The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 30, 1876, Image 4

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jemiine merit won the .- -.iiw v xuukuuui;,
1 It. It U made from If VEi.ETINE wM! relieve n!n. c c.Ef. pun-
i muiiiicsmu ii;ci-r,rc:nnii; la" Da'Ieat
rayhearf u-..- . .
Yet Ms.. "nrC" rnd
CUUM Dflve denoted n
" wav.
1 pfctrtti.. i..i .. .
---. -au aua tJcw
W ,k door hit h,nUe1 10 ,M
Niched ar.v, ,;". '".
Hj,"-..iT""- "u,jr Ms or.. n.w
iL-iiruhir atliMe.
Ttd brother.
17 av, oco ty nc, th ir j.nmcjB done;
Within the flro burin warm and bright;
Mo child 8h lorm no bride in white.
Comes t j 1 he door; A ! to and fro.
Death xtilltd their voices lonj; ago.
The old oak door U mourning; I syeat,
Anlit an-uera luck in a p.tlcmn creak:
Oh, treat-arc holy, lion ever lowly.
To wnii' jon seem a a hysonc dream.
You are to me, for child! oodV t n
Have vac-ed 1. ion an J died within;
So, deir old dor, Blug to and fro,
Ae borne worn bhu le, tired and plow.
Ho Tel If or a Cho of Croup in the Mc
IVltliauitt -Finally.
Well, to fo back where I was before I
digressed to explain to you how that
frightful and incurable disease, mem
branous croup, was ravaging the town
and drivinir all mothers mad with ter
ror, I called Mrs. McWilliaras's atten
tion to little Penelope, and said: ''Dar
ling, I wouldn't let that child be chew
ing that pine stick, if I were you."
"Precious, where is the harm in it?"
eaid she, but at the tame time preparing
to take away the stick for women can
not receive even the most palpably judi
cious suggestion without arguing it;
that is, manied women.
"Love, it is notorious that pine is the
least nutritious wood a child can
My wife's hand paused in the act of
taking the stick, aud returned itself to
her lap; she bridled perceptibly, and
said: "Hubby, you know better than
that. You know you do. Doctors all
say that turpentine in pine wood is good
for weak back and the kindneys."
"All 1 I wan under a misapprehension.
I did not know that the child's kidneys
and spine were affected, and that the
family physician had recommended"
"Who said that the child's spine aud
kidneys were affected?"
".My love, yon intimated it."
"The idea! I never intimated any
thing of the kind."
"Why, my dear, it hwm't teen two
minutes since you said"
"Brjther what 1 said 1 I don't care
what I did say. Tucie isn't any hatm in
a child's chewing a bit of JW'perfectl
she wantb to, ainidfll chew it, too! So
well, now!"
"S ly no more, my dear. I now see
the force of jour reaoning, and I will
go and order two or three cords f the
best pine wood to day. Xo child ol
mine shall want while 1"
"Oh, please go along to your cilice
and let me have s nie peace. A body
can never mako the s inplest remark but
you must take it up and go to argu w,
and arguing, till you don't know what
you are talking about, and you never iW
"Very well, it snail b; a you 6ay.
But there is, a want ol logic in your last
remark which"
However, she was gone with a flourish
before 1-coul.i linisi,. and had taken the
child with her. That night, at dinner,
she confronted me with a face as white
as a sheet.
"0:i, Mortimer, there's another! Lit
tle Georgie G onion U taken."
"Membranous croup?"
"Membranous croup."
"Is there any hope or him?"
"None in the wide world. Oh, what
is to become ot us?"
By and bj ur nurse brought in our
Penelope to s-y good night, and offer
the customary prayer at mother's knee.
In the midst ol "Now, I lay me down
to sleep," she gave a slight cough. My
wife fell buck like one stricken with
death. But next moment she was up
and running away with the activeness
which terror inspires.
She commanded that ihe child's crib
be removed from the nursery to our bed
room; and she went along to see the
order executed. She took me with her,
of course. We got matters arranged
with tpeed. A cot-bed was put up in
my wife's dressing room for the nurse.
But now Mrs. McWilhams said we were
too far away from the other baby, and
what if he were to have the symptoms
in the niht? and she blanched again,
poor tlrng.
We then restored the orib and the
nurse to the nursery, and put up a bed
for ourselves in a room aojoinimr.
Presently, however, Mrs. 3lcVi!liams
said : "Suppose the baby should catch
it trom Penelope?" This thought struck
a new panic to her heart, and the tribe
of us could not get the crib out of the
nursery again fast enough to satisfy my
wife, tbouh she assisted in her own
person, and well nigh pulled the cnb to
pieces in her frantic hurry.
We moved down stairs, but there was
no place to stow the nurse, and Mrs.
McWilliamssaid the nurse's experience
would be an inestimable help. So we
returned, bag and baggage, to our own
bed-room once more, and felt a great
gladness, like storm buffeted bird that
have found their nests again.
but there's somc-
t his sleep no a. He
is to breathe so reir-
ris dreadful !"
he always breathes
"Oh, I know J, but there's something
dreadful about il now. His nurse is too
youDg and inexperienced. Marie shall
stay there with ier, and be on hand if
anything happen?."
"That is ., Priori but who will
I .am' cwwv ..w,
"You can help me all I want, i
wouldn't allow anybody to do anything
but myself, anyhow, at tuch a tioie as
and sleep, and leave her to watch and tun I
.- ,:, :.,... .,
over uui uiuu jiuin:iiL ;iu ui'J hcji v
night. But she reconciled me to it. o
old Maria departed and took up her an
cient quarters in the nursery.
Peuehpp coughed twice in her sleep.
"Oh, why don't the doctor con:??
Mortimer, this room is too war.i . Thi
room is certainly too warm. Turn eft
the register quick !"
I shut it off, glancing at the ther
mometer at the same time, and wonder
ing to myself if 70 was too warm for a
sick child.
The coachman arrived from down
town now with the news that the phy
sician was ill and confined to his bed.
Mrs. McWilliams turned a dead eye upon
me, and said in a dead voice, "There is
providence in it. It is foieordained.
nc never was sick before. Neer. We
have not been living as we ought to
live. Mortimer, time and time again I
have told you so. Now you see the
result. Our child will never get well.
Be thankful if you can forgive yourself.
I never can forgive myself."
I said, without intent to hurt, but with
heedless choice of words, that I could
not see that we had been living such an
abandoned life.
"Mortimer!" Do you want to bring
the judgment upon baby, too?"
Then bhe began to cry, but suddenly
exclaimed, "The doctor must have sent
medicines 1"
I said, "Certainly they are here. I
was only waiting for you to give mc a
"Well, do give them to me! Don't
you know that every moment is precious
now? But what was the use in sending
medicines when he knows that the dis
ease is incurable?"
I said that while there was life there
was hope
"Hope ! Mortimer, you know no more
what you are talking about than f"
child unborn. If you would "
,. .. ,- . give one tes-
live, the directiop" , -
i Hour! Once an hour!
J- e had a whole year before Us to the child in! Mo. timer, please
hurry. Give the poor peiishing thing
a tablespoonful and try to be quirk."
"What, my dear, a tablespo.mful miyht"
"D.n't drive mc frantic?
There, there, then-, my precious, mv
own; it's nasty, bitter stuff, but it's g.x i
for Jnelly good for mother's precious
darling; aud it will make her weil.
There, there, there, put ne littie head
on mamma's breast and go to sleep, and
pretty soon Oh, I know she can't live
till morning! Mortimer, a tables-noon
ful every half hour will O.i, the
clrld neei7s belladonna, to! I know
she does -and aconite. Get them, Mor
timer. Now do let me have my way.
You know nothinir about these thiui-V
We now went to bed, placing ihe crib
close to my wife's pillo.v. All this tur
moil had worn upon me, and within two
minutes I was something more than half
asleep. Mrs. McWilliams roused nie:
"Dai ling, is that register turned on?"
"1 thought as much. Please turn it
on at once. This room is cold."
I turned it on, and presently fell
asleep again. I wa aroused once more.
"Dearie, would you mind moving the
crib to your side of the bed? It is nearer
the register."
I mov.d it, but had a collision with
the rug, and woke up the child. I dt zed
offftuce more, while my wile qulete 1
the sufferer. But in a little while these
words came muimuriug remotelv
through the fog of my drowsiness :
"Mortimer, if we only had some goose
grease will you ring?"
I climbed drearily out, and stepped on
a cat, which responded with a protesT,
and would have got a convincing kick
for it, if a chair had not got it instead.
"Now, Mortimer, why do you want to
turn up the gas and wake up the child
"Because I want to see how much I
am hurr, Caroline."
"Well, look at the chair, too I have
no doubt it is ruined. Poor cat suppose
you had "
"Now, I am not going to suppose any
thing about the cat. It never would
have occurred if Maria had been allowed
to remain here and attend to these du
ties, which are in her line, and are not
in mine."
"Now, Mortimer, I should think you
would be ashamed to make a remark
like that. It is a pity if you can nor
do the few little things that I ask of you
at such an awful time as this, when our
child "
"There, there, I will do anything you
want. But I can't raise anybody with
this bell. They're all gone to bed.
Where is the gooe grease?"
"Oh the mantelpiece in the nursery.
If you'll step in, there and epeak to
ilaria" - '
match to."
i uriggeu myjrj,, ol
and then Hat down dis
"Mortimer, don't sij
jour death of cold.
A9 I was stepping il
wait a moment. Pkl
some of the medicine
Which I did. It
which made a child
so my 'aiju uiaue use
tprval to strip it aad
witu the soosc oil.
ones more, but once
"Mortimer, I feel
-. .. m :
instinct 7. ineiu i
thia discaso as a dralt.
. , ...
I 'Hd it, and colli
aain. w'.iich I thre
Mrs. McWilliams sp:
re-cued it, ami we ha
had trifling
and then got up, by
structcd a flaxseed p
placed upon the chil
there to do its hea'.ing
A wood fire is not a
I got up evry twent
newed ours, and this
liams an opportunity
times of giving the
minutes, whic h was a
to her. Now and th
I reorganized the flax
applied einapisms ai
where unoccupied pi
upon the child.
Well, toward mori
out, and my wife wan
cellar and get some
it is a laborious job,
be nearly warm enou
clothing. Now mi
another layer of poul
I did not finish, b
ruptpd. Hugged w
for some little time,
and fell to snoj'ng
whose strength is al
soul is worn out.
Last, at broad day
on my shoulders th:
senses suddenljrwifo wa3 glaring
down ou uifp ft .. As soon a
she couUiMa'nd her tongue she said,
"It is all over. All over! The child's
perspiring! What shall wo do?"
"Mrrcy, how you terrify me. 1 don't
know what we ought to do. Maybe if
we scraped her and put her in the draft
again "
"O, idiot! Thero is not a moment to
lost'. Go f't the doctor. Go yourself,
reii him he must com0, dead or alive.'
I drained thatpo n- sick man from his
bod aid brought himdewn. He Ioik'-t
at the child and sai 1 s'io wag not dyin.
This was j y uuspeik&ble to me, b-Jt il
ninde my wife as mud as if he hi!
off-red a i er-onal aflront. Then he said
the child's cough whs only C'iU3el by
some trill n irritation or other in the
throat. At this I thought my wife ha 1
a n.ind to show him the door. No, the
ioc'or raid ho would make the c uh
harder and dislodge the trouble. .So :,- utr sometiuug th.xt sent her m:. :;
spa-m o coughing, and presently up
came a little wood splinter or so.
"This child has no membranous
croup," sail he. "She has been chewing
a bit of p:uo shingle or something of
the kind, and ot some littles liver
in hr throat. Tney won't dj her any
"No," said 1. "I can well beh'ovc
that. Inded. tho turoentine that U in
them is very good for certain diseases
that are peculiar to children. Myvife
will tell you so."
But she did not. She turned away in
disdain and left the room: and since that
time there is one episode in our lif.j
which we never rifer to. Hence the
tio'e of our days flows by in deep and
untroubled serenity.
People Calling for Work.
There is an urgent call by the Phila
delphia press upon the farmers to fur
nish work tor the thousands thr.t are
idle in that citv. With ail the extraor
dinary preparations made for the Expo
sition dunng the last year, there are
not less thau 10,900 able-bodied men in
that city, embracing all the varied
branches of skilled and ordinary labor,
who cannot lind employment at any
wages, and there are other thousands
now gladly laboring at scarcely half pay
to obtain bread. A New York paper
siys of this, that the complaint and suf
fering is not peculiar to Philadelphia,
for here there are nearly three times
10,000 peple receiving full or partial
aid from our public and pi ivate institu
tions. The tendency of young men and
women is toward the city. If these
people really knew, or acted upon, their
own bct interests, they would rather
look to the country for relief than to
the cities. More is to be got out of the
soil than out of the bricks and mortar ot
our crowded cities.
The two lnrycat siugie plate glasses
ever made are now being manufactured
by an Indiana firm lor the Centennial.
They 'will be twenty-two feet long by
seventeen wide, one of which will be
silvered as a mirror and the other plain.
Yeoman's New pring Bed
Is the mot de icious luxury vou can prob
ably find. Celebrated as all his beds nave
bt come, tin? new oa e leads them all,
aad with the increased facilities lor
manufdcturins since his removal to 250
State street, Chic&eo, he can supply t,he
irule ami individual orders.
........ . .. vvu
"hlcaeo. Eari'nsrton
. ,' I i .
to elvc nosice to
I that the last oacortn
S T5
. , . '
-. Tl
l- jv r.m
ietnt inlerett, or at less
Iwo jesrs credi, or for
i rcmalnln'n r.nyor.o
terms of -ale. w 1.1 be
application to the meal
lALIN, Land Cummis-
lho Vtsetine has
fala of five, ten and
:re thepati-nt has had
Icy of the known reme-
Vier:ac. the common
U1t, work diifcrently
ert-jken." Veseilce
t.ei'yniem. Try it.
i w-iiedwith Dobbins'
k 2'"- A to., I'hiladel-
' f- nOfnil Mitwta uv.k
m' viuiuir aki
I athboard than on th
"-! i r i: a ale of I'.rltiD
y a:s n urartlcsne
l? -( .r ti.u c .i. ....
M, llcd and Ncrxoa--ind
Abnti ul .Map
it d even after ctherr
: any ca-e ot hemim
henf any kind nrrmr
sue to care. Lwiin
l"or dlseneu pecullw
:umn stamp? for.
'for circular. Addref-a, KIT Perry street.
-IVrhaps the mot
t dii-criminatiD!' and
A contained in nubile
Ira -e h own lreods in
. atd yet if the people
; i Iv btcacfe tlie-e lt
utdic i? never c !re-
Ut evidences tt.en of
ere.-tK in its i.oru ari-
public recehec tho
otter nrirumeiit in its
al irv Hop YeFt, put
m en tnrouL-U !t merit
a repututlon aud po-i
houj keepers. 1 hou-
in thccitv aud country
I'vnonty over all other
:-er nntl make better
li snv otliiT kird. The
w vegetable: the in2rc-
t- cuwpi sition are all
lite treat etremtth, fu
ll uniformity will ninni
pu eiugeut uousekeeper
Mril Itmiedien. The
disease of the luni;!
Svkup, Sche.sck'h .wea
lurgg are dentroyed, a
To thee three raedi-
I, of I'blladclphia, owes
the treatment of pul-
Pulmonic Syruo ripen?
IIuq.b: nature throws It
Ion, for when the phUirni
I couuh will throw it otT,
i ne lunK iiecin to lital
hie Svr-n tn in
5chenck's MandrakeBlU and ychenck'H Sea
Weed Tonic mu-t be 'ly nsed to cleanse! he
-lomach ard liver. pBsenrk'p Mandrake ItlJc
net on the liver, renvov nuall ohtructionn, relax
iheal' Madder, the bile Hirts freely, and the
liver i.x Foon relieved. SchenckV Sea wted Tonic
if a gentle ami alterative, the alkali of
wtiieb It ih rompo-ed mlse" with the fwl and
preventH souring. It a(istH thu dii;iHiioti b
toning tip the ctomachton healthy condition, tn
thit ihe food ind the Pulmonic "ymp will make
cood bloi-d; fien the Iuhk hea , and the patient
will Mirely ge wel' if care is taken to prevent
ir-tO cold All ho whlitoconcult Dr. Srheriek.
either perennully or by b-t'er. ctn do n. at hi
tinnclti.l iflice corner of Sixth and Arch mrect".
Philadelphia. rvcr Moiiduy Schenrk'o mei.
cin'-r wre Hold b "all j.rusaiiutt throughout th-
Iowa Collegre of Law,
Sj ring Term begins March 29. Address the
o n.
Tl e Sprng Term will commence March 8. For
t cu'-r- di ivr-r tn rrenident. A ItUlfNS.
SMeMer Wagon,
, igg OOO XUNT TJj33E3'
, Factory, South I? ml, Iml.
-tr' U rJL' i S
V.Il corn or prevent niyra".
Chapel, Parlor, aud Orchestral
Ate the flnfft toned and most durable male
New Style. New Solo blop.
2TEej Orijati Warranted.
tm-y & llulmew Organ Co.. Onlnry. 111.
Ur. Whlttler,
6i7 St. Charles Street, St. Loi-Is, Mo.
.r . rK7iCi.utn,f!vo5r,.i.ra tV -;
ii,iaitm'.jiipfVeneralanilSczuaI Dieasestio
lor o!t-r I' ,,. ,u m m. Imcu, ai cit Iir" ow, cl ei.
5y,-ttuli5, Gcnorrhcsa, Glcst. Stricture. Orchiti:,
FlurtlMre. all Urinary UissascssndSyphiiihcor mtr
cunnl affections cf'.heihroat.'Kin or
ui'trm.lfl-J.'icc"! oa :iiu"crnnclp; Sif-Iy, rrftlj
SpermtorrhtBa, Sexual Debility ana Impotce-.v,
--..-. fM jltcf sr rhjsr in touih.iexuil eifcswi In a:a3rr er
i olhor &.st-. jl i.b'hpriluirMciof li.i fowi3f -fc U
ufrTu'C"",, fKiL!5iIion,l-b"l:T dins-' riiiit..fcJTt
nictorv bLij. 01 the fw (.hrlil lrtr. iKtint tun-t
J. oiln c - lnootltrx. iourlciuiurrr ru tezitti. ,
?Jrnj;- improper cr unhappy, tr- ''1''1T' cu-
- i.inatcS ecrbrai.l l-tr c4 latitnl.k frifnt.
u cpinea cota.a:icg. 1'ilwKoa t wtbttir.Tj
. Crf fiji-siii OS- hjur 9 t V u i r ): .i a
' .1.15 V lot r It ram' 'tu :nSTtdirf.irtroucp.
SAHOOT? AH about it. f,r 15 Cents.
V?CiiKI-IOOD Every womsn wants it. lOets
Bee Sciiil fcothforCOeents. A'lamOcnnia bouatl
tor3:trr SllutrsteJ fcrliconts It--rn:t by rcaiL
Aisoia cricth and Gilt BmAlnc. SCO pgw.
C:.ii:ex.Ecrtiv:n2 Sent scaled for 3D cvats. Ilia
m&R&l&CE CU3DE.
I"" j ' lnJr:. pen picture iiur to 11'. tr-c ca tat :e-
-. u c;i tVtorjir n.irrT, irto sot. br Prrftr ar ta
turrr .o nirrr int. fii itw't. ,a-or:iat'J. PtT4-n Jx
'tcT-o bs- -,al.c- vtehjuWirrr, Hc-.i: eJ
! -i-MPiir Ufincr-i.-J TfctPhi.ic'fiToritKrSo'ti'n. Mat,
3 twre. Thn iajnl or cm:ttaia; nrnijt t. 4 rr 1 1'
I't - UVlcnir r-ciire I afn.Jrra haatia &rllai e"-1
p"i .-jio, tt os. to f rii by :: xi 'tj-t thcalocked
cr. o lt.1 i-n-c l crlo;t. lti worst of rr-rmag. It coo-t-
r, w of l trtir.r nn tlm ayn.
ot tna
705 cnesnut St. St. Louis Mo.
r 'rcTduipo'ir.ircT irtnprmtc r-ci. j tru
., (ci-t LjrttfctNuorTMit&or'ici). lJ itnr
d..troui r.?-cu Kmi.i. Iit l.ssvl. u', tf rt.
! m,oi It,-: tr.ltf.;cvt fr nr idl.t.itM1aJ
an:iT Impotence r.i Stcnllty. rro-t-'-ir? sirriire !
7!,'"1 "' tjl-r.k, WE CAJ. CCHCprraiatiUT.
G'ct. Gonorrhoea Orc2utu.Str:areSyplitlis
t" aj.jaSretiaitfMntiTerrtE.. l i, nv-cli. t ai
Men. t-tjth Tcmlti.-vljc..3cra-id. Medical
Pamphlet. .!-riK3itfc. djvi-bjni ixwt Seti.
r ts Al-dlcicesfi-o'iift: nl.t icrrrrlrilr
eh in riwri
s l. CuiltiiicB fr .:r .u. Oar
uaaeuaorjuiatccT ta !nt.i!e:ruto.ift &,V9a3.
KA.KEIAGE Sjrvilirv
AND HEALTH fci ! -u c-i it u'r-
3. YT T T TC" tl3ffcna ntrrlvrt-Pt.v-
JP JL AJ JEm It Pr-ertifB.i of a-
ct?to. Ujziz.: Hnltli. r."i-' Ici L"e tai V-iVil B-
ltli -trf - .isit'rs-3r9 m-r-K-E.r rr -
Kr l-rf- N1 T ICiT-1 -I IT TBtf-1 .ICZ21 if,. .' I t;i
b- :vstchttcrev.rl:Snt'.- !6utri.-. 7
Iff A RFT A (tB aatSsf ?f nfc fej ,
TTtTCT kac 0-1 Cocti.p. itar-
fjrU JJJXl rxz: tie Kb.-jcitl
" " Mye.rrs aal Brrtidiirt
A2tD cl tft nzcal iTB-is. Fai-
thrir orar and car. TtSj 0 t-l Fr.rtlt lhr. fa7
r-ct-rtt fcrMatf tmurtr wrZnl m rrvnrt ct X en. A4.
S-Lca.i.Mo. t gih'nl la fag.
xx - t
- j n, !;, ar,, njn.r;nri;, ijerf,, hT-lctar-
itee. Is pat ap in tin I roii.v re.-eoie-. .nSiiiri; fur . ir. i it not et.n
1 preserve Us etrinpth in !!.B!e I'l'0 ar'' 3 "ffwr- 5? "a "
I to gi.e entbitc'ion. .-rest ccr. - It wo k in the b'ood. c th.- rird.
NtjBsfl.lrt It'.tnfu be cflled the .HKf
H1.UUI) r'L KlriEK Thereat a-- .-o.'d se
A ' '"-.lnatt? in tb- blooi.. ana no med' ihi
.w I dl not art n tipnn i-. to per fv a-.d r-i..
the , vate. has sir juS' cii-m upon mblic aiteunon
.. ti t Mi hue d. Acr. 'ZX, l?i
.iir sieve's: li'irs r -1mo venty-o-
ol ce: hH( -nSi'Ttr d ruiny v-r wi'h Kluiii-
e omjua'ut. WeukLe-t l.n my hark voira '
i i lEdcctd in tr'erd- to try jon- V OK
:1NE, and I tnink ; the be.-"i medtc'.cc r r
weakte-- of the knlny I t-ver n-d. I have I
tried taany retaed'e- Vr th- cos- jiV.ti', and tic r
f'liai -o niurh r. i'tf a- fr m tt e VK .ETINl J
u ftreni;ih"i."' anlitv, ora'e- the wtn'c Met. in
slaav n u,y smnrEtk. ! laker, t, aii I
r.e .ev- it o Le so . for s.: ttie cm, la nls for
whicj it i.a r coaiu.e:.:il.
Yours iru.y, JOalAH H. SHHJOIAN.
The lo'iottiri: !" er from ifo- hU s Be', pa -tor
M E. i hurch. Nv rt -M-!., wi,' oe resi
wlil. ln'erest yy k-at.y phv..rl.i: . .V-o if.i .f
?nfl'er.n j irom the jaale clease .i alii e'ed t-.v
on of tlie Kev K. s IV-'. V- utr-! c
doub th--t kt!m ir, -r.d h-'e i- n 0oub alvt
the curatlv powers of VEi.KT.Na
Niitfck, i!;t3i. Jia. 1. I-T4.
Mr. 11 It. Steven?: Dear M- -- ine o d
reason for rc-ardlni: our VKUKTINi: a tue i
cine nf the reatmt vaiu'-. We fee r.r-a-rd thit j
it ha-been the meant of iin cur w:.V ire. !
He ! n w peve"te n iariof c'e: lor the l.-t-t wo
eare Be nsi unerii Iretn rcr-i' ot the
caused by ccrinn'ou atf-ctlon aud a
reduced th.t nearly nil who paw htm aou.
recoverv imt)Ois-b e. A coiinnl of a. xi'
c!c- eouM .ive u. but the fa!nt--t hc:e o "hi
eer ranting to of the LUuiOrr i!iclr'L 'i.j
he was btyend the re.nrh of bumnu rente Ie,
that even amput- tion .u!d not pae h m. a- he
bad not Vijjor enough to endure the o,-. rt ..i
Juft then we comm need mvlu him ViE
i INK. an-J from th time to w pre 'if hu tn
been improving. He lis lt Iv re
sumed bin vtudie. thrown awav hl cruti h-"and
cane, an-! wnik!" ab ut cheerful'- and rtrm
Thtiugh there is slili come uirchnrge from the
the opening where tho huib ta .aaretl, we have
'ho fullest conn-ence that m a 1 tile he wl :
kj oerftctly cueJ.
He hh- taken about three doren ho'tl?- of
VKliKTINK, bu lately u-es but little, a- lie de
clare!' that lie In loo we'l to be tawii medicine
He?pett!ully vnur. K S. KsT.
li:. L. V. F. ltCST.
Vejretino U Solil by nil UruirirUU.
This Cordial In n CERTAIN CURE
for Cuttghs, Colds, Inflammation f "
I.ttUBit. oro Throat and llrcust, Ilrimalil
li', and if taken In tlmo, will rr-,l that
fatal disrate CoiiKumptton. The basin ;i
ItiU medicine I a preparation ol iar.i
talited by n pccnllnr jiroce. from t!u.ia
of the l'luc Tror, the liiudltliinl jiroiio
tics of w hlch nrw li ell known. A llli tlsti
poitcrfnl eltinrut aTe thoroucltly lcr
porattHl si-verul olhr vci;cnlIe iii;iedi
rnli, each of which piiaMtsm soolhlns
aud hrnliliznttrlliU-. th-n iimktn it thr
ilimtiam of the f.nlni'iitnry orniib thai
hat yrt hern introduced.
H2. L. Q. C. WISE&ST'S
Is not n new remedy that ha n-rer livrii
heard of lieforr, hut an OliX), ltllJLl-
that has hern in daily n-e hy r.n:ilr ami
intelligent phynirlans for llir Iat slilecii
yenrs, and is spoken of In the lii;;lnb
trrnu by all who hnv nsed it, nn tlion-
NIALS prove.
If yon suflVr from any dlncasp lo
tvhlch this Cordial is reroiimirnited. ivi
tinhrsliatinsly miji TRY IT. Vv'-i
A single liottle will driiiuntra(-lis alis
able qnalltlrs.
91G Fii :t h lei-t. riuixt- )l , Pa.
MARCH 28. 1876.
At Atrhi.son, Kan. ;,j
J ' . T - -
4 " ftMj iC -
- 3
Tht abtrce Kngraung rtprei'nt "Pries Iu;a. I
yThe Khiism I.antl anil liiitnlcr-.'loji Ann
ciallon -SIId:t"ribnte free'o't- fharoho.der'.or
riarch 2K. 1K70. !i Of!4 l'ii-t of rroH rty
consit'nj;of El.EtJAN." I HICK AND r.TONL
KEsIDENCEh. with oth"r alnable iirojrt in
thecl'y of Atchison the creat railway center o
the .Missouri valley and S."7 tmj roved and cc
improved farm in Kansa. ail ort i at a lovr er
timate 770.800 00. The Talne? of :hc?e X&-:
uiece? ol property arc from
$50.00 TO $75,000.00 KACII.
Shares$5 00Eacli.
rr khare, circulars, re'erefce". trrm?
to ayetj and other particular. aJ0r.-
JOHN 31 I'KXCK. Gi-n'I ManiigHr,
Atctiliton, Kansai
ZSTSpeeinl Bate to Civ
J'LMm-3Z g --
. m - ' "- . -. -. ', t
Room with Botrd, f-UO to t.:0 (?k Kent
wltfcot Boarl. f I.C: tJ S '.Oa C;y F 1? Ites
ta-:r-nt in the Wrf
Corner of Lake an-t Ii-rttcra !
Bos; How 1 m CHICAGO.
ri T i-r.n., ..,,1,,. .t
Elastic Truss ;-?. iVd'A
paic or asoojacee till csred ict brsail. C!r-
cs&rfnc. c. J. RfcED.ass 1 . .t b4'?o.Il
Of! Pwscy Csrd". 7 tyi. vltn case 10c Ad
U Crcsj J. B. H::sc, Naistu, Ken-'- -V.y.
S&y' MAiiu
ap'k;rflP.'i;i--i-'c;s. 8''--"vt- xj rr
w ' 3yvrsA'a5SHl?iir32 1 1
mx -VK J.Mmrcw, n Tmiw
ss- ;Tr3S
IK Till
rooport. Illinois.
Onrau'oil I Si;.-,. Aui. (tpt. oUO.OOO.
C.ll CAPITA I.. i(U.0(10 OO.
(10 00.
in :n
c.iii a.i:i-s. - :tt;ti.o::o :u.
ji'Mi Sit't I
M. IIICrriMiEK. l"re-
V. C.
harts rr.-p-rtv, ui-:, rvn. i nnrrhe aau
rhiil S!nu-e : itl a ria i.
t'hnrrhe .tail
I'olu i-. i-iifil tn tith the liirtnti and Ecu-
ll-!l I'lM-llae . on the rtotk i t!c and
llsrlitn n.
THE CJKIiMAN '.a i-tab'.Uhiil a re;utMon
for fstr . tiy ;.rotn;t aiUii.Uticii'.r- nud iay
ment ol U-.
Kir Acneie in Iowa. Nettrka or PaVuta,
.. II. KniLK.MKlKi:, (.u. AfL
Ittirlliitoti. lima.
We Iiiivi-jut iiirrli.'ti 5 Itlllll
iirri-.-iao. i-iltii....iu.i )ruun-
InrllirM-UlM;! K.tliK.uml
lll .til Hirm at tin- lnr.M
t...r l.riiiH . f,..,,.
uiein. ni.-, t.. Hum f-Mii.rt-
lii.4tnili r iimirliTly urMIII In
II inoiitlity. t'atali;ur with full njilu
Illltlnli icnt fret
i:i:ki,h tkmi'I.i: or mi'mc.
t Van lltirru M., I hlcat"
CnttliisoatandLncio.u lt:s jour lettr,J
Tic Keystone laiifacliriie Co.
Ol .STEItl.INd. II.MNOI.-.
ManufacttircH the Celebratud
Keystone Corn Planter,
Keystone SulSy Rake
Keystone Corn Slieilers,
Keystone Seed Sower
Keystone Cidei Mills.
Kei'stone Feed Cutters.
HO 31 i:
sc -.;,
'''- Sheller,
-i .'"'' .
Vh" ISrt
.'r.i :
' ".llnlllT. j Tamllr ne In the msrki-t. KVKKV XA
i-MiNK W'AKi:NTKi. I'rlc- ii !, -hl;.j.'
Ur xi'ic-.. t".l !.' boti'd, tin rceLrf of prli . .
EVrlJV l'AKMKH StBll.i I( IvtAfci
v. a:. Itti. hi-ud for d rrr', if nrC' to
I.IVINtjhTONi; A t
Ir i st.'l-r. l'lttiutir. I'a.
Patent Stove Pips Shelves.
T.: tn'J at s;!t.
.,. V, Y Uir-Ji!" s.o:t for bZSSi
cihpc:' Baio;t,wis
.(iMlIl'n '.'ifd
ami ri:i:i ?ui.f, k.vtkaS.
e d 'o- t rrn -r
DKKKi: .V t fi.MIAV. .Mull
II uml ::! I. U':i.i.liiK'..ii M CilK.Af.ri
I i p .Ite F.-:d, Lf '-r A t o '- h-i II lr ood.
, More, and afo'r'is 1) U. F!i. Wto!eti
M ".cry t'ore.
I ( FO. S. PALMKi: -'eof lty Hot' . I rk
' klMlk ln.nrl.lnr
r. " ' -. -- - i . .
a aa jjjti
143 k 150 7Tii4i-7., :rirSfcnr9-t.,CEICAGa
Yto w.ll &at l. tjU. brat mora rel oowifort thai
mzj hnavt til rrtcr prtei-in .-l hlar prte.
$1.50 tc $2.00 A DAY.
leon!lc to Ko3tn. THOMAS K.KXDMCK. Pre
To Tef5rh-r'roaf.e!a regard to land tt-
tie, no term wno h entered or porctass !
.uu iron 'c soTersaec. &oaic itti 10
cre k! pitest. aad 'tat St ! rrrrrritA
"?& "to have not rece red their (atecta.
and wco t re the ";elce a'Jcded to. as
c !t to tt'r aCTiniare Ut eor-epocd witn th
1 der!?s'-d for par-.ralarf. Fej lor aitscdia
to 'he bi ce roath.
.. It- IT'LTIIN. Tlys Moines. low.
jVX O jNi C f
To lVoac In lows, Kastarn Kebrmsk aai
.lonnwMUrn Xlssonrl,
1 res Improved farm. Is rn:s of 9AOO su i ,
' rd, for a tern of 2 10 3 yrtrs; letereet at (
I r cent., payab!e em,-aansIJy.
Fcndi spp!ledos hbost K'nc aad at x
Dtcxs xatx of conn'fios. Apply to
"fc Cured!
Ey Dr. Eosd'e IIcrry. o Es'ft! '
f'xitiic: 5o Ktt.! o P c! Ee& re.-
' cr Ir ct frre. Aifrefa. iri:!; .top. Drt. H .
fc10, UtiL'TlK. Ac Wocai-.
-- ji:6iiicrir.riM:n(ra rrr.riii-i-?-frv. -
fh s. Wifiowf. tiert arc sllotd. fa-
CI-f 9 OttiCC. R, A. DIMIt b. 4LO
Fcisnl Ear
BRaijariM t. ,iJ
. m rraihiVil
n ix
v 'r i t1--
W'f. ''Jh iU .vor t!. - U. S. Pi J-
fK--ylrw ludt.
lUiy, Yf'iil5 53. D. C.
nwr." ji vi ." rr .
- jru (r! wata.lltta
Cauls Guard Pincers
.! t 'fjri- t,pf
Or .n .! .n l.r.-r ir a ia:iit t
iartt ! - t rflltMi' r- '. t lh- .(
Cilh ' l . s. . k u- .: rirltl, I1nri
OS I .rilrn sccl
e .4 . -
: VN .t WAITlN,
I i r ! I Ior.
J t t
.... vk
m a'. vi
v .r u-
M v
Uiv.1 .Hid nrrjo -i
aurit-n, or
Honey Befnnded.
lt v im
. r irnr ;olj
r t-oijr ur
' t . ruu ui! r tlii
wdf. I f an ,. . r t t in ni in it Amcrin
, In qnlity an.l 'our t.' f I d fc" taf v'ss'trsl
l.l3trtt! ! I at'.i,nr nl U.rVii iJaldii
fre.-. S;reli. l rU- t Krd. mt A-!rett IL.
U j.HUMW.V.-r d .- -r W.Kkf.K.l.ll!
' 1I1",'.T'
V l . 1 " I!i .
Send for Catalogue. Aildr. .
Clutk .V llrrrwo. I'Mnr. Iowa,
rcrllt ' M I Nr - i ' (lr.r
'i -' - .. s ,.-. .-Mmm
Osaso Oraiiso.
nvr lirNiiitrii niiiiof nm
itK!sTosi;rr.rn in tin miukki.
. ....... .-.
, For Mini pie ami prin , mid t-.-
n. ,. isrirr v o..
Ilurll 'ii;t,iii. Intra
mith'Q Simprmr flnmn SpriT
U iirrautfil I'KlIMI.ri K! U l.lMU.E
' ,,. ... ...
, ,!- ..e.l prowlnj It a ppi v 'b mo and
rt "" "-re my -i-.d . cued !u KV
' S at f fee by mail in
i IVr !. l'.r I.
i Kar'y Itotunl Wllow Hanen IV $t.l
Uirr. hilH 'nerpuVM XIU
U ! 'i l'or i! or S: irfi, i, "V 3 ot
Uitn t ' I' u M d t r It i. '.r 1 Utlrr.
A i' .- l!l ilCl) MltTII. I ' Ua.k'ntctiia
i rmuly N u'f I
. rr i wranr-a.
Irrta (, I ',fyt til'.
i. .. t ? ' r,",T LMi St. LOU.., Mo.J'J
karKnt Mort, I!rt Srnl, Iinrit I'rtrr.
I r ji it .1: jdlr i
row are invited to racamins
Jl?r"'iS 1 -' J..'A''
.t . ss i . rs
OJf-Ayirir - l.ti. 7
-iaL"?Jc ski'-3fc
fr xv i3iiovt:i
i.rt.ii r iti .if
nil ITI.i: HT1T U
Mm .'. . m Tm m. mimmtmM'vm
.,.. . . . .
r "j !ri i ; wi , i'iir ri "-
uf r. i,i;. -. - l ' nn. .1 f.
(.t.MriCAl. OVl'lVK.
IG0 8TATE-ST., Chicago, ll.
Asrnclestl.r'' totltther'lnty. Arnt trant"t.
IITVotj will mvk ynur by pnrrba.lnif lb
!rT.t H'-r. Ti 1 rlcsr lowr, 't nnrt
tt.virr.-,t att famished Tree than t:h any otbtt
Cm- li j mchl&c.
i a a "le OMA"''rv.rr - 1 l ' 1 bUta
'!i:eIcsi'K iAL.V.f
Ornamental Work. j
''ndfi-r' rrj'vttd Vt'rn I,:.' IIa e.a--!';
y en hand a fu'.i .te .t
Trinimiop, Llnlogs and SMLr
E. If. liazen, M. i.,
Vs I m f 13 U 1st T 1 1 t
Corner llrrfy mud sixth tt.
In. bTse3!
sir Mi? -
111 f. U M ISteBlBi!
tllVttt.:. . f ;-tartt
... "4 .i."k..- 1
f ITrB'.sIcicftico?!, '
fc W IT ; v.: cmmI
-' - i,T-- Jt. . -
. .-, ..V ."- - '-
.L-?..::.d.-t- .-
lowr ITintlcc 1 . Ur. ltn
- . n -. . ... .n. c... mnrtc.
fl H 11 LlH 0va hUaiU. c-o.ti
I . il ni ?.- ftiWr Kr-lV t V iJiua '. OK-
3k. . jS-jJU.
aaMr-rfaf IrKi- cv
k&x a'rCTt y
Pj n.nt. hn.!m.!if K"ii.trt 'v'7mj-
ml v t ni. if t-.:v.u fl9R
'Cii" :
tSS8lylXfa? -i
fegK-- .:,.--
J sr- .- s ur i
V f 1 1 i'. Wr.U fd! CrvtUcs- Asri ?
. -
5 .