9 !'." r5- .-. 3T, TA -- fkW - ri -itr IV - rftt. "iTvr ' 4T :r ' - ,- " " ap- r si I5r. J. vh. (Jen, b J. M.fc TIIK MIIKIIIKICI-.S IIAKI.IX.. O, KlnWr. rittliti-si mniir' !iy ii tl.i v.nrld sn niii.ill ' Yi.ti tol in .til In tin- :illi . i In tli' li.irroH r.itiin .ill. Ami if I jxn. I :m lian -.M l.ullni;' li-nt" n-ii-.r. I M-.-im-ly : lii-r llttln lic.id Kioiii tlic ltttlr window jir-ir. "iiinmer. 1yi1 aniBiwr! fli -world li all s wW.f'. Tin ii'-.trer vrr liuili l Jin 1i1I1-1i.ik, Tin hroaderou ir'Tj ddp. f Von Maml iijhiii tin dill?, in inii - i!l train out tlic lilm. i"Jie ii-hooi hoar tin u.mli nfar. Vet tinoiit-In-.irt iut j n Anl II I fold i !! in in; :miii', I'lKIII tin Illll-t'l1 RI 11. c ,.-. .,V .!( tli- I I tiit .I'll-. I, . ml it v. .ii-ii-.t ii. ai:.m,c.i:)I-:n A.vminrsKiiuM). Yii-'-ll.-iiHlii.r. M:iH.s:i-!iUhi'U li;ts liKiniiiate.I ;t liiiivcinciil fur th" iiiiiii;t',iiiieiit of t it iil:mtinr. which should .stimulate similar i-Iloits in all other Mat s in tlif I'lii-iii. A fv mouths a'o, i'lol. ('. . .Sargent, Djivrlnr of li.e Hut.mic f.ai ln, and Arnold Atlioicluin, 1 Har vard I'nivi-isitv. juilili-hiil, in the ! poit lor 17., of the ,Mass-tHiiiM'Us I Juan I of Ai,frin!tti!c.a paper :uIvocat Ing theciiUiin of lux-t-trecs on pooi and worn out. lands in tin- Mate, 'flic .Massachusetts Sof Set y lor i'romotiiur A,rrieulture has now leprinted the jia per. enlarged liydireetious lor the plant ing and mana'ment oj seedlim;-lieis. and pieent it to the j.iddie gratuitously. The socio. alsoolfeis the following list of juies: One thousand dollars lor the he.st plantation of ." ae;es .set with lareh, or 'roteh, or (.'oisican June, not less than 2,7ootiee.s to the aeie; SCOO for the nerond-Iiest j.i.iiiJalion .J the same; .5 Sou for the t!iiid-I..-t ; .-m;uu lor the he.st jdantatioii ol .". aeie.s.set 'with white a.sh, not less than ."i.uuu tiees to the acre; .-?!')0 for tIiiMn-iicI-lirt plant :itin of the same. The pii-s will he awaided in the .summer of 1S77. A citizen oi Jloston has oiTered tosu)eiin liil the inijioitalioii of the j.ines and 1 urhes, which must he luounht from Km ope. The ashes will prohahiy. lie raised from .seed. Accoidinjc to the es timates of .Mr .:ient, the plantations will return to their ow ner-, a handsome ivwaul forthecapitalandlahorinvcsted, while !isele.-,s lands will he tinned to account, and made in oh ions wasau ornament and ad. intake to the Mate. Tin liul.i lor Ilo. As I see a small account in the J'rai ru luinm r in n-j'a.,1 to the chnfa or lound nul.a.s I tei m il. I think that it would not In out of place to ive my e.p'iience with it. I have sown them for a lew eais past, and have laised at the rate of two hundred and lilty huhels to the acre, :md I think that this can he ii:ci eased very easil. I plant t'nem in lows four leen inches apart and twehe inches in the row. plant iw!j one in a place and keepinjr free from weed. When the tops aic killed hy the first frost, pull them up. :in each hranch almost touches one another in the nu, ami knock the chufas till" with a stick. I'ut them in a coaise seie and sill the diit out from amom,' them. They can easily he dried, or put into harrels and placed in a cel lar, and kept there for seed or um. -M plan to feed to hos is to make a in ten I eel souarc, ha imr the two lanks on opposite sides come three inches hclow the posts, and r the lower corners so that it tiwn ahout. I put tluee hos ki. moMiii; it on the chufa. lue loot eciy d.iy. and let icmsehcs-. The hrandu's k! upaud thrown into the attcn hos if they net Li well water he.sides. kl of them than am hat 1 know of, and Mcs tin aie er N TWNAIIII.L. Mr .!... 4.. N- 1. r.tiiHi .tuiu .M"n. Wi I'njo to I. I-i.ethe farm w ith econ- brought about, not so L'i'.imr in one inuuiit.-mt it . .. unan. It will pav to L'-orners lean, so that fin them, and so that rl not take ollense be- other foul seeds uid find their Jt will will rs. - - H iers it to make all men believe that they have a better way to make men lr.e in health and die in ease than the oppo sition schools of their own piofe-,ion We fanners too hae aright to u-e it whenever we work ourselves into a hi'h device of mental excitement over the. burdens placed upon us by bad farming. What we aie excited oer now is bad farming and the folly of cultivating year alter year "worn-out lands" ami ettjujr only "nubbins for our lalior." Why do we notiefoim and le.un tm to cultivate j'o'lt rich land and rai.-e onlv productive, jiayin, ciojis? No man is justified in planting a. single aeie of Kor laml. One acje of really rich land will produce moie than ten acres of leally poor soil, so thai a man will 'ain by tilling less land and ha; in"; it in true heart and proper condition. Suppo-ieone fanner cult i ales twenty acres of corn and gathers lit teen bush els to the acre, mostly nubbins, or thiee bundled bushels lor his ; ear's woik. while his neighbor manures hiijhl; li acres and raises sevent;-live bushels to the acie, or tluee bundled and seenu fi'.e bushels for his ; ear's woik. the oerplusol the lattej will umie than pa; for all the feitiljeis, w hiie 5 hes-ime lesult is leached with le.s.s than hall the labor; and had ten aeies b. n cidti ;ated, double the pioiits would have been the ivsiilt with les-, labor th ti was expended on the twenty aeies .f jmoi land with its pioduct ot "nubbin ." A it is with corn, so it is with to bacco, cotton, wheat, potatoes, jjiass. hay, and e;ery other nop. Fanners, then, slop! think, lead the aitiele in to-da;'s paper on "leitih.in kinds," and let us bem to leloim at home. Vou will then be able to woik Ic.s.snd make moie. What ou need is reform a throwing olT old wasteful habits of faiuiinand taking up a new and better system. I'se your brain moreaud oiir muscle less this is nforni.- Xutiuiml (t'raii'f i. A I'oor (lirl's Koiiiance. A .tliilili-ii rrom .tl;iiirl-. iho I'lueil lo Ileiilli Tor I.oironl, One ol llu- Train ItdlllHTH. Vestenlay morning they pulled poor Kate Lcdford out of the cimiI, tippling waters ot the Kaw. .liui Curry, the butcher, found her near the watei"v,ede, not lar fiom his slaughterhouse. Jim at once proceeded to pull the inanimate form of thejjirl from her chosen death bed. It was e;ident at lirst siijht that the deceased had made a delei mined ellorf to die, for the water was shoal and shallow, so shallow and dead tiiat the suicide had not depth sullicieni to sink in. She died Irom iriei, and hei story of trouble deserves moie than the oi dinar; notici: as a suicide. Katie Donovan was the only daugh ter of a jiood but hard woikim; iaimer near Muncic Station, a few miles west of Kansas City, on the Kansas Pacific Ifailroad. Katie did not av;ice well with her stepmother.anillelt home about two years a4o, and came to Kansas City to work for heiself. In due time she met, loved and married a brakeman named Kdward Kedfoid. who was employed on the Missouri Pacific Kailroad. The; were married by Father Dalton at the residence of Alderman Patrick Fay. in West Kansas City. Soon after mar riage, Led ford was arrested with others for an alleged theft of ;ood.s fiom a railroad train. Ledford was sent to jail in Lawrence, where he aidtd and assisted Hud .McDaniels, the Muncic train robber, to make his escape. Mc Daniels was killed in the pursuit, and Ledford escaped. I Its wife, then only seventeen yej'is of age and devotedlv attached to her husband, took his disgrace much to heart. She went to work for a living, and while she could icach her husband sent all her earnings to him in j til. She worked for.Tohn Kelly, at the Astor House, where she was generally liked and respected. She worked at .Jeremiah Dowd's residence up to the time of the death of Mrs. Dowd, and at all times appeared ,'iief-strickeii ami sad on ac count of her husband. Some said he was in the penitentiary, others said he had changed his name and escaped. IJut it was all thi' same to poor Katie. About two months aijo she went down to work in the dining room at the .Man sion House in West Kansas. She con tinued to work there, sad. disconsolate, and often sick with jjrief. On Monda; niornini? she left the Mansion !Ioue fter dressinir heiself in her best calico -, It was hei shroud. he s.dil lo. exau:,a- .,,,.1 ..10 .,..;,.., i ,. .i, hum ,i.s .will-.; iioiiie. riie aKI mil Afl'si CnunitiirifiiM .m.l i.t. .. a ' v itiillliiijtllll tlllll er farewell. Instead oi 'etMuncic she went to the Lee, where she spent .lent miser;. On .ml and paid one S ts for sew imr. j.s Kiver, and ntiic told ot ,- -xvu in the ei-s was Kaw no s a lefts. The Nile. The Vile I-. believed t In- the l.iliest mu in i!ie wnild. It di.tins a b.tMu w hich, south of Kurpt, Jsupial to the 'upjMiit of li-o.OTi.oo-tof K-npIe, from its c:ipacitie.s m th" jirixluction of cotton, rue, hii,'ar, Indian corn, elephants and cattle, to say iiothiui: of the splendid and alxHindinn iisheiies in the main river and in its tributary lakes and streams. The Kjrjptian Nile, with its amazini,' monuments of the oldest civ ilization of the human family, is. next to the Kujhrat"s. the oldest of all th" nrcal ri;ers of history, while beumd Ktrypt. still in its pnmiiivc baibarism. new ly disclosed to the outside world, the .Vile is the new est of all the jical V' vers of the earth: ami in the peculi arities of its basin, its source, its climate, its savatf" tribes.iLs ancient monuments, its fruitful valle;s ami howling deserts; in its constant equatorial streams, and in its annual l!r;ptian inundation fiom Ab;-sinia. it is the most wonderful river of them all. TIIK 31AKKKTS. new i:k. !!(: Cat'li' J ' iv il llii" I.ln ij sht.ji .i,' . . j mi -;i4 HU1 OiiO'l tiriiji-r U"l ' v licit s j rti!.tg m (.'. i v: Corn Wt otcru uilxi'il.. u, it M ots W'-h'i-iu new ."0 ti il Kkh 5 w l" c.utt.T. i. si Cork New Mis I' ;a ft I-itit lo lI-h CHICAGO. ISn-v.", -Choice 2 V, llos ) .'I it. I, - sIi.m-j. -Omul torholru JW t I 7 Huttrr-CSiolro to yellow It t; t.W II t IS Hoai -Wliltu winter I w c. S to SiirttiK t" Xtr.i Wlu-at sjirln' No 2 W..J 'i Com- No s :; : O.its-.No. (,'. J-ii Hm--.No.' .. ,.' I'oik Ms, new I lo nl" s HtiIkj -No tt m I.:inl lu if (aU i'j 'T. LOUIS I'.ocf c.nttif-I-'.iir :i I'ltmri i (i c. i s lloi's- I.li iii i b 4H Hour 1-.ill XX" 3ii '. TS WU.'.it .NoJKoil f-C I Jl Colli -No- !''-.''. '" - IliH M it 1 Kji'-Nol -A '.i I'nlk-Ml'as r.-l'i -J) i-iki ii : ts, ;:.nci.nati. Kloiir ij a ' i". Wlifiit Itfil ot. 'l Coin r- ;, O.lts i. (f. Tl llnrlvy Jt (j. 7'i Ke hi z l'mk (:!' Vi L:iil (nn 'it XaWAUKKK. rimir S ft ;; hf.it No 2 ot. i Colli ii. ll O.itH So Z rti 4 liailcj -No2 v. :io Kju-NoJ (t, t,j IKS .MoI.NK-J. hj Flour wliolfstilu I :; f 3 Wlif.lt t c M Colli 3(1 (t .V HI-, , (.. ?A Itlilli ii it .'I Itf." 1"l 14 T, l'.i!ii S Of. Wt Huttfi U t. Ol II".' S l"t ('. S 5i Cattle ; ti 121 The Cancer Hospital. Work is beiii"; pushed ;ery r.ipiill; at Dr. Pond's hospital, and tin lolty Man said roof just put up jives the st i tie tnic an imposing appeal ance. The liuildimr is :;.:-'u feet upon the ground, with two ells cxlcmliM"; in the lear, the central portion four stories hih, and the wimrs thiee stories and loomv basement beneath the whole. The hos pital will he finished in handsome stvle throughout, lurnisheit with all the urnd rn conveniences, and albml accommo dations for at least two bundled and lilty jiatients. There has not been a time since the hospital w.ts opened when the Doctor has had 'uitlicient loom, and scores of patients have con stantly been domiciled in private houses; but with the extensive addition now building he will be able, for a time at least, to admit all applicants. His suc cess m the handling of this disease is something wonderful, and is endorsed by all patients- with an earnestness that must con; ince those inclined to doubt. 1 he institution is constautl; thronged with the most desperate cases Irmn all over tie land, ; cry many ha; imr been abandoned by other physicians, and ;et, despite absurd statements made to "the contraiy bv some other jiractitioners, we are quite satisfied that Dr. Pond's moitality list will fa;orabl; coiiiiaie with that of any other doctor in the city. The doctor is doiii"; a noble work in the relief of .siiffeiiiijr, and cure of a loathsome disease, and we aiejrladto note from time to time additional evi dences of his skill. Aiuonjr the larrc number of patents at present under roimr treatment, we have onlv space to mention a few: Mis. .1. Way, tf Uoseville. 111., had a cancer lemoved from the rijrht breast b; means of the knife, sometime in i'ebiuary but its srrowth was resumed with increased rapidity, and when the ailiicted lady came to the hospital a j'ouple of weeks since it had once more assumed enormous proportions. An other knilimr experience would in all piobahi'.it; have ended her career, and she wisely escaped the ordeal bv en trust imr her case to Dr. Pond. I Ier con fidence would seem not to have been misplaced, judirinir from her present prom is mr condition and the expression of relict and hopefulness which liirhts up her weary countenance when' de tailing past sulTeriiHTs. Another very bad' case is that of Mis. J. D.Mumbaujrh. of Sandusky, Wiscon sin. This is another cancer in the mouth the inside of the face having be n cut out to the ear. in Fehruarv las;. It is a shockintr case, but the ladv is doin-r vastly better than could have been hoped, aiid has secured a new lea.se of hie. Uuhis Sheldon, of Coral. McIIenrv count;, left for home on Tuesdav last, minus a terrible cancer in the left cheek, extendimr to the eye ami the irentle m.m wiil no doubt be pleased to relate his experience in obtaining lelief. Mrs. t'jjas Hi-lile;.. f Lettsville. Iowa, is the victim ot a "rose cancer" in th" left hic;u:t. It had been removed bv knife in December last, but rapidly formed a.irain with ulcerated surface. and on reachinjr the hospital recentlv. it measured over -Ji; inches in diameter. Mrs. II. is doinir linelv, and will be re stored to health. Miss susie Persian, ot Durham. 111., is just now the haiiust inmate of tin nospitai. Mu? came to Dr. 1'oiul with a Uockinir cancer in the breast, wasted (I ;;orn hysuflennir, her bright vounij a wreck, and having apparently .idoned all hope of recovery; she aSBr ); tit Iik I .". a . mt.1 rr r w .7 ,, T. .. 4.-.-.... i in iivi in.iiiiu.iuu iiR-iiusni ;iiew vith this terrible incubus effect u- ,'moved and health restored. Games, of llloomiield, Iowa, had nder treatment for two rears for in the side of the head before ; here, without relief. We are o inform his friends that he is linelv and will recover. iaps the most wonderful case in istorv of the institution, however. that of Miss Gertie Parsons, of cer. Clav county. Iowa, who had nil moat intensely for live vcars ilumt a nartieleof relief havinir been r-...-.ioil bv the most experienced nhv- L-iik Forsevenil years she had been finable to lie down or take a stup and when she came here her ankles meas ured twentv-two inches m circumfer- uiv.i i. - . i.snj l.ini U-lonli ence. ami me laijiu lV-o ""- fbi horrible running. on: de- .. - :..,!..,..-. o-w.l. nemled were eievi'u h.- - ;?".:., ;.. it... ii.-.nit:il three months. the hospital three months. w in eniov the Fourth ot .-5UC v oi ...- ;--.. .. i,v,,,r,i, .,f was down town 10 ei jm - """,r" qudp.tri; it the resnleiH.i i'f M T.l-'r one e; nuu' l.vst ;ek, ir. I u j i:t-! f her lellie ,h .itlirii.l '.IS --l health .tld eXi.iiellt sj.r.'-.. ' .C 'C UMilieil :u.iil-!!;e p".:r. N -i :r:-. f three months spent h ie. Is. :-Ji.;.. . meihtal yen:Ieine;i i .m put in tJ inn" to u-hI ad;.uil.te iltinl in t careful in;".stit;ation of this particular r.ise. A ;ear or more since v.e were r'-a;! interested :n the cis of JSI r. Berir. . ? Helvidere, who w;us :uBi'tI w ith s.. cancer m the jaw, which had !:. akmiloiiHl by the mst ski'.lfu! pr.i--titioners of i'hir:ijj. who clamieil U tt the man rould in h;e a Week. I I 'olid loiind it necesar; I" -xtnn t .i teen teeth III rler to an est the dlse.u- . and we ne.-d mil; jwM that tin mi:,' man ii'H.iril;. .t:!lli;e-, but is m the c jojment of nuiarkal !;. ir"l !..Itl . -Aurorn llm-ii. Thr Mj-ti-riou- VVrltlliL- VV'hlri 3t;.-ar' I on. f in r.rxr',-f I '-"r on tlif w.'ilN ! lt Nti.it.ir j i a r i'ii. i . naj atfl trrrar into tlir "uli if ail tit ,r- 1 1 N:uiji:-l tailf. whirli i ...! .v ' :r.i lat-l !) one j-r. i.. au lif a J-w il uc.v i-irtrl ot thf hiti?. tliat Ur n n.-'. I oalanrt of ltt:iJti!lrr ai.'I !ot !j " thf inoriiln - 'in anrtr tli I r I Kit .' lifiwinrr aal Mi l ngl-n li.i! ti- Ijij I uil vtoulil 3V'.'t I'.o'i.: imr'H r f t. k ' loin nr lifMtti. a-nl li-t a I i . a nnUIortll) l itiirr i hfrfc all liv.l. r f t ' r . fl .it otlri' !, liilt, 'rnr .' ( Cl.t-r - 1 in b-rrv l'.rainl. ; rrj.aji-1'.) It..-II . . -s-r iati. -t. lAal A wash that Would t:si..ii;v t tk- a. day with ordin.tr; soap, can I - l :. .n thiee hours, w .th Dobbins' !.! :i . . q., (m.ule b; Ciam i: Co.. PI ;1 t.. '; ! . i. and il cannot injure the f.m -: u! i Try it. Neer viuiuilfr a viion.etit r..r v.- a. .... iiirL of an Imir. tiflthi-r ilfU) : r. t l.ilrrfs Uijl!'!it I.lv-r Ci!'" ; fi; tlm ha it : f.i nif K-uiial ilif--i-. Tin I.iwi" s(( ri-inin ol suc-ir 1 Imii-.iii l arf iciau.m '.f!:! f. ttl. i . i li .t iioilm r .f tiir ir It t hr: f rm-.: '! Iif l ttif tiiiif, atut iivtiiiuii I . Ii : ! - i. tin oKfiilf in tt r .unl tin n l i j.r --..ft't - fonu.itloii i-rf ltl.ifN tin lii r ' ' '.iiii - - i' i Iiri'ipi i tlM- tlif fooit on i hicli Iiiiiii mu i I .i is Miuar .ilu ji to Ik- fi'iiiul In tt.f I .t N'. w i tlif inaiiiil.ii'turf of mik ir Ii in i-ai top. rf. tllf tilooil. It foots that IIIllf'H l l ' . t in. . lnop-r ii.intitlfs. tin ifiinri .1 ijii.ctt .t : - i. .. i ituiot In proiliu f! . In in i. tlmii-s' hiii t :tI till'-.. i ijulri tln-lr iluitiM i.ici'iitii,,i. i li a tonir .o :ii to i.it aiul 1 1 r t tii.it .m.. nut f fooil so III i'l in to tll ploillll tloll ? (.,; ir M tin li. r in Its ii'iilrnl n.itur.il j nn' u. li.Hfii-at pi .isiirf tin n foif in i -iili! c-.i.i ii to h.it ! Ii nll: rlllr t..iai kiii'ivi ,i-::i H'Mt. stiM.i II l'.I mis li. .fi Fi:i:. V ii pillar itra.l.i.itf .r Hi M-ti aill Alio III 111 llist tt lit s I'Uint M.ll-.IJili tlrli. plusn mil 'I rials .ill d,s. km ol t'o Kil iifs. I.I v . r. I.iiiil's llfiit. 'l.'ii".C Hi i an I I os sj stl-III. 1 t riIH ot Volltli .tint ' -im . . j M.iuiiooii mi. ffisfuiiv tn-atiil .iii I . i aft. i otli.Ts ia.f tillnl. ?!' foifrit f..r a-n rm f Sfinliial Wim'kIh s or iri.iti ili-i i r ,e, k. I or i li.ii.u ti r In iiii! rt.iKi s aiul !.ii! t.i im- I ln will tlml projii r tn .itim ni rr ill i s i ullar to tliflr si. Altlittirs cont icoi -.tampi for nil iMouiptlr atiswfi. il Ce.N-l I i mi. 1 i:i:k. mih! for u. ii ir ;!" ilifss I .oi k l.o jii, or i.ill .ii iit'i.i. i Ciin Mint. iMii-tipoit. loua. Ir' Ilif ri lias m . i in i kii.m n i . ..uc i ! so still. hoi n as to ii ,ist tin ai tiou -l I . r: s ll.ul il lar .ui'l W 1 1 t ( Ie ri. I! a'iii'lu' lillliil tlirolllioic tin In.t. il s;.c. , ,,, i ii, v i.ipiil im i an in il s ill ani. .it: t . tu i. i itioiMii in pojml.ir 1 1 mu .M.iuv w lio an siiili riii from tliw .;..-! t; . u.ii in uf itln-r ami an ill liilltatf .1. an .t.n i. .) i v pli su i.iiii t" take liio.lfi iti aiiiniini . ..f wli.skt two oi tliii'f tines liirnu llu iUi l'i .ilntl wlilli tliosi who .elopt tins ;n in- Tn , n i Hi in i 1 1 n sf tin mi in In r of "ill in!- i,",nnl In tum I . . ..in. I ll.llil III! ll Mil I'l Litis. Ill-ll-MI w !li Ii Will . rf.itf tlnist for lntoMi .itiui; Iiiiini4 .ii,. wl 'i Is liitfinlfil fspc lalli I,. i tie In i i lit of i. ',iii;.i:, j piisoii, wlit'llicr at Iimiui or .iiiro.nl. i It. . t i Si In-Ill k's Sim W'll-ll 'lotlli . Colltailll'IK tin inn.- "fiiiany iiicilkiual IhtIis, this pii'i..it.iti..:. .; .. -not rn-.iti an appftlti' for tin liiton atln i ij. Tin iioinishluK ami the Uff-siippnrtiiii; i.ij i i tlfS Of lll'lll .l!ll.l'. ll.ltlll.'U p...lll(tl..llH i ,, t.iliifi! in It .in. I wi-ll known to mriln.il in. n Ii.im a most ?: rni;t Iteiit iil; lnttiii-in . A se.j;f i -of tin Tonic will ilfiuniistiatf its alu il.. n iah tii s. I'or ililiilltj an.sltix from s Km ss. ., r i itlon or frniij an;, rausf wh.itt f r. a won 1 is ful of si-a W'i-oiI Tonii' takfii afti-r nu-aN. will stifiiijthfii tin stom.irh ami rrf.itt -Hi a-. ttti f.-r wholfsomi- foi.il. To all who ari .iimiit li-.ilin; tliflr hon, is, weilf. In to ia that tin i-ili nt ftfi-fts of Ir. Sfhi'in k's mmsiiiimI.1i- riiiifiln - s(-i VVi-fil loiin anil .M.unlrakf 1'ilH. an I'-irte utarli i-vpii-nt whfti t.iki-ii hj thosi- who an iii)uii!isi alfi-i ti-il lij a rliniit! of uat'i an I !n .Nopii- , slioiilil If.ivc honif without taken; i shp;.1j of tin-si -..ifri-ii.iiils .lion;. Cor s-ili ! all iru-,i;' SWWiMlth without frit-mis is lii.. lif.- u.th.e ln-alt li. hut alw.ns li. inn mmil tl at 1 i'-m" In-. -li'ht I.iir I'lils will t-.iii liji tin liiir.e.ilii t. ri vou to In alth. Tin l'liotoj;i-iilili- o ln 'oiiiiiiiit, . I'.iirliiitiiii Iowa, is kuIiiv; ( mplm mi-nt t.i loin iln-ils of in -it ami woim-n .i- .in.issi rn f. r ! Jiiftlin-s to In ropii i .in. i-iil.uj;i .1 i it i r i 1 uii ..r inloii-il .Kinti w.uitcil in i-ii-rj i o ii ) ,n tow ii ill tlic West. ITlifii s,lm , ( ..minion I'.uilir is i -i i poiimlt-i up. n n .isoii.ti-ii- s. ii'iiti!j. prim ipti s it, ii stm Him- i Hi . t upon i k i attli ..r Ii -rvi s it i'iiiali'il In tin hist, ij i-f ini-iln lm of tins i ( ir i t( r. anil it nt.ii ii s n.. tiling wlii.li i it,. 1. 1 .i ,j imssi'iilitj. work aii li inn s,,i l. ,,i iiru-is.s It is now mluitttfil In in-tors. irii.-i'Ur-i ami rnptmi-.l p.-oplf that "IloWKs MMtlVi, 'V! I'.l.I.T Till ss is th. Ih-s' ai,. j -l-.i-s.r known '1 .. K.iftiirj Is at Coiinil I'.lulfi. Iowa. It..x ilTy To Filiinrrs.-A Moiitu wlinl-imii fir sal. I"J the IOVV IKINTI; i ii . IK ."W-il.NKt-. Ill aW OTsfs of a ni'it Ii-i'i t- the s!.l ..r incri-) atnl in all r isi-n of a.-lios .enl jia.m tr I i'ip s I)alis'Iit IJut I'lll JlTTlirlf s-im II iri.i s O.I f .' ,4i I rl ... Jiorcs of lfltlur. ftffi''i.il i j.rf.i !,n '' tltilin of il iiiiinos il'is. el.-, at ,j r, ,-,,; .P harm-ss sf ft ami pliair. while at t! i sann i,i. imri:isiiiir Its ilura'ulit. Law, Real Estate and Loan Office OK J". 23. Evorott, Mt. Ayi:. - !ow. nr-IIaTo a set of Atistrart-i of Title to !:in;rt;oii! coun:. Ill I I I V II III ' ''"ith si Ii'nj our h t- writi will lni it Vojns or wattr n I s.-i, j stainii '"T ' oi ul ir kxcki-moi: m;m'k;cti'i:ivi co iTTrili'itu Huililitig. ( lilrago Mi Ulirjrji ftlioniii- Board. 3lit I'frfi'ft. iluralili. ami rlo-api-st Iroi.n hoarii In the woi.i AIwtis ri itlt for us- m-.ils im ailjustiiis:. tits ai,. shiit. i.iiit out f or I. r AlTfiits want iil (mtuiIuti' iiIJKl . I- i: -ZIKH. V .sirntll .IiKirs n s'rr t. CIIH too. Ill Mention this paiu r CATARRH. If on an aKllctoi! willith i iikhIi rn F j r -. ami liave tried nil the so called "-nirt nire" v." -out permanent relief, nib lotir ilruir f r lK. KARS.VKir.s CATAKUH TKKATME'.T A TRIAL BOTTLE FREE I We want a reliiMe affen: In irer ronn-y : whotn we otfer extraonllnarv lmlueemtnts. Tr tills remeJv fully at our expense. Call.nraiMrt'si "I)K. HAMILTON A WICCIN. Koorn 12. 17;. Clark treet. (HH'ACO. f PATENT LhUS AND ARMS. A T RKIirCEII P K I C F. 4 . Patnp siet and price IIt sent free. LEWIS LUCKWOOD. TfO North Fifth Street St. LtuU III llfl AND KIsTl'I A I sitiv. '. ciire.Ivtlt! -III I LA' 't pain or the "se f knife ll-ritare. 1 UilikJPAV With patients frrrn a d.s'.ir.ce we i ill contraet to pa all trael nz and t!ii-r x petises if we fall to'effet a radical nxre eliarce for ruisiiltatlnii or exarainat ir I!t. MINEi: A I'lIILI.lI'.s.lnTMa.'.lsotistrec t. l. l,.n-;.. Mrs. Dr. Keek's Catarrh Remedy. No vapor"!. Novrlnces Noilnnrl.c. No pain No sniitf. No e.vhor'iltaitt fee. Attention t all those troubled ith Catarrh and Consumiion ami other sperial illeae5. tocall on Mr. I)r Krk. thee. leliratiil Catarrh and (or.stimpt tn peeia' iit. Her treatment i attractli's crcar atrention where, er she eoes. he tirats the or't of rae. Mie contisllj invites one and all. Treatment frf it oar othee. Circulars rctMr fn'l It-f ..rmatkn Sent. Address all coHStnunirations to Jilts. ML K?:CK. jIlHrady iTcet. Davem-okt. Iona. EVERY FAEXEE HIS GTS MILLER. Challenge Feed Mills and lom'iiiied .sIIKM.KU and .nUIMif.K. will crlitd any kind of feed, nliether wet or dry. with eae and peeil. anil without heat mg. CHAI.I.KXUS 11 JUL CO, Hrt3rS3, ll'Ali'Ai. BrfZaVaL V BP ini aVKSl jjU aBJBjB ftjar--3k 44T44T4U44WW..1M4V Til f ISDU! OF I0BIII cbibsti; Sarsaparilllan ae' ils Assoeiates. CivM m & j rit m Ykr 9it Occar rtr UIf m Fw Dom mt DR. RADWATS Sarsaparillian Resolvent, THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. I. 4 ;!r!. Iviiiuii t ti. ULfaw. Ml:-!' i;rrki ti iiriiiu cf lut lzI ii-1. im. S. fa-tifii ittrii r;t-i ic;s'm. r..s fer fw. ecr r frai-AU u cr irt;i. t l-nm. ml '4 ctr.ttcrv! i!f;, witm fisxi nil ftrrcj t. Djp;riir tf tt-A. t..u. f.;m. c ttta iNleJiuuitn.' tl ir-- rfmsi b-.alatttiil ka tliir rjt-i- v. '.r irr-T T iati t.T. wiit: jti-i frt j t a it t..tlr Umii lit riir ti -ii j - r -4iHf i.tt,iiiuii4Aiii. i t- r 4 Mi.rt4 !tii;3ti of -jntstttT nj rr;!ir f t liliiurf nlir.:i i n-tf aS.-f-t - ) " NWtl; t i::i::l ii la ru4 itrticti tt -4 la iii --ti I'uli. ki 'uiiuiatu t.-tt..ij mnn ka liiir -jm i Viti usjt co th i. ! f t. iju lhfwn. 5ra -siru-.f tt lit tus tU:j. u titts. Itrtij tal Ii'tlii:" cc.sr . TIm icTflci fr .tk r !rit lvin t MUrrJn iLifii'i ? iIt la ti;tirUj rmly l.t oo!i r i(t3 cr ascci tr-a C St. lr tJ. raJ r wiait r, tiroii cr tii.1 c a i-.f cf lit rrtkjiMfr f eescX iiirl ia-r tf itxtsfi-. ii.rati si C tj !. il.;;aft of n git ifi .ai J a ia fM'-i ( riknii r ns4 ti iil.ft, iii r-ti-i"r t nmmi f -.ii cJ ct. . hiii cf m: -:.... n, tursl triklkiaf 4 r.3ijiE cf c -s m Ij.tf i a wr ir . ta C or tc(. A.I !- ijutu.u icrwai r4ai7 it trCj iuarrir 7. Ai i' tr-.r r t. ARl.r RILLUI U ialim. c" f (ct li; r- ( t..-5 l ijiu- u -M :! tsirTn is tricfl al j -r ikim "Ul liaJa tit. .! ail f : fz -l n:ri ,;? j. a-!f. (sir. tu(ti, brJ isr-j te Ir fl ti IS tu ill Ki4 tjoiiJ isi '.tt'.l. r u.--f. f-rtr , ij;iurti K.t, tzrtaie il.n nun trvJ.ii au.i'1' t. la tui .: U. i)iti3 lu ti tiltiil. aa MtrcrirT. ja tiaiir, iotthiu SiV. r.i itli renij! niUtutBt ct bi alirr. 4 iir,- .) -.n'.i4 ta MB!C1" i 1 1 T J If 1'l'UH I l.l 1,-tCt.lUi 14 liiost il"'i:l i3 ta t- !. j iq'j. etc 'r.ei ni nn f Ihi b em, n lifU. j-nil evrii.ri otauri. u. wiit ruiliiDfi. tirwi .ci tu. itt 4114 1 1 A HI l LI N will r-i!i ir tti i-n' 1 iuriaai tai Tiraf of tt lutasi to r Mines t II mnLointtiitif, thm erlielaK fjriiiciri f Ctruaic. bcrofulju cr f ift.. it:i i . Lswifir !o 47 ( ih euri. ".'il tiur ' act 9ai l.' cir taerU ti!U tcfrofia. tfctir Cua al iM ia"iu.c r ma kn(taa In owa. it ta oca itra U.t t. can U fiiinM.ti. ta khm litfi thi ik'-int n.ir r lU Uitir ir wir taa Ttrci of ihi aiitiiii c tinicuit- if cri arrttul ia4 4nna trim Ml LIis4. it will ifrnj aa wa':ti to oalrrcilti Ui oniutuuoa Aiim-iiiUii lAKVtPAKII.I.U.1! Bitci ti-. fttleot 'fI U'.Ur. ' nrj k nrioUnt Ntler anJ iuce:k. in hikltti. ttrisfji ibJ tea Tti (trtkt power of thi r-si-Jirii in 4.Mttt tkkl thrtOu iktt k In CoctuisTUin of ti.i I.onfi n4 Tutinmloij ftUiitn. Krofulk, hjr UUii I)tkf. Wkiiiaf . Dffiaira tla 4a. ricc.'k'asa of U KiJc-n. UiiUm, su ,! a Wkr (i&fUcujion rt.ief 3orfiJ hrf citlitin L?4 fctL tutl. lidid in4j w.th it rtiaral ij-intloB t kisf it-rM luitruiantj) Jlnolilni ituai la tfci tIkJ4t. 44 1 ta ill ui'l f InSiictai'Jen of li.' BUUer 4&1 KJ4 14 i, tn chronic iot Iuirrhia o4 lur.ai iI'.kum. la tuiaort. nIfi. tori loni4 aJ ir'.Uii cWri, ta trotiu, in iiatrtkl t.n tttoit. !'. inJ la tuWrclM ! IkiUnri. In guut. d)i;pu. rbiccitjim. n'tnt. In atir 4xnallfoit3 it ii m tteit wrrsblif ntsiof J iiim. wbira tki hntakn Usiy tti bccrai eotarlrt wrick, niwkin iirT hour ol enfn e u turtur Lnln ihi$ g r4t na44 4tkl!n-i th utjni! mnt nl ilairittin t tt nek. II Il la -jctici. when 'l lt. ;Iimrci of ii'Jfnc 4riu 4nt oS frva tti uBtrtiiBiti, in4 ly l'i i.alrful. alms nfrnaturil k(-nrr it r-Ui tt hsiitiii l a lift and new it i'ik- Lrii t.: criat riisj lUaii aJiai ta IM miittit iBd i-jw-r In the criinir ikin Sii-i i.t mry Il air at Il44 trmbIV trJi, ! J t'tr luDiKuri.itiifn fcutllea ta isi aon iirm-i4 ferma. wita, a araaa4l cr. Tbc4 4fflietil with ohrinis d I - acinM ptrokaa l fMka(4ojntainina; oaa Jug bittl-i rnci ft tor 41MB, r f rr half Ma KtCia. or 91 t' tatlli ! J Cxm(i4t4. KAW WAY'S READY BELIEF "Will Afford JiiMuiif i-s. DTTiaiiMATio:. or tiii ki. i - iMruAMMAnnN oj i in i -. INrLAilM.M I-iN of !M : Wi- SJ.M.I s I . . .if mr I . t MSB TIIatOAT. Dirm I I.I HKI Mill. . FAO'ITATIUN OJ Ml lit- ut: HYHrKltlCs (K'U lirs III Hit OATARRn. iNKi.t't.'.. . ill m' :n toothache, m rail's r.jt iti...i XaUTUMATIbM. COLU CHIl.I.s An. . cull 4 TTM afpUe.ln of th lll'.4IT Rl l II! i. m ptarttr paru where the ; aic or dt&cut t - ".rl 444 anJocafirt- Twinty droj.1 In half a lomtlfr ot "mi u oainta, enr CllAMI'K hI'sMs n t j. Hnvta II HEAKTIIUH.V. SICK IIKAIMIIIK tiUllltlllr. tiTrt liJTKKY. CnMC. WIND I.N 11l Ui.UIlI.s i.i i nCTIKNAtiirAISS. Trarelfra ahonld ilwayt'irrr aJiitlcor HAI'.i A V amKLIKI with the c A f-o drii ir ili .ll t r.fs Tlftitff tr paici fro a ehtBr of inr IT IB BETTEH THAN rli.SNai IIK..VUT OR PIT TtiiH At a snati I..'.T Price SO Centa. Hold j IirncdHi DR. RAD WAY'S BEGOLATM PILLS aTtrfaetly Uavt'H. 4li4aUT rum -.t ii(n i. racnlkt. pnnf. elat.i andicrin(tha HitlW t V PllikV. (ir tha career all rtr i tt st r. Urer, B-wf!, Kidti'ji. Ill v!r, .'.Mill a aeh4. Cositipatic n. ni:iTai led o i i- UlicninoM. llillioui Jer. IkJi-i-i-i a il rr n 11144, ant all I)eran7r.-n4 if t.. t yinn "r. raatad to e?ct a f-irua core Turr.j ?(sumi j tat bo mtrmrj. tBinrkIa diletenna drarri jajayobMrri tha following irscritsa r-ao-'iru rr-n. fit tCacn of tta Ul2e4t!r vrtx.u v-uiuratlnn. inward r.lii rIlaon if ik K4 la k IU4. Aciditr of tha PtoiBaet, Niant Htartbara. Ditgott tt Food. Jullaeii or We it in th htotcach. Sour Lmewv tioca Pmkir.f er n-itwin( at th III of tha Pwo-.iv.a, Bwimaiaof the II-4. Itanls-1 and I)iOei;t Unathlat. rii'.vtr.af at th Heart. Chaliajcr ScJ-at'm; Sa;uiiai hia in a Ijin? riar. InnM -if Vu n. LKiti or Wia beforeths hiht. Jexeraii IJall alciB Ileid. InSei-a-ey of Tirsrirition, Yllocfj ef the hua aid Ejia. Pala la tha BiJe. CP-.Mt. luati, aod bilit Hmk-i if ll.ai BamUia; la thi nh Afewdoaei ot ItADWAT'l I I L 1.1 wi free ui ytn from all thi afco ciml dir-l-n Prle S3 Cfatiptrboi. bOI.D II Y DKt'OCISTa Britil 'TAL-Ji: A5D THl'IV 8a oae lntz 'tarar t KA fTf 4 Y A CO.. fla. Warrfl Mrwl ft" VorS. taf raun wirt atanaaadi will bs jt tic W.A.Drown&Go's UMBRELLAS fIII.AIKIHlA ir I NE'T T'lKii " ;4?'r - i.-.i I c '. !. THE "OLD RELIABLE" KICIIARDS' Power Corn Shelters and Sep arators. STILL IN THE FIELD! :w -TO A SHELL FROSTED CORN. R -TO- ! a Shell G-reen or Camp Cora. -TO UK- I Ti I III. AlU-l M liM.Ull.'.i k J) kit & 2EST XACEI5E 12 li: ZtllZ. alm i;riui:ir.s ok ,ns, engines i GICAIX ELEV.VTOJJS, &c. A larse lot of sc jed han I Es-"-" (-' Tar. is sizes un haud. Richards' Iron Works Co .Chicago To Baptist CIiurchcM. Kev. V. ;llat. of 'o M Edmnnd --tre-t. I'aterjnn. New Jerscv. wljhr to rorreitmnd with s Baptist Church in tr.e Writ, with a tIc to ist iUwj: m in ra:or. Dlreci as ahore. afBTT -- Tail m f BT al-BB-BB-BBB-aPT. . I,J BffL aafftBBBBBl BBwaaBBwrL Bwaffr-T--wv- JaatwBwBwBwBwBwBwBwBwBwBwBwW 1 "'- l-9-i:f.." b14 BiSt.-J. 'Sl$SfeT RSR.Pfii r2r- v - Sample orders so- licit-t'tl. For furtlirr i n In I in :i t i o ii . a I 1 rt iss I tili( Works, Unk Falls, Illinois. ORGANS! . r w r JEWETT & ROODMAN ORGAN. 't . . r a 1 i . , p. . ,s r 4 ( t J ', r t ' I ' ' r i .-I '!.! 1 r i w 'i k . . ; . t tlr f ' r I r f i m f .... . It ' - f -Ir ms.Ii i . r..rl f ! "ii tli ,- "m! .'irll 1 , l s .relilt t ux i.ittif ti i - i t . a ii. -ii i rii 1 hr f. il. -I ! isi 'ir r . Ml ail t Ii1 lt ..,.. ....:iti It'll uliUK fit -?. t- if .-. if i . u l .1 .I -'!'. ! 'lllls.i II . II, I 111 ! t ..! .4 MONEY T.i I. .lint In t, n. In.irin N.liin,l.n, unit n I li .. --.li-. it l. ,..!. I 'lhl !. I (in I. . . KMHI -n-J up .. , f.. i'.imi . I . .-. e.i. Intetsl t li . ' ;. i. .. ii I .. i 4 e ou . .f J.'..i nt .1 n,.r . n p. . t. . - sil.-.. I'liMis 4. s i y .. it , t,, I l I Ml M t I i I I , s I I . - 1. 4 -s - J a wN 4X.'4WW4aai. .., . .. .r-fcSe! ORGANS. N A S t , "... I .r , r r i - 14 1 1 r 'i ' f IMv i ? I'I41 r f r )' ' l, . i r J l- . r l .- l fli. r 'rrn It I'l I Tl.ll 11 I Ol 1111. 1': lill llui.ji s.1 . I lilrn;ii if i i J I I ( ' CHIMNEY CEMENT I'M- vu it i i r 1. a . h.(. !. 4 It- -- - f , , , ! r r -. . i- ...-,. i . X fc . - ' . .' "I. . tr i, ft. - .1 i I l liiltti trn filffirw l'i Il II A.ihrrr Mr ml l t ' 'in n s,i.. j.M.f nl f i. i . i il in t lif.-Ui-li u S. nil r I , t 1 J fia r . . . , J. ' ""' TtJTHF.r''r! i I Ms I I '. I '... . r. r . i WIND MILLS, Fred .Mill-, Mo.. r-iii'sJi hi -, r ,... Dr, Whittier, 617 St. Charlca street, St. Loui, Mo. A "r3'.r rvl34To'i-r V -! r lti Liilwal'-! IT.-- a ii v h'i T' -r:. Brt ji.1 a-dCf.ro'i.' tnnrniiri t mfi ,' 4&t&t'. La ii. ;i .. -.t. Ir,. n.'. 8philu, Gonor-hist Gl't. Strictar, Or chitn. Hi-nia. cr Rupture, all Uriniry Dn)4i)4 and Syphilitic or rnercurul fTtelio-' of Ihn Ihrsat, 4in or bann. ar t"i'l ' a:-4n. -I a-r ., es i4.t -,- trzei. "ifi r. !" '" Spermatorrhea. SujI Debility and Impot ency, 11 tirt :cfBi ita jT.i. iiiIiim tact5"-ji'.f.,crf'hir cum ih-1 it. t j'vl' r i ir.ll fi .1 r-. &- .46.4. 4CI&1 IS IIMI. 4U.tS cii4.cf tf,4 '- .' tz.sr.'7. J ISJ..4 s(4i fM". ;!:. 4.4 t it. f...a ta -. 'ff'.. f-.' ' -a i tt-ii, I'll cr t 1 ; -. rv . r' ! i nsrrtiri !5?ro?r'-i:3!irp7..-"a- r-l l.'-t- '4 ;4s r- v- Vj vii ' t la .! mu ;- '. r t"9 JS4'.CI IUT- . C '-'- "It VS.'" w tlUr Win it t. 1- -' ItlMIt II T fsT l4-t " ti-ijt ir-t'.fifrw ri f -." Ir i rmr iris -t - r4 tt .1 .s-.-.i "ruvt. Oiit. -ri.ix. i:. v.ir. it. e-iji, U Jl 1.1 a. Pjmphlet, to any addrett, for Two Stamp4 MANHOOD : ''TZlsl'y?7 WOMANHOOD TTwr Brat ar-alrxLall thre.for 20 Cs Manhood and Womanhood in Crm4n, boVv together, llluttratad. IS Centi. MARRIAGE ! fLs pi. i GUIDE. Kef is: cloh as.-! frf.t bisAiz.g. 8IxI fir tvi r..r ;. : ;i ri. ui lai. t feei-j c. . U. ei cir--' v tt - r-;ntuc";. w io ce; trti. it nS! '"ii t .t. Pt-it-ti if it- Tt "- icff irr t it .. tt'irTj Ir. ii-t4 -.- -3" Tii fsjitt. tf f fc"v.ic- . i-l bi-J &. T .r tii-r.! er c.-r-si x. i i44r- r- 1,1 m.1 U XTtrxl'- ij.-ir-iIuW a t.iu ii " ii rani mivuo.fto.tit la V tt. tr 1 1 4t& . V"-i4 1142 l&ricrxl tp.i i .ul ir.Icr lcnt.iitt. tf -r' -. Jt o .. tt creasi c f iirioa.j . 'xt atcr.r v.iiu--l"5 rfr. ia.J -- r ii? .- ij (iti :; . caref i icr,. -c U Ita oc-u. r-r-.r&i-.nrir4liJ-risi i:r--r - "'7;m air-rtatTa" C -n: i piu - iii- l-i: 4--ri. cti..vcu iua!, DR. WHITTIER, 17 St. Chirlcs street, St. Louis, Mo. 44fBTa4f4Ta4tjTaTaaTiqna4aB. MARRIAGE GUIDE. A r-T. - og -. Vi il Xtrr.Kjn r j t t r Dtri.1 4 -X. t fr-'-r. fs-jrv.r l '. ' f "I --- - .' IT 1.14 'A 4-4inj tr-i -t 31 jir-4 ' r f- 'r r. - ? '- t-i1 lx rt ' - il-'l t-3 rr 4-4 r. a pniVATS s:rjI'"A-Tr.EATISJ,; . - C' I ?TlT3t! I.'l ." l" ., ls Siiuir. t -t . r- -. ki.i i -- Kjf'in'i1iu.i.l;l.i r- f 4 -J". 4r ; ' .'ri fl- -. IfrDfAI, A-J.TTS ..iilli'iii'i. j ,- v -, t : - ! '.' A.. tr.r-4i X0l ' i -T leO i.-t ir-t .ruf.T lJrl f-r CO -!. : ., Dr Butit' D.IBntlry, No. 12 N. 8t.i St. Louit. Mo. f-r: i-i i- mm PR. BOJTA-VfA:.'M M ir".r '4 -lr criritr-t . i4-r . rrri -i ?f --! J Jrl .. I i - SECRETS. t - p M -ir t. I" r 'Irr'rr-'.IBiJ Kr-4i' f: sfS4, 4r I ru'l I. k-s-l cf trr ?a--ir!:' f i. -x.- rr-r u. -v . . i .-y I -tf - -i !- B.r j t-.' tv'in itlcjrr i v" 1 kJ 4a.4.4,n ij j. rs;4 r r-4- . -" , IX Wl. . I r- I. I j-1 J . r irr --rt. r 4,t .. . w44rtr larri rr. S- ; 4 r . 4.J-ii .4 '.f rt. A44rr.4. I" ( 1 lirtl4S.,v. i& .".orji i JOl lsrt, ?-lja i, M i-rU-S .4ft a !" )- yurcTfAnD-), uuv ttyt. with arar.!c . .iOfivjtpaW. J.U.iitSTry. .Vsul4ri.C.'.v alBBBBBBBBW -4BBBl - lI afl e-T 2rrr "-- t tsib-.?. "" M-T;JjLy& Bww-kSMaWaflBA w9kBaBV Safc aTaBBEa. .-,r----T T S.-P ' -ZMLM -BBBBI . ,t . il Lrr-U-1" rrf ri l am (ion oftlir I r;nlr, ami pnhlic irni"- . ti JL o:v yfoinls, n hifh :ir l!n hr .siIIhm m - -cltit'.N in tin marUrt. i ii i: im.i s i . l N j"tr "fT-nci' i:u J c - v :t i.. .ii ii f ii sE I i - llllllki sl'll S I I I I' I I I I III - I ? w I eflwfl-Ci,! i' ' w 1 I ' I M. I t I i m i . . .la . . - I IWBi.l ... I flfl I W f ' I i 4 w r i t I - r r .. ' f t f ! .I ''t"4 !'.' 1 1 I .1 1 1 I .. I t tlif 4r. -- II.. lll-II nif tr t i i - t IT ,!' , It II. .1 .l.lf., i 4 Tl . I .. f m ... 4.... Il !' W. t ' ' 7-,' . v I . . II- . II - , - 'I I (-. II .11 ! II I 'I It I f i ... f . . i I w I f ' 4 "Ml .. ' . r'- - 4 ... 1.1. I 41 ' , , , , I ' . . It . ... ' t . 4t ,-. i 4 I lll.li-tt I 1 1 . ' . 4 I S T I s . r I ' , 4 . . I.I ... n r... HOW 1. TIC I s.s o . H.. 1 1 70. I OI Mlllllllh. !N . Corr Sulky Plow I lie I in i .ili il I .nut In j ml liofllie Field' If l I .r , Vl'l it Im-. In .'ii I'n -i uilri'iith il us finV. In llu riclil, iili'di Is tie i. nil I i in li-' i! t I . . . t i .i. i". i: si i.ic .v i .. ! tti ti fi f ii rnr I f - I I FARMERS, Furst K Bradley Manf'g Co. ii LECTIONS! r ., t. U II I. I V tl I"I 4 IH 4 -i 4 ., f ! i.l I, . ' Agents Warned. WAterwheEL VfU-tTT. . V trn o 1 1 V WERtt...k H0V1ST0H XWOH WORKS. EtU)T, WViCGHiVH. WHITh-l f-OLMcS ORGANS! Tm' 'i-i 7i 1 4 J ' ' Vr- .N'KW MVIJ- M-.' NOIri) sTOI'S. r ' if c. 4- 1T. ' '' I' r L . Ttt r' - in r-Tf r. K -1 I. ,J .""-' ' 4 1444 . II., 'A-- ii x it:k m i . 34 .fi ' t tl. . 4 It.. 4 Tl r trli 5 Dr. CRAM'S Lightning lzlaUj c-re c-at a sc a cr 4.e .Ki.(S bj Cria i Mr c" '4 T. lUc-Jo rt i.rrr izrz wi 4 ".r.i - . iv 'j (,5 IMI Ir T bf" C A.'rf'i -rV.( rr-: r a m 4441 "trj t R I'r-r. 4 '-.l l,. . X &Mn6J4 I.rr K..r4 T . 11I r W. K lillli I ' W .44 f - , 1 .ma iX III' ,W '"' ""-. tr J 4, 11 111. 1 '" r"-rra.liT' Itill .iuJlii.r.,.,jH!.r:.f.,::,!ir:: nir.i t.r v OTir 4 ! . -.-i; 'r, 41 "r " r ( A-r'-r rni4r frr- 'lr'-i n T JilltH ir j. H I Trtrvri. 'Th .rh.K.1 lIr . '-r ItttillQtr Ion Printing Vo Ilr Ifull.r. 41 --TlKLIllKD - TKl.i IflNPC' mMMP-sPIl! rnnrrj: wwiiw - wuiuii.llUinL UUILLUL, ihstslOre.-.' .:, Uu jj ::elt,rt nsit il TL- . AbbbbbbIb1b1 I s ' Wwi4E9waT BwBwBBwi BwR ! ''? VJHbWb SXTiBwBwIwTSKSwmmL Zi!BwDHaEA.l mm 1 n m - ' 1 - E I I I r fLvaVsBmTawQI jlTTTinAN -,s III I I ritrriilll4(rni,ilr m July festivities, greauyei-wtii v-