1 J V, r r V I fu I "-r- THE RED CLOUD GHIEF. THCP.HAY FEB. lu, I-S70. P.at-cef Subscription. One cufy 1 ya"r 5 '2.00 -Moe eopj 6 months,.-. 1.00 n.,i?wsiyi " ' - 50 ' .' ' Official Directory. CONGRESSIONAL. A.. "addck Bestnc. V.. Senator. W. fl.tohcock.Otaaba. U. S. Senator. Lorsr.io Croaaic. Representative. CT, ,,,;; " ,..., SILAS fl-VRBER. (lowrnor. mncoln. Bruno 'uchwck. Seo.of State. J. a We-ton. Lincoln, Auditor. J,-cl3r,,Jo-.. " TffE'SflM .1. M.McKcazic Lmoojn.np.ruo lnaiwnot stirring anu Dnsk. Jiveryuody JUDT2:ART. 6!-. B. Like Omaha. Chief Jictico. SffliStiSSXd A.ei.U J. ER COUNT?. J. A County Clerk. H. K.H Treasurer, robatt Judjte. T. " TuHers II. r.. niii. J. .Mjmm. V. E. ihinr, A. jL'li'ly. ) F. JTaUceon. sifteriH. School Jnii.'f. Coroner. Comity Surveyor County CommissTbnerx. Webster Csnntj CsaJsnsefl. TTbi! Co.. Nob., liei in the Valley of lb t-mhlict'i is 151 mi'e west of the Mis mri River and touchei ho Ste lino on tit South. Winter are mild and dry; very little rain or snow falls in ihntsoison ft lit- t"in fct that cattle livoa'l winter with no J Iit or train. Plenty of rain fIls in the nrin? m suniuiT. The mtnmeifr are not diiajtrecibly warin. at there is nlwji- a cool hrti: rsppciallv in th cveninps. The i on-j in: i.antosa tlo n ls.o. I- isi . thf cotintr vrnorcinueil with a population nfl. Its ; op-ilatio- ij now between Solid nnd$C0 an 1 is rapidly increiMne. ihere i-r n pre -ent 8 organised cb-ol districts ithi- its imundrief and school facilities arc th rtftirenniph better than those in some' J. o. tu .-ki- , , rKtf-rn Ffjtte.i. The apportionable fchool i t ii.il 'itrnihei nearly enough usoney to pay ioJiei(.' xtae'-t, Farinen can buy R. R. 'T - . - -,i . ,. , l .od frti. Si &J t ? per acre with teu years i tune. ThfieuyetaconMilcrJileanioiisiof r 'emuiont lands for hoine?tcadt and pre-I n...inns. Asa etock rai-in country it if j i.ar.i 'om!. Cifiedo won. audi'ur ahecp j I onnt bo beaten. It ijut suited to that, j rrtuues can be easily mndebyr.tisir.irt-heeii ' the expense of fctvlingi very fiiiall Tht j eni n.'iLs, bnrlcy. potntoes. buck nheat. and i oil kindsot ntotnanJ vegetabi-j. are crovin J bcre ith little labor. a5 b.uh-1- of.od corn I . -,.J. I- n!...., nu n,n.,l ..-i.fTJ I ' ill a IC 17 II -111 llJJfc iil lllilb Uf .KIf,V3 nbout 25 bufhoNto the acre. Fruit doe? ex- ircnialy well. 1-very faraier haa his orchard jr-winf. t'oret't treevrow rspidly. Lotton w od. hosalder, whitewood. soft maple, and n ai.y other kinds of trees grow into timber largienoush fur fuel in about Jthree years. iju? oraczc id.iutsdoi.icely. aud in afew yars your live fences csn be inxde. Me ehnitf find cinpU.ysint and fdirwagec. The i:l Zt(Zrl JS:a!r? ! rtouil when the vrcll is bored. Thcc welly r.ovcreod y. Tho streams of this county are th-' Republican and its tributaries which aro bsiMIotts- on the eo'ith idc of the river. ' ilcnt. Dry, Rua"al. State Pcirry. Cedar. H'ck. Ahh.and iuide Kock creek. On the r-orth sid- are Willow. Elm, Cottonwood, t rooked. Indian, and Farmer.' creek. In the cor a part of the county is tho Rlue river hed :t tributaries. Thj soil of Webster county is k dark, rich Tcj-table loam. Iho wild grasses are nutri t nu anlabundant.and make most excellent hv- Timothy, clover. Hungrarianand millet wiil uadoubtodly prove a t-rofitable produc tion. Those who hare tried them so decide at leiit. Qn railroad prosprcti are Rood, and we will have a road as toon'as we realiy need one. Butthc farrnerr for year? will find ready sain r .surnliis iirodiictions in the newer . T-..,-.. -J 4v n. nl.rJ Ttr tliM i ti.nc ihcse markets arc dosed roads for i chrapcr tr.in?p'rtttion rast will be opened. Oar clm.itc i? healthful, the air pure and br.iciii;. and sickness of any kiud is almost a stranger to the people h'ro. Tho .-ountv seat. RED CLOU I on th Kc- pubiioan river, nc ir tho center east and west a'.d ali'tle routh of the center north and ejuth. In it are chances lor bu:-ins men of ev-ry br.imh of trade. The country around i - uh :is f war ant a g.od busin sa in every k n 1 of merchandise. Red Cloud and d'uide od: iro 'ho only two laid out twn. Fur therint.irmition cn be obtained from any I md -ic.-nt who advertises in this paper.orat thisofice. P3CC3ZD:i!S3 0? TH3 30ABD OF CO. coionssioxzas. February 7th. 1876. M-t pur.unnt to adjournment. Full Jjitard present. Minutes of lair meet- inc read and approved Valuation of If. McCurie on tax li'-t of 1874, reduced to $2U0. Smith & Cilvert's ae-ment on bt 4, block 26 reduced to $225. Tax of Noah Perry for 1875 ordered to be stricken from tax INt. Petition to vacate couy road" from ffcouth-west corner See. 30. 4; 11-north to countylinc, granted. The following appointments were nnde to fill vacancies : Frank Rundiow, Justice of the Peace Pottsdam Precinct. Bnrnhard Kuhn, Constable, Potisdam Precinct AU' n T. Ayers, Constable, Inavale ! Precinct. The following official bonds approv ed: Jno. 0. Wolfe, J. P , Red Cloud Precinct. Allen T. Asers Constable, Inavale Prrcinel. R L McCune. PupervLserP.D No2 The following accounts allowed : Statu Journal Co., books-ai blanks $22S.oU Jae? Calvert, labor, 14.60 Mark H. Warner, printing f 15 R, D. No. 10, apportionment '72 26 66 Adjourned to Februiy Sth, 1S76 t 10 a. m. J. A. Tullets. G. W. Ball, Clerk. Chairman. The members of theSfate Board of Agriculture have elected for the en ruing year the followinz officers: President. Moees Shocking ; Vice Preisident. Col Matthew.son ; Tw-sur-er, J.,W. Moore; Secretary, D. H. Wheeler. The f'ollowine ore the offi rr? elect of theHnrtieultural Society: PrsMdent, S C. Hopwn; Secretary, 1. H. W heeler: Treasurer, J. W. Ev- .3ar .-a-' -l,-w... .- .w. . . - . .W . ..... .. 1- r jr. lrt iiMwiiatinriiwr Several counties in this State pro pose to vole bonds to- rations railroad schemes. On ecnefal principles we are opposed to voting bonds, but if the-do create sach an indebtedness they should be sure not to give a cent on pra-ie alone. If bonds are given let tlipm be piven only when the road ia completed and carsare running for business. How are times? Dull, dull, an! with a shake of the head our informanr passed. How ia business in Chicaeo ? O, like it is here, only more of it. It Eeeipfrto be the compl.iint all over the country. Times are dull, business is has time to do nothing ; and it has been so ever since we can remember. What does it mean ? Is America going backward ? Are there too many of u, or are there too fevr? Is it Republican rule or not? Isit contraction or infla tion? Are there too many poor, or too small a number that are rich? Will they ever improve and brighten ? In common with the majority of our read ere we loft the older states and emi grated to this new State, because times were dull, and with the re.it of you wo lounge about durinij these lazy winters and complain of dull times. Some times it seems that Amercans carry dull times with them. Yet they aie the most energetic people in the world, am jt can!,0t be therefore that thev are idle and shiftless. What is the f,nI1l1l,.V Ami.rlivin.. n - nr.l - restless, nervous and impatient. They . rp. , . cannot watt. Ihey have not been J taught to make ha-Je slowly. They , , .... , can t endure to rest. lime drag ' o- heavily with th?m unless thy ate ,. rp, , , making money. The country breeds a nervous restJcness. Auicricjns . . onc anJ a artf ambltlOUN to become rich. We want to count our gain-, every day. We are anxious to see our ron:fnl -..!,. ... ,,. Tl ----J uCMtJV. . merchant wi?hes to become wealthy within a few years at mo-t. The far mer would be independent at the next harvest. But the earth will only pro duce oue crop in a year. Wheat will not iipen in winter, and as a con-e- qnence times are dull. Mn can't all be rich. No matter Low much we may have in our grainerie, only two or three in a hundred wiil be wealthier than the rest, and na man is accumu lating unless he acquires- more thun his fellows. Wealth-is a comparative term. We may all have enough and to spare. In theorder of thiugs that is all the majority cun ever hive Every American, however, is educated in the idea that he is not one of the majority. We will readily admit the proposition that ninety out of every hundred must be comparatively poor. tnere ls not one in the uinety-fi-'e But there is not one in the uinety-fH who believes that he is to remain poor If he does not get rich, times are dull. It generally requires about fifty years i'br a man to ?earn that he is "ne of the crowd. Communicated. RlVERTON, Franklin Co., Neb. January 29 Ii, 1876. J Ed. Chief. Although I do not consider mye'f AM I'll try if I Coin say something in favor of a Narrow Gauge railroad. And though it may be evident to everyone, that all the main lines in our country are broad or medium gauge lines," it does not fol low, as an absolute necessity that noth ing less will do us. In fact, this i one reason Uy L. should prefer the narrow gauge, for the re:ion that Denver be- in the western terminus of the line, where we cspect to market our pro duc. as a consequence, every point along the line of the narrow gauge Railroad wil h lve more of a fall of trade and trafic into it -Bec.iu-e farm- crs naturally will .send their MulF to be .shipped over the line charging the least freight. Therefore, if we have anarrow gauge railroad up the Re pablican- valley, those who have goods to ship would even come from the vicinity of the broad gauge, to send tbcm over the narrow; for tha sake- of the reduction in the price of freight, and more especially when they expect to sell them lo better advantage in the we.-t, than they would in the eist. Now sir, what care we for an eastern market, when the mineral mountain regions wen of us, is able to consume all we can raise, not even now, but for nearly all time to come Those moun tain -repum--, which are incapable of producing human food, team with mineral wealth, men will naturally seek employment inthose-plaees where it is most Dlentiful,-aod wage highest, and- as- a re.-ult, the population of- those regions wtH alwaxs be saobQ ! number- us to be able to consume, directly oriadireotly, all the necessaries of life we cm-spare them- And -indeed it would seem, as if nature had so ar ranged the geographical- structure of both mountains and- plains, tfaat one must live by the other. The miner ue,5?1 nd nl3jr will the f(rst cV-th-1 ing and implements raised and manu factured on our plains and the farmers mechanic-;, and artizinsof the plains will require the gold, silver, iron, coal and other mineral productions of the mountiius in cxchar.gc for them. And just in proportion as one grows in pop ulation aud wealth, so will the other. Henie, we see but little danger of ever glutting a western marker, and even if such should be the case, as soon as ever capitalists wiil see it to their ad vantage to do so we will have such a gauge railroad as the prosperity ofthe couutry will' call for. As for shipping hos, grain, horses and cattle to Chi cago, it is abovt time that the farmers ofthe Republican valley, and indeed those ofthe whole South Platte coun try, should fart their attention in some other diri.ctiou for a market ; aud the sooner-they do so the better, for the monopolies comroling links be tween hpre and there, leave but very little meat on the bone by the time it reaches Chicago, and a- a natural cou sequence, the pioducer is the lo-er, in the game of commercial three card monte. What can be more discourag ing to the agiiculturist, than to be compelled to work hard all summer long and then obi g d to part with nearly the entire of his surplus crop, in order to meet his taxes, clothe his familv aud keep his team aud imple ments in working condition. There is no money in our midst nor do we ex pect any, until we get a railroad. The only thing we huve to depend on at present for money is the immigration, but that will not always la-t, and as a genera! thing the class of immigrant we get are of the poorest kind, fur those with any large capital, will not get away from a railroad. To ue our be.t efforts then, to get a Viilroad, i our imperative duty. That is if we have any interest at stake in the coun try. Why should we oppose a measure that we know will be a benefit to us. .Men ate afraid of bonds and taxes. Why sir, this is childishness. Don't those people know, that as soon as a railroad is in lunumg older up this valley, that it will be ci-ier to get a dolur, than it is five ecu 9 now, T.'Xcs indeed, when in reality by voting bonds and getting a railroad their taxe will be mueh ie.s then than now, which isaheady well proved by figuic-. And about thi-. matter of taxes, there is something strange in the fact, that it is those who have no property to pay taxes on, are loudest in their de uouticeation of bonds. Then in the name of fortune, let us have a raihoad, broad, narrow or me dium, I care not which, but letu- have a railroad and if the present genera tion are trying to build up a couutry it is nothing but ju-t, that those of the future should help pay for it. OSULLIVAN. OUR PROSPECTUS FOR 76 'Saturday Might" The Best and Brightest ofthe Weeklies 2 Cir vlation S'ill Jlapid'ir licrcni'e. In maki p ourancounccment 'or the com ingyc-r. wc refer with gicat pleisiire to the success which ba" steadily attended all our effort? to keep "SAlUUII.W NlGUT'far in ndv.uiee of all competitor-. Last year our ciicul.i ion ncrea'ed with grc.it rapidity, and tlue assurance oi the pub lic t or ha-" determined us in'ire tlMn cxer to relax no efint t, to yp ire no money time, or attention 10 make "aATUKUAY XiOT" the best tan ilj p..p r. Its aerials ill b- thrilling ! It? Sketches w.lt be entertaining! It Miscellany will be itituiesiingj Its 1'oe ry will he chanuing! Nothing will j-ppear in i s p.igcs that can of undthereligiousot iolilic.il e.ieiot anyone. 'Jcnsol thousands nfdollar-wciep iid lat year to our exclusive cm ps of writes. In he coming i ear. whi- ii alrcidy shows a very largo increase in mir suhsc iption--. we shn.f not only retain all our ola and popular writ ers, but wo shall add to our exc-usive staff t u-h au horis as ma piove their csaitn to popjlarity and show theni'clv. worthy to write tor a paper which holds a proud i rc eroinencc over a 1 competitors. It i s ldom tha- we ask a fovor of our friends, but it would be ot greut advantage to u if each one of our readers would d raw the attentiou of me personal friend to the merits ofcATUKUAY NKJIIT." and thus aid u in incrca-ing. even mote mpidly than at present. ur vast circle u! admirer, sonic times the loan of a .single paper, or a word ot commendation, will succeed iu putting a JSnleTunr?" afletw,ird U Wl'omt J Vercce'c many litters of commcrdati n thtmatids of tbcm and for to--?- e h-re rctur . our-inccre tbanWs. and rijti!.-t that those wi o .-o adtu-re' SATUtlDAY NHJII T" will do us th kindnoss to.hov and rec ni inond it to ilniraeiuaiiitcnc-s. NOW IS THE TIME TO STJ3SSBIBE! A Magnificent Chromo, in Twcvrv Divfeuknt Colore, and 20x26 tuch es iu size, will be present! ii to every vearly snfj.criber of tliree dollars to 'SATURDAY NIGHT" Every device known to the art of Cnromo Printing has been adopted to produce a finer picture than has ei'cr been given a a premium to the sub scribers of any paper. This Chrouio is a perfect gem of art. Ii would easily retail for six or seven dollars. It will cost as tinny thousands of dollars, which we haH never net buck. Bu, never having given a Chromo to our sub-cibers we det-r mined that when we d-d do so, our Chromo should be as good a nictare as the best arti-ts could de icn a:id the most eareful prit ters execute. rjieri-er, oi; those 7 Thrrr pivtarsjnr u Ye rrly nixcriptinn ici'l be ent'lfeil to copy nfthc "luonvtfrfe. P.iriii-s wi-hina o take "S TUit DAY, NIGHT" for a shorter perol than one year, can have the paper ms'led to them six months for $1,50, or four month lor $"l.(h fiaF" IP- p'ty tiif nsitige bnth'Ou Riper wninhrtm .n TIIK FOLLOWING-ARE CLUB" RATES. For $10 we will send four copies for one je.ir to one ad'tre", or each cpv to a separate address. F01 $20 we will send e:cht copies to one address, or each copi' to a sepa rate address-. The party who ends n $20 for a club of eight copies ( all sent at one time)wiil be entitled 10 a copy free. Getters up of Clubs of eight eopies c-io afterwards add single copies at $2 50 -ash. Send Pat Offic? Order, or reeister a'l money letters. Write Name. Town, County, State; pktirrly. We wiil nd Specimen Papers-frw to any who will send us thir dfJn. DAVIS k ELYERSON. Prop's & Pub's "Saturpat Nkjht" PbiUdelpht, Pa. TEE WEEK LYSUN I77C. NEW VIIKK, IH76. righteen hundred ansi seventy-six is the Centennial year. It is also th year in wbih an Opposition Mouse rtf Krprocutilivcs. the the first since the war. will be in power t Washington: and -hcyear ofthe twenty-third election of a Fiesident ofthe United State. All ot these events are snre to be of interest and importanc-. e-pecially the two Utter;. ind all of them and everything Monetl with them will be fullj ana lreshly reported aud expounded in Tiik Sex. 'IheU position Houe of Representatives, taking up the line of inu.uif opened year ujcj by Tie um. will steri ly and dilije.it.y investigate the corrtiptinns and misdeeds of 'Jr..nf administration: and will.it L to be hoDeJ.jay thefound.itiuii fer.i n"w and bet ter period in our national history Of all thi The .s'un will contain c- mpli r and accurate accounts, turnishinn its readers with eariy an I trustworthy information upon these ab fl.rbins tonics. The tiv-n y-third Pre-identiil ele'tion. w'th the preparation for it. will be memora ble as deciiiiiiK upon Ur.mt's aspirations fora third term of i'OHr and plunder, an-1 ftill mure as d-c dintc wh !"hull In the candidate of the taityot Itetopji. and as electing thit candidate. Concerning all these ut)ject. thoee hu read Tme aus will h oe the iuimuj of beitiEthoruiijthly well informed. The Wtr'ylu iShm. which ha- ttui id acir cul.iti ii of over eighty hnu'ind cp es. al ready haiits re iders in every sitate a id Ter ritory, and we trui-t that the yar IS70 will see tneir nttiube's doubled. It will coutinua to be :i thorough newspaper. All the xcncral news ofthe daj will he fnund in it. condensed when unimportant, at full length when cf in-mcnt;and llway". wo.trun. treated jia a clu.ir. inte:cstiii: and iu'trucuvc manner. It isoiiraiin to make the kk lyscjk the best i.imily newpper in the world. c shall continue t" give in iu columns prge amount -f misicllancous reiidii.fr. seen as sturie-. tale?, poem, scientific intclliROfice. nul :iKricnltur.it intnrmaiion. for which we have not room in our daily eilitiou. The ag ricultural dep irtmtnt especially is- one ofi proniine'it leitute. The t.i-liiuns are also regularly reported m it columus: and o are the uiarket" ot every kin I. Tho Ufhki.Y t'ev. enfbt pages with fifty six broad rntui.ins ionlj- ?I 'M a jear, jiw tagc prepaid. As ihi irico barclv rrpays tae coit ofthe paper, no discount c.uibj in ide to clubs, agents. t'ot nutters, w aninc The U.mlv s'i'. a lr:c fmir page newspa per of twenty-eight eoiuains, gvesallthe now" tor two centn a copy, Sub-cription. pictiigi prep lid. i c. a niun h irST.& ajer undiu edition extra. 51. lu per year. We havo no traveling agents. Address. I'M K SUN. New York City. 11ED CLOUI & SMITH CENTER Stage Line. Connecting at Red Cloud with" the Republican River Stage Line. Three regular trr)! i week, arming and dep-irting from Kei Cloud at the -.line lime the stage from the railroad docs. FARE VEKY LOW. J. S. B'jaZlOW, Proa. nil. The inter-Ocean. THREE EDITIONS, WBS2LY. S2HI-WSSSLT &-DAILY. Established !cjs than three year aro as a Representative Heimblicau Paper, pl.-ddei to maictain and detend the principled and organization ot the National Kepu'jli -at, Paity the INTKU-OCK .N was oirlypu li ed to the foreirontot jouruali in aud achi-.-ved a fucee-s unprecedented in the history of such enterprises. Ily universal a cut it ha uceu .is-igiieu I'usiiiuii as .,., r'TT-?. LEADING S2?U3LI:aN PAPS2 I.N THE N()RTI1WKST. Notaloaeon its political character doc? the l.VrEK-OCEAN rest its claim, to pt.a- lartavor. It aims at the hiihe.st escjlle:ice. in all departments, and in this e - aofpro - Bre.sMvcjournalisin aspires to po.sittonamouff the best The INTKU-OCEAN makcesiicciil claims A FAMILY NEWSPAPER. Its columns are carefully Kuardcd against objM-tionable mitter. and otcry eliurt i mule to render it a ptea-antand profitable compauiou to the home lire; ide. The Commercial Department is conducted with great cnr. aud evcrjtbinK possible is done to make the M KKhT HKPOKI5 Such as tho farmers aud I5uine -Men of the -Noitlnvcst i-an relj upon The Asricuitaral Departmsnt I? cire ully edited by gentlemen of ability and experience. In Literature. Local and General ITctts, Foreign si Domestic Correspondence. And everything that ernes to make A FlllSf CLAtiS A'JZWSrAPEi: Is not excelled by any publication in the Country Th. INTliU-OuEAA is a NATIONAL XE V Sl'AI'E It. one that will be foind u'fful anil intcrestiui; to Aiiicncius in every part ot tho Ulobe. White it especially represents the Great Interests of the Ncrthvrost. It is National in its views and cpmprchvn-.-ivo in its ncw.jjc I'hcrins. Firm in itt- polit ical taith. it 1.- not Id uud. and in all di.-ou-,-.-ions aims to be camiitl, uinihed, and above pe;suu.il abuse. I'he INl'cIK-OCEAN has thclanrcstacure jtate circivLitiou of any new.sp.iiier publiied in the tmr bwest. it is tent to more h-tn tPH) I'osto'liCL-s, distributee in c.ery 6ut and Tcritiory in the United State, in II the Ilriti-h Province?, and numerous foreign Staler and iountrie. THRMS OFSUBSCUIITION : imii.y. Ry Mail. 'payable in advance;, per y'r. postpaid SIHOu Smoiith.s. " -2iO SEMI-WEEKLY.-By Mail. per year (in advance), postpaid 3..T0 elnboffour " " 12 20 club of six " " - .l"Vi club of ten " " 2S.0O One tree cony with every club often. W'KKKLY.-By Mail, per year (in advance, postpaid .............. 1 6 t'lah of four " " ..... 5.00 Club often " " . 13 50 Clab of twenty " " IS 00 Onc free copy with every club of tweuty. PflQTARF The new po'Uijrc law rUO I nut. took ctTect the I-t tiny nf Janu ry.IA. D 1S75. Under this 1 iwthc pot aceon newspapers m-ist be paid at the office where they are mailed. Money can be ent by draft, nionc--ordcr, express, or registered letter, at onr ri'k. Soeeiil arrangempnts made with country publishers for clubbing with their publica tions. SAMPLE COPIES FREE. Address IXTEK-Orr.AV. II UkcRI., fJlilcitKA TS3US OF SU33;2!?7I0:T TO Frank Leslie's Publications POSTAGE PAID. I'raak Leslie'- Illustrated Newspaper. $fO j StSfrViff-SK." tain Dr. Holland. vn,a. The uys riinsrs. 4 is) 1 n I tiin-My editoruw. 33 well a-lie VaiiSc LclieV Lady'a Journal. ' 4 0; vi2W.- ofthe Ue-t works in Art, Lite- rb- lounr A-nenf n. ?50l . 1 o - Frank Le-lijL coy's Jk o iris. Weekly. c.Vilraturc anil Science. Pranic Llies P.pulir M.intbly. 200 TLMnfc, Frink-Leilw' Llv' " 3 50 ThRlS. liank Leslies Boys of Am erica. 1 -V) j The Jollv Joker. i wwn- ruuusnui mu. 1 ."fci 10 1 W M 13 "ran tf Leslie's Farailr Herald '"rank LeUVs New jforlr JoursaJ. Frank Leslie's n:ntrtei! At manic: Frank i.slis Cc-aric Alatcac, Every yearly subscriber i entitled io a be ctiful premium chromo with each-p abdi cation. The o iginals were dexcd of painted exprestly for ne. andrthr rtr-tao t are printed in oil. exactly reproducing; in! Bvery detail theoricin."tntrrritc of art. J Description of enroess-s. poMieatton and . 1 gifts, with 'fRi pie papsrrs.seA-os-Ttceiirt of stamps fcrrcturn potUge. AGENTS WANTED. Addreu. Ageaey Penartmnt. Vssk Les liVe FaMishtag UnaM. S!u Ptr! Scneu Nw York. izraME,T?v ,&- '" ' HASTINGS REST.i Uit.l4mT ; Vrlira you caa Jtt a good sitrs rial for T.w3at7-fi7a ceaU. OYSTERS in every stylo. Fruit., Nuts, Apple", Candie-. .Itllies and Canned goods of all kinds. Cigars & Tobacco- The highest market price paid for BUTTER, ECM.S. AD VFJETALF f"Farmer from the Republican Valley will do well to give us a cjII when in town. C II. STEWART. W.t side Hasting Avenue. nll-3m HASTINGS, NEB. CITY DRUG STORE Red Cloud, Nebraska. MYi Drui Store is in Red Cloud. Drug- are pure. Slock I" eomplrte. profits. motto i.-uuicks ales aud mull XA ME What ou want. ;AMtJ Your businci-. there. A'.i MR 'I our neighbur. 'AM12 That you have been there. IS There any thing you waut. It iu iiiv line of (raid. Your chil I ailine. My oothm- .syrup tin- thing. .illKllRIt Compounds prescription- correct .S7 It Rlt Run-th-City Drugstore. VliKflRU IIii-thclargeitslek in the valley SJIRit'ii Sfayd (.omt- and see lor your.at-lf. (give, linn a cull Before Purchasing Else.whire. FOR 1878. The publishers invite attention to the following- lit of some ofthe at tractive articl secured for Sciibuer'. Monthly" for the Ciiiniiii: year. In the field of fiction, be-ide.- numerous nov elettes arid Ai rter .torie.s, there fill he Two Remarkable Serials By AMERICAN AUTHORS. The fiiht of the.-e, nov complete iu our hands, "GABRIEL CtfrtROY," By 333T. EA3?3. )Ci,AU n t(e November number, and wiil run for twelve in mth. This i I Mr. Harte - fir-t extoiided w-jrk. lhe .-cene and character'. wliis-li the author has chosen ii m his favorite fidd, Cal- I ;.- , nri unntpil with eliarii-ti-titie "i"?"1' arC l,a-nleu " Uijir.iLli M tic vividness an. power: atPl tii: work IS j without doubt the most graphic record .. ,,. .,;,..- .,. ,i.. i, ,.. ,. Ul C.II I) vaillUIIMil Mil. tirui ii.-j. -.- peared. We .shall also begin in the Jhnuary number, rillLIP NOLAN'S FWEND-4- Or. Show Your Passport". Bj EDWARD SVEiET? HALS. The rcei'C of l hi- tory is laid m the Southwestern territory, now Ibrniitij,' the states of Louisana and Texas, at the time of Aaron Rurr'.s treason. Tin- eharacter- livetl iu a section whie'i wa- now Americio. now French, and now Spanish, and this record nfiheir adven turous lives makes a -torv of intense and Hiifl.i'iiig intert f-t throughout. A Se:ond Farmers Vacation By Col. GEORGE E. WARiNli. Col. Wauinoih now in Euiope, vi itiup, in a iow boat ride of" two hun dred and fifty miles, one of the most fertile valleys of Europe. This second series of DaiH!rs proiiiise- to be even more interesting then that with which j our readers are already laintliar. t C E N T E N N I A h L K T T E R S EinTKD nv joiix vanck chknkv. A rare collection of Revolntiontn Letttrs-, mainly fiom .stcwe- in the hands of the descendants of Col. Jo SEi'H Wakd They arc full of inter- est. and will be tead with a rare relish ' in connection- with the CcHteunial cel- ebr.11 ion ofthe year. BRILIANTLT ILI.ISTRATED ARTICLES CN AMERICAN COLLEGES. VYritten respectively by thtir friends, will appear during the yeir. The re vived interest in college life make? the-e papers i.specidlly timely, and will secure for them unu.-tii! attention. 0LO MEW YOrlK, Eleeint'y illutra''d articles en Old New-Yoik by John F.Mines-wiII ap pear at once, and will attract th? atte . lion of all, in city orcountry, wlrotnark with intere-t the developments of the great metropolis, and affectionately re member the quaint pecuhaiiiics of 1:3 olden time, Every number is profusely iilctraf ed thus enahline u- to fiiye to-our'ii-crip-tive and narrative article.?, ar ;!?ere-t and permanent value ii-er atta.'ftedin a non-illustrated imriodical. UndeHts accustomed man icemen the mcizine will in the future be devoted, - it h been iu the past, to sound literature atsd Christian troi:re-s. The Editorkl Departments. occapv over twenty pnires of each num $4 QQ a 7iZT, 35 CtS. a Min IT. Hi- 10 vi!iime cnmtilete, Nov: 1870. to Oct. 1575. bound in maroon cloth. $2U 00 bound in half morocco. $30.09 Vol, begin in November and Mav. Ayfthe earlier volntae.I to VIII) will" be enppHeJ "eprately to parti- hrr wih ?h-ra t. complete. et at ihi rate: c!otlv$2.0. hlf mnrocco. $3.00 Gookeller arI Po-tnnsfer.s wi.l b capnlied at rate that will enable them to nil anv of lhe above offeis. j Suhsnihor will ple remit 1:7 P.O. Money Order-, or in Bank Cheeks or marts;, or oy reifisrerea tetterr Finn ey in letters not registered afsender's ri-k. Sr'RfRXZR A ro.. N Y.rL uarstt JStJ , Bp?iv "'" iS-"-4 Billiard Parlor. j Ob JXoin Strat. nextdscr to Sed-51rci CrB S4r9- All lovers ofthe same are invited to call. fca?A fresh assortment of cigars, can die. and nuts, a I way on hand. Gentlemanly clerks always on hnd to attend to customer. n4 tf EI). SMITH. Pros: RED CLOUD DRUG STORE. Chas Potter, Keeps the he and largest Drug Store In Red CTouJ. Prescriptions earefnlly compounded both day and night. r4 tf The Best Paper For Farmers H TIIK NEW-YORK Weekly Tribune- ONK DsJLI.AIt per yetr in club of thirty or over. Specimen copies free. For torm and comuiirciou'1, AddrwsTirBTRIBUXE. Now York. JACOB KOHL, DEALER IN Wines, Liquors, and Ciaars, OK ALL KINDS. ?3ESH 1AGE2 B222 A SPECIALTY. ('orner f lit Street and Ha'-fint. Avenue, H.i-tini;s, Neb. 11-Iy Dr. Peter Head, Family I'hsicinn, Offer- his services to the public, and will attend to .ill profeesion.il ealls. Office Over Shercr's Dru Store. Denver House HASTINGS. --- - NEIL J. ii. S1H7H, ?rc?r:tcr. The only first-class hoti-e in the city. Stage leaves this house eveij othei morning for Red Clou. I and the Iv P II. R. nil Smith d Calvert 2SD CLOTO - - I)LAI.KIl. IN NE3. FURiNlTURE, In Red Cloud. Nb . at their o J ttand. Ti delightful to see what tuey haru on h.ind. They h.ite a supply, it m y truly be mid Ot tb.it which is nct-dfiil fur the living or dead. They haro h-U!ead. cr-tdl-. tabic? & chair Sofas, bufcatis. and all kinds f nvh ares. Cribs, Imsr.se 4"tt es. and inattref-c; too Which tor all kind of fulkg mid ace will d-.. rhev h. e frsTiin.' and horc3 lor children to ...11 Vi.t..h in ..iMw;rM1n.l l-.l.i.s exce.- iiidy ucil. The P y c:--'! for these thhz and elcct tliem wi'h car-. And wilI;cP thi-m as cheap nnoyonr djre. Anilwcix1 to yon all. both voting and old. They'l uot retue xreinbnckf , silver or cold. We inv.te nil our friends aud neighbors to nil. An- 'bey l'ubtle. will find they deal fairly with nil. If you come. I do think ymi can crUinly buy As no oue fun say th pr cr is tor. high. IIANNESS SHOP S V. Ludloiw ; Is uow prepared to do all kinds of work I.N THE Harness line. The best of materials awed, and all work WARRANTED. KEFAIRIXCt Done on ftbrt notice and at reasonable Prices. Shop in McNitt's Store. Red Cloud KebraKa- i.HH S. A. Jiuiell, Woul 1 rspectfafly inform the I.adietof Red Cloud and vtcuntx thatihe l pr- pareJtc xec3ie orders (or MILLINERY, Dress-Making ASD PLAIN SEWING of all Kinds. On hand and for (sisal a aawrtBtof LACES, VEILS, KID GLOVES. LADIES HA-T3. it, - MisS. A.flUNSEU, Tin KeXitt't Baliaiag.1 WKP rrnrp - - .wo? BAUM'S NEW CHICAGO STORE. . IN MCNirf'S BtlLDlNO 1ST SOCSE 80LTH OF IKK FtST (4VNi REi CLOUD, NEB. i where you can buy DKY GOODH,:XOTIO.K, Ready fade Clothing, Unfurl 1j:j, llootn & Shoe, CjirorcrR'ft, and everything i the line vj General KJefChinLigt. ATG11EATLY REDUCED PRICKS. It will pay you to f-xanine my Mock and prices befora btrtni .. where. A fiiendiy invitaliou extended to all. 3X-A11 I ak is a trial and I am -urc that i can cnr.Miir.-j.in. that keep the largest tock afid the cheapest store wcM o! th Miiii,M River. L. BAUIY?. P. S. Highest Market Price paid for ail kin j of Country Produce, Hides and Furs. CHAS. R. Juniata WZ3LZSALS AND DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, i ATS, CAP J, Tinware, Queensware. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. Iliglu'Kt Ca.-ftU Price rl'I-IK mil M;i mswiw $mm Vx v ((; lJi. CSU-K V J.mlf - fM -??& Mr -- ' t . jt' . ?: RtfS1 NjT J. G. Potter hai just received (Br rumps 3 . fcr mmm H -3ft: -FVw voc- tz-yii&c m .VJJ. ait& ftofiisious. Ever brought to the Valley. Give him a cll and exr.n,nf i'lt and pricee. -T. C3 Potter, Red Cloud N'cl.rr.Eka. THE CHICACO LUMBER YARD ! AT HASTINGS, . Keep' constantly on hand the lar'xt arotk of Dy l'nr .1" the West. Also 1, MOlLIIA(H, llTti: and all kind of IlVWiDlXf MATJKRIAI,. , Oir stock i well selected and purchacd direct from th rafi, t will be std a lew as the luwet. 'xjf O. NEW HARDWARE STORE t . I WHOLKSALE MIT6HELL Have opened tnewjtCTe and hTp stock of HARD.WARJB, Cutler j, Cnrprtittr 4l FARiriNGT .TOOLS, COAL and WOOD STOVES. We hare abo a Tin SllO''o'"',,,,' V with trar Store. We aaannfaetore Tin. Copper k Sheet Jr'.r. Ware Onr Stock i LAP.OE and well assorted, ard irrirHl t 1-" m any house -rent of Lincoln. Call and See Before Purchasing EJsrhere. Opposite the Luaieer Tard. Red Glondi. - JONES, Nebraska. SETAIL DIALIE IK 1 Paid fur run. y m $ "TMr ? -:.- . the finest aj-'ortmtut f Uffll0ilUUP NFJ OJLMVj Hastinys, Nebra&kr AKDKKTAIL & MQEIIKT jfikt'ntsired a foil 4 ci Kbrma 'fh I t I . -- ..t - a. f-