W'Jvmmi jjjkmmV&i - J " 'jf mjfcwfrwiy i i ., m .I. wmm tsmmneMm yuM.in,i Tgyy-sg-VTfi g 'j ai WW. - -UK "--' HfW WVT? - '- -r -- It f. V re .3 THE RED CLOUD CHIEF. -2J THURSDAY JUNK 29,- - -1.S7G Fat:c of Sukcription. Oncupy 1 year, $2.00 '. mu cup' f month.?, 1.00 itn cyjy 3 " .'r0 Ollici a I Directory'. ;uN(JKE..SlUAL. A . ''ifllick licit rice. P. S. Senator. .'. Hitchcock. Omaha, l. S.enator. L irmiso Croutut!. KepreFtntative. ' EXECUTIVE. M VStiAMHEK. Covurnor. Lincoln. Kruno TzKchnck. Sec. of State. J. I J Wcton, Lincoln, Auditor. J, C. M jJtri'lo. ,, Treasurer. too. II. Robert. Att'y !en. J. M.3IcKcnziQ. Lincoln. Sup. I'ub.Irittruc. JUDICIARY. ''. FJ. Liko, Oniklin, Chief. Ttke. i) m'MUnft.NobrnnkivCit.y.) . . , Sain'l .Maiwoll. 'latmiiouth A"ouat- J ue' WEitSTER COUNTY. County Clerk. Treasurer. Probate Judge. Sheriff. School Sup't. Coroner. Counts' Surveyor J. A.TulJpyi, K. II. -lone. I. W. Tulloya. IF. C. Mill. .5. S. Oilhun, C C. Coon. W I-:. Thorn. ;. W- Ball. 1 T. M ttteKon. .1. II. IIobRrU 1 County CouvmissioaeM. For President TJ. 33. Hayes. Wf: tried to find 5omc el0.-,ncnt I nttu among the 'democrat, there are ''',V-,M-1 . " . - U. - - '. . ,-......iw.c ; ,,.m,.,i;.r, ,.r ,Kp It tad men auon the republican?: c Kfct management of:! -horn in har 'jrvv viiwit via f uvvw4 j v. . Convention, fomthiri2 like IngcrsoH'i: ringing pancjrryric on Blaine. fJut we were disappointed. There were plentv of orator-, too. But no Htibject?, no men whom To e.itol would not be a burle.-oue. 2d best " whip. For Vice President, "W". A. "Wheels?- CALL FOR A EEPTJBLICAIT STATS C01T-VENTION. TO NOMINATE CANDIDATES FOR STATE OFFICES. The Republican electors oftlie State of Nebraska are hereby called to hcnd didcpatc." from the several counties to meet in State Convention at Lincoln, on Tuesday, the 2Gth day ofSeptcm bcr, 1870, for the purpose of placing in nomination a candidate for member of congress and candidates for Gov ernor, Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of State, Auditor, Treasurer, Superin tendent of Public Instruction, Attor ney General, and Land Commissioner, and to transact such other business as u ay properly come before it. The beveral counties are entitled to rlio same representation as in the State Convention called this day to lueet at Fremont on the 23d day of .May, 1.S7S. KUJ1BEROF PS LEGATES. Tiljjen and Hendricks are the Dc uiocr&tic nominees for President and Vice President. The nomination of Tildcn was sharply contested by Kel ley the tammany chief, and Coz and others. There.is much significance in the opposition Kelley. In ht3 re marks, he stated that the first battle field in the campaign was the west, and that it was absolutely necessary to be victorious there or the buttk in New York would be lo-it. New Jer sey and New York have headed the ticket in the previous three campaign-', lu each case the democrats lot Ohio and Indiana, and con.-eijuently the election. There is much force in this view, and the coming campaign will prove no exception to the rule. Tied en is said to be worth $7,000. 000 and it is charged that a fair share of his immense wealth has been u.-eJ to secure his nomination. A'd.ims 4 Kimx 1 Antelope 2 Liincastcr I) Itoonc 1 Lincoln 2 Jturt 3 Mudi-on 2 liiifT.tlo 3 Merrick 2. llutlor 2 Neinnha ; C.i-j f, Xiickolls 1 Clay 4 Otoe ft Ced.ir 1 l'jiwneo 11 Co' fax 2 I'Utte Clicyenno 1 Folk 1. Cuming 2 Hiohards-ou ft :ikola 1 Silino 2 I'-.iwson 1 S.irjy J'ixon 1 S.lu(r,? 2 l(id?0 ft Sow iin 1 1 I'ourHs . 10 .Stanton 4 Fillmoro - '.I Sherman 1 I'.ankliu 2 Thayer 'J F-irnas 1 WashiiiKtou 4 t! iRo ft Wolt.-rcr 2 I'M J York 3 It.unilton- 4- Creclv A Villov 1 H.irla" 4: 1'hebs .t;oper 1 Howard 2 I)uiy. Ch:iit. .Ti:iror?on 4 Hitchcock. Frontier John.-on 3 .t Rcil V.'.;iuw 1 Kearney 1 Waye i-J'ierco 1 Keith 1 By order of State Central Commit tee. C. k Yost, Sec. C. II. Gere, Ch'n. Lincoln, JIarch Sth, 1S7G. About forty persons were poisoned in Beatrice last Sunday, 2oth iust., with Ice Cream. They have all re covered, however, although not with out a serious alarm on the part of the good people of Beatrice. The poison was thought to be in the vanila. Mr. Fit-ki the manufacturer of the Ice Crcarur together with his wife was one of the sufferers. Call for Heeling of Republican Stats Cen tral Committee. The members of the Republican State Central Committee are hereby called to meet at the Commercial Ho tel in Lincoln, on Wednesday the 2fith i';vy of July, 1S70, at 2 o'clock P. M., Tor the purpose of completing the or g.uiizstion of the Committee, and transacting such other busiuess as may pioperly come before the same. James W. Dawes, Chairman. Hinutes of the Meeting of the Boublican Central Committee, helda:Seiwloud, July 1st, 1875. Met pursuant to call. Present, E. (). Parker, Guide llock; John Lav eriy, Batiu.; Charles Buschow, Pots dam ; G. R. Gather, Harmony , JV. J. Vance, Inavde. On motion W. J. Vance was appointed Secretary. The following resolutions were adopted : Resolved That the Republican eleo tors of Yfcster county be called to send delegates from their respective yiecincts to meet in convention at Red Ciouu, on Saturday, Sept. 2d, 1S7G, at 1 o'clock p. tn , for the. purpose of electing delegates to the State and Senatorial Convention, aud nomtnat u a reproeaative -and County Coin ini?ioner and sueh other business as uny properly come before it. Unsolved, That the representation W.one delegate for each 20 voters or tiMijyr fraction, thereof, and delegates v.-cre apportioned as follows : Giide Rock. - G. Red Cloud, 11 Walnut Creek,. 2. Inavale, 3, Harmony, 3. Glenwood, 2 I'.atiu - 2. Potsdam, 2. Oak Creek, 3. Stillwater, 4. On motion, W. E. Thome was re quested to act as a member of the Central Committee for Glenwood. '-,On motion, adjourned. E O.. Parker, W-. J. Vance, ' . Chairman. Secretary. The Convention at St. Louis takj the 5ame stand on money matters as did the Cincinnati Convention. So there is no issue there. Will the nomination of Hendricks for Vice President secure Indiana? 1-isults.ara-not apt to win favor unless it- b among democrats. The nbtnin;: .x of Blafn for Vace President vtuill J not have, tickled the fanny, of Letter From Glenwood. Glenwood. June 25vh, Ks7G. Ed. Chief : Sir, Perhaps a fiiw words from this part of the county would be worthy of comment. Will say that the bold hand of industry prevails throughout; our community. Cast your eyes in any direction you1 choose, you will see the farmers busily engaced in the cornfields, and yet the breaking plows are still turning the sod. Considering the short favorable season for good breaking this year, thera has been much done both in Glenwood and Harmony, and should we have another rain soon, there w:il be considerable more broke this sea son. The crops throughout our com munity are very fair, and the variou. kinda are j romiiihg to be a fair yield. Some, perhaps late sowed crops, are rather short ; but the showers uf last Saturday has favored these crops, and in fact all are brightening up with a thtifty golden color. A year ago now we wer all plagued to dcspc.atiun with the potato bugs, Juno bugs, and not a few grasshoppers. I see nothing of the kind as yet this season. Where ai e they all none to ? Nor yet do I hear of any complaint. I am not troubled with any devastating eaters, are you .' There has been considerable emtui gratiuu both to Glenwood ami Har mony precincts, this season. Several located in the south eastern part of Harmon', all from Fredrick county. Va., and many more is expected this fail. All are good enterprising citizens of both might and means. Mr. Edi tor, should you see any parties seeking good grain raising farms, send them to either or both of these uamed pre cincts. It is already acknowledged bv both the residents of Red Cloud and the Republican valley, that this is the best farming part of Webstvr county. Quite a. sensation occurred here lately. Firstly,, as I my name it, from nothing. Nothini: from nothing leaves nothing. But long tongues plentv of wind, and secondly from the establishment of a post office at Mr. I. Cowley's, located on Sec. G, Town rauge 11 west, called Cat herton post office. Friends, lot me. say to you in regard to the tranquility, were there any unneighborly feeling agitated amongst you, either by malice or over bearing severity, think naught of either. Remember we are all created equal and in a free country, and with free homes. Again I say. bury all past animosity and hard feelings toward each ot htjr as .neighbori, let by-gom be-by-gcr.es. Joiu -hands with each other, and let your future be, do as you would like to be dene by. Now friends, in regard to tin new post om'e. Each and every settler sur rounding the same, fully knows that they will be materially "benefitted by the office, and all of whom will see the day when it was to their interest to sustain it,, and furthermore that it wiil be conducted strictly to the laws and regulations of the post office depart ment. Yours-as ever, MACK. divide the American population into fi. fli-ltnrtt n!'...J t'ttat f fi f. lm. ! bill... UkMIVb V i- V.J. . fl.wv, ! IIM- practical worshippers of an idealistic, sophomorjeal cantUm. They are the reformer. Secondly the orditnry American citizen with his wcatnewts and failings, but yet with enlightened mind and noble purpose. Wc believe that these men are the boneaud sinew of the republican party. Thirdly, tin; ignorant, vicious, rabble of the cities. Here is the democratic strength, and this rabble we dread to see in power. Is'nt it strange that the Five Points of New York are always democratic, while the farmers of Illinois and Iowa are a!w;iy3 republican ? There is not a large city in the country that is not democratic, unless it in Philadelphia. There is not a farming community in the North that is not Republican. Principles and leaders sCiiui not to divide the parties so much as the char acter of the masses. We maintain that democracy is synonomous with mobo cracy, and we point to the haunts and by ways of our populous cities for proof. Wc maintain that republican ism represents the loyal and enlight ened American citizen, and v.e point to the farming population and (he sm.tller cities for our evidence. We care not how able the tuau, or how pure, we do not want to see the can didatc of Tammany and the city mobs President of the United States. If the republican party had selected their poorest candidates, yet representing the sturdy industry ami educated in dependence of the better class of American citizens, it should receive our unqualified support. ifs. Carriage whip. 2d he-t Diploma, Best management of 1 horse m har- nwi Carriage whip. 2'Jbc3t Diploma. AWARDING COMMITTEE. R. B Fulton, Walnut Creek precinct. W. V. Brewer, Bed Cloud j Franci? Snow, Glcuwood " Dan RoS;, Superintendent of class. CLASS 2. CATri.E. Thorough Bred CattKj. Beet bu'l 3 years old and over $5 00 2d bust -,m Best bull 2 years old and under 3 HK) j M '1'ulbot, Guide Koefc 2d best 2iw CLASS 9. Bt-st bull I year" old ami under 2 "3 w j pantry stouk.-, daikv a KrrriiEv. LU best I ,J I-r mt.lhrr hitrtPr nn! l.- tltnri i - - -. J V. 'W Wk. Johu McCalluui, Glenwo-vl ; Tho. Kennedy. Walnut Creol ; Clw. Mjw ser. Rl ClcuL CJiviT R. Duwns John R. Wiilcujc. Cc ililn 2:rsr.. nr. i f: :: ?.?i T:z Sup'ts Clasi A. and 7. CLAS -. I'ANl'V WJKK. Host -pecimen silk enibrotdrr M 2d be-t iitploum Bttft sp'ximcn worsted uutUrotdrry 5il 2d btt diploma Premium? of 2j cents or diploma wili be awarded on all artides cotuittg wilhhi thin cla-s and not n.iniol aborc. AWARDINO C0513MTTE Mary Holcomb. Walnut C'rek ; ilr?. W. W. Brewer. Bed Cloud , Mrs. A. Billiard Parlor, j BAl-M'S NEW C JIICACO Ml J K 3m C All Jofir tt ih ram a intitwij t pcn SQrA fmiU ic;tsuat f cl?ir, mw dw, ad u;-, always 99 kat. Grntwiuaoly cimtV a!wr o Usiwl to atteud to cituiicr. Best bull calf 2 00 2d best 1 00 Best cow Z years old 'ind over 5 00 2J best 2 50 Teachers Normal Institute. Notice is hereby given that I have this day appointed three district Teachers Institutes. One to be held at Hastings, Adams county, commencing Tuesday, Aug. I, continuing three weeks. Another to be held at West Point. Cumming county, commencing Aug also continuing three weeks. A third to be held at Peru, Nem aha county, commencing August 15, and continuing three weeks. The Institute at Hastings will em brace all that part of the state west of Gague, Lancaster and Saundere coun ties, south of the Platte River : also that partion north of the Piatt river, lying west of Piatt and Boon counties. The Institute at West Point will embrace all that portion of the State lying north of the Platte river not in cluded in the Hastings district. Tho In.-titute at Peru will include all the couuties not iucluded iu the other two districts. J. M. McKenzie, State Supt. Best cow 2 years old and under 3 I 00 2d best 2 00 Best heifer 1 year old and under 2 3 On 21 bet Best heifer calf 2d bot Best cow and calf 2d Let NATIVE AND GRADES. Bc-t bull 3 years old and over 2d best Best bull 2 years old and under 3 3 00 2d best I ,"0 Bet buil 1 year old and under 2 2 00 2d best 1 00 Best bull calf I 00 2d best f.u Best cow 3 years old and over A ()0 2d best 2 00 Best cow 2 years old and under 3 3 00 2d best I 50 Best heifer 1 year old & under 2 2 00 1 50 2 no 1 00 5 00 2 50 1 00 2 0- o ! 00 100 50 100 2 00 SPECIAL MASTER'S SALE. By a virtue of an order of sale is sued out of the Di-trict Court of the Fifth Judicial District in and for Web ster county, Nebraska, in an action .! " r- I . 1.1 L. . , - "ivl .lun-ii. iin, n u i pa nun flock of nQt jess tha f) aim jji'e o iv oen i. Jtien ueienti 2d best Best heifer calf 2d bct Best cow and calf 2d best AWARDING COMMITTEE. Oscar Arnold, Stillwater. Juhn Burtis, Bed Cioud. L. N. lvlson, Batiu. G. 'A. Hummel, Sup't. Class.2. SWINE. Poland Chin.i or Magee. Best boar 1 year old and over 3 00 2d bent I 50 Best pair pigs G months old and under I year 2 00 2 J best 1 00 Best pair pips under G months old 1 50 2d best 75 Best sow and litter of pigs not over 2 months old 3 00 ' lt?Mt .. IIERXteHIRE i CHESTER WHITE. Stun? as above. AWARDING COMMITTEE John L-iverty, Batin precinct. -James Allabaugh, Waluut-Crcek " Sam'l King, Oak Creek ' " CLASS 1. SHE El. Best buck any age 2d best Best ewe any age 2d be-t pounds 2d be-t diplutui Best quality cheese 5 2d bust diploma Best specimen of honey 5) 2d lx.-t dipl una Best wlieut bread .' 2d be-t diplom.i Best brown in cad V' 2d best diplonn Best fruit cake 5o 2d best diploma Preserves, jelly, pickle- and all arti cles coming within tlii- cht and not cnumera el, each 25 cents ..r diplomi. Gieatest varitfty ciumd fruit 75 2d best dip!. una AWARDING COMMIT IKE. .Mrs. II. Huldridge, Walnut Creek Mr.-. L II. Luce, lur.vale , .Mr.-. I. W. Tull.-ys Bed Cloud. Mrs. (r. W. Kiticht, Mi-.- Lnura Dixon, Mr-. Wm. E. Juokson, Sup't Class 8 and 9 CLASS 10. Bcct c::hiliiiiun of cut flowers, one of Vick's h'loial Chromos. 21 best diploma The llowers not to be made up iu boquets, but exhibited separately and named. AWARDING rM '.riTTl.E. Mis. Alexander Bcntlv. Inavale; Mrs Levi Moore, and Mr.-. Wm. . .laok--011, Red Cl.ud. SAM'L GAiMiER RED CLOUD, NEE. r.uico. CA.UKIt. IMQUK. CHEVIOTS. NA.NKl.NS JAfONKT. UK.." I f.tiTli JKNJ. r.n av- n! tf i:i SMITH. I'rop. RED CLOUD DRUG STORE. Chas Potter. Kt-r- h l-l ar. I largest Drug Store ,n R. 1 I'l-md N.l KS. CKKTO.NMi. UK X rim o.s wpj. CASHKMKHKS. DKLMN-, Itoadv Iiulc t'lotfiinjr. llafiS: flip and rm ij thing i ihrhnr oj General KtffChar.LISC ATGRliA'ILY KKM Vi.V ?HU'k? It will par yot: t c3iiia mjr toci d l ?' lff I " . vvUrtt. A fneiMi!,) iruo it. d i aft. Pnfription carvfullr contnotmdfd both d? and niht. u! if -AI! 1 is tml ati.1 I m 1 1 ror r ., t krp ',Ut wrsrwai .tuck mt tlw Wt m i trf IMi s";nv,i.u Hortk SI fr. .Sna ASv. ! ThaitVii tU PultW f.r thir ta.t jira. I tLl epcilully ubcit ilia rwf -.- . JU. iSilUiT, I'ortlai. i. Mio-. DEALER IN We don't like Tilden. That's flat. Uncle Sammy made a- cheap reputa tion as a reformer by squealing on his friends after he had made his pile. Hendricks is a good man, standing on a fair square record, and assisted by no political clap trap. If -Hendricks couW be elected without-dragging the whole demcoratic party after him- we shouldn't feel as if there - were any great danger datacL But the fcucoesa of Hendricks means a. democratic ad ministration, and that disaster, divine -.--i u:- r r-.j ti a- k-., IJ,. F.mnkrl: V.VUMUUIA lUJfcitUU. 1UU& AiCX &yuu- "J-3- iaftiJ uuwija waj: ants. I will offer for sale at public auction at the front door of the Court House, in Red Cloud, Webster county Nt-biaska, on the Sth day of July, IS7G, at 2 o'clock p in., the following described real estate, situated in Web ster count, Nidira-ka, to-wit : the north one-half of a tr.u't of land con voked by Edwaid Kellogg to Bell B, Estell by deed dated June 24th, 171, commsiicing at a point 30 chains west of J .-ectiou coiner between sections 35 and 3G, town 2, range 1 1, thence west along the V line Va. 13 20', 0,33. chains thence south Va. 13 IP, 4C.A chains thence eat Va. 13 20 0.47 chains mo:v or less to corner of J. Casebier's lot thence north Va. 11 403 chains to place of beginning, con taining acres more or less. Given un-ter my hand this 31st day of May, 1S7G. II. G. Bill, 43. Sheriff and Master Commissioner. 3 00 1 50 3 00 1 50 4 00 2 00 lry 6!oorts ant Groceries. HANNESS SHOP 1 P. S. Highest Market Frice paid for all km. S of Country Produce, Hides and Furs. ClfAS. II. JONF.3, Juniata. IVTcbraska. V .;.--.- A A.. ;. .A.. ... .. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, FATS, CAP3- Tinware Queens ware. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. Eliiriie-st lash iritt' l"ait! fr larain TIIIO 3 to lr a ,'f.; e ' fl r f ' V -H Y'f) ; . Mtenrcr ilvttse. ,--'"--"-' - .. HVSTINGS, ... - 'S. I ' G. Potter hujj't-t rtrivtd tW Jwrt MT"tt.ir ui J. M. sy:rs. ?-arIe2r. r " The onlv first cly-huc in the imI. fr 4 . . ... . . JB,Ia -t - . t . - . . .i. y mxiu tin AJjutiiydiiu 1 otning for Red Cloud and the K. P. 1 l- n-)W jrepand tod allkindi ofworl IN THE Warn vss line. The btt of material.-used, and all Vuik WAR It M M. 1:1:5' nui-; Done en l"rt mifnv -ind at rett-oucble Priivs. 1 Shop in MrNirr'n Store. IZvil C'!oii! ckliiniEin. ! 1 CRN I) ''.. to 1. I'. UVM.t.A . Nrw -rk. l--r I'.iui-hlrt ..! 1 1 ...-. tiin, ! HikT lii- ' '' lnwtm''r. alii i'ftlMiati -ll'.lli ! il .1 lterti.1.1.- III R. R nil $ J it Uy Ht!imc- A : wit ttl. Out lit -!..l ttrm- true. 'I KL'JJ A CO.. An l.U5t:i. .Mhuji'. oAncs 9aA,;.Cil cyp Premium List of the Webster Co. Agricultural Society. TC'BS ESLD IS BSD CLOUD SS?T. 10, 20, AND 21, lS'S. CLASS 1. HORSES. Best stallion 5 years old & over $5 00 2d best 2 50 Best stallion 4 'ears old & under 5 3 00 2d best 1 50 Best inarj 5 -years old-and over 4 00 2d best 2 00 Best mare 4 years old and under 5 3 00 2d best 1 50 Best horse or mare 3 years old &. under 4 2 50 2d best 1 25 Best horse or mare 2 years old it under 3- 2 00 2d best 1 00 Best brood mare -and-colt 5 00 2d best 2 50 Best span draft horses- 4 00 2d best 2.00 Best soan draft mules 4 00 2d best 2 00 Be.-t pair roadsters any age 3 00- 2d best 1 50 Rest pair carriage horses 2 00 2d best 1 00 Boat- single buggy horse 1 00 2 best 50 Best saddle horse 3 00 2d best 3 50 Best trotting horso 3 00 2d best 1-50 Best pacing horse - 300 2d best I -50 Best Jack any age - 3 00 2d best " 1 50 Best Jennet ' " " 3 00 2d best 1 50 AWARDING COMMUTES. S. Kerschner, Glenwood Precinct." W. IN. KicharJsou, Red Cloud, L.-C. Olmsted, Inavale, " LADY EQUESTRIAXSHIP.' Btst'toaoagement of a horfe in saddle 2i best AWARDING COMMITTED. J. Henry Hobarr, Oak Creek, fl. C. Minnick, llarinor.y. Judson Bailey, Guide Rock. Ira Sleeper, Sup't of Class 3 aud I. CLASS 5. POL'LTRV. Best coop of chickens not less than six 1 00 2d best 50 Best pair, turkevs 1. 00 2d best 50 Best pair geese I00 2d best 50 Be.-t pair ducks I'OO 2d best, 50 AWARDINO COMMITTEE. L. II. Luce, Inavale. A. Scott, Har mony. J. D. Loach, Red Cloud. CLASS 0. AOR ICULTUKAL PRODUCT?. Best quality and yield of white wheat, not less thau 5 acres... $1 00 Best quality and yield of Red wheat, not Jess than 5 acres 3 00 Best quality and yield of oats not less thau 2 acres 3 00 u m3L A jj Best quality and yield of barley not -less than 2 acres 3 00 Best quality and yield of rye not less than 2 acres 3-00 Best specimen of buckwheat 2 00 -4J DlHMiiiMMiiit a J) Best quality and yield of corn not less than 5 acres 3 00 Largest display of vegetables 2 00 AWARDING COMMITTEE. Ifaac Cowlsy, Glenwood. Alexander Walker, Inavde. George Simpson, Guide Rock. CLASS 7. MISCELLANEOUS. Best potatoes not less than bu. of any one kind. Each 25 2d best diploma Bect?heat, oats, rye, barley, and ecnr, not less than i bushel of cither. Each 50 2d best............ .............. diploma Best display of cabbage - 50 2d best ...diploma Best specimen of 'vine produeta 2d best diploma- AWAJID1XG COMUnXE Hats? Caps, & lliadij JJftdc Clothing ! We have the Largest Stock in the Valloy and will not be undersold. GIVE US A CALL, ONE Jfc ALL Sam'l Garber 47d lt(Ml VUtml, Xcl RZD CLOUD DE.VI.Ei:-. IN lit h 'drofiisiu Ever brought to tb Viilh. and itricos. -T. G. (i,i I..M. a .!! 3 d tXU tt dt.. Folic r7 iIcl Clcud. .shracra. FURNITUKE, Tti Ki..I CImii.I. Ntli . nt thiro -1 lnnJ. 'IV irhirhll il to .u Mli.it ti.o hmr ot tut ii1 . T, liai a su;'li. it may trti!) r ni-i ' OS lit it i tin h f ntt llul for tho I'isr or j il...i. They htt vo bil..onI. p.-h(1Iw, UihU-t "hiui ( S"fij. bureau.-., nnd .tl! ktti'l" of n'h vrw CriW. lomiRr'. tt.aiMl Wt,UTtM' tH Which fur .ill kiinle of folk' umI :X'U will do. Thev have n-apitti" and hre turrbiMren ti .-.-11. Which will !tpnMrie ami haW t'Aol-in-ljr trull. Thcj p eiwh fur th; titinci nl solpct tliBHi with euro. Ami nil! ri'II thHi ohuapai'ariyoneilare V. X 'Crnfrnahfi ST3lend3d &tqv 'V . . . t , I'JV i Jfr ?i ii.I?unclant. Anil wen. to you all. hotfj juunir ami oM They'll not rfu-f srfnh.n?k, .ilr r uvM HARVESTS. Bt -t Haitsiin! M4'lnn- an th' MCCOKilICK JIARV KSTEIlS I SELK-HAKKS. PHniM'KHS ! MoWKM-. TUe machiiM-eiihi all thi ntlprn umpruvtm9H u-i n war run ted to t?t jicrfea almtm,lmt ur mo jJ. Cfc3Th".r tun' Hp wer 'ti! Ujr a Jarre uvitrcr f tU of tltf t-ounty U( t;miuer, ud T1 ikir wnk tmir llki ul. r chiiK in 'h fi M. A )(.e wk wri'l !$ W n h i th Wc invite ah nr fricml jhi.1 !i"UhlHrt . of G-irlM-r'-tr. rn t AlulHtKWi. and ltMir IttNtM'if wii. It o-,!!, J ready lor Iiuiii!. .ttnl tu ' m-1 cw up. " Ar.'l thyl'iihtlo'oril! finii thei 'Icnlfnirly with .ill. If jou com y. Ido th.nkyou r in certainly bu. A no on? can sa il.c i r.c I u 1. ch. !! I - U,I "ti mufpn Fun " M?tha i&liEF Thread DOMES Tit m SLj2f i 5 BPrW5 C J THE LIGHTEST-RUNNING itTACHINE IH THE WORLD VTilh our prir.tsd dircrllons, no insyactioa of csecJasicat Ci Y n rB'rcl to operate rL The cor.sfui.'tion of the ma-bictr is hised upon j-r n: ' -r vr zr urejuald is rl'.cjt7; coraprrsin simple levers -vtcr'rj upon ceruies. Tfce tcara:;5 irr lew, and ihey arc tariened and poIishevL TncTrjv-hkies are made at our nrsv rwks in the citv of Newark. N J irh new social (pateatei cww:fcocr- and t xls eonruttd ejr, icvty 'a ncx. xcpJsn wlot - c low cer. X.erylc' full 'J icimmlrtl. "DC2WE3TiC" SEWINC MACHINE CO., m 0mt -TgTT H VTrt iAVIXO. Br ;; ifce Domestic" P C1 A V -5 Mil rt?2v pet-FJ..l.loi,.;K.mf-tsrTlrsw,prrfKt-fiCi? r LA . Irl 8 2 1. -3c tun ce produ'ol. at a Jarge 3avinz M. JOL kV A. M. M. J JL ImP MU-S'EY t those who cbov to Ra'e,or superin tend ttrraSa."nf, their own garoenrs. Wah ihe huhest ta'cn' asdtlje IxsrecJities in all dcjartcual-s' nnd tin bisi Kles of the min jidlrnl modistes, bi2 a. aieand ahro.l, wc ae ertaLled to l'zm rwalts lar atwvc the reach of tl average dress-mater Our styles ar; ;1wjvs the late acd hcSZ. Oar elesajtly-llattraied catalogue muled tu any lady sending Svc cents .ith her iiircss. Agents wiotedeifcryAhere. "DOMESTIC" SEW? WC MACHINE CO., NEW HARDWARE STOKE ! W IIOLFSALE AM) RKT-A lL MITCHELL & MOKIIMtT Ilnvp opened a na;r j-torc and have just received a fill and'Oir j stock t irJtIVAIM:, i uiUry Ciiriieiilcr fe FAKMIXU '1UOLS, COAL and WOOD STOVES. Wc have aJ?o a Tin Shr p ronncc" i with our Store W3 aunufi'Hurf Tin, Copr er A Shtet Iron V r- , Our Stock is LAI'.'JE and vrcll "mted, and e will d?I t I w as any house rest ol Lm.vln. f Call and See Before Purchasing Elsewhere, Opposite the Lanibct Vard. Red Cloud. - - - Nsbvaska VALLEY HOUSE. J. C. OTARItfRR, Prop- Is always rea'J to atfead to ind tnake ccafortable hi- patronc. Tbn Hotel is entirely new, hiring been Sited up' for the pre. purpo? of th; travelinir public. STAGE LEWES FOK TRK RAILKOAD ON MONDAY -WEDNESDAV, & FBI DAY O? EACH WEEK AT 7 O'CLOCK A. M. I Claim to Have the BEST STABLE West of LiiicoIb. Always keeping oa hand a good supply of HAY AND G I A 1" Nf Also a good conrejance for the purpose of convecg passcgeia from this place to any other at reasonable rates. Red CIuC - "& V ' w,3ua. E IS