t. B X ?&&? ' y c ? - - . --- - . - v - 9 rsw; sv 0 ecto n r Attorneys at Law. . J. S G-illiam A 1 1 y at Law, AND NOTARY I'CULIO. a?" Collections promptly attended to. F . It. Wi!lcfx: ATTORNEY- AT LAW, Wii! Practice in all Mic Co'trls of the State. & Collection Promptly Attended to . OFJICE OVB DOOIt tJTHOF COUltT MOIJRT5. Red Cloud. - - Neb. ATTORNEY AT LAW, K0TAS7 PU3LIC AND SEAL 2i 1?Z . -jfc ' A5S17T. ' Jlcd Cloud, Nebraska. County Superintendent of Public In AtrActlon. Cobb, Marqubtt & Moore, LA V Y E It S, LINCOLN, - - - NEBRASKA. (nniifu will h- in att-ndinre at rach i?nn orthe IHirict uri; oflhe Mvcrjlj KountitMn tho Kvpubhcta Valley. -- . - . .. n HOW'KN. JAH. LAIKU Att'iieys at Laiw AM) KKAL KSfATK AGENTS. Z&r Will practice in all the Courts n the State. JTJIATA - - - 17EBRASWJ , Rsai Estate Agents, &c. Vi. S. ItlClIAItDSON, .1. A. TULLE V.S Richardson &. Tu'Ieys, VLZ AL S3TATS & COL'CTINS ASSUTS Will hay anflrcll R-al Kxf'tt on foKmiis rioH..inl n.iv 1 1' lor iinn-rxit'iis . Si.pci-il ntt nl'on i;ivcn Ioro'lprli(:jv. C.ir- r"-TDn laco i"olicttcl. Hitters o iii'piiry. oron lciin.? pro'iipi' iJisivrrctl. RKDCI??'!), - - - - NKR Ged-W. Sheppard, (Late ol U. S. Land Office, Uioomiiic fon. Nib.) COVKKNMKNT Sian-S Will atteii I in aiiv Im-ino.x bid'or" LT S. Lind Olfun" at lloiiii'nl(ii). Ne't , an 1 the It'jMrt.iu'ut. W-.-hiui; f.i 1 1 I' Thri'c y..ir-. official expe r'reiue in S. Land Offiiw at Lowel! and Hlo nniiiirtoii. . Jj'-- pcri.il attrntion to coatc;t arJ-7nK tiylsr Lihl'rc-t'inptioa ll:ncitc'l and l'liu r ol ur laws S-MEpc tr'ith 'h'Iro (ttflui UV Joors 1 ith U. L -Jul 'ln 1" lu.i..'. County Survey ar N always ro.idv to do wor'r 1:1 m . t ; iou at anv tiui". ('all on or address rii.ii at Wells P Nebraska. O , Webster county nK-ly Red Cloud Miirs! We are peejiired i'o dx) c'tfe- tome woi kv FTlont Fte3 aim! "iorSl fleSll for Salo. I - . . , . : j Satisfaction g u a ran feci in Tn'.iry of It-mr sni.n and CfsTO.M ' ...z 1.1 '.....i.i k. ........ ...:.. ,. Wlllllv. raillieis -.iiiuii m; fiii.i.ui.ii to -ciMira the best of -ced wheat. Potter Sl Frisbie! BARBSR SSsop A. B UAJVjVE at SherorVDrug Store, Red Cloud. "P"Shaving, Shampooing and Ilair- "'lt,tltH in the highest style of thc 17-td art. GEOKRG ZEISS, DKAI.KkSIV 'Wines & Liquors ICARS, Shewing SmokiiHH TdHacco 'JINN KD FRUITS OF ALL KINDS, AND CONFECriONKftI& A Specialty. FrnsHljiccr Beer from " ' AT.tclope " 3rewery, constantly oirliand. RED CLOU If, NKB. iStf .Republican Valley STAGE LIKE. T. T. WEJJSrProprietor. Regular trips will be tuade between HASTINGS and RE9 CLOUD. I shall be piea-ed to carry passencer ujioii the days mentioned, leaving Ke'j Cloud at 6 A M. on Mondays. Wedne davs and Fridays. Leaving IJastings .it 6 a. m., on Tuesdays, ''ThlMTMlayK atid Saturdays. "yrc rC'tsenab-le.'' f?m mmmmm r.r.s merer. Family IM.jwieiaii. 0S:e :s Zi'.j Drug Slcre. KKD CLOUD. NEHKASKA. HAMPTON & RALSTON, Red Cloud. Having leaded the Wagon and Black smith bhop, lately occupied by Ira Slocjrcr, are now prepared to do every thing in the Hoe of WAGON-MAKING AStf BLACKSMITH INC, wagons. ijnr.oiKs, ACJUICl'LTUItAL IMI'LKM KNTS Repaired on short notice and in a Workman-like manner. WAGONS AND JMJGOIKS MADC TO OKLUOK. HAMPTON & RALSTON. vi:n ray a u viutTisKMLxrs. J. D. WOODS. Will devote h'n whole time cxclu - . , . . .- 1- I mvh to the practice ot uicdtciuc. Office at P. A. Williams r. Co. Drug Store, nb ly Rivkkto. Net.. RIVERTON HOUSE. W. C. TEOaPSOlT, - Prop. Will entertain his' cucst in the mo.-t ccnllcuiau-iike manner, with as good fare a?- the. market affords. T' tho tr.iveliin: public wo would .iy jfive him a c.ill. SIVSHTON. - - ITEERSSA. .1l.fl'$IJLLIVAi, NOTARY PUBLI3 AND HEAL ESTATE AGENT. Rivcrlon FrankSin County Nebraska. iMI "I 1 i nit fnr il .! 1'iilikrini ili.tit. in I the Iraoi fiti'lrit. DO YOU KNOW TIIK UK IS A IN P.IVSST0N Where 3'ou can iret iiiiylhinj; you want in the hue of Pure Drug--, Medicine-, and in ftot all articles usually kept iu a fir-t-elass Diug Store. Pure Wines and Liquors for medicinal u-c'. Physicians pf-erintions carefully comptmnded day or n'tfht. I t&kCustamcrs treated with rcsnrcf tintl . ticcutiunnl cijar. GIVE II I M A CALL. E 3f . HUSEB- nivsRTOsr, - - - Nebraska. J. T. Martin wi-hes to inform tlw t public that he intends to keep a held the coming summer, cStTa"! who hs'vc cattle they want herded can bo accom i....i 11 1 uioiiau'ti. ne n;i an extensive ranee, the lest of good clear rnnnin water, and charges reasonable. Ferry, STrry! The Kerry at Guide Rock is now in running order anil will be k"ept so for the convenience of the travclinc pub lic. Travelers will a'ways find a man in attendance. The feriy is located directly south of the town. H. H. Hosicins, Prop. THE- ONLY PAPER IN Webster co. AND TIIK liAKGEfT APER IN THE REPUBLICAN V ALLEY. Tff E CHIEF. NEWS AND MARKH. WAHERr 1 EdKor Proprietor THE RED CLGUD CHIEF iiki) n.orn. xkbrka. , LOCAL MATTKKS. Notice in Am Column U) (uts a L'tte Arrlml tnil Ifrtnre of 3i-ill Iroin t!ir Km! C'IouiI 1. O. H.-T3Nis Leavc3 Moniy Wt-dtierdsyV and 1'riday in. .M..il dow . 'J p. in. ArrivTacs- day 1 hurda andbaturday . . p. :.:. 3 iiai:vaki la'es lue.-day. ami Kndw;. '.- fi p. m. arrive.- Tue-day.- and Friday's h p. m. .Mail closed .1 i p. ui. KiUNKi.is, goinir eat, Monday'--and Thur.ay'n 2 p. 111. Goimj wei Tuesday' " and Friday'.- 10 a. in Pl.KAKANT LI ILL leaven Thursdays G a. m. Arrjve. Wednesday V 4 p. ui. Mail c-C'l C5 p m. Jkwki.l. Kanras, arrive? Priday'. II! ui. Leave.- Piiday i p. m. Rfs.-sKL, Kan-as arrives Thur-day'.-llia. in. I.'irfio Thur-tlay 1 p. 111 Office open fiom 4 uutiil G p. ui. Sundays. All restored matter mut he in the evening before the mails leave. M. B. MrNirr, P. M. CIIirK'll IH.':( TOKV, f v,?..VJllILf.'l i lll...Jj II K III II iA t f. in'iiv -T irrtriwiir Services eycry fart and tlnrd cab baths of each month at Red Cloud and Inavale. 7i o'clock P. M at Red Cloud. 2 o'clock P. .M nt in avale. Kvory second and lo'firth Sabbaths at Hatin anl Harmony Precincts. Hew A. MaxwelJ., Pa-tor. HAPTIST CHPRCIL Rk. L T. Mi l.N Eit, Service second Sabbath in eaih month at II A. M. Sahilvth SniotiL every Sabbath morning at Id . M. ,). (i. Potteu, Sunt. NOTICE. U. S. Land Offk-e. Rloomint'tun, Neb April I'lrh, lS7fi. ) Complaint having bem entere.dat thi office by Chailcs Saiip, auains' 'I Jiomas Kjimcy for abaLdoning hi- I miner l;u.ture 1'jiriy, o. (U., dated .June .", .ST4. upon the -ouili-t ;st quarter, Sec 30, township 4, ranee M west, in Web-ter countv, Nebra-ka. wiih a view to the cancellation zi' said t nt ry : the said patties are nereby summoned to appear at thi- offue on be Mb day of June, 17G. all' o'clock P. M., to respond and futui-h testi mony concerning said alleged abandon ment. Webster Kaion, Recistcf. J'.' J Kva.n WoitiMlN... Receiver. LEGAL S OTIC E. To tli6 matter of thc petition of II. S. K'tli'V. iiliiiiiiii.f nilfir nf tli i'vf;itt - .. ....., .. v. ............ ,u. ... ...U. ....w of liobert Morrow, decea-ed. filed in ti.n i;i.;,.f '...., ,. u.,i. ...... ,... Nebraska, pravinc for lieen-e to ,jj J the interest of the heirs of Robert Morrow in and to the following de--ciibed n'al estate for the purpo.-c of paying the debts and liabilities of said e.-tate. to-wii : W'i. SKj, Sec UO, town-hip 4, ranee 12 west ; also the KA of NEi, Sec. 14, town. ? north, range J2 west, except 4 acres off of thc northeast corner of said section ; also 4 acres in a recular form alorii the east side of WJ of the NKJ of said Ste 1 1, situated in Wclaler couuty, Nebra-ka. And it appearin: fo mc upon read .ing such petition that it is necessary 'to -ell said ical estate to satisfy the claims and demand- ncain-t-aid e-tate there not being sufficient a-sctsof said state to liquidate the same. It is therefore ordered and allowed that 211 I crsons inteic-ted in .-aid real eslite and in the e-tate of sail deceased, Robert Morrow, appear before this court at thc Court Hou-e in .Juniata, in the county of Adams, Sffi'te of Ne bra.-ka, on the liOlh day of .June i STG. at U o'clock a. m., of said day to show cjiu-e why a licence shall not be grant ed for srtle of -aid roil estate as prayed for in -aid petition; and it is ordered that this notice be published in the Red Cloud Chief for six .-ueee.ive weeks, pieviou- to said day of hearing. "A 31. (Jasi.in. dr.. SO 6t Judge 5th Judicial Di-t., Neb. enry Myers, 01 Kiverton town th's morning on important busi ness. He is married, (but we didn't learn to whom. He is chamjtfcn" on the accordeon, and we think he will now go to teaching music if0 Acres ot land, 25 seres under cultivation. Well wateredby. springs and creek, plenty tiuioer for firewood, eood house and stable, .six head of cattle, hoes, chickens, etc. This place is only three" uit'es from ,Re3 CJoud Terai. very low. For furnc. particu lars 'call at or address this office. - XTctlce to TeacHefs. Nr.Te" is hereby give.?,' That I will examine all persons wno may desire to ofler tlieiu elves as e;andidatet for "teachers of the primary or common schools of the county, at" my office in nca.iJioud, on the first aturday 1 1 ATS' A0.embe .y "d $m J -m. Tim Centennial pr"-. j ix .plan wilk pan for !!:. apiece, ami all tinware m lue proportion ai m 4j .Mitchell atd 31-rhaf!'. Roil r ? Tutatk up ? acy way set up, juf t o 3.a do get up to Mc- J Bride- and rot a new harness, or have; ""-.. .... .Mr. PaiLer, of :3lern, Kjdms. wa nearly drowned wml ciiig in the ritr, ln-t SuijJay. Thcro have WlJ jevcra, .ij:jibr accijt.nL, ,luniJ,, I . , the .vt fe tcrk. Notice Ira Sleeper's new adver-ti-ement, all who expect good crops thb rummer. -U. Ifohomb, brother of J. ('. Ilolcoiiih 3f Wttp'jt Creek, and an old c!rJt Creek, and an old the CIiiimso Tribunr, t Saturday night. lie compositor on arrived here la.- ha- a homcftead near his brother, aud intcti'Ja to move "n it immediately. 1 If you wint any work done in the carpenter iiue, call on Rufu-i Mik-ch. 1 Dr. Woodi of Riverton was in town la:t week, looking well, aud cheerful aa "'ver. The Djctor's prc- ence contraJ;cts the rumor that he had left the State on account of his trial. He i- read and prepared to defend l.iniscll against the indictment. Sleeper h ordered on a comple'te stock of Ha.vfstiflg Implement.s. Ira knows more about machinery than any other man in the county, and he keeps none but the best iLachitiCs for sale. .Mrs. Warner and Mrs. J. Q Pot ter left lait Monday for the east. The) take with them the best wishes of the people of Red Cloud. After a pleas ant and happy visit, we hope to see them return still more pleased with their Nebraska homes. Mrs. Miiurp was prevented from noun; ta-t as she coiitemple.ted, by hertfnce's siekne-s and the news of an iufectious disease prevalent among the t-hildien of her old home. The jiure Royal Clem Tobacco at . i.'uiur Wjaut's at Riveitou Lat Sunday, "'r. Healer and family, with Mrs. Coleman and her children, met with an accident which narrowly escaped resulting fatally. The parties were driving to iheir homes' in Kansas, aud cro.-sinK a bridge had jttst beguti the aiCent of a steep lull at the "ml o! the bridge, when the "Mgm n.immer btoke, and the hor.tCft dragged Mr. Dealer ovtr 'he dashbiiard. Thc wagon, left to itseil, went backwatds down the hill to the biidgc, from whence it wan pre cipitated to the ground below, a dis tance of t went -five or thiity feet 'ad.es were severely injured, ivlnle the children were uniiij.iied IV. Tulieys was immediately soul for. He found Mis. Realer di"hriou from a stunning blow on the head, while Mrs Coleman was U .ruble to move her arm. The Doctor loft them out of dat.ger iu theevenin;. Mr. 3. 3. !alorcy, formerly ol' BeKjuerc, Ills., made its a Hshort but interesting call hist Tuesday. Mr. Maloney is going to bring 4,0UU sheep into the county. He intended to buy thc sheep iu Missouri but found them all troubled with the scab in that sec tion. He will now purchase in New Mexico. Mr. Smith will start with the necessary help to go thither ou the 25. h. The fanners of Red Cloud Wire not very well loprebeiiteu at the Insti tute. This w-Vt do. Mr. I). Fuller o?' the firm" of Ful ler it Wiant. of Rivertoiv gave us a pleasant call yesterday. They arc the I leading dry goods merchants at that phce, and aie receiving a large share of the trade. M.i. Iuln:r hiioririS U5 that they arc s?o':n$ t,o cvlebrate on a large scale on the .Fourth. Geo. biss has the be.-t cigars in town. He can also get you up a first class meal on short notice if yuu are hungry. The ClllEF is at last in a wigwam of his own, and would be pleased 10 receive must anything on subscription in the shape of eatables or money. lTp to this time wb have been able to dead-beat our board, but the hot 1 men tell us that is "played out," so vTe wili have to 'a.11 back on our sup porters at last ; who, by the wa', have not done much to support us forsouic time. Garbcr's dwelling bouse broke Its lariai'Iast Wednesday and scampered over the streets of the town, iu a man ner that was exciting aud exhilarating. Its flight, however, was arrested b' Messers Miller antr IloriTridge in the noiihiiart of the town, where ii is now securely fastened. -Hbn. James Laird and IL Bab- cock of Juuiata stopped iu town last Wctifeesday. Mr. Laird is working 'S$ an extensive practice in thc west ern part of the State? aud already takes rank as oue of tho first lawyers of Western NebrasTca." Our streets presented aliveryand bustling appearauce the first, three days of tn week, aud in consequeccfi the Cuier is happy to congratulate the people" of Red Cloud on its po JssCs sion of oue well graded street. ioe Industrial Association,' it is hoped, will not stop here. The strcet-runumg east and west on'the town 'litre needs grading, sftSTwfe venture tLV dic tion, that there will be no rct until the streets are in a good condition'for travel and attractive in appearance-. Oh say! have you. seen those Iore- lhktsat'Mfs. Lutz?' and so ch if ' Centennial Celebration n. TiiK I ai .- r it - ourtr? of July to zz aidim:?: :zni-Ar:::; ,. rr . . " 22 Pi33 1 . J -. , The meeting last 1 liur-day "VuiHA ' was attended by a hri;e uuiaWraf in- ' (created and rntha-i-mic cittlrQ-. Pre-ident Moore 'illetl t)'e ia.-ocittioh lo orucr 3aa Ui.e "I-"" ' V:0U5 committees xrere read and acted upJU , 'l he Commutes on I mauce retried to order and tL'e repit. of the various to the effect that aixtv five dullais had beeu raised to pu relive the instru ments for a martial band, aud th.it the instruments had been otderrd, aud ; were uovr on tb r-ad.. Thpcotuuiiitct.cn Centennial His tory reporteil in uvor 01 me appoint- uiantof the followint; gentlemen to write up the settlement of their re- spective precincts : A. M. Talbjt of Guide Rock. W. E. , J acker n of Red Cloud." R. K PuhcG, ' Walnut Creek (L W. Knight, " Inavale S. L". Uierce, " Haniiony. Mo"-ei Willsotl, " Cileuwood. Tom. C. Jjird, Oak Creek. Abram Well-, " Stillwater. .M. L Thoma-', " Ratio. Cha. IJiischow, " Potsdan. The report wa- uuauiuiously adopt ed. The committee on programme re ported as follows : -MOKMNG LXEItflSEs? 1-t. National Salute. 2nd. Martial Mtfsic .'Jrd. Grand Centennial M ireh. fth. Voluntary by the Hand, nth. Centennial StJng by Choir, f'th. Prayer. 7th Realmg of the Declaration of luiiepenaencc. bth. National Hymn by Choir, .fth. Oration. AFTLUNOON i:. i:ilCI3FS. 1st. Mu-ic by the Bind. 2nd. Song by the Choir. .'?rd. Reading of Countv History, lih. Mu-io .Vli. Toasts. G.h. Martial Musio. . , , Evening performances will consist p., -r. .i-i i t of a magnificent disphy of lire vrcrks. Un motion, .J. 12 letter was select- . . 1 .1 .. ... ed to take charge jfthi, tinging of the children. Professor Snow was requested to load the Choir. J. S. Gilliam was elected orator, and W. H. Brice selected to read the Declaration of Independence. The fuliuviu ge'it'cfc'en were elect ed ofifecrs of the day : President, A. M. Talbot, Vice I'rc-ilent, Mathow Stratton, of Guile Bock, I McNitt of Red Cloud ; N Hiiney, of Rutin ; Tlios. Kentie ly of Walnut Creek, W.J. Vance, of Ina vale, Abiam Scott of Harmony, ind Forbes of Ghn.vo-.d ; Sam'l Cade of Fot-dam, T. J. Ward of Stillwate, J. 11. Hobort of Oak Creek. The meeting voted to appropriate much money ns could be rai-ed to pruvhlc fhewoiks. The society then ar.jjurned until uext Thursday even ing. One feeling pervade all mind-. As this T as the first, and prr.ibly the J irintr-n'l uymcr. The .ia.aifr are not last Ceiiter.hi JI nnivWry in t heir iiw'-y Wl-J" l,'cre " aI ' ''V1 expLnetice, all were determined H'tLM,,sl)CIli,.t,M. IW I- l-Ti 110 expense shoultTbe Spared to make j the county im- ore ini:l with . 1 population it the best eve'r witne--ed in the v.dlev. of " ,tw P"p-"--" ""w bawern , , '.i:ni 'JOOj anl I' "-.tpi'llr incr-.-iiii. There U. ,. . . ! arnatxn"riil.'Ms nr?.inicJ "rhool di'tricts e liHve an interesting commuui-' ., -. , ,: . v , r i-. n 1 within it houn Iric .m'l i"bool f.iriliJi- ar Ciiion tlirs vte'fc Irom ctl!l7ater ' Stillwater is rapidly settling utf tvi'th a t good c!as of ciu migrant-. Mr. Fran cis, a man of cou-idenble mcuu ha purcha-cd a large quantity of laud in that ncrighbo.hood and is farming it Tith encrizy. 1 1 our local notices ht week, we inadvertently maiitVcme mistake- tliat changed the meaning of the noticts materially. Mrs. Lutz wa- repre enr e I a 1 reposing to oider some new good wh m in fact site had ordered a large supply. A ludicrous mistake wis made, also, in the name. '1 lie plural form instead of the posesive was used. Tbi- was our mistake, and 1 we have no apolozy to make, except that it was a ridiculous blunder. -J R Wiilcox has reCeiviS the appointment of United'States Court Commissioner for thi- section of the State. We congratulate M.r. Wiilcox and the people on this appointment. As yet there are fevf matters of Fed eral Cognizance occurring in thi pait of the State. We are disposed to favor' .1 -t. i. - -ii i th' appoiutuient, more becm-e if wi 1 -' r . , be a protection to the people than f r . anv Other reason. Tht? records cf the I Dlstrict Court ho? a disgraceful and ' ... s- . . n uiarepu'stm -:ipi 10 injure auc j : , ... t... r..i - aunu iLiuuecijf. ujcii u,j lai-e cuarges. Nearlv everv criminal ca-e befori? tbf court, is brought there from a mali cious disposition to harass an enemy. Men find it convenferit to chargs a ncisjhtor with some petty violation cf the revenue law, or .some offense aga!hit the timber cf the United States. The accused ia obliged to ap pear at dmaha with his witnesses-, where he will fiud the charge abandou ed. But the expenses of himself and witnesse-1, would well nigh ruin a poor man. In view ot tlie-e facts we are flil tLof a mmiutnnufi' U knn f..w v..m m vvuKui.iuiiWi U.3 LCli aDDoiuted in 'this nart'cF the State. 1- which Will prevent any 5iTch maliciou- charges against- any of our cHlieus"." t - -LsiX Tiur lay with i rix ti H cr-iie.r. the tor wn.'!. tc Wrtx " or ft . - -- : .cwi. i.jwu wti u, the re c ;:. co- wt k 1 u l V 11 Rctri iid lu, oik! aiMJ viptrt- tiKvd niller.. tW )U from Nio, iwz wfa.K-lt ptteo tUj id trTMi ' Kutlt a mil' imi pLesci it in two. j fu! o;Mtiwn. MMr. itobtru and i Pwity hic tHirei)iuHhI thc frm f 'A. j P. Karitf, near thtr jutk of 13m crrtk Tlu uiM to he 'Ih otar ' the itc of Krks' Ik)u. TLy ir j . it Htirl not), dirriui" cut tht! fire. ' .,-.,, i.,. .' AMMMtt .t. r1. ' , .h-h Uiid- almct opm.ne tV denrtf cf Ha Thc f ar? Tj. lJial theV w,n ha, t--- -...-. -ii- - - . ( par tie ' J re one f of the bttl tl .0t vilusble wator 1 inrerm western Nebrla. They will have from tiftu to tntv fct of head wur. hh U suffint " run all the nece ary m.t?uinerv, ainl ' pos-e.--es iu addition the adv-.tnURf of U.,g rtfa,l,jr ntrole-!. vthtch L not 1 ,htf Wm. jlh tb,. ,4rfii.r .taa0J,t a, l?iC ;0rJ 0r!Uljj .,wlH.rlv bv &ihHu lat I far demonstrated too praoticalty. The mill i expectfd to b ready for grinding next winter. When this lull! is constructed our advantages for ol taitung tlour will be better than thoe ofanv of the admin- inc counties. We arc c,lad to welcomr Messr-j. Ruberts and PoHv 3 citizens of the county, and wih them the mot abundant suecesi in their t'.'fcr prise. Keller vv Wiaot of ILverton keep 'he !'.-t tobaee and tea iu th valley J rheir iirottc is '"Ij prices and quick 1 SPEC I A L MA S TEW S SA L E By a virtue of an order of sale i--ted out of the Pi-tnct Court of the Kifih Judicial Di-triet in and for Web- j -ler enun'v, Ncbri-ka. in .-inaction 1 wherfiti Baruabit- I' Swift i diiutifl . and Lvc S it Hell It INlell defend- I t I I'W ( t . ariH. ' )n ' ""!'r '".r saV1t V" ' I iniiiiiMt .it 1 1 iu iniiii mi ui nit v uu'i H.iu-u in R!-d ('loud. Wi"'H,tereieiutv Ne.btask'ij on the "th d iv of July, I Is.b, at o'clock p. in . the fu'lovrim; b'-enbed real estate, siluatetl in H eb 'ter county, Nebra.k.i, to wit : the north one-half of a tract ofluu.i vmu vejed by Edward Kellogg to Bell B, Estcll by deed dated June iM'h, 171, comuiDncing at a point itch tins wf t of -ection corner between '"etions 35 and ?ii, town 2, range 1 1, thence went a'ong the 1 line Va. 2t', T...V. chaitTs thcuco south Va. I.i 1 P, 4f" 1 cnams tnencc ca-i va iu i:u , u,-ii c,a m m j,sS ft con),r of .1. it" a . IF n . . Caiebier's lot then. north Va. 11' ... 1 t .. . . I .IM ". . lOi chains to place of beginning, con tairuns 1 1 acres moic or le-x Given under my haul this "1st day of Muj', ls7C. II G Bti.L. 43. Sheriff and Matcr Comuiivioner. WELL BORING. N. C. Clark of Guide Roek, has for sale the best Well-boring apparatus ever ti-ed, eoiiMstim; of drills, nuscrs, etc. Two men with one of the-e drill van drill from I) to 1o let in one day, through thc roc': of this country. The-c drills are warranted to be the New York Artesian DrilN. 4'i-tl WAilTn Xrli.. ll-i in th VsllfV ui - ,, '.lei is rMniv. t(lht. f fouri U"vr.Tti! t'ftfc!ir flic Stat lint- on tho South. Wlntcniarp raii'l an 1 'Trf f--r little rain or r ;w tU 111 thnl cafn lit tle ia f.iet tliAtcat i lj live .til "IntPt nith no h.iy nr irrnln. I'lcntr of rain fU? in tlm th refors amrl. 'stti-r than tho. m tr. ; Kaicn Htat-'e. lh. jj-rt...naMc r'ooi fun'l 'urni-hc nc.irh enough xtpi 1 to iaj teacher. wn-tif. Farmers cn buy It. II. ianil ffjn; SI f0 lo S4) prr acre with tcaycar? time. There i yet n coRiiler..!e axaoust of SOV:rnment lanil for hotneteilt and prc c:nptioiis. Aj.i toek rai-inxr country it it h.irJ 'oexivl. Cafledo well, and for beep it c-inr.ot be beiten. It i ju.". suited to thnt. Fortune tan be c.i'ily made lyrai.inir heep a thc ex"!" jif fedinzi. vs-yjaialt Thit core, oatr barley, f'tat'iel. -uck wheat, nr.d all kimh of root? alii ecctabli". a? grown hers irith little lnbfr. .0 buft Is A j,l corn to th aore i ie thmr n . U'hrat ar"ra?- abat" hwhe'; to the Acr. Fruit loe ex- trerioly well. Krcr f.rmer hx his orchard prowjnjr. rorei trc itow rjpiuiy. vjwou wood. boul ler, whittwood. oft maple. anl ma'iy other ind of trce troff into 'irnber larK" eaouith f r fu.i ia ihout ltht? f.r. Osik orange plar.udu 2t:'Jr..fiaJ"irt fe- year? yonr rW-; fcacea eau .; tudc. Me CZr.; '.atl etap'oymrnt and fa.r sfts. The -crbc-t and putet wa'er iaQttained by coin? from o to 100 feet. Thc ost is vet7 ymall when the well is bored. The:e well never ko d.y. The breams of thit eourty are thc Republican and iu tribu'arier. which are asfllgw3 on the waL. ide of th rirer, tValnut, Dry. Uatfal . i-te l'iry. Cedar. H'ck. .jh, and iuidc V.t kcrccx. (Tn thfc north id are Willow. Elm. Cottonwood, Crookt"J.rndian.and .Farmers crefccvIn ihj cortn part 01 tae county ia u9 jlhu; rivtr .... . . and its tributaries, Thesoi! of Webster connty it s. lIji.-Ic. "rich vegetable loara. The wH-l fftaitci are natri- 'io1? "lahaadant.an.rtne xo.texcel.ent Lay. Timothy.cloTer. Hungarian aad rcillct . n undoabte-ilj-pr a profitable Dro-h. I. - f,., , , -. ., . j"r- j -?- 1 pur. laose w."o nav mes uea s-i at-uc ! at 'Cast- !- ! . i 1 vor raiiroaa proprcta arc rooa. ina wc will have "V road as oob is we really need one. Bui the farmers for years will tied ready sale lor surplus productions inthe cojr coanties west and to new settle; J, 3? the j lhatbeee rairkets are clo-l t-tjZ for cheaper transportation east will be jpeneu. Oarliicate ii healthful, the air pare and bracing, and sLcknes ofsm.kiadli almost stranjjer to the people hvr; The county at. Ei'D CL0Ur on the K- psblican river. jcir je center east and west UndalitUc so-.th ol the center north and! south. Ia Jtjae chances for baini men of tvcrl$aicioftra.le. Ihe country aroand n . r -., war. ant a ejod bnsi I m? ouiS I Vird f f r"i"fTehandie. Red Cloa i 1 .becmrtwoutaou. rur I taciatorxnationcan oe ociiiiieu iron, any j anO" a-nt who olferlLser'n iii paper. orat -ri: cfEce: 1 Jimiain "N"i'l-. I )'fiIiM" in LUMBER. LUMBER. LUMBER II iii 11 f t be nttt rxoltl. VALLEY HOUSE. J. C. CVARItffiR. Prop. I .! red to Utesd to sd miVceoioforuble i jtra. j j TbU Hotel i euurly nrw, havi IH-oc ofthe trvcUc jmblw. (STA0K LKV11 KoK TilK KAJLKO.! ON MOMUY ..vfcpS'ESPAV. A FU1HA OKKMMt WEKK T - 1 Vl.VVK A. M. 1 uaim in nave me of Lincoln. Always keepuij: s n-l .t&l urp'f A Y A i I) G R A I N II ALo a good conreyne Ar th rrot:' ti,L l,h" tc a,T '' rnWe ratc , . Etlll Cloiltl. I 0. L BATTLES k SON. - DKALKHS IN ir ioi III i It'l iloud, - - PyS- -aHiSKr Jl THRESHING MACHINES. MOUNTED AND ROWX HOKSF, INMVJJt Wood and Iron hi-vns MARSH RIDlNit (TLTLWrCRS AU good "-tipply or Dqel ! Shovel Flow-. ?r.m atid Wood Biam . Stirrtrg Flows. Brealinc Flows ,Ve W 1U0 have tin- M.!r atrr-aey for the MTMISIH-UGK EXCKLs'IOR HKM'EItan.l .MOWKK 'Ihc I.EAlKU RKAFER a:.d MOWEM.ib.-MAllSH . .HARVKSIER.wid Willi mi Anson Wood's E.(iLE H)v'ER. With oilur firt cla Im! plemenfi-too riuiiierou to mention among uhieh are tho D4 TON SELF DGMF1NGCMPFKR RAKE, and STAR RAKK , wmv, - .7 I M LJJa 1 Zt&!k w 1 yjs&cG tetrPlrum Oitl aw ? Thnn H'fnrr J'nrcluiM.tiff Eltaah're. , Wc shall keep on hand a good anwrtuieni of rppkirs, for Ruai-rrs aud Harvesters, to eujiply all who have purchased of t.. BffSWf' ,TT - t mm Qii '"f'JiSBf 1 u4inHHBFfli jBrtBMrMZ--r?fS- r JWL' j SBPfSifBfB3PSf2i:"ej ?" SJC-' I g , "PffKffP-HffgrSSFP'y'?-' "JiiSS--"-" "SILVER T6GtXEM -, O ROAN A TEST OF THIRTY YEARS. The cheapest' because thc best. Fully arranfetx New' Styles "just ready. Send for Catalog and Price t cfo R vaminc our new method of ivcrhtiiit?. the music T .' - -. r- OMOrt ly1 tvcul"o pv-iiwiiuaii, pollC.'. btVleS.SpeCiallV StfiaptCU JOr I'ailOrS, nUFCnCS . ' lodges, W usic HallsVnd C'Ascfvatorics. Address the , f . j- .ManUiaClUTCrS. urers. E. P. HEES3AH & SON. &09. 143, 145 147 JEaM 23d St., 2Trr?r? Vtn SitcU ap for ti ip:e utsi biAbLt wesi purptr f ooutcji ptascr2 AilraikH. - m tiTr-iu nU - - Xchraitm. &: rcti l.ffM nor wiittut ju.u.l.,... -. i i isss3scr vrLrr. : SSSSSSS-ssss t -rffVSf