.-- itl THE Xl.IVtli CONGRESS. Mi'Dntr. I'liritMiAV, An;'. :. A coiiiniiiirrra tiou from thuSfn-tary of Um; Irtt-'rior ii'Knidirifjtli.' number of .mjiloycs from l-s."l to 1 -s7r, v:ls oii-r-l printed and laid on the t:iblc. A resolution to pay 1 lie funeral expenses of the late Senator Capeiton was agreed to. The lull to limit ami fix the Signal MTViee. w.us amended and passed, .-nator Logan introduced a lull for the coinage ol a silver dollar of a certain weight, and .standnid, to Ik; legal tender at its nomi nal value for any amount, except for customs dues and intcieston the public debt oideied pi nited and laid on the table. The Senate resumed the consid eration ol the liver and liarlor appro priation bill, which, alter sonic amend ment, was pasvd. It ajmiopnates in the aggregate .:;.( 00xm. ( ornmitteeon minting iejorted Jaonlilyoii the icso Iiitiou to print 10,000 extra copies of the 1'resiilent's message m icgaid to the Hamburg masaen larl on the cal endar. Adjourned. IIOtlHf. An evrjtmg debate fucuneil in the Hoii'-e as a result of remarks made b;. Mr. Knott m repaid to Mr. Maine and the Caldwell diipatch. It was paitici pateil in by Mcsm-s. Hale, i'ne. Hoar and McCiary. who delended .Mr. I'.iaine. Mr. Iluid who presented the icpoit cxhonoratiriK -Mr. Knott from all culpa biiitv in the matter of the Caldwell dis patch made a motion to recommit the report. The motion prevailed and the report was accordingly recommitted. The conference committee on the con sular and diplomatic appropriation bill reported that the had failed i agree. A new committee was appointed con sisting ol .Mcssi-s. Singleton and Hol lnau. -Mr. -Morrison, Chairman of Com mittee on Ways and Means, reported a resolution for the adjournment of Con gress on -Mondav, Auir.7th,at 12 o'clock, JW. Adopted. House adjourned. I'imdav, An-;. -1. -The concurrent lesolution lor linal adjournment on Monday, An;'. 7th, was referred to the committee on appropi rations. Thoen ate insisted on its amendment to the Osage Indian bill, and the confeiencc committee asked by the House on the question was planted. The chair ap pointed Senators Ingalls, Edmunds and Kernard. Senator Logan revolted from the military committee a bill authoriz ing the employment of Indian scouts. Senator Wright, from the committee on claims, reported adversely the bill to reimburse West Virginia for losses during the war iudeliuitely postponed. The Senate bill allowing .?:',7 instead of t2l per month to .soldier's who lost a leg or an arm, was passed. The post route bill was taken up, but pending' discussion on the bill the Senate ad journed. limine. Mr. Huiibut, from the Civil Service committee, reported the evidence in tint Chicago pension case, recommending the passage of resolutions declaring that the acceptance or demanding of money by any person as a consideration for leal or pretended inlluence in pro curing appointments to public ollices is disgrace! ul to the individual and pie judicial to public interest, and that such misconduct is good cause forie moval, and directing the.Iudieiar; com mittee to icpoit a bill for the punish ment ol such offences oideied printed. Mr. Manning, chairman of the coinmit heoii -Militan Affairs, .submitted a ie port on the matter of the contract for the soldiers' headstones ordered print ed. The report declares that the con tract was irregular in its character, and it reflects somewhat severely on ex-Secretary Iiclkuap, but recommends no action. The House refused to concur in the Senate amendments to the river and harbor bill, and a conference com mittee was appointed consisting ol Messrs. Hereford, Hawaii and Duni'cll. The House went into committee of tin Whole, and Mr. (larfield spoke on gen eral politics, after which the committee rose. Mr. Lord reported back with amendment. IUaine's school amendment '' the Constitution-adopted; eas, lift.; M ". AdionnieiL liaysfw. viiAY. An-' .1. Senator Tliin- tVfln tv. am... !.. J5d up the bill regulating the .SATrjJjjAf the rresideutial votes'. He man c; f) pass the House tfiisses- couritimr o I- reliiigliiiyscn moved icr amended before being w'anled it sion. Senatu thai it be fuiilLJrV.- :i' mi l.- "".1 1L w:us .sent to Abe .Tt.fl!1"0 .""H-iiunMMils were laid asidn imiiilkPiV1" Mortorr moved to laid asido until V10' '" moved to prepared. SenatoS ii. " to I,r,nt tlu' 1,,('-s-take up the resolnUVai "t,H-'r r tlu M:u- iiliml'c iiiiiw , Ml lit till' liwuu!ir burg documents abol w'M,:i,-or 'J'hurman agreed to ;,f) to ir, sVl uid consider the "moved to lav it aside ; -Jct-lc-cL Soniedis- iuni-u. xnu Ululll HI i'i 'iimnn i.u- liostalbill. On mot, '-'i- t H- The niiinds it was tal.JV'1 the Osage bill was Conference report of A long discussion agreed to 17 to 13f. 'ii to the Hamburg followed in relatiifc'1' " discussion, the Seri affair. 1 cWnnp-- lMitive session, and ate. went into uxor.. then adjourned. ivtn.. mid its c'ons dei-a c, , morning hour. Messii"1 . ln.,:nr:fv Caulfield made minority nrW'-ln " J reports from the committee on0M'L" .i;tm-nc in tlie AV:ir :uid .Instice Deir,. "l iiinnts ordered nrinted. Mr. Cox. froi the Currencv committee reported a bill repealing that portion of the resnmi tion act -which directs the Secretary of the Treasury to redeem in coin the legal tender notes outstanding in 1S7.". Some discussion followed, winch was partici pated in by Mr. Kiisson and others. Mr. Hale discussed its party bearing, and closed his argument by moving the pre vious question, refusing to let Mr. Hewitt offer a substitute. The vote on the previous question was announced veas, i2 ; navs, 104. i fie suusiuuie w ;u rejected, and Mr. Cox's bill, as reported bv tho Hanking committee, was passed veas, NHS; nays . The report of the conference committee on the bill for the sale of the Osage lands m Kansas to actual settlers w;is made by Mr. Goodinand agreed to, and the House adjourned. Senate. Aivwnvv us-. 7. The Senate recon sidered the vote indefinitely postponing the bill to reimburse West A irginia for property destroved by Federal troops during the war. Bill placed on the ffiiiMnTar. The House amendment to the Senate bill extending the time tor tho redemption of land sold by the United States for direct taxes was agreed to. and the bill was passed. The House bill to repeal the resumption day clause of the resumption bill of 1S7.", and the House joint resolution to pro- viae ior a commission io imi"c " the change that has taken place relative to tho value of gold and silver, the cause thereof, and the effect on trade, were read and referred to the linance committee. Senator Boutwcll submit ted a report from the special committee on Mississippi elections. The House bill making an appropriation for the pavment of claims reported by the .. -il 1I ,.-.-.n-;ecirll WHS aouuieui uuiuus i,uiiihiwwvm was passed. Joint resolutions proposin g a Sixteenth Constitutional amendment, prohibiting the appropriation ol .uij school fund for the support of sectarian schools, were referred to the Judiciary committee. The Senate resumed the consideration of the resolution of Sena tor Morton to print 10,000 extra copies loi loitou to piiiiu Av,w .Vi v.v,x - womiueu ocivia una iw- of tho message of the President, f"JGreat vower8 to mediate in iMM accompanying documents, in regard to I weai AOWere w m jMi the reccrrt trouble at Hamburg. A long discussion followed, pending which the Senate adjourned. Ilonir. Mr. Douglass, of Virginia, introduced a resolution allowing t Ij- inv-stigatmg committees Ui iepirtat any time iuirrig the session. As a compion.i.v it. was agreed that thecommitteegn e two da s noticeof rejioits, with the jromi.ie that majoiityand minority icihius be mad.) simultaneously, -vojoui nei. Nriimr. TrriAV, August '.-.senator Hitch cock called up the cnate bill ctabbih ing the Territory of I'embina, and for the government of the same, it con sists of the northern poitiou of Dakota. Tlitibillpas.SHl-.il to i:. The Missis sippi election iejKjiti were oidernl prirrtcl. enator I.ogan, from the mil itary committee, iej.ii led ader.elv on the lions' bill to anion deseit,-ii- in definitely jKiMjioned. euator I5og moed to reconsider the t- establ fil ing I'embirra Terntoi,and g.i'.c notr-.. that he would mo'.e tocharrgthc nam" to Algonquin. The enate n-siimcd the consideration of Senator Moiton leso lution for pi mting the docurneriLs about the Hamburg inas-aere. enator Morton continued liis rcmarki, and was followed In .Senators Eaton. perrcer ami 1'atteison. 'J Ju- resolution wasl.ud oer, and enalor hcrman, Jiom th" linairce committee rcpuitci! a concurrent resolution concerning the appointment of a committee t, inquiic into tl change which has taken place in tJ;(. relative alue of I I and sil'.er, policv of the restoration ol a double s'.mdaid in the country, etc. J'laced on the cal endar. The enat" went into executive session, and soon ailjourned. it (. Mr. Throckmorton's motion that the Clerk of the House pay I'lthugh. ex Dooi keeper, :, salary from the 22d of -May to August 1st. was relerred. Mr. Landers introduced a lull to secure the piompt resumption of specie pa ments referred. Mr. Oailk-ld moved to grant a leave of absence to some twentx members who desired it agreed to. The bill to print HKi.frfKi cipies of the agricultural reports for l-7.",and appro priating .?1.i,(xhj therefor, was passed. The House considered the silver bill, and speeches were made by several members. The bill in reference to reciprocity with Canada was postponed till next December. Adjourned. Hriinto. Wr i.nima, Aug. it. sever ul bills were passed. Senator Wimlom from the conference committee on the legis lative appropriation bill, reported tliat the committee disagreed only on the COIIlIieilS.'ltioil of I'lciiliMit ;mrl innri. sentatives. He moved a new confer ence, and the old conferees were then reappointed. The House amendments to the Senate bill, to provide for the s:ilo of the reservation of tho confed erated Otoe and Missouri Indians in Kansas aid Nebraska, were agreed to and the bill passud. The Senate then resumed tho consideration of Senator Morton's resolution to print 10,fMK extra copies of the message of tho President and accompanying documents in lcgaid to the recent trouble at Hamburg. Wemarks were made by various Senators, .senator Ed munds from the committee on the ju diciary, iepoi ted w it h amend-'ient the House joint lesolution proposing an amendment to the constitution of the I'nited .states, prohibiting the appro priation of money for the support of schools of am religious sect- placed on the calendar." Adjourned. Iloiiar. The majority and mirioiity reports of the'postollice committee on "straw bids were presented and ordered printed. Mr. Boyd from thecoiniuitteeon invalid pensions, reported a bill giving a pen sion of :f::o per month to the widow of Captain Yates, ol the Seventh Cav alry, killed at the battle of Little Big Horn- passed. Mr. Lynde, from the Judiciary committee, made a icpoit in thecaseof Messrs. Schumakeiand Kimr as connected with the Pacific Mail sub sidy, and Mr. Lord, of new York, made a minority report hot bordered printed. Mr. Vance, chairman of the Printing committee, reported back, with amend ment, the Senate concurrent resolution for printing the report ol the Missis sippi investigation. The senate resolu tion provides for -l.ooo copies for its own use. The amendment gives i,roO to the Senate and rj.r.oo to the House. Mr. Crounse. from committee on Public Lands, reported back the bill appropri ating .S7."i, K)u for publishing the history of the surveys and expeditions of this century passed. Mr. Kandall. from the Conference committee on the legisla tive appropriation bill, reported no agreement. Mr. Lord offered a resolu tion, which was agreed to, that the House conferees recede from their posi tion regarding the salarv of the Presi dent and Congressmen," and the same Conference committee was re-appointed. Adjourned. FOKKKiX NEWS. An otlicial dispatch states that the Turks captured the Servian fortified positions near (Jurgusavot'. inflicting heavy loss. After the light at Pandiele three Turkish battalions and r.oo Cir cassians crosssed the frontier into Ser via. The Servian commander retreated. The Turks followed him and occupied ,ue village on me plain, where thev A wefS auacKcu uy me iH'rvians. who took uScin by surprise and massacred the entireV detachment The British Treasury hSuw ordered the Bank of Eng land to advaNfcnee money to pay the interest due August 1st on the Turkish loan of lS5r, the loT&u being guaranteed by both England and KjVrjince O'Neil, the murderer, was hanged August .".d, at St. Johns, New Brunswfcfk. , - , t The TurKs are matting sioy progress in their advance into ServiaAj and" find it a difficult undertaking. KeraM i;iSjia has been ordered to move at all hi7;mls. but he had not done so at latest ad This inaction paralyzes Osman P; at Widden, for the Servians betw Alxinato and Saitscher are on the in iiorciilo nf the circle, whilst the Turks from Xisch to Widlin are on the outer side. The Servians are mameuvering on a line 40 miles long, and can easily mass their forces, whilst the line on which the Turks are operating is 100 miles in length Over forty fishermen perished in a gale on the coast of Great Britain, August :U1 The siege ot Whydah coast, Africa, has been raised. A dispatch from Semun August 7th. savs Gurgusowitz is in flames, and the Turks are burning and destroying everything in their way The Porte has sent to the families of tho German and French consuls who were murdered at Saloniea. an indem nity of 40,000 It is said that the ee, -. --'-" jractive man uie p.wumv. nt wiltiiuS Servian General, Ichernayeil, is daily Lf.inre premiums in every department losing popularity. such premiums as cannot fail to draw a 33v a collision, a lew nrgtits ago or the'sont Dorset raW land, 12 person were killed andfg- peace . . .The attempt of .r'v ia to raise a war loan in Bussia has proved a failure ... It is believed m German mil itary crrcles that tie; war will end soon. It is rejNirtd Umt Turk"y will ;id- mit the nitercniii!i of the Powers in tie caie of -Montenegro, but will refuse it in that of ervra . . .The fall of .-aite-char is confirmed. The Turks advanced down the a!le of the Trmok, driving th" Servians lefore them. They carried the heights of .;aitschar, commanding the town, and :n tho evening were in Invasion ,JI the jilac". The roads leading out weie crowdel with .-"r-iarri, who, with their wives, children, cattle and hoiiieliold goodi were flmg befon- the in. ader-i, spreading panic eei u.livif. Brains, hiaiii attains its 2iighe.st develop A ment when i' cannot only absorb frim others and itrect its own further "'mlu tioiis. but can only organize and i"gu late the working of other brains under its own lup'-iiiitendence and control. This power it is which enables the Us ing merchant or manufacturer to util ize other brains, to either use them fr purpo-.es cf comparative mental drudg ery or perform higher work under the immediate superintendence of the rul ing brain. By such means the single brain can multiply its work indefinitely by a well -.elected series of other brains under itself; a few brains of compara tively high older regulating the work ing ot numerous brail's of a lower older, which perform the purely me chanical work. Such is the organiza tion of a first-rate business in full work ing older. Of a precise!;, similar nature is tho coordinating and ruling power of such men as Cromwell, Napoleon or Washington, whose single brains con trolled nations and peoples. The high est of all forms of brain value must be clearly differentiated from several sim ilar but really unlike forms control; and the mle of brute force must not be confounded with it. Such rule we sec in the lower animals, wheie the red ant enslaves the black ant, and where the power to kill in light enables a lower organism to suboidinate another of a higher but less warlike form. A sim ilar supremacy of mere brute force and animal courage over higher intellectual development lacking these qualities, is far from uncommon -in history. In these the capacity to slay in war has exerted a supremacy which is far ie mocd from that of one organizing bran over other brains inferior to it in power, in development, or subordinated by the pressure of the euviionuieut. The power to aid the working of one brain by a trained staff of subordinates is utilized b our legislators, and b such means it is essayed to transmute an ordinary politician into a far-sighted statesman. But this inersioii of a normal process, though ingenious, is not success, and the difference between the working of the department under a natural chief is very great from its operation under a nieiely nominal chief. Thus it is that in most of our public institutions the character of the chief tints that of each and all his subordi nates. It is in commerce that the value of a brain capable of controling other brains, and so increasing its utility, is best seen. In the professions this em ployment of vicarious brains is either entirely impossible, or if possible, only to a very limited degree. Jltilkal Y:r-umini-r. A Domestic Tragedy in Denver. A certain married man of this town having been repeatedly warned by his wife to come home earlier nights or lie would find himself locked out, at hut found himself in just that fix. Gentle tappings at the door were tried, but si lence prevailed within. Then a firm rap-rap-rap, but no result. At last, af ter boisterous poundings, the besieged appeared at the battlements of the cas tle so to speak, to hold parley with the invader. "Who are you. and what do you want?" 'Oh, fiddlesticks! Come, now, open the door and let me in." "Not for Joseph. You know what I told you very well, and now you can take the consequences. Good night, sir." And she disappeared. Then followed pleadings, threats, imprecations and commands most ludicrously intermixed. But she held the fort, and the recreant slept at a hotel that night, and the next night came home at i sharp. Denver Tribune. Little Willie, having hunted in all the corners for his shoe", at last appears to give them up. and climbing on a chair, betakes himself to a big book lying on the side-table. Mother asks him : "What is darling doing with the book?" "It'th the dictionary: papa lookth in the dic tionary for things, and I'm looking to see if I can find mv shoes." "Has It ever been definitely settled," said a girl contemplatively, "whether a lemon likes to be squeezed?" ortliwestern Agricultural and Median- 11- rf ni-n riffnrml 111 .ill ?ni.-k..t ...-...4- ,yj Kiuiiu in tin UCj'iH UHCIUS, sneed Ilurju' lock. i- ine Art and thev i'nive w0uhl conclude that this vear M'ungTeml tooutuo themselves. The nosed c1? of tuis -Association ure com U.T . -lit" the best" biisinp; men nf Mm N -riL-tmi A-uriuuu oi uaouqae, town. thisVe 1,ave- 10.ceiv9l1 th? premium list of i.vsswiauon, ior i-(t. and n we are 1 . J Vijtp from t)ip lihAml 1 i.M.inrr-o untune , Agric i raised. -rs(jfc Dubuque, and every man ap i, dated K jo take a personal interest in this -,r:iii!iri in inner if 1 in:ihf it ;i rrrriiii show5' ani tlieir eu"orts heretofore effor what can teuone oytne combined ciat. of business men. Xo Fair Asso suJtou in the Northwest has been so CCSSlUIIV mauiigeu itnu giea sucil henxl satisfaction. And now in order make tins centennial year more at Z? i 11 ll. ...- 4- tr '1 T-1 AtTiiM M rm large exmou m cj '""'fr.;; 'gSlSSISS , - t pg ever offered in the north- vest, ami inese, no uuuul, "'"""" this fair a large number of the finest horaea in the country, and those who enjoy that kind of sjrt c.mnt fa.! b pleaseil. The -opb f tli rni wt should p.itroiii7. t '.. fa.r ' ,' means and make uil.is 'en!:T il ..ir the grand fair of tht- W:-ni uv.lir ;ar-Kl!-r: t Ki:rct fTif ui tt.,.(:.fi . :-j lt i l St. jM'.i tv-la? r ii I ' ii t I;lii.-.rrci;n'.',rr.,i;ti t-w li. -iu: .i. Why hhoulil anj uu- bu a a. ..ij. ' .t : ro:n or cl.ij.whrii D.lb::.-" .'. u oap. made br Cragrn A. (. 1'b.i.i.i.-. phia is fr sale? It co-)ts but a ir ' more, and w ill go zh e Iiiik- a- f vr Tr it. I iuimI lit Ijx1 '. A.".tr'lti oj totirrf rn-t.rit IZ. .t ... iritl.'uti ,ii :t. !h- (fk'r! ' n vtlO. tf. : - i UJi'-uiern! a-i'l jrfcc:l a uiua1. . , . J.titc. AreaM; in ;at. leiu; i:. : -w . litLl) tiifl-t-il la rr.ui'.i II J rj. , . t.ijt i3i.i'-l- luu'ci ati'l cvrr'-ctitr '" i-'ir j-i .-rr.-rt-l tj t ;n!u- It it -. . 3liil t'j lL'I ir-a whi trtntr a . i : jl!:; 'tiUllT::.l I'l'.iiun- I !-' a r i x . vtticr I'll!'.' . raan1 I' !rmliu f' - a rw fui it.ij' .; ju.it-, it u..rr ! , r n i I. ju- li . J ii' 0. ! miui' . -. i-j tlulf'riM It f a u. r . U. W l i i. lirijji.! l: :,- jl u.rlt:::.r i u.. . " Ijllf. Ir. Mc rt:i:.- v :-u ir rfrr.:-' r Hr . !Kl Alt-tr'UTi l.i.TI'.u... Trtlt )i-f. fi' t!H., !. . , Tr.-a-u.i ilu. .. i .' . k iif. I .rr. I J-..- llirt. Tl.T- ut HmI i : .Scrrci.i)1.ll Krron . r -: ii ..,! .ir, M.idImmI -u'-. -iruilj :r-atfl an 1 r. . y.t i'tnT I. f ral.r.t. ,; forffit f r a j a f ""luinil WiuIimhi rirhV.it!iri' : .1 . , t 1 ur rlur k'-t.-r r-.r ur.l. r:-rV.- uLd f.ii 1 '... ,i I k:k!i: i.u.j (ro;-r tr .ttnit-n: lur 0 - - ,, ruil.ir t-. t'..-ir. All wn-fi c-iiUi'i rf..i .' -1 1 i.vri. usii "iiJ I .r f 'i. v At lr-i I.. 1 . 1; x .,.. ,,r a I at ...r 1 I". rn ilru'., sw . ' l.mq Tin- IMiiitorititlili- ipy lns oiii,iHii) Itlirl!'!'-! wi in'! rtn 1) - t fj 'lJfJi "f in. t .11. J .i:ai-i a ,'.!..', wr 1 Jil' t ur-i ti a- j a-i-l f.iar-1 1 4 , r f-ulo-v! i-itjwtti.tf,i,jevcf)( j. -v : . j In tticWtst. Many wti. an-MitTcrli. frt-in tti..?- -. f". wir:n atli-r au.l arei!ctill!:a:-1. arca.'.i . I'tij -i i.iin t l.ik iiir-li-r.i:tf ainni:tsif wr". , two or three liui'-s (luriii? ttn- iUy. r-. a whlli'thoe mIio.kIkjiI itiU Ail !- frt-'i 1. v ' rrr.ir tlit-nij!iittror "ilrlnk.s.'.i!ij Inru.,. . m, ronJlriniil in. .rlat-f. Aticnnvdij n . rrvate tliilnl fur ltitXlfatin,? Ilij'iori. a I i !i ltlU'Inli-il ft;n-i lallv for tt.efu Inrt u! ill .!' '-ktiM pi-rin. wtliT at home or a!in.vl It 1. ; r m tirn k'-i -w W etil runic. C.ntali. v tt.- j . . cifinan) m-sS:. !n.il .'lnrt-. thH jri-jai.u . ' .. -i 1 it rri-at ari ajipottti- tr ttiu lt.ti' :e.-t ij. TIji1 iiuurl'.liiris an 1 tli lifi'-ii irf ; ;-r , r tlfi of imny v.ilnat.lf .tural iir-Htrnti..' 1 -.. . t.llniM l!l It ail-1 fl! llimtll to in!!il lu, . -y .1 inoi! trfiijcthiTiliii; tii!I'ii-fii-. a , ,i?.- I., f -f the To:ilf will tleinoriitrat.-itt n.iIu.iM. ij ,rt;i tit-.. For ilt-Mllty nritln from -jlcKt !. ..rt-r x itlon or from .m r.niif nli.itocr. .1 Mint- rfl.ii fill of S-.i W'oi-.l T-nilf taken aft. r m.-.u-. ..i stri'iiKtlo-ri tin- -tomarii anil rin.tt an .! 'It. f. r linloioino f111.1l. To all wlio aro a'i ml li m- tln-lr ItoiiiC'.. ili'itit to n tli.it tin- c tfKi,. 1 1 ::! ti of I)r. srliriick't sra-iotiatilc ri'tiiflit-- -, i WitiI Toiilr, anil Mamlraki- I'llli. ar- parti' u..ti(i Mi'iit lii-n tak'-ti ii t In--.-- w fn ar Irijuiii til) a Hi ct.'il tiy a ctia:ii-of water ainl ile-t N. jur-i-'ti slioiilil li-no tioiin- witliiMtt t.tklni: a int'i'ly i f tlifi- -..iffuarit-i aluaK. For sale ly all tlrulsta ViKitlne has niMr f.illnl t cure the in st It. Ilexilili caii of fanKer. f" 1 hi tirt li Ilio rliiMju'it. -i'rri.ili tIi-u it cosM no 1111. re I'nfli- .sun-1 ll.unr-i im! m rlna.er lli.in iii-.it-.f....t. IKIi or .'.mv otln r -f tl oiilmni "II-. u-iil f.'i Imiim .s Ni. iij .il! 1I1 in: KHts aii'l li.iini si miki-ii Never i'ii.iinlir a moment fur wo am ihti r "lire of mi h.jtir. neither ijelaj tin- imieliaie of Kllert's l),i)IU-ht l.hrr Pills. ;jyir -.ur ! i -. - iuw- pintni. hi. .1 t',iii:i, r...it nr a l.ail appetite. ie him a ! a-1 i.ful ..( t'nele sjiu-, (. .ii.llln. 11 1'i.w.lr twiii- a ili. in li"l ie f I. In mx i. infill I'Hiiin an. I fit. Iillil V. 1 II. aiel I'He him y- ipni ! 1 ,. .i',,l . ., wills 1 lii-itrattileil at the luiptoi iu nt In hi-. .'ipl'i-.ii.uii e ami I'.iiillti'.ii It N now ailmltto.l hv ItiM-tnr-.. Oriil.ts an.l rnptiireil people that "MoW'KN sl'ltlN'O 1"AH Khr.T 'r Kt vs Is the het ami ea-li-.t known fhe Factor l.s at rotmcll lllulf. Iowa. Hot. ll Dellelent Nutrition Froiluces aiueiuia or jium of the M-o,i irNln ftom imperfei-t or clinmle iflseabe an-! li n.-t n tlneil to an iiarticular class of life i.r si x Fe-.ple who Miller from hn-morrliaf. ami fiin.iK.wl menitruatee.eslvi-l aro am.-iin the thl.-fhuf fcrers. All.tHslmf the hlooil reveals .11 for-II mj to tllM (llir.ltloll "f the -.iiklii'..' .1 llialki'il itetl i-ii-m- In the reil rorpnsi les w ith .r.ti.i'.l a-llm Inullon of lihrlne mnl a poveitj if ainmeii In the Idjiior sanguinis Io eire. I a run-, prupi.r att'ii tton must he pai'l to illet. ami the prmnotlii of tin ti.it in al secretions of the ullineiilnry eanal li th use of a stliniilaiit toiilr Is an aluolute n.i.-,vn such a tonic stimulant has heon illseOTereil ami li found In th IIumi: siom Ai'ii ItirTKU-. ;zr"riif more simple the diet th- hett r th. tiuiil Is. hut luotherri hear in mliiil to u3e I'r Wlnrh. lis '1. ethlni; --jrup f.-r tl.i i !.. .t:l 1.1 Inalleises of iloulit lem to the siiie of merry and In all rasen uf aclics and pal'n try Kllert's ! light l.ler I'llli ST. JOKKPII FIRE S MARINE INSURANCE CO., - O V - St, Josopli, Mo. ( Incorporated 1W j Captfil and asset . wl 3tt.7u Surplus, .lanuaiy I, IS7 'H.'kh.M A I. OOP F. l'ie.-.ldent and Treanurr. .. II. Kirn. See. .1. W Iuilkv Vice 1'ren orfers advan:ai;iM. tint surpassed In those of any other lIistltiitlo:i lutlieWet, to all who wish to hecome ready, aei-urale and th .rough IJ.j'.K-keep-crs, or rapid and accomplished l'eiiman. IOWA CITY ACADEMY Furiilslios students supi-rior- ppi-ttunrie foroh taiuin a g.iod aiadcm r edmatlon. ij'iilifyl:. themseles to tea. h lu the common schools, or preparing to entei tiit'St.iti I iiuit-Ui Fall rcrm commences -.ept.-m'.er 1 tfi. l-"h IJForfuli circulars f '.oth Uistltutioiisand for Speclui. lis of I'en mulish p addr.-ss. Wm .M.C1. IN Iowa(i' Iowa. Edwix I". Dickkt. rjatPtiteo and manufacturer Of AMKU!CANSIFTEHFANi:snMir.ls No-J 1. 2. and!. Double Cleaner Trlpple Sifter. So. 3 nd No. 4. for warehouse u-e. Pacific Mill Tor flax and fine eeds a specialty Also the new mill for trade of 1T6. styled the Honest Cleaner juit patented, for grain, flax and flue seeds, similar to the I'acific. Corner Uh and W'Sconilnta.. Itacine. W'lscon'iln. Send for price list. "IT LEADS THEM ALL." PACKARD ORCHESTRAL ORGAN ! THE PUREST TONED .D BEST! Is rapidly talcing the precedence wherever it 13 known. Keason-QUAI.ITV OF TONK. HF.ACTI FCL NKW OlMldNATIONS. HON KsT w!'K MANSHIP AM) I.IHEKAL DEALING. Factory located at Ft. Wayne. Ind In t!je tnidst o walna": lumber country, save thousands In freight. cot of lUtng. grounds, taxe. etc.. hen compar-d wita Investments for similar purpo-es eat. Capital, over two million. When von cn le BETTER served at home than abroad, patronize come In dustry and keep the money li. circulation where most needed, write for terms and prices. We deal In Weler. "Valley Gem." and other Flanoj. and ia musical merchandise, of everi description. VAN METEK i GUEST. Manager?. Burlington. Iowa. h patents e win contract to pav all trav. Ilrg and otter ex penses if we fall to effect a radical cure. No charge for consultation r examination. DlL-s. MINKK A 1'HI LLlF?s. If. Madison street. Chicago. EYIET FAEH2 E!S 05 ELLEE. Challenge Feed Mills and Combined SHELLER and GRINDER, will grlndany klndor feed, whether wet or dry. with eae and speed, and w ithout heat ing. CHALLENGE MILL CO, Katavla. Illinois. OS VAXCT CARDS. Mlxoti. with name, lac Agents wanted. J.B..UUSTliD Nassau. N.T. HHUZSmB! - MHB9IK T&iM u'-u4 SSHB IT Ilfl AXn FISTULA posltlvelvenrMwltti Lf 1 1 II' out pain or the us- of knife, ligatur-. f I I.TiiX or caustic A SUKE CUKE OK NO I 1JJUU I'AY With patents from a distance MiS "NATURE'S GREAT REMEDY." TWcorUi.l 1. CERTAIN CURE for (uuflii, lords. Inflmnmalliin of tlir l.uiiC. Sore Throat ud llrratt, llr.mclii tU. atuil If takrn In time, .vlll rrl tlil fatal dlirur (.unmraptloii. The- ll l (till mrtllcliic la prrtMi ration uf lrul lalnnl by a peculiar Jirtx- from tlir ( of tl I'liif Trw, lh inr1lrlual ri-r, lira of JiWh trr cll linonli. lilt till tK.rrful vlcuirut arf thoroughly liifr-Hratr-.l a-TcraI ollirr. rtthl- lirf-.ll-nlt. ach of .hlch Miaac aoolhlua nud hrallnc attribute, thus iitaWInx 11 th .t POTENTi ANTAGONIST 10 .11 illtinw.iof Itirf pulmonary orKti llial hat ret bs-cii lntruJucril ll"p 1 fs PINEREEiTAR CORDIAL la nol'a ncv remrtlj tliat lin lum t-u liranl'of bs-forr.' hut T mn OLD.', RELI- ABLE. AND WELL-TRIED i.,r-iin. that lina Ix-en In tlall) use b fitiallla ion! llltrlllgrnt pit) alrlnna liirllif l.(,IUrr )-nr, Alirf I apokcilfnf ll the J lili;hu' trnna by nil 11 h Iijs- nw.l It. n tltou. an.U 'of. UNSOLICITED TESTIMO-j KIALS imvir.' v- lf yntilaufrrr ' rroin'ntiy llaeao in rlilcti tlila (orillnl U irriiinmriiilc.1. t uulirattatlnitlr aayi"TRY IT. Wl KNOW IT WILL DO YOU GOOD.' A alnplr iHittlc lll Uciiioitilrntr IU iali able qunlltlra. SOLO EI All OeBSSISIS MO STHESEEPE-S. - PHINCiHALDL.I'OT. f fl; I'i m rt V. I'l. l.l ,' 1. I Dr, Whitger, 617 St. Charles street, St. Louis, Mo. A rf3lr rJnn of iw V!l-" ' c is t ,- I - tr cif !'. i- 9 :. uw xuri c'"k tsx .! nclC-roruo lHtarUiai r rr r ...3. Lxi.i kit .j ;. tt-' -l ! rMil j 1 . Sjphiln, Gonorrhui. Gle?l. Slnclure, Or chitn. Hernn, or Rupture all Urinary Ditcni and Syphilitic or mercurial atTecbont of tho throat, akin or bonaa. t.-rl -a (..; ..sj iwwi, os likit i-i..Sj rr"1. ." " 1' ' Spermatorrhoea, Sexual Uebilit and Irrpot oncy, ii tlsrr..ti.f b-.: it -Kla j .-X x-.at fi.-".s lss.t:scr irt,cretir c-, &l - i rr"-,la'- --" cf li f.. f34 e2t. Be-? !, zMal re -! tltU!T, r of llM.Jf ! t-ed" T. jj; rtual's f-.t-jti iilT t.oiil n Mn' .i'.t tf f.ii..c ' ' a cf IJ, lr cf .i.l tsrr, -: . rtitr. nim 1 ls5Projercrunhapv7,Jt"".stv j 1 1". I (vi to.i r :'3c tu vte 'j 'ti lu .-i ct.i.-. t r two Uji ir.;i. Cci. 1 1 it iC tr It t.wt Wlra it It Ij. STca.idl to ti:i M.1 c r t r t"jr!.t. E!l Efic3lsit'Ct tr n;ri rKiii'"S'' " is iKinrsilc J t,-ro .Il it la -l t:-S. ori t3-i. UA.il. u7i 11. Biiiaji, n i; wir a. Pamphlet1, io iny adiireii, for Two Stampt. MANHOOD AI1 !S:t,,aV..lT ata WOMANHOOD f'i ir aa mi lUcc&U Bont aoalod. oil thro. f or 30 Osta. . Manhood and Womanhood in Qcrman, both logathar, llluitrated, 15 Centt. MARRIAGE Iffi pliYts. I GUIDE. KKat oloth and gilt blndlnir. Balol fir fx Oftr Ef.f aiuol-r'.i ts-O l t;ra. tia. lot'i,i .. t M.oli fhtjniu. Lo nay catrt. u-i, I tv.tr nts to carry. Wto marry Cut. Vatt.- 1 W . Lisl, I'tnlcal it.- Tt fj It of v Kfiulns.i U I) aboulj carry . Hon Hi an t Laj t iSrat n.y fa . .tr.-t-Tt l'tjaluk ij of BtM- i, nil hiLf B.n. "I'h C.a-r!lorC"ti:c.yla-. za r c' u.Xratit. AftrralSfe lot-ijla u I a. vj i f a L u.n 'l a noral eotvl Ujo.lti.'it tilot'.llr. I 1!. : t!;oa loclcud up.t t i.l arjut. Scr lot.aalU cf ru-rfa!.i.,t Ii o- afa'-i t!.o crrarj c f ru tlot ..trr aturo,tL3J4l'Jratt. rr.i tn anrit ... ( ' .t'l" "s tJi.LcLo wij u. ilia H careful j;rui. IvuUcii-a l:a ooata. 1'"; j r WlllOB ra-itt5nT at5a:--cT r -iTjafa. OScuntatrsiaU. 1 ', r m1 (! U .(-J. e:ir atlrcaf, caciuais i acoci, DR. WHITTIER, 617 St. Chirlcs street. St. Louis, Mo. MARRIAGE GUIDE. mimlmmi A I'hvaioiOi;iiiil 10 cf Marrlso V raaaaaV f r l"" '' ,l " Cl '"' '-' A saaaaaaaaaay ' ar . j,. uu I j ' t '"- LJL.Tay uvJ t . a.irat . 'n-t "aaaW j. a ir.aul .u r jjX V w.'a:-l Nstk uf tVU j .; jr pr .alo raaO ;,. j 'l a- Ji,. t k'Lt imlr an I l s.t, ti-r '' A PUIVATE MEIJICAI. TIIKATI.sjE . !' of Trlvato Nnturo ' b-y. .ur.. V a klmm i.l J. ..ril'fl ol l ariua ...trzn iib'tt .ci. l iuIlii.,!,'. U 111 -ti.ra r.t ivbt u ;.r.ca fr .'.!. MKDU'AI. ADVICE win .a a .1 &"'.- IJia-s-. a pax rk u.t ii- !sr ti a f r li t. AHtlir'" bcoka in: 11I112 4ll( j.ncne unt o.mr.' rlp.l (or 00 cU. XiJlrr.a Dr Butll' DipnJry. No. 12 U. 8th St. Loui. Mo. -:!' if.rO in .) MARRIAGE SECRETS. IIJl BOHANNAN'S ,MriM aa utr'.l tr n ft, Ua ! a ". .- ,U I '. taaWU 1 1L m vll l'-Vt m Ca tj iter.! Hwl 1 atU II T t J fL a It rd of 1 ( , hurtJJ . t a uth c rrt; $, w uo i j i liaarrjr '3 Ul ,... .t l li a",, t- r LaV'.urf auil t I rru'i "C a I-.'L-i,ru 71, cj t a c.j , f:li its :d iw-fcr, t c rr t , v r-fc . rt::.fl - f.c.Lrk .:.r- ! S a-.a .t ror.;i t- lu -r r f h-- t - u'" ii t i s.1 r r , f r' Win, - ( Jt MN4N. &. r.jrJialUi wltKrl, 0L 1uU . M k ltaL ,l.ll! t a- FARMERS, If j '-n art- irul'. ' . a i.kv I'l u ta f is , ii ... t fli t. s... ti .- I. .Iil N I r 1 ' si.K .' ! I.TI,' HllHti irr lit- OM.V IM.IIU-s IS llli: U OKI It tl.al .If thT'.w 11 .! f tin iff. in 1 '.y a lilt hl ri tt..- wli.-i I 'I !.) ar -:..s if t -i 1 j v. nj f..r .nr . b.a- i.tni lil.'t whir"! " f irr Isl frft- ..r.I..'t r a- al -li.tbli' laMrs K.'f',-s V '.il Kttrs (ill' l..rs clr-. t- A-s j, .1 fi 1 .1 sr j lli 1 . f uir i.tr.."! ("It) l .j ;it I'l . 1 . tli: n. Kafc-s n.iri-wi. etc Furst 8 Bradley Manf'g Co., "' t .r Nnrt'i r-s ri.ii-. t III) M.'i I I.I- TEE PEM MUTUAL LitV Insurance Co. Ot 1'IIII.AHKI I'lII ASSETS, -i - $5,504,329.24 I2CCITI 1'lA n -.i, P.ri - tp-.' t .. t.is. I at... Annual "asli IlTtI.-at- n .v.m io r. 1 if Pr mlunis tl.t "i-ronil -ar 1' !! ..-s -. f .rr-v -Tor tlieir aanit- KiirluM n.eril I'.tifia iss.jl t Life Itate- sMTKI. C IITKY Vrr.:,:.:' SAMIU.E sTIiKKs ir.Te..,:r.: II sikimikn. J1 Vi..--I':esilr.: JAS WKIl: M Vao.N Artur.rj IIKM:. Al'STIK -.r-:.ir Acca'i nasto.l 'n a' tfcn . r t--. '.-. Ht-eralt.rin-1. AiIJr-sa .1 IKKUKI, -u --irr-l"it-iil-n: of As"JftJ j it W T!..r. strf-t Cincinnati, o MONEY To txian In lotva. Knatrrn trlirnai., m.aa JforttiM ralrru flaaoarl. Cpan ltnproTp.1 farms In urns of tt'no arnl np wards, for aterin of 3 to 5 jean, iutert; at i percent, payable s-sj! ana-sai y. Choice Io'xa Ioaa of JJwd atd npr.rl np.de at 9 per cet.t. later ! SCHOOL KOMjS Wa.NTKD. Apply to BIKMIAM 4 rri.I-KVa Connrii r:ic r . - CATARRH. ir jou ar ,-kr! rtt-a m 'tit's t- l-r v 7 o jt jirmanx.: rr lef i.ioi;r drt.-i f r !K raAtOMii:-- t.VTAKKII TIlKATMhNT A TRIAL BOTTLE VllVA-A "0 ant h fPaMt? a: n ttt riMj I whritn wa nrfaar iwirw,1 - - ,. .- Tr . i tills rtmdyf'ullT at. r-xt-T a ralirr-a IIi IIXMII.T'IS A tIUfI-. K.ota 12. rs. uari -trr- ( II If . ;(. ESTABLISHED 35 TEAIis. JONES' COMMERCIAL COLLEGE th and tillT.! m jr. I'r Wrt-fff rdrlaar 1 III1 Vaatnl lEiraeiliafij- :o learn Tele-rapar. Kan- I I' road and Eipreis tjati IJ.l ne. feitaatlu". saar- anteed. Kecomtnrnded t.y iupt. V. V. Tclr?rapa lo. a tne oni culars frt. A JanciTllle. WI Co. aa tlie onlr reliable telrsrapU sr.tool. Cir culars frt. Address . w. TeltsrarJ isatuute. I 'af 4$J3m. r BaVaatX aBMBMBBaUBaas tJtrSt -aaaaaaaa.w' in a i I .ft " mr-i wa.A tatT-- Lttfr.-- n...f.r -- a - nrt- c? )- UilLLA Slroninjr Board. If" ur ji1 1 " f. '"r :,r "'L hLMIIl 1-"-Vr..,:ua:r,'J:y 3Io.: 1'rlect.. .turawe. ani fas: irut.-rjU-w. DlL V. I-HAKT - U'.I.M -THAI: Ii.lL I J IjIJI Ol I '!.,. witV, a adjust ".- Stsani hirt. nv-r 'a: f or-lrr UI'I'-. -Ill -M .tnl .fil.l.-.- r Il.M,). cl-.lv ..a . r A;i"i-j ii.rl vrr)Lrc. t,l:Kl.N rl'.A- T i,r . ,., tu.ri.i"l.v Tt rMifl.tL"-.- KI--M' 1. M K ai Tt KIM. I o . ZIKI V, -uth .It-rs.n -tree:. CHICAOU. r.i. r.r-ttruiLi 111 I.'ioroUIi... Xt rnia.iaU.... ( j. H . : , t t t. , , M.:ion tt.. j.i-r tf., j-,;s of cI..!dho:-l. !mi: :n;u! . urc n. nt,v Pnnl, D j XtVu in t!. fonn of Misar Dirtja. havm? m'5- Ur. AcCR S UaiarM HemBOy. j 1' ,-:"CCf UlJl nerth-r the Utelo or brn"!l of un-thrn..- . v ..' "r; . - fX' ; ','., T.,n ',?: I TrsJs",??1! no triMibk- is c-xirKiifI in i'.ubmi.u, . ZttTrV- .i.'alt"r ' lu'in'"? SL&l'Uld& cL:Idnii to t.;k-th in. .oM t- .ul Dn.,-- ;.' "Ha-'r'r.'VV. L Vrl.' VrVCrTi. Isrr-t a-t of Ta il. -. ar.-l Roj. it WoktW,..t f.sld .'It fLS. It 1-X. r '-.'lit t ir,.1i!r. mVJ" ''',',,';': , '',-' -?'? -f !,-,. B,..i...ur.li..u. f u rnnnuii u. i-.t. ! -.v-'V -".., ,a.?.V":;.--2ir viiiTvn inn MM U! iflJ THE KELLY M Th Hct Fence in the World, i 1 M Ml mi"l "If ' "I .'".. I 1 af ,.---' m I --" . " 1 i f x ii -" .' hMn 1 . . . aarav III .. II till ' i i : - 4 JLr- - Sample ordrrs sn- licilcMl. For I'ltrllirr informalion, address rtililv "oi-kSa KM-k . Falls. Illinois. HONEST OPINION! M li t- V;iM I latt S " aaaaaaaaaaaaLjaCaaaa W aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaataV " aaalVA f a.BllllHj.tttt.l.1 iifi aaM)flllitaaaaaaaaaaP9aaaa( i " fc 1 IT! laTaaaaaarTaaal 1 II -'- Q4aa""" 4 I' J . - 1. . ' ' -.r . 11 . ' J f. s . 1 . ' ( sr :.. al! II .. ' .-! !.. r . . . 1 . -. r h 1 1 . . 11;. ! li t..i riM li "ii tai,. -i 1 ! I r, a ."I rat rlin . a "'Ml ! Iirs. tr ts, . S, 1 a gtt 1 ' ' ,! !..! lll. l a ! 1 ' ' ' 1 4 . ' 1 ' '"-i as a. ,. . r I ' r .Ir. r t.. . if.ar f 4 1 . '! rrn i It ma f..f- l .- - .1 r 11 . ' I ' - i.r - ttn 1 . . t f 1 ha- i-s 1.1 t 11 .f lltla !! mi I Ul In ' t ri I I t . halarif . f I I IIM Itha-riiti.tlii' Hr . m lain I at .. ' r ni I .r.Nl l . f r 1'f. ' .1 a.aii . . 1. a-If r ft.s .. t V I i.r 1 I t - r.-r. w . I .1 M r.l ltf. ' ' a ' r. ..ti.ir.A.O lull1' ns i.f ! .rf 'i' r.: 1 natural . I li.ir 1 1 . '1 . ' S-t..li.'a n ' I I . . ! I!.l. I- ' . s .!.. a. 1 n M . Ai.. r 1 ' ' (fill I IM M II. N fty I N I I I M I ' N I . ' 1i ni.... sMi 1 1, uaiirat'iWii f . r ..I I IN I k'.'.l 11 Nearly Blind! II I' - It US .-ll I . T I I . .,!! '.. . ' .. t .J f..il. II u . t a I 1 I . 1 '. I ' I s I Ml!) at ll. V I . . lf'il r llllir ftf ..lit I 1. ... IT 1 " -. 1 tu Mhi'ti ftttt.la- II . .ic;rai t' ., i ft j . 1 1 ail ati-l vvai nrii 1 ' :' . u- Mi a inJ. ! !' t tri.na aa. r- . i ' i .-. . in in. .in.) all t. uu k 1 r.-si.it I i . . .. n-j.i 1 I' i.'ll.il. v i ttle.l In it) '. . It 1 . s 1 f. rl .111 1 .it tltii". lu .ill ar.lTr.t. .1 .i. I tat st tuiiia-r I ta.ts ff.tiH sit. i a ... t. t i 11. v s;.iii- tinl llill.r). ar.-l It .a ti I nr , li tr.l t.i i.tjln tlif ii rlii.- vln.c ) n j'li.il . lin r.T In ttli- I'iiVVKKi IJIU 1 '-.lllit 1 I.. UI- ' V l.i.l I I -)". aii.i '.iuiiii nl u.liia mill t. llr.ftli.iis In lii.i .r II if !) . I ..l.t .lit"! rfr.' it r li'-f ft-r 'lai-iaf f'.ut .r fl- i.?t! I n ... Il tl .1 U'iti'lurtul-tr t ..ll tlif ri.l.vll ill t ' l"T. ! u!i no I".i a n.l Iric- 1 still ula-.J V l.t.l f I M . .j ti uni'.i'Us sxira-i ..in- aflrr uriutr.rr .l.t),. ti. until :ii. wt-r.) .ill uur.a- ami I aitrl' u'f tt. . ..f tin-! Ulaeaat-s t W.al.nl ai .1 i : i..' If I am .-scr r.SIrrfi-.l Ith tiytMri.' ..f tt... kit ! .Ik-tin I st. tli tr) . I.t.l' I'I. I -tatli. "ti i. a'.. -ll.t-l lt. lli-.n- a-lt ll. J tl ai l 1 ! " 1..-1 r li.U t' ' !-. I si I t l:i;.i i !. 1. - Vc;etttiu is Koltl y all DrujjiintH. Lll'i: I'lJiASA.NT AC AI.N. LOOP yrECLT. ' s , . . , 4 - J l-ira- I., .lit- f. - ' .. lij.I'.;. lit, Sj.iiiitl I.tf. I'urala.l.. 11 t. li t a I 1 ir rur mi lit. l.an- Lntl ial.,tt .V .A . IH I il-KIMI i n :ji r.i Trti ss, f i.art i i ; if J.t . ii . ' r : ! af . . ..t.r a. r ; .r I. i : Jl-sl .' .. .I.H S, 1 J ' -- , . T- r r .1 ra. Ii . "a t a '..! l a .1. - .- , , - a- :. v.- ' :...!. 1 1 ? if ' i ' ' i ,!,-. lr. i It. .i f 't -' I M"l.' ' s a -a. f i.ll.i lir.l Tint. klHlllll. I a ' ('irr w. v: Ir " I ;i i. t ;.-r .) .r tr a t ! I la II. r, tl ' Mt ::.' rr - r " i Till ' ri r a . a'. a' '' r r ' t OIMII. i Mr 11 If . . . far r , 'a. 1 I la-ll. I r a- ' ' lillilr. ll at ' ' r. - bi tt'i'.Hl'll'l ! S r T.'.S' i 't . ' ri(' lilml ii ?io i: Ti:i ss o.. I!.. 1170, f 01 N ILIiLI I I N IUW . rflaata-'sT' -sT J s V - V te m tSs SONS' aaaaa . aaaaaaait ORGANS. " ! rtc I-i-tr tf-zf' " T-r-a JpATr- I ? a.' r' ' S J'.'f.as' rr- ; J. 4r--r.s, T- a t- i sfs ...-- f IlEKI-. T I'nri.K K M t It . VM .n Kurru .!.. Ililrin. '('v. tt-'fo .: '..-. J - '' I " MG FilU-rt street. I'inl.uiVIi.Ina. To. Agents Wanted. ! ; TittiTiu f ,r E&lar?'-? I-.r-tura-a.. - are paT .ir.-T' ramlni'.r.j j ,.'x 2-er w-jr'c. an-l taaici3 a sr-a:T Tarl'ty of t.', 1 ra-a than an? nlhrr f ..r.. 71 rf H u in th Vz'.'ft -Lit-. Adtr-s. with ata;up. J. II. NA.-05 A UEOS. T.i aad ril state aC. CMcaso. Iiilsoli. Is ' r . - r a a t . a - I B.HH t 'r,,a-aaAfHlH , Ft BaaaaaH I HlPaHaaa B 1 ... an. .Ctlr-al HI --..x.rr.t.r. r-,, . - . BARB FENCE! aja.s-. i j ;i!l Ihr sillcii- --lion ofihr (r:nlr.:iml aaSSgJtaipulilIr i-in-rnlly, to o;:r u'ooils, hirli arc best .st'llini;' no - ArIlns in Ihr niarlct'l. . organs; JKWK IT & GOODMAN ORGAN. , 1 ... ... ' . 1 . 1 - 1 . i.'i . ... . .1 Ifl .... . a'' 1 )a. tui r. a .... a a., ISat. li'fiaT tl I 1 .a. 1 rault a an 1 hi. a a ' U ! ta';r.r it . .. 1 . a..'af. a I'll ..uatll n1 .af''HI'fa r ifca uifai - t tr i..ai"Ji . a-r ,iril rwi ft I tfrm t.i ha. t. ... - 11 1 Rata- etl i"r.'l ar. tf,r ta ' Ula-'d nt 1 ' . a.a. x 1 'l,t".t t. .1. ' I' ' k.l ar.tt!.. ffltl.ia l 't a I t.a .i l.aav aaaPSaaaaaaaaaaTai STaaaftaaaaaV , a r i aaiSs, -Srraaaar,T,H "tifr'-i' "'T'X1 . " TawsaaW JaaaaaaV! aaaaaaaaaaH Baaaaal aakta. tr m ai aaaaVaaaa araTa -I MT vl -r jKaBBil 1 ' m aaJ T 7 tl aaaaBBBK aaaaaaRf B 1 1 id If J vT 7C bTWP'M aaaa I V!a- &B I aiar.. 1 a . , rb&alnft, 1 tt r . ... . a flrt ilaaa. '. 1 . . ' . aa-s4r. a ir.a Ita irifit t Maa 1 'I I I I a . I l. - l..l... '" I THE "OLD RELIABLE" ISirilAKDS' Power Corn Shellers and Sep arators. STILL IN THE FIELD1 A SHELL FROSTfD CORN. la K A i: I Siell (Jrueo or Damp Cm. r r i 1 HI. Mu-s s. ,: j m . .r - r: rr m i i.i Poriablr riiniuro and Stationary tNbmta) a . Richards' Iron Works Co., Chicago CHIMNEY CEMENT BT aaar.aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaLFYSV4HaaaraBaaaaT ' r 4 K . J ai ' m a . ". rt s. f r, t.i It. : xt'.r irwljr t. ) a 1 ' f nn ' i tar .njrft '. ! f raaaa ."r:?a-K72iiE. ' s, r" hi, a '' .trf ,,., WIND MILLS, Jf1 Mill-. Mot. I ..- vl,-h-, Ar.,r. GREAT CENTRAL IOWA .SALE SHORT HOKH CATTLE. At r m : 1 . n T-. i '. III - 31i.mii-. Au.i-t :l-t, IsTft. I -.. r . -"Uj . Ma.' - - - ' '-r. a . , . .. ' r tt . - a -, t' .. rrt. 'rt Kir . 7aJ. (a. .KCB Hfailla Mia Xim. IlaW'.U-. Mot Hairtiiu Urit. kail... . si i:iiiiaii HiriDmv. ,i.., . .).. faKT- t KrTlta. tm :;.. Hon.. Ma i .i.a- m' .in t uum. rartjs u-i '.:. rr j,pr-,ta-! ara!t.a Tt- ". a . 4 :,'., ti hava wtsaratUf a '.mi t . fr.: M.tllr-1 t'g I .'.tu'rll.t.nitlr'lna t'rlLx,1. 'If JI ,M ' --Jrt4Ta' 2l l.t-aVtVl M4tf X HI-- !B TEMxa a -ra-lit , m'intfi i! (s yT-a. xad It'Mlotiirr.. r.t 7ri-.a r -), n n ,r .r aaiav aiaHu. ff r- : Jai-r ' ' a. '"UKIbaT .taa4ai ;ra ,. I .." ., t Mr Uttla- xt irler.af:. tn ! x Mr. I6. Atvl ga k J Jtl.T. Attoaar Uf r: ;.a to .,,., , Mils. UK. KKI K. ! I'-ra-tr '-' I'.itNr- ur !-... Hrintina: '. !- n..ina 7 ; Law, Real Estate and Loan uttice - or X- S- Evorott, Mt. Ayk, --.. Io-,v-a .. A Til, . I . Jt' J . w 4" j? .