V- s 4i 3 L SIXESS D Hi EC TO K Y R. R. SUE RE 11. Attorney at Law. m m Faniilt Jfh.vsMsian- UlLUAM TKE REU CLOUD CHIEF j i At Me Bride.- i the pTace to pet j ITOIt SI JlEiS. Soar sweeny bor-e c-ha and all , A ,wo,,orv S:or ending other k'.nU o: cnars sa-auie.-. ..u , . njiu...M,.,,.K,l, , - OII'J ! . UUU T.C 4 UUJL. iiii. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, j j,.. vhx manc wnhi 2mj , l u1 ' 05;e ia-Cit? 2:u s-e- f. R. '.Vli.LC..X. J.S Wsllcox & tt allium ati)ilm:ys at law. .m .:- :- .11 ,!, Prt of the RES CLOUL- VESRASKi. i i.; rraoua- .1. j.j - .-- Republican LOCAL MATTERS. '"' w,,,,,?' lraanc -"" i tnz, pood location with a gTod rdl on G ", every lUn. i tbe ha-n hae. . Ioj JfJ by & j... gocvi: . WELLS! WELLS! ' All wanting wells bored wi.i da well to call upon W. W. Hauvet, IntTa'c. V. e2:tsrLo., b- cs takes if desired. Snticr n (hi Column 10 O" inO - 1 IOC IUI, iIIM WClUj J'i J i V.J (,ui"J i It ha been nimored that the .tore, the CniEF priming office, and iwiriTn .fJe Wey Bros, will hold rcVSici; hi the j a mj,nt:r .i.p. Will be oM cheap Thi- ru- ror gj.j, or e4.v termi. For further sft I- ... . , O .1.1.... x. -. ...iinhrw f.-.-l OUIkIvCJ HUttlOrized tO .i;.r.,.,nn lrln... M R Mi'N'tTT. .4 H I Hrt S -v ,1 f ASST! Ai-i-UhI mid Depnrtiirr or W" f " "" A j , , , 7. v V. i ? from tut- Red rio.m f. u contrail tct. 2i-4t Kel Cloud, ebter Lo , eb. ? State. J?- ColU-ction Promptly Attondtdto Monday', i Ww imdtr-tand that Mrs. J. A n'.. i.Ii'viata Iy;ave? fvlVCr , v.,i,.wi;iv fiT'ti Fiidav 7 a tu. i T.,tl..vr.n Mi. f)irnn h-jrnurchaed V.'- .--- -- a j iii' !w"l' - a i rives me- i v,: c.. .,. ir,ii .,-. ,. mrv jl j k aiau 1'iuu-vii ..--- . Red Cloud. Neb. ?. T. V?333. i 5 II. 9 KALEY: KrMav' G n. m. arrives lueday ! mJ Frirtiv'i. ?A U. 111. Mail closed Regular trios vrill hv tnde between j 5j p m Franklin, cnins eat, Monday Mail closed 9 p. ni daj Tlinwl.? and Saturuay - i p. n. anJ w uo iol( lhat hlJs HARVARD Lave ue-day and :miI,ediat!v. For the preient their ... . .i r . r 1- rooms will oe in uie iruut pjii. u Tulicys reileui;e. J. C. Warner has a new lipht liar AlJOKM'.l Al ia. !,Tmrr.n.JDCn"iniin .."i'm-i 1.7..' or. n. fJnWffw'. ,i,.k.,i. ,m- iliinrm the har- 5LIC A"I HiAL 227ATE,,"W TueMlay's and Friday'.- 10 a. ui j r,ej. line that we have teen for s-ome I'i.kasat Him. leave- Thur.-day. G 1 P, 7 , -clraa I all be picked ,o carry, pacnr ' Arr SdW: rnfw ,Ti.tnrhntr.f I'ubUcln- Cloud at T, A M on Mondaj.-- cdi .lall tlo.ta . p. . C-'V .bi.-fci . f,Uv.and Kridav-. Lcavinp Ha-tinc Jkweix. Kat.-a. arrive riiday frc?iOi i at , M.. on Tutdays, Thur.-day , 1 m. Leaves Friday 1 p. ui and Hat unlays. ' Hi sSKI- Kansas, arrive.-Thur.-da.v'.- fc . . .. rt O KlnMn CODtJr ma-qUcTl Ot muuic. , -aicreaor.at.ie. j ,2aUK Lave- Thursday 1 p. m I a w V BUS, ! Uatf Fare Rate ! B - .,-. h p. - .. A ' A ( LINCOLN, hBHA&t.A. ; IN THE AH repisteted matter nu-t be iu LINCOLN, - - - - r.un.-vv,iA. , jt,ptiJJc:ll Valley. ; the evcnii-E b-fore the mail- leave naeofu- w:H nn ,n alt ndjnre it -nrh j nT.V?S - - - S-netCT. I M' li Mcirr ! M tr---tho Ui-rirt Curt ff tbfr .err.r-! E. i. itUi.a.-3, --- -.--.ie6. ! J,V.ai.nU,.ltelWi.V.Il.y. SI g L.ne rupn;n,r fr0I( CHWHOWKr.r.1, " B"ooniini!tn y Guide Rock cjntit. , coNr,KEGAT10NAL CIIUHCH- v n R.v.-LN. JAB. LAIRU whh the Jim-;fioiii the north, also the ... firl anii third Sab- BOWSS&LAin, ArnvtldCWiinHi.1 BI,d Iimwle. 7 o'clock P. M. at Our reporter attended the how Monday nhiht. given by Dickey's Min--trel Troupe, and thse a?c his notes as we get them from his book : 'Had to pay my way in, hoaiethmg I never did before, sat about three hours , waitinp for the performance to com-tuence,-'-two small boys had a wre.-tle, some fellow- C3ine in with their girl. I which cause-3 a gepera! e'eariiig out of t throats, .-omebodv behrxi the curtain I ulaved "Sweet Home" on the violin. 0. L. Battle, gave u a cjII thi . w,ch was ve appropriate. curtain iiioriiinir. he keep- the nro eiten-ive I Wds unpnIiej BIHj t0 back,-a iau lot of machinery iu the valley. No . ar)!,.Mrcd in tights acd made a few re- C R. Potter. BE3CL3U2, Prop. rime. Wm McBnde of this place t was the manufacturer. tice his ad. Crooked Creek hai been dammed to a pood purpose, Th Dutch boys have taken about 100 tons cficeotrt' of the cTrrk back of their Hrewi-ry The Co Commisioncrs and Asses- -or uict last Monday. ruarks after which he performed some old trick- and then we h id auothcr rest of an hour ; Then came the min strels, the opening consi-ted of one j.ike and one Mnp, next wa.-, a nipper looking for a barber shop in a phno- Cnph gallery, and as a matter of -The citizen? of Smith County hal j Kot his wilh flour a rou-ing o!d time at Hiuith Center on the 2Sth. of la.-t month about nine ty thtCf couple participated in the dance and about 300 partook of the J on'lac and i nur-uay.-, auu luiuiu-i ., , ,,..., ., . i ., .. . i A-c'pAiiJTT's at 3-ia.iw rurdaytIand i-.i.iai-. avjil K ,ccnnd and lo,lrlh w ... I oooii uiue , fcuuer unvLTo bhu .uiu- , :i. tv, nt ,.: .....i i,ril,llM,, .... m3 RWW;,u . IUJAI. nSlAlE AGEST8. llllL.: '; v. A. JIweu, Whal , feiio!;3 one ..... I UAWPTflN A RAI RT0N. : . , i.r-ripnte on meeint: tliOsC whose pie.- -r. -, .-.-,. .f .. iiiifcn' liniiil lUfl A. r"mw B-llftlJ'I'lwlfill I'f 'II .,- Itfn. i the Stt:te. -i" Heal Estate Agents, &(L -r v niciui;?0N. -i v tcllkyb Richirdson &. Tu'.leys, i ncmi- ; HAKPTON & RALSTON. Red Cloud Havinc !ea-ed the Wagon and Black- . , i . i. -J l... !.. I ui'tn -nop. laiciy oc-ujicu n n j next a fonir, followed by a ong and j dance. Iu couclusion came the great ripe-tying feat, which did not come off until a gentlemen from the audience .Mr. Van b ke, offered to perform the trick for them, wnen he wa- securely tied by two men, but when the curtain wa drawn became free in lew thsn a minute. Takmc everything into ccc- rhe attorneys of Sunflower Flat . s;dprat;oal)lckt.y'R .Minslrel Troupe People at large can 6nd constantly on hand Lumber. Lath, Shingle, Sash, Door? and Blinds. Building Paper and Mould ings. Pine and Hard wood LUMBER. OqT IFAfcr iciH le tuken in exchange for lumlfr. S. Garber 1 Co. DEALERS IX Dry Goods ami Groceries- MATITIN PUPEA. ioii vtish.? n&&SK& of tsi RED CLOUD BREWERY J. BERENZEN & CO; Webster Street. No. 105. A GOOD PtIRE ARTICLE OF LAGER BEER CONSTANTLY ON HAND. I) l tl't'l.T fill -T)ftr I.-.- !'... M .-, .w !'n.Mf y..nM...c ..i.... ence i.- not holicued at a private Llub fourth Sabbath at 7 p. M. i Sabbath School eery Sabbath and Fiddler'. Green were employed in -u a gr,t.cia.5 traveliup humbug morning at iu . v. the a-.-ault and battery case that came t - J. J. Puitkr, vnpt. I .,.,.. i..- ir.H. .... .. .iinr. ,;.o I Ainiaistrator: llrics. S!;eppr. are noa- prepated to do e erj "v7;.rTir ,:tH.p J Notice i- hereby giren that 1 have thing in the hue of XJilLh. ! ' ... , , . ben d-ilv nDjinted a.lminiv.rator of .Marcy the tiridire irauu i- in town . lje LfeUt;, q. Rtr ;,rrow Ialc 0r W A HO Y- 5T A T IVfi Ui?, LAND GrFw 1 ! ,r-v'"f- 1o M"''1 lhe oM ,ik: ,lr'lVer t0 tllC ' Webstcrcounty deceived. V AUU1 illilJVllMJ Llnomingjoii, Neu. j coumv. He comes in th. role of a II. S. KvLCV, Adn.ini-trator. .N.D . i Cumplaint harYeenUteu-d1 at Sunday SChonl man, thi-time. Red Clou 1, Neb . Jan. S:h. 1,70. Rt ady M,ldt Clothing OOOTM and HIIOEH Hats- Caps. & Itevivalsare breaking out all over Frank L-j.-lie at hi- Mammoth Pub- rm-.i?iifv ru- .lm.". II .ililin-r :u:i:ri.i tlx-n:nM-rrtF. I r7 A pTf ST ' I 1 I G, I ' eler 1"I,J,3, ,yr "bau.ioi.inp tfce cou,lly. Webster couutv seems to lM.in- House. 537 Pearl street, ew - .it.iit.onrlrnv,eoMcinn.. r-,r- J. l c;i. iUU"Xi ; r.oa.e-twd rtitiy. No. 1,33, dated I .n. vu,j ;,, ,ho siiint Vurk,i-u.-t ?eventeen heautifullv ll- - '.- ""'':. J!!"of,n',,,-r3- , r. f.T,.w., j Deo. Ch. 1S73. ujron the north ea-t be enficcially bleed with the I "t new-n.u.,rs and magazine.-. i..,.v..pn,apir,11:W1. ; 'V'-V- 'V.,.f!7.ir'.:: i nuaritr S 30. ton.-l.in 4 m.rth. ths winter. Souls are constantly ne- .. . .. . . ., ,,, fip. , lh. i-,-,,.,, iii.DCL )L1. - - - f.'. AliRlCULll tiAL l.MI LhAJhM J ,6fI (W Wt,st, m Web.-tcr Co. i,)g I,roc?L to God. and there are ! state. t0 undertake the publication of Reiairfd on j-iirt notice and iu a Ni hi-a-ka. knIi a i.-w to the caucelia- i i... ..... i...u:...i I n :...' u- illit.rrutml nnnmniT. and tu I lill III Ilfl " fl Irt'IIIlIU. I vu.t iiii-hui.m . uir - '- - orKiir n-iiKe inantier. iioii I GeOrV. Sheppard, am entry : tne said panic- a'e ( Lstp of 1. S. Lund OfH-c, Bl'jomin?- , WAGONS ANI ! I'noiuS MAUK To offici ir... Neb (.yitljv.it. ,-.vp"v.!rvT I HAMPTON i I! L-TON v ! - - - ; abandonment. ' r I.xjC . i MY CUToy MtYEUTlSEyii.STS. j Wku-ter Eaton, Register. liafiU x'tMVl'Ut-;?. i - " T.-lvs Lvnx Worthing. Receiver. J. U. WUULl3. i TA II attoti 1 iti 't'-iii.'-'i b lor -Mr. Firnan from across the river M'im belongs tlie nonor o neuig me I i.nKlilinr nf'n i ll'rlpt lllitstratt'.l ofhci on the 2Ist day of March, 170, ; is about to give writing lessons in town ( Vft.;,,aper jn America." The per- at I o'cltn-k p. in., to re-pond and lur j We wi.-h some of our correspondents . fc0I) wj,e genres the agency for the-e j ni-h te-timoiij coticerninp .said alleptd wou!j avajj them-e'.ves of tin- oppor- publication- in this vi.-mity, and will timitv ami lcnrti to wnte a leirible hand. I our cfiz-n- an opportunity ot in tb C S I.in!()licat BKitiiWNiii. piiYsfirsan Urursrcoii -' -- W t-l.in.r- ' Will bvoif hi- vrhvls time eschi- ij'i . a i i-i lernrttiiciit. .o 11 i'. T.ii. via- ofii"ul x'X'.'f inMirr :i V 5 I jmo OSiee at I'I , -iv-13 tMtbe practice n: inean'ine. 1 ii ii:ifz:ii. j ()iT:ce at P. A. Wi?iiams & Co. uv P"'1 atr-n'in '. -Antt nrt-itjc lr.. 5,,.r,. ii i-Urth-Pre -; 1 u iIou-TvicjauuJ Hit. ( ' " t r ( ul ut : v. 1 .- J3 w 1 a j t1p J--.. i W r. 1:- ly Rtvi:r.ToN. Nkb. ,.! I... ...3,tnr. j nyK!'i ()y JQCSE. , IT. EC TStSSNK, i MtTfCtJ. U S Land Okjick. j Blo'l'MIICl!!, r.''5 f Jan. N'h, 1.70. j Comphini having been entered at tin- (iih'e ?.y Simeon Brown against .:. . .1... , ..i :.... .....i .....o . , - 1 , 1 : -pei iiiiu me si-i-i.n ivun uu iu(m.- a i;ui;u luu-i. uuwiivi .buia ... w sadly wanted ju-t now The prayer meeting1- are apparently about to dis continue, and a real lively singing -chooi wuul 1 tir 11-dp better than Huything el-e at thi-juncture. of the eisiht magnificent crono the choice truui whi".'! given with a -ub-ccrtiui to --it!. r of the i-Iu-trated wejkhe. will have a handsome and profitable husinc-3. The-e papers ure well known, and -ell leadily for from I 10 to 15 cent on new.-ManiH, an 1 are Don 11 Baker fur abai'dming hi- peaiauce-. 111 hntub-road entrv, No. G-llQ, dated . ha-1 the audacity U givo an "VfitvTtam--Apul o'li. I7" upon the "-outh-wt ,,.. Th.-v ruof;-fil to be -leieht of j ..uaner -cmoi, fe, lowiMup 1l1.ee 13) h (j ..er,oimt,,s aild 0ne. of theui iniite leu i m; v.ei, in t osier 1.0., rr:L1' A. v. luVJi. w-t, ; :i ,1 - ' '" 1" 1- at 1 T" Mm i t .-.t We:'- P -b.a-k (1 Surveyor-; !n do vo:k 111 hi- -, ., 111 g''t!t!imvi-!ik manner, w r..i 0:1 or h1 ire ' 7: ,, ..... it,. 1 l.im ?i tii. niarKet alioru-. .,. 1 . ... esiei 1 i;.u , . - rr: Nil .a.-ka, wul, a new -0 the cancel I P uu.i,takable ev,.,c.oe of having , .luring ? ft" "''" nV !HMo,,of-a.d.n'rv: (he .-aid paint- j been engage 1 in that bu-ine-s. He P-1"- '"lf f thc.-u. of .11 s . . .1 , 1 1 - , - octavo nook, the tuo-eiluer We have the Largest Stock in the Valley and will ; not be undersold. GIVE US A CALL, ONE! ALL S Garber & Co. .:.j lied Cloud, .Ufeb. VALLEY HOUSE. J. C. WARM ER, Prop- - Is always ready to attend to nd mke comfortable hi- pttroa. This Hotel is entirely new, having been fitted up for th xpr.fr purpose of the traveling public STAGE LEWES FOR TnE RAILROAD ON MONDA WEDNESDAY, i FRIDAY OF EA'CU WEEK AT 7 O'CLOCK A. XI. I Claim to Have the BEST STABLE Wet of Lincoln. Always keeping ob band a good aupplj of HAY A K D G R A f N. Al-o a good conveyance for the purpose or conveying ptit.girr from this place to any other at reasonable ratcf . T A. K JU a-eh-'ielv 'limiiione-i toam-earat tl-i Will e-iter'ain hi- gur?'-in the niot d'ie on the 21-t ddy of Februny, With as goed : i",o. at I o tvrk p m , to re-pond j and furti'-h te-tuuony toni-eiuing said ailegf.j aii-itidovuieiit. T !. .. ,i'.n TWlilii a . .! f TT" rir "' ' lh.UIKC-.il. Ro-J Cloud; Nebraska. l.u.ersi:ixiVA, a- ". ?r:?r:e::r. .1 lTICi: Or Til h PEACE. WrnsTMt Eaton. Ri-gisfcr. 27 4 E an W ohtuino. Reeeirer. SOTICK Tfir-e -capegraC's made their ap-j now fir-t o.'.ered thiouzh agent.-to tuwu last Munda and annu-ii -ul.-cnber.-, wjili ayailatile eliroino wmen. i' "an niver- 01 an. is alone w-rth more tlnn the Mib-crip-tion pni:' An annual -ubscriber to the llhtttratrtl Xucfpiiptr recieve- over .''! new-paper; f a large I U-.lltlit woie a watch and g.iard which it i? , ,a niire- wiual to seven octavo nurp tlmti iloubtful that be ever luir.L iirirIui:ir.' ir.f -HT) o.ti'-each come by it hcme-My. It Ls . ;,d ne half of the-e pise- would con (VQHT fij TATFj w.-ll to be on our pti.ttd when sUCC tain fine em-raving-, an for the ceri- I -- v - L?fc xxAAJ st:-p:cious looking men outer the J- tenuial year will make the nn-t aecur- j ow in it e'evmth jt-ar clain-i tls patrcc- The Newspaper furnishing THE MOST NEWS For the Least Koney THE CHICAGO lied Clonti, Ke1rrt.sk. 0. L. BATTLES & SON. DEALERS IN- SHELF & HEAVY HARDWARE, And all FARMING MACHINERY at Granje Price AULTMAX&TAYI.OK U.S. L.V Ml OrlJCE ) Bloomnigton. eb. Ian. i!fih, l-'7,i. j fct it-stMi.inn rtiiMt-eiioti Mitb thr ' --taST 'jBLIC Al"? F.Z.-.L ESTATE i 1 .-.1 ."-""' 1 ij.p-sk. iW,aSI Jm ?m -w..- (Jou'p'aitit having been !tl.red at Th-,:. -. ', -lJr.ro-r.kdrrfr-,.,. ' AS2ST. j tin- office by John Lavetn aeain-t v u n-. ' - ----.-''.ltj;'- .IM01 . ' 1 utrick Mo!yny fr abani'onfrjg Ins j niiiirt.r-t.iT.'Un; u-i. -i.i 'in i FJverlon Franklin Cnxnty Neoraska. 1 i,o:e-tead entty, No 'J254. dated -U 4 5 a .3.i I !!- ."! tllTr il'lttl e Qdiin' fur sale and tnilorinp Jose in i :Le ltac?'. Jtilo. 54 Red pioud bill's ! W. a,-3 prepared to do cus- Q YOUKNOW!'1"" tome work. : May th, JS74. upon the north we-t iju.it ter Sec. lo. township three 13 1, I rane ion (10) west, iu Web-ter Co.. .Nelira-ua. Willi a view to the cancvl a- uge. I ate and valunoie lUUstratea m.-iory 01 The law-uit between Bur'i- and the .National .Jubilee iubh-hed. We r: ... , ..,,!.,.. .... ..1 1 ... ' a'hi-- oil- reader-, after thev h.iv- 1 noma- was uiougnt to an t-iid i in- , u . . , . .,... 1 .1- i . .: ......:.. - v..., ......... ,--.,- - uay. re.-5ii:inz in iarus uuitiui i a I judgement of $35 j? Wo were peisedto reenve cahs iro'n Mes-rs Bentiey and A;e s last Monday. Quite a larpe party collectelat Mr Hale's residence on Chubereek last Ftidav evening and enjove J theuiielves ,, , , , in the festive dance for the better part in uro ,1 inN r juvemlr literature durui: , . , f which t. N"unoi.48 hx riti"tliJatrd with Oi Hie nigur. 1 i-M-lsu I it-Mrmc-t rotniK-tit'ir;. tae iiuri- f Frank I."-he - illu-tratcd period c.l-, and with it the beautiful chromo. ST. rJICHOlUAS For 1876 age of the aii ieti he Utou'l irjunJ that it if euiptiaticaur. The People's Paper! The priresof ubcni:nn of both Duly an. 1 W,-rk!y are in ttle fo low .i t4i brins .he r uKr. uitlnn:hif!iir.in(Ifricr men who can I -tf.iVil to take any kifi'l of a acvrs paper, ami , th; inw. o theUHj-f tniaor iinpOrtane,ifc' e.i.Zk-.fi.1-u r -i - ---. r?5&(r9i 3 sSsS- iUSWWBS..'- :oti l-ncl us to ecihrace ereuti froiuj.ll .- - tYH f Ttl-j tM,im--cfMsaWe by itlwraph or mwl. f ' MOUMTED" aild DvWM ll mi.orUnthuitetiiiiK. I'-caS or f rnrrnl. j w r IlOHSE-rOIVEtiS. thr 1 ejier will co itala lull aud cra;hie c CCBMS. . .. . a hrctoforc. the.I'" and Mail protai to Birtt brt eff'-r'-t to thr ..apwirtof t pirty in the c miue Prp-itlential Campaign, at well aistnimu political r"j!i.i 1 cuntc-ti. nd to lal-rr for tirC 1 2Tio:s?- P'j3 ami ; Qor33 vVa'aS for .!. ' i?" '-'' t n guaian;t w jj -a':rv o1 llr-.-'l ni M-.T.i' i-:iK Fiti-' - "jl 1 Se pnr''i:u!..i '. THERE IS A IIii:G T$r5E .... ..irt.. ..... .1 :i... 1 . . .. 1. .t - r. .i 1 ..t..... . .. ... ...... . ..... .., i-mi-v .iiv j Une week ago lj-t .iondnj n .lit , . h.u lhp r j.a Volume, bmiounir with (JIlliATET GOOD TO THE GREATEST ,.-j lv .u ...... ,v,u iu a.t.ear ai .1.1; , n-itned .Lihan and F les were "o number for Novmber la-t. 'hall, in its NLilllFlL otnre on the I3th day of Maich. l.-7o, j tVU) U!t" -"uW J,',,in J,,u r lt&. WLr uu.u I Htiraetma-lor (M ml Ila3..ur- ,,"'tB' at 1 o'clock p. m . lo re-tuind ami fur- i getting wood on 1 ibertv creek in the p t-nth piwuline voJcne-. ltid- ,.,.-.- .. ;; V .- -f 1 ,. . , .. t . m t t 1 d.tton to iimb:iti.in fmm the Tr Dnilr Pot nd Mail if-.for iM ue. the ni-n te-timouy couceiiiing said alleged edge of Nuckolls county, they had , Ftusr Ut,rCKi, or Anr.RK'A. Chcjetew3iti-er m the West. ndhwfur :ibaiiiit:nr!ent- n- 1 t 1 j- . ,'..' Tr-.iri be'' prominent as the leading ex-o- ,!. n ,, . taken off their coats WOlle loading then- willbe 5t r.c. Poem, and Sketehe-. . nt.ntf Cheap Journli'tii. whth mean to U KltsTEIl i.ATO.N. l.eglter. . . .... . v .., . ,.,..l.... .I by -' v.e y :!ie vio-st Prorniaent Ecdiih Au- .1e j4,c . .....pSc the oe of the .lay at :h "A 1 Ii .v U..in-itiv. R their W00d. Willie lltU- emploved ,.,. Arrurueuitnt, h,iyt. been aaJe for ' f.,7..;.t..:r.re .The Dii.er ifarnwh- ' ....... - - v.' .J. ... u. ItLUI .. t . - ."ir '! a re-t of eednheat. r- 0 1 -3 r 3 JL-IJ1!:: : want in . li S. "2 "fT."??: rTft cine-, and in fict all arrsles usually B JIA.Y.YE New Honey Locust Seed, choice ? ..t .1 ... i : .1 , . . ,. -- Where voh can get anything 7.1a -auai.., gaiuereu in me iau 01 ia,o ; r ., ,v . . ' rur sale uv ,e of I me Druffi. .e&i-. - H m.,.,,,,.,. ..;.wv. ....,) !n r.nt ,.t? r"ilS Tlvll.l.K- , IT -J. t n V- i oiu Druwiiiitis, eo. THE ONLY PAPER IN i kept in a fi.st-cl.is.- Drug Store. Pure Wines and Liquors ; for mediv-iual Use. At ftrtT-.ir-. Trnt ?fnr Tn Pliiwrl. I DaTShaving, Shampooing and Han-( I'hy-ieian- pre-crip:io carefully r. , - v . . 1 r .1 I comiiouxiueu uav ui h'lui. ittinr in tnc highest stvlo 01 the ' - p I'-ta I ... Cu rintnm'r ti t iteit tcith respect and an occasional cgur. one away Jfl - !fv yi.-e.xl Market. JOHN H. DALT0:i kf- ju-t ojen- d a Meat Maikct (.11 W,.,.ter Sr et. n 'xt door south ot GIVE HIM A CALL. 13 JI. RAZEE, SASSA. I'.ik-Sno- ;i ip where he will keep ' ---.. .,-,,--. and -'.! Jre-u meat- 01 ail kltiil-. J " iiTfiiir-T iAnirPTPUlPKP.Ti I lc.::g ta Teaiiers. j Notice i hereby given. That I will FOR BEEF CATTLE, HOGS, examine i'l person- who may desireto irjuinvs io Jl-'r the:u-elve as candidate- for m A-xLiiilLba. nl-f teachers r.f the primary or entumon 0rl PtotiH Noh chools of Oie county, at mv ofnee in Hea Lioua. - - - - weo. Kedrloud: ontiJ firet -aturiiavi,. WEBSTER CO. AND THE LARGEST PAPER IN THE REPUBLICAN VALLEY. i.i.ai tks is ITiiiss &. Itiquors CIGARb, August. November, February arid May. J, S. Silham. Co. Superintendent. SOT ICE. Che'-v ing. Smoking-. Tobaccff, THE N E CHIEF, w s AND of their ttatiis took flight and ranj very jete e.-tms -en of p urc on y, both men Marted in pursuit and j f after running until trcarly exhail-teJ . Treating of its History and the Child-Life of , , . , , " 1 t . 1 Mwcen-ive Koy.il (feneration. nad to gie up the chase, and odors j . ,-.,., r r-''? tl ey could reach shelter, Mr. dorian , ;Vi!i contribute to the newrrdntne. wa- chilled io death and Mr. Files so I LwUIjA iL AL-3TT .,.,.. ... tl.ut ii in thought doubtful W.iM write "Mirjine's Utrlhday Gif-ji. and I other 5hort sto-ivs. whether he will ever recover or not. L Bauui. hi some very fine white seed wheat for sale. Every body ought to improve tbis loeiy weather in getting Cari Weber to take them a nice photo graph. How i thi- frr Nebraska the farmer.- are plowing now and have been d to 'ubrcril-er? by nrad. po !ise prepaid, at fUnwr : Datlv. per annum W. , Daily.3 m .n:a Sl-70 six aenrh ?i3l " 1 month ) ! v.w-.. !-- .".- -- T-a r- a. ?2.r ! Jr K.-.-K- thau Hali the Co-t of other Dailie-i. TSrtiHr?featuref of the Daily ITS iTARIaFr KFPlIU T Some artilr-a on "Aft onotnr for Yonne ! IV.pie" hive been pro:nicd b the popular Which arcrefully prep ired by experienced EuK.ih A.iro..oiner. I mei.wiUrr-.i re and cover win the RItll rt.D PROCTOR ; utm-J'. -ceur'rto. lhe Markctt of hiren. TherewillbeacoatinuJ to y of Life ?n . aral miJt-eW lelrsram frmntb le.l- Ieeland" bv , imcc;tiir ol I'll and f-reifin oantne .till IJAYRI) TAYLR. , further enha.ee the vk He of thi? particnUr .l..nrt.rini .. t r t Itrymtn n-.n In ne ..ve-Tine-.Nn'nb-r. the opemnrof, ,hr u hout lhe un:ry can re:y n thmr-J ketquoutio o! the rfrt-in'l Ma.il aj beinj 4ur.te ana catupr hei'ive. ths new volume. iti btseun n ;V7 TaJ 55T P.v (ll l(KIIK. G vin? the a-lveiture of party of b-.y in j .a t iU .Mine.', is tat early csy ' lh ial-nriii l'ublihe.lererr afternoo . the pas rfur- a:-h ta-pubhrcf the XorthTr;t with ill e.Tt And Jiarket r.cp ru t l--5i Ten Snrs is Adrs-ic- n.... rlit 1I trinti.r fnr f Kwr utinpr rrnns. -.f tS ir .1 i-'-rA- rf tKf Trnm'vr n tnr. a rain in th time ATi'l j, T TKOWllRIDili:. I .-avn :n money wit-h uti taw mtn in the , t X K'ioli'ir.(i.An rstitmi'i troill I . .... r -..- i n it. t. :tt i-vtiTrjn iimrp-uti!. I u. .'. a.. v.. .... -.. ..-... aatnorni in' ..ac i-aiani rioric;. w-u ----- -j .----,'--.----.,, r . .t,.o.. I . .rt. . 1. . T. . .. .... - ... ......... - t il B 1UIII7U . lilll , t-i.- .c. L.. ctu. ..r".' o adventure ai - P ... Core " d Mai! wtt the bct of arsctat releriEt k ma 1 tLTtts rariTii f'tlffB I Coiieisenes'1 for b-uinet Men :aeAsrvutfl i .-aB4im ve. A good aortment "f nails; rakes', bolts. corn flanikh. shovels . sl'ades. ioikf carfenteks" and masons t00is. i'alnts 0h NEWTON WAGON?. n "N GRAND DETOUR PLOWS. with Wood or Iron Beam.-C with V 1 z? ? And Everything needed by the Farmer nr Merchant -Fine Table and Pocket Cutlery. 0. L. B TTl FS & l ftv Chicago last Saturday where he had been with two ear loads of cattle aud one of hog. Go to Webers photograph gallery if you want a g-Kji photograph. This is the last is-uc before Val- ,. Dv leading aotbor. wijl be a Jearlin? feature of the new volume. Kjpecial attention will s he jrivea to INCIDENTS OF AMERICAN HHTORV, With "Diritel piemrial .llutration The varjoa Jepa'SinentJ'. Jock-m-the-Put- T) fa & W b fl. m .r .. ti.rfa-. General nd Lo-sa' New ot All kind. J In all matter that lead to mie a na-p, j spicy und enterp-i:ni daily rew.psper. he 1 baily Post and Msii will not be fosal rsrt- . ii t Guide 'Bock "" irr?! entme s div, ana we vi-n 10 .. - j . .1 :l- .t. ; ;c nn li!c i Pi'. T Htd'iU floe. frrli'v. and the t word tothe girls ere it is too late. " fnf ,Vry LnU jrc p hf 1 GrU. this is leap year and UDon you j attra-tivethai ever The French. L-jtm. ( devolve the trouble and expense ot . h,Ve pr-.r-l y. j-ona ar wjl be f'jnentin j ri CK-eu reduced in pn.andaslucn ,. . . ...... . .;' the ne-To!ain-. Some o' the fine-t work of I fjront year bow coetsotly sending valentine-. With tietommi n, t;re,...t .-,Vr. or 4- f,fV Q N E D O L L A R ' IHf ni.K. v ii UMBER LUW.BER e . I 7 .v. 0. t -. 1 . The French. Lntm. I AT V?5 L cl UU JcLll or tranIai"n. which ... , . . . , . .. -UtZllll.lVU I I .. . . t .tl..TA h... m.1' . . r- ... v..r It- fir. - f . l gallantry the boy? have tatren jou 10 Vg.-r.t.-ofihedar .'n't eon- J TbeWeel . win entaia: ".he .Vew ofthe , ' all the dana. minstrel terf0T .nance tnbatr- freh a" 1 o-iric! drawing lo-thi '5'.'i:'th", h"to. t,,nr" ar1 'e,a'1 n I i ZZ-T C- - U. S. Land Office, j Rlooaiinton, Neb. January Cth 7G ) . f..rl,.nf linvmrr Impn pr.ftratl lt jA 1 x U 1 I?IbULO acui-t J:,rues H. Watkins for aban- j ..- . . l-T'tG .IUll...i !- ... tm.v- ..i.ji, t v .ljr JO B and limine icr.rra ershibitton-s rr. .-.if .-. r- -ri v "" .-:.. fn. AUii.f.ll lral ml tmif-ion Ite iCty f ?unili..ceir;ent.ofniny iitereitiOr a"d r- of Art. Lttrato e. raaios. tci;.7C., (. , , , ;.. 1 .. t,,,. el feature were mad t" tiie lenjber sen- wiia ...nfivrnnnnn-i--. nae uuugui uu ci..u- ..- -... j , b,, ?T xiV-ho- s will .r!inu- adtrthe ! .1.- nir.l tinrunto Thev have taken you to wsrcul editor hit of Carefally rer..1 dowa to tbbocr of rwn to nre?. la e.erytaiag- mrill b. lor the rice. W. L. VANALbl YME . RKMP ILOLIf. .YEBRASMl,- DEALEE 15 J poetry 4 prayer meetings with creditable regu-1 M.I!Y MA FES fMflGK, t laniy : whatever bovs can dv rrr te-ufy 5 "?' '' ?' VT4. itU xa.a i uny . r....u . , rnf) ,j,er. to mniiB aaii icreije the at- their aotir Cration of vocr COlupan'. f traction and ra'neo the taaraiinc I CO Ut Alal. M.M2. da:bd Aril21-t, 174. upon the .- ' 3 . jR! a.ni neL and ni sei. Sec. 22. tonshiFl4) j riUtillll 49ttiCS. ?" four, rang 12 west, in Webster conntv j V TJMaT1 PTW VDTC .hraL-a. sith a view to theeuneella " ' M tion of said entry : the said partie-are A "111 rV .Z If . , rv. j hereby suumioiied to appear at thi- 00 A tWln -VriUtU -cXrCClCd J office on the 21it day of February, y -Vp rj " A- Actsfope' j 1S76, at 9 o'clock a. m., to re-pond , . i and furnish te-timony soccernicg said A Special: meir appr tuanuu ui jiru wiuij ??: 1 thev have done. It is now your pnv ilege to rei.-iy them. Tney have been waiting w:th anxiety for ValeutitieV day. They de-ire to ctioif" whether the atfec'ion which has 0 laTi-h'.y Frsh Lager Beer from Brewery, constantly on hand. KKD CLOUD, NEB. i?tf- j bUU lUIUtril iO'tlUIUi.J" 1 alleged abandonment. Webster Eatox Regiter. 1 22 . Evav wniiTnivG. Mecetver ! -MARK R WARNER. Edifor & Proprre&r The B.st Weekly Wrlptto Frle. a M rr- I e Wct-TaJ witLis the neaas of tT.ry ttln.lr- Xniabrr.. S3 reali; Hmutt one- hjJrncrrtiK'irr; Inrtucmentn Xmlmvm. 9 !. ritrk. Th. vnln-iM iff-n ri 1. VnT.mir The i rwr. aowre.iv for 171 M l?-" ar e"e- I Are cfrrea t- e"r"jtf. 5ed fcr ter 5 rc"lv Ooja 1 is rp-1 -iU jol I atvl fnrsa the , I (and mt Fif--nrw5c tor Hiil Ire Ever 1 r 1 .- 11 . 1 .t. . 11. n. .. r i 1-.-T 1. "t .1. P7- c -M M. .c J ' be"0!"? v aC't ple ;wpii Our rea 'It-- will rlie notiw the pupplu-d you wnh cat.dy is reapnha- ,hl vo'ame. Kond a afave po-tooU. for f jl ", v- VI pt , And arery Article usually krpt in iTT-rst Cb- Lnscbr YkJ. ted. L-t th- comitrg Valentine &., ' "o.1 Aii i, 9t Topeka. Frat TheFsmter . ., remote the doubt- and banish he 7 -l i-an Gjieajtt&Vd pnipev U GUARANTEE TO DUPLICATE AST BILL TBA ?4 Berce jodoiufe which are aiuting sjqer & C,0., 743 rf 745 lJj ?uZ .bbreofooryouth. . J, 5-'. .V. j: , best Weem Arltaral papers. . aT JTTVTXrr OR U -irn"J$ PINE LUMBER. LATH SHIffCELf Doors, Blinds Rtsh; Mouldings Lime. TarredT Paper Et' , & r jt