The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 06, 1876, Image 4

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I al with Doris the shepherd raaldeii:
Her crook was laden tilth wreathed flower.
I sal and wooed her through sunlight wheeilne;.
And shades stealing for hours and hours.
Ami rdie. my Iiorls. whoso lap Inr-ioscs
Wlhl summer roses of rare perfume,
TIio while I sued her. kept hushed and hearkened
Till shadows had darkened from glcfti to gloom.
She touched my shoulder with fearful finger;
She said, "We linger; we must not tay ;
3Iy Hock's In danger, my sheep will wander;
Heboid them yonder how far they stray"
I answered bolder, ' Say. let me hear you.
And still he near you, and still adore;
.Nor wolf nor stranger will touch one earllng;
Ah! stay, my darling, a moment more."
She whispered, sighing, "There will be sorrow
Ilejond to-morrow. If I Ioso to-day;
?.Iy fold unguarded, my Hock unfolded,
I shall be scolded, and sent away."
Said I, replying, "If they do miss jou.
They ought to hiss jou when you get home;
And well rewarded my friend and neighbor
Should be the labor.from which jou come."
"They might remember," she answered meekly,
"That lambs are weakly and sheep aro wild;
Hut If they love me. It's none so ferrent;
I am a servant, and hot a child."
Then each hot ember glowed quick within Hie,
And low did win in; to swift reply;
Ah"! do but prove me, and none hall blind you.
Nor fray, nor flint jou, until I die."
.She bluihed and started, and stood awaiting.
As If debating In dreams dltine;
Hut I did brae them I told Iter plain!
.She doubted valul ; she must be mine.
iv wo twin-hearted, from all the valley
Did and rally the nibbling ewe.
And homeward drove them, wu together,
1 broiigh blooming heather, and gleaming den i.
That simple ilulj inch graeedld loud her
My Dot Is tender, my Iiorl true;
Tint I, her warder, did always hies her,
A lid often press Iter to take her due.
Til!'; QrUEX'S LITTLE shoes.
On the ;th of January, 1770, at the
fe;ist of the Epiphany, there occurred
on hoard the French frigate Heron, as
she lay at the pier previous to her de
parture from France, a scene phjuant
enough to merit recital.
.All the ollicers whose services were
not in actual demand were promenading
the (juarter-deck, smoking, chatting, and
otherwise whiling away the time, when
suddenly a young midshipman mounted
the gang-plank from the pier, crying,
"Hats off, gentlemen! hats off! tlio
Queen approaches." Yet.strange to say,
Marie Antoinette had not quitted Ver
sailles, for at that moment she might
have heen found in a corner of the
chateau, under the shelter of etiquette,
playing high comedy vnfumille, taking
the cue from Count d' Artoris, and
having for prompter the Count de
1'rovence, her brothers-in-law. She
filled the principal role in "Le Devrin
(In Village" -The Village Soothsayer"
and sang with feeling
.I'.il perdue- mon servlteur
I'al perdue tout mou bonheur
words which she had occasion afterward
to repeat often enough poor, unfortu
nate Queen !
Who, then, was the usurper V "Who
1200 leagues from Versailles, had taken
up the scepter which the legitimate
Queen had for an instant abandoned
for a shepherd's crook? Let us hasten
to assure the reader that thore w:is no
imposition, no crime, nor high treason
there; the royalty that honored the
Heron with its presence was only the
Tugitive "royalty of the beau," which,
by chance, had fallen to a pretty creole
of Alarlinique, a relative of the Captain,
who, under the charge of an aged aunt,
was journeying to the metropolis in a
vague search for fortune and inher
itance. In truth, it was to be regretted that
the young Queen was only playing
Queen, for she carried her high and
novel honors with a grace which Cath
erine J L or Marie Theresa might have
"On your knees, beautiful page," said
she, addressing the youth who had an
nounced her; "do you not see that I
have dropped my glove? Approach,
my Ministers, and do not smile, for the
question to lie discussed is a grave one
I love my subjects, and do you hear?
I desire above all things that my
subjects love me in return ; we must,
then, decide as to whether I shall wear
a blue or a white rosette to gain their
homage. How is this? It seems that
my Prime Minister permits himself to
puff the smoke of tobacco into the nos
trils of his sovereign in lieu of incense."
And thus, with a thousand innocent
sallies, with a thousand little coquetries,
did she cause the old sailors to laugh
so heartily and long that the lire of
their pipes died out, and they forgot to
light them.
Uut one who seemed to eniov the
sport more than the rest was Pierre
Hello, a native of ttreton, an old son
dog with more scare than wrinkles,
who upon that very morning had re
ceived a medal of honor a tardy ac
knowledgement of his long service
and who, for that reason, had been ad
mitted as a guest to the Captain's table
for the daj-.
Marie llose, as the little lady was
called, listened, breathlessly, to the won
derful stories related by the old man-of-war's-man,
and had complimented and
caressed him until the heart of the old
sailor palpitated with as much emotion
at the praise of this young beauty as at
the moment when he received his medal.
He alone waited upon her, and, indeed,
upon him devolved the entire care of
the child, owing to the fact of her
aunt's being a sufferer from gout and
unable to leave her comfortable chair,
where she spent most of her time read
ing the life of her favorite saint, Augus
tine, only looking up, from time to time,
to cry, "This way, Minette! this way,
Marie IioseH as she saw her cat or her
niece chasing a sunbeam.
ButMarieEose, with that daring and
perfect freedom possessed by most
young girls of her age, one moment
would climb up the cordage, balancing
herself on the ropes, while brave Pierre
watched from below, ready to catch her
in liis arms should she be blown down
the deck, or to jump overboard should
she fullinto the sea. Then, tiring of
that she would amuse the unemployed
officers or men with a song or dance,
until attentive Pierre seemed suddenly
to have found intelligence enough to
comprehend the verse and appreciate
j.t i.i. i:uin 1 Vha Hitt tVI
ine grace vl me xituc cix. j.uo j " i
lowing that of her mock coronation, J
Marie Hose seemed sad and dispirited,
and her old friend Pierre was at a loss to
know what trouble affected his favorite.
She, observing his questioning looks,
took him into Iter confidence, and told
him her sadness was caused by a pre
diction made to her by an old negrcss,
said to be a witch, who lived in the
forest near her home, and to whom
Marie Hose had been in the habit of
secretly bringing food. The words of
the prophecy being so strange, the child
fully remembered them. They were :is
follows: "Good little missy, me saw in
the night a great bird mount tii up
very high in the air, with u rose in its
beak. You are that rose; you will be
very unhappy; you will be a queen;
then comes great tempest, and you per
ish." ''And yesterday," said she, "I was
Queen, and now I am expecting the
tempest which is to carry me away."
"Never fear, mademoiselle," replied
Pierre; "If anything happens to the
ITeron, you have only to seize hold of
my belt like this, see! and, cntli tin
help of God and my patron saint, you
will be towed ashore as gently as a
sloop by a three-nuister!"
Marie Hose somewhat leassurcd hy
the words of honest Pierre, lewaith-d
him by singing a song, the words of
which embodied the prophecy of the
old u egress. Hut hers was an age when
melancholy thoughts impress the mind
but lighth', and the following day she
was dancing :us gayly as ever, utterly
unmindful of the negrcss and her
weird prophecy. Days and weeks
passed without wearing away the high
spirits of the chihl, but, alas! not with
out wearing her little shoes.
The last skip of a farandole carried
away the fragment of thread which held
them together; and, the wardrobe of the
ladies being very scant (they having de
layed purchasing until their arrival in
Paris), poor Marie Hose was forced to
spend hertiineseated by the side of her
aunt hiding Iter little bare feet in the
folds of her dress, able only to move
her head the loss of her shoes holding
her captive, like the Princess in the
story, awaiting the coming of a cavalier
to deliver her.
The cavalier came in the person of
Pierre Hello.
"Allow such pretty feet to go bare!"
said he, indignantly. "One must be
without heart."
5ut if, as the poet says, indignation
makes poetry, it docs not follow that
indignation makes shoes.
Pierre reflected and scratched his
head, turning his quid from cheek to
cheek. The quid is to the mind of the
sailor as the hands are to a clo-k ; when
the mind is working the (pud is turning.
And Pierre had undertaken to think
out a problem difficult evon to a mathe
matician, to make something out of
nothing, a problem that God alone has
"Apiece of leather! My pipe and
my medal for a piece of leather! cried
Pierre like Richard for a horse.
Ho searched all over the ship, and
peered into every crevice where even a
mouse might have been concealed,
when suddenly he gave a cry of joy a
cry such as might have come from a
Harpagon when he found his treasure,
or Rousseau on discovering a new plant.
JJut it was neither tlower or treasure
that Pierre had discovered; it was
something of more value in his eyes. 1 1
was a boot the boot of a soldier who
had been killed during a gal?. And
this boot had been tossed aside, no one
knows how, while its mate was lying at
the bottom of the sea, or perhaps in the
stomach of a shark, thinking, like the
rat of La Fontaine, that the things of
earth concerned it not.
Uut Pierre Hello decided otherwise.
With the assistance of a knife, in
lieu of an awl, he cut and shaped, in
the course of an hour, that which we
should be glad to call a pair of shoos,
but candor forbids.
"What he did make was not exactly
shoe or slipper, buskin or moccasin; it
was something entirely new in the art of
shoeniaking, something original and
without a name; nevertheless, a thing
perfectly secure and fully reliable as a
protection for the feet. When they were
finished, brave Pierre hastened with the
offering to his little mistress: and.
amid much laughter and great coaxing,
persuaded her to put them on: then,
placing her on the lloor, he stood with
his arms akimbo, and admiringlv ex
claimed, "Yoila!"
An hour later she was dancing away
with a weight on each foot, to the vig
orous applause of her admirers, having
gained a double victory, for there was
in this dance a combination of art and
strength; it was Taglioni and Madame
Saqui in one bwly.
At last, after a long voyage, the good
ship arrived at its destination, and the
time came for them to disembark.
The leave-taking of the little Creole
and the old sailor was really touching.
"I will never forget you, and T will
keep your shoes as a souvenir, as a relic,"
said Marie Rose, trying to consolePierre,
who passed the back of his rough hand
across his eyes, which looked suspicious
ly moist.
"Oh, no!" responded he, sadly shaking
his head ; "you are going to Paris, where
you will soon forget your old friend and
your little shoes."
"I will never forget," she repeated, as
she was led away by her aunt, but con
tinued looking back as long as Pierre
was in sight. UufPierre Ilelloliever
knew whether she kept her word or not,
as he was killed in an action not many
months later.
But what of Marie Rose?
In the midst of our story comes the
great French Revolution; a Hood of
war and carnage which we will not
dwell upon, but, closing our eyes, pass
on to the time of the Empire, and pro
ceeded at once to the home of the noble
but unfortunate Josephine, a widow in
the eyes of the law, causal by a legal
separation from Napoleon, but still
an Empress, and still adored by the
French people, who had not approved
of" the divorce.
Sitting in an apartment of the palace
her arm resting carelessly on her piano,
she u;ts listening with a smile to a
j group of young ladies-of-honor who
were holiciting iH.-nnissioii to give some
charades in costume at the chateau.
"With pleasure, my children," said the
kind Josephine. "I will even see to it
that thecostumes are furnished. Thanks
to the generosity of the Emieror, my
own wardrobe is all-suflicient; see what
a merchant has just sent me!" and care
lessly she spurned with her foot a magnificently-embroidered
robe which lay
ujoii the door.
The garment w:is so beautiful that the
youngest of the ladies, enthusiastically
clapping her hands, cried out, "Heav
ens! but your Majesty must le very
"Happy!" murmured Josephine, with
a sigh ; "y-s, very happy."
She seemed lost in thought for a mo
ment; then, throwing off the memories
which o'pi eased her, she arose, saying,
"Follow me, ladies, and select your cos
tumes." Followed by the thoughtless
throng, she entered the room, where her
wardrobe was kept. The eyes of the
young ladies opened as wideas did those
ot the woful-diopper's sons when he
entered the cave of Ali Baba, at the
wonders of lace and finery exposed to
their ga.e: everything that art could
furnish and money procure was there.
"Take your choice, my children," said
the generous Empress; amuse your
selves in selecting from all the beautiful
diesses which dazzle you so. You are
fn-e to take anything you find, with one
exception, and that is too sacred for any
one to touch. Hut "she continued, sett
ing the curiosity depicted in their faces
"I may show you this wonderful treas
You may imagine how the minds of
thoM! young girls were affected. What
new wonder were they to behold?
Could it be possible that anything more
precious than what they had already
beheld could exist? Smiling at the
wonder she had herself created in their
minds, she slowly drew from the corner
of her jewel-case, not a present of Napo
leon, not the gift of a geni, but the
handiwoik of Piene Hello the little
shoes of Marie Host for you have
guessed ere now that the Empress
Josephine and the little barefooted dan
cer arc one and the same person.
When the sword of Bonaparte began
to hew Europe, Josephine Marie Hose
Tascher de la Pagerie was chosen as a
happy Queen.
But there came tempests and storms,
enemies fell upon and ciushed France
and amid all this the prophecv of the
old negress was fulfilled.
The bird had dropped its rose, and too
Creole of the Three Islands, twice
crowned Queen, perished amid the tem
pest. Home Journal.
Tiiomab (I. ortwio. Solicitor or Patent or tho
Iowa 1'atent Ovkice. at lies Molnct. reports the
following U. S. Pateuts Issued to Western liiTent-
MAY 30, 1S7C.
Barrel-Trucks. Silas Allman, Atlan
tic, Iowa.
Fifth-Wheels for Vehicles. Paul La
Belle, Monroe, Iowa.
Harness Clamps. J. McCormick,
(Hidden, Iowa.
Mechanical Movements. Miner G.
Mosher, Wichita, Kansas.
Car-Couplings. J. F. Roehm, Hiawa
tha, Kansas.
Nut-Locks. Isaac Van Kuran, Oma
ha, Neb.
Knife Hacks and Rests. A. R.Bvrkit,
Fairfield, Iowa.
Piano-Actions. J. W. Holmes, Du
buque, Iowa. An adjustable weight is
tapped into the upright of a piano-jack,
to dispense with the use of a spring.
Animal-Weaning Bits. Solomon E.
McGee, Pearson M. J)ye, Nelson Iloemer,
and Horace Simes, Tama City, Iowa.
Harvesters. Andrew T. Nord, Fre
mont, Neb.
Mechanical Movements. Ilolcom
Olson, Mr. Pleasant, Iowa.
Peer Cattle 9 0 Gift W
-&' w a. t W
Sheep Uve 4 2J $ i 7a
Flour (iood to choice. 3 Ti J .'
Wheat Xo. -J Chicago 1 it 1 lSJj-
Corn Western mixed 5 ( .MK
Oats Western new a c 42'
Huttcr.. .......... ..................... 13 (f !?
Pork New Mess 19 75 (&
- l.... ........ .... ................. 11 jrv y
Peeves-Choice $ 4 to 3 4 M
Sheep Good to choice 2 54) te 4 (
Putter Choice to j ellow 1( a 19
Flour White winter 4N ttiW
Sprinn extra
Wheat Spring "o2 1 V6& 1 W
Corn No 2 4'i( 4
Kyi r o .......................... ...... b9 c& id
Pork Mess, new IS 90 13 95
Harloy No '2 s si
Peer Cattle Fair to choice $ 4 fiJ 4 9
Hops Lire 5 90 (4 6 12X"
Flour Fall XX 3 25 3 75
Wheat Xo 2 lied I II
live No 1....... .................. ...... fe-
Pork-Mess 21 00 (i20 25
i-l lu ........ ... I A id (
Flour $ 5 Ot 5 SO
Wheat Itcil 1 w f I !
y" in ................ o m 4 1
"I Is..... ..... .... 3 ( 3t
lar!y... ..................... ........... 1 2 f( 15
' -l . W rfj C-JC mw OV
-" . i 1 w
r ii'ii r. ... ................... Q
Wheat Xo 2 r 1 04.V
-Ol II ................., (f
ll N J U ................ (J 30
'- J" " qS t J
J W " .............. Q J
Flour wholesale 5 1 75 J 54
'".. 4 1 t V
--". . j ( wv
" 3 ..................................... . Ji ( aQ
Vj .......................... ad ( B i
J ...... . Ill v tltj
p V ....................... JU (a 1 1
ier... ...... .......... .............. 13 ( 1 5
Ilawkeyo Insurance Company.
The May settlement of this vigorous
and substantial Fire Company, shows
an astonishing increase in business. It
is probable that scarcely any Fire In
surance Company in the State has
equalled it, and certainly none have sur
passed. During the month the amount
of premiums received aggregated $23,
G72.S1. The amount of cash received
from other sources was $12,040.00. The
increase of premium receipts over cor
responding month of last year is $ 2,450.97
and the increase of cashreceipts from
other sources is $4,3$3.50-showing ex
cess of receipts over coi responding
month of last year of S0,SG0.47.
This gratifying exhibit "fully "attests
to the substantial character of the
Hawkeye Company. Officered by citi
zens of known integrity and business
capacity, with its surplus invested in
the safest of securities, and with a large
fund of cash constantly on hand to meet
losses that may occur, promptly and
without delay, the Hawkeye and its
management commend themselves to
the public favor. State Register.
Religion does what philosophy could
never do; it shows the equal dealings of
heaven to the happy and the unhappy,
and levels all human enjo merits t
nearly the same standard. It. jtivos to
both rich and oor tho same happme
hereafter, and equal hoj'CS to aspire af
ter it. Goldsmith.
A corresiondeni says that Pittsburg
h:is more business enterprises and suc
cessful ones, loo, conducted by women,
than any other city. -There, tc."addH
the writer, "society kindly ojvns her
doors to these worthy workers, ami the
shop woman whose brain or fingers find
active employment, finds the doors of
intellectual and soeial delights ojemtl."
It 0!!l! the lle;irt
To ! and recojrnlie the lx'nij in tJ.e r-i.
of perfect health, and tl bun IrH j-w ii. TI
sitUc hatli or life in this coutitr mVe p- , .e
nrntc't tUe maitlcatlou of their Iixxl lif. e f I
Iom Indirection, conttlpatlvu or diarrl tea ra'u
Ienre, &. . making life a harden, tndrr s- : a
rrjfitue It heroines necsarj t in a means or it
slating theorcr-taxed poucr of natnre !tjdi'f
lUfi the food uken into the stomarh. ati'l nc Zul
no httur adjuant than ran I.e f.utjd mtl.eCte
hratil Illackherry liraud of Trof aiuTi -i tnaue
h the Home Uitteiw Co. and for aic cer
TOMC, AN1 MANOItAKK 1'ILt--. Il.edl-
clues have undoubtedly performed more cu-j or
Consuinptlou than any other reinedj Limwu tw-he
Amerlean public. They ar coniHinndM r vege
table ingndlesti. and contain iiutlutij; u Ii.f 'i can
he Injurious to the human conitllut:' -t ott er
rcmmlies 3dvertlitI as cures Iir Ct'ii.itup:i n,
probably contain opium, which 1 i
dauKerous drujf In all case, and irta&enfir. y
hy cousttinptlTe patients. It inuit do (,-rtat 1. ;ury
for Its tendency is tocontluo the morbid matter
In the system, which or course, must maVe a cure
Impossible. SchcncW's Pulmonic Sjrup U ar
ranteil not to contain a particle or opl'iui. It a
composed Of powerful but hatinlcM her v I ! i
act on tho luug, liver, stomach, and Mo. i. an I
tliui correct all morbid secretions, and exj el a I
the dUeaied matter from the body. Tiir c nre the
only meant hy which Consmitptloii cm be cur. d.
and ai Schenek's Pulmonic syrui. sea Wt.d
Tonic, and JIaudrako 1'IIH are the on!) nie,!i 'nm
whiell operate In thU way, II is obUotu tliej are
tho only Kenuluo euro for I'ulmouar) ('inniinp
tlon. Kach bottle of this Invaluable medl- urn li
accompanied by full directions. Dr. Schem l
professionally at hH principal ofllce. corner Sixth
and Arch streets, Philadelphia, every .Monday,
where all letter for advice must bo addressed.
The ladies will lind Dobbins Kleitric
Soap, (made by Cragin i: Co., Philadel
phia.) the best of all soaps for general
washing, from blankets to laces. It i.
pure, uniform, saves time and clothes.
Try it.
What i Vuoktine'.' it l- .i lompomul i .
traded rrom baiks, rooti and herbs It i nature i
CZTEvery horie owner should knon the v.U'ie or
L'ncle Sam"'i Condition powder. Ak iurdrtiK
t;Istrorlt. "Wecan Jieartily recommend the Ne
rada Hotel, MS and ir0 Wabash Ave
nue, Chicago, III., as not only one of the
cheapest, but also one of the best hotels
in Chicago. Mine host, Kendrick, has
proven that he can keep a hotel.
r2f"Areyou suffering utth a cold, coiif;ti or any
bronchial complaint? If o, ro to your drugM
and get a bottlo of illcrt'a Kxtiact or Tar and
Wild Cherry-. It Is the best known runcdy for all
such complaints. Sold by all druKlsts.
lioth men and beasts ar liable to accident, ' a
prompt remedy used at tho rlht tiras often
savei wccki and months of pain. l)r. Urocn'
Crimean LInimout and Ltvir and Agus I'illi
should always be kept In the hour e.
For general debility the good effect.? of the Vcg
ctlno arc realized Immediately artcr commencing
o take It.
For Sal. A 'new, No. 6 Harris eafo never
been used. Price, 890. cash.
Des Moines.
Interesting to Musician. A Whitney A
Holmes Cabinet Organ will be sold at a reasona
ble price by the IOWA PRINTING CO.,
Des Moines.
To Farmers. A .Moline wind-mill for sale,
Pes JIoineb.
A Bargain in Body Type The
Iowa Printino Company wish us to say
that thoy have six hundred pouuds of
this style of Bourgeois typo on hand,
which they will sell at a reasonable
price. It is in tolerably good condition,
well sorted up, plenty of capitals, small
capitals, italic and quads. Write to the
Iowa Printing Company, Des Jloinet, for
price. Terms, cash.
lr. McAFFKK A regular graduate of I'.rltlsh
and American Institutes. Twenty years a prac
ticing physician. Treats all dNe.ises of the Kid
netd. Liver. Lungs, Heart. Throat, Head and
Nervous system. Errors or Youth and Abusesor
Manhood successrullv treated and even artel
others have railed. SIM rorrelt Tor any cae of
Seminal Weakness or private disease of any Kind
or character he undertakes and falls to cure. La
dies will lind proper treatment ror diseases pe
culiar to their sex. All letters containing stamps
for replv promptly answered.
Consultation Ki: r.E. Send for circular. Ad
dress Lock liox '.VO, or call at oilier. 317 Perry street
Daienport, Iowa.
There shall be mi Xght there.
That must be a glorious place to live l.i. no
clouds and no darkness: where can It be? lleieon
earth. Civilization enforces on all huuiauliv
wlthln Us Influence a penalty. That penalty I sick
ness or many kinds and dlllerlng in decrees. Un
sociability rretfulness. anger, ill temper, rude
manners, distrust, bad language, anxiety, dis
quiet, broken ret. Impaired faculties ami un
soundness or mind and tody. are 2ouw or Its con
sequences. Heller can be glen. and the night of
sickness dissipated in theravsof thesuunr health,
hy using tluj celebrated Home Stom acu Isittki:".
t3TThe thrirty man cares well for the tools and
implements he uses. Such a man u III preserve
his harness by the use of L'ncle Sam's Harness Oil
Dr, Whittier,
17 St. Charles street, sTIouIsTmo.
A rtffBlar fraoa ef two If adlcal Cc2cm. bi hta lcsrtr
isp(M ia ta Tciat treaaea: of all Voacral. Sexual
aadCtrorUO lMaaes tiaa an otitr 1'ajneiialibu
LeaU, u city papcra aicw, aoJ all oli retiJreu Iscx.
Syphilis, Gonorrhcea, Gleet. Stricture, Or
chiti. Hernia, or Rupture, all urinary Diseases
and Syphilitic or mercurial affections of tho
throat, akin Or Donas, ere trett4 with nsptr5el
Bcnaa, ea latest adanUSa prtsdflea. Bafeiy, PriTasdr.
Saarrnatorrhcea. Sexual Debility tod Impot
ncy, Ut&arwnltof BelT-aicaela jmih, acxsal cxmiki
tnafatsrtr jtari,er oilier caTiaea, asd wtl;a prctaca c
of li foUowlrf eSecu: cerTociaact, aiil taiuisz.;
dtfcUlrr, dlaaeaa ef 1 Ijat, itisalrt raraorr, pteplc oa ttt
lkee.CBTSlaaldeear.aTerfioa toaocittjofrais,eocriiljo
ef Ideaa, Ion of aaxoal power, etc. rtcitrlsj marrUjrJ
lOpropcroTBaiiappy.areperaaacatlj'carel. Fai;tat
(ll acet) ralatlBf to t& abore. atat la acalcd eaTtlcrt.
for two poouiw ausp. Cosialuoa t oSc cr t j c!l
&M. aai iaTlsed. a tritaSj 1X1 cr LU optica cosu Eetlzc
Wten It ia taeocreaUat to tilt iha city fer trtasest,
aMlidaateaatvaeatbjeiTrsaaorBaUeTKTwter. Cert.
aMe eaaea rnaratKed. where doctt exini It 1 tnzll? n:-l.
OScetocr:A.lL:F.. Bzzi3.ji, 12 Jt.tal e.iu
Pamphlet, fa twy iddrets, for Two Stamps.
MANHOOD ftoa """
I SwUtawaled.aUItlirea.ror 90 Cents. ,
Manhood aad Womanhood ia Germia, both
iegatiier, IKastrafad, 15 Cents.f
pHHa. i GUIDE.
Kaaraatclotli and ail t Madia. Sealed for 30c.
Orr fcy wotvlerfu penplctnre, true to life; artiste ea
tao toaowiog aaajeeta: to aaj rurrr. vso set. vtj.
rroperacewBaarrr. 1fBoBarrrnt,asial. Wcma
booi. PtjefcaJ daear. Too effaca of eeLloey aid eitei.-w-aoaocldoair:HoatiraBlta?it3euiajtlcrtv-i.
Tt TknUlccr of BerTDieetkie, aad b.i7 nsu Ticar
auRlidoreoatcByiaSat aarrUabesVl reaj iu
AftaraUSa-IecgpTaetlee.IajMrifTaa bssia aj TtX tt
aaeral eeeTlbaa.ft cajtt to b read tr aU Hzl: prxcj.
than locked laid ancadorlot.aal:itwanar
cr re-ralac- It coaulastecrcaacf nedicalliter
ature,taooat caUered la aa extrasire prae-Jce. aad wona
to tzj oca aaa an: atre u a care al percsal, tea ttsea
repaUr CdUsa. aaae as abere. bet paper eerrr. K3 pir.
JOcwaaBtJTCaJl. Caaapen sood-fsldo la JUscn. l
617 St. Charit ttrtt t, St. Louis, Mo.
atl TTTaTI know oaConniies3tar-
IttM I 1 1 J aP.. n;e. the Ririioiica
waBBF- ijnavtt and KtrtU&mt
A2TD t tie cioU trrtem, YbU
their nxtnre ad core. Trrati on all PriTa Pueaa. ,-ui.j
explaining their oanara. yispCorci aod nteaaatcrare; tl
1 the only really eicnt;8c wvrk cf the kird erer pcbUaa
(d, -smtmic seart' 360 pasrrt and la coispltte ia rtrrj re
iwct. Sect by XailKrwreiy araJrd oa r-ee'pt ot M eU. X
drraa. Dr. C. X BonaKKAa JSBSonLVJ&tU
Sl.ljoaU.Ua. ataa!aaedialS7
Safsaparillian and its Assoeiatet
Cfeaag m mad Felt m TVey
Ocrara.flr L'alaf m Fw Domi W
L o4 rinu. iftr3 t iw. hinw,
Ma'tvtelf luniM a4 &&rlaM f ZS Mt suda, w.
1. cr(& l&cnuaa. ;ti.i tsrrt'M. rtlU. (b (m4.
M mora mi r wiu.tA, g4 !.
la af ii;Mtti Cut. ' tri aa nrA.
t- Dua;ftMs f :. Utcv. fisriMi. U ikim
Ucti iUu &s Uilu.. ti r -f4 ka tm trU4
ci tlij :rra :, Lrrj r mUr :
mut (UM4 tnlf fcva c tu:i iui u. rtir
iti.5-.i r- j -Utta htt u z. riiBtv ' i r
. Mi:ktl t alaV cf iatti: t trrificj tf t-
Mrulat; er trc3ot exn IorrtuJ tvtsro uLkW
It lt Mtnuaf c'b1i, ti tcacusaJ tn nmm
to tit ttitrvl -aj
. YLc Utf -3 it ' tf tit Mmrkf
t&Srca t;;tL'uci 1 w tcW u situ. Ut.
aal Lrtlu; t.'.:
4. li.ct ts-trai rros m ; eJ.- !- Iut m
rttrtlt iUni-u (iiti Ubit .& i;cuikUx tttj
i. Unk t!i(a ur a.cai trvo ltil;i ur wlU. f oki
r wiailplr, ti r.i r tat. i ataii-!r ! i- trnzrj
f ec(L. &;; luntM l '--! litj'i iti j
MK ilOf( f 'ti tu kai rl t&4 tuiixt tt
tkcM arvti lit talUa. U, itt!itr. t(&. wWiU
f c.l4 i4 ctd!.MS( it tU,m. Laj4 UaUlsja4
IiTtsi f aj i l;l( &' t irti la ti iara
Ib. Allliua iitwaaaiac ia(hu (raasjUf a4 lara'j
7. AiOilV U u MIMirtltlLUlK a
ait a. t t'jtJ of rrt-a!n mIiA l.l rJ
k!bo4 ia?rtM la ittt!(- a P-irlfy. ii wtII 4lala
Ui, ac ail fjralja aai Infaia 4t-"-iu, Dta. taasrm
aaacari. hr4 loaipa, , Sr."l ajr an4 lia ssaraai
W.kii ar3n4 ai bialtti, I-n. ftttr ih, - Vil-tlt ataa.
airoalt ilia Jihui f rii 4,t't
B. la !&- tfia .: ti Uii LkTt4. aa4
UrtMTj. Ql-k;t. C-rriit NU.nii. (lia r.natipU
ocJtilaaal af at. altariiaa4 artara'Uiat) aaraniul la
NMiawaitallti if roua,) Nat a-raoltiJ aai
Utcct Jait4 la ta tara. jatbla, tat utla ct. al
tht Ueh. rlcktM. rWJ ecaUrtl t.t aMt(
tvtUisr. n w mm. xa, i!i V V IIM lAltIU-
Llin . I twin a tkt 4tjW' ai4 aitatBlaal
tit tlrca of lL l.mtm frn ' t ''
9 U taaaaaiNa ara ti1a( tataa nlclnaa fr Xt rara
f CTirvalt. PrCr HjaVIitJa diaa-, t tar tic
7 ba ti -. -Nal -. r. asJ Sl At't (tatral baltk
Icprcrltj. iJvur fiiaa aal wtifU li-rraai8or ta katrlsf
IU owa. II it a lira tia ttl Ui tjra I irrt!a la
atta dutaaa Uia aa-al tiibm f U tttr r Ui
finiibf iiImimu utltu-slri if act aoi dntta
frc tb ll4, II will rrrl aa I r atini la aoJtrtal lit
aor.ts:aja IimiuUi AitlrAllll.I.I t.l
Kikot --f-l tttr " frr tour tu ill (rta
kuttr aa J is r la S"!!1. nDfti ani Bcii
1Ti rau iwar of th't r -? It is Crr tiai I'.raat
taU aj la Caaramrttfa tf tf.t l.acrt at.4 TuUrtulcst
Itlilaia. H-rarala. Sjr.M-'.i Uia-. VuBti. Itatra
M3La4 lUaaraaifa f tht RMotra. fnaUtti. htrrt o
War (iaaaaaia( reliaf a?jrf4 hre eatittr r Lata
kiUn Uiaa4tif aay a-'la Uii rtlsfol tfaratlsa M
ici Uiraa iLtarn-ntatr) iltt3lt!a tunt In tta tla44ar.
anl la all caari cf laSttacaon of C r li'.tii't acl Sid
oti. In ct-rcoit ca-i e( I itn-nlii aal Ufrtn dittaaa
In tcacra. nola litrd inm; an) frtU:l alrart, is
arcrac; la Te&arl -ie i'.rttt. alra. anl la lukerclta al
tit Unit, la foat, ?ici, rhtaraatJtm. riektU. la ratr
trarUl ltrMhi ii li la tktit vimbltfrrai of 1Imim whtrt
tit batata b4t txa k -at catirlt wrk, aai watra
Tiny Lsar nf o'uttta-e it vulcra. tf rala l-i tretl rttaV
aballtacfi it" uvialaitaant n- tic riwta tf l..t tick. II
U la aaca aarti, wkara a'l t r'-,s-c ef iit'aa arraat
eaiof frcn tkt aafortaaau ;cd tj u wvplttfal. also:
lapirnataral tncr. li rttl. tt th boittnU a tiw lift
and Dtwaiitunca whtrt tL grtat inaeJy ataadj alaat ll
iu mliht tad rower
la theoritmry tVIo J-ma ihattttrv a li aara at
IeM traablat- wiu., a law vloatt 'I la n -tt eti-a. aa a
kottlet la tai aara trratu4 (oi. work a ftrataaai
Tcoaa aSieVd with ttrnlo dlaaai jr.toJi rrekaa
ukagacattinlnt oa I?Ma aoUl't. rri.t SI tardaMa)
r fA r Ulf ti koiUa. ar SI r k-tt! o'.4 kt
Will AjTurd iDMtant Ease.
orTLAMMaTioN or thk kid:iet.
lAFLlMMATIO.N or Tilt. U(tttl,l..
TIM arpliettlaa of tt BKAIIT BKLIKP to Ik
part wt titlM wbtra ti aata or diCicalt anna will arl
m aadMmfort.
Twaaty drop In half a mctlr of w.r win, ia a b
TraTtlen isoald alwajacarrj abaitlter RAD WAT'
alKIiIKP with thB. A lewdrvpi la watit will nTn
tiflkim r paiaa from charts or waur.
arlc) SO Cents. Sold by DrnccUU
ISrftclly U:I-i. tttsactlt eat4 with pn, parti
rtrplate. luntj, tleittt anii-.rtrjvta IttUWil (
PIIiUp. fcr th eirtof all l:i?r4en oilli Siotca.
Liter, Bowtli, Kidntr. liladltrt. Nerrco Uutttf. lit
Mb, ConiUriUott. nti lalijrntia. Urr-
BiUiontntu. Billion l"tr, lallanaa-jtn el tc tu'
FUm, aai all UeriatxraoU t the Icwraal Vlcra A
ranted toeJtcl a potit cur rnrtlj mvail oost
taf bo mcrtary. xalasralj or dlviau Jn:i
tfWOtttrtt th fcliowicg yizvrxA raitivf trva. P;
etden of tbo L7etir 'J:.-i:ii
UacttipiUoa. Ir.ward llln. rulla; f U BImS U ta
Held. Aciditrtf th Steraoeh. riasaea. Heartbura, Dttnst
f Food. Vclla;ii er Weight la th Ba:. goar .rrt
tloai. 61nkinf er nntteriaf at the 111 cf tho g tcnasb,
Bwiramiag of the Hra4. Haoied (ad UifSoalt Rrtathiaa
ri!:Ur.n at th Hurt. Chokjajtr 6a5xatlag bLaKeaj
fcc ia a lyian pitr. I;irnaes or VUion, Dot er Wi
befere ths Si jht, l"Ter aid Dsll Tata la the Usui. Ias!
tj ef Perrrlratica; Teliotrait ef tv.e bkta aed Kjat, Tal
la a Bile. Cbeit, List, xai S.Jits nuk r ll-i
Bsrningi thti-leth.
A few dots ol IIADWAT'V I'ILLI wit! f.-, tv
rjiwai frn all the tsf mntl dlcrdrj Prlc 3
(ratiBerboi. iOl.l) V DKUOUIST9
Erml "riLIt i.tD tKCC"
Sa oa Itr m-i itRt DTI T tt CO, Hu. St
Warreafltrcft, Hrc Torlx ttbmaiin wnk
a-.totiaJt ai.l te net .
inalltiea marked with ta-!r smjio a-r cut-14-tr.j
The Unrlingtun Bryant & Strntton
Telegriaph Institute !
Fell Commercial Life Scholarship, SSO.oa).
Only a part or the Tuition ror telegraphing de
manded when the stndent enter, school, the bal
ance when he shall hare obtained a salaried posi
tion as operator. Kor rull nartlenlars. address.
I. Bl'RUEaa. IlarllBXtea. Iowa.
A ThTtisIezicad View of Karriaz?
.Ibr0:ercar7itdas4 thoae eoclfCiUtirX
'mama ye. oa the ayiterin cf r?rls-
ioa aad the ircret lcirmit.tot j-oa-.
manhood aad wsmaahbol As, scraml
booko! M) paM for prima rtadlnr. thould be
irr: uadr loek and krr. istcalr.l I rWtlt-
or aPrlrata S'atnro In berth md, tae Lbtuet and Cj-
order ot the ezcal rritera. aad the inac ot tut. IM p
With tcrraTlart. tct nvltr m1 far JS ctt.
I BTEDICAL ADVICK on Seraa! aad Chroaie D.titt.
a M pa work east nndtr ml rjr Vl ett. All thru
bcoka cocu:nlnr 4eO pasea ct aecureJy eJi
ror CO srt. AdJrui Or. Butts' Dispensary, No. 12
N. 8th St. Louis, Mo. Ecab-iW ihTQ
To sare farther trouble In renartl toland titles
no nerson who has enterel or Dnrehased Ian
from the eoTernment shonld fall to ie care h
patent.and see that It Is recorded. Persons wnohar I
not recelred their patents, and who deMre thf
business attended to, may find K to their adTast ax
to correspond with the underslzaM for partlcu
lixs. Fee ror attending to the business reason able
rA. R. aTCLTOST. Dea Maine. Iowa.
Merchant Tailor,
And dealer In Fine Clothlnjr and Gents Fnrnlsh
Ihks. The lanrest stock of Fine Goods and yeiit
best class of work. Satisfaction fruaraateed.
"When in the citv pleas call and examine stock.
.") Walnut and 31 4th Street, Opera House Block,
De Jlalaea. Iaara-
MOVTSD Cttt CoxifznciAi. COLtior, St. Loclsl
Mo. Established ISA. T. A. nice. A. M L. L.
B.. Pres.
Aetata! New noosehold necestrr sasjpie and
terms postpaid 30c Satisfaction fguaxantced.
Stewart HanafacturlDtT Co.. KtTJburj.
f aVt&M : va!r 4 rTf't&aJfA7
4aaaaaCaI " ' 2 -SMKr-v '
4aaaaaaaaaaaaaaV - aw cllarii'1
aaBaBaaawawaam. WT'-aaaaaaaaaaglt"' -'
f aaaaaaaaaaaaaa aV aK aBaaaaaaaaaaaaaV J mK
kjriJf aVVaa Tjw aV ? EarX aajaaVaw.
a " c 4VL3aKh p
Av V VaBBBanwaaBaawv' .' " sAaaaaVkwapvP Wl ,
. aBBBiaV jIMailBBadBBdaBBBBBBBWl i I "" i
'aawaaBBBaawr waaaw'w" aaaBa4r9ww '41
jrBawJawaw aaawa
Sample orders so
licited. For further
informal ion, address
I Utility Works Kock
Fails Illinois.
bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI K laV SJ?fA a
la)aH H B H I ' aa ataliy"
' aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaW ' M 1'kK aaaHSaaf
,MaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaPWn W aTat aaaaaaT
9H9alKSIyBBBBBBBBBBflBT R .H ' litf "' Kll Bl
iilkamiV-MBBBBBBBBBBl AT I .IMbbbbbV aBBBBr-BBBataaBaaa
-JJ-3Las.,r 'aaaaaawlBWJat a-- fm .JM-B1 Q aaaaaa "'lTr "laaaaaaaaffaaaaaaaaaaaa
CrlwWda- 4 a,.T -af ' iMLaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV
"SSL1 P Carriages nt Bosiies
H r. omv 5im.i r ltci in iTfinr fxTiir t toikk r tiik . The IU grr
la lniT.r.M.-.l ..a rt net r Lu K' I a al luale w)tt K 1.M1.1K1KX v rafaa
for the piirpMor lrrtilK altiall rliura hi a Tilt ii-e, ah-l It .rf.tnr x t
uVfn I In all rlitir hh It 1 ! will. Jli. In tl. Heah I f llm 1 liaw
phili lieu lliililrr. 1 r) th Trlpl lifwtf ItlHKi-r with a rrnltr Rr e f..f J-ia
II. K KlliKrr. .y, ll, ItlUK-. Pi ti" l"tf Hl'iir. per hl. vv .V
-n a. i lti:i(H
Wn Sttlm
Ni- IiuiiriiTi'iiirnt
Ti-niK or raymriit
J.-iali, riii.i I ri't-r Jl iit.t' r or
J''rll, ri'iiialnilrr S-iaft"rl'
t.4t.iliin"i hIUi full fiil in.ttloii -iit fif f
it:a:iH Ti.m-i.i: or .inc.
II'! nn lltirrii !., I'liliMa;".
"til tliUout atnlfMfli' It In jimlrttcr. I I" u
Wi: are tlsi- OVI.V fa-tr.rr Ir. tr-- IT ".nl S'atr
that ina'trs a jl'I.t IAI T f
Ornamental Work.
Scml ror (.lrftilar a-' pr.cir I.T"
liars ron-
stantly on a full tr,. of
Trimmings, Linings and Sbroads.
We are j -3r I t j ) a - ' a- '-c'oM
Iral"rs a- ItLt-Mt.. a I :r ! 'nfla i iiii
arrantjfiner.'s r;r t j est-.., tr si ' ' ':t-
An Instrument that f r
and iiowi-t. hut In dura'
"' il-r r T Iri
- a'"I v'r tfiTi.luli
Tl.e lutnijfr an-1 tnatfrul in tl- inttrame'it
thorouljl- fivn!. anl flnlaiil In thn rn't
ilur.Vde manner anl very bett tl- ttUaT '
handling th- lntrurn"it i.-w f r OTrr a T-ar
eautioutlr. and crltirailr. wishlni; to ltxUtx
testlfjr or ourown kri-tfli:r a, t.j thf (aalltlea
ami capabilities r tb- Oran Wit making anr
Kreat eSort U sell them, and baj four! that thfjr
hare stool eTerj- fit. baTe tjrin- im: all the tetl
montals ir'entei to o by the raaVer. and jrltrn
th lcst satlstactlon to ail who bare parrLaaed
th'-m r ni.
WV aik your examination of them Mf'-re pur
chaslriir. with the full nranr that II ton watit
a flrat clas irifn. w,i n'.t fa' t 'f 'a y o
Iealer ar- lnite 1 1 j ea ,rrr rreij 1 'It u
In resjar 1 tot!iseiiii"r 'innta
JI1I.IJ A it..
Or Jfolnaw. loira.
Rooms with IVard. fiW. to $ L30 a day. r.notst
wttboct iioaro. Wi to a day. Kiaeit Kes
taaran: in the West.
Corner at Lake and De.trbora !..
Best Hotel in CHICAGO.
lcattxtly csrea nesrslzla. &cd all cerrosa paisr
WT!?A ft-a 1avwa .?.
(jnT-pby. SltaaUoBMTxur-
i-mo. ,xo t& per
-- 'a Aisaaiaiiuvma, 40UrC33 Vila
Uhjp, W.Tel. Iajtimte SedaIia,3Io.
-? ' aT 9LwwBavtawMaa.S BBBKatlBa
' 'Xft U-aUlS. (BBWaaaf at
A 'm Bh'tf" TPtaal i IIbW t Baaaal
H f r3P5fri i I 3"bBB
-. ia(253l35w2lBaa awlaia
, ' bbbbbbBbeHPIbbbbCTIbbbbI
We rail thv atten
M ion of the tr;uh,aii(l
public riHrall. (i
o;.r mmIs. whlrli a it
thr brM soiling no
rUirs in tin market.
a l'll...
il 'JT LA aaffi rfjr T Jbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb.!
' C
aaga j r J
KaeltialTC llaHUfattmer. Peeatur III
IK. T. ('. IIAIICIv'.S
Turl.lli Batli,
t'K7."VIaV:,, s lttvcnMrl, I" h.
Wttfff wlil ! r-Himl pirrr arriimm-Mlai' -n t ti.
rrcitlorii r Intalj 1 AlJfat'tu Ir l ftttar
llttt tit'rlajri of lr llaU.I TI " l.ll
Trrtrtl Ml the in l rlMlllr ITln' pift
.trml tJtnt ar t rrrntl n ratk'tb Hath 't
rtr l.iifi rv rrtit ami jjti w M K'' !"
lulril fianilitili-trf Iff Hurt un ( Tula i 1a" '
Th Fnt ToA't an Mott JurabU MaU
Warritl flira juar Ural fur l'H' !.'
Whiinej A Hciaes 0r2D Co., Qaincj, II
(1 I ril 1 I ' HAHOHKThH H It
J im " Tlitm"itit"tfr fiiiMt.l -.w
lAt.a'laa inir valtt" titan aur li""
lVB Bt . ' t f t r.,.f In lb wfi I !
illrta Chandra (ir waathrr W t't H lMnr IM '
t.inrr. l4Tri urillTt vtmufi ll rwti mimii.
L' IlkTIIIw: Tito Ilr-m llrtan'
' ajia M III.", j MlfstivH AatlatiH -I
tf Td'cril-li an.J I'rtirnaiitM;. tmtltnt t th
lafa'''' 'l.'at",t ailb't ?utt-t trainla -!
In tii" H n anil rsr aro Oriru f Hl le tfc
batiilt of the t ounr M-a of tbr r(lN rlrt-nlart
Kilrs full j-artu uur ,ar trria llr t
l-ttal rarl wifi tlir tiaiuei an I .tlS;.-
r t-i ji'ti'iX tnm iilrrri fr m ut in Man.
an rifaiit ! 'lllu t f ornaui' .-al i 1atn'i
i .i.!- f r frail Inir AMimi MuSTaOI U i
LU I IllHlIXtK. Iurf,f I ,i
MliaBiloKTfS ,H 4 in If. Write r-r cirlra
i-aini '
it : i t t r. i it i cm.
'etar.-ljr. r tit fr
' 1 V r , V ' ' H'ra- t tv i t
Border Wars !
Thtr(lv ftmi !. r rfttr lli,t.f..r Ihjlti .
wart r-:afi jVr ifim HiFMi wrstt
., K T fl'rl
To lan In Iowa, tr.mmtrrn 1-Iriaaaij. a4
JrtliM ralrn JIlattrl,
Cpon IrnprTM farm In lami of tsoo aol np
warda. tor atrm or a to S yar. lstrt at t
percent, payable ftal anttttl:r
hole? Iowa loasa of fZ"Xr acd ap-trd.
znvl at 9 pr reef. !strat
i:iKMiAM,t rrLLKTi
14-jarll ltlur. Iowa.
Law, Real Estate and Loan Office''
T. fla. Evorott,
.Jt. Ant. - - - Iowa
far-IIaTeasetor Atra'tior Title toIU2Cwi2.
CinntT iaaw
A. 31. GUILD, Proprietor,
i:C K M,AM), ILr
N'arett to pt OfCee, bank. xpira tfSZrn
1'e.r.a -i Iwekfuid Ix-tdt. Yrtrt hutxnt. arvt
-tret-t Italiwar to M.fllxr Ta Wt II ytAmi
fc-afli thf Mlttlttlppt alley
School DlNtrlct Ilondi.
We the nnd'rttzat), woaM acnoin-e t ffrv
rrrr aad ftbr harts WVxil Irt ttrlrt l.o4t.
ttat we Hate i-iittrl arraasemcu wti a Urx
and r-;wmlt.! rorpnratlon In tfc Katt.tmraaU'd
with a farjre rapttaf tnt tae parvut of CrxWnz la
lns:-!pai asd ttottl litrtet IVsd. tj seh w
art- aVfp to nSbtlat tfce a.! ot any amount of
vhfK.-l lUtatl i-ny iitnl at thrtr blirS'it toar
krt ralae. aad at faucitile rata of rrrmnlttloa
r-rtmp'ar in oM!bIbvI rtoralnar th-pro
eed tvr tae taodt. a ip-eat featar la this san
ui oar Laii&raa. 'jrrr'itnlrtu allcltni.
OLtxdm. ABAXH AtO..
pB..'hr of Adams n-w system ot ifaw!
Icords. "Caloa Jxrtes." the tt erer paMtih-L
saay bcuvra of craatcr petMfae. aid hiW praMaT
$1.50 to $2.00 A DAY,
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O FasctCari. new styles wita naaie
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aatwn arnaillasa; C.
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aad a flrst class restaaraat Is attactuxL ikmJS
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WATSO. Cater cferl lomerlr ot ytnftkrut
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wllaat alKlit rta ill (l-font by r ttf tH '
any aiMrra on rrrrlpt of prlfw. 5 ( lfjf i'"
for tauii Aicrtitt n't lul tkt ,V4frt, Y
V Uller. itrnrral ag"lit fr Iw, Iaant la
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