v- v -, - S. J1 LM fWtfPKjirtmji HMmtM f i -rwnn f Brniljor II' wen -iv- that iti- hi 1 or it ii n that his bm'l.e. I.-eeher is a:i j adu t'K-r. a pi ijiiMT a.'d i hv The 1 ,aU-mouih . eon: .m- .i . 'V : ' V i p t'T.' V C f T V I 1 Q fi Vf1 .!..v:fij ;:i-,'l,t ! . t:-t to ill.' lv-5 j . . ' j - '- ' - v- -' II .j,l. c.il mi:,.-. Ti.'- .s -vm- M I..- ' l"ts- :'1':; ' "" - I ? SV N '.' ' i . S .. rF THE RED CLOUD CHIEF. Billiard Parlor. !J.UM.iM.V, CHICAGO i'ii-r" 'IKIKSIAY FKR 24. ... - - -- . - m ws m wi - . w v L !7. j vril-; are: k-rml-ei 15. relict ftnte.nt.Ht i:c jic.Mrr s urttt'ivr. 1-t iiu -f -. ith or thi -. I1 vrfcerv vki eun I ny r 21 Y n HO 11 i, ? ox ? ; r v-i Ca Hah Slror., zss: wr ;. 5ei I r.tojt- thai In' liiutJi.'r Uotten i-a Bat.se: Sua::ripiics.' One cnp3 1 j'car, " "s-iiiiidfricrarid liar.' A:id- the in i'l- r . 2.0i 1 -tanu- al pie-iM.'; I if I lit i'iyiuou !i j .! i :!i j cia: I rjvi- ;o h ine copy 6 mom lis, UK) j Clmrrli cni?ii lee 1ft- -ut:il! ". 'io I i an i inn' -t'.x . p.-c it tac! . tj ivr: fa , .- .. -. , - - , ,. .... . v , OVSTKU'' :a i iviv vfe i ail "t r".i J pfiiv ti e.ij.ti-v-j w.tii ; AH forcrs of tn ?jioje sn ivJtJ to i:0 il i.i'jI hi', what I hi- J - a -title J ! J t ' !u 1-, n ? 'jtUr- : u 1 fvi,- ..x t ihi . . . . , Oon' inV .tr i: si '.) ar ,:j wh'.c ttiit t!liei- 1.1 !! i.l i.;l" t am irit ol J ,i 0... o .! .-i I'l-ute if if pr""" l t v .ha i . i..ii :.ear that p ,:.-. i. tm-turn-o it Woi'l-eY,.,,; l, oivYnird . r '1 " e Ti a- the :ins.i.;.r.ii:oc- at p re-en t Kid.ettr, l '" " ! ' ' ,"( '"' "'- I '""" I )ll ivipy 3 " f,0 j tinvriito aj.pwir t.iIO U to IflCi' I) : 'I """'' "' '"- - 1 m- -im r . r-,rv . r iKir.ei a : ; ..j,, .nn. . ;,.,; ., I fi he. .) !I..ji I iv;H t j ni.t ui "a t ru '..( iinvn kiiini f .i. i. 1..11. .. .. . . 1 r ...... j... -..-....- -1 ..-........ 1. , , ..- ' -.- .-. -- .-.... j. j - ti--M --f ir- n i h C-.Tr CAR NU1V'U1' i v.w vi j . ,. ,..,: ,1 ,..-..,..:.. cr.i . mvcsiraur taT.ni"U 111 ! iuiit; l ..f 3 " -- - . wv 1 . x it , i, . r o vM ,-r-.-.-nn...-v. K. W. Van .iIujci e-ci;.-i from 1 1 Tii-iHiHi...Hr i-ti..MU hwr-ry oi iifc., ,..., .,. .,w, . , .., t0 t:"J to ci-toiMn. r.H:tc'icnck.Ota:u:i. b. .-eiiat..i. ,j. Q I:.,J,.r of MlC dfp'irS- I ' Ja Jl A -t ,.i:t, ll-l Wtfck. t Ic .vw.a . .n.iMt.s .U mti w.th v,n -..,, ,.Jl ,, . , v f-rfT ir ; tit? f If.iM i,it!i ii it.,11 1. tt I l 1 "'" I'll "v Iil I i H! I lilt U'ii ! i : . .. ,. H. r-ti.iiki. Tiiiaiiija 1 1 .111 . 1- ill 1111. Wiiikiiii.i ill. a. - l.tit-ii-'i SILVSG VHUKIl. tJuv-ruor. Li'imln BraTiTz.clu'tk. Sec .t ?t.ti .1. .J .V-iitin. Liatulu, Auditor. k!;X!'irkr,. " IW?Z;- j. M.McKnzie. LinoIn.Snp. Vub Iin.!iu JUDIC ARY. t 0-i. I. Like. Q;n-ha. Chirf.I?ticp. D n'l'.airt. Nebraska City. 1 1 ,,.; ... j.,t WEriSTER COl-NTV. wi. ... ...v..fc . ..... J. A. Tulleys. K. ft. .tone. I. W. T.illfys. H. r. Rill. J. . Oilhini, C C. : 01a. County ""lrrk. Tre:'-urT. Probrtte -I iiiti-. YT. H. Thorn, f- 1 A. H. '.-ly.) O. W. It ill. . M-ittcton. 1 County CoictnidMoner. Webster County Ccensod. Wober Co.. Neb., lies in thn Vm1!.v o th ".ep-bliein. ilSl nti'e west oftheMic ro'iri R:vr ami tuehe the St line on thn nu'h. Winters nr. miM mi.i -by: v. rv lf;tl-riin or Jmw f:i!i in 'liat -:l.ln ( lit - .. r r 1 ..ii: -i ,-;....... ,.: 1 1 in i. i iiii c.t.ii . i..-. 11.. 11. ... - h-y or train. Plenty ..f ruin til' in tit- -ritl- .m i suramrr. The- sununrr." arc -.. .l-.-nrr.eHlilvwiriti..-:? there i-Hlxr.u:i 00. 1 I r-- eiJpeoiall in th rvenins". 'I hi j r . :nty firt liHrf in to -e tie 11 lTfl. I 1-T 1 t i-fiiiiity wi orpatiiz"l with a ioiiTntinn .I It-. pi'iIatio i now In tuecn 2.V.') ,ia3'Xi) niil 1 rai'iilly inereainc Tbcr. ht at iiro'tont .".S orrfiri'ril -cbool ilitrirt 5bi iti hiuuilrie aihI .-i-'.ool f:uilities are ih rtcr ample tetter liar. th(re in roan- Kwrn ....-,. The apportion.ble mio,. I ui-l'urni-he nearly eniiiBhiDiiue to pa trhi-.s' w-ife-. Farm.M can buy It It Imdfr !t5! .VuosT. p.raer- with ten jta"- i.ii-. There i yet a coi:-i'ler.ill' ani'.unt of j g er-iment lund1 for lejinc-ttaih and pre- I fitipiioii4. Asa ttock r.ii-inif c-onn!r it i.- 1. iri oex:-el. at'Iean h.-II. a-nl lor nlocp 1 ... . r. -,..-. 1 . .1 . I .'1T1I1..1 JU UCill'II. J. lJH?l .1.11 .O IO ! I III ,..rt.,Me, ,-an b.-.-.t,iIj ....Hi,.. .j raisi, --.hoe;. I 'vVd':S!! l ' ' '''-T' ,V,',i,,V a. the ,xpe..c of Iceilintri-t ery ,..ill Th .1 j r .' ',' l" ,.r:"1-hf ,,!,.,lt', ';" l.'' iW era ..niu. barley, potato.-. I.ti.-kli- eat. ..ml j " " ' :l 1:,!r P"'!"- :'" ,J,",-r """' nil kt.ii-. of mots an-1 vee.-aM-1. an- trroun j ';- ' " S i'"t h-re with little labor. X, bu..!i.-l-..( ...l --o.-ji j ' '" ok-vi-iy isi-n-'i a-if ih- 11 1 r-t- in -acre i- 11 thin-;iic. Wh.-it .M.-.apri j w J-'- '-'-' - '--.; '"-,- ' the p.-o-aijo-it",5biishi-I.-tothe.icn-. Fiui iltit- i- ''- ''''' ' rr'-n-i-ini: ae.-tu-y iio tin tretnily well. Kvery ''.inner ha- hi- orch.mi ! irratier- to 11-e in luea'viinf h.trn h'.'h jtrnwiin;. For.'ft tn-e-irow npi.lli-C.non- ! lai'ro.iJ I'ji-sjrht ani p-n--r '.ri;F nooil. btaMcr."vhiicwoiil."olt m.ijle. ami' Is tin the n-ww thr L-tuuf lyuijt luuoy other t-inJs. if trees itrow into titnbn ! rmiiis iiifn l-i'tnti "p.ov-. ; 1-jrx- -nouzh f..rfuel in about thn-c je.ir. .-.., (-ji? orance plants do ii-ely. ami in a few v.-iri your live tenet1 can be 111 ido. Me-leii-ies find erap,..yni-nt..nii fairnaKt." 'Hi1 very l'--t mnl. piire.'t water i? i tainetl by ifo ne fr)ra-5 to l')i) ftsU 'I be cost c ir m .If wlieti the well i bored The-- w.-l! I wvcrifrt d y. The stream- f ihiscoir tj are th- Hepublie.in ami it tr Iiu'iiric- uhiehnrc a f Hoi?" on tho south -ide of the rivir. ' il.:at. Dry. HuiTal.. Stite Per.! y. ; dar. II Citi. Ah. and ui.1e Hock creek-. On the north id are Willow Elm. ("ottoiwood. 1 rooked. n.ttii,n.an.l 1-arn.er.em. in the , ..... ... :. . .. n.rtn ptrt 01 trio county u tiiv jotio river tt.ij its tributaries. The-ioii o! Web-sfer county i a d-'rk. rieh v7t.ibi- loam. The wild tjr.i.'-it-ti are nut ri t -ii- ni-l ibatul ir.t.'indm il.e o-te.el ent h-iy- '" motliy. lover. Iliinparian.-nd miil t will un hmbtedly prove a -rofiMble pr duc-t- it. Thoso - ho h iv e tried them so decide at '-"t. "u ratlroal p-nsp-rt? rre cond and we will h-ive 1 r"yl --t .oon a w really need oc. !!u' the firmrrs foryenri-wjlfinilr d site or -orpiftt pr.xhutimi!' in ihe nrwoi e-untic wet and to at'" Mi'itrr-1. Hy the tin -he-ia markets are elo.-e 1 ro id- for ii-apsr tr.ltispirtition east will tie opened. 0 irel mate if hca'thlul. theair -vtre end brteiait. andstL-knc-i ofany k.n.i .- al-.'Oti BtranKcr tn tho j.eople h re. Tle.-o.intyjcit. RED CLOTH an th" Rc pub'ienn r:ver i..r the en'c ea-t and vst a d :i i tie nuth of tt e emter nerih and south. In it areeh.inc ? 'or lii!in's nsen of e.-:ry brini-h ol'irade. THeerUntr arnut.l i iii-h a? to war ant a c od buin ?. in "very k a ' of tnerch-indNe. Ited Cloud ..n.l iiiii.le ooSt are the only two laid out t wii. Fur th -r iol rm ttion c in he ihaind fiom any :n I is-nt vhilvortief in this i aper.oiat this office. IIow tnitiv if our reader- rrinoin lt-ed that la-t Tuesday wa- Ws-hipo ton'.i hirtlidaj. Uuls- the almaiiie---1 irpi 1 .. -e- i.e.. u-, ,..M ie...,y tva- u,e an- nivor.-ary ot the turirt ol tin-, tiu't preat and pood man. In onr youth h: name wa- venerated hy ail cla-.-e.-. If our uietnory serve u rtjiht. he tva-fir-.t in t?jr. 6r-,t ia p.-vu-c, and Tr.-t it: the hearts of his fituntryujca. Etery p-i.riatw mother liatuej her first hern ti'ter him, whenever the litticMr.uiccr tfn tint kind of a babe. Sunday Sehnn! Siip-'rintendent-i .stiuinLted the piety and lionej-O' of the Sunday t-ehool childieu with fictitious ars tibotit his piety and tiuthfu!ne-.s. T achers atou-ed the drowy au-bt'iou i.f the boy by pointing to his example. Hut titue has largely done away with ail this. ChilJren are not named after Geori;e Wa-hiuyton any tnrire. Of the 100.000 who a'ad hern so naii:.T . . , n.me ever bceatue pre.-idep.ts : f.i,K ' Xeok- to drinking ; IS.OO have beet. in prison; 16.0J!) died i-i infancv. Of! ' I the remaining 100, b3- v.orh br the 1 iljr: Qhnrpinin! theflvwV -. - J - -.... M f prt aching in Dakota, 2 are leaihino hchool. one is running a bill: 3rd hall and the other is a pott. All the Sun day .-chool children to wham the .-:-ory of the hatchet wa wont to bo told have since lied. Gcoree Wa-hir.L-ton'.-natue has ceased to be a tower of .strength. He is no louircr the Father el his country. He is only, "the old xuaii," the governor and "dad, ' now Wo notice an item eoinp the rnund iSthv ore. to tha eiT.-et that a IJrrmn- t.lle mail will take a litUiRrl table lo lha Uiuck h.IN. and we think it iiipoiu- l-lste without the rt'Iditiofial-fMtt'u:iint j Ih it he will take a birrel of water and 3, t) .-rt of Thi -ky. - fttru:i nzprsj i'r""' f.au.j ...1; L.n1r....iu-.-. -.,,. .f w',.., I ci.-fir.ili: U..I n.ll.l H to be f . i.-TIIH,v tdfFkS ftlWaVs t t,.; .Mesti hi i'1.uii tie it'll. O.aiiJi' I . . . ! imii oniv ! chfC (. 1 1V hi-'Hm-iii I lie I f.v:.!.y foi.-e Tl.. M.X.,'ai -ovum- limit t:vv ta-h .S::rlo cnntiol of it- n'.Miair.tir-.arci cm thftototc Jo noliiai: luprcvtnt :h se outrayev' or to jiuni-li ofTtirJ' r-. 'fit- I- A'i r ll.-u hi- vi-rv v.ickiJiv re:': -'i ti glYf P.i 0":':i."e? .1 -1 at iti - , 7lirf- ' ' nv.fiu-, atiJ -c! ra-ka t'ti ailditioiial 1 tli- nliu.j liv Itvo-'tva i' liuuti'ti School Sin. . ; . ., . ,, - i . ,1 i i 1 ("oronrr. ! MM'n-'ti!ati.. lie: iti a'l -mihi :i ..'"-''"" A ."piri.itv ..r.iliui- I' it's ekii.11 wi-ju-t. ami h-.l not ilti I't'innciai- 1m n it:-pin J with rrror Ly tl'f ih"i:cl ; 1.! u.jkiti' :t:iMin-r lii'puhliiHti 1.1 r in tl'Ci k Jn:ii Ci.1ilj:i, lie uuu!J pioli.ihly siave Leeti aJ.iiit ed, Co:t of ITarrc Gaua. The Vice l'n-i.lctit of the !); Moinr- an.I Ain('-( lotva) :jarri"v ;:iiij j ,..,;n,:.,j . j:s C((, 0,- cr),truet:ori ' ,. I i-'ooiv-: ., , 1 'T""'-- 'er :,,:l" "" " ........ I ,,, "! k' ' .:l!,u "',':", fii'j ?,u to .':; L'tt) i- .';oti O'.n Ti;tcL-'.:v:'y -t:I -mhiiii:).'. i tii-'iiei-i 111" ..... 1 1 lir :i t of uav ..... MriJ l'"- ami eu'vi-if Stati.-u l.ou-t-, .r'f:: .i:.mji.-etu Total.... T :o The coat ..fitillii n M... aiil oil.,, ( lliin.lPIjr9 ;, .,, af Jl.ty.-,,,., ...!- .... ' ' . , ' '''" f",,::N niu' enuiii'-ti-T -ry iwhv HUH'-, "tie Oax ear lor eacli :;i:i , r. Ill, ear for every two tiiiie- i'i 1 a ri.-('!iL'' r car Fi-r ''v.-iv fifte.-u stii!.--, w liieii i. an iiiiu-u: i Imj. al.1rv.11ef. .. ...... ... , hi-aid-; 1 h eu-t Ii.-i.ih "0 ttstp; In the last iiiiiiihi'i of the ('iin:i th article cntith-'l " I il rime- at.. I t e (Jaw.-e," .-eetn-- to have ihe trip. rim: to it, e-peei.iSiy wheie it toinhe upnii the -iihj et nt (Vie tr.uh'. Thi inpic ha-hien ari.u'! pm a'ei r. uver .-iii'-e the iuturitioii of u;ir iov eitiitietit. am! -till i- aru.-l tit the l - j-,.,,,.,,,,, (,f v',tn.r (.-.- 'i'ti- tiiattei ."eei:!-!-: .-iniple tint 1:0 aienuiem .-eel.- iieei -uy to prove the net c-.-:f of a j-ri'teeiiiiii tariff iti oppu-ition to frei.tr.nie. tvliitli like Fie. Iovt-n:,"" 1- Jetriitiental to oer he-t iatere-'-. Vow let 11- -uppo.-i- a ci-e wl irl: ih not far ft niu an aettt.J reali'y. The fanu er.of thi val'ry, in an 1 aioaml :!e 1 UIoiiJ, or any other tluivine vih.ii'. M.11 iheir wti-.it. e.rn, vv 1, occ . at the lui'testJ for a lo.v piie-. at.: take in e.xetit ti;e Mich project- a- 11 1111, wiio'en i'i-iiJ-'. an-1 ot'iei ne-e- :trie- ( a hili j-rue. uhidi are so;n J.-po-eJ of, either lit hi-inj c n-titintl or ivoin, tin.! iti a -hint titne iiotirn i- lift to huy toon', al vrli.it wis hotiirht, ha-, a-it vi rt. tai.ni tviuj;-. anil il itrti away. Hire i- erMcfly the e ni-lition in winch the liee-tr.i.K-r- vvo ilJ p aee our eoniitry. eon tatnlv r-et.'tii . to fon iirn count ra--, utir moip-y ,ui 1 pro due", atiil t-ikiin: in ntum .vh 11 111 ifii. he pioJneeJ at Imne, and leaving us without wean- tutiht lin more. Aain, -U.pn-e the f.iiu.ci.s eenerally, at.il the fieihti t.- .-hiiitlJ 111. ike ih.- Irciirht, or tax en eO'iJ-emrel out or brought iti M, .,;.,,, ,,,.,,, R Wl , tf! ;lp.r J(M the p,-opl- th-m-elve-, to .-inJ lii-h wheat into 11 mr. weave their tvotil into cloth, theret.y etuou .11. i; ootn.' ijhii ufactorie-. kep tu titetr tuoiiev and pioJueis in ei.cil.u.ooj -u. ( "initii'f :!tC overt !:- sivy to britnj iu mole utoney. h'ow seen the 'iro-t'eets ivoulJ briehten, .hi I thi- i- what the protiction taiiil" :u.-:i want to .-ee b.- ... ,. . . I ttt ecu our oocrtiii.et.t and oilier.-, en 1 ' -uiii to oui-elve. all the money win h 11 to-tf !: 'ie. iy ttj'l.e.n return, uj bt War, conrr-ctioii of currency, tin aieti-e ;).tula;ioll- of ciMi'iy an i d.--ijftiino men, teli too well the atory. Aow while our lactone- can .-jaicey nove on under thi- prein e. their -ii- ifaiion under free tra le, cm be appre- ciateu by even ""i? who haul-11:- iiro- , .. . , , diiLv aw.v trotu hiujie, .in I the irofit- 0f,he final a!e ate nsol nnt-ii.V . f home ciieiilati.iu am! never eotio.-b.tk , ,. . , J ,u ,:,m '"'" to :ih:en In- t.txe-, or Sd hi-iMMikct b )k Would n SM! iritvtier pvrtv-p.Kity, teen encourage luniie uniu.-ti!e- A-.-i.tt and -upport our mi:N and factories ahealy buiii, and -trive to out aiore men of capita!, who .-hall, tnttead of -eadtn to a for eion market, make onoeJ hoi:er by eretiin more fictorie.s. thus 2natif3: con.pctition, and builJinj: upthejjrwt muu-t.5.js of Southern Nehr.ik".i. By litis means it ujuy he made a nch valley, shere tu common with our oreat country, our pMilucta ami our profits .-hall c(nitinu.i 10 revolve from I producer to cot) -timer, tud back a-'ain . ' p odaccr. ScninE:tjJo. and ein-ukued over i,d over at home. 1 !tt-Thr ono is a peMcet i.'eu.oi :,rf. j ; ;.cw ,-,,,- ,. -. ,, , But .-av--ouie m.e well, ve a nrotee - I' would e.-.iy ret. i.l 1-r -:.. r .-oven 'm,.,.. An .e-eV b l-.ft. .tin.,.r,,,r. M"m nt ail. m.-.tv m e.muto. who ,:,a,t: I'r.ink h-lie y hi- Al 1 .,..!, I, uiimiL ! .fol.ar-. It tiiiro-.t a. lutiiv ttioiiMin!-' .-r. ' r si -ter-d I iter, at ou-ri-k . -v I'ij nit r.'-t,t lie d.v. lopu.itit- ni tfie 'i-Mtii; tlim-o. .-., iV.irl iir et .Nw ite tiuitr, then why Mi.-h ha-d times? j ,.r.it;.ir.-. tvi1(.-h vte -hall nevrr et i I,..w-h,fr.rnfruw! "ith' tlTelr - u"fica.y ' l?re'lt ::,e-r,1P - a'1 aflc'i:i!.;triy r. - York, i-u- - trnto.-.i Ua-i'ihiHy tf j t)ur ereat bonded iiiiiel.te.tjn - .vio-o.t ! i. ...t- I?.i i-ontr li.io... ..;..... . I .;'..""' . . , " 1 un-iiili,?r fio-osiaint ..,-., -.n .ii.i. - .fi-. luiittil iii-a-i t- riod 10.1. -n.-- I m - - - --. -v - v . . v ,V 4 -ai-rta aa-ia -a.. .) ii n 1 iiiji.-. --... -,. - - T .--,.. v. ...-. iw -.. a . .-- liEP fLOT'D. Fob , 1S7G- . A tcara:J of ." 1- iiifcrt.! fu' hi- re co-very, a'nl .!) I I'm iiif.'.tn it 10:: lint w 1 1 ! Il1 11I : 1 the .k'teelitri of lite jnrtre ho .i-Msft-J tin pi-tuer in euu. X 07 If & U. S. Lash Oitit-k. it tX'tllllttCltl .'i i. i''. !Ti;-rv iih, IS7G. L'oiiint.iiiif h.iv iiij hi- ''c'c.'l at u'oiiii." In- tm.Ji r -niiiii,. niirv. S;. -'. ' tt'(. A,.rn Ji -. I-..4. tu. .ti h- ii.Hth'ri-.t ipislt'-l .V-t. toUTi-i.l:'. .- . . ... . ... !.,. . V. 1 ii'-'t .. .t. tt. s m ..t- i-oi.il.. ..e lia-.i. W.i.i ,1 ie.v (.1 t lir uii.liii:i.iii ..i .-.;.; ....i.i- f.r ..i.l ...ri.,.- ..r.. .,"". .. . r ;i.l rJy -ViM-rn. 1 n i5 .;..Iuui... n I .ut Il.TeSiV -Uliri Ki .1 to 'tjipi-.V at II I- t.,o .,1 i..,o.-.. tvery ki.n. o.'li 'v 1111 Hie ,;-J .l.tv .'" Aiiul. J -7'.j. .it j . !""' --"-'V -". ce.it r-utv-s il!i ii ty .1 .! 1. ...... .i.i. 1 1 '' 'iru.nl j.. nt'jii- until. SI Is! k m;i . f- '.I . c!.c .1 111.. to lti i.J.ni i;il ttinu-h ! t,...r ..,.!. .vs Ils , r, r.., r .,0",'t .. t.-t.i:: HV to. u: f.iitj: -at.5 a'lee.l ' ""ii : 1:1 j. icr. no ii -.unt r i Ii ui.-i ! ah.nJo in: nr. j:i;-ti:: Kvrov. UoZ-t r. 2.-,4l r.V. . o.-.TSM.WI. UfC IV.T. X-TH't: IT. . Lxn Of;-:pk. ) I.'io.ini.Ut II. '- V Kij tn it;, 'h. ISTii i 'inn.!ii'it li.ivitu heeii I'titer l u? lit- oilji'.' Iv (i. o W 'I r . f . . .. . n tier ai;ii:i-: I1 iih - 1 c "::.t 1 I r -:ti 1 i'i:i iiiii'ii'i i-iii' ! orr-, N-i .".! .li:..l ,"J"J,-','' !- riu- .....ilie.-t .. ..... . !. . V'iT .' -. 7 !-V,n- ''v ''"'''l .";;' I!l . ' "''' '.H!'v. A-n, ,. wil, : v.. v to ':i- e-ti- 'I.ti.,,, of-.. - n.n .T-i-. : mi.v j'iiip 1, 1 ii;r iu ennv: 1 no -'jio niri;.'- are 11 -P-ot -iiriMii J 'o ap-M'.ti -it t Jit oilice o-i the 1!7 h e.-iy of .aieh, lc'0 at I .: p. in , to je-p in hi tt.'iii-h te.-Tj-i.o-iv eoief-rn.nu .-.ips a'ie-J ah id.i-tiiii'ii'. U E:;--.'::it ''.tms Ue.-i-t-r. Kv.N tV.i;rt!(! Jle-.-iver. DuitM.v c !'i:i:s. x. S -It A .!. r:iinff I.IX'.M. XOTlfE. John . Ki er tr .1 ta:e n r: .- :h Nauey l'j i."u'. ?iij on sin- 4 h J.iv ol i-Vhiuiiy. l7'i 111 in t!i.. oJi ot fti,-I'l.-f. ol the li-n;et t)..izrt in -Vc-L-'er C .. A"et , her p-tt'i "i. ih-nlij c an 1 (.ray-: of vthi.-h k th-u h in iy ! Jiv-ir-ei lrom "!, fir ex ie"i.: em-lit aini a l-i 1 ;ir i mic e::-'ojy ol minor .i:i .In- . :n 1 aiuii my. Von are leijniroJ t 1 ati-'vcr .ti-l p -tition mi or oel'o.-j t!ie Iihli ilv m A p. it, lc70 Nancy E Ki.vti. hv 29 4: ti. . .l.i-Y, tier A'l V. rii 3cs; al 3rl,b:c:l 0: the .7j;k".:.;: ! i"i"r i.ior.V.i .S i'.V Ii'iithl ; ( e5 '.V- In ia hi i: oorantioumn-ii-nt or'hec.-iii i:'?e 1 we ruiei v. b j, .j.n 1 w.uriiu too j..e. .si liteii a- -tea .; v ati 11 nil ..I. . 111-il.irl-to knp ".Ui l.DW .Mii ill' i..r ia ..dv 01. it. ail eoiup -ti . r - 1..- i"i 01.. i-i.eiil.i no. ae ca-el vritii Itre-.t r.ip.i'it. i!.il tui- :i.m.i!!eco lue pt.a lie!. 11. n.-lete.mi id 111 tn in- linn oi-i iu relit noe.lo.t-. lo.ijcr n ii..in mm:. ..1 .ol :i 0:. 11 iii.ii.i " 'V J b t.l;., .'.v.i ttK- lie t inn ily p i 1. Its eii.ils w II be tliriilit ! I'-Skt hc v 1. i-t 111-ila niU" I It ! !- 1..1 j in .c ii i.ez tnj 1 - To.- t.v will 01 ti.nii.oi:. . t!i a,? uiii pp aiiuirpjfi-.-th.iii.iii.il 1. ml the rv. si - o.ni-.l e eotitii'ii- 1 o. .- ol 11. oil and- .-I ui l.u- . n p nl 1.1-I yoirtioili i.f iis.f eoip-ol wr t. rs. la .1: eiiiiin .tr hi h ;iin..o rh. .. vei 1.0.- i'o i J,in nra.i?.; ii tion . w- -h 01 no mi'y rtt.i' alto nl'.-ina pi-pu ;.r v.ii ers iiu. lie rhal add o our i-eu-i- -,.:u iu li .111 loir- .! 111.1t piove their e niin i- P p.i :ir tt and Mi w tteia-ilvf w. r.lo vtitt.-.or.i i jeruiiei to it,? ;: -io..o prc- iian.iiiic -in r a . .onpt ito. . li 1- ? Iiltiui th.i i iifit a 'ovur of our fri-n I, oil it Mould beo cieo .1 iiaiit.o-e to u- il e n-li "ii.- vt our r--.i ler- m:i .1 dr.i-.v Hie itt i'i. 1 of- in . -i -n.l. friend in ihe uieitii'."jAll;J.y All. il." ami tliu ..1.1 1:- :i ioc t t 1 -. e. .-11 ui - .i-.i.ii in in t pr -eut. -oir 11 eir.-t-i 1 inniiir-.-r-k om- iu - t i otii of. 1 I'tix.e p.-p i. or .1 jrd 01 c :u i.e:: 1 0.011 wi.l r.iii:erd iu piitiiuu joa.ii.t h-ic eter iltiivt.od it b. i-oinvi .1 wc.cii.ne i" r vv v itce e iij. 1 y 1 t eti- o' e i. -m i.il.oi n fmu i.d-..li i-u. .1 -I .or t - tc !i to rrt .1 nurs ni-"'e iliant ? r n.i r j- t 1I1.0 ih -i-w 11 o i.l.. 1 re -lU..UV A'.'illi'" Mid do U til jk.II It to II OV ulia ICC 111- me d .t in .ii ir .c 1 i tn.U'Uj s. A I sini'i.-i-iU L' ir .n 1 in Tv.'SNTY DlFl'r.itE TvJ 'l.R-, iu It'Jt. lueo- e-iu -ti ', will le pte-i nt. il to eteiy v.. ..It- .ui...-. shoe .' slooo i.in.inr- to " VVl'i! I V Mli li T " lovn dovk-e ku-wn to the art 'of 'J ir.-uio rii 0:1:0 ha- he 01 .i-f.ptcd to . .it iritm-c a i:ier pictute than ha.-ev.-r he n eiveii a- a premium to the .-ub- -erihi-i.t id -uiv piper I'htotno to -mr -uh eiher-. we detor mine 1 that whonwe d d do -o, our i'!uo no -li 1 il 1 li.- -t- l'oo.1 a loor-.iri-a- th h -t I'ti-t? iouIiS d i'i and tne tno-t o;r.-f il p-i t--.-ei eute. I''iirt'irr. n-tfy tinr -uniiq Thr I) ill trs fur n Yr it'll it'.scsij.tifiii .rill hr rut t't-l to 'I '"$ itfthc ffu.ifi t'ru. I'irii ui-h'oa 111 ci.e "S fllti IUY Nlixtlf for a -hort.r p.:.to! than one voar. ean have tho j..n-r ",!l.lo'! '" ,h,;,,, ;iK ,",,,,rh f"r "?J or 1 mr mo'ith- tor 1 ll .jz-f 11 ; 'is p s "ye '1 .'t an i .tp'r -..i t . rl , v' Htl'l H. I'M .S rtlE FOLLOiVIXTit ARE CLUB RATES. For $10 we tvdl end fo ir ci-5t for one e.:r to oie ad tie . or eneh copv to a -1 iwrate 'id i-i -. For ?20 we w:!l .-end eijht copies to one addre-5, or each copy to a -et :.- rate a 1 Ire . The pi.'tt- who -ends ns $20 for a chit. of eiaht copies ( ail -ent ul one t:ino).tll Deeti'itttKi to a eo;.y yar.K. tTetter- no of ( Wu- ot eight eopi. - cin -tftcrwards add siog'e copies it 2 50 -aeh. Send 1'o-t 0 ncp Order-, or reciter a'l inon".v le"ter.s. Write Xuie Town. County, Sr i.e. plainly We will -en'7 Sp-'cimeu taprs t'cua to any who will -end lis thir ml 'r-. I n . , l A V lrv ,V XAl v tAi ,: j PrOD .s& Hub's -S.TURDAT NTrGHT" PhilifloIpL-a. Pa. DAVI? A- KLYERSO.V. iui? ; .T-a -iniri rrrs..i'ii 1 uie'i.on. 'ia i.crc.iru . 1 r r r..i w -uirr.t-l tfc j !? -i UiM.i (ir i-u'-s a.jHr.t'ioni ton I thi'-tt ter '1 ul !" r an-l ptu-.-ier. aai rt II ! in .r a il.-e .litis w'l a.. til o- tli" frjitiiM it of he ;i-l' : ..fior-. j 1 j elect. uj: tn U tlio-c !. r.t ! T.K f uiil b ivi te me.a- ulhrin tit .tuiUly vi lalo.-nifvl. th' lt"r-. '-...-. i. h ii . .i.ii mi ci altti 11 .it o.er cth-y hi iti &p m l roily hii!ui.Jr.j iii'urj - At - vi r.r- ni.rjr.ai.lwir4-i-b.tth.- rn:.irll!.l fu- ir .iu "e J..u" i. 1; . i iih.L.1, t. 1 be ;h .r-Ufn new-: 4 r. Vll'ih.- :'--vr.t! neiTc '.Itliti'.av uil in-miinil ... H oi.l.n- i '.!:t-.t it. 1 illicit aitl. at tu.l rnz Ii :in t in tn-jt. ...il d.i.y. n i'ii, !.". I in 1 elu ir. int.- i-s m ai' I in srart.vc tu or.ivr. It i-.iir-i:n to in-ilkPliic ii ki. itvj tic I ,"-J- "-: -ir .11 ib.- w, U. n we a u..ani -1 i.n-o M - rt-rfitr ,-. : - 'J'Uf.Mw. w. m-.ji i.f ittt-tTifjffM-;. 1 1 nr. -ill Rrn ! rjjH-w.J UntM.! bv,. 3 t rouui :-r-4ir.ian..'e-tinun. 'l-. - rt-uitur.il ! tun in -at i:jil(y 1- .n -tit !r-inoi.l ler.i Hi-M-i.a r.-l- c iw, .i.c :t. 1' im.ittfr- o .111 He ! -li-l'ili.Y rs a !.r.eliir cje '.f-tr pi ! p r f i' 01 cif-it o.Uiii. . Li h' .h I -.- t r t mil- . v 0 y. r-.i.xcri, ti .11 P -t i ;. p .jmj.i . t. .. ih id Ji .jrr)- j.y- r n 'n 1 t-j .-.lin .11 ..ni.t. 5l,If jirr jt". r, v, e n.iv .1 trtCcSii! !,;: 1- A.I trts. : .t c. au . I'rs Y irJvOity j:-:i)LiAn,!)5 s.vtni ckm;; t-. .' rs rs-rx w r 1; ti,,. 1. m-ji :;jc- C'Uinectir.-.' at Hr.t CNtti.; with the lepubl'utii Kirer Sf.i.ire I.ieu. Thee re'tiiar tr'p a e.velc. irnehie in 1 J.-nrtii' Iro,:i 1I0! t ,! at th---tint ;s:i:e ttie t-t 1 Jh.m th : ti;2roa! loe-. J'Anr. I i' ; .') . 1- 3 1 !:u 3 -" i" .4.1 1 1. v " C-- Ti ! THrtSC Ey-TiOSS, I-VtVi bed !- tii.1.1 I'ifi. year-ne a a ! -ur.'..j iliivc tt il. ; i'lf-r. pi ik'.-1 ttMnoLl-t a 1:1 1 .la eud Uf 11 r.-ipie- .111 r..i 11 .urn . i'i- iui"..n It.-pu.i t at. ' tv i.hI'. I 'iCEt.s Wij er!. ;-n ii o 1 to the l'.re ro-il tlt.-nni t'i u ar.t rln. m! .-ii-'t-s u..nrur .leiiK-t 1. i'..r .'.( r. .t ! j-iu-'t ent'-rpri- . Uy 'iiirr;aUi:oil it h.ir iieen 13 11c ed -.Hiiua 1- .i L.i..t..- ai.'jj-irf.t.i rAr'.-.r. J.N 1 isr. ri..'t.!ftr.vr. N'.i: ii te on it- ..ii;:oil -in-irt-r I .- th-; N 1 .1 . 0I. i! ri-f -.t- el o..i t-. e p.i l.ir ai'ir. It ao'i" : ta iiihc-' .t-v!l--uio in i'l 1 -u ir: in.-1' tot in t i- .1 il ir.i--ti - ii--"iiiirn.ti-ta i).iri.Moii..siL.iiii ,uin, the '.'-t 'I ho t:Jr.:R- C;:AN iaikeiesp-.-i.il claims A e MLV MC'-V.-l'APKH. It- ! mi!!-' nre-tri liii'y j-n inled -Je.iii'.'t oi.j eti i'.;o in .tier, i.l e nry ' -rt i m le f ro iiler li .1 n-.l .mi .llol roti..u'.ie - iu.i.i'iioii t ihe ti i.'ie fire-i.te. The C 0 :r. n 3 r c i a i Separime-i is eon 'uettd wi-h ;-ri"! eire. .ind ovij tbinv I o-.-it le i -i.iu.- to 01 ik ito- Al iv 1-. f KI ..'OH . -neh .it tlu- firm! J aod liusiuej-. .Vien of the .t -tht"i-i i-..ii rei.t ii, "! '5 ft-- i" -.a-." 'V. -a-"i--i .1. ""j -- -- J i. J .- a.. ..X. ! i't u !y t- l-tel oj ,-: .tlcui-a of ability .1 .i eViivrteai- . . i.i-.j.j i..mI v... cc.ivit'.; Siiiyij And eve.-ylhnu- t' it e"e to in-ike .! . .v ( 'la .vv .i:vsii'i:ii it no i-xvalle 1 l. .my p::b!i- Uio-i :u tl'e e.nii ry I'm IN 1 i-.it-O ! .n tr .1 A A 1" 1 U A" A L A i: V a l" .t V 11 R. i:e th t w H be f- a ..1 un-fii! an I interettiuK .ie.i-.ia-111 ut-r. 11.1 t ot the Ul'ibe. V'tiiie it c-peci.i.i rcpre.-'.'.it Ito firs?.; in.erej.s .: the !z: .h7r:;t. It i-A'ation ,1 in 11-v.cw.- and e .inprelicn- -I..- in 11.- UMit-x .'iiurin-'. 1 1 nil In its pi.nt-k-.i' t ill1), it Ir 11 ; In u.i. J!) I 1:1 .ill .Iitv.i.---M11-1 .11111-to be i- t.-li.t. airfiilfif.i. anil alu.e per'.iii.n .tu i-ij ihe 1 n' r -.It-sjCS X h.fthet.irK--tr.t-ro-tfa-e -iron! iti a ui an neivrpipttrpiilli-ned 1 1 the 11 r i.we-l. I i- ren. 10 .i.i-re h-.i 0.1 M o tu lie -. i'vsi lontv-i in c eit m ue 11 1 1'er.tiL'ry nithe L.,it d ...:!- iu ..II toe oriii 11 i'r.if'iii-i., siij .-.tiaicroai fure.ii oiatc? 111. 1 cuuairii-1. TERMS MFM'tiaCKlPYiu.V : iitii.v. Hy .Mail. pajablc iu al.aa.--. f.e.-v'r. !H-t-iia StoOO Jni-.i.ta. " i" 50 E!f- .VEt'KLY.-lty Mail. p.-ryer'i advauue;. p ''JU - .3M . Iii.i ui tour " " .... x.l- I'l o.u.. t-i " " s7 Sit el 10 often " " .A". On - .rce -oy with ere-y club t leu WEEKLY.- Ry Mail. peryo.r in -mI.-ii.cc i.o;;.i,d 1 6 iln 1 of iotir " " J(V fl.it. f ten " " Uj :i 0. -.f iwon'y . i-rji Uae nee et', iti h very :Iub o' .wenty. OnJTA'- - r,'T lr!:, law . i-CJ..-j. f. .t.ru-t thelo .lit .. Jane iy.. V. t I-. U id-r tin I twthe po-t- SAMP EC P!ES FREE. Ad Jrsis rvn::i.n!ta'. S,J" 1 iro : c!ii-.t., ft- "TZ:'S'2 0 5T"3-::rf i-t-"A-TO Frank Leslie's Publications rraj i.clt tu-Ti'ed Vs: iper. t ro V: L -li. V ii-tni-et t..i-ne-. tti'. i tfi cu's : f'-Iilu-trirtcZiuass. " " 4 0) Ttiit 1 'a - - D 11-;.. i, Kr K$ --'ie I.nly'j Janrcal. " 4 0 i i.e .oa.is- nTi tn. ?!! 2-M. eriK t.- It3 nr' tj i.- -.. ryi.eili!,-i ? p it r M in.hly. ..r.t-ll..-. T.l". i .. -.--. ' - i.l IT . 1 r. ak T.j;i-. ..-,,r Atu-ne.!. .140 ISO 1 1 1 tn 13 ...m-- l.'-ii-Vb-.iceto. tun. t oi- Jolly J.O e-. .,V..n5c Le-lie's Fin..;-- I..t.l A'mnk l.e-lu- S-v T-rV J... nul. r.aak L-lie"- Iln-t-iei Aim-i FnnJt ut.-li.' Cak Atjr-.r-ac. ar.ic. KV"T yearly tibs ?riter i etitiU-.I to a be atifc' iiriifcjnichriiso with mui suMi- C2l-Ka T6s 0 Si.:naj. cre iMiMeI atid I atateu r xi-rti-tly for ue. .ta-1 the cin-ao are pro.td ia o I. exactly reriut-p. ik J every de'-ai' ther,ri;:;-a! tb.-: riiecfl of act j Desenptiea of rbfcutw. riil'iierKm snt gift., w-th tacpJe ps irr. feat strti?! of stan:? for rrtaro rcsm?. AGENTS WAITED. .... . .1. l 1. !.-.: t .1... AHre. Arearr Hapirts-..L -v.inV L-- j l-'- ISaJhu.-k-. Hcu-c. -ST P;r --?ati. ,""l - - - 1 1 rurf irillf'r- II0M the lM!ilit-ti V.!!. vnl Jo uil to g'Vtf 11- a c.ill when in to a 11. j 1 ' C II. FTKWAKT. L If.i-'tti"- v line. (z J.;5:j, - t IIXSTLN;-', NKJS. 1 m - 1 -.:,?' ( 1 v '! I i i I jl I j J O i ( J i i Rail Cioiid. Nebraska. xirz v--"-- ;7 q 7'-Jni- M .re u n Ri rjowc. S"icl vs- ' r"'- ' e f-l IS - i . ihi :' -If. fprofiu. ti trt iti ui mot! .i-oatVrt -tcj and aj.ill .V.t Mi1.' v '1 .1 . n wjiit. 1.' '. V . .r i-u rn-.-. iherc. .V Ail. i u" in .:o-r. 1 J. Tii ,t j iij a.ije been th-r;. CS , 1 'i-ri- : 'hrii-v.. i tinl. i ? I: i . i- v 1..- .f ini t. l oT.vi., -.. li.i. ra-'h "hifij:. ' ' ... l'. i,.- 11a-'- i-ie-er:pti't oorrre . Ii' 'i it tin- itic iit li-.is .-I'n-e. -'tii-jiK ! !u.i&. 1 iiRi-si -t-iii tn tV- alley SlilClit. ruv . i.e u.5 art. tu- il:!-it. isifr li:m d tuui iirfuc f--T"1 "?-.? - l.....-... .... U FOH 5878. 'j"-o t-';5.lih r- iie.i'e attention to tin- fiUotviim l:-t of-oine of'the at tt ie:iv- ,tt ttf'.- -v.."r ! J.r So. hoei--'i-.;ii!v I'.r th e mil i- ir. !n ttie li. ! of li - . ii. l-e 1 1 - ii .t;i- j. ok iiov :!. t ri - 10 1 -h : i.-r -: i - ' t 1 jli Ik- Two n?.n'ir:ab!a Sariili CyA: c'tiG.krl AUTHO'i-S. :'!i. fir-tel the e tn. c.mp'-. te in unr hand-, it a "-! r ri i f r ? I) T"-' -. -.. I n- ,., :...... V. ..,..,,. .... .,... .... 1 ' M.lr ttii'- !'t."!vj to .:t'.. 1'i.i- i J- S ..,'. I! .l;.,l l.t w. I !'t, 'It 1 -.- l ' " - . nr- - .en mil ch f ii-ter-.w'in-M :i -.M'-.or ha-e'i--"n fon h-fiv.ui:.- n-' 1. Cil-tf-inla, are piiiiU-d tvilli .rai-'i-ii-f sc v:,"i!iii .aiil jiftwet: iiii tfi.j w.lc t. .ii h oi' ionhi the tu i-t tfripine reeord ofo.nly (Jniforoi.1 lift- lh.it re- ct ap-p.-.ir.-1 Wo -lull aNo b-in :n tlt Jaiiaary nti'iih-r. PHILIP NLAN'6 Or. .'-'l.'i-.v Vonr i'8--ptfe, ay .j7 J i; f ...... T .'.Ai-.. '. he ce -e ol l'i- -tory t- I ii I in the ioiit'ttv-. - -i'i t-r'no v, now !'ori1:iu' is -t ie- "f Ijnii-'frt Hid IVx.i-. t j tli ti'.-i ! .i-oiT ilit.r - triM-iii. 1 h -h.ir.ie or- Im ! in a --en 01 -..litrt . wh now :ne:icin now Ffiith. and un.t Sp.uji-!i. and tht-r- er t of .Ii-- t 1 Ir.-n-t ui mi- live- make- a -lorv of inteu . iitd ut.H-i.'j.'iii'C uiJer.'.-t tl.rotfhotit. A S'G.f)!.:) Farmer's VACation By Ccl. GEGHGt E. V:A.-.i'i!i. ('ok W till mj I.-. 0 i".t io Kiirop.- vi--itin-.'. iu a nut fi r.d'- o. 1 t 1 hnii dreil and tifiy mie-. me ( ilp- 1110-: lettiiJ vih - ol Mn op-:. Tin- -tent 1 ric-of papor-pfooii-.- to h rvi 11 more intoie.-lin' th'Ti that with which our leader.-, are a're.uiy lmiiiii.ii'. 1 1 I.1 V T l.'" V ' f t I t i."P'' I.' 3 . It A 1 ii . o I A h J ii ! i ii.i r.pm.r- uy Jwii.v a.nci: iTtr.NK'r. A r&re e..H cttou of !i evolutional v h-uu.-. lualulv Imui Mole-alii the , ,, . . . ." . , t 1 j.. Jllllll-.-l l.ll .ll-i 1 ii'i'iin- 11. v 11 ' I. ' ... ... ...... SKi'll v .u:) I h'-y are lull ot truer -f. and will be km 1 wrh a rare n-'.-h in conn. ci.tin vniii the l'.-iteiiit!..l ct.1 .-in in 01 of the tvar. lmiMAATI-Y 1! I.l Ml'.ATKJ) AttTlCI.I .'Mrp.ip', "i C'?' ! o-frrv Wtitt'-n re-peet iv.-ly hv thtr (m-'u-I-. wii. ii;u-ir Jo. 1 1 to- te.r. 'J'.ie re vitod urcte-t mi eod-.-e f-z m.ikv-the-e ! -r- i-,t"j il.y trii.-h, tnd twll secire ! -t tin-in unii-11 1 vr-ut ii.i. 010 HEtt Y0'K, Kiccitit ; i!!u-tr.i ! article- on Old No.v-Voik. hy.fuHV V MtNrW will a p. ol loij tiuie. Mv. iy niin.lu-ri- pr ifu-dy d!u-trated tho- esi tt.!i-tii 11-to -ive to-n di-ctip i:tv ;.1 iniritivi-.irtie.es, in imere-t tfid K"iii,i:ifii; valwe ii-i.-r at' mim-J in a huh iiiii-tmt-d periodic d I ohri ac -ii-i.tjiie 1 mill nr.-im-ii tho ma j i.hm i ! in the lnr.ire Imj i.-.if.-1. a- it ht Ih'vi ii rlc ".-t, tn -ui'l literature :r ti Cati-finit tip.siv -. Tub HDirotuu. DKPA'tTyE.vrs t'.i.-r nvrr tv?in y jne-- ol'i-aeh iitiin b r iiJfi 1 m ?-. tl'ijl.Ti t - riop.n iii 5 liuj-'y oli n-. 1- .reli a- K t-.e v- of trt. l.'e-r rr.irk- in Art, hite la'ure ant Fet-ne". TivU.M. $-i.0O a Voir; 33 c.;. a Hap r. Th - JO v .'mi!'- enmplrfo, Nov. 170. t.i()-' 177 'oailm ui-ipn oh.'h. who wi-h th ra . - . . 1 1? &&H iTr "-& r uk ?A tij i..,t:t, 1 in h df moroi. Uj W 'f '. I ' '!"t',s-'8'r u' ol- nr--in in W-ufer nn'i 'I-tr. .Ja,- ,h,- r-ar over . J2 new-,,r .W nrxhe r.ir-1-r v 00 (1 to 1 1 1) IMj.e, Kj4j . be z ffa fafr lvjiI u -r,t.tl 1 -epi-aroty to nirtio- .-. i.i- .u,. ; t.ar a-,.i., to: e'nth, ?2.ir. htlf m troce... $.". 0 ; j.k ;fr..rJir,,rr .re. 4?) ,K.cr lioifcatdl r- ml f'o-'ma-tor- wt ! tV , rt 1, ,t,-mr ,.- mm!j -jwiKti .it rtM tna; wi 1 eiabie taui f fid anv of iH? nbo of-:s Srrir- rrill plet-w raiit in P.O. Inxt.'.' (i-rs. or in Biak Chee-t- or t --, I 0 afi. nr by wirxrfrd letters. Mn- " ,n hflteri not rr ri-fc. Hl'RfZXX': i- ev tn teiteri not rroutered, at senatjr'i ' on ltntl n-1 f KD. SMini. I'mp, RED CLOUD DRUG STORE. Ghas- PotS 'rpi5-3 ' T 1 K . f'. ., .,,,,1 J. -.,. t . IV U. ! v 1 " ' '" 'r- l" l .:U.J I're-eiiplirrri.-. eitffuUy eo.iip-jun i. J ooth ti .y an I nti;k:. nl ii fiio Bssi Fapp.r For Farmers a: X? r jy.vr -i rr c ? si -j - V J H v ONE L !.!. K ji- j-r ,1, uh of 1 holy ..rove'. ,-p? !- 1 -i.u .re-. !-,r nj.- .1:1 I .o:i'i.i- j . . am i r;ii-. n:i u'vk c Yrk. JACUH KV)lT!' . . ii.m: iv -Vines, Liquors. ?,it Cigars,! OK A hi. M.MiS .J. I.Vla -- 3. ('inn-rot J -t Sr''' tt'.il Iltt-n: A'.eime, llu-:m -. Nil.. 11-1.' Si3ii7 3lTh vsrwstji. tutor- h:- -orfr-.'- to tho t-ttt-iio. anluii; ,,....',. ....Pd.- ., i..ii-. lit.' t.!.V.l. 0qfl -n - -, - """? "!-' has n:!iw. .... .t:i J. J;. 13:-:, Pra-Uii-. The tmlv itr-t-i l.t-s h .--iu the ei?y rita.- !.-avi- thi-lHHt-e eve' utker moruuijr for UeJ 'J'mi J aini the K f It. K. nil liiil .J J - - - !Ji3. i.Ai.Sft ::: l1 u hi I I u a lv la R-ii C'oitd. "-b . ii thriro ! '.k4. Ti4!ihtf-i! Io .. what ti.17 Iiifn Mnii. They Iia- i rpity i mty tru'y ht ii S Ui iiiL tthkh 1? a!f .1 fur U .ttaj mr uiail. Th-yli.wot -!;-.!. em iV'.tMw.lrhf.i - .;. biirer.. ..! alt UU'-n'..,.-, V, tiu-k for ..U ki. Is t-it., ami ., At d Tby 'ir. rrz ti iwl korres .or ohtMtra t '9lt. 'A'feiet till p oi-.-wir M:od tvtl:.i xced inj.l wH. Tu-yp y --S furthest- thin: ! elvi ( iii- v. p .-ar. And t.!!!-..? tb.'ta a -r ipany.ir:diire. Arile.f I0)ou all. t.th ku-c in4 eld. Taej'I n t rrlu.t sr.finac''. Itnr "r X'fUi. A e lav it al. vur fro.-nil. aad tieisl.b4.r- to ..!!. And '--vl ttl-tleow.I'fliii! ihrvd,.j; fairly Ml h ill ifvouc :!-. I i t'l'ii'-y-m r-tn e--tr Iv tt A- no ouecan .iy th pr t. is two !i.-!i. 5i II, JjaXJLzLl&VJ I- now prepared to do all kiti.Kol work rx t.iz The best of ii.ute.iali M-i-d. and all fork WARRANTED. Done on al"-t notice vud at rvasoiiabie i'lii--?. Shop in McA i;t'k Store. 5?ctl llloiul :Vc2r:ifStn. Mr !'-!ie w- lli fir : in in !Jriittt t ite to ui-dert ik th- joiMt -hi.m of a wffkK t.ln-or.i-U ev-jii-r. and t. mm !o!ottr-tlt'c iiior of iin ito ltib i-tn r of "1 1- Dciie-t lll-i-iratrd N'rW-tH-r in Atriici " fhe f--r--011 who -trrr.s thesr'ner ftir tha-e t.nr.Vif .- ifi tht- vu-tr rr. and wtl ciro oi- c'i i- hi i Klu.i?y of in -;--ti-ti 1110 r-a 1- 110- j.! -.f.io nt ifi'- trrht ttiarmfir-eiit -t tmo- it eh'C" tr tt '.r'ni-li 1- sh wish a -h' -crifti i ? :i- r fthe i luwiatc t"'- ill , w t hare a I. nrfuo ami trmfr iMe Hn-if.tt- The- itajwr-.r-Wrh" k.fiWM, imI -wit rea.itly for 'tmi i'l t. io e-fit" w ar'-in -lal-l-. .uxl hi iwtr tsr-1 "erd thnotifh atren:- r anuiiai -uh-Wir-. wih araiiai' chriM"i a-hu-li. to a?! lror- iii'nri. . ttlwc wnrilt teoto tli 4X1 t h" -MK-i-rij An tnnil-:b-t tin re .J.22. nr: fpia t vn v:tati oarit '" ' " ' V ft --. - j rwe vcnM eon- taiti t5ne tnrj'?:!iirj. -snl for the c-n 1 t-nonl roar wtH intkthe n-o-t aeci". te sod vaoia45 ithi-tr.trd ifr-vry f the N'atiof.; .Inhilee ptli-hifJ.' We advi-o on render, ft-r thoy L-ive inh-cnbeil ft.r our p-p3r to-rcure n.-o J of Frank L'-.H-' Hf-i-it-a'cd trird- j . - "- '--" "- --- -. - -- ....w- v Soul Tc .iiru.. :: vVKMy.ki in t'tr line ATUHKAti.Y UK! It niU pr t-i tn m t 'nJo n t - whrte. A fiteauh mvi'iit ,01. - v! tW.Alt I -4 is tri.J ! I w k-.p til htjrc-t .: Kk tnl ibe el l.iter. Higher Market Price paid fcr ; of Country Prcducs, Hid4s aiiff Fi.r:, CI1AS. R. - 1 - wrz i iis'sj&, iml CAP. Tinware. 1 5? O -t.. i P 2 sk sJi ?5" Sls f -';.-?,... r 2 - I '-" Hi iC 1 k J PJ Vf '. 'fT 'Ar 4 2 jr tr ": V Wr -.- tMEir mjk J. 1. r.;r hi it r.tr-IreJ .- j ) ,; vTv J -f J .v v r, ? 1 yV j- ' ,jj .j ,.,.,- rrj-5 , I -- E B J t.UifVUUl'K rnrs . V v "A- . . ! r hroiinUi the Viill.y. a ltd iriretjf. T, Q-3 IT' V fi l f W fV H r $ it i tiAA A v II U i Is U d 3 TH! CHICCO LUM8E AT HASTINGS, ilfcpacnii-turitly on hand tho .a-?ot tck of Dxy J'n. li', " l.o et. Alao TAEESD PAPER, a;.d cil lindiof 1&VZ&1XG 52 A T : KJAL ' . Our -:ok i w.-t! elntil and purclncd d.rccl free, the .'Jf. '& v. lit tie ?id as tow as thj tuvtet.;. NEW HARD WARE STORE !" WJJOLFSALE AA'D IJKTAIL , MITCHELL & MOBILAKT Have rpjncd a new etorc and hare just recttTed fall icdcsaeyUn' ttock ol 4 5f AKDIVAKJB. Cnllcry, rp lift r A FARMING TOOL?, COAL nd WOOD STOVES. Ws hare sho. Tin ShcPciirfti. , j with onr Sfor. We mannfsctcre Tin, Copptr & Sht et Ire Wirt . 1 Our Siwk I LABftRan.! well dcrt;d, 7zi re will Jf ic is any house Teat of Lincoln. Call asd See Before OppoItr the LnmberTaxd. g? Tlt4 w :: irr.. J General Mil, ;TT' Sff ICKH f'Kfi h. f'V - l n4 t r -- 1 f t( - tl '1 ? e f ' I .jim. , iei-t s-t ! e-. . r 1 'TfJ JONKS, K. 1 i'j:cc. . a l v., Quecncvcre. & fc- - A iMn ti. ir . a Vi:W s r-fc . .. J.. for :tij 1 .j .hi-rCf Z Ji- Sr 1 - i e t rh. 5i.t .- r rtittr.t of f m I Give h t. 1. ...J' md . .- i- rdi Potter, Red Ckucl KybrssoA. YARD I JVFP. Hastings, fiebraska. t j Purchasirfj Efsevfcere , v I r0 - iv et. vtl- -itd ittt:t he 'aa::! csn-t-rt? -" -i.w si.