-6 -.-- , Iu;i'jA of Advt-rt ism"-. IUE SKED CLOUD CUIEF. -. TW Hr - 4M Qsartcs ...... "AOi Sikort ad rt aiciU. a4 ttr-rtie ttt ir UtM ttea oa jmt. an bjci to x - 1 comtneu Uci nt S4itoiaI Natlcwi t9 tm' Ms- Ut a i .Mrniao, smX S twmxa fcc mS &; et : c ... f. fV -. iTf.-t' 9iJsC! At3'i.rtC. Ui. ur i- pz r- ri -rv oar Y -wmtt ra5i rfc?. rt am ott3 TUBLISnED WEEKLY AT RED CLOUD. NE3RASKA. i:ditor nml'Proprlctor. uLu VOLUME III. RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. inilTiSDAY. MARCH .".0. ISTC. XUMHER :U. 6 I P J I: i IJtLi a 3 JJ JL i i 1 T . 7 UKXERAL NEWS CONDENSED. On the Oth ofilbrch Senator Simon Cameron celebiirTed his 77tn birth-Say in "Washington. The people of NewYork have ob tained a -verdict of s-ix miiiioLs of dol lars Against 7vee A fire at .Spencer. Ind., IMarch 10th, burned five business houf.c3 and a livery ttablc. Lose, 50,QC0: insurance, 9,000. Ed "Willing, a musician at Cairo, II! , 3Iarch Oth, was shot and probably fat-illy injured, by a man named Lop ping. A lumber and shingle mill at Cedar Springs, Michigan, was dcstrpye.l by.. ' fire, March 9tb. Lc$s,$lStCQ0; insur ance, 18,000. On thcllrf Maicb, Mr. Taft, the - -tew Secretary f "War, was swora into efiiee t-nd tMcred upen the discharge of his duties. The front ouilding of the Rochester (N. Y.) Brewing Company burned on the ruoinix g ol March 11th. Loss, 30,- 000; insured. The "Wilmington Conference Academy, at "Wilmington, Delaware, burned on the morning of M-.r'j icHi. Los3, 50. 000; partialis insured. TLe frilure cf Eastman & Colby, lumber dealers ol Reckporl, New York, has been i.ni.ouneed. Their liabilities are stated at :f 400,000; asset.-:, $2500. Belore adjourning the Alabama Legis lature uuanirrrusly adopted resolution? extending greetings ol fraternal good " will to all the people of every S:.tc and Tcriifry in lie AmericEn Union this Centennial year. A fire in Boston, Mass., on the evening of March Uth, destroyed pre pjrty valued at $52 000; insurant. -15,10.;. The hall known as the the 4-oid white tavern." ol revolutionary f-juie, was parnaliy destroyed . It is reported from Srn Francisco that an arrangement has been completed lor the government to take the product of the "Virginia "and Cnlilnnn? '"mines for-ajnar and apply it to the icsump tion f specie i-ay meat. Daniel Dmv of X,v York, his faile 1 'with hetvy liibiltti..-- ho star. pr.ib- . ably about fijl,09. He h:i ; b.en in "Wall street lor thirty yer,, aiddites the beginning of h.s lina-ii msfjr- tune to the loss of a million on a corner n Northwestern stock, two ot three ycrn aqo. Another Tornado visited portions of 3!issouri on tie night of March 20th. It struck E izaNjthtown.oa the ills -.ou.-i, Kansas fc Texas railroad. Seventeen houses were profetrattsd, five pwsors killed, and several irjured. A mill near Hannibal was blown clotvn. TLe t damage to timber and fences is ver great. On the 13:h cf March, an engiuc ex ploded in Union depot at Inu:i3.ip:lis. It was completely wrecked with another engine standing near it. A. E. Moore, an engineer, was instantly killed, and Isasc C. Ballard, a firem-iu, danger-.. nsly injured. The west end ol' the wall of the depot and a portion of th buildin" -were completely de3.t.is.hci. L3s.fom 510.G09 to f 15.000. I A terrific v.ind, v.ith rn sad tnuu- dcr, visited a portion of the Xorthwe.-t on the afternoon of M-irci? 10. Ii seems to have extended from Qainey to tiie irorthern portion of lof.a. and tc have lhwi specially seyere alone th- banks -of the Mississippi. At Hsz?! Green, Grant count v, "Wis., a town of 1.000 in habitants, caiefiy lead miners, nine persons were killed, and n.any badly in jured. In regard to the shower of llesh in , Kentucky, Prof. Sniitn, the scientist of Louisville, sajs: la my mind, this matter gives every indication ot being the dried pawa of the batrichian rep tiles, douotiess that of the fro. They have been transported from the pond ana swampy ground by currents ot Grinds, and have ultimately fallen on this spot, where they were found. This is no isolated occurrence of the kind, I having come ticross mention of several in the course ot my reading. The only one of which I can now fix the date is one 9 recorded by Maschenbroek.as occurring in Iceland in 1GT5. A strange report comes from Polk county, Ky., about the fall of a shower of flesh. A Louisville dispatch oi March 10:h says: Capt. J. M. Bent, a retired lawyer of Mt. Sterling, Ky., and a gen tleman well known for reliability." ar rived here to-night with specimens of the flesh which fell last Friday, in Polk county. " The flesh covered two acres of ground, ana resembled mutton, and left traces of blood on the trees and fence?, which were touched by the falling flakes; chickens and hogs devoured it with a relish. The heavens were ecu; the fun shonf, and c uly fit-ating clouds were visible at that tirre, 2 r. m. March 3. Quantities of the fie t: have bta-n preserved. That brought to Louisville was jjiveu to Prof. Licence Smith, the 5pll known scientist, who sys it is no ""aoubt 8cimal flesh, lie purposes mak ing an ex-tsiinstion to-morrow, Uyelos I'Mi that Live in Hot "Water, A ,most singular ducoverv was Tester- eTf'TZ??:!?!? tei! wzz i ' -' lJcetbOTon ut?u to sit lor hours at the UJV m&ae in tile bavsge Jlme. This IS ,co " nrzur lo wtenrt ; .(,:tic n re-luMoa wb vii& cvamxx:s- Male piaao, Jiuprieiuy tut- i-us;uvi wcj the filing of living frh in theater eSS?c"Sl" "r? J .Al3-"d ' he afterward jotted down on paper, as now flooding both the Savage and Hale ?fluVd" subsequently elaborated into the ruu-ic and Xorcrors Mines. The fish fourth ! he5cyfpefh"lierrmb-' Ve-toI l "' ' addrctU'br Mr Cunneu or idiho. ' 'cocniine with which he astonished the world. If yesterday aitciiuou uiiu up me'jmcune in ine r.n. -..... T.,r.-j .? i? ? I lari?e iroii hoistinr- tAntr. nnrl Hnm,.orl -r- , - r- into the'pump tank at the bottom of vertical shaft. The fishes are ejeless. and are only about or 4 inches lenth. Theyare blood red in color. The temperature of he water ia writc'Si? they.are found ia 123 degrees Fahren heit almost scalding hot. Yfnen the fish were taken cut ot ths water in which IheyVere found, and placed ia a bucket of cold water, for the purpose o! hems; brought tj the surface, they died almost instantly. Tne cold water at once chilled their life blood. In aj p2arance these subterranean members of the finny tribe somewhat resemble gold fi.-h. They seem lively and sportive enough while in their na tive hot water, notwithstanding the fact that they have no eyes nor even therudi ment; of eyes. The water by which the mines arc flooded broke in at a depth of 2.200 feet ia a drift that was being pushed to the northward in the Savage. It rose In the mine a'so in the Hale and Noreross, the two mines being con nected to th height of 400 feet, thit is, up to the l.SOO foo level. This would s.-eiii to prove that a great subt rranean rest-rvojr or lake has been tap: ed, and from this lake doubtless cixne the lish hoisted from the mine last evening. Eyeless fishes are iiiquently toond in the !ikes of large caws, but we haw never beiore heard f.l their existence in either surface or suMeiraneau water the temj.erature of w.-.ich -.vas so biyh ss is the water ia t!.e-e mines. The lower workings of th" Savage Mine are far be low '.he bed if the Cjison Hiver, below tiie bottom of ihe Wusl.oe Like bei.v. any water lunaing or stuudi'j auywhtre w.thin a di-tce ot ID ?inle of the mine. Viri-u.i tXtt Ki-prue. J'olitical Convention March 22. Pennsylvania Democratic couwntion, Liacaster. March 22. Xew York Republican conventioL, Syracuse. March 2H. Pennsylvania Republican con vea tfoa, Harrisburg. .M trch 2'J. Vermont Republican con vention. Burlington. 3I:irch 29 Ouio Republican conven tkii, Columbus. April .". National Convention ol Colored Men. Nashville, Tenn. April 11. South Carolina R. publican convention, Columbia. April 12 Virginia Republican con vention, Lym':barg. April IV Indiana Democratic con vention, Indianapolis. April 20. Georgia Democr&'ic con vention, by Congressional districts, to elect delegates to the National Conven tion. May 4. Maryland Republican con vention, Frederick City. Msy 10 Michigan Republican con vention. Grand Ripid''. May 10. Alabama Republican con vention, Montgomery. 31 y 17. National Greenback con vention, Indianapolis, Ind. May 17 National Prohibition con vention, Co vJand. Ohio. Msy 17. - Tennessee Republican con vention. Knoxville. May IS Kentucky Republican con vention, Louisville. Mav 24. Kansas Republican conven tion, Topeka. May 24 Alabama Republican con vention, Mo.it.omerv. (Minority call.) M-ty 24.- Illinois Republican conven tion, Syracuse. June 14. Republican National con vention, C ncinndti. Juno 21. Fiond.i Democratic coaven tiou, Q lincy. Juue 27 Democratic National con vention, St. Lou s. 31ultuin in Parvo. Anger manages everything badlv. Stadtus. He best keeps from anger who re members that God is always looking upoa him. Plato. Thou tremblest before auticipsted ills, aud still beraoanest what th-ju never lo?est. Goe tin. You think much too well of mc as a man. No author can be as moral as his works, as no preacher can be as pious as his sermons Richter. It is with cettaia yood quslities as with the senses; those who are entirely deprived ot" them can neither anpreciate not comprehend ttiem. Rjchefoucauld. In a debate, rather p.ili to pieces tne aigument cf thy antagonist than to of fer him any ot thy own: for thus thcu wilt fignt him iu his own country. Fielding. Associate with men cf good judg ment, for judgment is found ia conver Sition. And we make another man's judgment ours bj frequenting bis com pany. L Fuller. That man is little to be en vie d who prtriotism wouli uot g.dn force upoa the plain of Miirathon, or whoso piety wouid not grow warmer amou the ruins of Ions. Johnson. i THE XLH th CONGRESS i Feat2 Tk'j7kzy Marth 3. Sens I Horse Mr. I'ierc. eff'ri'd a rco'nt ere. effwd reboot.... - jltree oa Udisa afTai.r ' fcdencr cl open's? op tae ic - Ffccs eg 'hecoaimitte, qsiJi.tot3i cxpt cl-.u -T-t 131 'ee r c ulfbtct rtin rnhc bill. Mr. Tnc. prceen'td a t.t,'rfIjft?!:jtior de c'minr 1. In order in ettle the limits of loridic- titj orr hUh nltnti anc m -dc-spaa,'.r la clril 1 ottlce.-s of th- overament-r'-Ti.Ti d. djoS.nfd. SENATS-"rf.frtV. Marrh 10 raster "Vr l.o .1 t.ce'-'i'.: term o i l). net . r -f rtc j I Rttfd tt.i m Ioa r-t'l. To- am-r-I-i pen-s-1.. tfcc bi i r.-r -he enrai . i. i.f Nrw .Vt-i- "oa a -tatr. ;ri po-ed hv :.' Cosaaait'cc en Jer.i'irii'. w-re Errtd to. Tli r-i: ;r tii tnt tb' coa-ltoioii to b formed -fca!. nc K ;al.I can lr. fore r.rn! fba'i be -abm. .d to tl e pec; of the Trr.t"-y or 'heir ratiScs: r. ,.? -. jtci lc st ti Itrn ri to be i. !tl ia N vcmcvr viz'. If nrli cor.T:tt:-'oa l" r.-t.Sed. -!.e sc'iej G-iirrr-or rhall crtiiT the aa:t to the IT -id- r.t o" the ViA ' d -t-t '. t.I.o t hs.ll th-rtr.j n i;-a' lit- 50 rlamatioc. cec rsn the s-tfc adrar'id deriarir .: i1k tta'o aTaitt. d wtthriut any further act .u !i'.:eur oa tt i- j,art ol t' ngror A'cr jmt'd:cc.'-:on tn vote ws; jair-c; byovo'wof yea-r. rat- 1". The fbafr aruoacccd thit : rjir;d- ration of h'V,- on tt.e rtWuiitT .. u'' be re-caii-d where lefn.M ye:erj.-v. Th Crs-i !!! u.i- tl.st of S-en-aor Wf -;ht r daring tbe -ala-v. or 'be l're-ldeat of ibfc fait-.d Mate- to 4'.5.u.j ;-er oraam, bet lcore 1: n coEl''erd thr Senate went 1no m rn-lve scs'ion sad foon s.rttT aaienraed till Mrictiiy. Ilt-r-K. Aft?r fntae na!raror-aa bnlnef- tht H wf went into cotnini tn or the wjolu oa tin ivEii'la,tfj at d indie1 : ;';ritpr'.t!'ic b-!!. Sptcfcp wrr aiil- by V!r I'ai. :. tf Kais. on tbe eteral "!ibj-rt-f .t rr pad by l!-;r. !lt'im' na-1 Wil tin ti curret-cy "qu"lioa IhToaiiar ie ro-- withou. scion, mum lirau i ;en: in reanrfe- and ex;ilna tin:-, in re .rJ o tLe era of tbe witaesl larib. aaii ih" IUu-e s.cj arned. llovr'-atjtJa'j. M -re', 11 iK Atkia-.f-oia th'- C'iznwttee ca i. pr irria'io:.. revrrt1 b-!! a;)pro;ir!bt a oi buaireJ th n-.iii! doii- to -ti;p' r deS- it-nr tn the a;','"o;ir.a'! in f r rr tiln Si ni IrJ-ar-. l!r. fr m tn roa;aii! t oa inir.tarii' uffaira reMr'ed r. bi ! -qiial'ze !nia;,tlt rf -fiic.er- tf tne K'e war -vVr't-d 'o couitn't'ce of tLe w' le aad rwrde thr -eiia' or dTforT!-.'a. .Mr J nfc- Jatrt.Juc d a hi.! to t'3"'tr't";iin02 bcr.s'i n,:u 'h I ;er..r t. the Wsr Dciijrta'.fr.t rejVrred. Tjo H nr w-'c' ii:-o c nsni.tff tf the hle oc -he j.iCic a; a it le f.e ;iprofii i.ta bi'l. Scrtl -;eerhi He 'ujile- Mr V rja i li-a n tiii.t rt.o" w.th i'lr 'ir a,iof f(r tht; aricunaral buntu. ct ke of th imjiort nce of fli-;r.ir ntte?t ink'iSt'f U:i h bt ad wnait b ceriu-lv ii 'erfrrci! with 1' th 1! -n-on tr ff !-il. -rwuls b-ri.tu- n 'a-A, t'jraaii'iee r e aad ihe lihitu ad joara;d. tzsiyz-Xardij,: iWrA 12 -lae r.te took cpthabn tti , ro-ir-r-for auil-cn!-tf,t c ai. inrof ot- rir lre-d rt ud v cc i'r--.dcM. -enitor lii.rtos ild ttie i I prono-ed-brtc lra- pnrtatt c"anre )t rri'dst for d-bar or i x- jii.M'iinli hrT.it.- was be:Lsre-artc : It a prpvidr. ,., B-: t'!fra.. ii.ric.-Kt r.r i tf ' - Strt ii. :.c it ;riiide. tu l-it . e ,... .. w. . u'ii - . . i . r.'teofevtry State ba.i L' coun fd. ter-tor lotittll t;u-'!i,. ,a .. v,.ttica or 'b- lu.i Senator 'lacttsn favored t: e bi '.. A :a;;..tT dic5 or. etssid bs- r.u drr:'e zu:n w'. b.il ir iii:rSf. rn .Creerrcnt v.;ta the S ox uaT'iin hhi. Ti'ra o a in hi 'air rcsiria- i t:in fcr n-ce-purpt fe tr.i. laritn tfii rr 'i'Sc :eat went iato crcctlTe tet on. aai ;oca kfi'-r siour' f a. i,fE The follow It f bii'r vn? 'r.tro-'ccsd : 15- Mr Il'wttuf -."! m. iToh ..-icfO!!r '" i a fr m jinp"s.ec: ti.i:itt. r , i.ffi-r, rrjfiitf. i jarac-s'e". B iir. I'ilire '. of T.c ars'ef. for '.bi. bcrwi o' "cit l ,t- of I r Iran C' ?.; r- ti iisr'ri; jcar'j. I'i.I t"i!'ti twecty day- actin t. ivr! p'. to l ? Terrrr.;:.t en' t"oT's;o -.rterc :t'r crat. .-t-.-al c Ip'-r-itirn 5u to r-orj:t' ,to and C"as"-l'.i" ie-r'Tirii'-" ror. to provide fi r tbr'r ?pttdv Eirai-s:oa m Jtat. . ' i ! t i laijK- a tss n the c:le- of t'ocks, po'.. br.d s; vcr aMl b-,'.:,r. H I', to i tenatojiart of rh-enco curtala Jiririler-J Kid dova in . revifed sistat. Ilil. -rari- the rth-of ay tv railrosJ crmpis'i ;hr.-ajh tte ladfan Terrlt -iv. U- I licfia:!-; the Uil if Apr-1. 1-tii. .-. i.csl faolidf v :a 'V.s-hlnstoc. Ilbl to t-rorti?.- for -sort ctr afn ret araj.tior. !n 1STM. Tbef'.iOR ig re-O'U'ioa ve sd-nitod: !.- reel. nu the cjiinittt1 ,a rltr.5.r:a'.2. to la- jii r- iuto fi-rrat ioa d'.v: :n :! drrar;nea havii c cbar-.-e ef rorfi of rsysr-'d n..' v tar ttoaaicnct! pn pertr. i:eo:n-fin caill: c oa tL" Jje.rota-y to r--sd fr '.nionafloa as to de-farit:-ri-.--:ap cj :ec'T3. lNrolm' n cal'ius oa tn- cr'tary of V-zr fur la'orraaiiou a' o whetatr prom ti is i:. ;be army jjte Jar.e C? 1:71. ban t-rn in aa, re. ace with the rejstd si.vuit"... taa if ot. whv: iir. I5a-".- ot ladi.iti a. offered a ro!sioa dc cUnar ftt-.hc p-o; Is ol be I u'Mi WMt co-.i t .te ilc i atL-. acd tit k.-Jiri- co feder.cii o; Sta'e i r i.st.oL. Et.d decant thit tie ate t.s-iftfce :eb. ,.-rn 'rr cisrnenib-tett 'f the V: oa vis-f sas.lc'f rd lidcirna.bie o: an thtory of rifh: or ciafTit-tiriii'.itv. Amo tion to Utyi fcd f e ri.'c c; d cctt tie no'c- iion s r jected ts?.i'! : i:aTi. TJ; fo -h H- &; btTii ; To-rd 'a ifcr afllrisat iir. fcxof . vr lork, rsf. red a er.t- . f rrsolnt.or". d ciar:cx': I Th3' the (Jort n n tr.t : t' e i erkl I n oa. SDd wa f rnteo by the perp!e ot the -ii.rl i-tiitef :n :he'r ii ti-- sii cap. city; thai tLer cht a. cl p ttrs of the ratted Mat--- tov. ernnitiit arc dt riaed ted hrtittd by the Federal cot ?t:t:!it. ad that the-. cs:ilo: be ec arred bv at. ? rr.et dni-n tti the a-ti-atco. S i h f e richt- o: -ht :a'f bare ths -arae jacctton of tec critv in the f ei:etltut'on an th- rii:1-'. aud power- if -he Kcc t' -. Ttrnaen-. cad thtt :be Kca1 doratf .c zc. rrratn: rv the ffeta: State? within tie l:rr:ts of the coft-t taii.r. i- ab.-o-'ate'y Lcce-fsry 'cr tre iibertie f the c tiz n. 5 Tha the doctrii - that acy Mate hst a rtfb: 'jx d- rr tn the Taion tr'ic cr. 2-ct w.th t e r po-je-asl arioi, a- con crap!:eJ b the loiittiiu'i' r. aril -roa'd be r.card d j? btttj: foi M-rezt.rcU'-b'-d b the rca t of ta- rt.-er-ci'v I cct flv-r Treraie w t-apeat"cd aad the r- rolu-:t 2r cdt-pted yi a-. ISO; aaj - 42 iir. Kflirj i tftr.-' Vf ol2i!oi d'tclaricit to , ticsetfccj reucnio tra: tr.e i-ae o. coiG T't t:r .; ttar-rp bord- lortbe tarthar-tf -l'e a;5 k .jxjsrafsctcre lain coin "? aa anwi?e ad a-rcial x;t i.ci-are of rabi.e laoney. rd onsbt tc be u;-coct.rat d. It ft Ted. i!.-. WilMs ctltrtd a rcro'.t.foa c.-. lire ft-r :c'crr?a-ior. :a ri at'.t a to p.jrat at o! cottt.n clilra- iKCe Jaa. 1M5. arc as to ubc'Ser there ca renat cora b aatioa to d-'fracd the vemrr.fat. Adi jaraed" Senatis TvhJj?. M-zrcft It. Tne bill loaraetd the revue c fa vies, so as to ;iermT latia! bans-'o orrauiz with a cpra! cf j:Ortw la towHs irrepect.e cf popratioc. iras s r.-ir: fros the ca.eadr si.d iaaeaattelv pestpoaed. eator Loii ore-trted a ytt 'ior. ros 3C00 oidier nskitiTthe pas'sre cfab'll for'toeqa' isation of bofUtle iiatlsr t. t-t passed y the lat CcBcrcfS. Kferred. Oa motion f Satcr Frelicshavec. thi bi'l fix ae tee falar of the l-cicea:st F-S.KOwatUonKp. With bit It' ll e dehsie lie qae-t -a at pat. sad the ya and tav dssiaacro fo.'ou Tia Al' n. Ctiry. Cir Jtiarc. C!ayto, Cosklirc. C'oct'el". Dawef. Kerry, o'.if-w -tp. Haral-oa. S--TC2or.. TharfCfcu. Wallace. Wove. Wr.ht, Harver. ll!chcct. te-e-os. Loiac. Lair. McC-frr-. Ke. vcDoaa:d. Maxcr, Jisr rtll oi Wrooat. Mnrtoa Pa'.vr- a St. NaT Bavar... Boutvre '. topper. DtU. Por ev. Ooce of Nevada. McM'.l aa. Sil-ehel'. Fad dock. Kovrfcn. Freic.bST. a Paral-.n. How-, Ant o the bi 1 was ri5:d. AKer crecutlre c?sios Scaa-e asj unei llorss. Vr. G:oTcr. chsirass cf tie :c: ccsa t:-c oc rci estite rxol asd Jit Ccie ia- debteci.es. issdea report oa thr rori nsc ozi- e s of tac wi-sefN Mr. Lal!it K- b urt-. to rt.'-idto rrctscc the tK.k. ofb!.-rj. o.-to 5i.'I ri.iar. itiiUB is ;o VUO COCpOCC iie re.il t?lie ro,-v . The r roc-f dtrps ol tee cearrli- ii'i wprt1 rthi:. irrsr :ipn 7 ,tu.c t-.t -Ha .:i ..-. v.i! pnr.i. jj . ..- rt aJL .." v h:rd ere r'.buttd S-tOQ fach isiwh :e pit. - -V 4-W- . -" ... Jt T ttT lU.r.nEtf nt'LtlvJC.Sfd iOr!i Hn'J.rv. t i . a,j.r "- - szsocnt. -w tilatej ?, h:ch :tbadcr:ie wi.- He dcclireo to j;ve the nanie olthe p?:o whce ntitt bad bses the parched. tie alo r cliuedxo jiTeao tstii.cr lelaacc to isdivtd t.le corapoflcs ttt pwl. Ke itld 'at '..'i: coild . . - ! n.nt h- nt. rut of the .rjnverr:Ei-iii. h. would I - desuit sctioa t-n tktr n-oiutus. , i"rc "" '"- . ; tie discovered tnat ne naa oetn overaeara the i " l'?Ar?Z:$ fr,fc r on in; Dtn 'of , . .ab.a -S I composer aau .oa i.io au,o:a- ,!. sn.J alM-nt two years Mg she 'M wUu.r of 1S74 $ 527. aftt Jiiujj iwi re 1 ttiicu-, ,ru"ircu, f. tt - . . J ,lrn ;..! 1 .. . I - . y-.w r flr. 9 I r, . j-.. "' lirraconthe oa'fdc wr.iwr hi"na-ie inqaire's to ttf noa aee-icf3t or -a-v r-oiai , Jng room he was mceceeu :o tnohighest ! nanircroJj scajacii, losing oae eje, 50 1 ' iMVSV.ritftt tax 16 th.-pi.tfct Ifce llon.-e .rt H.-OC-.J.-, , . , , .."... thr nn no p r.11, rM.ir. i,, th ! 3.0..34 ihe prtVlt-OS yr- aM Micro "' h"&mte?$& ?$FAhllZf rS , uTl ,-.. "T : hWd, scarre.1. blind. aCd miserable cf 99 IPX Ptark-pKrW baa becntae r5HaSS; '--f'-wnrteLta.4j.tomrrarjrlr i lj had become deal, uhde -a ork- - ho oler a flr ia !!.. LM f lh, ,eflJi eateri-ris. of ifce JiIld1T W tKSr.vV k i '"'.out awlject ia h:a iniau, he would . Sins.s phlsce a X streer l!lc UaUtlf , , fc ;., 1 - r . 1 .. . -. 3 . ii iT7.r - hr MjrMfn ttfir r.f 1 .ocru 1 1. 1 hn in u nvV,t ? ? !. .uri- Viman hr thro nir ei iii.i4ii mu4 I 1 '.iii ri 1 AiTr tafr' mirrnainn .- --. " - --- - .KaP' .- - . ir.iii: u:3 liuupt-- a . xiit.ajk vr Ji4 111 l ii a vui.u . v v. w v .. ; . . m j- nv 1 w.iwuum:b!i sto.f'.bs: mtp.r , deeocr than a moonless ni-'ht. and tral5; acoorc.ng;- se; ua aao orutai.T m.tr- avr.zi: rns jear. in rs.-i mere were ao ; sTK-wWa'ale h:cb oper.uoLr weie to bi caccec. cd tai i entirely paralyzed. dered by Hop smg s hirtd sisassia ia a 1 of herds or impruvsd breeds. In ; "j;1 tiifa'.YIl ' " " cellar on the corner of Union and I j 1S75 there wre seven public sales i72 0; "".V. ".'.V". "...VZ ; be !:;- .e s."y tst ihsi '-- ;"ena". -is ome TrKit t Beethoven. i sks atz-Trot' ftaay. Xare 15-Th?r n a bo:t aad nn ta mst t'f-iOL of the Hecate. , cjt ilule bcs.i.cfaarai:ikrtcd. .tirl fnriHt r.r. rWf" in fror of lnnt r if hlrrt.JV rin?' . 1U -Im.rr Tk. I cciaaiit'ee ro; aud tin.,orfe scij arses. j A Chapter of -Sodc lf SlK'illhltiugill Miniiiit Sto'-k.-. The pr-"tice in sock speculation j bu,in'' what are termed, in brokers' l ". parlance, "privileges, wfcich has lor some years been ia operation in Wall street, is something new to our p?op!c, but is being gradually introduced by the brukeis on the stock exchange. For those of a speculative turn, -a ho are not possessed of a ba'ance a: the backer's with which to make a purchase of 100 shares in Eat Rue, or GOO shares of Her cules outright, this system offers an op portunity lor speculation whereby the operifir may, by exercising ordinary prudence and foresight, increase his capital from hundreds to thousanus, and with but slight risk. There are three kiii-ls of privileges, viz. : "puts."' -'calls" aud '-straddles." If the operator thinks that a certain stock will go down, he secures a "put" upon that ktjck; if he thinks it will go up, he buys a "cail." A '-put" is a contract trj.de with :; broker, wLich entitles the holder to deliver to !.im, within a stipu lated time and at a given price, a certain amount of stock. A '-call" entitles th holder to caH for or receive the st.'.ck at a fixtd price, within a stipulated time. A "straddle" is a d'.uble privilege, an entitles the holder either to caii for or deliver the stock at stated prices. This privilege works both ways, and must pay th investor, nruiided therein auv lluc- ' tu itioa in the stock which the l,str-dd!e" Covers. x i.,,,,." , ,, .r-. , nl 1 ,. ''o-nivi.e A I,Ut t-J-'rac. ii sou av a .gure oe- inr -h.. rs-Vi.l -j- tlii t'mn ni f.n.-ip 10. lie io. Atr. 4t UI. UU1L (u L.IUii at. ., j aaJa "ca.l" at a nni-e tt'-'ve t!iiiaarkt. .. tLe margin appending somewhat v.poz e nature of tiie StoCK and Its lluCtUSt- ing crn.-p.cter tne urouer lcm;r.oi!:g a wider m?rgm oa the mora active stacks. A a:: iKustrriiioL, A. wishes to secure a prii'ega u Etbt R e. Thi-. stock, ". wiii suppose, h quoted tu tiie beard ;: eighty tviv. Sy aying the broker f2 'j. beside? his faia!! vhirh will be a mere trifle;, A. will lj able to sccuie a "put" contract for 109 shares of E-tst Rie at eighty, for twenty or thirty day;, or a -cail" contract f.r the sme amount at eighty-four. Il the operator ha; been v.atchinir tne market closely, day after day, and is posted sr to the property, prospee t'.ve tiividends, mangtmeut, etc., he may form n opiui m -.s to weth er tLis stk will advance or decline ia p.-'ce wthtr. th? time n.mid in his con tract; and. up. n ihf.t opinion, he wii! de cide whether t buy a "pm" or a "call." Should he thick the stock will go down he buvs a -'put:' otherwise, he invests in a "call." As an instance of what "might h.ive been," a "call" for 100 pnarts of the above named stock cou d have been purchased, not more than lifcetn days ago. at TO, and s.ild at the highest price eince then at 90. making a profit of SO per cent, or $200, which would leave, after deducting the price paid for the p-ivilfge, a net profit of f'175. on an in vestment of $So. Uad the investment been made ia a '-put" instead ot a '-ca.l," there would E&ve been a loss of ?Sj the amount paid for t'.e privilege only. TLe only risk is on the amount paid for the privilege. A "straddle," as we have ? ated works both wars: it is bota & .m; ro; S O- "Pwt" and a '"call" combined in one is safe, provided the stock advance fecimes a jove or below the limits nam ed m the contract. In case there ie a stagnation ia the market there can be no gain. "Strad dles" are u popu'.ar during a steady marke', i,u- ju ra?e itf panic they may drove nimbly prufiubie. Frov. tht Denver Xea. The recent mail from Iceland repor' that GOO of the inhabitants of the "Wc Manca Islssd.-, scuth of Iceland, probably dying of starvation, owiag the unsac?css:ui n-hing. They seal ' Iceljind asking lor suj p.ies, which wa dispvehrd, but a bottle was picked up i C-U tl:C coast ri iceisnr. a m.'Siu agi i c-il the coast cf Iceland a m.'nth ago for only i na week, and famine was in evitable. Commua.catios in winter is aimost impossible. 1 Londoa was visited on the 11 hand 12th uit. with one ol the e?eases: sn-t . I tnrc Hcc-rrf.oil" fn,c miM ir 'irfC AA.V-, M.. -W w.. .ww ..U.WM . .fc- , .. T - i- t-i i ' KUOV.'S I&r 21SDT 8 Ui,. !DC -TiOJC FS, On the 12th of JIrch. Tidentine Becker was killed oj jamping from a train nejir Ptutlleton. Ohio. j ht 5UCh times -as hapnensd once when ! : Cipriani Potter Callrd Uwm the jrent morning, and walk for many hour through the mt'St remote and solitary places, through woods aud by lakes and torrents, silent and abstracted. In ttti wny he sjine;ime made the circuit of V.enua twice ia a d.ir. or, if ne Mrc at Ridca. !on eicursiocs across the coun try. When er.zQd on his rcijnitijent Sonata Appassioaate he one day took s. long wklk with Ferdiuaavt Ries, his pap:!, They vra:ke(i fur hour, but during the whole time Rcatrioven noke not s word but kept humming, or r-ther bowiinj,up and down tl.ta scs..e. It -.as tbo process t strides in its production. In ls70 the of incubation. On reaching home he '. corn enp f the Union wa 7(W,9I1 3-jy sc-iteJ himself at tne piano w.riout tak- bushels. Illinois ranked tir-t of the ing off his hat, and daihed into tLesplen- I States in this production. vith 130,000. di.l finale of that aobie wurk. Unco J 000 bushels; L.wa second, with Cf,0i0. -there, he remained lor son.e time, total t 000: jlissouri third, with OC.UOO.OCO Iv rc-rdltss of the darknt-as, or the fact i that he and Ries had L.ad nothing to eat I for hours. His appetrince bee-Mae per- least oe-fourih greater than thit i f feclly v.ell known to people of all clase-s j 1374, which would make the crop 1,000, who excuimed, -There ia RisthoTCJ," . 000,000 bushels. Diit for the eariy Irosts when they saw hiiu ; and it is ri-teo . at.d wet wetthtr, the corn-crop of the that once,when a trvop of iharcoa:-brun- West would have been eaormou-ly ur era met him on a country patf.thejstouil j priiiug. It is estimated that tiie area to oas side, hc-evily laden as ttiey were, planted in corn ik Iowa us 5,000,000 to let him p-ss for fear tf ttoUid-ag the j acres, which, at the ratio of increase of great master 'a meditations. Wnen com- j thw previous crcp, would make the pro- sing ia his csn room at Lome, Le j duct of the S.ate 100,000,000 bushel, would somvt.utsaw-.lLalijatiua revK-ie, t or over one jiith the product of th pouring cold water e-Tr h:s hands a.tr- j L'nion. Hut the decrease in price more nately, liom jug alter jjg.tid the l! ,or ( than balances the increase in quantity, fthe room ..a, :nundatei ad the peo- so that the r.roducer will not tea! z o plo came runbing uj stairs to know tr.e cauie of the oslee. At his de-th he left, bs:dee hii nnished works ,a quan tity of rough sketches, c ntaining, doubt irsj, the tfifli of m-ay moi works, which never paiicd the Etage m which tier appear tLare. Tne first draft, of uis wtll-knewn comt0it:oa show the ..uccessive alterations which their sab-1 j'els sullerccl betere tuey picased him ; j , w , , nnd these form a cicit .nter-jsticg studv, as exposing his maaaerot working. One j . de-crease in the product oi SO per cent, uf his cketcb-books has been pub lsicd ! or in rounJ numUers, G2,000,000 bunhels, ia exteaso, hnd besides a host of matters I snd with the quality in roj'Ptdeiation, cf minor iatrrtst.it octa:e three :ps.r- ; the result i not a tlstterirg one to the ate uraf.s, at ler-gtb, of the fm;s ot his ! product r. In 1S70. Iowa prfiure: SO. Symphonic. - a atnsidg proof of the pi- ! 43.i.'.2 bushel,; in 1S72. 3J.-1S71: 6 tisane wnu wluhthis great atd fierj i-u-hel; iu Is7; the area sow a was 3,- reuusperfacttdbbmssurpieces. Eten when completely liaisfced aud jierlected to his own sxtiefactiOB, his manubciipt presented mar.y dilccu'.tisu to the rer. ier ' and his copyists and ensrivers are said to have had a h?.-d tijes of it. In one o! his letter, in which h c:tcs his pub lishers tiie corrections of soma pr ofs ol a Etringed iuint, ha emclad'-s bj spy ing thM, "It i- f'.-ar oVlsck. I mestpoat this ; and I r.m q-i.tc hoarse with stamp- in tad swear. n.' An AlEiond-Kyed Helen. Djnag the inqutst in the eause of the death of Ge Wy Fang the other eren inc, Sim Sing made remarks to the ef fect that a woman was a: the bjttom of the war in Chinatown, and the oie caus? of it. Sim had a cousin who w.s mar- X inii " " wVw " ried to a Chinese maiden, beauteous in "pected harvest. France will be a form and feature, but a fiend at brart. j competitor tor foreign wheat, as her See was born in China in the vear 153S. ! cu I h&s M W''Q rt'Prted a fflUurc and married her hu.buand in the villa- I W,lb tt conump-ion of at lea,: 200,000, ofSingPo. She was the daughter of ! C0 bushels, including icei, tins leaves weulthv rsg pickers, and though thv ! t,;C Ur'e1 S:itC5' fth a ProtJ,lct of were bitterl r opposed to tne mi.ice". 'XWkWO bushe.s, only 4G.O00.00O of marriage became in a lew shon month.- , tLe -wr'' cro? ": eXP,r" Grer': B;U' a thing of necessity, and to escape lrom ,' ain consumes 176,000.000 bushels annu the renroache? and scorn ofhw relative I ali-T' -vtt doe3 no: P'oce enough to the f.ir aristocrat and her hasbanlemi- rated to America, and arr.vad at Vir- i " gmia City four years aqn. Unfortunate ly for the domestic peace of the couple, Hop Sing exercised his fiscinations up- j on the young wife, and, allured by the 5ae figure, classic iei'uras, aai numer ous accomplishments of the chief ot the Hop Sing factun,the oblique-eyed beau y consented to abandon ber liege I jri fjr the wicked Hdd S.n'' Ths wa si sten fraught with great dancer. Old 5am Sing was willing to d-fend his c"t;s n even bv sacrificing the life of the uafalth- fa! wife. The cnB.ia timielf wa a young man who had many friends ready ana wil.inrr to defend him m anv ccti-n he might take under the circumsnces. All these considerations deterred old Hop Sing Jromopenlv taking the woman into the" house, andj accorcir.g to Sim Sin?, the wilv C-lestbl determined tc sdop; Klctr David's nl.a, and have his tobwo-hnea Uriah asssssisa-ed as the t . . I SreiGtes, a ni ?ifet war -.-ut of the , . i HirnrrtlTTs Thu ni r t.ii'i' t!ti;!nn(i s:: i .' - -- I --1. streets, receiving eight stabs in vital por- tion5 cf the body. Hi; wtte courned ia good style for a etit, a2 then retired i f . -t !"....!.. TrL a i to Hop S-n's h.ireta ms his m -: tiv ''tJ compinion. Sun Sing iranie IiV.1t :a -augurated a war of revenge Mil killed three ol Hop Sing' men. llp Sing retaliated by slicing two Sam Siirs. and thus the vendetta has been kpr cp among theta to the present day. But the way of the .rtHs'essor Is hsrd. Ntw riva'.s est.-srgel the auctions of he gifted Hop Sire from the unfaithful I bv Ler f il v the Ch:ne-e war in Vtr- iiia J'lrtni.x (JS'rr ) Chrnttie. Annual KciMirt of theStTretary of the Iowa State Airricultural Society. The Des Momes correspou lent of the Chicago Tniunt, gives the tollcwing statistics from advance sheets of the f jrthcotaisg report of the Sitretary ol the Iowa State Agricultural Societ lur the year 1S75: O'rn has come to be the le:ding cereal ' of the State, and Iowa i making rapid bushels. In 1&74 the product uns 54.- 000,000 bushels. Tne present crop is at mucti as lrom the previous crop uy o, 000,000. The average yield is S4 bush els per acre. This is not half v hut it could be with proper cultivation. The same quantity might be raised on one Lalf the number of acres. The wheat crop of the past year has ben short in yield, and is f iaferb r ouslity. Frr the United States, the crop ol ld74 is nearly :n0,000,000 bushels. The harvest of lb'73 will shov 70I,00O acres, producing 43,4S";.0Cs bu-hels, an increase in two years of 10,011,172 bushels. Assuming that there was no increase t f -irea in the part year, and accepting as a bnsis the ab- strict of the dirtercnt c unties report ing, an 1 adopting the average yield per acre ofithe previous year, we have h pro duct of onlv 37,700.900 bushels, or a de crease of netny C.000,000 bushels. Estimating it at th2 lowest cash price (GO cents per bushel), we have a d.tlc't of $3,000,000. Thee loss'-s do u.t o cur in our own State alone. Rut eight Stat' sin the Union are above the aver age; and, while Iowa in 1874 was only 4 per cent below the average, the de crease lor the yar close 1 is S3 per cent. Of foreign c luntris. Russia leport? a i i r..:i.. . i :- .5 : i .. :.. fe,jd her ?- whiIc : J U;i5teJ SCi fea,i ensas of !iC EaroPe 1 ' :.. wnuc tne pean nations produce more grain thin the populiti-n can consume, tiere ii cich year a surplus lor export, aac, stp-.ratec ,'l- i widely ss we are, a good crop ia cither 0- ..r couatrv tenos to lower tt.c prices ma- tenally. while, on the ether hand, a poor crop tends to rauc the pricts. The T-..sar nr:rts nf thi, rrl hT- nfl .r.i... w.." -. ... w.v . - - .. -- stability, ami, wi'Ji the dcrea:e over the whole reirioa, it remains tu be seen ! whs-t eiTect these exrKrts will have on j marS' T3i-- " '"- """ "iV close of acother harm:. The repp's ;h' ia Grea: Bri:";a frr iTrajw.ifti anil f . c 4 ri r ar a a: V. n. t . i-- l i-. -. . i...r,-.. v.,. LB"eu -iakCa """ VUJU . '" 5'r-ten oa:h5 of !5TG cre 43.550,000 bcsels, and cf Sour, 4 35,573 hundred ivs- Tbe aaount of when ia the ' t'ni'j State wl Ctnada in sight on the 1 H:h olt. w 1G 555,39 of bescels, of which ew" iork J1'lo::e hid Jc s:oe 5d , -as-- v-tn. oasne. The department ofcAttle Is rjrot-ptr- i nr. und ihffx-i ?rfWf? inirnrpniirt I r . tetanies fl'J4.4ij, aaa iim aaies a; 123 S25. 0: these. fi::j- 5 re were seat to eUer Site?, rxA the reasiedar fib- triwn'cd ' ?L:r'-n;h: . rTreat coca tie in .!,. 6X0. A '. J : tme k lnaividaRi !, od Hue r wtit Is hJgWj atitfictory. Th int tawiifrd ia iatorovqul rteii f h j his 5irnc i jrcat pm :Brac. Tue Bcrkaturc u 1 IVLai (Tim are trs leading br-J. sad cm to mrc-t the reautai of ih vtfr. Ta somber of h pced in :h S;a; in tkat a!! the saiwal is ouhKl. 'ITie L'i'.owiox is the priltt. t f ho picked hetweex Narcutbr I iml 3l;cK 1, l74-u: Numbfr of hrs 4-9 W5 Averce gr's wtighl, lb S5&.71I Agv-rt cute c rw wttjjht. IU .IOJ,SSf,S3) Average yield of lard pr hcl, lt 5 CI85 A?'rete pouo-'s ol lard. . M.ITSSSi Avetige price per 100 lla gn Agtrtjate rrt IJrb. aar pork Llrls. prime m Br;,c:.ar B.-in. ramp i.55,3&l or The tU cip prinnisccf pniip(i;nts ro turas cr'.y ia the iod, but wind sforms did much dtimne. Tue are. in t.l:s ffrtia inrvrlT l.OI'ViOaai r, wUick protlnccd about S.tO0.000 bnhe!s, sad added over ff.OOO.OtW t 'he wealth of! the State tor the ffrxin lelori-. The State jiroduct of rje, bfirloy liuc's wheat, nel &zx, which are iniiV cereal in Iowa, 1 e:lnr.tcd hi f S.SSH,,- G-ii. Th? ptrtto is a grat sUp' in low. Ia 174 thr jfel I iw 7,590 M0 bnsfacip, ,n iccre f 1.023 Xh) buhel.i. Kifimatin,.' the m nt SO.'W acrr, r.t thi rtb ef increase the t'recat crop will r.:eh !CfW0ttObi!ieU, produtiug a rertuue of S2.2-W00. Here, then, vre Lavvf a rrTraae from lei ling product ae follows: Crti (at 23") . . CVtle Hog Oats Other grain... Pi tttoes Wheat . 29O0C.OOQ l'.So,5SJ t f00,000 S.C83.G41 S SmO.OOO . lS."7fi,S50 ia less thaa Lweatf ?e.-.r low, will .q 8ufficieat to fer'd f." world, if sh , ho continue tu increase aci-oriiat; to the ratio f the ptAt twu decn.Ie?. WtuA he mot uari ii cheap tranaporta; to market. A it nw t, it rrntiira mstl n; f. urth Ikt prixitict to get tjti rest to ruuritit Tbe aanud . . u.n f ti n of th Laioit Pacific R. R. took p'w:e ii B ton, i'ch i?th, im fallows: Preblmt, Sidney DiUoo, V.ro Preanlent, Klutoi A tkin, Treaauref and Sacretnry, '.. II. Rollins. The following wrs easott a the Rar I cf Directou, each reclviag 815 2b3 vote' Oliver Ames, Klihe At kin.-. .iic'T Dillon, J. beitrr. Ik-njamir. E. IU-vk, Oliver Aoi-, Jr., Jurnos I). Smith. Charles J. Obor:.e. Smuel W. MiKp, Jay Gu!d, Kz-rf. II. linker, (to 6c rcfl, tis father ot tn; sam? Mn.ni ), S. II. II. Clrk, vice Ueoie A. Sot; Jo". Rich: I- n, J-iB r'ntts. sad G. .M DkIjcg. The ansc! rej-ort shwa tUal the Lai n P.-.c.rl'' radrod's gro jn:n iriBS hi 1-7"j, were fll I'O.l "2 : orerutts tiptr.se arjd loa, fS t-S.0-7; 0urp!u, 17,011.7-';. Th? inrrciAe of r'HoJ-n-iays over lost yir. 1,SS3 &"l ; increaso f f eijwrB.e. U"7.U; insttrplite, $1, 3f)C.C07. Till: JZAKKHTSa m:w tork. Bof Ct !!; Die xt Y.ttmz- ifootf V' ctttU 'i-Sj aeacir t'ora WVt.ra m smA fjt: vTvtura sr Erz . . ... Bauer J I'-. n y.za Li.' Hit ftMJV) 7". fcafl i r. ii - m ti S 5 IS it 1 1 .Sfc . IS & 13 15 e. :? o fc KX cHJOir.o. BecT?; ClMtee Ut' j-a.c-(Hw4 tcatct Ha:tr- Caotc I jciitr. s f o e i ts " it I VI C fc 20 . YaT'Ki' -iar ... . jg-nnax Mim WTm.i1 . - 5rS (A e.urae. k;-Vo. t I '7-:s'o! 'r .''. "I 2 IS It li I I&rC- ' T fyryt. m t'a&tot -r rmj Hoe Utc . 7a e -.ft rs fc :a K.oar- rJ XJE Wati Ns :Ryi. .. Cora '.2 Oaa R.-:'v I h-r-fc ya rar. f i fc i i o: s 7 a w a c '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. :u e :i ... T i - 3'') .. ...a.----- - W 24fi it p j -!.- o.i. j ex.:."" I jJ.;;. B-'fc?T.. . . Flr. i'.-SZ - Corz. "st-No 2 KanT N2 .. Hyh'os IBz iieXE s?e BS&ZZZZIZZZ, 55; ""IZZT.