The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 05, 1876, Image 4

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nr i.f h. cakk.
Hy llttlo Null' Coil blPhit tho child!
Ye, Job:), ou have a hnn;
I've been a dreadm' all a!oa
To hc lliU liour roun.
For Nell's our bahy, John- hij' till
That's I;ft to wife and tin--Ctur
b'ltmie l3ss' without her Ii fie
What would the oW tiouiu IV
Don't mini, .John: I'm woinaulali
A Lout my little Nell,
Y.-. j(j, 1 kiiow. I know jou will.
You'll always use her well.
Mik's tender. .Jolm a mowy latub
Pro carried on lay breast.
That's kept my old licart w arm go Ion 4,
lludii fondled and care.sed.
And rjheit-r-d from tli! stornii so wiJl.
She'll need a love-Kept fold.
1 know it, .1 11. you're ooil arid trn'j.
And vi carat iiitlliitf old -Hhf'II
neod a stu iik 'rm liy and by;
Perhaps 'Ms Juntas well
That hhu hhould :m.i) Iroui iim
An we from I.lltl; Noll.
Let'. f"' Th: house Is roomy, .John.
And only wlfo ainl inn;
Tbure'n plenty room ami v, eleoiii. to.
For oii and Nell, ou !.
Tho uljlAb art: K:tllu' lout to in.
Our jean aroKcttlij few;
We'd l!k-3 to havu our Nellie nortr
Until she's Iwft to you.
Ihc farm ban pot too laro for intv
TI10 hand, want li-adln well,
Ko jou 1 an take the for'.nd plow.
And I'll tay baefe with .Nell,
llml blu? ou then: coiii.j rlhl ulun,.
51 Utile Nell li yours;
Tou'd hotter no and tell her, John;
I'll iee. .Uciiit the chorus.
Ht. I.OUU 11mi.u1iI1i.iu.
The Future of America.
i:lriu:t From Irir-Hiir Ilnzley'n AiliIr-
:it Hid .luliii lIopKiiM L'tiivumity In Jtul
I have often hr.-n struck in Kuglaud
with the: charm which Americans seem
to feci in visiting those ancient cities
of ours or climbing the battlements of
crumliling eahtlcs, the names of which
are inseparalily associated with the
great epochs of our noble literature, or
with the various steps of that blood
stained progress by which the savage
1 Sri 1 011 or the wild pirate of iheXorth
Sea has become convened into cham
pions of order, chief means of the pro
gress of civilization. It is impossible
tube -as an Englishman
than in on I ire sympathy with a feeling
of this kind; but if ictio.spect has its
charm, I think it is no less true that
there is a joy in anticipation; and to an
Englishman who fust lands upon your
shines, who find.j himself traveling for
hundreds of miles through what i can
only call strings of great cities, who
even in the roughest way compares the
extent of your territory with that
which he has left, ami looks at your
marvelous resources in every thing that
tends to tho welfare, and riches ol man
kind, there is a something sublime in
the istaof the future.
I do not say this with the least inten
tion of Haltering that particular vulgar
sentiment which is commonly called
National pride. On the contrary. I do
not know that I have any particular
respect for bigness as such, or for wealth
as such, and most assuredly bigness is
not tho same thing as givatiK-ss, and
territory docs not constitute a. Nation.
What I referred to, just now, as tho is
sue which had suggested itself to mo,
fraught, as I will say it again, with a
certain sublimity, a terror :is of over
hanging fate, is the question: What
are you going to do with all these
.1. '-p ' J o w nat purpose will you put
Ui. 711 store ol material wealth and
.; 'amount ol human intelligence
; iy, which is among you to
11 u j la. question is one which,
lu.(', no man has a chance of
Mn the remotest probabili
ty 1 moment.
faking the greatest po uas ever neon
S ln'u.i.o whatever.
L-bJJ'f ,.,,,..
, . mmtllUM l Ilil-
"eopie. At your
1 and probable
o see you uoo,-
fore you the
r I'Oople, will be
'ider the form nf
y- i.. ...
will lllllici LUC
ersal suffrage a
lk whether sf;iti
Im-owii against the
K,'.i ol a great na-
lle;or wheth-
iu day with-
is as
to Oxford, to Paris, and to Molilalia.
Applause I'ennit inu to fancy that
among tho English part of that iojula
tion thf-re may linger adim tradition at
that time; that at tho commencement of
yourvork an Englishman was permit
ted to address you as he has done to
day, to look ujxm your hopes :is his
hopes, and to consider your success .w
his joy. Great Applause. Ar. Y. Tri
bujit'a Report.
Indian Treaties ami t!t Jlornions in
From Him 0ntinilHl Aililrt-.'i of Hon. ;. C,
Nuiirnt. of the ISlackhawk war,
the Winnebago Indians ceded to the
Tnited Mates their lands in Wisconsin,
and 1 (-moved west of the .Mississippi to
a strip of land extending twenty miles
on each side of the upper Iowa River,
which strip of country had been ob
tained by the I'nitod states for this
purpose by tieaty with the ae and Fox
and Sioux tribes. On the J 3th of Octo
ber, 1M;, the Winnebagoes relimjuished
this leservation and it;inoved to the u
per Mississippi, north of the .it. Peter's
Jiy treaty of lb::J, the I'ni ted States
h;ul also obtained a cession of thesouth
western part of Iowa as a reservation
for the Pottawattamie Indians. In
.1 une, 1-H.p;, this lcservatioii was relin
quished, and these Indians removed
west of the Missouri IJiver. Jirigham
Voung with his Mormon followers,
made his exit from Xauvoo, Illinois, in
lPi, and made his headquarters in Pot
tawattamie county, Iowa, in the winter
of IHOT They built the town ol
Kainsville, since the city of Council
Ptlufl's. This peculiar peoplezealous in
many things besides good works, re
mained in the southwestern part of the
State, and controled its local affairs
until 1-v.VJ. Tho census of l.",o shows
over six thousand Mormons in this por
tion of the State at that date. In 1 .":!
the linal order came for the Saints to
assemble about their temple in L'tah,
wherefore the (Jentiles rejoiced. The
Mormons sold out their improvements
at a great sacrifice. A good farm claim
w:is bought for a few hundred dollars,
or a span of horses and a wagon. Prom
this time forward the "Slope" began to
attract attention, and settlement pro
giessed rapidly. Tho Sioux Indians,
who were the most treacherous and
cruel of the northwestern tribes, con
tinued to occupy Uw. northwestern por
tion id" the State until 1M. They sold
their kinds by treaty, .July I'."!, lSl,and
were to surrender possession two veal's
theieafter. A land ollice was estab
lished at the present site of Sioux City
in October, 1-SV, and by the first of De
cember, ls.r,t), a hundred neat and com
fortable dwellings hud been erected.
This formed tho nucleus of settlement
in tho northwest of Iowa.
A Diram Fullilled.
The Rev. E. C. Ewing, in the t'intjn
yutiunulist, says: Near the opening of
the war for the I'nion, a gentleman of
Hillsdale county, Michigan, received
appointment as an officer in the Tnited
States Army, and proceeded to Wash
ington, leaving his affairs at loose ends.
An intelligent and faithful colored man
was recommended to him, and sent to
Michigan to manage the farm of the
officer in his absence, a service which
was performed to the satisfaction of
his employer. The colored man had
been a slave, but had secured his free
dom, leaving his wife and live or six
children in bondage, lie knew neither
where they were, nor how to communi
cate with them. He was a Christian
man, his piety being somewhat of the
boisterous kind (after the manner of
the blacks), and his prayers being heard
by many to whom they were not ad
dressed. After arriving in Michigan, on sev
eral occasions he announced that he had
dreamed that he should some day find
his wile and children, somewhere in a
crowd or procession, where everybody
would be crying. Ho was certain that
his dream was to be fullilled, though he
knew not when or where. And because
his present manner of life, on a retired
farm, was not likely to bring about the
incidents of his dream, he became at
times quite restive and discontented.
Finally, in the spring of 16d'i, after
the assassination of Mr. Lincoln, and
when the body of the martyred Presi
dent was carried through the country
ts linal resting place in Springfield,
nan, with the son of his employer.
ie day to Hillsdale to take the
belaud and join the throng
lie fully expected then
discover his long-lost
herefore, greatly di&-
anivedat the rail-
fi train.
yer, that in a
uld be held
.ense was
rto be
Ml I doT
1 esta lished
Paris, and the
h that the mar-
A Lucky Veteran.
A Good Thlug for Him Thut He (stormed
Moiiy 1'olnt.
Years ago, Charles M. Leo was a
great lawyer in Rochester, New York.
On one occasion he was defending an
old veteran for p:using a forged prom
issory note for thirty dollars. There
wits scarcely a doubt of the man's guilt,
but Lee, getting over the knotty joints
of the evidence as well as ho could,
undertook to carry the jury by escalade,
on the ground of the prisoner's Revolu
tionary ser ices. Hedescribcd in graph
ic terms the bloody attack on stoney
Point, by .Mail Anthony, at which the
piii'-ncr, then a dare-devil of nineteen,
had distinguished hiniaelf, and closed
his speech as follows:
"(Jentlemen of the jury, will you send
to the State prison for passing a con
temptible thirty-dollar lonrod note, an
old hero, of thiee-scoieand-ten, who. in
his youth, cheered the heart of his
country in the darkest hour of the Rev
olution by storming Stony Point V"
This was a poser for the jury, who,
retiring, returned after an absence of
about two hours, when the cleik went
through the usual formula:
(ientlenian of the jury, have you
agreed upon a verdict?"
"We have."
"Do you find the piisoner at the bar
guilty or not guilty?"
"Not guilty, because he stormed
Stony Point!" thundered the foreman.
The audience applauded, the crier
rapped for order, the District Attorney
objected to tho recording of the verdict,
and the .Judge sent the jury out again,
telling tho foreman, in a sharp tone,
that they must find an unconditional
an absence of a few minutes,
they returned, when the foreman ren
deied the simple verdict of not guilty,
adding, however, as he dropped into his
"It was a good thing, though, for the
old revolutionary cuss, that he stormed
Stony Point!"
A Treatise on I losses.
A Cambridge youth, old Ryder's boy,
is the author of the following inter
esting effusion:
"I losses is useful tor draw hacks and
milk wagons an hearses an a great
many other useful things. They eat
hay and oats for fodder, an don't eat up
linen dusters an door mats like a marsh
goat does. A boss will kick awful with
his feet. Ralzio Sours tried tor hitch
a close line round a nold ear bosses huff
once, and the old boss kicked him so,
his folks had tor have a funeral for him.
Its fun tor ride on a bosses back. In
gins is the best riders in the world.
They skim over perrairies and shoot
buffalers and peace commissioners. I
wish 1 was a Ningun. I'd scalp hit
school teacher awful quick. When a
boss gits scart he'll sometimes run a
thousan miles an smash thunder out of
everything. A bosses tail is the useful
est thing in the world tor keep the flies
off iiv him. Their tails is also handy to
make fiddlebows out of. When a boss
gits sick so, he can't do no more work,
he is sent to Ward's bono factory an
made inter toilet soap an ivory an a lot
of things. Mean nother feller throwed
a lot of red popper inter olo Allen's
horse's nose one day, while he stood in
front of tho fish inarkeL lie snorted
an run an throwed some fish out of
the wagon, clear down tor Fort "Wash
ington. W like ter own a boss." Bos
ton Courier
Thomas O. Oitww. Solicitor of Patents or the
Iowa PatkntOkkiok, at len Molne.s. reports tho
following V. S. Talents Issued to Western InTuut
ors: rJLST 22. 170.
"Wind Mills .John II. Painter, Musca
tine, Iowa. Arrangement of counter
poise weights, by means of which tho
movement of the wheel is rendered
steady and uniform. It further con
sists in a new brake device for regu
lating the speed of the wind wheel, and
also in a device for regulating the
motion of the sails.
Lamp Wicks and Burners II. C.
Scott, Clinton, Iowa. The tlame may
be regulated or extinguished by ele
vating or depressing the sides. Also
another patent to the same, in which
the gauze protector is made in two
pieces. Tho inner piece is attached to
the slide.
Wind Mills George II. "Wallace,
Newton, Iowa. This wind-wheel ro
tates on a vertical axis, and is sur
rounded bv a series of shutters, which
may be closed to shut off the wind
entirely from the wheel, and opened to
let it oil. The shutters have a peculiar
arrangement of hinge, constructed with
a journal, collar, and end. There is a
cam-wheel arranged to operate with Hut
wind-wheel and arm, carrying studs
w ith or without pulleys.
Marking Attachments for Land
Rollers Win. V. Aldridgo, Lebanon,
Iowa, assignor of one-half his right to
James "W. lirown, same place. In com
bination with a land-roller, independent
marking attachments, adjusted and
operated by hand-levers.
Harbed Fences Robert Ford, New
ton, Iowa. Four pointed barbs, stricken
from sheet metal have, in direction of
their two longer points, elongated slots
for the reception of tlat metal rails,
thus preventing rotation of the barbs.
The longest points of the barbs are in
continuation of the length of the slots,
in view of the shane of the llat rail.
Seed Planters Peter Krans, Arago,
Nebraska. The seat standards are se
cured to a cross-' i, that is adjustable
for yrying the heights of the seat. The
.wer euu oi me uropper-spmuie uas
rmed on it a cam that engages with a
iiKeu lever, lor vibrating lntermit-
ndv .1 ent-itT v:ilvo
h.'lod Crushers and Drags II. Fun
is, unaries city, Jowjl a elod
usher constructed with a set of crad-
ated knives at its front end. to sepa
rate, the rod, and a series of smoothing
dades and intervening, wires at its rear
end for leveling the ground.
"Writinir Desks .Toronto M Kev fiml
1 1. J. Taylor, Tecumseh. Neb. "
Marble Polishing Machines David
C. Myers, Oskaloosa, Iowa. A sliding
frame, carrying the driving gears, is
mounted within and at the end of a
swinging frame provided with friction
rollers. Thus the rotary and lateral
motion of the grinder is effected by
power applied at one and the same part
of the machine.
Chain Pumps A. J. Purviance,
Keokuk, Iowa. The small central value
serves both as a valve and a pivot. The
slitted sheet of leather or similar ma
terial permits the free passage of the
buckets, but prevents wetting of the
Plating Machines John Eobinson
and Eugene W. Silsby, Ottumwa, Iowa,
M-r c:tl f ! )
Klour Oood to rimicr W
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Butter U
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&; C.M1 to Choice
Hutlr CLolCe to jello
flour Whir tntT .. . .
hprltiit xtr .
Wheit "iria .Vol .
Corn No i
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Rer Cattl- Kitr to choice . .
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Kje--io Z. ..
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Klour - Whole sale .
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At . . .
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Mutter. ...
iJ l
'4. i
Chance is a term we apply to eveuLi
to denote thut they happen without an
necessary or foreknown jswise. Wht
we say a thing happens by chance, w
mean no more than that its cause
unknown to as, and not, as some v;unl
imagine, that chance itself can bo U
cause of everything. (J. Buck.
The sexton of a parish in "mint
Armagh w;e alout to lose hn wif
She begged him to bur her in Tnm
among her own kindred, -10 miles aw a
"Indeed, Peggy," said he. "I'll tiny
here tirst, but if ye gi?e any troubl
I'll tako ye up and bury ye in Troin
To the Public Cancer Cured.
There are many aillicted with th
disease, and do not know who to ca
upon, or where to ,... m direct y(
to Dr. M. W. Thomas, of thia v. . wj
has cured many. Cured one on a mem
her of my family, and has in the kit
few months removed successfully sev
eral, some of them very large ones. I
have known the Doctor for o or thirty
years intimately, and havealwas found
him trustworthy and reliable in his pro
fession. Any person calling upon him
for treatment will not be deceived.
S. P. Mooui:, Druggist.
Dex Moints, May in, ls:,.
Ill's. .Miller vY Thoiuu.
.Medical mih1 U'atvr Cur IiiUriiiury, :i(7
Jtli fftrwet, I1h MuliH-ft, Iowa.
Is complete in all of its arrangements
for the treatment of all kind of chionic
diseases. Wo use tho best blood pun
tier in the world, yiz.: water in its an
ousteinperatures.includiiigthe'VrA.s. Russian and Electric Ruths. 'I he)
cannot be excelled anywhere, and the
most pleasant and delicious results fol
low tho use of them.
VeicetlnecU-auscsaml juirlflrs the blood, ihnrehj
oausliiK hunjurs or all kinds to disappear.
Kor erupUre diseases of the skin, jdmnirs and
blotchws. Vegetlue li theKreat reinedy-. as It re
moves from the stem iVt vrodualuK cause.
CoHL'MlTI(. Coi'utid am Colds.
Tho Rreat virtue of this lu.-dlcliio is that It
rlpem the matter and throws It out if tbi system,
Iiurlfles tho hloud. ami thus effect a euro.
Tho Toulc irducet a healthy actlou of the
stomach, creating an appetite. formliiK riijie.
and curing tlie miost oht!nato cases of I:hI1k
tlou. SJHKMCK8 MAN'DItAKK 1'Il.I.s. volt Til K Cl'PK
Tiles iillls are alteratlv. and prwdure a hcalthy
artlonofthe ltrer without the least danger ai
thryare fre fram raloinel. and jet more cifacl'oui
In restorlnic a healthy action of the liver.
Thee remedies are a certain cure forConiini
Hon. as the rulinotileyrtii rtiientthe in.itt-r:inj
purities th hlood. Tho Mandrake HIII-, ai t upon
the liver, create a healthy bile, ano remove all
diseases of the liver, often a cause of Consump
tion. The Sea Weed Tonic Rives tone and strength
to the stomach, makes a Rood digestion and !!
aides the organs to form Kod blind. 'and thus
create! a healthy circulation of the healthy
blood. The combined action of these medicines
as thus explained, will cure every case of Con
sumption. If taken In time, and the use of the
medicines persevered In.
Ir. Srheiirk ts professionally at his principal
offlce. corner Sixth and Arch streets I'tnUdel
phla. every Monday, where all letter, for advleo
Biiut bo addressed. Schenck's medicines for sale
by all Drujglsu.
The best nlae to get Campalgu Culformt Is at
helloggN, ii and 66 Mate M., Chicago, hee card In
another column.
There has never boon found a person
who tried Dobbins' Electric Soap, (made
by Cragin A: Co., Philadelphia,) that
did not say at once, it was the best soap
she ever used. Try it oneo, you'll al
ways use it.
The rematkahlu cures effected by Vegetlnp have
Induced many physlclaus and apothecaries,
whom we know, to prescribe and use n in their
own families.
Fluid LlKhtnltiR instautly cures Neuralgia.
N'ervoui and Slct Headache. KiK-buaUaut and aU
uervoui pains. Druggists keep It.
When you bay a new harness, be sure to'jrct
with It a can of Uncle Saua' Harness Oil. and ir
ou uieltasyou shoulil, your harness win last
twice as long a It would without It. or with any
other oil.
l'rof. W. f'alne, A. M., M. li., 101 West
Madison Stret, Chlcaco, III., and 233
North Ninth Street, I'hllatUIiihia, I ,
Is the discoverer of the Gerxas of Disease and the
Catarrh Vapor or Liquid Ozone and Liver Keiio
vator Pills, for their Instant destruction. H pos
itively asserts that there Is nocaieof Catarrh.
Bronchitis, early Consumption. Nervous UeMlity.
Neuralglx ItaeumatUtu. Ulptherla. Scarlet Fe
ver. Small Pox. Cholera, Dysentery, or other dls-
eaea pnMueed by the growth of germs, that they
win not cur. Tanor. SI.V) rr bottle, not less
than two bottle sent bv express. Fills. 25 cent
per box. sent by mall. Vor special treatment, ap
ply at ellheroQce 'y letter or In person.
CaTIf your horse la low bplrite.1. Laj a rougk
coat or a had appetite, Klve him a teaipoonful of
Uncle Sam's Condition Powder twice a daj-. In
wholesome food, he careful to carry and ruhhtm
well, and lTe him good Quarters, and you will
soon be gratified at the lmprorement In his ap
pearance and condition.
In all cases of doubt lean to the side of mercy
and In all casea f aches and paint try Kllert's
Daylight Liver Pills.
Never squander a moment tor we are never
sure of an hour, neither delay the purchase of
Ellen's Daylight Llrer Pills.
Dr. McAFEF.. A reRUar rr.duat of Ilritish
and American Institutes. Twenty years a prac
ticing physician. Treats all disease of the Kid
neys. Liver. Lungs. Heart. Throat, Hrad and
Xervoas system. Errors of Youth and Abuses of
Manhood successfully treated and even after
others have failed. 91Qu forfeit for anv case of
Seminal WafXness or private disease of any kind
or character be undertakes and falls to cure. La
dies will find proper treatment for disease pe
culiar to their sex. AH letters containing stamps
for reply promptly answere-L
consultation pkkk. 2ena for circular. Ad 1
dress Lock Box 30. or call ai offlce, 317 Perrv J
meet, uaTenpoaT. iowa.
w-ime t.BaUfsl tvnaa4 rN" ' i" f " " j
stxt :: f acT ' : ': I- -'
TirulW M'.ffrr 'a. - ' ' '
Tr r t al L'
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TT"vrSXTKKlASIiM"Ci(rf'- iT"
WU. Clifvlan trt. ACdii S- C. ar.a
THE rrilKST'lO.MID AM) HtoT!
Is ruplill) tK.1i i: tl-e t re. .I.-.i-. xhfiPViT It I,
kn-nn It.i-M ! IIIol- llM t. Vt'll
MANsllir M I III I. !: I fl l IM. I i '.,
! .it .1 .tt I t U .1 . I. . Ii.'l l'i lie u."lst iJ w l'..l
Imiil-er -unirv . ..' t li-'iisaiids l'i fr.if ,.t ..r
IUIIIk'. Krullliils. t.i et t.oli n Ittl
Uitestiueiits ft.r sin.. I ir .iirt".-s rt I
iver tno in t II ..rt Winn yn 1411 Lo It! Ill I:
reiti-d .it Imiiie .tlrn.kl .tt rotili-Ikmuv lu
lllstl ftlid KtMj'TIi- limiiev il. .lri 1 '! vtiiere
must "neeileil rite f..i li-iins j'.l pint-s r
deal In e-r ' .i!. v . 111. at.-l I',
blid In lliusii .tl inuK .ti! - -f I ! i( r .Hloii.
A.N .MhlhltA l.l IT Mu,;.!.
Isurlii.r't. -1 !.
If jiii ai i.-..''. ,f to
lill nillla) Plow Ik la
r.i ii diiii't f.ill 111
.e ll.M '(lAKIH'N
I I I " Sulky -ii.t
liil.L w .are ttia
5??'M Y I'Mills. I
y I UK ttmt
.in- ilirova 11 inn llln
ground .. a III: KK
iTn I aaaarajx. ' iiii-
T . ii . I... ..1.....1 1 i.u.
vJKWj.. -I tmWCV areaisuseif leTitlinir
" . . Si'lld Inri-llr M JiAaa
pamphlet. Tihirli we fiirnUI) ftir .ut.iiultji- ral
liable TaMi'i. Uk lpi-s,i! Kut. s laleiidirs.
etc.. etc Alsn, a full ilin.ri.iini -f our ' i.ardeti
Clt) "(Jllpl'ijr Flows. ultlv.tols. ltaiu.s. ll.M tow.
Furst Bradley Manf'g Co.,
North le l'U'nei St.. CIIICAUU II. 1
Xl"1 A --11'' ' r' it '' he 'd 1"
lul' pufers iri..-s t.tri;i-it C'.nnp.n y i-i
America atap'ejr'li ... i...-hui rw-r jt...l triili-C'-tit
HiU.tll I'ii riinsitu: ir-:its .siit...l ' nn i
where bast induct nL dm. t wate tuiii- stu-1
fur circular to i:mti:i:i WKII.s
-a.i strei-t. N V I ii Iti.t "iT
' Wanted immediately ti
, ii iu 1 .-la I ail. T, I. Til
iaa Iafl3.a ii'.iwii'i 1.1 iiir.. nasi
IH illU.l nes Slttl.4' ona
auteeil. keculiima-nded bj Slip! T I Teli-rspti
Co. as the oiuy rellu' 'e tel-i-rah v tinnl ir
LUl.nsttee A.ldrLsi N . '1 en-Ktiapli l-ist'tute.
.Unesville W Is
CMiKi:l tt. iiut.i
Challenge Feed Mills
a nun i nii.ii.eil M1KLI.KK
U;11N'1HH u. ill irlr..l-kf.i aliilnf
ffa-ed. svhe'tier e or lry witt-
rT- iiim .iii-ni hiiij wiinojl neal
liataria Illwio.i
Tie University of Des Moines.
opportunities el"n ;,.r .tndni,r lh a teirv
.irleiitiHc or Ias i.n cm'rse Pi.iir 1 a' tl, .r
lowest I'.cures I'liTII -sKXliS IMITTF.l Tt.e
Locution Healthy .nail IScuutiftil.
Mudeutti ataiha-red mainly f.-mi Ii.v-a, .Neiirasa
and iMknta The sil. ml .ir fiew rs .e.ra-if,,i. r
Uth. For raTa!i.,-ii-s. address F. JIUTT, Irr.
Illa-Ut. HK- .Mlll.Mts I.W
"lf II VISIT C ll:t:i AT IIMMK N.
wa - ji-j' u ? llaw st ir' ri-tn i
tiHider.ite l.i t- trirr-iaja. Ilecr .e .a,
lilt F i: MAl.tll U...I v. M I; a-ii.
Lcturei t Hit.',' flrent Ras!r.e. Cor2, Efv.kak.
Iow '' prs ti .'ir;. to.' on. etc IE:cra p srt.
hat.rt. Kn,: .si Ilrncv.e. Te.-c-?!i.n. n 1 rr fur
a:Ned rooms free 11 fare reduced Ooo'2a'.tatU)ca
It the fid! tvrl-it; Is nut as we rej r-sent I' V-.'.r
name elc-w.tly pri ! in t.oi.H ,- ..; (
flnosr. richly tinted r. tniards -sty.-s r,--turn
mall tn any ad.'ress fir vu , i.'ni r
91.0V. Ir Tit ei im T -ur. t ke v 1 -m
MOWKT. CJt.e a'e'.t -j .1 fK jark ir, - ,. , A
ARcnU waiitfd .:tn.i ti, : f.r i'i: j T
liaarr.-i , . r-. l lll'-C 1 I .. a
mediate' to IIOIIKH A .. , M
fine. II fi A 1.0
trti'y te: ceuts a r .Ist th.ria: '
man. woma-j at. I ch'.''l rn atf rl to s
:ie CI.e.ii.isi i.i'.r t i' '.a . . i
11. ni 1 ay Hiatv tinier tri.- pr. r cliarrail
lr .:. . .tia rTiiKim
fnw fns. Hlrli.
till HCl A-Vn ""I-Tl'I.A ps -H-lrrjrK . th
1JII L V ou: I'a'n "r :h? -'-f k-'fa 1 trtjr-.
I 1 1 . r A or C"'31- A -"fl-K .NO
1 illlJlJ PAY. With r.-it!rnt from a d s-jacr.
we will enntrart to r) a:i f ravepr.? ari es
penses If a.e ;al to eet. a rdirai rara. .V
charsre for conaiiltatlj-i .r examtaatii-n
MI.VKItA PlllLLlKt. 1- Slilud'. straet, ( tlca?
JWD tniClKTUliaa.SraaKM
Hm: l-aca-ai.Lt? Lsaai loiaa
tX. tTltai uJ aWuad
Iitrat R; cf Ta'tlnn aaj Brt ai WnkTaiia-sjfie
BCSIa.'I4aCi''UZa Z'alu Ui
Ai 0 Ironing Board.
Most perfect., durable, and eheapat lronln;
Niard In the world. Alwas rad t;e nla
no adJusUn?. fits any ' !rt refer out cf order.
Aarents wantasl eTerwera liltKKV a h:a
ZIKi:. 5.S n:h Je-ers. o .tract CHICAGO.
Slentloa this paper.
(Incorporated lrT.)
Capital and assets $'!. JCTa1
Surplus, January 1, 1JT6 HJtM
a. r. uufr, rresiaeni anu iTeasarer.
J. H. KICE, Sec
J. W. KiiiZT Vice Ir.
- . on
' H CO
so iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH
n m
IliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiV K
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH I
IliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH ;
I STT a . ?7SlPlsiH
GjawSS'HaavlBs'p. s
i ttlJnsr!'
ViJlaWlidKtwIlWvJ .-r -A
lM more iiuii mi") a' 1 w ti , to l".rii U
'I ki KititAi'iir 'ii.ii t.s I I
Mlirill s.iUrv nil ti.u.i; A-llr. .s I
with Sl.imp. MII.K1I r TKi.l. .i:a! II I ii.
MirM 4 ftfet
Jif - Mt
.a u A-
rioct' r
a:- 1
v ' yl
cu r l " vJdS W .
2 " H - " -' " ftm il. itl. i ag-. - J .Jill v "
The First Annual Thirty Day
Industrial Exposition Building,
Ir II I. S ui
iict . :. .1
k J.l 1 !
. a ;
. t III !.
( r'j 1
t - VSt U . ."t..'
Ic m ,-c ; ; .a 1, -tn 1 f 11 1 n
. f hit II l.i ! " Ul '
' 11 k tr u' I ' ,f !' llt'Uif -"'
I . IIM" I . irr..t l .... I ru . ,
t 1 . aW'i u -.i li ill li in ' f
u J r 1 .ti l (h.l -n II" 1 Mi In 1 1 '
j' s. ill fli u-r ll.i l! ' si t
tlj s. Kli.'i'Uli ..' !..-;'l f t t. ..u I
r 1 tit aii I tr.i ii. n:ri :mi u.s
s . i: u; ' ' .1. i"l. 1 ..l'.l i. "f
I i.ll INI I ti.isruir. l.ttn II. I . Utnr ..
,11.' 1 ii.-ki'li luta I..I I r- ; il
1 -.. . ' . ri.ifnrl. kIum IMiiKIIM"''
ill. llVll' rtr.l Ittt tj. .s. !. I..U II W..UI I l.i
i k i ur . r rns irj au.i i...i..r i u i.. v.ti
r. .' I I , ' All tl...v tli ul-ivl illl Nlvtul
lull I tilli"li if 1 .V11I li ... t Is
VS Km, ami J!'l t "' I rlilltiaulf
flll'KIM U.MIiiM.
lMII M MlnM.t.
' I'letltiill Mlrwt'U C I.AIIiuU.nk. atilau
1IJ W .s .
1 1 .' j :ln Unl In tai. 1 ut r i,-
'1. .( Ail..ii.air.ii!t l'il.'ii'iul.llt
fri in I tl.e hlil.l IM'. In SiI..fuU
Ki.ll IM ii eki ..'! ' h . ii.i.v .if
i.... iri '. ilr'.!..:!! in. 'ilirnj. i lil I
I VI In II r M. Ill
Nearly Blind ! ;
II It M K It. I
ii:"i" li. i tinii biiiII i lit" t i f. i !
' iu"lls.li1' im tlii mi f 1 L'.l I I S L.. t
! ,'ui In I st.Ui
r ir". I ' r i 'i.i vi-.ira .'IIhiu" ii a
s."..f'lia v!.'ili lis i '.Ala 'ii'. i '. i ri-a
fin. .11. I .ili.l I attinii l .r ' V. t l Ik
tens All a .inla ? upt ll''i f re par" i t ,
in ! a ili.l ill In lu a'ui -I Ii suit r i r i " ,
.ila-Hsi- l.llii'lp!ll at ttle-t Mi in a 'l lliulisl t
f i't .ili.l it tllnas lu till aitl at Htvd n i)
list kUlllllinr 1 Jfiim until. l.1ilan lsilak
lilt s J I'm .11. it I I .till') a. a U. I II ttua-al 1I. 'a t'tt
I. II I (.. I. l.llli t l.rt UT ilii- -"c. Ili ) ur ,i,ii' an
i .t in il e i .lu v ku. i a I . I l-mia-i.- i ' it . f
I I I I I V., .I'ni o Hi lilt t.a a-a .i; M nl" t
diri'tlniia liiiviii.rtliira.ia I ' Ul..r Uir il
r.'liej Afier nal'i." fui if tl' t-nltles I 1...11 . 11
h l.l .1 iii id" ful -(Ta'l nu tlm 1 1.111,-1. . i'l 'lulilr.
lu t..--l) 'ilnl !ars I alltl unit a hi. I flNK -. t
litlliii.i ua toiai ..ria jaft.r aitlir it 1
ut.tliltn) -! all .'' ii.'l I .ItrlUuli ll.ta..
r ai.-llir .1 1 a apt- ur...i
f ttie Ihii dlaetaes li Kli K 1 1 .N '.. -L..I u..Ui.a.- 1
If I .1111 rer .t!e"ttal ta Mi -atnlMiiaf f tl.e all i
:i.-.llll. I ali.lll tr I'lal. I I N .! Ilia nun r -!.' .a
liilia-.!) 01. i tui.ra ai'i-i-pl ) tlt-anks. all. I tin
lleie me In bu te.
Vety rtiat!illv '
a 1 sir, i- 1 iiirr
. .'lilll-i MH a. !.i W.l..ltl. It !
! I. l-'t 1
Ve-cetlno In Sold by nil DrufH-ltiU.
S.VW a.y,i.a
n Impr n " ta.
Tenoa . t Fyi a
.Sc,iii rru v 'rr )i rr.oBlIy or
J'airiah. r-Ti.a' -r t- I' "' T
L':i ijum t f air a aa-t'raa
UKKIt's T;III.K - .11 If .
VI nn llurrii !.. lilt-nttn.
. Cut tr'iout ar.dajt.'.'jio 1' Iti i-in-r'trr I r ,
Wa i" 1 i-llf ' to ' a a ? a o. ilia ta it 'i.
Ia rn a- I t: a ! ,t J .. r ;' l war a 1. a. a
irra j'tuo .U fjr ILo r-Itealra 11,. 'jf tta ca.o
An tr.iirarnerit tf V i ' '-t ' j i-j;.i
r 'r t-itia
Tf. mm' er ' ! Uiafsr ai ir 't f a;r u.a .1
ttiiir'i'laff IT tfii.i-ml. "n's1 a-I -. ta Ir .it
durat a ir.rilia-r aii'l ar !t atT'a .a.
tiand' '.rf the Instr'iti.etit ri.w fvr oir jar
cau'i'iuly. and rnti'ai.r iaMtiar ti V
tai'ifjr uf i.ur iiWti tnol!i aa to tt.a r,ua itjai eir ,a!....tlaa J tia Cirwifi Uf.,! Mil 'fill
g-reat aJT..rt t .i II airi. '.! ! J iS'.-l t t "t ay
he J'-1 firTf ta. liaa ' rr . Jt . tria Taaii ; rrsrr.iail to i. thatr.akara H..U ir
tta tirit tatlafavCtiOr. Ui an -o Lala UrtLaaJ ,
tLaTl Of a
l a .aVi mnr eiamiriitlor. ntrm'fi.r p-tr .
rh.islIK. wtfj thn fJi .in'.riirn tf at ' J t t!.l
a "r? r-.a-a ri,-ar. u!r,. t'a.l tw a i. (.
li-ilrriar'!'.'W.' ..r Ovr ra;. .!. J la U UJ
tti regard :otf.eISilramar.ti.
Mll.l.s A ..
la- Hlllllrt. loiTaV.
Mrs. Dr. Keek's Catarrh Remedy.
' j tir . ri "niiiriMH u ' j x
N. l I f'-a fr Attl- I .'. t 1 a.
t'"ai-tr a d t -', 1 atarrt. -.! ia y. , ar .
f'tt-r a;w 1, i mi'i Vj'a . Mra Ir K1
!tt.ofa:, 1 Vlf a d ( '.sutl.;' un ; sK a.
Is II r s a'trav-t,- t rr'a' attui iu
l.erear .e s -. ' e .tati .Z.r. w rat u. tn-
.NteCiird'a. y !' e a.' a . Trn: '
a: vttr oT. a, c f ' fu. IfuroiaitoB
fit.;. Addreaa ai. yaitsu'.'. a" .,;,,
Ml Ml. KKt K.
all Ura-lj itrat IlAVSlrr.UT I iwav.
Ta Iaiaam la losara. attara 5ftr;
, jaal
AurtaaMaatatrB .Vlaavoari
l"pi lteproTaj farms 'a isim of ae and up
ward for alarm f 1 :o J jeari tularemia L
t-ar cest. ; ayah e t:a! annua, j.
Cii' If w .oats of J-.JjC ait. spwtidav,
raarle i pa ' t. "t r
8l'IIOOLl:OSWAS7E'J Arr-T to
lil S.NUM J; TrtLETt
C--3sc H.aSt Lwi.
If too ara as rta. w.iit f c-dTn "afrty
and raTe tr'ai all la a , ra,.d 'aora er wjtt
out r-armanaiit re. a i.r soar druy'at -.r i,
ra-.fJe. fraa or ! Lir.; KXrKKfcS I IIaK'iXs
- rJ T IS KoK I r We ttz' a ra.iah,- ir'-,t In
every county to whora ijCr-r aTtrrrd'carr
Inducarpeil. Try t.. retae r fa..y at i.jr.:-I-aic
C all. r.r a-IUr-'ss. with "Tahi- f r r!r.
Call.'!. IAf KA'.E Ka;'SI iCK E.'l-T nrrn'i . il i
IR HAdII.Tts A,, I
Kootn ii ..j-. liar Stra-t, lint AlaO
Agents Wanted.
T ctnrui r.r K-.'ar-rtnar
P.ctores. Wa. ara paylivat
lararc arolssio&s.dolns;
Caer wori. and taakmjr a
rreatar var.aty of pic
tures than arir r.rhar i..
yln? House m the Cnlte -stataa. Address. ltn
tamp. J. ll. A0" at K EOS, 212 and 111 iU3
Chicago Iillaols, ""
m i
m tM
m i
H t
r t
Vlw""1 '
. -. .VfV,--i,--rf,---s-. ,.- .-w-'
Fair will commence in the Iowa
at Des Moines, Oct. 5, I87G.
i.iri: .i.i.asav.' cain,
tccp c'ecLT.
a . a i...'E ' r
'i .,. at. 5
v w M -a -
.lean., l.i .Ifta a mt
1" ' lM
U, jil !!.
I'aiali at IIhi
I l.gllilal. !
Ln.l ll.tlla .V.
lllKU I' It I " 11
i.t : i 1 1 1 ut v
r . t.i-i" !
f a f 1 . v a4
a.t l f a "'I 'ifl V ,' )' S a. Ii'a.a . ' 'I' '1 r a rf It a a.a mi 1
a la inl I tli'i. , .nal
r I r .4
i aa b ' ' J -a
d) taint ft l ' ' ai j . Han . .
itwrarinriita ' I : . M a...', a I. mn 1 al
.1.1J Kf ILr la-at: g a J. :'. Ilia I - 'irU " alaw
I net hi tea 1 1, e ra! l... l 1 i ls.iia. im.i
l'imriial i.f t.. hi I . .la MJ . at . til
a.y II la th Ural Tlllaa la tttata la. 1 1 . !
1 )'' luiilula l'i t ma "aai. llatailaf
araW truaa lf . Has tlai if H (I a
iiU r taa l f ii t ill ail . 11 alart .l. u 1
arii II lrtll Ai tha li.aa- la. "ha . It ; 1'
"I'll I III iruaelf .., ; ( It a. aa fat a ..a
lli.l l.ia . .'.I.rii rl I 1'alTt l laa '
all ri' JaliMahaal lr ..'atl. i. raait tw jan I faa
rl'. r III ttir I H.i. air I' aan ' ' l .aa
II rll.tlill lillilta-ai ' la I ... J
Mr II f. r La UMM M I I V N t I N
U ?
tiag fi r t r
1 - ' tt I aaa ' ttlar u -.ll. a' a . ' a . .l aala
now 1: TUl ss ..
Kin !i;). ( OI N( II. HI I I I 1. I-iHA.
SAFE AND RELIABLE. Von Weak l.un-iy
H.laC mi a C nilgll or "iIl V
Haic on I'ain In imr Itri-n-st V
Ha i' Vol 1 an v 'I'll rou ( 1 M-c-ita-y
Ha Von Con-aiinipt ion V
I Arc Von AVi-ak ami lcltllltat. -i Y
pt on Suffer from I fiI ltrl Ion V
!o Von riiiiir 11 Toi.lcV
i lliar Yli No p;rt Il '.
I o uii nccil Itnllillnir 'y '
! Vou nlali ! hr St rout; and Mi-all 1 1 V
Solij ly nil lriitrtrl,t's.
I'riiirltnil l-pot,
r'C I ' ! v. J t x
Dr. Whittier,
617 St. Charlc. .trcc!f'strLouh7 Mo.
- f9f fTv1t' ' W sfsf -
. f W Uft ft' IV t,f'l f "-al
fta(t J. Kt -J7 I'-s-. . ft 9 M 1 . lft
L f ft ftl ft a 1 fW - -
Syphttia Goncrr-a'aa, GUt. Blrtttif . 0-
nd 8;pK,IitiC or mtrcri.I tfTt.o of IK
throat t-in or bont. ' tul v ,;. t
5rmtorfhj, 5.-wtt Ublt md lmpA
tnc,irtif-.,'fHk;i ! . a,-.
1& Ufr ?, - eiaUi" va .! (-sfvt- --
r t "Xm J- - fc n .v - il aM
- l t. & f tf 1 --iw-f f - J
If-. J a "V-C T ft f f W ftasftf f ffaafcftaM staan
Sf H. - f Ift4J . wfrT. - rMsr g taVstTi M&9
t S V -I'rnohtrj',7. ,--" - a - t r .
'A (4ai f ftsUAf Ut ' ftl lA sv-wl W.
rtft - kaj,'. w-, 'j,, fti & tw r .JI
& tA i ,-S V t-!7fc v ,0-s, m IjmIiil.
V-r& (, u-. -l Vft T as -i- (Of M V-.iafctrsy
TUt .- f y ftasr Itf ftl rsft r k W- s
t -) 4 s - ; ix- i t. f' a- 4
oiv-ft iv 4 au. mj r u. ftivaf. w ;w - r -i.
Pamphlet, (a ty ddrtit, for Two 5tar4.
K ANHOOD - v r. CiaiJ
WOMANHOOD fK .?:. y..
B5taaiiaii.Ut:r"-.fr20CsrV-. a
Msohood aod Wor.ah9d ta Ciirmic boWi
lojtth.r, lltuitrlri. IS Cviluj
pi. I GUIDE.
Zc ast oiotS ar.i ajnt ttsAl&2. KUyZ. lit Vn.
O'ar ". a-.aar'a. a. J taa. Iraa to .- . aiaaui
" ?xali a 1-r-j. i. t.a aar-r v. aas. if.
I"aajf t M I&wrr. Ways Kirr J-ai. tlatu X ca'a
k-a.1, ?.aj-al Sar 7.alfi.. a.; u.t u
tV-i.:raxTr Itasr taaaj;yi-aaaay ' raU
7i Tjra-'-tJ KavrtCai.-". a. I aaa ataav T' ir
W! f a-J- a i laarr aaa .arf '.! A.
Jiaili.jaevi 2 aiwtr. a a afl aa 9K.ri.ittzt v t-a f.l tf a.1- t ;.
tt3 ISiexa-J OJ.V1 a I u-a.:crlt aa ; . ,. aa-
J fMV-K It oaJ-a ULac-t3 Of CiHaavi ..laf.
J".tlii--kl ACalava. aaaa l(..ra
";" "U'iaP'' titfci ij-. titi
1U ocxta.
'a;.arfcriUflC. ataiuiVn, Vc;arvsa W;w
K,!"J T " ".,., rA4.J- ia ii alaf.l. H
a raai, srv'.'aiis ayr -ri
6(7 St Charittt street, St. LouIiT Mo.
jffffmfm: . A P!T'- 'IHiT w.'Jtirrlijt
MmimmWSjmmW ' rirT,"i -! '.. a'' l-aia j(.
w--r-ifi -.- lU a -r j--; -,
U I ( U, -aal lif enia raa ..f ai .a a-ii. i
at taratar aa ar ; f 5 . 1... . a "aa .-a
A?a..A?IJt2ilCAL7UEaT'j).,. t- !.
PrtTavta sfalarst U.5. aiaj. t. Cliailul Jl.
f--ra rfCi. aa.. 7 a-n a.Jtla-afUajvJM
nta- fa. aaaJ as-ia.-aaa. rZi fi.
kisJca-. Airier - .-. . i -- ia.
' - '' - s a. Ur . -. a.. Xijr-o
bH frta-arJ-. -iUO Jjf. n-.tlaaTii... 1J
M.t'V AVi17 DrJ': D-Pj!"sr.. Ho. 12
N Cth Si. Uun, Mo. a-a.a-,.,..i.: .mT.j
taB ft aaav am "!- J m? k . m m ' . .
' ' pair.
' I I'-ait.
" cr .a
' t.. -a;
. t sa
- J- :r.
V, a iiy.Mvu.
.Io,r,k Tlaillsii Co. Da.IulnraTr
KbTABUallKD YaCAJaj. "
lttaad0.lT&j.jjr,Loi:!s.i:o. VTrire rorcfcar
v .- a.