The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 15, 1876, Image 4

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t" sVS
i im i i iwannimjn 4 ua,nt jan
Inth flush time when oil-well ware the. theme
Whereon all enterprising minds wero dwelling.
And every speculator's fondest dream
Saw great Petroleum' aromatic stream
The fat of nature's broth, plutonle cream
Spontaneously from his own well upwellln;.
Twelve gentlemen on money-making bent
Assembled In an upper chamber spacious
To listen to an "enterprising genf
While he to them should make It evident
Much money night be made for little spent
Ily any one sufficiently sagacious
To furnish fundi, by him to be Invested
In a location he himself had tested.
The territory where that well and drrrlck'aro
- the best oil country In America.
The drill will very shortly reach bed-rock,
Jlolng already promisingly started."
He paid our money and wo took our stock.
Whereat our disinterested friend departed.
And then I marked, as I have marked before,
Twas not possessing riches great or small.
That fixed the due proportion each one bore
Those who have little always give the more.
And those give least who have the greatest store.
On them all burdens do most lightly fall.
While some are like the cobbler In his stall
When Into one small hole be putsjhls Utile awl.
Why need I hero repeat the old, old story 7
We never saw again our cherished pelf;
The reader will have guessed so, a priori.
And very likely knows how 'tis himself.
When the whole enterprise had gone to pot
Once more wo stockholders convened a meeting;
In the same sadly well-remembered spot
We came to see where all our wealth was not;
And to the rest one then, there, 'thus gave greet
"We poor outsiders do not feel so sore
(Although we're neither Jinoro nor less than
At having sacrificed our little store.
Hr you rich folk, who know so vastly more.
Have been deceived In spite of your acumen.
A nd this deep lyile that's proved so great a bore.
Although It has no oil, It has blt-you-men."
Joseph KIrkland; Scribner for June.
A j:irty of hunters were slowly pick
ing their devious way anion"; the bowl
ders of a camon, at the base of the
Kocky Mountains, on the evening of a
pleasant day in the early autumn of
i85.". The sun was rapidly sinking in
the West, and the gray shadows of eve
ning were settling over the earth, shroud
ing the canyons in a pall of gloom, and
casting a spectral haze over the giant
peaks, except where here and there
their tojtt wero tinged with crimson
The party numbered three, two of
whom were bronzed and hardy trappers;
men who had been inured to the wild
life of the mountains, deserts, and wil
derness from their earliest youth, and
who, in consequence of their constant
contact with the wildest phases of
human existence and the isolation of a
hunters life, were fair representatives
of that class of men who form the con
necting link between savage and civil
ized life. The other was a young man,
of perhaps twenty-five years, and with
the broad intellectual brow that bears
I lie stamp and seal of civilization. One
could tell at a glance that ho was not an
ordinary hunter, and would reach the
conclusion that he -was here rather for
sport and excitement of the chase than
anything else. He was, in reality, a
well-to-do merchant of San Francisco,
who, longing to escape the distracting
din and bustle of business and the suf
focating heat of the hot season, had en
gaged the two trappers, who were old
aequainfcmces, to accompany him in a
pleasure jaunt to the Hocky Mountains,
and we now find them near the base of
this noble range, and directing their
steps to a line of timber a short distance
in advance, and which fringed the banks
of a river, known as the Gold Stream,
probably because no gold had ever been
discovered anywhere near it.
The namo of the j'oung merchant was
Charles Knowland and his guides were
Black Jien and Shasta Joe, two famous
As they neared the fringo of timber
Black Ben turned partially and, address
ing Knowland, said:
"Ilev you ever heerd o' the Gold
Stream ghost?"
"No, I have never heard of his ghost
ship. What of him? Is the stream
supposed to be haunted?"
"Supposed, the deuce! There's no
supposin' about it; when Black Ben sees
anything, he ginerally sees it I tell you
there's a critter as stays somewhar
around an island about half a niile down
this yer crick, an' a'uiost every night he
comes out an jLst makes things bile.
There :iin't a trapper or an Injun in the
country but's afeard to go near the island
on account o the thing, and it a'most
makes my blood run cold -whenever I
think o' it"
"What -is it like?" queried the young
man, in a half-serious, half-jocular
"See here," said the trapper, turning
Upon him, angrily, "hlebbe you think as
how I He about this?"
lJeg pardon, Ben," replied the young
man, seeing his mistake; "but I am
-skeptical upon the subject of ghosts; in
fact I don't believe there are any such
things. I think everything of the kind
can be accounted for in a natural man
ner, and as the result of natural causes.
But what appearance does this ghost, or
hobgoblin, present?"
"Well," said Ben, slightly mollified,
"as I said afore, it stiys around this yer
island, though no one ever seed it on
the island itself, for it allers comes up
in the middle of the river, and gives a
yell, like ten thousand Blackfeet howlin'
all at onct You could on'y see its
shoulders an' head, for the rest of it was
under water. It lied a face suthin' like
a human face, but all over hairy, an' on
its hairy-lookin head war two horns
that stood right straight up, an' as white
as snow. When I seed it, the tarnal
thing hopped right up within ten feet o'
me, and let off the most ear-splittin' yell
ye ever heerd. Why, I could feel the
flesh creep on my very bones, an' my
hair stood up till it a'most lifted my cap
offen my head. I couldn't move hand or
foot, until the thing dlv under water
:igin, an' then I was so weak I could
scarcely walk."
Xnowland felt like laughing, but the
serious tone and lugubrious expression
upon the face of Black Ben warned him
that, if he wished to retain his friend
ship, he must not be too reckless- in
scoffing at the trapper's superstition.
He knew that Black Ben had seen some
startling sight, but which, if the mystery
were solved, would le robbed of half
its terrors. However, he said in a serious
"Ben, I am greatly interested in this
account you have given me, and would
like to see this monster for myself. I
would like to have you and Joe here
accompany me to the vicinity of the
island, to-night, and we will see if we
cannot unravel this mystery."
The trappers protested against any
such procedure, lien bewailing his folly
in revealing his knowledge, and declar
ing that he would rather face a whole
tribe ef Blackfeet Knowland, however,
was firm in his resolve, and as they were
in his employ, and bound in duty to obey
him, and besides, as friends, did not wish
to lose his friendship and be accused of
cowardice, they consented to guide him
to the haunted island, and, as they veri
ly believed, to the abode of liu Satanic
Majesty himself.
They soon reached the fringe of tim
her, and finding a gully where they
would be safe from the eyes of prowl
ing savages, they kindled a fire and
roasted some juicy venison, of which
they ate heartily, for a tramp among
the mountains is one of the best of aj
petizers. They remained hero, smoking and
chatting, until the moon had risen high
above the tree tops, and Knowland's
silver timepiece, indicated the hour of
10, when, shouldering their guns, they
carefully threaded their way down
stream, in the direction of the island,
flitting like silent siwctres from tree to
tree and bowlder to bowlder. They had
traversed about a half mile, when Shasta
Joe, who was in advance, uttered a
warning "sh I" and halted.
"See yer, now!" he said, turning to the
others, "we're almost to the infernal
place, and as huntiu' ghosts is a ticklish
sort o' business, we want to keep clus
together, an' as still as possible, l'or
rard!" Again they moved on, and soon came
in sight of the stream, gleaming in the
moonlight like a bed of molten silver.
They could see the low, black island in
the centre covered with low bushes, and
concealing themselves where they could
command a good view of the island, the
stream and either shore, they began
their silent watch, continually scanning
the river and conversing only in the
lowest whispers. The tedious hours
wore slowly away; midnight drew near,
and still they waited and watched.
"It's about time the critter was a
comin', if he's agoiu' to," whispered Ben.
"He generally appears near the shud
der o' that tree, leanin' over the water."
The words had scarcely left his lips
when the waters near the position indi
cated were violently agitated, and a
huge, hairy form in human resemblance
rose out of the water, its two horns
gleaming ghostly whito in the moon
light, and gave vent to a schreeching
roar that rolled over the waters like the
shriek of a fiend, and was echoed and
re-echoed among the surrounding cliffs
with a demoniacal .and startling inten
sity. The next instant the strange crea
ture, whether man, beast, or devil, sank
from sight beneath the troubled waters
of the Gold stream.
The trio seemed riveted to the spot
by a strange fascination, and it w:is no,
until the reverberating echoes had died
away, that they ventured to breathe
freely, when Ben said, with a sarcastic
ring in his voice:
"What do you call that, I wonder?"
Knowland's strained nerves relaxed
at the sound of Ben's voice, and he
answered in strangely puzzled :uid wa
vering tones.
"That's the most wonderful phenome
non I ever beheld."
"If s not a spirit, though, 1 reckon ?"
said Ben with a sneer.
"No, I can't believo that it is. It may
be some aquatic animal of which we
have not heard, or more probably some
miner who has found a rich 'lead' en
deavoring to frighten and prevent any
one from approaching his claim."
"I mout a knowed you wouldn't be
lieve what you seed yourself. The next
thing you'll be savin' it was an optical
delusion, and we didn't hear any noise
at all. I'll tell you, I believo it's the Ole
Boy hisself, and that we'd better git
away from this section if we want to
save our hair. The Injuns call it Devil's
Island and are as afeard of it as death,
an' they do say that whoever goes near
that Island never gets away alive.
"I don't care what the Indians say
about it," replied Knowland, "I'm not
going to leave these parts until I solve
this mystery. We can't do anything
more to-night, so we'll have to wait till
to-morrow night Have you a canoe
about here?"
Bon replied that he had a good one
near their camp.
"Well, that will do; to-morrow night
rm going beneath the shadow of that
tree. If ycu will "go with me, well and
good; it not, I shall go alone."
Nothing of importance occuringwe
will pass over the intervening, time,
until the following night when wo find
our friends nearing the haunted island
in a large Indian canoe.
Finding their leader obstinate and set
in his purpose of unveiling the mystery,
the trappers resolved to accompany him,
though it should lead them into the
very jaws of death. At a little earlier
hour than on the preceding night, in
order to avoid discovery, they cautiously
approached the island, and while a dark
cloud drifted across the face of the
moon, veiling the river in shadow,
they silently propelled themselves be
neath the shadows of the overhanging
tree. They had evidently come pre
pared for any emergency, for they had
brought with them, besides their usual
weapons, an ax and a strong lasso.
Here they lay quietly, scarcely speak
ing a word, until near midnight, the
hour at which the monster was expected,
when one of the trappers grasped a pad-,
die, the other a rifle, while Knowland
seated Jriniself in the bow, with the lasso
in his hand, coiled ready for use.
They had not long to wait Soon air
bubbles began to rise slowly to the sur
face then suddenly the waters were
violently disturbed, and the hairy mon
ster rose into full view, with a horrid
shriek ujh its liiw, and scarcely ten
feet from the lxat Quick as the lightr
ning's flash, the strong coil of law) shot
from the hands of the young man and
settled upon the shoulders of the strange
creature, when, with a strong jerk, it
was drawn taut and the monster lay
struggling uikhi the water. A few
strokes of the paddle brought them
alongside, and the writhing form, which
proved to le that of a man, was lifted
within the canoe. He struggled des
perately, but the trapiers, finding they
had only flesh and blood to deal with,
lashed him fast and stifled his cries with
a gag.
They now paddled with all their
might and the canoe soon grated upou
the shore opjKwite their camp, and their
prisoner, who had now ceased his strug
gles, was borne to their fire. As soon
;ls he was released and the gag removed,
he opened his lips to give vent to a
shriek, but Black Ben grasied him firm
ly by the shoulders, and the ioor fellow
cowed down in speechless terror. It
w:is then .se.ii that he was a gibbering
maniac; doubtless some trapper who
had become insane, and made the island
his abode.
The low, bushy island was carefully
examined the next day, :uul a commo
dious cave found, the entrance to which
was close to the water's edge, and hid
den by the tangled masses of overhang
ing vines. Here the maniac trapper had
made his home, remaining secreted dur
ing the day, and going forth upon
his nocturnal excursions in tho silent
watches of the night. The bonis which
presented so ghostly an appearance were
the ornaments of a sort of cap which
he wore, and which was formed from
the skin of some wild animal. He was
entirely harmless. tuit hopelessly insane,
and w:is conveyed y bin captors to tho
insane Asylum of California, whero he
was well cared for and kindly treated.
This episode occurred many years ago,
yet the flat, bushy isle Ls still known as
the Haunted Island.
M. Killsmith advertises in a St Louis
paper for a situation. We should think,
though, that a gentleman with such a
name as his would find plenty to keep
him busy all his lifetime.
A correspondent entered an office and
accused the compositor of not having
punctuated his communication, when
the typo earnestly replied: "I'm not a
pointer; I'm a setter."
An Illinois minister announced on
his Sunday night bulletin: "Tho fune
ral of Judas Iscariot" To which an
obliging fellow added, "Friends of the
deceased are cordially invited."
An Irishman noticing a lady pass
along, espied two strips depending from
under the lady's cloak. Not knowing
that these wero styled sashes and in
the right place, he exclaimed: "Faith,
ma'am, your galluses are untied."
Fond mamma about to get into a car
riage to small boy in the house door
"Now, Freddie, are you not going to
kiss me?" Freddie" I haven't time to
come down, mamma. (To footman)
John, you kiss mamma for me."
"1 fear," remarked Spilkins, in the
home circle, "that the first conference
of the Imperial Chancellors at Bis
marck's, house augurs badly for the
peace of Europe, and we will soon see
terrible times in Turkey." "Yes," re
plied Mrs. Spilkins, thoughtfully, "it's
shocking to think of; and, Leander don't
you think it's going to raise the price of
Cashmere shawls?"
"Tho password is 'Saxe;' now don't
forget it, Fat," said the Colonel, just
before the battle of Fontenoy, at which
Saxe was Marshal. "Sacks? Faith and
I will not Wasn't my father a miller ?"
"Who goes there?" cried the sentinel,
after the Irishman had arrived at his
post Fat was ;is wise as an owl, and
in a sort of a whispered yell replied,
"Bags, yer honor!"
"George, my darling George, promise
me one thing," said the
bride of
a month, as she threw her arms around
her husband's neck and gazed anxiously
into his face. "What is it, precious?"
he asked, as he drew her to his bosom
Promise me, George, dear, that you will
not become a Presidential canditc."
"Why, my darling, that is askiug a good
deal," he replied, and his countenance
darkened. "There are Jones, Smith and
Brown, and, in fact, all the best people
they are candidates. You want me to
be somebody, don't you?" "Yes, yes
George, I do, I do," said the young wife
bursting into tears; but all the news
papers will tell how big my feet are
and you know folks never think that
anybody's feet may be good shaped if
they are large "
Thomas O. Ouwio. Solicitor of Patents of the
Iowa Patent office, at Des Moines, reports the
following U. S. Patents issued to Western lavest-
May Oth, 1ST0.
Label "Wiggin's Rheumatic Com
pound." T. Scott & Co., Northfield, la,
Inmintr Boards. Eli O. Catt, and
Henry II. Harrod, Bed Oak, Iowa.
Buckle. Joseph M. Junkin and John
Gunn. Bed Oak. Iowa
Leather Punching Machines. Alonzo
C. Rickey and Martin D.Norris, Eldora,
Brick Kilns. F. F. Ingersoll, Brown
ing, Iowa
Cultivators. Wm. Louden, Fairfield,
Calf Weaners J. S. Maughlin and
William C. Marr. On awn, Iowa
Air Vent Attachments for Bungs.
James Talley, Jr., Kansas City, Mis
souri. The vent tube is indented to
form shoulders to engage the T-head of
valve when open. The valve is locked
bv a curved wire.
We can heartily recommend the Ne
vada Hotel, 14S and 150 Wabash Ave
nue, Chicago, 111., as not only one of the
cheapest but also one of the best hotels
in Chicago. Mine host Kendrick, has
proven that he can keep a hotel.
We cheerfully call the attention of
pur readers to the merits of Dobbins'
Electric Soap, (made by Cragin & Co.,
Philadelphia,) who confidently ask a
trial. The soap will tell its own story.
We advise you to try it.
Since the Burlington Insurance Com
pany inaugurated the comprehensive
policy of establishing agencies all oVer
the State, its rapid increase in uusineras
is a matter of sincere congratulation
among all who wish to so the West ilc
its own insurance instead of sending
hundreds of thousands of dollars an
nually to big corporations in the east,
which have already grown wealthy f rom
the proceeds of western business. No
western company stands higher in pub
lic esteem than the Burlingtun, ami we
hear good words for it on every hand.
The Wapello Republican of recent date
"One of the institutions that every
Iowan has a right to le proud of U the
Burlington Insurance Company. It ls
one of the oldest in the west having
been established in 1SX). and is the old
est stock companv in the State. It.
capital stock is 3100,000, anil it has the
largest ratio of assets to its liabilities of
any company doing business in Iowa
Its business is confined to the Suite and
to insurance on dwellings and farm
proj)ertv only, against fire and lightning,
aim it thus avoids the sweeping losses
that ruin more pretentious companies
that insure city prujit-riy of all kinds.
To be insured in it, therefore, is to be
certainly secured against loss. It set
tles its losses nronmtiv, ami m conse-
uuence is doing a prosperous business
neef Cattle JlO M ftll vf
Hoks I.l-e...... ...... . ....... . 7 0
Sheep Lire 4 50 C 1 e-
Hlour Oootl to choice. a 30 mi 6 7V
Wheat So. 2 Chicago 1 JO I II
Corn Western mixed. 37 up
Oat Western new 2: 6 S
Jtfflf S "' 10 ',8 I a-
liuttr-.. .- --... li tsy
fork-ew Hi "3
IaAfll .... J'fr Iftli Wr
BecTct Choice 2S r 5 rv
IlOfSBaaaaaaaaa . . V V 4
Shecp-OooJ to cholcrt 4 rv 4 ?
Ilutter Ctiolco to yellow U o 3
Kkks lS5u MH
Flour White winter 4 t a tv
HprlriK extra
Wheat Spring No.' 1 06VS 1 0
Corn No 2 4
Oats No 2 2"'
Ily No 2 70 70j
Pork Me-s. now I 7u uH 7A
Uarley No2 "I
Iteef Cattle Fair to ctiolco f fi l' S 30
Hojr Lite 6W (', 6 2
Moor Kail XX 3 25 3 75
Wheat No2Kfd 1 40 u
Con No 2... .......... ..... 4H 43
- 9 aaaaaaaavaaaaaaav aa W vt
Kj o No 1. R-t
lrk.VIc 19 50 u'JO tn
ImIU .... .. a. ... .a . "V I I
Flour f't iv
Wheat Kel 1 fts t 1 V
C'Orn .. ... .. . ... w &
l'ln ..... a v ....... a .... . " "9 W
Karley 1 12 I 1
a Vy (5. a. a.a...a... ....... ... . "
Pork.. .............. ........... .... 20 ZS Ct'JO '
Mw rU ..aa...a. ... a.... a.aa.....a..a. V "
Wheat No 2 d 1 04
j Vlll vaaa.a.aaaaa' . Vft v V
" ". ' M . .................. tb '
l.arlrv No 2 a 2?
Ky& -NO 2 i (
Flour whole-alo $ ISO OlM
fl 44 tTJaV ... aaa.aaiaaaaBaa 4 ('V '
I "ill a.... ............a...... ....... . . . J" J V 1
Vraiiraf ............. a ... a.... ........ a .... . v3 a0
liark-r 25 27
iaVtr..... ..a. ..... ......a. .-........ I ' aV
aT.Aj U3a.aa.aa. ...... aaaa 9 I'
I'U.lCr.. .......... . . . . a . . . a..... ........ 14 V& lO
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j alllC, ...aaaaa...aa.... . '...... ...... aj Af ( UV
Intereatlac to Musician. A Whitney fc
Holmee Cabinet Orcan will he eol a, a reasona
ble price bj the IOWA PKINTIN'O CO..
Ukh Hoihsh.
A Bargain in Body Typo. The
Iowa Pbihtihq Company wish us to say
that they bvo tix hundred pounds of
this style of Bourgeois type on band,
which they will sell at a reasonable
price. It is in tolerably good condition,
well sorted up, plenty of capitals, small
capitals, italic and quads. Write to the
Totoa Printing Company, Des Moines, for
price. Term, cash.
For Hale, A new. No. llarrln -afo nover
been oaed. Price, 100. cub.
Central Yeast Cake.
Scientific investigation combined with Ions
experience, has enabled the mnnnfactnrors of the
Central Dry Uop Yeas: to offer to the pablic a
yeast that stands unrivaled in every ' particular.
The Tapidity with which it 2 -aper-edlng ail
other yesst 1 the very best evidence that can Iks
obtained af its popularity. It is tin fo'.l wrappod.
and every package warranted to give satisfaction.
Try it and yon will nse'no other.
fJfUncle Sam's Harness Oil Is no new and un
tried experiment, but a standard article, which
has stood tho test of years of use. Ask your sad
dler for it, and don't be humbugged with an Infe
rior article
To Farmers. A Moline wind-mill for sale,
Dss Moivks.
Fluid Lightning Instantly cure Neuralgia.
Nervous and Sick Headache, Rheumatism and all
nervous pains. DruggUts keep It.
Vegetlno purifies the blood, renovates and Invig
orates the whole system. Its medical properties
are alterative, tonic, solvent and diuretic
Of FonxDATLasT.' A sure remedy for conghs,
colds, "hoarseness and all bronchial complaints.
Ellen's Extract of Tar and Wild Cherry has saved
thousands of lives and alleviated the sufferings of
thousands of others who failed to take it until
beyond the reaeh of cure.
lloth men and beasts are liable to accidents ; a
prompt remedy ased at the right time- often
saves weeks aad months of pain. Dr. Green's
Crimean Liniment and lavjr and Agna Pills
should always be kept In the house.
To all, particularly invalids, spring ls a try
ing season. Indications of sickness should a
once be attended to. Fatal diseases may be
caused by allowing the bowels to become con
stipated, and 'the system to remain in a dis
ordered condition, until the disorder bss time to
develop itself. An ounce of prevention is worth
a pound of core, ls an old and truthful (saying.
Therefore, we advise all who are troubled with
the complaints now very prevalent headache.
Indigestion, disordered liver, want of appetite,
nausea, or feverish skin, to take, without delay,
Schenck's Mandrake Pills. We know of no
remedy so harmless aad decisive in its action.
It at once strikes at taa root of the disease and
produces a nsalthy tone to the system. People
sever need suffer from any disease arising from
a disordered condition of the liver if they would
take this excellont medicine when they feel the
first indications of tho malady. Families leav
ing home for the summer months should take
three or four boxes of these pills with them.
They have an almost Instantaneous effect. They
will relieve the patient of headache In one or
two hoars, and will rapidly cleanse the liver or
surrounding bile, and will effectually prevent a
bllioms attack. Thev are sold bv all dra agists.
r. XeAFm-A regular graduate of British
and American Institutes. Twenty years a prac
ticing physician. Treats all diseases of the Kid
neys. Xlver. Lungs. Heart, Throat. Head and
Nervous system. Errors of Youth and Abuses or
Manhood successfully treated and even after
others have failed, f 1M forfeit for any case of
Seminal Weakness or private disease or any kind
or character be undertakes and falls to cure. La
aiKii will And proper treatment for diseases pe
culiar to their sex. All letters containing stamps
for reply promptly answered.
Coxscltatiobt FREE. Send for circular. Ad
dress Lock Box 2SB, or call at office, 317 Perry street,
Davenport, Iowa.
fT"Hundreds of valuable horses are lost every
year by the carelessness of their owners or at
tendants. A sick horse deserves prompt and
skillful treatment as well as sick men. Uncle
Sam's Condition Powder Is the king of horse med
Iclnes. Sold by all druggist.
save further trouble In regard to land titles
nersonwho has entered or Dnrehased Ian
from the covernment should fall to se cere h
patent, and see that It Is recorded. Persons whohav
not received their patents, and who desire the
business attended to. may And ft to their advantage
to correspond with the undersigned for parti en -lira.
Fee for artecdlngto the business reasonable
A. 8. tfLTO. Pr Xolgcf , laws.
to imm ir mhu cnnnr
Sanaparilliai aid itx Asxiata
VaM m
Oarms altar Cslasr
X- ertHaV tlaaBaaarBataa af
bbIbiit in tarra. . aardaaai af San. aaa a
S. SUwaf.h UtruM, rVu twrrreaa. rvlMfc far faas.
aura "Oct rurufina tr witartraaa. r disawSaa.
aalat Bod watls-artac Ct. a.ahta flat aad ria
J- P in la-acc .f arwia. Ut&a. finrJa. Um skla
laths lt- u! Li tllS-. iLa r.a aaacad hvs lis tartst
Bad timmij Brraarxaia w sharry r amaar atlar;
tmt paaMi Ir:- rrcs tie tU44r Umt Ux wrnir
4- Hukal aia!.?u. rf .saur? . tr).? f ta
ftJma--U7 wtait :cfci-cTirtSL-w-!ULit vr). rttt
araltj of ptrta.sxi.: vsrt lbtrMi tuasa MtHaS
la St saertticf (.''. ta m-xjU Uratv MM
Via MTtral MI a&S
a. T.llfc Bt OO tt whiaj M lhava,aal nam!,
Lffrcs ft-rCT cf Uv ikii -fW la aUac tlvstf
asl tti- tcisr
6. Tic. raltrUj tram a4 t ara4 taaa
tslrtlu will rtCiu err it la tip--trUi4 rrstty
Mi tovfh fbitpa or ne-atfrwa CIsAfj. air calls, kraaaaj
r wiairij-, threat cr Ltti. CiauiaMEj f Um rrt-fvra?
f &. ftatral iett r Kn(t cratl U. ty.
tao. iorir ' ' - 1 raits z.t iatUag
aSeM irvs4 U, u&llt. If. .cul4ir, t aMaaXia
1 O.IJ a&4 etld. -aa l nictMen, l.xr4 tevMaug s4
tans;imi ef eoojh oe ljz Sa r sric la Um bsts
S. All tics. StrtaLsi traUcJ frvlaaSj tat ara.y
7. liiuif-jra, u, ABSArAKILUAl M
uaa. a-w l(a tf ntarclaji talU ui xftr.
titoi imrroit ia nmiii aad nrttr. tiiaa vdl
(ft. sc4 all foratfa aJ I tapir, dtpatu, aadas, Hain
aaaars. bars lnj, tie, U rll in; aol lb. aaaasaa
aJ u,i aai txalUiy; ulotn. fr aarta. an-ua sasaj,
aftreate akia aiaaaaM fraiaaily
. Ia mil mtt t jrm baa Was salitaaat, mt
Mcrrcry, Qaxkitltar, Cjrrvam Satlioate (Cia anaalfla
aatltocal af LL. aiTrUa4 aataafanUat) wililil la
aaa eaata ilii 11d. r Iataa,) bar aocvBaJaSat aaS
feaaoaa 4Malni ta la Um.cidU. ata.. oaeia aanaa tl
ht bcaaa, nefcaca, artaal vartatarat. aaalarUeaa, valta
waUiasa. vstmow Wu, W U SaMirAMl.
UiS will rclraaaa Uteaa rm aa4 anariisaSs
Xti virus of tha it a, frota tr.. -jama.
a If lhaaawtko art tax is ( tbtat taaatetaas fnUuttn
tf Chrunlc. BcroToliMu or ti-ttl:ut dtataaea. ttwtTtr alae
assy ba tht ears, -ftcl tatur. aad Sad Uir (tatrtJ baalia
IsproTloc. thair fiaah aai att-ht ia:naia(.r ta kaaflaa
lis ova, It ia a fart sirs Uat tht tort la yitfiaajli i. la
afcaaa dueaaM Ua tUaal aiUiar ftts Utur ar am at IS a
virus cf tin alstaa it out InacUTa, if Del arraatad aad IrtTaa
fttm th tlooj. It will tjrtad aad eontiao t. uoJarailaa laa
oaafatattoB. AaaooaaaUit SAHSaPAUILLlAI
auica tht ratital "fttl Uttar, tftr? awar -o will graw
WUtr aad tn-:r-ia ia iwaltlt. ttrtaath aad Staa.
Tht (Rat towtr of this waaJT U la diataj taa t&xaaaaa
dtath as in Cuesanrjtsaa ct tLt Lab's asS Ttittmlm
lBthi-l. K-rtjfala. SjrroiIi4 Dtataaaa, Waaiias. Dar
Ua aad U!oiroa f tho Kidatrs, Diibataa. (Moapa-a f
Waltr(tvAQtui-ota rut 3ori4 wbtrt aaCttera Eata
Mba osra, Umadsio-away with Um) paiafal ..ratlea af
asiac umbo lastratscati), dlatclriai aanaa la It iiadaac.
aai ia aii caaa a nayuanauoa j vm eiaaotr aca
aja, ta etraale rai cf latstcwTaaa aad litatiaa d
la tuinora, aodsa. bard hunf aad ayahllald aUtra, la
triTi 'a vantraaJ am threat, altwrm, aad la laWralas al
i icacs; la soat, Sjsriwis. ibnaUiBi. rukala la araw-
arial dtposits It Is ia taaaa tarriblt fu
fuaOJ tf it I lot t, WtNM
laa Bumaa
artar boai
has bumaa Su4y aaa Iiubi
situ wrael. aa4 waara
boarof tiisaraoa i turtart, wharala Utia jtu
kalMBflW tha aainUamBl aad adalratiaa tf th siak.
Is la Sara eaari, wbrra all tht pltarara of ulsWaea arpsar
eatasT frota tha aafurtaaau, aad ay lis wsoJttful. ansae
svpersataral aftucy. it RiEnrw tba bapalaaa aa a aaw US)
aad saw aiifteooa wUra Cit rl naiady ttaatj alias Is
NS bu-QI aad aowtr
la tha ordinary tkla diaraata tbal srary aaa Is am ss
tsas traablar with, a w doaci will ta auX oasas. aa4 a Um
SsttUs la us artors mn hrms. work a Bansaasal
Tbaaa aflletal with ebraais dlinsai sawmlA saswaSss
fajcksra ooatalalac -r.t desaa totUaa. Pnaa (! eer i
v an pir aair
saa lnSHss. 1 t4U. tail If
"Will Afibril J iin Unit lZnue.
llitaUssfaTioN or THE KIDN&V.
ivruAjiUATioN or THK DonltA
tma thboat, oirricuLT
AOWE CHll.ta
Tka arptlantiaa of taa BBADT Klil.lKf U
art sr carts wbara tha pais or diOraltr asista will alari
mm aad atraf art.
Twaaty 4nrm la kalf a taablrr t waMr will, ia a fcw
Tntralavs should alwa raw arrT aba ttit af BABtW A V
aVlKr wiLri lata, a rtwsrottta wroar wtj I rnna
ar paiaa frota e&sas of wattr
JPrlca SO Casta, gold bj Urnr-UU.
wmm pills
Psrfsatly taatalaav at-saa'Jr iaa;ad with
pscalata, purifr. alaaaa, aad atraafWta.
al CM Stent a. k
Pima, fsr tha cars of all dlaoraars
tirar, Bowtla. Katatti. Bladdara. Ntrroaa Utsaaaaa. Uu
asks, CoBatlratioa. 'IcsUTtaaas. ladtrastaoa. macri
ami stubs, BilUoqa rrtr. lataamadn al taa Both.
FUas, aad all U-nusvi an nf uu iLUmal Vlaatra, v -y
raahsd to sffee a oTaTr ear raraly ta-atala aoaaua
laj so Mnv, rauwrtass or aaisunoas dresa.
SHTOwsinrt Uia folhwiat sysa3au rtsaltssaj avaa Cu
aTSSSSB at IftVS DltaSwT 'Jmas
iMaaupauoo. Irtwartf rut. Jnllaias tf tha Mud ta Ms
Uaad. Asidity of tht Maaaoh. Nsasaa. Baarthara. PaaTaSi
Food. ItillasM or Wtagfa ta tka BkiTBaeh. aw BrfMhv
nons Piakia- or Plntuariat at tha Pit of tka Sawaaah,
Swimaiaf of tha Head, IhMrtaS aad DtaUall Braaakiat,
rinttaiia' at tha lUzn. Cksklaf vr taa'ooat'Jt fTinlliaj
wkaa ia a Irlof paiturs. DitBaasi of Visioa, Dots ar Wats
bafors tbt "Ijht, Ftrer and Isll laia la U Haad, DSda
tj of Fcrrriratioa; Vallewaoas af tbs Skin aa4 Byss. Fata
la tha Side, Ctn. f.issbs. ui riaddao riaaa af Baas
Beralng la tbt Fleta.
A tew d-itt ot BADWin faXUi vU1KhM
r-it'ta fron stl tht aboTa oarneJ ciacrdtra. frta
WSifsparbOK. SOLD Ilf OlPJOai-TS.
Std"rAl.'K A.1D -CBI7K."
Bsas cat letter ruo v at A DWAT c !fa.M
Warrtrai lret, 3lt Terk laiormattot wank
SumMt.4 will b" ait y
laaUUes msrksd wlta Uslr asms a-a coaaVlsaAi
acooBeaad. Dr. Whittier,
17 SLCharlMtfft)tir8t?UuiwTMo.
A rr!ar gn&a of two XaiJeal CoCataa, aai bawj loer-r
cscafed la tu anactal trtaimret of aU Tsaaral. Baxual
andCbromo Pliossss ta any otter rttjwiaU6t.
Taa .a.itMn.aaiAO an 1 a Tl i T t lawalilanf iTTallBT
Syphilis, Qaaarrhasa, Clsst tnefara. Or
chitis, Hsraia, ar Rsptara. aU Uriasry Dtssasas
sad Syphilitie ar snsrcarisl aftsctisas of
tare skia ar kaaas, ars tnataa vrit jt?BraS!a4
siniawj. ea Utaat aaUaUla prteeklta. Balaty, PrtTawlj.
SpsrwiaisrrhsM, Ssxssl Dsbifity aa4 Isspo
aacy. as iksrvsaltof ieiZmmtik ywitk. saraal tnwii
tasatsTer7aara,oraaaraaaaea.aa4valek iasii aaas
cf taa aOwlat aSacu: airTui.aatas. iialsil aaUadoai.
cabUUy, dlauw af ticst, drftrUr, aMawry. plate ha oa taa
Jaat.pbyailday,aramoo loaoetttrorfianlai rrrfaaioa
(artwopaataswauBsa. Coaniaioa at efica tr by tall
fraa. aad laTUa,a Maa-y talker alarsiatoa aaau aecas.
srtm li to Ineon-rtaJaaS ta TU!t tta city aw traauant.
rtiriaaeaabtbri;aMcBaUTTrTtTa, Carw
ail eaita raaraoiewl. wb-ndaoMrittts Uli &aaU7uw
OCoahoen:A.K.w)Tr.M. aaidaya. 1J K-tol r.K.
Paapliatt,iB aay sddrass, for Two Sfsmps.
i BsatssslsCanifawaforlOOssss. - . ..
ia usnasa, aasw
afix waaa
Ortr ifiy wwadtrTU BwaxbxsrtB. sraa aft; arj-M
tea feuewsag saijaeau lfha awy atarrr. " s:
aa wm a. -
Fkjslaal Saeayr Taa mStam of aaCiey." cxjwja:
at tai
aataJTj. waoatajtj jh ..' .-
laaa aaai in i ii lawjiii.i .
r acprasaa-jaa. aaa bu
AfaraglacXPraftteB.1 uairtfnaa haaaa as wr.i a.
seoral aean-wna.U-aasa ha wag iriaaftai"
tkaa loelcad enact laid arao4 wansy
to asy sea - au rs u a asnCal savaaal. tarn a
ar ra-FaaSlac It taaialMBVaer aaof S0aasm
617 St. CI-WiM atrtsat, St. UwK Ht.
HKaaTA m M Mm mM ttLEA a9
repair railnS.Swai as Sawvs.TstlaaTaBw.1paswA
aaeeaaafl.. Chaapaat suit gads la, AaasBca. l
Capital, ... $100,000!
TJtlt rniaj hi lir tjrr-t rHwf A U lt UM-n4 f ay utt v4. b.
If". TbHIi t!wyj taa m r-trn.f tJ vBaata.
Insures only Dwellings and Farm Property against Fire i lightning.
.lj-i.t.f in all the jrin-iftl citfa ami frru in ui.
-a -. Braa-Sk -- aw . .
unuwn s uou ASD iig
Mt ontT it UtooTttar rtc m ti,,
1 Imprtuwl la.rt car w t, Klairi. I
n.-. mr i'uiwt vi la.rrtiKf !' ? : a a lT-a
0-fn In all lr'acir r'Bf . a.rit ,; . t.
,jI..a .'.? llWr. Jtj IS. Tllj. ui.a K ir.r
llvc .V. Hof U.m rar K v r It't
TO tui:
TA K K Til i: -
It l th ikortett. qalckrtl and only Ilao roa
t 'or Through Coarhr-a frost Iturllnjion and
Itock lalaotl In llliunilna. CliaiMiar".
Iativille. liullanapolla anil 'nrluuall.
wit boat chsn'f nr additional chart, aad kwert
in advance of i thrr rs!e.
Tbeonly direct rou'e to LouUvl!l.ahvll!,
ChatlnoiKav, Atlanta ami ill Mitnta onih.
Thi hhortrat Lltin ami Qulrkr.t Tlmt,
via Inllanawlla, lu Cluiiilua, rwrk.
inavlll. iVhcllnc. Itlllnirw. U'a.h
luatiii. I'ltUburjj, l'Ullaulrlphla,w Yirk
autl Itoatou
The t routo t Clrttamt. llufTalu,
Mlacara rail a. Albany, ami all Ntw Ku
laud fit Ira
If you want to tnske atj.lcVtrtp tolttlutta,
MalltMtn. Trrrrr llantc, Kvanavlllr, 1 in
rrimri. Lafayrlt, aLd all Hint ta oohn
llliuoi' and Itillaca tWr the '
x. :o. et "tv . XaiivrE.:
I'1'LI.M ' M.KKl'KKS are rn an cvraln;
trs'n lirm llorllnton and ljrla toIaitlanapiJI..
rAniJUCl Alts with Ute Itootns attJ Ite- ,
riinini; tbalra aro rati on rtemn tralu tmtn
llock Island and I'cnru U Iud!an;)lli and Cln
clnnatl la Hacillton
(stiet Vour Tlrkela by thr
I- . 3 "W nouto !
It Ixtlt!; the only lino rtiantn.: thrnu;l
wllbnut chin-M of pin
HKO. H. WltlOlir. IterclTrr.
J NO. V. HllliW.S.l.en'l I'aaa. A Tk't ,t:'i,
WeoSrr rvtrt rJInary Itnliir. itimf. sr .Sorrt
-lar full Iron framu. r mtruti l.a.. I'Ufi".
with Kih-wmm rar an-l r.trr.l li if. for JSo
Itiixrit auil dellvrrisi lo .tin i;. r..ttrn liifjic
Tenui uf i;itl!rnt a raf, rrtn.iliufrr l
tnutillilT. ir i'aaxh ami m..n(,) .. !loi-an
arid i. uarlrrlr .sml r..r rta.u uli fllr
I..n.-ton KKt:i'- Tr.W I'l.r. OS Mt'Mll.
IM lM Iturru alrrrl, l'lirnSo. . r
The iturllti'-tuii llry-int X Mrattoa
Telegraph Instil ute !
Full CiitninrrcUl I.lf Srhi.Urlili.
Only a n.nrt of the Tuition fur trlvr
At'iiiur !
rantll whrn tfir itudrrit rrilrn rtiMl. thr ral
an rr- whrn tir ihall litf ollalnd a alarn tn
lion as otK-ratnr Kit full -irtlruUrt, ajilrr..
IS. MI Ki:HSS. Karllutlim. I.wa.
WK are the ON'I.V factory In th triltU .State
ttiatuiakcta.Sl'KI. IALTY uf
Ornamental Work.
Send for Circular and l'rte I.lit. llaro on
slautly ud hand a full llnr of
TrimmiBes, Linings M Sbroods.
143 & 150 Wsbasb-av., ar lfoervit.,CrnCAOa
Taa will find Ira stylo, lilt tontn trxl comfort thaa
laiiy booar. of arator pr.t.ntl jO and blb-r i.rlon.
$1.50 to $2.00 A DAY,
lawardtna-tnfbTCi TIIOMlS KEMMIin IV
mmt mTm7FmmPI Imw on Gov.'tip, Mt
srl ; I 11 Ta r. u l"j.HVal
T' "w mmmw aaa wirnrt aiMt Ila&-.
AND "4 lb nul rr"tn. I'M-
thrlr natnrr and rur. Tr.!. n a3 I'r ?- IHm, mJ
rzpUInjrr thrirraoirt, tywrrom. s4 mfn fcrvri is
Utbronly ra-jj Of k rf ti k Irnl f fJ'.S
rd. lontiin. nrj- 'ft f " "t la ry r-fc
pt. tit br Ma ar j . oa t pluim ti. AA
rr. Ir A H"lt'A' jCj Nvf--i rJj rt.,
re lroi. Mo. UtuUitiinl in IVT
A r-trwa 0-jW to tSS
Vurlni.w Um aLaat a
.rrj, cm LrtJVaJ
njfMm aaii rntUtkaS
lt- fnX rrroo. WRS
SV lalt-t d.vaTTTlai U ti atkajo vT rrjt.rOaa. Li aw ila)
KanmrtKtt.l. TUi aaftaf aww.
via luvrwi Rirtmirv iMia4tiiuiraa
ar tb&. ai ar lixrr
wirilu.arrUrt: rtUltlaa
a out arr.ae4aftaii y
t . r DB. M.t C.M) XT WIT.T I
ilttfH Vr. If l Vlauau IO.UI.
. Ctaatk a., limlm
Tae Parest Toaed and Best!
ir nr
known. Itraon-
rn. sr.w ct
locatrit at Ft. Waynr, Ind.. In ta roIdt of walnnt
lnmtxr country j save thnnsandsln fr-lbt. cot nf
llrla-r. itronnd. taxn. rte, when eoroprl witfj
ICTcstmrau for slislUr parx- rait, rapltal.
orr two million. ffha yoa can t
srrvrd athorar thaa abroad, rtairoalr- botala-
dntry an-1 krrp tfcr monry In elrmlatlon whrr
taint nrrtiro.
r rsir jor tr-ci, inu n
?rlrr. W
drsl In We!r,
allcy Ofta" and othi
trr Flaaoa.
and la mm lea! mrrraanditr. of rvrry 3r-crlHloa.
Barllcston. Iow.
J", fll. Hvorott,
Mt. Att., - Iowa.
JaVHave a set of Abstracts of Title of Rlnjt-oid
mtx ttl3.9
yr.ll.r ,DaveaiFwirt, Iowm.
Where will b fooml every atinraodatIoa for tb
reception of Invalids. All rase nnler the Ira ar
il late snpervlilon or Dr. Italrd. Tnes- baths are
errrted on the most aoratlfle prinrlplr.
Send stamp and reeelve the Turkl.h Itath Advo
cate. Kacloe 5 cnts and yon will rreeivo Dr.
Bafrd's pamphlet of lectures on the Turkish llatk.
tl-T FANCT CARDS, all styles, snta name. I--;
UPawtpaid. J..BB;K?,X-kSuSUiiJ.Co,.-,f,T.
wy7 j
0 fs
0 lU
wntHPrtm ,
alt t4 HS. a t
TV. nirr
w. m4 n k. .
mi'lu laa iimK
lB a .iar cn-
- v rr sh II
r lia,-l a
! it i-.f . a .
Vtait a laa Ch, luitidiu
' r r a.
far Saa tec II 5. k.-
Ktrtoti M.aata.iBt.f rteratar tl
Or If jUced li )Lz9, crtr)
WHKSK1 KX Ills OR 9l.
h Absolutely Without a Fault
Our New ait
So. 37, 3S, 39, 17, IK aad It
Iee i iuteiccs caiairw
I Economy,
And all the csaratial palats tkat r- '
lu Make ap tho
vr affrrvtl thn sasatalle.
ICO. C13, Cii, C1G & "13 V. Kail at.,
(;kovi:k & hakvavs
MitLTTi.K BKrrrcM
Are the Very Latest and Best.
ril'UICr. UlVtKK. ami mora attarhM.nta
furnUtint fraa ttiau with any otU.r Sril-.laaa
irMrrchant and o'b-rt d.ilrtns In m44 t a
'aui'nrt, alr.ady rlatiltrinl all partial dastrlaf
l rri-i tint tiruBtabta Latin oM a.w
Injf Marrtlua Airrrit tTntrnji'r wtialaf tw
mak. monry In I'KttlmBtr tradr wt plrata ail
flr ui f-r trmi and t.rlrr n fi-lriSa far
chat-M. ..
rw an-l C.wrumadJ4 !Tt
4fi anil 47 J.rlttnn atrr.l hlrmu-. III.
Room wtta
Hoard, axss. to f us a day.
without lUnta. tl'M to
taaraal La tt Writ.
r a Oay. TM
Vmrmmr mt Lak aaa aaaas-haia ."
Kent Hotel in CHICAGO.
Tlirrrnnmatrr ruaahtkavl. foataa
aa..aa ' se. tant- ala thaa any itra-rIlv-.
mntof Itaaott In tk wrl4. rr-
dlrt chaos; In the wra:h-r 12 toll hoars la
Tanre .hm frror M tim- Jta rot to a tlal
ajn. Orr J mvti ty on srent In tkre. dar.
?trl!t lzht. atabl iat by expreaa pral4 to
any j'Mrwi on trpt of price, fj. Clrrwlar
firtatnp. Ar-nt. doat mls 16!. AVtras. F.
W. Wlvrr, general a--nt for Iowa, Davenport. Ia.
Ta lisa In Itas. Kaasfrss
JSwrtawaa)a.l' XHaawaw)
Upon Iraproved farms In ores of a
wartki. for a terts nf a to a years.
percent. payaMaaaat ananaJly
Faads -ppeJ u- anoar vcmca.
taaa aad at
taurawtai W
A-MT t
xrKMUK rt'Lf.ETa
Cosacil Kla'a. Iowa.
Agents Wanted !
lows, .febraska. aad Dakota, aa p-r wet
an.1 expenses' OccapaUoa llrkt aiyl rmx
Address K. A. XcCstaCXK5.
Davsapor. Iowa.
' Wanted to
rrapsy SltaaKoiaf-tar
aateed. ass t. 9 f
month. Adtrssa wlhls
tamp. W. TeL lestltate. SedaUa. .
ImmmmrtmliVt'Cm. akwaS Blaww . ta.
wniiMr iicauM
lwa farra7awf
lUUntl MCH Mt.atloea
raraUksal. aaaWv
prook.B r:araa!ed w.sayaijraa oimai
hired by MetrrnIitaa aad Aaertaaa Wt
-r,t. ( I'aicajnL Fart!--Llar B-aa. Adkssaat
V a. TffUIin'll.tlan-naai ai.a
f"j.-" - vzr ; t u. mrm.
. f . n ' .-. '
aasaVaaaBAawBBBBBBBa. Taav'
" T '" TwBsawBrSrBtsVlaL.
''wfBMBT'SMsVsaMsf ST t.1
' 3mXMStmSmWs
faPafBaaaaaaaaaaaaaSSBS BaaSSaUa
alvaa-fflRBaaaalsaaal BSalSalsSSB
, zJtBPFTrskTaBaaaaaaaaaaaasBl
mJ BBwSssaHifflHIIasBasBasBasBassl
0i l,SBsTsBaEWBlBaSSaaSaaBWSaaSaaBSai
-WL - 'jfc-asf LaaSaaslsaaaaaSaMaaSaasi
H ''sVEBsH-sssTTCSaK-aB
!. JJfwPJt-aswU.BaaaasaawBaaaaa'
, ' ita-aaaaaaaaaaaaBBaaaaaaaaBaaaaaS
S (afclJ. .aBsaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal