The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 25, 1877, Image 1

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    rT -scab's ,5
Advertising? Rate
The Red
oud Chief.
iH. r - v
! i i W S 4 1 to a tilitim
M. L, TH031AS,
AY, JANUARY 25, 1577
i4. 3 f 4
Kdltor and Proprietor.
fl n t4 mil, 4 - &
A dispatch from Constantinople of
Jan. 4th says: The apprehensions of
a rupture are diminishing. It stems
probable from the more conciliatory
feeling prevalent, ilie Porte will not
riject the projwwals of the Powers.
The plenipotentiaries seem disposed to
m?ke slight concessions A dispatch
from Madrid announces that an extra
dition treaty between Spain and the
United States has been concluded. The
treaty sjcifies twenty-six offenses for
which jKjrsons accused may be sur
rendered, and is the most comprehen
sive that has yet been entered into by
the United States.
M Berlin dispatch says Russia in
tends after the final rupture of nego
tiations to ask the powers for an au
thorization to enforce the proposals of
conference in their name. Turkye's
final refusal is anticipated. The con
ference will then have no further busi
ness at Constantinople. The Russian
papers are greatly exasperated at what
they term the pusilunirnitvof Germany
and Austria The London Stand
ard's special from Constantinople, af
ter reviewing the proceedings i: the
sitting of the Conference, ex pi esse the
opinion that the dangerous part ol he
crisis is over. .. The extradition treaty
between Spain and the United States
has been signed. It applies to all crimi
nal offences except those of a iolitical
How Talmage's Church Look.
Tal mage's tabernacle will seat -1.000
nearly twice as many :is Plymouth
Church. It is built of pressed red
brick trimmed with gray sandstone. Its
architecture is English gothic. and it is
well lighted by ample siamed-glass win- j
dows. It is cruciform, with groined
arches and pilasters. And is decorated
with quatrefoil. trefoil, and other tra
cery, while between the elliptical groins
the vault is painted blue. The arrange
ment is amphitheatrical, the pulpit
being at the axis of a semicircle, or
rather semi ellipse, with the radiating
a?3le all centering there, and the seats
raising gradually one behind another to
the outer row. It is entered by several
doors, and the front of the building,
with its ample open vestibule is very
picturesque. As Lord Chester f.eld ad
vised his son to dress from his lecktie,
so the finisher of this edifice "eras to
have worked from the chandeliers.
These are specimens of Oriental mag
nificence. Thev are of colossal size, of
Chinese elaborateness and Persian gor
geousness. The prevailing color is car
dinal red. but this Is toned down with
gold, mazarine blue, and Tyrian purple.
Then the famous organ is played by the
famous Morgan. As the musical young
lady with me remarked, "He's the great
est man in the universe." In short, this
house of worship is so equipped as to
be as attractive and comf triable as the
Fifth Avenue Theatre. But if St.
Paul and Jonathan Edwards can see it,
how it must surprise them! 'Jvurier
Journal. Coloring Cotton Blue. Take two
pounds of copperas, one-half pound of
prussiate of potash, one-pound of oil of
vitriol. Dissolve the copperas in enough
hot water to cover the goods. Scald
-.wo hours. Take out the goods and
rinse in cold water; then empty the
kettle and put in fresh, soft water, suf
ficient to cover the goods well; add the
prussiate of potash, put in the goods
and boil twenty minutes; then take out
the goods and to the liquor add oil of
.vitriol and stir well. Put in the goods
again and let them remain until the
color is as dark as desired. Rinse in
cold water.
In the Portland Theatre "The Two
Orphans" was being played. At about
the point in the piece that, in the repre
sentation in the Brooklyn Theatre, the
Are broke out the roof of the building
as blown off. A panic began imme
diately. Miss Marsh, the manager, went
on the stage and said: "Ladies and gen
tlemen, there is no fire and no danger:
on my word. I am not fooling you."
The people believed her and became
at A new society has been formed in
Taris, whose members are to dine to
gether on the first day of each month,
till January 1, 1900, when the farewell
banquet will take place. The members
must have been born later than De
cember 31, 1S49. and the Club is called
"The Men of the Twentieth Century.'
Jelly Rolls. Three eggs, half a
cupful of sugar, one cupful of flour, one
and a half teaspoonfuls of baking pow
der, the whites of four eggs, two-thirds
of a cupful ef pulverized sugar, half a
cupful of flour, half a teaspoonful of
baking powder, a little salt,
CaptBoyntou recently accomplished
the task of swimming down the river
Po from Turin to Ferrara, a distance of
800 miles, in G6 hours, without a single
A 810,000 fund has already been raised
in Chicago for the support and educa
tion of the two little boys left orphans
by the death of Mr. and Mrs. P. P.
"Thought I'd leave my measure on
yur floor." said a man who fell down
in a bar room. Xo necessity for that,"
said the bar-keeper, "we know exactly
how much you hold,"
A fire occurred at Sherman, Texas,
January 3d, which destroyed twelve
business .houses, with a loss of 5100,-
000 Sainuel I. Bigler, late President
of the City Bank of Ilarrisburg, Pa
which susiended several months ago,
and his two sons, one the ex -cashier,
have been arrested on the cliarge of
conspiring to defraud and of emlez
zlement and obtaining money under
false pretenses. The bank failed with
liabilities aggregating S3."i0f000, while
the assets will not reach more than
Sr0,000. Over 1,400 jersons, most of
them of the toorer classes, had dejos
its in the institution, of which they
will realize probably 10 or 15 cents on
the dollar A sleigh containing a
driver, three ladies and three gentle
men, ran into 'the river at Hunter's
Point Ferry, New York, on the night of
Jan. 3d, and all were drowned but one
man At latest date, Jan. 4th, the fire
in the Lykens Valley coal mine. Pa.,
was still raging The grand total of
tlw internal revenuw receipts for six
months ending Dec 30th, were 857,-
083,003 Fifty recently discharged
employees of the bureau of engraving
and printing have been replaced
Commodore Vanderbilt died in New
York on the morning of Jan. 4th. lie
was conscious up to the last moment of
his life The body of Charles Bisle-
feld, of the mounted police at Center
City, Mo., was found on the track of the
railroad, Jan. 4th, terribly mangled and
cut. Another policeman was badly
beaten, his ribs broken and otherwise
injured . . -The New Ycrk Chamber of
Commerce have adopted a report urging
that silver coin be made a legal tender
throughout the United States.
On the 4th of January, in Xew York,
Michael Mullroy, a quarryman, entered
the home of John Kailor, with a num
ber of cartridges of giant iowder which
had been frozen together, and set about
thawing them before a stove. Mullroy
sat down, holding the cartridges close
to it. and conversing with the inmates.
Suddenly six two-pound cartridges ex
ploded, completely demolishing the rear
of the building. George Kailor, four
years old, was instantly killed, and 'Mrs
Kailor and infant were seriously in
jured. Mullroy was badly burned
El win "Willis Major, convicted at
Nashua, X. II.. of poisoning his wife,
was hanged at the State Prisou in Con
cord. Jan. 5th. He reiterated his in
nocence on the scaffold F. "W. Mar
tin, broker, and Raphael Solomon, coin
mission merchant, New York, both
committed suicide, Jan. 5th Up to
January 5th, the fire in Lyken's Valley
and Short Mountain coal mines. Pa.,
had resulted in damage estimated at
$200,000, and was still raging. Nearly
3000 men are employed in the several
collieries in Lyken's Valley, 1000 of
whom worked in the burning mine
The Supreme Court of Mass., sus
tained tae lower com t m its decision that
Israelites are amenable to State laws
regulating observance of the Sabbath.
The case originated in an attempt to
keep open store on Sunday Ac
cording to articles of incorporation filed
in the office of the Secretary of State at
Springfield, 111, the Toledo, "Wabash &
Western Railway, will be known here
after as the Wabash Railway.
Coles Morris, of New York, charged
a few days ago with being a defaulter
in his trusts, is compromising with the
sufferers, whose ultimate loss will be
about S150.000 The Ohio House of
Representatives has adopted a resolu
tion Killing on the Railroad Commis
sioner for information concerning the
condition of Ashtabula bridge when
last inspected by him, and when such
inspection was made The main
building of the Ohio Bentwork Co , at
Columbus, burned on the night of Jan.
6th. Loss, $30,000 to $40,000; insur
ance small.
Charles J. Brent, the forger, has ar
rived in Louisville, His penitence and
the restoration of all the money pro
cured by his forgery has rendered the
community favorable to him Stevens
& Co furniture manufacturers at Den
ison, Texas, were burned out, Jan. Sth.
Loss, S22.000 fully insured Three
stores were burned out, Jan. 9th, at
Pontiac, Michigan. Loss, $20.000
The snow crushed in the roof of a rail
way freight house at Springfield, Mass,
Jan. Pth, killing one man and injuring
five others. Loss on building, S25.000.
The government dredge boat, Mur
phy, operating on Red River, sunk,
January 9th. Loss, 160,000 The
losses by alternate freezing and break
ing of ice in the Ohio river lately have
been very heavy. The Ashland Coal
company have lost barges and coal to the
amount of sixty thousand dollars
The heirs of James Lick and the trust
ees have come to an amicable settle
ment. John Lick receives $533,000,
from which he pays $72,000 to the oth
er heirs. The value of the whole estate
is estimated at $3,300,000 The dissat
isfied heirs of Comodore Vanderbilt are
preparing to contest his wilL Under
the will all the heirs except Mr. H.
Vanderbilt and his sons, are left com
paratively small amounts The new
bridge at Ashtabula has been completed
and trains are ninning regularly.
Coloring Cotton Red. Two pounds
of redwood; boil this one hour, turn it
off into a tub, put in four ounces solu
tion of tin, put in the cotton and let it
remain five minutes.
Fkiiav Jan. 5.- :vnator Morton called
up the resolution of the elections com
mittee declaring that "Wm. Turner is
o und under his oath to answer the
questions of the commitee regardingUie
transmission of telegrams through his
office at Jackson ville. Oregon. The res
olution was discussed at length, but
finally a vote was taken, which resulted,
yeas, 33; navs, 3. No quorum voting,
the Senate adjourned until Monday.
The Senate amendment to the invalid
pension appropriation bill was con
curred in. The House then wait into
committee of the whole on the private
calendar, and on rising took up the
question of Barnes, the recusant New
Orleans witness, who wa before the
House and submitted a written answer
Erepared by his counsel, the miswer
eing under oath. The answer of wit
ness, and all questions relating thereto,
were referred to the judiciary commit
tee. The Sergeant-at-;irms was directed
to retain Barnes in custody, and the
House went into committee of the
whole on the contingency deficiency bill.
After two hours' discussion thecom
mitter rose and the bill passed. Ad
journed. II no mi.
Sati'rday, Jan. C A bill was re
ported by Air. Douglass, chairman of
the Freedinan's Bank committee, au
thorizing the sale of the property of the
bank under foreclosure when it is the
interest of the bank to do so. The bill
passed. Mr. Goodm, from the com
mittee on public lands, reported a bill
authorizing the McGregor and Western
Railroad in Iowa to intersect the road
from Sioux City to the Mimesota State
line route and Western in O'Brien
county, with a promise that the grant of
land shall not be increased or
changed, and that homesteads and
pre-emrtion rights shall not be af
fectedPassed. The House went
into committee of the whole on the
consular and dip'omatic appropriation
bill. Mr. Holman offered an amend
ment fixing salaries for ministers as fol
lows: England, France, German v, and
Russia, S 15.000 reduction, 82.500;
Spain, Austria. Italv. Brazil, Mexico.
Japan, and China, 810.000 reduction,
S2.000; Chili and Peru, unchanged; Bel
gium, Netherlands, Sweden and Nor
way, Turkey, Venuzuela, Hawaiian
Islands, and Argentine Republic. 16,000
reduction, l.,r00; Guatemala and
Costa Rico. Nicaragua, one mission.
$8.000 i eduction, f 2.000: Minister and
Consul-General to Hayti and Liberia
each, $4.000 reduction, $2,500 After
some discussion the committee rose
without action, and the House consid
ered the District of Columbia business.
A few local bills passed and the House
Monday, Jan. 8. Senator Sherman
presented a petition of citizens of Cin
cinnati, asking an amicable settlement
of the Presidential contest referred to
the special committee on that question.
Senator Morton, from the elections com
mittee, reported in regard to the recu
sant witness, Runyon the banker, who
refused to answer the Senate commit
tee, a resolution directing the President
of the Senate to issue a warrant for his
arrest and have him brought before
the bar of the House for contempt, and
the resolution was ordered to be print
ed. The resolution presented by the
elections committee requiring Turner,
the Western Union Telegraph mana
ger, at Jacksonville, Oregon, to answer
questions concerning certain telegrams
which went through his office, passed
33 to 3. The chair presented a com
munication from the Secretary of the
Treasury calling attention to "the ne
cessity for an additional appropriation
of 830,000 for the payment ot temporary
Treasury clerks in "that department
referred. Senator Booth submitted a
concurrent resolution providing that
in tne electoral count any congressman,
when the Senate and House are in joint
convention, may object to any certifi
cate, whereupon the President pro tern
of the Senate shall rule; appeal may
then be taken from such ruling.
and each house separately may ballot as
to whether the President be sustained ;
if they disagree, an apieal may be taken
to the Supreme Court, weere" decision
shall be final ; the Supreme Court in de
ciding may receive in evideuce the pro
ceedings of any State officer or board of
State officers, and reports of Congres
sional committees ordered printed.
Senator "Wallace submitted a resolution
instructing the sjecial electoral com
niitte to reort as to the powers or the
electoral college, and whether each
house may examine both the facts and
the law to enable it to determine wheth
er the returns are true, if the appoint
ment of the electors by a State was ac
cording to the constitutional provisions ;
and further that when there are two
returns the houses acting concurrently
must determine which is correct, and
no electoral vote can be counted with
out the concurrence of both houses.
After some debate on the resolution
and a short executive session, the Sen
rte adjourned.
Under a call of States, Mr. Chitten
den, introduced a resolution for paving
the legal tender debt in harmony with
justice and the pledged faith of the
Government. The House selected com
mittee on the electoral count, on mo
tion of Mr. "Willis, was instructed to en
quire whether rates were given during
the election contrary to the prohibitions
contained in the constitution, that no
United States official shall be chosen
Presidential Elector. On motion of Mr.
Lemoyne, a select committee was ap
pointed to m quire into tne alleged im
proprieties on the part of the District
of Columbia commissioners. A bill
abolishing the District of Columbia
Police Commissioners, and transferring
their duties to the District Commission
ers, passed by a unanimous vote. A
resolution calling for information as to
the purposes for which troops have re
cently been stationed at "Washington,
was defeated for want of a two-thirds
majority. A resolution requiring the
Judiciary committee to report within
two days a constitutional amendment
prohibiting the payment of war claims
except to loyal persons was defeated.
Mr. Buckner offered a resolution to
utilize the product of the gold and
silver mines and to authorize a paier
circulation convertable into gold and
silver. Mr. Bright introduced a bill for
the free coinage of silver dollars, and
making the same a legal tender refer
red to committee on mines and mining.
Mr. Hunter introduced a bill to author
ize and equip an expedition to the arctic
sea referred to the committee on naval
affairs. Mr.Xaason offered a resolution
instructing the select committee on
tne privileges of the House in regard to
tmKjt votes to
the counting of the
inquire whether aay
were cast by penom
jwlltieal disabilities,
action should be
TUESDAY, J. ft.'
the House bill to
of Columbia police
to transfer their duties
Commissioners. A
the arrest of the r
von was nassfvL R
ing the electoral ooui$,
then con
Ikxrv and
siaereo. senators soar
Doutwell made remarks.
he House
bill to perfect a revision
le United
States Statutes, was take:
up, so as to
come up as unfinished bus
an executive session, the
Senate ad-
The Speaker presented Morrison'3
communication on Louisiana affairs and
Orton's refusal to apje;ir before the
committee. The resolution for the
arrest of Orton passed. Extracts from
the proceedings of the New Orleans in
vestigating committee in the case of
the Louisiana returning board were sub
mitted and the matter referred to the
judiciary committee. Mr. Watterson
introduced a bill regulating inter-State
commerce. Mr. "White asked leave to
offer a resolution reciting the existing
feara as to a peaceful settlement of the
Presidential question, and declaring any
attempt to excite the public before
the constitutional authority decides
on the question is unwise, unpatriotic
and dangerous; and that all good citi
zens should abide the result constitu
tionally reached. Mr. O'Brien (Md.) ob
jected. Mr. Scleicher offered & resolu
tion calling on the President for copies
of patwrs in jossession of the State and
"War departments relative to the impris
onment of John S. Smith, an American
citizen, by the Mexicans, and also to the
wounding and robbing by the Mexican
soldiers of Samuel Higgins adopted.
Mr. Durham, from the committee on re
vision ol laws, reported back the Senate
bill to correct the statute punishing
counteri eiters. requiring th intent to
be shown. Passed. Mr. O'Brien, from
the mining committee, reported back
the Senate joint resolution authorizing
the President to appoint three commis
sioners to the International Congress in
relation to gold and silver values, with
an amendment authorizing the Presi
dent to propose such conference to for
eign governments. After the morning
hour, some minor business was done
and the House adjourned.
"Wednesday, Jan. 10. Senator Ilout
well presented resolutions of the los
ton Board of Trade asking Congress to
provide for the appointment of a com
mission to meet commissioners from
other countries and consider the expe
diency of remonetizmg silver coin, and
to authorize the President to invite
foreign nations to appoint similar com
missions for fixing the value of silver
in relation to gold coin, and until such
international convention silver shall
not be made legal tender for any sum
above ten dollars referred. Senator
"Windom, from the committee on public
lands, reported favorably the House bill
to amend the act of May 12th, 1864, for
a grant of lands in Iowa to aid in the
construction of railroads in that State
placed on the calendar. Senator
"Wright introduced a bill extending for
two years, an act establishing a Board
of Southern Claims commissioners re
ferred. Senator Ingalls submitted a
resolution requesting the Secretary of
State to transmit to the Senate the re
port of the commissioners to adjust
claims between the citizens of the
United States and Mexico, under the
conventions of lStJS, 1S71 and 1ST6
Passed with amendment calling upon
the Jresident for a report, if in
his opinion, it is not incompatible
with the public interest. Senator Mor
ton submitted a resolution for the print
ing of 500 extra copies of the testimony
beiore the election committee regarding
the elections in the Southern contested
States, and in regard to the counting of
the Oregon vote referred. Senator
Windom reported with amendments the
House bill appropriating for the defi
ciency in the contingent fund of the
House, and for other parposes placed
on the calendar. The Senate resumed
the consideration of unfinished busi
ness, the House bill to perfect the revis
ion of United States statutes. Senator
Eamunds presented the annual reort
of the Librarian of Congress. It shows
311.000 books in the library, and half a
million of pamphlets. The law library
has 38,000 volumes; copyrights entered
during 1876, 15,000.
The House was occupied all the morn
ing in the discussion of the bill for a
bridge over the Ohio river at Cincin
nati, which was rejected. The naval
committee reported a bill authorizing
the formation of a mixed committee to
inquire into and report the future naval
policy of the government which was
made the special order for January 22d.
The bill authorizing the appointment of
a commission to attend the interna
tional meeting on the subject of the rel
ative value of gold and silver, went
over without action, aud the House
went into committee of the whole on
the diplomatic appropriation bilL There
was some discussion on Holman's
amendment reducing minister's sala
ries, after which the committee rose,
and the House adjourned.
Not a Good Example far Yang
The life of Vanderbilt is no example
for the youth of the comntry. It was a
"financial success," and that is the most
and best that can be said f it Until
he arrived at old age he was a hard, in
tolerant, uncharitable man, fifhtiaf'f or
money alone, and trampling: upea every
man and enterprise in Ma way. He
had no heart. He seemed usable to
feel, at least for those who stood ia his
path. But of late years ha was char
itable both in feeling aai parse, and
really seemed to secure some personal
popularity .ind a certain kind of respect
he never in earlier days coveted or en
joyed, yet which many men prize more
than wealth. Davenport Gcuette.
Ckeam Spoxge Cake. Break two
eggs into a teacup, beat well, then fill
up the cup with thick,' sweet cream;
add one cupful of flour, one teaspoonful
of cream tartar, half a teaspoonful of
4HM votes
l-Hpt tt&der
ariM wtij
nwd. Wm:ztr
Si alii -MW1
The Betttr Half.
A IUocSt tar I be fair .-
Women who carry their ow n bundles
have appeared on the streets of Hi:i.
A. St Louis critic mentions an actre
that Is to say, ariitU who is lint:
"in a feverah 5trugJe for the Ih-voskL'
In the Oriimt they won't let a fellow
see his girl until the clergy man has ui
the knot and In tliat way a poor mother
has a chance to work off her cross-eyed
The czar is the nominal lieud of the
government in Russia, but the empress
is said to run thing-, occupying m the
household the same io?ition that the
servant girl in this county does.
Some growler say a that the Xew York
girl of the jenod is the tnobt reckless j
compound of hair, brains, impudence.
ignorance aud French mllhnerv that
was evei allowed to put womanhood to
the bluslu
Marcus Antomus Thackeray said.
"When I say that I know women. I
mean I know that 1 do not know them.
Ever woman I ever knew U a puzzie
to me, as 1 have uo doubt she la to her
self." Xight cometh, but no loy coineth
with it, and then are heard the accents
of a fond mother's voice sa mr to her
husband quite calmly, "John, don't ou
think you'd better go and have the
skating pond dragged T
Santa Claus endeavored to fill a
Chicago girl's stocking Sunday night,
but in consequence of an accident to
the grain elevator which he specially
had engaged for the purpose, he w;is
complied to abandon the enterprise.
The b;ul women of Chicago are not
afraid to own it. When Moody called
for them to come forth a thousand fe
males responded. Had he called for
the blacklegs not more than half the
aldermen would have been present.
The Dodge street lady who had seven
gentlemen callers last Sunday evening,
remarked that she is inclined to a
point a returning board and count some
of them out
Mrs. Lander, the tragedienne, resides
in Washington. She has a cottage on
Capitol Hill, where she draws around
her a choice circle of friends, most of
whom are ladies. Mrs. Lander has two
promising young sons.
Science has its triumphs, but we be
lieve it has never yet satisfactorily ac
counted for the existence of the middle
aged woman who attends all the dona
tion parties with a present of a flannel
pen-wiper and eats $4 worth of food
at supper, and subsequently leans up
against the wall with her eyes shut and
sings, "Xearer my God to Thee,"
George Eliot says that girls are deli
cate vessels, in which is borne onward
through the ages the treasure of human
affection. George, George, yeu don't
know anything about it. Did you ever
take a week's salary into a ladies' res
taurant and try to fill one of th(se
"delicate vessels" with ice cream, layer
cake and chocolate caramels?
can't be did.
"Was it a nice party?" asked Mrs.
Whifet, when her daughter returned at
3 ,. m., Lom Mrs. Struggles' "at home."
"Xo, awful." said the Whifet girl, yawn
ing and lifting up her skirts to examine
the braid on the bottom; "awful, ma;
the chicken salad was made of veal ;
there was a lot of queer sticks there,
nobody was dressed decent, there was
no oysters, the champagne gave out, and
some awkward idiot walked up the back
breadth of my dress as far as my waist
and then only stopped because he was
too stupid to climb."
Xot long ago as an elderly couple
were out walking, a lady on the oppo
site side of the street tripped and fell
down. The old gentleman rushed across
the street, raised his hat and offered to
assist her in any possible way. His
wife followed him across at a slow pace,
and witnessing his devotion to a stran
ger, she got mad and shook her fist at
him. "It's all right it's all right," he
whispered. Yes," she hotly exclaimed.
"Here an unknown woman stub3 her
tee, and you plow across the street to
eat her up with kindness. The other
day when I fell down stairs you stoad
and laughed and chuckled and tickled
your ribs, and wanted to know if I was
practicing for a circus.
Iowa FiBaaces.
Statement of receipts and disburse
ments of the State Treasurer from Jan
uary 4th. 1873, to the close of business
December 30th, 1876 :
Temporary School fund. 75..l
Permanent Seboo! road. li.U 4
Coapos fasd. L2..J.
Swamp l nrt laa. fond.
Acrlcaltara! Collete Kad. faad. G.HC.S7
aeral Kereane .C2l.T4.C
Total. H.39C.sCTi
Temporary School faac S 7Xt,
Permaseat School tunA.. lct'S.CT
Coapoa fasd.... .. 73.2?
SwMtpXaad nut i.U
Agl CU,se KbS. (t&Tested in boad).. .tf.i
Oeaeral KereuDe .. . ..$ m
Balaaec la Ttanuij. Dec m. UTS iJJ
Total K3.t:j4
There has been much interest revived
of late in "Poor Carlotta." The cause
is the death of her faithful physician.
Dr. Buekler, in Brussels. His interest
in the case of ihB Princess was very
remarkable, and he visited her shortly
before his death. Carlotta is still un
der treatment at Brussels. She still
remains in the sad, indifferent condition
of melanchollia, unaffected by anything
that occurs around her. She is ex
tremely submissive, and much is said
at her great patience.
Jtwfkh Haac VWoa.
We bavp l-ra rrqtttsW lr jw-vrral
vtrUr Jo puMih the kvoUW vfetaft
of Jo-; Hoo. jw-rn by turn ia ikr
yoor W. It k gtvea b"J"- Jovph
Hoc lit- Jottrartl of wW life Ue
b-o.-e tts was Uam HJ aa! k to
IM. al dng the Krwtte jorowi l
;o xae emi w nu use -a a wrvny
ajeiner ami edkttatt worker in Ue So
ciety of Fri'inU. He was ln in New
Kngland. hot hi laliors ;xlrdHl Aimntz
his jle all ovtw the country Our
ulttsitkw was arst callM U tJl vision.
or prophecy, m ih str WW. w ht Ih
counuy was on the e of th CTt
civ war therein predlcUJ. Within a
. , . , '
' "
I other iwdwtn except
uir r iutututt-
i. . ....k.i. . i
' l"nU,f the monarch , which n yK,
but by no mean an iiupoMibtUty. !-
us hoje thai the eer over whu vknt
this coming event cast its durk !had-w,
may have Urn mistaken on thb p4uU
and that this lat Utter cup may never
be pressed to our lips. Wo- extract the
vision from 1 2 cur's Journal, Hi'tabf!
in 1;G1. We have no mai.s of a-or-tainmc.
when the vision lUelf wax ilrM
put into print, but probably apiiml
as early as in 1. Can any of the oM
Friends give us any light on this jot?
The vbiiou re;ub as follows:
"In the year 1SUO. prulably in the
eighth or ninth month. I was one day
alone in the fields, and olwrved that
the sun shone clear, but that a mit
eclipsed the bnghtnen of it.s Zoning.
As I reflecN'd upon the singularity of
the event, my mmd w:i struck into a
silrnce.the most .solemn I ever remember
of having wiuiHwd, for it seemed as if
all my tarultl were laid low, and un
UMially brought into deep silence. I
said to in self, 'what can all this mean?
1 do not recollect ever lfore to have
been sensible of such feelings.
And I heard a voice from heaven way,
'Tins that thou seet, which dims the
brightness of the .sun. is n Mgn of the
present and coming time, I took the
forefathers of this country from a land
of oppression; I planted thein here
among the people of the forest. I sus
tained them, and while they were hum
ble, I blessed them and fed them, and
they iMJcame a numerous j.opIe; but
they have now lecome proud and lifted
up, and have forgotten me, who nour
ished and protected them in the wilder
ness, and are running into every abom
ination and evil practice of which the
old countries are guilty; and 1 hae
taken from the laud, aud suffered a dl
viding spirit to come among them. Lift
up thine eyes and behold.' And I saw
them dividing in great heat. This di
vision began in the church upon jkmhLs
of doctrine. It commenced in the Pres
byterian Society, and went through tht
various denominations, and in its pro -
gress and close, the effect was nearly
the same; those who dissented went
off with high heads and taunting Ian -
guage; and those who kept their organ
ized sentiments. appeared exercised and
sorrowful. And hen this dividing
spirit entered the Society of Friends, it
raged in as high a degree as any 1 had
before discovered, and as before, those
who separated went with taunting boks
and censorious language; those who
kept to their ancient principles retired
by themselves.
It next appeared in the Ixnlge of Free
Masons, and it broke out in appearance
like a volcano, inasmuch as it st the
country in an uproar for a length of
time. Then it entered politics through
out the United States, and did not stop
until it produced civil war, and an
abundance of human blood was shed in
the course of the combat. The Southern
States Iot their power and slavery was
annihilated from their borders. Then
a Monarchial power arose took the
Government of the States established
a national religion and made all Socie
ties tributary to support its expenses. I
saw thm take property from Friends
to a large amount. I was amazed at
beholding all this, and heard a voice
proclaim, "this Power shall not always
stand, but with this power I will chas
tise my church until they return Xo the
faithfulness of their forefathers. Thou
seest what is coming on thy native land
for their iniquity, and the blood of
Africa; the remembrance of which has
come up before me. This vision is yet
for many days."
I had no idea of writing it down for
many years, until it became such a bur
den that for my own relief I have writ
ten it. Joseph Hoag.
BarnetvUJe (O.) Enter prut.
Seae Big Gams.
When Ericsson was building his little
Monitor, which was to have only her
nose of old turret above water, haw we
laughed! Bat when she drove off the
rebel .Merrimack every one of us felt
like hugging the little iron monster.
Herniating on the sides consisted of
five plates of rolled iron, each one inch
thick, while the turret was covered
with nine inches of iron.
"What! nine inches of iron! Xow
bring on your big guns" we said, and
smiled to ourselves ; and so they brought
them on not by way of war, but by
way of experiment, yon see until now
Baron Krupp, of Germany and Sir
Wflliana Aarmstrong of England, have
a pair ol cannon one wouldat like to
meet alooe on a dark might.
Mt afegu tetm Cmfttas 1
Wr Ur? mO J ft tl tHke. iJw wrJi
of litre both- Ar4 WiJ &; U
atoot Ijqo romp, at rUk a efcxrr
xrv tt ri.T mrrr IS art- r ILtm
, Tan. TUlA j,, 1gK7 ,,-.
, w u, oiurr - wnfv j
at Ifctf Ufeittc (nam tfc ftrta; l,
titr Wdk if it vtrank U wyM fc- t (
atsfel l-niawr ti hortMM.
Hut UU " liww hf k wan timi It
te - t. tete. - ...uiLJ A jte.fc. A.i
1 ? tnoQ a mile asl a tutrtr tree lb
. ,
,, wJtMu ,.
a .
M act: til Msi
oar, jca t though I
jiucli a t'xizfe-ftktMftr! M M4w. wa4
j Uavp t-a ?at to thrUrtinmat in tcrv
i Ant W f rttt rfc
a cruMHm. ltr
l'rv kw U hrrmw fcw wmw1t
f al la lh runge and jwcr,' tfer
WlmJe the rr"ftl fri3'xa mta&ea
qtttnUy s'ntHK wtk j a tnaeth Vrwk
ingatUwOatinnmul. thv wr trrff
tr Willktm ArUwigS aew tMtrr
at vuta. a loti w lit mrU-n-fit
c.wt of ItiUv. Tlw targt WIM Of tryJ
Si laritre thick. lt the gnn. hksh
It., a mxv of lt Uier. thny JHit mil
pHtls nf )MWlnr iiml a hue ball
weigtuag I43 mmin and whra the
gun was Ariil tiierr waint cnottgh of
the Uirget leit U stmiik uIkhiI.
Xow, vo fk 'a- tix heaviest Iron
chiils a&Mt hnvo arsior only rlrren
lnc!i In thick new, the gtm hv
even'thlng In Ue4r own haut and jet
we henr of blgp'r gun to conjr, and
miiln't te Uk much AuaUhrt !f ir
day vmi hear titer Unve plntttnd a can
tMn on the lAittli below Q-mtwn.
Ireland, awl are trvtttg to kmcV: tho
lop off our own Mount Washington
just to ?t tf thev can do IL Keep
sharp look nut for It. for alUtotigh th
velocity of one of the-" mutton halls la
a)Mut IJAMff'l it second, Ul! you can
follow it with your ry as It file
through the atr At any rate an artil
leryman can do lt,altliough wo wouldn't
believe it at tlrsw
Ckkam MirriN An excellent anil
well-tned ncip", Onn quart swejt
milk half cream if you can get It on
heaping quart of Graham flour, nix
egg and salt to UisU. Bake immedi
ately In hot rnuilln rlngn. Your ornu
should Ut hot, and the rnutllns rwut to
the table as .soon as they arc taken up.
IMU.V.V hi UAL I)OlOII.Vl'T?C--A t-
cupful and a h:Uf of lulling milk poured
ovr two tcarupfuU Indian meal ; whn
it cools add two teacupful.n wheat floor,
one of butter, on and a half of sugar,
three eggs and a tahlespootiftil nutmeg
or cinnamon; if not stiff enough, add
cjual iMirtions of w hrat and meal ; lt
j it rise till very light ; roll It about half
j "' Inch thick; cut it Into small dhv
i non shajxd cakea, and boll tliem in hot
! I't.
Stt.mi:d PrntMNo.Two ggs. on
cup sour milk, two sjions butter, two
cups flour, salaratus, steam one hour;
serve with sauce made in this way:
IJattwo cujs of sugar and one of but
ter to a cream ; thicken ilightly nearly
a pint of water and stir them together
till they are at the boiling point. Fla
vor with nutmeg. The pudding may
le varied by making It ot wheal mr-al,
aud adding thin slices of tart apples, It
is excellent. Try It.
lcr.-Otr.AM Cakk. One cup of fln
white powdered sugar. om-half cupful
butter; cream them together, add half
cupful milk, white of four egg, two
cupfuls flour, half teaapoonful noda
in milk, one teaspoonful of cream
of tartar in flour. For the. cream
three cupfuls powdered sugar, one cup
ful water, boll together until it bcomi
a clear sirup; beat the whitm of thrxe
eggs to a frotli. jour the sirup into It,
and stir together; flavor with a twa
spoonful vanilla; put between three
rounds of cake, and on top.
Le or Mrrro.v SrvrrcD. Wash
and wipe the mutton, grate a plat of
bread crumbs, Bason with salt and pep
per, a ta'poonful of sweet marjoram'
two teaspoonfuls of sage, and half a
one of sweet basil fall dried and rubbed
fine), chop a medium-sized onion, and
put it over the fire in a small sauce-pun.
with butter the size of a large eg.tew
for five minutes, pour over the bread
crumbs and stir in thoroughly; with a
sharp knife make a deep incision on the
long side of the leg parallel with the
bone push the dressing in, making it go
all through the length of the leg,
skewer it a the opening, where yoa
tuffed it, searon the leg with vpyz
and salt, dust it with flour, and roast
two hours in hot oven, keeping a little
water in the pan to bate it with, which
should be done every fifteen or twenty
minutea; thickea the gravy wltk
browned flour, pnt a few spoonf als over
the meat when you place It on the dish.
and serve the remainder in azravy-bowL
To be eaten with currant jelly.
Coloring Cotton Gsnco-Torte
pounds of cotton carpet-yarn, boil in a
loose sack four pounds of fustic for
two hours. Take out the sack and add
two ounces of alam. When dissolved
putin the yarn; keep it boiling gently
one-half hour, stirring at the time.
The lift out the yarm, add to the water
foar ounces of indiga paste; stir well
Pat in the yam and stir geatirfortf
teeamuaatea. Leave it matil roM, taka
out, rins i coidwatsc md dry i tarn
. r