The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 06, 1876, Image 2

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Jnccopy 1 year, $2.U
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Jnoeopy .' frU
Oilicial Directory.
a. iMiUh'Ii Ileatrice. Lf.S.Snatr.
W. Hitchcock. Omaha. U. S. Senator.
L-.renr.o Crouiuie. Kcpre.-cnUtive.
bII..:RBKK. J..v.ruor. l-ineoln.
ilriin..'lchuck. Sec.of Mate.
J. It Auditor.
J.C. M-sHrMe. .. Trr,Hl,"r,,r-
loo. II. Il.ibert. . Att y .en.
T. M. McKenzie. Line ln. Sup. Pub Instruc.
(Jen. K. Like. Omaha. ChisfJ li-ticc.
J inlJanit.N"eltrajka'ir. A-.n.-iite .luc
K.WI Maxwell. PliUmouth A"-Wte u'
J. A. Tulley.
K. II. .lone.
I. W. Tiilley.
H. Hill.
J. . Oilhtrn,
' C. Cioon.
W. K. Thorn,
. M .
H. W. Rail. J-
County t'terk.
Probate .Tudire.
Sebnot Stip'r.
County Surveyor
Cevnty Comnmfioner..
F. Matte.-on. I
Wekster.Countj Condensed.
Web-it rr Co.. Xh.. lies in the . Valley o
thi R-pbHean. is 150 tni'e' west ofthr Mi?
.uri Rirr ami turhe. the Sat line op
the South. Winter. are miM ami lry: vrr
IWtte rain or snow falls in that earon o lit
V" In fact that cattle live all winter with n
hiy or rrain. Plenty of rain Ml in tin
.rinr:inli!utnmer. The summer? are n
ili'acreeahly warm, as there is always a .l
hree- esperiallv in th evening. Th
cninty tiTtl began to so tie :n 1R70. ! 1S71
tlieenuntr wa orirnixel wiib a population
.t" l". It populatio" is nnvr Ijetween 2.Mni
Niii:tinjo and is rapidly inerrainir. There
ii-- at pre-.'ent '.'A orcani.'cd irhmil di.-trict.-within
it boundrier and school facilities are
tit re fore ample better than tho-c in smiio
ICastern States. The apportion:! hie m-IiooI
IuiiJ furni-hes nearly enough money to pa
tr:ieher" wageis. Farmer? can lny K. II. fruit I.."iti to $" per acre with ten yea rr
time. There iyet a cnriMderable amniist of
K-iverninent lands for home-lead; and pre
r:nitions. Asa .-tock rai-inr country it is
Ti.ird excel, t'afle do well, and fur sheep
: .-uniiot be beaten. It ijut suited to that.
Fortune? can be ea'ily inadehyrai'injc -heep
h. the expense of fceditiRis ve'v mall Tint
rorn. oat?, barley, potatoe?. buck wheat, xnd
all kinds of root? anJ veeelabli-.-. are grown
here with little labor. '.V Im.-bi 1 of nod corn
to th -acre is nothing new. IVhest average?
about 2-1 bushels t the acre. Fruit doc ex
tremal) well. Kvcry farmer has lii orchard
(rowinir. Forest trees rrow rapi'lly. Cot.on
ftood. boxalder. whilewood. soft maple, and
many other kinds of tree? grow into timber
large enough fur fur! in. about 'three years.
O-ag orange ilanlsit i.icely. ami in a few
years your live fences can be made. Me
chanic? find employment and fair wage.-. The
Tery l.-t and purest water is oltained liy
g'onif from ! to 100 feet. The cost is very
mall when the well is bored. Thee well.
nevergod y. Tbetreaiusofthi? county are
th-: Republican and it? tributaries which are
f.dlow?- on the south side of the river.
W"al nut. Dry. K11tT.1t... State lVnry. LVdiir.
Hicks. Ahh. and iuiile Kock creek-. Jn the
north siil- are Willow. Kim. Cottonwood.
Crooked. Indian. and Farmer? e eel. . In 1 In
north part o( the county i.- the Blue river
and its tributaries.
The --oil of Webster county i a d.irk. rich
reset.ible loam. The wild are nutii
tiou unit abnndant. and make im'f excellent
hay. rimothy.elovcr. Iliinr.iri-in an.I mMit
will undoubtedly prove a profitable produc
tion. Those who have tried them eo decide
at leat.
Our railroad pro'pccN are gonil and ve
will have -i road as soon a? we really need
one. But the farmers for year? will find remly
r ilc r surplus produetio-.s in the newer
V'untics west and to new seMlcr. Rj the
t'me these market? are closed road- for
"heaper transportation east will be oi.encd.
ur climate i.- lira' thiol, the air Mre amr
br icing, anil sickness of any !jind '. almost a
stranger to the people Iitc.
The county scat. RKlGI..,)inn the Re
iiblican river, ne ir tlircm. er en.-t anil west
n vl n little south of ti'e center itorsh and
south. In it are cbancr? for bn-in-. rre't of
tery branch of trade. Theeiui;r ii'iiniid
t ii-h as to war ant a g.od Imi-ip -; in every
lv -ml of mprehand'-e. Red Cloud i.nd tlii'de
Rock are the only two laid out t irn. Fnr
f her inform iMon can be obraim-il frnm any
a-il a;cut who advertise? in this paper, orat
thi? otfice.
Will it lie out of place pat ct rea
dcr if we present our.-elve- itr this col
umn in adifereut light, and show onr
elves to you in our best clothes, ivir
old pipe exchanged for a cigar, in
whose delicious fiagranceour thought
are purified and elevated, and in whose
curling clouds of pure white smoke
silently and gently a-ccnuirig heaven
wirdsthe dreams of youth, the vi--stoj
of beauty and the lofty ideils of
younger day are hovering about u-?
Those is some deep se tiuient some
pure emotion, some lofty purpo-e,
.utile thing of genuine poetry throb
bing in evry heart. Men in the worl I
mingling and struggling with and
ug..nst, their fellow men conceal the
MUpiment the poeiry of their natuie.
But by the fire side, with their wive
mhiI their children about them the nu-
n.y and sentiment of youth shines J
forth if not with the lirifiiaocy of ear
Her days, yet with more mellow and
rioher lu-irc. In like manner a couim
ti -wspaper with its advertisaventtH its
1 news and squibs, its polu-'ss and
it- worldlinc'is, has its sentimental side
h- well, and longs to give utterance to
it- inner and better self, to give exprs--iou
to the softer and holier emotion
that agitate its heart. For far down
i-j our heart of heartfl hidden from
vrcw perhajn by the bicr and world
ly objects above it, hot glowing still
with a warm and lustrous light, is
our youthful self with its dream of
purity, its faith in religon and its rev-
cron,-.e for cool. So if agreeable we
", ... i
wtll go on and moralize, be sentimental
purWip, foolish. For after art men
-re foolish in the worlds cys irkcn
the true.t part of their nature reveals
itself. We make a w-actice ofconceal-
ins ntir real self, of hiding it Iniiu
nuhlic zt ' onie info vnnder if ore
public eaz... omtinfo nnder.forc,
you will meet the best men of the
ins ntir real self of hidim: it from
town there. It-ten to their con versa -
tion. It is full of oath-?, disgn-ting
ahtiot with ribaldry and ob-ccnity.
Foul nirtitheil, e: not foul nearted
Coarse and much spoken, yet be
neeth the rough exterior, there i- a
womanly softness which with nlmo-t
feminine modestvis slrelded from the '
sneers and scoffs of their fellows.
Men never rveal their true wive in
the stores or the ba'-ioom. It in not
;n l.o nrnnr.l n. ', il... .Irn.l. .r tl...
.i.i"vi'-Jvna. .7 ... it iitu
confused ji)tle and c:amble after
wealth that the man is seen. In the
sacred privacy of home and the al- j
most ctually acred intimacy of friend
ship the scoffer is eloquent in the ful
ness and depth of his religious convic
tion, and the ribald Is an idolater in
the zeal and fervency of his homage
to punty. We have faith in human
nature, and believe that men are not
what the? seem. In our short ex
perience of life there has been no man
however vile his conduct, or however be kept constantly garowiiu U a good
filthy his laoguage, who when probed one, but liable, nevertheless', to mi
tothe depth of his being, h.n not de- e:i'-'- 'l 's l,,,t utSt ,0 sUl P'K-
aovi-red a genuine faiih in religion, a
genuine belief and revet eucc for virtue
and purity. It is mo-t a-suielly the q.,autiiies of food -the simplest and
case with all of us. Yet our speech ' mo-t easily dige-ted. The sow's milk
seldom betrays us. Ii it becau- of 'ft u'- offta-H and bone-forming ma
our vileness tlwt our fellow.- ..,,. i eiial, and promotes a steady and uni-
. . j
0 J j
at what we hold mo-t sacred? I, it ,
because of cowardice that we never 1
manfully exptc-s our real conviction-? !
Or is it that we think our ucighbur
unworthy of our confidence? Has it
come to pa that only the ba-er put
oi our n-uure can be revealed
wh'Je the pute and nobler qualit'e-mu-t
besx;.eened fioin .-ilit.
Ileie our cigar wei.t out.
Jo all who ae antieip.-iitng tvmov i
i it t -
ij'.g Iroai the east to the wt-t to find
hvuies, an 1 nave not already ileciilcd
on any pail cii ir locality, lef us say a
w .id in i.norof our c. uniy and i!n
a'v.iiu.ige we have over uj;iiiy other
port. oils e en in our own rfiate. In
the first place v.e have an abundauce
of limber lor luel atii sii.i I have I ir
some u me 10 irume, wiiieli is an ad
vantage possessed tv very few coiin t lots i-otic of the h.rl wa.ercil
conn lies in the S1.1 rr wh:eii is. very
t enlial espeeia1 to s'oek laiset-.
e ;.: I have some vacant land wifch
cui be hotiu-.-ie.iiJi'il, and a Lie
amoaiit oi'ra.iioad land that c-m be
bought at Vety ica-ofiable1 ra?cs -r
vviucha-yei, ami w I' -ome lime
: come, atioid un. mined;e tor
stock. It has been decided by tl.oe
who have ana'.. zed ihe native ta- .-,
that they are 111010 nuintioui than the
Laiue gia-.-e of lite cast. Tne ciltiia.'e
is adapted to the giowth of eve y kind
o'rain, geuiai.y "town uraucH Utl-IikIc-.
Win ci and spring wheat are
grown wnli great succes-. Uu'.ike
otlter new gcouutrvs, a crop can be
raised the litst .-ei-on, wii c!i 1-a
advantage to liio-e who ae ju-t opc-n
iug new I.11 in.-. i'ix is a qi; e.xaiid
teiiiiiner.u've c:o.. rom
A'td-.xi tribe- m th - S a.e, lb:
I , ,
i.iat tlicy are the same
... . , , .. .
wereicmoved only alow ytu ::.
!,... -,. t r .1 - "
, " A,,'M? ,,,,U
and :re uow i.ea'lv all removed sti ! i
"- "l'1 u,u "uu.1"- raav' l" '
couturi aie nut leq'.iretl. a- eerynne
.-i Joi ail damage done bv their
Vv ' .
1... !...! I . I ... .. ".) '-- ...o..... v.. .....
I'u-iiv.i wan uc u mm on .ill a'- i ... . .... i i, ;. i.r...i. tl,-. . msI. ii.vnr ..I i.o..
.. . ... 11 -ed iniil.-CllllllliateU lor StOCk Ot a ' ... ...; " t.i :: " ".V ;.. .-.;: Uuro ihe tlie-e can lie proeurc.l. -emi lie ...e,,. .... rtl,,-..,.,,. ...,.-r..r.-..i.
l.t)0d SUlie c .n be fuatnl aH along I he , v V I ,. il e h one ; " r re'i.h r. wu h lrm n,",-H:J' r'." "'""? r'" '""! ,"" " "" I We vtt a "r fri",- im- hU" '"
I. .....: ,-.... : " ages. limnl A0 1 oAvr. , "-;; ' ' f. ' ', .," , ', V " iei-irii..n lie . to. cent-, and the ,.re-ei,i
riuiuu..u.i;i itc., it ii.c" IS a very I i,,c V'-' "V. ........ .v-v'ttiii".. i 'registration -y.-.em Ha- Ik-i-ii Ioiiiv.t i.y uie
, - , , .,,, , , ' - - - ' merits ot aA II I.DAI MUlll. ami thus .,tai iluthoriti.-s to he virtually an. -Solute And they d'.ubtl-ir(ft .lud th.-y denir.tirly
.tem !0 bU..d;i)g. i lie!.! .iro tlO ilOsi.le ,, , nv,...l 1 tl,r.,..ol. ' ' "" "' ,,"re:,-,"-' c:v,,n ",,,r ,.,',,,l' U,A" protection a;aii..-l I... ,- h mail AM p.-t- with all.
ii- ... I 110 l.ltC slot ill CXteilUCU llirOUgll ,,t prcM-ut. our va-t circle ol admirer, .-ome '. . ...... ..... ,,.i,....,i ... ,..,,...,.,. h-n.-r- when- I rr it i;-i . . i
Indians 111 tills pt; ot riieaij.ii. - , " tll,ie the loan ofa sinnle p.iptr. or a """-
MatiV leoi 'e 111 tl-eei-t ti-ink e,. -OUtneiU 5-.:v Cs, atnr.II.1 COIr-IU',r- , (.ullll..n.lation. will Miceed in piiltiiiK:i ...Mte...i- e .'t,. -r,:hf.V . th. i s i... onecin -av the price i- too Inch.
. uj tu, ,c t..i, ci ii.iiik t , , i.,111:l i ,t -.;.. )' joiirujl where ev. r aiterwaid it heeomes a , ,..,., ;, ,.,. ,: rec-nt I
UeJgv-ca:. be gr.. ; liarljJ ofllle roa,aiy C0U,jeraWrui--i:Ie'e, and in about three J ,H ,...
tea s lorm a .-uaiciiiii oainer to guaiu L hromo I ii iting His oe-n aoopteil to Centennial year. It i- .l-o iho.ann which , H fit it PStSt It 0.4
un-ttes-,,.,- from caule. Our A disputcU Iron. Itm ana slate prodrug T"l Wib u-ed an dll ' w
piM.-pects thru railroad are that the town of Winchester has irad be.;;, given a- a premium to the sub- w.hlllr1,Ii:aB he)Kirf .-:. mk-l l llL bt'1 ' 'tt-r,'1- "-' "d all w
, , , , .... - i -cilO"r ot allV p:.l)Cr. j elettioir.M IVe-iiMit ot th- l lilted .-tate-. ,
t -.iug, ami ui ad prdiabthty a road a ihowcr of fish. I he -jky being clear, Tli;. ('b-otuoi-- i perfect com of art A" " --" ,v,":-arr "" " "' ""re: ; fork waukantko. '
w-!'be buiit up the valley in the SUn shiuing, the shower of living fish i; would easilv retail for six or se've:" iKl-KtSi 'in"i! I 1
.......... . r -- ... ; :.!.-. i
iuui.'c oi a , uui ui int-iii iiii; oui.-ini .
Svo kadk. Neb , Murch "ith, J'k '
ho. l tl-EF. It appears tliat winter ,
lias faii-v s.-t in. and that tliu-e who
Ion-, will be doomed t di-appoit-
., , . ,.,.
l.tLlitiM i.iiiil i1tvrn nu
Uienr. OUCIl IS Hie.
ed that he would-preach in theoldscd
school house, on It... Creek, on a ct r
tain night. Accordingly Deacon V ,
who, by the way, is the Director of
tbe district, went to work, to otaS
-hut. ready for the occasion In orr-
det that 'the hungry suis thirsting I divine truths might receivesaid.
blessiag ia comfbt. Lite said deacon
oceeaeu-u) snove. me snow out or
thesod an-afiraifitit, he then went to
. nc.ghbo hummt S0UJe plank
anj an 0u o-e, n& au tbinjfs v o.
readiness. The night set a 4ukv
bedly hoped that the winter season Street iieachin-,' is not popular at I j;"-r. .... ..,,. ....,, m,.r rbin2 ).,lc,
t - t a .. -- ,---.. ,-. ,--- . -,....., ...-, ii, i---ii i inn' i t. -! ) i n iiu.
tl bxi-5 nivav w.t lout anv SiiOfti I ,.(. liev. Maxt-.iL UiiileriooK to .-...... .t. .-... -rtth .h.. ..-..,. .r. .;..., . r..r ; u-.n i... .....n..r.. I
d stormy and that -prin, and all it, hold prayer meetiingso,, the sidewalk, ,,;irtit., wr.hinjrf0 uk( -SATUlt" Vfltu
-- - -- mj .-.- ,.- m- wi m w m org m mm m m w m-m in m mmw m, fi f iifiifi m rm-'W ' vm fc'tL' .-- - --- ....a-'i..
'I'..... ...... I ......!.. .C .1.:.. . r..:..:... ... ....iP .-n rli.ntrbiiii. f. rin.'nt into i .. it- n . j ..i n ' Ihe We-.7jr .. b a Sa; ttai ,&l aeir-
I imiiiu li-.ri.i j ! ori,Hi I li. eiiioiiiL' eit and -cliool election-. . Vir'Wjr x. ! read has its re-.iders in every Sutea .d Ter- '. "
... . i , , . t - THE FOLLrtWSXO ARK CLUR RATF.S. ritory. and we tnist that tho. ar 1...,U . , ::r -iZ.j-n -i .e-.--
lateiv; at ibast i hey thought I hev We'ltf .. .. ,. n . A . -. i. .. -n i - tn.irnumbe'. doubled. It will eontmu- to '
- . ,. , . , THE PNciAY OF DISEASE I COr 10 we Will send Umr )r tor he : thoroush newspaper. Alllhe .cur.1 ,
goms to be so favored. It appeals mt-.Hw.wii ui '-"- one year to one aidre or each new of the day will he found in it.e..nden..i
that a minister of t he ge.-p.l autiuuue- I -"rn P 7 t? fr J? 5. 5 il ' com to a separate address.. . f J? "? ""-S . ll: Lf "." f fn7.. ..I!" 'J OVSTKItS in everv stvle.
damp and dismal, and moreover it was
snowing. Feeling that it was our duty
to attend church at every opportunity,
, . . , , , ,, ,
we groped our way to the school house.
.1 a : . ...
I AlrIV!ll. t,e,e we found no m.m-er.
and nut much of a congregation. "2
. man -tood in the doorway with u.oop -
' in" head a:id woeful visage, prolaoly
meditating on tiic depravity of human
naiuic. Aiiotner person was iti-ide
the house wrest. ing wii 11 tne stove anu
u iiie of wet wood, living but in vu;n,
to s.a.t a
Hie. t was liv.ilent t bat
theie would be no meet. 115: that iiiriti
and we returned home a wiser if not a
better man.
There has le3n a new puto3icu
e-ubh-iicd on Kl:u UieeL L the ir.uiie
, of iuChade, near ihe nht id'the old, IlOUl WJs ell : du'lVcd Its
name. I Jut oM i.leuu, M. it. 1 uoUKta
t- du y cu-:.iiled a postma-ter, who
by 1 he way "-on- of the oil .-oitL-rs .
IL. ,a, e.eeva'j.l ..: d.12 out,
andb.'-n; the ir-t funow in Batiu Vo :r.-. ele , X
An experienced farmer, with whom
we recently conversed, -said he had al
ways good luck with pig.-?, and a visit
to his sties confirmed the assertion.
Some notes on his management can
hardly JiiM to prove interesting.
1 The prevalent idea (hat niifs should
fu'l as they will hold, and e. ially
t oseju-t wcan-d The suckinjr pig
' 'ts his rations often and in moderate
form growih, building up a frame I
wniiout too great accumulating fact,
Wuatiina time is naturally am! jVly
legaided as a critical peiiod. and here 1
is w',u,e "iier- aie apt to err in high
feeding with rich aud concentrated
Cow's milk is excellent, and if most
of the cu-aiu has been skimmed off, it
probably c ones naarer the pig's natur
al food at this tender a,e than any
01 her. But milk is rejected as not
lieh and "fattening" enough' and corn
meal, the most cocentrated kind of
food, is substituted in its stead. Now
com meal is altogether too diih;;ilt of
dige.-tiou for weaning pigs, aud at most
should only be given in small piopor-tion-;
with an exclusive corn met! diet
the young pigJ will stop growing longer
or larger frames and begin to pile on '
the fiit on caicasses too atuail for profi
table feeding. A treat deal better
plan is to continue feeding milk, and
this spaiiugly, adding a In tie Iran ami
a veiy small quantity of corn meal.
The la.-tcau be increased as l he pie..
become accti-tomed to the change of
diet and their stomachs wi!l bear a
-t ronger f-od.
The wheat bran aud skimmed tni'k
-upply the phn-phatc- build up
the pig's frame, while a re y li'ilr.
sens lYreal wiil supply ihe fat forming
material which i taken fiom milk
aud cream, and at a greatly reduced
co.-t. At no lime should pigs bo
s'aived or stinted, but it is important
to remember the p a- may be and wii ti
as bad ic.-ults as from feeding to lit-
tie. Great care is needed in feeding
any "kind of very young annuals', and
the pig. being especially piggish in his
giecd, is particulaiy liable toinjuiv
riDU) eating too hearth. With all
young animals growth rather than
fat-hm!d'. and phosphaiic
foods should be given as far as pos.-i
b- C 1 n it? every stage of feeling of'
snon ii H ilc T ira i ..i.rn.,1, unit uioi
. ... ,, ,' , v ., ,
Was a heavy tail at Kalelgll,W. V. .. Willi
. , . . . - , '
mte.'i-ecoid. and lue pi'aelicrop i-be-
i.eved to be killed. The stoim Wa,
... .. . . i. I
SHOW fell a6 Cf.tliatlOOga, and tlie.e
very severe at a'l poims on me gnu. ;
l Arkansas s:,o fell to : de:,tl, ot '
. . . i i... i
.... . ,.,i ., : ....
I he -orui wa.s general ano in some
1 . .. ...! T.ll ....,..
" t 'i..! Liti.L i.P .if lioirnr
about It ur feet lonp. It ia suppo-cd t
, i i i- i ..
I that the p,-ep!e ot are better
i ,.!..: .. lv' ...n...l-.. t,.i..h
. churchmen thaniue.r Kencuck neigh
rOM'U'eTircil ami - c;l aiijt;- un .-tiut
, , , ,, - i
borand Inuce tticr si
nice their shower was a
i of li h in-tead of flesh. '
.on oue
Theie ,s considemble excitement and
, . .. rt....i,:.... .l....t.t.a
Hie l-oe oi sneet .tat. . ....-..-
Is the Giand Old
Whlrk HmNImnI (hetr-t nt4)yemr.
1 r- l mm m i will Ul,
wmm liMirai- i will Hftt can.
trk ww Im. f hait itMiiei lh- !
mi IMMjr.wrH-MP 4y M" m Umrmmm-th-r
IHMwe-ile Ai.ImI. tfcwt !
mnl Yl-M ! It NNir Twe.
bMlet'wiiwFa- te. r IOO-f-W
new mti. ik life r Hawuur
kclwc wwl rvrr t UUr mI Vp-
i.-i ii ti:,ir. i ii 1 1 ns uiucil'u uui. iu uu .u inn uiuit. . M.i i .itiiii I lor a -oorier iicnu'i ui'irc m hk uiii; u .iwii "t mc mihiuhic
1 i-ri-k-ifi iUWZJ Kor11J
r ,. - m m . w m k. a.
'Tratlt Stras-r Thaa Ficties."
THE best border book y Ef OCT.
'Hie Publishing Hnu-e (if .J.L.
i,.i rii.. ,t- (, have latch brou-'ht '
, .M.iiru v to., nat uh.ij
out "Uur WKSTKIIKN I'OliliKrt OXK
1;Nll VEAW Ai," bv Cliaie.
l, -Knight, author of ' Simnn (iiity'' '
1 and ''Oil rrt Put-ucsuc. It 1- a
' large, elegint, wen-printed, j
uouuu ami ueauriiuiiv-uiu-trated oc-
tavo, of nearly eight hundred page-,
fiUed with the Stirling needsaud thrill-
iritf adventure. of the ureal naught
old Borderer--such dauntless worthie.
f? ""'. 1V","i ,a,lV ugan
Haaod. .McColloch, Mrl'lel'au. the
I'oes tlie A me-, and the We-'ze'a. It
contains the vei3" arum of all the rare
old Bolder I'hionicle-, tog. ther with
ava-t amount of fresh and original ,
matter, the wh.le work embnicuii:
stra-'ge and thrilling narrative of
daring deed.-, desperate Conflict.-, ex- '
citing ail ventures, touching ciprmtii-,
and is chimed to n- the De-t. fullest,
mo-t comjilete, and mo-t tellable port
layal of Border life, strugg'e and ad
vmture tar ict nn'.Hhcil.
"Uur We-tei u Bolder" 4rws the'
unmistakable fl .-or of the soiRind the
Iree air ol the wilih-rness about it. It J
it a squaie, honest, and eihau-tive j
work, without any of tlie u-ual " pad
ding."' Althuugli sold for $3 it is
equal in extent of contents, 10 the
1. . I. ....... 1 1. ..fir. 1 .:...
rti ii,i:lTlri;T
most warmly eudor.-ed by leading Dt-
vine, and iiu.ori:.,,.. i:.. ui.-r....
of Ohio, says, that "' a mini-ter may
as well be without a llihlr., a- a nico
tian without "1 ur Western Border."
Judge Veech, Hi-torian. sSi It-pos-es-or
will fe savd the porcha-e
ofa score of books most of wifich are
out of print, many of them as preeioii
us Sybilline leaves " Judge White
a-.-erts "The work ought to be in
every household." The I'hihide'phia
I'resssays. " Cha-s. .McKtnght is do
ing for the west, what (;er did for
New Voik but 1 he picture- of the
former have undoubtedly less of the
glamour of romance, and more of the
nutii of historic piiu ing. Slil nni
tU Attr.n''" Addit:-s,.MJ. McI'ihov
k I'O . rhiladelphi.i. 1., Cmiinuati,
O., t'hicago, III, or St. Louis, Mo.
., .,. ,. . 1 1 1 1.
A Magnificent ricture I4.:lsinchps
(TJ, ill sIZ.', printed oil heavy pijte p:i-
pcbeautiful ... de-ign and a..i-tie ,
execution. It represent- a C'Wl! UtT-
aie S .Idler after the war Htiunim: to
Ins home, which lie finds lonely and
dc-olaie. In fiont of the riiineiei;
tae, letting a sad tale of the tiit-er.-of
war.aie two graves with rude eros-es.
on one of which some fiieudly hand
ha- hung a garland. To the right the
cairn liver and the ri-ing moon indicate
peace ami rest flic stars seen thron.h
the tree-; represent the .Southern C10-.-.
i: 1-a pictuie that will touch even
Southern ImtfI and should find :i plave
in every Southern hiu:c. Sent by
mail mounted 011 a roller and post
naid on receipt of i" cent.-. Or o tor
till rents
Address John Buiutow&Co , '.
Bitisrui., Tknn
fiair Agents wanted everywhere to
sell our eiieap and popular pictures.
?.) to $1(1 per day easily made. No
money required until pictures are .-old
Send stamp for catalogue and term.-.
'Saturday Night"
ihs Best and Erighiect o; '.lie Weeklies !
l'ir illiilimi . ,';. 11. 11 1 1. iril'li'tl-
Iniii'ki ji oiirannounceineiit orthecome
inje 1 i.eieie'i-. ill plen-uie to tur
- icie .. hieii ha -tea.lily ulteinled .ill on
ellort.-io keep "-A 11 KDAY MitllT'
111 advance o. all couipe.i.or .
L.1-1 our ciieul.i ion nceafed with irmdi v.nnd tin n ursnieeol ihe piih
Iie l"ior u ileieniiiiicd 11-ni'ire ih.m er
to relax no effort, to .-pare no money time.
;ltni. 7
It-aerials will he thrillinc! Ilsaketche-
will he eiitertiiinitr.'! It.- .Miycell.iny will lie
i:iie.e.-.iu?j Its I'oe ry will lie charmim:!
No tiling wilt appear in is paiccj. that can of
lelid ihcrelisiouyoi political oe.iclofaiiyeiie.
'leir-ol thiuj":itnl of ilnllar werep.ud la-t
year to ur exclit-iv.- corps of writers. In the
cotniiii year. win. h already rbni a very
laiseiiie.ea.--in our sutiforiptiuii-. we sh.ill
not only retain nil our ola and popular w lit
ers, hut we .-halt add timr e.clu.-ive .-taff
Mich authors as may prove their claim to
popularity and .-how theitirvis worthy to
write tor a paper which Imhir a prouii pre-
! eminence over :i I competitors,
We receive many letters of commendation
i:iiiiiii-f -i-iiiti.
.. c ii. - . c . .. ...r-..
i!-u-:uid-of them and fort .- e here
rc, r , oiirsimnrrr tluniUs. and r iil;M that
ti,...c w...,o-mo.. rr--A lUitPAY NHJHT"
, ,,. ,iu. to rh..w and rcc m-
u.,..d it o,hcirac.,ua,ntenc-.
t.ih? re -r? ftMP. m snR!CnTTiB I
www - - - ----.
A Ma-xnificeut ..iTwkntv i
! Ml L-Ll'lll--.'Tl' (il. llllS. amifCl'lil lllcll-
.... . .....-. -w --------- , -.
es in size, will be prvsuiiU d to everv
yearlv -ub-eiiber of three dollars to
Kvery device knowtv to the aft of" i
.1. .!!.... 1. ...;il .- ......... tl,r....-..,,l.
r i n i . II - . .
", dollar.-s wfiieln we su nevr act
baefc. Ba never having given a
rl a . 0. ubciber we deter
u'"'a :( nur uo "" w unLr i
n,,U(l that when we did. do so, our it kiiii -3i a- iu iiij ti..j .-. ..-
Cbromo should be a good. picture ,
.. t . ... ii j..
" t,,e Dost ar":fs could de ten and the
I ino-icareiui printers execute.
i ....
than one year, can have the paprr I
mailed ro them -IX months tor f I.. yj,
. nnn,i1 . , . . (W ;
we will send' eight Copies to
J1 .
Ihe party who sends n ?Ni for a club
r -:u. -.: - 11 ,.. - -..
of eight copies ( all sent at one ,
time J Will be entitled to 1 COpy "RMS.
if i I...I. , . 'vl an i iruiw .rinv inonuaiin ui'ou i:ie-eai.
fi"ettrs up of Club- of eight copies ricultural department wfi:-
g.v , ii- I prominent feat'ire-. rhe f.i-hin re al-fl
can afterwards add Single COpiCS at rncularly re-.r.e.l in it- column-: and -.. an-
$2 ."HI each. th-ma.rket of every kind.
, , .i The Wkkkuy r. en.ii' pa'e- with Crtr-
Seiid Post (!ntce Orders, oc rectstcr x brsilv.irirT-i.-..iii ;! ; a. jar. i-
all money letters. Write Naue.Tnwn, ' ui-recwa. v. thii.rie-barely r-j.i. tne
.. . o. t . iir -tt j c.-t of Ine iF.pec, n.i-emnt cjco; mI-1
Lounty, state, plainly. e will send fjiH. a-eni... po-.j..ter-. o- .-.n one
Specimen P&pers free to any who will . Thciut.T. "i a l..ref.iur par ne. pa
send US llw-rr ad'rs porf:-nty-eilCht cduma-. ?:ve- all the
scdu U I-""! I r new, for two cent, a c-ipy. nlt-;ription.
I.-? IJ .x hli" hnoUi .
ftoD. t PfcT"SATl-RII.V NlUllT
thUadelpnii, Pa.
Goods anil
(ATS iiul irfeV
BWW1 alll R,lWJ!,!'
Hats? Caps. &
,, . 1f , ,,, .,
IteiltliJ . tl. Kit C loth in"
We have the Largest
oek in the Valley and will
, k ..MJnnnU
: not be undersold.
1 il V K 1 A C A LL. ) X V. k A L L
S. Carber & Co.
Km iw m v
vti Cloud, fcU.
I' U BLIC A T 1 0 X S -
-Sew ork Weekly.
1 " .ii"i !' i.iier. coni.-iuiiii; ion cu-
,hhoi rt .-t el.i -.;..-t li enure The
-t .""lone- and -k.iu.- .re al-a- to I.,.
, J'i'Ve'o.&nto f. ?.W.
An tight p.!- paper, cont.rintni; forty c d-
, ..mpri. iu.i .t th.-m.. renowned N'ove
'" '" ,.,,c u'"-'s- N' i.m-'i -e mi stone-
un uouiioiuki j iiiiiiiiii. 111 me ,cr ion.
teeki.:imi.i .Net stry i-commence.! evrj
.-.oii'l ). .-o new ri.i.ler- k t tli
jeiriimiiig of .1 .eu -lor no matter mien tlie
-no-, rilie Ue.-i le- the I .1:1; -tone-, ih.-re .1 e
.1 iiiiiii'i.t of yliorl -ke elie-, our
i :iiiiii't 01 Minn -kc cue, our l.i'
skHiri iw!.lr'r:;i:!:,J:";:;.;--
v:iriet t lv.-ultor n.i'liiii: matter t thf
1H...-I inleie.Jlnig eliar.i.- el. HieNiW .. k
W....1-1. ;. ........... .11. . 1.. ..... ... 1... ti...
iw'ui?ii!iA'NU"K,:,Cl1 ,,U'KI: IX
TI:h.M-TSLI:sCUH'i:Is.. l-o-tau-eii.
all c:i-e Prepaid l.yn.i in- cir. I'll.-..
s.' year. Two i-opi. ,-. iineir. four
.'i.i... lll lit... . 1 r. .!' ill ....i.l... 'tl lit...
Iliiiii'll. -."" cent-, inn liloiilh.--. lOeelit-. I'luee
iiionih- T.ccit- I'lmr 111 111. Ii-. -1 rh..-c
-eii.iiK--iMora-.liii...f Kij:h all .-ent it
one limv. will le eiititleil to a Ninth 1 op
Free, ' liii.-e.mal en .r.l.i.i.'l
" S ."in each, single I'opie-.
cent-, ii't.t'ti;.' ft . to ?-. . r. -... c.
" ftp.-c.iiiei I'.iple.- cm It -.-.-u .it ever
I'o't-olhec, .lr;i -lore, ana Hew- :.x-'ic
throughout the L.1.011.
Mammoth Monthly Reader
CoiiMln.' cisln l.irse p.itf. lill-.-o lonir
eoiiui-- ol liie 1110-1 i-iitcitaii'iii..'. oiivoi.i.
and 'elected leading matt. r. .Not.ilil K .-lit-.
Siranse. O.eur enee-. -n-ioneal nr.iti . .
In-irs lor Farmer- and .iniin-r-' t Ii-- Crimi
aKftehe-ol bote and Adven me. tir-i das
l.oMKS'torii . I'oei-y. e:.a-c .ml.r.n-c.l 111
lV-eoiit.lil.-ol Ihe MA.d.MjriI.Ii.MtlI.Y
nal 1. (.. Mil 01 III.- lit. III . .-e lilllic ,n'r
ti:u.m-to .-1 i.-i'i:ii:i:i:s.-n.. r,.pV.
in' ear. 7 ecni-. !", e 'i -. o.e c.i . - 1.
SI11 lei 1. pie-. -Scuts. '-.. ',.. .. .-.,.
S"f .'. io r.
.... - i 1 1 1
Iti'i'a weekly paper. I-iim-1 1 i-ci:i. i
for lh mlertailimeiil ol oitni; I'eople. It
eontainsdel ttlittully inr i.- imc l..ii,. .ri.-.
plci-on;; -KeichtS. I'.ile- olA.vci lire, ami
v.iriou-mi-e-ll.iiuo.i' n ..i-..coii
ia:u-1 Kcuioii-a-11 euii.-ii- ,'.iii.'
ades. Helm e-. in-.riicli- .M nlieiiiatical
Problem?, ami a Checker I'.imiiiiii.
'i kkms To -I i:.-ci:ii:hi:.s :
Onccopv. 1 vear.. .-.' 1 1 1 "ieopt.-- 1 y'r ?" o)
" t iiionih-... I-'il'. . I year. 7 no
:; ... ui , : 1 '.'ii
' " t week-. .. .1S " Ijear. 17
sjiiivle I'opV. I ite.'em-.
I ti K I l:K- IV A. I. iT-skS.
In tii.iLiii..rtiiitt...i.... I, f. I
av. procuie a dra.l on New ork. ora l'o-i
' -Hk-e .Monev Older, il pi-.-ihle. Wher- i.r-
..-.t.. - . i i ... i..-t.i iiit.. iii.ii.iri tii. -ii- nit- i-
. uniiiiuifiy nin'-i. ry, 10 ill-lire uiu pin
l(iC - verv. .j k-ii,.rs
u l.'.ttcr--hould hcaddu-.-ed to
' """",''.
ST-IEST & SoIiiiJ,
I..O..ioIVJ. 3.a7.3ai
Ko.i i.. .
,. .iy j,,.,., ry, to in-iire the prompt!
T I i 1 W K K K I A S I ' N
IT7. Mill VOltK. IS7U.
Hshtcen hundred and seventv-i i- ihe '
them will l.e lullt and Iri-hlv r-irtrted and
l T . --
expo'iiiuci in in. --.
ThcO jKisinon H..j ..f Heprentatire. r
takinx up the hue .r iminir) t-. Tear- ,
'' Tm -. -'l --ter l ..nd d,.u-.t
-livwtij5a,c the0l,r,ipti..n. :,nd mi-l-ed. ..' t
or..iita.lmini-ir..r.Mi:.iiid will, n i t he I
honed. U the foundation ; ler a n-w and het- ;
ter period in our n-itional lu-tory 'if.iilihi-
rhr .,, w, vttnUm c. U1,,i . c !ind aecur., .
I at-coun-s. lurni'-hin; it- readers with e.iriy
? ?,llTZ.,V.
tho-"ehorea.l Th sii will have the mean-
0n,etuz thoroughly well inlormM.
clcr. iutercuns: ,ini in-trurtire ma nncr.
lr t.mirslfn ii ffikthtt-tlvth
shall cuntmne ficivc m it-column-a Ur
s-noiint mictiiane..u. readme, -uch a-
l"Tlj. tale. M.em'. wieniitic llitellircnce.
antl -xi itorina i(.n. frwhiche
have n mom monr daily '-otion. rhea.-
i"Mtas prepaid. Vj c. a mn h or -' ay-r
'.o,(- e-Iiuor extrw-..P' per year. e
uat e no tra -ins a.nt.
A.O.----'. TH E SUN. V- V -k firr
Billiard Parlor.
Or llais Sweet, asr. i;cr ts S3 Z'uzi
Dm; Stcre.
Vll lovers of the game arc invited to
SnlTX fn'-h assortment of fcar, can-die-,
and nut-, alwav on hand.
Crentlemauly clerk- always ob hand
to attend to cu-touiers.
nl if KI. .SMITH, 1'rop.
Chas Potter,
Keep-the i..'-t and larirc.-t Prui:
Store '.n Bed Cloud.
I're-criplion- carefully coajpounded
both day mtl night. n if
The Best Paper For Farmers' "
Is rii:
Weekly Tribune
I 0.V1-: lil.l. It ..-r irreltib- of tlnrt
t or over. ieciiiieii eopic- Iree. For letnt-
; .111.1
Cl'llllll I--I.1II-.
Aildres-TIIKTKIUI NK. New rk.
CifC OH l"'r '" at home. -.itm.le-
wiu Wlirl, 4I Irw. ,,. AMI,
rortiaiiii. Miuc
;jacub kohl,
j nKAi.ffl: r.v
' wlne8' Linuor and Cfgars,
i . .
-iti. AUi.Ui.ia A .f.viA.TV.
! Corner of l-t Street and Ila-iings
Avenue, lla-trng-. Neb. Il-ly
Dr. Peter Head.!
, K.a 2 I ' !' kiliiinii
"- ' m "
- fiier-in- .-rrviee- in rue pniHie,
,, -ii ,.,...,,.1 ... .11 .,,r..w........l ....II.
win nil eiio 111 .111 :roie noiai ran -
Office 0r to, fa, rc.
...,.,., ...-
ilvii , , l?iiCfl I n-n. v
Mtl-i jssas: ' .- -;
Dcnt'ef House.
! J, II. SHITH. PrasrUter. i
The Wily fir-t-ela;- hon-e fu flit- eif x
I Stage l('.'l VC- t hi- lol-p rVI'IV other
' j- i 1 n 1 1 1 " f- i.
' morning lor Ucil tloiiii and the . V.
If If .11
' nil
$1 O it lny at home
1 lit and term. Ire
kii-tii. .Maine.
e. ."is.'ii -" nantf.1. i t -
e. 1 i:t"l-: A CD.. A11-
m m m m &m m m
smun a: uaiveri
' bed cloud - - i:e..
1 U II 11 1 1 U IL ill f
In Ked I'loiid. N'.-h . tit tli. in.'.! ..twirl.
Tide!ihttul to -ec ti.e l'i' n
I h.iiid.
! The e :i -ilppl. it may trrl la- nid
M which is tor th.-lit ini: r
' dead. ,
J .... ...,,.. it . 1 1 1 - I
,,,,J harel, .hair- I
I or:is. oureailr. ami all kind.-of -ucli ware-
, Crih-. Ioiihl'.- -eit -.-.and mattr.--.- f...,
Which tor all kind- ol folk- and ae.- will I
They hnv-j ai;oi'and hor-c tor children to
Which will pleart wire :inl h exceed-
iiiBl well.
They p j ca-hforthe-e ihirik- and -elect
,.,., wi.h care.
And will -ell them a- cheap a -an toned, ire.
. .
toyouall. holh roim? and old.
S. V. Ludlow
' Is now prepared to io all kinds of Work ,
I ,..-.,..
I . I 1 1 c
I ? -
j 4Bmv i
Done on -bt notice and at rca.-onablp
Shop in M-Nitts Store.
Red Ctotffll TlebrrtKn.
I t. . T...- ...1.3 t.A.. T.ll.-o
and Canned goods of all kind-.
ClgarS & TobCCO-
The hichest market price paid for
Farmer' from th Ileptib'irn
Vaev will do rTT to- ?ive n- a c-II
when in towtr.
C. If. ATHWART, side fia-irirr: A'?nne
nil .1m. U.ti-TlNf. NIT
im iiiTr' itt ii.I'I.m: Nt iiiLr. ( t Tti r'v p.f .,,,
Is herf you can bay
llenil Jiiui- 4MiliiItLr Haf.viS: .
Hoof & Slio'i. Urnvvi Its, -
and 11, tkrlinr nj cr.eral ICtflhar.C tSfe.
It will pay you to t x.ttnit y -tH-l and price- ! fore bin n s: ' -
whrre. A iiiendly invnaiioii extemKd to all.
tr All I a-k i- a trial and I am -W that I rati r.r. ir.c- , n vi r L,
keep the largest stocJc 5nd the cluape-t store west ol the Mmuii
P. S.
Highest afket Price paid for all tad
of Country Produce, Hidts and Furs.
Oil AS. R. JONK5,
Juniata- lMbaskm
CAP Tinware,
lliglit-Ht tali lrite
. .. . -. . . - . -w - z-s . . - . v . - . - -.
. 1. Tj j ij 1 (j $) fj ftf $ f fj i
I. t. I'otter ha-i ju"? cee?vcd
u U Vj m K
niiiS dProiiif.iiiiii.. -
Kvei brought to the Vallev, GlVe nn a i all .'i.d mine t b
' and pricccs.
-T. G. Potter
Red Cloud. Nebraska.
mmmm -. .
Kerp.cnn-tar.tly on hand the large-! stork of Dry f'inc LuUiitT''
the We.-t Al.-o
ki.ixih Mori.iii-M, j.m;;
and all kinds of
wvriM.myu n a t k it i a fy
Our stock i- well vctal and purchased direct from the raft., nnf
ill be sold a- low as i-he lowe-t.
1 Hasting, Nebra&kf.
Ilavp opened a now .torcand'fiave
;tock of
HARDWARE, C-IIer.v.C-rirnlr A
with oar Stor?. We maniifictarr Tin,
Our Strvk U I.AH'IKnnd well n"ort-d. id - will deal Ji Iot
e ar,y houv: 'Tet ot Li-',c",,
Call and Site Sfmrm
Opro?H rh Lumber Var
Red Cloud- - -
I'nitl for lrain.
the lines I a. -rinn M oi
lurm,;iii;iT'' 4
r f
jt received a foil -! ' ' ?
Copper A Flirel'Iron Wire
Purehjfi itki.
- Iffcbrask-'