The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 29, 1876, Image 4

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    iwmia.0' i
ass&e !--,&
a-J, .
t robk TKiinr oookb.
I am looking tip and down.
Up and down, through the town,
Korallttlohouso to dwell In,
A shelter and a iif;t:
Hut though the bud arc swelling.
And tbo springs from earth aro wolllii.
-cannot flud a place for my rrat.
Them aro no wall to hold u.
Not a homo to enfold nx.
Not a hearth for a fir".
Not a chamlMsr for our alcrv:
In vain my iuost I keep
None answer my deslrr.
Up and down.
Through tlio town.
Then middeiily I hear
A v. hlMper In my car
"Turn aslilu from thy Bt-ekliij:.
I.lHtnn to my upc-uklng:
Tliero Is a lioiiso for then!
Tliero aro trocs to aliadu tbo aiimmor.
Thero Is room for every comer.
And broad tbo Rate way bu
To this home that waits for tlieo.
"up and down.
Through the town.
Thou nondost not to wander;
Thy houBo 13 ready jonder;
The roof Is smooth and grcei.
And tbo chamber In no still
And thy house shall no man borrow
To-day nor to-morrow.
Nor vexed with Joy or sorrow.
Is that dwelling place serene.
Thero Is no price to pay.
No need to move away.
No ctII eye can harm then.
Nor man nor beast alai iu thee;
Thy flowers grow very fair
In summer scented air.
And the snow lies still and soft.
Up aloft.
Thy Iioiiho Is ready hern,
lteady this many a year;
Kcok no more:
For the door
Is opening to thy feet.
And the wide and silent street
Is ready for thy tread
In the city or the dead.
ouk no longer! here Is rest for heart aud head.
Come In hero."
I did Ioyo her. Oh, how I did lovo
thutK'rl- And they say all is fair in
lovo and war, and perhaps that is some
excuse for me.
I had liked her a long while, and I
knew that she liked me.
I was as big a fellow as she could see
any where about I had a farm of my
own, and, when I was married, father
had promised to build mo a lirst-rate
house and block the place for mo.
And when I went to church on Sun
day, or to town, I had good clothas, and
was never told I looked ill in them.
On the whole, I felt myself a good,
fair match for Fanny Martin, though
she was so nice a girl. And her father
and mother thought so to, andshe never
refused my attentions.
I had settled in the slow, quiet sort of
way in which countrymen do settle
these tilings, that we'd make a match
of it
The other young fellows knew il, and
if wo were not fashionable wo were so
far gentlemen that we had our code- of
honor. Xone of them ever interfered
or tried to cut mo out
But then "he" came, you see dapper
and pretty, and dressed like a tailor's
fashion plate, and he talked of things I
knew very little about, and his hands
were white, and he had graceful, gallant
ways that 1 had never learnt
Mr. "Williams, that was his name.
And in that summer holiday of his,
while we were working hard over the hay
ami were tanned, dirty and worn, and
ho tired that sleep was about all we
wanted wlieu work was over, why then
he, soft, sweet and smiling, made him
self agreeable to the girls, and crept into
Fanny Martin's heart my Fanny.
She scarcely looked at me. She did
not caro whether she met me or not;
and on Sunday there he was making mo
feel somehow so coarse, rough :uul vul
gar, and when I wanted her to go with
me into the woods where we used to sit
in the great green shadow and listen to
the birds sing, she had some excuse for
staying at homo; and when on the road
from church I took her hand in mine,
she snatched it away, and said quite
"Don't, lien; don't do such silly rustic
things while the London folks aro here.
They never do it themselves, and they
laugh so."
"Mr. "Williams laughs, you mean, I
suppose "said I. "That's gentlemanly,
And then Bho blushed and curled her
little lip and said:
"You are criticising Mr. "Williams'
manners, are you?"
After that there was a coolness be
tween us; but though it made my heart
ache I could not think that it mattered
much to her.
I stayed away from her father's house
and did not walk home with her from
church on Sunday; indeed I did not go
to church at all. And I knew thd young
folks ajo, and the old folks too were
saying that we had fallen out with each
other, and I suppose every one guessed
why; but I would never answer any
questions not even when my own
mother asked me not I.
So the summer came and tho autumn
passed on, and the town people stayed
and stayed.
I saw that fellow's silk hat and twill
umbrella and exquisitely-fitting gar
ments wherever I went Farther than
I could see other people I used to see
him and her Mr. "Williams and Fanny.
They had never made Fanny work
much at home, and she had plenty of
time to-enjoy herself an only daughter,
you see, I mean, and her people were
what is ealled forehanded.
I never intended that she should
drudge after we were married. When I
had hoped for that I did not mind work
myself, but I'd never have made a slave
of my wifa
Tins Mr. Williams could not make of
her a more precious treasure than I
would ; I knew that
I was thinking this all over one even
ing in the meadow, when suddenly I
heard some one say :
"Ah Mr. Mr. Burling."
I looked up, and there was Mr. WI11
ianis nattier than ever, with a cigar in
Lis mouth.
If he had known Just howl felt to him
Tin not sure that he'd have come to
find mo alone in the great meadow, and
I thought of that just as I jumted up
from the grass and looked at him. J5ut
he was smiling as iolitely as possible,
and there Is something in a man's heart
that makes it hard to do the first rude
tiling to one who is cIvIL
Still I was not polite to him.
"That's my name," Raid I to him. "Do
you wiuit moV
"I want something of you," said he.
There's a little excursion to-night from
our house. We're going to take a lady.
Have you any little light trap, and a
horse, of course, that you could let me
hire for tho evening? I'd rather go
alone with her than in the big wagon
ette. You know, I'm sure, how it is
that a fellow had rather ride alone with
a pretty girl, and if you will helpmeout
I will bo ever so much obliged to .you."
So he had come to wk me to help him
to have a nice time with my girl he
who had cut mo out!
I looked at him, just holding my hands
still by maiu force, and I thought of him
riding along the moonlit nwwl with Fan
ny close by him.
I asked myself whether his arms
would not be around her waist, and
whether in the shadow, as they fell a
littly behind the others, he would not
kiss her.
"And you want mo to help youV I
wild out" loud. "Me!"
"Yes," he saiiL "Please,"
"Come along," I said. "I'll show you
what I have got"
On the farm that was mine there was
one building, a little cow-shed. We put
the tools in there sometimes, and I had
a padlock for tho door; tho key was in
my pocket
It came Into my head that I could
spoil this evening for him, and spite
Fanny, too, by locking him in the shed.
And if he hud spirit enough to fight me
for it Afterwards so much the better.
I led tho way down into tho meadow
where it stood, and unlocked the door.
"Just look in," said I, "and see if that
will suit you."
"Can't see anything," said he. "It's
pitch dark. Wait, I have a match."
He took one from his pocket, and
stooped to strike it on tho sole of his
boot, and then I gave him a push aud
over ho went fiat on the fioor, and I had
tho key in my pocket
"You'll not make any ono hear very
soon, my lad," said I, "and you'll not
kiss Fanny Martin going over the
bridge this evening."
Then I went away and laid myself
fiat upon tho porch iu front of our house
and felt happier than 1 had felt before
for a long time.
Itevengo is sweet now aud then.
I do not pretend to have none of the
old Adam iu me.
I'd been there about half an hour, and
the chirp, chirp, chirp of the crickets
was lulling mo off to skvp, when sud
denly I heard a little light step close by
me and saw a woman's white dress llut
leiing, and, jumping up, stood before
Fanny Martin.
Tho first througlil that came into my
mind was that she was looking for her
beau, and it made mo Ifeudisli.
"Is that you, Miss Martin?" said I.
"Yes, Mr. Burling," said sho and,
though 1 had said Miss Martin, how it
hurt me not to bo called Hun. "T
over to see your mother. I
"Xo," said I.
"Then I'd better go limno," satd'fttui.
But sho lingered.
'Not looking for any one else?" said I.
"No," she said very sadly, "(jood
Butl could not let hex go without u
"1 thought you'd bo on this wonderful
moonlight drive," said I.
"Thero you wore mistaken," said she.
"Did ho forget to come for you ?" said I.
"Mr. Williams, you know."
"I haven't been asked to drive," said
sho. "I don't know why you speak so.
Mr. Williams, I suppose, is with the
lady he's engaged to. She camo down
last week with her mother."
"Oh," said I, and I began to wish I'd
asked a few more questions before I
locked young Williams up in the cow
house. Wo stood stilt apart from each other.
I saw her lip quiver. Was it for him?
Had ho jilted hex-? That was tit for Uit
But sho was so pretty, and so s;id, and
so winning that I felt my heart giveone
great throb. I took a step nearer she
took another.
"Oh, Ben," cried she, "I can't stand it
if you keep angry with me. I always
have liked you best but you've been so
awfully cross."
And then sho was crying on my
Did you ever make up with some one
you'd quarreled with, loving her all the
Did you ever feel, holding the dear
face between your two palms pressing
sweet kisses on the dear, soft mouth,
that it had all come back, all the old
love, and trust, and sweetness, and hope
that you thought dead? If you have,
you must know what I felt that minute.
I found myself again. I was Ben Bur
ling once more. How strange it was.
Out of all my life I'd like to have that
one moment back; it was tho sweetest
I over lived through.
Up in tho midst of the far meadow
rose a column of fiamo.
The cowhouse was on fire, and I had
locked poor innocent young Williams
up in it there to be roasted alive.
"Oh, Fanny," I cried, glaring at the
horrible sight, "I'm a murderer a mur
dererdon't touch me."
And away I flew to undo my mischief,
if there was time. Thero might be
Never was such a run as I took across
that long meadow.
When I reached the door, plunging
my hand into my pocket for the key, I
could not find it I had dropped it
somewhere. It was nt about me.
"Williams!" I cried; "Williams! are
you there? I am on the outside. Cour
age!" There was no answer.
"For Heaven's sake, if you can speak,
do," I shrieked, but silence answered me.
Doubtless the smoke had already
smothered tho ioor fellow, but I set
to work and tore away the burning
lx;ards. I .was scorched. My hair, my,
face, my eyebrows. Twice my clothes
were on fire, but I rolled on the dew
wet gnus, and was up at tho llauius
again. Oh, it was horrible!
If he lutd lieea my rival it would have
been bail enough, but an innocent young
fellow; his sweetheart waiting for him
What a monster I was!
"Heaven have mercy on me!" cried I.
"I't me save him, don't punish me
by making me a murderer!" and I tore
and wrenched the boards with my burnt
hands. And in a moment more well
it was the roof that fell, I think I
don't know.
"He'll do very nicely now," said some
one very nicely; plenty of nourishing
food, and the wash as directed. No
danger, though his escape is wonderful."
It was the family doctor, and I was
on the spare bed in the bedroom, with
bandages about my hands.
Mother sat thero; so did Fanny.
Fatiier looked over the bed foot Phelim
and Jane Maria, Uie servant, were :Uso
"And why ho was so set on saving
that old shell I can't tell," said mother.
"lie must have hid something precious
They did not know then. I sat up
and looked at them alL
"It wasn't the shed," said I. "Mother,
father, Fanny, it was Mr. Williams. I
had locked him up there. I've mur
dered him."
"No you havn't" said another voice,
and some one came around the bed.
'Tin alive you see. You didn't think
I'd stay locked up in a cownhcd when 1
had an engagement with a lady, did
you? 1 just burned the lock off with
my cigar, and came away. I intended
to give you a fright in return for your
trick. I suppose it's what you call a
practical joke in the country but 1
didn't think of anything serious. I'm
really sorry."
1 don't know what I said. I know 1
felt very foolish; but that was not half
as bail ;is feeling like a murderer.
I had a pretty pair of hands for the
next four weeks, but I didn't mind it
as much ;w if Fanny had not fed me
with hers.
Sho petted mo as if I were a hero in
stead of an idiot. I believe she thought
I had done something noble and grand.
And she's been my wife now how
long, Fanny?
Not so long as to havo forgotten to
bo lovers, though my boy's head is on
a level with his mother's shoulders and
my own is turning gray.
What an English Explorer Says of the
Anthropology of Coutral Africa.
At a meeting of the members of the
Anthropological Institute of (.Jreat Brit
ain and Ireland, Colonel Lane Fox,
President, in the chair, held hist even
ing in the theatre of the Society of
Miues, Jeriuyn street St Jamea, Lieu
tenant Cameron, C. B., Hoyal Navy,
read a paper on tho subject of the an
thropology of Central Africa.
Tho distinguished traveler said that,
owing to ages of Mohammedan immi
gration, tho pure typo of the negro did
not at present exist on the East Coast
of Africa, from whioh they had been
driven inland. In Madagascar there
wero many tribes of Malay origin.
Among those tribes were some who
wore their hair down their backs to
their waist, some who had strong bark
woven through their wool, and others
again who sported wigs. Ho then pro
ceeded to give a rapid description of the
characteristics and manners of the va
rious tribes along his route, by many of
which he was warmly welcomed, and
by others very coldly indeed. In de
scribing tho dress of the ladies in vari
ous of these nations tho lecturer caused
considerable amusement among his
audience. There were ladies, he said,
in the interior somewhat scantily, albeit
picturesquely, clothed, who wore their
hair divided by four partings, each
woven into a plait and all wound round
the head, tho ends being adorned with
beads and polished steel extinguishers,
so as to form a coronet; others who
wore tattooing knives iu their hair, and
adorned or disfigured their faces with
paint and again, those among the lower
classes who perforated tho upper lip and
inserted a stone, which made the lip
protrude like a duck's bill. Besides
these, thero wero ladies who sported
leather headdresses tho most hideous
ever invented, tho likeness to which
when he left England were, he believed,
called chignons. Laughter. In de
scribing tho industries and manufac
tures of the great continent he stated
that the natives, in some places, ground
their corn with the trunks of trees ; and
the pottery ware manufactured strongly
reminded him of specimens dug up in
the ruins of Pompeii and Herculaneum.
In his travels ho came to a country
where the iron trade was in a flourish
ing condition, there being many found
ries about 50 feet long by SO feet wide
where they frequently got 150 pounds
to 200 pounds of metal in a single
smelting. Ifere ho had seen pieces of
iron worked simply by the hammer and
molded into various shapes, including
the human form, as completely finished
as if manipulated by the most skilled
English artisan. Among the fetish
men whom he met tho priests were for
the most part clever ventriloquists, an
art which they put to Yery profitable
purpose, as was shown by tho answers
of their idols, which were favorable or
otherwise according to the value of tho
offering. London Standard, May 24.
We can heartily recommend the Ne
vada notel, 14S and 150 Wabash Ave
nue, Chicago, HL, as not only one of the
cheapest but also one of the best hotels
in Chicago. Mine host Kendrick, has
proven that he can keep a hotel.
The heart will break, yet brokenly
live on. Byron.
Tl!OWJL O. Oliwja. Solicitor of PatMiU of tb
Iowa PATKaTOrrice. at I" Motne. reports lb
followlos U. S. Patent Issued to Western lavria
orf. May 2Sd, 170.
Otst-Iron Sectional Boilers. J. W
Ward. 1 )ecorah, Iowa.
Stove-Pipe Joints. Jainr I Irins;
Dallas Center, Iowa. a.sinor to I.
Hubbard and Judson Purinton. sitiw
Steam-Governors. J. W. Clark, lola,
Neck-Yokes. Nicholas Hiatt Plumb
Hollow. Iowa.
Lami-Wick Trimmer. Annuel Nay
lor, Indt'iHMidence. Iowa.
Sieves. Kd ward Stewart, Fort Madi
son, Iowa, assignor of out-half his right
to Win. II. Kretiiuger. same place.
Faucets. Anton Tomenk.t,Ioa Ot,
Stove-Pit Shelves. David C. Wolf
and Frank M. fcaxby, Keoti. Iowx
Sand-Powurs Samuel It PiunK-k..
Lincoln. Nebraska. The invention con
sists in combining, with a wind-whel
and elevating U'lt, a reservoir for
storing awav sand, and an overshot
bucketed wh'eel, to be cierated by the
regular discharge of the sand from its
reservoir, whereby a reserve motor is
iucrcauio :vw ciew
Hogs-Live "mJ
Sheep Live I 21 OSi
Klour Oood to choice. S" (i J TJ
Wheat- No. 2 Chicago 1 l'V I lS
Corn Western mixed. ! t m
Oats Western nw J '
Kki:s 11 i I'S
Mutter Il a 'Zl
I'ork-New Mc 13 W CW a)
Lard 11 W dll ti
lccTO-Cho!ce 3 4 W r S 00
llotf.1 l'S 5 KV
Sheen Good to rholc I'M C t 18
liuttcr Choice to yellow ?J 23
KKgl 10 'i 10'
Flour White winter. IW W
fcnrlriK extra
Wheat-SprlUK No 2 1 61VA 1 MK
Corn No 2 OVA "
Oats No 2 '-"JVi -
llyi" No 2 IlH' -
1'ork M';s. new 19 lJ U
ISarley No 2 t tl
Lard 10 'J uli 31
Ilecf Cattld-Kalr to choice 5 I s ft 4 w
hoxh-livm 5w u v:h
Klour KallXX 3 25 f 3 75
Wheat No2Ued 1 l-'W
Corn No 2 42 ;
O'tt). . .................. 2
K Not 'A
Wrk-MeaS 13 Ti H20W
Lard 10 CJttlU T
Klotir 5 5W 3 3 )
Wheat lied t 100 u 1 21
Corn 41 -t f
ISarley 1 12 k 1 II
Iv (. . W t v
JmU r tV
r lour. . . . . 9 "6 No - i I 07
Oats No 2 2WV
llarh'v No2 (J fiS
lijo No 2 (-4 72
rionr wholesale 5 1 "l f 3 W
W !lt?3t . 4 1 CO U
Oats '."J ', S
Itarloy 2-1 (i 27
ltyt............... 17 ( 1'J
KkK" 10 H II
Mutter 13 f 11
IIoks IW f.j 4 W
Cattle J W 1M
To Karmorri.-A Moltno wind-mill tor sale,
by the IOWA l'KINTlN.J '().,
A in 1 Too IntwT
Not uhllothiTu 1 llfulurt. Tho weary tdlrlm'4
heail li Kladdeiit'd a he come-. In vlow of tho Jus
orl'i oasli, forKutfuI of Ills ast rtutrorlm; from
tho Imnilnif sand, and Uilr-it. Thimarliiur.t ti-:rt
hounds with Joy as ho xees his ualia hnrii aflur
mouths of exposure, and tho remaining duties he
has to perform on hoard ero his loot lurs-ios aalu
hU native oll aro douu with an olacrlty attunMv o
of his Inward rejolelu. So thero it hoin for you.
poor sufferer, lu ruhuitdluif your uufmhh'd cu
blltutlou. Tho dally usoof a curtain well known
remedy will Increase thoappettto. aaiUl ilnsucru
tlous and. excretions, proiuoto uatura rest, ami
brln is' thu hloom of health oucu uior ito your
emaciated cheokx. Thai -ialuable remedy 1m the
Ilouie Stomach 1: 1 iters.
The purest article is the cheapest iu
the end. Dobbins' Klectric Soap, (made
by Cragiii fc Co., Philadelphia,) is iei
feclly pure, snow-white, and preserves
clcthcs wxshed with it He sure ami
try it.
CI7"Unclo's Condition Towder should ho
kept on hand .is a preveullveof dUcarfu. I'ed occa
sionally, It assists digestion and btlmulatci tho
secretory organs, so that horscvt supplied with II
aro hotter prepared to stand the heary drain upon
thu system from hard labor and keep In hultor
flush than If this vegetable preparation had not
boon supplied. Obtained through druKKlat, or of
tho liumioU Proprietary Co.. Chicago. III.
8K""Tho best Is the cheapest," especially when
It costs no more, I'uclo Sam's Harness Oil is
cheaper than neali fool, fish, or any other of ttie
ordinary oils used for harness. Sold hyalldiUK
glsts and liaiiuvs make-is.
Itoth nion and bsts arc liablo to Accido-i Un
prompt remedy HBed at tho rljcht tlrao- oflon
saves weeks and months of pum. Or. Green's
Crimean Liniment and I.ivr sud Ana Pllle
should always bo kept In tho house
Interesting to Musician. A Whitney &
Holmes Cabinet Organ will he eold a, a reasona
ble price by Ihc IOWA PRINTING CO..
les aloutKd.
TONIC. AND Manduakk Pills. These inedl
clncs havo undoubtedly performed more cures of
Consumption than any other remedy known tntho
American public They are compounded of vego
tablo lugredleuts, and contain nothing which can
he Injurious to tho human constitution. Other
remedies advertised as cures for Consumption,
probably contain opium, which Is a somewhat
dangerous drug In all cases, and If taken freely
by consumptive patients. It must do great Injury:
for Its tendency Is to confine tho morbid matter
In the system, which of course, must make a cure
impossible. Schenck's Pulmonic Syrup Is war
ranted not to contain a panicle of opium. It Is
composed of powerful but harmless herb, which
act on the lungs, liver, stomach, and blood, and
thus correct all morbid sccretlous. and expel all
tho diseased matter from tho body. Thcoo aro tho
only means by which Consumption can ha cured,
and as Schcnck" Pulmonic Syrup. Sea Weed
Tonic, and Mandrake Tills are the only medicines
which oparato In this way. It Is obvloiw they are
the only genuine care for Pulmonary Consump
tion. Each bottlo of thl3 Invaluable medicine Is
accompanied by full directions. Ir. Schc&ck Is
professionally at his principal office, corner Sixth
and Arch streets, Philadelphia, every Monday,
where all letters for advice must be addressed.
For general debility tho good effects of tho Veg
etlne are realized Immediately after commencing
10 take It.
A Bargain in Body Type. The
Iowa Phisting Comtany with us to say
that they havo ir hundred pounds of
this style of Bourgeois type oa hand,
which they will sell at a reasonable
price. It is in tolerably good condition,
well sorted up, plenty of capitate, small
capitals, italic and quads. TFWk to the
Iowa Printing Oompmny, Dcs Mointi, for
pries. Terms, cash.
Health la altt.
Ah! never were words more tmthfnl than these
as It applies to every" living thing. A life In Alad
din's hall or Slnhad's cave, the possession of the
Philosopher's stone or wealth of the Indies, what
would each or all he worth when hourly recog
nizing the fact of your bodily and mental sickness
haunting you like a nightmare; and yet to hare
the wealth of health you must anticipate tho ad
Tent of slight attacks of Indisposition of the
bowels, and you can secure that coveted blessing
bra ludiclousdaliy usoof PnoKESSonCAHEnox'i
Blackberry Brandv. prepared by the Home Bitters
Company, SL Loafs.
Fluid Lightning Instantly euros Neuralgia,
Nervous and Sick Headache. Rheumatism and aU
nervous pains. Druggists keep It.
For Sale. A Hew. Ho. narrla aTi
'--en msod. Price, f 90. cuh.
Da Sloans
CsBtrml Teut Cake.
ScJeaUSc inresUgatloii combined with long
experience, has enabled lbs micolactorers of the
Central Dfy Hop Yeas 5 to offer to thcpablica
yeast that ?lau is unrivaled In over particular.
The rapidity with which it if enpersedlnj all
other yent t tho vex best evidence that can be
obtalaed oT its popularity. It Is tin foil wrapped,
and every package warranted to give satisfaction.
Try It and 70s will so ether.
fJT"Im alt ontll yoor cwaxn yi Bt
wIJy "by the ihr-jAt" &! :ar ta life -uj .J
ya A few d's ? KUrrtN IZxtrMl ..: Tu &!
Wild Che it j IU cur St t!riy
Or. HrAI'rKK v rrrair r.:s-cf lintlta
and A ib n -tit )fctitn:. Ta:y jm ; '
iKtri j.fej'-wsa. all li4w "fTfc K I
. Uirr, Uu'jr. ll'Arv TarwH. 1I4 1
rri t-m Y.rrvzt f Yoata ! Ai '
Mnbo-xt "iKt'iru..y trr.:! aJ , t
-iun r- li.'C Ji.C rrfrii f-r ty cm '
.-uiml Wifnior irfi .!. f av k oJ
vr (harx t U u'4 rtiVr xu 1 f. t t rtr Ix
Mr m And ?rt irr trratia'at f -r dic s
cu:;r to iht'r 10s A.ltt 'Hi r.u!u.. r.ttt
f 'T rrly j ruwpt.y auiitirt
toxtlTATl i miK. scl J f r 4
dre I-k li 'I 3-i. :u...:tZi: l'rryfr I
liTcciort. !u -
1 V fMa a 1 W 9 7
gram? mwsm
As Absolutely Without a Fault
Our Now Slioa
Xos. 37, 38, 39, 17, IS aid 19
And all tho essential poluts thai ?
to make up tho
Ever olXcreU to tlie public
Koc. G12, 6H, 616 S: 618 IT. Uaii St.,
Dr. Whittier,
617 St. Charles street, St. Louis, Mo.
A rfcUr fTfcta.tijof two lfllI Con. hi. bn irstf
cai.F-l iu its ii-lil uciinrt-t if i.i Vcn.rul. Hoxual
oadChronio luoes ihxa aj ott.r ffa;uiu.lutiu
Louji, jiriliuwiaJIlillreUin imw.
Syphilis, Gonorrhoea, Gleot. Striciura, Or
chitis. Hernia, or Rupture, all Urinary Disettaa
and Syphilitio or mercurial afToctiont of the
Ihroat, akin or bones, ar. with ucpru:J
o-jtt, oa lte.t (cltudSo i.rtoelrW- eWy, frlTt4J.
Spormitorrhaa, Sexual Debility and Impov
ency, ..tbarrtaltof Bclf-.tiCMla jvixh, nittl eiewn
laiaiarrjn,orothr bkh rrwloo nu
t lb. folluwlui; ctTta: Ltliw-tl., (rul&.l nulJilaCI. iULt.3ffUr. acoorr. 1-tiopIr.on li.
tier. I ljtcaltJcj. aionluO orfrolM,cnrul .o
fir two rottira itusci. Cumalutlon .t Bc or tt uiu
L-k. ai larltot.arrtcO'Sy uUcrLUct'lsloo coat, xuibicf.
AVLen it I liiccnTuolcul to Ult U. cUy fcr Uitrjei
ncjidact ca to rol ty eiproM or mtl timrrtttr. t'uro
VZclMXf.iX.X..K)ir.ll. BsiaJiJi. U il.tol l-.U.
Pamphlet, to iny tddrota, for Two Stampe.
MANHOOD Allnrt:,0-cjr,a
. Bent aealed. all three, for HO Coat.
Manhood aad Womanhood ia German, bow
together, Illustrated, 15 Cents.
p&Sls. I GUIDE.
Xlegaat cloth ond Btlt Mndlnr. Scaled for 60a
Oier fifty ooJrful pen ttituri.. uuo to Uf; .rUUnoa
ta ft41owIo .atjvcu; Wto tn.y bjmtt, bo ttou t.
I'rortr .t to n.rry. Wto nmry nm. MitLtwl. tro!ao
b'oi. Phj.lcil drc.f; Tho e!I:u of cUt.oy n-l ticni;
Wto.touMEjrrj:Uolifomtpptoe.iBjt lacr l
TLo 1'hjiioUtT cf K'prwloeOoo, .nil miny Er. 1Unt
trril or oooiraplailn t towrttro ib-wll r1 It.
After mllf-kogi.racOc, lutttlfrua hoau .( vrll M
moral coorlcUoQ.ilooiat to to all lo!l irr.t.
then lockod up,n,tlU arotm.torloet.HUwa
cr re-rUn. Il coatIn. taocrcaa of medical litcr
curo,U.oufhlif lacrt la aaitot!T ;.rstie, nJ wvrti
to my ca ta via o i; . careful poruaal. tea Uaca
Its costs. ...
roputir taltfon. si u lioTo. bet rptr eonr. .) v&
85 cents by taU. Cticri l rJs la Avrtc, r"
citler lUnu, eadcaUnj aaosat,
617 St. Charles street, St. Louis, Mo.
iVr A KR.I A. CrEMarriao Ouidat'.chf
If? TTC kliOW onCuurtb!r,.Mr-
fiTr II I H y, the f'hyt'.o '?.(;
" W.'tnr. rl Iflirion
AND c( thrriuxl ij.m. I'lii-
tif !r ntturp nd care. Trc.te on H l'riL UI-. rtilif
exp'.ininc th'irctmtx. i)n:otiii iA mnuilurwj k
ii thconlr r-iHy cirtitulc work of th klcd irr piMah
eI, coritir.. rtrr!r Tf'i pise, .ml it cumplet ia .ry l
fxX. ij'ci tv .Muficurriy lemlnl on receipt otIO ci. M
ilrrf I)f ' A. II"IIAN.tNorJiruVnt,
tc Ij'j... llu. t.V.ibluacv la i
A Fby.lololcal Vlsw cf M.rrlc
ftir the tn&mtd .ml tho ountempUbD
intrrim, ou IJ.. mjiurln of prluct
ioa nJ the Ktrrt laSmilliMot yoth
lanhCK(J nJ wnro.ahol Aokt.olHiI
bookot SDjici for pn.t rtuHc;. whJch ihouiil b
kl't rinilrr Ut .cl krr. b.nton!r h-i! fjrJflcU.
of a Private I.'aturn in both .rxr. th. abuMi .ml -lli-
onlenotthe kiu! tjitrm, .nil theoe.ntolcute.lMpatCf
with rr.r.Tinsrt. ctuciIfrKol to riJ eu.
4 MEDICAL ADVICE on Stiu.l.rwl Chronic P!iwl.
a W) pas work at under rl fjr 10 - All U.r
books coauinlne 400 paeos sent BCouroIy iwaled
for CO cts. Adilre.i Dr. Bur!' Dii poniary, No. 12
N. 8th SI. Louis, Mo. EiubUihed l:.)
To Loan In loira. Kantcra Xrbraslta, asi
ySortHrtrntrm JslliMMisirl.
Upon Improved farms la sums oI9SM and ap
wards. for a term of 3 to 3 years; lutcrcstat 10
percent, payable scml annually.
Knnds soppllwl on siioetxotick.
Council lllaCs. Iowa.
m m -r i-'-"!
(Incorporated 1T.)
rapltal and acts $-501.3 u. TO
Surplus, January 1, WA W.iot-M
A. V. VMM if. President and Treasurer.
J. II. Ricg.Soc J. W. Bailey Vlt Prrit.
Turliisli 33 iv t la,
ndy.trVeu:uJavenport, low.
Wbere will bo found every accommodation for tho
reception of Invalid.. All car under the Imme
diate supervision of Dr. itatrd. Tbee batbs are
erecfNl on the most scientific j-rlnclple.
Send stamp and receive tho Turkish Bath Advo
cate. Enclose 25 cents and you will receive lit.
Italrd's pamphlet of lectures on the Turkish Hath.
To saTe further troabTe in rwrard to land titles
no person who has entered or purchased lan
from the government should fall to se care h
par.ent.and see that Unrecorded. Persons whoaav
not received thir patenu. and who deslr th
business attended to. may find It totBalradvanU
to correspond with the nndersljraed for partlra
lars. fee for attendins to the huslnss reasonable
A. K. yt'LTO?!. UmM.Ism. lawau
AcraU! New household ncesst:y. sample sad
terms postpaid Wc Satisfaction 'guaranteed.
Stewart Manufacturing wo.. Plttsbnrj.
r.VrawiBilaiar(siXsssarfat. New
Finest National picture iued. Excel
lent chance for Agents. Territory open.
Whitman Iieos. lts4 William su N. Y.
Morso crrv Coxst ercial Collsce. St. Louts
Mo. Established 1S59. T. A. Klce. A. M-. L. L.
B.. Pro.
Wanted to learn tele
Uinp. W. TeL Institute Sedalla. Mo.
rr FANCY CARDS. 1 new style, wun name. 16c. ;
LtO postpaid. J.B.UasteU.Naasaa,Kens.CoN.Y.
- 'WaaaaaaHaSrSSa
BHB1 avTlTaTw a am .V'BBaaaaaaaaa
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaUaaaHlaaaaaaaa! tisBaaaaaawaaaaaaaaaaaal
' HsaaaaaaaaaaiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaH ' A JJHnH
iaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaH ZfiiiH
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaB &'Yw':jjKUB
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaW li' aaaW am'kaLaf 4KaaMaaaV
y & W JaHrH'taV -aawHaaaaaaal
aaaaaaaaaaalaalaaaaamlaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaX aaaaaalBaaaaawaBmaaaaaaaaaaaaal
MipBIBHBKJaa'"fjr--a- rt3BaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaM
c3.jaar'r" , mtT .MaflaJaaiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw
r3MV'A'-aall- L iWWitt draaaWlaaaa "S3BBJMB
B8?E!,L!IA.F Carriaps ni Buggies
Fk:::t iH t!?.T C.:: .'t ni "4!iKt'Ka, BwILXurci Ui
.MfrLi.LiH!i,,riliTH.iili'tll tTl'OI "fTHI T tt "
U larw
""v - wr--". -
tKl,ollIUIItll.tlvUlbf 114.1
Taking lito onntdra:i'i Ui tUvr-u of iu
Tsfurhtti. tbo htt-ry ! irr d th lui
uu'itr III' te1iicdtiiiatl. K'-l'i J b titrtj
t'lilttttxl the lr .t',Orf iun.ll ln "f li a
Ktir rofuKt I" tli H"l, (flit. 1 n luf tit
bio reunsly. uu-1 ln T'-'U n-mt oSr fruUi In
hit? uik-V" ami ail 1!ri"H r'.lh fivHt ltul'Ui
bbKhl. If Hup tt u-d a rdihX tv dllM t
T!iTO Ii lt i-' f .crKll ti Xltr- tfcil
rfrtluo will til otr, ttlW4. lor. tti fuucll"U U nut 1M lUrlr iir f -tln
nil lUal ma) be .aid tv tba wiiliai; utlth
VLarniK I fleaiuul l. tbo la. la. U.1IJ lit IU It
llUt-' r .tlid abt'.lulo 111 ll a.llvH iU ill. ".
tt.ef U"VtlU) UU'ju-tlaWo -l-W? will .bt-f.
Jiuiuai) I. 147
Mil II It. hTKvr.M. '.t Mr Ufii ait H itioNlh ! I
TacrtliAtiii. 'lli ihttlln. h- ie .aevmal.-l
from lhi otitic lr iliwt ft"in tki- hHM'-r Tb
llUllllir tit'r ui t h .-jh f xlrnl ihM I
rullfd In brau to i-tf-nt m- lium raUHlu j
Hi) person. The illf'lllwl In iuj hMl I o
mnllird lu tbli roudltloii al-ol yt.
trout. 1.-.I 11 tlmtliup Willi iiT.i blkll. In iuj :inddlib.iiltiK rurruiitlwu fiuHi uii f Al I
tlilt tlmo u .mall kwtuid l-arHl ou iu um..
rudull) Imn-atlin: in It uutll lamvr Iuruir.1
if urb liuiiifii-e l I ioiiH t It bj 1'iriilu iuj
) dow liw.ld. All tbl IIMih I maOjIIi.i; nil
(ni r tiKilU-s k'tiii) bltlllli'imaiiy .ubalaull.-U
I tlii'li wrut to a prttuilimut li) detail tu U.lviri
who. during bis lit aluiciil vt l luvl.tb., laiil
tlu tuiliur 'libl Uli.i-i. bl'br..t ln ln--rlj Slid
'I his Iffl lii- wltli a I'-'iifti. a,;.'raatil ti w.t.
nut lit all d!liiliilliiti,J the lv uf lb tmu-ir. a -1 u
a I-Vly. I-l-l ii-Htiou I ".iiullr.l anitl -r
-ll)Kll bill III S.ltttk, bv. uftlT -Ulldlab4. III..'
.urreiili'! Ill l .illim Hi" .ore w llli'.ut ri-l!i. luf thu
iii At llili tint f t. ihiu-' I to ii. U-. a i ' H.
lbriUKli tUecarnvil ! of afrluI AfWr
I had tukvU till iikhIU I ho i.ImuI wi.e 'k. I 1 1-.
rleucid wi'Utl-rful M-iuatlou Uj "twu b-xlr
i'vuitil to b undericultitf ra"llal (banjo until
Dually, tbo tumor bruku aud dlbatk'iI frl,-Mful
ijuanlitlij Kioiu till, tlmo II di-pa.vl lu .!
until tin Nmli dliapl'vartol. bul Ulj null .1111
bear tbo tik'ly Curj the '-rw aud I iu
uu hoalthy and Uo:a. :"'l ftblo to orL of rr j
iMlttatxo in"iitlon that I havo bru an acuto
uiriri-r f ruin Inllamiuulor) tmr .liioo
I run remember, until -Miiii'iulii th u.n of
KinrriMt. bi-n :lmol liiiiiiHllat-lir all rliu
m:tlr j.alni c-a.i 'Mil. .tali'inunl I soluitttmr
for tin iUriMiii of Ix-tientliiif other .utfrlhrf bu
m:tlilty. ami iu III "oiilr afatur by KllK H a-'
much publlcfty us thotiKlil i-n-j-r
-r uratifiilly.
O M .slVKI.S.
A.blaiKl. Sl.
YvyttiM i.i .SWi ly all lrujjlsts.
VK an; Ui OSI.Y ruct-rs In tWo I nlt-l Mat'
Itial mat(a.Sl'i:i I AI.TV of
Ornamental "Work.
Send for t'lrcular and I'r'co I.M. Have ui
Ktaully ou hand a full line iX
Trimmings, Linings aDfl Snrowis.
Tho inati.ii.-er or the IIKHTIAN NKffS dr
slrlmt that all may lii an f;irtunitr if iv-ln
tho j3trr and Judging "t It. in-rit tln-mrT,
will n-nd It to an) mldre.stlilJaiiuary l lT.,fjr
Sicijts In addition to l! f'-rt. In'ludln Itrv
Prs. Post and ijoodvil. of .'t I-ul.. Pridrnlpiur
tevatit. of III., and rileidieti Pax.on. of llo.
J. II. I5rooken, I. I., St. LouIm,
has be'ti secureil to writ" tho exposition cf fan.
day lo-hool Icon. Ilde botUK a regular con
tributor. Adjlrs.
till and lxmt,
M IiuK Mo.
School Dixtrict BondM.
We tho undrslynl. would announce to school
ofilcer and other havlair .Vinjj lUstrlrt llonl,
that we have perfw-tJ arranic-mxnt. with lsriro
and rcst-inslble corporation lu the
with a farire capital for tbo jiurio" of d'allnz lu
Municipal and. -school Iilitrlct llon-l by wMcbwo
aro abb? to nrjcotlatc tho ale of any amount of
School ltonds legally IhupI at th-lr hlirheit mar
ket value, and at reasonable rate of roriimlttlon.
Prompttiei In obtaining and r-turnln the pro-c-l
for the bondi. a .pedal feature In this part
of our buslnoM. i orre.jmndene- anlicitmL
"IIICAOO, lit.
Publishers of Adam." new y:rn of jvrhool
Kocords. "Union tftrlr. the best ever published.
143 4 150 Wtb&ih-tT.. nesr Xczn4i.,CHlCAQtX.
Yon will find low tj-I. Lot noro roat cvsfort ULaa
aaey hooao. of rreaUrr rtr.lon. aad hla-bcr prlco.
1.50 to 92.00 A DAY,
leoorrflDtoIbyyn. THOMAS KK.1DKICK. Tn
Iiii. siiiikk-h
The only huro Cur fir
Pile. In ordr to praetl-
eally prove to th pawls
that JAnakeU." 1 all w
claim for It, we wUl. on
receipt of a letter lUSm
send to any sufferer a sample of the 'Anaket. p
of charge. J. 5TKL SSTAKISTKK A CO.,
hole Manufacturer of Anakesii.
Ewx 3VS6. Srw York.
illwstal I BAROIKTal A 51
VK" t Tfcermotneter eotnblnei. pote.
lAsrm.'f ss I se. more valu taaa any ln.:r
UCr ice. rnent of its cost In the world. Pre
dicts changes In the weather 12 to :i hours In ad
vance. Saves farmers 30 time, its eo.t la a laxle
season. Over SJtOmad by one m-ti: In thre days.
Sells at slicht. Sample sent by express prepaid ft
any address on receipt of prlc. I Clrralar sent
for stamp. Airests. dont xalss this. Address, r.
W. Oliver. Keseral ajreat for Iowa. Iravenport. I a.
AgentsWanted !
Iowa. Nebraska, aad Dakota. per wek
and! Occupation llht aad pl.aai
Address! . X. McCKACKK.S.
lrenpor. Iaw
Law, Real Estate and Loan Office
r. m.
Mt. Ayr,
s7IIave a set of Abstracts of Title to K! resold
Pamphlet and price list sat rre.
TMJiorth Plfth Street. St. Lonls.
JthasUOUTeSt,St.Loala Mo. Write for drnUrs. 1
ror tlie i-arj-el iwiu,- tmn n. . . " - " r , ' lk k
drJctlBi'.hr.aL.-Ur IU.-. tRJ U h-' ' V.m!.
Mu Hue Hldrr. Trj ttt Trtfl (tw ItleT :barur ?, f" -J
.. a . i ik ... 1
- h.W. ...l.'.--
Uuufclui. twUr IU.
5 . H
I i a - S
ftw4 - , k X
a i
assaa . ?
SM M ssi i ' ' i 'S
SB kw . 3
M.r"-; a
IUumi llfc Hoard. iK. ll 6 ad.y Ri'mi
nlUioul tloaro II W U. 1 a day r.w ll
lauiaul la lb Wv.l.
lururr vl ItW ! U.rli.raai. .
ltc-t ll.itol ill (!IIA(;(.
Thn f'.urllatwu !lryat X Mrnlloo
Toleraph Iiih(I(ii( !
Knll (V.MHn.rrLI .f H'li'.l.r.Mp. avtss.'io.
urily a part of the Tuition f-r t'l'tf r.i-klhy il.
laalidnt when tbo student enter. -hwi1 !, bal
itiit o wbrn be .hall l nlillnt a mmI
llort a. operator K-r full pjrtl'til.r. addre..
I. HI MliMH. mirlln(lnn. Iw..
Wo offer extr rd'nary Indoeomenla Hmmi
(rtao full lr:u frain", ovrratrnnr ! I' .-..
ltb ItowKBl and r.r"l t f f-r f
lluied and de Ivrre-l to any K It. Ilepot lh M'--Term,
of r.rnient, -' e.h rmlrdr. II
monthty. or 4vjr.t, n, ait monthly or s',h
and Hend for lth fllr
planatlon ItKKIl'a Tr.Hrt.K Or NIMir.
IM Vass Hurra ilrrrt, Shlrofjo. . r
a v
M M i1aaaf
1 I f
1 1 ll lrW
B a M lt " s
.t'.' am a aav.
vavaawasaiawiBai awskA .
,-rafjBawapaapBaw avBiX.
r. '' " usa.afal WssaMl
m wi a w&WLaa
' lMSaaiWsBBsaBJsBnB
'S f li'aMMawfl'affHah"aaaal
! C 'ramBaaflaBBraaal
w '- yHBBalHHHBisllai
0ji I V P'aaaaamaraaVKXasaKflJaai
", I r .ssawarBaapawaKsawsj
H ' .XSISttaSlVsaaaaaW
r u 4BcBflllasBasaai
TTiSSrssf sVtw
Life Insuraiice Co.
ASSETS, - - $5,504,329.24
SSXWlV&lW. PililT Iltlil.
Annual Cash IHvldcndt avallabl-j to rrtar Vr.
mlutn. the fKowl year PollrJ oor.for-tbl-j
for tbejr valufl. Kaduwaisot Peticte IksvI .""
Ufa Uau-s. 24
HAM DEL K. HTOKKM. Vice. r.ldnt.
If S. HTKPIIX.XH. il Vie-Prrsldocit.
JAS. WItt MASO.S. Artiary "-s-vriti.t.
. . IfK.'sUr AfTIK.Keeetarr.
Agents wanted In all th Wtrn matt., on li
eralterms. Addr J W IKKIsKU Jit. i-r1
l"nau.o,,Cle'- "' " W- Ti-f,i "
If your child ia auiTerinjf from 'xoruta,
Ditore, an old and rcliablo remnlr. Unit
neterfaiU In UiorotiKhiy exterminating B
thebo ieats of childhood. Jk-in insvlfj
in tho form of Sugar Drot, Iiaving
neither (the tiatc or Drnell of im-diclne.
no trouble is experience-! In imlucin
children to kike them. Sold hy all Druj;
gwU at 25 eta. a Lox. or s3it by mail on
receipt of price, at the Principal Dejot.
910 Filbert street, Philadelphia, Pa. h
11 action of IVxl
Krs. Ant. VjrZ't
. ITII. XuUit. ami
Garden Inaert nvt l;
KKrfAKI-M e-t-bra-X
Insect loder. IS
has no rival in tbo
W.-Jfld. JkiKi llxt ss4
Xle Exterminator.
ff!rt. ass oiirn
Orr br
Vor salo hy j
nronotlr Uls
fUUU li
'swa trrtmtlm c
Corner Kh and loo
Soa go to St. Loat'r"
)e Europcaa P
aad a am class
can prors eA
prices. Kootns'
SlaaaaH ILaaaaaaav
awasaaS awasaaaaaar
S. JSe
s J '-r-
lr ?fe-