-y- ! IIM . sT J THE RED CLOUD CHIEF. K:i of Advertising: . PUIiUSIIKD WKKKI.Y AT The Red Cloud H. . ., . RED LOUD. NEBRASKA I' v !M. I.. TIHLMAS. n . : J) - i -1 r- .. , - . - '' . YOU'MK IV IiKD CLOU). NKIIRA.KA. TII!'K1AY. ()( TOP.KIi :v.. 1-7.;. M mi.lk i:: l IMilnr Mini l'niirlflnr. i 111 PjF I1 f V I u-liarxl'- 3!;i!iiirr.. All m n vvi-o aie man led, all Jms lands, come at one linn, sooner or later, to a point in tlii-ir lives wherc they have to ili-i idc w hcthcr lli ame nities, ami courtesies, and sweet m-ss, which characfeinred lie earl days of their alb-elton. shall be continued, or whether it shall he given up, ami harsh l.LNLBAL NKWS CONDENSE!. A dci man ii.tim 1 Uir-lt.tti-. M -in-old, at Hartloid, Cnn.. whi intoxica ted. Oft. nth, laid down 'ii some hay mar the railroad dejtot, ami the fire from his pipe communicated to the fobem.n news. A di.sjt.tN-h from London savs Mr ha, burning him to death. ...The job- Ut-nry Elliott, at Constantinople, has lung and retail and hardware house of .n instructed louul.ty the Porte that W. W. Mail-ourg at Atchison, Kahsw, uut th- IIiinlili propositions an un- st-jiliim-itt and speech, and thought, ami i,n.( Oct. nth. destroying stocX v::hi-d ns-eivediy accepted by them the Cuv lecling. shall pci vade tin life. Tosome aJ ..i,.,; insurance. 6:i,ooo A 3W.- , eminent will withdraw all siipport to oi us, pei naps, mis, time has come, ami , ()(HI u,,. curr.-d in ( iiinttro. -n the j Turk5 and im-n-lv "(larantcc Coiiatan near N-w drli-an-. a : da- :i? .:, )..- j-kt. t'r. . -L--r ! r t uV.' .' : i .' tr. - Ta-1-persons ! i .:r ed : dealt-. j.-t.i i:. .n.-l. w ;? :.-.it a "rl. hi!.!-2 .. ' '.. " '",; i--- I ami iottr were or w-.ed The l.al w.us jHH,r ,i,.-v,i t $u, !... As he d.d ::.i- i.. i. 1 '.. : up 1 .. vr , valued a: S;.".oihi. :n-i.rel for S:;o.j. j,,, ,.je fell np.n his nruu adtu.rrr. J hi.in.-ml jr-nta. lran..- ;i. fll.e K.! ,. J T-t : (who w.ts staiidw.r nar. With :'. ' -.T.t:'.i ! sweepm-; stride of th" im-lnm-hoW lMn . li.r j:i .-t p""! of Ue rrrr j. :t . he went up abrupt h t hr and .-kel . brr, jumJ " to lis cn jut.. r. "Did iu &ty yu wniiM jr. v SP : for it kk. ci.ss rne t I ae laov waj-si.ivii ir j in in puo ir s. rio.ii-. as a xu Tr a moment, but with th tT-ie Western rhildifii fitbr 30 in-iue U dt..r --t dele: mmation not t4i ! btlil. l.f re briiiy thesr lunch U-xee u4 -.: ti. r pljed, "I did," .m. oix-iutli picJiir-r ; ;ont."nt a best tlicy can. uau-h .u i;; .-h ' f, s n.J ' t ' 1 :! ' ' !.. U i the !r,it. ?.t. . .' '.i.r i'... . -v. ! :L u ; : i: i :. ' !. '....c I rl . .r 1.. '.. n. ;) .il t;r I ! U4 IkJ .4! ! i : i x - ' x: '. k' 1 .f ( r i. ' ' J1'' t'"' h. intftuili g -r. U- or a rsg t:. o l!r.i ' .-k Jt -C :W ! U,xr tri b nrt. n-.t.g UjA aV .4 Isrti nlr lb caitnJ tf lrf ffct 4 ctwtr. ii.,i . ... .-...-.. & . .K . i. vf !. .ti j P.ileii mel.-ly, and there Ills lieen :x,liaJ;'e, .. .. has ..sp-Jidet!. ttlth tVt.. ( jmimii I'jtoha has left aitol.ae k , , ., , -,-. . , , , ,,. , ... . t . ni.- i.aii'i i iu. uv. nil vw .i '.! r-i'uu..u i.ikhi jis niiuu m 4 ,i;ir ; . : ; i. ailU lilu'.ed tin thf valieV oi the 1 llnok .,,.. !.,. ,,.... .,...,.. t,.,,..! ,....... .. ... . . 11. 1. nt,.. ..,.... .. ,.o ...i.i . , .-..i. ..... .... . """ ."-' ""'.. i..t-.Kt;, aiiu ai rvji mc sauir t,iNje a: !. - ii .- -iii ; .... ...... ... . .... t,. .-, .,K.,,, iWu , ,,,n ;, x !,,,! .ii.ip. iooojisiiait ... m tiHMlir.rtion .; Kii:.i7enatz ... Lord i into the tinr.u.ts Land. taiiitf -iiu- . . ,, . 1.1 . . . , . 1 . ,... here. Ilinv, at the MWJi.,i. of our ' ,- u- Colman To. lumber .In. , I,,,!,;',,!,,,,,.,-!, i ,r FL-r.rv nj,.. I ph. "The.e- ai...'b.r." ai..l' rb..ut ' ,,M h lW haP ttt W W-"- " l"'t !' "' ' r h l .. ... ". " ' - ' t..t ...: 1. ..! tiUti. mill I'liii tif tt:f F (j'k iAtf.li ,t. f. l'..r t; m.i ... i. .. ti ikliM jA...i'ni tflLff(fcf any fin t her ::. n- nt the l.d. pa.-etl ; plate, and thf lunch- axf patn ; a b-r :.itnliv .-rk with maihinr and lIitother.tr. Ken Mrs. Ii. orlnre to . , lV1;,.Mi .. ,,.., .tuniM . ?,..' , ......, 1,. 1 .-.., ... M-. -r n f - w - - V9frmmm '- j S 4 " Wf i." . . ' II l " " " w r ar:-ted in r.o.Uo!i, i-harm-d with beat- regard to the Unitarian atrocities, de- The .MihIim-s. Time has woihed tearful levenje ainon the Modocs ince their tieachory 111 the lav-' beils. Three v ears ago tlie "were removed f nun ( irejon toareser tioa near r-eiiern, M. At that titiiethe nuniben'd 1 .",:;, ()f this number r.s have die 1 since then, and i he mortality last 1iKiir.l1 w:is greater than ever. As in the case of the Fiji Islanders, diseases to which they hae not been accus tomed, ami of which the are entirely iLMiorant. have attacked them. Theeuin- lanttive innocuous malady of whoop inucoimh pn-vtils anion'; them, ami - ei;lit have died of it- The saddest feature f their case is that there is no -ili,sician at the reservation to cartMoi them. and. ;us they know nothing of the diseases that have attacked them. the eadily fall victims to them. It would M'ein to be part of simple humamt for the governineiit to look into tins mat ter. If it can furnish ponies, food, am munition and arms to hostile Indians, it oimht at least to furnish medical aid to a little handful of Indians, who are dwelling peacefully on their reserva tion. ChUiKjo 7'n'lin 11 f. in" his wile, a v. hit iiiotiian. to death. A special passenger train with sol- dieis homeward bound fiom the re union at IudianajHilis collided with a might train near Creensburjj. Ind.. tin the morning of Oct. 7th, injuring a number ot passengers. 'otnIuctor manding repaiatimi ami justice, and urge tie immediate rebuilding of the houses ami churches, and giving assist ance to persons who have been minced to poverty. The tone of Lord I Jerhy's dispatch to Mr Henry Liliotl, tegaiding the r.ulga- "Woul him." uiib-r the iriiiusUiults. Science and Faith. In the next pl.u e, s u-nce h:u l--n , example. in m ; Tc r : ! :.' n m pan , st-aHont-ti with thterful !,- at: n -u ti kid : -i. :rt.bl.'AL ersat ion. jpxi manners, imuh at et! t wb.t. .It. w.:b lujibt rlrl The effect of this, anl rbr i.ll u .t : t r r- . . am! low m het w,. i,.,v.. ,a ,ii.i.i rff.tiv i.i.,1 i.ti. J...-, ..... ,..,. 1. a'i .... ... ;J .,:..';. ......'.-- . bJ-uraedeflantly- ;- "!Sni.l.wivas? SCfi? & bono ha snate aprfnia:t r. r ni-s has i-iei.i ii,if,n,:.iu-i.i..i. ).:.. 1 ,l ".. ;, r...r,r .,-.....,..-... 1 ...- '......... ' p.dTiiTrm arounu n-r tife.TftntirrT.m tltnrp. Let Uiem go to a kinder- t!:na m .. i-;fe. t free4.m !. 7 ' 1 0.1 .1 ioiij; . "- '!- -- i in- iuiMu,iw .t.ini uineii tne onejj- . ,.... , 1 ,1 ... a. .. ..... .. t ..... .. t. . ... ... .. vi.iiiL: iiT 1 ti z:iMiii hum -iit.ci. n .ir..i.ii fc.tii.il. .ii.i nil L4JGtffiY: I V t aAf kt i n'tii. .t. .. -. . .'UTvi vivnifti -hionie discord in our famil cinle. I jsuu:diiig contracts est 1 mated vari- I'be tune cotiies now to us again, right l,,,h at fioiu 10.0m. to liooyo shares ... here. now. at the suggestion of jour' y c.iiuan & '.. lumber drng ;tst.r, to lec.dl those sweeter das and j U(lS(. ;u ( h;ppew.t Falls burned Oct. 1 directs the l.nlish Amb.ussador to de- ' re..rm our conduct. hu-.band.s. if m . :Li,. Ik. -5:a.HH; inuraiic-. ?jii,ko. j IUUmI a personal audience with the have lapsed from thatswe.-t er.u For- ... .Harry , I. awv.-i-s, colored, hasbe.-n Miltan. and communicate with him in hearam-e is tlie keystone, of manied life. Then-can be no discoid, ti ep-can be no huge diergeueies, from tuneful n esa, so long ;ts the husband forbears am the wile forbears. Xow, this can not be attaimtl without some labor. Ib'Stilts are approached gradually in character, as the aie in making a sand lull. It is gram upon grain, shovelful upon shovelful, and load upon load, that make, the moin.d to iise. Si icsults of chaiaetcr come gradual';. An act l this time, a deed esieiday, a wool this morning, a word to-morrow morning, a cross answer tiMlay, ie Iejited a month hence, and so on, till at hist ou find there isaildge between 011 and 011r wile's or husliand's affec tion. Mr. M 'in in. ... . .... . ........ -I. I ifc-i ii.iritiiK . M m . , ,. ... . . ti. it .r I I l.e lH !l t l T.-'. !rt .fij !. T!.u rr! tit :: , tt.et it . r ! lie S ii:iidnM : uitM-t U uL.- ' --'1 --. ' .,- lht .hA.OM.OMrf. ...,. .-. , e,K.A .... . . ,. . b.a l tt 1 1 .it t.vr I.miI wt w , Ukf - ttrtr rtrti!i i ! . U u . V m.t 'tmm1 uk t. tLal Uf lU il " tUw -?" A atiDo; t-r uo tMu4 - www 1 Until t!?v. ti re s Elbff t- -li'ii. iw! tfc-r nt luie !. a !' ' nul ?sr tt -er Pvmml ipmm Lt!MC. t eb IHTn N' V.ik ltue t Allen of the passenger tiain is not ex- nan atrocities, is very .-evere peeled to recover n accident oc- eurrcd on the File railroad near Ie!.e see. N. V., on the night of Oct. t'.th. b wbirii the engineer. iarlr, w.is killed, and the liieman. brakemnn and another man were badly injured. Three pas sengers wen slightly injured ...Two fi eight trains on the Jackson railroad, collided. Oct. (ith, m-ar New Orleans, and eleven cars loaded with cotton ami "liinese imperial edict has been pub lished expressing 1 egret for .Margarg's murder, and atliruuug the right of for eigners to travt 1 thiough the country. ... .There are good ictsous for believ ing that the negotiations between Tur key and Montenegro have gone further than the renewal of the truce, and that there h.LS been an approach between the two countries on the basis of a other merchandise, including powder. 1 cession of territory to Montenegro. and all were blown to pi-c 1 brakeman was slightly injured. One A Vienna dispatch says: It is stated in diplomatic circles that the idea of The brig Ftu opa binned m dry dock I !l Kuiopean conference may be con- at New York. O.-tober 7th. and six ship carpenters perished in the tl.inn-.. The victims weie all married men with large families lire in I'eoiia. IIL October 7th, injuied CuMcn t: I'roetoiV. stove fou ml rv to the amount of -t Io.oimi; sidend abandoned The Paris Lon don TimtJt coriespondeiitsasthe I'orte lefuses to accept the terms f the aimistice because it cannot recognize ervia :us belligerent, but consents to a suspension of hostilities, the duration fully insured A fire at Lapier, Mich- not to be fixed, provided the ervian A IieMitcd Indian Chief. A touching story is told w hieh shows the better Indian character. Hack in 1Mb a part of hunters in a Wisconsin fnst came upon a solttaiy gnive over winch tluatei1 the tatteied remnants of an Ameiican flag. The soon met a band of tii-ndl Indians of whom they 11. quired the meaning of the st range sight. The rcph was that it was thejrra'Veof an Indian chief who was a brave ally of the Americans in the battle of Tippecanoe. After the fiht 'General Harrison presented him with a silk flag in token of his appre ciation of his sen ices, which the chief preserved as nioie valuable than lift-, and commanded that his body be buried in the wilderness, and the tlai; presented by General Harrison be unfuiled ab ne bis grave, there to flutter in the bivee unmolested so long as a thread re mained. This command was religious ly obeyed by the Indians, who ft equeut ly visited the grave to see that the flag was undistni bed. JfoAfoji Tran.wrij.L Ida Lewis weighs r's pounds, and thinks its splendid. And she s:isshe would go out again in the stormiest night that ever was to rescue am bod that was drowning. een though she knew she would never come back. She says she couldn't help it il" she would: it's her nature to. And that makes a true heroine of her. igan, October 7th. destloed the Masonic block and other buildings. Loss. 1...- !nm The t. Louis fair closed October 7th The llockfoid. Hock Island .v. -L Louis Kailroail has been sold tint to the Chicago, liurliiiglon & Qiuncy IJail road Co. The purchase price is 61,h.- William Ireland. chi f ch rk of Hie r.ureau of Third Assistant 1 'ost master General, ami ('Italics A ml reus, princi pal of the finance di isioii. have re signed, to take effect October :llst Fp to October yth. neai ly .M.oik had lieen received at the First National Hank, St. Paul, in response to the cir cular to banks asking donat'taii to a fund for the benefit of Mrs. IIej.Hid. widow of the bank cash.er killed b the robbers at Northtield.and respeii-eshail only been received from but onc-four- teeuth of the banks of the country Gov. Kemper leftist s the invitation to name Virginia day at the Centennial by pioclamatiou. His chief reasons are anm shall not meanwhile be icintorced by foreigners As to the second point, the Porte accepts the proposal of the Powers in principle, but proposes to all its provinces some liberties without distinction mericaii coin to the amount of .? 1 -'r,0oo has been withdrawn J. mi the r..iUxr"or Fngl.ii... for New York thspitch from t. Peters burg denote a war jann 01. stJ k Fx change. se: diti ilown funds and joint slock securities ai.d jmllmg up the rate of discon. ' L" t.i 10 to 11 iter cent On the ti'.gi.i ot Oct. 7th the Montene grins, bain g received a ieiuforceinent of J.r.Otl men, attacked Monkltac Pasha, ainl compelled bun to ret 1 eat to the tro-Mtier. It is stated that SMi Turks weie kill'd. while the Montenegrin loss in killed and wounded w.is about lb".. Gen. Tcheniayeff has demanded that all .Servians between the ages of Is and .r) ears shall be called out in anticipation of a renewal of hostili ties in the spring Russia is preparing most helpful to i ehgion in piirifuur its ; apparently tnflmg features of the km- hair. ei!t-rtaiiiii. m the patio?, as faiths and guiding its reverences. Now. dergarten. is that the children tu en- tbowh she ;m tbe irr-:- lad in " thv Han Pmnr4F" CaUmiy Aavnif) this is a service that Faith much neel.s ter tt little untaught savagi-d. leave it l.u.d. w.is more t nan their fiat im. .-. . . ttip iuuy foulta whi h at MMtl. to have some o:.e do for her. For. j polite little ladies and genUeuien. J fie . i.um-. And l.er luisfiaiM ' H .l W.n (..tit.d tn m tbt ' fittite- sublime as are her aspirations, her j know how to enter and leave a i -in. mi b a ats!irt epr-nion that .t -- . eal.nc Tb Me ik wi-'i bs intellectual Vision is but dun. Iter ee how to Speak to strangers Without Uish- eiiit a-rfravat.oli toolduiatv ivpi rrft.ltitph ReevMff -'tiee ') the poverty of the people, and that it j Iul" contingencies. Arrangf-iueiils is not customary in Virginia to use of- I "Jive been made with the Black ea final proclamations for such a puipose ' Navigation Company to remove the A disastrous foe occui red in (lev e- Hussian colony in Constantinople to land on the morning of ( ictober tub dessa in case of danger. Three business blocks were dcslr-ved Tlu' r " " ropulsed the bv lire in Memphis on the night of Oct Tiil M Jt aU"ml'1 l cu lhe liv(r :V...raVht bundled bales of cotton. J'Ai"'1 ,"ar '' Telegrams valued at .5:;7.H,o. were destroed b j f"'lk "l,'"y "f ' P""dy n.m-lu- tire in iirooklvn. October nth The sion of the armistice, for which all the Haivester Works of Minneapolis, with I l'"Wt,, are "presented ;us continuing a portion of the c .litems, were burned j tu " ,u " 1 I I r... .-..lilt it 1. iii on which a six month's armistice will be granted weie communicated to the Powers un the llih of Oct. It is stated that Servia ! will 1 eject the six months' armistice October nth. Loss, $;".u.iho; insurance. .sz.T.mhi A disastrous lire visited Piih1 Bluff. Ark.. Oct. Hth. Loss. l;0.oO': insured for half Four miners weie ?.ll...t l. t It.. lir..il.-iiifr i if ?i i'.iTi..,ii fin ! . ,. ,- , , ."". ... ' and that Bussia will consider an armis- liicuneci railway, w men sent Lineec.i.s whirling to the bottom, at New Boston Pa Major W. W. Laiaies. formerlv Charles Stunners private secretary The new tunnel being built under the Thames is intended chiefly for the use of about MKM workmen who have to cross at that point, and who are often detained by fog that stops lite boats. It will be an iron tube nine feet in diame ter, lighted with gas. thoroughly ventil lated. and only for pedestrians. The English Duke of Mitherland has transformed LMKK) acres of moorland into arable land, at an expense of i..;o per acre, or.S:MHK) for the whole. If the English nobility always absorb land in this way. there' would be little com plaint of their conduct. I lice equivalent to a rejection by the j Porte of the peace proposals of the European powers... A dispatch fiom Belgrade savs that a council of Servian minisUM s decided to accept a reirulai ., j armistice as soon as it is proposed to e than ' . . , ..,,.... mem ov i onsuis 01 itte i.reai rowers. a prominent politician at Denver, Col orado, died suddenly. Oct. I'th .John Fitch Cleveland, for nion tliirtf Vifilv ? ?i 1 1 IT. 1 .! flt.ll i.t l...tll..l '. ' ' ? ,, ,,, , ,. ,T V ,, j In tliis connection, a Belgrade telegram ...ki.i1 .., JT fill. ...lit J 1111 1 C?ltt .it lit.) I ..ll.ll.'t ".'I. 111. . ....'. .... ....... .. I..' J New York Tribunt. died in that city. Oct. lUh Bonds have ben voUti u aid the Union Pacific railroad in build ing a branch road from Omaha through i savs that the British. Kiissian. Austri an and Fiench Consuls already have been instructed to advise Seiria to ac cept an armistice. aunders ami other counties.... Pat , o,. Hundred Dollars for a Kis .lohn Lock, one of the lew survivors of the battle of Waterloo, has just died i: an almshouse, at .Rochester. England, c -the age of eighty-four, lie was in thu Sixth Dragoon Guards, and, although among the first of the troopers engaged and in the thickest of the conilict, nei liei i e nor bis horse was injured. The aires of State are heavy. When people propose to arrange an entertain ment in Madame McMahon's honor, she exclaims mournfully, "Por Heaven's fc&e, don't! Do let me rest!" Ex-President Woolsey's son, Theodore S. Woolsey, has become a professor in the Yale Taw School. McGuire. m New oik. a lew nignts j ago during a quarrel with his wrej charged her with inndo.itv. and seizing i 1 three children onealteianother. dashed ! them to the floor, exclaiming. "This is not mine." One of the children has died from its injuries, and the others are 111 a precarious condition Sen- unee of death has been pronounced on .lohn D. Lee for participation in the Mountain Meadow massacre. The prisoner, having the right under the laws of the Tenilory to choose death by hanging, shooting, or beheading, chore to be shot to death on .January 20th. 177 A man named Ithode. herding cattle near a ranche on Horse shoe river, forty miles northwest of Fort Laramie, was killed, scalped and his head cut off bv the Indian Edwin Booth'- Adventure In a Parlor Car. The following amusing story con cerning the tragedian. Edwin Booth, is published in an exchange: Edwin Booth is proverbially opposed to having his private trumpet blown, but a little incident of his overland trip is too good to be lost. It seems that in the same parlor car with the tragedian and his family was a lady more remarkable for the loudness of her style and the oppressive gorgeous ness of her jewelry than for her refine ment. This "water-fly" not only con ceived the most intense passion for the pet of the stage, but took esjecial pains to make it manifest an interest that seemed to be the more inflamed bv the ins lieau cut on by the Indians a lew ; nrofuliril inditlerence of Mr. Booth to days ago. The body was taken to Fort , llt?r ..--esence. She repeatedly stated. Laramie. Oct. loth. j amo, ,.tier things, that she "would Jack Morris, a herder, was killed by four Indians b". miles from Fort Lar- loss by the fire at Pine Bluff. Ark., foots up a quarter of a million dollars. It was the work of an incendiary . . .The entire business portion of Sandy Hill, X. Y.. was burned on the night of Oct. 10th. The losses are over S200.000 The Steamboat Southern Belle burned give Sioo to kiss that divine Booth just once." At Omaha a rx-or emigrant at- amie on the night of Oct. 10th The 1 traded the attention of the travelers as they returned to the car after din ner. He had started for California, but had been robbed while asleep, and was without funds to go on or even procure food. Our American Hamlet's gener osity in the days of his golden fortune is proverbial. Mr. Booth put his hand fixed on the heavens to w hieh she would ciimb. she cannot discern distinctly tlit Steps by which it IS reached. Mie needs science ever to be at hand to direct her. I nfier mounting instinct. Faith. st retches up her hand and clutches and chugs to whatever she cornea across. The mis shapen lice which rescued the savage from the wild beast ; the black stone which fell fiom the skv ; the serpent or the crocodile whose strange form and I tower fascinate the pnmitive atan sitch are thcobjecLs that htiHiaiut. in its first dim gmpings for an object ! worship, embiaces. Kt-hgioii may ic uiain long in thi.. groveling stage. a it did among the Egvptiaiis and A Syr ians. But oom-ror later, ah kuowiedgc mcrcases, the powcrlessness and the worthleasiiess of such things for tin worship of thinking men are seem Faith reaches up her hand to higher objects the invisible but JMitent Wind. the outstretched sky, the etherlal file, the sun that waims and lights the whole earth. These aie looked upon as mighty living beings, and venerated in solemn ntes. But, again, as man learned- m-jit of A.i-f? . lJ-.i-! which they obev the 0-1 ..ned paths in which they move, and. in learning this, learned more of himself he recognized in conscious Intelligence and the over ruling Will something greater than wind or lire. Faith raised her reverence. then, to a divinized humanity, a com pany of human gods- -.! e, king of heaven, and .Juno, queen; Mercurj. messenger of the gods: Cupid, inspirn of love; and soon. But. again, with thegrowing comprehension ot the unity of all Nature, man rose to the idea of a single supreme deity, a .Jehovah the eternal 1 Am Brahtna.the one realitv. of which all else are masks and shadows and liiusl drvvn the other deities into tin jtosition of divinities, spirits, and devils. Mill religion had not got above superstition, ."she still clung for a long time to burnt-ollerings, and washiugs.aud tastings. macerations, and masses; mlrtference by good and evil spirits: ideas of GihI as jealous, wrathful, appeasable. 1 epentiug of vvhat he had once done, interposing to mend His work. Gradually increasing knowl edge pulled one after another of these rounds also out of thehandsof Religion, and her v earning lingers that must clasp something readied up still higher on the ladder of divine apprehension, until at last she grasped the conception of the universal, eternal action of One Infinite Perfect Being, without parts, without partiality, and without shadow of turning, to be wr-h;ped only in spiiit and in truth. J. T. llixby. in Popular H'ifurfi Monthly for (ictl,tr. Kindergartens and Common Schools. This it is the "occupations" tie irork of the kindergarten, that distin guishes it from the purely mental training given in the primary schools to vouiig children. It le-M-hes them from the first the dignity ot labor; from the first tlu-v do thiinjs for themselves, and rejoice in their work. Not alone the head, but the hand, has been trained. But the kindergarten does not stop here. It educates the heart also. In the com mon schools the children rise from class to class, silence being the inflexi ble rule, each child working for itself. In the kindergarten the little artists work like grown men and women, happy and absoi bed in their work, but ready to help a neighbor, to drop cisual remarks, even to sing at their work. Besides this, the "occupations" never last long. They are alternated with "games." which are really calisthenics and object lessons in disguise. In all these children and teacher are together, associating freely, politeness and kind ness inculcated, and the golden rule of society enforced by example. The kin dergarten has but one punishment, but that is all sufficient. The sulky, selfish and disobedient child Is dt-omed to idle ness: sent away from his comrades, and not allowed to play with them or work with them. This method has never been known to fail in reformation. The philosophical reader who has fol lowed us through the general features of the system, will have doubtless per ceived ere this that the gifts and work are founded on the constitution of the human mind. The discipline is founded fulness or forwardness. and pj-i.ii1 to l.- k at bun. He derietl t l? , rfttung --re f i how to behave at the table, havstg b.pp f .'.- fen., our.teil and h-rlKd J aje at present i- leariii-ral tin-most impressionable ;ur- her to ii.ttvate t-.mt m berwlf. tr Uut opie.ru eat.r j. We have now show n in at-nef sketch farm!) ar.d b r h-me . and I d.n't ki. nbit ran t.ardh ' of the work of the kindergarten w hat but br smcetv piiitcipah leUngt to j .levou-i'st u mk ' it does for.tbe hlld. It does itsloulv .bun. Ie-aiie he tught all the lie j A-, re-gaid ". ' and hi the midst of variety. Thedif- tnv iilKms that nndd h.'hteii her Ut-n I j,jt Hip fight nai. ferent tieciipatiiins alternate wilh-a)i a: .d all the delicate mA pretty things other dailv. and with the plajs. Even she m-eded t adorn b-r home, and the smallest child begins t Work at when she as sirk he wouldn't Set her folding. sti . plating, drawing, pruk- tomb -uk until -die well and mg, and modelling?, from the lirst, !.--tp'i.g" ginning with the simplest forms, and Thf. Im, l m uf ,, gting gradually b. the highest, and Tll,.tIV .,, iMlia,i. ,,,,.! , ,, stimulated to exercise invention d to ftl ttI aIlHll.r ,, allll. mn lk on make thing "out of its own head.' , tl(,.:., .. trltl M-1-t.ti.tiuil tl.n a - 9 -- -p - - -"- -- ----. --- The kindergarten leaves the trainl child at s. ven a skillful little wrk- I Mine a ouiit-s. ist!T.g princijjall.T n the p.j olar trati.tp lis. thi lap-r mi r ejitiUfC l ImttMl: , eliy it wuM I"- e-opium-bating I ' i Ktbatde Uli .v.d - retl atwnir .t !.. fev yeam: . muth wc-re in . found rt oi.iv t' it lierateUwfiv. .' piiupb aiKl were gtrou prearatio:i done? ThfamilT-. st;ltwl alut the 111ml , ptmplec prmrrtlied rihnt The jiatiettt usinjr tbe moment th r-i. 1- ptlff aiel he frit bbt;t 1 . I breei n, habit in a tton..,-. pb-AMtnt to the taste, tt r n the for in. and teotihl th d' p. r .! 4trf ' II---! ' .. V It ::.: , 1. . , r m - !!'. ' ollt.l 1 t- ' V -. U-1 ft ; .'. h-t! w fi . .t' - ,1. . ' . . t .J I. t 'A & i mi "amie t thli thjwi ' f h 1 A, . bta- efv : itti 4 man, deft in linger and brain an em- ! Ilimt in the vast basin hirh U-dav brvo artist or sculptor, as its taste die- forms the lay ot Ikum7. aiwi sefta tates. and free to sbo.v the natural hi.is iatl fr.-m tbts. l a dike, wan the of its mind. ancient eit oi Is. In the dike weie The question remains. What advm-j ' - whuh frin time to time wan tage is all ibis to Utechihl entering a f oi ted surtu j tr.i to aliuit enough common sch ft! and never having seen ' w.tei ti the c:.uur:g f t he drain mwl al-ok? Will not the change from the ..iiaiwise puittvin of therstv. Ku delidittii! fi....!..tn .f tl.r. fcii.il.-r,. .rt... .: .u..oii. a Weil ( oed tiiotiatt h. i uied I t'l-'flMtttt to the taste, tt r i . W ' Hif.tlhblv disgust and dishearten it. and ' ' ' -li ,,-'4 ,M Utull nreuled m tHtn..: la!! -lvi.ir.u u?hef ltn , i ' :- ;U .jrijuin f ta atuiew; j k..Uirefofte -If .. - I who have onlv receiviil home tr.u-titig - i "'' 1 -" 'I ' - w.w.peiied by a ihe j instead of dhuimlte!: an I a.- ; A little while ago the answer to these m , win. n the king aiwavs wwit- . lent nuW is aiseme-eaUng that mf oris questions in Amern.t could onlv U last i.etl aUut bis nk. able t i"fn the peeulutr lo. i made by assertion and probability. The. ll w' "' lld,,i ,,,urt ,,,n KiUii gift can ilrfe ut tta vtrtimans cfcr-j. present v ear has funnshed a verv deci ,ir ' '" l,"i,i 'v'r- -'"1 the n.a- jr., and the are rmt few. It m ui sive replv. overwhelming in favor i i '""-- ' b.s cap.ul w the w.....lei t,, rrwtte dio5. and event uwllit rauso the kinderKarten.-(cia-v.or f-f6rr I wl lU ,",,'l,- l-i")-i ! rtc-ath A very celebrated artrMM. wt.I 1 , a p..tie sint. a.s w dleam of. fa it fenH'ri at WallavkX in A twithlt ... .. . ,, ,, u.ai -!. (edar ,i.i d. rephu tsl the A In s i ipiiiion ot Parents. . ....k, laiote ai.ii lion, eid.i.ait.v us:i Pan uts aie b..:n to be a gieat trouble I fl j,UltU, . to then ollsi.i,!,-;. When I w.is ever ho j I tie hoi. wis of the kng's o.urt were little I remember I tisel to bang up the I a.tne i..s u.togl.Ur, !ab.t,oi Aties kltteli b the whlel.tsh. a:id luoUter j a pina..-s sbtoeluiU klioWU a the took the kitten away. loed my ears. ! lb i.a.. l.iiu.u.). lake that utmjr and went and drowned it herself the 1 i:iioi.Oi-. v:kd w. u.ai. next il.tv. M she had all l he fun her-I - ' -. ' -. ! i"rli sell. And father's woise than ttiither. He told me to take care of the pennies ! and the dollars would take care of them selves, so I and Ben Mnith formed an anti-svv earing club. We had a rule that every profane Word w e used we would pa a cent into the treasury. We had ". cents in the first day, but when we divined and I fetched ;i7 . cents home father said it was a bad business, whip ped me. and broke up theclup. How is a fellow to know when he is doing right ? If I had no parents to hound dilemm.t. A i- w years ao the was a creature w ith n fl-ah on her bieej. and . ugly aonIdT oniiexioo. both of which fticts ea.iwt-l her -wtlous nnxlet'. SB an actress's tmt m trade s her j-er-Muriftl appe.uanre. Mic applieit U dtictor. who pnrr!led araenir in srmd quantities. For a long time he ( ti wiUtout tlie desiretl result, at length. lMw-ever, her skin i learel. ar.i she gr . plump; lelightL she eitttnue. iier skm linally bcaint brilliant whtA.nad si K lMrrn! tat. fatter. fattsf Now this ih her diU-mma he ctmml give up tle habit f yesira. nr larnlii afford t become uriwi-l.!lT with ftewfa. to U.r uioui.lai.-. One u nbowii near 1 for hirhrriu- icntime?, a-,d t-Lr sL l .i f r i. - ! 1 L. t . ii u-- .j .It I...:, was a i Used of the tfiont t lb.sW' ot n.ous i iii;. s. 11 was her IaIm ) tSich i.igt.'. ! !.'. hi- o.g lueii whom alie i.u.i . . ; .4 ..-" n aim hiuduit n treat. Ml.iit, t.i t. U . e.iai to am list; her. :b wi. o-paicb-a bv a mtiakt-d tneioat. n.d ti.eir orps-, tntine nwx Hu 1"'.. - t-U'l.at the hrtUmof which !U.-i.s u.e tiiouiitaiti Mieaiu. withs.id. otlaJie ti.amitirmgs,aul through which Uie wuttis ale t-vi-r MghtiiK lioues Which U.r oiU Hii .liteipli-t ttB CXIV9 otieitv i;jgtivf of iager l-e r are at. -UgoM-t;c me round I'd beat George W;ishingtin lt(Ui Utt. tiklt, ol lMilUl i,, II holier, for Id cut d..wn every rherrir ; LilAn.ultis Weie made i. Gradloa tree in the garden, and own it. tw. If lUliraUli oaiii.aiid iieawa- promise I was aiiorphiui I know what id do. j .u-.t speedy pumshmeut to hih Ben Smith and me would go t a deso- (UUj,liU r bul lli4lr,,-ai luaulgnte nas late uut!i ea Island and sur up the . stIulir lu hia ltriXlX lhaU rurfi utv. goals and monkeys and things, f ry aud BO lhilnl ral Mli m ter wicked toadstools, eat oranges a speil. then wed . W-J!L llts ivUlt.uv iy j.., fT ;i,t. make a snip aim sail arounu me worm. hl .ntidliluOe. His wicked child What's the use of drying up in one! lolliml a j,jt against bun. by which place. I ioblrnoiheroneday.whenshel u. Ut uXt. ,r ..f lhe wouldn't give me ten cents, that 1 I rual lwUr. TllJ. siivr kc., Xt4rf lhf. meant to go a whaling and I hoped a', mUll ol lJjt. klUi,-9 uu,onty, and whale would swallow me as one did i j)tK,u jti Uers-lf of it Jonah, and then she wouldn't never see ! altMittlii ,t lf..in her fathers ne,k whii- . :.. ... r ., . .. .... .. i i i me .i.tiii. oi i uu. t 3v J.U. stiu I , lltt vkil uu sj,.pu wouldn't be hkeiv to make such a visit, I Tne king, whn he found that U." kv for 1 would turn the whale's stomach mighty quick after I got there. Wasn't sh- bully? If I were a parent I know what I'd do I'd keep still and mind iny own business, and let my children have some run. There's Tom Cults lives with his aunt, and h.ts a bully wab gone, w a in the greate&t conster nation, and, ur.dir the ominous cloud ut tviuing niufortune, retried to his jmlaCe, Al.ti tne petj.le, vno re-carded the key with sujK:islilHU3 roverenc.-, might not know uf his hfeo. At night he vvaexwakeiit-d from a troubled slum ber bv U;u appearance of sc Guenoie Koieign Itace Hor' i Enrhni. It must have been a genuine pht.v ure to di:n':ret(-i lovim of rarin.' to see rferiMv Mr. s-ai.ford'- AmerirnA thonnuM.r-(!a p:ayuK n eoiwpiroou; if not a succeief ul ;trtatbe English turf. o evil erer rorne- out of hot t rivalrv. anl thre w nthijg h e:njttition for testing d.fl-rr.t br-'!! of horfc and .ud;ng to imi-rv- them in the lng ran. portumen ,i; thr--for- U' ghvi tn hear that thtnviaifA toous Indian rar-! ! ;r.lern yifs. .ot even exempting "arderde kea and M4 nnmc. w ! :.arni ar htwitnUl word in the woutl of o'A a agio- Indian.-, is ihortlT to try hi.- Inejc on Uie English tnrf. His nam- w Kiin'jrra.'U an Austrahan-bred hnrs, of grl ptli jrjer. and gr-at stamina. Asa hzf-f-vexr old 'Jic hor- was Isongbt at .'.fel-i-ourne. ami wa taken by ilr M aiiiarf. a well-known Oneiital f-ortrnan. to India. litinng the lat two ye;,.-, or - Kingcraft lats vrl tw-t-ax tim in India. Twealv-Cre Umes it. carncl time. He goes wMikchuckingn Mtn- davs. has no best clothes, crawls under i iief..ri him. who said. i 'all before Ljm. anl once, uad-r hmv7 the canvass of every eircus tent, earns j "B,e uprO ku.g.and hasteri to leave "' lwiltj.setM-l adeul hnL The monev at every theatre, sleeps in the j ihecitv witu v our faithful servant: for h-'. therefore. rnnei in England stable when he likes, and alw ays kis . Uauut haa open'-d the sluice by means 1 w-''1" lJj" l'st crf-d-mials. He wm his jtockets IUJ1 o: iH.Miiuta. lie s.ivs he wouldn't belioihered with parents if he could ave Vm for nothing, and he thinks if I hadn't am it would be money in my jxx-kei. Them's niy sentiments. I with hex agaiuat the okl king, ha1 by Elmirn Uti;i(. j mistake open e! the gate of the sea m- ot the stiver Key. and the unbridled sa pwrcnaaw me oner iay i,y i apum in tLecitv." I-,aTn. ' wejdthy owner of Arabs It was true, bahut. going to me- i and Australians in Ind.a. and :n probv- her lovex, vvbo was alo a conspirator I bly rnw n his voyage home. The horse goes by the name of The Li:t Won der, as he is considerably nnd-r 7. stead of the gate of the city. The first ' As he ki a goM webt-carner and A Farmer's Wife. U thought of the king on hearing thia " &i sT to a couple tf imles. he is cx- lllla ; - Matilda Fletcher thus descnb--s a ' dreadful intelligence wao the pr-s-rva-1 '-d'-d to make a name for hirndf hi farmer's wife, who is not only beautiful j lion of his daughter. He sought her j England, among all-aged atakf-a -and wise, but jossesses sevenil airdmal ( out. took her i-ehiiKl him on his fleetest j i-wuiliv. as he is already ix years old. virtues in addition : "The imist beauti- j horse, and tied awav from the encroach- Captain Iav idson txugbt him f'-r 13X0 ver known was a ! mg wa.i of ti.ee-a, as fast as the spur rupees. The climate of England ought could ilnw. The s-a followed him j to suit a hors which Iit3 done well with fearful rapidity, but Dahut's cnes j hoth in Australia and India; anyhow, of fright were louder in his ears tlian j next year. we shall s. In any case, the noise of the waves, still not so loud the experiment is one which w'l b as a supernatural voice beside him, watched with interest, as the resttiis of ful woman I have e farmer's wife, who attended to the household duties for a family of four, and also assisted in gardening and the light farm work : and yet I never saw her hands rough and red : I never saw even a freckle on her nose. Imios sible! you say: how did she manage? I never asked her, but she had some envious neighbors who went slouching which said : "Gradlon. if yw wowM not perish yottrieif. rid yourself of the demon who rides behind you." it may te expected to throw some light on the real quality of horses which compete for the prizes of Indian race meetings. London Echo. 1 i ; .1 ) V v ' mtt '-