-0fr ,sf -- -w-v-ji . A r -,! :5S i i I I 'ft n b slvess o in ecto if r Attorneys at Law. 0. S Gilliam. A 1 1 ? $ sit I a ot, AND NOTARY PUBLIC. fc2f Collection promptly attended to J. K. WiSEeox ATTORNEY AT LAW, Will Practice in all the Coirr's of the Statn. j r- M..11...;.. .n l'.,. Ur..,Ar.A In ' OFKIOKONBIAMIK M HJTKOF OuUltTIIfMjR. , Red cloud. - . - Hbb.i II.SECAIiKV, ATrOKN'HY AT LAW, lUM-il A I l.n, r-j uti'v'l'r'I'inYf - ..IJljAlAi.UtllliU); 3LIC A1ID ?.EAl iiiAii ' ' KOTAST ?U .' ... t . .. . .?... ,. n.iiT.. i,. ( fy'J'f' itip'TIIIU'lHHIlloJ I UHIII, Jll t met tun. Cobl). Marnubtt & Foore AND RK.Mi KSTA'IK AH i: NTS. e C'3 11V prttctic tii ell thf C'lHttsn tin- .St.ilf. JjNIATA - - - ITZBUASKA Real Estate Agents, &n. AV. N. ItU'MAIM -V, . I fl.'.f.VS Richardson & Tu-.sys, aSAL 3S7A73 & ICL'CIISS-AGSNTS r Will bu a-i'I a"!l It -ii INt't' on CoHiinii- ;..u mil I .in t ivci !..r tiui-r,ili,iil'. Si.e.'iiil .itt.'iition a'uyii lo(lti.ctins. Cor- j ri-:''lncc -olic'Ni. i 1 M-ticn. ! imjiary. or on ' jiiii'-'. in iij'i'y ir "rel. j;Ki)(jL.)rn, - - - - Sl": GsOrVV. Sheppard, (Lale of I". S. Land OihYr, IJlooming ton, Ntdi.) COVLIINMK.XT . Ub iRtXMimu r '. Will .uttMi 1 to -o.- iitiiiP' befori 2 '- j' t i-w ' i.. . .. ! 1. 1, .... ..... ..-.. a . . !.. li ri rt I ,vTmvT vF1J.Vck I .ouo. hath ol each mniitli at ltd Lloud uoneil m ttiiiltrl themves with ' . w i bJ r-a lle Hr the (mrti4" ' LINCOLN, M.i.u V. i , ....-.-.. p K- and Ii.avale. 7A o'clock p. M -at ,i, : .rJu-r.,..! . rnn.xl IV,, .- .Ltruv t,,,ter ot "- m ,or-r " " LlT ..... tl- . I. la. ! h-l..ti.i.f:.l , & ilj.-t " a-afc,-"at . P.td Cloud. -J o'clock I'. M at In-: , . , , , County. W e hop to contiuue it in ' ' ,.-. s1,m .h ".'a,.; naua i,Q o?er ii..,ru will ip in att-ii'lin'- -t " . .... i .. i i. to th a county, which wa reached in , . . , . . estau. u-tni . f. fi., c - . 1 Llclim 10 MEV8 118 BS.J1 t..rm .ifihr D-in- '.i.r-...i 'he M-v-n.! Will di-vott hi- wh-df tiinf. exclu- ataf. r.icrj M'B'iiu .minium,, Mib-Miiiem i-ne ami Attn to jive a t.,i.hi. I. rn 12 .t ; I-oTt.r cmitie-in the K.-i.ubu.-H hII-. - ! .ivt.i to ti,,. ,,r:iclll... .ifmcdieiiie. .-ahUth.- at Latin and Iliuiii.my the Utter part oi .May. tlu i a t -top- &m nXrunt account of Ki f .K. Sec I !. Uw I T,.ut:., of I ltirottl -- , C)ffit.uat ,,.A. WlllIa!II, & Co. y-;""51- Kl'v- A- .'.A.WKi.i.i.1.,u!r,eai the mcciii Mte oJ Guide , ,pUtolltilll uf llle ,.? J2 tf-u ,,1 !al ih , -l V.M.now.V. ..AS. ...Vn.Ill,,UlW. riirl0 Rnv. ' . ... . . , , J po.ihle. We .hail he oMi.ed for , - ?? Xnc tU . U w o. ban 1 a , ., . .f ?hr. L". S- L-inil O.hrt u !'loi.iii:iietn. ' wuj:1 ;r, lit. bur of i'ure D.TJr.-. Mcdt iNeS , aod thel-p-i"iir. W-i-liiiiff- c;nC, . jXl f.ct :111 :.,t:c!c iiMialJy t.tili C Tnre-v.-.i'. oMirial e:p' ... , ,, . st tt 1 Itl.i iiiiiotciti. k ;iv.. r tl :ts. ati-...i ti oentc'te arlMng tiv'.fr thf !'ia-.Miii'i-n llo n .tulaiil "isn iM-r nl nrv l:t -tlii-' il'i "u'lri i!..-lii two doors illi 11. S. Luitl 'ifniT bti'.hlint'. 1ft. K T 3 !?' 53, OoUnty ! I.- .. f ill 4 . Jo do work in hi- j li-i" at :in lim (.'.ill on or addre.- film at WV.U P. U , Webber county. Mira-.kn. n Iv fled OJoud EfiiSrs! V3 ar?. prepared to do cus- i tome vGik j S112-?J . Cri1 a": "or aik- .. CKy- Sai-fat'tion mi armtoed in; lalitv of lliur s'M.P. :..! nni"n WO.UC. r inner- " "in oe paincuiui to -eeure the he-t of -eedwhe.it. Pott5f ck, FHsbie! i. ' ..ii., i 'Bin TtE tl. dM 15Y A. B IlA.V.YI-l at Shcrer's Druse Slore: Hod Cloud. JHiVSh:iviti!i, Shampooing ami llaii- C'uttinir in the liighest style of the aru " lid IIKAl FKSIN CIGARS, Chevvlng, Smoking, Tobacco, Canned fruits OF ALL KINDS, AND COftl-teCflONERIS- j A Snecialty, Fr-h Laser Reer from l Ardoje" Brewery, constantly on hand. RED CLOUD, NKR. Kitf Republican Valley STAGE LINE- " T v5T!3 'Prc i-.-r Regular trips will be made between HASTINGS and RED CLOUD. I shall be pleased to carry passenger upon the days mentioned, leaving Re Cloud at 6 A. M. on Mondays. We'dne davs and Fridays. Leaving Hastings at 6 a. M., on" Tuesdays, Thursdays ?.hd iturdays. ""ttv rcdaenable. A A Si! till Kit. OSce in Citj Drug Stcre. . riftim tun ut imuoiuii. Red Cloud- Hsvinz lea-cl the Wagon and Hlack- ' f-niith hoy. lately nccupic! by Ira j SUiMKT. 'JX tJOW PlUpSMlI tO (lo CVerT tiune in t!ie lint ot r pn y yr . ir t pip .y h a- i A K i j ' ii ,1 U n . ij.j--- vi AND 'wV; irri!li' i ;1MTL1 CK L IMiLhMKNT.Sj ' lN..rl1lnns!,lrm.thV:uldii. a' ' Wiirkin-ndil.' inanner. "T"1 " ' VAt;oX3 AXD t I CfSiIZa iIvUi. iu IIA.MITON A- It ALSTON. ; vr.fios a i iijrrsL'MJ.yis :- , 1? I VI? 11 'I t) V HO! J 'Sri ! nii tit ti . is ..I i i' s o t j. , in. u. lii'J.. --- - .v Will .'litfrtain hs jrnrst-in tho most jreiithjiiian-liko iiisiinor, wiih as good fare as the market niToid-. To tho t ravelins i"i'!ie ivc would sny kiw niiiiKca.i. ?.:7SR!0:i - - - 1mS3?.ASSA. - - .fX. 4? .HSjJjJjiVAa. him :t villi . .. DO 7 I r.T r 7 J ; U l i 9v xt V tiiku::ls a IN BIViSrON Where .V4M1 can jret auythiiu: you Purs lor medicinal ue. PhyMeinan pror!jiitMis carefully compounded day cr n ht. l w-.i Htmmers i re wr.t wan mprci ami vim. ri . . . .T t an vcc-tsia.utl c'jie. ffr: j .d c.iL. New Honey Locust Seetl, ehoico tpialitv. u.itheied in lluj 'all of lvT7." ; o1;,lL. by M M"l 'tipMii'ir. 17 .'!iii Ilrouiuillc. Neb. - ft T,?'esr ri-t iimST I Ty it f;3?2s rs? j . . fhe Kerry at (Juid lloek is now in . running oider and will be kept yn for I the convenient." of the traveling pub- lie. liaveieis will a way- inni a man in ,1'tondanco. The ferry Is located dircct'y south of the town. tl II. IIosKix.-, Prop. TME ONLY PAPER IN WEBSTER CO. ANDTIIK IN TL1K republican . r r " t T JLr lit J . CHIEF, CJ rmKn-n ft:i? -, WARKILWAItNER, Editor Propriotor ; us Iy lil k Kli'in;.. . r... ITCrAEY ?U2Li: Alio HZ AL 3SrA7S J we-t, in Vi eb.ter co.-ity N-hiii-ka. j 100I;.ls 0 alch jieir land?, and ,,, third tim- Mr. Cordend lia8 star- ed (Sr .-ale of -ui 1 .e d eut a. i rc 1 ' Airrjv with a view to tbe cancellation ol .:inl . , , . .,. , .. ...... ...... r. ;.. ; I ..tii...... r.ml n i nrA,-Ti ' - A--"- entrv the -.id initie- are liirchv eie tbe o;.ly cltl-r-ol V eller To. tCl Hjr the Hills and thia tune he hi- 'r Wi- !I,"V' ftod,,,t- , n, ori1' ff1 ' 7 uM. int .-Jii panic- arc uirtin m.ii i , , that thn notice he publuhtd lathe, (7& Riuorfnn hrnnvun 1 nentv nunrs'iKa. -unwiinm-j 10 appear at un- lunco oil .i m." mm;. .'iwnimiii ..- .-... iciiv.; iu iiisai; h, i...i 'i ...l t,,,..u r.. .; . ..i . ithe-7thdaolMay, l7i,, at y oVlo.-k -ived two term-as eouuty Surveyor j , Sleojier had hcati trading weeks p:ei..uto n day ol hearing. e-'l-i'.m-r.ir-Ur -an I ta: this tlonc :n a. m., to li-potio ami iuitiih te-ti ...wi ..,,, k;.h'1 ..,.,..,.,...., .....1 . .... . . , U n :!.: Jr ! ' lia..-.t,ie. iiioiii-e..ii.-ini!ig.sfd.ill.x.dab.uloi. I -!. ww-., ,. - hor-c, until lie lias tlie meet ami . ; ' . V r.' , DI . Nb j jment. jiffieieut manager ot it.c compi. , ,lnCsl leaMJ of;,raj hoRn.4 ils lhtf ooun- i "J Ul ' ' ! J"" yi t NrV THE ! RSIs I v r r ci!na t5T:;her- m i ni'Il Wtfln ihivpfl Notice i-hereby given. Tnat I will As they approehe 1 the strangvrs d,s . -jp j!Ulll -VWU1J UUCU examine nil persons wno may desire :to DiaTCd a rbite fl. whx ere of the I r r-.- r s.-jt -. j JJ -j 'j oner tuemeives as candidates lor ' . , .- , teachers of th rfrimarv or enmmnn . emifiranLS rode fortMO meet them. thf RF.n cloud chief. i"mt !,as arrrv .r w i RED CLOUD. NKRHASUA. LOCAL .MATi'EIU?. Xotirrt .' rr Column ' f ' . ," , Arriar hn.t ifpnr Vnr r i," ' ,., . , -."?r. . !!:' J " til? ; um . i and Friday ' 6l"p. in. .Mil cLaed ;. j. in. " I I'Ka.'.KI.in. jfomsr 8t. loiioy .- j amn j.urwluy-.-li p. m. oiiiK we,t Tui-d3v and fridav'. 10 a. m : ... ,. .....ir. ii.KAWM IIII.U Jl'il.O JMHiain;?" I a. in. Arnvi Wvdutjitty'a-1 p. in. j Maifcl.ed y j. in. . .Jku'ki.i. Kansas arrive-- Friday .ikwkm. ian-a-. arrive- rm... r, 12 m. Leaves 1 ii lay I p. in. ,. . ., , . ., lU'.EI,, ivana, nrnve-: i nnriay 1-n-ni. Leave.- J hnr-iiay 1 p. m ( nen from 4 untill 0 p. ui. Hiindai.-. f All reci.-tcroil inr.ttr mii-t be :a iron. in., it. ,i t uii.i ! f j !., abt dunlle na;e. With seuicR f tlw tBrr fc tbe lr yir. (tM b-r W $rmi4 m wr ynt y . ILmi.;s I-v" Mf.nd7 ' T4ew proiK: to bi;in thi- Tbrrc sr w rr th t6Kr J b our w5iStW'i? Wkt i oar I j !Mlav 1 Knihy 7 a ui. ( wtcl r gf the i,,.,',,. 0f , ihb,uat m tls amtatr. Ik rsjxl J dU t the A. II. X SoejrtjT !.. . .?1'ik!,T'i rJnriN.- U?r tlw oMintv. hcpinv' that thi- first effort , uy of derrUaifui WeUtrr (mt; ' nvf ..tlvr rfo .imaiuww r infr t . "" .....,.. . 1 ' .- , the evening LMuie the luaiii, leave 31. li. Mc.NiTr. P. M. i t :: u i:i:t. ruv, COX(JIIKr;ATIONAL CIIClU'll- .1. T. .Mh.nkk. Seivice- -econd ; Sabbath m earh month at 11 - r c n ti -j.7jijA'mi ( iiob every babbath nioiiiiiiirat ! .M. I .). (2. PO'ITP.K, Supt. -i .S0T1CH. U. H. Land Okfiok. AirilJS'h, 17' i j Lompinint navirtr n-en enured ai l,!,,i"!I,,ffi,'t-; hyJ- i!;,.Jnl"l!",,jl "p1.""1 ' U lllia-li P elllll.ltoil lor i'Ttl'l'U'.liK JliMmme-ttademrv, No :im-J. daietl j Mi? 2Mb, Is,.i. upon the mimIi wc-t I. ... , t . Wi.nsTKit Kato::. Uei'-ter. ."JH -lw iiVAN Wtiltllliyts. lleeeiver. A077fV'. Itbiomineton. Neb J April 2 it h, ls7fi Coinjitaint Invm be.n entered at this otfice hy (?lrules Sapp, auain.-t Thoma- I'it.i.ey for abatd'iiiiuu hi riiubiT ('oh ore 1-n w, o. ('". dated .b:i)(' j, -7 1, upon the -tiuib-t :i.-t tpiaiter, S e. "AK town-hip, raiure '.I y;et, in Web-ter count v, Nchra-k:t. with a vit'.v to the cineellation of -anl ntiy: the aid partic- arc hereby Mini moried to appear at tisi.-, ofiuv on the S'h dav of.Jui.o, l.-7o. at 2 o'clock P. .M.. to ie-iond ami turnl'-h te-ti-tuoiiy couecriru; said alleged abandon ment. WnisTKH KTO'. les:ister. :D 4 ICvan WouTMiXti, Kceeivtr. XUTIC1J. U. S. La Ni Ok no:, j HioomiiiL'tou, Neb. 31 tn eh ::.. h, l.s7t; Comnl-.ittl having been enfornl nl this, nlli.-f hy Kdivaitl M V. Utnbb i-in-t .Iobn T. Smiib for iibandouiiij: lii luiri.oi.-.n! ii,fiv .- inn i'.ii...l ... .--. .. ...... v . . , .- ..a-.'. va.aiv.. . y.n; orh, IS. 1, upon the -ou-b j i.uttb vVt l aiei we-t uuth-e:).-t , -eijon 1 I towiiohip .., lanye 12 we-t, in Webster County, NLbiaka with a iow to the I'aneeilatioii of said eiinv : the .-ai.l partie- ate lierehy Min.nu.iud to appe-ir at this oliiee on the 2lth day of .May. Is70, at l o'clock p.m.. to te-pond aud itimi-h te-tiniony cu cetuiui: said alleged ah.uiilonmt.nt. V. i:i:-Tr.u Ivvton, lei.-ter. :'. Ik Kvan WouriMMi Keceiver. P.y virtue of an order of sale i?s;if(l out of the District C mrt of the Pif.h t ..... j .judicial Ui-tncc in uuutor eb-ter t tounly Nebraska, in an action wber- . T . . . in William 1. Yanal.-tyne aud John D. Leach are plaintiffs and K.j lO.jCovey and Leroy S. Kstell defendants. I will oiler for sale at Public Auction at the front door of the Court Hou-e iut , -N? I in Red Cloud, Webster County braska, on the 17th day of.Iuue, K7f. . at twro o'clock P. M. tne tollowmg . . .. .. i 1 de-cribed Ileal 1 wate situatea m j i Web.-ter County Nebra-ka, To W it ; Lot four (4j in Rloek five (." -ituated in the Town of Ped Cloud Webster County Nebra.-ka. Given under my hand this 12th day of May A. I). 1670. ii. a: Bin, Sheriff and Special .Master Com missioner. ' .T. T. Martin wishes to inform the ' public that he intend- to keep a heid 1 the coming .-uinuier, and all who have : cattle they want herded can be accom : modated. He has an extcii-ive range, I the bst of cood elear running water, and charges icasonable. I j70 Aercs ot land. 2.7 acres under eniiMaiitMi. it uu .n;if.i t. springs .,.,.1 .,...1- .wW- timber !orfirnn7l ....:.:....:.. t'..i! ......-.,! i : t I cood hcu.-e and stables, s;x ,cad 0f. i i'ritt!i line-. Prii'kpr.5. etc. Mils n!.-..A 1 . - - . - . - -- t . . . l ' " v V is only three miles from Red Cloud 1 -n i I-... r. t .- Terin verv low. For furthr particu- ! lars call at or address ibis onico. . schools of the county, at my o5;e in Hed Cloud, on the first Saturday ti August, November. .February and I Mi May. J, S. Giliiam. Co: Superintendent. iiiam.' . f . r. lowii-uiu i. i -iuk: i- iimiihmi wer leir i.v run roi oi ine mi. .r ..ii-.nl i..r nm.- nine. n i- .... ...i i...... u .n .i J.. ..r..t. i i rm " - l . 1 .! .... -. M the facts connected with the earij wtiewent of tb conuiy are pacing t.vVj u, uonl to Jaawa, 0 oer minus. U is appropriate ar.3 ip - Jient. thvreftre, now that the r,ci- leU of our pioneer Ufv are within our mfaurr to rdll thu-e faeta und inctdota awl lnt ihttiiJato ;0 1 . will ex lie an interest in the a?t life I o; the curiv Mtiler. refre-h the min.L j of th6e wlw lirt ietile! in onr ruMey j awi eUcit wueh esefu! aud iotcrtsiiaj mforujctiati i . IUEUrst sment of A e .wr (.'o:jty was male at (luide Ruck, which tas at th.it time the nm?t we.-t- I am fiirlftiwaftl nn t'.- I Selillllheatl. Ulld ........ .:....- i..... :.. nun uwc....i.n.... - . Nrnk-ds County, ("..inl the onlc ..rllJ...... witii me oxe-.Hi.Mi oi a icw .. - . ' wbiu- hm-u nm i iici...i.., 1 Jm the nu-H e of.Muv ls0 . in ! MdJiidf, Albert Lathrop, Lutli.r Mick. ThoV. Com-tock and A. M. . T..H..,f .-n). ir. ..r ibr. nther. wvre 1 UIUU .. - torunir at 1'eatrice. feJ.i- i'nrUr.,.,,1 ' lii-s bnthur- Jo-t'Xdi and Abraham, I b:: 1 j nt retnrneU lioni an expioraiion . of the wtllej on hoi.e laek. Un th tr parti' there were already limited in the ' vicinity ot Cuide K'.ck ) McC.ilmm . J , , , i and k letters who hal arrived a j Collide of weeks prev oiia and two or ' three other, who made no location , , , .McCallum and Pct..r- were tho rem- 1 1 nam ol a coiony knon a-j the Kunkin j and located extensive tiacta inih.it . vn-inily. I be colony, however accons- , I pli-hed nothing, all their laud ha. j I . , , , , , . I - ,n Hih-Kjuently taken by other panics, j ho-e two gontliMiion above i . . . .... . Shcrift'of the county and is now living on his claim on dude Hock Creek. The new airivaU were ah.indantly pie:i-(d w'th their new eouu.ry. and immediately oroeectled to erect a -tock'tde for their jre-idencis a. el juo if'tion. 31cl'alhiui and Peters were living in a diu out, which was the fir-t huiid'fi in the county. The i-tuck;. le erectctl was a palatial .-t met tire undo of l- about forty feet eq'iare aud cmtainiuu but one room, hi which tie: wh-le population of Wthter County found ample ac couiiuodatio:!. ' The comity at that time boasted of hut two worn -n, 3Ir- Corn-took and .Mr-. Jos. (Jaiber The doniztu? of the .-tockiide lived in tiue democratic -impliciti", tlependini: mainly on came for their Mi-tenance, of Buffalo there tvns then an ahiin lr.nee, o numerou w.'re tlioy that they had to he diiven a-ide lo alt w the euiiiaut lo p'is-, -o tau.e a.- to be icadiiy appniehetl whi e feeding on the shuit i !. of ih e prairi.s. Antelope, deer and elk in droves of 7."i and Ilk) iri.iZi-ti in ihe v.dlevs The fine opportuuitie- for fportin atrl t. erection of bou.e- made th time p-is- quite p'er.-intiy tintil tl s i winter et i: l),i, rhi- tit thcVc a no ouinnT.:ca!i..n trith the out-! .-ido woil 1, -ave as -ome of the parry went to Be.itiiec or a hunter .-toped in hi- per-uit of jraui .. At one time a hunthij; party ldt a copy of an eastern pa)cr with the-ettiers which although t.vo mouth? old contained the late-t i news from the old world aud was meed- i 1 .. i iK- dcvouied. V ti... middle of Julv IST0 W. 11. Broo, Peter Ileal, A. II. Koats D. IL-fflehower, Ivl. and .John Park. ami other.- pa-sed through Guide Rock and advanced along the river to the center of the coun'y where they j Incited their claims then returned to i Cmdv Jlock for their families, when they returned tluy found a stockade j . built on the claim of Sila- Garher and occupied hy Jas. Culvert, L. F. 31 un sell, W. K Jack.-on aud 3Iesra Penny and Willson. This stockade was the Sr.-t buildinir Wesf of Gni'le Rook, and the eerm ef , . ,. .. , ,. ' tne present town oi lveu l ioua. i ue first named parties imaisdjately com 1 , . , , ....K I ..... a... .. .. l. n . ..1...... .....I . . , ,7. ., ., , cor.-trucung dwel.ing. nilo they' were thus engaged fhey met with an . , adventure whi'di promised interest j pressent bridge. One evening their aiarm rfas excit2d by seeing some pir ties on hore back down by the river. The new comers acted very strangly ; , preparing them-elyes ior attack ani , rf. , , .11 -, -i . t i i defetlre' CM Garber took the lead of the emigrants, who armed themselves ' t. mo.t tr.P tiratin.ir! "ir.il n tt:reb - u.i. V b m-a &. . r.ir th.- ririr was n.-dre.l Tbe sir..,. ! i - - ger continued their preperatietr. for vrar and the two small armies advan ced toard each other with hostile front. . The strsn-ers instead of being Indians - . provod to be j : an nfr!W1 a military party escort i ing an officer from Fort Kearney to I Fort Hayes io Kansas Although reter? s-iia-e'iientiy becanic me tir-t (v and da n:er but proved a plea-ant sur- all Taper .' li you don t, co to sner- t The sol ef Wbstr -oa:y a L- rk. rk'. iiri.-e. The emeerants were camped er an 1 he will sho yon the iina-t and i veubie Unm. Th- iM ?rW -"trl- ..'. i . . i it.- tioHi acdsbnrni!i.at.oi awkets4 at on Crooked Creek near the site of the j most wuip.ete .-lock ever broujrht m , l. rn.ti.r.,u.v-r.iioratiii.t ' .. .l. . II w A.B.ifl hI- . Arf .1 HIWT T i t 1 M . m 1 r; i : .r: "r .::::: that m-te-.d of bririe they ld disrororrd only emigrant in th , wild- of NebnuVs. . i Tw io -etlrim(H. at J4 I mmm! a and Gatde Hods wrr H tfcac vv ts'a ! in th jr 17, and U m.c: We ua(.jex2 eojii a m m '...!& , nr bare tern a We tourfiAm ih ea hold her ow with the 14 bC the.,. j Anther iftttref in fc! '6 U wi t thut the ewirrio fual tw itm nni' water is 'CiooUd Cre&s. Tj a !ml water collected i jok . Creek is a k.r5 l xmvmU s t -tream. t J M. .I..1... KIKi .! B.-.a.r'l' FW-e iwe Sb w .. ".. ;'- ' ' ---- - - Hitrn4ar; III. formerly o lenaoMe -ml i.rv..-!i! awnmr fth Iftf'UvIo i and nre-cat owner of the LaCleJe H.me in thU iihtee, arrtrcd he jo-' ,nnl,e. tenia j- School Ma-rer- aiwl .-eho Mann-" l tier !o.k a "k;ct?e oU" ' . ' -- ' ti mv v;fnbie Mm! -tnriwl on a trir ' J W""J " --.- -- he wuiiiv. Dositlv h may sit ., " T on a call. evorv aa-isiance tliatcanlw given in thi- matter. . -Hat? ami .Mtltnery ot vnri..c de.-cnptions. (jn;;ue.. ami p.i.vs u U'l he Prcha-er. eoti-tatitb on hand ... iT. i ..... .ii, r i aL -YUd- J'u ' M 11 Coniernl frnm Sonthern Some will r iU,..iber thi ntleman .... pae 1 thr .u: h tliH vilhg" a year as'? o:, a mp to the Cold usioii mid ivjs , , t i i o !irre-.ed with others by the L. s-, Mihtary o.'ti.vr m o-nuian 1 and hell The Jovernor arriv d in Phihi i deljihi.i pafe, : n 1 Mic-ce.e.l in teeur- i inn an uppropiiitt; place fir the di- , play of Ncbra-fca pioduels. Tie budding of the hou-e will be Leuu lin-rjcdiatelv. i ...' -The f'oniiniioncr? oi ijiuc.iier Ciiinty have submitted to the eople of th County the prop-i.-itiou of vot ing ;T'U; ),').' bndi for tho doii-trifc-tiun ot the Lincoln Denver and Uepub hcan 'aliy ilatl Way. The HuT Ch'iid Indu.-iiial As.-o-ciitioni- ilo.iri-hiu:;. All the bu.-i-ne-- ui"ii of the town are members. Itciticubtsr the meet ine; tonight. C.ntetiiiial C-'lebt nion, Kotiith ol du'y. At the town mcctim: tonight the initutory men.iire- will be taken Josccur1 ;i rou.-ing t'elebrathn of th? Coming I'oin.h. Come every bod. A Mi'licii'tit amount of labor and uioi.-y has be.-u stib-cnbcd to put the -trect.- of the vi'heeina iood con dition and woik will coiu.iicuctt im- mediiily uuler the direction of Ivi. i Smi'h. doe. U iruor and W. N. j Rich srtl-on, the nxeeutive Commit- j I Uncle Sat:: is moving his 1:oiIh ! tco. l" ' ' !? T Tf I town- J- !" Mll!cr a,lJ M" ""' i are the bo-s uiovjr-. ,.,. .... r . ., ' me ciii'iieu oi uie u rimmer , SiIi,-itl mp. itiinir tt itl'iTtf -.Afiif I ,.n. i tennial tre-u pon their rchool ground-. ! Thev pcitioned the Rard to get I iiii j th ir crouml- plowed, and each one -ignetl hi- or her name to plant a tree ' and cultivate it untill it, growth ' .... ii . i i should be en-ured e are :lad to ( -ee the little one- intere-ted to Mich ' an e.vt nt in the beauty of their 1 . " I ?""- j Sherer jast stappcd" his new j tcck of Sue cigars ye.-terday. j j Tbe Rami t in Red Cloud met ' la-t Sunday an 1 o;sauizel th?msidve; into a society under the leader lip of 31 r Milner of this county. Wo have ! now four rd'ciou- socletio- in the oiinty. The Concre nationalists, the . Methodists, Baptists and Campbell-i ;..- Ac tor fl.i.n. J.- nn ImpiIi I , T,",. . ", . . , '. oiiuuim: in tue county, it i- uu:i v.e i i lirnlil indi tn ftfinte tfiis nittr ... , " , , . T, . ,, e under-tan I that the Ii". 3Ir. ' .Maxwell is contemplating an eilort in ,. , . , , i ms usrirtiiou :ouitiv. -r, t t . -vouu K.u. ouit; io ui ).mi i to this market. He is the only man in j town who keeps tt. WE WISH THE LDIES TO i KNOW, that if thev want a real love ' of a )5t lhcv wan. to j one o t,ose ! at the Orm of Tulleys and Dixon. '" men iitcu iJjcasuii. . -A few 12 inch Reed Breaking Plows for sale very cheap, inquire at the Post Ofuce. .. , . . b armors are. beginning to pnton stvle since 3icBride sells those fine 'n-rno. ; wo r.?.a'.n v t i daa t r i Mr-t, ti..--m;- fiivon htvPiwth"t lRAtTianCffUe,T'1'ii 3ir-. J uliey-A. .ui-Uon nave j ertrr7 braaaLf'HH.' 11iiMitn aiu. iu-t received a very '" a-ort meat i b-a'-ftsftftrr am a rS " of Hat.-, Gloves, Ribbons, Fjower-, eu.. which will be sold at the very I lowest prices, yourselves. Ladies call and see for 40 ' W. . k ft Attl MAAtFflKV T V & , ."::": iri (Vm irA of Webr Mt tl be Wil t the I ! ScJnl nma cm tarda i-i Se-ij. Maj 2)fc. a . 3ti'JlH, brftomnf Jfwnly. at a'rikr m. Ttw fcttw:x .-' ii i f roamier l!w "n :ic V1 pryw iticjr bet b - J a't:aU tfcrtt liW t c r.jr iUe4 l stuni m Mrti t M the iiiiaw. A. MxXtU I is it FmM r i itmt & VttmA tUrwmr t , ,w- .! twi .M? .MKMkrrti II fCoer u hieli th. , . , ,, :"- "T" "" , -- -, ttMi rala wJ Wb B 4 t?9??1" 1J o $t rre rr djr. A brT-trr J i ' hnvi by ib .ftoe rinr .r rUre iwe tb w n ttr ab llre.ter ai.l. Thet be im ab Hrre-r .le. 1 fee? twiee tw ct. & Wiw l jjn mi o! tr. Tk I.... L uJi Lr K tu.1 iva Tbrt b bm h4 fur the ! io ' J- Battl Soa, .Red CMJ, SU 4 MCALSoriCS. 1,, -, , .. - T f .waiter t u.e pet itwi ui h. ' of It bert Af ,mnv. Hied 8ir I l j V li?rMl rurt Wr " 0"UB'J;: ' .n .prafea. ?ra J-r lioeiww tosru .l.. ..., ..r .k- u..; f W .VIVXiTS V. m .-.W . , .--r. .. east ij. of W i of th .I'.. M. oi s j i in .!.; h ii a n. aittMtUil ttf niMser e'Bniy. ' AV brskk.i. " i . AnU it .ppirw to e aI , tiU' mi -b p t. i e tbat u is iMse-rj' , t aelj ..d real r-Ute to au.-fy the rlaiin and dennti-i-i:in.i ai.I rtaw t,rn. not rU!fivti,i ad.ol -a.'J . ftat to IxjU'lat. the -ante. It i- ',,'.. '.. r ,, , j- fc,: i ,K.n M.,rr(,w. mNmr lwf.r-- tb. : .W:." the Court l!.ue in .hmrni... in tii mnlv .tf .liiu- tnt" ol i "" ,1 uJ I J ,f t MJ(j tJa, . ,.. ..IB V.-V -- . ..--., , We hsvt t ir M e nl mi1 ofiee, an order for wie N, 9, Stiver plated 'i!-on Shuttle Sewinjf Maehtue, with J ,aid ptatK. vnrm-li, oIihed ctibiaet , w.nk, value 1 at $', whi-h we will' , ot j,;,, .,,,.1 ( . p.ircb.-er pay the ... .. on inn hint' from the ttUce of i...; , . ,..r .-., ,,..i ;.. ... i "" ,v ' ' ' : li"ii(?ht 2Vid WELLBOR3C. N. C. Carl .fC ii 1 R -k, h.ih for !. tht. he-t Wei! '.Hit aprtuj ever u-.hI. r.MiM-t'v' f drill-. auTri-, . - etc. Two m-n with ..r..' of thee drill - r-an drill frm li to . !.! in one day, tlmmvli th nek r,f tbi utry. iliese d tilt- are Wari4nteJ to be the New York Artesian Ihilia. H if VK.MctCo...Nb.. tis ia the WlUf ! , til" Uip ib!icn. it 1" wi' wt of tbe Mia J wari HlT-rari(I t-arhw the Stutf tie Uia Swath. Winf rrn mr mil! aal Jry; very ' I.'t'.to rain or no'. U!b ia hat raom to tit j t.. In Tt.. tK fiittU l.r- nil ainl.r itk mm I hay r frt5m .leBty of tnin ( ,?- in th prinjcl iuaarr Ta raaam art t Ii.srceably wru. thr. . -Iw.,- a e I breex tinsu,- in in "tohimk'. imc rotta'y fir-tt bJi ti il lsl. l JS?l tb.-ccmaty trusftrsai'I with a esiialatJa i r is . i 'nui-tin- i stTM btittfccia rsaa " " -'" ataaifw-m rai-i.lly i.Tnii..-. Jb9r j rsijul ickbtl a.tnU within iU ooualns inl -ftoMriiiti ae th. reforir aplc ttter ihm. Ure ia m Kwtltm Stat lac t-wriauU s-lil r...i 4--..:L.. .,u.i .-uL ov t -k isaehfrV -. itm can ai K. R. i ,'.,R,! fr' t;'"'a5;f- "j tr, ; tune. Tatre rt a cot-fWraWluawoBSt it i ..reraa.eat jai jr ftr h-.tW himJ pre- tnnption. Aia tck rakibe ebaatrr hit --' ' -ia-.-,Hl for - tr r,noot be lmia. I is jn.t -oill l ihU ,,( Uu t- , .j, bj wWl . bwr( sthe ciitinani rciiurx- rraill Tb.t ra out. lmrla. i- uuk. b-k wb.jt. d fell kiwis f rtMit- nt reefM.s. are ?xi-rii her wit hiUc abr. ZT, baab. L 1 A hmr hi ta U n-trii.i nr. at - about 25 b-h.l-i.. tar,. Fr.PtJ, tretnj netl. r vrj fttrat-r bf ai rciMn! cr-.wm?. KrcK :r irw rptHr Cot- I -oo. nl. b5.il'ier. bUirW(MK!. R mi ). ui.inv ttthiir .inil uf tree? cnw it tiiebor imr?. aib f.rfj-l . b-i .ih.-t ya-. ''c orimc- .lUnt-fi (it'7. ami Ib . f ! year-tcr r?e tou&t' en b wml a. X I -l.oi.t'. Iiuf .nn'...j.' ami fur urajHi. Tfc rory hl, 9Uii - u .tj4 eia from 5 1 1 "et. Ta W rry M Wt the Well l br,l -Th Jl nerersodVy. Ttircais.f ikiwm' tyr- th UiaWla and it iriba if wairher af-!ltw-. oa t ootk nt f tha rir. iVaiaiu. Drr. Ku-l .. Sti.a !'ty. C.r. Hick. Ark. .tad 1M K-k cr-et. 9m tic aorta ii r Wrw Ktoj. Ctnwmi. Crulfi. Ialbin.i Vermin erk: Iwtae aur:b4rt! lbs eeuntj m tbc Ulee nrtr anfJI,s ,ribuU.;-.. wil EWiUai,feiiy j.rre airtbJ rrti- no a. Thai vrh have tric tseiu decide i s! lit. OnrTT,l nrori re st4. nd wr fillbiT-. road M ? a. r. r.i one. Uu: tiie lurK-r r yraw jmt , j ale ar rpir rwuKii u to B"rr l coantie irt ad i ne- eutr. i ii tiaie ihetc mtirkew nro tlttf-i rsd for v i .-, n . sw.rtitt Mn Ut ilt 2tTeJ. (w fc. .- - -- r - OHrrfimatfU b.it!ifcl. tker vi md I J lfraiiie.andeleJnefB List . al- j itr-r te tbe pap b-re f1BtNBty jeat. RKD CLOUis tb JU- I pnehMa rivir. cr tar a'i' a.a4 . ! aa4 a ?i tie oatb ! tlSKnw S ML. sa4aM Ue oath ui "M ctalet sta v '. kmtrofrcajae. iaJ cmi -4 jiai. llck are the oalr two i4 iwil ie. rur tber intorc-tipn as hs obitaci frain any and ncent 'eo Ireribes la til; p&pa'r.orst ' this otacc. ' r t tm m T . VkV. - . .., . - CLOUD O r&L J. BEREfZEW a CO.. Webster Street. No. id AdOnPlTl: vfTHLKv L'.KHBKIi:fswTA.NTl U.N HA.M VALLEY J. C. iFJARrJEH, Frop- f t'.Ri. rl M t tl W .i tftnlf f' ! 'r Thi Hotel ttncl$ a,hkiag t??a Stte4 Jp pert? of the traveo fwhl'- . .., , ... . ,,. ,.. -ic. utn itAm rv unn R(-,Ji.i i.auw i.n. i ti wntuiw.- ". - - jt . ir . v i i iv i ill .i.X. .l4 i, J. -' Alo a jpKhl eoarrymnee for the f, , VoW tbtc rdar !' ant other at raawU 0. !, BATTLES & M.N. !L.LKiU !N- a . vr . lX i .-4i unni i r A. t XUi . ; 3. (j;lAIi n ad i , . ...-..-. f-i . "B33IE,?IL8StS.Br a aiiitoJa auays ivaAUHiwit. t&uon i u a?4u j W....I ai.i tr ! H-.-i. iTl.liv :t : I . 1 ...-. I T . l. w.'. ... . , U : -i, i.j "i i ' - -- i i i ii i. I Mjn", I . i i I -. V the y VMIHl-l:iK KX'l.I -hiM KKAI'KRm n i-w iai pk ija riMM ttLtmi .i VOUKU .k. .' HAK YITKH, rntd WSBuui Aci WjmmI' Iv t?LK MM'A'KR. WJtH other Rfi el I mi i ikT'rS!T.m W.. o&i.r iw.nri.Mj ii ii i - l (v &rKm , i a itxy s. 7 W- hb.ti t,rf.. ..- UiJ . A-kl Mwahent f i.naiia fa Riao n ...i hv.i.. . I- . .U-. k- , w ..... il.-M.IJ-. W !FUptJ Jt"- THE "SILVER A.j KLViflr.' " -r rr. a c2ra-"vSjO3 OC THrH "I"1! vj rt A TEST OF THIRTY YEARS. The cheapest becaus, 'the best. Fully warranted New Styles just ready. Send for Catalogue and Price JISL5. XAiltlllliC UU1 Vl iCltJvflJ IJt l-Hi.lU t-ltC ItlUOlU for evening Derformance. Om'ant improvement oui . " i r t r l ' "u u pClIC . it' leS Specially uuJrbu lOf 1 aTtOfS. LhurcheS jodsfes, Music Hails and Conner atorks. Address the" . . XVianuiaCUircrb. B. P. 5SE9EASL & SOS, JVoa. 7-4.?, I<i&i'l&ilxtzi 3S I St.. '-" Tt?rfr ' swsmm&tet' w HOUSE. bt yl . fat the M' . liKK AT r O CI mi J STABLE Wwt' Ml) 1 if ii l t iv . ' J rpAi a9tig 5 rates v IniriiMltia. iulfiiir-H-fr. 't'hr.isk'i. toAJH-O 4i .. . ..r-k V !.-ll i:,lN i - -. t I . .. l . I 11 . ' ii iii i .mi in- :ii 7irri'.p !-" if - - 1 jf i tvt MAh.ill r. riAni mm 21 An K.r ; T iA.U aI'm. iw.. - " TONGUE" 1ST TCT .a ofcsaA9 . ERY - -&& ussepmes 3B&SSg3fgSSJ aBWCTee-T- ygsa. - "3iiT