Vi r2. & , . ;. 0. V THE RED CLOUD CHIEF. 1 Ml ISM'Al Al . 11 17.. 3i.:::f & nn ' 10 eop I v:ir, .... ( n eijy (, ni'.llth- i i i !.' .; .mm -,,i Oliicial I)irrclorv. H. JI.Iji-t'h. Att'y ..t,. I . M. .Mi.cjj7.S'. Lincoln. ?u:. Tub. I untrue. .n;Mt;;AKY. '. I!. I. k.'ina.:i. Chiof J iti . II tu'l;:ii.t."-'ir:ik:i''ity. . ,..,,, r, Wi:i:STKK CI NTV. J. A. Tii I ley. i; II. . tone-. I. V. Tiill-yfi. M. -. Kill. .1 . (iiUi tin. .' ::. n,.iri., I M it i . f .1 II. II..I,..rt. Cuntr "I'rk. Trf-.-iriir'-r. I'ruhiit'.' J iiljr-. .-h.-riir. poh'i'ii ui't. ''innnT. fiinty .'urvi y.r County '!iiiui-'-i'i.iiT- , li. 1 $l - 5' i'ii iL?&r -- -' . y cct' I'm !'iv-idfiir It. 1J. rT.-ivc- I'ol Vie.- IVe-iilelit, VMinvrfMrtrtrapi CALL 7011 A 2SPU25LZCA17 GTAT2 C017- 'n viimixa'i i:iiirirsiiii: stati: OKflrrs. The !epuhlic;tn elector- of t he Slate of N hia-ka are hereby eillcd to .-end i'.i'ei.ate- from the -everal emmtie. to meet in State Convention at Lincoln i n Tue-dav. the li'h ilav of Septetn lei, lTi't, for tile purpo-c of placini' in nomination e.-i:;didate- for the foi 1' winir named ollice-;. iz : I'liriM pre-iloiiti:il clvt'.r ..jul tlirot-al- t.TIIJtO 'm Mi'inlirj- nt"i niics-!. ''!! .Member of ('ni'ri-i- C:ilii tceiit. iviTimr. s--ri-:..rj ofStfite-xXmtjt-jr. Ti'a-urer. u. -i ititcielont of Pidilii Iii-tnu-tijii. . . .i.-iic.-o. nn l mi'ii i"i:i-r. fii j t -in !i -itlier lu-"tit! n.- iii:iv inc I-cfi re tin .iiiviiiti..ii. hlii 'iiiiiuitii'e !n- .ire elititl'-'l V -;jir'- "11 lell iieJ!":i :i-Hurts. , . Sin -nf lor I.e ' i "ir. i". . Kivirs .iiieej ..t. . i, i.t xi.ii. inr J till' 1- in ib-Ie-ate :it Liwii :i oi'i . Hi. mo I '. UK fi- IT i , KO.MSC..,,, . ii A ' Up. 'I ' j i , - -. ' .i '' fllfl'l Li well LI of (ml - . I ,, U2 1 ' i i Mr X 4 tlf V.ill iget L'hroi v.iii i - .1 L'tlll! i'l-r lo ijii:it. riil till 111. Hiiof. t.lhe Oi.ei other foul fcuul find k.. W Hi!.-h"i!'..Hj.iJia. I . .S-r..ii.r. , ,.,,. fU,, ,. ,. ,1 .. t ..' f,.,.l (' UbOUt 27111. t; arc llhtJse liilll . . - ., t i . . i u ti KSKCUTIVK. .,., "T""",. . !lT tce ,.,mc " , I,t m.rc J ,ca,sol,i an-i under . ; .M lht. 2arWS ., MI.?';liJ!I!.U. ;.r. r.i.', I.iiin.h, I he Attorm-y i-u-ral ws.J be . !.- imhih-retit ab-.-jt the matter. Irom 21 bt-t ! .V , , ,- ! "J ?. Sc.J rtjiTi. t-I fiom th--t'iliiwirjj".'-ri'liniii U'iIt- thenatuie -jf th.n- tho ! in thi- ' tie.-i hor-e or mau- i years oM & ' " . I i: c-tm. Linchr. An !i!r. ' in,.t,.r J . - Vi ' best ll!a!lty am! VK'iU of r.U' tiOt r. '! 1'iu- . ai.iiiir i i-i i i- i i i i.ifc.'i-- i i i 1 1 " k &!.. ".i-iji l i-. 111 - iiu t '.'.' Hayss &. Wheeler. v EiW-"v VI f "rerT-l A. T I .-' The '"State of th .itti-r " want-th"! . Tin I" S. Seinte j a 1 a 1-.1 State Trcas'irv :,- it koe pin;'. arii appropti'm,: ?i .-m f.r the mail -cr-j topo-p- II. I'. W br.. Trea-urer of ".ic: from Chi'-asr . to Omi ilia. P th" l'nt'c'(- count v. !t State Tp-iur-r. i .": r . i . . .... i ii !. o ... ...., o. i.o-e urccK, according lo the Hclio'i Jourifil. the '... . -l.x heing (pmly dm led between ie ; Hid s-exe-. unb rto'ik to dope u. J jet t- i,..!,.,.... i .... married. The ou:ige-i of :he bit-- l.iit.i..r: v.-.. .....? ;. ;..,.. ...... .. ..i.sw . . .. -- LliilLLI II I ill . I IJ-.xi" of Krrmont. I l-iniu; of Kear- tjfy, Warren and .-'emorcof Otoe, Thur-ton of (uutia, Sjiraguc of I'latL month. Iioh.-it.-of Web.ter. 7 ' ' KnJKht and Ilarwood of Lincoln There have h'-en icp-.rt-that Crook and Terry ha-.e tah m. ct Hittin-: Hull and inflict, d up.... .ha. d-.uIry war- .ior-verceha-li-M.,.,,,, i,,,t ,,.,thiK rtaiu has yet !. i a-e.-taincd. t-.. H..1...... : .1 ... ,. ... ,.c .I II- I I ..1.I t.v .1, ill. III!' UI IIU- III. .11 , ,. , that the iiirhtrou- i..o. !e ol ilutn ("rei-k lynch !, w ..- in K. arner, !a-: Thur.-day, i-ylic.tin aid-for hei-elf and ehilden, who were de-titute of the mean-j of -uppnrt. Thi Ken"-aw I'inii'-r-: are all under th- i."c.-.-if j of ei.-etii. wheat bin and ei .11 ciih- to -tore away thi.- yea.-; pn duet'-. They are a!-o makim; prej.- aiatiou- to -ow fall win' it J Ilehrou i- hern;:;ii.r a '".-well" town. 1 II-i (' 1:1 1 llm.-e i- tapidly a-oiiiii -haj-e :.nd her tIe t- are heinn; l'ur-ni-hid with .i le u.ilk-, Vet Hchron is no larger than llid Cloud. We feel a jjxeat di:ee of conijiassion for the editor- of our exchain:es who ' . arc telti.if: of the .piantttie- of melon-; ul.i.-h thty -e ', hut complain tht they never yet a ta-te of them. Thi it 'i ddt'illy notour Kk . Oir far mer-are yent rou-, whole -oitied fellow-.. In acc'irdaniT with the ic.-oltitioii a dop;i d by comri e.-.-, the Secietary ol War has i tied an order to Sherman, eommr.ndi'ig loin lo hoid the tioopa I not ene-'ed wiih the Indian- in read -inc., to .-Mine the pmile:e of votini: to the people of the South and pre vent any intimidation or violence at the poles. The have jucr notions of law in tni- Hlack Hiils. The jury .delivered a verdict 'if Not Mii!tyin the of the man that k':Id "Wild Mill,"" nm- wi'hMandin- the i-vidence .-hnwid t har the ki no' w.-i. intent inn.-il .n.l i without any cau-e .-ave a de-ire to incline the death of the muiderer'.- hrothv" killed var- ago. Hebron has bome bad'hov- who wete out shooting the Sunday hafote laat. One of tho lulls glanced from the maik and hit a gentleman io the , i" -.ii .i i i-i .ace ju.L ticiow tii2 eye. iuetiy :ne fore of the bullet w.i- -jMit and no larm dune. v reie i.- Piiitintig a no.? ''.levator. .. i-ii i,, A in w stock pen baa been erected. and in ad lition to the two elevator.- there are aix ware hou-o for the ator- c age ol grain. A Voiiliir man m Sehnvler w:i civen - . ..j-, --..a7..... p.. ...... , w i i i -i tn SmiiiiI.-iv ili-iv.... iil"ii.. in i )... .i . j - .j ' imtiiuiii ..mi aiv-.j'u -tiji .ji me;e , hou-e. About eleven o'clock one .. ....-. ..v.., ..- UJiJtV II II 3. ' -n...:, .,..,....,.,, ..i ,.r ,i. ..rr..;. ii?-u.- it all. aie wimiii: io lie-i .-iaiturj I u-ar?oM wV autJer .. ! , 1 j nighl he luard his team .-tartii.g off. ." ! he ru-hed out, but too late. The j! horses were irone and he ha- been 'in 1 ' able to find them, lie gee. home J prmntly at ten o'd. ck now. The (ili:!r ;: that hor.-e ' 'thi.vis-.ue numerous in the south- - tein poiiion of ihe state. m tTV J1CW Japflr til;U j1Jls hin j their-., f.,...,18 nr ,,;. .,;,. , l uwns or counties aireadv I ! It will ynittg down Hitchcock. will tttnl Ol i "tirwr acuse-5 L . nioniiuir ..-,. i .i a . ill imiii tin. ... .1 ..,.....: " Iratirr-ai 'imi f he I our- k. " ii was i tl 1 llHM.-tl . .- . ers exa.;cj- amj '" that 1-( nskjfc .j.jj AfP""- ,'1'11 :i Pt,.j. f:irt 1 h.'ti ( OtAluucie s'' ', wlie-" Ikleut 111. nil ami t.s for a j fa-t mail, it U eMmal d that Neb- I ra-ka will r-e h oa-terti Viter- twenty ; r,)ur Ij0Ur, ear,k.r lhjT, L , . j tirn, tabic. the old :fric..-k i- beniL' : r-ttv vioroii'- ; o-'iouneed by a la.-ve portion ol the .-late pre--, u may if mat nt tIMiltV of .... Pec j:iiiii 'icpiaintt'l ttritn " Hitchcock or th-: promitifiit ' oft" ea-ftrn part of the -late. There ' are wrv few of tin m that h.r.e made - bv which tliov ui iv be j'i'li:- J ed. Hitchcock .-eelila to he i:eij -tally -m-oe-ful in .-ecuiimj the i.a-aye of jjj, Mj4 in t'nre-:-. more -o, than j iavc h(.eri )lt. lCsl ofour Cl(Ili:rc;.. j .. i;ut ,U bi!U h lVt, be-n of such a local nature, that they can j hardly ho -aid to make f r him a rec- , .... .. , . . . . . ,. lord. W bile U mav be .-aid m hii favor , . . , , . . that he ha been ireneraly -ueee-l't:l i we do not know anythioir po.-itivcly aain-t him. It i3 probably true tint he take- .-ome interest in -tale politic.-, Hut as to hi-j hein corrupt, we are not inclined to be' him more intriciniiij than the whule lot ofo.-i-t ern pulitici.iti.i. The Mi--our. Kiver i. a veiy ditty stream and ha3 not had a very clean-in;; elfect upon the itatcHut'ii who live on it.- batik.-. The energetic ami .-ucce-ful political!-, are all obnoxious to the cha.ire of u -in-: su-piciou.s means to effect their schem es. The inelfi-ient may he credited with purity. In thi-; portion of the .-tate. our .-hort le.-idcnce here make.-; it ' iuipo-ihle that we f-hould have :: candidate for .icnatorial honor-. The jieople of the ' valley ' look tiat- m.iii, in inu u'l . M 11. HI vi.i-'i'-iil ". .... ..... , , 1 hey j-ec llttc'.icock -upported le. , . .. . . ,. . , hl liiend- for hia Micee.-a m work- itur throtii.h inea-urea d -."tied to ......ii.. ,. .1... ,....". .1 . i:.i ( benefit ii.irticii'ar .-ectioti- of the state, j They ?ee him a.-.-ailed by hia enimie. for pree'r-eij the .-ame reason, lie ia al-o char-.'ed with being under the control of .Jay i.ould, winch eharire docs not sc m to be su-taitied 1 y proof. He la chir'id with being a, intii-ruiug, wie pulhmr ma nipulator of -ar.-u-cs and eonvetitiop. Without any evidence, we are inclined to believe thi- to he the ca-o. We believe, al-o that no man who 1 iaa been ptominent in the no'ttea of ea.-tirn Nehia ka is untunted in t!li- re-pect. Vet fn-m the c;r-t the i i ii.--. s'ii:itur I- tone .-elect e-t. w itliout . !'"" f-'1-"1 ze'1- or i'lteieat in the "'"iter, the jeof.!e of Wcb-ter t.,un ' w1 I'foliatjly Mippmt ll.i.lieock, unlc.-a Minic other '.-mdidate i brouht oat, '.iho i- free from the char ires brought agVnst Hitchcock and po.-a. .-ae.- .-ullicient cii'T.'y and abi'iti a.- .mplMi .-ouji-thin.' lot the h.-i :e fitof the -tate. We .-ugge-t to the ojt-po-JMon the piopiicry of .-e.'eering their candidate. tJive u?, -omething difini'O to oppo.-e Hitchcock for. Oak t'reck Web.-ter C. Neb. i Augu.-t l-llh I.sTi'i. !!. ClIIKI'. Harve-t i- pa-t and thte-hing i eoisitnence 1. Wheat i- ieldinir well. I int.. and h.itlev 'on., ate. it.niev are a goon crop. i I , , , ' ,,ni i- looking well, although tin re are a few hopper-:. Vet the fumcr.- don't .-ecm to he alarm,-!. r i I iiu re are several new thre.-hin- machine- in the neighborhood, H. lh l'aniiey and It. 11. ilot.e- have a Chic-urn j Pitts. Hilton and C-. have a Sweep- , I'll..,- Ii....l,.,r. !,..,. .. V.J...... 1 t.rvu., ii'u in wuiv i - tin ., 4 i ilm a tor. So you -ee the firmer- can have their choice in nrachlne-, uit a con- ! tia-t from h've war.- :io. when ih.h . Laird liaiumered-the grain out with a Hail. tlohn Simp-r.iT our road supervisor ha- opened up a road fiom Uullalo Peak, on the Spiinir Kanch road, to connect with the lias itizr. load at kimr-pm, thereby sli'-rteniit-r the . roau from (nude Kock to lla-nng- about four mile-. Oak Creek had it.-tir.-t n-i-hlin-r on - "t" i"-t- ' Ciry an.l M itilda ' Uewhurst were the happy p.vr. the necessary word- being aaid by K-.tuire ; tanney. School Di-trici No. Pive is ' luced to forty acres and is without' IhWitcr. There is some talkofvot itmt'ie i'fi,v bouds to pay off the old one- 11 II1L liv.t. vo-irc l!.it,.i,t- ilinrn . "W ," V .. ..'.t..I bill II. IC.iw uuii-iuji'i, MuiiVj i. iLiibUii, Vour-. .1. K H. no ste rr ....:. : - 1 s l! iAY CUNCKKN. i is iiuhu-n.e-s iiartner-hip fihospiti: h t ween Adna H. , fcj.oclcL Laird, of Juniata, I ud wOi'braa.K'i, ia herehv I tt eoc-etr. Mllon. the linn ..f P.iw- ' ...., 4. .. . ..I J1S It. iStteif t,,c of" : ": A 17 IW.WEV (.ilU: ic t I : . 1 1 ld r T..I.. t n jjiaj oi -jui). v. iy. ,? loi YfrirE. Ii. , ., . i ItHOn Oi tne c-upreuie h that a tx deed is ?the personal propntv fft nwuer of nal e-tr.te "Svieil ut '.d exlnn-t- -- Recerv for'the ('ohii-v proeeeJ again-t the per'- uch delinquent in-tea.l of andattaxsaleasheretotore. llriiidatfaxsaleashereti.fore. f to give notice that the Tieas- r -".hstet l onntv win procecu m WvU'at" the persOLal prop - 'lCJJt- ld"heir taxes by the Ut Premium List of the Webster Co. Agricultural Society. 73 Z HZ13 II. Hi- C.7- CiP.. CLASS I. !'.: t-ilin '. enr old A over " L'i bt. ' 1 ..' i dei t. ....... ...... .... ........... i a ' .. , . , ,...-.-.. . l i- ! f rinr nr vrt? iiliT .V i .. i t i .. tu., r ., , ' -i bt-t I o I ' l brood m.irc and Colt '. -i ! 1 ...... : i. , . .., t, , lc?t -p.tu ilrtJu horses ' 1 .. ...... ..... 1 '1 m , l;.-t mii draft mu.t- t t - het .' ... IMI " "--- -J a e cain'rVev.' ...... I ." 2 I5tt -miricbur' 'i"."."."."."..".l ! ; H -i ......... . u . ,, , ' i-t suM e horr h.-t -j ..j : Uet trittiua' hor.-e a 4 - ' - 't'"t j j"" hol I t?.. I....I- .,,., .. . . tH) 1 MlV iv rv !! I'd hc-t- ... I .iu I'. -t .leiii.t t ! M bt ..! oJ I AWAIUiIM. (..M.MiriKi:. j S Ker-ehner, '.letiwood I'tecinct. 1 W. N Kicha. .-..... He 1 Ciotui, " 1 L. C. n,.n-t. I. In i lie. 1 i.aiiv y.'ii t..-iiu .N-irti i'-t iii'i:i:i.'euii tit ot a tnr.-f it. .-addle hv a l:idv. I'.imcv iiilm" bridle. J a J v Jd bit " whip. 1 5e.-t management of "J hor-e- in liar no , Carriage whip 'd he-t I'iploiiia. iV-t inanacement of 1 hor.-e in har j lies.-. Carnage whip '2 I be-t Ptploiua. AWAKIlNi I't-.MMIITK.K. i, ii i. i. ii I .1 i I " ' I'ulton, W-'niU ( reek prCfMi't. j ,,. .,, ,. ,, , ... , l . . Hrewe., r.ed ( hud ,. - . ... . kl . r rat. ei- .-now, (iknwood ,, it .. . . . . .. , i 'an tio:-, . upeiwiienociii oi (i -; .i rvm.K. Thorough Mred Cattle. !i'-t bull ;;year- old and over 2 1 he-t $. til 2 .".'I ; ; un ..2 no ;; iiu i :. 2 00 , ie-t hull 2 year- old ami untier I5e-t bull I vear old and under 2 1 iie-t ! Ue-t hull calf 2 he-t 1 un Ie-t c w .'. year, old ui'l over 'I I- ie-t cow 2 old and under ., IM j . -. t tHi "il be- ' H Iic-1 heifer I year old and iiiidci 2 '.', m 1 I L " I 1 Ml I lie.- hi iter c.ilf. ' :) j 2- be.-t I tin Me-t cow and calf 2 he-t 0 Oil XATIVKS ANH lilt A PES. Me.-t hull .: years old and over I oo I'c.-t hull 2 year, old and under .'. .1 oti I'.e-t bull I year old and under 2 2 on -J lit I Ic-t hull Calf. Meat cow .. ear- old ami over I ll'j.ltttttttttiitttttitttt . I IM) 1 m .j do j ..Jim' ; .; no I ..I ."iti ! t'e-t cow 2 vear.. old .u.d under I i I IfV'.t ! Me.-t heifer I vear old .V. under 2 2 oo ....! on ; ... 1 un, .... .V ' va't IH."ltlt ttt . lltlttt 15. 'at heifer calf Me-t cow atid call ... I oo I'.tM LtI ,K't ' AViAKPIXi; i-iiMMIITEE. Aiuoid. Stillwater. 'ohii Purii-, Ited Cloud. !i- N 1". Ii:lti- . W. Hummel. Sup't. (,'!ass ''. J..ASS ;:. SWIXX. Poland China or Ma tree. I le.-t boar I year old and over lte-t pair pig- i month.- old and ill icr 1 vLiii :; itt) I ;,o ;2 0t) 1 ikj Peat pair pips undr I montii-old I ."io -d he-t 70 Kc-t -'. tt"d Ir.'er uf pig-ti t over 2 mouth, old 4 ' L . i ti.i 1 .in ILUKniltE .v r:tKTI.!t WHITE. AWAUDlXi. Ci'MiITTFK .It ilit M'.V'rtv Ittifiii ir....,,,i.f -.--.... -....v', a-,.... ." 'IIILl. " i.o .wi.iuau.n, ?i tit 14 'it. vitt. Sam'l King, Oak Creek ...... CLASS 4. -iiii-wi. i, . , Bet ,uck a"-v a--e " best .1 oil! ::ih) , Le-t ewe anv aire oil... ' W-l 1 !l ck r'jot "" - .! iu) Li LCt''''''t"' A WAK 10 NO CU.M .M ITTEK J. flenry Ilobart, Oak Creek. II. C. Minnick, Ilirmon:". Julson Bailey, Gu'd: itoek. ...l: iK Ira Sleeper, Sup't ofL'ia-as -" aud 1. ; , .; - . ; " ' liaLl!l" ban oren n't.l.i..L-tn .in? lo mr rf-i. -- tw 1, k s, l0, II, sxf. ' " -d Ce.-t 5" Bi'-t pair tarkev- 1 mm ' -jd be-t ., M") ' - be peSt pa;r see?c.... ' -' , - --.;-- ' be-t !lif lit I t r - i i . . ... i :'. : : ft 1 j 1 A'tKi. I m n : i- i. r Pe.t v'ahly and a..j it rhile wheat, tiui les tL. ir -. . $4 '. It:' .. K2.t.i(i ..... ..... .... . ' p. ,.!.... -u. ... . ft I wren:, an! fe th-n ', vnrs... oM 2d b.l ....... I tJet 'lus.'ity an I yiel s : a'- c it ns than 'J acres Lel :ecitnen ofhuekwhent i M.,. .. He.-t .juality aoJ ielt ot crn not K-tban acrte ; M I i I . I.nrt.. ih.f.Lti ..f v..:ab!fH ' ..! I fw-.t 1 I . AWAHIlt. foUmiTEE. I-a.ic Cowl y. f J ew.Kjl Aicsaii'h r im! V;"lkr Inavale. He-tr&e aion. Mi ".! UtihfC lifvk ."I I U.ASST. 1 1 I .MI-'hl.!.Anl s. ''.'. ""fct ntrin imt lo.-.. than 5 int. (r I tj7. r. - I ----- ..... . - ll.llfl. t tint l-flf .... 'lib .....'.. . ... ........ ........ ..' . ' I'l be.-t diploma MeM wl:e".t, tat, rye, Imrley, an ! c irn. Mill h. tli. in s IiIT.Ik! nf t-itlier. ha oh .V M he-t diploma ! t lip',iy of K?r bie '' J 1 best liplouia I't t -pevimett i vine products '2 . ItplotUR '! ilCl -' AUAiti:!: r.tMMcrrEE. John Mel tlluut, jVuwihmI; Tho. K-'itiei v. .tiiiut I reek : (. ha-. . in r . .1 . . ...... ., i.i.r !.'...! I !..? o., .. .. ' ...... i.!. i t....,.. i.. i... u r:it.. - I.ltl 11. I ' . I1-, . .'Ull 1. 1! MIlUAf Sup' is Cl.iao i', and 7. '! AS-' s FAN V- lt'. i,., . , ii t -i - le.-t -lU'eimen i k cmb.oiderv LI fie-l ?ilniii i. . . . . , . le-t apee:ttif" w.iratci embroidery , it. , i 2-1 Pe-t uii-ioiuu Ptemiuuii oi '.' cent- or dipio.iri will beawardni mi all article.. cot:ir within thi- ela-s ,m, mil nami I ;stove. . Aiu.iMi i innntiKK. Man liolcomh alnt t..-. k ; Mr.. W. W. htewer., Mr.. A. M. Talbot, (i tilde i.ook. CLASS .i. IWNTItV T'Uti:-., PA I It V A KtTiltr.N. i ''"'"t .jualify buitt r not lev- than .' JMmX ll'I " ' I L'l best L' 1 U . iiiii..iiiii ' ! ,(,", :'J'iliy -'hcesc i ... .1 llO.t Ieat .-peeimen of hunt v.. He-t when biead ... diploma I " ... dipt ilia "'i i:..l .... ..... iti'(ifiiiii ..,..., .... 1 l'.-t brown bread.. J :! best le-t fruit cake dii'Ionn Preserve.-, jelly, pickle- and all arli-1 J eh-eomiti-r within thi- cla and no! enuuiera ed, each '" cen1- i.r diplom.t. iseate-t .in-tv einu-'d It! It .... .) 2: he-t diploma AU AltlUM.' .t-autri KE. r- II. H.ddnd.'e. Wah.'it fre Ic ; Ir-. I. !!. I.uee, Iniv.ile: Mr.-. I. W. Tullcy-. 1'ied Cloud. 3ir.-. i'i. W Knight, Mi-- I.iiini luxe.., .Mr-. Wm. !'. Jackaon, Sup t.s t'la-a ami-' CLASS 10 Pe-t exhibition of cut SI .-.vers, one of Vielc's Floral Chromos. ! -d be-t dtplotnn The flowers not to be made up in boqueta, but exhibited separately and ti.ttut.l. a u-.t hi i . v. . tnUMin r. k. .Mis. Ale-iu !r P.eti'Iy. Inavai. ; Mrs lack- Levi M i it-, atid Mi.-. W .-on, Kii Ci.,jd ui REGULATIONS. ! The I'-iir t.rmind- wi!i I pen fur , the teceptioij ..fall art: I - .c.d -fv-k j on the fir-t day of thei.iir. .v. - o' j a. ".r. ; KNiitiK- L II I,ie la". j may he nnde at any cmnenien. timei,,,' j a; the Secie'acy'a office, at Ped ltl ; pre', ioiia io vne opetnnr of rhe Fair, ami a'it-r that time at his office on the lair .nomi'-. j II .t.ti exhibitor- iiit-t purcha.-e j membership ticket.- before making en- j trie.-, a tirm being cr-n-'d-red a- one , ptrsotj, but ody oi'e ni'-mhr ofihe ..., ,il 1 ...;,,...! ,A ,!. ... ..... I1II11 , III Uw I11I1..1LLL-I L-J I IL i:iJ.-.. . eutereJ bv and in the name o'" tl - uh tier i are the re.-ult of tnechat.ieal or ar::-t c j sViM Piay he entered in the usm i of the ::r.':-r, c .ntriver. orb their a .': (Jn the entrv i.:' a mm: :d a card '.viil b fun.i-te'i t exhibitor de-irnatin,r the numb the entrv and c.aa-, which c-ari m i-t ! be attached tc the article or an.Lajt . and letnain sy dnrinrr the fair. Nj (,ide..-ta mn bt .,,,..,! , place en the crouna until :h ttfy i - na- P ee o-de a-:i'oe stati i, l" "- a ;' ---. ; ,,,-: reraani on clh.iitiori during tne F-ir. . vrt trr M., l,8 ..,-. t.-, ,rtvr to o entrv Mti P 'iiri.Tp aftrr ' o'cltM-k- of the 'eeon'tf d.iy of the fair. ) -....-k. . rti.n if" n i.ti Vf.itt'i f.l.t rfi"n I on the ticket that allow- the fnu to ,rf tuer.ww Brf CU4 .M -u ,. Z - ; '-SflJ compete. ick at- thnmly :' Ui 1 oo; t.r. I -j- Z " r'sJ. jKjSQ 2. Articles th-il are t!ie p'-5ue' ot tvn-t r n- m -r. -.-. I ' -n - ,lV'tStS!? the soil mu-t le entered it;- :he ri i-iv ... , " ": " c A!.. '. RlTjtfpRTy 13 of th? producer, and animals ibu-t le , - ?' "-1 Jt,S"r?Hi --0- i-c viitfff9djf3-tl of the same. All art..-!..-tha: I IH1v v i J 1 VY , b " ??$ 2 ' ll(mJ 0 Initio... I ' i :". A amgle aniavtl may be exhibit- J ' ed sit:-..!y. aa o'ie of a herd or pair. s i ! r . iwat if ts.rtn nL r i . of fh Ii.t - srr r :u . h. it ; i-i ta'i.:ttr i imf . J-..-fv tL'- vftsr to 'he ! hn "u fu.ttrr Ufurr wari- &r uitir '! t j:' th- lr 6erAry arte . 'mtu'fxr ',! wt) bt?; "i nim ti r iui &t th. . - .f t. i i t,k btii- . t.jfc olih-- :.. I ru.v ii! lv u- i in th- ti - r f tfc -fc-u-i) t.t prriiM injun I it u . 4e Kul the Mc.. ty !r rr-j-.v ' f oy iaro ... n lo iht mav - ir ". JVrti. l'ir:njt p. t r tfr . xh:i-itnn of it r t -t.r if i I. .. c'lni-.t titi'n can tn- Tt .f. : -t :v -. l-'jmrf to the ., r t. , it r.w.. ''frirlr. ort. r ni i p. i. I. ,- Allar't fi : "N ' ITCmJU.ii ! -t. k . th'ir ptroi naif "' iHlOrt i worthy nih 1 w.r i. i a preuiiitiu. r iNVirri .' i -i 1 The i-fiiivf i thi- A,-tui tjr aJ DI Meehaoicnl iS. 1. 1.. aii n.' nj hers of the Fre- are jvmvtfur mo tetl to attend the Vnit with, ut fttithi i iiutke. aw Rti's vltrTIt','. II. Awardunr Couituifter- w- l e!et'?d fimu rirnH Men n. fft!.. county. an! noifi'J f thr r npi n merit un or ! hoe thf tu-t !. '! tl.. Fair. t whirl tinii th-v i,i !:-m-he I with pn'tutuui ii-t- h iV - . t reuay. I Members of the swjrdinc C'niiutt ! tec. Wti! Ft'lHHTt to tl.e u; ermteO'lt fit of da1."- nt one elm L r M (I day for swardii g prriitium. iu f .. . . - i c:a- in which tti-t art letl t ni'iire. i .i nrtii'!.. tr aniitiI ii.iv . - v .....v.. ... ...'..... ...... .. - - t .r... ....... .-.t.. . i, .11 i .....iri ti. f U' llll u -ll .1 " , ' -'! . ' llll.i " a premium, pm m ah et- where there l. ii eiiip'titit :t eeii. prt . . .. . nii'itn h.tll In- nwtrl-d t acth-h ,! worthy nf a premtom ' Artarduic e.nnruittes wi:) rporf ' he st Toi ,-trv a JHfctii - ir.t.t :.-.l," ..." alter i- .viiitf th an leir. iu shiri'i.t. Med ritdti -hail lf-i."nj.te t. 3ii blue rib!oti. '. ! r-iii'ii. Vflllfiw -.... - - 4i. aA WVh'i r Ti.,, Si ' . In ' i'. t V I'try 1 fh 't - iWii' m i-I'iio. - 'i.p.Mi Htri Hii- ai.-l t i In- li- "! itf !!- .-ti the Smell U in. r rr mti I ui. 'fit nr lift! r u n -it.. fjll- i i tlitif i - lit ' i 'i i i '! if ! It I t ne'i i. . ii iy ir fr.u. fifntt t tjin '.,',' in il. A -i .. . . -, j ruiK tti'i -'I'linnr tin- -. u... :r n I I. ,....., ....l.l . .-..,.. ...I...,. .. . - -i.'. ........,..;-. i. . i- - ... m . ri .ii .i I I fi ! ' 1" ntilt Ml II. i. iilll,! rr" tut . " i "ittfi nrf . in f - if u . -. i t- thr r.'itnty w.t"irrmi I wi''. i f. - i.ti'it. f t . It- t' i ti n lit-iwcri . .net '' .il - r.i:.:.i; hi, i-ns T f nri-itf trt-rtit rsani-si . i'."I Uilfi'' wiOh i e- Iman irif sukI --.' ! I ilitv - an . I '" ri'f'.r i fiiiri titn ii.'.-r m - .u.- I !' J.-lf n M.iiri. I be a.t.rti. iihl.l. ... ' foil I turnt-br nearly onoorU w-tM-v t t iPrf.'hffi ttmiff. I'rtnera mi ur U . ".II i It'i'I i ' 't- il ' ,I r-ii rrt with ti ti lit. Tiit 't -inntrtl!r alii" i ' t I .f.m Irtntl . numadlnMh n . It. i- vmiiu'.mi viaxvair ir CI Ui-fcV' " II I ' i'iiii'i"n'. A a stork raiirr - t -t .- i iiant iiis-i-l. t'at't 'to wI aht ... :t i ti:itt ! lBten. Tt ijut ttitel :. ti. it hMrtwi!' tan i-1- ;iljf ma.I ly rnw c ' a- the Ptpi-nr t ti-'.litii; in very tomtit 'I 1. . Tit. ita;.. liarlry. i .titt-.e. hark wl.tat .tn ! all kip N : mit ant Tir-ht,-. rr . ti Iicri with Iittlr llxr. Vt buli ! .f -.l - nrr tw th jure i ii..ih i? nt-w. U'h"t i rritrw I ..ut i lutnbi-tn U thi- are. I'imi- I-rt-js frciii ty will. I-'.very fitrni r he hi- vJrt ir"iwuif. Firft trrr i.r..w riei-n- i 'nn i" .ml. ..2.'tlc". Hintrttti'iiJ .'t .u-t U tn' n xh t -iri 'if trt-r fr mt'jtt- n i i.-h fa-l in ah -uf '.? , . tr- orwjf .Un'.'l i'-t !y. ni . f t m . v-..r vnir lite ftneef "-an ! miiii'. "Jf--hu, - i ttl i"Bi'!'.j -unit i.-I ! !r tjgt- li. cry h T anl f :r '. t it-r , I tan . J l, ir .ilii; flt'in ' tt 1 " jft Thi- . ;! ni til wte-n the im-11 u iniri I - Tiie-e !; v.r rciJ y. Tu--frfdue if th.-1 ,u: t i-- , e "''- ' I"'-' '- ' " -i.ii-.w- .ii, in- p'.iiin -j-.- .ij riii- mt-r, Valnut. Dry. Ihiff it .. . IN r.r . ft H :-. Vsh. an I n It I' V t ,k- "-i ' im. Oi M'l r Will-. K. ti ' i' i.H" I. Cr- L' !. -r',ir..-r'! Ip-rne r now. Jniht re.rfh frt ol 4t cwutit i- tin- Liar ruer aid ;.". . The i'. Webt .anf i i 'Vrk ri h vejetJiWi liam. Tri rtltt uras .t" : i.jJ .-:! nhnu-lnn. an I in.ikir tl tt hay. tiui.itb-.'-l'tf r. IInnviMfi.-srI .i'' ; j W1'! "-'1"f! J ' ' t" ; tii.n Tlinir knhi.i.tri'l!h.ii. Jr- f at :ii. Our raur.i I r-.f"'t' ar x i. 1 . u.llbiif 1 ri-a-I ! ti .1 r-i, n- t I on-. Bat tbe fr:iiir fur ytrtr-h "(; l-e.i '.r Brl prtn,'-"nr ir f" f.. j cnBt-,e., u-.nt nl to r.e --r mr the snrkef .ir ' 1 r a1- ' - ! rhai.r;rjrif"rf:.".i --t 'I " ! r - i Uti"-!ti: f ai-a" it. Tit- ur . ar. i i bra- inc. nif. kcei" f nj nl .. " i f-rar.serto thi pi'i' h-re. Th eoonty !. R-1 L''t' tot- M. j g. , ,1,,, alh ,., .F r.r;,r ,.,-. ,nj J jath. Initrr. - '. ;r.- --ts-ot ev.rr hrmni-h f tr. ! 1.'' -ir4-.j 1 .tt'iAlirti tr -' rir K f,-ft" t.t j fil !- "s-Prinfi,,,. )ffirf -) nn A- , JOO H OHl A .XlUiJ -jt X'-TJlCd y l ". T THE ONLY PAPER IN i rn rtrft y-.firf"Ti Z .-? "3 - r 4. t L? MvTt iL.T "TT ' N E w sni'jBih,,ait-r!"' each artiC. or ' AM T r .. M Ml 5 " 3&C 4i- ,5,.. TTTT -STTRN. H ftSfi&m gSSfeg. " kiSd -" ?T T-5 XtSl - fiWL.'i a.Vf-'itn Ft .: ffZZ ' . ' r j Bi Ft s& f&L &j '. ? vg3i?&A & - wm ZA hts m tesl-X- " '- X?Ztg(rAUV & Jh WKirKPv CO. MAKivII V.'AltNKU. Proprietor JAI'.M'SNKWCIIK'ACU S'luKi: i v RUB CLOUD, TJEB. ECooIn & .Shorn. I.'rurrrirs. tuuf m ififtii t ft '"" : General Merchant so a! iKKviiA kii :: K It ; ml.' rr i t A Ji. u..'i .4 J'. 1 1 TKanl '. t It I "O Hijjlsest Market Price paid for all kr S of Country Produce, Hiiks and Furs r rntrnni Splendid Crops ! HARVEST IcVoiniK'K 1IAKVKSTK r.!.FKKI. I-KolTKKS....! MtWKK- fht the Th. -. m i hn w.irr iii-. i . i. ti i t 1 ': -. in n I. ! .. of fh illll'- !-' 'U'' liiiM - in le ft t V ... . . i -.... f 'i . J iv f 'i l : n -- to XKW HARDWAliK STOKi: ' Vi!()i-I .M.K AN! WI-.TAII MITCIIKLL H-.V. -t... k .1 'i ' .. . ui .. .if .1 I .. FA KM l.'Mi ' n-iffc '.. re We ? .tiltf .cflr i ' - ii a, &uy Jt iu-e Vt t I l."ic I.. . u,. -.t.. , . i . 1. 1 . . .i. i v. Call a nil Soi' Before ( ) p . it th l i".; -r Red Cloiid. VALLEY HOUSE. J. C OLTj5.RiM3SR,Prop I- ,a-. fil f. .f I '. ' Thi- Hotel i eutirt-lv w w l purMs. f th' travfliiu 5 jM. sT.t;r. i.kvi: kcir tiik i:ii.i:ii vi. .vk!.ksiav, a. n:ii. I !1 If UI-KU VI .' ' I Claim io Have ihs BEST STABLE Wcli of Linccln. A wiy Kerpui 1 ii:.r : : . II A V A t- A!- i ir "-l itivi jtj. t forth ftotu thi- p'n to iny other al -cr- Elr! VlmizL iiir.tiq pin: ?.i,v w.tisj r,00 3NIH0VW ON!M2S4,OIiS3WOOM 1001 - ' J "1 . - v TI'. J,J tj .. ' i.3q. ; v i . -'. , ' .-" ; J QltfOA 3H1 MI 3NIHDVW DMINNnH-lSSJLHDn 3H1 r ' C - rT S . i nTJiJcL . ""-. - l' rZ?JA V i . ,,Si'W J VrWB?6i1 . ? C Z. YtvVJ 19 - a ftil2ES?-U & rv iv- . i i?r .41 I 9-iJv.9 I 'W"l &4i9i fr-ft-lMEg -ajqr.oQ -t -" 4' J . V 1 T 1 . I" th. I : :r- L. BAUIY7 1 Xuw ! i Abundant 4 S i n iM thf Bi!il liiilre i. ,- - t i ,-. ! ! i x ' t i , ! 1 tl . i !.""- Itl L i ,, f . i .-i. . , i 1. ' f 't rtt iV .MOiM r I i it. luol,-. II v I 1 i I "t I ' I. .f I .'. ti - "I t. ! n- 1 v e mi Ptrrchasirji EIscv.l i . - - Tdchmz:!; l.f . fa I f.. !br f ! l -n, "! i) (.1 K. A I A. pnrpone f rnitv;ii ? 1 -uall r;r9 XclnMtli i ""Ii'lfill tffnf . ,11 Ml -j "n if-t--.. j--t f ' . , u.r.jr.,, .'. i. : ; .?y"5A..':- '- - XZ?Z2& t. ' - - "&.r " . f-. & . "Tl j fflXTr' t && 4.- 1 5 . ft.nusnon. v soniiti ji.n..ioNj-:s, AV'ABDINt. niMK! it .rri'i" Kentue Tieaiurer, t-r