The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 26, 1876, Image 4

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no sot KTitiiiK Tiir. ma TiiAT
ixtu v.
Ilo not itriM-tli man luiNdmn,
VT III S'l IIll ail 31 tl 3!.
.Vi'vcr I a cuw.ii I rjn ti,
Allii; Hkf a Jhk or rat.
For tin; world in i ! still.
With Its riirv and blow anil Ir- wa
Cliaruc In fary with kindly wn.
I)o not strike the man that'sjlow-a!
Nrir Miiki- a fal'i-n .
Thrn- In- li-i In h- jdfss need.
Tlirrr h- lii-i In want ana woe.
1 Inn a..ia with Iri.mi jteil.
Klndm kill- tin vv heart.
Itriiuln ii its swrit rranws,
Tln-n in-r'nrintli- part,
Io not utilke the man thai' (Iowa.
Tionhli- will In Jlinr lie "tirs.
Men w)l li- and art unkind.
Tie n rrslst wi;h tin'-lr iMrri.
lio your t.i-u uitti ti-art and inlati;
ISr tnir ni'ii In all )mr tille,
Kvn stiIyih;- U,r t Iir rri.v. n.
lti.-ailn tlil to -,'M'T your life
i-vcr strike the man ttiat'silowit.
Von may tic In sum a st atr.
lie iiia ,-jour ri.tiqurior yet.
Haw-icj-jh" J to jt lam tat-,
horinni-s that rmr andsel;
l'i; at jicarr ttlii'if'cr jon can.
In lli-si otuiirt r In town.
Making ti I iii !) jilan
Do not ktrikf tin- man that's il.vii.
IL was the opinion nf our forefathers
that when a ouih sts singularly de
ficient both in mind stud body he was
"only fit to In-a p.nson." Somewhat on
the same piinciii a vied; and lstzv lad
in our own i.i im uu.tlh s.tiil to hstve
"nice taster." hov us a buy who
while idle ami useless, lists not the
stieugth and eneiyy to be vicious, and
we will show von si boy whose tetnsile
relatives will uechue thsit he has nice
tsistcs. Tbeie doet not the art r
the science lo ihe lioiiis ol whose al
ters hoides of usehss drones sue not
dinging lor hum the rest!
work of the wmld.
A delicate lad is- faken away from
school. This j often the foundation of
si wasted life. An evil spirit being
thus laised. employment has to be pro
vided I'm him. '1 be verv cause of hi.-
absence lioin school implies ilielliiii-uc
of Stieiigth for iiiiti-luis StliillsellieillS.
lie is eucoiiiagi-d to occtipy his Uiue
with the Mudy of biilanv. geolog.
chemist rv. or drawing. When he hsi
lesiriied si lew ti clinical names out of
the most elcineiiJarv of hand bmiks.and
worn out Ins clothes or ruined the fui
uituiein the puisitlt ol his science, he
is discoveied by his family to be a ge
nius. Fooli-h lemstiks about hi abili
ties sire made within his hearing, stud
the seed which shsill suiely glow into
the pel fed juig is sown in the feitile
soil of his own ignorance. Vet he is
sictnally wsistuig bis time in that which
is worse thsui absolule idleness. If the
boy weregiM-n si tsisk to perform, were
it ever so lmht. m the stud of any
science in ail. and judiciouslv pun.sliMl
if he failed to jieiform it, the result
might be hiuhly satisfactory; but un
fortunately in such studies the pupil
is frequently his own msister; or even
if he be under si preceptor, such exalted
labors are conventionally supposed to
bt utterly bei:idtb pale of discipline.
And the young I.'siflae'le soon becomes
dissatisfied with his. luasteis stvlc, stud
either dispenses entiiek with the ser
vices of an instructor, or demands :i
fresh one. Mosul II. dis'-overs that
his tesicher thumps or that he plays
without the Iesist feeling L'onm lurutn ; the dismissal of the master is
sesileil. What should we think of an
urchin of the same stge desiring si
change of school hecsiiise he doubted
his tutor's tendering of si passage in
Iloinor? One of the most charming
trstits in the character of the embryo
dilettsmte is the veisatility of his ge
nius. He .-csircelv begun botauv
when he jilunges inloetomology ; wesi
ried of the hitter science, ami embark
ing in mineralogy, he is seized with si
craze for music; but, believing thsit sif
ter sill science is his true forte, he
rushes into chemistry. Yet he has
only dest loved one csirpet and thrice
nesirly succeeded in burning the Iioum
down, when we find li:m engaged in ;i
gresit work of sirs, surrounded b vsiri
ous pigincnts.ind biushessmd mediums
of pungent smd nauseating odors. It
he happens to take up phvsiology and
anatomy, the frogs in his immediate
neighhoihood hsive a bad time of it.
lie resids of some intereMiiig evperi
nients which may be performed on live
frogs. Dear bo. he has such nice
tastes. Surely such dispositions ought
to be eucoiirsiged.
Other boys may be engaged in giving
each other black eye. or blaspheming,
or coiiunitting any of the other iniqui
ties eiuinieisited by Dr. Watts; but our
pattern child is walking steadily in the
straight and narrow way of hisaMhctic
imrsuits. As his uisimir.a says, the
sweetest point in his chaiacter is that
he is "so pure." There is perhaps si
slight drawback to his fond patent's
satisfaction in the matter of his religion:
for sis he passts through the hitter hsilf
of his teens the voung student probably
dips into the works of a
certain school of scientific men of the
present day. If this be the case, it will
be lucky if he contents himself with
tracing his descent to the winged wor
thies who-e portraits adorn his father's
walls, and does not ciaini his ancestry
among si ties, je'.v-fish. or molecules,
amontr apes, jcy-lish. or molecules.
ijMtis far from impossible that he
may astoirsh his parents by observ nil
that "praver is an bsiirditv. as there is
i t i",-.-.. , .,- "t -
uui.wu unn,,,,.,.,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,
Willi US. lie oii-n-is oisiiioiii' nil-
matron, as a rule, makes a stand: hut
there are some glorious exceptions who
consider their sons, hearts so sincere,
and their ideas so beautiful, that,
while regretting their eccentricities,
they yield to their vagaries. The ex
clusive use of a room for the experi
ments, and to contain the collections
and apparatus of the young genius, is
of course a necessity, and a museum
"unknowable" in the temple of nature, i ,.. n whieli would it her w sp never ' n;dl which works on a curved rack-bar I Farmers iisim; the Champion Double : rpon TnproTr.i farm ic n'm."? .vi ani ot ' - ? " '' r - ' m i
with the firmament as its roof, the inve existed Hut this does not alter i ".tlie ''V! TT , .. I 1Uk: ,!in oan "hyiM? tl,H "ecumula- UV?t wiwmiMnniir! ' i : ! if . ? ' - . -
. f,, ., . ,,,.. .,i ,i luutXLUtl- 1ul lIlls lRt " ! (,rn Planters Hurton Hakes. Ma- , ,;,, nf ,nrT n nn flt- :hi jir.s UflW i,v c',,re ,,,WA n' of 2.noo and apM. h ;: r .. U1; j;; ''- ; .. .. !4
scent of tlowers as its incense, and the the fact that when art becomes a mere . rei,.ro Iowa. I U II " t0p 0l lfie " -; 7 ' -a-d ' orrrnt.Trr-r.t j !! :; .. urB ;.) .. i;.; ..
winged son-sters as its choir, to accom- luxurv ad al ailluselm.llt for idle-. Vel'iicle Springs-Wm. Hunt, Oska-1 msertiiwr the rimr so as to brimr the . ciiool Bo.wwAna Atftv.. 'j5 ?m" :h ffiKr.!.. " ; ':
pany the rest of his family to the parish ess.i produces an enervating and most la.l;. ; crww 6r in front of the no?e and not r--r """""A' iJs '-5 - rt "" :? - :.'
church, which, as he very truly remarks. perniciL effect. Keal, genuine, and ,"fZ"l? l"1-1 -y ("" ine the riiam WHITVJ Y gO ME ;5 .. ifi Vn.".5- T..
is-m:ide with hantls." Here the British wholesome art or science uiialit ever to m d, d h'rL- Wn . 'L Clark. Webster ',on w"h cr:S. l""11 .? U,e " ' ORGANS. JVf. n v.
'situated on a picturesque spot in the
pleasure-grounds is a nice thing for
him. In London it is very df'-ir.ilile ; :i enach-house should be fitted ui
;ls his studio or lahoratory.
Our student scorns sueli pursuits aa
.n.r'iniii. business :nni i hi law. II"
JIU'I l.lllliiT. l-llllll'.J.i . - --
is too orthodox to he a projr candi- ,
daffor holy orders, and too feeble in !
4JJV I I -ll !-' - .-.- w- ------
b(Klv lor tin; army. venue, nis nifuwi (
cai)ahilitie,s scaro-h fit him to undergo
the studies necessary to enable him to
jj):tss the examinations requisite for
either profession. Tiaveljiii: is a sine
fua uon for the gratification of his
t;Lst-s. Armed with Murra. Midler,
and Mrs..Iamie.-rn, Childe Harold starts
on his, and having inad'
himself a nuisance at the tables-d'hoi- '
of the principal cifes of Hurope, he i
returns to his home an even -rresiter .
prig than he left it. Ihs unhappy
Ineuds have to endure hearing him j
"talk stbioad," until miu- ol them in
liieir nearus iievouuy wi-n inai ne nan
never U-turned to his native laud. H- I
. I
now considers that he lists seen so mmii :
of life, of men smd manners, thai he
probably tstkes up politics and social !
economy, though, m-i-dless to ssty it: the
1110.-1 way. hikeh enough
in soon appears at meetings of vsirioiis
'"oiigieas. If he h.u been to any fsr
lint. till cotmtiy, he soon becomes Ji
member of the (b-ograpaical .icidy.
If he is si stay-at-home, he is si im-mber
of sin Aichteologieal ociely.
In duecourse the atheiic young man
meets the :esthetic ynung v.omait. We
have not space at pit-sent to tieatof th
Isttter. ullieent be it to say that she
is seven-looking, but lathei pi el t v . t li.if
.he weais her waist al si difTeieiit eleva
tion lrom the lest of womankind, smd
thsit she genei silly csurie.i si pair ol
tpectsicles in hei pocket, w hlcli she puis
mi to examine woiks of strt. We will
pass over the love-msikmg ol the ititel
lectual turtledoves. If th.-v i-.iu make
a romance and difficulty, when nooppo- I
sition is rstised to their msiiiiage, they
will do so. The gieit sidvsiiilage of
inairicd life to the mall of nice tsiste is
the oppiutiiuity of displaying them,
which is alToided by the necessity of
furnishing ;t house. Ilsippy theaitistic
couple whose tsistes lie in the same
"peiiod." Woe to thein if tie mascu
line sifTed ion be ford-ithic furniture
a ,d the femiuitie for IJenaissan ( if
Mr. be Louis (btatoive, while Mis. is
Queen Anne. Heavy is the drain on
the paienla! puise-tti ings. Artistic
liiruituie is not to be had for nothing
And, tsilkiug of expeinliture.our friend
has si habit ol "picking up" things, which
acts much in the same manner sis a
hole in a pocket. II- liKes the piincipal
picture and china dealers to come up;
smd speak to him sit Cluistie and Man
son's. Now their fiiendship has to be
pilichased with Solid gold. Sometimes
men with nice tastes p-gaid the pur
chsise ol woiks of art as an investment.
This investment does not invariably
turnout an Kl Dorsido. for thesunsiteur
usually buys that which is the nioM
iashioiiable thing. mstesid of that which
.... 1...1.1., ...:n l i... i : i.i..
i i . 1 1 i v win IM-I.OI111- ia.tiiiwii.nnt-. . i
when he has gone on investing stud
picking up until the aesthetic purse has
run low, a lealizatioii becoming neces
sary, he is astonished to find that his
vstlusibles not only fail to pay any inter
est, but even to restore the very capitsil
itself. If the sale is apparently a good
one. it has probably been en! rusted to
the hands of :i distinguished dealer,
when the nature of the aiguiiieiits that
he makes diverts the lion's shaie of the
profits from the pockets of the vendor.
In a financial point of view, the old
fsishioued "clever man" who "kept up
his classics" had sm advsintageovr the
man of nice tastes. The former did not
cost much, whilst the latter frequently
lead, directly or indirectly, to rum. In
mr foiefsithers' times the setleutsiry
man, sis a rule, laid by substantial
savings. If he did waste any
wsis either in electioneering or the pur
chase of rsire old editions of books; but
for the study of his classics a small
room with uglv mahoganv furniture i
smd leather-covered arm-chair was all
that he required.
Before youth begins to verge on mid
dle sige the possessor of nice tastes gen
erally shows signs of failing health. id exercise and ennui make life
burdensome to him. The most cele
brsited physicians in vsiin prescribe
tonics and simusemt nt. 'Ihe patient
rsipidly becomes that most troublesome
of all invalids, sm sethetic hypochon
driac. The Iesist thing frets and wor
ries hint. If a cretonne lsides. he is not
cot-tent until it is renewed. A crack
in the varnish of a pid uie drives him
wild. He is in si fever until he posses
ses si specimen of the woiks of ;dl the
most eminent masters of his favorite
school. Nothing is mure wholesome
than the honest sludv of sin art or sci-
ence. i.ui inoieoiscip.iueisuecessarv in
...... 1 .... 1: ...- 1:. ..
the schools of art and science than in
any others. To succeed thoroughly in
either, the work must be hard. This is
tjood. On the other hand, to take up
art or science :is play, the work need
not he hard. This also is trood. Hut
woe to him who mistakes tilav for work.
An extravagant demand for artistic
pro(luce ll5ls alw.iys hwn a sign of a
11!ltillll veririllsr on decay. Uf course
tIlis ,,lval demand may call fonh manv
' r.,i .irit who w.mid otlii-rwiv.. in. en-
teal auisLs who would othrvvw u ui-
Ijiaged m some other eiiipiovment, and
ne eneourageu, out a sensual aim iav
love of either should be stamped out
.i - j .... ! r,.,t. v .7r,7,n,
as the rinderpest. London katuruay
T) .
Puljiit discourses have insensibly
dwindled from speakim: to ivadinsr-.a
... ,;. .,.' - , ,-.,
practice of itselt sufhcient to .stnle
every germ of eloquence Sidney
. ... i i i
11s m.-mv leatiinii 1 mnus ittav tie 1 tie 1 as 11s tiat is iiem nrin v niLrei 1 er nv a . . z.-- -.;--" -- r-.T
1 ...t- -ii;- I..A.I. -.:.. . . 11 a.z ..1 A..i. 1 m m m n is . .w - n bm b
i Ml a Chi. a neimj outi unu ri inu-ii i
i.roken of a had habit, he nnv.'ly n-
t.lw.,1 "T.iti.i. hadn't I be m-nd-
Hierc was once a Mayor of an ancient
hiirouL'h who was a staunch teetotaller, i
,-- - -- - - - - i
and i' known to he ?n. Ileaiipndd'
the festivities prom-, ted I.j a neihlh.r-
- - o
... ti'i i i it.
ing ikiiuuku, ku mhuc hih- uu mi- ;
the Mayor well put a ulass of milk-;
took it up ami qualTiil it off. and set it
down, s;tyin. "L rd. what a cow
A laU.rer of Hibernian extraction l
, , ,
visa, not long in. lameiitinjr the hard
tiiii, stud draw in u for a ontrast a
bnjr'it picture of his t..iuf in the old ,
,unlry. W ,,1 ,.. finally, -av I
wa..nly Iwck aain in my fathr p.U- !
itJ A jolly fJ'ow-woikman squinUil
i, is f.y, and replied: -Mire. :tn" av y i
wore there ve inotght sthstn on the ,
jjroUfJ' a- p.afh yer li,m ifown the i
-)iititlU' an' open the door av it." '
- " '
-Cin'i. you give me some work?" in
,,,,,., j ;i jHHrchap at a Chicago tele
raph oilii one day this week.
-jj fUH" vvsts the short replv.
-Well. by inf. I've jfot to have ith
in ter do purtv soon, muttrel the :j-
And turning desjieratel) to the tele-
graph offi'ial, lie continiieil:
"I s;tv. initter, ctiuidu't you hire uie
for a telegraph jole V
Yet even then the nfflci.,1 hsid to turn j
him avvstv. every jmisI being supplied. .
"Mv son." s tid a bland gei.tlemsin to !
St little liov, "Would Vol! Hot llketo-ollie
to -Mind ly.tehiMtl, to sing and prstv, smd
hear stll siImiiiI Moses and Asiion. smd
the wImIc, smd the fiery furnace. ,Jo
sejih's costl i.f many colors, smd put
vour iM'imiis in the box?" vile you
going to hsivesi ("hiistmsis tieeV" siskml
: he child. "Xo," answered the old man;
"but we sire going to spend the money
that would be spent for candles ami
oi;ti.g-s stud candy in sending tracts to
tin little heathen children in ."
" I hiil'll do," answered the rude young
boy, sis be took st sight sit the good ..Id
man; "I iloij'l trstm with no such Sunday-school
as thsit!" And he depai ted
to stone st lost dog
The following conversation between
two children is "smart," smd this time
it's Arlington. A sister and ;i brother
were occupy ing the same bed. patents
in an stdj muiig room, a cold wiutci's
night, and the little fellow, whose name
wsis .Jimmy, awakened rsither earlier
t list it usual, slipped out of bed smd was
trotting around, when the sister miss
ing her charge calls to him thus wise:
"Oh, .Jimmy, come smd get into bed this
i minute. , ou will caught vour def a
cold, and you will be sick ami die, .Jim
my, smd go to heaven. And you know,
.limmy. you have no relations there.
Hut I have, for t.ran'uia II. is fheie.
Oh, coiue!";ind he came.
Trallic in New England Ferns.
Among the new industries of the last
few years is the collection and sale of
reeping ferns so conimoii in our New
Kuglaiid wood.s. but entirely unknown
beyond the Alleghani"?. and. until last
year, unknown beyond the Hudson.
This business originated at (Ireenlield.
where it is now carried on extensively,
and was begun here about four years
ago. It is now in the hands of K. W.
Clarkeantl Mielle A: Co.. whosell many
thousand dollars' worth annually, lhit
lew bunches were sold at first, but as
the demand has steadily increased, the
woods cist ami southeast of r-pringticld.
in I.oiignieadow. Wilbraham and Sum
mers have been carefully gleaned,
often the value of the ferns growing
on a single acre of woodland will ex
cel d that of a single acre of corn, and
wood lots have been bought at high
nrices solely to control the tern trade
'Ihe season ,if gathering these ferns ,lM" "' :'11 f-ireigii -""l -Xiiieru-au col
begiitsal.out the middle of August ami ,,,v'1 "''-5'l. " durable as they
lasts till late in the autumn. Originallv "eautilul. There is no pieee of tur
onlv ltesl, ferns were sold, and these n,l,,IV that can be put into a pallor.
i ,",,.i,. !.,.. iM.nct i.t-.c .i..... .r-.i i....c i.nt
Illll I ' 'i III I.HII I' ill I'Mlllon.',
the trade in the pressed ferns is now by
far the largest part of the business, and
gives employ incut to a number of
hands. One dealer in this city keeps
about twelvcgirlsat pressing. A doen
ferns are pressed in one "string." and
one N'-w York house has ordeied l'
strings. The pressed ferns are sent all
over ttie t luted Mates aim anaua
manv going to California
I'hev are
used mainly for wall decorations
Sjtriiitjh-l'i I! puhlhau.
M .ntgouierv Mlair is writing a life of
Andrew laeU-oti
TttoMv!! O'C. tu. 11 ttr f I'atriit-. of tlir
IliW A l'AI KN I Or VIl k. a- Ir violins. r'.rt tin
i.ll..umi: l". -. iMtcnts iv-iit-il to Wr-tcrti meiit
ur. mtti:mi'.i:i: !'. 17;,
Clothes DiveisL. Talbott. Mediapo-
lis. Iowa
M 11 n in 1 : no 1 1 1 11 oro 1 oil- 1
, j-"- - -
Corks. t:c. Patrick, Gibbons. Keokuk.
Susptnd:mr Chamieliers f'.eo. "War
ner. Des Moines. Iowa. The chain an.d
its stops can pass throu;li theaperature
111 tne miaru wnep.ever tue iock is
. lift'd to one side, so that the chain
! hP i"tM u-
Ice M-ikinir Apparatus t has. hit -
.. ... . -. -
' aker. Davenport. Iowa.
j V,;,ur Holts-John l Airier. Avoca.
I Iovva. ""
Iuntain Pen Holders A. P. Allen.
i Denmark. Iowa.
roniis-.T,,hn Dunn. Oskaloo:i. Iowa,
i A two-part ctlin. divided vertically.
:... t
Animal Traps -Henry I. Mitli. Otta -
w:l lvai,:;5:,s' ,.
. v,,a Maishall Turlev & John Hem-
!. ' V , i!-
i imr. ouneil HlufK la.
! Churn Motors N. C. AViliingaud &
AV. V. Waters. Toledo. la.
.'hdllKree Plates Daniel TI. AVinter.
j evv ton. Iowa: a.-siirnor ot one-liait fns
. ri,lt,s M. irvvin. same place.
, Two metal plates haviuc a boss and
i socket to relieve the bolf from strain.
j and lus to limit the plav of the vvhifTe
' ire.
1'irU-l FVnci
Win-, --!: ..Im (.
Aivm K M-'t:. A:
Hpvwi. I.W.:?.
r -'ii-.m -- tl '. I'.a.
lrn I i inters w imam .): an.i
i ,,tl4.r v j.,n,.. r,i.,n Townslm.. Vat.
Huren onmiv. Iowa.
. -
....... - -,
ruljivatrs Mwi
x jJJJJsSISj 'j
( ultivators iuiwm v, . .tov. inw
of part his rurhl u
l:n Mtiii Sixmuel ?ti!.s: sortie
- - ..--.j- ..-. - . . . .
Chain Pumps F. A Leavfns, BeKe ?
- - - - ;
rew-ThtadinK Atfarhmpnts ;..
Iteaiiiii? Murliin- . E. Mr)iT and
- ""5" l ) " ' ....,..,
erank till rC H at dir-I disLUKf
frfn nut pi.M-. im. t-nd of jij- o-r
be.d-i whi-l am! iai'it : nut
Turn hji.iio. u!,t-i nit for.-rs y j- '-. V
fi, Tl '
ulTt.iUl.A the,.t: . r .-nil. !
Till. lKKMTx
BT V9Xtw su v..s.
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! !
L'V"."'."'4.' h"'r
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Cli. iir- Wholesale new
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Tin: vi. ri.oiv 1 1:1 i..
Colli Vli-il lit A t .inlfil to Dimti- V" ('.
The award by tie- Indiana Mate Ag "s.iciejv on the .Mates trial of
iuiiileiii'-nts held 0:1 the farm of I'erdue I
riuveisity. Lafayette, the last of .June,
was announce I last week at their an
nual fair at Indianapolis.
I lecie A: 'o. tl nt the ribbons for high
est award in the tri il of "Walking Cul
tivators," their Aiivvncj: carrying off
the honors. Also their Hii.iuv .Ml. kv
takes the gold medal in the sulky plow
trial. This was probably the largest and
most closely contested field trial ever
had in the West, continuing during the
entire week, twenty-one competitors m
i-ittivitMf 'mil snllr'- iitiev n-irl u-in it.
( uiiv.uoi .tun siiiK.- pio.vs p.u in ip.ii-
ing. including all the principal m.inu-
, .
ta.turersof these implements.
Vhe'-Cilpin Sulkv" was also awarded
the litt pnxe for best work at tl e plow
ing match at the Iowa State Fair last
month. This, the manufactuiersclaim.
is about a hundred premiums tor tin-.
popular plow in trial, throughout the
country, since its tir-a introduction h-s
than two years since
"A Tiling of Iti-.iiitv N a .l.iy I nrr r."
Kspeciallv whi-u it coiubines ut ill' v
...:., . lv ....... . t. ,. . i .
wiiu oeainy. I'onaiiiie, ,mci i. i ,
of Iiiirliugtoii. Iowa, uicoiiiicctiou with
their wholesale Marble. Lime. Cement.
and Ihnlding .Mat-nalTr ide. have m
stock a IliagUlficelll ilisphlV of lllllble.
,i . . i . . . i . . . i : . i
mailiieied slate, and mai iibied iron
mantels, and iron grates. These man-
t.-ls are beautiful in design and iinish.
. v.... ... .. .
maioieieu on siau auo ii"i. in imiia-
sitt ing i ooiu. dining room, or chamber.
that will look so well lor the amount
invested as one of these mantel pieces.
and there is no reason why everybody '..J.rf'm'ViWoMnr;' Y'oVn:
should not do the same If they eann-.t. ( ."bV., 'W.XVlZ1 un?. Vl
whv and a shrug of the shoulder end- i v..n e o n.. -i-tluMliscussion.
Meanwhile .. V)KVW tS.'KcS""'1
the deaths in the country maybe ; i aced Ijj. H Ironing Board.
.lir.u.'li- ..p iTwliii.i-tlt- ti mil M""' I'rr'rrt ilurafilr. ami rtiraprst lioriln?
(UlCCilV ol lUUIietllV to HielU lety, alio In th w..r .1 Almjt rfaifnriiii- nr.p
I ...... 1.. It tl...!..!- it,. .! 1.. w
Olie-ltalt til' IllUlllels aild tulPM CI line-
' u hi('1' lin ,,ur prisons and jails are due
IVrr :JZ::;:,rZ
, .
, even n nrison ieiormeis me suoieci is
, virtually lgnoie-l. I he mistake appear
jlO lis U) nave neeil ill ill glllg urilllKen-
ness a.s a (Mime and temperance as a
virtue. That is onlv one side of tin
question. The one is also adi-ease and 1
the other a nece-s.irv
jireeaution to
ive lite. 11 the voiinu' lad starting out ,
jU lif,. and the mother who follows
: him with entreaties and nraver.s uinier-
( S.0()(I lhal Uw clls ,- i,qllr in hisce
w;ls not only a moral delinquency but
a step toward suicide, ju-t as danger-
ous as exposure to cold would be to a
... ,111
consumptive, his danger would be less-
. . , - 1
".. -. , ,.
enetl Olie-iiail. -Soman Is asliailieu u
,, , ,.i .i :..
protect a Weak bodV. lUIt lie rUattes into
... ., 1 :,.....-
I I'Ml Ilia I Hill t 1 I 11 I 1 V IIIS Illlk-Lff'I 111 It"'
i ' ' ' " '
i sistance as stromr as his neitrhbor's. ""7e ;
::.. ..... --.i:..-.;.ii - . i .
! are alad to f.nd imm the reiorts of the ,
:)H.iali0I1 th:ll nilional Int.lhwl
()f TneKi r lhis fMnMno ,.vil of lir
j . - . . j ," . i
nine is so fast iramim: the approval of,
; the mihlir. A'nr York Tribune.
. - - -
caretully inserted is the best IIo- Him:
I in the market, it having no sharp points
- y -r., n
in the nose. The Brown nde;
, , , ,
closes on the orf ie of the noe and is
' the best sine! rimr. Chambers
: QriXLAX. Decatur. Illinois, are manu-
. f.,riirra -n.ot- -ii-n m.iTtnfifriira tVi&
il,ct ire1I?'.;i .he o m.imifacture the
tgle iiill Corn Husker, the farmers
! favori
:iiunrei ;ier. i lie 1 iiiiiiiie i.tii" wiien
rror. w. r.!n.. a. m . m. n.
'-'! ri ." '9 ' . i 1 -xry a
I'f .-.. r 'n t ??'! m-i ft r r r
r; .f iii'i r it t r t .J CU
- t- i : -at ." ? i-4 a- rs j
t -t ' r ' ;:'? -.t -- ltr1'e
H't 'ir'". ' J , -r , .; ri Ctrtr- '
t -!.- H'L.t.K .!- t 3 MS'. rt
I .t M a r r . ui ; ; - - 1 ll h
I .! 4iin H't r" - . I r
.I -til t mt l -'th 3 rr . ;-. lTjt
'uixriirTriin I'-i i; k - - rff)
trrt'u il -llrt pi ? 33 N ; " t' t.
I ft 1'l;' a r r J- V.S AtiL 3 tfM4.
!-.j la
tl r r
tr,.,,,,,.,,,,.,,, r . .fBj, lo.t.,: ,r My
B?, ? t .txn.-r..-.. v.. r..,,
H . n
u-m:.i s t ,
trirtt t
rnptur- v. ,.h. tf.t )Iivk- I'KfVii y
8EI T TKI ' f t 'rkiUiMk Ifc
rtMlit(..if ,h ,:, ' i. Hi li.i
l'..n.otitftloH I n ln I'lirral.
IISi K. f : " , r
" '.".mII, ,.ni.
tZZZZ""' i" """ r"
JrSZ'Z'. tTrVt,..rVTia.rt,r'"r
, ji ttr i r. t,- I. -ir vl !,
, i.rai'.rr ijr fo &et in -. Ikvt .
i 'I i tl, ul.Til.1 tit tl rsti., r
1 I J. r i '! !! f iMt tt ,-r!r. jr ;h
J .f t- -iirO .-f ife i -t l'or-:i
' i- ;!! n AI--1 :n?u. nln In t r
j ' ! ftflinaS'i r,lNiin rwtt r
i f-xxl It 1' S !! t ! th StolHiK h t v.
i t it l rlil 1 1 an.t , Mtvuf'ff hi lt
! TliM" at i(i ut'i till .'i;ln!f fr
m s I
I- 1
I tetttl r.utt lv:i f f.
t0Wrli tr a
rrt oij" jk:-i II ""J te .'i.f '
bra -tW a if t?. fstiich in ihrt. -.-.
I ltr .1) i-h itl U -iiJ thr t im.vr. ti. t
rl5rtl iin.- turpi. I tu.t tt- nr t I
tm -irj.ire 'lift n r ji, ni'in r '.
W trl. 'h lMitrl rr rtvtl It r. tlr .a i.m r
nil Ixiut ti' .f t ! i .,. tri. t.
t. t,r ii ..' NttnHraki- l't Tr rrtuirrl
ltrtr niitlclur ir trrprrtl '
J 11 fHIM k. A '
N K mrnrr tilth ami vrn ttirrt. V t
Ail arr f"r a)r '. 'rK-v - ! Jr.n t
Jii'tini'trr ;ti. t l rum If it It r t
tojir i.f.T ti 1' If It tt But trur tirtrr
tpr .k It. ha; it i) t utr K'lrt'i lijlih: Utrr
N.-trr .jiti.'trr t m .iiif ti: for t r r '-ncr
lire nf jo htitir tir'thrr itr.1 tfir purrLAtr of
ftlrrft lit!l-ht t.itr r.'i.
Ir. flrlKKK. rr. r rfr.utr nf Mrlttth
-li.I lrri tt, llitfl!iit.-t "rntt (run it f'r
I' I".' t'tn lrt.tti Trrjtt .til itltrtrt of tfr Ml
tirtv l.ltrr l.ur..- ItrT. Thrust. Ur.t i. ?
Nrrt..-i ttrm Vri.-r"f Vulhnl .'urt f
l.tflMt ii rrtf nil t tr.ititt uml rin ftr
thfr ti.itH fi'l-a ill", f. rfr't f..r nt rtr f
triiilntt VrjVnr ir prlt tlr .litrtr "t 4H V i.J
r rti.ira. trr hr in. tirt.iKi- itti.l fn'l t" r.irr I a
iiIK!I filial ir..rr trr.t'mrlit f.H ititm.r p. lit thnr r I Ml 'IVri -litliaii,- tullif
'i rrplt r-ini-"t .ti.'ttt imI
I ! tTTn h ii Kit -rint for .VI
in-. !. W Ih.x ,-t ir ritll ml uOrr. Ji: I'rrrt
-I n-t. Il.'itf ni"r !
For T iptlwr lit-ft f ihr tktri. ;itinflt rt.l
M.ilrlir V rMiir it Ihf n;rri:tt t it rr
movr frmii thr i "ti-in ttir iri4urtii( iiuii-
Tti rrinaikati e rur.' rSrflril t rurttm- hr
itHliicnl mmy ti) tlrisiit ml (ott.rrrl-t
tttitiin r itiKiM. t tirrtcrlhr iul ur II tu Itirlr
H II f.lllllll.'l
If" I f .1 i-t of ! ni'.ir liirm't It utril. ami onr
ti.-ilf f It !-! with flh or n-tttfoot oil. wtitlr
on thr uttirr I'm lr Stin'n llitrnrst Oil l iinril.
i ttir l.'tttrr ill hi tti lo-ttrr roii.Utt.m aftrr tnr
ioi'i -tcrvlri- tluii th fornn-r ltl t.r Jtt tlir f nil
tf 'tiirr inoiit hk Fmirirrt l'rilrlrt.irj I'u . .M'i
uf irturri. I'tniMttii. Ill
There is nothing m iniMb-rn discovery
so wonderful and meritorious, as that
gieat labor-saver, hobbius' I-'lectnc
Soap, (made by Cragm it Co., I'liiladel
phia.) It tells its storv on the tir-d
trial. Ask vour gr cer for it.
Hr"rtllrf'i KTtr.ici f Tr tml Wllrt Chrrr
ti it iirrl ttioii- tiult 'ul ri'ilrt .t .., a :i) iimrr.
In .ill riii"i r ton t i-.ui to itir tntr of riirrpt
! u", "' "" '''"" uf l"- try Kiim-. ,
i nit i.'iit i.irn- l-lllt
- '' .P. V I -..llT 1ll.lll .1 111.
( r"ks il"ir .' l r r !. t iifl. li.- ,m..i
, i ,,,. .,,., r srxuvicrco s-ittnnri t. I- w t
' -c i .inn mit.ii .h.i. i-.tarn-ti.n
' fmW n i.t'i l N :its;iu I al'l I o Ntt.lil N V
i ifcI.-f llK,ir n kfi r uomf n
' V, , J.,:";,",'!,)1 , .",""' S, .T"r""
j "it f f mmisii o.,i.r. Mirhtu
! III UNI iii'.rr i i.iiiii; mni wonirn to tr.irn y
ff inKi.mnn v,t.,ti.n l
J If sh, i,, .i, irt tnr .r.i. MriMf I
' , i.n.j iiiiimi. tkikliimhoi, A
OIIKlil l OIlHi
-',' I uliiir. I'.li-citnl Artlllr
g 4 lltlltW xu i-r ( ri-:im llilol i .tr!
V .r tv tl. iiii' "r 'i-iiil taiiii.
t o. i.ii..' l'r si-ml taiiii. f..r
t.mii.-. i.i:itr ntiTi.Mi ui
51 Dr. CRAM' 3
t h
. O I l lrlll
N B sH I M I ll I
j ifnlwl I I I llllW
it, ,,I,n -nr npitrnlifla arul all nrrrosit j.iri
I o,, i ram A Mn lirr 115 K ltninl Mti strn-t
i, tk.., Jf i ., i ,irit it:tt iiruiiu i m
j '" ' 51 "-r "fu" Ar,.fat-.a
r.m, -. ...v AWAk
If im :irf at' rtnl with thU mo.Irrn i-iriny
Vol fiavr trli-i' ail tlir m r.illfil "tDriTih-i" ulth
nt fi rin.iiii'iit irllrf, atk ur ilriiu'irttt for Pit
K lt-NKIf CM Klill TRK VTMF ST tr'it)
hi.ttlr fr.-r. r IMI.OsK KXCHFss cilAltOKS
iV-.To I" Folt ir W want a rrlUWr rfil in
vrrv r..i.-it t" huin wr nrfrr rxtr.iorllnnr
naurrlli.Ti-H Try thlt rrllirily fllllj at olirrl
j.rtis- I a'l or ail.lri,t. u ith f-TAir for i-ir-
i-llLtrs. P. K tl.K KIIKKO.N KKCKtl-r "F Pltll . $2.
...... ' "'.s il.irV Strrr IIIICMUI
. 'i Tliu'tihit hi-anv lilrt. rirvrr out of ortjrr
x.,. .s w.,r.P(1 ,-vrrvtirirrr. I5KKKN" A K1U
Ct. :.i .;;' ,.it'ir "" "'t
, Mrs. Or. Keek's Catarrh Remedy.
I Si. niir. NinjrlriKr. Noilonrhr N'n palrt
' nn'iT no rxiorhitan: frr Attmtton to ai
-j;;', '&.'
me troti.ri wti Catarrh anil (Vinmituritlonani1
tircal .I'tra'ru. to rail on Mm ir Krrk
1 tfir rrlrfirarnt ca'arrh atnl Contimrtlon sr.rtal
lt llrrtrratmria. In attrartlnif irrrat attratlnr
1 -hr roroii,v invitronr amiaii
Trrttmint frrr
I .tt o-ir oCjr. Clrrular (rlTln? full Information
j srnt Aililrrtt ail coHitniinlrattont to
i' ttrrrt riivic"'' " t.t
pAVnDiTP nr.iDCTTc cadmco
'I hcrn. C t-.pic,
V-r ;j c a..d !--a X
'a. ..i ir'nrr '
it 'ni ( ir 1 ,
Uv'J't"ri, t-A -
i r ii '-'r
Sar ;.. 1 1 - . $(
"-" Add't o to.wv mm, vi
nil ln wn FislrrLrT"iuTrivnrtith-
I'll L V o"Jr 'ln or the ntr of ktilfr Ufratnrr
I II r.Aorrautttr a srp.K itkk im n
iiJlik'l'AV with natlrntt from a l't:arr
' i-i ii
w- will contract :o pay aUtrarIlriir and CM'l.
'fn I ' fall t. rrrct a raillrai rurr. N
Mir? for -f.rtti".itIon or rxamlratlr-n
VIWH MIIHMIs ic-m tuonttrrrt . MraiM
Tf 4 K "1- ctoirrt m 'hr wr,r:c ir
r- .wm
vv.-r"t. n v e o Box .-
ITI f 1 IV K Y
norrr ?rlcrtjrprt f omranv '
.v rrerlfJ tap!r irtr; p.r.i...rrrri Vjly- tra
Va na'il? Impr'ir.-nii!. Nrir ant Hanti'a)
oi.- .fof. Orcat5: and Mnslriant rTrrvwErr
irilortr tjjr.r Oriran ami rci mrarnd thm at
STR'fiT Kirt-cLak In Ton. Mrrbantro an1
ura 1 ev. Warraatl FlTe Tears. Srnl for
Price L15-4.
Wastel imnil!atrly to .
-. i .. t.n. '
irarn ici-tii'"j. .i
road and Exprrti botl
ne. Situations jruxr-
antrtil. Ufrcornraendnl by sopt. w. C. Teirarapa
v-o. as inr oniy rritaoie :ierrapa :nooi. cir
culars frr. Addresa ". W. Telegrapb laitltnte.
.. h.-.k-. t,.in...nL . . i. -.- -. -.... . . ! i- i . ti?; vt w. hi n t it , Wi i ti fl n Mif) J ' ? f
,rtMi.riur.tSii..ii..i n; . w f fjrr iJJ3 o5r srv
.M-.,..-,,.,-. ., .t rutilr .)lt...Tf th ' ' U Vt ,-fi. n A T- "-m J
I1.e'li'i 'i-l ira.i Ut" mt 'i-" t ol "iS-"
i ii I
' i ill
1 1
nKOTiir.aN i n
- -
" - v
1 :
m is n n
. -
Mr, rr i ( w r-
a a a m m
i. a. ti
The First Annual Ti;: W ua
Industrial Exposition 8ui:dinf. a-
fro v t
As Absolutely WilM a
Our Niw S iit
Xos. 37, .IS, .11). 17. is and 1
AEE A KAEVrLT- i"" "
Neatnc .
I Economy,
Ami nil the essential points that u
to make up the
K IT oII'iti-iI fo f lie iil)lle
Kc:. 612, 511, GIG ' C'.Z i:. Llaic ::.,
.sT. I.oi I-, M.
all livi: i 1. hi: w.i.irs im.i:asa.nt a;i.n.
LOOP tf':;EeLT
;-. B tl rtri
'Hl-'U r. I
. .. ' r.!- ' ' a?T '
I...III- tl.lltr ' r
tT r fr.-ii I it t'"l
lit. kiuitl !! i
' nil t -l, M m I 11 '
Ir r:.ltf lllrlit . I Ii
rul ! In lit . . V-
.iiivv 1 - r ti 1 -n 1.
i i hi 1.1 iic 1
r 'fl- t it lirl it
nrr i.f rn ' r-
f 1. 5,tri trM V
r,j i". - j trlrn?"'. fi rr infri T
Krry titiyflli rmlirr it t ..:. r t j. t' (
tint It at tli.t f it a r 1. i-a.r '
patili. ati.J rxtrrinf. f'ttAii? ttrar -! ai..
lay Srint 5i" f-.r ." I ir rit iruir. 'i
lortriiinTt ..f tt i.''t. l." Uar '.wi. nr
tllll of ttir !r..!llli- .l..l"l'. t. Mi t H t H-1. .
InrUiillti!.''' Ifrra tio t..r a ! tnr". '"' '
t'rln ttal of thr s' l.xiit Mminal i ' .-r I
tay It l ttir ltrl Ti u Uimtt 11. I' '. r i
a yrar nu' ".. r " ' ' ' ' '"' " '
tirk.T Tru-.. k..t;r K H-rt H--i l
i.atnt'rr It fii: .r.--! -r. . M. .il- t.t t. f
lirrii fi r ? rai- ati-l i.t-' ''-' ""' -ll I
Tit I for 1. mt f .' i '-t' - ', -rtor
a.l !' rr v t'r : !. ' ' ' '
ID eat.iltti.J f arl' . ! rtrrt i' 1 '
riff) til Oi t' VV r '111' t' "I ' r Mrlt.
WiiiiiPN.iiitl lillilrni"1' tr- .U ; ' - (
Mr for t VMiN ! I' r I I ' I ' !...
If yi j a fr i' r " lilm ,
rarer tj in. t. . 5 --' - r-
now 1: I Kl nS o.,
!bix 1 1 70. ol'M I b I'.LI r F. ! .
Tratnt n r 1"
I-ll.d .t HariSc. anil l- JS'.it. A I
AtOrar.iJ Janctlir. l'h 'hr rsi'ji. . rft
wrttrrn Ka!Ij
At H. ItoGi wHJi ta Ii'e"! rt Ki l
GUiKtiL '.'IV , K.
lira llii.t AllEt.
M.t3ril irf'jKCt
S si 'E 7i'J at trrtjtJ
Lowest RAtr cf Taltlor. vt fc'-fl. at WokTlUTCa
:: t
i . i - - :T -ti'
o: v - rs -- - i.
t "
vt -xr -
VeoMPPtss- j
i" m.
I r
-3 -
t2.' 1 'ff 5
C-3 J
- ' lit
xtf r s: vt
iK"" Wl J. -
- . . !
.ar. a-
mr !n
"x r
JOt. "La tm B a
: f s-r r q m
r f-
?a : s canra n 112
Op.s Maines. 0cr. 5. 1876.
' ti C'Y
' t4lltM t i .-. ' lf 'I m9
Ht1l ., ; , ti I i ! -.'" .ift !
ti iomIi . ' ii fc
i it"l .-i ' r
wlttlM ' ' ,.. f
uli S ' ' .'"
Itr0t t.'t ' i fe - t
pfrr' ... i..' i' i
li I I !' . ' ! ' '
ttr'tttt', . ' -ti.i,ti.4M
lttrbt t V' " ' i
twt t'-l ''!.
I imttlU.. M M UlO
,! V . I 1 !
W lmli-MlIe M I S I I UN litl.
M eb-fT iliol nll) .ilii riB.
Ill VI II.
t . .. ' ' t " "4 ! f.Tillt
... . . ... i... J ! tt K j t
, .Ml "IIIMI MI - If M V tHt
t I I t I. t .' t...i l .1 ,
. t 0 !A 9lm ..! t. l
Agents Wauled.
1 11
I.I II v
tl J I ? I t t
'tt I'mh lllrll
t '
l-5ff ?
fiV, dialler Feed Mils
: f m -J
t . t ...!
1 1
. 1
'I'll I ' . t'. ifxt f .1 (."
. f ! I V I . j, . , . 11 ...1 .
I;. ', .1 I ... !l t
I. . . 1 5 .i t ! -t li ',
' t it r f. - t 9- ': . l.t "
if ' ,r t ' II rr fm- m
.1 ti !" " " '" "
' 1 !. in i
ll f". .'.
11 a . !i a - . 9 -
i .. , ;. r. . ti ' v. j
ft . . a . . ir tft, J !
I II , 1 .n.' 1 ' t J i rt
1 t r 1 4 . - A '
!..!. -.!-, ' 1H I .
'ir . H mm II". ! 1 ; . . 1 ' h -m. 1
i i: vim ii 1 s. 1
cr in...
. 11 .
i N I
Dr. hittier, h
617 St. Charles street. St. Louis, Mo.
. V v -t U 4
1 t- - .t- rt . Mkikt
Uk. t tt - ; - -" .
t jj . tanrr iri. O -L Stntaf, 0
e .t M' j. or flu lj. ll Ui-oir Oit
"1 Sp t or mril ?Ttin of th
lhrrat 1. norltn-i. - fti.S .t.i-t
, j. r, -rf f f w -t .- r t- ,'
SrrrJ'.rrSo-j. Sult Dtb.l'! al'l Irii
tt" r-r. t.- .Mia v ll""t
f f t fc 9 M. JI '
V .- t mf t
tr.itl VL
a . ' -- it tttr ' r9 ntpti ii ii
." ,iyfHi t:.?.- r--.- ataroc
lZT "J,th.Jf7.r 1 )-rmi- r.MBkt
A t r n v. -- - - .1 la "-l i.
Ir. ; " i - ' .n' tf Vi
- t 4 '. ' i,..i t- - &
T. it 1 -S" ..1 1 t : lt hr yii
v - t -. tf r--t - - --Vr-t. C
t r s i ' w '' ' " 1 1 4 tt4
.-" u. t a. it -t, J K bX-i; Ilii.nir .
Pmphii5t. !9 ny d'Jrtt, fir T3 &!j-.
woMAjsrnooD jr.i-sr
Boat xi. .. "zt. f r 2J C- -
Minnood ind Wsrnanhocd is Grmri, toWt
togtnr, 1'iutlnt-!, 15 Ctitv.
pZrT.,. i GUIDE.
r.rrist cio
: clolh s4 rT.t tamint. BU t-r v.
- f.'!-'. Ja 1 -"Tt. t ? I
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f "; ! a.-iif. Tricerr .! r
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