it THE RED CLOUD CHIEF. TIIUSI.y (At. li'i!,. I 2a:cccf Su:::r;pt::s. One copy ' ?2. One copy 0 month.-, j ,, : h- n in the i-u-t, lii-fuliliniri in j.u!i- One copy:? " -.Jandv.dl.vr .tm-to er-the Otticia! Directory CO.NMKK.-.SIONAL. A,VS,!,l'I,', "k ,:" ,,r'""- r.F.nat'T .Hit.-Vork.i;inJjS,, i;. S.. i.r liorunzu C'n;unr:. Kvprcrciitau-.e. EXKCUTIVK. S"'AS(;I:i;k. ijowuor. Lir.-ol,, Jiriino lLchuri,. Sue J - it- ' '; v;-ton. Luilri, Auditor. l.O. M-i:ri li. ., 1 fwiiT'T '" ". Kilirt-. Ati'y m-ii. J. M. McKciiie. Lincoln. Sup. Pub Intriic JUDICIARY. (ion. 15. Like. "in:ih:i. Chiuf.I itiec. I J .in iif:tiit..'eijr:isk:i ttv. ) Jaam'J Maxwell. Phit-ni'Mith J Aueoeiaie .Iuf. WKI5STKR COLNTV. J- A. TijIIcs, Co u ii t f'Jprk. Tr-a.urer. I'ruhat .Iil'L'e .-h-rtir. Fehoi 1 -up'r i ''rn r. County Mirvejor County ('omrui-'ioncr''. r.. ii. .Iin .-, L W. Th I ley 8. if. :. itiii. .1. ri. (Jilh mi :. i Ci'iii. W. K. Tliorn. ' II. Hobart. Hayes & Wheeler. Fur I're.-id- nt For Vice I're-ideiit, AVyV."VHM-l-i For Presidential Klector.-', ckn. com;, OKN. STRICKLAND. UKN. CONNOR State Ticket, l'or Cotmrcpsinan, FRANK WKLCII of Mad'son County iFor member of Congress Contingent, T. J.. MAJORS of Nemaha Count'. For fiovemor. SILASOARRKR of Webster County. For Lieut, (invcrnor, 0' A. AHIiOTT of Hall County. '-For Secretary of State, BRUNO TZSCUUCK of Sarpy County. For Auditor, J. U. WlvSTON of Cage County. For Treasurer, J. C. McHUIDK of Colfax County. For Sup't of public Instruction, J'rof. S.R. THOMPSON of Pawnee County. Fcr Attorney Cciieral, CKO. II. KOIJKilTS of Hailiu County. For Land Conimis-oner, F. Jd. DAVIS of Clay County. For District Attorney, C. .J. DILWORTII of l.'aw.-on County. For Senator. L'lth Di.-triet, J. S. Gilliam. A seuuiue Anti-Hitchcock candidate. County Ticket. For Representative, J. IC- Smith. For Commissioner of 2d District, ' " 1:0 ROE BALL. For Coimni--ioner of .d District, W. .J. Vance. REPUBLICAN MKETINGS. Campaign Avpoint.ments. lions. Frank Welch, John C. Cow in and W. II. Ashby. will speak at the following dates aud phces, at 7 O'clock P. ui : Hebron, Thayer connty Tuesday October IT. Edgar, Clay county Wednesday October IS. Nelson, Nuck olls' county Thursday October P.. Red Cloud, Webster county Fiiday October 20. Bloomington, Franklin county Saturday October 21. Alma, Harlan county Monday Oct ober 23. Beaver City, Furnas county Tuesday October 24. Plum Cieek, Dawson county Thursday October 2G. Kearney, Buffalo county Friday, October 27. Juniata, Abatns county Saturday, October 2$. Sutton, Clay county Monday October 30. Geneva Filmore county Tuesday, October 31. Swan Creek, (Caldwell School House), Saline county-Wednesday, Noveui- DeWi'tc. Saline county-Thursday, Xoveraber 2. Columbus, Platte oounty-Satur- day, November 4. Central City, Merrick county-Mon day1 November r- jTTnTa keeps 3U wu bo.u.wx jeahincss to protect their country. 1 It prot.ablv .. I. rxj. t, ,: I upon ah-u:uenj -.i,tr-.' .(the I mn j I tint we w!,i itif'inii o'ir ; vr.,rj- of 'ir n .tJ. ,,J -tat" A- tt.c ;--7, intcnti. n-fur the f'jtur... -.n ! '! p- u j,.tj.,u.iU h twem the It-ii:.I. j Mtion tli- ( H ij:k .ii .; cpy ;.oi?- I - . j iraly. We liave m!r t.i mj- thru the ' t'!'-f,'"n le itt th- future a it ha- i rioii;in:i:iuti ami taction of the hc.-t men to fill the v;.ri':- j.o-iimi . Honor an. tni-t within the zift of th- people of the r-juniy, and State U have alway. ,, en more of a &'"' mer I hau h ro!iitrir:i, and wold rath- , . er make the ' lliKKa pater for far ' . ,. , ... ,,.- , t mer than for the IMriican-. ith ini ottjeci in view we rc-ptetJuHj -u icit corio.-ponJence from all patt-ui the County, and Hta'e. We hope 1 . . . fs farmer will take hold of the matter ami j-end in u-port-, of the croj and the iueee-' of their experiment.- iven erally. I"-r we wi-h the paper to he a medium through which the farmer. of the County may exchange view-on all the topics and pie-tion- of inter est, that may arri-e. We have laun ched upon an enterpri.-e which i- to 'i?, eomparitively a new htiaine.-s. I5ut we -hal endeaver hy indu.-try anl a close a applii-aliun to Lti-itnt.-. in a mea.-uie to make up fur what we lack in prartieyl experience. In conclusion we would say to o:i ill, corn e in tiid t-ee u-, we want to see how you look. Respectfully, M. L. 1'lIOMAS. r.. . , , &1yL Iti' llll 1IJWI t'lll'.Jl'WII'H ll.l ll'llll I tl ,! Itllflr. !.. r I. .. ll... ' .. ....... ...'.' I i niiii'iiaiuii, tl-.Mll iiiv . .ll.t mill ..... . . ol the C II I hi-', u is pioper lor me to , , ', .... to wiiom 1 ti ive surreinlered the key-, Mr. Thoma- is an old ie-iletit of the county, beitiL' one of lhcoMe-t .-ettleir on k'iii Creek. He ha- been long known to the reader.- of the ClllKF as "X.rxes" fiom "Duzard.- (.Ilory." His ha- been mainly occupied in agriculture simjc his anival in the county. He will, therefore, more in timately repre.-eut the county than 1 was able to do .Mr. Thomas was a rc-ident of Ratin precinct. From the fact that the mo-.t of the farmers of the Noithern part of the County do their trading at Hasting-, there has not in times past been that acquaintance and sym- athy between the two sections oft he County that is de.-irahle. I am con vinced that the ClllKF, hence-forth will do a Kreat ( to bind the North and South together, and will, under the new management, be a more faith ful exponent of the whole county than it ha been in the past. With warme-t wi-hes for tho suc cess of Mr. ThoniiH, and the mot heart-felt gratitude to my pa.-t sup porters. I commend him to my pat ioiis ana ttierixTtruij . M. II. Warner. We invite the reader's attention to an article from the Omaha Republican published in another column. It will be seen by consulting a map that Ad ins couuty lies directly in a Yum of he road from Omaha to the west, and )hat ite construction terough this coun ty is almost a foicgone conclusion. The road will open up one of the richest sections of the country in the State that of the Platte ValVy. The proprietors of the road have filed bond.- to complete the road from Oma ha to Wauhoo in 'JO days from tlu time the bonds were voted by that county. The election was held on Tue.-day, and resulted : For bonds, 2.031 ; asrainst, -JUS considerably over the two-thirds vote required beimr given. We believe, if necessary, aid will be extended by thi-coi'nty, as also will -Webster come boldly to front with at handsome inducement? Our Red Cloud friends can do.nobetter than to alk this enterprise up. and act with out delay in the matter. This idea can nut well be .thrown aside by the people of Webter, as the people feel the need of a road through that coun ty, and here it is, almost knocking for admission. In future issues The Gazette will talk more upon this sub ject. Gazette. A CARD. Editor Chief. Dear Sir The Tliajcr Co. AViwtof the 12th inst, contains the following. "Mr. GlLHAJt claims to be a genu ine anti-Hitchcock man. Mr Willcox, his warmest frieud, in advocating his ciaims to the Thayer county delegation at the convention said: "We are for Hitchcock and will not support an one from your county because you are op posed to him." Their man was a Hitchcock man. When was Gilliam a deceiver, then or now? Did he deceive Willcox or the people?' I do not know who is authority for the above statement or whether it has any responsible authority. Uat I do know that it is Pil-e. 1 did not say we were for Hitchcock, and did not say I would not support any man from Thayer for the reason given or any other. The rea-ons I give for oppos ing Major Past were of purely local nature and were unconnected with the Hitchcock issue or my regard for Ma jor Past as an individual. In am ther article in the same pa per, we are refered to the past woes of the Chief, for proof that Gilliam was, Uitcbcock. We refer any one to the record of our delegation to the last State Conveu tionofwhom Warner of the Chief was one. They voted "And" first last and all the tiino and Nary-a sell out either. John R. Willcox, . a Th" G.-e. n i -i' ' m 'Tit i- jith -r 'u r.-i ! n' ' tr-')'th in - one '- 8n.J ,tuocmti.-iarti-- The "Vjv n , j Uckcrs" r.rc l.keboy- who av i j fight, but care nt juiu in the g-uTal ' ,mce, mj pntuuK-l some old man Ko ,s : uo way cunori .! in the matter j Aecrdiri to programme Gov. tr ,, t0 ta:t. .J,u aiutiip. Come (JfiWI tj,j. w ,,,. .i. .Mr. ., had the p'ea,ore of , lIIltoir iLIhau, nt Hebron la-t . ... , , . . , week. We dont know how much ; , , , . , pleasure le-nlted to mm I ruin iiV c-jd- , ,, .... . 1 Kill i.K.finr iHititTli iifM nil i ,tfc t ,vuum y-w VJ -'4 i her man eery tune. 'I'll' Jnunvil puihh a letter from ('liar!..- V . adireed to J l ,wi. r"l"1 the latter to come out a- an indep ndent candidate. WcL-tet Cutiiitr worked for Cvwin in the L'otnention a- eairerly a- did Ad am-. Hut Weh-ter .-tandi hy the de-ei-ion of the convention. That !. the liilerencc. Colorado i Keuh!icjti hy 12" mi majority. Colorado L- .-mill stiaw, hut it shows which way the wind i--hlowmq. The Lla-titii:- r.frninuil contains a lttter pur"irtin to have heen wnteii I hum U. d Cioud attacking the "H.iv" ! . . ... " (iilham. Thi is too thin. There! are only tw .opponent.- of iilham in in iit-d Cloud, and m-ithei of them can wiite. II the Jnunml want- to get up any moie correspondence frotu ,, . , ,, , - " 1 1 11 . 1 . ! lied Cloud, it would do well to date , .- i I their letter-Irom-ome other point oe .-lac lied I. Iotld. The lepuhlicaii- in Adam- Citmty are to be thoroughly aroii-ed. There j are lifteen appointment- tor a d . !) speaker.-. Hut rah fur Ad.mis County They have been having tiouble down in Misi.-sippi. Mure negrii killed. Germany i' the onlv power that can stop a general appeal to arm-, is the news fla-htd aero-.- the cable. Ivirnpe ia ready to put millions of men into the field, to liirht with the feirfui imple ments of modem warfare until snm party is exhau-t.'d ; and probably to change the map of a continent and af f.ct peoples' de-tiny f r all time. Happv Effects of a Dueam. TheLuzeine (Penn.) Leader relate. this incident : "Tho terrible accident at the rail road bridge at Pittston, by which Robert Holm was almo-t in-tautly killed, is of to recent a date to have been forgotten by our reader". The sorrowful di.-a-ter broueht to the home of the de-J:i-ed a terrible de-olation, and the wifewBwas left to mourn his sudden loss was nearly di-traeted. For many days after her hu-hand was buried she continued to U pine his death and went nearly wild whenever she thought of it. Her nights were pa.s-cd in restless ravings, and her da wcrc gloomy a:d eheerles-. It wa eared by her friends that her mind become diseased if her Krief iTa.V . nt n some way a uaged. At la-t diop ped to sleep cue nini-y aftirnoon, and while thu- at re-t she dreamed that her hu-band came to her, and, bend ing over her, implanted a ki.-s upon her brow. She asked him (o remain he, but he tuid her that tie could ti'U, iu:it he was too happy where he was, but that they would meet ai:ain heareafter in the the better Wurld The vision passed, and she awoke. Since then her thoughts have beeuat re.-t, and -he i- thoroughly impre. cd with the belief that her hu.-band i. happy, and that she will go to him when she comes to lie down in the grave beside him." ASKING TOO MUCH. The following iliu-trates very nicely the roma-itie spirit of self-sacrifice with which sentimental young strip lings are fonJ of -wearing devotions to their favorite lady : A young couple were sitting togeth ina romantic spot, with birds and Howeis about them, when the folloing dialogue ensued. "My dear, if the sicrifice of my life would please thee, mo.-t willinglv would lay it at thy feet." "0, sir, you are too kin 1 1 but it just reminds me tfut I wish you'd stop u-ing tobacco." "Can't think of it. It's a habit to which I am wdded." "Very well, sir, since ibis is the way you lay down your life for me and as yiu are already wedded to tobieco, I'll take good care you are never wed ded t 9 the a-it would be bisaiuv. XOTICF. U. S. Land Office, Bl. ouiincton. Neb . Sept 27th, l-7f. ) Complaint having been entered at this Office by Joseph E. Hawley acain-.-t Lucinda L. Lamed for abandoning Home.-tead Entry, No. 2.573, duted June 5th, 174. upon the Sou'h East quarter Section 3o, Town-hip 4 North, Range 9 We-t, iu Webster County, Nebraska, With a view to the cancel lation of said entry: the said parties are hereby Summoned to appear ar this Office on the 21st day of Novem ber, 1S76, at 9 O'clock A. M., to re spond and furnish testimony concern said alleired abandoment. Webster Eaton, Register. 10-t. George W. Dorsey, Receiver. GRAND OPEkMliMC Clf TH" -" I VI I IT . 5 lh I B 1 WIi is your .tlan HAYES or TILDEN! Tbi-1 th !a-?:nj: iie-tion ilii CKSTKXXUL YhlMi Vi t oil' on whkh oj luijii- d.'kr UuL i Ilulv i.- oi jk r I mi 1 xr- i ' 1 11 L ( I l'K.Sl 1 I 1 111 L ' j i - C 1 1 1 1 1 It'll ! j ll!l Iccji 'iirita t lie )i il )lic i !. tlll and iivo happy io say i: rso( ( led. al x ui J t is. t.M nm Sim i 7t''S if .- r b 3 " . O. ilmt it rvr- flilit Aftt r dve de'i'KT.ui n an I inve-ti-gation it has been popnhrly decided by a large majority that Wi: the un-der-igned arc the peoples choice, and that our store is to be the GREAT C ENTRA L 1 1 EA DQ CA P.TEKS during the FALL TRADE. WE KEEP THE BEST STOCK, LARG EST ASORTM ENT, AND THE BEST QUALITY in every thinj:, and onr prices are Lower than any other store in TOWSV. We prnpose to kep it going on tnis line until everv body shall know that it is to their interest to trade with us. Investigate and see for yourselves that we mean what we say. 'W wt '2 4 1 ifa- m -t -O-a. ' L-N, V ICSS i )hWAa n t t . U. I TTI.K. - - - - I . 1 i' i .'i i-mn fin 1 c 'n-in n hj' 1 Liuji-t-r I.itti, hlus; -i-h. 1 :- a 1. 1 Hutli- bunuing raper ana mould- ings. Pine and Hardwood LUMBER. CoT" " i.' )"!' tu'irn i" tjihxnp t r mil r. -.r BARBER Shox5.' i. ' H.t.Y.Vfill i -t ti,- urtntiir' t re K. 1 i '! -id. !; iti 1 llsir !..i ll ' !. imj i.j :n t' 1...J t tic . WELLBQRiKC. N c Cuk r; ui.' r. ;. i.if..r ." the 1 t ' b I'n: npp'Jf.'ltll- e.i u--1 eti-i-unx of driiU, aurr-, te. Two m n Willi uiit- l the-t; "ir:!l- iti Ii ! tr in i r i ! 1 1 in . "t dai ' 'hi !; h th. r - k ( tli- c.oinrrv . 1 !!- !:i - a'.- wirri'i 1 to he tin N w ok i :--i in Dnli- 1 if THE ENEfflY OF DISEASE T-)f-DDf-FAi? TO MAN AND PEST I- the Im ml Old r, ixim i:xrr. ti i Il II l- l.nxl I In Ii ,( nl I ,t eitt -I liere i- mi - il 1 1 1 (l., ,.j, ti l.iiil.-u e-- II it I II nol (lire, no .-leli.iio pu In that nltlli-1- flie tin. until ltlnl. or I lie IkmI o u lior-e or oilier Illlllle-t ! ll.llll'l, I Ii it t ltll' tint 1 lelil lo II- Vliiif loin Ii Iml He osi lii 'i'r . , i- or Si . Iln ntleii siucil I lie Hie of lliimaii liein ami ie-loreil i I. lie anil ae-linne-s iiinii.f iilmilili- llnrsi'. The BestPapcr ForFarmers js 1 1! i: NEW-YORK Weekly Tribune- "Mi Im.J.I. !. ,.r .im. Iti'i .ftlnrt r .,.-:. .-j.. -ii.-i, r. ,,,. ire. 1-rtcrin- an t -"r..' ii - . i-. A lir.- J liL I i'.IIil M.. .,n York. KEDCLOlD.l- SMITH CKNTKR Stage Line. CounectiiiL' at Hed Clond with the IN publican River Stage Lino. Three tup- a week, an: vine, and depaitm.' from ,-, Cl.nid at the -fiie tune the -t i-i the raihoad fa in-: v ;. low. J ? r: 'i i r- & s - J" " , 4 1 ; 'In I In Worhlit:? In -We Mn fir i. . ii .-n .... 'in ut ir vr'i.i Ii v..'i. hi tn lie ir ' i-s- pv. n y ur " i""iii,i'4 with -:t ii uiir ,nv i tr'.in hn'iiu ..ver ir- nt i ri!" ' in f r t-.-Ai hii i ..i:nry j., iki -'ii -"i - tir I h ' "t ' run! H r-1 Hie'--( pu. i..Mti!i in he I'iiit.-.I ' t -lu ti-; Lli'iM'.rlt Ilii-Tite. I rin-.n!v Sl ier year. Ilio Kferii ! i.te 1 : w h i-ver i.- of mf r t ntin et. ! with the (' rar. The iJrer I.ii- iti i .i I'lni.el.-lj.Iti:! i- fill y iPu-.tri.-.l m 'lettll. ETr.-vIx.-i3 Hi:t-it l'- vii1.-f- -l.ii-Ieel sresit inten i m their Countrj 'Vn ttnn.i! Utr'h I.-.y. mi I w mt t. kn..w a I about it. An elt'truiit jTri..tii' '-ni; .in .rn me .rp :ii i ii in pi.-tiin-1 pn'-a I tico : i e , h u'.- -TllitT. II I- eriMtl'- 1. " I n r-n 'i..,r .. .f he One Hin.iri-'lih V:inir.T-.r ,.f th.. i. l'pen-in'-e 01 ;ne t lilted "-late.- m J. ! 0 me- . ny une rar. h" ofne .1 -"j"rp.-ful cent. lor Im -.ho' flip paper .m'i pietiire re! huti-lre l f u .prioprj lire paily ib t iiiit-i e i-rj here. There 1 no liu'in'-'-' th-it will p.iy Iik'j pru-vnt. We h.iVfc m,iiy .i-etit.-who .ire in.ikint; a hu-h a si1' j.e'r iiiyaiii ispw rl Now ij toe time; ilon't I'-I.iy. Itfiiieiuher it p.. : n-'thini: ti-U" the huine-. -i tr. il. .-.-ii i f r "-ir pir" f-rti;-. .in 1 .- mi ! e ' iifp:.T, hi-iinr--ti f'.p to ill w'i .in'j . i- if I "oHili te o'ltfi fr"" to I .-e wh- ! let. r-'inii'-r- i:i 1 :u .1 . - wi 1 t:ie,r t p 1 --. in : .t -ii-. an1' i-itistit-r- in ih. Hir-iit-. Al ire--. 'I hk ".tf-!i Ke ..rp. p. -t' in 1. THE CHIEF, E W AND ? iug QWutJ s 1 ETnSa n y a ill .UaMC V erery hranea of trade- Tbi: eosntry ara ii 1 fiivTi " - .1 -4. ,.a , i.t 1 1 '-ch att' wr-ar.: t "-Ihc.r. ioT.j 00 Jtjorn -v tMiti) w3.!ea!.kiof.p.Il.B .... m.r, 77 " w P.efc irthpoaly '-rilail'utt n. Fu THE ONLY PAPr IN WEBSTER CO M. L. TUOMAS, Proprietor. I OUR PROSPECT US FOR 76 "Saturday Night" i-tf i P.UtKiHYMiMI n : L-.- r oar atttmuklSmsi rtijtl .. ! -'A.- .-i r 1 . ll. ' f I f r IA' fli ' r.'..f i.... Mllhl'O .! " -r ' an i . -r ' I - - ! -k.'. , r'-r);--:-::.MC(!i)l)!iCK w4 !. - frUKtil J' l 111 t ttlr flt a' r halt a i i i.- iur r . ;f , a i u h . ia -rt- lhir r i t P ! rujr ai .a..r !. , .oft io r ; r m irKftlrk h-l.i a. usai kit wmii- .rr . - ,.t.Mmt y I bmi "r " " I t " .-'. -jiKlMl S hill i. a.ha. I i J !i IB irlNM tin rfct 4lj -hat, I - i r ! i 'f- l a itatirrr . - f . - hi ta f ibj(! pr. i r r t :. iiti n. ii. tt--vt I'UU'U !. . Hflrrv fUf-rJ l t-c- .r i Hr v iije livitur W larvir many Irttrr "f BWIlt!' "tr our ..l rff l-ai"k at i f is thr ...... .i,r. n.i. swill w mci'i u i U' U a ! tr - A 1 Ja'ni'i.--f.t tip'tlt. itiTwi-M DirM.Kt t t ! u. in 2"-' : :u.h ! - :ti - t . wtli f.e i re-' ntrl t r - ir 'if.-,T,li,r -f i! r"f do.!nr- iritDiv Miiir- Kr deviiv .kii'wo t the trt Chr iii" Prtotinit ha- 1h' n al tt-t pr lu i t fiiMT pitur f bin h. i U-. n ii. ij .i- a pr mi'tm to the rut -rifi- r- ! t,ti pjp r Tlu- 0,r . . s- .i ; 'f t uf m of art !i wu 1 . i- '. r ? it! 't -it it m e lol' r- t ' f .-r miv ih.u-jrt I i dollar-, wh . Ii we h ' n-r tf t hn'k. K' ii t-r hivnu Uiv'-n i t'hroiuo t -otr -u!"-e;her-, i 't'-u r . ..t:r iiim "l ttiitt when we I'.I "I !,' ;-;-J; - f- a '' i- tie- im -t arti-? "-. u! 1 .1'viift mua th in -f .'ir. fu! pruit" r- ixrutt. tar it Irtliu A M'.ft tfk tl a I '. rff t'ni t' tt foli'j i.f .'',. I 'h'-n t- ' " - " .- - --- Pifie- wt-hmi; ! t k- 11 K DV Mi;i?T " f.-r n - -rf.r - n l thin "lie ear, mn he thf ij r tiiuih' i to them -it m .nth- for ' r f'tir tnoriMi- fur SI Vif II !' iM itttjr t,th tin Fij" ft t I'll i nut iiik r"Li.wiMi akf trn Hr - $! we will -ri"I i"i - t r one eir to one d !?-, or a h p tn a -jiaraf sllr- For ?' w will se,I eu'ht copies to one aI Ir , or r.ieh I'opy lo n -"a rate :i"ldrea-. fhe pirt who 'nd- ii- .'-',, fo; a chih of i it'lit pu - i all nt at urn- t mi' will he entitled tn a en y I Kir ;.'tii-ui of riub- of eitlii eoiin - einaft. rward-add cjiie- at ?J '.n each. Send Po-t I )llie. Orb r-. or reii-ter l'l Ilioiii-v I tter- Write .:iuie.'I wti ('..lititv. Slit" p'-nnly Wi will eie' Sp. im.'ti I'-iper- ',(. ti an; who will -nd u- th tr 'l 1 '' DWIS.v i;i ki:son Prot)'-.t Puh'-"Sii nii .Nti.iiT';i, Pa. Teb::c-r Zzizl- ::ie-:ai Wch'tor Co.. Nil.. lie.-, in tho . Will? the Re..iMioitn. 1 Ilotin'e uet .f the.Mi '.iri Hirer in! tn !n- th3 .-tut" line "n th- -Kiifh Winter-lire tintI anl .try er little r-iiii ir iiw f.ilN in thnt itin lit tie in fad rut ll" lire all w inter with r liny or irriiiii. Plenty t rain fall in ihe -1 rinc 'iinl mnmcr. Tli "iimiii r art 1 t h-ire.ilily w 11 nil. as thert i .tlu nj 1, -.. ! I.rpi T" ejiti ialljr in the ev-fiinj: '!! i.iiinty ftrt bivnn to 'e'tl IS70. , .i thceiumty wiii 'irtMniitwl with n i.npiit ,i. r f "'. Iti :lllatle lit IIOW ll'tWI'.TI .iml 1!" knl i rnpully mprea-itik- Ihre ire .it .rc--n: 'is renniie.i rh.l Iir wit'n'i it- hi. an Irian nnI rh. t f-i .tn .ire th.-rel .r mnjMC belt r lhan th n w I .i-'fii st Or. Tli" 3p!.rti' h- .! far.. I f 11 nu -' nearly .iu.ii.-h i.i' l ih t"i he"' w if n. I KrmrriCmn Ku R. IC l.uel fr-'iv 51 V n per wrr wif tT Ter I tune. 'I ht'u i yet a rnnt.lerat.P nmu j government for h '. ! anli'.- cmitiorii. A a ftk rr.iis eouatrv t i. I hr-l 'oftl. 'iitil. lo well. ri'M' r ' ' ltnBM WWlf, It l j'lt iUl! t: tl, , Frta:ir) ran rn em.ily iaI- hy ra:if r.. . fi the exeni'f te-.ii ry ntnail It.i 'rn. tut, hurley. p'.tate hur heat, an 1 ill kiu 1 "f r ti .tti4 vffti. ire yr.-wn her weh little Inhor. ' huh' J of o-J .f, to th (irro 1 n th i new. W Terrr" av.ttt - trafbriat" the are. Frm ifra treiaoiy nv.. L.cry fanner haa hi rear4 ?rowins. P-iret tr-esra- rapWly. tvtti tk 1. 1 .talier. whitetvoo'l. ft ataxia. ant tunny 'ther SkUMi" of trera srew into tirobet larirp en'Wgb for fuel in aht 2fhe yer 'ni: orinuc plaaw-Io pepy. ni id a ?mv y-ar y.ur live feaeej eaa b jai-. .! hti. Sr-1 ernj.!- ym-nt xnl fairw.ire The t-r . aa-i poreit water i m taine-1 j C ir fr-.fn " to Ji feet. Tae e- t u ery rii.ili wh.-a the well is borel Tn9 alU'i'y. Ti freama of taicnatyr ,e !i t l.'n and tta tnhafari -ohKbara -:". I, .vr-.- on the aorttb J of the rhrer. iV:i!-.iit. Dry. Bnfalo. teata Pact jr. CeHar. Ili.-k-. ''1 f f.jek sreek'. the t. 1 -. I are W-.!! w Ki. i'lln'i4. "r ..1 I. iiaa.aal Faraierf eraeca. Itl9 r " r 1 ' u e-aa-j i the Bint rive; 1" I -' if'-!! . Ti - 1 '';'tt'iV''r".ii'Tri iark. ripfe r . i-r:. Th '.-! re re aafn- . .. it. 1 I'-un Ian, ar J -ke. txeel:eat 1 1.. l.m tby.elorer. iiKOJartSA aaX aatliet will jrvi -nbtedlj proTe a trSWc p.ile ti .n I n j-k ao hate tn I then, tut imtim ' ir rilrx.i! prnjee5 - rt' I. aad : 1 -. 1 r ..i.I aa ;rn as ir really i ' . I-1 ie 'atneT for year . itia4;es4f 1 - -r jr;-ln prloitit ib til aavar , ,;-- w- sI to ne-jr tlr. By tba ' p .e.e markets are rl'jei road for " : r rni)- rt .- '! H apeae. f :' -ne -' heaitbfnt. xaeatr smra ad h-T n?. HBl'v-ki ' f - . L ad i aliaact a -tr-in?r V, the --- l hre. Tte potiaty Keat RKD Lr"T "a the. R (.uSIi'mi rirer. 'etr ii''- ms aai - asla!i" ath f t ': aarUi ai .- ath. In it are chance Jor paI? raaa f erery hranea of trade- Tb; eosntry araaI Tery i4 fh-ri--: rm-ifi'.D can b oh'a.a . from aay ni ijrat ho adrrti;; is thi.- , per. or at thi- ofice. Notice i? hereby eiveii. 'J bat I ttIU j examine all persons who but desire to ofter them-elves a candriatfs for teacher- of the primary or common schools of the county, at my orace in Red Gloud. on the first .Saturday ct August, .November. February and May. J, S. Gii.iiam. Co. Superintendent. . x U;nitni!!Ml , - AA - 1J. l!f 1 MBfc V . vkk:. inrkfc wu v I Tlir Kitf !' WrfM4 l t it .-rf. J . ' . - i Ajdrlo"'- ttlrw f I Ibl tit its mtnti a.n. ,n I Hm l . k.. . I t . ... V . reitv ice btt-iiH-. , 1 t :u v. t ' a i t ' -TT-1 I i I " I , II I) V W'lioi.l KAM) IM'.TAII J .mitciiki.i. - Moiiinirr" 11 ........ f v a -. . 52. i S&SVA m'l, ti'iillrr.v. C-irix ra r c ' . Io i 1 ; t , r ('lkI.4nl mi! - lVKS W wi.h our t V wt)ta ('if i t twr Si - I ili K ati i wt . 4 ao. hoi. 'i - i' .u C:ili and Scq Bofore t) p ' f '. ' . r Va:d Red Cloxxd. - - VALLEY t , J. G. IWilRPJEK, Prop 1- .ilw!i- m i1. t" itt i.-l t n I ii. il- .Hit o i. h. Tbi I Intel ie futi! n ' n ' f : -., purjH-' il th- trai !ine pMif. STACK LEWIS l'ti: TflK ft!?l!fi! ' , U EDNESDW, I- III I Ol . ., I Claim to Have the of Lincoln, Ahvay keepiiif on hand a k-.l npi ! of H A Y. A N I) (J R A I Al-o a mrl .iiv.jaii.-.- li ih- : t f curip:; from thi- plar to any othr nt rta . f !e raie. 2CtI Vou iL M3 - J 11 1 1 i ; i I ; 1 N. T iW 4 V. r-lS NC V I J t LUMBER. LUMBER, LUBE.?. ll il.' iu, l In- limit is lil f. r- .!., OO BW'AZIH r.?i!..3S I"'. ' -. 1 . " -';) mi . - -',. J '4 ' -i . it - . - 1 , , , . 1 ' A". ' , ! i- . -.. .. .."'. - , . ,, .JUCI J.I', I , - ... i ia,, 11, ,1 . '.i".-ti,nu !-. I .. iii-u v T .. . s. I :,00 HJaiK-a CJ??iW3S -P9 n a. tm f ijara iv j TJT! V-a Ifr,,. j K .-' Jl. l t pan '. -iT" 3 mi. " m aiaOrSi ?.:a u- avi;a?a . s. v -r 3 - ' . ' 'f rf "'! v f . .v '-! A.J, l tt' -. tr ! a T 1 rfc ?! Ar. S- - - ---' r '. t '3iv;32 r dj w:s-jpoi ?mj -Sqr.0( V " jiM -sr t m. -1.J 1 V ' .- rS., . 4 - - - ' m m 1 f ;w. -b J- aULl .T nijil ir-:!! ! - I! l( KSTKi.S : t . !: .mtl. . MI' L" I ' l I ' t . h Vs M OIlL - In i In M I i' t ' j j i A i ' . ru i. ati i vr Purchasiiiff Elstv.k - BTctbr::; I HOUSE. r.!J A M.K VI " BEST STABLE "A. Ivl :w a JN k I r tttl i -fV ';,! MSaUr I ( : 1 j j 1 1 1 ..f x$ : " ii -Vlii tGl33VtQJ ,, rt .11 JW- ' ? ' to . rf , t . ' vfC vm.Wd-isiLHfn v. - tuat H?"--V. ' P , :- ' "m. 'Jl TC1 . Tfi- - i- Ai v-'n.j ttt- t sB ' Waal aa -y- wsi- 41' nu!?5 fi Uilii uai! ffl3N 1 ,a zniarva )3s'.: .iiiVLZL rsr" St- rwn V V