The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 19, 1876, Image 1

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Kates of .lvirlislnK'
The Red Cloud Chief
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Klltor Mini 1'roprletor.
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Of the 2ur, Congregational churches
in Connecticut, ls2 are over a hundred
years old. A great many have exceed
ingly venerable buildings.
The books of the American Hoard of
Missions (Pong relational) close this yeai
with a debt of 331.050. The rccespts of
the Hoard weie 94. 8.511. against .4t$8,
Oiii in 187."..
There are ..1S Unitarian clergy men in
Kngland, of whom 27U are settled over
churches. In this country they have
400 ministers and r.GU churches: tM.s of
these ministers are pastors of chinches.
A corporation has been formei a
"Washington, to be known as the "Wo
man's National University," to afford
women a thorough knowledgeof science,
divinity, medicine and law, both in
theory and practice.
What are known as the Anti-Mission
Baptists aie no longer reported with
other Baptists in the Year-book issued
by the Btptist Publication Society.
Their number is still considerable in
the South; in the whole United States
it is 41.4.11.
The Dutch Republic of, in
South Africa, has decided to seek an
nexation to the Kingdom of Great
Britain, accoiding to the London TimfS.
The territory consists of 77.7IH square
miles of land, and the people number
about 110.0(H).
Before the iith of March, 1.1 Kl, it was
not lawful in Kngland for the common
people to read the Bible in the. English
language. On that day the British Par
liament passed an act declaring "that it
shall be lawful to all men to read the
Bible ami Testament in the mother
"New York continues in a statu of
enthusiasm over the favorable results
of the Hell Gate explosion, and the
J fail suggests that the name of the
pass hitherto known as Hell date be
changed to Newton's Channel.
lied in a Fast Knot.
A short time since a young lady, well
known in this city, while visiting a
country town in Southern Pennsyl
vania, attended a camp-meeting, and.
while there, in a moment of pleasantry,
proposed to a young minister, with an
immaculate white tie, that they get
married. He seemed to be equally
sjiortively inclined, and at once assented
to the proposition. A brother minister
standing by consented to perform the
ceremony, and amid considerable merri
lnent on the part of the spectators, but
with due decorum on the part of the
principals in the matter, the two were
tied. It turns tint now that what the
young lady was inclined to regard as a
mere jest v;is a earnest thing for
the young minister, and. as no license
was necessary at the place where the
ceremony w:is performed, she is, to all
intents and purposes, his wife. The
father of the girl is furious, and has
threatened to cowhide his sou-in-lavv, if
he conies around the house he is visit
ing the city. It is belieed by some
friends of the lady that she is tint al
together averse to the impromptu
husband, but that she thinks his present
call does not hold out any special in
ducement to her to have him as a life
partner. Probably if he received about
S5.(KK) a year, instead of $.100, she would
be better satisfied. As it is. a divorce
will, in all likelihood, .be the result.
Wash inyton C 'h ran ide.
What is in the Bedroom.
If two persons are to occupy a bed
room dining the night, let them step on
a weighing-scale as they retire. ;uid then
again in the morning and they will find
their actual weight is. at least, a pound
less in the morning. Frequently there
will be a loss of two or more pounds,
and the average loss throughout the
year will be a pound matter, which has
gone off from their bodies, partly from
the lungs, and partly through the pores
of the skin. The escaped matter is car
bonic acid and decayed animal matter
or poisonous exhalation. This is dif
fused through the air ih part, and part
absorbed by the bedclothes. If a single
ounce of cotton wool be burned in a
room, it will so completely saturate the
air with smoke that one can hardly
breathe, though there can hardly be one
ounce of foregii matter in the air. If
an ounce of cotton be burned every
half hour during the night, the air will
be kept continually saturated with
smoke, unless there be an open window
or door for it to escape. IN'ow the 10
ounces of smoke thus formed is far less
poisonous than the Hi of exhalations
from the lungs :ind bodies of two per
sons who have lost a pound in weight
during the eight hours of sleeping: for
while the dry smoke is mainly taken
into the lungs, the damp odors from
the body are absorbed both into the
lungs and into the pores of the whole
body. Need more be said to show the
importance of having bedrooms well
ventilated, and of thoroughly airing the
sheets, coverlids, and mattresses in the
morning before packi ag them up m the
form of a neatly-made bed V Science of
3Iiss Emeline Shepherd has on exhi
bition .it. the Centennial a cambric
handkerchief, valued at f500, em
broidered with a fac simile of Inde
pendence Hall, a liberty cap and other
national emblems the work of two
Col. Edward M. Ilurlburd.wah smoth
ered to death in the fifth story of the !
Milbuni wagon factory, destroyed b
file in Toledo. Sept. iUi. The officers
of the company now estimate the loss
at $1.10,000, with 57.of-o. insurance di
vided among A?, insuianee companies.
. .The Coroner's jury returned a vcr
lict that the late accident on the Pan
Handle railroad was caused by the
breaking of an a vie of one car, and that
the railroad company are not resjon.-d-
blu for the accident Neils Nulson.
a labour in the shops of the Union O.n.dia. ! adjur
ing a belt was caught 1m it .-ept. ::oth.
and dashed to the ceiling, instantly
crushing and killing him The yellow
fever interiuenta at Savannah Sept.
30th. were 17... .Joseph Warren, of the
Buffalo Courier. President of the New
Yoik State Associated Pi ess, died ept
:'.0th. of congestion of the lungs.
The cash receipts at the Centennial,
Sept. g.-th, were f 1 fs.74 1 Sparta, Wis.,
was visited by a disastrous fire on the
night of Sept. I'Kth. which destroyed the
Tremont House and several otiier build
ings. Loss, S-J.1.0') Frederick Wart
man, while attempting to adjust a fly
wheel in Louisville. Sept. until, was
caught up by the band and whirled
around at the rate of sixty levolutions
per minute. His head and all parts of
his body were mashed to a jelly and cut
in a hundred places Thompson A:
Williams' large flouring mill at Lanes
boro. Wis., was burned -pt.i;tli. Loss,
.$.10,000 An cxtcnive file oocuned
in Toledo, Scpt.'Jllth. Milbiirn's wagon
works were neatly destroyed, with over
1,000 finished wagoi.s, and a large num
ber of unfinished ones. Loss, from
.$:1.10 to Sioo.o-h); insurance, .$i:;.i,ooo.
The yellow feer interments at
Savannah. Sept. L'Dth. were 10 The
grasshoppers have in aded sev ei al coun
ties in Northern and Northwestern
Texas, and are destroying vegetation.
Six men were buried under the
ruins of a falling building in Spring
field, Msss., Sept. UMh. Four of them
escaped with severe cuts and bruises,
but at latest accounts two were under
the ruins and supposed to be dead
Application has been made in the New
Jersey courts lor a Receiver for the
Central Railroad of New Jersey Tin
Yallejo Savings and Commercial Bank.
Cal., .suspended Sept. -JM h. caused by the
financial embarrassment of the Presi
dent. Gen. J. B. Frisbie, who has been
unfortunate in stock speculations. The
assetts are stated at upwards of .$.1.10.000
ami indebtedness S:',2.1.000.
There w;is a heavy frost at Memphis,
Tennessee, on the night of October 1st.
It did but littledamage.owing todrouth,
but reliees all ai iety in regard to
yellow fever The Lehigh A: Wilks-
barre Coal Company has resumed work
at all their collieries with full force and
on full time Moody and Sanky have
opened their campaign in Chicago. The
leading city clergy have engaged with
them... Julius Blank. a blind professor
of music in New York, on the night of
October 1st, shot his wife, inflicting a
fatal wound. He also shot his child
Amelia, three and a half years old.
who soon after died. He then shot
himself and died instantly Burglars
in New York, on the night of Oct. 1st,
broke open a safe and secured f'JO.Ooo
worth of Jewelry A San Antonio
dispatch saysa detachment of McNelh's
company under Sergeant Armstrong,
attacked a party of outlaws near Eagle
Pass, and killed the. wounded one, and
captured 50 horses, and a large number
of cattle By the explosion of a boiler
in Cincinnati, Sept. 30th. two men.
Young Jones and Wesley Johnson, were
instanth killed, and nine others injuied,
some of them seriously V squaieor
block of buildings in New Orleans, was
burned Oct. 2nd. Loss, 330.000 The
Chicago banks have given to the
fund for the family of II ey wood, the
bank cashier murdered at Northfield.
James Lick died in San Francisco, on
the morning of October IsL He had
been gradually sinking for several days,
and death resulted from the mere decay
of nature. Since the last change in the
trustees of his charitable fund the de
ceased had frequently e.xpresed him
self better satisfied with the condition
of affairs, but has manifested consider
able concern at hearing nothing from
his son John Lick, of Fredericksburg.
Lebanon county. Pa., to whom both
letters and telegr.uns had been sent re
questing his resignation as one of the
trustees. All the rest of the old board
have tendered their resignations, though
they have not yet been confirmed by
the court. The trustees say that the
business is in such a shape that no com
plication can ensue in carrying out
Lick's charitable designs, though there
is some fear expressed tlat the action
of John Lick implies an intention of
contesting the matter in the courts.
The total vahie of the trust fund is
estimated at about
A windmill at Oddtown. Maine, burn
ed on the night of Oct. 2nd. Loss. $i0,
000; insurance, f 30.000 The yellow
fever interments in Savannah, Oct 3d.
were 23 In a quarrel in a tavern at
Baltimore, Sept 30th, Edward Ilapp
shot James Casey and his so.n. Neither
was expected to live The Fourth
Congress of women opened in Phila
delphia, Oct, 4th. and continued in
session three days At A orcester,
"Mass., John Murphy, 18 years of age,
is strongly suspected of the murder of
John Billiard, on the night of (Jet 1'iul.
His coat was found at the house spotted
with blood and the money which lie
Hissed within an hour after the murder
has been identified as that stolen from
the murdered man . . .The Secretary of
tl.e Tieasury has apjointed A. B. Mul
lett, ex-MipervHing Architect of the
Treasiiry.Mipeimtendentof the Custom
Houses at Cincinnati, Chicago and M,
Louis, and the Hstotliees at New York,
Philadelphia and Hartford. The build
ings were originally designed by M ill
icit, but are still uncompleted Hon.
Phillip B. Foiilke, formerly a Repre
e'lH.i.e in Coiigi-r.s fion:IH;nois, died
in Washington, Oct. 3d l Fairbault,
Minn., on the moining of Oct. 3d, Henry
Cavemick. a policeman, approached the
guard at the jail m which is confined
the Younger brothers, the Northfield
bandits. The guard halted Cavemick
and inqirred. "Who are you?" Cave
mick replied, "Don't ou know me; I
am a policeman," and continued to ad
vance, at the same tune putting his
hand to I.js breast, probably to display
his star, when the guard shot him
through the heart, killing him instantly.
The policemen had been ordered to keep
away from the jail at night, and the
guards to shoot any one who persisted
m coining up to them unless identified.
The straw goods factory of I). 1).
Curtis Nc Co.. at Newtield, Mass., was
destroyed by tire. October 3d. Lo.-s
from fsO.000 to .$100,(KH); insurance.
.$.10.000 The Corning Glass
Coining. N. Y., burned October th.
Loss, $3.1,000; insurance. .$-'ti,000 .. .The
yellow feer interments at Savannah.
October 4th. were 17 Win. Henry
Harrison, grand-son of the former Pies
ident of the United States, October 3d.
entered the residence of John II. Moore.
Boone county. Ky.. and made a proposal
of marriage to Miss Moore, and upon
being rejected he stabbed the lady nine
times in the breast and face. It is
thought she cannot recover The
total cash receipts to the Centennial
during September, were $! the
total admissions being 2.130.001 K.
A.Woodward, late partner of Win. M.
Tweed, was arrested in Chicago. Octo
ber 4th.
Joseph Hinsbiell, while experiment
ing with a tank containing beirine, in
New Yoik, Oct. .1th. was burned to a
crisp by the vapor catching lire ;p.l th
explosion of the tank Ha den Calls.
a student at Greencastle, I ml., had both
legs cut off above the knees while
attempting t board a moving train
Oct. ith. Injuries supposed to be fatal.
...The yellow fever interments in Sa
vannah. Oct. ith. were IS The total
coinage at the United States mints dur
ing September, was $7,000.00! . including
four and a half million gold coin, half
a million trade dollars, a million subsi-
dary silver The gate receipts at the
St. Louis fan. Oct. .1th. were $20,000
with an attendance of fully 05.000
Count Andrassey has notified the
Servian government that the Austrian
Consul will quit Belgrade if Prince
Milan accepts the royal title, lie hxs
demanded from the Servian agent a
written statement positively declaring
Prince Milan's refusal to accept the
title of King A great battle occurred
between the Turks and Servians on the
'20th of September, and was renewed on
the i!7th and :sth. It resulted in a
ictoryfor the Turks, but the reports
are contradictory It is officially an
nounced that the return of King George
to Greece has been indefinitely post
poned. The announcement causes great
sensation. It is rumored that the King
has demanded the cession of Crete to
Greece The publisherof the Tribune.
a radical newspaper in Paris, has been
sentenced to thrre months' imprison
ment for an article insulting religion.
Sir Thomas White has been elected
Lord Mayor of London.
A dispatch from Rome of Sept. ."nth
reports the serious illness of the Pope
and Cardinal Antonelli Itisasserted
that Russia is resolutely and irrevoca
bly determined to finish the Eastern
Question The decorations and illu
minations prepared to meet ex-Queen
Isabella, were removed for fear of dis
turbance The reported resumption
of fighting on Morava river seems to
have been incorrect George Alfred
Laurence, the Engltsh author, is death
Three men fell from a scaffolding-
in Montreal. Sept 30th. One was in
stantly killed, and the other two fatally
injured. About the same time another
man fell from the new Catholic church
in that city, and will probably die
The French papers report the finding
at Ossalaro, near Cramona, of 5,000 or
0.000 Roman Consular medals, of silver,
in perfect preservation and of line ex
edition. Nearly 3,000 of these relics
are said to be of rare types.
At a meeting in Manchester on the
night of October 1st, John Bright made
a speech on the Eastern question. He
thought a meeting of parliament desi
rab'c: it would result in a new policy
probably, under a new minister; it
would stamp the future policy of the
country with a solemn decision, that
the blood and treasure of England
should never again be wasted in behalf
of Ottomen. He thought that Turkey
should be left to the fate which Provi
dence had decreed for corruption and
tyranny A London Times special
'from Serajin. states 1-V armed :
I Austrian laoni-ntjs. have entered I
Bosnia, and were .tacking Mo-dcm
! and exciting Chn-.i:is to insurrection J
(The 'lurks weu- hn.irchmg against
them . . The Montenegrin go eminent
is understood to be prewired to acrept
terms of b.iied on an extension
of territory. alth 'th the people faor I
the continuance c : Al
war . . .The List
battle between tie
en tie f
mans and th
Turks, both a "egai-'s losses and num-
hers en gaged. na e seeiest ot the J district ,l Juis of M.ssmri. nlm. , elrr of th.iitr wal vn n.w nnu l:o Amo''' . filed nu tlie Sei vian I Col. I S, Metcalf. from the .ctwitl dis- i M-lf n veriUtur Ri! an Wiuklr- And
. . '"' ' -
.Me"were ma:i,. tiv oila-ers
oiin iiti dispatch s.ts ofiM 'I -urks wiib J
. -5 r- - . . .
40 cannon, attacked th N-rviau army.
ept. 3uh, near Gredetin. The loss of
the Turks w;is heavy, after Vi hours
fighting .. In the .Spanish jo!itieal
world everything is in a state of rest
less and feverish excitement. The dis
putes between ex-Queen Isabella and
the Ministry, in il.ition to former p--cuniary
claims, have brought contempt
and ridicule upon all concerned. Sev
eral generals are warm supporters of
Isabella's claims.
The Berlin correspondent of the Lon
don Times comments upon the excited
tone of the Russian and Huugaiiau
press. and says: It is interesting to n
ticulhat theorgansof both the Russian
and Austrian governments are exchang
ing threats of war. The tone ot many
of the leading organs of Germany is
strongly opposed t the supposed am
bitious designs of Russia It is tu-
mored that a brother of Harry Abbott.
German Consul at ."alonica, who
assassinated last May.- has been mas
sacred, together with his family, near
Saloiiica It is stated that the Poite's
reply to proposals of other powvrs of
fers the suspension of hostilities, but
not the armistice It is repoited that
peasants in the ncighhoihood of Batak
arestarving. The Tin kish government
demands the payment of tithes on the
harvest and forbids any threshing until
the tithes are paid.
The Turkish cabinet declines to en
dorse the programme submitted by the
Powers, on the giouud of alleged ina
bility to cm b the passions of the mob.
Prince Milan has written General
SumarokoiT, the Czar's aith-de-eamp. a
letter of apology, exculpating himself
in the matter ot the royal proclamation.
....It is str-ied l-'Jr "-" inM-..t"-
between Spain and t .e United States
have been arranged and that friendly
feeling now prevails between the two
Governments Russia has declared
she will do her utmost to prevent
Servia from continuing the war if
Austria and England will induce Tur
ke to grant a formal armistice ...A
Ragusa telegram says that four Bosnian
batallions attacked the Turks at Klintsh,
the battle lasting all day. Three hun
dred houses were bin tied. The Turks
suffered severely The steamer Leo
pold, at St. Johns. Newfoundland, re
ports the loss of 37 vessels with their
cargoes on the Labrador coast. No
lives are reported lost. All the vessels
were lost that were in the harbors and
at anchor dispatch from Midrid
announces that Gen. Martinez Cam pas
has been appointed Governor Geneial
of Cuba A London Time' Berlin
dispatch says that Russia is arming
with energy. There is great activity m
the government gun manufactories.
On the .1th of October, s.000 Turks
were advancing on Negatin. which
place was occupied by G.(KO Servians,
with two batteries of artillery Pri
vate telegrams state that the Powers
are now making great efforts to obtain
an armistice, or at least a month's truce,
accompanied by various guarantees.
Prince Gortschakoff has sent a sireukr
to the Powers inviting them to impose
on the Porte a general amnesty, and six
months armistice A Belgrade Lon
don Times' dispatch says the English
policy is a leading factor in the Servian
calculations. The war party expect
Russia to declare war with the approval
of England. This expectation is found
ed on the sentiment of the English
people, as gathered from meetings held
all over the country Austria and
England have declined the proposition
of intervention The Spanish govern
ment seems to be losing ground in
Cuba It is stated that the Austrian
government has no idea of breaking up
friendlv relations with Russia.
The Democrats of the Second Illi
nois district (in Chicago) have nomina
ted Carter II. Harrison for Congress;
in the Third district (Chicago) they
have renominated J. V. Lemoyne by
acclamation The Republican con
vention at Nacogdoches, Texas, nomi
nated Judge L. W. Cooper for Congress.
In Colorado the Republicans have
carried the Mate ticket, member of Con
gress and three-fourths of the Legisla
ture. This gives the Republicans two
United. States Senators and the electoral
vote for Hayes and Wheeler The
Republicans of Rhode Island in State
Convention, October 4th, nominated
Presidential electors The State elec
tion in Georgia seems to have passed off
quietly. The Republicans made no
fight in most of the counties, except for
Governor Judge E. R.Hoar has been
nominated for Congress in the Seventh
district of Massachusetts to run against
B. F. Butler as an independent candi
date, and accepts the nomination
lion. Barbour Lewis has declined the''i. for Congress t ende rM,!.. in
bv lie- Republican. of vJie Tenth i!!s.
trict of Tennessee. He Utn his r-
fnal a his belief that succese can bf
iwlter attained l the Humiliation f
some old Whig.
Martin Magmnis has l-een n-titUji-naled
for Delegate u Cuir,se bt the
Democrats of Montana Territory
The R-p-ibl. cans have nominate,! N-
than Cole. President r the Merchants'
... t
Lxchange. f..r ( mgreas in uieSevpnth !
i'lrict. and Anlhonv Ittner from liic
i'. ...
First di-ttict.
The State Prohibition
convention in M. I.iih, Oct. ;tb. ap
iMiintcd Presidential rleclor-. n Mate
Executive and Central committees, and '
also a I in.inec comtnillre. and two
members of the National Kxecutie
committee, one of the las! named com-
mittee Itellig Miss Pho-he Co77ell-s
Gen. Colquitt, Democrat, for t.ovcrnor
of Georgia, has. in projtorliott lo the
vote c.tst. the huget majoiitv ever
given m Ihe Mate. The vote was. light.
Fraiici- I. of Frame and Hi- Female
It was Francis u ho commenced that
infamous institution, the roval mis
tress, the cuise ot France during so
manv generations. He was twice mar
ried, hist to Claude, the eldest daughter
of Louis XI I., a tnatiaae dramcenatu't ;
she was a Piincess of religious and
i etired habits, whoUre him thre. sons. '
Fianci-. Heni. and Chailes, and four
daughters. Herman virtues pi ocund
toi hei tlietilleot la bonne rttut. 'Ihe
contempt ot her husband, and the
hatndot her uiother-ui-Iau. probably
shorten d hei life; she ditd in b'j-J
His next wife w; as Lbanoi of Austiia.
thesistil ot Ch.illes V.. and the widow
of Kmaniiel of Portugal; she fell :n
love with him during his captivity in
Madrid. This another political
mart lage. and her life was no h.ippier
than that of her predecessor, the tvi
auuv ot the Qiieeii-niolhei. and tin-insolence
of the favorites, drove her tiom
the Coin t. while the eiiuut and the
wars between her husband and biolhi r
werr unceasing afflictions to her. Up
to this period woman had been a mere
'breeder of sinners," pkmng nop.ut .n
the great business of life, ii nee nature a
i i r?..-.a i. r .i i:f. -. ,1. .
and turmoil bv which shPP?ii-- '
rounded; but with the advent ofiux-urv. I
and softer and more elegant miiniii is.
her mtluence rose; and an mtluence i ..t
of go.xl, but of became f.-r j
France. To the old romantic devotion
of knight-eiiaiitiy now succeeded that
elegant, sensual gallantry which en
duied until Ihe Revolution. Il was Uie
legitimate successor of chivalry, tchm-d
if the iudeiiess ot Us progeintoi-
tht htart. Gallantly, to use an euphu
istic phnise, seemed the sole employ
ment of the court, and those who were
not inclined to it found little favoi in
the King's eves. His thiee sons gloiied
in having mistresses, ; -id their f.ithn.
far from blaming such errors, would
scarcely have acknowledged them :is
of his race had their manners been se
vere. "I have heard tell," says Bran
tonic, "that the King greatly desired the
hoiiorablegentlemen of his court should
never be without mistiesses. and if
thev were he considered them cox
combs and fools." It was the fashion
of the time, and before that omnijo
tent power, vice, virtue and decency
have ever been mere name-. The King
never stirred abroad without being ac
companied by a train of demoiselles.
F.ven when lie went to meet the Pope,
at Mar-eilles, he was accompanied by
la itiie bands; It&Jilhs drjoh, .'is he
styles them in an old document, where
in he authorizes his treasurer to pay
them tvventv golden crowns each. In
his vouth. according b the testimony
of Brantome. his amours were indis
criminate and often vulgar, but after a
time a favorite sultana became para
mount, influencing not onlv his domes
tic life, but every department of the
Mate. "Women made all." savs a his
torian of the period: "even the Gen
erals and the Captains." This is their,
first appearance in Mate affairs: the
Countess de Chateaubriand and the
Duchess d'Etarnp'-s were the mothers
of Monlespan and Pompadour. Tunplt
A .Man Who Respected 3Iark.
Twenty-five years ago a young trav-joaks and' hickories. As the general
eler found Kansas City to consist of n,aat wasa trood one that year, squir
four stores, a small, two-story brick ( reis wt-re seen gamboling on every tree
tavern, and perhaps a dozen dwellings; around us. My companion, a stout,
locat-d on one narrow street facing the, athletic, dressed in a home
Missouri river. Immediately behind .spun hunting-shirt, bare-legged and
this street rose a bold and high bluff, moccasined. carried a long and heavy
cut here and there by deep ravines.
When you had gained the top of the
bluff it was only to enter upon a long
stretch of hills and hollows which for
bid the most enthusiastic imagination
from planning a city building or specu -
lation in corner lots. At a little dis
tance to the westward in plain sight
was the Kaw, or Kansas River, beyond
which stretching for miles away until
lost to sight in the dim distance, were
prairies of the Indian countrv. now the
well cultivated farms of the great State
.. .- .. ,..:......'. t
of Kansas.
Kansas City was then the last place
in civilization. Beyond that far 3,000
miles westward stretched the wilder
ness. More than one like that boy
traveler a quarter of a century ago,
nm: t.
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! uf N-w
M ' ll
t4! "at a cl Aiii-- li r u fl
iH..s Wr Im-ru c .t d n 4 CU-rf
up UTitll 4M J"-,' t t! e:r l..iw
tbif. Itaiiro.ti. tr.vte. - t.;h ju.d a..
th btntir of tu ' ru citj .:t Ui :
. . .
b.t jru are Lbvfv Uwu ihr u
the rwtlit) uipa tbr tut ion. But
it Is too tuiUirr ot t-art . tl rwwncr i j
u.ujt m.aiel ttit tuakc an uulrMMtfii
differenif. ,
kanai fit? Im tie,i the ?! i
distributing point for th ! ttfcitr !
id thf Far Went. T!' hfitts of Tpsa
Kansas and the Suit iwrat xtf brvuft-t
ben for htpintiit Lot. AfUr "Un-'i-
lllg thpUllffl tfte ZlrnZ St4Hkdjl thr
w nter wei.t mu a plc ntvu by for n.
gl.iHS of U;vr. The rom wm full of
cattle nun from the lYfL Wild.rugh
fellows tbev Wen. et then HTP Wnpv,
br the writer htmlf remm.r with j
pleisurfMrnifolddaTsof th.t anting
life oti the plain. It mril to be a
sort of cl-aning up !. A pictun of a
child had t- n Utkeu fr in iu pliMt on
the wall, and note on th tUw.
A gre.U hurley fellow iioIi.-ihI It. nml
.iiiting to ii said, 'tilth n utub
"Thai little cua leaning up there re
min.h me of n laugh the Us h.l .n
me spring len we wt-ri benhnj
Towner's cattle on t!.p Uprr PUta
We rledown to old mr Cotdry sow?
il.iv to fill ouifhfi up with M. Ims
wliisfev. When We got tberr e fotinI
the old woman sick, th old n.n crow.
and a niuaw. who li.ul rapti""l ?2
somewbeie, drunk and nieep junt out the door We Went Jtnl t-iok K
dtiiik, and tlien 1 2 1- I'm wanlwl to
tix wnne kind of rireworkn U the Miiaw
thai would scare her a little, and m:kc
her show her speed juTtwH Ihe pmirie
Just then I bappenwi to !ok irito a
corner, ami t herr w a an Indian hbT.
thai -.quaw's, huht! to lt board mI
leaning up ;igtn the wail jtit like thin j
fellow. The little Mark thing lKkd
pmcked. and thin, and hungry, but.
It di.ui-i'.k'. it Wouldn't Hjnall ard in '
fuss hImhU iL It ordv txt li-e
ti ifjltii'k' tt fl rinlc tfiir fill l'.. .
went rolling down t checks, at.. I t
tivmg Us level leit ti w d'-. t..i. -
and ev.-rvtlnng down. Ihe t-. k.' j
!.tughKl at my getang tei.der . wr .m
Indian y. and I laughed . !n n I
sar. the wicked eyes it If. uie .it me.
Rut the old man brought 'Uw bread
and milk and I filled it up with one
square meal, anyhow. You mnv laugh,
t.ow.but a good dinner civ ili.s them
heathen ijmi ker than a half dozen mK
sioliarieH. Voil ought to have seen ;J t
mouth the little cuhs made at me when
he had tioijgh. The- Ih.vs whipped
over it and said he wanted to kins mc
for in mother. I didn't care what they
said; it didn't make no difference to
me how mean and dirty and thiviif ilA
father and mother was. the httle black
thing was human, an how. it couldn't
talk, but it said iliark". at d was
enough for m. It had the mark of
Gm1 Almighty's finder on it plain
enough. Jtnd I w:w liouT.d to renpeet all
pi tin cattle marks. v..u k now."--AVtr
York M'rnmj
Daniel Boone Barking Sijiilnel".
When Audul-on. ti.e great naturalist
was in Kuitucky. in the early part of
the pi sent century, he was well -quaiiib-d
with Daniel IWnie, and was
his intimate friend. They made fr
quent expedition8 into the formls. the
scientist after his bugs and birds, and
the puuieer in search of something of n
more substantial nature, a feat of
Boone's, which has probably ecajt
the atf.enl.on of those who love to
record rermnercences of this brave old
pioneer, is thus descril! by Prof. An-
"Barking off yiuirreis i-
sp-irt. and m my opinion, reojiirea a
greater degree of accuracy than any
other. I first witnessed thia manner
of procuring squirrebwhilst near the
town of Frankfr.rt. Ky. The p-rfonner
was the celebrated Daniel Boon. We
walked out together, and followed the
n-cky inarrin of the Kentucky River,
until we reached a place of lUt land.
thicklv covcre! with black walnuts;
rifle, wfiich, while loading, he said had
proved efS-'ient in all his former under
takings, and which he hoped would not
fail on thi3 occasion, as he felt proud to
show me liis skill. The gun was wiped.
! the powder measured, the ball was
patched with GOO-thread linen, and the
charge sent home with a hickor.' rod.
We Iriovfcd not a step from the place.
for the sqtIrrT?l3 were so numerous that
it was unnecessary to go after them,
j Boone if'unied to,one of these anunab
wmen nau ooservea us, ana was croucu
ed on a branch abeut fifty paces distant,
and bade me mark well where the ball
should hit. He raised his piece grad
ually until the Jiead (that hems' the
name given by ttc:Kentuckians to the
sight) of the barrel was brought to a
r hul !?-
.rm'.tr. 0 I
, f bt ttrnri'w
r.rt. 1 ;:... t th 11 hiU kit
t?. i!tw of rAili n.ibll ltii
.i'itnr! ?-! .r. fl kju
trrx t! .- uMi.-b vrlua t i
!.. k ..'! IH tuut w lt5 tt It l r- uifh li AJt if l ht !
ttiaif.i.iuw. llt.r k4 up hv filta.,
axat Ufofr rv. hour fcjl "Uf4,
we Ijfcl pt. iiiW M tuAUt Mtui'tdki
rtnU. ! Jh k. thnl U Uvl
rtfl tis JWi awui, Atwt U Ii
i ijl aftr rmh l.. it iii i ?
lut foi b.n;r .;' tht inlHf
th our irruvntt lUn I hftvn ?wm
n otht Kmturfctwui ptlvem iMo
ttmL" - l.tAHrrtlU trtiJimrni
Tktf Cntai of CIU.
Tbf fabl4ritv tn th bwitt of Atmrw.
ltaH s lv rof an.l palm tmntn r r;
tU lf MfOrt ffrmrlv Wfo t-
thtrtt mx In hm Unnw rmaMfn
Kl'Uh." i hartllf nwrt iUu.wuv
t thr jmngmu-m than 1 .rrtliikl-
. ,,ltUl of Chilu wnKy lail--
inUnd. tMiiil up o Tnai plmn. wimIot
Ihe t4.riinjT aj.d invlnrit-to alotr of
?h imowhhiI ArdB. wh ConlH
Irraa, rich ki!'i th lre.uur htrli
Humhltt -:aio$rui, iim in nmv
rsdatlm fn:n th plalwm, mnt btdj
th sun to tukr fr Jvtntla;'. v ilh iko
timiiftf of th dttMt mtmw. a rU
maio a irfet a anv in the etrkL
.Stint iar i an etpn pi'e .tiul Itn
rtou. th. htrr l the Chilian hctfit'l
is Uwari !'. art rn I thi Miht nl
hi ?. with her hroatl tlorush(n4ri9
tier talrh dwfllinjp. hr jrn prnw
eiuulm. ant exrluit.-nvi nr
htr chArartritins. tfcp oid Sinnui)k
orthovi dwells them Aim e'..rittiTo
and spriirhtlinma purely If renrh. Snt
UmC ls an vt-ll nrlotMl, n rniefulh
tendi!. an trim!? drwMHM. rm I'jwts
lUHf, and the t.tntifitl t hiltan holb-i
trca! it1 p.tvenieiif tu iholaXi! Iuti
an attire, or dnte thrHtgh IU broiid
ntiPPtit, h lm f PiirifUin-met'ittijiy
j.otpl-. and c.uvenU with white pleaiw
itu w.illt. in rarriaifea whirh tailxhl Ui
for the imwter in the Iii. And they
tan lok tip at the And. and thij
Hiiltry nooinlay qutK the 1'inln may g;
..Ity.r l,f iDt tiwaX- 'v ' ' Jl
i'.oific. A uplendul atubitiouM t.
Hith a ni-imiv f ft horrlldii dlwwler
hanging al"u'. it. with a Maelftlrout-
like trif t"n' to ntm onjpiif for
tunea and live; with i-otnuU of
wealth and povertta dreadful ar U
we can any lav in lidon. a city
which ii a triumph and a suture, n grtl
monument to ih tralajiT cordum."
or woik and -.hrewd en, which have
mad" Chili vvhai that pnuiie worthy re
public m: but a city which would i
wull U consider ita etrangnnt wnys,
awl be wise, after the et.uiipl of Vul
jMiraiH.. The MM-lni.ird eitr u growing
Metwhly in prren'. froiu thrift as
well a toil 7'A- Sjrnt-r
A eu Peril for Aeronuul.
At Fo:mJii. on the id Mtttino. Mr. J.
Morton, the ronaut. ftccompmnef by
Mr. Tanntr. iiiab a immi tturrtnl
afceiit. and wkhi attain ! an altitude of
s,ii fe-l, at which height they piAMd the eaal of Iitdon into K'ft.
rnirig the Thames no b than thr-
tine. Cpon amting near Kltlwua
they dM:n!Hi in a larr' rnejulow. arid
were juat in the act of b'tllng off the
gas when a tremendous bellowing wan
heard, and on h-.kmg in the dir'ctoa
whem e tlie sou lid proceedd. a large
bull waa s-en rufchtng wihlly twarks
thetn. Mr. Tanner, fullj lh
danger of the situation, with great
presence of mind immediately ;lz.!
the two remaining bfp of ballast, and
threw them bodily out of the car. Th
U'Uloon rote, Imii only just in time to
ewape the horns of the infuriate! anl-
maL who, upon svin; the balloon su.v
pended over him turned his attention
to the bags of sand, the content of
which he .noon scattered in all direc
tions. In hia attack hi.i horns came in
contact with the grapnel rope, and the
jerk releasing the grapnel setthe balloon
free, but at the same time threw Mr.
Morton, who was attending Ui the rope.
out of the car. Fortunately, he suc
ceeded m clutching the netting, and.
witn Mr. Tanner's aiatance. waa
hauled into the bailoon before it had
amended rnaj.y hundred fee. The
a-ronants Ai.ed away for about ii mile,
when thtv found a safe haven.
The vicars ajostolic of the Catholic
church in China, in certain districts
have forbidden the use of images, but
they ask lor colored picture. I'rinta
and engravings are of no use, as the
Chinese do not aire for colorless works
of art. The figures must be completely
drad, for the least nudity will offend
the Chinese notions of propriety. Even
works by the great masters will be
rejected unless they are covered even
to the feet; the hand only being ex
posed. One London house has already
issued, to meet this demand, 2,000 copies
of the 'cruel tbdon," and a Prrisian firm
has recently sent out to China KXOOO
copies of a fino chrtrmo, representing a
guardian angel leading a Chine? lad by
the hand.
Prof. Huxley declined an offer of.
S10.000 to Jecture during October.
, .