tho
TIO.NS Ud- rJ-r r HfHiTS. HI1)K4 mi MAUl'W ;t
I I D & mi IT fcs a Pa!ty.
C. Cameron Niu.
Has the larte-t :k f GHrd wt
of Linetdti hi hanu, and more boing
daily rceoivad.
My stock consists of
"Quick Sale & ?mn1! Profits V
l ot it MtTrn
fr-'i will ili y mi fwvjn chpt thn t K.- fk
fHkl and i4uiit tmr f&oth 4 pwKt ii W cmmw94 4 ' '
illhtt JMili
Dl.LLi: IN
1?iivy, Nfaple clot hi
cV 1 taunt is (lCOl-:ni I .S. IUMTS r.iid MIClS
JlafM laps, tl arthinrc. uiih r
a specialty ; also a well a.Mrtel -lock I
- V . ii , 1 . . .
01 iouou- 01 an kind- cheap. I have
al-o a large stock of Clothing very low
in price, splendid vtlue.
suiirrsfy uhi iviins
of all kind?. .My stock of
and fila ware ;ire all eomplrle, and
will be .mimI ory chmp f.reu-h.
Call and cxjuhiic my stock of
arcsttul U'iavHHarc.
Patent IVIcdicincs, Oils, Faints.
W hiTn tb lixtfH tfl ft KitrftfH l wiIIim' lw r: I
Hive 1:- a 00 II tiic ami al). s.l mitt: ptl& uf ;!.
.Li v.ri.)n, "Nch.
Porall di.4cuJCiof thn Liver. Stomach and
constipation and m;.im . k.-s
CAU r. OX,
As there are a number ot iiniU'ior: off-red
l.t th- j. iilic. we vruulil CKiti'x; the commu
nity to tiuv iivMvieo: I'reiiareucJfiiiuvu-
Liver Heijuljlor, uaUss 111. our cu.cra.vcd
Mr.irer, wiih the trade uiarK. ttjinji an 1
signature uubrukeii, Nonenthcr iceuuiue.
BOOTS, SHOES, Hats, Caps.
and all kinds of Kurtii.-hiug Goods wi'i
ho .-old at very low pi lee.-.
Call and get price- and be convinced
that (hi.- 1.1 the place to trade.
havinj 'urinrd u co 1 aili.rhip Lr ll tun' f izn,z '.
liOMitr-- of iin !hh ltlncwtnithittr arv o.. pr n i ( r
aortuini-datc the pubirc.
Csd"lA iH be fiMi in Wijfiiii's b! lt
big h(p.
I.t OVflf .. i f
N r. Clark of'lli:i l, 15u.-k, hai for ; trt,
-ale the fnt 'i-l b ini: apparntu- '
ever u-i-d, eoti-h-liru; of In'N, aiu'-r-, 1
AilWork Warranted to Give Satisfacticn.
auv.U .wu o. UuuU kA aoni ua jioii
C. R. Potter,
- - Prop.
- .-NS3.
People at large-can find constantly
on baud Lumber. Lath, Shingles,
rfash, Doors and Blinds.
Building Paper and Mould
ings. Pine and Hard wood
5 Wheat will be taken ro exchanae
jor lumuer.
Grasshopper meetings" are- being-
held at "different points in- the state,.,' a5) 8 dollars per day, and the average j
ana it lOoirsas u tne insects- wouia ne a tucl lJu-i" out aaoai rorty rofls
made toime'ebmb to stern fate and 'n dy which makes their time
patent exterminating raauhines-
Dudley M. Steele and Samael R.
Johnstmi-plaintiffs against G -oree W
Beamnn, defendant District Cour:,
Webster Co.Neb:-
George .V. Beamnni aon-resklent
defendant will take notice of the filing
ui me iiuiiiin or ine mainntr a in fho
above cause, the object aud prayer of
wuiuu is 10 recover a judgement
against defeWant for the sum or
$213.40, with interest from November
10th". 1S7G. and costs: ami ihi niainl
tiff seeks to take the property of de
fendant by atUehment and apply it to
the payment of the siid debt. De-
jcuiiiiai win answer saiu petition on
or y-iore tne riih- dav ofFel
Qui:i Sal :s and Small Profits.
Si-r S &
- rrj g! g
i i .. .- e
(7)2 k JS
rr, 1 C VS"
K & ? s Q (n
n' T3
U yv.ier
M.icnn. Ia.. unit Pliilailclpliia,
lour valuable inedi-inc Siui'au..i Livrr
KoKulnlor. h.n saved me in auy !(. f r bi..
I U4iit lor every thinir ii i.- ri-cviutiK i.ded.
nnJ never knew it to fad. I have u-ed u in.
Colu aiidCrubb, vith hi mule and a ,rv
Kivi S them about halt a b'jttlutu time. I
haro notlost (mi. Unit I cave it to. von run
ro otmuomi r. to every one that Lass oil: aj
bcuijc the be-t me Heme known for all c un
plaints that horc ilcfh h heir to.
IS-ly AcetitfcrOranier of Georgia.
t si '"'
The Testimony of the Whole World.
"I hail no appetite; Ilollovray's Pills save 1
ino a hearty one."
tlour Pillflnrc inarvcllon."
..""5i,J (vri"ot!,t'r box. and keep them in
the house "
"Dr. II Iloway has cared my headache
ihat wnj chronic."
etc. I o.iiifti with f f nl ;he-e .Jnll.
can drill from l) to .J) !' t in one day,
ihrotu'h the ioek ol tli-i coutitty.
I'hi'-e drill- arc uarrintcd to ho the
New York Artesian Dulls. lo-tf
Stage Line.
Connecting at Bed ('.'mid with I he
Republican Itivpr Fiagp Line.
Three Veeuhr trip" a wok, arriving
and ill-part im: Trot, Kc-i Cloud at the
-Miiotu,,,. (he -lage fr.. m ihu railn.ud
J. fi. auaaosr, ?.-:?.
? i m. i s& i if .
cu auOJut (U AUc QdAuPM (ylVtiJlr eXkS.
Ca.ll a. i id S(:e U.
Ettd ('(Mill,
i . ii ii I' jmAHm -A,
n r.'.-c ' -
ii- ij- -rj-.j
- 4 tt
i?J Pj.. IJ1' .1
'-r-ML:?.ia -r TTii1 Jf
t-i '
Tl 11 -s
-. is . v n n
I gave oneof ynr I'ill tamr h-,U,-r IL-b . . ,irr' i', li
cholera morbui. The dear little thins sot Z P& ?&-&?'& J& I
well in a dnr Y. LjljxL. .,? A-Axtr f'A
'.My nausea of a mornintr i now cured." 'tiJrsJr-
KM- !
Juniata. iffobj-aaka.
CA P, Tinware, ueensware.
HrichfM t'nsU iviw l-,,,i for tiv,,i.
me of noises in the head. I rubbed -oruc ol
yourointm.'nt behind the cars and the n'i-e
h.n left."
"cnil me two bnxa; I want onefora poor
family. '.
T enclo'e a d illar. rnnr nrii. ; ',T..r...
but tne medicine to me t vrorth a aollitr."
I hive over JO uch tet:ini.i.ii:J Uctc
buiTnn: of 5paco compel me to conclude.
?:r Cstsaecus Siscrisrs,
An-i ull eruptions of the -kin. this Oiatmrnt
utno.'ti valuable. Ii doc no: hoa exter
nally. liOne. but nenplruin ct, , I. .,..,
sesrihinK effect to the very roctuf the evil
Invariably cure the foIIo.Tinp diewe
fn aird'a-east? aCectin? thi-eor?in.wnelh-erthry
-rcretciod much or too little waier :
ui r-ufiutiT .icy oe amietcU with -tone or
J grave', or -with acs an paii.s .-eiiKdia
jnir.m.Te- ta resion.- ofth? kidney;.
tht-iH.-hoild oetaiveu aecordirs to the
. n ltd lirciio.i j. ami the Ointment ihouid
c ..t- j ruuo.-ii.ini me -in . o. the tac at
anc Groceries,
J mT
We keep cotian?y on hand a lar
gc ai'tririrvn .f
illliiliL-; M ITT,;xs' oots s j io kp, &c. .
iitlii i'tiu
w . . -ic-
was Anitir 7HU j
PIEST KIEMIDmM a,3 agr,cultbal implements, &c.,
Call and ec m. We wil rv ! fi..,i. .. . ."
Vt the r-Jcm 1 rhi!.t..nn. 7T an-liu
- a:r. T rt . i . :iJworj
W hcrev er niiuliU-l.
rA Cnl?AT, STirr-Tr. T-mAirtli
-Vi'2 - , r c ' IX c n-1 1 u tc i
hs. s
' -
69 t
? & a a a
q . a
ItTT r. ciA -...:.: , " :n - . ... "
"") ou imimuu: wui oe tusen as
' wxirth $64 fier mile of hedge set, and.'' 25-4w Pl'trnf A tt'y.
fe Erf
i$ 5res
5 o tf2f5
k' l'SL
e .
. dfe fl
3 c:A34(
Slr-ttairtJir-rtia-j i ! J ,f,i. Hout;
ii ui K--jt .i i -. i k - r z t r.t t-1 f
r"TTTrr . r- . .. - . ,,..- -ir - r i m m
bvitxnn. Tfai-trea:mer.:vTi.l cve Jn..t IVV ' - - 1. ' ' ', Kl "'-v. M
imrrtlmte relief wfae all o.her mean-bavci- .,, -f.- ,.-..?-, T.1 ''i KO MB
failed. fVuiVvV J r;.;riFri3 - tr ?a ,
rcrSrana-"--Gn -C- i wivoam, r, r of.-:,, j-s r-r
G .3 , ua. -. UJU.. cwm;j M-,e . . W JtL !ctri
' Jo medinne wi 1 jo- efiV- u ly I li, u::Z CHTf-rll taiit
tfaetnieoftheitjmavhi Jic-el'idi. tbev ' x -nx.r icui-n t '. .. jj.-,i J.J. K tbo .
remcVeFl'acidity o-caiost- citberbyin-' -. vi'y li"z j.s n -riztl-4 :'- UiX I
!V'r? reriiapniifrii J .: ' --' -1 - r" HOt"itP.
. --- - ' " " .- -ua tuc uu; anr u ij. .. -- .4. - --., vv.i
in ma wona lortae luIl-.winsiiMtai'? Acue "!!, v"f" r - 'juc.rg
Aitb a. Uiliou; Couiplauu. l!.'o:cbe on i'.'.r?--' ?. -ftl - j
iui; -
.n'lic irp cpuuir.p cniKi rh. ..m.ha. . I t- . .-.
j. iiayik. agent Mrn.; toU isiii.v. xaiTa:Heu lei i ire lcnrs.
' ""-. i-onaiap ion. Iiobiliir. "'. r A"-:3 -. - c ri'V. ur
ntiei. F'VeMofal! k.nd I . rt, -;V-VWUor LINEN, SF.wi.mj Jreo
ache. Indigestion. Icf!rr-r: . s. r. , IVJ" 4!!L-J--,ns to J:tr-r C. A aJ
sts .Slanr ami li.M-.i w . ... ..i .tJk iilC.t. Sur-Jl rrnfiHrt-vll''r.'T
. r.L.-. , ""-.. -'r "" 1 1' tte i:;Tni.--!c MHi.iV .
atfoaSf ekTOSr MJSffid5KSG."eM,
sarroands ech fa. i of l;n- ?,.. .... ...t"
1 . " "" . .) -r m -.. .
r- udii owerewam wUI be given loaoj oae I ' ' -itM- variW-i n Jodile "fftr
renlcnnsiusli iiforu.-3tion .is may Iai to ' w--'nra.irer-tsa' .
tne ue:e-tionof any party or par tescoan er- J5! f"r p, .-.r.4 raires cf r-srr
t n tcr ilijjli or cri.i at zuj of ur oSfci.
i i..." '-. "" jii i
f lemng tne raedician nr vending the umc.
j knowmvtbeu to b" epnriu. .
oUl at the icaaufitctcry of Prf6r
jpectable drugiit and dcjl-rs in luedi'ini
, trousbotit the virilized world, in ixef
i Za centt. nl c-Dti xnd l K
l: I iS-TK.r.;. ..:.!. tt- ?!. ...
I , - .-.. vubtiutMuic KF1CJ 9J KXlt
' lie ..
& I
trMHfJ.w?. fc?rai? .
viii.vwtij V..ill ' UWI1 j
jC Vzlxi cai.-. UwrTerir.
! 554 a t sfartrt Etrst;. Eciim. Km.
ax-r12- i nU'.!.. THILfc T5 I
9 mt- - - v .ra. - - J mximM J. . M 77 r r w
tien in ceiy disorder are talxeJ to eich aiMbv"'C-ftiiL p
box. nfO-lr1 w 51Siti:,:r-rt,SuIfs.H3
0:e, 1:2 L::ertT Strset, 1. 7. ' l " e "i'-serytv, IieL, cL '
1TITC1I Dl.t.AHOIt 31 A HT Props,
We keen on fcanJ at H i.i. !.- i . . . .
Tin, and Hard.,. ft" WJ c0n::,.e,e ,toek or cu vi.
Keep a Supply of Farming Jmpicmcnlii.
5&Give ns a call, a? we feci nre -ttb mr- mW .... .
a low a, any other Orta ,n the wLt? " yMi nu at fiar5
Kemember tl phce, I door north of :he Priatiofj yuice.
Red Cloud, Neb.
- 3T