l l- I -I fjr r 'T THE RED CLOUD CHIEF. M. L. THOMAS. - - - Editor. TH1 ltbl'AY Jan. lath, 1H77. Satccof S-ibscriptien. One copy lyear, $2.00 One copy G months, 1.00 One copy 3 " .50 Correspondence solicited (rem all part o the County and Hutu, on mailers of gotiera intered. Ji I... . Olficial Directory. CONGKESSIONAL. A. S. Puddock. Beitrice. U. S. Senator. W. Hitchcock. Omaha, U. S. Senator. Ijorcnzo Crouiue. Reprenentative. EXECUTIVK. SILAS GARBER. Uov.rnor. Lincoln. HrumtTziichuek. Ste. of State. .15 Wwton. Linaoln, Auditor. J.C McBride. ., Trear Jo. II. Kibert. Atfy Ocrr. J. M. McKenile. Lincoln. Sap. Pub. InJtruc. JUDICIARY. flio. Tt. Like. Omaha. Chief. Tirtice. I vnl!Hntt.Nebr;i8kaCity. ,.,:..,. ju, HaiaT Maxwell. PIUinouth KOt,atc J ' WEUSTER COUNTY. J. A.Tulleys. County Clerk. M. If. J on eg. Trcajurrr. I. W. Tul.Vy' Probate .Tilde!, ft. IliH. Sheriff. J. S. Gilh m. School Siip't. ' C. C .on. Coroner. W K. Thorn, County Surveyor . H. J,U. ) 1.. II. I tiro. V J. Ji. Hobart. i County G'ojninigflioncrp. N'W Yoik Itasrn armed, equipped in d drilled milit in forct of 4 434 men. The Governor's Mc:ie entirelv too lung fur publication in 'he.e col umn.''. Af there has been no mail down fiotn HaM'tie? this week, we arc una fo ive any late ncwr-frotu the capital or anvwhne oNe. TliK balloting fur United States Seiiaiur was intended to commence last Tuoday. We hope lo be able to k'ivc the re.Milt rrxt wek. i t IJennett and May. of New York, foueht a duel ribwn in Delaware, re nntly. Neither waft hurt. A firl was the cause of the "onpleasantuess," of course. Jack McCall, the murderer of Wild Hill, i to be hanged on the firat day of next .Mamhv He says his name is not McCall, but refuses to give his tine name. They are bavins lovely times down in Louisiana. Two Governor.', and two legislatures in full bat It seam? that it would be better for the citizens of Louisiana, if the Staff was uuder martial lav. P. I. Bliss, the song writer, was one of the victims of the railroad hor ror at Ashtabula, Ohio. lie was au thor of '-Ilold the Fort," "Almost I'ereuaded," "Only an Armor Bearer' "What will the Harvest Be," etc. We would respectfully suggest to the Honorable body of Law Makers now in sesfion at Lincoln, the advisa bility of blotting from existence the present obnoxious and unconstitution al law which allows cattle to runjat large, during the months of December .January and February, in Webster and a few other counties of the State. In Webster county, the damage to the young timber and fruit trees, that is annually did by the cattle which run at large during those three month", imounts to several hundred dollars. Tt i-i simply impossible to grow hedge, fruit, forest, or ornamental trees wi.h ny degree ofsuccess until this perni f'ous law is repealed. We would- re spectfully ask the Senator from this district to "put his shoulder to the wheel." A bill has been introduced into the legi'-latrre providing for a thorough geological survey of the State. The advantages of such a survey would be manifold. A geological survey would piobably settle the fuel question. It we must forever depend upon other states to supply us with fuel the soon er we know it iie better. It was once announced that Illinois and Kansas had no coal. Both of these states are now shipping it to distant regions. A geological survey would be of inesti nable value to the State in an agricul tural poiut of view The different varieties of soils are mapped, classified and analyzed. Such surveys can al ways determine Hie adaptability of liTcrent regions to forest tree culture and other products. Terms of Court for Fifth Judicial District of UAraska, for the Tear 1877. Pursuant to the provisions of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska, I have fixed the time of holding the regular terms of District Court in and and for a portion of the counties con stituting the 5th Judicial District of the State of Nebraska, for the year 1877, as follows: In the county of Adams, Feb'y 12th July 5th, and November 27th. In the county of Buffalo, May 8th, and November 13thv In the county of Cheyenne, Atpril 3 d and September 25th: In the county of Dawson, April 17, and Dec 11th. Tn the county of FrankNn March 5lhand October 22d. In-the county of Furnas, June 22d. In the county of Harlan, March 12,. and October 31st. In the county of Hitchcock; June 2Sih. In the cowry of Kearney, June 12, 'and NovMiber 7th. i,;thr county o Lincoln, April It) and October 2d, In the county of Red Willow, June 2oth. In the county of Sherman , May 21. In the county of Webster, Feb. 26, and October 1.0 h. I will order regular term of Court in cither or all of the other five coun ties in the district when the people thereof through their comaii-tiimierr ! desire, of which due notice will b given. January 1st, 1877. William Gaslin, Jr., JudiiC. Communicated. Oak Creek, Web.-ter Co., Neb Jan. bth, 1S77. Kd. Chief. As the old year has passed aw..y, and the new one com menced with all its promise-?, it seeu.-s the proper time to icflect and pag in review the changes that have takrn place the past year. Mr. King has built a frame house, hired .V) acres ol breaking done, and has engaged some what in the dairy bu-iness. Mr. Haa. although arriving late :u the fall, has made some penniwnt impioveaunts, and acts as though he had the vim to stand the hard tune. ani hoppers, for the sake of getting one of Uucle Sam's fine farms. Austin Riley broke about 7; acres the past summer besides taking him a wife, sc ting an example 'or those that are crowding thirty. Constable Fuller had about 75 acres broke on his claim. Mr. Simpson has opened up a fine farm and has a beautiful grove started. Mr. Hobart, our Hon Co. Commissioner, has as valuable farm as there is in the precinct, and has what few have got, j.Jcuty of wood. Taking it all tog-ther, there has been about SQJ acres broke in O k Creek the past year, and I believe that this part of the county has as en terprising settlers as we find in Ne braska. The voters of school district No. 10, met and organized the 20th of Dec, electing A. A. Pope as di rector, and measure-j will be taken to get a school started early in the spring. The E. P. Methodists held a quarterly meeting in the school house of Di;t. No. f), Dec. 31st, and the good peop'e of this part had their spiritual strength renewed. Mr. Wm. E. and L. A. Hawlew, have been doing their duty to their fellow men 13 slaying the ferocious au imals, having killed 7 wolves, 3 wild cats, and 5 foxes. The railroad fevei has again commenced to rage, and un doubtedly the question bonds or uo bonds will .'oou be submitted to the people. Hoping that Webster county will soon get a road, I remain yours respectfully, J. E. 11. Sjillwater. Neb., 1 January y 8th 1S77. j En. Chief : Sir, lu my communi c tiou some time since, I explained some of my reasons w y the farmers in thi country cannot grow hedge. I will now try to give some more. One of. these is that when thev get hedg. planted (even if done right) they kill it by negl cttug to tend it thoroughly through the summer or in protecting it through the winter, or perchance they may attend to all of these, and then turn their stock ont to tramp on, and kill it in this way. Now let me say a few words to our farmers. ou arc all interested in the improvements of the county, and there is nothing that so improves a country as good fencing. Now it is impossible for the most of the farmers here to fence their farms with posts and lum ber, from lack of means ; therefore they will have to resort to some cheaper method, that will answer the same puJpose, and 1 know of uo himi that will answer as well as Osage Orange hedge. For I wou'd like to ask what looks prettier than green hedges. And also as a protection to the fields of grain, and to the inhabit ants from the storui6 of wind that fre- 'quently arise in this country. Then the difference in the cost of the two fences is simply immense. The post and board fence c nnot be placed on the ground for less than $1.50 per rod, to say nothing about the work of putting it up ; while on the other hand hedge can be put in for 25 cents per rod, and in the long- run is much the cheapest, even at the same price. Think of this farmers, and figure on it, and -ee if I am not right. Yours, W. W. B. MAPLE GE0V FA&tf. Webster Co., Neb , Jan 5', 1S77. Ed. Chief : Dear Sir, as I see a great many communications from dif ferent parts of the county, I thought an article from State Creek, may not come amiss, as some of your "contrib utors my they like to hear from all parts of the county and state, and from the farmera-generally, as to their experience in faruiitifi: This i i- veiy interesting to me and ought to be to every farmer. I think it very kind' of the gentlemanly editor of the Chief to give us space in his valuable paper to communicate with each v ther in this way,-and I think if we leave out politics in our communications it would be a great deal better, a we are not all republicans, neither are we all democrats, and by writing up politics-it may touch- the tender cords of political party ism,- and cause hard feelings-between good citiaens where If we leave politics out, and by communicating- matters- of more interest, the farroisf entnuiuaity would be more benefitted by it, As far as farming is concerned,. soaie my it don't pay at all, while others; pay they make it pay very well. And wny IS H mat jorue lanucn ici av j much with ethers TIitc certainly U j rau-e for thi-, for if one farmer make it pay, we all o:ght to make it pay in proportion to the amount of j land cultivated ard forco rut ploy d. ! Some will t-ay it can't be dnc to make it pay, and I think not if it i not car- , ried on in a pmfinMc wiv. Now, I j for one say farming will pay z I hvr ; tried it on a small scale and on a large j - ..... r. , .'.:n. scale in Webicr countv. But to mnke , it pay weU a farmer must economic, and take care of w'n it h? rawes, not allowing too many leak- in his granary (as a small leak will -ink a largo ship) and farm all kind- of grain and pro duce, such as wheat, barley, oats rye flax, corn, bronmoorn, potatoes onions bean and peas, Sec, and take care of every kind of grain in due season, and allow nothing to go to wate, and if possible feed all your corn. Alwuy.-.-ee your way through before going in debt. Rptter live in a dugout clear of debt than live in a tmtiMon belonging to Home one else. I farmed 101 acres la-t saon as follows : 30 acrs in wheat, 12 ia barley, 26 in flax, 10 in out-), 15 in corn, 5 in huugarian, and one acre in potatoes. My crop receipt were as follows : Wheat. 31 G bushel-; barley 25; flax bced, 212 ; oats, 240 ; corn, 350 ; potatoes, 75. I received for my wheat that I sold, delivered at the railroad, 93 cts. per bushel, for barley 50, flax seed bO, and for oats delivered at Red Cioud, 20 cents per bushel. I also rai.ed 15 tons of hay from the five acres of hungarian sow ed. I also bought 300 buhch of corn at from 1G to 20 cents per bushel. Now I claim a man can't raise corn at such figures and make farming a sue cess. I can sell all the potatoes I have at 25 cts. per bushel, at home. Now when I come to figure up my receipts and expenditures I find I am a little ahead on farming. While if we had a railroad at Bed Cloud 1 would be still farther ahead. Further more, i:' the fanuera of Webs'er coun ty intend to make a perfect auojesi ot farming we must have a railroad at ail hazzards. I have paid out in cash over $50 last season for hauling grain to the railroad, which I could hive saved, if Red Cloud had a railroad. That amount would pay interest on bonds for several years besides paying other taxes. Some will say, no, we dou't want bonds, my taxes are so high now I can't pay them. Bit let as see how much of those taxes go to the county. List year my taxes were $33 00, viz.: school tax $11, poll tax $2, dug tax $2, intcre.it ou delinquent $3. This is the way my taxes were so high, but when L come to take out the taxes of my own district. I find I have but $15 to pay to the county, less than half of the whole amouut. Now let U3 look well to oar interest and vote bonds, have a railroad and in a few years emmigratiou w.II pour into our count', and build it up, help ia those bonds, and our county "loom up' with some of the older counties. Let us hear from all on this subject, and let us all be alive to our home interest. D. S. Helvern. MARK Tr.ESE FACTS. The Testimony of tho Whole World. 'HOLLOA' AYS PILLS. "I had no appetite; llolloway'd Pills gave in hearty one." "Your fills ac marvellous." "1 send for another box. and keep them in the house " "Dr. tl llotray has cured my headache hat was chronic" " I Rave one of y ur I'ills to my babe for i-holera morbiw. The dear lit-1- thins got well in a day." "Aly nause.1 of a morning is now cured." " our box of ilolloway's Ointment cured mc otnoies in the ue.id. I rubbe.l sumeot ourointm-nt behind the ears ami the uoiee has left " "send me two boies; I want one for a poor family.". 1 enclose a dollar, your price i "5 cents, but the medicine to me is worth a dollar." I have over '20 ) such tcstunmiials a these but wunt of space compels in to conclude. For Cutaneous Disorders, And nil eruptions of the skin, this Ointment is must i valutibic. It does not hoa exter nally alone, but penetrates with the most scutching effects to the very Dot ot the evil HOLLOWAY'S PILLS Invariably cure the following diseasos Disorder of the Sidneys.- In all diseases affecting thest) organs, wheth er they secrete too much or too little water : or whether tm-y be afflicted with stone or gravel, or with acbes iin : pains settled in tU loins over the regions of the kidneys, these pills should be taken according to the . ri .te-i directions, and the Ointment should bo w:i robbed int- the small ot the back at bed timo. This treatment will give almost immediate relief wheu all o.hcr means have failed. For Stomachs Out of Order, No-medicine wi I go effec u Ily improve the tone of the stomach as these Pills: thcy remove all acidity occasioned either by in temperance or improper diet HOLLOWAY'S PILLS are the best known in the world for the following diseases: Ague Asth a. Uiliotts Co.nplnintd. Ulotches on the Skin. Rowels. Consutnp iou. Debility. Dropsy. lysenterykErys-pcjas. Female Ir regularities. Fevers of all kinds. Fits Oout, Headache, Indirection. Inthiuiatioo, Sore Throats Stons and tiravel. VVrins otail kinds. Weakness Irmn-any cbikso, eic. IHPOaTAS? CATJTZOIT. None arc genuine nalss the signature of J. ilAT:ocK. as agent f r the United States, surrounds each b x "f lilts, and -intuwuU A band ouif reward will be given la any o ren tering such information as nuy lead to the detection ot any party orpr.r fcscouu er fciting the medicines or vendiag the same knnwinz them to be sc-uri'-us. -old at tne manuiactory ot croie-ST , speclable druggists ar.ddeilers in ictMUcine throughout thcivilir-"d world, in ocul 25 cent. 6i c nts and SI. each di'hen is considerable savt 'g by taking t e larger sixes. N. B Directions for the gu dance of pa tients in ever? disorder arc affixed to each box. . n20-ly Office, 112 Liberty Stroei, 27. Y. CRIST ADO ftO'S HATti DYE. Crtstadoro's Hair Dye is the Safest and Best ; it acts iiittantat.eoulv, producing the nio-t natural badrs oi Black or Brown ; does Not Stain the Skin, and is ca-ily applied It is a standard preparation, and a- favorite up-n every well'appointed Toilet for Lady or Gt-ntletsea. Sold by Drag fiis:s. J. CSISTAIOSO. P. 0. 1533r Kav 7rlv 'i I SIXESS DIRECTOR Y Attorney? at Law- -J. S- Gil ha ra. Att?y at Law, AND NuTAKY PUBLIC. ZST Collection- piomptly attended to. 05cs in .T. S. "iliccz's. Sti Clcii l?. a. n. tviiicox i ATTORNEY AT LAW; Will Practice in all the Courts of the Htatc. 3T Collection Promptly Attended to OFFICE ONK DOOR M'UJTH OF COUUT1IOUF.. Red Cloud. - - - fcek H. S.SAL37, A st. R JM.R.R. Land. C. W. SAL27, Notary Publir. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, A:7D 22AL STA?S AGENTS. Will piacticc i all the Court n this State and Northern Ivana-. (Elections promptly attended to and Correspondence solicited. Red Cloud, Xt bra !:t. JAS. LAIRD, Att'ney at Lam iqjr Will practice in all the Court nf the State. JUKIATA 1TZS2ASHA Geo.W. Sheppard, GOVERNMENT 9Utt& Hcfforiwi, BLOOM INGTON, NEB. J-lpicianH and Surjcons. All medical calls promptly attended to at all hours. tfSrOfih'e in City Drug Store. 45-17 Bed Cloui. Nebraska. Real Estate Agents, &c. A'. N. RICHARDSON, J. A. TULLEVS Richardson & Tuileys, !ISAL 33TATS 2; COL'CTIIIG AQEKTS Will buy ami sell ileal Kstito on Cnuimis- 'inx, anil ptv fixe? (or non-rei(lents. Spccisil attention civen to collections. Tor rctonilence 'oliuited. AM letter of inqairy, r on nisfliiiA-ji promptly answered. KKDCL'lUD, - - - - NEB. Republican Valley STAGE LINE- T. 7. WS33, Proprietor. Regular trips will be made between HASTINGS and RED CLOl'D. I shall be pleaded to carry pascner upon the days mentioned, leaving He Cloud at 0 A M on Mondays. Wed in davs and Fridays. Leaving Ha.-iina at ti A. M., on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Fare rea-nable. Juniata, ISTeb- GEO. KUDER - - - PROP. Good Beds Good Mais, & Stahh inff. IT 5m &im ,ountg HASTINGS, AD IMS COUNTY, NEB. A General Banking Business TRANSACTED. emicr?8!i MADE A SPECIALTY. Drafts on Europe bought' and sold. Agents for several steamship Hoes. SaBusiness entrusted to as will have prompt and careful attention: Reef Cloud Mills! We are prepared to do cus tome work, Flour peeil and Corn M?1 op Sale. Satisfaction en aranreed in tpiality of flour SOLD, and custom WORK. Partners -hould be parttcalar to secure the best of seed wheat. Potter & Frisbiel ijaiiR, 2 C U' Si l k cr i - -. ' - CCS"" iO u: ? S '' s. ' : 5 t . z J li S. ? " hfe p o - w L a kaa srss ?-5 W v' m m W. 34- CD 5s ? o a o oo- :v,feta A?K the rccor-r- d dsr-pt . a i.m-iu; ."niirrrrf. t!-tim of rerrr .5? an-1 Ajruc thr mrr- cnrtal lu.iicc pa tient how iht-j- re-i-ovt-rc-l he il th. rli.-.rnl sidrits X e jd iie ite Ii-' .'will till ou b '" y -f 1,11 l. I LULI.4TOM. The Ciespc::, ?urc:t asd 2er. Faaily ilsdi:ise iz the World ! For DyrpcifSia. 'intipafi n. .latindicc r.illiou attack'. Sick lleiid.i'-lit. t'dic l prcssion of ;pint.', cour tuti.ach. Heart 0 ni. Xc X'. This unriviil-d Sou'hrn Reuifily i Mar rant I'd not to contain a Miitrlu particle d Mt-r ury, or any u-jurioui miiienil .ubrtan-c PURELY VEGETABtE. containing thc S'oiithrrn Ro'it-and ilcrln. ohi'liau all- t'rovi .i"i c ba pl.ict-d m countries whero Live Dii-Hf'tiiu?i prtrv it It will cure nl l Im-i-i-umii c-I lj Du itnge tuotit of ih l.irtr nd .! The rijini't uis of Livr Ooiiipl.iiut an- h bitter or Im'i Cis'o in ttu in.iiilli; t u.n i it tin ltjck. fides or J i lilt?, ottcii tuts kcn t--r Uln.-iitiiuti in ; flur -toiu.ich ; !."? o, Ap-ictit-:; llowci ultertiat-ly co'tivi- anil lax . 1 if nd. i die: Lo? nt iiiuuory. uli .- piii.i.il scn.-.iti n ol Ii.imiik l.ii:.- iu m iiii th, tih hich tibghl to have bo-n done: dolniity ow spirit.-, a ihik -! I iw api-ctranccot thvk n an-1 'cs. u dry c uh di n iniit.il en 1-r Co :r uiiipuon. 6uUiumuu-s many of tht,ijinptoni attend the disoj.-c. .it iithers vi-ry (iw : but tho Liv er, the 'arkt'il orirau in the bdy. ir guticruiiy the i-e.it ni the n--.-i.-c. a d if nut li- utii in tunc, ureal Miti'criUK, wrctcheduurs uiid Dcato wilt cnsi-. t cu rccoiiiinciid .h' ntt effi-jacion remedy tor UL'cuo of the Liver. Hear burn au-1 Uy Pep.-lU, SliiMllNA LlVh.lt KKt.CI.ATOt(. Lewis G. V under, IGJj .Master Street. Assistant I'ost Muster. PhiLt-lulphit. "WenitvetiSkCd its virtues, pcr.-oiially. an-l know that lor D3pcl i. liliousne, ,iu-l throbbing lleauacbc it is the bcstincuiciue the worlii ever saw. We have tried lorty ulhcr tctncilics before imiiios' L vcr Keg uiator. but iii-ue of them cave us more thnii tempi-rary ri-1 id: but thi. Regulator uotMilv rciiuved. bu curcil us.' t-u. lelt-gr,iph uud Messeuver. Al.i -on. (i i. katiut.wturidonly by J. H. ZiLiS Ss CO.. MACON, O.V., and t'lllLAtiKLlMIIA It cont.iHH four medical elements, never unite-1 in thu s.iinu happy prupnrtioii in any oilier prep.iration. vu. a f,ci,tle Catnirtic. a woudcrlul t- inc. mi -incAception.ib.u Alii-r-it ho and certain i o rcctive olall iiiijuirities of the oudy. s-nch signal su e-n tia.- atteii aeU tU ut-c, that it is now rigaroted iia the SFJc'KtlTUAJ. rjJIFl. For all diseases ot the Liver, Stomach and tiplcen. As a llcincl) in MALARIOUS FEVERS, KtiWEL COM PLAINTS, DYal'El'SlA, MENTAL DK i'RESSIUN, KKsn,l.S.Ni:s JAUNDICE, NAUSEA, SICK HEADACHE, COLIC, CONSTIPATION and EILlnUSNEaS 11' U An NO EQUAli. C.4 ur. OX. As there are a numbcrof imitations o(T red tJ Mc pu-dic. He wuulii cauiiot: the commu nity to bu no puwdemo. prepjretlaimmoiis Liver KeKulator. ualiss in our cnsra.ed wrapper, with the trade mark. iUiap uu signatuie unbrukci. None other is Ktiiuine. J. H ZZZM ti CO., Mucon. Oa.. and I'hiladelphwi, Your vnlimbl mcdleinr Simmons'Livir RcRuUt-ir. h.i save-l me many Dotttr's bil.s I ue it lor eer thine it is rtco:r.ini-nd:d. and never knew it to fail, I have u-cd it in Colic and (Jrubbs. with mj mule and hirie Kivi g them about halt a Ixittic ht a time. I nave not lost or.e that I Rave it to. yi.u can re omtnend it to every one that has s ock tu bein? the bet me licine known for all com plain. that horse tlesh is heir to. E.T.TAYIOR. 18-ly Ascnt for Grander of Ueoncia- IF YOU WISH THE Lightest Running, Best Constructed, Most Noisless Lock-stitch Shuttle SEWIMjxMaCIIINE Yoa cannot afford to purchase with-! oat examining the VICTOR' To try it is to be convinced that it the machine most to be desired. If you have nc Agent itryoxyr vicin ity, write for Circular and terms, to Victor Sewing Machine Co., 3S1 Weft Kaiisss Street, C'lIICAC. ILL. mmMim S&ZZ'z'sW. 4.wjO AS : M0WERY & FARRELL Kp k r?f rr tixxt cOQtrilcIC j tocc t.f IUO.N. srKKL. 1 K'lW TUtllfH ""(IOU.' I I -lOlllt. I I1ARDWAKK. ml T!NW.KK of ny Hou in the M, nl w.U the rhcai'L .lo ! i of ev-ry di cripton cnttK n hand. ttvrttO in! See The to. 15 tf lt StTTt. C. Cameron. Hastinos, Nnt. Has the Iarpct DoV' of (iood wet of i.tneidii on hand, and uier beinc daily teciTd. My stock obn.its of IIKY CUIOOtt, JVaue', .staple cloth.w cVFlaiiiHi a -necialtv : a!so a well aborted stocV of Notion- of all kind- cheap. 1 have .l-o a hirge .-tiK-k of ClothtiiK' very low in prico, splendid value. SliliiTSfy DRA WERS of all kind. My stock of (JROCKHIKS, CKOCKKKV ami fl la ware are all complete, and will be .-old very cheap foreah. Call an 1 examine my .-tool of BOOTS, SHOES, Hats, Caps, and all kind- of Furnishing (.lyod.- will be sold at very low ptlce-. Call anil e,et price- and be convinced that this t the place to trade. 17 Jiu C CAMEHON. WELL BORINC. N C. Clark ofC.ui le Kock, has for -ale the be-t We'l-bo'ini: appaiatus ever u-eil, ooii-itin uf drills, aueer-, etc. Two men with one of there dulls cm drill from du to ;() L:i-t iu one day. tbroui-h the rock of thi' country. The-e drill- are warranted to be the New York Artesian Drills. PVtf HED CLOUD & SMITH CKNTEB Stage Line. Connecting at Bed Cloud with the Republican Hiver Stnpe Line. Three rccnlar trip a week, arriving and departing from Hod Cloud at the -ime time the stac,c from the railroad doe-. FARE VERY LOW. nil. J. 3. BUHSOW, ?rcp. THE ISTEW FIRST PREMIUM! At Cc Ccntcrn' I J' fl-P. '. ", I he-alwa;3t-rr t rt tI-i c. 1jtjh h icrcvi. r czioli.U-i. A CC x? P C7". ' V ";r. Ttl TJT.K. LchtRi' r.ia r I 17 It in.T LOCK TITCri" .(MINL i.4lKI to Uxi WAJ.Ts f.f S'.Vt ll'tiOli. Tijt HC.WF GEVI KC: 7 AC ? 1 FJ E v-i Fcrf'r.tl d sz3 czi tr t a iii tlrct iryntiY-ientni;:-rUaw t ti u. ito.miM n uj r:-r-ai. i m,.. ra FH'TCLAH ' ACHlvs.ii si 3ii v;:- co.sr.ucnio.v. urt:i:i::i ii h-r'r .y 3t! icauiy, f DOI VC a t-i ;r i.Z', ,: lT:rh'JLixU bcz 'swing "-(-"-. - x. itw :n:u frr-tm Ui.'ix.f'.s-'- i Cil "2. CrUTXrk i ir- tlie Slsnx.TMA -i rrt. .'tIUNB the I i:h li3 prri.i r' f ' i -oicin an 3lT Iiimnirc. MHPit; ami afnsttt SOlSKLESi Ji Cin .JX-3d.-ptei ctVMJ r 7r.Li for t'ocrw or ftsxj TitlllrAlt. COT TOX.EILZor LINEN, SKtVINO Jroa t.V 't:Utrst 2ZtViln-i to 71frr Ci 3.U-I i.catiieil st'crtConfTrfrjneii'nxi ii tas iNTnir,-;ic y.Enn& or u crerr iJAClll.SE ii ri:y vTarrantcd for live Tears. LIVE AGENTS -mti-l ia 1oqIcj tm srn.1 f z rcr,a.-vl famptea of work done en tfcc IlOii , or call at sjay of osr ultcrs. JoHnSo?, Qlarx k Co., 50 Usisc Eszjits; in T3t 554 Mi hlctffs S'ts Boctm, Hus. lllUcoad Aw., Pkufei, ?. 141 EUta Slrtst, Cskxio. HI. " I Pwith 5.a Ftrtst, Et. lot. Jh 17 C Mar-s- y Zu, Sa Tzzzcm; CI. HOME mm mmm TTi.1 jtn-t:r)-r 7H3 .&Mm&mM;. MflZKTO.Y. Crn .h. t.rct .tort in DRWS. MOlC?. pMH.r MKT iriNi5ri'i.vTS. oil-. i;t.v pcrrv. school km STATION HV, d-J jo fct everythioc to Uj ftvatl m ftrn Dtu; !lonc W- d-a! rfU in DHV ;nnn, mi V.. l.OVK vn tions Ld' c-jfrw. iioura. diiu. -i iiakdivakk. HUiKS ml FL'BS a pccilty. 'Quick Salei l mall Profits !" yM IS OCK MOTrO jrWc will H f it: ?! eh--nr than ny Kvn- t lr V CH and examine our goodt and pwt. ao 1 be coovioorJ mC hi TT vilM nmS DRM.LUS IN DRY GOODS ! ! KatOlKKIKN, 1UMJTS niul miOFJH. Jlaff, l'ai?. llari!tar (ntritn- wart ami CalaHMHarc. Patent Medicines, Oils, : Wr have thr larrot rtoci in Httrtton and ilrit uttdcrt A line us a call one and all, ami riamttn' h1 and prtcva LOIN-'KA KKNMMOUK. 1 vivoHon, !N el). TO THE PUBLIC ! SLEEPER ot TNKER having formed a co pattucrhip fir th pirpmn of tn fusing m th hu-ine-s oi Wami tii.ikin jiid l.iaOk-nuitliWi, arc now prpiJ t ticcotuHioda'e the public. 5WIUA will be found in Wijjins old shop. Dial cuor .fetprtt bi rhup. Ail Work Warranted cm ri iuaU auh AiU UvuOi AAA avaViu a S (yuaUciJi GAuu ),acw Call and See 'Us. CHAS. K. Juniata. TEQLZZaLZ A1D 2STA2L EZAL2S II? DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, V ATS CAP3, Tinware-Queensware. GROCERIES AND PROVISIOItfS Ilitflu-Nt ,a!.li Price lnii! for Mrni. DILLON & COLE. DKALKIib'I.N' &ENERAL BIERCHAItfDISE Wc keep contant!y on hand DRY GOODS, HA TS. CAPS. Gi OVK 31 LTTENS, BOOTS SHOES, iC Afs AGRICULTURAL IHfiPLEHENTS, &c, 4tc Call and wre a. cH vetr Grain. DILLON n-3-n TlIHr ACE MFALmiS FOTiR MvStihm air&timti? STORE. SIGN OF BIG PADLOCK. .VJKti c." tiu $m 'fffiintifinirf. to Give Satisfaction. k, to w (3x4ioahw J()NKSf Ncbrasli; a Iirjjc aort turnt of low for cih, arxl lu, Qath lot COLE. J CTNI ATA. NKBKAS fv. THE r i I- lii- r "V JtaT- x t.-n v - -'.- . - -uU i- k -i iiMo, MHTC,Bi!.-gi it v Tv mL: i. tmirmo "" - fSfttX,? T3 -. . -Sr,., , ',-TBi-Si --- - urn &&-- ,