V" m . . ," 4 .i-,. T-AiV-sw .1 i SSI THE RED CLOUD CHIEF. TiIUit5ilAyM.-iU.il 2, y- mb fiat scf Subscription 0.:e cio lyear, ')"HSO(;y 0 IllOUtilS, t 'ne epy -5 " tin -$7n itit Official Directory C0XRKSS10NAL. A . iM ck Heitrice. U.S. Senator H 'l.tshcoek. Omaha, U. S. Senator. L .reuzu Croun'c. Heprcentntivi". KXKCUTIVK .ILl-rt VRBER. iJov.ruur. Lincoln lira iiiTz'dtork. 'Sec. of State. J. :t -Wstin. Linavln, Auditor. J,J. M-lrile ' Trea-ure1-. Ui.. II !l.'irt Atl'y en J. Af..:cKenzic. Lincoln. Sup. Pub Instruc. JL'OIC AIIY. i m. It. Like. Omaha. Chief.Iiitice. l i'iVaMU.Nebr.irta(-itT.l Aaf0cIat. Ju. S.im l.ManvolI. IMr.titnuuth J WEifSTEK COUNTY. J. .Tu1lejs. E. If. .fnnsi, I. W. Iilloys. H. '. I'.-U, I. 3. (tilliim, 7. B. rh'.rn. A. I. K-l.v. ) ;. '. IUI1. V l". Mattcjon. 1 County Clerk. Probate .IuiIjtp! ,Jlcri,f;- School Sun'r. ornner. County Surveyor County Commisiioncrs. Wabster CsantV Condensed. Wcbt?rCo..yeb.. lie in the Valley oJ thu 't-tublicin. i lVdni'e wet of jhe.Mi' Fouri Rix'T.inil touchf the ?;it line on the iuh. Winter.-arc mil'l ami lrj: Vfry littl r.iin r -fnow fall in hat c:i.-m 1 it t'f in faet that eattlc live all winter with no li y r trrain. Plentv of rain f-11 in tlie ' "'" - Fprnijc an i cmninrr. The riinnnfr? are iifl' lini,'re.Mbly warm. a therr is always a eon! brz -.irri:ilIv in thw eveninpa. The (lill'v lir-t b-if.in to Se tie n 170. I 1S71 tl;ee....n.ywaorKanied with a ;"''0" I lf4. Itl- JKpllUtlO" l tlOW I.I'IWCCTI M aii'iJiicn and t ranidly incre:iinv Theri nrat pre ent W orKHiiiscd 5chnol di-triet? wirlii" it. Iiiiuinlrie atid eSool facilities are 111 rfdi.rciiuiple-better than th-e in Eome 1 lie ClltZ-IlS Ol U CD.-ter County ;i K.iterii Stn. The apportionable Feh-.ol j -embled at lied Cloud to take into foul unii-uc-nearlj enonh Koiiey to ,.a j iJ,;,,,, th(. pp..y 0rortfa Z teacher nekc. rarmers can buy R. j . land froiu 5l.:i lo 5i peraere--with teny.-ats ' "IR a perinancnt Society for the ad-tun'-. There i.- yet a eon.-iderable uiuoust of j vaiicetnetit of the amiculillial interc-ts c..wrn..nt land for home-lead- and pre- of f.,ra,.r, 0f Wfb.ter Cllliliy. etnp'n.n. Aa Hock rai-injt countrj it i J hard -o es-el. Cat le do well, and for ?hcep " " Kni:lil was elected chniruiari. it cannot be beaten. It i just suited to that, and 11 B Fulton, Iec"y. Qiie-ttoll I-oitu-.e- can l.r ci-ily made lij raii. K -heep , pr()p0,J )y (0 l,c fur col ,J,.ra us the exj.en-e of leediiiKi-eerv small Thit . ., . . , , ,. , . cm. oat,, barter, potatoes, buck wt-eat. and "0'"- ""'K 1" '' WflS Al ' '' all kinds of root. au4 vejre'abl 's. are Brown Mcs-r.- Kellogg, KtUgllf, and oilier herewith little linx.r. ".3 bu.h.d- otM.d coin . Al-o, Win at lldi.-ine, Di-cu.--ion by to fi acre ii n th iir new. Wheat average ir n i i i "i i ....... ., r - i 1 .Me.-.-rs Keller, H-ldiidi;e, L ach, about ii bu.-hel to the aere. Fruii does ex- c-p' ' ' tr:i.i well. Kvery liinuer iias hU orchard n Knight, tultnil, Ki-C, and Head, crowing. I'.'rc.-t iree row rapidly. Cotion- Resolution offered bv K H. Fulton, w....d.l,.xalderwhi:. wood. sutr maple. '" The following discus,ed by Me-sr iu.i-y otlnr -inds. if tree grow into timber ...... ,. . ., . la'noili f.rfucl in about Ithrce year. ; Holdlldge, Knight, and I'U.toa. U.i O-iik ..ranK-..Untsdii icely. nnd in a few motion by M II. WartKT, tile reholu-yc-S our live lencc chii be nnde. .Me- j fj(1I was un:ljm.m,y adopted. eh:niiefind ciui,..yn-ntnd fa.rwaBes The! .. . ... ,ry ... t nnd j.uiert wat.-r is oi.tained l.y j -'. ti from a to ItlO feet. 'I ho eo-t i cry 1H...I . ieni!i-H i- l.-.ied flie-e wel( : .Hi- f V ! y. The stream of ihij-cou tj a.e lh- iit s-'Jic.n anl it tr b.i urie which ore :m ;' iiaivs- on ike Mnitti ide of ilie riv r. V .1 nt. .ry. i.ua".l . St'tte Petty. ' "lur. I cK. ?!.. mid iii.ie Roek creek. On the nri.!i id are Will.'W Elm. Ctt -nwood. rooked. Indian. and farmer.-creek.s. In the north ,i. in ot the cuuutj io the Blue nur and it tnbut-.rte. f iiv t rtf Welter county J n il.rk. rich fo: t.blelo.un. The wild cra.-es are nut ri t nut tu l't!iund mt.and in ike T.n-te.TCI nit hay. I" in'ithy. -I.ver. Hungarian and mill t rill un loubtclly prove a .-rofitable pr due t. m. Those who h tve tried theui so decide at e.t. On- railroad p-osp"ets arc Rood, and we will h-ive . r ml as Ki.on as we really need one, Ilu the farmer? for year? will find -e. dy .1.. n. a..tfi1nu nrfif1.ir.ini 5 ton nirpr co..nt-e.wetand to new seitler. Ry the ' ti ae these m.rkel are clo-ed road for i caeaperini.sp-.rfUinn ea. will he opened. m . .1 : i uf..i i. ...,:.. .... ...! ! "Ur'iiiu;m;r iii',iuiiiiii cuuua I'uir niiu - : i ;..., ..r...... t .... . . ., : Uli.' HIV. u.r.ciniti:f . ..iij ni' c ... ... i.-v . at ranker to the people h-re. Tbe county seat. II ED CLOt I on the Rc-pith-icnn river, ne r the center eatt and wet t.ti.l .i li. ff 1 a. .fkiifl, ti fr-n -T,trr nnrffi ni:1 b-.uth. In it are chanc-. lor bui-iti's- men of ifcHls wiKuignos to meet the Variou e.ery branch of trade. Theeountr around I precinct- of the C lU.ltV ill the capacil) i uhastowarantaeaodbiisiii 5 in every 0f .i local Institute, on the invitation k u 1 of merchandise. Itcd Cloud nnd Cliiide ! ,. , .. - , . Koek arc the only two laid out twn. Fur ! ol ai,l' ""-'"''S pr.e.ncts by iheriulor.u ition can be oh'uine.l from any and -izeiit who advertises in this paper, orat this o'Jice. Tin-: Democratic Convention for the nomination of President and Vice President, has been called to meet at St. Louis on the 27th of June. In the.-e hard times it .Toes seem an ex travagance for (lie Democrats to meet for such a puTno-e. A Nt;MDErToF:he most intelligent M.d enterprising farmers of thcounty u.et together last Friday and Thursday and organized a Farmer's Institute. The object of the Institue is to bring the farmers together ami compare ex periences and discuss matters pertain itig to agriculture. The gentlemen pre.-ent were thoroughly interested in the matter, and contemplate holding meetings in the various precincts of the county, to awaken the fanners to J aisesee of tho good derivable from tjuoh assemblages The next Institute has bceu appointed to meet in Walnut Creek, one week from Saturdiy. There will be another one held at Inavale two weeks from that time. Institutes will be held at other dates and inoth er precincts as the peop'e may de-ire. Next. May there will lie another County Institute. It i to be hoped that thc farmers will tafc? an inteiest in this matter. Lt aeh one hav a siihject ready for di-cu-inn, and. if po-sihie. let it be some rc-iilt of expeiimental farming. Let's put n little uiorebtn n, and a little les mu-cle in oar farming Gen. Baboock was unaniinouslt aequitt-d "ny the. jury, a 1 mast immedi ately after their retirement. THE rumor or Bri-tov s resignation nd retirement from the cabinet seem to stand upon s -me .-light foundation. lift is reported to have stated that he mnld not tct harmoniously with Cu-ter Citj', in the Blavk Hill- t- thriving raiid!v. Alrca iv for hou-e have been built, nd 207 nr iu jinr) of con-l ruction. inj ttTtul tmur.er of i minor-! in the Hiil ut present is e-ti i mated at 2.(VK7. The Indian- aiv i I peaceful end give no indication-, of. Prttrochle " Tin Kepuh ie-iii Conventions in. the u estern Mates, all express f heir oppo- -irion to the immediate resumption of specie piytwtit TllE Heptibiicau I'mivenlinn of Vicinifi 'Xpre-cd ita prufereiice f r I'laine as Pre-idnf. The I'lyiijoutli Church scandal ap pears to be do nearer an isue thuti fJruje,v. It is difficult to .see wh.-.t the Atlviorv Council cm a-certaiii li -yond what the public is ahe.uly lam.i iar with. The House of Uepre-eiitatiru )as i e(J a " 'ast WediiC'Jay, whi.-h it . m:ike. it a penal ofTen-e in kiil buifilo . , unlets for the piloo-Je ot otilatui -ir food. There ha-been und ubted , a at dta, of . Je.UotIOS, f i the.e animal, and miM-ure- have b-Jfti taken properly to prevent thtdr waste ful and prodigal extermination. CONOI'.KSS, says tho litter-Oremi, U about to take mea.-ures to open the Mack Hills to emigration. Th- Pre idint and Suu'y of War, have agreed totajje no act;0 to prohibit Or re . , . , , , . .-train llmse who have alreadv beeun ' 0 Open lip the country, or those who aie on the way thither. J mammmmmm PSOSSEDHTSS OF THE PAB5E3S' III- ,..., ST2TUM. Ked Cioud. Nc') . Feb 2Trh. '70 t ii -. nurt. n v" """. -"jouiiie.. uu v a. .,,., 2Gih. K. IJ. Ftl.ToN.Sec'y. 3Ieetinc asei.iLied as per adjourn ment, on 26th. Mr. Knight in chair. On motion, the Ke.-olutioti offered by li. Ii. Fulton was amended o a- to include "Mechanics." On motion, pim-ecdel to di clariug the orgauizi tiou a permanent one. Kcinatk- of a general character bv Mr. Ilelvern and others. On motion, the Chairman appointed a committee to draft 1'ules and By Laws. Committee: R. B. Fulton, II. Hol diidue, of Walnut Creek. On motion, by Mr. II. Holdridge, that the next County In-titiite, be held l " lou'-' '' -' Fi Way and Saturday of May, next, at 10 a IU. () ,..,. I,v l.. II,..,,!. ,1..,, .. I. i 1 .- 1 i i tr i it i eal In-titute be held at Walnut Cieek School Hoti-e on the 11th day of March, li70. Carried. Kesolyed, That this In.-.tilute man- them eiitcriainiug the vi-itois. Adopted. On motion of Mr. Rise, a locil In stitute was apointe i for In ivale, four weeks fiom to-day, at 9 a. m. By motion of Mr. Ho.dtidgc, that we extend to ..r. J S. Gilliam an in vitation to open the exercise by a short addiess. Adopted. Resolykd. That the thanks of this Institute are hereby cordially extend ed to those per.-ons whogeticrou-ly ex tended the ho.-pital.tieaof their home to the members of the Institute while in session. Adopted. Resolved, That a permanent or ganization to be known ua a Farmers. Mechanic, and Merchants Institute, looking to the interests of the indus trial puisuits. am business of the county, it is eseutial to the material iDogth aud pro-perity of the couuty. Motion to adjourn till next meeting at Walnut Cieck Adopted. On motion, a copy of thtse minutes be presented to thu Red Cloud Chief for publication. Carried. G. W. Knight. Chairman. U. B Fulton, Secretary. Con tin tied utxt wtrk.) The Senatorial fight many truthfully be said to be iujuMjjress, ami i he com ing man foims a leading topic of cou-vci-aiion anil print. Among the priu cipal candidates are Judge Briggs Alviu Saunders, Gen Alaiid.-r.-oii, Lorcuro CroiNi.-e aud P. .V. Uuch- cock, Itseeiirs possible under the increased repr- sentatico that much of the violent warfare heretofore charac teristic of Nebraska politic will begot lid of, for the body will be r.hoaether ..! c -i l too large tor UCCe.-sfuI mrw.ipu'.atton. The only duty of thc people iu the pretuie i to elect men who are not already rcheinii to bo attached to the train of the successful man, andi a uiNUsrthat h-sa pecuh'arsigniticance in the country. Wts shall take occasion when the tiaje conres to express our opinion very candidly on a few leading issues; and have a hearty assurance of suppott from all over the couuty. jofe-io'aTHzL , "! ' r ' K.:yffii "V cj.mtj s, -Q:ieua- J- itauigfa t. s:r!-t inn.. j li;clmrd.-on county ha- ten tl unit:.; i . Sidney has .1 bus:, inuis incs-j houses. 17 1 .-ai'ioii-i ( Jore thieve.- are congregating at Si-lney. - . . Uie county coal is u-ei ny iue ! Ncbra ka Cty ca wo:k Fairmont i-.ho'dini' maniud peoples" lea yiar paitie. Seward i- very active in working up the Blue Yal.ey iailioid. A Hapti.-t church i- being built at MuuiJ-buig, P;Ilc county. Fifteen teams left Farninnt for the Black it.i-j"i tiit- loth inst. wirl nnro vlve.-cipel t.weepin C mil iiati; u 'In: other day. Tin; ca-e if thf of Neb. v. Dr. J. I). W oo.ls of Kiverton, thi- Co., wa aigued htTure Judce (.had-.vic', this uo?k, and and the pi i on r was admit ted to bail in the Mini of SiU'J, to appear on the lir-t day of the next te m of the di-trict court, lor this CiUiity, Giwrtl. Prif. Auhey has ana'jzed the hpeciuen- of the coal di.-covcred in Uioe Count', and report nnfivorably. The .-peeimen-' contained only 25 pi-r cent, of coiuhu-tiblc matter and about 03 per. cent tit' a-h. Good ena' con tain-oni. uve to eight percent, ota-li. Tin-l'iofe.-or thinks it doubtful tha' ................ i ... i 'ii i.- i any t.ue canuel co.il will be obtained. .... ., 0 im.-i- Ilio new- that Spotted iail i-on tue warj ath again ttht-miners of. he u'ack I 111!-, i- a pretty seriou- indication .hat tain- onl. five to eight percent, of a-h i he. No ix wi.l make a gen -a' mm pa gi; a oon a .-pring ojiema. spotted tail was the mo-t peaceable chief of the whole nati-ui, and ha- held out the I nicest agai"i-t w.uli.c mea-urcs. G.'ti. Crook i.-. .-aid to be .ii the 1 iokout foi the war patties It is likely, huwevei, that it will not be -afe fnr.i ..1I j.aifie totiavel through tne iiijuz teeiva t.on !fom ii-il The Salt Lake Ti'iiitn cdled upon the Gentile lanie.-. ol ilia, city to luiu out an. 1 voic at the late eity e'eciiou, :igat"i-t then p. ly.-imous .-i.-ter.-, on ih'e ground that iu"ve g.-t to "fiiihl tin- devil with tire." But it did not avail. I heMuimnii.-cairted tlieir ticket by the u-iial in .Jon iv, which show-, we Mipp.-e, that ttieie i- nor fire t nongl. in a:t . ake Cnv, to hum the devil. STlti KT & Mil warn PUBLICATIONS- THE Nvw lfork Weekly. An eicht prise paper, enntaitm n lortj c 1 umn of li .t-cl.i.-s ori.iiial luerat ire The e-l stone and -'-keiciie.- re alw.iys to bo fouu ; in the Nw oik V. eekiy. T ie writ-rs lKU ar y ei.tlributliijj totl.e N. V. l n-Hy, c iinpnsj ma y f tlie m i renownel Nove i:b s in the Vorl i. Atle.i r-i. rte- in.- a't-.rtc aie eouti.n.ai ruiim. cm thu Neiv Vork VVeek y. and a New .-tory lycommciiecdevrj-M'.-oud ncek. so that new na.er r l the beit.iin.u;; id a.-ew -lory, o matterwnen ihej -Uvi. r.be nM :e the I rtr stories, iiu-re a c a number ot short -ke cue-, our l.'eculnr iiepar incuts -wcrto Correspondent. lviiui.-ie.iK -ox li.!uis I Int tere.-t. L.nlie Work Dox. lli(or.e:i Item., a sh Dillii.i.' ,j ,. V ... ' ,ea!",I,l1. iraKruii. aim , Ltirii.il'iil ilfkillltire nil ii iii.i tin. 1 .. . . :V, .7 .;. I J v I iu;..-t imciestii.-,-chnr.i- er. JheN.w ,,.k ethiy is ii..ner-ai.y a inline. l i.e J lie free. .Jettei-upof lu- canaf crw rd i.t.l s nle coiif-.nt 5 30c.icii. .sniRie Cojiici. U cents, iiwit'iirfret to o-rn r.r hvr. ap c u.ea v.ojic can iic d.eii at every l'u-t-otlic.-, ..ruj: store, juu news agency throuKtiuut thc Un, on. THK Mammoth Monthly Readar Cutaiiib eijjlif Iar'e panes lifti -six 1 -tij: colutu oftlie mo-t cntcrt.iiinnj;, oiizina a id selected itudiuj; matt r. .Notaol hvent. Strange u. car. ence-. i-toiical .Narratiic.-. I ee-s fr Farineis and U irduer. th Crimi nal Kec .rd of thc in .nth. --ciei.tifn- No.c. Chctchcs !" Love and Adveu uro, lirt-cia L-.iijf atones. I'netry. etc , are embraced in thecouteiitsofthu .MA..1.MOITI .MU.MULY Ur.A.'ER. TERM.-TO SUb-JORIIJERS.-One Copy, one year, "5 cents. Five Copies, o -e year. $i Slu le -tiled, accnu. J'oiiicfrt: to cccry .y6 cribtr. BOYS OF THE WROLD This Is a weekly paper. Lijrncl epesiai!y fot tlie u-itei t .iuiuc..t ol Voui.g People. It containsdel iflutuliy irti res w lons-t .ne-. picasinjjsKeiui s i.oe t A. ven ur-, ana variou misccllaucoii matter. It .ilo c n tains i Keuiou a. U enriuus puzzle. Char ades, kebu c. i.sructive .UalUcui.ttic.jl Problem., and a Che-ker Colu.n... . KR Us 10 .-URsCKIiiEKS : One eopy. 1 vcar.. .1 3 2 copi 1 y. ijj 0 1 " " o uionth 1 Jd 3 -. Liear. 7 00 " " 3 " ... li! J " 1 year. 9 iw " " 4 week "ti I S " I year, 17 W riiiude C ipy Five ?ents. roSIACK FHK IV A..L a SKS. In tuakiujf remitt intcaf.ir.ubcfiption. "1-wav- procuie a dra t on New ork. r a Po c Office Aioiic. Order, if pi.ible. Where uei thero the these can be procured, send the money, i-ul no; ij in n rrj7 'r-J Irtirr. t he tejfi ira'i-.ti lev is ten cries and the present restraiioa to stem hus been f.und by the post.il authorities to be virtually jnnb olute protection uj:nint K e by mail All pit master aici'bliced to rcfftsiei letters when tse -eqiiested do o. In artdresin; leiten to Strkit it Sm th. du not omit our llur umber. y a rec nt order-fthc Piit-OtTice Lepurtinen thisi !.b.ilutcy neces ry. to insure the prompt delivery ..f letter. All tetters should be addiesscd to STiEZT & SMITH, l U. itux 4696. 23. 27. 29 31 Kie hi., ar. v 7Z2US OF SUBSCRIPTION TO Frank Leslie's Publications POSTAGE PAID! Fraak Leslie' Illustrated Xeis paper. $IOO Ynk Le.lie'l'himneyCoraer. Weekly. 4 W Vcnk Leslie's lllustrirteZcitunp, " 4 to the Days Doinjts. W rnk Lelie' Lady's Journal. 4 On 1'iV Yonns A"aeri':in. " ?30 Frtrnk Lr-li's Boy's Jk irls. vVefkly. 2-"Vi Frank Leslie' P pul r Manihly. 2 CO Frank Le-Iia's Lady's " 3-10 'aank Leslies Boys of America, 1 an rank Leslie's budirelot tun. 1 SO The Jolly joker. xucaoiiy aoKer. i o yna Leslie's Fatailv Herald 1 0 jrjink LeIttsNew ork Journal. 1 (0 Frank Leslie's IIrntrted Almanac. 50 Frmk Leslie'. Comic Xluiinac 15 Kvery yearly subscriber is entitled to a be utiful premiutn chromo with each publi cation. The o ijfinals were designed and painted rxorestl? for nse. and the chromo are printed in oil. exactly reproducing, in every detail taeoritrinal masterpiece, of art. Description of chVoicos, publication and gifts, with sample pi-pcrs. test on receipt of stamps for return postage. AGENTS WANTED. Address. Arenev DeDartmenL A'rank Lea- lie'i Pnfclishiog lioase. 307 Pearl Street.' Sew lorlL. .-u-.,im.i - election ... a i-..".'ieni. inu i.inei .-i.ue- i foinimaiuu t itlc lentie lire-fle. ii.". i-i-L i-..cci- ii.i'!i.ii . Alio these event arc urc to lie ol iiitere.! I'. ihu.MiuftLKst.RiLi-.Ks.-t ista.0 in ' ,i ,,0rtinc-. e pc aiivthctwo latter: nia I The Commercial Department alUa-e Prep .id by u. .-uejear. i..ev.opx j :,u ,, them and evervihi.tr cmtieeted with v..wiivCia..i-r.u. . Jh h:iVl. W.,K,.D an,j horje lor chiMrpn to s ...ie year. I wo copies j;. unei ear. tour ,j,e:n will be tulh an". Ire.-hly r-portedand i" conliicted with xri'-'t e ir. and eteryiliiiu' ' 'cM. copie-. trill. One year, eijf.it copie zJ .One eXI,lindc,i , Ti.k S.jx. poiblo t u.-i.e tu iuk the I vy,,;, wiJ iiVvr wie. and l-abie excred- l. on h.-'. cents, two lilou.l.-.ceats. h:ce Thc u poi.ioii llo.-c of Weprc-entativc. M lil ..,.iii.8 j iV.dy well Hliiiiil. ."C.-ils. roar iu .n.ii. ;1. 1 Li'i" lukiniMii tludiiiH nf innuirv ii't'inl vein . . lil '''' "Iv - j ia.i win. rc"ii!iiuJl.,.ruUubf KiKbi all sent i-Vbt f!c m wi stcr Iv and diii2?ty S'teb a the far.no.-. and Uumuc." Men of the Thev p y ,-.-,.'. f.r I hcje thinK nnd irlcct one nine, will lie entitled to a Ninth i'mi 1 ..?......:.. .... .i... I .: ..,"....! ....i.....!, ..r .Vu'llinui can rcli uin.fi I them will. ere. 0L,SP303PC:U3F0R,73.iS!T. HCGHOLAS, Billiard Parlor. .ls..Zi:un CjC3lMIUCiy -sJjit Tie 2:3. :.-! s: '.":::. :; .ne ..'esklic: i IniU'ki ic'J'trannoum-cment ertbeeom j in,; ye r. we roier wnu ifreai .ieaurc 10 mc s.icce" -njea na- -leaiiiw aiuuwiiiiMur .. i-vcn me pte-o'lnc voibUC. lu.i - l - edorti to kL-c "Alt K1)AY Miiill"Ur ditioii tu oiUribntiom trom xa? iuii-lr lueeot alleoiuietit..r . . . , l'litr UKilKiiS OK AllKKM'l, ! year our cncula lull ncaseJ with' sre.it rai.i.lity. and thi-a...-u.aneeui ihc .ub- , there w ill l.e .-tone.. 1'oe.e.-. n:d sketches. ricItvorLa.Uteruiiiitd ustuire th.m out . j' -'ae ot the uo-t I'r.-minent hnseli.Au- I t.t v o relax in eff-Kt.-. to .pare no money time. orju.,tiou to mike AlUltUiW 1"1 It -cria wil be thnllmu'! It ketehea willbeentertainini! It- .Mi, ellauyill t.e iiAVie intfi Its I'ue ry wilt be ihAuitni:: v . ' . . . , I.. ....... .. Ni'itlnnB li ..ppeur in i s jiae- that can ol- reMltbereIigio o, j-oiiiic-il e irt..tan.;ne; ve.ir to our c.xelu.-sveeon..- of writer.- In .he cominsjear. win h already 'hows u very ri .. t....unti.it j.t iiiiii'i rw aoT-k ill. ill i:ii iareine.easiu ur silt.rc iption-. we sh nl no only rttaio all our 1 and popular rit er. but we rlial. add lo our exciuive ?taii u:h uu hor. a. ma prove ttieir e.aim piputanty and w liiem-elvi worthy to write lora tpcr wli e"i hl.lr a ploud pre- eminence over a I competitors. ,., u- it c,l.,ri our reader, would draw, -' bBAY Hill TAYLOR. the .ut uu ni of- in i .rs-nai friend lo Uie .... . .. . . . , merit-nl ".-A I I'll U AY Xl!IH." and thu I In fie Nove .il.er Number, the opentugof i . . II.. .1 .. ' flu lilt IC tlllf4ttLih.tl.t'lltltrt aid u iu iuerea in;, even moie aeidly than ..i urgent, our vast eirclu ! admirers time? t:ie loan of a miikIc pap . or a wi.rl ol e 'in nen iatn.n. will sue-eid in puttiiifa journal where ever allet wind it becomes u e.'JOIile Hlf'T . . .....!... . ..r ... om. .... .--- ---- c recene niaiiy ii neis i ti'miu.i.iiun mi -ti.U-aml-ot taem-aiid tort .- e h re retir our.-iiiceicthani.s. Htid r najii tliat th.-ew.ooad.il re -A I LrtW AV .NU.1 11 w,lldoutl. U.ndnr to mw and rec m- mend it to iUnraciii.iii.teHc s. JI3W IS TH2 TW3 70 3733;3I33-! A M ignifi.-ent Cnromo. m Twenty . ...io i... ....,,.. . PlrTKItENTO.U.OItS and 202oj lil-li- i:- in -i.-, will be pie.-i'iii d in eve: Vi'ailv -uii-cnhcr nf ilnee do.lai.- to ".SATIMtDW MClir" Kwr li'viic known to the art of Uroiim In ting lia iieni a-i.ipte.i to oroi.i.f a li .er ,.ietii;e than !.:.- i-wi be-'ti siiven a-a pr.Miii'im to the .-lib "; , - ,. ..; ., ' "' e I ( Mir-mio I- a petleef i?eiii. fa'1. ' li would ea.ilv retail f-r.-ix r ev:: d-dlaw. It w.ll co-t a. ... ...y thou.-an-l- Ciirotnn Pn -ting lia hem a'i.iptcd in of dollars, whii-h we -hail nc'-r tet hack. Bu never ha tug eien . t'hiomo to our sub ciber. we d.-t-r mined that when we d d do o, om Chromo -hiuld bo a.- goo I a n.o.u.e a" th b -t a'tl-ti COIlId 1" lull ami tlie a" til- t) -t a'tl-ti could 1" luu ami tin mo-t . ".ireful pi i.ffl-. 'X.-cilte. ,, i t .i ! -i't hr,,,nl.r,. ., ,r -,.-, Um. ...-. .! lKir'y hW'i iplmn irill b-tttl,.ltnawflhctn,.fn. Pirti.-s wi-hiti' '. tike "SXTI'I! DVYNllilirlor a-borter p...., 1 than one year, can have Hie nip.-r mailed to them -ix iinuith- for SI 50. or f ur month fin- 4? I (ID aSir HV jii;il pitluye'i'ith in Iy-ij)fis tllfl 'tro)l It. THE FOLLOW! NO ARK 'LIT II R ATI'S. For $10 we will -end lour copie- for one year to one ad iie , or each copv tn a -ep.rate :idde-s. Foi t?20 we will -end emht copie- to one addie-s or each cpy to a.-eia- rateaddie-s. The party who etids ii- $20 for a ehib of eiirhf copies ( nil -ent at one tiuie)will be entitled to.a coi y HIKE. (i.MIrs up of (Mub of emht enj.i.-.- can afterwardb add aing'e copies at $2 50 each. Semi Pot OTice Ord. rs or r,vi-ter all money letters. Write N-hiip Town, County, State, plainly We will -em! Specimen Papers liee to any who will -end us their ad 'r--- DAVIS.t KLVKRSOX. Prop's & Pub's "Sati-iiday N'iomt" Pliilid.-li.lii-. I'n. TIIEWEEKLYSU.n I7T. KW ykh. inn. risrhtfon hundred and seventi -six is ihe Tentennia' year. It i -.Iso the jcar n. v. hi, -.. I '- , . .. . !l Opposition nou'eol II. prfsent I ve-. tlie ' ,,,,. flr.t jnce ,hfar will be m power -t I U'n.i,;,,.,,,,..,,, . !. r,.:,r ..Iim,. tut ntv tr.irl ir .nt'. administration: and will.it i-:. lo- honcl. lay thc found i.inn t.-ra :i-w and bet ter period in our national ln.-tor tl a I .In Tie .-"mi will ont tin c mpl e and aecura e accoun s. iuruiliui It.i reader. with e.iny an i nitw..rttiy information upon these ab s rbifjj t .pics. T..c nvn y-thir.l Prc.-hlenti I ele-tion. H'th theprep.ir itMiis for 1 will be me i.ora ble as deci li'.j: upon ('.ran'' adjuration- J.ir :i thinl term of row. r and plunder, an t still more a dec dniR who :i.ili h-. the candidate of. he aty of :telora . and a electing tlrit i-aiidida e. (.'uncerninir nil these si.njec:,. tho-e horead i'u .-c. will h oe ihe means of bfiiu thoioujfhly well informed. The HVtrWj u.t. which has itai .ed act -culati n ot over ei-fh'y hou-ul cope al ready has it reulcrs in every Stat.-i a! Ter ritory, and wo tru-t th it the ar l-it. will .-.- tneirnumbe s doubled. It will continue Ui bo a thorough new:ia"er. Ml the jrnieial news ottbedaj wilt be found in it couden- d when unimponaut. al full lenf li w.'i.-u f in mem: and dwiy. wj tru:. trcitl in a cleir. iute i-s-iuj; and in-iructive miiuer. It is our aim to make the V t R l.Y '11 the hctlamily newspaper in ;.,e wo-hl. and we s!t:ill euiiunu to (five in its columns a large a-nounl -t miscell nious reaui-ff. uci a siorie-. tale, poems, rcien ihe intelliifeii'e. an . arieuliur .1 in onua iuii for witieb ire h.ive not room in ur daily edition. Th a -ricultur.il dep'ir'tuent ci e.Milly is one Kfils promineitteatu.es The la-hions are lu r tiul.irly rei-oried m it. column.-; and so are the m irket o.'every kin I. l'tio IVniiiT tin, eistit pijres with fi ty six broad co.uuin isonl $1 '20 a jej-. pos tajje j.r paid. As hi price b .rely r-p .ys tt e o.t of the p .per. nniiiscouut cub- nude to ciub. ae it, t'ostin -sters. o any lie lh-Iw..Y C.v a laftse four paKe newpit pr -.f tw-n.y-euat co um is. if ve; al, the news f.r tw ceiit a. cupy. Sub-enpti"n. postajr. prep tid .V) c. n .nun h or si.3 aye r Sund'iu edition extra. Sl.lO per year, W'v hare no frivelintf age ts. AdJros. Cxi o SUN. Nc York City. S. Garber 1 Co. DEALERS IN Dry Goods and Groceries. BOOTS and Hats Caps. & Rtady Made Cfafhmg. I We have the Largest Stock in the Valley and will- not be undersold GIVETJS A'CALTi, ONE ALE S Carber & Co. C7loH(l yfc, I C-4. i iuL'viik..iii: iiir inn inn ii (iii'i iiiiJ.ii"! 'i. i PorI3?S V'. :w l' ' - . - o l UJ'i" ir p!. la - . : "iru.. m ' . I . I .1 ' Ji;ie - S . , :.. ! -i iii . ; ii,ti." .?! - the s.uiabcr tor N cia t ! .-:. -n .!. iu unuu I iiiirneim.i' lur irii .nil !... .- - ' '""7"; Arr.im.etn-ni njjve oecn taaue lur i - tulc' s"i"i -crji- 01 1 i'er un , Hv Mr,. LU' I V.N r. Treatinir ot it Ih-i-.ry ami ih taild-i.i!e . Miiv ivi' l!iti"il i:Hiiriri..ii. ?uece.--ive K:1 Unu-rati'iii-. , CHSISTZirA 5. 333 2T7I i 'ill contrihute to tiirne volume, I iJUiaA ii. aLuI Will write "M.irj'jne" Ilirthda liiiu, an-1 - , . . ... ,.',.., ' Some article en "At onomy Tor oiic I IV..p!o" h --i been prouii.-kd by the pupui.ir Entsh A?'ro..oiuer. UIOll rtt I'K' CriR the new volume, w.is be.'uu an a2I2ai:as: sssial stout, "THK HOY KMStt'.KA.NT!,.' liv ll K.caoii. I it tin f ?t : 1 i'frif ii n 4tf i ti:irf v f Imr4 .nlra.t ... T)IIJ . .- . s... ,.. . - . ... . ...,--... 1-. -.-.-. i i ne i aii'oni..t oi'l .viilic. in mo eariv nays , the Umd Fever j ,. ntuir li:llt;r Authrot n.e jatfk i,.tini f')rir.. w. , h.ahly i t r-.ii.s keU-o adv...,-urea- ' t'.. ; 0,u I TALK Wl B II -' I. I! ; t''"' u!ir. ,ill V :i leahnK feature oi the iii w v dume, K-pecl.l attention will ..u, be xiven to iNCiDh.NTs of m;;iiican Wit,'n'ritl p.rt tmi! Hu-tritioii. The viri'uii ilcp.ir'nienl. J-ic':-m-thr- 'W- ; '"- 'r' " ; .- .;;:,;''",;.. j aur' ih'. ' '"i'he rre'nch'.'L'.nn! , and iw-rnau tri. far 'ran! .'i n. which i,,v,: ,.r v -d , ,., ,.r , U b-frcue" ... ihn.S- v.i'.iiih- - .ei.- tin- lin- w-.rk of ! Thr ;...., i,,lter .hr Cattr,' I b'ebce. ei.7ri- .1. ..re; .i- lor -t. .Ni ..- j K"7;U".n7.rrV,5 ir. Ar Ki.t iir f..r. . i.n ..- IS,.r, an I tli j l"f- Ac M'ttntzmr Fr Tin- ".r,., D'-finite union .craieii!- of m my itit-rt-tin.r and nv el tc.lture .vero ma If i-l th- Dfc.ii her mini. ! her sT v,. ,.. IS in con.juue u..de. the ncc..'ul p.it.r Inn of ... MM! V J.lViV nODH K, - A'd n., rffo-f wil' be ipircl l. editor n : vl n.. rrn-f.- .!' be-p.rfil i. editor and t-ub Nhor t.. m.int .ju ,ud in.r,.,ic the at- tr.e-tioiij ;ii, v.i i;e o the iii ie:iiUf . SliWr,1 .r,.3 rPr: tMn le Nunili.r-.. -J5 niiii.; It. "'""-. " !. i T"-p vohim.- b'irin ,Tj , V..v-.it.r The J .V"r;.,V.,Ii.r,P.T.m JoM "o.? f:.r.,;ri iia".i !ii-t r k'-;.i.ik ror i iniir.-" i.ver Is.-.ied. We will --n the uri-.'Of on,, y ar lMvininr November. ls?."i nd rili.:r f the volume niUd a ! ive po-t f-aid. f.r ?7 "0: nr .. 'ii'.--ri'-tion nii y-ii-. nn. thiu VO'tlili.-S for SlO.lkl. ill Hi-vv-li'iliri and b'.ok-e er- 11 re i- -u'i -rinti if a'M.-Mip ply volumt-at t t nbo -tr. SClinXh'i ,t cu. -:, .f- 7i:. ..). ir'i. .V. " The inter-Ocean. THREE E-J.TiOMS, 22LL7. S3m-VTZSL7 & TA2L7. ICrlabH-!..-1 !. 'li in ihr" rp.ir n n? a Keir.'entativc iti;,iuli.lc.i.i I'-per pi dt;d to m ....tain and demnd 11.. p ii.r.nir. aid i ..rcaiii7-ti.i.i i.t tuc N'miiinn Ki-i.ti'ilii-.n. ' vity, s,Vr;xmV-i: rw" tf;r,v '.',' ' v.. ... .. ..... iiiMLiij.'iii.ti..i'i.i nun ..iiit'.c , a ue."r utipn-c.dc.it.d i.i the hi-i .j t.I Mich eiit.ai.nts. liy u.ii,eral u n.t it h.. been hs iu ifd .oitivl. a TH3 LZAD.TG r.S?U3LICA:? PAPSS IN TDK .NOIiniWKST. Notalo.ieon it pilili.-il elnrarfrr do. the IN IE i-OiKN ret it claim, t.- tn mi I lar avur. It aim-at th.- highe't e -ellrn-e iiiaii i -i irim" H an i in i n i- e a in ro Krc.i ejoiirnalisui nsiiires to position aiuonj the l.c-t The IN rKR-OCKAN m .ke- e-p-.-ial claim". t ' 1.' Mil V l.'v:l l i j i -1 a i i. -ii. j t .' li'i ..'l . I lll. It eiiPiinn-are ctrehillv j;n-ird-d a:iint obj'-cti-inable nutter, and e.en etinrf i in .le t reader :t a pi en -ant and profitable Tho Ajricahura'. Department iscireunyei-tcuoy guitieiacn ui anuiiv .... . vii . In Literature Local ana General Nes. - .. .-..i. v.u. ..... w. ..a.-, .iv, ... Foreign & Cam3stic Corre:pcnience. av .,'x;i iviivt And everything that irocs to muke .1 tllisr CLASS iWWSl'Al'EU Is no- excelled by any publication in the country Tin. IMKlt-0 lu.vi; N A f I 0 N A L N K W S P A I" K It. one that "ill be found .t.-'-ful and intrrf -tiiiK j ffl Allium, mii in a.i-ar. ...r ... il.i. I.lt.l. ! While it especiatiyreprcfcutf the Great Interests af :h3 llorihwast. It isNatioii.il in it view and comj.rehen--ive. in itnew-j;a:hcr.n. Firm in nt ui i ica I.11II1. it is 11..: bi i.tid. and in all dicu-sion.- aim to he candid, ulrfuilio.i, and abjve periitiaia.ibue. Ihe I.N'l'clt-UCEAN ha.-tnelarifrstasjfre- ifateiircul.ti.il ol any ne-p..jiCr pulili-ncd . ZXn , i," 1. 1 .n I Tcr.-tiory in the Unit.-d State., in -II tnr Driti li I'ruvuice. mi uuuicruin foictct. blaie? and countries. TERMS OFaliUSCRIPTiON : iitii.v. Ry Mail. 'paj able in advauce). per y'r. postpaiu $10 (X) 3mMi.t!is. " ;"6J SE.MI-AKr.KLY.-l5y.M-.il. per ye r t advance), p stpai 1 3.30 club of four " " . 12 iu cub .fsix " " i7 s.j cluhoften " - . UOj Ona .ree cmy with every club of tea Vv'hr.KI.Y.-Ij-y Mail. Peryeir'in advance), po-tpj d 1 Oft Club of four " " .f,.,v) Cluboftfn " - 13 .V) Clib of twenty " " 23 OJ Oncf.cc copy wi.h f very club of twenty. POSTAGE. ,The nw notige law toot rfff th l.t .lt- r.f lanury.:. D 1S7".. Under this law the po-t-ngeon newtpaprr tn t be paid at the office wlier they are mailed. Money can he en? by d'.ift. mnn' -order, expres. or reiter'"d letter, at nur ri-k Sneeialarrangement made w th et.untry publishers for tlubbing with their publica tions. SAMP. E COPIES FREE. Addrect ivrr.R.orr.tx. 119 l.akeHt..fblt?aga HASTINGS J? Jy'r'jif' m WTM9 J mnninpuiiu to nfrier ot the iihwiatcd awj m. u av M.M.mi m where yan can set a jesi square seal; ix TT?3n;7-S73 cants. OrSTEBS in every style. bruits, iiit$, Apples, Landie. Jellies and Canned goods of all kinds. j CJljCraFfi Sr, IOnSirri- The Hitrhei-t market prire paid i'nr IIIITTrD fEjrr m. -jvam. D K r.t, l-.fef.. AD VECJETA B IjE!. .-n r . , v2lVmeTi rmrrthe .RePuW-1n1 IS, . d Weirt0 g,ve us a ca" waeo n wn C H.'STEU'ART. 9t B1 Hatins Avfnne. on-ra UASJiNlftj. M-.B - t i irt . ' i AH lover.- of the t,.iir"v t:e ;::..te ei 11. fctA Ire-h a--.irttnent cf clirir-. db-sandmitsahnv-onlrmd. Centle.nanlyeWU alway-on to attc:iJ to ci-touier?. a. . I of i I ! n-f tf KP. SMITH, Pmp. rm Aa mm . KtU ULUUU UKUb blUrtt. I w '"' ' , ! Chas Poiter Q,I '" IfM l""'1 " DmI1 Store .11 Ked Cloud. ! i te-iri Hit inn iiritiil!i rn-iiitoni.iI.il ' I -'-"i- , both day auJ night. n-1 in .., I tl r a. r t- r I fl8 BSSt P apcP F OT F HmierS IM III K , NEW-YORK Weekly Tribune ; j ON'E DOLL R per vci-in tlub efthi'tx 'orove-. -pcime:i c-.p... :r.-. t - ..rtcrm an I e..nmi-ioii.-. l ir,. Til u; Till JfVi:. N. V..rV : A l ir-? m KTltl tl v:. y.-w y,,rk. .. - j C A P ... . TlO WQ T C' O UCCnS Waf C. I (A , I ) j r I I J AUUi) JV( M l, ' " A.''i..lJi, I . .. . Irk ifB A Eiir i kxi.mi i !m 1, tjt P C I lll P , WlrtSS, LiqUOrS. and CigafS, , - m fc VF J1 - I J I' ALL KIND. I FBSSE LAG2H BZ23 A S'IALTY. . . , ; Corner of 1 -t S'rct and lla-tim. . v...m,. Hi. ti..... ..l. ni,. ! "-. !-.. ..j.-. ..i... ii-o , P . TTr,rT ' J-Ti JTGLGIr JlSaa, , .. -, . . i 1? HIJI I l,V ll.VSIfi:! II . VH,'r" ,,,H 1('rV"VN ,". ,,,R ,,,,f,," and will atlen t to ail ;iror.' it.-ii.il -ail.-. ui.2 u e. ia...rcr !.. j o ... ;. Mtenrer House- hasting, .... m:b. J. 1L SiU7H, ?r3?r:e.:r. The only fir-t-tla.-s l.ou-e in the city. Stage leave- thi-hon-e every oilier morning for Red Cloud Mid the K. P. R. It. nil Smith & Calvert EZD CLCUD - - NSB. DEAL EilS t.N' FURNITURE, In i;.d Cloud. eb , at their o 1 -nnd. 'ft-delightful to ee what tKry hav.- on hand. The haven npply it may truly lie -.id Oi tint i whiih is ueedf .1 for the iivir.K .....1. The) ha.-cbfil3tr.-id.ira'lle. taM-.Vchti'P Sofa, bureau-. :.nd all kiirlsoi iu"h u.irr. And will-ell t bein a.e':e.ipn."iny..neiliir. Aridwp,.. to you all. both mnnt a-d old. ,. t , i ney i not r.iin'c jrrc'iir..icKi. i veror trni.!. ' u' - .1 r - . .,1 Wciuvite nil our friends mid lieijibornto .-an. 0, And 'heyd ubtltTiwill find lhcyiPal fairly wi'ti all. Ifyoucoine. Idoth nkyon can crtainly buy A- no tie can say the pr ce i too h-ch. IIAiKESS SHOP S. V. Ludlow I- now prepared to do atikind.of vrorL IN TDK Harness (inc. The he.-t of material.s iiM-.l. and al'. ! fork WAR RANTED. ltEPjlltIG Done on short notice and at reasonable I Prices. Shop in Mi-Nitt's Store. Red lii4 ,eraKa. Fr-ink L-.-s!io at hi Mammoth Pub lishing Hoii-c. ii37 Pearl Street, New York, i-siie seventeen beautifully il-lu-tiatid new-pap'-M and mac.-izine. Mr Iy.--lie wa-lhe6r-t in the United tiite to undertake th- publication of a weeklv illn-trated new-(iaper. and to him belong-the honor of Leitijf the piib'i-her of "The Ulde-t Ilbi-trat.d Nw-p.per in Auierici.'' The per son whe secures the agency for the.p pub!caton- in thi vicinity, and will trive our ci'iz-n- an npporfu?.it3 f "' speftirnr the Mjveral i-ties and copie nl' the eight tnacnificent c'roum. ihe clmice Irom which i- riven with a suh- I - na ... wewklie.-. will have a hi.nil.nntf an.! I prnbtahle hn:ne. Thee paper-are Well known an. I .,-11 r....tWt- r,.. ir... 10 m loc-nr- on m"ws.iiJS n,i 4re now hrt o.'.ered throuyh acent- t annaai .ub-cTibers. with availab'e chromo which, to all lover-nfarr. i alone worth more tlun the -uh-crtp- tinn jirice An animal -ubi-cMiW to 'he lUmtml-d Xtcrp"jrr reriev.. flllnnir tlie mw .,. W ' .....v. m... m ? Pse.-. Foiled to the Ok of a 'a ree rictavn lmik. the iih-cubr would r'ave 3.2"J3 n-i?e e.jual r.s-ven m-rav. , books of ordinary ize, 4G0 paite rarh an,l one half of these p-'e would ron- a'n fine emrrartnea. and for the c-n- tennial year will make the mrxf accar- ate and valiiaM- iliutrat.d Hi-torv nf 1 the National Jubilee pnhli-hed. We , advi.e on' readers after ther have I -ah-crib-d fnr nur paprr 'oseenTe -ne of Frank leslie' illustrated nriod ---.-- -u r i-..u. vm...iiv Tift v Ji I t 3 Ni.'. i Tc :4hd .--ST to : 19 it Y 'UTfMKW ran !m ,n.- .?- - - "ldV Mlf (Sl1II. 2ar X. : i s. hand ; Koofw & fc llOVS. U V41VV 1 U S, ; 1 if vrrnj'hii'i: tkr lint General Ril fChc.l.C!Sg. ATdKKATI.V It will pay jnu lit in'Mtiif mv - , ffietidh itrvi'.itt-Mi X"d d ti. 1 j Bj- Ii I a-k - a trin! -J I -m i' k.-.p r urgi :.i and tw i-hi ! Ktcr. P. S. Highest filarkef Price paid fcr a!l km of Country Producs, Hid? s and Furs. - tl I . CIIAS. R. JONKS, Juniata IVebraska. wh:ls3al2 akd sstail riAizn ::: - DRY GOODS, NOTIONS h!AT, PROVISIONS. j I ' I Ii:rAt.4 i . itlM4. 1II i. S- ' "IJJHCM lll.Hll I Nfe 1 UHI IT frilfR ' TF - w or J J G Potter ha. just prrivi-d A ft " nm;- anS &n&iiiiun:. Lvei btoijj: ht to ihe Valli and i-.iciC-. -T. G, THECHICACO LUMBER YAH-Z: ' AT HASTINGS, Keep-constantly on hand thc .argc.it tock of Dr) Pinf Lu ' ihe est. Also 1SI,IM y JSM.-W .immwm.-m j-f, jmtm.i'- and all kinds of Our -toc,k t well selected and purchased direct from the ri ' will be old ao low as the lowe-l. . NEW HARDWARE STOL'K ! W IK 11SA LE AND RKTA I ' MITCHELL & MORiLnJtf I?r opened a new More and have just received a futf 'i,p,, tock of HAROU AKF, Cutlery, CarpcnU' FAKMIXG TOOLS, fjo L and U'OOU STOVES Wc wi-h onr ''ore. W rnanfarfjirr Tin. (litrttvl i- T.AFJOFnd well a any hone tci r.f Linco'n. Call and See Before Oppositf th? Lumber Yard. Cloud- . - CIMCACO S10KF OP.S. Tg?ir KKIrCKi PKICt. - m ff - t ind pr:ei- b fre ln; t , ' r : f i J I u t . . j m. -r .till M m.u., L.. BAUK?. TTC - t tie Oru-ft .vor'liff.! 1 C" 6 (in 1 him u call and eiatnin' ; Potter;, Red Cloud Nebraska X KW r Mdiir r.iitrf!fct i iY3 Hastinas, Nebraska. h are also a Tin Stsff Cfirri-cfl Copyer k Sheet Irr " itMorted. and t vill&t ' Purchasing E!sev.re' -1-1. . -- V-Q 1 I