: - Vjv -5 - rr f i, "fjiii't V. ' if Ei- W J 1. A-J THE RED CLOUD CHIE lhcfamou-.;oiiipromi.e bill finally ; lrOIHIZlUlJlXldrCLdX. ; passed Hie rscnnlc A to wno H l re? 1 i "'7iimo t. ... ,. idem elect will lit d. csded by four of j -- - the Mipreme .Ju Le- w,i will i-noo-e j 'IHCP.SDAY Kb. 1st, jyTT. -afirih man Ui.lv one democratic i a - i - - - - . se:iator'vot-d against the bill, and t ! treat exciicuiPHt wan incident to the. , ! ,i i i ir ' the ' all night se-ion. Many icpuhlioin-i ' are against the bi'l. hut the drmociat.- SUI.l WATKJl. V. January l!V, 177 j I'll CllTE' - Sir, lhifik.n,' that a few iiii? frati-Snl! water wmki be ai LEGAL XOTICE." Miry K8en taw. plstaiii again: KmiiV M. Law. friidait. N.imj- t- Katik M. Lw. iron r--?fitt detVwi nit . V- ire hntshy no 1.5 tl tlist tli-e s nt file in th See vt the GJtk iftb" I 'firm Catt l--l- MOVERY & FARRELL. k i j- . rw.K -rmo s3 per.- H if t , uj IiION oiTei t)inutfKre a-JtM4 far tim elier ftf t tar prfer; or iwma ri0as of W'eb-trr rnmn'x. : Ud Clow! U Bat'ssf S-:bccript:os. Onccnpj year, $2.00 One rnnv f mnnt!is J.OU ii,... ........ " in a,c generally in fa.-or fi tMliClltlv ................. ..iw . " ... . t ' . . ...... . . . . . . ... f . . . ... . .... mA .... ".... v . ni .. : .1 - U k. . 1 SI... a ' ..-.-.. - - - - ... -. .-. J ct.iiiok, i inn: jiiwiwri. i-' iv ; Miriuc . ii fi.i .-iiib v 'J ; Srt Snii.n1v im tk fi Kh -W, .- Uo .... . t I J.-. ..- V ..i. ' .1 " Tt.--. .- .. . .I.. .... .. r.a ..a.. .. a&T .I.lSr 1 . I . 1 Xd IK. ." t;X VII. ! ! - - j IIJ ntiuci : ucth iti " .. --,, . .,.-. -.. . -.-, - HASOWAIIK. ,! ri.NMVAKE. of HAT kj-? tu ?. rJJ .'HI. .1 i ... .f .:.... ir . . .. : 1 r i,....m,r.t fir :i f.rW .KiV-. which n.Ui., ' ,w !" " l"K -"" .""" - ' .. .1....... ...in mirf .! Ilu ur.uxui. 'f u llf-liv Jr ' m -.!- C'rrri.inIrncc Foliitcl fn-m ail parrso rr. My. Atiat, wd " retuWr 4. l J77 KxammsriatM ill ' to int-a-su s.-ii:c ..: our larmcr as imy , f ..rH-Jir. i,?.-loci an! haUt- 1- ImM ik DUirin Nvt 1 StHhratrr ...-.. .. ,. . . lir.o rut nu-Si-l aii.tuetr u-tn yet ; u ,i .ium'W". u I ifiw .. . . . .... .1. . ... I .... .!. Tfi.v prt.tcro .latioiM are graiJiially ' anl Haie ol t:iu weui i iLi.iKU.ey witwnw.:,,re i..c -1" "" 'ruce A jn. Co .uprriatcwJeai ..UrilliiunsVCo. ntVEilTO.V. i : ' .Vidg r...i. v.. .--v . nm ?H..rit)trariu m. iriNK ruMV oim .i. wm. '". h.n a- - 4 of rry i-tro comnxmiiy icTA'Tin" KY, 4 far twylwt p1 " ! IVnr Hhhp UicOniiityaUvl Mat-, oa n.at"cofK-i.cM ! , . , . . !.....!..,.. ,.'. ;r ,1... ...j. ,,1. .. rebrusrv. ! ., Ui nH -K-tH ewn-. r..:.rr-t. ! Koj.jiina u.nr wiriiKe ot-monuraiwii-. ,. - -- - . , , , ... utt t --------- --- Official Directory. A.S. Pail Irk Bcitncc. U.S. vcaatr. W. Mitelicock. Oir.alia, U. S. senator, i I.orciiio Crouna. Iiirccntaiive. KXECUTIVB. SILASGAFtliKI.. (Jovraor. Lincoln iirunoTzfchuck. Sec. ! St.tic. J. II Wci't'iii. Lin'j!n, Amlilor. J.C. .Mcl'ri'lu. Trcaurcr. IS.. II. R.J:rt. Att'y 'Jen. .1. M. .McKeniic. Lincoln. Flip. I'lrt) Inetruc JUWC.AI'.Y. (J?n. It. Like. Omaha. Cliief.riricp. r).iri'l'antl.N'c.rhi'kafity. ,,,,.;... i Hain'lMaiwoll. I'laUiuimtli Aseoc,-,l' ,ax' WKrt3TKH COI'NTV. J. . Tiillcy, K. II. .Innr. r. V. Tiillryn. II. '. Mill, A. A. I'npe, C. C. Ciin. IV i:.Th..rn. . 'V. IUJ1. ) I.. II. Laj'. r J. ii. llobart. r CounTr r'lcrk. Tr'-nj'iircr. I'r'.batc JuiIk. HlicrifT. School Suji'r. '"oroncr. County Survi-yor County "oininid.iouer.. K x-(jn.vcr.inr Furnas w.is cho-on IrjitIenC ofllifi State IIorttulttiral tD .i :ty at its i itj m j- i j It is repot tcil that an outfit bnuinl for the I!.:k Hills were reivinly ur ptNei ami mas.s:icre. by t' e ImHu'i-. Hutl.T couinv has voted bond-in aid of the O.uuhu and Ki'piiblicaii A'allcy KaitVoa-f. I'he two-thiuU law wa no hiti'lnvnrc at all. Kai.ky Bihus.. Ait -s lor H"t;T and :i.-utii:na ii.erf p aiefu'.attitu Je. u:.mis as tl ts at j-rescut. It in caiuitcl n iw that Vs.vj.Uu 1 river i I - -: i1 Janner.n in il.1a fart jt h.nl any iircntiuti ol" toin to war in ; of the county-a re btfciim'-n to )jk to j T, 7.". Lcliali 'ol'Turki'y, or were ever ii.fi i ; their o.vn intere-st-, aui are ciiua to LLVAL SO VICE enced hv unwortliy u-aiuaw ofi:uia. ! ip" their faruia ly hedging them Dudley M Ht.ek- and 5ruiiel II. i , - ' i i . . . t.: r :..,..? 1 aa id t a.- thtrv e-in, quite a number .IJis. j liintttk aextt II uttfe W 11 TV I L v. Is 1 Ij. donkrrtideat arcSoi,,? to ?,, in that wny thi- ' W- '-. l..IW9 liir ,, j. W ?-f ivnera uitieo. , aptit.v, : .-cvral are talk.n- nbyiit ( (j,.,,,.,,. V. Iranian, non rs"dcnt nml l'vl . it ct iiinui.ulv. Ditin Pedro for!: a t'f.lrr. rifi.l f.f.Vrf. Ilio lW ,,.....,.... f. w ....w. .. -- , -i ,-.-..- -- -, , ijeoire Gold wa unknown to t!i whacker of putting out fruit tretta an 1 ?r.ije, ad defendant will t.tke nnrire i h fldnjf a- c-, who wutiM rather have a slver -A which i am irJ.ul to -ec for it e)-.t? of tin pvtitioti of the plann.T ;. the in.-irc, and he viheiiicmly ..etwuiic d ; but iutle in con-p.Mn to the profit to ; alf)V? ciu- llw iJe "l a"li- ,,nycr 0' ', ,. . hi i , . i wbudi t to recover a judgment thu empsror a a counterici or, rob. r J them-eive-, (if they give tne prwjier j a..,j.,,t ,it.f.n: ,t lr thu miiii o! and Ktinder of the poor. Tho euipt- ! attention to t!i tuj and the improve j $'i;; ;j. with nitvtest from Xovt-moer ror doent kimw Arabic, fcnics if i m.-wt to the county, for if wiry oth-r l h. 7. and enr ; and thiit pl.in- .svuipathttic diiver., joined their fc!- f-umer in thi, county would lud-i hs . J.,'r:',k: u Uike. thv Property of dc - ' . r , . . ... ei.datit hi atti'Mimeiit and apply it to low , and a rot w.i, nomiu-nt. when t latin ami put out oiulur.Is ami -ma. I , ,je Jlfiyll.JH; th .-ud debt. lJ4- J an in:ern:ettr showed the man that ' fruits it w ul I enhmce the vilue of , f.-ndant will jn-4r .-aid trtiiion ou I ' ..-... he had 'received many piihtre-, where- the land from ; toJO dollars per acr,, upon he took to hi heeN incontinently besides placing themselves in a p-j-i- Xeraiwia Jan. :h 177. I-lAIll DYi':. 15 tf I C. CnilK'L'OI "1. "Ouick Saiap & -cmD!l Profits !" 5arW" trl U r - -Hf l, "J X iiA3Tt.W. im. ttrtMHctni' th. ittjJ mru'i -nf o: f H'ck or liroicn : do .Vt Ht the .-kiH. an 1 i- en-ilv p!ie.! It - a J Um (M 't4 ! f 0fiit mm -tan lard twiMrultuu. n.l n Ivhiio (lf ( .n4MiM ktilM, jr9 Wfcf up u ,m w, ii nppuitpl nif-t f" , dntiy m :!. Lady or 'ti (it!t-tin.n. AH by I.ug j j t ad ia J. rwJ. ftiMM, ! be r .i tl-'S, ! for fear the emperor might recall his ! Hon .o unke from $l''U to ?-.' l!J. a ! bounty. I -o.ir more than thev wjuld nuke by , 2.7-1 w nr be fit re the 2Gth tiav of February. I Xa ,t .. ..: i ......:.... ..til I... i..t.ln a- i i lin, or sai i puiiiiuu "in vt i.-n ...-i j ttue. i J .. It. U II.I'OX n'tnvAu'y. A Itll.L has be-Mi intr ditd to abol ish the oflice of f' miitv .Sujieiitib'iid ont. And tnecLs with consideiable nip port. Humor now has it, that May was killed in the recent duel with Bonnet of the New York Herald. Hcunutl has sailed for I'jUrojie. It i.s a No re ported that iiennett and the Mster of May are uiarried and have Kne on their bridal tour, and that young .May Was unhurt. Alt TK KK-TA, the head chief of the Otoe Indians absolutely relates lo t-'ign any papers looking towaids the dis lors ing them of i-lieir i--ivatbin or any patt of it. So it apreai.s that the Siato is still to be'deprived of the bt mlits of t lii-; rich tract of laud. LEGIHLATiVE. i.vrn!rTioN ok 1:11.1.55. 1 our ncihbur cattle eat up your r . i . . corn, and destroy 3'our wheat, oats and time o! pa3'inont 01 notes To extend time of payment of notes iMWti in payment for .-uhool land?. To piovide for the better adjustment of accounts between counties and -tales. To extend iveti for school land-', and for reduc tion of interest on the miiij. To repeal Sec '2, of an act to amend Sec. lo of chapter .77 revised statutes, en'itled "toad-." To govern stock growers and drovers i Ull,,, To provide agi:n-t kiihni: ol sheep ' their present mode of f.iriu'n a.- any farinor can .-ce if he will take the! tiouble to estiuia'o the waste on al most any farm Fir instance, how much i- wa-:c 1 on the far 11 for tliu want of fencing ev ry yc.tr? Why. fanner-you could hedge our farm with what i.s wasted every year, and it i- wasted bcMUse vou have no fence. CCii . AK ih !- - t Ayppv 1 . .Mr tock orrniM of 'Culif't- anii ifnuiimnrr. luijUX9iKllS. Tl tiM Of P.rrr j,i-i -- m-- ' 7. .HU't a tlier- tunt Low Ury r- rVt-T" t It 1 1 It. iiEOKUE ZISJ$, gyZi iv,'Tt bra I tit. kVlivb Ai. s- I .i.m i'f ih'y by (I03S. For cstablis'Iiinorit of tether's in stitutes for e.tamitiaiion of teachers. Providing for a state board for .-et-tlcmcnt of claims against defaulting county treasurer.-? an 1 their bond-men. To provide means of expending monies for road and bridge purpo-ei. To euabL counties to parch ise seed giain. TllS following from the Juniuta llcrald, explores our views pretty clearly : "Now, that the rDoch-ahu-ed Sena tor In- been defeated, let his accusers hold tln'ir tongue-, let calumny cease, and let h.-repo.-j in piivato li.'e be pleasant, for i.nleed be must have barley, and then you grumble and say j firming does not pay hete ; and you j caunot raise fiuit for the cattle brea! the tree-, and the:; you say that I'm cannot be grown in thi-s country, Hie climate doc- not aijree with it, when act is, the cittle and wed don't agree w.th it. Thetefjre, I .-ay, fir mers look to yout interest, and leuce fit' fill IllOMII ttfllitt boards or by hedging. r v-v'. a Wrw I KM I i; IN DRY GOODS ! Jb'imt, s(2iIe clothe A fiiiiiiu! (;uo( i:i.n:s, i:mt.s j.nti iiois, lint.. 4jii. Iiard :ir- 4ii4-vii I narcaiul (rilasHunrc. a -pecitrUy , a'x a well a-sorltd trk of Nottotii of'al! kind- cheap. I liare al-o s. lure :tock af CtothioK very k in price, irfemlid value. m " 1 ! For I)ypfpa. 'ori-tipiiti-ii. Jauntlif. ! lill-ouott tckf. Sick Hf.i.t.i-'i'. t -.t-. ti- Wines & Liquors ; 1'"'""-Titur --"'- ' Tl... ..... !. j tuiilirrii 1fmt)v t it ir- raiit,-.'i not to contain a Miorl ".urtico . f j V 7'S'X. III? i !I''' i .Mr ury.raii u-jarwii- iniiiralubianiM J ' ' tX ' - M '-' ' '' ' O PULY VEGETABLE. Patent Medicines, Oils. Faints. U" uwr the Ur" t lN-k ut Km! n m I i! t.. Ir (ive U- a cab itc .HkI aii. mi I u r k"l jr 1 h.i u CIGARS, ' j ChewJng, Smoking, Tobacco I'uiituinir.i; tlioi-nutl rn Ho is an-1 1It1. winoiiait .il.w.- I'rovi en . ilrwl in cuiintrit' wlii-n l.ie' iMf,-:! nii r il. It w. II cure. ill I) ji-.-io.oi i-1 t Du-iiu--liici.t ut .in; l.ircr iii'l Ih.wcN. TIm- Sryinpt-itiij of I.ivur v.Veni-laint wrr n hitter or b.tl M-'c in tti, iitoiith ; l:im ut tlic It.K-k. il'. or .Ituiij,, uttfii in?tk;i tr Iilieliantll in ; Sour t.illla.'h : l.rM oi Ap- The ctjiiprom'sa bill now bifoie Oongres0, noviib's that the two Mouses shall elect !Ue Judges of the Supieme (Joint, and iho tnember- itoui each house who .-hail proceed to -irTved mm;!.. While wo prelorcd cmvas the elcclorial vole r.r.,1 decide ; r0uic other man je w? t:ver thotitthl who shall "be FreMdcn. Thh pi we has I eretoforo been.'vesel in the Speaker of the House. There is grave doabtsiif the constitutionality oftlu bill. We hope it will not pus. The Nebraska J'ress A-i.-oeiation met at Lincoln Jan. 1 -t. Tne oflicci. of the assocattou for the en.-uitig year arc as followac Fresideut, J. U. McHiide, of the Nebraska Farmer; Secretary, Mc Murphy, of the Plattsmouth Herald ; Treasurer, Conncl, of the Harvard Advocate; Orator. W. H Michael; 1'oet, Fred Nye, of the Fremont Tit bune. An cxcnr.-ioii to the Pacific coast next May, is unde! con-ideration. I.N referring lo the passage of the bill for counting the electorial vote Gov.. Hayes says: "I want it distinctly understood that I do not drsire to in fluence the action of Congr ss nc waj' or the other in the mattei of the ele -torial bill, or any other matter rclati e to the Presidential election. The whole thin.; is in the hands of Con gress, and I shall be coutent with its action." It strikes ui that the resolutions in troduced by Senator Van Wyck, amending the law in reference to the purchase of tax-titles ate sound. The 40 per cent, iutercst which goes to the speculating tax shark who lies in wait ing to take advantage of a poor man's necessity, ought to be condemned. Lairs should be made to proteet the farmers as much as pD.s-ible rather than to as-ist the monicd aristocrats in grinding them out of home and happiness.- - Tilden has been sued in the TJ. S. District Court for $150,000, non-pay-uieot of income tax. Attorney Bliss uses the following positive language in Shi connection -: "iJ "am thoroughly convinced that 3Ir. Ttldea has uot raid the income tas xHiich the law re quiredjand he should therefore be compelhd to pay." It will be reuiembered that Mr. Blaine in one of his Ohio speeches stated that he was convinced, and tirt lie spoke under the authority of Uni ted States offieers, that Mr. Tilden ha-1 bcea guilty of withholding h:s just dues to the government, and of sJreariu:to a f-lse return of his in-eomc It costs less than a- cent a day to take a weekly paper less than aaji:. jrentjien would earnjin a week at- the market price.of eggs ; less than the barb3r would ' charge by. the year' to keep oneVhair triiamtdi-less than an energetic kitchen girl will'wastc in m week. A penny a day lasy be Kved in many a way better tharrj s- much ahu-c called for-or necessary. Senator Hitchcock has done many good act- for this state and iot some thin rs ui.diiiie that we think would have biMiefited the state immensely. lJut our princijial olj.'ctiou to his el eetion was the apparent connection he held with theU P. railroad company. Personally we had no objections to him. The second main objection wa. that his election threatened the divi sion and eon-cquenily the defeat of the party in this State. Still if Sen ator Hitchcock has been unju-li'iibl. . assailed at tl misrepre e ited, time wil convince us all of the injustice to him. There is one thing -all must admit, however, and that is that he was a tiieless worker, a talented officer, and a con-picuous Senator. May his fu tttre be happy and prosperous, is our wi.-h. !y posts and W. W. B. T.ibi": Hock claims the champion corn busker. L. II. Woods hu-ked one day la-t week, eighteen budrjl.- of corn in two hours an 1 nine and ona half minuets. Congicss declares it.- inability to tell a fraudulent "paper purporting to be a certlicate" from a duly authentica ted document, according to law, and to count the Presidetital vote, or to let the constitutional uilicer count the same, and have left it out to 'arbi tration." But as the constitution don't say anywhere that this little job shall be left to arbitration, as the pi in cipals in the business, Messrs. Haje and Wheeler, and Messrs Tilden and Hendricks, ure not parties to the ap pointment of the a: nitration board, it will be suddenly found when' the de cision is rendered: that arbitration don't arbit-Hite in this instance, and thnre will be, if Mr. Hayes is declared elected, as much '"wah" declared and "goah" shed as before this brilliant dodge was. thought of Journal. The following smallpox paragraph is now going the rounds of the press, and it may possibly be of value in this sention before the winter is over: "I am willing to lose my rep utation as a public man," w.-ote Ed ward Hime to the Liverpool Mercury, "if the worst c-ise of smallpox can not bo cured in three days, simply by the use of cream of tartar. One ounce of cream of tartar "dissolved in a pint of water drank at intervals, "when cold, is a certain never-failing remedy. It has cured thousands, Kever leaviiijc a mark, or caused blind :ie-s, and avoids tedious lingering." Tha Puff. The new-paper pufl i.s something which makes vou feel bad il you don't get it. The ground work for a new. paper puireon-i.-ts of good moral char acter and a good bank account. Writ ing new.-paper puiT- is 'ike mixing sherry cobbleisaud mint juleps all through the summer months for cus tomers, and quenching your o;vn tiiirs: with rain watur. Sometimes a man is looking for a pull and don't get it ; then he says that the p:per is iioing down hill, and that it is in ' tire hands of a monopoly, and he would .-tup the paper i! he didn't have to pay his bill lir t. Wiitit.g newspaper puds is iike taking the photograph of a homely ba by. If the photograph doesn't teprc sent the cl.il I ;:s re-eoibbng a beauti ful cheiub with wings and halo.-, and harps and thing-, it shows that the a-ti-t doesn't utilerst'tnd his busine--So it is with the i:e v.-paper pud d the pufFcc doesn't stand out like the bold and fca'.'es-i exponent of truth and morality, ii shows that the pufLr does nut understand h :mau niture. It :s ur re fan to watch a man read a puff of hiiurtdf than it is to see a fat man slip up on an orange peel. The narr jw minded man rea is it over seven or eight times and then goes around to .the difl'jr.nt places in the town where the paper is taken and steals what copies he eat:: The kind hearted family man goes home and reads it to bis wife, aud'then pays up his bill on the paper The successfal business man, who advertises and makes money, staits out "uuemediately to find the newspaper man and .-peak a woid of grateful acknowledgement and encouragement. Then two men start oul of the sanctum and walk thoughtfully down the street together, and th- successful bu-iness man takes I sugar in-iiis, and the newspaper uinn . docsn t put auythiug iu bis, ana then they both eat a clove or two, and life is sweeter and pleasanter, and peace settles dowu like a turtle dove iu their birartsj and after awhile lamp posts get more plenty, and everybody seems to be more oHes- intoxicated, but the hearts of these two men are filled with j a nameless joy, because they know just where to -top, and not make themselves ridiculous. L'irr.ih uity Sci.tiitL' Ct i it it . I k Tl I". T7 T'TW 1 blieuantii in: Sour -t.Mii.ioh: i.r Ap- ' A IV l U 11 I K IN, ' Ittlte; Mown- altcnmt ly cutiv :ml lux . r 1 X I2j I JL ItUl. IU" iU-aibiciic: 1 otniomurj. uith a Mtbtiil "" ! i'11-utl li ! Ii urn; titile to i" roi.-lh U OF ALL KINDS, AND COMKCi'IONKRIS, And Hspecially Fresh Lager Beer. (ji-:oii'n:zi:is, KFP CLOUD, NKB. IStf I.OHKF.V FKNMxdKK, .Hix;( ii, "IN of all kind?. My stci: of G I : ( ) ( ' H HI KS, CHOC K K K Y and Gla ware ure ail I'oiiijdt, and will lie sotd veiy cheap foreah. Call and examine tv stock of hich oi tlj to him.- hv-o ilunc. fobilil ,ot Spirt'.-, u lliiv ,i,.w npjMuraiii-r : wi-..n i nnnTA riinT t i n ii.it,-. u.i ti c uri ti n :iiutaven tM-.t5UUib, cHU-o, Hats, Laos, C .-utnp'.PMi. the diiMj.ii'e. at olhel- r tr ; but th I-it - ' ,,..l , .. t . , .. . , .. ..i..ii"'i 3r, me ;ir,L iii.iiii inmr ,e, . ir geHci.itij 0 II. PoT?Kii, - - - - Proi. RED CLOUS, - - - H23. People at large can find e.on-tant'y on hand Lumber, Lith, Shingles, Sash, Doors and Blinds. Building Pape: and Mould ings. Pine and Hardwood LUMBER. C3r Wht nt will lc taken in exchange fur lumber. Quick Sal s aai Small Profits. t- unit I ttie ti e.-c. .I .( a-'t he.ulu til in tune, tri'.il -nl'ei oir. wr.-tt hitinri- ni.l ic ilit y. iti t-u ic. 1 can rcriiMMal a an cfli.--tio' renvly lr.li-Hctil tho Liter, lirar biURaR'i Uy- IK-P-Ml. a.MtuN"' LIHit KFJI LAToa. l.KWiS G. Wb'MiKK, 1.J.". Major Strut t. Ati-t in. lf V .M.if'.ir. l'ailaile'p'ii i. "V'ci. . tilt..' I il virtm pi'ro.iil.:i:i I know thrit !-r b-,ipi-.. l..:iuu-iiu. an-l 1 hrotjboi.- ilr.i.ia.-c, "t ii t' i- irilwnini v the tori . evi'r su. W v S'am liieil !.' othtr ii iiic-.u-s b.iwre ."-iiiu.'..i" Liwr Hie ul..tr. i. in ii'iiu..: tin-in w.i- iii ittoiu th.ri tuiiiH'r.u itl : . Lu tit. Hi rfuiKtt i wt tut. r-.ick"ci, Im i-.irt-.iu.' fca 'le erpn :l-I .Mtts-t'Uyur. Jb.i on. ' '.. ..i:iii!.i lur 'lonly by J. ::. iScj-iiN k Cj.. MACON, i:., and PIIILAIiKl.rillA It contaiiid four ineli:il eb'iiient. iifVr uiiile'I in tiics.oae li ij.py prii no., in any other preptr.uiuit.iz . 3 ci.tlc Cutaiitiu. it v'ouilotiiu t.'tin. an ytiexe.'ptinii t.i AltT mii'i'iui'l eortatn to ref.ivf t .ll iiMpiriti ut tin) i.ody. Siu U y.-.ial "a--. .-i i..vj ..itv.ii Uci: ids u;c, that it i? nm rfjMiacti a ih K y fB ct ha h srj: i vi :. I'or all itiseaje ot llu Liver. Stomach ami Splll'll. A.- a t'.ti..b l in MALAUHU'S KKVKI'.s, I'..Wi;i. CUJI IM.AIM'S, DVsl'M'.-IA. MKNTAI. IK 5'itKSsiuN, IlKStl.hSs.M:s-. .lAlNDIOK. NAl'SKA, SltlC HKAI'Allli:, I'oLIC. to.Nsrn'vuii.N aii-i ttn.:it:.K-s If 11 A.i NO :tiU.L. i'AL-I.UX As thT-!inn uun.bcrol inis.itt,rj.otr-ril t- III ; Au: g nt.int m . i i. ilie ou.nsu niiy to li. no pi.uikrso ji. epjrt-t sjhhbw' Liver Uhul:itor. ual in oar tMxtu.t-J wrapprr.wi.Ii the tr.vie mark. it.iHpiui'i eib'll.uuie ui.br..l. ., .nuothnr i Kemllue. 1 kin 1- .f Fiirn.-hli G.im1 W.ll be -old at vir low puvc-. C'dl and ;ft tk.'e and kp eAnvifteei) that tlits is the place le trade. 17 5m C CAMKKUX. WELL BORING. N ('. Clark ol Gin ! HtK-k, has for ) , ' the be-1 Wi-i! Jur um nppaiuiiie , ever u-ed. coii-t-tiiii; iddnll-, aueer-. i etc. Two iiii-ii with ofie of the dull- ! TO THE PUBLIC SLEEPER. TsNKER Unving lottn-.l a eo pn'ttwrW i 'r lh puini .f rgnimg butnns of Wne hi ti.iUi.itr an I !Wfn.-iitrnM);, u mh Mi--aoetMiiiH Hin: the pu'dn. ct""Ii ' Iv I u-! ii W'jf n ukl kf Uu. oeer i l)i; rhop AllWork Warranted to Gie SntisfBGtlcn. Wc lUvdl otc a.U wnvus h ooa,w ww nVo vc ((iumir&A CAujxkcl Me(!. f at o. T T . "T 177'TT tf "". 31 icon. ti.i.. :tn I rliilnlcl.hi.i. Your valuable iifih : Sim m ' l.iv-r Hfj;uUtor. Si a- jivi-.I tut- many Dwt r lil'. I ii o ii tor evrrj tt.itii: it i rceiMifiMlal. an.l neVfi kio". it to In I. I h.ivo io-fi it in Colic uaii liriU'l)!1. wi h mj iiii1-bhI ii rjw Kivi irtSitiin iitiout hair a l tti t a tii. I havo not lost one that I g-ivc it to. y,u emi re otutnr-inl r to -vrry oim that ha - cfc ts lit'ine tlic Ott ii' li"inc Vtiovrn for all t,t.i -pl.iint th.t Iior-c tl sh is heir to. K I'.TAilolt. ta-Iy Asvut torfiranser'of ;vir.ia. MARK T.:ESE FACTS. The Testimony of tho Whole WoriJ. HOLLOA'AVS PI LI A 'I lia'l no appetiti: IIollowaV I'ilN cave can drill iroin b to .1 f. it iu one dey. iiiroiu'ti t tie met: m u--. eoutitry. fhe-e diiil-ale wirfinted o he the Nav York Arte-ino Drtll. -JU-tf P.KDCLOl DA: SMITH CKNTKH Stage Line. Comicl!' '.' at Ht-il Cloud with thu Hepubhcan Hiver Stai;e Line. Three regular trip- wk, arrivinj; nud depatttiti; frotu Ked Cloud nt the sitiie tiule the .-tae irom the raihond FARE VEEY LOW. nil. J. 3. 3 7HK57T, Prep. Cull ix n L Set) Li lliil Cou:!. fflrly:riis h a CM AS. R. JCNKS, Junia-ta. "riTI "l? "V J.TTT7' I 17'"7P sz- rrr rz i irnrsrc M'.'a ps &$m UT) 5! fi? H ? I ! S J V k. "S h m 3 f ; i-Jl 4 x croi v iw r- tzj -HFV mc a nt'iirty one." A & ' our lill me inarve'Iou." s r "1 .-e :l tor another box. ami fccc; Uieat in K the hou.-e ' j h "Dr. il lloway ha? care1! my hcailnehe i P !J that wo. chronic." J --. ri ''' T " 1 pare one of y ur 1 it . to my bao- lor eh'ilera morbus. Thcilear little th.iu sot well in inlay " ".vly nausea of a mornini; 1 m w careil." " our t)'x of Hollo-.v.ij 'g '.MiiUnent currl nip of ini'f 5 in the nt-nl. I rulibtrl sviue of our ointia nt Ljhinil the ear? anil the uuisc ; 'Jtai ha- left ' t": "oeinl rae twj bixfc?. I want one for a poor j family.". ... .... CA ' T. E" 1 M erielos.-a ij.lar. your price 1 .ccnt. ; --- . 3 r J-j- bat the ni'di-n! to rue 1- ..rtn a Ioll-ir. 1 3 'tiiiauM lJIJaflHM I heveorcr JJuch ton.monial- a these r 1 tj II f lifj j if til . u. r-aut -Jlsjiice coiupel me to coue.ude. U? J ?5? r ! J ' t '5fff3r'!il 1 .!. T. m 1 i )7' ill m.j' v-jm J ; n ?; i -."y.v. h tS w - " T -v- ' I r r Somebody is-get ting at it now, by introducing a bill into the legislature, prohibit!U-couuty officials froui buy ing or ot he wise dealing in county warrants. If the bill becomes a law, and has teeth enough in it to be effect ive, oouniy warrants will appreciably inctease the rate of their progress to ward a par value, and some ajunry offices will not be struggled after so much as they have been. Eaitsato Times.- Charles H. Potter vs. Meivin C Sherman. District Court, Webster County, X br-ka : Meivin C. Shet urm, non re-i lent de fendant w.ll take notice ot the tiling ol the petition of plaintiff praj inn j adg meut ou the fie following eouuts, to wit : 1st. Note to plaintiff judgment ak- p.d for ?I4 S.ititerot ana attornev's I 'rtoj ,! iifi to til'fifT iiidi'mnnt ' ,w va .-!- " -- J" -j--w- fc r Jiwt.T asked for $lo int. and Alt 's fees. 3d. M ft f Note to pPf iff judgment asked for $17. i ? fi oU, int. and tee. -ttn. tote to -J. 1. , y Q JS Nerris or b arer. judguient $ rO and S i; ? 5 Mter-t. Tt 11. .loiuy had ami recr-iv- y n " U 2 s y ff HB5 S & Z rr. Cy t C: mm - ww -- W j? a I WJ y& nd nil eruption.- of the sk.u. this Ointment is in Jr't i raluao.e. It lors no: nci trxter- nailyaione, but penelraic with the inmt seart-hinv "sheets to lU'i vtrj rot t ol the evil HOLLO WAV'S PILLS Inrariabty cure fu- f lloins .lLJ!a'e' n all ili;rj-s aJLsi-tin; he?cor?ans.whe:h er :hy .-"-ercte im much or tw i.:Ue ir-v.er : or 'The h-r t icv be tSiicl with .-;on" or prate! or ari.Ii ae n pi s -ttInt in I th lo.nvs the rerioa? of tb kwluei.. the'e iiL ?hul-i be take.-i secorh ! the ri ie.1 uift i. 48'i the Uiaiurbt -J.uM It- we"l ra'jb-il ml thr i.a vi- ts fcj-s' l boi iiau. this trsi.ujent wi I r Y a!t renietbate re.it wbr. all o her toraa kave tailcU. No raetlicine wi 1 so e2c u I'y itnomve the . .noofts rtuu.ib ,i ue- I'i !. they reuitiVt-ai-nei.luy oeeainj wilier by in- tempera -re or laspr pe 'lift HTcbraaska. 7rr7CiTr ivj3T"if -i,?r,i; DRY GOODS, NOTIONS. ATS CA P , Tinware. Queenswurc PROiriszoiyrs. HiKliCMf Vnsh TTrivv Vziid Tor ilriun DILLON &COLK, DKVLKIHIN 1 GENERAL MERCHAMDIE and Groceries, Wa keep coulant? on ban I a Jars; aorUnrt f . DRY GOODS, HA I'S. CAI'S. U. OVK-. MiTTI-XS, JiOOTS SIIOKS, &C tT3 i a j. tx ...".. zyz 'IPuST P?lLUM ! ! AS A6R,C,JLTURAL lPLEIHENTS, &c, &c 1 w i , ft 5 "' 5. P ka - S 3 '4b X At ihe Cntfri.. T . ." ?'. i 1 -nt- ' : " i . a C0Ua'.T. rv -. rrnxm.r:. J .TiT .H Hm III .S.Ai-:nt5 U Itm. vr.vir-i it j-vjLi.ynorj'i. th hcw" r v"5.- 1? t-'- R. . f tl '. h. 1 i y-ttln .tott tai : .i c-: h :.. ltoruii-i lite : 'tsu j i! n a ?B'T''l.r. C-3:.iS. w ii:- j n j 1 c yx-n ki ioy. t'i i:trJl ii : trcryl rd fcenuMr, - a jVrcrk'.'Pa-t'i ir ?tri ua-.:o .-.-.-t . .r r ,i?v fr Jt tin- i the Jlafiwfvrt fM : T". -" ! K tbc cry li-fr i ?.-irt.o 0LI. ad u3jijjc:---. j- . . r'vcocxi ;J II II . ! . - 1 -. kUi . . -a anuwe u. H ttt Jor f,r ci-h. aI 'u ' vi.j.ur ! Ct ruin. 17-3 u DILLONS CfJLK. J CM ATA. M :UV-" " ed bv d'- fenuaar from third party ana el tiui as.-tiiaj by him to p!atnt!$- i. Z jj 1. juittreiueiit asked itirtfiu ana interest, j lL Yuti will make answer or otherwise! mmJJ( pletd to the p ti'iou on or before tle-j N -JOthadatf of i-'ebru-ui. 177 or ;a:d T - petition will b taken as true. J NO. II. WiLLO ILLCOX, : 21iW Pi tus Attorucy. a. in t5ie worlJ forlhf P ll-wincuieae: Aue' .,. mr,-, T -,.. r , -i., thcktn BoeK Cocsatcpion, l.ebihjy. -L'or Llu.'ccrr! Iropy. Uysentery. Lry pc.a., r-m-e Ir- ov.ctts- 1 tvft; ?rri.ti f- regularities. F-Ters of all kc. . i oat. 1 . 2rT..... .. . i . . . F . ..- i IM.r. J 'rfrr .... . l.rrn AGEVP; -crasleJ Jn JocaLtScs wi J are at rrs ri ' . 4 k2- I Ue-tlacne. luJue-ttor.. ij..-.... r-ore . j i:AXHEI Such ronflrfoncoFEi- iiirnsr iodc anu tinvtii. vruij oi aii i . . k- i'TrM.- ;. cruiri: v kinoj. WexVness fr.m any cans, eve. ,.or ;.-rvi;r: P3ACHIME thi-j ' IltriJJiiAis- 5au ..3:. Knn;'srfcsen,jine calwj tb ?isrntareof J. tiaTM'CE, a a-ot f-r th I nitcd iutr?. surrouniiyeoch b x f 1 ills. a-U t'intaieni. A nantl oini" reward -all he kitcq to 41170. e rcr crinr nch inforuAtioa as may Iaii to theectcrtionoiaay party or par ieun er-j feii.itr the oredicia-- or rS2tli'f-thejnje. 1 fcaowlac them to be s 3 ericas- 1 -old at the manufactory ot Prolz.ir Ilft.f.oirY .t t4i Set Y6r.aml by all ns- STtible dru;?iid ana dealer ia isedieiae J thruiarhoiJt the tfivilirfe'i world, ia'-oxes nt 5 . 'I .ir .- . .i-,l 1 .,.. ! y.iiKiii'.KtKi-"'.'". . .. ' sei ". .: - i rr... CS-Th'tf if ecilsiiletable savirs tiy taicin "" n --" -- -' -- t-eI.trser xrrf . i ilil. teazd Ats., IlUJKrjc, Pi. JJ wixccuonir mo fuwruiF.- 141 SUta Safest, GfiCi3. I.I. ali 'i S:rrt, ft. Lczu. K Cal. HARDWARE STORE ; MITCHELL A (OIUI A UT Irop . r rr-r r tfmvir t '.uliwLii :2 tt.'J Iv.IIc . itn, and llardwaie. fffiCCtSySSatoir I F'Ming rnileibenu &-t&VJEVl..lT V. iJoBHsas, Busk & Go,, . .. . .. ..., , S3 Uctcr rqird. 2TrffT5:h. i aa low is :" other firm ia the Va!.' z tipn-i in cVtnr tiiorJer are aSxed to ra-h 03:;, 2X3 Licsrir Street, H. Y. 17 Sr 2tci. .r Lu, c- Taauisca, Remember' the nUee, 1 door north of.thtr Printing ofHce- Red Cloud Nob h tuiitn2 yur cswity paper. Ac -5 Li- PJ- ,"f SLscyj