! V Ji f . l ' 3k&s&. CrteJ' . THAT BEAGTIFtTI, BIRD, TIIK 1T-A-JilXtiV. Havo you ever ln-anl) Or tlic creature absurd, Tbo ridiculous bird, the fiainlriso With neck Ioiir anl slim. And 1crs lean ami trim. And the runniest sort or a Hiiro? ' iVJicn nolilns lie goe.. Ho thrusts In his nose This licinerous bird, the flainlns". .Vllhout bait or hook. Ills lonjr neck a-crook. Aloft In the alrsec bis wing so: A plans'! and ji dive! AndaJlfcbaJI alive. This woiHlerfii! bird, tlio flamingo. Hrlng- out to the lend, And gobbles off-hand. In a tvrlnklc lie make? the w hole thing go. Then liU mate, the old woman. As though ahr were human. And not an old groveling ilanilngo, I'orlarkof her share. Sets ui a great Hare. And makes everything In din go. Idit a fccreecb, loud and shrill, Comes out or the bill fir the masculine bird, the flamingo; 111 ejellds both close. And he Stands on the toei or one leg-he's asleep, by Jingo! Ilone.sdale Herald. umioiious. Why may a tipsy man fall into the river with impunity V liecaue he won't Irown :ls lout,'. is his head swims. Laughing iny make a man jjrow fat, hut you've got to mix it mightily with bread and meat and a quiet conscience if you get it to stick. J Tow melancholy the moon must feel when il has enjoyed the fullness of prosperity, and gets reduced to its last quarter. When a man awakens from a chloro form trance in a dentist's chair, can he he said to he in a trancc-end-dental state of mind V A young Lothario, much given to moonlight strolls, expresses the opinion that "to llirt" may he parsed as a "line night verb." Isn't this atrille paradoxical? Eleven young ladies have just been made Bachelors of Arts at Klmira. Xow, let them turn about and go for the 'ails of bachelors, as well. An economical Western editor re fuses to go to the musical part of the Centennial Exhibiton because he has a Thomas concert in his back yard every uighl. Spilkins says that all the perils and horrors of a maelstrom aren't a cir cumstance to the horror of hearing a fe-male-storm on the piano, next door, from morning lill night. 'J5e them antiquities old?" asked a sharp-nosed dame when looking at the papyrus and other ancient things in the Egyptian department of the Centennial Exhibition. An Irish guide told Dr. James John son, who wished for a reason why Eceo was always in the feminine gender, that "maybe it was because she always had the last word."' A boy, when asked by his schoolmas ter to give an instance of inverse ratio, replied, "in proportion as the sun goes up this morning, so does your collar go down" "It is strange," muttered a young man as he staggered home from a supper party, "how evil communications cor rupt good manners. I have been sur rounded by tumblers all evening, and now I am a tumbler myself." A Jersey City wife being invited to elope by a young gallant, replied, after a moments reflection, "Well. J don't are if I do, as I suppose you would think me very selfish if I refused just on my jiusnands account. "Isn't that a beautiful piece of music?" said one of Airs. ('logger's fenialo board ers, as she turned from the piano. "J like it very much," replied Jones; "par ticularly those long rests that occur all through it." Xo reputation is safe in these days. Professor Huxley demonstrates that the horse is an evolved form of the orohippus. This scandal would never have come out if the horse hadn't been running for something. Two ladies contended for precedence at the court of Charles V. They ap pealed to the monarch, who, like Solo mon, awarded "Let the elder go first." Such a dispute was never known after ward. "It was simply an informal affair," wrote the editor, of a little strawberry party at a neighbor's house. "It was simply an infernal affair," read the compositor, and that editor will never get anymore invitations from that quar ter. A captain caught an Irish boy, in the middle watch, frying some pork and eggs he had stolen from the ship's stores, to whom the captain called out: "You lubber, you! I'll have none of that!" "Faith, captain, I've none for ye," re plied the lad. THE MARKETS B-ef Cattle "".:.:..... itogs-Uve. Mieeiv-Uve. Hour (Jood to choice.... Wheat-Xo. 2 Chlcajio...: Sop-WMternnitxckl Oars-Wcstcrii new f!""Kr"' - ......... ........ "utter...... Pork-Xew Mess . . CHICAGO. Beeves-Choice Shceiv-Good to choice Kutter-Cholce to yellow ;KKS....... ...... Flour-White winter. wh . SprinK extra cat-jtyrlug Xo 2 ix::::::::::::::::;:::::::; iSZfT-0- "lor-Flnxx wkeat-xosKcd::::: corn-xoj ......:"::" .$9 00 '.' A 25 .. 5 10 .. 1 14 GO 32 15 .. , 13 .. 19 5-5 . 11 M .5 4 30 . 6 45 . 2 50 12 12 . 4 W G19 00 760 fj 5 7a 5 60 ft 62 42 17 1975 1162 4 SO ft (Si (4 4 00 ft 13U' 12J,' 5 W I 4V 1 (M.V V4 47 30 ta 67K3 67Y 19 22 62K an 25 1120 ...S 4 65 ... 5 90 ... 3 25 ... 1 41 44 ... 32 .'.'. 65 ... 20 00 ... II 75 ...$5 00 . 1 00 ... 46 '.'.'. 1 12 4 ... 20 25 4 90 d 6 V1H 3 75 20 25 (580 1 15 $ 47 3S 1 15 020 50 an 50 Oats.. Rye Xo l Fork-Mess.... itirtx .... Flour.......... Wlieat Ked.. vOiii Ilarley. it y jto rt .USUru Vlnnr. CISCINXATI. ........a....... MILWAUKEE. Wheat-'Jfo ..., t Com . j5-ricy"J ( RvtV JiO , ' K3 KOIKES. Flour 'wbolesslc.... ................ rffaC3tt ........... COTXi ''" CHltS. a'aaaaa. aaa. a. aa.aa.aa... JValleyaaaaa..aa.a....a.a..a..a......... t-xye w t Egg.....,- .'......a a'aaaa.... BHttr. " 3 1.V d 45 30 72 S 73 350 5 175 45 30 20 25 IS 10 13 6 31 22 27 SO II 6 IS a 5 io 04M Mfl4T8i'aaaaaaa.aaa.aaaa 4M 3 23 Y CSBEUfl.-.. FOURTH OLD STATE HOI' RE This celebrated building was commenced in 1720 ami comple ted in 1734. The amplitude of such an edi tic, in so early a day, and the expen sive interior dec orations, at a cost of five thousand six hundred jKjnnds, are cred itable evidences of the liberality and public spirit of the times. The place is consecrated by numerous facts in our colonial and revolutiona fr""-wjBrT7. - -v"" ry jnstorv.wnose 1770. BBhbc-Si t !9'Sh k Ik Bk Jb h P nay jw fcMBBtawMtfMJBfcJLB 1,1 JW (LjMilXUjrjEi contemplation the whole, the Declaration was passed amVsigned, and from the yard proclaimed to the world. This hall now contains a rare and valuable collection of National Portraits pro cured under manv disadvantages. They have been gathered from various locali ties throughout the Republic, at considerable cost, and are here brought together as at the common centre of the nation. The series exhibits almost the only au thentic portraits extaht of their illustrious originals, in whom, not Americans only, but all the good and true of the world should take an abiding interest. Jn addition to the Portraits there are many other objects in the Hall which cannot fail to attract attention; among which may be named jus prominent the old Hell of Independence: a portion of a I'ew in Christ Church used by General Washington. General Lafayette, and Jienjamin Franklin; the Chair in which John Hancock sat as president of Congress, two Chairs of members of the same, and the small mahogany Table on which the Declaration of Independence was signed; a portion of the stone Step from which Independence was proclaimed; and Hush's Statue of Washington. Jn the centre of the Hall, suspended from the ceiling, is the ancient Chandelier which was used by Congress during its de liberations, and more particularly on the night prior to the passage of the Decla ration. There is also a Chair, made in 1s-j.s by order of the commissioners of the late District of Kensington, which forms 'in itself quite a museum of curiosities. Among the materials used in its construction will be found a potion of a ma hogany beam from a house built in M!i(i, near the present city or Sant Domingo, for the use of Christopher Columbus, being the first house built in America by European hands. This chair also contains fragments of the Treaty Elm Tree"; of J Vim's Cottage in Lctitia Court; of the United States Frigate Constitution; of the Ship-of-the-line Pennsylvania; and of one of a group of Walnut Trees which formerly stood in front of the State House which was then out of town! Some portions of cane-seating from a chair once the property of AVilliam Penn, and a lock oi the hair oi the late duel Justice .Marshall, are also inserted in this curious piece of furniture. TJIU OLD BELL uflxDEl'ENDEXCE. This Pell was imported from England in 1752, for the State House; but having met with some accident in the trial ringing after it was landed, it lost the tone received in the father-land, and had to be conformed to ours by a re-c;isting. This was done under the direction of Jsaac Xorris, Esq., then Speaker of tho Colonial Assembly; and to him we are probably indebted for tho remarkable motto so indicative of its future use: "Pkoclaim liheiity thkougiiout all TIIK LAND 1'XTO ALL TIIK INHABITANTS TnEI.EOF." Lev. XXV. 10. That it was adopted from Scripture, may to many be still more impressive, as being also the voice of God of that great Arbiter by whose signal providence we afterwards attained to that 'Liberty' and self-government which bids fair to emancipate our whole continent, and in time to influence- and meliorate the condition of the subjects of arbitrary government throughout the civilized world 9mM, It aJt-S iwr ptrtt twwtkb uif ltT .!! iiltMtUt loll tt. trtlj U U t . floWWl by ILwr t tMlf w th rlj hatibU tuc ruitsLir or uaii it33.-unr tu tLCVur. TUbS biuuTS. ouvriiNWENT3 ftre InttHoted amone mro, rfrrhlnr thrlr Jait powrn frum the roatrat or the uovcaNEn.-f:iAT tniesEi'EK any Vubm or GuCksuEST orxouu PR0CU1M LIBERTY THROUGHOUT ALL THE LAND TO ALL DEriTarcnvr or Tiicac csw, it is the riust or tqe people to ALTtaoa to abolish It, and to luttltul a new JJoirrnaifnt, Ujlnc IU fbunditloa oa wh prmi4a. uSrMlBlM0lU-MtaaiH bra,uUlUaibi!lftmi wnn Ukslt UaWt tkr faArTY AHI UAPHNlL-rf -PttL'DENCE. 1NDEI. HILL DICTATE TBAT OUTEKK menU Ions rtahIUhHl, thould not bit rhaatfd for lUfat and traatlral CAL'SEfli AtOJ. ACOaDIVOLT. ALL EII'EttlENCC HATll ftHOVTV TUT VAN'KIND aTiI BY ORDER OF THE ASSEMBLY OF THE PROVINCE OFPENNS UOBB DHWEBTO SITrER. WHILE EVILS ABE SCfriBABLt. THAN TO RIOHT THCJI fltiM by !olUhlns (be r.irmi to nblch tbrj are aenutiunnl. Hut, whi-n tbM Ur NUU dvUBi. a M IW njbl. t, M tLr d.l,. t irw 9 ck (ktmMtl, fa4 t t A &w ga.ti, tx lba.r f.tr, Mrmtit,. Sack ih U tk. tjt afff T tkBa feai i tack 1S Mcna-lf lu.a noull arii r.a lk.a U t!tn IW faf aar naaia lirail. I. tiKar r taa rra ' '&atJ lajariaa aaj vnrt.k.u. ajl k. ."laMllUaaSMu. Ta (a MUUILIII !,A bt fan. UntMlUitial-l M.-Ilakaat.ri.lkaa.a.l ta Ian ItaaalahWau a4 aavar, bl IkafatlM - -Ha kaa rbJ.a k.a Ua'araara u aa law, af lminrl.au aal rMaia( iaU.M. malaaa aaiaaaiM lai lkr rraUaS 111 kta aaaaal aaaall baaaLaiarlf .bJ .i . ... k. k-. .ni. .t a. .i aaUa fcU a,a aal aUall Uau.ali aaj. 1IW.-H. kaa taraa u f" "k" Uw.fi,. IL.voBtaiollirnfiliU Jtk aaUaalkaaa l- anU nUa)ik Ik n,U if vutlla ia tka La..UIaa: a i"kl laaaUBatlatalkaai. aa4f auUM.UIjtuuW, U. aural UUixk.t l.falab-a tajn al j4acaa aaa.a.1. aaaaabnaUa. a.4 i w-.ijpHrriiwr.UH raMJf. IM U ""-I JM aI Baa U... II t afuJl fof mail. ,tk aaal likaa, k iaaaM tkanarik.i-at4a.IUk.taf. alb. k( fDa aflat tack d.alataa. Ucaaaaalkaca lakaaUrlat wa.i.h ika l.fwlau.a powara. laraaa Waar aaaikattaD. kaa rataraaj U Ika aaU at Urfa far Ikair at "". t" '"a. iatk.ra..a 1 ma .,.-) I. all Ika 4aat arUiaaa Ikaaa -tkaav. aal aaatalaun wnkia. Ha kaa aajaaiatl ta ir..at Ika Lap.Utiaa af Ik, fl.laa. far tkal airg.. a'Uatia( tka laa fit taa.taa.aaira.ala. aJ aata.t tmr aak ataa.-ll. kaa krt aatax at. ia t, af (-.,.lal.j a.m,ai.a-(k..l II a."". .' Lr,V,'U, tllatnt1ft tka ,it.t, la-kMj.at cC. aad aanar ta. Ika nttl Mi II. ka. ramibtal. witkMkrr.. laaaSarl a. (a a l.t.-t..... ....... . ... r-...... ..t-..it t k . t.. nk(4MntttWirArtrrrrt.U!U i:ti-o M.rWu.t. ,. !) t-l fl i-1rat iVr ttr - wr Cmnt 1 'fB tk MtCBtlu .f !.... ..-t t.. b. .!.. . .- ' - " I-" I It lb rVf af ftf P1-. b t-t wa(ttti I a.in jI!T. V " to thulr nnthf jiMlrt. and mn iJil 11 -L stLNTIyNUi.lSTHENiIE.AM. :? THE Signers of the Deelaration ot ludependeiiee. agi: PATH iM7Iti.oriti:ATii. SAME AX1I KJUTHVLACC A OK . 41 . 41 . . . 7 .loliti Morton. Delaware Mutton (.winner. Eiislaml .... 1'ltillji I.lviiiBston. .. V Jolin Hart. INuw.lLTM'y .Iofj)li Ht'wes. XeiValirrsev... Tluimas I.vncli. S. r .".. KIcliard Stockton. N. J Cesar I.oiliiey. Delaware Stciilion Hopkins. It. 1 William Whipple. Mass Tliomas Stone. Marvlaml Arthur Alidilleton. S C ..April. 1777 ..May '.'7.1777 ...riieU 1773 .. . 17SJ ..v, iv. Iii.l77!i ..(Tseof 1779 .. . ITSI ...I'ne'Jtj. 17l ...llllv lt.I7Vi ..Xxiv.2S.I73 .. . 17i7 , ...Ian. 1, 17 ..Sept.. 17 , ..Apr. K.K'ni , .. . I7!XI , .. . 1?.J :w JO 5.'i 73 .-, It 4J 4(J .M W 4S V. : j M 7.' a. 63 71 M f.l M .lonn l'cnn. virgin!!. lteiijainlu Kranklln, Mass Lyman Hall, s. c William Hooper. Mas Francis Hopkinson. l'enn lioircr Sherman. Mass .lolin Hancock. Mass IMcharil Henrv Loe. Va Abraham Clark. X. . .lohn Witherspoon. Scotlaml.. Joslah Harriett, Mass Samuel Huntington, Conn.... Oliver Wolcott, Conn Francis L. i.eo. Virclnla. .May 9. i;m .lHlVJtiL17!il ." ... S. 17!0 41 I'll e 2-2. 17m .a urn. 174, .Xov.l-1.I79t .May 19. I7fi5 ..Jan. 5. 179j -Dee. 1. 17!W Ajirll. 1707 .Oct. 10. 179S . Aug. -."i 179 j 5t -J6 . n -Il) . 40 . Carter Itraxton. YirRinta James Wilson Scotland 33 ueorge Clinton. Henry isner and J?ohert II. Livingston, all of Xew Tork, were present on the 4th of July, and voted for Independence; hut were not pres ent when the declaration was engrossed for signature, and thus never signed it, uiuugii jir. jivingsion was one ot me strument. Ctfimty Fairs iu Iowa. Adair.... September 27. 25, IN, so. Audubon UlackHawk Buchanan trllir.,,,,,.,,, Cherokee Chickasaw Clarke Clayton pavis Decatur pelaware. Dcs Moines Dubuque imiset uctober a, 4. 5. Septemlter 27. 2, 29. iicioner ;. 4. 5. September 5. 6. 7. September 12. 13. U. September 6. 7. 8. September 27, 2 2S. September 27. 2", 29. September 27. 2S, 24,(XatIonal.) October 4. 5. 6. Ostober 4. 5. 6. September 26. 27, 2S, ....September 1, 20. 21, September 4. 5. , 7, i. ?. epiemter 12, in. September 2s. 29. .". September 13. 14, 1 September 13. U, 15. ioyd Greene Grundy Harrison uctooer 4. -A 6. Septembers. H. 7, s. September 2n. 27. 2". Howard Jackson Johnson eptemier 2 i', :. September 26. 27. 2S. 2P. 29. Jones , Keokuk Kossuth Louisa Lucas Lyon Madison Mahaska August 29, 3, 31, September September s 27, 2c, 2. September 2s, 29. September 26, 27. 2 29. September 19, 20, 21. October 4. 5. 6. August 29. 30, 31. September I. August 29, 30. 31. September 1. September 26. 27. 2S. September 6, 7, i. September 5. 6. 7, 8. September 28. 2", 30. Marion Marshall Mill Mitchell Monroe Muscatine ...epiemoer 12, l 11. ...September 26. 27. 2s. 29. Xorthern Iowa ept, m. 20. 21. 22, I'ostville. .aKe , Plymouth " , Poweshiek RlHRgOld eotta.... .... Story. Union Union District ...October 3. 4. 6. ...September 20, 21. 22.J ...September 5, 6. 7. s. ...September 21. !, 23. ...September 2S, 2a. 30. ...September 4. 5. 6. 7. $. ...September 27. 2S, 29. ...October 4, 5, 6. of CftnlAntluif 1Q OA 1 --l west Liberty. ti Airi-vi'-"-'"-""- -l - vulval Ul UlUar 2tL Mechanlcsville... September W, 20, 21. 22. van Buren September 19, 20, 21, 22. - Wapello.... September 19. 20, 21. Winneshiek, September 19. 20, 21. Si1i,ury September 19. 20, 21, 22, 23. ortn No organization. The Italian army, according to the ministerial organ, has an effective force of 050,000 men. 1 1870. IX' PHILADELPHIA. fills the mind with numerous associations :ind local impres sions. Within its walls were witnessed many memorable do ings of our spir ited forefathers ; above all, it w;is made renowned in 1770, as ios sessing beneath its dome the Hall of Inde pendence, in which the repre sentatives of a nation resolved to be free and independent. Within this sa cred Hall, in committeeof jtF'm WHIX. I bCOna MraltfJ fif M awkjeh kra of t W ni th 13 MUo tiU ftBr Btmrf 0i.U it! Ua t tKMftrt( o. W . - . -,. v-hi, amj mwv wm nkti tLtt tniM l r life. Lrif. l " " al ala af Oraat Br.Uia aMarr f .k.a. ... u laAuiiiM n....i..v.. ... kaa a. aa.vaxlal. ka kaa attarl, iVul la atUa-l rari-naaaf r.uauac tkaai lata raa.aUaa.awnk kta Ji ll' i k-tbar. aa4 taiac tka caaiitaa r r.f aa.Bt kia lam ka lawt far aala r Ika taaaja af tkatr aSaaa. aa4 Ika af Frenr.icUrfboiIiMrriitrn . v.-Tl vr- i ma.m.1 ts ii.tiuu i u rui r rtMHla-ff UfTug .( ? - j.c.w t ftmnnt. 4 rtara-iSf iu Lmv4n m .a a.MrultM tft!tBl9 tl.a Coll. r Uklr ? lrBtTIr. Ik !-. f r ltrtau.-. f-w -wci r . WaJtr 11 (im buor.11 kM fttdicattMl iIvb F rit U K Ik-tr . rtkAl r ra-l. irt r OF JULY. t- Jffttr p-UT trJf 'rklUiwl i th At klr km. ti.i r f41-ol..altM rart U !... m. It tar r ' '" tw. o ftvD ikB.1t-s W tknr kat.MU.--H ku krttJ JmtA wamfrvtfwt r rrH.tir H oifU laxfiaa .. ffca, Imwti rW i ufi. m tl ( r UM;rfwatttM. ka w ttJ r4x-. tk mm ksottl r rmlucliarfti m Iku autukpj If r rt arktrk mj4& Iff al. U 1- t f britkali lrtkra W ki w.rti tkm.fr! Ul n.T tiMain1t l miftil Ikasi f Ik ir r M.at f f .fTatj t4 I ! t Wt nliultf, acd wr bnr runjurrd tltrm. ty the tlf of oarronmun Lis rttn- i trT-ifcJirr. Tk-7, t, fa ka 4af l tV Mf f J .' ft1 f r mr m--fm. atl ball tht. w kU la rtf mashi-vf. aitM m war. ia j c tti l.rt.1 Crraa ..4-tinU-! Bi'If I Ik h JJr c-f Ik WU fcr IV i-U I rUiRir OK THC Uu-il IT..rLEU7THIE CULoMICJ.tJOLEJINLT ITCLUn CUtcht IoIm. J rr and Indrprndrnt Matrt; that! hrj arraliolirdfron1 . m 1 tV 1il t' fM Hr . - atvlotalttafb iMallt Tfat-1 i 4 tka. Ff- ll! tw ajKl.aliclLmr(C.ailt4ai; Mi A. to kxl ttUa-l itb lalflt.l ? m vf ft ktn. a -J ff lk n nrtbMi rtAratMk. r lb a t jrMTticta f liis I'r7kTf . tartiia. W rf - rb rlir at Lt. c '.hit. & AOE HATH ix l776.or iu.Tir.AOE SAME AND BIRTIirLACC. OoorRO Iteail. Marylanil 42 William Para. Marvlanil 36 Aut'll, 17IH . 61 . 1799 . i.nwara i.ntleuei'. S. C. .Matthew Thornton. Irelaml. Francis Lewis. Wales Samuel Attains, Mass CeorKC Walton. VirKinla.... 26 ...lan."2. 1HX) Gl ..Jn'e'i4. I.mci 2 ..Dec. 13, l!S3 54 ..Oct. -2. 1-UJ 36 ..Feb. 2. IhiW 42 ..Mav 8. IS itouert 3lorrH. PitiKiantl (eorKO Wvthe, Virginia... Thomas lleywartl. S. C 50 ...luueS. 1SW . 80 30 ..March. 1SN . ta Miiuiei cnasc. .Maryland 35 ...J'ne 17. 111 . William Williams. Conn 45 ..Auk. 2.1U . SO (tcorfre Clymer. l'eun 3G ...Ian. 23. IMS . 73 l.t'njamin Kusli. Penn 30 ..Apr. 19.113 . 7 HoliertT. Paine, Mass 4S ..Mayll.lMt . SI hlbrlilpe (Jerrj-. Mass 31 ..Xov.2t.lsu . 6 Thomas McKean. Penn 42 ...rnc24, 1317 . 9 William KItery. R. I fts ..Feb. 15. IS20 . y William Floyd. Xew York .... 42 ..Auk. 1. I!1 . HI Tlionia Jefferson. Virginia... 34 ..July 4.1326 . S3 John Adams. Mass 40 ..July -I, 1-26 . o Charles Carroll. Maryland.... 3-S ..Xov.. 1hi5 . H5 itenjamiu Harrison. Va 36 ..April. 1791 . 5t Thomas Xelson. Jr.. A'a 38 ..Jan. 4. 17S9 . 51 James Smith. .Ireland 57 ..July 11. WK . h7 rteorpe Taylor. Penn 60 ..Feb. 23, 17M . 65 (leorse ltoss. Penn 46 ..July. 1779 . 49 Lewis Morris Xow York 50 Jan. 27, 17W . 72 committee ot livo that reported the in- Gail Hamilton's Wit. Gail Hamilton is one of the brightest, spiciest, and most delighttully entertain ing little ladies in all "Washington. Her figure is short and rather dumpy, and well enveloped in rich, tastily chosen lashionahle clothing. She has a jaunty way of wearing her pretty hat, which givesherasaucy air. Her face is not handsome by any means, ner grey eyes are deep, with shaggy overhanging brows; but her soft brown hair is ever becomingly arranged, and she has a large mouth full of the whitest teeth. 1IM i . iieu in conversation every muscle and nerve of her face play in harmony, as the ke-s of a piano, and express tlie soul music witliin. She is very sociable, and her conversation entertaining, with reach wit and repartee at her command. At one of the Cabinet receptions last winter, a most distinguished gentleman who had been thrice a widower, said to Gail Hamilton as the Hon. George Q. Cannon, Mormon delegate in Congress, came in: Ir. Cannon has three wives." "Yes," replied GaU, "but the only difference between you and George Q. Cannon is that he drives his wives three abreast, while you drive yours tandem F Washington Cor. To ledo Blade. An onion field in Texas yields $1,000 per acre. , Br. STrArrKK-A reirnur R-nv3c.vte of UrlUifc nd American Institute. Twr nty jers pre tlctns pbytlcUn. Tct all dleM; of . Kld neyi. LItt. Latin. Heart. Tfcrwat. H1 and Xerrout Ttni. Krror of Youth and Abuci of Manhood arctfcltr trratM and een aflet others hare failed, jioo forfeit for any ca f Seminal Wcatne or prirat dl-a of aav klna or character he uorirrtakr and fail to cure. La rii will find proper treatment for dl-ae pe culiar to their .ex. AlllettrrsconUlulag itaapi for reply promptly an.wjrrrd. CoCLTATitx ritEC xrnd for eircolar. Ad dre Lock Itoi 2, or call at office. J17 Perry trtet DaTeniort, Iowa. Th Modern Tantalus 1 altogether the opjtoilte of his great name.ake. The latter a a nuuhhiumt from the irtxt f.jr an Infraction of their ruminant!. i eondcmnrtl to i-rritual thirst, and ImmoTbly Sirl In wat-T to his chin. What mu.U hate tx-n hl fef llnr to ee that fluid, which more thaxalt thr world ix'ldo. he wanted, within hl reach, and he iwerte t drink It! What a reSnemnt of rru-ltr mut be uch a pnnl'hment. How dlnVrrnl our frrllnit to hit antityie, w o though fuSrrtbi; frjm ttVn-. all the tlmr. harlu; mcntM tomret theeott uf alte vlattug hi ailment, jel tlflllerately neglrrti utlnc the'remeill- to hl recoTery The majority of slckuets arie from the torpidity tf thcilver. and canbr dissipated and prevented by thr ue of that valuable elixir tonic the Home mjsiach UlTTEll. firUncle Sam's Condition Powder tone upth system, stimulates the apatite, and prepare the animal to assimilate food more fully than whan not provided with it. It also checks diteate and maintains a healthful condition when other rem edies fall. Dont be deceived, but secure the gen uine through any druggist, or from the Kmmert Proprietary Co.. Chicago. 111. Dobbins' Electric .Soap, (made by C'ra gin & Co., I'hiladelphia.) contains nothing but the purest material, and does the work quickly, but without impairing the finest fabric. Trv it without fail. Dk. Schknck'3 pulmonic syrup, ska Wked Tonic, and Manduakc Pills. These medi cines have undoubtedly performed more cure of Consumption than any other remedy known t the Amcrlean public They ar compounded of vege table Ingredient!, and contain nothing which can be injurlou to tlio human constitution. Other remedies advertised 'a cures for Consumption, probably contain opium, which is a somewhat dangerous drug In all cases, and If taken freely by consumptive patients. It muit do great Injury; for Its tendency Is to confine the morbid matter In the system, which of course, must make a cure Impossible. Schenck's Pulmonic Syrup U war ranted not to contain a particle of opium. It Is composed of powerful but harmless herbs, which act on the lung, liver, stomach, and blood, and thus correct all morbid secretion, and expel all the. diseased matter from tho body. These are the only means by which Consumption enn be cured, and as Schenck's Pulmonic Syrup. Sea Weed Tonic, and Mandrake Pills are the only medicine which operate lu this way. It Is obvious they are the only genuine euro for Pulmonary Consump tion. Each bottle of this Invaluable medlcluo Is accompanied by full directions. Dr. Schenck la professionally at his principal office, corner Sixth and Arch streets, Philadelphia, every Monday, where-all letters for advlco must bo addressed. We can heartily recommend the Ne vada Hotel, MS and 150 Wabash Ave nue, Chicago, 111., as not only ono of the cheapest, but also one of the best hotels in Chicago. Mine host, Kendriek, has proven that he can keep a hotel. O. A- C.'s Colic. Cholera and Dlarrhu-a Keinmlv will Kpeedlly euro Cinder:. Morbus. DyaenterS' ami Dlarrlm-a. ono dose- will euro pain In the stomach and bowels; two to three rinse will cure the most severe attack of cramp colli or cholera morbus. It Is a never falling remedy. It Is im:m ant. .SAFKauri itKLi.viiLK. Children will cry 'for It. Manufactured by Owen , Chamberlain, Marlon. Iowa. Sold by all druggists and dealers. Fuller A- Fuller, Chicago, wholesale agents. Vegetlno Is perfectly effect upon tho system. harmless from any bad 52?"FIrst a "slight cold" then a cough-then consumption then death. Take Ellerfs Extract or Tar and Wild Cherry and save your llfo. Ventral Yeast Cake. Scientific investigation combined with lon experience, has enabled th manufactnrcra of the Central Dry Hop Yea, to offer to the public a yeaat that stands unrivaled in every particalar. The rapidity with winch it u superseding all other yeast in the very bent ct-ldence that can be obtaiaed 3f Its populirity. It is tin foil wrapped, anil every pack i2uwarrcntci to 21 vc ftnilfnction. Try It and you will unc no other. St?"Kt'fii your harness In k'I comlltlon hy u.sliiK Uncle Sain:, Harness Oil. Itltthohest matte. For Reneral debility tho ffootl errect of the Ves etlnearereallzeillinmeaiately after coinnicncing o take It. ltoth men uud beafta are liable to Accidcr.n, a proiii)t remedy used at Ihe ribt tire- often ave9 weeks enl months of p.m. Dr. U:ccn'a Cr'mean Liniment and I.tvir and .cuo Pills should al'ny ho Vept In tha honn A Safo TiiMtlt titloti. The St. .Insoph Klroanil Marine Iniiuanrt Cm pany is vlKnnily initliiiic out Into all th. rmintry roiiiul nhoiit. It hiiHlness relations with Nebraska. Iowa ami Kansa. are rapidly Irirreas inj:. ami ItstieauiiKsaie as liouorabln as its nasi lsitilistaml.il. A Bargain in Body Type Tho Iowa Phintino Company wish us to say that they haw six hundred pounds of this style of Bourgeois type on hand, which they will sell at a reasonable price. It is in tolerably good condition, well sorted up, plenty of apitals, small capitals, italic and quads. Write to the Iowa Printi7it; Company, Ben Moines, for price. Terms, cash. IntercMlins: to Musician.. A Whitney d. Holmes Cabinet Organ will lie sold at a reasonable price by the IOWA l'KINTING CO.. Him Mo i.n kb. Dr. WMttier, 617 St Charles street, StTuuTaT Mo. A rtfchr endrutt of two If lktf Conetp. hit ttn Irafer carMM la tha pcUl imam of mil Veaer&i. Sexual aadCarcnlo Diseases than sny other rtjiicUalabU Loun, m city rPrs tlwir, msA all old mUnu laow. 8yphilis, Gonorrhoea, Gloet. Strtctur, Or chilis. Hernia, or Rupture, all Urinary Disenaa and Syphilitic or mercurial affections of the throat, skin or bones, ar treatad vita &srraC(i4 aoevu, oa Uteit Kleatiao pricdplc. Safely, PtItikIt. Spermatorrhoa, Sexual Debility and Impo ency, astaemsltof Self-abcsela yoata. ieral ticut la Batsrtrvnrt.er otter castes, n4 vllch protlsc tnot or lie foUonisf; tSeeisz nerroenrts, acslaal cxiitlcci. detllltr, dissseu of I jit, defecUra taiaory, pimple oa Uu bee, pbrticaldacay, aTertlon to (odity of fra:ltj,cotif!aloa of lint, loia or Mzcal power, eta., resderic xaarriaffo lOTropeTornahappy.arepet-iiiaea'Jxcurtd. lap.Tet Me) rtiiUaj w tie aboxe. Kzt la idled c&Ttlcp tor two vms auspa. Cctuoluttoo at oSco or bjtoaA Ireo. aa larttrd, a frteeffly ulk or hia eptalon eou aotiiafc VTita it la lBEoaTcsien. to vliit tho city for tmtanx, ealKlaetnabaieatbyeipreMorEaUrrerrwbeTa. Car ableaef rsiratd,whTolotteili-JHlifraklTtUMd. OQcetU3ni0A.i(.to7F.lC. BaaUjn, 12 M.tol f.M. Pamphlet, te wry tddrees, for Two Stamps. MANHOOD alg?SSar -11 WOMANHOOD CTt.I5o!,, I 8eatsealed.au tkree.foraoCeata. - . . Mashood aad Wemanhood is CkrtnSB, both togetner, lliMstratod, 15 Cents. MARRIAGE I p&. i GUIDE. Zlatelotband(Qtb(aiUac. 0ealodforeo& Onr fthy voadcrttl poaplctaraa, tni to lire; arUc.cs ea tt bUowtog aayj: wto may aoarrr, srao am. sr&r. Propo-ac to .Barry; Thorry8rt.llirtood.weaaa. hood. Ft jtkal ttatar. Tba effect! of e-JUaey aal eirtaa: Vtoibovl&BaxTTiH9WUtsaAtptlaeaBjbtlaata4. liaPtjalolocyaf Rt?ra4aeik. aadaay tacra. JSm Barried or oostarasslailsc suiritta atocil real U. ArtaraJlfe-leaBractic,Iaa.artfroatssaa aasreHai teoral eooTkUcn.it cotit to ba rad by all adalt pertect. ttea locked Taa, tut laid arcaslorloataaaltlavona; cr re-rtavUsff. UewtalaataecreasiofEietUaallttar ttnr&taoscati catbend ta aa erteaare rracUse. aad worti to aay cca a witaiTt it a cazafol pacsaal. ta Caaea ttaooata. Fcpclar XdKIaa.aHBe U aiOTt,T3erfpPT eerer.Kapap SSeentabytaail. Oeapett rwd-gsUa to tmarVi itt atUtcr addraw, rrwtolTn annirrt, .DR.WHITTIER. . 17 St. Charfot sfrett. St. Louis, Mo. MARRIAGE GUIDE. m X Fhyalelofieal View enCarrlazs abrthemarrieUand those contiap!atirfc raarnir, on the inyiseries of rrprodsct- loa aad tae aecrvt mcnaitiesoi yoou DaT&oodaEdw0ma2itood. An illustrated of a Private Nature in both kxcs, the .-iuses and dis orders oi the Kxaal ijitem. and the means ot cure. 110 paea wtJjeBrraTJBaaTit under seal torSJ eta. XXDICAX, ADVICE on Sexual and Chroci Diarsvtet. a SO pae work aeat muler seal for 10 eta. All three hooka coctaxnlnr 4o pafes aent aecurely aealed for 60 eta. Address Dr. Burrs' Dispensary, No. 12 N. 8th St Leara,Me- CEcabuxM ljtr. IW ARRT A ItH, Xarriate OuW tewehe. IT ' waS'i'aa the isauiaulve dwovU MJWWkmR know oa Crortiiip. Mar- lUatPJB SyrielggS. AJSJj ol tieaemal t7tcin.?hi- BOOK OFNATURE.ryfSelS: .. 7 ;"tl"'-,peditBeBt to marTi UtSMOMaMla1ewsrrkortkekiat ever pskUak- t a reu!Un frost an tafrvrt!m of latrua tlooal law rulrluf Hlffh Joiat C:oratatUn to amnz. preliminaries aad a Hoard tf .rtttrlr to decide on tae atsoa.it of Injury iuu n-X. tst da&ijre rnaltlBat frora a breaking of nature lawj. la wfcieh eery pervn I hit own eotnta. loner and Arbitrator and ha a world to ts" &;, f. In wh')t.efry rr-Tolotlon be I th nittdj .t tereteil. Palpitation of the heart, asarrxl, tf tKXondrla. dlarrhra. tnmtsrr rompialnt, cnlra tnorbu. et. are only known In extent tjtha fortunate wcor. and riearly indUat kuk functlgsalderacsetcent of the animal rrvnenay which mat t-c reraoird or amrlWrainl br uilt. Proteur Cameron" HiaeVtrfrry Itrasdy prtparrd bj the Home Hitter Co., M. L..au. If yoar local dealer doe not lerp I a : Sam' llarne Oil. la. lt tt.il be order It la 1.- next lno!ee of good. H w W end t a pr SJa- article to lt, l-eauc It 1 verr ppalar w hrrerr known. .Manufactured tj the Kutmert Pr -i-ele Ury CYi(.Mea(ro. IiL Flald Uithtnlag ttntanily cure Ntura'ic a. Nervou audlck Headache, UheumatUs: asd all nervou pains. Druggist keep It. i,is (Or if p!aco in a Uaa, ctct) 16 MILES OF SOLD .DtraiNG THE 73AB 1375. EVERY STOVE It mmmi wmsm TTHKBEVER USED 0U SOLD As Absolutely Without a Fault Our New Sixes tos. 37, 3S, 3, 47, 18 tU 19 1EE A KAETELOOS COSBUATiGI Convenience, Neatness i Economy, And all the eiseitial points that j; to make np tho is n Ever offered to the pnblic. MADE ONLY DY EXCELSIOR MANUFACTURING CO. Kos. 613. 611. 616 Is 618 1?. Vail St., ST. LOUIS, MO. SOX.23 33"Z ALL LIVE STOVE DEALERS. ORGANS! We are plea'sctl to ho aMe to announce to Muilc Dealers ami tin-Musical l'lildtr. tliat wo have inailc arraiiReiuents for the exteualro alo of tho cele brated JEWETT & GOODMAN ORGAN, An ItntrUhtrtit that It not only auprrlor In tono ami power, hut Hi duntlilllty ami norktnaiMhln. Tho liunhcr and tnaterlai In the tiittrument li thornuitbly seasoned, ami nnHhetl iu tho moit tltiralilo manner and very heat itrle. Wehayehecn hamllliiR the inatrtiment non- for over a year, cautiously, ami critically. M-thluK to he aide to testify of our own knowlMlKe n to the iialllli'x ami capahllltle.i of the Organ heforo making any (treat effort to sell them, ami haio fouml that they have stood etery test, havo home out all the testl inonl.nl! presented tons by themakeri, ami Klvfti the best .satisfaction to all who have purchased them ot us. Wo ask your examination of them IWoYe pur chaslnfr. with the full asstiram-t. that If you want a first class organ, we will not fall t ell to on. Dealers are luvltetl to call or correspond v. It li u Iu regard to these Instruments. an.i.N '.. Urm 3foliira. Inwa. it li:ads them all." PACKARD ORCHESTRAL ORGAN ! THE PUKEST TONED AXD BEST ! Is rapidly taking the oreredence whprPTcr it Is known. Iteason-OUAI.ITV OF TONK, UKaUTI VVU NEW COMlllNATIUNK, IIOM-'ST WMllK- MANSIIH" AND LlllKltAI. KKAI.INO. Factory located at Ft. Wayne. Intl.- In the uild-t of walnut lumber country; save thousands In freiRht, cost of llvlnir. Rroumfs. ta.fe. etc.. when compared with investments for similar purposes east. Capital, over two million. When you can be IlKTrKH served at home than abroad . patronlre hom In dustry and keen the money in circulation where most needed. Write Tor terms and prices. We ileal In Weber. Valley Oem." and other Hano-., ami Iu musical merchanrtl,.. of evervdescrldtiuu. VAN METKIi (JCh-ST. Managers. , HurlliiKton. Iowa. ORGANS. New Styles. ew Jniprovements. ienns or 1'aymcnt "TL'I11 In" exnlanation aent fre. JSKKD-N TEXPU Or SttCIC. c. ,ki. . ? ? "ta. Caslrasco. (Cut this out and enclose It In you letter. 1. 1. Co.) QECURE YOUR LAND PATENTS. jTo save further trouble In regard to land titles wr no person who has entered or purchased Ian rrom the jrovernment should fall to e cure h patat.andsethatltlsrecordel. Peraon. wbohav not received their natent. mi whn ..i.a . . business attended to, may And It to their advant a M to correspond wltti tho nndersljtaed for parties ? lars. Fo for itjndnr to tho bnslnass reason abla w. - aTa.a.Taa.-a. w Mmlmrm. Iowa. MONEY T Iaam la Its-. iMtfra Xettraaitm. rtUwermtrrm Xlsstaatarl. upon improved farms In sums of tlTWI and np wards. for term of 9 to S yeara; Intereatax 1 per cent, payable semi annually. Choice Iowa loans of 2,0CO acd npwjrd.. msde at 9 pr cent, interest SCnonr. BONDS WANTED. Apply to KL'KNUAM & TCLLKTS Conncii BluCs Iowa. HURSTS EUROPEAN HOTEL, Corner tth and Locan Sta-. St. Lonls. Mo. When you go to St. LonJs, :op at Hnrsfs Hotel, kept on the European plan; first claaa In every respect. and a first class restaurant is attached, where you can procure meals at any hour and at reasonable K,CSJ:. J- s nd 1 Pr lr. COL. L. V ATMN. Chief Clerk formerly of Everett Koore f PATENT LEGSAHO ARMS, Pamphlet and price list aent free. LKWIS LOCKWOOD. TOO Xorth rifth Street. St. Louts. Law, Real Estate and Loan Office or 9 Iowa MT. Aye, nrnare a sec or Abatracta of Title to Rlurjold eoontr. )C rjkjivx CAKU9. new Mjlea. wntt aaaae. rte.; ilnotttalet. j.r. Hnstad.yasMB.Keaa. CauX.T H(csit vrrr uummkbciai. coixtcbt. m. ixata , go. TH-aMlimq UM. IM.XlN.J.lt.L.L. aw. Fret. m MOST FERFECT CO DO rf!&tWF"'$&& - -mtm. aTtgasaiTiaaaaiw aaTa-aMjMaaxjMaaiTy..'aiJy.jtyia H 771- LiLaftSfiaaviHK T.as 1 aaaaBaSiaSaaiBajapasj-- aj m aBB BaB i &.aBVJn risVj VLaBBBataaSaBBsW RHMD c43 SOXS' 1 r . , , J ll 1. (Ta. . I .WP I T Tl-lal& I 1 S aaHHaa." KaHKaW ' " "aaaaWaHr'7aV" V"V V " " af H atBaa..........Balalia . 'F x Vfl STaMatBBaBWV V B 1 "feM HalaTJaVvH WJaBB..aBVVa(aBaM B Jm3Ba0faVCr .atftoW i l?t V aLrwl'Vaa.VlaTBBHBaB 1 llW t MHalBaK.sVaB.I PAk CW aaaBaaaBaPWl-l aaaaV - '4Bli.MV.HawikXaCaa.trMwV'S31 Sample orders so licited. For further information, address Utility Works, Koek Falls, Illinois. TRiUl AhX. SAFE AND RELIABLE. Havo You Weak Lungs? Havo You a Cough or Coll ? Havo You l'ain in Your ltrrast V Havo You any Throat IImmno? aa.liaajii.taaaaaaBBBfBBBBB9JiaHnMMnitBatatBiat.e. Havo You Con.Huniptlon t USE Ds. L. 0. C. WISHABTS PIKE TREE TAR CORDIAL. Aro You "Weak and DolillHntotl V Po You Sudor from Indigestion 7 aaaa.MaK,aaa.,aaaateaMBaBa.aa Do You rojuiro a Totifo? Havo You No Appetite ? DoYouneedliuildthgrpy DwYoiMvlahtuhcStroiigainllloaltliyV USE De. L. 0. C. WISHART'S PINE TREE TAR CORDIAL Sold hy all Druggists. Principal Depot, 010 Filbert St, I'iiilailelplihi, P.i. THE MEDICINE THAT CURES 13 VEGETINE! TakltiK Into roimlduratlon tic rharartrr of Itt toiirheiv. tint history of lis cure, ami tholln iiicasr Incn-aslni: d.'tiMDd. wetlne m.t he fairly entitled the le.idlriK medlt I tie of the ae Ftir .scrofula In the boo.l, carctlnr , an nfatt. ble remedy, ami no peron need aurfer from tn mors, ulcers, and all diseases arising from Impure blood. If Vcuctlii,; Is used nrcorillm; to directions. There Is not a c.s. of scrofiil.t In existence that Veietl!i will nut cure, pro. Idiil. however. tb vital fuuctloua hve not lot their t"mer of action all that may bo said to tho contrary not with tttandlmr. VKt.KTiMc Is pleasant to the taste, mild in lt In fluence, and ahsoluL In Its arilon on dl-ae, a tho following umiUcttlounbU'eTlilclicaj will ahorr. PAID XEA KLY .S 100! .tantisry 2. ItTJ. MIL II. It. HTKVK?).- Key Iicar Sir When about nix months old I was vacclnat.d. The parties stho nero vacclnatrsl nead and uischarKlm; corruption from in) er At this time a amall kernel appeared oo un neck gradually Incieasais In ire nutll a tumor forme,! of such Immense sle I could ' It by turnltiit tur cesdowrnard. All this time I was taklntt vari ous remedies for.ui) blovtl without an substantial berient. I then went to a prominent physician in Itoston, who. durlnir his treatment of six months, lanrrsl the tumor eiKht times, which cost iti nearly )(), This left me with a rouyb. airravatnl ore. with out at all dlmlnlshlmr theief the, tumor, and In a sickly, feeble condition. I cousutted another physician In Natlck. who. after considerable time, kuccceded In hc.iilnsr the .i.re without r-IuclU7 tho sire. ,t this point I commenced to use Vkoktisik. through the earnest perualon of a friend. After I had taken this medicine about one week. I exj rlencel wonderful sensations .My whole body seniei to t underyoin; a raiical change, until, finallr. the tumor broke 3n,i dt.enarre,! fiifhlfui (.uantltles. From this time It decreased In tlie until the bunch disappeared, but mr neck till learsthe ugly scars of the..re and lance I am now healthy and atronjr. and able to wora etery day, I will also mention that I have hen an aenta sufferer from InlUmmatory rhemnatlsm ever sine I can remember, until commer,cins the use of VKfiKTI.XK. when almost Immediately all rhen matlc pains ceased. This statement I volunteer for tho purpose of lnectln: other sofferloz ho manlty. and yon win confer., favor by glvls,; i:a much pnhllcity as thonirht pr. ,'r. Very itrtef oily. U. 31 .SAVEIA Ashland. 31 au Vegetine Ih Hold hy all DnigaixU. Booms with Board, f X w. to I-M a lay. Rootst wUhonl Soarn. $1.00 m fxas a day. '. wit iaeat Us- taorant In the West. CsarraseT f Laks a mrhmrm ntm Best Hotel in CHICAGO. STERLING BURIAL CASE CO., STERLING. - ILL. WE are the ONI.T factory that oakes a Sri Ic the Celled State ECIAJ.Tr of Ornamental Work. Seod for Clrealar asd Irlce List. Have con stantly oa hand a fal nine, of Trillins, LiniiK. nl Skrocdi. njgyr' from the smiM virus died from the humor The ,, , "T' "". ,"',J "' ,7f nVin i. tL.i7. humor spread over me to sort, an eteat that I "Y .' WAr I df.aai !ilJ?nVt i.i lt far malnrd ln thi'' rter.f,."iboit " 1 " ! VarJ'f m ZVtilZ VVLt' M" troubled all the time with sores break lilir In inr . ". ' " . HtJ'bt. I ax. ,uf M f i mam 'iiMifiL i i s4mw&ttm,m 7 anaGla9Hsa-.sH N ' asMaSSHSSaslaHIatsCB ' m , fiTMriir iTTTl.s---f ESTABLISHED SK YEARS. JONES' COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, 9Uaa40UTcS&.SClMLU Xo. Writ tec cltcmlara. i We call the atten tion of the trade, and public generally, to o;:r mmIs, which are the best selling nov elties in the market. n IIKcjaHIS UJie v. ualu I.. The IturMntrtuB HryaBl X trt(a Telegraph Instituto ! rail (omtnrrtUI Uf ff --'rta'p 3,, Onl) a part uf lh TaltUa f rl. rftfht laat.deal hn th ttttlant t,r xk-Mal. t, tl nr.. w lie u h aball hatf 'tir 1 a umM i-l. llou a. .i.rrtur Kr f uj, i.rf a,ar a.l4ii t. Ml RUtaa. Mrllnlr !. ' SHIRT FACTORY, ltlaal lit Uxtiu .tiT, TKKIIN;( - - I!.I.IM)!.H. A I.I. KIN D.s (if Sbirts, GBHts'&LadlBs'nBderwBar Kl. iu.it. to irlr IVtfoy-t St a, wtrt fnar autf.il l!rr ari'tr of fnl. ui t il- mhm fclVlrey sm1 ll'r ;ritdfr price Hal Mllt.trMt( TO PARENTS. If or rlnli! i.M MjtTormg from woruw. UM. I)Jt. W..M.AI.T"., Woiut .SfOAU Dkojn, an ohl aiut rrliitbtc nursljr, that nctrrftiil in tliuriuixhiy ttxU'rinituiUii tIlU.M jM'SUs tf t'lllltlliosnl. ik iiuulo in tin form of Sujir Ini. iMiWnt; iii-itlitT thr t.'Lttfor tsiiiHI if iiiHlictiit. no trouhlo is espi-rimcM In iitilucliiif eliililren to take tlii'iu. NjJiI hyall Dn Kiats at iT cLm. a Imx, or i'iit hy matt on ii'icipt of prlrv, at tti l'rliirjpul Ii.t. lJM Filln-rlMtiii't, I'lilhiilflplun. Fa. raFPMMOTDAL'"" Life Insurance Co. iK rilM.AI'KM'H! ASSETS, $5,504,329.24 iscoriaiKi 13 1817 hftlr !'.:..! Annual ash IlM-rid. alltll rvlie f 111 til In. the second fear p..cte fMlM for their salue Ku4mrat l'ili'ir. ,. at Life IUt. . ssMfKI. lfl'Kr. I'feslfleal ts'AMl'KI. K HTnKPH. Vice r..i.ft II NTKl'IIKM- M VK l'.sMBl JAs. W1.1K MAMJ.N Actuary , JIFMtV AlHTIK Kcrrtarr 1 Atfenti nantr.l In all the W.lrm Mate. n t 1 erdllerm. Addre.. J W lltl'lilCI Jk if i Interidetit of aKnclet. a il ve Third tea.t - ( irirlunatl. V. ON TRIAL... .F. II. Brooke, I. !.. St. I.ouIm, bat been seeurel to write th e x p.,sitlt)t fan- dav rti'A Irsawn ltsies Itriug a ra;alar -! tribiiur A't.lres UICHTIAS .Hr.WJ. Ul aol Jeitat, 1ST UtiU, it9. School IHstrlct ilondn. We the nnderstitned, wotilii aassuoco to ho)i OO'era and other. Iiittej Vli.l lif.rirt tlvtul; that w hav prfeete,! arra,.Krnnts with a !' and resb.ntllecrtratlva -u li IUt. orcanlil with a larir capital for the rur,x,.a of datlc l Jtunlclpal and .xchvol IH:rl-t li-ynds tr which are M" to negotiate the sal of any ainaatof Hcbool Itond. I'lallr I'.Hed t thrlr htrrbt ir ket value, and at irji'imW. ra'ea of eomuiH.loa fro in ptrie. in obtaining acd rr'aralntr ta pr cecis for the bonds a special featare Iu thli jar? of tar business, I orreta,necre ai;rt.L OLMKH AU.I4K M '.. I nicaoo, lit. I'lV'srers of Adams' new ajtta-ui of Mbo. Records I'nlon Sri. th best r pattlabed. e- I'oanrsu erer samote of th Alllkrlli-o i cnarje. T. KrMT.irTaCM Jk i O., Sole 3lanfartarr f An -.!., a 9mi. aw Ywrk. S 143 4 150 WtUiir zmt Mwrat..caiC10a yww!liaa4Iw.r.;U, UtnorrsI wrofort ! taar lnm f -fUc tmi.,wt aad htJw piUm. $1.50 tc $2.00 A DAY, j eoeWt r. Km TMOMAJt KKXDKKX. Pre ST. JOSEPH FIRES MARINE INSURANCE CO., -or- flrt, Joi 'Iaerporatd ir . ,',., mi.'t ..- Surplus. Jaaaarr 1. . UM'J a r, tirr. ireMeat fj Treaaeirer. JJl Kick. ., T. II.WOODWOHTII.ftCO., MxuvrscrvitKBti or Printing .Inks, CINCIXXATI. OHIO. L. D. PITCHER, patentee and Jfaaafactetrer of lb X.LC.R. loose Grain sBarieyFort Wholesala IUOt.a a3 Hat-BaKa. DIXON, LLL. BeatOootJjt. Keoaable rrtce. liberal Ttraaa. Ajfretaia: 'e-sr hoaaeaold neeeaaity. rtaasslan tern postpaid Mr. Satisfaction rairaafed. jewari Man u fact urlB Csv. MtUbarr. Isa-a rrlallsit Cm. mm Mmtmmm. tm. W. 8. 'VEMMOm, Merchant Tailor, AN dealer in riae Ctetals? a4 9ta' rvrtUast Th Unrest stoek of riao (toots aad rear arr claaa of stork. 2lvtaMSsT9B wises I Use cfty pia call aa4 aaoea. 23i rraussaaaBa straet. a ct. i ff ' ' TI.e in.inrr of the , IIKIITItH Mlffl 4 llrlliat ttiaf fall ' li si 4aa i.i.l rtdalf a ,.f A.n IB !A 1 ! t w f -fttgr Wt ' uf M.S . . 5B?Vr -55s5r5srf. C?; -"gf&i " ' f S -. . i