t-sfc It THE REG CLOUD CHIEF I Tin.l'.hDAV -N' . .', h. "" : ' Oiummijij i ye:ir, ?'J.m Out! -i;i '. !ii ni?ii, I. til On.-coji .. "' ."ill '-in-XH!..'it:: - li.it.Hr.il. ail rrt... Ii. C..u:.t : ml S-tat . in j. at rf l i.-ni i. K ,,-t. O.'Iieial Directory. cu.";ki:s.sionai.. A. S. I'ji-J 1 It 15-itri.-. t" .-5. cuati.r W. Ilit.1if'k.'jujnlia, L. -. s- ns'.r. l.-.r.-nm OriUl-:. zr-rziiit-. hXK'TIIVK. .Sit. r, KI5KK. ;..v rm.r. Liie-ohi Kruii.i "I 7,,iiir!f. ntr.i.l ytntf. -!': ,y ",;'"',' Li"l"',n- A.i.h'.ir. 1 " 'li'.. ,. irr;ivuri'r. If... H. K"i.Mt'' Att'y M-n. .1 . .M. M.-K.:iiiie. lainciIn.Sui. Vuh lu&iruc .n"i,:c uv. lien. 15. I. .k.'iii.ntia. Clii.-J.T wir.-. II ui'liiine!. V;br.-k:i :'V. I . , , :iiM.M.ixwp.IM-.t-.n.itii J A"'-""'1 Ju"- WSilSTKI. OTNTV. J. V.TuSI.-?. County "l-rk. K II. !.-.. TrcsMirn! j I. w. I'll 'I ;-,. II. 1". Kill. I. . flilh 1 in, ' ' :...n. W !:. Th .rn. :. w i:.u. ) K. 'T t.--.n ; .1. li. Hoijirl. i I Schi'.liii. '. uroni-r f"unty urvi-yr ' Ciuiity 'otniiii5ii(,ner!. I j Tm: I',- M.M,tK.l ut.rtainty i-h-i littli-haiip'.l. Th.! hoarlufiiinva er- hi- i ;ji 1 .-i-rtiti-ates ni"!eetiun , to the Hayes ami Whe"!"r el"tor. j The ea:iva-cr- in Lout-iana hive not ct eiMint.il the vol"-. Tiieir time j , . . , t :. 1 , 1. 1 r, .. 1 m-mis fu lie maim- taken y one bfol , , . . li.fl. rmiii-.'i J.ir the H" iiojratie cin- 1 ,'1 ''' M'a- j In 1 lorida al: the c mini-, have not ! I "Mi heard Hotn. Two or three e 11111 ! tie- in whi h the ileum tar- have lull ! n'Aing are with hulling their return tititi1 it can be ascertained wh it major ities are iiec,N:iry to p ve the Slate to Tilden. The canva.-' r.-, concijuetifIy will nut count the vote aheady te J I turned. Sum K democrats, mmc eiilerpiiim: than the pmorality of the paity, con ceived the patriotic ptnject of ldunder in LitiCHin'ri grave ol' its contents, and concealing thorn until:., lanje ran- .111 should be cxtorJel from the ftieiiil-of the dead 1'iesidetiL Uli foituiiately, however, they were de tected and artr-.Vd in the act of re moving the c.-fiiii, and the woilc o.' de-ejration was .-topped. In Ad 1111- county at the la-t th c j tion there weie 'Sl'J votes for township organiza'ion. Th -re eem. to liau- been no votes :i:iin-t the prop').Mtion. ai.d the ipiestion doe.-not apjKJir to have been generally voted upon TllK .Juniata lleiaid i- ho peace , . ' I tie iiazettiMs for pe.-uv. I he lour- t.al i f.,r peace and votes loo. We i ate .-at i-lied that theie will be an j aliuti'liuce ol pea.v, and votes too. 7H3 SUE0P2AN WAH. Theie will be no war after all. Hu s:a does not want to go to war. lre.it Biiiain tlocs not want to go to war. That i.-as near the tiutli us we can get at it. It is a little difficult to un dcr-tatid at present what may be the lea.-oiisaiid grounds of a war. Tur key has been politically very sick, and theie is .-ouie Jcason forsupi o.-ing hc i- about to die a a nation. The in tegiity of that state has depended since the Ctimean war almo-t en'i.e'v on the support of the western unions, ' who have been anxious to pn-eive her as a nation iu order that the Mack Sea and the straits leading into it uiiht be under the control of no one nation, but that its water iniht be open to the unrestricted commerce of the wm Id. In the event of Turkey's dis solution, her proximity to Russia would render her an easy prey to that empire, and her acquisition by Russia means that the entrance to the Black Sea will be under the control of that power. Kus-ia, therefore, has been looking with eager eyes on the inter-necine strule which has been going on in Turkey for the past six months, and the other nations h::vc been jealously watching Rus.-ia. The latter power has taken eps to mobiliie her forces, and mobilization has beeu commenced in the other stales. Still there seems to be no immediate danger of a rup ture between Russia and (.J real iiri lain. Lord Loftus the British Am bassador, had an audience with the Czar, Nov L which has now been made public. In this conference the Czar assured htr Brittanic Majesty, that he had no intention of attempt- inc to acquire the control of Constat!- tiij.iple nor any desire to make any acqii-itioii or conquest in the direction ofTurfce' or India. Lord Derbv re- i plied to the dispatch that the Queen i Mr. Lutz has received no encouraj.e and ihe government received these j ment from the citizens of this place, a-.-urauces with the greatest satisfae- j and that the success he has achieved. tjdIK has been due olely to hi own indom- A conference of the Great Powers j itable perseverance and unfligging en has been called by Great Britain to ergy: as-emble at Constatitinop'e to discuss "En. Journal: Thinking that the situation. If Rus-ia ha no dream ; some of my observations, at and about of irain for her-elf, it is to be hoped the d ntennial, might interest you or that the eastern question uill be solved some of the many readets ol' your pa bv ihe adoption of some measure per, I respectfully submit vrutiuay e'-hich will relieve the christian people follow. In company with a brace of , ,..,. nf Turkev personages from the home of Gov. rita11711bj.,te.!WCfcm1l , .h. were f...,iheir borage lo. ho JIanoiet.n.tiit . Porte. .,... ; . ;..j, Hi' I'uard ' ! .1- i .'in in:.-. hand- Hi". II !' i.-.r.- k. n.r.I !if . and Ml. li lit." ; til !--Uti..- llif I'llitO- ii.il l:il'.r .iij'l -ti-- i-. Huffman wj- editor of 'he I titer iwoyien- ag., and we dotif.t rj'.t, wi I make the 6' '..-rone i,t tic hi-t pap. i-of the ' iKev.' .Judg,e Chadu iok of K'ooiilitUtOIl. 1 i . l i i nsi-roiiipleteij a w-w rosuleii''. .Judge Moullnn i- rapul.y building a sub-iau- ( till rt putation a- an iftnrney. J Franklin count;- felt enu.pliiueuted 1 ... .1 : .. it.:... i i.t .. . it cii'- iiwiiiii'.ii i hi n ill' ii'j .-iu km :tt'y Uen"r,t! on the detuoeratie ticket, l.'il -till J.11I-1J to jjve him more than a demueralio uppoit. The court liou-e at Hebron is com I letel, au makc-i the fiue-t public building wi st of Ucatiice. It- eu-t was but little over ?o.'MI. By t t: way Hebron i- the uiu-t beautif.l ;il lip we-t of Cte'c. Her bu-11 e-.- men atnl citizen- are an cium pn- n anil encre ie cla of pcpl , and spire 11 n t.. H 1, m.M(, limi-i- 1- a fftic b.iek .... . , I'll. I Jmg. co-llti about . 1O.M0I. Kiaviti-, t:f the X' ins re nrt- on the "ilitor oftla .S'littml hy calling him .i'7." Law-. .,,,., cnmify vrtnlw.vt ,0 0uij hu-hol- of wheat the pa-t .-ea-on. Haihiti cmintv al-o cla:iii-nno nfthe Hiatii ion v.aikei? of the Stat", one ' '"- Hase.!, who male miles 111 ,y' h-ii Thomas Hailau, formorly of ft J . iiaihiti emintv, ami a ei:i'lilafc I'm ,, ," , . . ,. I (ipn"--iim:il lioiior. ha rotireil !ruii tlie 1 iilitiealfiel.l anil is tnakiti: pre- parations to cmhark in the inetcintile hu-inoss ou the Blue, near Huiu ',a,,l'3' s- The Coitimi ioncrs of Il.itlan county moot December I'll to take action on a petit mil eallitm an elect inn to oiler bund-, in the sum of $:m o(Ji) to the fiit tailway company that will build a valley road. Keep it befote them, i ".Mac." Juniata still continue- to lead Ha-t-ings an exciting race for ihe jirain trade. Jiun'alo county ha a twelve thous and dollar jiil. Illinoi- is a litt e behind this year. Her 11- iublie:in uiaj rity is 16,4tif Cooper received Ititi'f. The legisla uic is evenl divided. Ilayi.N u..ijoritv in Wiscon-in iG.I4:J. I'hcie .vert. - i,,l 'Iiccnback tickets polled. , ,",v s !",vu,t a ""J-riiy for Have 'hieh i latir- r thai the total of all the majoritie-for Tilden in the uottlierti ' .vatf- It - - - ir j Lout-iana gives a republican tuajor- . . "y U1 ',"uul """" " a" u,u u,,uuu' tc'-steJ I'ciiiets Onk parish iu Louisiana returtis l,.;ii() votes for Tildeu and not a vote for Hayes. That's what we call a un animous thing a regular bull-dose. South Caiolina has a fair pro-pret of an interesting row. The S:...e tioaru of canvasser.- received an order liom the State Supreme Court, commanding theui to remain in session. The Board luwever, having completed the eati-va-s, iu..de its returns, issued certifi cates: of election to Gov. Ciiamhc.-iin. to the rcputiliuni member of the leg- islature and to the Hayes and Wheele; electors. The Supieme Court there upon imprisoned the members of the Buard, and Gm.il them $I,.)iM for con tempt of court. If this does uot suc ceed in nuking an interesting state ol thing-, we are ignorant what would. Walnut Creek i the home of R B. Fulton, one of the most Hueut and graceful quill-drivers iu the Coutry. It is the home of N. II. Iloidiidge one of the b.e.-t informed men iu the coun ty. I: ;s the home of Joe llolcomb, an old Newspaper man. Besides these there are Oliver Downs, Tom Vaughn, Tom Kenned? an I a number other equally prominent men. And yet the readers of the Chief have heard nothing from Walnut Creek for a j'ear or more. What is the matter gentlemen? If there is not a letter forth coming in a week, we shall semi a reporter among you. We el'p from the i incoln State Journal the following communication from Philadelphia, descriptive of the mtree of Ma-ter Fred Willie Lutz. of this village, into Centennial promi- nence. We certainly feel proud of the success of the little fellow, and while expressing our gratifi -ation at the re- suit, we are obliged to coucede that ' ntorifiial groutnl-. Nov. Txii. ativi iin:.'i''ii.ite! eommeni'. 1 the j ' oi "takitiir in tin; ('.titcrmial. wht.-h I -0 ncttiiL' ifi r-L'.nl ;-.m ovi-rwhe'm in.: t.-k. f!ut pr.t.ni'i 'it. if not f-ir--ino-f aumti ihewniii'T- 1 heh"4I w.i- an off. riiiL' riin n"i of the bi" of my 1-inpauinti- -a nini. y-jr ' laJ, who iroia o"" ol 'he mam iiiiri-i-o! the itiaui ht:;i lit ', deeiitm.-l the I), -lara-mn of Am-ritMn I :fb'-ul i'tie". from ni'iunnj, together wi'h the nam"- ;inI I'lea'.iti".- of all it-, -if tier-, with ri-r..ni-hiiiL' ahliity and pre-ei.-inn, wtiil-it wi-u--um-I that over r.DM.O'Hj p"ople were on the irround below. And I notic byyoitcday' pn-per- t.'iat he tli'Ti aconipli-hed the -ame fet in old Indi-pe'idetiC" IIjII. .-.tatidiiiL' on the vetitahle table which b ire the oiiiMti.il doeument while re ceivini: the name- ofiti .-iirner-, an I now -tainiitii,' i" the et-t pi-un ofihi hall. I a!-o undei-'and I hat it i- the v-tt'el purp -" of the lid .- father to make him virtual -uee"--or to tl e l.i-tnoii- --jperatitiat.il "Li1 erty Bell," prM.i-:i.:iHiir. liberty throiitrh ut th" laiM, under the 1101.I, though tio' inappiopiia" iowi e jiluiw of "('en tennia! Lone Star, .Jr." Th I) c!a rattoti i-only one uf a d.i.en ir more .-ehetiuii- which the lad declaim.-, htidi - a .-lining campaign -pcei h lor Hae- and Wheeler, de ivircl at interval- ail the way fiom Omaha to I'lnla delphia, lel.ire the elietiun. Indiea-tion-, t my m ud, ate that he i- cer tainlv the prosurt of une oi' the com ing men of the republic. LlM'Oi.N' II.VMI5l.KH :. 1 Fairmont I'aik, 1'hil.i , Nov. 4, To IETT2S ?S0!I KTAVALS. Kt. CllIKK : By jietu-ini: your pa per I noticed a retpue-t for a corres pondent horn each precinct in the county. 1 also notiic that a few precinct- have complied with therujuf-t. But not a wind from luavale. Now, Mr. Ivlitor, it is not becau-e the pre cinct is illiterate, we have a "Betsy.'" a Haivy, and a Vance, that could keep our precinct well represented through the columns of your papei, if they would spare a little time. 1 w.!l try and give you the general new- of the precinct, and our "professional w: iters" will get ashamed ol it, and will keep you polled iu the atlairs ot the precinct. First, the farmer-generally are very bi'sy getting their corn iu the eiib-.. Com is yielding from liU to :. bushels per acre, and is sound but ears .-mall. It is veiy tediou-. gathering, for the stalks are mo-t all biok down. Thi This I lav to the chin . bug, woikum in the joint of the -talk. 1 noticed in my field of corn hundreds of them on the joints of the stalk the week after the hoppers left, and I think they did my eoni tuoie damage than the gra hoppers. Wheat yielded, (whit I threshed in the precinct ) I'; bu-hel-pcracr- Bye, 1.1; Oar--M; U.uieyUd: and the berry of all kind-- of .-mall grain good. The (Jiass wheat and Mammoth yielded tho best where I thre-hed this season. Mr. Knox has returned from Illinoi to his old home-teid. and brought with him a better half to cheer the lonely hour- -pent in a NVira-ka dug O'Jt. Bachelors take courage, and do like-vi-e. A large ca'.vn.iunf wa- kill ed la-t week on Farmer's Crc. k. It w.i- shot through nine times before ii was brought down from its treo. SfitM'.hl.Kit 0U2 WAS2INGT0I L3TTE2. 1 From our regular Conespomlent. Wasmixcion. ). C, Nov Uoili H7 j 'The Political Ca ildioti : or. The Pre.-idental Pu.ie" i- .i work wiiijh every .-eem.- to be reading, but which, strange to say, no oae seems to h ive tend through. It is a- devoid uf' meaning as the title of that celebrated one, "Five Minute- in China foci qtiaito volum-." The last week has bee. i one of trial and tribulation, e pecially to those unfnrtuuatcs who have been -itting on the "'fence.'' A sitting po.-ition of that kind is some what vv. arying on one's neives, and enough to make a man e-chew doli. tie-, join the church, and live hap ever after. The lini'i scMij- to have fin.., when a more dt finite method of count ing the electoral vote for Preside:!' and Vice Pre-ident should be au.ipte 1. It is not unhkelv that the conte-t tuav tuin on the vote of a single State, in which event, asfiaud will be charged by one paity or the other, eveiythmg will depend on the que-tion wheher the vote of that State sh II be ret.vned or thrown out. The method of count ing the electo i.il vote, and the pro ceding of the Scna'e and Hou.-e of Representative-; in refe-ence thereto, have heretofore been pie ci ibid by Rure'J of the Joint Rules of the two House. No Joint Ru e- having been adopted by the first se.-sion of the present Congre-s, the method and pro ceedings in counting the elccforial vote in Febuary ti'Xt remain to be deter mined by the concurrent action an 1 agreetnen of the two Hou-e- at the next session. The '22 1 Joint Rule piovided th-it f the wo llou-e- di-a-greed on counting the vote of anv State it should be thrown out. Un der this jnle the process might be kept up until m candidate had a ma jority of ali the eectorial votes, in whL-h case the election would go into the llou-e of Representative. For want oi space we are obliged to leive our. the balance of this letter. -Ed. Ki uiKi l'i:i.iui prfi-in.-: -ti'.! hold- t.er place am mg th ti: -t p'o perou- pr'eiii"'- ! t" .mv Finn cr. hav" l-"n bu-y al' lUf fill rn!d.n.: and rep'inng -'able-, rramn--. and corn cnb-, jdo'tir. r ith.tiiigeorn 'id su-ir.:i-ng w Pit. .m.i ev.-n now n-n i- pte-sing tl.-m ju-t a- liMrd a- m haro-Hng or i-ni-itintini Firui-t-ean le."t to h " 1 the r h -a 1 al ic water I'hev h tv been J.i zzhl an in ptrtant l"--Mti by the gri'-hopp-r r 11 1 and -'ir"!v th"V hive Ieirii"d no com-f-irt or p!"-i-iire i- w T'li hah - tii'i-ii a- tint eirri"l by labr .in I -elf-deniil. Wiil-.n, the diminutive editor of th" I'raine Home, i- u-it g h: wtl! auger to a god advantage, in our precinct W e have had -oine -ub-tatitial addition- to 1 hi- part of Web.-ter count; thi--uuimtT an 1 fill. Among tho-e who h iv" m nie the mo-i -ub-laiitid imjiro'.emc-it- a-i 1 give promt-" by the.r nerg; and per-ever.nce ofbe c oniiig iro-piiiiii farmer-, are Mr Horrock, a genuine .Johnny Bull, wlu has the "haracten-ti- Kugii-h -p:rit of never "letting up ' on a project. He has fene" 1 in twenty acre- w jth a good three-boat d fence. He wa- ;ery -ue-ces-fui tin- pa-t sea-on iu tai.-iug good crop- and obtaining good price- for them. He -old his barley for ?l per bu-iiel. Hi- exteit of pa-t tire be - ak- con- 1 -table stock, winch he is a'way- increa-ing. Mr S di's ea ne into thi- precinct la-t .June. He has broke .'.n a.-re- of ground, 1.- building a commodiou fiame house. Moses Wil.-oti lsboiing a well for In 111. He has un eye for 01 naiueiit as Weil, and h;n already com menced to set out trees on hi- farm. Wm. Smith came here abut foui years ago in the condition of a great many of our homesteader-, without a cent, but with "heap- ol .-ami." He i- now in pio-pemus ciicumstance-, sulhcietitiy so as to mike ctediiable returns to the asse or. He has erect ed a large Kewaunee wind mill which draw- lh" water for a dozen -beep and twenty head of cattle, besides other stock. Our genial tnu-iei.in, I'tof. Snow, with whom the p.-nple of your village are already acipiainted h.is hauled the lumber nece.-.-ary to build him-clf a ft ame hou-e. Sod wills ilea leu the sound of the I'mfessor's voice, and he propo-es to endute it no longer. But our other celebrities will de mand another letter. So I wi'l talk a little about politic-, and then quit. We are ail -ati-fi.-l with the re-ult of our home election, though we w. c -ituated very m :ch the -ame with te gard to our caucus that we Were with reference to the convention, and hive donion-tr.it.'d the fact that caUCUsCs and conventions may nominate, but the people elect. Th" people her are emph itically oppo-ed to bonding the county for railroads utile-.- it be sub mitted to town-hips to vote upon. S. M. F. &011CK. U.S. IjANP Oi-'l-'irs, ) Bloomiugton. Neb. y Nov. 1-t, l7t'.. Cotniilaint having been enti red at this ( )Hice by James Klett. agaiu-t Ivi vvin Mo-he! . for abandoning Home stead Kntry, No. -J:Ms, dated Iay 7th. !7l. upon the North We-t quu ier S. ction 1 1, Town-hip .5. North, of Range ID We-t, in Web.-ter County, Nebiaska, With a view to the cancel ation f said ctitjy the said parties are hep-by Sumtnoued to appear a' this OHiee on the ll'th day of Ieccm ber, I 7t", at '. O'clock A. M., to re spond st n I furnt-h testimony concern ing -aid alleged .ibaudoment. Whii.-TKK Katun, Register. I."t I. (iIMKi.k W. IJokskv. Receiver. TllK Crouuiii OLORY rllie Home Srfuiitg HacTiitic WAS AWARDKDTHK FIRST PREMIUM At the Centenntal Exhibition, I7. and I. as always carried ofl the IngliLsi honors wheiever exlubited. 1 ",-n- Sl-TA CVft T.4 A wwmmm, u.m.w;c. .tlu.sr m.m4 Attn pin to the wants of EVERYBODY. I'o Hoas Ccsit'.ete A::u: C-e. Emph.iticaly the Jl.ichine tor the People ! Warranted far Five Years ! 5end fur price- and samp'esof work done on the Home, or call at any of oar offices. HI) Ciiiuii Square, N. Y. 22 Fouth Fifth Street, ?t Iui-. Mo. "G-i Washington Street. Bo-ron Ma-s. 141 State Sireet, ChL-.-igi. III. II J Second Avenue. Pitt.-b'itjrh. Pa. IT New Montcomer; St., San Fran-j cisco, Calif ji oid. I i om ."K -Sr -r- - r .! 4- ij-p 1 . J. i', " Kv . . of f f . jr ,v i e' h re r t I i Is ' . - A ill. r h T e . a ' . - : d v .. '&.s&3& VV5 1 & ,Ti L; SHdW.tiMj'.-. 1. IU I . A. ' ' f 1 ' s 1 s. I mivli't. 1 1. i- j i k - . itvkt-li '" Ur l .-r..'..n , -j r u. f -? -loi&Aek. itrj.ll W m A. A. TACtr-i .: f.'.ta'C ttslr fartirip v( ,rr r."rrj) 1. jarwa itiinerai cW;:a c PURELY VEGETABLE. contaiui! : th u,K.-r I', t tml ilerl. he-ti rfit a'. ' I'r- ' r-. r ti J.rt lu ountri.-? rnifrr Liter I). ia u. .-. ;rrv it llnllrurcjl ! j J - i f l'v Jlif tarot .t :llr J.itr ilxl l.r.. lie .-jiiii; . ( I..cr'"- :'i nsif bitlrr t 1. a J.i'r e, :tf i. um . 1 a 11 1(1 Vf Iti'-K. i !- -.r J..U.'. i-ticn ini-i.cut r I'.nruiiiuU ti; . .- ur -: in., h I. s- Af ivtllr. l!..n- j.'rriAl I) ui-nieJBiUi. Mra't.iOli.' Im. u Uiruiur). l.liAI ltbl eti-Ati n '! In . in," Uilr 1 i do uirtll c hicti i.i'rtit to tia tx 'l..B. a.iiit ririt-. . lh ' ) ril .ii'i-fjr inrr ! ihf -V n .iri't .. 1 .ir) cwUhh u!i n iLt:t.ifu :.r (.' U-ll'il"Il tiiciin.-- luiijy of thcr ui:t'w aftrftii the (li-c-i-. at "T.kirr- .') ! . tar th t -r:. tlie urirr-i ..iii. in fir i ! . i eorra..y the -r.it t the li . . l t in.! Ursula l 111 till. v. t;ict ;utWltiir. rt'tc KlSll.ra l.a lle.itn hi n'.ur 1 c.tu r- -tmucal a- an cSi.ei.iu rrmo-ij lor ll'ca.-f ! tl.- l.nrr. Il.-ar l.ii'U al.il li e.-ia. o.ji;..-- 1 v 1- ... w iua. r LhU i- J. W I MKU, !- 1.,-t.r Mftf'. A-itaut I'fl M.i-trr. I'it.i.it'.-(ii 1. "W rji.j :!. 1 il irtui-. i'cr" l.i. al. 1 klj.'W llial !T lj-'c; i . h.u.u-iie-". .! I 1 ii:ollnii ilna.laL.iF. U I- thr ' ; iii.Iu l e the w-.rl i i'nf T.i. We t.an? tru-'l l"ri ntlicr ireifiiir- !,!. r -iinue. I..er it. ui.it.r. iiu iii.ue ut tlie. 11 ... hi tii'.ie lh ii trii.i urar iui, tu tli Kerfui.i,..r um iil r i.-e!. tu i-urci u. r. i ; rati a in I .Mes?elit't. .Ma .iii. li i. kanula tur 1 Xl 1 - l J. ?. "T MACu.N, i. A., and i'illl.Alir.I.l'lllA It C'.ii'.iiiu loin tut.lival e.i'iu.'ii--. i - r umW'l in ti...- - nut- a M ! i'i.".i H".. in ati i.tncr I'T. i...atili. IZ ,i ki'lil.el.illlil.."- . w.n l I. HI t-'lie". ii'i Uln -'vl!i..i.il.: Alter all f ana i ertaili Iv . ' e ! all llii-ill .tioi ol the lio.lv II.-Ii -.nIiai .-U .-.- I..tr atlvli- uci it.- u.v, that It ii li" ita.'letl a- tliv J Vl'Ki.'l V- i. .I'r.i.irn:. For all dl-a-cr ol the i.ier. .-toina.'h .iI -li i. A' a ' uii-'l III MAI.AIMlit S t. Kit-, IMWKI. l'M 1'I.AIMs, py.-fU'.-IA. MKM'AI. I r- l,llKs-H.N, It K!1. -." K- JAl Mil K, .NALsl.A, si K IlKAIiAi UK, I'uI.H', I'lLNslll' Villi.' and 111 l.hM .-NKs.s 11 11 Aft M l'-vl Ali- A thi-rc are a iniuilit-r ot mutation- oiired ti the U .1... we m-'U.'I ca.itloi: Ihe .-oniliiu iiit to tju no .o.. r.-.e .'ft'arvil Siiiniioi I.t IT Ktvulalur. UOl Hi our lih'ia.-.l wr.ii.jnT. .w Ii i to trail- iii ii k. -t tup iiii-i lifliatuie Utllir -ne . .Noi.rotlicT I.- ttei.ulne. M ir .ii. '.a . an I i'tili.iil.-l.hia. Your viilualilv iii.li. im- sini.ii. .a i.ir Hi Kill. .tor. h.ir .-a. i l me li.an !' ti r - oil . I u-o il tor e.T, mini: it i- re. oiiiiii. n.u-.l. an. I iievei Knew it i ia 1. 1 hac u I it in l.oiii-a.i I l.iunli- iti.liliij liiaif- an 1 n r. Kivi i:; lie. u ain.ui l.aii.i n .tlie .1 a lime. 1 liao nol.iMt one thai 1 i.'.ie It to. ion eali r iiiitiii-nii ii to e. r .ne Unit uu- - o-k a liein tno ie-l a iieiiiv known lor all . iu-..ilii..- tti.it hor.-i- ll .-ti is heir in. K 1. lAl I tin. ls-Iy AkciiI tor liraaccr- if liciirl.l. rl-imr itnnntn jTvinlt 4 (UUllfl 4 UlUUlI -Jl ailll, v V h llASTINtJ.'., AUiMSCiil'MV, NKH. A General Banking Business TRANSACTKI). Cr DfiLLSrfjJ?l U MADE A SPECIALTY. Drafts on Kurope bought and sold. Agents for several steamship line.-. tX"Bu-iness entru-teJ to u- will ha- e prompt and careful attention. mma r LDMia YAi C. R. Pott Kit, ..-. People at large can find con-tanlly on hand Lumber. Lath, j-iut.g.e-. 5ash, Dooisand Blinds. Building Paper and Mould- j ings. Pine and Hardwood LUMBER. r-a?" IF.V'; trill ht till:"!! in ejrhonfff, j'ii luitilfr. mmh mm Juniata, ZS el CKO. KCOFR - - - PROP.. Goal Vols G-joI Mtl, . .tnhl titr;. J 7 ..ii KKDCLurPJk SMITH CKNTER Stage Line. Connecting at Red Cloud with the Republie-m River ?t3ze Line. Thtee regular trtp- a week, arriving and departir - from Re-i Cloud at the -itne time the -tare Srum the railroad doe. FARE VERY LOW. all. J. S. BT7220T, Pre. HOWERY it FARRELL. K- i- ' i.v' inini'it ".i I,,r'C -: 1-- : h:iN -f 1 VI. V. '.o TIMBKK. H BI' BF. .r.i nw mik. f 3-i h Ml- 1" tif f' ' i - th .-!.. .,. t - .-. j- .. ri-vr-. ;? r'?; of .tv tl -npiion coa-tanth' on; hand-. ' J jTrtJo sl MWThrtn I - if I- Str-f. C Caiin t i i ' I1ati.m!.-. Xr.it. ( I la- th argu-t -t'-k of 'TiMid- m-M 1 f i iiM.I(in haiiif, aiivl more Wir? i datlj reoatveil. M .-tin k iM!l-!.-t- of cV FlaniU'l.H a -neeialiv : a -o a well .i ottel -tuck j of Notion- of all kind- cheap. I have I il-o a l.irire -tock of Clothing ;-r lo ill price. .-Ieudld vahlO. of all kind-. My stock of ;iU)l'i:UIKS, CKiH'KKKV ami nia ware are all complete, and will be -old veiy ch-ap ft c.i-h. Call and examine my stock of BOOTS, SHOES, Hats, Caps,' and all kind- of Furni-hiti", (Joods wi'l lie -old al very low juice-. Call and iret j-iice- and be convinced that this is the place to tt.;de. '.) m C. CAMF.UON. WELL BORING. N r rI,rk n,',:,,i ," n,hk' ,,,s r'r ..,!,. ,,e be-t Well b-eiiiL' apprnatu- i . .. i ..i-. i. .ii. i vt r ii-eo eon-i-ting ot iltill-. .-nicer-. etc Tw,i men with one ut" the- ' li ili ean drill from l'i to .".n feet in one d.iv. throii.-h the rock of tl-i- eoonir;. ( The-e diill- are warranted lu be the New Vork Arte-ian I hi!!-. l tl ' THE CI1IEI N rj lf O ND ,ro"iV?rin.fi.tifl QiimJ joblorItjcaltLv8;:.:c(l THE ONLY PAPER IN VVEIWl'KR CO M. L Th'iMas. Proprietor I Tl J 5 - - .A - r e 4 ft . i li tll- ttiirkiii: 1 rn-h y-.ii finr jii.'nt a !. ' en fir wh" ': i: - .1. W! k" J . r l.i'S- !'. in y or .tw .i'-i" r.ut 'in away tr-.rn hi.iB .rr ri.bt f.-ie J ;irit'- in vr tn an-: ..ari'j ' I raVr ul. ! f- Th' -" r.ra. !: " r lh- larzrr- rub --.teMi ir. h '"' '- -'i- 1 i.lIH. "I ii fi- . Kl"' 'l filJ' - ' ' T- nn- ..n'r -I i-t jor. I s- '.-'t-i : '1-- ' v..tl to h.i v-r i "' trfr t -.i.r.j" 1 l.i!i-i at !'riil. ll'hi i - 'a y .1 a.-rr-i in k:n! K;rrMlj armt-if T'- a-!;-- r.!.. fnl r-n! l-.Jr--- l-i ".eir " anr Crtt- tennial P.ir tiar. ml .ib: I'.'ib'. I abut it. A n -l-rarit jia'rit.r rranlrft tr frr- Irtiuto jiir-ur :- t ----n td l-f : r-eh ui- .-.-ril,--. Ii i- -nti: I. "!" r--'tn-a-r ftf the uni-Hu lr I'h nriT'-"ry " ih- lu- ' .loi.'nMcr.cr o: the t'ru'.-: -tar " nc -i h: y ne ". Any -.n' ran b-'tr.r 'v-'- icl c-n. ?r hut -how ti- r.ner ar-! pi -taf ami h:in ire-i :f u .i-ri'irr- r- -a-ily b tii.sl ev--whr-. Ihe' i-n. hc'ri'f m.is wii: jviv 1 1 k hi a: ire en'. M" Ue b any . a--..:.-wb are utukiu: a- hirh a- SJi-fr ly-i. 1 sj.war' .No ! f time; iln t d-tay R-tnnnr i: c t- notionr r. zixe the bui!ne-. a iritl. ea I f-iriiir rreu.r. lTina. acJ .-vtapI""Opv.f mjic-. which are frn f.feua'l who aj.;.!y: 1' it to-day !l'otnjlc:e.uta free to tho who .J-ctJ :. itnsaKc. Farmtr.an-i mhaaicj anl taeir on and d.arh:era make :h very b't f ; PKnL. Aildri-". ...,..- I 'rai am.NMii BC's. Port Ja-l. .!-.". f. A. -U'iffiaiiio & (To. KifKKTO.W (',rrir.iU-,rfr.(.l.nl!r; 'Ut Hl'K V ' lf. V icink-. bmvts. mi.- :.', ccrrv. chimu. w nATI" HV.aoJ in fA-t xrni W l " hxs llou'c. w- .i-v . f .. nuv :" ' s' vn.- ?. ir: 1i Ll. I-Ir r BOOTS. ! ft tv- mI !l Hli.VVi !!ifaol Y a . 'Ouick Sale 4c rmll Profits !" Y ISO! it Mt.lH CW,- i'! ' i ..i .! -S-itr th, in S i - i iT. ' Cnlrft- uuiS 11 I.KH DRY GOODS ! llaf. t'ai. Ilarcluarr, t,M lls Maroaiifl lalannn arr. Patent Medicines, Oils, Paints We have the larv -t -t.. t in I'ivi t-n an 1 . ' r ' ui. i. . I itve ti- a cad one and all, and 't.o e v'x,l" ! j it I.OUII A FF.NMMPKF. J i ( Tl I U N'l ! i , VALLEY HOUSE. J. C. OTAR1MER, Prop- l-nlwav - read; to attei. 1 to at. 1 make inJ rfj' u hi- j -iff- i.-Thi- Hott! i-i ntirt in w having bom fistiduj fit tl.. ; ptirpo-e of t he travclmr public. STMIK I.KWKS FOR TllK KAfl.Itf l UN Ml M WKINi:siiV A FRIPAV OF KACII W KKK M 'ililiih ' I Claim to Have the BEST STABLE West of Lincoln. Afwajs keeping nn hand a go..d -tij-pl) of II A Y A N I) (J i A ! N, A No a good .onveyanee for the pnrpo-e of eotive)iHr .i tj. n from thi- place to any uthur at reamnmblr ratr. ltkil I'oii.l. IW!rjiIjt CITAS. II. Juniata I "zszzzzc-z a::: zt.z&:l szaiz?. v.: DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, r ATS , CAPS, Tinware. Queenawore GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. Iliulu-Hl 'n.sli ri-' Inl! r .rnlu. -'m3a-zzm mi i h.b. n mmr . THE 1 1 SILVER OR GAM A TEST OF THIRTY YEARS. c: Th- c'lcapest because the 6s. Ftillv warrnnr ' New Styles jut ready. Snd for Catalogue and . Lists, kxamine our new rni thod of hcjhiinjr the r-y for evening pi.rf(rmaiice. Constant improvement policy. St vies specially adapted for Parlors Cluirt Lodges, Masic Halls and Conservatories. Adores Manufacturers. E. P. KEEDHAM & SON, Xos. 143, 145 & 147 E'ist S3rl ., ri. Vif. lFriitiiiuorr. I.N i JONKS, V HTcbracka. . ' . - r -j'a TONGUE 4 '&,. ifew f J- ? W&'.- m -"S?!