The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 04, 1877, Image 1

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    Alvt-rtNinir K:i trs
oud Chief.
M. ... THOMAS.
K.lllnr jiikI I'i oir li-tor.
rii;i:i; -j:;
Am BTfr
Death of Him. Caleb Ihildwin.
Ib.ii.Calbl.,ddtt!', if Council KlufR
died at his lesidi nee in that city, at I
o'clock on tlu- morn. on "f Dec. l.'.lh.
the' immediate ouse of his death iM-inp
heart diseace, alt hu;rh he had been in
poor health lor s-eral r. an spent
the winter f l-7:;-4 at tlu Hot springs.
A i kansas. The '..How in? sketch of the
lifeol Jv.diye I'...Mwin is taken f int an
article in tin- st.ite Ui'jMt:
"Caleb P.ahlv. in was born in Pennsyl
vania, April .5d, I"--!, and nail educated
at Washi igton Clle- in th;it sta'.-.
"When of :. he uiov.d to Iowa, and
wa udfnitt'ii to llt- bai at Fairfield in
1K1. Hut he continued in practice
until $, when on llif loth of January,
lp- i:lcied upon lit" .Jud','.shij of the
old '1 hird District, made vacant bv ihe
ICStiaDoil Ml J '!!' "seeVrlS,!l.W Clliei
Justice. This. Di-Ulirt IliMi consisted
of Van itnren. Davis, Jefferson. Wnje
oll, Maha-ka and Keokuk counties. At
the sprnn election tlu- Deneerats suc
ceed, d in electing Henry 15 Iicnder
shott to 'hv, when -lude Itaiduin
i'1-sun.rd 1 1- prat iM-c.and the I. !! imr
3 ear h l cue -v-! to Council iPufTs. In
lr.l, a' the In -! election for J udjjes of
tin supr. ne- Court under the p'esenl
constitution, he was choen to that
bcnch.alonnwith Judnc Lacon D.Stock
ton, ol tin former court, and Cov. I'alph
P. Lowe. Drawing the second lopet
tcrm. h- became in l-i'.J Chief .lustier
Deelininn a re-election, he returned to
the bar. In !s.", he was appointed li
President Lincoln I. s. Di.stiict. Attor
n', which lie held until In- found
tliatsdf reje-t would not peimit 1dm
ic i If iitilal tit lt ri iitt in ii it ffTii
inder .lohiiv.n. He accord- ,r',u- sni1 ,w ,n"n v,'n" w''n' s,'''l,i,,-r ! imously voted in lavor of ahohshing j of the i lo.h meiidi.n. itexammed , ttu jiitw. u n,ri. pnv, ;,.;.,. u,AU - not U-ss than.i pernorw. Jus! .!t.
iierlv rl,:..i.eil the 1. iiiImJi Iii!'" ' J"' hliildit.J.'. pel ished in the dames. , j(. death penal! V. e t-t of the M.sS.SMppi I ivel. I'end Iiu'tfe- (r tJ (. tu.r eommniileauolis, and ' the coi,eiu.on ot the pl.iV the .-.!,. i
VJ , ,,,,'," .ol .John A.Faiiro-e.of VirLMi.hi.andi A mv week-, extension of the armis- ! ! diM-.s,i,.n. -.-nator W indon, called up ius! j. ,,t,Mieed whi-n cle. f... , . , ,-.. in,i m a tew minutes t' .
tins year he was made h the i.eneral . ,, , , , , . .. i t i- . i i ' ' d 1 ixi.ikini; an appropriation to pi.e x,.( . !,M . M, Hurd res..iu-, k
AsemhK ,M-.,f tl..-C.i..i,.iv.i...,..s fo. ' "1'"11- " I",,:,,':, "x-AMnnt tue ,s assmvd. A dispatch 1, ..... , U1. fo, im. ,.,,.., , rt.rIa!ll s,H.(,tl tVirt;;:!,I,nMJVhH h U; ., ,-,l . r -"'"- "' - in " ' h'
n ,! r .1... n.. .r i n i.:. Doorkeeper of the I . S. House el l.'ep-! -.t.MilMiopie announces that the pMn- roniuii:tee. ;ltI on his inoti.ei the en- ... ... a...... ,-.! w . o..r...ri .....! .-.hi.T of this paper wrw m the h--..-.
ciit.oi,.., .t fmi...ii" it...-, of...
Miiutioii at oum .! l.mi s ,. .in.-
ned in this coijiniissionat the co-t of no
.small . sac. ilicetohimsilf.until its work
was done. In W-j.ih.v c..-peul.-r with
the nppi.ival ol i'e "iuite. appointed
him oneof the Tustees of the I us it if
lion, which place he In hi until othtrj
duties compelled Ms abandonment. In
1X73 he was appoint d hv the President
oneof the .Iudr s ol the .special Court
of Claims created to adjudicate losses
xn.wirjj out of the di'preda' ions hv tlie
.Alabama. This pi-dlum he occupied at
the time of his death.
".Indite H dd win w .s married Dee r.lh.
1.slS, to M:ss Jane 15 rr, who v. ith six
children. survi.- h;n. "
An Kimeh Arden Cae in Kuland
How curiously the American eivi
war cops no in all sovts of jdaces and
under all sorts of Hieiimstances. In
lsT.l the of mi ollicer in Ire
land 111:"' n man named Itnrriimion.
and thev li..d together about a ear
Tie then neat !o Anien-a and euteied
the Conf. d. rate sei vice, and -he heard
nothing more of huu !intil. alter adver
tisimr. satisfacloiv e idetict was ol
tained llud he was kilb-d durinu the
war. In 171 she man ied the head of
one of tin most re.sjectahi;' families in
Scotland, and has since had several
children, lh'fcnth. however, l'.irrin";
lon made bis ai.pesiiimeo and cl.-rmed
his wife. Ton can imagine thedistress
thai was occasioned, bid. by some hapn
ace'dent ii wa- discovered that when
H-irrin.Tlon m ir'ied the lady in li'.l he
had aim! her wife l'vltij'. wiio is stil:
alive, and soour Divorce Cur ha-- thK
week pronoftc'-.l ttu 1--11 maiTiaiic
null and ve:-' and the Jadv remain
with ler 'C'e'i Inp.h.m.1. . nIo!) Cor
Chicaj'- ..) ' unl.
Tlie l.ii;h! ..l'Dliier Day.-.
A writer sa,-s: We all knew her
year or twoairo. and lamjlied at her.
perhaps. She was I'oriia then. wo'.d
by Ikts.snnicor.Iohn. ljst,iii:nx toColinV
st.e.v of love ovoy t In barn-yard rate
"'Ve huiirhed at her: but there was a
jiathetic break in our laughter, after all
a remembrance that omcihinj which
was very real and ennohlinr and real to
us. and was now but a fantastic, i'h
dream. Like "nil mankind" ve loved a
lover for the sake of what wo ourselves
had lost: we jested with, the irirl. per
haps, but tenderlv. Since she was a
babv she never had seemed to nvd so
much, to hr so worthy of reverence.
We knew that her lover was n llassa
nio or Colin: but a very 01 dinary dull
yoinur fellow, and not at all the idea
p:rniron before whom she abased her
self and worshiped, and we knew that
some d:v -lie would be forced to look
at him through our eves.
1 re succeeded, in 1S17. Mess'er. an as
tronomer who was an academician
moie Hi m fortv vears. so that the snmft
seat bad onlv 1 wo occupants in a whole
centurv. PA HadeTpJiia Telegraph.
ime, cc aim i.on-evuy. respected c.nzen ne r Mem, was t,lu.a.lon of a1(. no-t(lt.dl;i::U.ter5. senator Fdmuals oaTTM up Ips reso- re.-em- u.e appearanc- o. an im, ; w m :nour OMr JIn. , . hj( for ;hl,
nnuii-v.-orkd.vs not alwavs nPi.enr -....tan.l killed by Callv Loud. Dee. Kth. , -,., . , fr0edom. the bre-ulth. the 1llio:i f.;.cenrr.n,ti.e Ilose messace . pinnacle tothe very summit, thrust . h , - JM Ciueinnaii Com. Ue,. ft:MJ whnt tfA I(m tt th,.fe fer
to have a tendenev to shorten life. M. ;-irouble nrowinn out of Mr. Hill's ! . . " ' . m. i it o.t . im. tn. .llltll,. t,P e'eetorai count, for a .select 5.,me 6.-0 f-Pt into the air. rra"ine I r ;:, .c "u"- , 0 , . .,,,
. , , ,. ... , . , , , . ,. joyousness o; natural lite. The tune committee of seven senators, to act . . , r .r. . rrrcuii. i our, inc th- bod? in a r.ld anl
Clvreul the I,W member of he ! ret il to consent to bond marry inn his SIH.W lhuiS bv in lhe hiT eonimittee of the - T f " T t 5 ' rave. when it etmM U n-allr and
1-remd, Academy of s.Menee. was enter-, lls J-rer. After seemn that his victim entertainment t,f li.eir children, re ins a ' House, and it was actved .to unani- irp thai the snow des not lol, , At a time WI.-:i rivalry w, running ,iTh.iV..1v (i ,.f by rioaiwn?
tamed recently at the Pahrs Iloval bv Was dead he seized the vouun lndv. , , . . .... , " ! moulv. senator rmht mtrnducM ' althounh the base pr nearlv 3..vJ feet . hii-h between the F.iirth Vermont rev- ,- " ' t t ..... ... t Kta
... , , .; , . . , .. : harvest ot eternai blessing, and these I ., i.o. - f.-.,Mu :,.,,' twiBtrn'ri' . i - u-. ' . i .!. r lor hit part. I fanry tnat I should
einiitysavms i celebration ot the m- Pnnntnn her over the dead bonvot her lllIltf t.ven;nc3 flirilish jlI5, lhe time- f' t- tioWn I5 ml '" Whufc 'mvrt' "-"'u ? - & li. -nd a ;nliBe p!wMslir, m haTID. a
tietn anniversaiy ot his member-h,p. father, and irnl her by force before j chun.hnMJU , on,ml ., x aad 1lll (lVPf, , ! Stfluhton. and the Fifth Vermont, nn f mv hltitah dwrflUHi wi:h
7Te is ninety years old. and m jierioci a netnhbtuinn nianistnite. denmi.rnn j Omeron PaJ s.ihmittd a i.)ii.t iso- All that I desire is that mv novertv x-nsivp revival occurrrd in the divts- , " .., irh
physical and mentai vinor. The niest ! to b" married to her. she refused and I At'auta f restitution : A Mac-m man . b'-ioii L-r the adjournment of both mav not be a burden to mvself. nor ' ion to whi. h both rz-menis ilonnd. ' - eh contain'n'"' tl ei-ashes To
p.:n!ual "Sarfe" 'who V.ied in i7- inctmva party ot ai med men apin-nred. home the other ninht and tore his j Wri ,,.x JA,tl np tl. i,lenfs mes-' tt state oi tortus that is neither di-' ten that twelve , beionin:: to th nmw of lm lhhl ar Khj
ae-ed close to one hundred years; ?. The younn lat.y was takon from her clothes, is talking alout bringinir suit s.m-e:--inn the b:?l tlxir.n the Prei- rectly necesi:ous nor far from it. A latter had been Hiptiwi. "Orderly."!. uke .hr r;ir( ,t, mn ).17e
Uiot who lived ninety-! wo vears.' and captor and locked up in a room, secure anainst his mother-in-law for misrepre-! dent's artrv at 8:.'0 per ear. and the , mediocrity 0f fortur.- with cei.tlens ' immediately -xcIai:nHl th einukiws ! u -'. '1 .'vKlf-h now orea -"w as
preserved t-. ? i, end of his .lavs, his ! from any possibility of his earn in? out semation. Theold ladv evidently takts i"''1!),'-1 of mind will preserve us from fear or colonel. -Jet fif;i. men beat once dt- ,OC' .' '" ;' .',inV ...Vv, Vrm
m.iM'.il luu-urs- Ai "? :it1.?.mi ii ho .liod .. . ',,, -.,..., .1 .,m. ...,, . . . .; . " the bill ov.T the eo eas. -.'o : nays. ........ . . . .... . -.wujC wir oair c..n:;pc'.:a" liar, wun itie posw
March .-. ts7-,' v'ns al-o n noimeeni-r. "-stnrear to kiu ner. nono oeiioei.uen , no siock m sucn accidents, and to one 10-not two-Uiirds. After the m-rmnn eiiv-v- w"?i s a aesmiDi- conuition. tor ui.t-i !,r naptism.- -Dtnc-r Tribune.
i-uY anil 'In- nn-iire du' P.uie-iu des ?hot one of the horsemen, so woumlinn j who has never fallen over a cow. any hour. Senator Mitchell's re.-oluf.on Wo man wants power to do mischitrf. " r '
Lon.Vrnd.-s" for wr. wa edited 'bvliiui. ! himth-it he fell from his horse. T, nd fair rec'ral of the accident would seem authorizmn an iuvestination the &nw In Or;on. as wdl as in California, - -
Tl.- on I ir- name ctal.'i-l n.t'iii .J
t. . . ... 1 I ii
l-lth I.s F--ji ',-) I m- J'.reiner
l.v tile." Hi-. Bth. I. sb. &WK in-
.;.r,re. -?!--. f.r in A ....!
Mai.e. I.e. nth. dtrond nr.-nem
Tl.i. T'.n'iiifr
inu of Die. llth A kiri.".' jrti..n of j
...l....,) Cloliili- ii.ciiruiiw. .-C'OOfm
" ."'". i......... .1 i..ju.ui.m- umt iii:m! fr.iin Or'..i!iii u:iimiI tjtvi!!'. ( '. rk'- desk. 1 Vtirtett!.4V. thv T?li f n m -i'-!i-
A fir, in tl:P ! of th eirvof ti"i-i- - "-...,. .,.; .,."."...;...::-.-,.... . ... ... .......
Little i:Kk. Arkansas, Dee. irli. m- "" J1" ";-'w a ... . j ,i. , .i,a1 tr..r in. The -:: j..i ! as ? some d;rusi.ioi, tf.e i.-, '..:-.., ','.,,. ,f .fl,pV t....- ,. ,
rolN-fl in a low isnia!i a' --J.VMmo. ' "td. nr ' rint-m W". ' ' - ' I rM.. n frm the etinrU H.n-' l.j-il. The .tnd .lipt.-m :: i ' ' ' r. w. , . . ". . , ,
,...,..,,.., Ufe 14 Oot -ltd fi ' 'v wlii.h one jirv-n was kuleil. l... e ; ,,narj,m,piviiin-a4-iiUpti5. $:;,.. tor nil! wa ml thr n-.-..ii ""'o"""1 ,ut , ...
"V , ! Vt .'- ii ' x- ' fatallv wounded. ......I twenty more or I -xustf Smithi'ii i instigating cru-1 ,nW for hfiuurnw. TU ll..ur.tter t Th- tuiMtnie t "yMM ;
tally wounded Mary Kdlv. in ew J '. ,fl "' ' , " f)!irhtftf Dnt ! initio. The IIo;r,u ..:- crnn- oHmdnnituR ... .MiOt of -ti? ,,.. p!., W fN...k. - IlKigT
Yojk. f.r rej-eat. dlv lefuiinp to manr i s ,,l,,t---i"1 ?,p '?"' OI 1M ",, m-ttee of the whole on the iU,!irr J whole. ij.ssm! ll.v f.rtiueaiin lull. .. l ... .
il5, (, the lit h of Dee ilm-e th f.n.r frei-ht teams. are-,tr m.e,l .ipj,1rltln ML n lut. ,I,Vusson -...u,:... I'" ' ' '
" i,""i ..... ,...!, .. ,ii.r o."i ,,.. I'V tivemen, wereattaek.1 i.v Iii.'.i.tns.t. .k i-U.-e tl.e ft mail service. 4n;ttor Windoin. from the committee .u. .tt. r .u..t ! c
n.a-kl men made ., ,Unr C and hi., - - f ,. . k w..mir- After .; -eiia.ii the n.mmitti-H r.i-, on ar-rut...,.-. rejri ;C,.ut , ArI..,.: .: ,.- ' '
c.-ul attemnt to roh the tanking '!' ' """" ' WK' , " and re,H,rte,i 'he t.ill. alter nl.nhthf amendment, the j.m..., .!I f. r the ,-.u ; , -t , w
hoosc of W. Hr-am. in omee.. ( ,h,o. 1 " of the party Nvpl, and . . , . UL , .m,.?.K .!,.. ,.-;i.Med on the.-.U- ! "' V ' . , , . .
1 " - " ' ! j ., ,. amj ., i;.-nrin name.1 Frit from , . iuiiiii-ati.m of the eTeUiv of M !e the eent. 1 ., r.-i. . :.-. . n . :
Inspector Jleiu-ial .lames .1. Ilaidee : " ' i,,, imitil- .. """ r " Mn1,',lt ol . transmitting a hst ol j--rs..H not . .n ' mf..itu!..te :.-::i. - ....!.;.-
of thediited Hates annv. died a; l,s I ( ' '. VT.". .. . ' !1 t1.!.!. 'Vr. r1" , m, of U.e 1 n.ted -- -- ": . A ,ul on.. ', l. ,t.u,u tl . t,
risaieii. in isiu.i,o. n.' -.i-ii-.
lh.. town of I'.hiekviile, I!arnwell J I'nl.'KHJ.V NKWS.
count v. S. C. has heen 1 .111 tied. The J A .n,, (:tU h -a-: X. ws re
tire started in a eijjar stoie, aid eon- j .jv, f,in tie-ci.j.-ie!i e in political
s.ined over twenty stor-s and red- j ,III;irll.ra ,;,ii,t;,in i!i.d a iMr-Tuikiah
denei-s. with th South Carolina rail-; war js inevitable. ,Ju-,;. has not vtl
load depot, teietrraph and express of-
lices. I.os estimated :il .?:o.i!ff ..A !
the in rhtrenci;. Die. llth. huriKd '
--'"f1" ) ;;-' "".t''""' '
IJolivar. lenn.. Dee. l..'h, re-ultinu m j
an ai'irrejstle loss to the amount ol 1
jiHi.oo The Capitol Flour Mills in j
an Franeiseo. were pnrtiiilly destroyed
hv lire. Dec. nth. Loss. ?r..iM'n Tie
'o- i.x 'he Little Iloek lit.- is placed at
Sljnuw: insurance, r, harn
was hurned at .ierse die. 111.. l)c ,
jn-sciitaiiv.s. had an encounter with j
, ,( .
UMI - ,
!''" 1,:"n-v ",l :i'",ut - tit :iml
I shouhiiM's.
terrd'-c rale at Cleveland, on the
niiiht of Dec. l.vh. did much damaue.
Many houses were unroofed, and in
some cases the sides of buildings were
blown in. St. Malachi's church steeple,
one of the highest in thecitv. was en
tiiely blown off. A larire number of
chimneys were blown over, and shut
ters and sitnis demolished. Loss esti
mated at :? K. A. Condit. the
curbstone broker in New York, who
two lis a no sent out a bonus dis-
lie tiealli of Commodore Vantleile't.
t.-t been arrested The t Ch.o !. -
has h. n an. stni.... 11. . 1. .n.o.,
Hotel, n Toledo. Ohio, with most 01 11s
natch slimed IT. iieems. announeine
ctinteii'S. was destroyed oy tire. Dec.
ltJlh. Loss. Si u.nio; insurance. Pito.ii.
fire at Fain'. Dakota Tendon
Dec. WUli. tlestroed .'lecn huildilins
includinn the V. S. Land Otliee
lame paper mill at Carrollton. Ohio,
was burned. Dec. with several
other surroiindinn builtlinns. includinn
the Short Line llailroad depot A
lire at Cairo. 111.. Dec. H'.th. thstroved
fifteen buildin.n.s. Loss. .Sl.".0!K) to $-M,-osio.
The jurv at Munch Ciuinck. I'a.. have
hroiinhl in a ertlict of murder in the
first denice anainst Thomas I '. Fisher,
and of murder in the second dc.nree
anainst 1 'at rick MeKinner. indie'ed foi
the muitler of Morjian Fowell at Sum
mit 11:11. in 171 Ktlward Skivt iton
and .lohn Flemminn attacketl the
dwclliim of .Tacoh Summit, at Heaver
dale, Fa., a few evenings ano. summit
fired at them throunh a wintlow anil
t'atall wound, d Skiverton A tire at
Liberty, I ml. D-'c. 17th. destroyed the
Tunes prinliun otliee and the Union
Hank. Loss. ?l."..noo; insurance. :?.ooft.
buildinnat Ilohoke, Mass.. occu
pied bv the National Paper Companv.
was burned Dec. 17th. Loss. ?:'..sn00;
insurance. 61-j.tVio F.y the buruiiur
of a house and barn in Worcester.
M ;ss.. Dec. ISth. S. Floan lost his life.
Sev. ral car loatls of silk worm oca:?.
valued at .?r. passed throunh
Omaha. Tee. lsrli The Ilev. John
Sp inhlinn. of Louisville, has been ap
P .inted bv the onsistory at the Vati
can. Home, Bishop of the new See of
Several business houses on Canal St.
New York, were burned Dec. iPth.
Loss. .t40.0'V The tine residence of
Hollis llunnewell. llost.m. burned Dec.
lth. Ls. 7.".xi0 Vnotlier tire in
Little Hock. Ark.. Dec. ioh. destroved
property valued at .?l."io,0tu A tire at
nreensburn. Pa., on thp ninht of Dec.
10th. destroyeil Stark's carriane maim-
factory and dannned several dwellings.
Los. ?-2.".0en L. S. Hill, an old and
then mountrtl the horse and rode to the
residence of a Mr. Parsons, a few miles
di-Qtrmr where lie tnnde a forcible ex-
chance for another horse, on which he
W.1.--..1 r
i.t-r. n,.-i-
1 :
r. n.
. 1 ..!-.. f
!( Ji i! '.n .- i "
liccum j.i.i. a.m .7..--...-.
. ..... t.t ... .1 Al tail (ii. j ri nit.
l"' "".' j
l'" Jnt?" vJ -K-x !' ",: " " L '
Within tl. 1;W"U ' '.
K'- Ark. has l.,.,t t U .t......:.t ...
f.. .'lO.nnii lv fires c-K.-'-n .nrr.-.t
from 01. e of the wagons.
f.,nj,l,.td le-r piep.,rati.niand will en
.jeavor to protiaet the confeienee until
.r southern arm is conceit rated. I'm-
"""" '" " M- ''""'""'
aKo states that l.'usia is un.nterahly
determined to meet immediately the
rievances which have heen indulged
t,, ,,jr f,- Knropean peace, imt she
ujj not enter tie- ijeld until she feels
ni,e to make an im-.-istahh-assault
xiie I'arliamentary eommiti 11 reis-
ion of the Italian pen.t! code have un.m-
, aieu ani a i.uin"! s c.e,it-, kih uimitohhi un iiwi-uiiuiriraiiuiinn s., ir ,,;i., ?,, w horn salatltH H1C i..t.I '
potent larics have received dispatchn ate hoim- m-uin-d in the amendments
respective -overturn nts ap- ff ll""- '"J'1 ,('",,i!.I;,tl"V ' n'u-
.,'.., l,!erenre was mdeie.1. I he chair ai-
provmu the decsmns armed at. and .j,,,..,, i.,,,atuIS WlIII,,IIIlt Lo,,Ul ani,
the pieliminary eonleienees are theie- . av.s. .senator hdnniuds eahed up the
loie conelU'hd
The steamer Citv of I.ristol. which
otiicer and four sennit u were washed
ovcrhoanl and drowned dispatch
from Fort Davis sas that M rev
olutionists have c.'ptuit d a Mr. Miller,
an American hanker in Chihuahua. and
demanded 's.(iio in sold as a ransom
tor his release. Col. Andrews, will, a
i b-n-e if infantry. e:ualry and aiti.h-ry.
: has -one to his rescue. The n v .liition-i
, .,,.,.., VV4.
'-t."e tep.uted .1110 and
threatened to slmot Miller if thev can't
hold him.
A umnn iionie amusements t'i' , st is
the n'itl old habit of conversation, the
talkinn over the event of the tl.y. in
brinht and tjuick jday of wit and fancy,
theston which bruins the l.iunh. and
thespeakinn the nood anil kintl ami true
thinns, which all have in their hearts.
It is not so much by dwelling upon
what members of the family have in
common, as briuninn each totheolher
soinethinn ititerestinn, and ani'isiun.
that home life js to he made cheerful
ami joous. Kachone mutdohis pari
to make conversation nenial and happy.
We are toj ieady to converse with
newspapers and hooks, to seek some
companion at the. stoie. hotel, or club
room, and to fornet that home is any
thing more than a place to sleep an. i eat
in. The revival of conv, rsaiioii. the
eiitertainmentof one another, jus a room
full of people will entertain themselves,
is on. secret of a happ home. When
er it is wantinn, tlisease has struck
into the root of the tree; there is a want
which is i,i with incrensinir force as
time noes on.
Conversation, in -nunv eases, is just
wind prevents many people from re
lapsinn into utter selfishness at their
firesides. Th's conversation should
not simply occupy husband and wife
and the older members of the family,
but extend itself to the children. Pa
rents should he cave full to talk with
them, to enter into their life, to share
their tritl-'s. to assist in their studies. 10
meet them in the thoughts and feelinns
of their childhood. It is a nreat step in
education, when around the evening
lamp.are gathered thedifferent members
of a family, sharinn their oceup-iiion
with one another the older assistinn
the vounner. each one contrihutinn to the
entertainment of the other, and all feel
inn that the eveninn had passed only
too rapidly away. This is the truest
and best amusement. It is the healthv
absurd and exasperated.
Mr Jefferson Davis left his wife and
daughter in Europe
left Liveipool, Dec. nth. for I'hiladel ! !"'inimeni 01 a commi w- a 1 wnn a , lu . i:1,.K,Ti;, committee a hill for
1- .11,.. . 11 . 1 committ.eol the senate to devise some ;tI.i., , 1 ,1 to
plua put bnektotimeustowi!. he lost ,,w.llioi of eountin" the electoral vot.-i-V n , 1 .- .
' k - , - . m inou 01 mimuu.. in. .iMioi.u "o . ir. Ibdman made a cotiterence report
herloremast and bowsprit durinjr a jrale and suhirHlied a lesolutmn let.-rnnn ' ,, ,l(. jj (lVidinj; for the expense
on the llth of Dec mher. The second the message of the House to ii scli-rl , . ,1' ,..,:,1,f.1tin,r,...,tmii....4 -l.i.'h
I,1 u
I'i II'W. !
!. .ooun! t. ; '
. . .-t iiT t : .
. .;o,i !. .ii : !"
: '. ( i .i; :i I'll
!. .i.Oli.
;- :niil
.i - i4ti. cao-
!'' , Dm .! u' .i.' ;'
i- :t ..f th Den iJi'
'.. the iv-
tor the invesniration ol the Oretjon
elwtoral app..intment, in hich Sena-
torsMierman. ana. e. arm
.inriie,i o-.r. p.m. -eu.,...i ':.
said that on Moml ,y next he w..iiM.. til.
up the civil s. rvice hill. n-iiiirHiff U !
I'le-d,, cut's s.dai to f T..i peraninim. ;
It p.t-s.11 the l.;-l Coi:-.'resS and the;
!'.JL..Ie.t ih!,iI it. The romimtte..!
lavort-l the passage oer the Veto,
M-nator Wi'uhf a!-Ms.tul t nit hcuoitM
"' ..tuila or M..nda intrMluce a hill
i'ii!i3 -m"'!.a;:,.r,K:;:
nninds s;ud h-had not hrouhtupthe
hill reul.t'iii tlu- electoral count,
as he had protuised. hecaine a
senat4,r v.le. desired to discus.-? the
.jution was indisposed t.Mlay. 1 1...
roolutioii t.r paxim: witnesses hefoie
the senate committees .?:; per da and
im-n-n..i i.iiir... ...n W.-... "oo .....
amendment piovidmu for the pauuent
mess.tiie lioin the Hoiiv,.. anuounciui!
the passage of a i .'Solution tor theap
. , .-enaioi -.
with power to jirepaie and report with-
out unm ssary .hlav such im-asmes :ls
willsccurethe caretid count t.f the .dec -
total vote and the best disunion ..I all
tpiesti-.iscoM.iected therewith: and that
in c.nim.Cee have power to corner
with the committee ol the House. Laid
over until Monday.aud ordered pi inted.;
. After executive session, adjourned.
. nn?e.
SATtnnvY. Dec. I.t.-The postolhce
! .,, ,.U.M ,,U1 ,,...,,. -rJlo ,l,.ak,.r
es.i ted Mr. Morrison's t h-iam from
New Oileai.s, and the iefusal of Piesi-
dwnl Orton ot the Western I uion I ele-
nranh compaux. to produce in' ormuiai
dispatches called for by Mr. Morrison
of the Coiini'essional committee. Mr.
Wooii moved a refeience of Mr. Morri
son's t l'-nram to the judiciary com-;
mittee, with instructions to report at
l.itli (iA(.Ift-
i jH e
W.v '
:' r .' '
theeatihst pract'cahle moment what I jiv ist, ls.;'; ,Inl -jnd. lsi;t. ami .I11U
action the House should take m the :;,. is.;.;, n,e pension hill pa-scdwith
premises passed. DaTis' aineuiiment. ieijuu inn the Com-
The special order was taken up. heinn ndssioner of pensions to hep-after in
resMlutions in n-nard tothetleath.d tlie rorp,,niU. in llis annai statement of
late Speaker Kerr. F.ulonies weie tie- j additioual pensions also the icducliou
hveretl by II imilton dud ;. Kell (Pa.), j , pensions, senator Mitchell's ies dn-
hauioiid, .Moi'ioe, ijo'mes. jiurcuanl
(III.). V. McCrarv, 'Iymer. Atkins.
Hereford. Knott. Vance of Ohio, and
''air. Mr. Carr otTeretl resolutions pro
fess inn the profoiuitlest sorrow, and di
rectum that the speaker's chair be
I drapt d the remainder t.f the session,
a?:d that the Kepre-entatives wear
inournuin adopted, and tne House ad
journed. n.iuf.
Monpw. Dee. Is. Mr. Knott intro
duced a b:ll reyulatinn the pr ceedinn.s
in Presidential electoral count re-
f erred to select committee on elections.
P.ills were introduced as follows: To
r..r.;io .... rl... ....,r.,t ;.. ;.... r.f ).,n ,.f I '
t.Klllltlll Lilt II. .wifttll.Ml ri .rill.-. . .
i...iTt.r ..t.. ,,c,.r, ..rnotir.'i....
li.oo.i,. v.., v"i . iioiii, . aj.t i.ti.ii"ii
and -h. nine of alleniance; to establish
the fr.inkinn privilecje; to reduce and
reorcanie the navv; to promote the
.'"".cienev if marine h.ospitals. Mr.
Frt .ffenil a 1 evolution for imiuirinn
into the maimer of conduct inn the late
election in the Sixth District of Mis
sis-:ppt and the Fourth District of
Ainjau.a. wnetner tnere wa iniimitt.i
kilau.:i. whether there wa intimitl.i-
tioirot car.onlate- or voters. 1 lie Louse
refu-ed the previous tpie.stion and the
resolution went over. Mr. Franklin's
resolution, for the invest ination by the
conimittees.n expenditures in treasury
department into the action of the Sec-
retarv of the Treasury in transfenvn -
?eU '?, ..I'" Z W ! ',? lit
;u in., i.'v .ii,mi inn m unvii.01 i- 00 i
rejiort a constitutional amendment for -
ledtiinn the pavimnt of war claims to pers
sons was adopted-l.-,:J to 13.
. Senate.
iippomtmcnt ot the Oregon elector
was considered, senator Hitchcock in- j
troduced a bill to divide the State of
Xebraska into two judicial districts
referred. After some debate Senator
.,.- r..,.. . n.hMm.A Mr ll.,- I souuierumo-si 01 an. .vu na.e ,oIIZ w: tnemseiyf-s irorn ll.e tions t.ejore . . ,, .. ,. .... ,.f u
.m- .-.......-.-. ...... ......e... ... ..... ...... , ... IIIU Ji , Ih Wl Hi- k 1111.1 "i . mmmtJ
intrIuced a resolution for the nn -tec slopes of simw; the lowest 01 thetn 1 tnoe m th (.oxes coul i i:K down, .ind ,vh . ff . t from other int-lle
lion of citizens in the risht of suffniff-; h-iti-r aUuit t.o.-rf) feet hinh, and lh-SheIo..rwasfnr5oinotinii-i-raptT. Th- ' . ' -. rirMr!. ,. f,,
.rs nXiJivz j ". ' -i! is--- vr! ' fr"'n- '"-"- -' 'h . ss 'XX ST. S &
eral report t.n the reinoval.ifflovenior 'them deserve sjwial mention. ..lonut down lh step?, when lr,e himlmost r(.nroauuiTe man thus mbnc
Wells t.f Louisiatia. A resolution in-1 Tlsielsen. f'.V) tV-t. is named after an j m:2ht have ot out by leaping into Ue ' . -,..f., r (.r;,,,. wnmaT we
oc...v..... ...v -'............. vw i exieoeiiLeiiL? jiiti 11 1011-' 1 e-iiit-iiL iii.ii.-?..r :
.urt-i'it ! t!
l)ll..l!i i v.
ni r'!..r ?r- : i : V: , ,
k. i i.
. ,. ,...Vl.' .1.1 .
' ..UT
' 1 i -: . I - . Mr W -! :!-L
' a r-Mii;i,.!s f.-r t!.e !. i i.ii --i.t ? ;!
.i,ir.... n. h-.i r t..ii.. .ti.i... i..-,-
rdr r.1 printinl ;uid lant on t : it-.e
; ,.(.r vl ,utU. ',.;H p;.-t. . n
..tor Mlt hells re.oiutin m"!tf..fni: ,. ,. , . . . i, ,i,.. .
tj. ,.B,intfIlriit ,.; the Omr..n e,e, t.-is ,tk,r"f !!!"-- l""t- ' "'
xvjis taken u am! h n.-,..!- the N.i. ".n attemp!- t-. .. e Mi v.
Mit. hell.Moiton .ind V-aw Adjouimsl. . i oi.ei." muI .;civ ..f the er'
11. ..-... ; . , , .,., ..
u-. ........ - 1. . . u, ll.ilrilll,ii1l't,t"rtrtMliW,.ii
i ..-....- :. ..,'ui.o.." recit'u.i tl...t .1
(iVimnor . M . 1. of Iiel.tnd. w.e. in the
, ,.,tVj ,jepuii.-.l to present ttie .-..iutiMi-
!,-:r;:.,:t,!::;;!, ';.; ;;.: &&;
v ear. and leternn the (.!.-: t. the
--.. ---..-.. -k -
committee on Foienjn Aff ur- .id.pi-
,1 The judiciary omunitiee re-.rte.l.
f.ivriti cnirressional pmiert. comi-1
1 ,. ,.r.4l.i.ti..ii of teler.tius. Mr.
ijrd..n thes.tme committee, made a
,,j.,,ntv iejN.rt.aml .tseits that thede-
s... ,..,, ,,. ..... teeiriaiUH I,
ci'iupanv tlie demand. Mr. Knott ot-
Us, i.'.V-and Mr. Knott's .nhhtitu'i -
uas adopted. Mr. IMatt ake, ,nam-
mil,,u ..,,.,,.1,1 f..r tin inft.'ioti ,,r ..
J'i, iI .V .1 i.,...r" ,"'0 the Vhe .
, M, ..lvltt !WllIlS, t. ;.. y, k ,t-
olliee ohlcct-d to. Mr. Chittenden
a-ked leave to mtlodiice pr leter.nce
, .... . . A.lioiirn.-d.
j s.ut, Hitchcock introduced a bill
! sll(.In(.M.ln u. ;u.. fnr . ;ij r.
j ,,, (lf n.p, equation aceordm- to
t!le ninth censiV-referretl p. the com-
, ,.,. n t.i(.,.ullS. j. j,rvl.,. p.r an
..,.,. ,., ,, ,..,.,....,...,,... .-,... v...
,,lsk.L '.,;, .uMi. ,,..consi,enM last
,.-,-,u's vote establish inn the Territory
ot I'.-mhina from a p-.rtion of Dakota,
The name wus then changed to Huron.
., . , .,U,.,L .,.,. (.liair .,r,..
! s nted a communication the mi'
p.tarv of War. emracinn the reiM.rt ot
Major Coinstock. of the Lnnmeer Corp.
.Major. omsiocK.oi uie ; - .nniueen..rp - .
on the south P. ls tabled. Senator
Wrinht anuoiinceil that h- woii!d, ito
inediately after the mormon hour
Fiitla, move t re-coiisnler lh Senate
bill declaimir the true intent and mean-
)nir ot the I nicn Pacific acts, approved
lion, for the invest ination tf Cronm's
appointment, was then dwussed, alter
which the senate adjourned.
The America ti Switzerland.
Switzerland in Ann-iica is not onh
to ho fountl in the Ibx-ky Mountains
where hmje jieaks lift their snow-capied
heads up to heaven, but also in Wash
incton Territory and Orenmi, where, at
a conit'erable distance hak from the
Pacific coast, the C.-iscade tnounmios
! rear themselves aloft. The snow-line
I . , ., . .
t i-s here ncccssitnlv much huverthan in
Ca'ifornia. which is ten dnrees further
soutl-i. At six thousand feet Mount
P.ainer is stripnl with hune snow
!it'h's, and at ten thou-and we are in
I the presence of perpetual i--f- and snow.
(Ilaciers of w:de extent are found on .1
dozen mountain". The principal jK-aks
in the rann in Oregon are IItXKl
Mount Jefferson. The Three Sisters. Di
amond Peak. Mount Thi.'I---n. Mount
scott, and another peak on the opposite.
J or e:ist. side of Crater Lake, known by
' several local names, but not yet d-'-sin-
. natrd on the maps. and Mount Pitt, the
; ...If. nmj
L ' .
connected with manv of it
unrks ot improvement, who urst ma.Ie
I -Vicult ascent of its siiinm;-. It
Georne Francis Train imagines that
the judgement day of the financial
world is near at hand.
1 --. ..." ..... ..-,......, .' v.. . . ......
TJ I nr:nn ..'!! M tt
r i a. :
r r
In :r- i. -: -.. t' .. -
i.. l Mr Il.-.'.r. H
prtioof the ;n.r-h
A11...1 ir tt,.e !,.. t.M in the
ii,,,,,, rIHvi W -. i..::e...
' H' thetxjl.ion
.n it ie:i. .;
' !ike tipeia lloii-e .,..-.
' r-ciitie.i an h-.ur earner, our own :t
' "' :;- """r1 r" -
"iit. iheie waehance f. itee;.
j TJu .Mi,t.,rof the Uict.mon.t .stn,tut I
j . .. , . tiIf. Illllt..,f ....
! "' ,h ",,rp M "" ,uur ,f '
disa-.tet.und in h: .ier of the 1.. t
' d.. he pae these details:
l .t l,liU.J.l.,...i..ll.i....
. , i..i ." . . t 1
1 He is mfo'med that th- wi-nerv U-,k
j (irr ,n th(t ,.wfe ..t.if the house ,v tl..
' ,,,r '" "
'" ' " 'i tt..U the l...
j who wasordere.1 hy s..meof the ,,;.., .
..raise u si aim ui.11 11 r.e uiu so-;,.
cei.ery would take fire, when ke w..s
commanded, in a perrmpt.ry auumer.
lo hoist it. II uhevwl. ami the tin ut
mice communicated t the scenery.
"The N tfave the alarm in the rwur j
of the stanc. and ;iske! some of the at- J
.ef the at-
tendants to cut the cords tv which the
combustible mateiuiN were siispeude.!.
The person wIhh duty it a t.ii
this I'.eil painc-sttii ken. Th - . fortu
nately happenil when one of ;'; .!.
was tla iiur near the orchestra, and thp
ttreatest" mrt of the n with itn horrid
d.-.njjer. waji.b-i-ure.l from the audieure
by a ci; vnn.
i.'pii fl . . . ..!. .. r ft 1
" 1 iii iiaitie n.iresiii won aini'HH iiiria- 1
........ til.. r;.i.i.klv an.! the Hit. fnlltnt
- -
from the eeilimr iion the performer
..... ..... ...p ..... .. - .......M
tlie first notice the audieriee hni of
w as
their danger. Fven then many snp'
,.o.,ed it apart of the play, ami W(.r,.
a litth-time rc-strainetl from Jli'ht tv n
rv fiom the stae that there was no
.lanner. The pertormer, and their at-
tendants vain attempts! to down
the scmcr
"Th,. ..,ti"...r ..f ft,i. riwr w:t r,.n..
the first, lo twcape. No words can ox
press his honor when, on turning
around, he discovered the whdw hutld
;nn to be in flames. '1 here was but one
dor for the greatest jrt of lie-nudi-
ence to pass. Men. women and chd
ren wrt' nn-ssmj; ui.n .neh other.
while the names were !WinK up.,n
those behind.
-Thowlitr went to thedifferent win-
.low s, which were very hih. n! im
plored his fellow-creatur'-a to save their
lives by jumpini: out of them. Ino- i
rani of their dsuiRer. they were afraid
to leap down. wh:le th.e ,ehmI were . rutin of sra-Jwi warm nnn nn. por
seen rat.hmn on fire and wr:U.inf in : "- W-W "rh w,H,:l lt '"
anonv. At let,th. pursued hv the pre- , niwi "t nMtr. in iuit of lh
tnr dames, noshed tm,e nearer th.. ' - Knrop. H wa Jt nntlT-oT
... . , ... t
window, anil lh- p..pif hnian falling '
upon each olliT with their clothes on
tire, some half roasted.
"The outside were w-n wnnj;-
inn uifir nanas. neatmn tneir mwis
and brriipt.-; and those that hiul .raied
seemetl to s.itfer nreater torment than
tn.fc-e eaveiopi in tne names. All 01
-.,, in th. M mU , had rlw. :
"The loss of a liundrff! thousand
frjKld oa lhh fipW of iXlt.e i
I .mjch lhf. liyar. hk lhl Thf.
cooUl not
he potato rot has made its appearance.
! and agriculturists are fearful that thev
will not be able to carry the crop
through the winter.
1 ;.- it " . -Mf
?- .:, 'i. t
,t .. I. V '
. . - v .
- ' : ' r s
i I I
. .
,f . , . ?i it ! ?!. ft ...
. .-. -Ml t ? ii
. ! ' ,t h tillK". 1
f ' ..., ;. 1.
.',1' ' "t t" '
-on. nu -fe 1
rer .
V 'I '
... r !
,. k . u
,fe ef;p.
.'.r hi'u.
l41 tl
t ' t.e 11!-
-! to an-'
. f.
r t
'. 1"
f ii.
lot J'
. el. I
tl t ' I . -
ife I '.' .
t .-t ..
: ii. '
.11 -..
k : . -
t I . ..!
! e. .
t c ,
he t J.
Old !
IIiiim- !
.s j 1 ;
! .
t 1
1 . !
1 ' .
! . M
t! I f
: I-
... 1 '
.'i i
, . !
1 th ..'
rt 4
r .f
i ll I ..
lift I.
. .
pi s.
. ..f
1. c.
1 .', .1
r. 1
' .11:1. C
! ;
. ha'.e .
1 I ti .
f th.
. rn : .
lit 1 ..
jr.. .
eh re.!
. . . .-
et : '
r. a- !
. e- :
l.l." t
. that 1
n c-
. -... '! ..
She ' d
w ..
l,u le ..'.
highlv .l.i.i.e-
sumption f ?! .
Th io-..r. ? f
fo tE. 1 he .1 1 .
hurm-d w h l ' '
Th gar mm ; '
f tea 1 mar. '
i"1 f "vv '
The -iuit:i
ber.tlie so mil.
law wan ena V
i m-tim! tliat It W '
I l,vinif to render Jn.ei.
" '
i dpai.
Cremation was ra.i'
, f Shf fourth cmttt.y. m '.. ,t fed ..'..
l'"s,WP' ,
This nutnner of dtn-mtf f thd. ., 1
" -' '1 In my nil ,.-1
- "-1 whw MMh " m " l
f liaxtm 1''Jm lrp"rJwI. i n "
I "7 rMif. It,e ntrtrf .
t . . .... .. tm . tn-1..
01 mtral. l;n ine taw iwm in m
was not an irrttrc man. a I km
from apern ! arqiiajutanee with him
H is nra;it aprrh U erratriettv
. hi hirsf WjuimI veTitT y.iruH
without niArryiriK- H ilwir. t
' i ..! --P ft.ivn kfiwifeVAr iKat
! "' " . .
j " h(t U"T "u1- ! " A
, fri"nd of th Wr "- W-i! m il
, eWu p- iw -."
When i latw him ti wan tiwi
svety. but h sbh1 as Toothful m
ii:.t men of nff. In iipttt.i k"
i wan MMmitW st.U younger. He wm
Frankfort on-th- Main, ami i"prnl&
his city an Embassador nnmmvij ai
liaTaria. Vif-nna and Parte.
When his natire rity loat it irwfiv
pendente about the yr Ii'. he earn?
to Ameriea. vthre h has shon wH
m,in, u n f,rrtinarT hrillinnrj tn the
, mml rnllirntrt sfirfel rircles of 'mofe
' Umn ongwtf ty.
' ,r;. nrfHSWt wij.h u hav hiftbor
cremate! nai?:ht haf tn a whim;
rk for oth'T diaripl
Amj ..- 'jfrr.'ftfiY f A t mTix rtftrta
!' '. r ' U'VI,' -.- j f- -
of Knrope, clnM anl rieUti v-w-
.7ed. vho-e ineaitrs offer ;he?r own
"Whv havn't vou brow-lit back the
umbrella vou borrowed of me. SamV
1 "Because father always told me to lay
up something for a rainy day."
Vf -