- -- .Stf m m ii "HE RED CLOUD CHIEF. 'UN KH-AY fcV, t 2! I,. I -7. ' ..--copy J year. .L.iO 1 io copy i. mouths, l.tm 1 . :. Oiiici::! D'nvctorv con'tiu:.s.s:(i:;al. A.S. 1'ail.I rk JJf.ir;-!-. I'..t-nat.'. a,r W. HitrS"eJs. Omaha, U. (J ... It. .,,.n'.On..:n. Cliwf J tir-. ; 1 1 . ..! f :. t Velars..,!- ; f "J v " . . nia-i.MBxW..ii.n,tB.iti.;A-'"-lJ'- W I.ttST Ifli COUNTY . J A.Tnll-ys. I'.. II. If4Cf. I U'.TiIUys. i:. '. Tin. .1 . S. (Mill ITU, '"' .'riirnf '-. W. Kill. ) .1. II. Il..b:irt. I O-uaty f'lrrV. i '""' -'"""j- 'ii,r,'","-1 nan h!j)jM)--.i ijr a ;in-i that tli" t-v- cno-eu rere- 'v- .1. .'isswtru, . - t :; - . 4i. . I'VRTTIVH 5 i . ' , j i i i l. i i--'-' sur..- i j4'4.oj4uattti.f . w--f tht - r I !. 0 1U!EU. .Triiir. Iinr,1r J - i . -'i -l ' . i , nr.:3..Tzd.k, Socoi.Matt. - that cvenii oi th- Ami IIith.'K-k I wna follow"! t.y a cf in res'lJUK led L?ei ,-; ur uiiu-.: '-i- w'.i & r" , . .J.t;. i .::!.!.. ,. Tra.nr.-r. II-T:- hav ouon: Mit Mj.sartly for j 9 " ' : U!l lir ? , ' .;.,. H. u,i,.-r ..W-IarlHjrttiMUfic i.re.msta-f.ffir-f ' After a rtcc of fifteen t3iinute. a ., " . .----! Si I- ? ....... JUIHU.AiiV. .an-Jdonotcasch U,ehint taat Ki-'C.a-Mnpeojjrai.by W4, ctitBlucteihyj , 2v, - . ,-.! rtiiir4 r. Hayes & Wheeler. For Prc-itivnt "R. 13. Il'n.yes. Tor Vice Piv.-ident, K'.r heiiator, lilth IMtrict, ,1. S. Gilham. I'W !! j- f-!Mil.itiv, ,1. ;i- SniiilL- Tixmtv M .j.. . I fc. mi . ,i wt'.'i- T( NO.M1NATI" N!U',T-:s !' K .TATH ui'Mi'i..-. Tlie Hi-nbiean el'ctou oflhc Stale of Xi hra:-ka are h h by callod to uend do'.'uatt s (101:1 (he M'v'ral c :nties to meet in .Slate ('onvcmi, at i.incdn 101 Tne-day, the l!',;!i day ofSotcm , ,.-..! i- 1 b.r. li, for the purpo-i; ol ,, laving ,. , , .. .1 (. , :ri nooiination candidate- ior tlie Jul- l..wim: namerl n!lU--. viz. : Tlir-.e prcviiluiilial i-iuol.jrs and three a I- t,rn;iii's Mno Mfiiiiiri (ireninff". it.- Monihcr r0o:i::4- ContiSircnt 1 i-r, ! ";St;itc. hero W.441C iv'i? and say vi. '"' t Avasu better .... , . 1 ilra. J. tt. : . 1" - ' 'limn. ; liJnoken, .!, ,,,,. .WUllUl "'f'f.V.1 roiio- bicdin "."'""fi.jAiii. -nameoi:i,es,'"K Ltogethe ?'.'' "''"-' J "Uy, delete at -tins KU I. ' . ;ui. '.' i j ft; J; , b r; I , . i j' , i ' ; Rsin ic. 1 she s.. (: Umt she . lniglit kill II.. . i .niT VAU4 ---- .-.-i. -... ...... .... .... -. .. .. irtioih,,,- ,,an. J..J.J cii..u.ita..i'Krailtt.,fifvc1J min,lt,.., of rhu ,.,.! S-h....l ..r-r. j ! re Ami ,u .,f ,..r ,.r , -ut s.tor, , .,(,,lR UtU , g,.; LU elI,:lMlt4li.,Iia ,. . ,. ',rus" T- j a.,,j .j, ,,. .!. . :,,fl., ....,,, t ! -. ii. .1, I C..,nty fo.,..uiiou. J-kn. l.v....i,,r.:;'!,ii- t., ,3y. AllK.WV ! itf$) -s-A tat- -"'A! ,, irmmA pm - 4Ji'- -- jg- 'a. ,. '-1 I,, -.v ' nlv.i.-j.iin jhc ca-H. of the p::ok I v'.nsthuchami.op,,!rn a t,;,jTu. Imagine thin Md Imnir. ,1,;- t.i ,.,... , ...ir- .'jiui'j ir, UtVOKtll l"vu ,r,Iiti.ian friOJ j bankrupt banker, h.o t,v4 called by I the Ami Hitchcock orr ti a hoary headed Ilitch&K-Lii..". ,.,. ffmrortof. ! - -" i into an ardent ehnnpion of the jkjc , iric, and a foe t. rirm-. Ihwi Autl-Ilith 'k mean :ntt ' C&rlr, ami ni ! i-ihli-ii- ' V ! IHllaiaiaSAalI.I - .Iiail. III l' -Ia 1 I .I.IIIIII .-....... ,.- ....I . . ! " ..-..., - - .. , ...! I , i-ii. . in i.i- i .urn ..in ui. .!'- en an? .na'ioi.aj m: v.in o-,n- a ! I tun ut sr.iiaiiiU'(! wiili IJj'l..:-k. j aiii never .iui tl.tr iirf.te-t cuuimntu- ea'21-ii with him. I ;u,i ..t at-.jnainted !-. -I i.i .no onu wmim 1 kiimv to t,e dh ; -UHiorter, and have h.td no coinmu tii."itio with m,.., a 1 or.on. I have notcoimimtl,I,yM.H-tthtr way. ii w.i- n .-niiiat.... without any i.dcrrm-e j to my fioMiiou ..n 1 JK. M:n.ior;al que- ! lion, and to k Lut vei little im. r- -t ! ! in ihe matter, nniil elrtr-ed with ' n-lli'' a lllTf-ICO-k man. ;ii i;t in a in schh: a -upjiortcr of Iliteh- t-ock. My o;vn fir?f'rfiicc.j an; for a . !' i. .'i u.in jiri-ifnc.r an; ior a iti'W man who -h.tll m;i.; ncaiiy iep i'!ent tliu iojn:lation that ha- been ! added to the state dnriim the la-t ten year.--. Whether vi; ewi .-"cure .-ueh a j uian .v a m.slion of -ome Ioubt. ll' we can not, my only d.'.,ir.: is to rep rcMit the wi-h.-.s of a m.ijoriiy of th republican party of this district. If .Mr. .Mc 1 11 tyre ean .-ay a- mucha.s thi. truthfnily, iliero is no hsue between us on the Henatorial que.-tion. Very Ile.- eelfully &e. J. 8. 1 jiiham. Stiilwat. r Web-ti-r f't). ) S'ptembcr 1 1 th ITo. j Kl). C'lliKK. As fcome time has c- lap.M'l Miim; I have written to yon, F thought pcihaps a (i-w litie.s from the-e part miirht be acceptable, W 0 have petn vi.-ied with the ra.ns hoj) pors and they have iLina.'ed the Cot 11 to 4p:itean extent. Uut we shall have much lucre than 1 i.t y ar. No one api cars I bo much seared about thi'iu. Wc have not hear of a man ollerinj: l:i claim (or .-aic or wantiuir ! , .., ' - I ito.eave. W e notice uite a number .. . '.' l!a!l-w eommg m, Mime are bny- n,n '"lid and othei ate Vl-ltllli: friend 1 si::nxx intin are .iis .lane rnmeis. jGiFU-rtil (.1. V. and I). 3L Franei- l..I ll" I M iioiii ii omin.mon, Mi. v, e btlievohe lias be.:n ti';;chiuir in the Normal rf hool of 1 hat state. She has purchas ed a half .-ec-ion of land which look as ii" -! wa iroin to qml jiedairaoue business. .Mr-. I J. .M. Francis' jter an.l hu-band, fr. J.ias from (.'hieaco 'vere here while the hopper.s were lii-'htiiiir, and w heard tii.y were scar ed ior fear they would cat up every thini;. ?dr. (le.o. Toy, a wcalthv farmer from Wiiite-ide Co. ill. has I been .-topping with ) een . -toppm-with O. Arnold for a I 'i-u m-.v.... I ....... 1 i .1 m e oa b aii'l atieiKii'd the Co. cunvon- fi tion. lie say he ha.; lived in two new slates nn.I fni ' i'-,r ..I,...l c.. ., , ... , t , , . ' ' ., I -t I -o man to make uo:iev m. lie ta ks stloi of comin- w.-t and L'oimr into the slock bu-ine-s. 31r. T. i-ays he has only one fault to find with this counlry, ai:J that is the distances are sn dcceivit g. While in Red Clond lx thought he would tak' v. stroll down to the river, thinkiug it was i:ct more than enthtv or one hundred m.) But after he came back he said, that iiulsring by the wav he blistered his hv, it I11Uat bc tl f -, L na ot oVtrset No -U are in - ri i4ifi . (.J, 4444V4 I U 4. ...1.1... i.-i.-. 41 i- lepioieu iiiai 11 R S. jk'wis is i,'oiiig t everv ..- ues, ' "111.U111" this fall , , . . if. I had 6'U' r .-lie l-going tt , f ' i ; thi ke p luu-e fessedrtfe.oud that nothiii? .d aner -.- I I.. .1.1 i L A ..v..-. ii a it- lint r a,:- - -- ! ir,4 l.f -' ffl 1 T .aan 1 aWK V ai l . It IU. V.kmTikl S.k lit Il'l V V 1U VI U "W , H. ,. IT . w ity;o Aff-.r i'tt - b..t read-a. a :. m 1- 1 l.y A I -. Ian. t - i S"x,u'",r i . i .1. .: -r,. . i ; i I"1 a !"" ""-"". ' - ' followed a di-eu-ion, t e fiue-lir u I - greater influence than the Parent sn ..- t. .. r.i... ....! mouiuitg u-e cnarauver . me imp.. ti!ed in fsvar oflhtr negative. 1 Institute then a4joom J aou! iSar- ; day UMsriiiriir at 'J, A. M. ...liuav moiini' . . , . . tf 4 4.' . I !ci,ri1 .l.- .lii.fllljT ttMtl IITIVT. .'If. "'""" "' ""'" .-,.-., 'i' "S s'"' Jas. !-biiS . Ii. "V. ..!.. i ,.. U ika .,...... .a.l''.1iaiT ',lAAaataTaV.CalT:iai a w. . - - . - ,, .--- linri nl t th pirtn.'ii.i. .? i fktnanta.rit t, ...... ,.-', f.t.... occtl.,,ltl then-t of the u-rwu -y H:nn v. Mi.n:,.n Mr. LisL-r ffi. yf.f mir-nant toa i .nrnaieit atil r.- ,inUM! the eX.:rci in p.:inuailii. a cnxa pereatnpo H.mit.etM. y the Fui,- rimemient w3,ntst inoriler The tn-iJc of twehiue craui.r was nt.st ,3..,, by h,- l.rn. Aftvr rcce a cSt-s in pr.rtiwi was. conln-ted by Prof. U ihfiuin, aft. r whi.-h a e.-i in -i..;!!inir L-d b) J. S iliii.am clo-t-J the t-xercisc: of the IiMuto. s i T i.:.., ?!C. On a'v-uir ol!i- n minati.iri for j 7 -', '". ui -- .1 'ujnn ; Pllie nator-hip, .Mr. (ii.Iia.n ha- r ieil liom tlie tdituriai manaom'iit of thi- pa jut, and hi name wiii be taken from the pap.-r i-xi .v- ek. The Kcne-aw Tt'ji' tries to remain neutral on the .-t.natoital (piestioii It does not like t acknw!elj;e the bolter.-, and it doe- not care to olb-nd them, ('..urte.-y dcmairlr tha a can didate for office should not be com pelled to mix him.-el! np in the broil. of other cauJidated with wiiom he ha-i no co.ine.-tii.:.. Mr. .J .is. S. (ii;ham Ibpi'bliean Candidate for S uatorin the 21th I)i-t is a native of Ltf.iytte Co Wi-con-ia. lie "raduate.i from Ib-loit ' 'ollege in 1-,2 wit!i (lisllugul.-heil honoif Wli'li. in P.eloit he acquit e I an en.vi- able reputation as a ufbat-M, taking part in the prize debates of his College and viimiu-r ih- com n-n 1 tfi in oi' his e!a.-a for his sound 1 igic. Hlfrt'y after g:a I bating, he bej.ia the study of law, and wa- admitted to the liar in his own Cj. i.uiajeite. Starting from th ace in -iie early part of ..VT-i on a nip Jhrooh the wo.-t he stopi- d lor a tiiu.- in 1! d Cloud, and beitii; j!v.'.'-ed with ibj emity ..! t.vn as with .ho people he w.h sty l he solicitation oi those with whom he had become acquainted, iadiu ;d to locate and enter upon the practice of law in Web.-ter County. lloions he became more widely ac quainted with th; people he gatheied t hiuiselt firm fne.i Is by iu-s up rijhtue-. iarcnes-, and evident integ rity. II j showe 1 a capacity for avoid ing blunder.-and the people began to have e miidenee in hi- ability aud 'judgment, lie wa-i the unanimous J. " , , cnoice oi his county a d- kv.it o to tlie ,. , m-titt;tioiial Convention, but was defeated in Noiiiin.ilin ' Convention. In the fall of ls7. he was nlac-jd in . . , . . . niiui:r..t:.r. for the position of S'ipt. Pub. I p.st 1 net ion ir. his Co. lie was oppo-v.l by a gentlemen ofac knoftkiL'el al'iiity acd .r..rth, 'ho-.s friends sustained by the Otne-s of theii man and some local i.-tu.- -i:fpr-iel him with tenacity and courage. Mr. G. finally iceeiv. da majority ef one in the eone:.ti1,n. At the elect- j ion lie ran lar ahead oi hts ticket. i'I?. .! ll 1 in nun u cantruiy oo -ani tliat lie has never por.-onal.y striven for an office of any kind. Whenever he ba boon placed before tlie people in any way it has been by the friends who I knew him. Iear!e-.-.y upright he nas i i , , , , (always spurned as unwonnv th ..-.' i , , . - , , , , .. ? .d aner ' ! ' l""u v'ms' Jr-! IimIJ 1 I G. hlalwiysbeen;Pjlc to rely 011 his neui ha... , ,, , , , . ' but Oa 1 '"''t'ds and h.i never m-edoi co bo k a uut I., - ii- i i i Mg laugh lomiiitmn. 1 laced beiore the peo- li -s irreetA ow he is so placed be-auohe is btrtttt .f i w...aa.,uib r of thto I'e-t nranavaiiatiiei-i! too p)-uion. . , ... u. ii - in., ii.- ".u a jh, in irii mi Ills I , . . ,, .... ' "teous ami ii.isnever neeooi CO oolt a becaW "intever may be the object on- fcuddtj again-t him, he is not per.-on- ieve.-pon-ible f.,r the cuilitionoi ii n His Inen Is have chosen hi:n Jfa to the best intere-ts of the j kanitiid coun.v, and his fricids fcjotro.-upi.eH him with all that ,' CHI -1I..I ....il villi. -Ii I'tiim Ll..., iin-i.-.-. ffl oni'iiiri :i iiimii wrm w - j-i,--... .. w IT- to tli- pi-itin Tl larvMm: liJU ll icms. a in- icon nominn-: inr by the democrats of ; i the place oi' Seymour. r.earilroru. iter ni'ijor i d 'i .ded increase of tbt ! rthe reruU'e .n lurry. The : Fd from g've a ivpubiie-m il,i;..... ' )f 2") lo0 .yhile last year they .o)o. luwr.-oll and Blame J I le.n at work tumpimr the stvie. I Aiiirien s are aj.aiu vietoriou.-. ' . . :ii -i .U ... t'l i Iinti ni.i'io 1 ti riai U!c:e;i . v tee i- ; (oi paitkip.tJl in by American-j ! rir.-b. Seot.h, Australian-, anu , , . P CauaJiau t. am- resulted in lavor of j the American team. Tie complete j ,i- ,r. a -to J. Africans, 3.1 Wh j " j M. a vstra'i, 3.0V-V Scotch, 3 Ml; j fc a t i.Ynv 2 2t: The tota! noisiHe ", r. V M . . ' " 1 l)t".tvlt. .u '. o.I'V. Premium Listof the Webstar Co. Agricultural Society. ' A2C 21, - Z. CL i. it -ItsF. Be-t -til ;.n .", -..r .". i & over f 3 t , X O- l. ... ........ ...a. ... .4s I. . . . . . . 1.. . . . '14- v. A- . a I -'. i. J-' TI I I .41 J. -.4a uuwc 4 - ' r . . . . . .i i,-t -i Jkr t uti . yt-r- it J ui ?er l; . .. 1 l ri.4 '.. T .... 1MK I ,..,- . 1 1 ! ftf t i ' .'" -ili'l U ....... 1 -it,M .-. :- ,;, . .(K, ' IL ., i,.. .,., ... t lifl .-4l.l '41411 I44W.1 " ....... .. T4 ri , , ...t-t w.J.,-,- !. ; r j .. ii-t jair nwir, uny a?e J 1 be-t . l!'t tH:t..... I ft I w ,ii" 'i : ;.KV -4.,.t .... il- J C '"J'-' !' '" ' ' IK-t -i:L- buata lui. i Kfft .all :. ri-- .,....-... ..... w1" litst trtin hor-e ;fk 2-1 b-.t ........ 1 -'.. ; . , -,, .. "J V" 'i ""::";;. ,M ; -i .4. j a i n-t ..I! j H-t .UmA " " ! j AWAit!I.Si I oMMITTi..:. S Kr-'!iu:i. Ihiiw..i Pn-ejiirt. Vl'. N i;...ii-4.-o. K"lC,oad, 1.. C. (iui.-fl. ImviK I.AI'V rti K.-iRI.Nl!tF. li -t tiianaj'-ui'iil u 'a n.f-' u adJ!t by a hdy, Fancy r.ti.nij bril!e. 2 bet ' whip. Pest niatmgemeni of l! hors;- i bar nerr, Carria-re whip. 2d best Hiploiua. Be-'t management of 1 hor-e in hr- new Ctiri.ige whip, 21 best !p!oina. AWAItlUN'H ri.MMITTES II. I! S'ulton, Wahmt Creek precinct. W. W. IJrewer. lic, Cloud Franeii Hnow, ttKnvvood " !aii K is-, b'tipcrinte'ident of class. CliASd 2. TATTLE. Thorough Kiel Cattle. 1 !i"s hull .years old an J ovet $" '" 2 1 beL ".')! i I'.e.-t bull 2 years old and Under ' I ,! : j 2d btt ...!) : He-t hull 1 year old and under 2 t w 2d be-t 1 -Vi .i 1... . 1 -., Ib-,t bull ,-;df ' ,t,. ? .- I ('ii av Ul l-. .4aa.aa.,aa J Cost :)? ' year- old inI over ." ' 2i be-t 2 . P. st cow 2 ye.tr.- old and under ;' i " ,t t. j -K- lv 4 ...... ........ .. ............ ... K I ' iu-t ii.i:"er I year old and unl.r 2 :', im Ue.-t heifer c.tii ...ll i 2d be-t t in Ue.it cow aud calf 5 00 NATtVKS AXt GUADKS. Lesl bull ! year.-: old and over 4 oo Mest bull 2 vear.s old and under o J Oo .mI ill "aa,aaa,a,a(, ' f lh'-t bull I year old and nndT 2 2 21 best I . Best bull calf. i OO ' J ill J"l aaaaa. a ," I ".st cow '. : "ir- old and over 4 o 2d be.-t 2 W Be-t cow 2 year.- old an : under .; ' ' ! .i I ; , i - , I -" l I Best heifer I ear !, & under 2 2 im j 21 nest. ....... ..... ... .... i iio Best heifer Calf 1 oo I vi i, i -,,tl best cow and call 4 00 2'.1 bt'St .............2 OO AWAiUU.NO itiMMtirEE, 0ar Arnold, Sti'lwit.r, .,",, j:.isliN jj CllMUj. h N. K(! HAihl i: Vv linmnvl sm.'t fMnw . ..4"i O. SWINK. Inland China or .Mag?c B.'st boat 1 year oil ami oxer 3 lj;; .... , 2i be.-t , - - ,. i u t b. -t ouir pic- 0 months old and f 00 .2tM i m under 1 year "1 bet I W ,, . - , ,. i ,,,.., Bc-t pair pips utsuer 0 mouths old 1 oO ... . 2d best i.J ,, , .- .. - i , I 5 2 months old i 0 i ,, , t-,; 2-1 best i jll ,. - - . i t4. IjC-1 lmlr I!Ia unuer o uoiuusoio i .w .11 . BEUKSHlUi: i flll.sTha Yi'MlE. Suni' os iitfre. AAVAUtHNtl CoMSHTTIiE. " h L;,;f 'f ll" T"" , ,. .HaUiuli,ialnu-(hwk ' am'! KinS U:sk Crftfk CLASS -I. SHItKI. Best bueir any age ..I ." j,0sr ..a-e inv io 3 " ! ?..-.: l "... 1 .r Best ihck of not Ie- than 5 AWARltiXtJ COMMIT! EH. t tt ir.i I-I- r ,.!. " " Ul M ",:ir" vah rwR lI- - -HlIIHieK. lllltlU'"", 11 I tl..-..T.i. I. ... ..- dulson Baiivy, (raids Kock. trA '-1 l5P ' J " t IT 4 4.- - f ..i .- -. rti .. -- A ,t Ui-W3 Totr..TT. l--. ---... -i-.l-ri ., I .1 ... ic-i e;jot ui lo.e.-.ei.- u;; icss iuaii '5, ?d hs- SO .... nest pair turkeys 1 .,, . Bst p.iir seee 1 uj ? o Be?t? J1 ducks ; ' -J 0tsi M a.WARDuto corn-tamos. .., -UK. .1 1 J. - ' ". . : :; U ii. r . :l-. 'J-t t i-t ;;i : 4.'. I ; h i?. f II-- ;-;Jk ::, -' i ; . I- l. ji t -r- - - -1 At J ... i . .- , ! W..ji,er. In4a:,'. . Utiis!. K'v 4 i, r . Mi .l.t...M. . fjf.4 fiotat - .t - - th .i Li. '; t. - mm- l'ile,t... ",, .- , Ifc.. tv), ,r. ,.a?,. r . ,.! y. .. i j t; Mi, j';,i .- i.ir,r; ! !, I ' .. ' 1 JJ d:--t iy n il i.... lb t . . ii.l It ? U,' p . t.-!- ' ,.',.. av. ah;m. 1 "vt:!T . . h J:n y.CVu':'. . -... -o, n K'-ii.-. t; . V -V s 'n t k . I'S.a-. M :. ?er. JJ-.I C.vL t Uir i:. i.n-. b'.u :.. v.;:...x "r'ttp'tji CIa- '. hi I 7. (LASS . PAN" V V K. Be)t peimen emlio:br, ,V 21 bt-t-.....- .................. tiipiox a Bcj-1 p-eituen w-rstt I tirbr-i J. ry .". .. ttij inw.1 ! IVi'lUiUlJi- f2-" ! will be av-ai I- d o ;i; :i M ! I 10 i within thi- u! i-- an r.,j m.,.e I ! . . AV '.;,'! . ! mm ;,i;. May iIoi'i.-i. W.. u .-. I'r k ; M, VV. VV. Hriwer, Ii;Jt'ul; .Mr-. A M. Talbot, Gui L- 4. ... -- ' i T'ANTUV r 1HK-. lOIKV Kll HFN. l'st iiu-iait ! itter '; J im. - i 4 - " -v . .. . . j Iut..l- .." j - i : - d.;.i' u.t , "cvt q'naty ebe, -e 2d -v ..... .... ...... ........ op!'. !oa llt;.-t .-f :iut n it booty .'. - V- 4-l t ........... ...... tl'. '!'! Be.4 wbi-Lkl brea 1 ' IJt4. brown bread I '-.............-............. ',JJt O'l, t i tM fruit eak.' .. .'. Preset ..-, j'-IIy, pi r b? - an i ad arii- I e"s ?i.;uing with;.) t'tl- elt-- and i.oi f ffllllll et tI, tueb 2." cents t r diploioi. tircati-1 vuii. ty eiun 1 ftiit M 7 .in . i -! i.e-i.- a!pi"Ua AWA.II'13'I KOtlilll.t.. Mrs. H. liuMnls VV loaf (, k ; j Mr-. I, !. Lu"v. Imvah ; Mi. L I v Til! .v. i1ui i'!..,i Mrs. tl. W. Knicht. Mi Iura x.on, Mrs H'm. M Ja k-on, ?-u,.'t Class s and 'J i -1 nt rt-y'v,u ,,., a ,f.rs o,e i f iek s r-o.a. t &r .ii's. 21 le-t d'pl m Toe liower iiw ti b, rind .:: ir i i. ........ . i.ii ,.vi J.ii . i ....... . :.. ... : ,., , i T tf'44J' 4. IWlRI.lV'l ''('I't'TTf'' Mis. AU-sr o. i v H-.i. ii:.iva!r : ?r- U'vi V ...!., ai.Iis. W3 K. J., k Kn, !b JC!,ud i 7 -.. I; To Hie Worfcin-ff I ! . y- .... . ,,. , ri-h isr.-'i -:.t at '..! .. .tin. i. ,' v.-r- i:-r j .v. oi y i.r ,v i , . - . -mn.,- tt i.'.ia i.t ir '. ! t. ,-" n;.ht A j unit- tut" ill . I .' ' .i a i i i ..i.n.'v I . i ' ia -' i 'iU .: '. . ..r.f. J laei rve i'tt ii'-t.i-u n .. .! . ; ttl i. .. .- S - .' ii n. - Ki.-'. 'lv.il..- ....' T-rn--in!-si ..-r M'r. tl- s , r i -' vof.' i tn i'.'t'i - r i- i ifc'-r. -' -!,"; . ', ipit:S.4p.; ...-..;. :.'. I i.f ..r. . '.!,. 'HiH'ia t t i-. i. ;;t - ui y i.i'i- "-('i -. .i -.., ' ' i 'Jniii i.ir r.o.ir, .4. : .oii '.ikj .- it. fttti.n.f'. .-i..K.ir,ii i tinnore ij "i i i'i; r r ei.n .f.- I tjia4! rvvrywb r. f hi-r i n Iisnf hT wit: f'ty olt ht" .t t,r? :' itivr n, -. nyi-ifi wlw ir- iiukO- L.ti i- ir Iy 3'.'t u! t;tr N. - t-.i titnt: 't!i' i.-!av. Hv.-i-'..r it . t- i.;.;i:;t.r fiei..-t!i- '::- -.- - Td i- ?n t f..r "tir c:ra'ar. i.r'ii-. " fi-ii; ij- nf p.t.cr. rj'-h ,ir-M-n' fret to all ho .ij-j-.y; if., it t l t'l.mi'K-ti ijiiMt frc i ft.-.-f w'tu is i 1 t mf'. FsnaT-ni ui.-.j r ".- an.l h-r t .i.n-' .tit" 'li-j.'iiff !i.4.e t tt; i. t ! i-'!Jt. . i !i----. las t'K.rK..ir. Itr- t . IV. rt "nnl. S'stne. i ?- 33 2:.a" ; a t STi J "jXTjA VPriiif inn -Oft U'f r 'w. i r" i .1. -in.1, -'. ..i.. 4L ' t oo siiuin -ua.i: -0 -rtusa, I -" -'1 I T.HE OMLY PAPER IM WHBSTER CO. MARK II WAR.NKR, -i' "' ' r - '' - Tk-:. J"' 'Jrfr'"?i-" ' : " ""' '' ' ' " -r fr'; - ' t-.ir f. -u rw -,.,. .n.,11 .. r. ..-.... .- t-i.iinn iar i ;...-, ,o, : w,.i; k .- .. . jt . ,.,. ri . . . ;f.. -- .: , . it. A.!--..!.';. -.-1.,K.t-ii. - r.. i in' . . . n.iiin i-i .:b-. i. ..r--., -! ;..,- ,.-. -:, ,.i-- : t!.t-R. ,-M-... -., . .-- i. . 5-riiwr. It i-.-.t-t .i. -i.- r. Ui- mh? ,....- f. , n t - -w - -t K r... '' 'H;'''ff- .i..'i.,' . '.-.. ' J"i;J ? ' ' " w-, ,..,. I . ,A . ,,..,, v . ,., -" '- . '- w.-!-.-u.-'.i p' " ; - tul -erot. tr bi.i -rj .r ',. ,..t. r ar i jj r-o -rt! i r? .;t.. i .. t ; E5S? Ti as v- v'i7 i:' s if' . ? try? ..""im a.: - r 4 1 a. I 4h - -! T "V U IV laBT tm I i T v f j -f"m. ?-. J a. I - f7. ii. tfetL.'? F.74V I SJ T 6- I. Oa. 1 if ',3 i&tri ?. J i c r j k-i i BPS-, --3 'Si C-. tv PrMal '--44 Al. e sSSks 'r"lp;f a4 laMC Hat? 3Sl.a - -1 ttrr? XT'-fM. BO A S,- N t : 1 u ' - J .1" I. . . I ! 1 . ' ' . : ... i- " k. r . -, . t . t tit) 1 .. n ' 1 it- f .-.. : i M '' '"ll- ';!' . ' J - t ; -'" " t t , flK ' p-n.ti u ..'..' !VV M -;i l'-r u It'll. "'( - .!'. t 4l! S' ot;! d i-i !. '.1 -! ft . 1, 4 r 1 1 1 . t'. r i' n ftj.-fif 1 - I-i!' f I ' - 'A, ;. .'' ;'"4".' , f - ;.. .,. i mi: I'-iJ.'-v. ivs ah: l( i; k I Kio -i.i v. . ;! -. i i f i r a . , t . - r- t l .s t : ';r Of ? '. e ,. - a 'it .'- .' i :ii --. I'f '. l"l..- i :-;' tt ' t : -if. ;- .;. in J ' ;'' ', ' SI I i i ii " : ' -:.".- ' - . .11. ;.,.- r,; or, n I - - r i' ab' v. ,r'" :u' : i ? r - it -end u- f! I W -' A v,.'".' -' S- . . - N-... Proj. '.-,i I ll i I '- r" -- J",j; W..'rrC...,N, . '..t t-.V,sv '.. '.' it rtn. .' ' ' l V i. a. i. v-r sr I I ..' - . '. .-.. I . W.: ;-.. i I it.; . - . .. f , i. ai t " '.. 'l''- 4 .. ! - -I tr ' .- , -!-. . r Ihf .. , i ' ti" . m. :i' twr i n."")-.. ; :i ;- -Kb ...- i ..:. . . :. r, .-; T- .- - . . ! ' I li .;' -. t'a':.." - J. W Si- .4. ' . ' .. . .i I ' 4 I '! .,. ! -- I 'r.- . t -j ...... !'. ft. I: iwl " uni r ' " '. . r-? ip J ! ' '.. !. I wi:K i:- '. u.. tii ' r -tuij ;. t - rn -tj-, ii --.. I..- " . - I tf a. a'' i to. " nave - ilai r.t ; f i a .ri ii V 411' 1 -! t i .. i - I ': 1 I-. '.-; ia--r -it. J- -I lAre" o.-i i-"1! . r rn ''r "' r " p t .. t:. !.. I . i.J i f I. t r ,.;. ka. j '. fr'ijfi ' Cr .k'-f, Ir.-i . a' -i F -ru r f" tr. tt. nrt' f.4rt '.t tie .? .J i t4 llmf ".' arel itt riHit.t ;'-. Tfe ii f r4-:r MiiB'jr ' i1rie. r u;i'.i,,4 i -aj- T! 1'i f - ar- r.H'.". tii- ti So; !!. -t. : " 'r.ty ; - h?. 1 !jv-:Sjr.!-'i -r. Uunst i.:i t.. il! an 1 a 'ts-lly r ? t r S't' !nr. u 5in. "Ihc w!h ikat'v tr.?. ttu w dsctl l At. Oar r,-:lr43'l j'oi. t r irr'''"J. i5-"J " rli! fci:4 n r-.J . ! ral!y t oae. Bat tb frn.pr f4r r ill S.lr rtvJ. .-5t!e 'r tvrf la ir'4artiiii is tke ' -mBtf wJ Ri t b ttier. Bj ': ;) tii fBJiifct re . i ryj f-t ri iTrr''-'rft'in wwt will fc iel i.j-i.i :.j :- '-I'Kf'i!. t4-:r t-ar b-i I 11. J.-l -.. . - . 4 - - -.. - ! ,,- ; . ;,tt'e '-." -? t5" c-T.ter t- r". - ! '-.:- Ie it- .v. .f---r".r--r - as-t, ' ierj '..rit. U .i-rsvie. 1:. -ir'; ir-.i'-. .--.: h i-1- .-'a',? a " a ..' :- k ?. I i.t P i-. i i7r.VM..v.;;v.! iV-;. j UU 1-.k. jfffiti:stsTK . .rt x0to i h-.r.,iv ?. . That r w.r vxtu.in all per-on nl dibst 4'itr'tt offer thcnje!ve 89 randifitf- f.-tesli4-r of the primary " -".ni -;b:Jsof thei " 1 K-l(!iottJ, : - - i ' Ae.J.l.t, aOf May. Uiii .. t-S f fJ, i ' - ;;v i! viMJWARi-: stoi:i: W : ? 1 :: AMI UKTAII. y,rrr;:;:i.!. k moijiiaiit ', . ' CuH aaJ - ZcLr - 1 ? t . , t lied li-;u M VALLEY lC ', f to If ll i . - . ; t ' t 'VKhMi-iiW. . : ..; -. . M. ICIalai ta tiavc li.3 VI t.'l A -. . ' 1 i :! A V A I) 'tj - : A ' : i ' .-st. ; . ; f. IK'CiVattSMsfimf. "r fTtmi.'ifa Nb. I c;Iim in ' LUMS:. LUMBER. LUiiaE3. ''OS 5MlH3ifJ DMIM3S -r 1 '-..-. . . -,. - - t '! '- - ' ' Sr I, . .... U 4IW J . ( X "- 'i.t.' ;-- Jf,j , . . .. . ancfA yAi ui j::idym ' - ' -- . .'-r-, - r..-4i 4 I ' t r- i. -- J Catos ! Abundant IIAUVKSTBRS 1 1 ,. xtiv;;:; -t . . ':.. . -I Ju. : s l ! 1 TbH i , f.ij j , r .' .i.l Ireto V . f!. ! IhI 9C'H)lM 4ll,t - - . rrchtsincj Elsowheit - liTcT3rnsIr;i HOUSE. l: tt . r :i f t. ! u; ? . li- i, ! !' i. Mf.I ' : '. r:u ai : tt ro ECST STABLE West si. u l A I A'. ,M t.. ) ! I'ft UfeifTiJii :i. Mf' Hi - mil I - - 9 f I 1 4'Ji 4 ' ' J DiI92WOa a.jHiitii.14 Hf)nf .ifivriut ftjtlf J ,-.. - . 'IJ !l i Ml.' ,fc. ... . -i. i 4JO-. r ' .- : '" ?-' ,.-.f4 -!!... t - - J. . 4r '..ejMf'.i ,.., 4 . l.Jd.je.' ' '' - "J i'l'ii itv Ji.j, DnikNny-is3i i-.--4.-' S.-.-4V- ' Ll- r - i - alr. ? i 1-L.- '-v:---l. "St. "IU -. i- 'J' . a aVN.- 'a - t - - Horypi 41 Vaaaaaaaai 4:dlaaW B . ij'" aa .fl "" -tlaaaaaP " "V la - - - " J -'- U U.V 4AVJ; 4-nf ,i r" r 2 -r"rrjmn'Wi HB' 'wLdmtJFi " -A 904;:n"T- jrfai;3v aVJ tlie-itr 'X '-.l;i'.or. . jg A -l Kk. ItKK Oil Mi I - A -l Kk. ItKK OK U ta pr -- fr a ju; f j il c.-jtTs-ir a d '52. elect a r'lMl'l'- nata? -O 3 lt raaT. V,Vv .- 7- . KSJv3fac .1 ISP!.'. . . . 4., l'-i if - . ' jprr' KTi --"-fa. --g'i uMm ot inai ?u-- 4'