I I t 5. THE RED CLOUD CHIEF. nil ijsday ). ntii, -:. v . " " S -"- ) ne eop 1 year, ....). O-ii ii-.'. u.MtitJt- I ihi - ( Joe ii; m t .. . .... r ........ 1 ,...('..... il .. - .. t.r...i, iw...l --mi-, hum ir : git.-. i ...I -i . Ollicml tire'-' ovv CUSH'.iEUiliAl.. I A. - Viill.rfc U--ttTt": l.S.cnasr !l W. Hitr!..-r-,Ji. Omaha. I. S. Snal-. L fcn:o Cronn". Ii.;renuus?. . ft KXKCrnVH. f! I I. AS r. ItlJIIIi. 5o .rnor. I.in.l Ur.in. Irm-Liirk. Sot. 2 fair i -I.IJ rtV-t.iii.i.iueuln. -J.lif.r. ' J-'")' ''J5- .. Tr-tirr. J . ii. .McKjjizi-. Liiicla.Si. ib itistxac JL'IICi.i'.V. ;.jo. is jto nn,;,,. t,"Lr.fjrtu-. I) ul.rit.N-.i.i k:i 'y. ...,., . . S;i:n.MaxM"H.I'I:-inimh J ; . j- - Vi:i:-TKH C'H'NTV. .f. A. Tu!l"jJ. K. M. .1 .!. I. 'A'. TuSii-ya. M. lull. ). S. iijlh .in, O. t . 0.. on. Ur K. I h'.rn, ;. xv. r.itii. I. 1' iir..oii. V J. 1! !!..iMit. I 1 1 x - T T "N "" -f T T I "T" I I ' ! S, i j I V I I I j. - l - .JMlJiyiki.i - 'II..- l'l.-.-h-i.tial .i-J. iIm. :-'i!:i , Connty o'.i'imfioiicr-. ' . J J- - I ibij-U fn.ni i-i-.tiiiL' !nr ilm-.-v.Ke- ' STILL'.Vr.TZr.ITIHC. - S .' "N,- M-ttl. d The el-etuii... rolh-ye i- dni- J-a- 1- The ..,.'. hu.v.-v. r. r.,r- ,' ded. ItH not .Jcirimine.! wl.,.aM-;s"l,"-,M-,lU- "I- t .sj..tilS t. . . . , uv Kn?Ini.l .v.- I , l-v I p.-:i-ily memhei- oi the electMiilj . i-idli-f. It i- tint di-tcriiiiiu 1 who i tu deeiib- who ar.- ini-jiib.-is ofih i-ol ' ler-. The wh-vjle i i'i!i lib: e now on ihi tirittcr. I be rejiU'dicim ortrana 1 1 T 1 - I .1 . .1 1. . I . I- 1 hue ei..iiiH-(l that Hie I i-MJnt ol 1 t he Sinate di tt-t mined thb jiif-'in, . the democrat? -laii:. that CVniro- U ' 1 ... .1. ...;.!.. I.. .) -VF '.. .'V.. 1.1 .(Ilk (.11 III Ul .1 . I .III'. fteiio'i-i matter.-ate tu be le.iui:'.iit.d, ipie.-tion- of loo weighty iinpint to ie inti'.i-tel to one man. Uave ha- ic eeived I s." Vote-, 'I iiib-n h.i- leeeived 10 uti-.--, aiippn-ni the lhmoeraSie ele:t'r- in Loiu-iana an! South L'.iru l:i:i to have voted ioi him. The State .iuthorit.e in Louiiaiia ;tn 1 Sjuth Oarolin.i li ive .vililied to t!ie votes ol the lep'ibiican elector- in iin.-e -tale-, which oi e'i'.tr.-o weie tin J ll.ie. If the letittn- Ji.iin the State ...o;einu,.-nt-are lo ! e (..ken a, euu , tu-.te the i'leaid.'ii' of t..e Setrite , , . , li i- -i.niily to count tii-j .-t.ite.- lot ' J i ll.iei. Uut ifthat principle i? aJuut I ... 11- 1 el, it vull ie J iiik-ti thi iicctleu t 1'or the 'lOVennil of ().f'f:on, il!ei;iil ' - j nni utijuMlv ueniiLsl 0 one eLetusi;. ' vote tin T:hL-.; hi thai Mate, wluj. ! would "ive the demunal-a n.nimiti """'" 11" l ",l- ni-iiiuu.ii a 11...JIH ...) . r , j 1;.. ....,,...,. ,. .. I iu .-0. i..,.tc,.ti,,.,.1 ..,...,:, v.u.Jjic.''!iiein ol the .-late eovernmeti: ' inii-t not be taken a- eoticlu nv. If the ( hcuoii reltiisi- can be inves tUated, the door 1- opened for the m vtit;aiioii of the L'juiM.ma and South (Jiioiiua icturti-. To our uiuid, then, Ti den ia elected, or l he whole election uiu-t be le-ex-imiiied in eveiy Mae where thete !- a coiiltM. Une man Mouid not posieaa tae iovver of d.cid iti,: i-ach grave and moitiLiitou? pic tiou-. If he docs, and lie is a tu.ub hens, we may hope for the be.-t. li congtes take.- the matter iu ha:.d we iiaVe a iliiiiOL'talie llou-o antl a lepiti. iiean .etiate, and when lhe mii,!it :iiee is a matter 01 iuiere-iiug pecii l.i. ton. Tile qiu ion, who 1.- l'ei tlent, depends laigeli on certain con-tmgciicie-, and tt:t-e coi.uugcuch s uepeniloneiiCJi.-tuiji.es over vvhicl. we b..ve uuiuituuiti-ly but limited juiirdi -tion. TlIK (.ngies-iona! i'ive-tigatin Comuiittee are in Columbia. S. U., 1 lookiii" into matter- T.ie ie-i.o -r-iti.- nioin into mauer.-. iiie uca.o.ratu ( lluu-e iu that State ha- in.-tiue'ed the judiciaiy comtuiitce to employ cimn-s.1 ' audproceei agatn-t tlu" republ can ', Mvert.or. Cb-imt.erlm for ti.fls.ii. TllK democrats, tu Connies? are tr ing to rule out Colorado as a State. Colorado's admi ijn was not opposed .is uui uimuscu i li. fore the election. It was considered j a doubtful Sjtate, but having shewn' her republicatii-m she is t( be counted : ' out ty the refoim j artv. L'oii-resauiau he oue opposed a resolution in the liou.se, propo.-mg I that committees-trom tiie iiou.-e aim i Senate wait upon the Supreme Court nndaskits oiinion on all mooted ' ijuestiOn- coticornirj" the count.it:ii cf tne vote foi President. A vn now the democratic'lloUsO will ' . .. '"' ' . ' down South, and Lord is to introduce the resolution, and Lord is the man sho iu the last session introduced the . . ,,. t. b ., .,iitif tn ! .esoiuuou cam.., on a ...... - - -e-ure a peaceful election m the ; South. But Lord was only pretend jus then. Germany is determined to remain neutral, in the eve-st ofa coilision be- became nw - - 111 IKN 111- OM'- Vo'i f' Ml O ' i..n a- Ji. - I) !;. irt.-ijlit. ani Vatt1; Wf!M( (!;!. tVdll1; W- Ml-il i.4;,!e Gov. t'rov r i mi ! ceitific&te- ' of .h.tioti to O 11 (' rt erigh t and Cionin the .etjieruc candidate- 'vi .......: , . c. ..: ii in. i.i- itiuiiLan" i i iri-i -ij . r i , ,, . jtjmr-i id cue 'urn uimi .111- r ht t.;ur,. Hi rehire J even to permit thvu u. see h ceriieie, . lut r.uit ..ft by Iilf ..to on .le . ' i it - . i i . , nsl culWe, ai:nfe J ; I-imcr.-xt-J (ill the vcawii - Th-a three voJtd ,...., , , , , r He lor I lit! H ami luc others lur Hay- ( V,!..H Jim! ( "nrtttii.'h: r.rffnnlzeJ " ' tllf Uiwt.ve-, aiitKiinttd n r p-ihlican so ! jj;j 'a; iar;iuv, aiji Iibiv'-e VOt J ' hut all !r Il.e-. The :-iiltf of (Jic- jrilll lUII)i'J the ti'A'TU ' l'. vifiy. - Xkmii V aii tl d iwtf.n-U' tam- iot iiaytx I5'ir :' di Iti't "jau (',,v '' Mttsl.K I.d ih" "'titcufcet - ,i . 1. :.i im use i.ti enM""Hi. i -din" itkh u i n-s r.-1 nth- wl- in s.,tii.j oitlie ; A r.iisidM.ible istiHibt-r i.f the iimmii- ' f,,,v d"t! !. i-l.t:tire t!--i '.iil li.ivi- . th it -f if- orit--fefl it the oj i- lini' of ihel. -'i-l-.ture. Thi Xew C..ii-:itnt!on ' : ,1 . : 1 1 .1 .- . : 1. 1 . ! in the tiiSii'l- o! Oi.I".i:eI caiioiu.tte- . . ... ' 1, .,,,(,., .,i,. ,.,i..s ;. ,. ;., ,,,l.i nu.l ivtth-:n -tiaw- to in. t IiUooki. da- .ri -.eslei2ie:u tin- , I . . I I 1 time uhieh atlr.n't- the M mp-ithy ol , - .. ... 1 thi entire eommiihitv. wne t her 1 I theattes tuok liie the other tiiht dur- I nee and in the -eneril ' !...-.! -, tbeaide-weic 1 in.' a ei form:: j iit-h tmvard- tl , to paeki 1 up with humnu in in- that ei-n s- wr- iiiipo iIm-. 'V'i nun iul and eighty live boilie- have been dot; from the ruin-, and it i- -opp -e 1 that 1 I the total irimher v. .11 tends thiee hun dred and liitv. '"On our e.eballf'e ll-t I- the ClIIKl' ,.,.l.!,.l... 1 . l:.,l 'I..... I V. l.r.L.. ,. . ', lnei , -,". -h.-et.'.-iiH iho-e of ""'' leadei- u-lu i-r 1. liable n.-w- from (be pi.s;i- lou- er.ninu' t.ne id" Xe 1 . . . s .. 1 r .1 iii i-ia, em ,"! n nv .-euiltn lor the I!ed I'.nud Cnii.F Lon Ion (IowaJ 'iii' nt ii'ii at. , . . ,,..,, I I i.atik you. tj.-o. S li-li Ir en ily no 1 ; ." ,. : 1 .1 11 e-:y the pr 'd lows. ml other ln.,. niak" u-1-v! tii it our effort- tn 1 make n 1; i p-.p-r o the i'i. F s..o , nppreei it, i. il the 'm,- w-i- moie ; 11 - Ceneidiv eiieul.itel tlir.ui-11 uit t he woull ,,. ,i:,il..tl.l .,. ,.. ;.,. , 1 ;M1j,M ;,ji to tin- part ,,f Xehra-ka. I I're-iibnt diaiit b .- diliveitd In- J laM annual m-aire to Coimre- 1 5 rant ri'view- hi- own conduct biiel.y, decliiri ht ine'tperieiK'e in political flintier., uli.wi !nVKsii"iiiil fli I r " 11- ol' - iMieruincuf, and a ertiu that what- I ever mi-take- he may have tn.i ie weie ... , ,. , eitors .1! iu !e nont uiily. He make- a oi'-ttv -trot:'' ariainiuent ot the 1 ' Denmeiaticp-i t.-f.rits eon bid dur- iiU the "ir. He make- m.e -u";e- i m th it i.- ofc .i.-hfer.!..:!? nra.'tifal i.-nn.ir .., .. 4. .-- 1 tanee. The 1're-ident i- in lavnr of a I 1 iw di-!r.uiel:i-i:i" alter a ceitain te 1 ind all who cannot tea 1 ami wiite oui lanuiiiue. The liie-rsitte i- an able deciimi'tit, aii'l weli-wiitliy thought tul cotisideiati .11. Tin: bviy ol' liaion I'r. I '.dm wa .-.ucce-.-fullv cremated l.i-t Wcine-Iav succe-sfully cremated b,-t ine- lay , at Wa-hinetun, i'a., in the pre-t nee of eminent scientist.-. Cremation seem.-to be ii.eer.n with a .! deal ' ot iavor Irom tiie pte.-s, and there are undoubted!;, r-truiia and foicible argu . Illl't- it.- favor, which miy at some j 1'crc :i:nc cA to its geneial ado,,- l- "t v-- -oiite.-s that we an at- i tached tj the old c!iri-tii:i burial. It may be a picjudkv, afooli-h prejudice. I It may bj a .-uper-tition. and a foolish , ,. . , ,i v.i- . uui laiiuuii w iiitr uiuuiiu leal- 1 , , , , . . , I eu over tne umiy oi a irieinl, w can , J real!..' more vividly, more forcibly the , .. . ." , " . truth ot the avior - vioid-, tie is not dead but !elpeth " The ta'e-ot horroi that are beiii t0;j be,bre the retuni ns j(iani ;jl Ni. uneati-. it true, i- eiiO'ib to -ink a portion of i he -outb.-n country int.. erlast.m; oblivion. 31 my of ,h-wit- ne.e- tint have bien examin d. b ar tiie mark- of inhuman brutality a 1 over their hra.sed and litteily slie-d up hodits. The porp-trators of-uch li.-il I I out rase-should be found and jus fee iiiO'-'tcl out to them in a manner woujj cortn.er m,t a Mt to M,(t(i t.-w,ialisia In that or any nth, r p ,r- tion cf country b-Ionsins to the I'nited States. The deed-of blood-hed and . h ; , oornetr.ued i l" "-'i - -- in the Sfite of Loui-iuna, i.- not onlv heart-sickct.in- to the l-iw:ibitlm citi- I - .-.i... ,....:.... ......iti'i but is an 7i.rw in i ii1 I'll, ii i. in. ii.. "Trlir: I lj ih.-!..M-Uin- aK .i.JM. j.-(1. alth- l' i'. CfU:,.!!. - Luo .. " '' T) Sch"l ui.'t! ; bj Jl.i- J o":i'r ti -;t;tvavs the .te the iu ( lr j'ji ll. iu-' t irious - 4 - roiin:yy.nr",y'r I'd' he .State. Th-ir object wa.s to pre- iojh:- Hi li.tcl.t .-'k.. "Z ' 4? . I I i fit n fllll.M!;il :tf! ? if Tt.lMlKll t.r.'l.'Ill .im-J fw -f ' W w . 4 .- jjccrace upon this free ai.d eulishtened jrovernmeut. Loudon ln- t i .w. I i-i- j ,., ,, t) h . j. ..... r . .. T . at Hi 'IJiirigtxtl "-I t ). I - h. I'r Wi.tuui-. Is rspeet. . : .- pre lit. l'.u-ioe-- a; ?! Ltt . UtLrc ha not be'M very' bri ttiiu ti. Ih mouth. There have been i.ui -7 h i--t ad-. ji i.re-eupu m-.. . nuuncr ci.iii-- , ,, , ,,.... ... ,. . m (- ui.. ..-- .. . , hnu' Uvti ui ! rn., th-i- -j month .h b-i!t .ee 't d. 1 l i- !I1. . il.ine-.tel 4. U.'. . . i .. .... . .... uuilicn Bi'i -J , I ';ui'- "- . ilutucr cuiitirv cuinc?, i '. u ia. i Tin' (tiard think- Uu-h in u ' it b -ym I a t! ubt. T . j : r ,t. -...... t.l,.. I... !',.!., U,,., - ;'--''--- -- - - ' iM'.-iiiTibility -u-t-t in the U:t tit ' ,e "' " f " "" a rc"1 'at -? t"'- i W.ii.c ul the .it V-:ir. Tijer i " a ira-j :t if t! t1 Ie of Frtf.k.iH e t'saty ob jtti;.;- .i ia..i .j.l ;4 .in ar!i d tt. lb ! .V I The o-i?heat ;i:i -11 d ?'.". .' r m'cui.s lu b. i.-i;!tvtd by uur i. , , 1 1 jHrnueiH-. awi e .ivt? n - i. i 'here Vet llir-n nre wen ..t".:i-ri. w-rk I here, whi-e lu ju.t.y -b i W-- - is- ( toxTon. for liKta'tf. r..-t nUnt tir.-nfv !h-hmt In-a hu-h-l-ol. roriJ tl: - year, :s"d ba- n!-o a ii mri-h , Illlf p,iuh i-tel a:d, cmtairm. abjut ' iiihm v.idri pea h tre -. ' C. C. iJcsu.i tt ha- al.oU ;i.i pe.eh 1 1 ,i 1 trn-- in a vifr-mri- an 1 hea.M. e n ii .;.... i 1;. ....... n . I ., -itzJ.. ' al.iiiuetl at .-on.t- Kiane imt-ea ar.d eiiviiti -taint - ab''it In- v.ei!. I he . ., .. , u.lii-'.t, 't-L-t tleep. Tl C CU tilth; Is :ij U)ttii,.r ;ua, vi bt.-h 1-not tin--,t-.t' ' ',.'.' . wuii ;r u! the otin-i w.-ii, tnttiti, . . . , -. . . . . vu-mity. in .ubmion to ihi-, hi::i.elr ..... .. ., .1:1. an ' la,llll' arc 'o-.piently .-.artk-.l hy U11.I, ii't.iuml uot-e-. le-mblin-; the , ... - . iiimt'.m -ound oi a ti.o'.jm; ti.iin ol . . ivi m- t.. . .t . -. 1 -.--.lu. ffiiv iii .1 jw.'.r eu-. -.csnu-ne- tti-'-e noi-- :ire ae ' sjuui!; '. .-iii 1 " ; "Im. lose 1 il !i ir. .eir iri ' 1- J"''-int-(. oiiipinicl i h -.i.il 'In v-. . trt- 1 ,. f,,,. , .j..tll 1 . ,s. ,. w .rtna.i. ilir ' o.s- e.vp'an nioii- ol the- phenom 111!. h'""" -"' " !l l-.1 "' ',' "t l" have t.e-11 ovi 11, and variou- th-orie- a-t'i th' eis.iri'-'er of th -e mntrj ha i- a-eitd that the -tivam- tu th:.- alley :! t"d b uinb-i around eti:r-n t Irom the 1'l.itte The-e eurr tit- an fiiiin I at even ibyh- in lb -:rid h - .iwthf' -ml. aii't :' 1- .-npp - u 'hat i-rxaii- .-f)j-j'---f .-. . , ,, 1 . 1 . the ".ni . iiia,ly uiol-ile with tne water, and that .hi- motion d" the -an 1 O'.U-e-the soir S-. j (,,MU. itter 1 , - 1.- worthy ol -nine mve-tiat: 11. I I Tf; t.. V..: ; n.t ..... I nclo tii.ly .orii- 1- Hie 111 -t vealihv fisuier in tin- -ee'ioii. He lv v tr- h.u ". eighty :u-ie- broke. "tnd 'he re-: ol hi- e.-.un b i.-t :M 1 ii with a wue Jem- 11 -ay- that h. ,... ,,..,,, ,.; h, j,,. ,,,,, "'1 h'-, life i:i In h..-i t and l..wi Tin- -eetion j- be .ijd all thrill! the Jiue-t f.inniir bnd in the e.upity. All lllt-' goveiiimeut land 1- taken but tiie sadio.i I I ind 1- ver. ehoie . an i shottid be piireb l-f.l. ijjoc'n ci t, lVvembor 1th, I TV I i..e:r.l met p-ii -ix-uit to-. T urnuieft . '. "iC-eilt, 'I. . Mall, .1. H. Hobait, 1., - 1 r u o 1 1 Loliiltil-.-l Mier-, '). A. luile.i.-, Llclk. I t L,u.0 wa-.ptahfied a- C.iinui.- 1 ' -ioner .id P.-:r:ct, and entercd.it once on hi- duti '. Minutes ofh-t lnccting were tea t and approv . 1. Sk u'e-ucnt- mule with ?ittri vi-r.i-of all mad 'li-trict- ex'-ept .' and to The folio. vim.; otli -. il bond- appiov- ed: U. A. Teel. l. K Ih.w .-, il. '. i Si-ott, .M ('. Vuhiuu-m, (.11:1-. lbs-' chow, t: 1 M Ah xan 1 -r. A e. )r- . j O. Harvev apd 1. KuSin. Cui-tibi"-, I Kiatik Pu-i how and dim. t'. Wolle, Ju?tUv, of lhtf t a . K T K:ms t Hunter, .1,,,. Mctoy, K. ..Can rad. J. I. Chipiu, doelivi-on 11 A Kuu-tmi. O. Arnold and Alex. II ul'-y, uo id Sup -rvi-oi-. ., . ..,. ., . .. ,. ,. Petition oi deo. eu-s for lmucr !i- WIM. j.r.i, :m jVtfr u UL.XI meeun C-titr-et f.-r fuini-h:H cmitity woo I -- l". " "" - '" "-' "- " Adjourned ttli '.' a. in , Hcc. otli. J. A. rti.i.LV-. C. V. Mali.. Ceik- Gunman. I I. .. -.i. ..-. l'vC. OlU, l.o. 11 . . . j- ..11 Met imr-uaut to adj .uriifuent. l-iid i,,...,! nrt.n, l.ea-e of e or v; or .5t., , 1 1, cau- ,, , "., , L-eited at re.pte-t ot 'e-see Appheition oi .'i.e. W. lientleyand ' S. O. AiUon for lea-e ef -eo.rseijs Sec lt. 1. H . crafted. J Tho i;,1!oA..lir accyl.afc ailowil Jud -es of r.lectioti ;--.; Clerks of H ectiou J. It, Will vx, rent of office ' " Slate Jouruil Co., books and bi.nks d- - Tolley.-. i-.-uing Cert, of 02 Oo Kieciiuti c, .. in 1) t.f. , H- ' Iil- SheiiiF's fees , -h !- noma-, primms . i... Ha 1 )..t. Xj J cten led south to ' aGl!'n l,ank -M UepunlL-an liver. )- , -'ia.v uuar i, I -77 wm- set for ; a hearii.s m the uia-ter of ihe appii- tiim of l!t V. Bird lor a ii.juor Iwe..-. -,. , . . . . , aiuatioa ot land m sections .Jo and 34 T. , K. 1 !, on tax lit of k7o re - ouced to ' ,J per acre U.at-d nJiournLJieiZ. J. A. Ti.-f.y, G. W. Ball, Clerk. Cbaii man. t f. "-wS m - -?- 71 . X s v. .-V 7. ' L f'-ir-S r'Sj y S'r Mi r- -j fi w . t2 1 - yjy 1 me i w i i m HARK THESE FAC t S. '1 K" f. i ! . : 1 W . - V r .1. imm.i.'m .- rn.i.s. ti. . lit .t 1. . ii " 1 -.ur !'il! ' in.irw t."i- " tUc h-.u-t- ... .... , . ... ,,r U llowaj biv cut-.l my h-rulaci.- l'.a,t " "" ,,r""' .- ..... . . , , ni:i;ar ir- i. -av 1 -? i-r ' iKin-ra tni.ri'U-. in 'U-.tr mtiu irun ot , w-h m .t .!. " 1 lit tiiiit.ni nf .1 iiinrniiiif ik ni.ii it raa! V'J tinncj ! .1 iiicrmiiff i m.w rurr!. --j ,.,.r hv t u..u..a s , .? ,.,.. ' i-..n..t-c-in ilij-nei-l. I n.l.i.ei - .:. ..t r . t Wmnl ihet-nr-aadthe n..w u-; ' " I An I ..' v't'ti 11- f t'i'- '"ii'i. tiii-'niitinont i- in - 1 tin il i- I ' '. 1. - 11 .f lie c'in !",,!; " ,1 '" '" " v,r '" l ,,t t',, l,-- ItOl.I UV.V S 1MU.S Iin.ii -.iil'ij i lire :lic f.!I win Ii.ii-a-'e-' I.""""!'' "' r -i','0 - In "ill illo.l-'"-' ( Mtirf tl 1 ' itiv.u heli- o'h,; -i r. t.- tti mu.-ii ! t- . au m-r - ".- ' i-- n--. -!. vt- -ran ' r nlM-ilit-r fi.j tu ..i. .til n.i :-..nc . r ; fcrlV,.. .,r w t'. i.-i,4 :, ,;..,- -utti.. .1, ! ' V';.,,! '"' ,,fS'r !u !"' V" ' ,rt "'"- 1 iiifOii'Miivtif -ti"!!' 1 1 e .e.i iu'.i.i-.! mr-. th" in ill ot tin-... .n otti.no. tin. tr n-.m-nt i. k. .im -t " hate tu.n! hIuj .:il -her meai.e lmt 1 ; ;,u,,. I F:r S:cra:hs Out c: C-rizr. ! J'? :; 'T ' ;V':! r"! i , ti...- it uiNitv ..i..i-...,-,i . uh-r t,j m- letni'.T.i t i-:iirn r l('t ; H !.!. u l 1 1 i:ir. the :..-t knmn ,,,. pu,,, u..,..., j;;.-,.,;..... .;.,.;. toir-ii..-iti.-. I . v. r- 1 . 11 kit. Iv ft - ....!'. in .111.1. .1.-, i:iiki-iiii'i. nr. i-ua I'm. .-on I hri .i- 1 -tor.e in I i.r.ivcl. ..-rii- ut .111 km it, vVc.ikti Irmn :m ei c. . IT. '3TA:r o.'TT- TV ... V. ...I W..W .v... Nfiiie :ir L-i'ini'iit-i.'i!'-- the risn tun ! '. ii ".. a- orf.it t rth" t nit. il M..t". -art. u I ".i"li h 1 ill.", .iii.i iiitmciit. A 1..0..I .eu.- r-v irl wilt hujri.-fii to .01 Jo c r. 1 vrimr -11 11 :iu ! .l.iti.n ii , ij teili" tin-i.' .-lien of nni i iny or i.ir 1 eouii '-r-l(--i'i the tiii'itiotiif- or v . 1. Ii.ik the ;.:tue. i.n ivi',; tin in to I.- -iiriou-. '. -old .11 tlir 11 ana a. t..ry ni I'roJV-'-ir Hoi i..ih v A f-. New Vor-. an t by til r" . l . uraKrriri- a'Kl (ie.i.tfr- in iii'-h. on. f'-'""-'""" he ei iSi'.l iv..rlt. in on ..t , -(en.-.'j. m- .1.1 1 M. e.n h ' Hk ie i-i-n.i-nkr.ibic -.ui Khy1.1kn.tr 1 l ' !..rj.-i - , N. l: - I,,.- tH-i i-.r the sindan. 1 : - I if,-;"" lu uW -nUT ar attitfl " I i.u.. llw f 1 3 i Cn-r, .'. "i T"-0.- C.ro.. ' V TliH r.rJlO lIoilH; Qffn:.n -fO .liTl t tf WVilUllll tAiU (M-.lt: WAS ANVAKDKPTIifc. FIRST PREMiUM i At the Centenni d Kxhibitiou. 1-7'".. and I. i- .nwai - eirrn 1 oil the h.aln. -I h r- ihtn'.i r I tsh bued. , .. :-.:., .n?.e. i;rs;2. -..r ..--." ri Atltiptctl in the lean's of iEVERYBODY. :e Zz:'.y.2 VTi: :u: e. ! S3iplif icily Hie Tl.'ii'Iiiiie Varran.bd i"or Five Years ! j j5e,l for price-anJ .!iipltof w uk ; done on the- Home, ur call at any ol , our oftices. V ' t ! fr Wa rtiton Sijuare, N. V. i ., . i. '. c. i. c - r -..: m , -i "uui c an cue.-., .t ,.rai-. .mo 1 -' ' hin-toi, Smet. Ho-ton Ma-,. ,"tl ,ultf - -"- io. m. illi -No, Avenue. P:ttsbrh, Pa. 17 Xew Montgcmerv St.. San Fran fis.o, Caliibrsra. 17 ! & r-r - r-k sk , Xf. .. : v t. rvrr . .Jf-A'-jr 'liisnssa-' .-.. -- T. . -. C . . - ... .. . ' I -. tl 4 J j) - - ir -; . j u--t I " . ,. r. I. . ' PURELY Y6TA3uE. . !.-', ?' r. . . .. t' . .u t i'f Ilrf'- . T ' .. . - ; i I t. -.' t " , h r ... ' & - - I ' ' 1 .. k f r . . . -.. j i . . . 4 r .-i " n! '11 ll ... I.d" ',ti, r i .! !l . : '. . j. ! 1 S. . - i. It i. i :. 1 . 'i iti. t . .; J i' I 'i k 1; -l ' ' - .1 iii . ir .iK . !. n ui--j a ; f I .. , ,.. - ....- . 1 4- r : 'h'- '' on :'' rrfft ft it. !..'. ij J 1 ft. in -A ' f- -e .T ''jr .1 ' -i I 1! . 't tlriUU ri 1 . ". ul- :'.-.... i:tt i'.tiCe .I I. ..!'. vr t ait i. a'B. I 1- ar r T - m f"n- . . . ! t.'.r (.! cr Mm I u.'l 1UI - , . - - r . . l a. ,m - 1.1 mk. A . 'a..: I '.Mi'e ' ( li " iji.ii.-i,i. i.ri",i. .i 4- '. : v ., 1 i r l'j ; 1 1 . t. .1 u ir . t . I I 1 ,. II. 1 1 a . 1 - -f.r ' 1 I. ' r..V'l -. r '. 1 . r t..-t t ' . . . . r - ii. . I.. . r Ir. if . 1 . i. Uf. I . V . i, f - i " ' ' . r .t n t ri !' I'! K rf . l ' i t " . 1 '.j a. i ..- t.- i. ..fc-raj.!. n l U. u.. ' to . i '. m .i.u: l " (1 !'! - " . . 1. i.S ,,.. and .'Hit. UM I lll. hm m 1: . I.' nni fi.u lU'-ii' oj .(-ii-- U ti f 1 ui.lc ilii'rfMii ' ' 't". ll- 111 au . I I . i ...til. k a liU- l-ilUiUn. a .1 1 ... ' 111 ...I. ill ret. I. tO.C .t r . n . ... i liii ' r 1. ! .:nUUi.!. f . 1 -I. 1 ' u. ii. , n.it -a - hi. 1. . U- u--. Ilia. ' . i. I'-a. 1 . I i' 1 Ht ki.'l i -' r".tl'M . t ir ail ii.-t at? "I '.ti l.itr ..uoi!. ... -j 1 11 A- .. i n l Vl.AUK'l s ttVKii-, HOVEI. 'M iMAi.M-. i.,-iii-ii. HtAia it , I .N.VI "fc . !' K iit.Ai tt, . ' 1 HNriII,llN UU'i Ultl'O -M.-t I 'f ilA.-s ti HJ'.J.. t.- r.u i.u.. A-f her. ar. 1 iiiiiii'-T ! naif iti -n-"f- ' ttic I"l ll . M- 'tii'l .I...I -I tl.f ' .. I.'. nil' t-. I.u In. ! Ii r'(. ffrj.ar I ? .nm Liv.r l.txiiin.r. unl -- u ..ur rntsi t-tai.pr. .'i. u.f tr.i.- i...,rk. -t .... . -Vl.atUIl Ull'.l h . , ! '.I'lf I I-tt l.ul m".;. "n. n"Vr.t .Vir.7. :,. Vouri.iluit.il iii. li n.i- .-mi " .i"i It. HUl'iti'l. ha .iv. I u.e tl..n ' It I - il - t n ri:nri.Ti:ii.i; - ui.imi..K'1 auluviri fciitrt it l" '..!. 1 lmt.M'.tit lu ..ii' 4'i'l ril'iii- til r. 'ii uiulc-aa t it -r- - Kii u tlit-i.i u'H.tn lull- t. .it -..t . tiui. 1 .iiK -no in-t n.r iifitir ttt. .... t- r ..11 . m titiu tn.it h .-- il .-a i It ti : th-ly Antut !.! t.fji . r-..f .i .r,.. - . fc -I , j , J H'lnit; J 0111111. jlU,,IU V UU,U tf I II A i-r 1 ' fitM.t Mi, NKIS. ; , A Genera! Banking Businoss Ti:xs.r!i;i. -U ALLOT JONS MADE A SPECIALTY. l)rafl-ott lyttope ImmirIu and old. ' uent- for several teaniIii:t lim - fnr I. u-itiexs emruMeJ to ti? will h.r j.rompt and careful atteution. HAWKY C. lb I'r.rnnt, Prop !'.- ',. a '. pennb-al Inrsf c.ir. Ctrl crm-tir';. ... . . ! on ban 1 Lumber. I.ith. bin: S l-ti. Hoot- an i i'.itid-. Building Paper and fi.eu.d ings. Pine and Hard weed LUMBER. tT Whmt iri'f h txhffl !'l "Zrh'lU'J' fur linn?)' r. M. IT l'KA. j. i!-Br:iZEN. Proprietor- of the RED clovd .R--tVI--l? A hrgo -tnck of L.ssr I-r eon -tantly on hand. t & AH order attention. J.IIKKKXJ.EN&CO.. MOWERY &. FARRELL. , - !Ma' . TVs :. : . tf I! lTIM. ( !ll HU'C Jilt c ' Hi r.- ar.- -f -t . V, ? t I .. -'.o !lt i A'l 1 M. u da, r4v-rii M - 'l-- of H;3Y a'OS. ,ii,'..:::j;:t't.-.o:h cV S'2 a 11 it 4' Is n e,iai,v a - a ( il n !-. .! W ( 1 1 .v 1 t I tt la. ..!.: fi- 'if Ktn 1- . ii .j 1 11 '. , ho .1 Uiire f'-W l t!ii (' ' " in j tie -li'endld V d' ". I ' 1 i . ' smrrs ii;. u i::s I .til V,,i. h .,.., .1 ' j t;U(H'KUiK. ("Ktit'KKK'! I .h.H:i....u in ar.' :.! .-i.it.t.i. I. . - -" '- -- --- -.-. -. h,1! wil! !.. -i'. v.-u ill' i t t i -n I'.I.I .ill I I ll.llf ! -t n k, it i ' t HpOTQ sMfi's' f-J.TiS Da11? 1 - vi I . OHct-O. rnilJi. ucl,)5. . J ! ! ! ort,.-i. -tn- ....i- 1 t.e -'iii a V. 'v (!H',. . I all an-f -.f r - in t 1. . nvite that thLi I- the pia.-e ii trdi " '" c imi.i;. , I WELL BORING. 1 N C CI irk .-I '. i. f V -k hi- I i i!. the t.f t . .: : . j ai'idi itu- ViT U- d. l-.Mi-t-' ' ' ' ot.i '-. fe Two iii n wit"1 ie itr--.- r 'I- an (ir '1 fr on Join .' t- l u "in ii thri.h tt-e r-.ck .f f' - -'.'tr fie -( tr i I-an w ii ('' : . be ti .. -v V.-rk it. i l ' - :! THK CIIIKF, s t! -1 A X I Wtt ?&W TS6S. W IVyK-V. mm Tfpriiif inn 't'liirc. w . . J THE ONLY PACER IH WKIiSTKU ( o M. L Tu-.JiAS. PltSri' ' J"Liui;i !;u Nc!) - ! fKO. KUUHR I'KOi Chryl Uh G'i J"i5fc t'7 -S"';- 17 7. ItKIM-J.?!'!) t SMffH CKXTKl: i Stage Line. I Ci.nnectit.r at IJ- ("on: with the ! I.epubiie.ii Hiv - -- - Th-ee resl' tr-- a -. arnrmr AT III i'"-' t-A w and depr:m lr.ua Ki t g?r: at t-i iviH reoeire pioniM'saiuetime ihst.e fn-. tbe railroad !,ioei- ,..nr- .-.,.- r.m ! --.; . i,m... f. . -U i 1 1 KJfllitTO.Y. . i fi: - ' 1 . i . u: . n:i'. - . . Quick Sales & 1 - m? t; J' 1. k f iUlD I i DRY ;2im'5-:ShI 5 .. c:c:;:': m.ii .viu: :i:i- ..ml 4 I:i .-, .u ( Patent IVIcdicincs, Oils, Fainb, w . l.:;. ! VALLEY HOUSE J. G. uVASiYER, Prop I - . t 1 . - 1 i . "i .' f piirpn-f ot tbf ffa f .! w rv;i: ui. tin: ntK .l ! Il.i V r !i,!I'm -l 1 I Claim lo Have the BF.ST STABLE Wcbt uf Lincoln. A v. . . i -fie . n . i . il A V A A I) VI-o.n ri'-viti bit rr f'fotn f'n- ' ' th'-r it n -.! -i'rt-iii!. CI IAS. K. -iuniata- DRY GOODS. KOTICIK3. VA1 S , CAPi. Tinware Quccnsw:'!' H i 2 w & - V W kt hjr 2,li,sl J,sJl Iri - S ivny.'-feKa feSkw. '-""- -' & B3Sr - '-i Ssw,tr---J . fHt IM ' ' Z -- wS???riES5r '3 3f frir, ."Lb. Iv """ f3r5Sirf?T. A.. y ''. 3K1W OoL-O s:cy i. .!: - mmbr - i. -,r r,,fii; iifsa. . ".-rSIa-W- r fc l..-VCV,ri t ."S1!- I f - -iij: THL "SILVER TONGUE" RGrAK TEST OF i T'a- chcapt-n U - cau' - Xew Sivks just ready. Lists, hxamim' our new for cvei-in,: perf'nn mim polic '. St v h s .HTi,jlv Lot! :?, Ai 11 -t ; i lii J'l t Manufacturers. I !? T 1TV T7 T ; . . . i-ii.x.i. w, OUi. , 1 n in -. (10. .v;; i H t I ! , t .Qmnll Pro ..! i s : jrniHMHUJ'r. fV f n; i) vivo -rte tu., N c i:iu:oi' i. v i tl U M K 1 1 1 (.' It A I otr"M t f 'nitwit jt t "iinl.. rtr X vtSf-rt- U .i .KJM-:.-. IVrcT3r7i3l-n 0 MiX QOODS SERIES Mm 5 j w& & tl s t3 t m i - Eaid n,r C;r:iii ?' rpf3ii'f ' '.-. 5." . ki. A.V-f ij. xi. HW 5 terr .. T THIRTY YEARS. - the I,;!. Fuliv wnr- i.tr Si ml ffr Catalogue cn.i Pr in tiirci'of Udhtin th' :... - rtu irjrv-i". t -tdapii d lor Parlors. ( ;-,-,," Lii . rvaluri . Adklf " TT t 7.T jp. CrtT f i My k aKS . . -- - ' .- ' J c