The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 16, 1876, Image 2

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Eat cf Subssriptisn.
One C'j3 1 year, ...$l2.U'i
tlieotipyO months, J."1
1 iue fijpy 3 ................. ;U
Official Directory.
A. :. wiLrk. tw?n. I. 5. cnntsr.
X. ..trhroi:k.Jtii.iii:i. I". S. Senator.
I. .ronio Crouu-e. U.-jirc."-tjtjitive.
Hr.iu 1ichurl. Sec. of Ftutc.
J. it vV -if o. L,in"ln, Auiiitor.
J.'" M-.l.-ilo. .. Tr-niirer.
Jcn.H. R.V-rt-. Att'y m-ii.
J. M.McKeiuii-. Lincoln. Sup. Pub Iiintrue.
(in. H. Like. iin:itm. Chief.! a-lic.
I a'l Oiiiitt. N'Vh 'ity. J As(i0cjate Jut.
Saml MttXwII. i'latfinullth J
J . Taller.
B If.-.lon....
I W.Tulleys.
M. ''. Hill.
J. S. dilhtin.
r C. O . ,n.
f. K. TlK.ra,
A M . ilir ly. )
r. Ua:;uu.
County Clerk.
Probate .Isi'lpe.
School Suf't.
County Survejor
County Comrni!ioncr.a.
Wsbzt:? Cc'istj C:iscs:ed.
Wp,(.torCo..XH.. lies in the J Valley o
t' tTibli-Mn i 150 iiii'" vt oftTieMi-
-".ri Uivor :i:il t'uche tho S'nte line on
th South. Winter-arc miM timl lry; very
1j:H r-iin or snow f.ill in lmt ppion - lit
tle in Uct that cattle live n'l wini. r with no
h.y or r:iin. Plenty of rain f-IlF in the
Hi'ing mi summer The summers arc no-di-iKreoably
w.irtn. an there is s,Ir.ijn co'l
l,rez ypeciill in th e-eninps. Th-
.iimy firt binn to e tic n 1S"0. T 1HT1
th.-connty ir:i ornizcil with n population
.f;'. Its populatio- i now between LWO
ana 30i'' iind is rabidly iticren'inp There
nrat prc-5"iit3S irjra.ietl school di'trictf
withi it bduinlrie" and "' f-ol fari'itic.s are
th'reforenmple better tli I'thoe in sotm
r..istern tat of. The apportiormble ch"il
ft-nl fitrrii.-he nearly vnuush u.oncy to pa'
tdie:. wKes, Farmers can buy H. H
lur.d Iron: S1.0" to SO per acre with ten yen!?
tiui. Thore i- yet a considerable incur: t ul
in vernment lands for huiiie-teail, and prc-eiupti-.ns.
Asa .-toek rai-inc country it i?
L r.l oex:cl. "at le tin well, and for licep
it e mnot be beaten. I' i jus: suited to that.
F'Ttufiis can be easily made by raisit e -lieej
as the etpenJeof feeding: very small Th-U
corn. ialM, bnrlcv. potutocs. buek wheat, and
ii'I kinds of njot" anJ vegetables, are (.tiiivii
here with little labor. 3.5 bushel? ol sod eorn
lo tb acre is n"tlitne new. Wheat average
about 2-5 bushels to theiirre. Frui doe e.
tr;iiirly well. Kvery farmer ha- hi. orchard
frruwiiijr. Forest trees t row rapidly. Uottun
w od. Ij ixalder. whii.ewood. "ott mil le. and
wan other "i-inds of trees srow into timbei
:i'g enough fr fuel in abuut three year.
nr orange idant? do i ieely. and in afew
y .in-your live lenees can be mnde. Me
chanic? find etnp'oymrnt and fair wage. The
very be-1 and purest water is ol.taincd by
Koini; fromo to !(") feet. The co-t is vers
finsll uhen the well i bored The-e wells
never if o d y. The stream of thiseotr ty are
tb Kenabliean and its trthu'aric iliich are
f.dlows- on the south side of the rivr.
Vulnut. Dry. .. State Penny. Cdar.
II'ckH, Ash.uiid Suide Hock creek. On the
nort'i sid- nre Willow. Kim, Cottonwood.
ronkc'i. rmlian.aiid Fanner creeks. In the
north partol the county It, the Blue rr. cr
Rad its tributarie..
The j..iil of Webster county i a drk, rich
r t"tihle loam. The wild grsitv arc nutri
tious and abundant, and make mo-t excel .cut
buy. riniothy.elover. Iluncariaunud millit
will undoubte lly prove a nrofitabLo produe
ti'in. Tho'e who have tried them so decide
U' railroad prospect 1 nre cood. Hi:d we
w:ll !i4vc i riiil as soon as we really need
". LItit the farmers for year- will find ready
ile or surplu productions in the newer
e. .antic wet and to new settler, lly the
ti'i these markets arc closed roads for
ch'-iper transport'ition east will be opened.
ir ejiinate ic healthful, the air nurb aa.I
or'ciac. and.-ieknes ofany kind Is almost a
H'ai.pcr to the people hrc.
The cmnty seat. HK1) CLOFKon the lle
f I'dienn river, neir thecentc- east and wet
r-'laliMle south o! the center north and
t ut!i. Tn it are chances tor lmitis min of
evrry branch of trade. The country around
i U'h to warrant a R.od Intsin s- in every
h'nd of merchandise. Ited Cloud and liiiidi
'' -Ic arc the nnl two laid out town. Fur
t'icrintorui ition fin be ob'ained from any
and aent who advertises in this rapcr.oiat
th3 otTico.
Wf. would like to say n word if
po tl'le. to check the present marner
of dividing school di-tuets. It is bet
ter to co two tnilef to school, than to
have no -chonl at all. At present the
di-trlcts deprnd almost entite'yo'' 'be
tipprntiiM.nictit funds for their school-.
If thi- apimrtiomuctit be cut up in
peroral parts it is evident that (here
ran be practically no school, where
rw are the means of kcopipc a very
fair one. If the district is inconveni
ently large, it i bettor to wait until
tlic apportionment is larger or taxes
Abater before divid'ne.
DURING the present administration 3
Pabinet officers have resigned, two
compelled by public pressure, the
third compelled by direct proof of
biibcry. In the'auie time the chief
a i-tants of the clerk have been in
dicted, and other governmental offi
cial, of high rank and sounding title
have been confined to the penitentiary, '
convicted of defrauding the govern
ment. What is the reason of all this? .
We believe firt that there has been I
more corruption among Republican ;
nfTu-ial- than formerly. Its no use to
i iy to hide the fact. hat shall we
d. about it. Ieaert the old party of
:lnriou principles and a glorious re
cotd, for the rebellion-tainted, crime
oriuisoued Ociuocratic party that i?
now howling for admission into the j
biuh places of government, far from it.
G-j up a new pnrty the same in prin
cijde a.-- the Ileimblicau, but differing
i.t name and leader?? That is imprac
ticable. If we arc pure minded and ,
zealou- ourselves, it will be ea-ier to
kick out the corrupt leaders than to
Jt up a new pirty. Lot's stand by J
'. party, but ve a lie- deal nF
Another fict to le notiifti in con
iifriniH with tiioo fraud-. if thai their
xjio-uie ha.- hcen lumla by the r
I u Illicit n pat, .-avc in the ca-e ol'
i'clktrjp, ulthli at lea-t s!.'al.rf well
for -the party. Another sii:ilic:ifil
fart i the t-haracter ut tho-e vthn have
hroueht h-raee upon the dniiui-tta-tion.
Delano, l!n:hanl-oit utui IJel
ktiup weie not tni-lel !ca;lei- uf the
!fpui.l:cai. party. They were new
nun wnhcut puhlie reputailuii r char-a.-ttt
in puhuo. iiiiiii'ito Cahmet
ntlicer-J have btcn -elected Jiom lliO-e
wlio h: been recopniz ti as leaJers ol
the patty, who had in a lung expcti
ence, won for then.-elvesi a rank and
ehaiaetrr, not oahiiy to be a?.-ai!ed.
The oilieiaU of Giant's :.'hj t tjjt-ul
have, on the oilur hind, been men
ajsaiiist whom every charge wa ea-iiy
be!iev;d. In the hi-tory of our coun
try, there ha. not been such a reekle-.-di-r
p.nd of popular pref-reucea and
pnjudici'.- in the appointment of olli
eers a.- dining the present administr i
tioii. That Grant mad.-a -eiiou- uii.
tnke in thi matter it is too late to
deny. Hut the IN publican paity is
too Mnuip to be all cted by the mi.i
tukc ofany one man. Had the Dent
octatic pait3 made a respectable rec
ord in ennf:re-s there would b some
po-sibility of their g lining strength by
thee exposure. Hue the stiotig ante
war fi-eh.ig exhibits it.-el!" mi piotitt
nently that the thouuht of eutru tin'
them with the aduiiui.-tiation cannot
be entertained by a loyal mind.
IHiiiies cf ths Lo:d ?iror' Institute
held a; VTairut Crcei Uarca. llta.
I'resident Knight in the chair. On
motion the address was postponed un
til the afternoon se. ion. The resident-
of Kan-as and franklin county,
present, were invited to participate in
the uiC'tiug.
The question of successful fruit-raining
was thin di-cused by Messrs
Knight, Iloldiidjje, Fulton, Mitchell
and others.
On mo: ion, Institute adjourned un
til two o'clock p. ui.
Institute called to order by the I're.
idtnt. Mr. J. S. Giliiatu adihe. ed
the meeting on the -uhject of Funnel."
Institute.". The subject wa-, handled
with rate ability, and gave ample evi
dence of much deep thought and re
search. It was cleat ly and logiea.Iy
discu-sed, and the address was fraught
with instructive hints and suggestion-.
The effort wa- highly creditable to the
speaker and gives promise of a success
ful and u-eful career in the future..
After the addres , the culture of
liioom corn and other matters, e-peci
ally the advantages of the Iusiitute,
were discus-ed.
In-titttte callel to oider by the l're-i
dent at .-even o'clock. The cubuie of
C'a-tor Heati" was taken, and much in
formation was e.iven on the subject by
the President and Me-srs June.-,
Mitchell, and Kennedy. The di-ens
ion rc-uhed in ten of the farmer
pledging themselves to hint of an
acre in the bean--, and R. H. Fult-n
was appointed a committee to procuie
the seed.
The que-tion of deep plowing and
deep soinir wheat wa.i then taken up.
The members gave their experience as
foMow.-: Mr. Iloldtidge cultivate-com
stalk groma both ways, A iucbe
ilcep, harrowed it in on sod. Mr
Downs best wheat was cultivated in
on sod, gra-s wheat s tib'ile, wlia:
cultivated in, a total failure from
drouth. Mr. Hi-e la.-t year had III
acics, 10 aires fall plowing wa-double
the other, wheat stubbie a failure
Mr. Thus. Vaughn would sow fall
plouintr 1 inchr-deep, spring plowing
I inches. Jas. Vaughn h;ui the be.-t
wheat on the creek, IS"."!, IS acres on
conistalk-, plowed S inches deep,
.-hovel plowed in, Scrteh, yield 25
bu-hels to the acre ; lt74, fall plowed
II acre-, failure, shovel plowed I acre
on cornstalk, ll! bu-hels per acre ; 17"
10 acres fall stirring, yield 11 bushe's
per acre; 10 acres grass wheat dracged
in on break:;;?, sowed one lm-hel to
the acre, yield 5 bu-hels to acre pre
fer cornstalks caltivatid in ; J Mitchcl.
1S75, 10 actes, one acre on ground
broke previous year, Fife wheat, drag
ged in, yield 14 bushels -no difference
in cornstalks and bi caking; S ercs
fall plowing drouth came and dried
it up, in streaks, both Grass and Fife,
tall plowing six inches deep, late in
fall, early fall plowing my preference,
rolled ground thoroughly, both spring
and fall plowiuc, 12 iuehes deep, drag
well, not roll uutil wheat is 3 iuehes
Mr. Knight spoke at length about
spots in wheat, occurred on bottom
1 md and ouly ou fall plowing, due to
chemical elements in soiL Harrowinc
on sod and cultivated on cornstalks
after fall plowing, sod not affected by
drouth, yield 2h to 30 bushels; bc-t
on sod, next best on cornstalks, plowed
in S inches deep, rolled after up. Uenj
Philips raised most from s d, harrow
ed in very poorly. Kd. Kuir-ter fall
plowed b inches deep, planted corn,
and next, year sowed to wheat to pre
vent spots. Thos. Kennedy raised
best crops on sod, would plant two
iuehes deep if ground were dry, i inch
deep, if ground were tuoit.
The experience of the farmer; was
in favor of Grass Wheat, raised Lest
crops and made bet flour.
The length of wheat roots was dis
cussed, views varying from twelve
inches to S feet. The corn question
wa? deferred until oext meeting.
II. i; Fii,T':S'pV.
Ti3 State cf SebraAa rcrs 77;::iai il.
'Ibis case piotcuoue ol ao-otijiug in
terest to tlie citizens of Jeffoi-on,
'lhayoruiid iSucivo.i- counties. .he;
cnuie ti.ivt.ig t cu uoiiiiHUted in the
lit ri, liicu tu me secoiiil. ami ihcuiur j
deter ami li.s victim u.iviiu l.vca in !
tlic liitrd. lne lu-tuiy ol ti.i- ra-e, j
as ileeiopci Iioiu l lie cMdeiicc, con ;
tain- lne toiiowm -.ment jmint- ot in- j
t se.-t: Miaui A I'.Uiil Jioi AiOeK !
(J. V liittuiwei, Liii vunng men ati'l
fiendi living neai logctiiui m A-i.:i;nii.- I
coun'.y .Ni , un uie li-nii l.i of ;st j.-
tcuioer Ii4 siufictl riftncr wuu :
1'iUlt s team lo iu-.HHc; toe ti .si to '
laKc a Uiliuel C.ililJ and tlic .-ic Ul
to cuiuiii'Mice a coi.le-i u:i u
ll .-liowu to iii-j evKieiice tint
1'iiilt iioiiuauU . OiJ aal look win.
tilUl elglil tjlllici- ol w ileal to III ik
ciioiigii iiioncv lo jny lilt: imJ odlcc
lees aoii In- uxiiens.-. lie .il-o toon .
W guli .-Heel, tu. and a he..
V nuiaker Uon a pair ol blanket-,
oxeicoti, Ills v.utcli. revolve , a
gun, uiitt aiijnt i I'J'J io iuooi-y.
At li-aiine l'luiu sin-in ?17 UO auJ
U hillakui ?.55 OU Uu tue ."J Hii d.n
ol dcptcuitfcr ibey iclt together f-n
tiotliC UoUUl u cock 1. .M. On '-lie
Uioiuing of the first ol October 1'iuilt
was seen comli.g uoiic ll'oiti ihc gen
eial camping ground on Jjtttle daiioy.
1'iuilt ."loped at liii.Mcptallicr -, Urin
sons, about tfuee nines froui 'the
camping loun-j until tlic morning of i
the second of Uci; fiis team pie e;i(iug !
Hie appeai.incu ul liaviug diivcii ,
nearly ail ii.glit. l'tui:t-lepi uio.-t ol ,
tue nay at tJiin-ons. On the second, j
lie pj.-sed tluotili llebion. inaniiig a
leu I teicd ieiiei c ihU.n.ii . .cj, and
making .-eveial urclusei. On hl-
leluin to uc'Mili.- county lu tailed to
glVi. s.itl-factoiy aiuWeis to questions
coueeiniiig tue wliercuOouta of U lili-lakt-r-
tli-.-iateuieiits maito diiie:Ciil
li.ii tie" differed uiatci tally.
Uo trie llii oay ol U.-iooe., u ui.tu
fomi 1 in tli-j Little lilue nver, two
inilca l.uui Hie caaipiug utoutid iliove
iiiCiuiuii-d, tlic body ot Alo it U.
U lntt.ikor. Uver tlic riglit ear a
louud a hole in tlic head, from wlucn
t v Ulalns had all e-ca,ied, leaving
noluing williiti the cavity. Tlie budj
was louud wrapped up in ltuui
v.agn sheet. Inuakcr's blankets
covered with blood, found in-ar
i lie hody A wagon trjek. and l'iu
itla cuiry-comb were fouud near by.
Tim AltltKsT.
Ou the night uf tiu l.i h of October, at
midnight, til olieiitf of Jell -r-ou tJu,,
with a po.-ae at rested 1'iuitl m
iSuekoll- county, and lound upon his
peisou n'littl.iker." watcli and 55. .jO
in money, lie was tli-u taken to
Jviiihuiy tor his piciiiiutiary exumiua
nation. At this lime he Was con
fronted with the mangled and swollen
remains oflus viciuu, and while gazing at l he corpse said in
reply loan mquiiy, "this la uudoubi
ediy U lutlakt-r. ' During all tuu itme
tioiu the veil liist, the pii-oncr has
exiilbitcd the gnatest coolnc-s and
neive, newr otioi .-liuwinleai oreino
( ion until M.. I'j ler'a clo-iig spe. cu
when the tear-nnl.'d d-iwu hl- cnecK"
upon the dehina ion ot the ci line in
i he masterly maniict in which it nu
Vhittake. s iev.iier wa- found in a
giaueiv near the vuu iliat he ha 1 taen
wuli him, bo'h of mIuuu t'ruiit ha-1
bi ought back.
was foun 1 nn 1'iuitr'- -htrt. and oi th
wngiin. fho h-ich"t h id ! -ii irrmi'i i
all over. T'ic nion.-v found upni
I'ruitt's ti'r-on. .friT ded-icM e
amo'ntsspont, t-illic I :dmn r pvi-t'i'
wi h tlie .mi. mot Whittik r took with
Tilt' TK'AT.
a Wis bi'fo-.- ri1.crvc 1 C-0l'd rr:i t
ititero-t The Mi-t r--.nm wi fi'l"!
nveilbwif?, lali'shmg a la- e potion
of h' an iitn,ii
I lie nrpltniiirirv t,ron.'",d'"'fri. a"?'!
in,T of n)oinn. oic.. dovlop-'d tho
flic' tloit .Tulir( Wi'ai'T was r'-o'vi!
that the pii-nn'T-hotild lvtri,,i it tli"
prn-nnt term nrenort. fiis IT'no-"s
iiiHn phnTd fin di-'-i'iii'in'i n -in-l
a mini wll -mc1 with j-iliMil lnr.
but oca-'inna'ly wer too stri:i!!'nt upon
t!'. .0l'--fl. ,
The Tud,f. de-Prtp the tlvnTcs or
the pontile for tbo ''ffici'-nr and r-itiM
tirmnee in wbieb ho has condnntd the !
nrnivHnffj of the court. The lovi! j
tnVnt hnth nn tli nrnsoeutinn and tlie
deft-nct wa of a lreh nr'er. The un
f:ivr:ibii opinion iruinv b-id fn-iiiel ni"
the'ihes of Mr. .1. W. KH.T tho
Pistrict Attnrner. on account of h'
voutlifnl appo'tranep. was d-:imtid
nn nbservins th aMe untiner in which
he porforniod Ids ar luo'is d'iies, the
oponinir sppeh of Mr. Ivdev win
ialdn pnpnrillUUl'5 Thoolna'ne sppi-ch
bv Mr K'lor a fino effort and nnl-
him hisrh as a pleader in criminal
juri -prudence.
Mr. John Saxon, bv his searching
and spvprp labors, his shrewdne?s. and
his olnqurncp in this cap. has aided
frosh Isuteis to his pnitinri a one of
the very ablest arf ornovs in flip State.
His fertitlitv of reso'irep- and av,!e
handling of this diffieulr pise show
that tlip court, whn artpnintine him
for the dpfence of the prisnner, give
htm tho bst 1pc1 nssistancp to bp
obtained. Ir. Sann was nMv assisted
hv Mr. L. W. Colbv of Beatrice. Or.
Saturday nieht at 9 0'cb-ck Mr. Eiler
closed his snepch and the cvc went t.i
the jury. The j idge thpn read his
chanre to the jury. It w:i torse leeal
eloquHnce. Alter the charge, th
judge said he would keep court open
till nearly twelve, ponding verdict of
jury. About 11 o'clock the jurv return
ed with solemn faces. After they
were seated, the court said, "Gent'e
men of the jurv, have you made up
your verdict?" "We have." the
foreman replyed as he handed the ver
d;et up. After reading it over care
fully, ths court Mid, ''Gentlemen of
the Jury, hearken to this, your ver
dict: State of Nebraska
William Pruitt. I
We the Jurors in this cn-e do find
the defendeut iruiity of murder in the
fir.-t degree. (Siened by the Jurors. )
Mr Saxon demanded that the jurv,
be polled, whereupon the clerk rad
the veplict twelve times, a-kinc eaoh !
of the Jurymen in turn. '"Is that your j
verdict. The reply m each case wa?
in the affirmative.
the sentence of death
The u-ual routine of" court bu-inpss
had ben gone through with, ami the
one solemn duty remained of pas-iiig j
the sentence of death upon the prison
er. The iudcp said "stand up William
M. Pruitt,"' and then proceeded to I
rad from hi" tiuo'i-eript. Suffi-. it
to av it w.i" trtilv elnquenf, containing i
-omiichoTnitho'-astobrui leif" to ,
the i-ye of any Hut r lie p.i-oncr j
-food c.iiu and appi-ntly
through the wh-ji ot the trrilbie vr
oration. I fie coiicl-idi part ft! the
.... i ... i
".-nt.-'ice wi-. that o-i he r 'tor-..-d
o the I' o c'liiiitf :netit fr.on wiltch
v.... wi- i,r...i?I,t h P;. J....1 that ,,
In- '1 i day d .iti'i.' liib net vve.-ti
tli- h-iir- ll o eloc'i noon, and 6
c! iiuh, u v...i he taken
ftooi ih.ti.e ...d li.t.-d hv the n.-ck
., 1 , f
mini you are d.-i 1 ; and urn (. d
hav-iii-i -y on ..ur -oil.' Ww
Who i- io-:ifC'c 1 ? ll i- the boy j
who conducts himself well; who Is
hunt,-!, doligeiit, and oii.-dieit iq all
.. i - i i . i
things. I i-the Imy into I- u:a;iuj
ui eff.. t lo p'ea-' III- uia-ter. md to j
ii i . .. i .. l. I
obey bin. in whit.-ver he uny dir.-et lo :
be done It i- toe ii-.j who i- kind to J
..... , . ii
o;iiel llllle Iiov-, il'i re-p.-ci- ae. ami ,
,..i. -;..,.. .:., ...i,;. ,.,..!!
n li,T (IWI li i." lllu umi it.v.-
, . i
q'ia'r'i.- vl'lllll- Coinau!MU-. 1. i
the boy who leaves no effort untried
to im,novc hiu.-elf in knowledge and
wisdom every day: who is bu-y and
active in endeavoring to do ymni acts
towards other-. Show me a boy who
i .. i : . .... ...i .. ; ,lili;......i
obeys hi" parent-, who i- dilligent,
who tia- re-p..vt for use, who always
. . . -.: ,... :. i ..!..'
i i-; :i titftiiic iti-tio-iton. anil wno
.".,.. . II If. Ii k .luthor.-. will bo j lea line f- .turc
.'t'.pltes Illiil-i it ulll"Mit, to get wi"- !(,. ,n-volume. I.speei il attention ul
,MiV1,",.t ,(;U0,I "r 'r'lNf'UTS OF AMKK1CAX
and if he i- not re.-pected and b 'loved
by every one, theti there i- no such
thin- a- truth in the world, K.miiih-
.... . . .... tills, little boys, and you wi.l be
r -."peeled ny ottu-r-, ami ou .s.i gr-jw
up and become u-eCii men.
u. uii'i ik..,.i, ......
?12?7?""t AT T'T1 01!5 C-? "3
-jw .-..-j .-. -.-rtsk w -w"
I,.i.r,i-.rt. .'i'.iL 1 i,
i toruar; ,.in, i,"o.
Mei pur-unit to call liiku C'juntv
wei K. run noaui present.
4 . . f . 1 .. .1 k
i t r it ii i .....
A .1-1 Ol names was -en.cieu ior
jurors for the April teim, l73.
' '
UilL-ial bond of Frank Uti-eli w, J.
.,,,., ...
, I Otsdatn pieciuct, approved.
liiceiise to run a f-ny actoss the
iMini!ii-ui river at (iiido Kick "rani-
licpuoiitau ricr ai j ai'ic ii ilj iu.ii.
ed to lletity iio-kiiii lor one ea:-,
snid licen 0 to be issued upon payment
of two dollars.
The following accounts granted :
McKinley A: (Just, coveimg a;.-
proach lo bridge, $10.0.)
II. i. Uill, 1' pairs Hand Cuff-, 7.00
Tax of Win. IS. tor "74 and j
-.-. ... . r it. .: . i r-i I I
IO, U1A Ol iiooi. .uuiiuvi ui it, aim
tax of Kliza Morrow for '75 atricLeu
hum tax li-t.
Adjourned sine tlic.
J A. Iui.lkys, G. W. Ball,
Clerk. Chairman.
KV ltii.
I ihtcen huii'lrcil aii'l seveiitv-six ij the
reiireii.ini cur. It is lo the ie:;r -n whiw-h
un Oiiio-iti..ii ioito of lit ire.-otit I ve.-. ihc
t'ie lir-t sineo thenar ih w tu inwcr I
Va-hini'iii;un i heye.-.r ott'ieiwenty-t liril i a llenl -lit ! Hie (Jnitctl crtate
Alio I he" events arc uro to lie t interest
aii-i iiiii'orttnc . e-puo allyihot-atien.iii-i
all ul tiiem ami eveiyhi u cnneeteil with
i!i-:n im.I belullt an l lrestil r-l'urtcl ami
e.Mi.Minih-i in I'll- l.v.
I'lieO po.ii.,ii Oo i-e of Wepr'ei.t.ilivc.
lakiiK un tne line ul it.M'iirv , en .1 er
.i, by ' e ,i,i. "til -It r ly -,n I u l)'
inve-tiuMle t'i,- .run tl n .u l mi-.lcrlt !
tr fit'- .1' I .it in -nation; in. I wi.l. i I to o
hone.i. ia ilieloiin I lii t.-r. :i" an i l-i-i'T
perto.l in our ii:.-loiy In.
The .-mi will e-mt.iii e nipl u .in I iceitra e
..oOiinn . mini inn: it.- tea'leis with o.inj
an tli nit iraialiuu upon tlio.-o.ib
s .-'it X t ,,n -.
r.ietw n j -thirl l'rt'-jlilcrui I i-lc-tn .
w'th tticprcpir .ini- !" .. will be ne or.i
tile a -lect u g iti.i'i. Or.i'it'.- .i-tT' inns liira
ilnr.i t.-r.n ot ioiv. r ami nlumlei. an. -till
ni.i.i- a- il.-c 1iiix li- s i.i.i o- tlie c.iinli I
of he a tyol ttetor ..un.ia electtiis t-i.t
eanli l.i e. 1 on--, inn.,' all siijjoi .
tho.e .ho real I'll 1 t win h ,w Hie .uealii
of iiiii tho.oiiisliiy well iniorineil.
The W'f'.lu im. nhlell lias .i.U..eil a ei
cii'att n ot over euh j 11-in ill eup.e- al
rciay tris tt- re .ler 111 every " a ..I 1'er
rtt ,ry. ami wc trn-t -h it ttioy ar s7oHtl:-e
tneir nil vw . iloii-i.e I. 1 1 wnl emiliuii ' to
lie :i th'ir ilir 1 new:,:i it. ll iho eii.-ral
neir nt l l.-.l.iv ,ri ll lie lo:l ml III ll. "MIl'lcIH 1
when tliliutpot ant. at lull lean? ll -i n t .. ., . .. . . v .. ... ..,,,, ,. ,,
m .tiiont: an.l ilv.v.. wj iru--. treifi in a -N A 1 Ml -N A L -N L S I' A I h K.
ele.r. into e iiik .in-i in-iruetive m uitur. ,,,. (i t , ij0 ftl 1( ut.f .,. iu.re4tiu)c
111 our ami to maketlie VK LY -in tlie , AlIlttrlL.,!jS , t.vcr4 ,,,,.( ot Ul(. ,;,utje.
Ii.tfiiiail newspaper in he w-o-1.1. an.l we vVhi.e it e-peeiaiy reprt-ent the
stialloJiiunuf f ivc in i: eolumn-:. Inn;e , . ,.
auiotint sf iiiiji-tll-neou re.uliiir. .-iun as vj'ea. iS.creCS CI '..10 .0:aXC0.
stories tile-. luoui-. s-.en-il.e iuteln.-.eiiie. , 5, ..,t.i,.. ,M ,t view- and e. inprt-hen-:tii
I .u.le.iltar.I m-orin . 1011 lor wlin-a we . JVO i: ltMlclv,fc.iltilcrlll(... rirM1 , ,,(,.t.
have not room in our .Lilly eii ion. In- a - .,,,...,;,,. 1-not bi otnl.anl in nil
.lepai-.nuMtt 1 one oil.. .,,., ji:il, , 0l. ( UI:llie j, UvJ a0 ,Xt.
proitnticit tenure-. Ill": ta-lilotis aro al-o ,,t.rJ,i:, ab.l-C
reirularly ret.orteil in it eoliitnii-; an l.-oaio .-,. , , i..i,rK v 1. .....t..
ino inarKoi-01 evci mm.
l'lie Vhs..Y rit's.eiitut p:i- with hty
ni.x iiroad eo 11:1111-i.-otil tl J) a pos
tal:" prep ii.l. A? Ij ptiee b ircly rep iy- tue
-o-t of ttie p..per. no m-eount c. 11 1, 111 il! to
citib-. aseut. I'osiuitstcr-. u'- anoiie
IhelUn.Y s a la r:e lour pace new -p.i
per of tiv..nty-ouht coiuinuj. cure all the
new-fur two ecu. a ojpy. suo.r:ri'tion,
pistiu- prep.iitl. .V e. a imn h or6i ujcr
un- ty edition extra. SI. '0 per your. We
have no traveling
Addre-s III rJ aUN. No "i ork City.
.- -
Dry Goods find
Hats, Caps &
, -mt 1 rti ti ' f'
liXKlf .! toe Willing:'
We have the Largest
Stock itf the Vallny and will
not be undersold.
fiUTR sPATI HF t Abb
. "
S Carber & CO. i
lcl f1Iaanl Vak
T.d ilea uoau, en.
jrTI TTTTTfT fl C5
ia - Ca.X iXA.if
X; OX 2876
AaerlH . ...( .r..-;-ro uaewi.u.Ir.1
; th n n.iii- ii ui-..tur.. .luriaj:
aica.-r. ..:-.u.- nw a. ii,:,!',.! win
r-vl'a I it- pniL-tst "Jinr.etii'T-. the ttiU-
,, - fini, lh, w.Ax.r m ,, ,, t., . t;, ,IU
i i-e taat ihu l' ir J Volume, l.tvui.unp witii
: Tuu '1: ."-Jr! I
,,,!.,.,. ,,. .,e.-e!tn t.-Imres. lna.1-!
d.u.m t. t.:im,uitn.. !r..n tiio '
rir wk.iims r .ini:mn.!
tin re ;il he sf.r,.- !W n9. .ml U;vhc.
by -ial :h o.-t rr.-in.nen: l.i.cwi An-
; -,or- Arr., , ,. hlXv it. ,.,.!,. ,iir a ;
c-y int3 e-t n.- -eri- ,f?n.'rs .. ;
ltv !r-. ohli'il N V.
Treating ? n tit.-r it. I th. 'hilil-Life of
-ucte-ive ! it "iciier .I'.'ii..
. ViIloiitrilu'ein tie neu lulume, I
-vj.j.i -. a-.... (
i Hi'l .rrir.-'M's liirthda 'irts. an 1
I ..her-hort :.'i-.
Sum,, .niek- on "At oiiMiiy rr Von-.: I
re-i!e" h .e li'eii (romfc'l b t!t: (ulur l
Ellpr..i, As.r ,.ttrr
iiWii Kl I'lK.CroK
There viq bi." a ru'jtiuueil rto.y of ' Life in
jt-r"-ftil" by
! in i .e ive '1'ic- Mimner. i:ie iieinnnVi
,- i v . .. . r.-
) the nw viluni. n t In'un an
f".T"i P7TT CTT?
"I'll1. 15iV KUI-KAM."
r.j ou iiuoou. i
ivinp'h-' i lv"Sure- of :i jrirty ,'lmy in '
I tie ' .i.i'nri.'.i ' i I Mine-, in tlu early tJj-
of tho tJot.l Fever
.1. r r::tv.:ui!r;K.
' Aut.i'rt tne ..;. i zmi -T.irie.. w
p lri,lle !Iie h..; i..i-r. mug skete.i
o ' ""',; :t: .HVrJrlS " . - - -
Auth'irof the .l:i"k J' 7. ml" Tnrie.. will
l.liWUIIH'l 1..
"lTri I I'ietorinl i.u.
Tht',v;iri;,"V,1;',,:r""onr- "'," "-''-
"' ri.r It, , tt-.r .'" nr .and th-
air f r I- u (."' . t-; .,, I.e more
ittri ti- thi. rur The Frt..-h. Litin.
, .,,! ,;..r,in .t..ri.-. f.r irm-i .u mi. vineh
!',lV'' :'r v7' T" :,r 'Ti11 " ST,U "V ' "J-
j j.,,.,,,., ,,l,j.,. ." .i' the nnes. u-rk-t
t,r nt
,i'r ,'" thr C'nttrj ,
i h ive l.-e i ,-nriv .1 .iir--Iy !-.r r. Nn-H-
oi.s.:.n.itiu-iir-tHrf t..f:h....ywinr..n-
tril.ui.' f--h :n. . ,k-iii d ilranim:' tor ttds
n' Art M.i.iiiziur h'i,r Thv )".,rin7. D-t:nite
.ii.,-i":-i.l !iim itere-riti-an,l no-
. ,., tc.,.lirt.4 .V1.ri. ,,. tc , ,,. Ut-.-mber nun.-
I '-r t 'i. i..-.-win,:L. underthe
I -iiee-tiil flllor hill "t I
; , ; r , , V;.s- , ())(;
A,M . rff .rt ill b-i.irl by editor an.l
,,"I,,,l1!,,!r",,,,i '.-' ,",",l,,,,,, ": i,t-
tr-ielii.'U .ilia vi no o the in.iir lii'le.
Siih-Ti;,iioi. irii. :t o oin
sin It' .Vmnli.-r.. -.'.'i eeiits; lion ml
liiiues.s.oi em-h.
Tlici- ve'iiine- h sin i Ii X .vulifr The
'"If ?"? r"i,,-,f"rl'l:,i "n ,HB7'? rare a1"
antH b ti I i'i re I -i'1 1 ul I a" I lorta the
.l"ll "I Ml"'l I" II- 1 " ! I I I'M 1.1 1,1.
ILin-l-.tue-r Fif'-ttook lor 'hiblre ' Hver
Is.-lieil. W e will -ell I the in iir.U ',. n,. r ar I
l.....inniilL' N.iV.-ihIiit. IS75 :,ti either f
the voluau" liotniii a ve. i,-i-ianl. lor
s" )' or a -nb-.-rii'tion oiie v.-i-. a'M the two
o nine for '' i. All tie- l-.i'er an.l
h.MikP er- ivtit 'eii -ub-i -rintioiii iiinl.-u
. volinii' a' I -ibo
I'rniflici, A. 1".
Tho Jnter-Ocean.
Klab"i heil Ii than tlir'-o year. nj;o a- a
Itetire.-.'iit.i ! !t..,iib.i. .i I'ap.-r p. ileil
to in nt.tain ami ili-leml the p.tii.-ipitv ami
ir.iiii'-tiuii ot th? V.iti'Mi.i Hipuliii -at,
Patty the n'l .Ii H'KW iv t eirly :i h
eil ! the tiireli.iiit oljournali in ami aehie el
a -iie-'e. unpr. cnlenteil i tin- lu-t r ot
.-nth t-iitriris -.. lly universal u.--c!il it has
been .. i,;.il-'1 o-iiton a
tpi:T? T,r;ri,?,T ?PT?nrT',A,7 ?.',ti?3
44w waJ.,1 J .lw. Jyj.w.1. IT1
i.n thk Miii.uvi:.-.r.
K',l aluae nn it p li'icil ehar.n-ter 'lo
the l.N I I-" 1-H'K X re.-t itHelaim- to p. j.u
lar av r. It aim.-at the hiKhe-t exi-'-lletieo
in ill '1 mi irtnie it", an I in tin eaofpro
cre ivji.urn ilt'ta .iiire? to poiti"n .itnonc
tho uet
The l.N' I'i-'it- jCKAX ta ike- cpceial claim
It- ol tn:i- are e tr, lolly n inleil a.iin-t
n'.i-.! : .,, i .: in iter, nil e -irt i
i lie to , ! t it t p 1-..11S ami pr-ili:a.,tt.
" oup.ta.oi, t . h, .'. ..oe tire-iils.
Till Conner:: a: Dopcrt a:at
i-eon l.ieteil with kre I r rv. .nul ,-veo tLiiiK
ii, ;.iili- i-, done lo make Itie
M u lr. I hKI'Di; rf
"tieh a th firme an I IS t-inc Men of the
o- lb-vest ran rel upmi
j ,,. ., ,.,, , ,;,,. f Mlity
. ..;..,. . '
1 ll,,V 1 1 . . , ,
13 U37JiVirO lZZZl ZZl 1CZ0T& J-iTTZ,
m'-r.- " --yi sr " r! "A-n- ri
An I everything tiiat "er to 111 ike
I 4'.n ." ( LA MS A !: H'.n''.I 1'Kll
i no!lol by any pub!. cation in the
! ........ ... r,,. I vi ' i, .. i i.- . v .. .
. ... ....... . ...... mil .....,j-
ate eireu! .ti"ii ot any ne.-'i..;icr iiulilislied
i . the nor hw.-t. 1 1 ,i-u: to more 'h in
t'.ifji) I'ono'he.-. !i-tribute.i in e try State
and Territory in the Tinted Stat,;, in ..ll the
liriti-h I'r .vinee-. sua numerous foreign
Stater and eoiintrie.-.
TKilMS OrsUL.-CKIl'TiU.V :
b.ii.v. Uy .Mail.
'pajable in advaney. per 'r. postpaid 5t'f)
.'. tuoi.ths. -z:h
per ye ir (in advame. 1, -In ii 1 JtJV)
eluuoffour " " . I-Jim
..i..t r .- . .- .. I
l-JIIO "l iia l,.j
:lubifien " " -..0j
Uaa Iree eon with every elub often.
WKKKLY.-I!y Mail.
Per ye ir tin advanee.. po-tp-iid 1 n". 1
I'ltibof fotir " " .Vft) 1
Club ! ten " l.t.V)
Cl-ib of twenty " " i)j
One tree eopy ith fvery club of twenty.
1 l.muiry.!. I) 1-7 Inder this law the pot
WhJr" hJr 1-V.n , li l """:
WI1" 4ilJ i C III il tTtla
Money can bi-n: by d-aft. .nonr--order.
eJtpre-.or resriMered l-tter. at our rik. '
M.eei.v! .irran.retn-nt' ta.i-le eountrr
P..blihers for clubliinir with their puUirZ
IIO I.itkrft!.. Chirnsw
TC:re ?zi caa get a r:ci sqrars nsal
I3r TTsntJ-fire :satr.
Ol I htta in every style.
. , , .
Fruitf, Nuts, Apple?. Cind?e. Jellies
and Canned good- of all kind?.
Cigars & Tobacco -
I h- lisirhc-t market price paid Tor
nrTTCi rrf,a .-
ISU 1 I P.I., I-.HI.9 A.AU
---.u r .1. t ,-
ir,er from the Repnhhcrn
?- W,h Vel' ,0 q,VC Us a caI1
. . I W h .1 j- I
'.. in iiiM.iiu.
"i,l nde Hastinc- Avenue.
n nvmv; nf:b
Billiard Parlor.
Cl 1L-S.r02t. -!:. iT Z Sci C'.C-i '
-rur ioc:;.
AH lovers of the came are invited to
A tu-h a-sornetit can-
,5.,.. n.,,l m., l,r,.,., nft I,.,.,.!
"1-. '"1 "'. a.w.ij" on h ind.
i;,..,,!,.,,.,.,.., ..i..r., :,!.v:... i,,i
j to attend to ciitomeis.
:i4 tf
KD. SMiril. Prop.
Chcs Poller,
Kep- tin lnst nnd largest Drue
,. Store In Ip.I Cloud.
i'ieei?jitior.s carefully cornjioun led
) both d..v and night. nl it
The Best Paper ForFarmers
i.h rut:
Weekly Tribune
j O.VE I) LI.K iier ctrii. flub i.fth.rty
I iir'itv. ."peoiiiiH-i f.j;i i tree, t'ur tirtii.-.
i andeom.m-i oi.
A, s-Til bTKl ;
ll'Ni:. New
I A - t J ) l I J
- U ll JVv ) 1.1 i a , !
, ,
' r-i,-r,v '
Uinpc: I tniinrc; atirl Pinprc
t IHCD, Uiqil JTb. (tUU Ulljdrij,
I ... . . ..... .
Ul' A IjIj K IN '..
(' truer of I t Strct and H.-iiiur
Avenue, Ila-iins:". Neb. 11-li
I y T3r4-cT TT'riarl
i -VX JLtLtl JCcaCA.
. . .
' 51 JIH1 1 1 J' M II J'.M tl. II .
I Offer-his mtviccs to the public,
. ... , ., ,. . .,
. ... , ., ,. . ,.
, antl will attcn 1 to. ill prole H-tnil call-.
1 w-in v.u. nuviui m.uj
0f5ce Over Shcrer's Lrur Stcre,
I$en ver Ho use-
J. H. SlTH, Propria:::.
The only lirt-clast hou-e in the city
tstape leaves thi-hou.e every other
morning for lied Cloud and the K I'.
K. It. nil
Smith & Calvert
USD CLOUD - - - H3B.
!n Ited Cloud. Nd . t their o J ntund.
'Ti to ee what luey har. on
They have a supply, it may trul.v bo ?aid
Ot that which is utedfl for the livinjr or
They ha-ehd-t end .eradl. tuldr .Veha ire
Sor.,. bureau.", and all kind ,'t suh, .
Crib-. IiMli.Ke "fit . ntl'l nn llrrf se
Vhirh tor ail kinds of folks and ace m.l
They hnv,j flrafn and horse. tor children to
Which will p'e'i e wires and babic." cxeeed
itiirly well.
They p y e:ih f..r these thin;. and scltct
them with ,-are.
And yrillel them as c' eapaanyineil.'.rr.
Ai:i1wi:j to you all. both rntiiiz iil old.
Tln-y'I- not rtue creeiib.iek. il rr "r irttld.
Wcinv te ali nur fr.end- and neizhborf to
And tbeyd iibtlc. will fin I thry deal fairly
wi.h all.
1 Ifyoti eome. I do th;nkyu rtn eertn'nlv but
A- in, one can ny the pr oe too h sh.
uaNness shop
3. V Xiudloiv
I.- now prepared to do ail Kinds n! worl.
Ham ess i in e.
The best of materials used, and all
Fone on bort notice and at rcasonabb
Shop in McNitt'.s Store.
Red Cloud ftebraftKa.
Frank lAlicnt h:- Mammntli I'ub- fliiti-i r T l'irl J'rrtff Sow
Vork, i-ue- .-eventeei. f.eaunfully il-
! lu-liaicd new-papers, and magazine-.
.Mr. Le-lte wa the hr-t m the ( rnttil
I , I f 1 l" i"
J tate to Undertake the put fication ol
1 u weeklv illu-trated newspaper, and to
l 1 ". .t 1 . , c 1 . .t.
'" belom: the honor of J.Hinjr the
pub'i-her of "Ilif Olde-t Illu-trated
Xew-p-ipT in Am-rict." The per
son whe fecure.- the aeenry for thee
publication- in this vicinity, and will
rive our citizen- an opportunity of in--p?:ctirip
the several i-ues and copie
of the eight ujaenificent chromor the
choice from which i tiven with a 'ub-
.-eriptioti to either ofthe illustrated
I weeklies, will have a handsome and
! profitable bu?ine. Tht patier-are
; well known, and -ell readilv for from i
. 10 to in cent' on n.w. -tamH. ar,d are J
i now fir-t o.'iered thrnueh ajrenr t
, a.inuai sub-criUr-. with available
, elinimo whicn. to all loveri ofart. i
' alone worth more thn the ub-crin-
' tion price An annual -uri-cribr fo
' 'he Jinttrntil ncfjr recieve-
durini' th -ar over .'J2 new-parer !
' j "' (
",r '-- T'"-'s en,ia' tn fcven w3rn
' books ofnrdinarv size. 4iU papp each ;
an( nr) half of these piL' would con- J
j ain fine encravinz-. and for rh; c-n- J
' ifrnmni year win mKr ine mnr occur-1
Me ani-vai,nhlA iHu.trat.d flistorv of '
! t!- National Jubilee puhli-hed. We J
' advi3c onr reader, after they have
1 . .. k I Z X . . .. -. .
; ,or nur pper insecure ir.e
of hrar.k L"slie illustrated rnnJ. )
-Kndwiihit the braurifui cbrrmoRcd Cloud
i ... j.. " i
IN IP MTT Ut-ILDIM' 1"T llt K "M Til or THE IMT FrtVlL
Is where you can buy
ll4ad(Y lliulv llolhiit. Haf k & i j; ,
ISootN & Shoe!, ; rc' r irs,
ami wvrythii x in ti lint oj General Kefchancise,
It will pay you to examine my tock and prices befure buyint tle
where. A fiieii.ily invitation eitetnb d to all.
COAll I ask is a tri.l and I am -tire !rii I ran rnn.i r.- j u. th,t t
keep the largest stock and the ch apest store west of the Mipout
P. S. H.Qhest Market Price paid for ali kind
of Country Produce, Hidts and Furs.
Juniata lUebraska.
CAP Tinware, Queensware.
Highest t'asli Friee J'aid for Uraln.
imi WAimmiffi)
. , 'cfv'. jr.
..L - r
J. G. Potter ln just received
I'v, . brought to the Valley.
and 1'iiei es.
-T. G.
Kefpcnntar.tly on hind the Iart tck of Pry Pi Lkf' i"
,lP West A'-o
and all kinds of
Our itock is well -elected arid purchased dircet frotu tb raft, &
will be aohl a low a th bj'.veot. y
Hastinyt, Nebraijft. ,
Havp opened a new store and lve Ja.t received a fnT ardcen 1 .,
stock of
HARDWARE, Cutlery, arpcnlr A
COAL and WOOD STOVKS. We have zm a Tio Shop ecr n'i'
with onr Store. We manufacture Tin, Copjr 4 Shrtt hot War-
Onr Stock i? LARGE and well aborted, atid e will deal a !'
as any house Test of Lincoln.
Call and See Before
Oppo-ite the Lumber Yard.
the fint arrnifnt of
(live linn a call and examine p i
Red Cloud, Nebraska.
Purchasing Elsewfcerf .