The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 30, 1876, Image 1

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AiIn rrlSnm" KlltrS
The Red CLoud Chief
4 f . ' "
. j. '
RED CLOri). NEBRASKA. TlHi:-lAY. KMIM-ll! :X l.-O'..
I'tlltor ml Proprietor.
. w
! ',1
a m -: 1
- I
Hopkiii I xperiiuent.
Tli' inextinguishable hatred with
which the people of Aii.Miin tegaid the
Apache h was excited Ityn vjino
what singular ciicii instance. Many
y(-;trs:io:iliici:l of ours named Hop
kins, who wis an enthusiast upon the
subject of music, conceived an idea
that the surest way of civilizing the j
icd in. hi would In to bring tii in uii'Ni ;
tin soothing influences of the divim
;i:nki:ai. .vkws roNiK.SKi.
On the h of November a
str.-d tin H.ilt- House at Hot pring.J.
A i Kansas, together with two tmiikin
IdHU'H and some small shops. Loss.
::,iihi ...A west waul lund punsen-
.er tiaiii on Uie Hannibal & .t. doc
:.u'.iad wtu lliiowu liom the tiaek
..tiil.Htkhiie!!,Mo.X"V.'tli. A man
i! .! .ti infant w. ie Mipp.sed to he f.i-
.,'-. i!.:iii-.. . fl a!"Ut twenty other
j - -m -
foi:kii;x xkws. i aku.owh k inr noi.n
The Spani-h emigrants and refugees ,,,ir ,,,. mmui m i u c..w.
have been oidcn-d to quit Portugal ... In tie- da. ry sho,w .i-r.-l ! -rl n
A Calcutta d:spath -as the district ..: m tf. Agn-ulfiraf Ha!!, a novel and
liackergungc. in India, has been deso- , inteiestuig .wlilitiou is made to the agn-
la'ed liv it cMloue. One thousand of ' ultura! exhibitions 'in mIU eu.m-
Fair llNlr .ih1 !1h I'.mi-niiiin
. . '
the natives' houses wered.-tioyed. Th
town ol Dowlutkau was submerged b
waves, ami -ViOO persons aie believe'
t.i have perisheil. Tie- gov er-Miient ha.
sent relief to that section.
It i refuted from I'.elr.ule that the
iii mi. roohtaiii attention. 'I he dair .
fanners constitute an linporumt sttiun
of the e..mmmiitv. tjiV n turn.- slr.vmtf
The l.tfe of 1 lie lUtW-Klv
'i he ! in ;i ' i')- n mr "'im ,f a s.nir t.u. !' i' 1 a r
nent i the it f. ilH-uiI'ttstiru. tun. mr jRitMu'ar' lrrmn l.:
aimJ et lltt tll.Ul KtH ilaUt'jhuUy ' wan UoiS htWhf hmi b ' "
KvervboJy i laiuiii.tx with t halnt fntr !?tr ftw (tfrmt. them-Svr
in Ihn aJuIl Ute. whfti it burws ni hart frejuetai tm$ ir nt thi
il aioiind i-fpui i:ul 'aviLk'-ri-ou.v HWtwiai; .ttrttoti. ltd &emr-tum-
wfiertvr it ctn p-n?tial. &t ti- mtjon tC a Urmaa rtittiatit r t
u-nfs ti.e most p.iui-ni ftmt with itt t;t-rmn s!.---! would l r uftrt :
Th lliafc $
InU it It !
rf 't'
ntm r i
me S'ioiiiip iimiieiiceH oi uiu wiviiii- t ..-. i I It ! rejKiitetl trom 1 .elr.Kie uiai we
art. Ilopkiiisroiieluded that thisroiild I t,'s''':K,rs s'1- U J'i'- ' ..rvian government h.x-. rei-eived in
1-st i. aojib Jv 'teaching wli indi i i.-ly Riclwnison, a colored waiter slrH.tilI lo s,.,j 1,.,,-k to Wu.ia un
viilnaf.Tiiirtuii to" play ujion some in- at tfie d'ahncr House, rhicago. was ( :il, the KussIainffirrVwlw
stfument. So he bought about 'sixteen kdliil tin ntjjlil f Nv. nth. with lllVl. ,,. n.hij,n,.(1 ..jr Clnmi.i,lS
x )
hundrpd flutes, and started off foi
Aiion;i. He settled down anion;; the
Apaches, who were much pleased with
Hopkins' scheme. So Hopkins began
to give music lessons, and in a few
weeks he hail all those flutes employed,
and the silence of the plains was bioken
'. !''' peifect e clone of I! flats and C
natuials. The Indians went into the
thing with enthusiasm, but the white
people in the neighborhood regaided
the uproar with And that me
l.,dioiis old ass of a Hopkins used to oiii hii sixteen hundied braves
upon calm siiiiiiner evenings, and make
them loost along on a fence and prac
tice their Feales in unison until the. hair
of every white man in the. neighbor
hood was screeched up on end. After
awhile Hopkins educated them up to
try to play Auld Lang Syne, and the
way those aboriginal performers would
slide around among the notes and tear
up and down the bais, and improvise
extraoidinan and appalling variations,
would have mane even an Italian
organ-grinder commit suicide. l!ut
Hopkins said he felt encouraged, and
so he marcl-ed hi- oichestra into town,
one evening, for the purpose of sciena
ding the M.ior. And when those pei
fonneis had wrestled Aith that tune
about aquaiterof an hour, the citizens
formed a Vigilance Committee and
....... I.M ulvftLimti
I . . .!..! - ...i..t .1... i . ... .l ... .J.l ' - -
'hat m Mie'Iand alOfle there weie i,mi,- . ,...... .. . , ' ir'.xi tT !:! nf
J Adi ...i!i-l. tuiw: of wliicti niimner it a . t ,k4m of t l"tr . m ;
. . , ,. .i i ... i .. and bri-l. and wfi.t ?Mrt of a iirr u u gi Wrnt ,n .Mcrtin5;iViriwii t.v
calculated 1 '"t"" were in the hands of ,.. f mnrrn it t' u
'" u " , ,. ,,, f ,1, , ,n.ik ' prior to is n thf scetir. ,,rtili ,n what the cll Ihmt J "T . .
.iO"0 !teISt'Hd. Xnit V.Ulieot till UlUk , . , .... tT' tb C t1 ' !'
. i.i, ,T .... ,,;,.. tin. "tll-gmwii t fiutni as n tw,v ,tliK .xlnrtr till at btl tb fuU V "T , , ..,..-
liiiiei. iii MinuMi.ii o.iinui " - " : w . i.f
t .i t f.t.. ...I..-. 'f'l...,. v " "
an ice naicnei oy .miw .-.-..1...1... . ...- ( lh(. 1jIIi:i aim v. .. .Intelligence
,i:ilI q.iarieled in ). gaid to , roilst.inl-iMnph. lliat lhl.
Seanlan was arrested John A inkers. TkisIl Utl(.ti. m ihl. Il..ij,jliH.rliH,il of
a white man, shot iiapuiau J.ewis.
I'lxerotim will shortlv number IJO.U'K)
.. 1 .. L . .
f"J" - '" -'"' I I r -, -I...- .....I l.n .!!. wrill iihitv 1.. - 1-., ....
and 1'stim.iM!'" tint eacli.ow ju-!.LsJ -". -" "
h ,, .i.i lW .imtMint. in the sum uf its in-1 r.vermo-nt . nd n - r
uallulis .1 e.r. Would atuotim it IJ.'""?,- - ... -
S "oiLl'i "r..'u..r 11." " """ j laUi U"1 wlul.!.te hawelinit its , n,ake ntttril f ib. Wrk iumI biu I ;T
A writr,,aUsiiVthe,iiry.Stew-!iulf f growth; therefore ctaiiMn n .nivn ohr f Ihr rMldrrn'srw '
folks are exeu.s, lur ignorance 01 u& iluiv of thi impil tvttur lHmr m l!.'
colored, at Cairo. 111.. Nov. loth, indict- willbe .-sfiMWiMl it ! H'-'t l'!'l" "M better under- i-ms .K,,-. . nv .11 mrpuinu ruw iiwm .
ingawo.ini that will likelv piove , ; ' " ; ' " sUmd this matter if the con-ider-d for complete carter. o.ty irllint; thnr iHtrrnbi. uh a mxi-
fatal. They had quarreled ai;,nt ,-.1i-' , tnd r m Z uZrtTCS - t a hen to be. as she is. a soul: l - - A'-Irl M. A. ; itir. thl ihr -,- and hir .
cs. Vicke.s wis n.-rtl -. -lulhis ; I.,1: : " !iV r ?t-I ls from v.-,. i. .l. an .W-Uymg -tUu-h-; S. Kukard. Jr. u.-s an JWvount oh, ,klB hrtU lM.,n 4mll 1 tIm-
Uoier, in Koston, Mass . hanged himself ;":".;';,,',;:,,' ment. and that there must be a constant ii.liieati.; do the m.hjrrt. I.k-I. j .lne ,pf t! , ,.nrPIstR th4mffhj j , ull
on the night of Nov. !Uh. beeause he , ' " '" . , . " ' J supplv of feed and puie waUr to ke, j n- puisuI two ...mmw 01 1 h aui. mlcrfer.nce with Uieir mrtim. hut
M.....l.l Til,!,.,, w.m elected I , esident J . "! " "l" '' . U" . .. " . ,. ' 'i,. ,..? i. Mr,:.l,m,.,,t nolo it obiver jd.rI a hoiMM-lly hi a sl.UH ,Lt. .,,.. w AH afHj ttnjifX lfaH-.
.. 1 1. ...1 i 1 . ..
.....jiii-ii.hi.iic,,,, 1..-..J..- ... dads is being divided into four pqua.l-
01, the Centennial grounds at IM.1l.1deI- fm whiHi WI mnJlin , U.
phia. to witness the cloM.ig ce, j ,., honis , u rIuiM. in . M,.fH,.r.
., the pith of November. It I nn.eaii.;ui.l the .lh.-r 111 the IMack ,ca
and the weather was ery (tiscoiinigmg.
lucng Hopkins, while they shot the 1 Nov. Ith. Three tramps pit aboard
cliestra all to atoms and made a ho 11- his train, refusing to pav fare. Mr.
ire ol the flutes, miicp uiiii lime uie
Apaches and Anonians have not been
on speaking terms; but they hate each
other fiercely. The cause of musical
science has nolreeched any attention.
Mine then, from the Apaches. J.r
Aii'h r.
.loliiunV Dieaiil'iil I'lini.-Iiineiit.
.lohnnie had been naughty. It's as
tonishing how naughty -i-year-old babies
can be when they try; and .lohnnie had
tried. His blue exes didn't look as blue
as usual, and his hair wusn'ias golden,
and instead of a bright smile : cun
ninj' oh! dear, what am I saving!"
an ugly pout rested on his pretty little
mouth. Then he stood in the middle
of the floor, baby fists on baby hips,
feet very wide apart and sweetest I
mean the mightiest wee rebel that
ever defied mamma. .lust Jiink of it
onlv two ye;in old, defying!
"Will you be goodV" asked mamma,
sternlv. "No. mamma!" replied .lohn
nie. Mamma opened Iht eyes-they
were not as bine :is .Minnie's vet y
wide. "You won't?" she said. "No.
;;i'fi." lepeated .lohnnie. "Then,"
said she. solemnly, "you must be pun
ished. (Jo into the. store-ioom and stay
in there until u can say " Vis, ma'am."
Johnnie "cut, and mamma closed the
door, expecting to hear the wished-for
In the meantime Hie-sta also is making
warlike preparations. One report is
that Kiis.sia has chartered seventy
steameis in Ulack sea polls for the
trauspoilatiou of troops.
The third million Tmkish pouiids of
new paper currency is about to bo is
sued Ku.vua has given large oiders
to Ilerlin house.s for military exports.
The I'lissian Consul-tieneralat I Jrl
grade has informed iieueral T"hernay
efi that the (Var forbids his leturn to
Ku.saia Tiie London Timtn consid-
eis that Kugland's only c. urse is to
proce.-d with the c'litoienco and not
, consider aii. thing as changed 1 the
, recent manifestations in J'u.-,sia. In
this course she can only lely on the
good wishes of ali tie I'.iwets. not one
of which will refuse to aid in this
' work of sccui inir the neace of Kurone.
Croll took one of their hats. The ; .... .. t,,:lk h.nvever. that the
I'he President has possible obMinacy of the I'otte is the
leal danger.
The loss by the recent lire at Hot
Spiings. Ai!c, is now placed at ?loo,
noi; no insurance.
The total yellow lever interments in
aanuah. Nov. 1 ltli, were i..j Nine
convicts working on a sand bar near
Little Ibick, Ark, iveipoweied the
glial rl. Nov. lu!!i,and es.iped Judge
Wcstbrook has decided to grant the
motion of the defendant in the case of
Moullons Meccher. to eh inge euue
to a northern county, and Delawaiei
county is lo be .elc ted unless good
ica.-ons lor not doing it are given.
Lewis, theciloivd man shot by Vuk
.isat fa ro. J!L died. N.v. i:::h .. ('..r
1 elius II. ('1. II. a freight coiulucfoi,
was slif.t by a tramp at .she'.hy, Ohio,
work, "in to keeping before --tMe. where she was H.vure and vH t tJj.uual wh,lt Uie
hens that have complete liberty . 1 con-1 v...!; awl n fourt-n hours noted I niWi, or MUm u,
ijeunuf.t tn
U lit done are uf hitlr
that sb IiimI depoMtml 1M otfgs. Tlu-M
CWI and cold ol fall, winter ! lit,io MaMl'r at lli'"' lh' ....n ha
and spring, a dough compound as fob I'd her. They were laid in irregular im..ia.til,
lows, fed one duv ai.d the,, intorin.tte,! W l ,wlt,,u ,,f th- Utl'- 1' j tfi-.
! iht .!
V..'-. i
. I
tl.. i
I !
! .
, x
J -f
If r'
vk -
. t
in. '
slant Mijjlv of puie water. Mimmer t'"":"""""""""';-" f ? ;..tu in irru,an. Anna nmiiwr
and wmt. -i I have found during the Y'rf' "' R-M'-'-r. auid clmdncal. and , ,,, rw,lttJ,of tl.i. milhr.i-1. w'. 1 cm
;ti t-n uolihl. ah! il.f
irii!-. nirhwu. wr-
..1 t..iih lfli Villi. I
,. ... .. ' ...... - ,
... ... ... ... .,lr ! . . . ...!'"'. '
for two days to produce excellent re- i"sl '"ll "" """" rt,v"' """"' ' l' 01 ptww waramw m , ( ,
sllJts. jof them hal hatched, and th young ; r,uteia amounted t t.r.T.' tut j.v
To three gallons of boiling uater add 'ti, ucre raling whiimI ! thttl n,Mll..r WM were umlor M i f ,.
one-half an ounce of common salt, a j wlUins to eat. Again, the ob- , UH ,tf agl. WUl ttM Ut 0Ulf
tep.H,ntul of cavenne pepper and f,.m -rxrr .U . .1 .-uin fresh horse-man-ire t(rl rrH ,, , ,M.r , , lim ,,,, ,.,.,.,
,.. 1....1 vr,i... I' J' "' ':i""w ' .- ".. "" j.i .:i iH-rrfi-.tiiiii lT"tt!i .vrs. VMUnf
the pepper iiasimparted considerable ol !dde.l new m.tvss from tinn to tune j j if tfli. ,,,,r of th;. hnlP 7, p?r
it. itmith to the water. Meantime ! duimgver,! weeks. I h,s, being smte,I ,., .,ltum naa llUttklVm 7 p.r roat.i
,. .r.n 1 ,. a:v...i ,.,.. it... I" their nee.fH. attracted numbers of , w, awl vn Hl ,-ent urn black b.ur
tm-a.ui, "... .m. ". ' ....- .,..!. .,..... ,.! ,.;... ... ft.,. . . . ".. .... .....
lard melted. Then, while yet tailing ,v"" '""" . .. . , Uh Yt:tm u, . ,,.,roi uu smn
h..t stir in a meal made ol oats alinii-M.w.u n-vrn v. v .u ,...- . f ,.rn!ls. t ,,;. only Ai p.r nmuio i j
l. l.'e 1
IMef Afn
Lane .if Tr.
were all anested.
signed the ji.tidon of Win. O. Aveiy,
coiitine.1 in the penitentiary at .leflVix.n
City. Mo., for complicity in the
frauds The Marine Hank at St. I'aul
has suspended. The failure is attrib
uted to mismanagement waic-
house, twentv cars and about l.ooi) hales
of cotton weie dfstniyed by file at sa
vannah on the n.I.t '.' Nov. i:'.th.
The Alabama Legislatuie convened
Nov. lllh. The Democratic caucus
nominated L. V. Cobb for I '1 esident of
the Senate, and N. M. Clements for
speaker if the House The Medical
StcieJai at savannah has declaied the
yellow feer epidemic at an end. and
has notified the ab.M-utees that it is safe
to return It is estimated that 7 ooti.ciio
A telegram from Constantinople says
all the Towers ;ue stated to be m accord
respecting the conference, wl ich is ex
pected to commence its sitting at the
end of November. The I'orte has m ide
some objection, but its adhesion appears
certain. Kngland having made 111 gent
representations to that end. The favor
able icply of Austna to the Knglish
conference pioj.tsal has been dispatched
to London letter from St. 1'eters-
buig summarizes the reforms Russia
intends to demand of the I'oite, as fol
lows: The disarmament of the entire
population of Hosnia. Herzegovina and
Bulgaria, without distinction of creed;
coin ground together in equal pi
portions, until a thick mush is tornied.
lieioie feeding, t;iste to see that you
have not an overdose nei'.herof salt nor
and thus their young wen-under the , t ,rn,.u.. (vmixioii. In Havana i.
eve..t the naturalist in an sv.u?e oi i,riIIH.tlt, r,m,,,:, x,t, vImiu 1ft i-r
' lr-, b-ilt Jl"
I. 1
tneir development.
The shell of the egg is so dense
. the changes of the embryo are hid from
tirttt Mi tin '1 .ire k. r:i
lfMt Iculuiu. the biark hair, jht centum.' , WU u, ? .
I u.e hi'i.wii uau ,i i-i nwmu, u.i' ...., .....,., .,.!, ,:w . ti.
I "
pepper, and to ,.revenL the hens being. in tUMllv.r;,1r ,, Ue I h,ur M H"r ,VI,Ut,n- K,ld ll 1S a1r,,Nl I u,. 1... -t d.valr.1 r
imposed upon with a mixtu.e not fit to , ww o ru,. JU , from this that the darker complexion , ,
be eaten. ..r so hot with pepper that . h;U)ll(.,j , r,.llli,-nil.IIl w,re I ' " n... from tl- o..tli- I M n t, ,. f, t(f u
yon could not swallow it. f o ..,. 1ilp alc ., U. x rather a bol.I geueraliittion ,t on., con-, rm. rt h.. ,(., f ., .
ft i.-
n u
.. 1-
the abolition ol liieirtilar troons: the
.... !..! " -T
votes were cast at ine late pivsi.-ciiiini I irMlt,,:vr to Asia of Circ.LSr,iaiis settled
election one million more than in IST-J. . : i.-lltl.,.. .1,., 1.... ...,.. , .,- .1... ...... ,.i,v
t li''l t lilt lUIIUI l. Lt V.I'Uilll
The annual report of the Commis
sioner of Agnciilluio shows that there
weie distributed during the pat year
l.r.oOOO packages of veg. table and field
seeds anil textiles, including nearly '.,."..
000 egetab!e, oT'J.oo 1 ll.Hver, i.t.Oiw
wheat, r.f.dun of tobaci-o. and ::.'. cotton.
to be introduced into the public otlices
and the tiibunals; a native Christian
to be appointed (iovernor by the I'orte
in each province, and the appointment
of a pel m. ment commission of super
visors compiled of Consuls of the
dreat lowers dvices from the
incseeos we,e conccco ,.0... .... ,miin, ,.ussi.m lrontit.r announce that Height
of the world because of their lnir,c (tn lhe rajhv:iv Iin,.s ,,, lhe
excellence.... The Somen's CVutc-u-1 i0iisi, frontier Miulliwaril has 1 11
111a. i.xecuuve t oinmiuee neiti a nieei- in I 'hi! ul.'l i.lii-i XT.iv -.tli Xlr lv
. , a, , , I . I lllllt'll ,t'llllf ..V.. its.... .....'. ...
Ves shoUieci loll I lUSiami. . ,
l.s .ii'iin". . . ! II t .,' iii nr.'iiliii.r niic Minioimeeil
Iut ereat surprise, she heaid not a word 1 ,..,,, , , ,- ,,
ii(irioiiMi"- that it lad be,Mi agteed to continue the
or cry. -l'iw minutes passed; " - .,I1U , 01-auat it.., und-r Hit title of
silence. Ten minutes went b; no. t, c CMlU.m.ud X;lUon:ii
slightest sound; am, ........:.::: i':.oi to $ riIMIIt.lU uYMli.
.T.-..IV-imoitient ior. auei u- iu.on
stopped, the roads being required lor
the transput tation of military stores.
Large hospitals are being established,
and all the physicians in South Russia
have been invited to enter theaimy.
All the railway companies ir Russia
have been ordeied to place their lim
grow inipitieni 101. .uui 0.1 ....... ., ... ,..t.ti.r was not , , .- 7
of ni-immis she was longing to ki 1 , '" " mMlf- ' . , ,7 . the absolute of the govern-
f -Oh' the bhscd Jrm,.i.:..iis....Ih.. Methodist Mi- !lltMlt . .. . ro!lsi(Ien,ble trouble isre-
antl 101 give hei io. ' " , SJonar Comm nice iu annual conven- . ,. .... ..m ,, ...
darling," she said to herself as 1 lio1 ; NVw Yurk. Xov. j.-.u,. decided l""1" . " ,S " a. ''VV"1 '
.i z. .. ni"iv ii 11 11 - inuiin iiiui Lilt: utiiiii's.
tWelllll Illllimv ."" ......... . I-- ,,,,,, o-n.. .,,.,. ... .1.,, 1.,.,,. in in - - - -
isl.nruitistoodreadtul for 1. 11 j. U mishm wok tlu. Mllillff var.... The First liailv IWr.
could I have been h:,rt1;1 " Sundew & Rarrett's carriage tactory at T.,e UritWi journal "cntitlfil to this
stint a merry little thing ll al " ' Oneida. N. Y.. was d imaged by fire to ' eriptioi. was The Dalh, Conrant.
dark nlace; a baby, that should neei 1 -'
iijv i.uwii 't'. ...... 4..i.i ,v.... i-oiiiiiiem -co on ine 1111101 .waicu. 1 ,o.
be out tf sunshine except when lit
. asleep: it's too bad." And she llew to
open the closet door. "John." as his
father calls him, looked up at her, his
whole face spaikling with fun. The
blue had come back to his eyes and the
ld to his hair and the smile to his
lips. In his chuiiny nanu ne ueui uie
last p'ece "f what, just fourteen min
utes before, had been a line, brown, fra-
(.erbes planing null at Henderson. i,v "I-:. Mallet, against the Ditch at
Minn., was destroed by tire. Nov. l-Jth. j Klv,t l.ridge," a site, we presume, ery
Loss. 5 13,000; insurance, .?-.." o . . . 1'ive
of the crew of the tug llennett. in the
Straits of Mackinaw, were smothered
and scalded to death iu a room over the
boiler by steam escaping from the
safety valve, Nov. 1-1 Tne locomotive
engineers on the (leorgia Railroad
.ot,-ti.t-- far l.f.rl...!- w l.r.ic "ll- 1 ?" 1 1
, .. . ,.......ll....ff..l. P,mlv ' --' "1 "-," "- '
irmilt.iresii-naKeoioaiu, u.P.-. vi..s . . ,.-. f ..:.,,,. .lt-.-i .-
. , . . .i.:.. 4 ...... i.;t- ''" ii.iiivi.. ... ....... .--v. ,....
covered nis lace iiom c,n,i wnra,m.i
cheeks shone, and sundry crisp frag
ments clung to his neck and bib. "Goad
gracious!" said mamma. "Dood take!"
said Johnnie. Mad'je Elliott in Haiti
join's Monthly.
near that of the present Times otlice.
It was a single page of two columns,
and profes:?ed solely to give foreign
news, the editor or publt?her further
assuiing his readers that he would not
t.ike upon himself to give any com
ments of his own. supposing other
people to have sense enough to make
V;ile on U.e I'iirni
The greatest of wa.stes on the farm,
is in the not Using of our brams: the
gieatest at the bottom of all
ottier wastes. A little thinking often
saves much labor. After accomplish
ing almost any piece of woik, the most
of us can look back and see how we
could have improved on t, if we had
but thought. As we leview our crops
of this year, we see how they could
have been easily increased, had weonU
thought. The ditch we dug thioiigh
our meadow was not done in the most
economical way. We dug too deeply at
lirst, and d.d ot allow for tl settling
of the land. Hence, a waste ot labor.
We omitted buying an implement that
would have saved neaily its iu this
flue ear's use, until 'e had spent much
:n tiytg toacomplish our woik with
out it. Heie was another waste. We
earn a water-pipe too near the surface
to nave the expense of digging a trench
of a safe depth, and the winter's frosts
necessitates a replacement of the pipe
and additional digging. Certainly a
waste hen. We allowed the weeds to
grow on one piece of land, not thinking
to what proportions they would grow
by the time the crops were too far ad
vanced to admit the hoe. A waste here
which might have been obviated. And
soon, wastes, littleaud big. everywhere,
all arising from not thinking sutlicient
h wastes, because not nece.--.iry and
easily obviated. We omit the ordinal)
wastes from neglect, from from
want of appreciation of cleanliness
and thoroughness the wastes from our
stock, from our manure heap, from our
household. Verily, a little thought w ill
save to the fai mer much, and the saving
through this means, even on a small
farm, will repiesent the interest on a
considerable capital. The wastes arising
from ignorance can very readily be di
minished, and are in a large part in
excusable: those arising from careless
ness are not deserving of sympathy.
The farmer, as well as the business man,
must use business principles to secure
the lai gest success, and the one should
be as careful of the outgoes as the other.
S'it n t i ti' Fa rm r.
were sma.ler. When one day old. the
niaguots went through the process of
moiling; and when two or two
dasand a h ilf old. lepeated the pro
cess. Alter I be second inolUi: they
snleis the mixture ol trihus in io-r- ........ ,.... ....... .f-r.l ...
t aim ! "" --.. - -
manv even at so late a tune as tin in- .. . , . . ... . . ..-.1 ..rkk
exist m. bad kriicl.t f vatvet. t
.LHionof the baibattatts into the lb
man Kuipin.
. a . M. i L. u.& iklk A. -.
CIU lllftt-lorr V. IPf ir 'n" ..--
I'be lejiort coiitainw a in,iuli.r-f rMr . ,.e
011s observations, for liist.'ince, that j
nearly one-third of the Jewish school
children aie fair, which would ceitainlv
lived three or loiirdaysand then p.ussetl
into the pupa or chrysalis stale. In
.t.:. . 1. .,. ...t i. .Tt.lit 11.11 tl.fiv wli.f.t r.n
mi- .iwiiii.iui. V-......L-.. ...... .. j-v , .. . , , .....,. . r ,1... -..
,...,., 1 i 1101 ne i,,e nip. --si.iii i',t iiihiii ,1 eapuai jntirivtt ii - i '-.
live 10 seven:a. aim ineii. pusii-j - - -
TlK'eiItliiy I'littit
Tht titterewtma - mt iiii H D
inir off the end of the pupa-ease, emeig
el in the form of a hoiisetlv, ready to
course thiouth the air and alight on
some human ii"Se. to tickle it intoler
ably with their fast pl.uing feet, or to
dip into some dish of enticing sweets
and sifk their till of it.
"When free from its prisoii'sajs Mr.
'spectator by the ..niinaiy run of the ! q.- iiwn of the ehilHUl In th-'
.Jewish imputation Ismdtm Tittles
ri. tl.lS AKIHI -i iiilwuwr re
Knrdintr it hiti. . lwi.t,r. Hv. '1
Ameiuvui al . or ntur pl.Mtt. I .:.
dlKflioimlotbr tl.pti-Al rUMflf ?.!
Au.enra.and i- particulally lundu '
in Pei 11 uie I h uwloi. In Its unlr.
In .1. rii-alciii.
It was a ternble -ight. I "ridernealh f
the wall by .ion (lite dwell, m low!
w?..fti. f.nt .ifi.l :i I
. r 1 ir 1 1 ' t.ttp it ! tii l.irt f M ht I
number of lepers, who f..rm a horrid lM ,K k
IVcka.d. "the flv walks, or rather mm,. . community bv thems-h.-s. These r W -" "'- ' - """"
nervou-lv about. :us it lab .ring undei a cieatuies. with Inlets fe.-t and finger- w,fh Ut''H U ,t,!' t,M n,ai'W ','
good deal of mental excitement, and le-s hands, can. it of their dens and I "f Copied ti.-s 1.. .! ntrmm m.
1 1 . 1 1 .- 1 e i 1 ..1 . r a cr.ii .f leaven n tt. t? IU"'
quite da'eil bv lhe new world U life j as-ailed us with piteous erna for , n -""" "
and light abou. it; for. as a maggot, it j chant v. What could ImmIuh..? 1 1 w.m ' I h,. !.! hll hk sre-i-was
blind, deaf, and dnmh. Now its ! impossible to g,e to all. The J,tt!e w- cb.irida!i.-r.:.H itttl prwluw .. I
wings are soft, small, baggv. and half j threw them tlew fght f .r. and tl... ! im-fiwV r.b.w ftmr-rM:. ut T ..
their find size The fluid that tills unsuecesslul followe.1 us with whetted snwfu! rhwlw f lrf thick. nk
them soon, howevei. dries up. the skin eagen.evs. We could do nothing but I leavw- Th Was rl",,,l ihf V
of the Hv attains the, oloi-s of maturity, jlee. and we climbed the wall and ran bbom-..nlS uncr m a catury Urn.
and ittbesoff with a buz of content- down it. b avmg Demetrius behind ag a "rrnr- Wb"n ru,l,vtwl ll hm
ment and high-heaiteduess born of its I rear guard. I should have had more knwn u '' "n ' lweI temperament. That the Uy I pilv f.,r th.-m if tle-v had not evhibifnl I J'1" of ltjrr- "" m u , 7.1'
notonly throws off. in its buz, songs of 's,, much maliciousm-ss. They knew j iU'- "" U, eft,r,ar, ?
the affections, love-ditties, but also mav i their iMiwei.and brought all their loath- I f',:l',?,, ,L
v.irv its notes accordinglv as it is eh- i somc.ess after us. thinking that we I Jt wwnof On '-t H, of pUiMs
vated or depressed 111 sp.riLs concerning i would he forced to btiv their rKi.ML ! t"lhl luAuu'' W',J' "PiJ Prtervua
moietr.Mal and less absorbing matters. Two hideous old women followed i S,,,,M I"re- Tha If.t4 ii af
we aie assured bv ,r .John LubbiM-k. , a long distance, and when th-. beca.n- ! 1 hv lhi "" vhm fr r,lM'
who savs that the sounds of insects do , convinced that fuither how' and 1 an'1 Wc Riu "wl IX
not inerelv serve to biing the sexes to-j whining would be fruitless, they ,id- b,,ta- n,I " "" "f lht 1,J
getlier; thev are nm merely 'love-songs.' d,.,ilv changed and curbed na with I w!,ea tWwl " " ? "Uiii mwl.
but Ms., serve, like anv tine language. . healthful vigor ; baring curbed us, they :Ultaa a "' ""-'" "
to express the feelings." ' hobbb-d home to r.-.L lh",n- ' floW't mk f
Tl1,lifnnf!,l.1,.NMlvl..,rni,iAim,i,t p.'k.W. the fioWT ttalk it Ud III bttlW
" - " - 1
is "eiieraliv closed in from four to six ......... I ,M"
... , , ..- . , ..fvraiv r
weeks, and is cut off bv the frost or bv ' ' "
the attacks of fungus' plai.W. A few II f "rtw l ;"lf ll,fli ''"
p,obablysurMyeui,tiltheensingsuui-ilnc .,,hli ,s a jh,,1"lr1 t"i
,.,er ,u, the-serve to net ne,,ate th,. ! I'IS1W than oil. ami fifty times ch-ap-
-" -- .-.- . g -j (
t er
The Alpha and Omega til Fnzines.
senger trains on the road The tenth
annual session of the National ('.range
of rations of Husbandry convened in!
Chicago, Nov. .John T. .buies. of
Arkansas, in the chair. Delegates weie
present from nearly every State and
tl..... ....o Tl... .,., ..I. . 1 1 . The h,m-.-;h of Am-nca is ' ', T" , ' "' ,rs,,,w 1,,1W oe,n
supposed t . be with the house- "' "' fr' i'o nuurhin-
rtvot .;, tl, t5rsl ",v" ' IKht equal to Wi
I carrel burners, that consume forty
A harp lb.v. gamines of oil pT hour, ami tie-second
A story la to d ot Coventor Chuten- j equal to S02 similar burners.
Jen. 'Alio was one of the early (.overn-1 a few weeks ago a three horde txwr ! f.r. htr -...f no mi.rrrrvir. than Ui.
ors of Vermont. He was quite an ex-Mb-rman machine was employed to light 1 mullein tr tb frn. Our rtvibitaUon
tensive tanner, and in those days to b ti,e luggage department of the I'arfe l,jn not rt. 'lire it.arjfi w-ijUi rate Uie
a Coreni r tlid not generally interfere Creat Northern Railway station. This i aU mly n a 'franx r ormimeat:d
j with the lneumt'eiit s ordinary vocation. ( rtx.m or hall me.u-er. -jutjwi cubic fiet, phtiUin our inrd-TTi and ofsierviore
1 nit', the iMh of tin ntm 11 ud br
lMit)xni for nharpninK ' ". th tihffm
of the icsives Mid lb fr iW" Wora
into s-tiwlabi itad tjM"fc. fcd vh ainrp
itptneti are uwd a n-l!, Thm xtm
ortiianry jjlaiit m therf'r highly
ful. hs well wi ornan.rnt-4. To thu oor.
I indolent nativf of Lb pliii nm
swamp of Ir it to a b'iring .f grunt,
:nat;nitiul; t" w. if it flourish! ia sr
vraaip6 ar.d by our rivers, it wonld
Ftienne Childinot. now living in J Territory, including many ladies.
Praiiklin county. Ohio, was born in
1752, in a Canadian hamlet between the
St Charles and Montmorency rivers,
.i . iinuiuir. Ttio rrp:,t battle be-
& .. t ...Ai. ....a "n.ri loii i- ic
tween tne rieiicn o.u a...iiii.t .. .
fought noar his father's cabin, and.
although then only six years old. he
remembers it perfectly. In l"93 he
trapped for furs near the Niagara
l.iver. and was twice wounded in the
battle of Luud's Lam during the war
of 1S12.
Youth, like everything else, must be
cherished, not squandered; and, if we
waste it in idle frivolous dissipations.
1 age will come before ears. The faster
we travel the sooner will we get to the j
end of oar journey. Enjoy youth in I
every 1 t-astniable way whilst you have
it. but always remember that every
time you ovoid raw en it you are con
tracting a debt whkh must be repaid
with heaw interest in the future. Iie-
Tho number of convictions for mur
dor in England has been greater in 1S75 ; tain your youth as long as you can,
than in any preceding year, the exact j neglecting nothing which will assist
.1 - . x .. -i i. rm j k
reuecuons ior inemseiv.-s. l ne imiirj crowd of neople were standing
.. .. .1 ii.iIkrtiri--Tic?kriirmr,Ti rrri v .1 r 1 .. . . 1 . ..... ii-.ii ... .1 t . . . . -,.-. -. .-...
(oni-tti-vervsiH)!! passed into the hands! arouu r.'i'i- entire in Machinery ."-. ... v. .- .. , ,um i..n-niiiviiiiimii,,mtio i'"W' ; Jfattvn J nrwi :f - --i-f.
of Samuel Uucklev. -. the siun of the ti.,,, ' J lw re "teiiiiil l p other dav ' u,? of hr"ht :'tfCt !""1 lh" tlh'r , rive gas burners. Th new ef-t.?ric light - - . -, , ,t. .
Dolphin in Kittle ilrita!n"-.i pubb-her ". "" , f ' r- n : h'U? llulK The. ( -'' , 'vasplact,i at a disUnce of ten iinumi . A crer Hj ht tmur
of some literary attainments, who after- SLm mn them and took U'"Ui lhat nall,re T '"t ' from mid' l tr a hsht f Y ' ' ' "
ward became tiie printer of the Sperta- ' X ''" yWnu ?A "'V T" u,iar ' "hlch '"" I Y"V ?"" 7 'A
.or. and pun.ue.1 on the whole a useful t 00kon in lhe ;VrW t!,.ui lhe nse of giob quite unnnrt-arj. i n tl -t:? ..f 1 i-it-w ,1t;
md resnect ible c-.reer s -, crions , , - - -' l , 11 i ! ' ihlin a common school Mucat.ou. I Th crunpanv intend iliuuiinaling iL- ' TajI'-Ks Pnl. ( r n:n.t !laZML It
of George I. we have Uucklev entered Kj" t en , tn b , t th a.,d "f a ll1lT.1 '&d,,ral,onl14; """ i mKrw f -IlC"' wh-r- lh lraiBS "" f.T"" fK I 'M'T
in a lisf of persons laid before a Secre- ? bun mh J-bS nil if onlv , UJ l,lP ,-,:,iral '" :ind ri"' b" lhf' " P C'-5S- wiU i "J ' V'? " V' "
tarv of State (1724), as "Hucklev. Amen- "j 1 acid;,:,lr -ent to collet while his be ,JacPfI at lh, ff ir 5I1IBxnixs of a of a brk: n-IT -uh. r.U. f-ur
corner the worthy Tinnier of the Ua- -ino"-- an(1- J1011 P' ..;"Va brother was kept on the lann. It ha- ! tHi,gle. so th-n will be no shade or .lark ; :s r.f teeth, and iia : -p- u some
cornei, ine woiiu iimiier 01 ine uu- 1 t,fn it was toimd to be a nertpct steam I . t , ... . . r v ... . a 1. ..
well uTe.-te, " , . wel'-ilTf cted ' 11 - 1 -. V . ' ' in,'d or-' nnii tll!lt aInon'- tI,e lrult ! corner in the whol Ml fir. thinf,' like Oat f a leilows-jiah. lis
.fc-w ell-aiTected. 1. e.. wei. alTec ltd rnme 1X1 full motlon havn)g ,.r , s ' GVfrnor's herd w;ts a verv . mouth is oa the head -xlremuy. and
to the Hanover succession, a point ol follIUation a twenty-five cent .old piece 5xcrriNO FOIS llllKKV5;ANr, Ciiick- : not ,11 imderaeaJ,. U itssnl.lln,
M3.Mn -tSb- h WlS coTsed ot-oltk silver and S, no amomil of elTort on the . kn,-A handful of soak.i brcl re w te. U,, wmg3 of a
1 ,e. if nT? U:T M 1';;'. Ptom the fly-w-- hr,n? lhr 1Islrtof the father. son. or -hired man i soured dry. two eg-, a little finely fowL lt xas verv' -tea
eo iti i ne 1 111 1 111 t-wnt-i reer rt i;nni i-i i .- n.. .r .. : i. : ,? 'ho i ... . . . .
.,..,. r .,.-. ' 'tu,"ns VL 111 " "l "-" " could induce him to take his su-te- : chopjn-! irsley. de&sert5pmrul of M aiteairt was ma.le to take i:
HI ILlSll JUIII IlllltXm. t-rm-n. rt,i r.!lT-rll ..t in ITieh HT1( ir "" .... . . - . ,.
sniT't "in. i..t. t... vi ....... ..... .. .-.-.- ..i.i.itoa .ri'ji iia rvr.-i "rfiiiii 'rir"er ;i .uricfi oi ti : :t -r.i'i ...,.
r,H i. .i?rlr cn-on rminc A mirrniTt--
.... 1 - . ? t .-.-... -. iuii .i-int .. '.ll i.......-. .w ...........
1 ie popuiai on oi icru is,i.- i . , . , . . .
..,.:. :-,. , ., ,.. i ,.,.,,. I ins gs had to be used to see it
1.111s is sain iu snow i i.njit- uctiricc.
figures being, since 1S70, respectively,
44. 30. 00. and 03. Shooting, wounding
and stubbing have also increased, the
number of convictions last year having
been 897. Crimes against property and
pauperism "are, however, steadily decreasing.
you in doing so, but scorning everything
which is false or deceitful. And when
old age comes as come it will, despite
all your efforts to the contrary accept
the inevitable gracefully, and do not at
tempt to disguise nor to disown it."
which is attributed to earthquakes,
diseases, civil war, and brandy, espec
allv the latter.
The thickest armor plate for vessels
yet produced has just been rolled in
Sheffield by Messrs. John Brown & Co
It is twentv-four inches thick.
iiauutr. ii.i- it-j.
man's patience gave out, and he said to
IiiS Soil
trap with a large iron rimuied. scoop
bit of butter or beef dripping. Chick- ne;f lt sprang forward like a snapping
ens or turkeys seasoned with ground5 tirtleard emd tie rm of the n
Mrs. Susan T. Converse, of Massa
chusetts, received the highest award
at the Centennial for a "hygienic gar
ment" for the iinderdress of women and
children, called the "Emanci nation
1 Suit," invented and patented by her.
"Freeman, what on earth will we do : trinser and salt have a vry delicate and , and hrng to it until it was placed in the
ncii navor. . noai. i-neot uif PMi-niiwi atterwara
with this stupid fool'r""
"I don't know, father." was the ready
response, "unless you send him to col
lege with Martin.
Virginia farmers are putting in an
unusually large waeat crop.
attempted to poke bun wi
;t the stick, and the nsh seeminjilv
ith a shor
Swiss colonv that settled on the Cum- i hu? IkkIv. anl then sprang savage!'
ie man
rly. Tl
A suit has been brought to eject
viss colonv that settled on the f
berlun-I Mountains in Grundv countv, -'-vJ"K seizing Uie man's anger any
, .. , . . -. ' lacerating it severely, rhenondescrip
fennon, the ground that the party i weM!US over 30 pounds. .Proridew
.who sold the land had no legal right to it. J Journal.