I k TIIK TWO A it mii:.. UV W lloLMK As life ifi" id ui ! i i.ii p -urs. Two marshal-.) I. .--. ar- sa- n Twuarmtn om the T.uii,o.-il tiorfl That death !! iwi urjc i.e-weett. One imrrl: 5 to Uie drum-tH-at's roll. Tie vl lc in'irtw1 ri .wi.iirt Urajr, And Im-31 i on a tHhs.u ser II, "Our irlo Is to slay." On inVf) l-i slime !y Ute fi'xoain. with tail. yet wair-i-fiil vys, CaSin .13 th.- paMrtpUTiPl e leajn That naUui iiieluul-l &. Atom; itt Iron n- tabre hlnr, o lrod-red petitions wave; Its banner hear a rli.Kla Hue, "On i" tint y It .0 ve " For ?ii n 1 -atti -Srds raei-lag tliiUe; At honor's trtnnpe rail. With Lui tl i.ror. ami lifted blade. In ?lory"s tirtut tl.ry 'all For th5'0 no 11 t-thlni: f tlchluns Orl'Ui, No ttirrtnz Ijiltie-'-ry: Tli; looiili'M ta'iT rails ijr o';;&t ilach atisiri-rs, "Here am l!" Fot thov the sMiipt'r"s nnrcleC bast. The builder's n-ai Me pile The anthem's M-a!lng o'er lielr dsat 1 hronii lun atli Ural alU s. For thrs" tin-1 Ioriin-apinltlcil tcrf That lloodt tin- lone prave Wrif xi sfiriiis roll in lior tea-green suit lu flower) -SonniiK v.aves. Two paths lend upward rrom hclow. Autl artj;elt wait ai.ova-. Wlioronut on h l.tirntii;; 1 Ie-lrops How, Kacli lalltnq tear ol love. Thousli Irom Mi H-io' ulmxllag breast 1I r fti'tip Ir'-frtotn dr?w. TliotiKh the lilt Mies In her rrcit SpraiiK Item that icarlct ltv WM evaioiN rat tj'iTr Mian pi ns wait Till a I i Ir .1 :;- -!, . u, I.ove wants iii.i-'i :i nz 1 through the gate. To sit lu-tld.- tin- tlii. me ROMANCE OF HISTORY. A Knurs TVrrblc "ecret. At llii l!ni;r s ! Vi. mi.t 1 wo nlllii CmirniMs A Ilnv tl Mi-Iii-v 'llifll uli tar ..I Oihm-ii :oolJii - i Hie V11I.1 Kn. a-rn A In-:nll.il l.Vvoliit ion '! I10 I'.ital Vl.l-A tiiili l 5liu;ir"i. "IS 1L pus l!.li I crlli V" "I have told you the truth, Mantow. SJie is here!" What! Thekins'.s mistress?" "Yes, Mini'. Cchstim- Von Prah!orf arrivfd last niuhi wi'h a little hoy and two st'ivanls at the hotel of the Ilonian I'm prior, and she intends leniainin hen; in Vienna during the whole term of the ComjH-ss Sivereiyi.s that is to jilace the peam of Ktirope upon solid and durale'. Icitiid.ttiuiis." "list! ha! ha!" "What iiial,.-s you laugh, M.mtow?" "J Tow can oii ask, Teern? Js it not a od joke :!iat the moral and Iious mask which our noble King, Fredeiirk Wil.i tm the Third, of Prus sia. tli j:ie.itt .-t bxpocrite in Kurojte. has worn so lo:ir. shall ! at length torn from his hour old face? ITeaveiiS, what a seand.tl the arrival of that splendid siren, who has managed to capture I lis Majesty, will en-ate here in Vienna! I can imagine thai the king, our raeious master, is in very bad humor ever since he heard tli.it Mine, von Fiaii'iorf is here." "Is lie not in love with her. then?" "IJali, he is an old rake, as bad as mat erowiieu non iiiovanni, Louis the Filleenth of Prance, was. only our noble ruler is moieiiekle in his basons, and I have bt en told that he isseii ouslv tiiiukingot m.urin4 again." 'b'eally? 1 thought he had taken a solemn oath that he would not plaee upon anotlier woinans lu.ul the crown worn by lie.-.ut'i'ul (J.ieen Louise?" "I'shaw ! the solemn oalhoi Fn-derick William the Thin!! You make me laugh again! Why, doifi you know the old hpocrite thinks that a being as exalted as he need not keep any oaths? Rut li.iion llaidi-nburg has put it into the king's head that it would be a niapter-sliokeof polie for him to marry the daughter of the Rrince Re gent ot England." "That is news, indeed. The daughter of the. Piim-e Itegent and gay Queen Caroline?" "The same. Racked by England. Prussia could have everything her own way at this Congiess." "That may be; but this matrimonial Fcheme ol his Majtsty suggests one idea to me." "And that idea is?" "Why, our court of Reilin would be come a perfect love couit." The two gentlemen, both of them chamberlains of King Frederick Wil liam III. of Prussi 1. who were convers ing in this manner on the lilt h of De cember. HM, in one of the ante-rooms of the Donhoff Palace, where the king had taken up his abode while in atte: dance upon the Congress of Vienna, burst into laughter, but thev suddenh assumed very grave f.u-es and bow il profoundly, for the kin- himself opened the door of the adjoining room. The King of Prussia, who had plaved so conspicuous, but far from enviable, part in the tn mend.-Mis events tint had shaken the old world for the past J w.'iitv yeais. was tail and gaunt. His face wore, geneially an austere expression, and he liked 10 be looked upon as a pattern of gond morals. In reality, however, he was exactly as the two court ieis had dcseiibed him inoidinately fond of women and ad dicted to excessive brandy drinking. To-day he locued more morose than ever. "Co to some other mom." he said, in his dry, surly way. "Expect important visitors. Want to be alone with them. Begone!" The chamberlains left the room with all marks of submissiveness. When the door closed behind them they exchanged significant glances and smiles. "I will lay a heavy wager that he is looking for her, Tt-gein," said Ilerr von Mantow. "Awl I would not take the bet, Man tow, because 1 am sure you would win it" Thev had gmssed coneetlv. Fifteen minutes later a veiled lady, j above the middle height but of wonder- fully symmetrical form, and displaying I ill her every movement uie finished gracefulness of the daughters of the highest aristocracy, entered the king's apartment. "Frederick!" hhe exclaimed impetu ously, as fhe removed 1it veil and em braced the king. "I could nol stay away from you ai.y longer." "And yet ou 'l.uld not have come here at this time, Celestine," he said re proachfully. "Not?" she cried, drawing back a step. "I should not have come here, Frederick? Why not?" He looked at her admiringly for a few seconds. There was no us denying it she was a marvelously beautiful crea ture, with her large blue eves, her wealth of golden ringlets, her classic ally ehiceb-d features, and her com plexion, wonderfully pure, even among the. fair dauuhteis ol the North, ho noted for that charm. "Celestine!" he then said, "you must leave Vienna without delay." She stamped her small foot indig nan'ly. "I will not do it!" she cried with flashing eyes and a most defiant ex pression of countenance "You low me, Celt-tine?" asked the king, taking her head in his hands and looking deep into her eyes. "What a question, Frederick!" she exclaimed, bitterlv. "I am readv to sacrifice even thing for you everything except one thing." "And what is that. Celestine?" "The belief in your love and con stancy!" There was a slight frown upon the king's face as he heaid the impassioned words. "Yes," she continued, impetuously,"! live you, Fiedcrick, as ardently as a woman ever loved man. Rnt beware of slighting me!" "Pshaw!" he exclaimed, with a forced smile. "What silly creatures you wo men are! I low can ou doubt my love for ou?" "Did not you ask me just now to leave Vienna a,Miu. after I had made the long journey at this inclement season " "And yet you have to depart imme diately, repeat it." "Fiederick, I can not," she rejoined (irmly. "My little son Fiederick's health is feeble. Hetaunot bear the fatigues of another j urney. It would kill him. Do you want him to die, Frederick? lie is your son your im age. You do not know how great a resemblance he bears to you now." The king seemed to be visibly affected by these words. "1 will come and see the child this very afternoon. CehMine," he said. "Rut you must leave your hotel, for I can rot visit you there." "!5ut where shall I go. Frederick? I was- told this morning that Vienna is cio vtled with strangers, and that it was it to impossible to hire suitable .ipaitmentsin piivate residences. You know." she added proudly, "I will not put i with infeiior accommodations." The king reflected a moment. 'Count Redern,"ho then said, "has a villa 011 the road to choenhiuu. It is unoccupied, but very nicely fitted up. I will rent it for you. At tlnit villa I can visit you every day without at tracting attention. Will you go there?" She joyously pioinised. The king embraced her. Disengaging herself from his arms she looked anxiously into his eyes, and asked: "Rut, Frederick, why did you want me to leave Vienna in such a hurry?" "Oh. it was a mere whim of mine. Celestine. Xever mind it let us now talk of our boy." The beautiful woman remained for some time with her royai lover. When she left him she was over-happy; for he had never been so affectionate to ward her as on that day. During the afternoon she was installed in the Villa Redern. w heie the King 01 Prussia visited her shortly after dark. When Frederick William left Mine. on I-raudorf. Mile. Zwerg, her old lady of company, entered her boudoir. "C raeious lady, may I ask who the distinguished luoking oilicer was that just left you?" "Oilicer!" she exclaimed, bursting into merry laughter. Mile. Zwerg's face assumed a very grave expression. "I believe I saw the gentleman be fore," she said. "What makes you look so sour, good old friend?" asked the King's mistress. "Was that gentleman not his Majesty King Fiederick William the Third, of Prussia?" inquired the old lady. "And what if he was? Mademoiselle, vou frighten me! What do you mean by looking so sombre?" "Answer me one question. Madame," said Mile. Zwerg, solemnly "is the King your lover?" "He is.'" Mile. Zwerg sank with a groan into an easy chair, and buried her face in her hands. "Gracious heavens! wlnt is the mat ter?" cried Mine. Von Fraudorf. hast ening to the old lady. "Speak! for Cod's sake, spe.lk!" Mile. Zwerg dropped her hands. Her face looked livid. "Tell me," she said, in a very low tone, "is the King vour son's father?" "lie is! he is!"" Mile. Zwerg uttered a shrill cry. "Almighty God!" she groaned, after a pause, during which Mme. Fraudorf vainly implored her to explain her strange agitation. "The King is my betrothed," she said, hurriedly. "I am to become his morganatic wife. lie told me so half an hour ago. lie is to confer the title of Count Rrandenburg-Fraudorf upon my son. and settle a large estate in Silesia upon him." Mile. Zwerg interrupted her by an other fxclamution of horror. "T'n is too dreadful too dreadful!" .Oie -ried, wringing her hands. T .1 me what you mean," said Mme. Yon Fraudorf, indignatly, "or I must think that yoa have gone mad." Mile. Zwerg, with a great effort, re gained her calmness. "Dearest Celestine." she then said, with an air of Ixjundles fndernefs, "you must know the terrible truth, although my heart bleeds at the idea thai I. who love you as a mother, should have to inflict the em-slung blow uon lJ vou." I J Jiejl Slit Oi'Miiu lirj up- i,.''jr i 1 ill': J ear of Mina. Yon Fraudorf, whose bosom was heaving in her agony or suspiw. Mile. Zwerg whispered a few word.-? to her. 1 The beautiful creature gave a start as i if stung b a scorpion. : For a moment slit stood as il petrified. Then she sank, with a piercing cry into a long swoon. ri. l. , 1 -...,.!.. I., !...- nmm .-!... That night her life was despaired of, but next morning she was mueh better. he insisted upon leaving her bed. and when the King of Prussia, under the incognito of runt ZoIIeru, was an nounced to her, she ordered him to be 'Shown into her boudoir, j She was very pale, but this added to ! her charms, which were splendidly set off by the wrapper of white satin which she wore. Nothing indicated i the ternble storm that was raging in her breast. She suffered the King's caresses. He was exceedingly affec tionate and demonstrative, having drank on the morning in question more brandy than his somewhat feeble biain could stand. "My dailing." he said to her. "you wanted to know yesterday why I was so anviouj that you should leave Vi enna without delay. Shall I tell you now ?" She nodded her head. "You see. Haidenburg. my minister wants me to marry again." "Ah!" "Yes. Celestine, he thinks the interest of my kingdom would be greatly pro moted bv marrying the daughter of the Piince Regent of England." "Indeed!" "Yes. That marriage would, of course, not make any difference in your rela tions toward me. "Oh. no!" "You see. Celestine, if the English diplomatists here in Vienna should find out that I am head over ears in love with you. the whole match might be thwarted." She smiled strangely, but he did not notice it. "Fiederick." she said, aftei a pause, "you promised yesterday to give me a written piomise that our son should be elevated to the dignit of a Count Rrandenburg-Fraudorf. and that suita ble provisi"ii should be made for him. Here is pen and ink. Write it now!" "Why not?" The King quickly penned a few lines on the sheet of note-paper which she had handed him. While he was writing he did not notice that Mine. Yon Fraudorf poured the contents of a small vial into a glass of water. "Here is the paper," said the King, handing it to her. She glanced over it. "It is sufficient." she said, and sealed ami directed it. Then she hurried to the King, em braced him fervently, and said, in a voiee trembling with emotion: "Frederick, in a few moments I shall be no more. I have taken poison!" Tin King sprang to his feet in dismay. "Poison!" he echoed, seizing her hands. They were cold already. "Yes, Frederick, I must die, fur I am-" Her voice sank into a faint whisper. "My sister!" mut'ered the King. For a time it seemed as though th- crushing blow would deprive him of his reason. He held her in a vice-like embrace, apparently hardly knowing where he was. When he roused himstlf at last, and looked into her face. she was dead! lie had her remains embalmed, ami her coflin was deposited in the vaults of the Silesian estate, which was bestowed upon her son, whom the King caused to be carefully educated. From that time forward Frederick William was a changed man. Once a year he visited that humble Silesian village church, had the lid removed from her colli n. and g;ujed upon her features, which even in death were so beautiful. she had been the illegitimate daugh ter of King Frederick William the II. Superstition. Japanese people are very supersti tious, and have innumerable signs ami tokens by which to regulate their con duct and beliefs. They never sweep the room 5 of a house immediately after one of the inmates has set out upon a journey, or to be absent for a time. Tins would sweep out all the luck with him. At a man iage ceremony neither hride or bridegroom wears any clothing of a purple color, lest their marriage tie be soon loosed, as purple is the color most liable to fade. They nave curious ideas in regard to the finger-nails, which are only cut at certain times. When a person loses a tooth, either ar tificially at the hands of the dentist (Japanese "tooth carpenters") or by forceps, or by accident, in order that another may grow in the empty socket, the tooth, if from the upper jaw, is buried under the foundation of the house: if from the lower jaw. it is thrown upon the roof of a house. On New Year's day, the head of a house hold does not like to hare the word 7. i (death used. This is a syllable very difficult to avoid, as it has over a dozen different meanings, and occurs in sev eral hundred Japanese words, some of them very common. Thus let us sup pose a family of husband, wife, child, and servant, numbering four (ihi). A visitor calls, and happens to use the words Shiba a city district in Topeko, sM teacher, poem, four, to do, etcj The host, at first merely angry with the vis itor who so forcibly usea the sinister j words, is incensed when the huter h.i- pena to remark that his h't? house- hold consists of four ih(. ftad is re 1 lieved when he has left the house . From hundrM; of their superUitins we will cull a few "If a woman stes 1 - I over an egg-shell, she wid gomad;t; lover a razor, it will Iwcomts dull; if , ,usi Judin Inlands in th imniTiiatf I over a whetstone, it will b broken. If ,irinit of igiqr Th princijxU a man should set his hafroa fire, he U5P marie of the article, a; present, it j will go mad. A mrl who Iwtes her An . for insulating telegraph id)les, and for . ger-nails will, when married, bring cementing Rut Ir.dui rirfar is far j forth children with grett dutifully, more wudrly distributed. l-:r. olJectl Children are told if they tell a !i an ' inI'Mlitiesall.ir.it.d thetfM-'.iftween JoJi, or an imp. called the twju. will the tt:cs. The I est ,; :.i:v of ruH'r J pull out their tongue. Many a Japn- i cinrs f:rn ;!. liiks of the Am.ton j ese urchin has spoken the 'ruth i.i fear 1 nver; RrazM prvdu.-e-s annually the nn I of wii suppose 1 1 itestaxHhngl'Y. ready j nieiise qumtitj of af.nit fourteen uul i to run away with his tongue. No surh ;, j,IUi,K atd the Centra! American I watchman seems K be s-t Iwfo.-e the ! tut-s. A f oca .and the Kat Indies to j unruly member of the scolding wife. ! gather. abmt r ftwu million i-nuula. jOf these "etlgei-tifds thai grow sharer I -The p,numptio of the material is by constant use there is a go.IIy nura- her in a Japan. When husland and wife are quarreling, a devil is belved to be standing between il.c m. encour- aging them t go on ii mi hid to worse, .. ,. ,, ... ,. t, I-orthcoiir.ng Repuri of Postiiui--ter ' lienenil Tyner. The forthcoming annual report of the j Postmaster General will contain a ver )gratiling exhibit of the business of I the department for the last fiscal year. showing a very large increase ot re- ceipts and a considerable reduction in the expenses as -oinpared with the pre- vious fiscal car which ended June So, ls7". The following st.itement taken from ., , , r .1 1 . .1 .t the books of the department shows the ' receipts ami expi-nditures for the fiscal ' . ear eiHtiug.lune jo, i&iu.aiHi will i.rm the biusis of the annual report of the PostinasVr (Ieiier.il: llrre jits rom all '-irrt liirt.a-. t-r I .' -r . . itf u 1T v v. ijh -1 Kxiirmiliuri .-til kiti.M W ? 1 l: lif.-re.e. iium i.it .r.r a.7 -'i T h-." Ai.-ii! tiirtiTerrwi-'pi"! Oh Z tt u t.z. Ot ei i'riHlitiitri if irTiat J.ar W.I-J.. ... tS. t.J.1.6 (8 Neailv the entire receipts of the de partment ate derived from the sale of stamps, stumped envelopes and postal cards, the receipts from these sources being $-'...s7o.:i.. in. Among the items of expenditure, the following were the principal one1?, viz.: I Miami fansfMirt-ulnii . sii Tii.i 01 :: ii Cutiitf us itiuii ..I l'.iini:itcr tiriKsiur e stot:ii-i I.i-it.-t -r-irrtfts ila'lw iv Iiks ... M tll'lttt !! Of -'.UIlp.-ll lMlVlllt, nij.il r ril- .in) wi.i.(nTi K.iriKii m.i'l Tr:itiHir';i ! 1 lir rcv.'tiiir 1 1 1 111 m.iiu'j -uni'T tms. ik-.is was i 1.1 :. -. i,r.'A;,o ia CH 610 'G -.. 1. j Papers in Central Asia. Nearly all the pap.-r wliuh is used in Central Asia is m iuulae:ur"ri at Kho kaml. and at iVh.uku, a li'tle village in the Khanate ol K'Hika"''. Tin1 process of making it is iiide and 1 w. yet in teresting as a hint of the achievements of the native Asiatics in the industrial arts. We extract an account ot the manufacture from the interesting woik of Mr. cl,uvler on T.ukistan:"" - ie- rags arc alternately pounded ami Mitcer ated until they are reduced to thick pulp, which is t'len collected info a touud ball. Porti-ms of tins are then placed in a tub of water and well mixed together. The paper-maker takes an oblong sieve. tn...le ol thin grass stretched over a wooden frame, and puts into it a certain quantity of the pulp shaking and inclining it until it is eipiallv riistuhuted over the sulfate. After allowing it to stand a few mo ments, he turns it out on a board. In this way one man can make about 300 leaves jer day. which are jilaced one on the other, with layers of felt between, and submitted to a heavy pressure to squeieout the moisture, in tin morn ing they aie taken out ami hung for dningona wall exposul to the south. The sizing and polishing are done in the bazaar, bv a dfl'erent set of work men. The size usu.di emp..e.I is a . Kinti 01 uexiriiie iounu neanypure in the roois of the .' truth, a plum of the lily family; ami the polishing is made by rubbing it with a suioothe, heavy stone. Uy this process the value of the paper is iieai ly doubled (from lu to 1:: or 0 cents a sheet.) Imperfect paper is, however, never thrown a wav; for. at ( the time of sizing, holes or fissures are patched up with their strips, and the surface is made so even that defe.-fs can only be discovered by holding the sheet up to the light. This paper, which is usually gray, although sometimes colored pink and blue, is very tough and linn. a. id excellent for the gummy ink with which the natives write. For the purposes of the Europeans it is of 1 ittle use. and the Kussians have to im-1 , .. .,11 . 1 ,......,,.. i .. . - , , oi t all the paper they re.pure. ! por A Black Hills miner named Rihcoek sold his claim for 8 1. .". and. becau.se it was re-sold iu a few days for .?.",.o00, went crazv over it. THF. NAKKKT. S'UW VliUfC Itrrf Ca:t!f lloSs-LlVr" Slli'.p I.IVf. Klour OoihI to rliolce Whjt VoJChlraifn Com Wrstern iiu.Ttsl Oat-t Westt-rn Kces Ituttfr I'or'K New JIes ." Lanl 7 .V) ti 9 f) J ft ((Oil J u. t 75 1 T. H y ti fal SO 21 fit .- 15 fc ', 17 f' fc!7 11 1 M t! i" CHICAoO Itfp vet Choice Hes h-ei Oooil to choire It'ttter Choice to yellow Kptrs Klolir White wlnr Sprlne extra Wlieat .sprltiR No - $ t -A fe S !S . i ft f i .. 3 "-: a, i ? I . 1 ,ft 'it 4 ; ft S i) 1 11Y3. 1 T2' J i orn so -i Oa: No ; Ky.- No . Pork Me-. new IJarley No 2 rsi. 3-"f , 61 tt i IS o fl VI ' si i tis & So .. 9 75 ft .5 1 75 (4 5 CO .. s 7 t 6 ! .. 3 25 c 3 75 (I 1 25 Lanl ST. LOCI?. lteef CartI F3tt to choice Hoes Lire Flour Kail XX Wheat No J Keil Corn No i 3 Va VaBa.Va.a, ft yv I A ,"l ( KorS Mess IS 75 f,l7 LarJ 19 2-. C. CISCISSATl. Flnur t J "S a?ffl Wheat Red 1 1 . 1 22 t "IU ,., ( aBaa,a,aa, 4 l s."tA7 itta..t..t.tt..fiffai..f. vt Harley felui ka .. ataajVtaaaaaafe4ajSvasataVVBS Lard fcW 25 KtLVArKZE. f,-Lrr:--V--- : A . ,i ia I. J L " il .....'. J ' oa No"- u zrj a ni WhK-f?,eSa!e ' 2 " 2 1 "v ' Corn 1 (Z o,, .,! ; Kari-r & HvV ft I? r ' Vtrrt. IS Ct. l'li" OUtlCr .! iioa.aa.aiaioxixf J T 4 v 3asaaaaaaaaaaaal I 7i' 5 51 j 1 y. atvi 1 awWlO aVaVafaVvSafefjaaaaaVaVaaaaaJaS & Gnita IVrcha. tnran:i correspondent of the , Sciettttjl- .twieruwn m who trap-xts , muiy all the jrutta --r l..i h:ch eater the lir.CVd t : -.tat that thcimlr re'-...n of t .r.itictioi of thb rvmarkni 'it' , - - - - - - material thus Ur disc rered t- th .ttM,m L,.u ,:. divided between Europe nd the I u:t sMt-s. j -"'., y. . .! - -a ''' ul, nirr Er- rr ni :!a currr? Kl. line. ml lili l'iiruili'iic Wiirk. Itlcli- ... j mi.iitl, I ml. j "The Nordyke M.irmon Co.. at In- ; ,iaiiai.!is Iodian.u the ohh-st and (largest manufacturers of mill supplies 111 the west, rep n mcre.Lsinj trade fr in. t f their specialties, among which we may m-ntion mill stones. Ixdting doth. jMtrtalde milK pnf staffs u.ut machines, ui'M garing and shafting" J2T"C : .-i 1 v-'lit.' ! ti- s'.nrU Sl ; inn . : tl i I i I :' :. It it in-, ll--rt I I bur- Mrlt,ft h" ''" -.iu'Bt t ft.r. .. -... ..I.-.. . .. .. .1i . rm I Uteri suit ! a It .l-t'iiii li.rpji (tWi t frw ,, .., .,, ,- Mr... ,olu. t 1 io 11 1 11, iir i; v-r"' 1 ? 4 - ;tlt l'.all 1 ... , ; ,. rt Illusion I5uliu'a t l :, I.rntit4n l ilni.u. Tlt In Wiitim.. l.r- r I ir.ir fhtc ? jrrf n tB"Oi)' f.irlllt n iit.it m! ii ..'.rr 1 Tlir lr ritiif tuvt? fkH ' !, o'urr J mlurtsl thrtr ritr ..I tullt u l. I..ut h f wfl.lt thrj-for'nrrlV wcr'. The rewt -.r '-rl ant tulfoi r :. SttO tr it tMiiu to citijlr'.- a fa.i 1 littii roitrto htwoij; t-'i rd rnl ! It.rri ir.iili. !.. .,! 11? A'anilt SI Tri tl it iM-m tl .fir l..r(;p' ttin.il-a lh IniTuittriit till) lit Mr W'l.r'Il'tlKt'.tl's lip .t.m of atill ptrtlff t.j lllch h r .ititl ti t '! tt lf'-fi tti.tr if tl'r .clfti . ,ii-i-iiuii! 1m -. .- mi' l f.-rtii'ttj l.fauht In ttxten iii ?ruU r Hint clr eul.ir. ... ,v.-- .. - .-- --- Farmers using the t'li.utijuon I) nil.le Hog King, can obviate the aecumiila- I tion of dirt on top of the 107.V U'vri bv I . ' inserting tin ring so as to oring the eras bar in front of the nose and nut on top. Many farmer-, use the Cham pion with cross bar in front of the nose altogether. The Double Umg when c irefully inserted is the he.-it Hog Umg in the market, it hiving no sharp points in the nose. The P.town iugle IJing chtses on tiie nut if of the nose and is the best sing! ring. Ciiami.i:k.s & Qtl.Vf.AN', I)e( atur. Illinois, are manu facturers. Thev also manufacture the Kagle Ilili Corn Ilusker, the farmer's fa von Ifobbins Kiectne oap. made by "r-';' ('"" ,,lsV,,',l,.h,sl- Vi Ml1 peifectlv pure, iet 11 ires less than com moil soap. Hence its economy is aj p.iren!. Ask 011r grocer to get it. l"Kr-t your turti.-ss In rimhI rundltlou h. ti-ilT'i; I'nrl satn'i llnrtis Oil. It t tt. l..ajt Ill.li!.-. In alt sfs ..r 'li.ii r ii ! i. ttn- j t I - o tnrr i! Oi all .'.'ti u itrtiei ! p-.trm try KllrrtV OhvIIIiI l.tve- IMUt Kor -rnptlri. ii . -i .i' 'i st' p!MI. sti-1 ii..:.tii.aj V i'-'.-is 'ii r. t'st r 11 1,. ltrr lll'iv s frn!l tfi Vslrin Oi- pT'iallK-tui; l.iunf!. 3IIi.ri ;t' ! -:it'I. arc uiijTt to lurars of tlif livrr:iinl klil'1'.ys Wlirn tlir.f ajijinr. ttir j K.n ,,.,,. ,,,, ,,. UurlP' j,.,,,., c ..m"ion I :if Imil .tii.lll.l 1... U....II lnii.Ma.,1 ..! a.... r,. 4.... l'owilrr. Si'lifitf-k'H I'ltl-iiiiiilf s-yr-ip, for tho f'urf ol '.mi-ii in .t loll. Couli. imil lo.ilo Tin" i;r'.tt vtr'iif of tlit in.-Ilrina. 1, that It rl;.-tis ttif tn-it'f r an-1 Mir .w It 011 1 of tfirytMn. Iiitrififs thr til. Mi. ami Hum f'I.Tts a rnrr aciiEscK's sk tt'r.'i r-is foit thk ccck nr Ihhi-ki'sia. lMiii.K-.Ttos. trre. Hip Tonic pro.tiira-i a liaitriy n.'-tlnri of thr : 'in a h. rri-vuiij at appofiU-. form is rfolf. I '';';''fh.-.noitoti,,ai-.r.w,rin.iiRMiin "11IKS(K NMit.KK I'ltl,-.. K011 lilts CLMtE or I.i v Kit ft. int. rre TIi"n I'llls .r.'.ilteratlvf. uml ir'.'liira tiralttiy artlo't of tin" liver, wit i.mt the lr-at latiK'T. at tli.-j-are Iref from rv'ortifl. anil yr-t tnrr f-rara clous lu rt'storlriir a lictltli) On- npr. Tliovf r.'inf-IlHs ar.. a rfr'tlri rtirr for t'nn ?tini;.tloti at th I'u'tniri.- sv r-ip rlp.-ns thf tint tt-r mil ji'irifliM tlie l.ln,.. Tlif M-n'lrk I'ltlt art upon tho 1 ivr. rrr.tr.. ht-ilthy tillf. an. I r IIIi.Vl nil llti1s fif tin liver ..ffiiri s m.a,.. c .ns.imp-io 1 T.tf s.-a wv-.i i-onir trirrt :-,, at il strerictli to rh- stotiitrh tn.tka-t a kim.. illf.--tliiti. .mil .iia''.-s fle-n'ira' . f.i-m i;.....! .'..... I ami f tut m-a-v a ln-.il-lu rirrulatloti of li-.ilthv Ii.o.mI. rii.-ri.tiiiuiii-i a Mo.i of ttifsM nn Jj. o s as tint nrp'.-i in, vs. I T 1 cure fvi-r rafof 1 on siiiiip'toii. if t a rn In tinif. .liul ttii- utcuf tte? tnnlls'ni"! pr.vtTi in. Or -rt.niik l r ffsion-xt'r at M prtr.npti omrp. rn-rr.:ii ami Vr'ti s's . -'.ll..:lpti ; vt-ry Moi.il.y. uti-r all Ii-Mf-rt for ailrlrr n.u: ! addrfSSfil N'pvpr Rii.inur a moment tor r nr u-tt tan of an hour, neither !rlay thf purrlimsr KllertV OayMfit l.lfr flit I'rof. W. ralnr. .. M.. M. l Ttl" '""f-'''r f- -nor or nnmfr..ut at I r l nr !' ii n I -i-i- ait surj-rj-. an'l a ' ,.rf..orlu ,...,,,,. ,,,,. ,....,.. ,r 1Ip waplt of Zwf ,f y yn ir. 11 Is thr orliiril itlt- rovnrrr of ?i 3r-nof -t -- an. I h- rfinf Iips frr ttilr tna if an-! mtlT-ilrfrii"tii-i HI Cttar"i V-imi Jl '! iMr l.ottl- firr. I'afarrn. all lutis arNwtli.is anil neutraltzrs all poont In ttirirfMv IPs t.tv... ISi. mfV.ir PIM. J.rrj pa.r Ik t jmi,!. 'i ma i Tf roTsilp.tlo-. a t ail . t- lout (ls.s( It-. IVtfr a' ' Asnf Citf. ! ' -T , I'O.T, -flit li ma I with 'siU rllrrrtlons, posltlvrlr j i nrrJ fvcrv fj For r-'.-wl mnln-il or nuriclral I tteati.rn'. aili!-,oranp . tojTti Vor'ti'.tti strrrt. ' 1-htla.lflplila. I'a ..r ."! st Wtt,trtoii ttrrt. C'lil' o. Ill A'! Vla- fra- It It now ailmttt'-il t.jr Distort. Ornrrlt anl -i'pttirf.1 poor!.. sat HiUVK's l'KI"i; fUi HKl.r Tl'.l'Ss'i. thf l.t and 1I knnwn Th I Factory ! at r..nr t lt'-irf. !... Km, U. o. ! ;.. to iiif itr.t. I EVEK'iRSE :irV riMMKHi'Ilt, CO!.- I.EOK. Ki'to.n c'iii. Illiao't Tti" only nttltu- i ff '.n In I'f. ri I 'Tin it. . fir !., i I'nmarrtli I l!rfi-iia. -XT' tulit at f f y are prjrtirr.i i,y . ci !. t'i't a I t is -i t rrifT N' J'j'in- K?u l--.t. . -m -tfr it at.-, fin- TITIoN WlTIIIV r.i n F LI. F t (ir'lif ..r.m- tl Trrtr.s, -f . rail O.I Or l!'lf-ij, MAKvjCAM ;!!(.. I'tui !".rt. ' Ir. .tie IKK.- A r-. r raluatr i: Itr'tgl. itin Amt-riran in.5U'JT-. it.-ii.j )4rtprar- lrlr.ffrhv""."f' Tr-as ail 1lsais o. tr-Kid- tieji. Llvfr. I.nnrt. Heart. Tftroat. Hrail ant!1 VHrvoi. tjstrm Frrr.r if Tout!) ta-l A'io.m ' ! 1 !at:faOl urr-st;ullv treated and ftcn af:r oTfrt tiav fa'ifsl SI1" forfeit for any no snilnal Vfalifi. or private il!"tf of any kla 1 , or rhararrer n ti-c1crta:es and fa'.'t to rurr. La- I rti: will and pro;-r treatment for (l!f.i"i i?- j rnllar tn :;r-.-rx AIT letta-rt rotitalniia: ttatsp ; 'or re;.y ;.ri i' pttj a'wre'L rnstrLTATt" Krkz. Srnd for rtrrctar Ad d'e LorV it.-T . . or irfl I1WI( I -wa can at oSf. 'i r-rrr 1 FOR .MODKIaS, PATTKIJXS, ' :j'rria! atd FTpr-rnr" 'a! 'arh'-ery. tn l btAiiCtn. adJress HILL X SHKI'Altlsos-, K -tkfi.rd. I!L 4irTVTW roiit asm chFuinos ikkk. i ---' .J M Mny sAln.Mi'J.1 Pt i i Kat" Y Mllrs!.i ,rii. 15 variti-s wttt nars. lal. fH. 1 1 S JiJ 1 flf1 I (I jll.V V ' TJ'fcA"su '' "s ar- 'al'nl Or Mar! ' PM.?y i, t,r.l.it-Orl-ataiC! am Powder, ttr .,,n a. ?j 1 ., . .... I rl Urt; LKk iu,z .. Vi oat'g:or.. In-: ana. , Ohs Mm Apsle Mm. : -- ' " l-rt". rnrlo r' .0 r.o:. fr Mtapt-. it fiHrnl 41 1 1 j . I.e.; fr-h Arr'l- ft'C- , u-r..-t ola.'!.-z It lus. ami U; Unr omcrrry ' ' f A'.lre H W. WILLIAMS t-O -Ts- I ,,T"-' T '". ' CTTTt.-VW37T.lTTnTrlMatPA ACE5T5suJ fcr "ZZLATIOX ef t2 HjiHlH'ii.Woman. Btit tmjss- Coyy.wit I in 1 . 1 1 1 1 r rrTTT rtriY ni rn rn r n THE KELLY M The Bct Fence in the an, r m ll t-l I" - . '.".''. . ' ." t r .,"- f - ioro TrTv - uMHti BAH Tir. rjTABU"iirn r xvti -m: rt 1 JAMKSA.(irKST, ' ' itrfHr V or i 4t ! Nholcalo WKVTrKN" IVpt, PACKARD ORCHESTRAL ORGANS. i Webster ana Vallj deiu Piauo, Knrlington. - - lown. 1 .t.. ... fcr . !- i.r.- iflal .t n k !it mk HrnrK 1-1 r mkhh iho I ivur m 1 1 -r t i .!.iiiiu ' trrnx : - !' m pnr ii ti'ith it - i -1 CFNTNNIAl FXPn.SITinN . I rai.lilrii.ii i.lrlarr . I.l.i... xr-t.t T. t . .. r .v . ... bullUlnc tmniirilul l.ll.l iil.l lra .ri-alilio. rilnrli illilmll . ..11...1. 1 .-w. ka.tNlv.i.1 ,.l s, , ,. . ,- n. . . a ... '(,, ni, r. tiit.ta- ' - h ' ( L . ::ii:Lm-:; :,;,.;; ,LAI I "'' lilAllltr t tf ! 1 k :r i . 1 1 1 . . AUIU.I a Mar.a.ii lrl east amY'soitu TIKI' Till i't'1' Ttir..tii;li I lira. -. rr, HnrO tic'-' lli'k llutil In Itl..i.iuliij;t..i.. t I nmt' tt. Ihii ill, I iiillutillj nil. I Oinhiiil il'kiul 'r"i' e ' k' r fc:irr- 1 1 lli lia-at roiita- to ("! rlMinl. ItiirT.lo Slt:rn t-'nllfa, A IIimh . Mini tll Niw I lie taint ltia.ai llll WIHlll ill tun unfit to trskr n j ''lc ",J ' 1 Imin. .1IwttiM.il. Trrrc llaiiitf, I Hiitlll-. In- rt- unra. I ) fttn, at.i' .! lb S. 'i-ti-rti I lllttinl ktnl IiMiin tnk. ttr L- -ll. CX3 VX . Jj-i-JJJ .lii : VI 1.1 .M INM IKI'I Us i.rr r r i ttn'n tn tn II ir r.-'nt aril I' - r i t.. Ir.' iin,. r.r.HHU Alls",iI-r K.i.if t I r'tt.tt s t !r nrf mn n rrr 1 k :.ii, !r . Hock IUn 1 t il l's.rla t- Ii tlim a,- m.! 1 1 Cltlbats 'a llnml't. t fifT-tart lir Tlflirlli In tlir X. X3. cfc CT. Itoxito ! I 1 1 c I lit- I llll line tlllll Ihl; llillill 1 -Mil Ii out rt ma'.. I Hr 1.( H. V Ml. Ill !. . . r J f w i n s i..t.' 1 a r k ' (f( tS'7 fffl frrry OfTcrit .ilntjk,' not rpaii-.l tn 1 !.. f j,r, MtlirT llinflt liltlitt Itllll'Unt tn ill ti.i l '. t.rromi- r-i!y. a nirat. ami tti..ri.ii.t. Hi-. k-tn is. or f lil nil rriimiltliHl I'rninati IOWA CITY ACADKMV Klirillllf HIIII1.T t Kilt rl'i r . ..'ftl. ,t Ira. f. r '. tatntiiK If mill strmlrinlr nl'i. Mi"i .ji.s Ifylr.- lHrliiifH to If I r 'It ...tiiii.ti I,. ,,. ,.i liri-iarltip to n.tn . : jtr t 1 it. r-.tt ( Kll If till fl'll II rl rf. k,. irll 1 r, -I, ! r'For ml rr i .nria. f -t' t id-5 f lI'Tlltirti I'piiii.aiiat i. i,.irr-s W M Mi t I AIN t .-. t w to m ,-.--r- W v..T-riw ntrl - . . m -. -. r- . v - ..... . -, - - m.. .' I I Til' I'.'tlt lri"'i'U r I .ul l'l-. N...I. tlta., Clint Ihiiiiiii:ii, A 1 1 Mtit Mini hII M.ttit s..Hl. 'I ln -liiiilrl I liif ion) Hiiiili-I tlmra la I ll.ll rtll )'..M. t IllllltllO, MHrk, rnr.IIIr- lirrlllii;. IImIiI r-. W.tnli- IliCti.n. I'tt IkIiiii c. I'lillilrl.lil. V.rh Cfrss Notice MM ers.5 vrr. rri'.sisii tint i-atio!. .itu LETTER HEADS, STATEMENTS. KILL 1 1 Fa A 1)H, Cap and Folio Posi AT LOW KIC KATI'S TIIW 1 . V OTIIII iioi'SK can 00 i r skmun lot 1: oKi.rit IOTTA PPINTING CG CATARRH. If von rr afftlrtfil It r tt.'i tn'Hlorn li-.rot anil Iiaf trlrst l. f f S. r a.,J . ,r u.a.. . out i.fru-atifnl rrii. f. ..'ir .ini.ttnr UK KAIMI It's I AT s llltll 1 IlF tTMr'NT 1 r' t.-ttlf frff or IM I.i.-K KXKKs-.l lUKUK.' r.viT'l I's Folt IT ti' jl i.i.i af,. r ftrt cutiti'y to lii.m ."rr rr'r..nl rirt lnilucrmfntf. Trj f M ifinf!) ftnlj nt ir i prfif l l. or ai' 'rr. . - ,i r , v r f.. r-r , cc'ari. I'At k (id ririii kki airr .-r fK-ec. j.. i lUt-s IUMIITIIN WIOo-S- K'rotn ii i si uik Ktrrff t Mil. Mrs' Dr. Keek's Catarrh Remedy Nntunor. Tr,nsr '1 -i'rr nii So tuif? No rxf tl.i'jn' fr '-t . ?i. i tti'i'f trou' fil '! i vrrhi.'r. !!. '.!... .. ottlff t.awlal ll'srtsa-t l.,r , ,. Mrs Or K" t!iff-rlf.f.rfrl afarrti o.t I ... ir;...i, i.. ts' llrr trra'n.r.,t ''iv ..f .-r- ."niiiii. lifrrtfr tir nr"" f in'. il r -.f r Sfir rordtallr 'o r I all Tr-a'm'r. ;r atouroSr. I irrumrt irlv.r f il. i'.furmtls teot. AJlrr-t avtl ooirimiini tti-ot 'o MKs OR KKi-K. Ill HrwlT t r--' nersr- - f-s MONEY To laOatn In Imm. Rjulfrn ti.rii,iinl . Viirt litf f.lfrn laa..,,ir1. i'fr. Itnptotfil Iirnt l tits o Vki xwZ ut rJ. for trriu ' t 3 yrt ln'fr; : M pr c!nt. payatIe tt-tnl tinua.i!s- CI .'rr VfJCA ' o" J.' J kril llfi' I mad . v r ...-. n'r'' i hUHWIl. H.OVlls WAMril APPTl' , Bl r.MMn t r'i:.r" i ' r.ir,' I H' - I .ar I ut ETLr'r tkilUL22iS l.-LIt , J!7S PhallpnppPppriM ': ' fesS,3 W......Du. uw.iia. s. V2y,fc' .,flN-il R tr'.. pr!-. !'. ' ' i jjj ftrS frraj sa'r'hrr wr i.r " rt w.- ratf a- t . ar. ! s 1 'f I r -a 'Z ' If A I I FMiR y.ZLU . IS K'U I i 1 .' Agents VantBd. Tr, fisrxo 'or r"V'vl: Y tirn '.f f -t'JaJ larjrrra.mif.ittiotii 4o4-.i ' ;rr wit -4 BJtm' ' yrfatrr Trirjr of v r- tarft ttias any wur izp- t rl tfins I rrlfMl ..i-. , , J?; -'- ', tatnp. L. J PITVKJi i3"fior : Sii i hr J ill ld IU SM: si. lU.'XJj ..,:nll ArUtrxsa Tl'a fill tlfl AVI KIsTCLA ro'ltlTr.TrrJ j.a. , ll I, I' '. ?l-' " "' l"f '"''f. Il7't' , I II rAnrri..':' A st-.r i I KK UK N'- I HilJUpAr W'fj p:i:,t 'r-vii. x rti.-r 1 trr will Ointrxct to 1) 1 . tfxir- r V ar ' !a.r -I i paT.a I ma. fi. zr a raatlra.,' r-nr: Ne iM'f ;or ro iu -a-.' -. f -Zaoa '.v;.,l. MIMCKA IIII Mi ICX 1tv.ntr l-iry 8T9 rrjmt,1ryrriu'rsrti. ism. r'CJM- L4K- fC.a,.. UaC tTa Of a(tl udf-nedfP U)'-ttP-lt-'Tj ' fl.1 a.r- " r-, CIKBII WW (Mm iir.ru ji injar- .- J ItJl rntltrtty. T'" 'tr Trra troderate. I. trttltroalau. I rMTii rn IK I F VAP.'H On'"- 'iftf. ' A VICTIM'S WARXIXf; ! I Cur and Advice to Toner !en at.Jottia.rt v J inlTrr frt?n Xvrtomm Ieblllty. Lea or 31 at it- hoad. ttc A copy mailed for tsro (tamps. At dr OK. J. M. Dai(5xLI. fslUQ ttreet,r Tork. T. O. Box . j s.- r , fs-p A tt T" Cf'-rftt I-, 'ff rr'.-B. ' M WjsmM) j.r"T' pr'r-s T arr-s ortKiny la Amrrlra -v'r !'!- j.raa.s Ta.rTHa-jyrl-rr.nttnna'Ir Jnrrrjt.n- Ari'. i"t a-ttry-fifrf-'jff led aren't ilos- -nr- z:m -9rJ t fcr circuit to KOHEKT W I I.L ; Vrsry ttrf't V 5' 1 O T ?" BARS FEXCE '" TiB To ! :- - ' M i. trie riFAA2 I u;,Tri'Et7'l fV . 1. : - " IV' " KS . iv n a m- MkJ 9 s . . imtt . 'i ( !" - f t i it 4 - I !?' '" r, 1 s -. - nn . .- - ....'. " t ' mm,n tim-m M ' It " ' i'..r. " 'afjl I HOW 1. 1 It I h.i 11:0. tot Nriiajui .! ' . . fs jp wmmmmmmmm ! Dr. WMttier C17 St. Chart !- f!. LoisU. '.lit .-I . ? ; . , C. tr 1 c M.. M. 4 ji'- .-?-ISit. ' fc ft aak. mm bull J r'. ( . 1- ' tMMk, I t tl !. " trap' '":' 1 - W l b-a w .4 - a.-l . ' Pnp.!l. 1 r ' HANIIOOO WOMAilOC ttnt - yrt . ' . v. - tojelr. ' - . P54RR.AC. FlaNV PLAIaCS. j - 1 --. I W a -JL.t. . . J . aj.a-a4 & . . I . .1 ' - -i mi- ,: 1 ' ' t rn ' j.t ,- I. a f , -.. 4 aofSi ( I. , V 1 ft . tt. 0, a . 1 . 11 f il' mr ' l. ... DR. WMiTV G17SS.Char:alree. 3' --.. - a . ..4 xir te-L I. v: -. . t 'a' t '-t ;.t V i.rol in ' im -if !.r-.t 1 1 t-I tM t TTI Hi HIMwA Wg & . 1 i t f. i r'b !! r '' ' . -! . 1 " . , .' tt .. " - M' .it . ' r- rr . !!. r. . I ! ' f, I , . t " - ft.. T'rt - i. - - 1 - Ti ' m ttr r -i . " , "' Vf s lila i g f. - ..:.. Ktvl'maxt ' '..e.'l its. ' .'.,,, Ka"ai . 1 1 tax-ago fe . f . ; . 'THF BEST YE f T U tnf ir- ' . a- at UTttm. .'i ' ' 30KX It . Asthma, -... r, r t k . , v., 'SBri; r.-JtrVj tfMM-..r -! t trUffR-aJ,'. rrf? f , ,,f t la f ,r, frtSLT ' n.flr.fc.B j,, ,;,,,., . -.--- ' t, a., - . - r " -a. . irrfarr.. t!, ft , ' , , ; W fl.ftri -;rr at r , ., . ; . , The Ilraa A Mfrratlon M'-iT KZ.lT 7 'J'! T. fT- ..--a Znwtn Krtl.rita faa,. (' 1 TfJ rrrs- ..t.r dlbij i rovs 1 r Ht ! . K 4 -.. .., w, ., , : --.- -.. .. ......al c-. aval ...-, -..ant .?Z. !,"T,'' T. f - l. - ' . m . r . ' ' r m 1 A f a..t . . I nU i , . -1 f . m t. Tr . . m -.-.- 'rf-s. . f ' r - t . . , smrjis !. ..r trfc -t r s ;''' ntfn t . m r .a. n, - mfJtfaV. f , I. a . . a.SK I rpfrM v 53- 1 alt f- 2?Si in T"1i ' r1-- n-- '-j uiHHiiiiSi 45