The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 02, 1876, Image 4

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The Calendar Clock manuractory at
Ithioa, Na T.f wag burned, Feb. 12th.
Lose. $50. 000 T Insured.
Mrs. Andrew Bates and two children
broke through the ioe near Kcw Haras,
Conn., February 10th. The mother was
rescued, but the children wero drownad.
Owen Lindsay, convicted of the mur
der of Francis A. Calvin, was hanged
in the prison yard at Syracuse, N. Y.,
February 11th. He declared bis inno
cence to the last.
On the 11th of February Manning's
plaining mill at Marlborough, Mara., to
gether with valuable machinery and
30,000 feet of lumber. Loss heavy no
Thv Hutchins Hotel, at Ho joke
Mbe., was fired simultaneously in the
cellar and attic early on the morning of
February 10th, and completely de
stroyed. Four stores on the first floor
were burned cut. Loss, $75,000; par
tially insured.
On the morning of February 11th a
fire occumd in Pittsburg, Pa., which
destroyed the Birmingham depot of the
Pittsburg, Cincinnati & St. Louis Rail
way, a rive fctory mill, and other build
ings. Total los3 $150,000, partially in-eiire.
The burglar who entered the National
Bank ot Commerce a lew nights ago at
New London, Conn , bee been discovered
in the pcrBon of Geo. C. Parker, one of
the tellers, who has confessed, and all
the missing funds of the bank, amount
ing to 21,500, have been reoovered.
A Brace or Dog Stories.
The Buffalo Adver titer says: "Lately
a Mr. Stambacb, residing on the Ham
burg turnpike, called at No. 7 Polioe
Station and reported to Captain Flani
gau that a large Newfoundland dog,
attached to a hand wagon, had been
stauding on the turnpike, about a mile
from the city, for three dayi, and refused
to move, though some one bad released
him from tho wsgon, which was partly
filled with willow branches, evidently
cut by the "dog's owner from a grove in
the vicinity. It was ascertained that
the animal's owner was Andrew Selrick,
a basket maker; also that he had been
arrested and committed to the work
house for thirty dajs in default of a fine.
It is believed that, being cold, Andrew
lelt the dog and wagon at the place
where they were found, to 'get a drink,'
ami that he took a number of 'drinks,'
till he became intoxicated and forgot all
about his propwty. The circumstances
we remarkable, and afford a good illus
tration of the faithfulness of a brute
which had stayed for three dnys without
food, suiting fat his mesler, as opposed
to the master's dissipation and neglect."
The T;ny NVWy gives the folio wiug in
a late issue: "Recently a little &irl was
sent to a with a $2 bill to make
some purchases. The child ou her way
to the store loaf her money, and rtturn
Intt home told her father of her ill for
tune. He at once went out in search of
i- miming cash. While prosecuting
itis search he was accosted by a lad
named Ryan, living near by, who on
learning what was lost, requested tiie
gentleman to show a bill to a dog that
was with tho boy, and apparent y inter
ested in what was going on, and assured
the gentleman that the dog would find
the lost note. The gentleman with some
incredulity presented a note for the in
spection of the dog, which the latter
Feemed to examine Intelligently, and
then tho boy sent the canine on a search.
Shortly the sagacious brute returned,
nut with no bill, and the gentloman's
look of Incredulity became quite posl tire;
but the boy asserted that the bill was nut
on the street. Had it been there, the
boy maintained, the dog would have
found it; and to vindicate the high repu
tation of his per, asked the gentleman to
place a bill on the street at a considera
ble distance and unobserved by the dog,
which was done. More money was ex
hibited, and the dog sent out at random.
In a few moments the sagacious animal
returned with the note. In the mean
time Mr. B. Tuanard bad found the lost
note. Tho remarkable sagacity of the
dog being told, Mr. Tunnard heard of the
story and promptly restored the money
to its owner. A comparison of events
left no doubt that he picked up the bill
before tha dog was sent in search of it.
The animal is a very intelligent water
spaniel, that has been trained to search
for nidden articles, which be baa done
with more than human thoroughness.
On one occasion a lady lost a gold ring,
which the spaniel soon found and re
stored to the owner after being shown
another riep hv the lady."
Jennie June scolds the girls for per
mitting young men to be extravagant
upon them in the way of bouquets, car
riages and what not.
The Marquis of Lome and the Pi inccs i
Louise will be the guests. of Sir Edward
Thornton during their v?lt to the Cen
tennial Exhibition.
It is said that the Princess Beatrice of
England who is not, as p-eviously re
ported, to marry Prince Louis of Bal ten
burg is deeply in lore with the Prince
Imperial of France.
Aba! Our American pedestrian, Wes
ton, has beaten the English champion.
New is bis time to die covered with
glory, and when the 50 he has won will
cover his funeral expenses.
The Milford, Pa., Herald announces
the death of Mr. Sipley, who had lived
in solitude many years in Green town
ship, Pike county, Pennsylvania. He
had been a wealthy merchant of New
York, but failing in business his re
verses so preyed on bis mind that he
fled to a wild and desolate place, several
milts from any habitation, where for
thirty-five jearB he lived alone, sustain
ing himself by fishing and hunting.
F. A. Dockray, the American who
was imprisoned during the pact two
years at Valencia, Spain, as a Cu'-'an
rebel, has written to a iriend in Florida.
He says, under date of London, January
5: "I have been in London a fortnight
or so, having escaped from Valencia,
Spain, in the night. Was six days in an
open boat ( ff the Spanish coast blown
on to Africa in a terrible gale, and
landed in Morocco among the Moors.
Thence we worked over to Gibraltar,
where I got a British steamer for Lon
don. All I say la, don't you
get into a Spanish prison. Let them
choke you first with the garrote. It's
far better. I left word in Valencia that
I was coming to London to spend
Christmas, but I don't believe I will go
back to Spain. I wrote the Governor a
short note here, eaying I was sorry he
put himself to the trouble of searching
every vessel in the harbor, and raising
such a fuss about nothing. I hope he
has cooled off by this time."
A Paris correspondent gives the fol
lowing pen picture of Madame Mac
Mahon: "She is a dark, florid, stout
person, with the merriest clear gray eyee
in France; and, faith! these are laronly
beauty. She is the despair of her mil
liners; for her stout, short figure defies
the graces of their art. She has a pas
sion for pinks and greens. But, by good
luck, because the is very broad and net
very big, perple insist that she is a
motherly soul. 'Look at that back and
whisper people at recep-
19, for paymest of latere! in cols os bendy
waa a violation of the tineas acta and wblak
tho bonds were Issued, and therefore lha tee act
sbonld be repaIoL Referred.
Mr. Sevier offered a reflation ealllag oa tee Soe-
rtary of the Treaaary t report, witnin tea any.
the actual amount f gold owned by the govern-
lifcaVM now oautaadroc-, accrued Interact oa
tr.nt aad .Tillable lot the reanoiotloa ef epeete
Tjsrmai t. after deduetine the amount of fold cer
govt rnaaent bonda, and bem a called for the alah-
lsgynnd op to ibis en:. Asotiua,
fir. Scales, from the committee oa Indian af
fairs, report d a bill requiring sureties for all In
dian agent a, snb-agents and special asen'.s to ale
aworn statemeata of the valne aed deerlptloa of
proprty owned by Ihern oa which they beouoM
sureties. Paaeed.
Mr. Waco er, from the committee on airroprl
stions, reported the forUficatisn bill, and asked
for its present consideration. It appropriate
815.000. Mr. Wheelrr stated that estimate for
the Tear were abont iauo.OOO. bat the committee
hollered that a redaction might be made Passed.
faxArn rfstfeestfay. Pit. IS -Senator Antbo
ny submitted a concurrent resolution requiring
report in the Congressional Record to be an
accurate transcriot of the debates aa ther occur.
without arditlon or charges In speeches. Sena
tor Conkling reported with amendment the Hen
ate Mil conferring exclusive jurisdiction over the
Indian reservations upon the United State
courts, and for the punishment of cr mes against
the Irdlans. Placed on the calendar. Senator
Morrill, ef Maine, moved to lay aside the pending
order, t being the bill in regard to th sale or
iimoer on tne pubuc ianas. ana use up tne con
ference report on the joint resolution to pay in
ter st on the District of Colombia bonds. Car
ried. After a lengthy discussion on the question
of concurring in the conference report, the Sen
ate adjourned wituout action.
Ilouais. Mr. Stone introduced a blU lilag th
compeuratlon of railroad eomanlea for trans
portat.on ff m i a. The Hon-e went Into com
nittie of the whole on the Co I or j do bill. The
only c-angrs made by this bill in the enabling
act of last March are a provision that all qnalifl d
voters under the laws or the Territory snail be
entitled to a voe on the qaeation of ratification
rr reje-tion, and a provision appropriating fV
000 to pay the expenses of a constitutional con
vention. After a long discussion the committee
ros : and the bill passed without yeas and naya.
The Uonf e took up the soectal order, being the
bill to teorpanlie the Indlciary. Pending action
on the bill the House arjourned.
which perhaps will not seem astonishing
to Inventors who haw bad dealings with
Government departments. At any rate
the clerks had no sooner discovered the
terrible parcels than they sent treaa to
tbe Police Bureau, advising that a de
tective should be eesamiaaioned to drop
them at night, and aa privately as pos
sible, into tbe river. This valuable
counsel waa followed. U:frtunately
the agent charged with the duty or
putting the whole Austrian capital in
danger of deetructua was perceived by
a brother detective, who, not being in
the aecet, ran and fished up two of the
three boxes and restored tho as to the
custody of kis chiefs. The third box
still remains under water. An impress
ion prevails among the) people of Vienna
that tbe course taken by the Ministry
of Commerce and the poliee in respect
of this dynamite ounht not to be estab
lished aa a precede f PM Mall Qatttu.
Pla Poultry. Kill, or Plaieneld. IndWns,
made the floest display at Chicago pcoliry show.
HU fowl beet them all. Seacard.
Severely Jehasea.
shoulders T
tions. HOW homelv. how mntriprlir
And as the butcher-women lean far cut
of thtir monstrous swaying earts to spy
her Grace as she enters a shop from her
carriage, 'Mon Dieu!' they cry, 'what
a fine nurse for her marmots! Hut she
has the merriest eyes, the pleasanlest
laugh in France, that Is certain. She is
always m good humor. And she nrirjht,
(TTOOr friltli en.. II'. If. ,1 I
f.--v .. utkJ, oj,- WK(. xuaiiume la
MarecbaleLefebre: 'I and my Marshal
"Sunset" Cox earned bH S3br'quet
by a gorgeous article which he published
in the Ohio Stetetman In 1853, entitled,
'A Great Old Sunset," He was at that
time editor of the ijtaietman, and had
not discovered his humorous bent. But
his "Sunset" article was very funny.
If we can sleep witcout dreaming, it
is well that painful dreams are avoided.
If, while we sleep, we can have any
pleasing dreams, it is, as the French say,
taut gaffne, to much added to the pleasure
of life.- Franklin.
Bbsatx araautVM jr. u
Th! resolution for the admission r ptn.hh..k
of the act bf IBM mT.VhAV "" ","ra Kctlon
Bi5UfB'ih National Bank
Wars anri vHfJl" weowuoa instructing the
est itt-sTsV SttS:rs
ESknatz Tiunday, Ftb. 17. The educatloaa
committee re,iorttd a bill to establish an educa
tional fund. Placed on the calendar. Senator
Wright tn:rcdueed a bill to reduce Interest on the
public de't, 10 1 rivlde for a safe elastic currency,
for a speedy apiir.c ation of the value of treasury
no-ea and national bask notea to that of coin,
and to guard against panics and inflation of bank
credi'a. Referred. Senator Wright stated that
ee Introduced the bill without committing himself
to its provision.
Senator Allison called np th- Senate bill giving
eoat-ent of the United Statea to the county of Du
buque. Iowa, to construct county buildings in
Wksnlnpton r quart-. In Dubuque. After dlrcur
slon by Measrs. Allison, Wright, Bogy and others
Mr. Conkling moved to amend so aa to provide
t bat tbe consent of owners of property fronting
on sa'd tqnarr, heretofore located, be obtained,
which waa agreed to, and tne bill aa amended
The Senate then resumed consideration of un
finished buslneaa, being the repvit of the confer
ence committee on the disagreeing votes ot the
two II on st on the joint resolution to pay the in
terest on the 3:03 District or Colombia boads.
After debate Senator ther man moved to recommit
the report to the conference commltUe, that the
resolution mtehl be perfected and have all cred
itors paid. Agreed to, yeas 80, nays S7
The Senate tnen teok np the bill to provide for
the aale of timber lands in tne States ol Califor
nia and Oregon, and in the Territories of the Uni
ted Stater. Sveral amendments were agreed to,
and pending discussion tbe Senate adjouraed till
liouBK. 1 he Speaker being absent by leave,
Mr. Cox waa elerttd Speaker pro tern. The House
took up tbe bill for the re-organlaatlon of tbe ju
diciary. After discussion, Mr. Hayler. of Ohio,
moved to lay the bill on tbe table. Kejected and
the Home adjourned.
How Indians
Care Meat
an4 Dress
lion. Reverdy Johnson, whose sudden
death at Annapolis, Md., has been an
nounced, was born in the city where he
died on the 31st of May, 179G, and hence
would have been 80 years old next May.
He waa educated at St. John'j College
at the place of bis birth, and at the early
age of 17 began the study of law in tbe
office of hia father, who was then chief
justice of the district of which Prince
George county was a part. When 21
years old he was admitted to the bar,
and two years later removed to Balti
more, where he has ever since resided.
From the first he took high rank in bis
profession, and during tbe last quarter
of a century has been a recognized au
thority on constitutional law. His later
practice has been mainly befire the
United States Supreme Court He and
Thomas Harris reported seven volumes
of the decisions of the Maryland Court
of Appeals, one volume each year from
1830 to 1827.
In 1821 bis political career may be
said to have begun. He was then elected
State Senator, and after four years of
service, was re-elected. Twenty years
later, in 1815, he was elected to tbe
United States Senate, but resigned in
1849 to accept the cabinet position of
attorney general under President Zich
Taylor. Alter Taylor's death and Fill
more's succession to the Presidency, Mr.
Johnson resigned, and at once resumed
tbe practice of the law in Baltimore,
which he steadily pursued.
A .V Tads Kabblt-Huit
Another grand rabbit bent the sec
ond of the season rame off Ifst week
in Grabs Valley. John Guthrie, pro
prietor of the Sonoma Rncch, having
determined to rid the vicinity of tbe
pests which destroyed acres of grain
and vegetables for him last season, bad
provided ammunition and provisions for
the attsck oq the eiemy. Ten guns
were mustcrrd into service, and tho
hunt continued four days, in which time
850 rabbits were slaughtered. One hun
dred pounds of shot were fired daring
tbe crusade, and Guthrie is satisfied
with the result According to the
record kept by tbe boys at the ranch
more than 8,000 rabbits have tieen killed
in its immediate neighborhood since last
July. They are tolerably well thinned
out now, and hopes are entertained that
their depredations will be less extensive
next summer than last, when they de
voured about 60 acres of barley, besides
potatoes and other vegetables. They
were &s great a plague to farm erg in
many zrt of the country last- yes,- if
tbe rstaboppers wera In Karioi
$9Wkt--rS!hfr fcty fan. Jp.
boadee indebtedneior the United BuS hv
any farther readier. H? tETOffff
tender notea now In use-
discontinue sell In jr cold
'Treasurrnntil itnarhMi.v
also of directing him to
win or phi ion, DUt tn
accnmuUte la the
miuleaa. Adontxt
J!llV?.ecff,,rre0,1Btion aettinc forth that
prompt Beans aboald betaken by alcb leVa a
JlSm J?8? render effee Jv. ,n. Jul" r
arVBarii?ry.of ?." Treasury all necee
V3f5l ?trr-01" " to tne end that
i?SL il2Z "? "V provided for.
tomlk?7f?' Ftb- 3S-"tor Morris
tfc Ho2a?m,t,w?,, PP"Prtatlons, called np
PMsTenJr' EfklB5 Pnropriaiions for tbe
?2?e?n.iJSI!,i2 fi otr iione for tbe
iiaVm?JSrHO,30'.,S:T- Th olll appropriates
anLoomr.'.VS17 ln?l,d- ".OTO.WO for wld
nro;2 "? Paeat relatives, and ll.BTO .
2?J ttjrtlve and widowa of "e warof
r.i!I?.!R-tfebil.'?P1 Ct;o of the
When her lord has killed a bufftlo, the
woman's work begins. She has to skin
it, the meat to secure, and all to pick
upon ponies or mules, and carry to
camp, where the meat must be cured.
This is done by cutting it into thin
ebeets, and hanging it over poles in the
hot sunshine, where it is soon dried
thoroughly; then it is packed fresh in
packages of about one hundred pounds
each, and inclosed in a nice folding sack
of thick buffalo skin, prepared especi
ally for the purpose. This is not dressed
down thin after being flashed, but well'
tunned, and of the full thickness of the
skin; the hair side nicely ornamented
with paint, for tbe outside of the sack.
This is cut like a huge envelope, so that
the ends and sides will fold over what
ever is put in them, and secured by
strong buckskin rings. By being thick
it retains ifs form, and is very useful for
carrying other things besides meat and
tallow. After tbe meat is taken care of
the skin must be looked after. Those
taken at this season of the year ar
mostly dressed for lodges. They are
first staked on a smooth spot of ground,
and water put upon them, when they
are ready for fleshing. This consists in
removing the flesh with an instrument
made of a straight bar of iron, 'about a
foot in length, flattened at one end and
filed to an edge. This being grasped in
the hand, and a succession of quick
blows given, the work slowly proceeds.
The skin is then dried, after which the
hair is removed in a dry state, and the
skin reduced to tbe proper thickness by
dressing down on tbe hair side. This Is
done with an instrument made by fltmly
tying h flat piece of steel, filed to a bev
eled edge at one end, and with the cor
ners rounded, to a large prong of a
deer's horn. This is so trimmed, in
connection with the body of the horn.
as to form an elbow, and is used a little
as a carpenter uses bis adze. This work
is usually done in the cool of the morn
ing. The brains of the animal, having
been properly taken care of for the pur
pose, are now soaked and squeesod by
the hand until reduced to a paste, and
applied to both sides of the skin, which
is afterward worked and rubbed until
flexible. The preparation of robes is
from winter skins, and differs from the
ioi;oingonIy in being dressed down
on the flesh side, so as to leave the wool
and hair upon the robe, and ia more
thoroughly worked, and scoured by
means of a sharp-gritted stone.
Oat Mkal Bbkakfabt Cakk. Take
one quart of Canada oat meal, wet with
one quart of celd water, and pour into
a baking tin so that it will stand half an
inch deep. Shake down level, and
bake in a hot ovtn half an hour, or until
it ia crisp and brown on tbe surface.
Cut quickly into two inch squares, and
serve hot.
Much bending breaks the bow; much
unbending, tbe mind. Bacon.
ft 75
a is
Beeves Choice $ 4 JO
XI t K f lU
Sheep Good to choice ST'V
Butler Cuoic to yellow t
Floor White winter 0fiO
Wheat-Spring No. S 1 01HO 1 03
Corn No. a l'S ilii
Oats No. 2 31H4J
Rye No. 2 CI fy 6?tf
Pork Meis. tew 2t 2
Barley-No, 8 HQ3
Bsef Cattle-Fair to choice $ 4 00 O 4 S7tf
lioga Live 1 90 8-J6
Flour Fall XX 440 5
Wheat No. a Red ' MK'fc
Corn No. S &itt
Th Haw York DaUlv Grsmkle baa sained
world-wide celebrity aa the trst and only dally
Illustrated newspaper. It la published by Tbe
Graphic Company. Hew Tirfc who apply their
remarkaaie'Broceaf a to the reproduction of the
most famooa eegravints aad paintlan. rcta'llng
the most beaatllal copies at astonishingly cheep
price, which enable any one to rnament his
Lome with caolc worka of art. The Grrphic
Company have iaeaed aa Uloatrsted catalogue ot
Uese subject, which ther will send to any ad
dreea oa receipt of IS cents. Thev offer gret
Inducementa to aseata. Write to them fort erase.
Among the curative agenU used by Dr. Gee in
his Remedial Institute at Dabuque, lowa. wr Had
the following: Mediratlon. when ceeeiauy;
Torkisa batrs, electro-thermal bathe. Kuralan
bitha, steam baths, alcoholic baths, sulphur
baths, medicated baths, sun baths, air ind fnc
t!on baths, earth baths, head baths, toot hatha,
cold spray, hot spray, cold douche, no: douche,
m'xed douche, pinnae, nasal douche, treatment
with equalizer, treatment with Lelriotsueehes'
Inst, treatment with movement exercises, walk
ing exercises, medical Inhalation exercise on the
tin, exercise on long tester, gymnastic exercises,
re a, etecn and oriental batha. No wonder nv
tieats are cured when such on array of curative
agenta are in use for their benefit.
Tmft'a Aatf oamatlc Crystal Feaatala Is tbe
most anlque invention of Its kind that la used.
Tbe apparent absence ol motive power excites
renemt wonderment and surprise, gee adver
tisement elsewhere
Ta Beet Tek AU coffee drinkers can appre
ciate the dlfferenccfbetwea ;ood and poor coffee.
We have tbcught that some Improvement could
be made In tbe coffee pot. aad tiie lover of the
ftagrant beverage will be pWa ad to learn by the
eut and advertisement In this paper that Messrs.
Com p are t A Stark, or Dea Moines, have aa ttn-
firoved coffee pot that glvea satisfaction, (."el
he Imperial Coffee Pot and have no more poor
Probably there la t complaint that affec'a tbe
human aystem which is so llttl- understood at
tbe present time, as same of the varied forms of
Kidney Complaints.
There is no disease which causes such acute
pain or more alarm inr In its resells than when
the kldneya fail to secrete from the blood the uric
acid andother:polsonoua substances which the
blood sxcomulatea in It circulation through the
If from- any cause the kidneys fall to perform
the fnnctfona devolving upon them, tbe curanla
tlona.are taken np by the abnor bents and tht-
whole ajatea thrown into a slate of dlaeose.
causing gr; at pais and suffering, and very often
immediate death. IInee the Importance ef keep
ing tbe kldneya aed blood in healthy cond'tlon.
througn whlca all the ImpnrltUa of the blood
must peas.
There Is no remedy known to medical relene
which has proved itsrlf more valuable In cares of
Kidney Complaint than the TKOKTINE. It
aca directly upon tht: secretions, cleanses and
purines the blood, and reetort a whole sretem to
healthy action.
Tbe following extraordinary cares of great suf
ferers, who had been given np by the best pbvsl
clans as hopeless cases, will speak fortcemseire
and should challenge tbe most rrotonrd aun
tlon o tbemcdicsl faculty, as well a those who
are suffering frem Kidney Complaint.
Kaat Marshfleld. Aug. ?. 1870.
Mr. 8W-vens: Dear Sir I m f event -one le-irs
f age. Have suffered many reara with Kidney
Complaint, Weakness la my Back and Ht msch.
I was induced byfrterdstotryyourTKGKTINK,
and I think it the beat medicine for weakness of
the kldneya I ever need. I rave tried many rem
edies for tbla complaint, and never four d o much
rel.ef a from the VEOKTINK. It strengthen
and inigori.tca the whole sjftem. Many of my
acquaintances have Uken it, add I believe it to
be good lor all the complaints for which it ia
Boston, May 30. ltfTlr
II. IU Stevens, Esq : Dear Sir I hare been
badly afflicted with nldney Complaint ivr ten
years: have suffered great pain In my baric, hips
aad aide. wit2 great diffl ulty in paeans urlar,
which waa otieu ana In very small quantl'les.
ireqnen'il accompanied with blood aud excruci
ating pain
I have faithfully tried moft of the popular rem
ediea recommended for my complaint : I ;bavo
been nnder tbe treatment of some of ths most
skillful tnytleians In Boston, sll oj whom pro
EoancMmv rase incurable. Vhl was mr roi dl-
lion when I wa ad via. d by a friend to try tn-i
VEGETfNE, and I conld see the good tffects
Irom tne first doso I took, and frem that moment
I kept on Improving until I waa entirely caied,
taking In all. I should think, (about six botUe.
It is Indeed a voluable medicine, and if I bonl
be afflicted again !c the same way, I would :lve
s dollar for dose, if 1 could not get C wl'bout.
Respectfully. .J. M.GIL K.
SSI Third stree', Nuutli Bo Hen.
VegettB 1 Hold by all DrucgUta.t
a ! 197C is now ready, and will be mal
CHARGE, to ail applicants upon
and will be mal ed FREE OF
receipt of
rents for poetajr. English and German edi
tion. Address JOHN KERN.
511 Market Street, bu Louis.
arStat where yoo saw this a dvrrttsemeat.
Onlnn Seed in large or small quantise -war
ranted new and reliable onVrrd at tbe lowen
cash rates. Also, ml kinds f Field, Flower
d Garde a Seed a.
'aJouea on application.
119 HradT atteet. DaenptU lowa.
Bt and'i
fOi DIRECT from the grower,
in America, or
Mnej kfuM.
nostaro or
express paid, aad cet fresri. true aud r liable
seeds. 1 eon and shall best anv firm in America
In quality and low rleea. Send for my beauMfuI
Illustrated Seed Catalogue and Garden Guide
free. 8 o-cla! prices to gardeners. Address R.
II. SnUMWAT. teed Grower. Kockford. 111.
-- " Jtb'Vr r T
X . . fro" 7id "T. .. -
ree'a "rVseri:;,!.
TVie. !iaiWe:
IK nrctrT -
This Cordial I. a CERTAIN CURE
for (oughi, t alii, Iiiltamnratluu of th
Lunar. r Throat ami llrrMl, ltrnnchl
tl. aatd If taken In time, tit rrrt tiial
fatal diaeaa (ommiinn. Ttr tuil ,t
this medlrlnr Is a jn tpurnllon cif 1rnh
talaed by a prenllar )iriK-r frtim flip mi
of the Pine Tret, the mcll tiul irnrr
tler vehlch are tTrll Iiimii. WMlithlt
powrrfnl element rr th.troiixhlr Inroi
poratnl eetrraJ other rttl tiicTr.ll.
call, each of lilch jh. xvultiliic
and lirallna altrllatr. Ihu. mnkltis; It tl
dtaraar of ilir jmlisymttry tr;in ttial
ha yet brcn lulrxiliirril.
Smith's Superior Onion Seed.
YTarraated HirH,rLKE. RELIABLE
Onion seed growing Is a specialty with me. and
I hav test.monlals from over 30 Mate and Ter
ritories where my seed was used In 1P73.
bent free lj mail aa follows
IVj oa.
Early Round Yellow Danvers.... 16c
Larire Red Wetherelle'd 90e
White Portugal or "Uversktn.. T5c
Remit hv P. U. V Ordr ,r Usrri.lrrA
Addrr iiDAARD 9MITII. Colla. WaaMngton
tuumj, .iiw tor. i.rce aiaconnt o it range' a,
Per lb.
la not a ntn miietl t!nt lt.t urirr tKrn
heard f befwrr, l.ut an OLD. RELI
ABLE. AND WELL-TRIED ...r.!lrln.
that haa hren In ilall) u Uy Ill and
Intelligent ih lrlnn for thr la.t l t tree
year, and 1 krn of In llir lilKhi
ternta hy all ti lime i-il It. i thoiv
NIAXS prove.
If yon iiflr from any tliaao ftn
vhlch thla t'oiUlal 1 recui.uttnitled, m
nhraltatlnslr )i "TRY IT. Wl
A atnailO bottle lll drnioittrntr It ulu
able o.nalltlr.
Sill I? ill DRUSblSTS M 5TBKFlE5.
918 Fithcrt Ktrcer. rhiU.lf'phU.
Send for Catalogue. Address,
Clark At Hermit, Klilora. Iowa,
8rcc irum to M. D. Norrls. 5ed (Jror
Imperial Coffee Pot!
Bes: thing made. No poor eonV. Hatlsfhotton
cuarantfed. Prices 3 nuart. al.SO; 4 qt., tif";
6 lit.. S'SG.
la&mlil iMVilaaaaH'aaaaal aaT
TanPr'I laT Poll HaVaaaaal -anB
BBBwawar aawa aaamsaw
aal aVaai aaaal aaanTsnani
.L-aaaaaaLJaaam' aaLaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar
1 "" " "--
e.Baaaaaaav sEV(
aaaaaaaaaaraamajaV JT m
VAaoaaaamAB JP t v &!.
fhlBBaaVM.w J fanmI
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaiaiamamAfB anillaLw
Cif' ? Taaaori i.-V
Kre No. 1
Pork Mess
Lara .
fe 43
12 75
Wheat No.2 ,
Com ...............
Oate Ko. 2 ,
Barley No. 2
K yeWO. S. ....... ...
Floor wholesale
H utter.
. 2 40 a T0
40 ft 66
ft 22
20 fe 23
'JO $ 35
lttB 13
18 O 20
. 6 75
. 850
",.Tr,l". makina: resirieiina.
i Alabama. 1
e. Tbe pei
t offered '
aaiitlM a? iVw-,iBS ""ric'ioB in the dls-
ldi offered by Senator
Jblle laada affeeted byihla
.P0,le ,ale co" a rrac
time, according to the rro-
to private ti; ; ,:,.;:"Mr!B.D"
- vmlilu. n i we anipnn
BUI VHttM.Jt. .... "J --
UeMllm? fX... i ""OB r r. ingalls,
nabllelnnat S,BH,, W ' the com"tee on
ImZ. ?bJPth L-Sraettaaa "pon a aeaera!
- 'Ua!3i I llatea. "P"m ' tlnbc luda of
tkSVowr,81 etni ilmt resolatioa from
a thanSS? tB"iern oa tbe land known
UUei ti t!i?i B-r.Ter groat. ia-that Btre. tbe
",,!jf MMi "?ersht tkeraof. Referrud to com
aultecoapokllalaaAs. -
Soma tlm wo apenl ia U farther tenndra
loa of the DIatrict of ColoiBhlo IjUI. ua tneo
ta Seaar adjourned.
Hpj.Mr. Jame. or KenUky. ogand a
Am Exciteateat at Tieua.
Tbe people of Vienaa are ia excite
ment about a box of dyaamite lying
somewhere in the Danube, wr ish it ia
feared, may rereai its pretence by and
denlj blowing np a bridge or a river
steamboa . Tbe dacger is rendered tbe
more trying to contemplate aa the box
in qnestion was dropped into tbe river
by a police atrenr, actibg at the aofgec
tioc of the Miaiatry of Commerce, or
rather of some clerks ia that Depart.
ment, who terrified at tbe recent explo
sion at Bremerhaven, recently bethought
them of overhauling tbe iareations
loagea at uc cmce Dy patentees to
see if there war any that contained
any explosive materials. They in elect
found three box marked "Dynamite,
Apiil U, 1874." Howtb.3 boxes came
to havo been lying uaopeaad at tka
P(!t fej opsrly two jffftff 9 pyttiry
Fluid Lightning instantly coxes
Nervoua aad 81ck Headache, Xkeeoaatlaa aad
all nervosa palas. Droggiit keep tt.
fatrUnle Saaa's Harness Oil not enlj lilt tbe
prres i the leather, bat effeevaally closes taeos
against ike inaidiooe icfueocca eX water,
weather, etc.
Why akoold any one boy a aoap half rorio er
e.y, when Dobbins' KJectre gosp, (aaad by
Cragin Co., PnUadelph'a.s for ro.e? It costs
bnt a trifle store and will go St times as far.
Try it.
tVEllert'a Ixtaet or Tor aad W!J Cherry
aa saved tbe Urea of taonaaada of valo 'tl
aene, who, bot far it, would to day be ia
grave. It la a ear core for eoaghs, colds, aa
ail wseaaes of ta taroat aad lass. All drug
gists sell It. ,
TBsrmis. Tae eetvicUon is. In tuepnbllc
salnd as well aa la th aaecical aroreeaioa, that
tbe reaaedies supplied by the vegetable kingdom
are aaere so, aaor soceessful, la th cor f
lees, thsa oaiacral aaedicixaa. Veatnei
coaapoeed f roots, barks and kerb. Ills pleas
ant to take, sad is jerfmly sals to eive toaa la
fat. Doyoaaeedli? Do not hei to try I'.
Ton will aevT regret it.
MARCH 28, 1876.
18 THE J3T:iil
At AtchiNon, Kan.
sBE35Eaia-ws --
Uil if HlMl'AKKl' at bTAKK,
Den Mo1n. Iowa.
ffe Keystone MaiofacliiriiK Co.
Manafjactares the Celebrated
Keystone Corn Planter.
Keystone Sulky Rake,
Keystone Corn Shelters,
Keystone Seed Sower
Keystone Cidei Mills
Keystone Feed Cutters.
34 and 3 E. WASHINGTON 8T. Chicago.
ppottte Flelrt.LeltiT Col Itetall Dry Oorl St w.ant
adlnlnK 1- It. KskN Whoimale MlUtnrry Store.
lEa 9. PALMKU. (late of Cttj llnU-D.Clrxk.
O. HASim, Prearleeir.
Jt KaVa)aW- ff r st- JaC a
Literal term to Afieutu I.1 1 be Trad.
Prlre I.lnt and Trrm on airatic.n
Address. tilUlVIJt A HAKl'KS M ca
1.'4 '-tale SL.rMcaio, III
CtlM:U:r. ri;tlrc t3 T:tu::i cf VtUr.
K U I .tm i! I.ict
ii uii! ii (ibldrn lUUf
' ui u.iU I'biulicd M-i
I I .
" i ". l . hxfjrt
T ' I l I i t rf mile lm 9t
tiy.if via. tw) i.u '!..) 'r''d.
I I i ..If! I ,1hI it n4
i. t jm1 t, t .
l.l il t irlm ?!
Porfumo Fountnln,
. t I ! I ll ' (
II f 'I il IU
!- 'iii! tr am.
. I m lin. Ui
ri t. - ttlj .lvr-
Jl ' ' J II Bluljcl ill i(.I
l.Tf" A-' 't. Iii ( irctiUr
-Jl.'t to .tl llowlirr MtrecU
71 ado Mngrmnng rtwrttta "Prie$ WUUt."
Tha Kaaxa Laad aael IansalgTatleei Aaae-
lattaa will dlstrlbut free to ita ahareholdt rs.eo
March SS, IS76, t.4 Place of Property.
RXSIDKNCX8. with other valuable property tn
the city f Atchison the great railway center of
the Mlaeoori valley nd 5S7 Improved and un
iatproved farosa ia Kansss, all worth at a low es
tiataUoy7e,8wOw. The ralocs f these 2.CM
sieeas of property are from
$50.00 TO $75,000.00 EACH.
Shares $5 OO Each.
Fr shares, circalars, refereooea. terms
to sgeata and other partlcalarv, aAdrara
aOBX M. PRICE. Ceal Maaarer,
Atchlaaa. Kaaaa.
IST1 Special Rata to Clvbt.
148 & 150 Wabaah-av., aarltoaroe-t,CHICAQa
Yon will tind Im mjU. bat more real anaifnrt than
Booami of (reator tirrtotubD and hlf-tiT paVaea.
$1.50 tc $2.00 A DAY,
tcordln to Itoaea. TIIOalAH KKJCDRIOC. Fro
Mrtrr i
aaaaf wkl'SBraWwa'
matoi .-
(V .
0lBar aiJ TJa-SJJ
rnsri or prevent tha wan .
With ate,lBrTa aaS aaa4
Fi hm. Sa4af -mKi
' Brltllul aa( tmj u A
Orirt it arortat Ofr tn.
llorilei IIiihI Hi K4. )
L. J. 1UZT. 1310 ttaitatt 5rMt, HSaailsaU, h.
. H. Haxen, M. D.9
Corar Brady aael Sloth
la Southern lows. Mf Krhnlarhlr. SAO OS,
Dena for circular to It. IIUlttlKXH. f'rlnclpal.
Harllaartnn. Towau
hasp a bora to go-xl omdllioa, Cve
hiaa a tablespooaful ef Uncle Ham's Cooel loo
Powder, saizedvith h:s ca'a or bran, two er
thri listens week.
ha Iaara. Tat era Re arms a aa
Rrthiwe44ra Mlsaaarl.
usva lapTovad fanas, la soaaa ef UM aad op
word, for s terns of a to S years; ioteraoi at ic
sr coal, pevvobl seml-sanoarly.
Foods sopplled oo saeor xoncB sad at as
bombs Bat of camalssioo. Apply to
rosarn Blags. lows
wBhMCftrlfaraS. Fcxi. Kicxix Pi-tx.
Vew BaUBato BUI Rrealrer PVlVV
Office In basement of InSmory.
Hours a to 10 a. n : i to X and at 7 9.
Prolapaaa ef th Aim
' A we and euceeesrul aelf
treatment, withoat pIn, the
knife, caustic, or llgttore.
tknt free by mall for SI.
Address D8.A.J. KOS.
TavlrrilK lit.
National Hand Corn Planter.
'1 h- IUt
- .. Mieller
For Fsmllv ee In thr rflsrkrt. KVKIIV MA
CHINK WARRANTED. I'rlc- liW, hlpi-d
bv rxrrers. fflr rKiti. m rrtcli of jirlc.
wanted. Hend for d Tlrlv- rirrn ' to
Irec Kxnndrrn. Iltttfg. 1'.
Jatent Stove Pipe Shelves.
45-r-TT0 They Sell lit aiCat.
T r nnr ruii t..
y vvur jjw hui-wj
o!iI. Amenta vrnntmt
all over tho U. S. Pric
ta Amenta rtluevL
Saznplo wr.t for t2jOJJ
Olmsted, Bcloit, Y0m
AIo Mcnfr torrr a
jBi S t Jfl
C1aJja Ujr
iii. r
9. B.
ana f
Sand for circular.
Jt la CtolaCmif WHTJL.
Gca vroBjga. chst, m..
e IDeaSX
CwaeawjsHtew, Tas Ketlew.-avery ai
aaeot of delay sashts yoor cor saoro heeeWo.
aad saoch deaead oa th Jodidows saalr of a
reasedy. The aaaoaat of teeUsaoay to favor ot
Dr. 8chsek'a Palaaoole Syrsp. aa a core sir sa
sssiptien, far excd oil that csa be aseogbt as
snppect to tetekas of or.y ether asetHHos
8ee Dr. Scheach'a Alauaac,eoatatalsg the sor
Ulcste of saaay persons ef th higheet respeets
bfllty. wbo aav beo ret tared t health, aAcr
betog proBooaced lscorohle by paysldaas at as
kaowltaged ability. Scheach'a Pulmonic Syroa
awa sas cored sassy, sa thes erideocco w
shew; bot the core is often prooaoted by th eav
ployoient ef two other remedies which Cr.
cheack arorlde forth nrsosa. Thsdd-
UoboI reaaedies ore Scbsaek's SesVsed Toole
aad Mansrsk-e Pill. By ih tlaiely sa of th
saeaidass. aceordlsg ta dlrcctieas, Ht. Sshaach
certilas that saost say ess of rrrgtoajf Has ar
b cared.
Or.Hfhssih is arotosetosslly t his priaataal
qSo. ocrssi JUsth sad Arai stiatt. PSUaaW.
shU. ersry caj. Tfesri gj btr s far Tft
Pjat bf 4-e. - ""- : ;
P O. Has Ma
1 " W
riiaaissdsoas anlltllas
lit Bawts, MlfU IMnTnif IfMaf 1
at, orVnLlrVOItJH IUHH.
algio aad all serresrpaans.
eaVr. 5X. Baolph street,
otclsjs TDrzlta. 89 cents
Leeat atel
tUstic Triss Z3S&5S&&. IT.
oauo or aaaoyacee UI1 cored. Set by auiL Clr-
Send for clrcu'ar.
Qsincy. I'linot5
sstaotly cor aeorsl
Chicoco.aad oil trst
aad SI erhsctlo. Areau
YJjT .f-a.jotr.fpi-waow
Vaosaaaaa Itm t . . r-BSm
Baor"BB - m, .w r-c. " a t. amsj
OOJB J-l; l Bt-MM.nV OOJ
'O aj VaW. "" " -rrm.gBBj
0OBrT tfBav 7 Ucvrf Vni.BBBfl
I i aTaaaBSa twuciu- aBaaaaaoal
Tor Sale.
A few pair Llzat BrahB: Blaek. WHit.iM
Partridge Co-hIa Errs. 1 for IS. oe 3 let SS.
T. E. ELLlS.Vlaltkld. Indian.
Chapc-I, Parlor, ami Orrlii'stral
Are tbe Ciwet losed and mt da a4)!- made
Nrw Mtl.s. jrcw Sola top.
tar Evi-ry Orjaa Warrat.ta
Wmtay a Hiilmw Organ Co.. Ouln-y. III.
Can too Ourod!
By Df B.nd's D.-ovry No Ka f." No
Csu.tic' .N i f'!tr- No V n' lUmi,r ot
Uay prt of fhr cosa'r. Pa!i aal Pr
Uea are nt fr-. Addre. -ml a .'.lap Dt IL
T B D. t North IJ'olt VKUii' pe" Pa.
' asaiaas t chteas. 111
ForOV Orta la ti roaseo d-4r'3r a firrr!zGm
WdlZMetMrWT'jn- nt frV-nJ sod Itc-3 ear.
ii vj wTEom prvrrzi j
VMiVt O.l PHKZXtM.Y utt SiLE.
eo'ara fr e.
-ejeww iii .!. aowfjoafc. Vj Baowi o jsj -
C.J KKlDJBSarst 8uCtIraco.IIL
S SODk.BltSs
Wo eooaaoaoajaa; am OSSfT
frdh ITlBsT-CLASh VI.ITIC CARDS byoiall j
e-SvFfor cn's. 5cd9eertt staaiD frr aaaa-f
pies. R. N.
cago. III.
BARLOW, 311 Wants Ave., Chi
kcce. IKWetM adiaoo sr.Chlea-
Writ full d--r!MU Arufne
WATI Ladles axe UeaUeaicTTD learT
telegrspniaU bone. lnCcratailasfrot. Ad
iire wita W;p, XQUQXV A CO., P.O. be
IT. Cble. I.!'. " f r
MorpMs3 Haliit
fpeedlly ctircl lr DK. lit K i taix iiwe asi
rjrs Rercd7 i tlliatt.i: Sr trr'-r.t
stil ewri. Cxu cs tr tidrr j
MaaVptlsUaTCoIcIoluTla. f3
i Staae. Ux ;
4 Mm