The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 13, 1876, Image 4

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    Tho Elf-King's Youngest Daughter.
Down the merry 8trearn!ct dancing,
Tbronli the flickering phadoud glancing.
Foam about bur white feet creaming,
All her wayward hair out streaming
Liihlng on thclachins water,
lanrt down tiic Kir-kins' daughter
Yo-jnm-frt daughter fair.
All the trees hend low toward her.
All the rockf arc PlroiiR to guard In r.
All the H'tlegTasiC whieper.
And the low toned breezes li-p her
lralea everywhere.
All around the warm air lingers
Lovingly, the while her fingers
With a dainty upward gesture,
hecm to draw a thadc for eiturc
Of her loveliness.
Yet ine'ccms fchc moves eo pmely,
Gliding on her path demurely,
looking with clear etc i-eicncly,
She were c'ad not half eo queenly
In a royal drets.
Now ?he"c lightly onward sleeping
Now t-ho tij-g, half glad, half fesrimr,
o'er the ledge or granite peering,
Kyce the headlong torrent leaping -IZjos
fir down the sullen boulder?,
While the long locks round her choulder a
(lather tenderly.
Now with little langlia-trcmbk',
tJlad her shrinking to dirscnihle,
I'la-hing through the diamond Mioncr
With her white lect launched below her.
And her hair drawn ont above her,
Sw lit as lady to her lover
Down the fall goes he.
Now w hen quiet nigiit has clouded
AH the river broad and Ftately
Down the si ream she rides sedately,
lly her soft hair warmly shrouded,
Lulled by mclodi.
I.wn amid the dim trees greeting,
And the drowsy w heat's repeating.
Dreaming on the dreaming water
Floats the K!f-king"s joungeet daughter
To tl.c dreaming era.
Ittackwood's Magazine.
The "vridow Jlinton had seen butler
ttays. How far back wasn't exactly cer
tified; but she had seen tkem. Better
days hunij mo'.dily about her, like the
defaced shrcis of an antiquated em
broidery. Tiic sturdy gossips ot the sea-side vil
lage, who went about with their skirts
tucked up and their bare brown arms
ready and able for any work, looked
uskance at the widow Minton, with her
pitiful mengcrness of aspect, her flick
ering black eye, and her trailing old
gown. They nudged each other, and said,
"Belter days Lord save us !"
IJut the widow did not trouble the
neighbors much, nor they her. A body
who couldn't do a heartsome hand's
stirring was best left alone to'her brood
ing, t nil the widow's smoky little cabin
solitarily apart on the seashore, was left
pretty much to herself and her boy Tom.
Tom was a sturdj', brown iaccil lad,
who picked up a living Jy doing odd
jobs for the boatmen, and now and then
taking a day for fishing. Tom had
probably never seen better days. The
widow shook her head over him so
stupidly conient, poor Torn ! so beaming
and good natured over beggarliues3 and
hopelessness." A'tall, well grown fellow,
with bare feet, a tern straw hat, and a
red shirt, Tom took the world cany,
looking with reverent eyes on his
mother's by-gone gentility, but by no
means seeming to covet it for herself.
The widow deemed it due to her past
respectability to be seen at church of a
Sunday evening, and you could seo the
two walking at twilight along the sands
together, she with her clean pocket
handkerchief folded over her oltl hymn
book and a certain doubtful hesitancy of
gait, as iT heaven itself might be look
ing down critically on her shabl3 black
gown aud rusty bonnet. As for Tom,
patient Tom, he went plodding slowly
after her, with his smiling face, whist
ling to himself as he went. Always
patient, always plodding, poor Tom!
Patiently falling asleep during the ser
mon, aud patiently listening, open
mouthed, to the closing hymn, his care
less, bright lace, contrasting so oddly
with his mother's querulous and tear
worn visage, won for him the sobriquet
of "Widow Minton's rainbow.
The minister of the parish, mistaken
soul, deemed it incumbent to make a
call on the widow; and, on charily bent,
it is said he unwarily offered to employ
her services in his household for a season,
lie deemed it his duty to rouse the old
woman to activity.
He did rouse her; and it is averred
that he never found time to call at the
cabin again. Did he take her for a
common household drudge, or a low
born field hand? She thanked God she
had too much spirit Iuft yet to put her
self under anybody's feet. He hadn't
far to go to lind sccre3 of drudges and
diggers, -but he might go further, before
he knew a lady when he saw her.
It might have been the afternoon af
ter the good man's visit that the widow
sat idly brooding at her cabin door.
Her eyes had a wandering, far-away
look, and her face was keener and thin
ner than ever. Beyond the bluff which
sheltered her cabin, stretched a far line
of sea coast, the white sand gleaming
silvery in the sun. Far off a group of
bathers, in bright dresses, frolicked be
tween shore and water. They came
from the great hotel down beyond; she
could almost catch the sound of their
voices as she sat slowly rocking in her
doorway. It was a quiet afternoon; the
air was soft and soothing, and the
widow's heart so full of bitterness, felt
itclf sweeten and soften in the still
ness. This part of the shore, sheltered
by its overhanging rock, was seldom
disturbed by intruders, but presently
the watcher's eye caught sight of a
youaggirl splashing and frolicking in
the water just beyond the rocks. It was
a pretty sight, the rounded arms, the
curving shoulder, the swaying1, floating
figure. And perhaps the old woman
recalled with a sigh the time when she
was young and blithe too, and had as
cheery a voice as that with which the
fair swimmer hailed her companion in
the distance.
Gazing absently on the smiling scene,
a reverie fell upon her, and when she
looked again, the ycung svater-nymph
had disappeared. She had probably
swum ashore behind the rocks. The
widow turned away, hugged her thin
haul over her shoulders, and thought
that the sea wind was chilly. Hark!
"What was ihat? Surely she heard a
cry. No merry shout or ringing laugh
this; it might be the cry of a wild bird
on its way to its mate.
She couldn't have got beyond her
depth, that young creature, surely ! But,
la! what of it if she had? Dying young,
a body gets quit of a deal ol trouble.
And Yes, surely, that was a scream.
The widow looked sharply out. Would
Tom never come? The tide was rising,
and something certainly was the mat
ter. She called she beckoned franti
cally to the bathers beyond they seemed
both blind and deaf.
No one, not one soul, at hand, and
that young thing in peril of life. A
minute she stood stilhlistening a feeble
old woman with a haggard, scared face,
to whom no one would have dreamed of
looking for help.
"I can't stand thi3," she said, "aeems
I might pull out tiiat old scow myself,
Tom!" she screamed, with a yell that
held the concentrated energy of ten
years. But no Tom appeared. And it
was the widow herself, with those with
ered old hands that disdained the minis
ter's kitchen work it was the widow
herself, who, straining, tugging, and
with her gray hair fluttering in the wind,
unloosed the old dug out from its
moorings, and trembling, unskillful,
armed with a rude paddle, wentspinning
out dizzily over the water. It leaked,
the old scow; it scorned the broken
paddle and ttie heavy oars, but finally it
came drifting out blindly and dizzily to
the object of her search. A plump hand,
with a glittering ring upon it, clutched
the edge of the boat, nearly oversetting
it. A young, eager face, with streaming
hair, looked up from the water, and
gasping, shuddering, lnlf drowsed, and
wholly scared, the young water nympli
was presently aboard the old craft.
"Oh, how frightened I was!" she
cried. "I felt sure I was losing all my
strength, and would go to the bottom.
Oh, jou good soul! you dear soul! how
ever did you get to me in this water
logged craft?"
"It has seen its best days, certain,"
said the widow, tugging at the oars.
"You don't look able for such work,"
said the gitl.
"I hate seen better days," wa3 the
quiet answer.
And then oh, sufficient reward for all
her efforts! this real lady, this fair young
girl with the soft hands and the pretty
bathing dres?,actually replied, "I thought
"Here, give me an oar," she added,
still panting. "But, my dear soul, we'll
never be able to row down to that point,
where I left my clothes, and I can't walk
to the hotel; I'm awfully tired. Can't
you put me ashore at your place, and
send word for me down yonder?"
The 'ittle dark cabin on the shore
brightened up with an uu von ted luster
as the widow sheltered her young charge,
and changed her wet garments for some
of her own.
"If Tom would only come, I'd send
him for your things."
"Oh, no matter ! I'll wrap your shawl
about me and walk down myself after
I've rested a bit. I'm not hurt, you
know, only scared. Dear me, how I was
scared ! My old nurse used to teach me
not to scream; but if I hadn't screamed,
where should I have been now, I won
dcr ?"
"Mrs. Minton would gladly have
parted with the last shred she possessed,
and gone shivering the rest of her days,
to see her worn out gown donned so
handsomely by the bright lassie.
"They have seen better days, the
clothes, miss, and I'll not deny that
they've been in good company in their
time; but they're not fit for a lady now."
Her companion laughed, a pretty,
mischievous laugh. She read the weak
ness of her rescuer, and treated it ten
dcrty. "Whatever a lady has worn is fit for a
lady to wear," she said, and forthwith
wrapped herself, smiling, in the old gray
And at that moment Tom, with his
red shirt gleaming in the setting sun,
and a string of fish on his shoulder,
stood in the doorway.
He stopped when he saw the guest
standing upon the hearth-stone, a bright
fire behind her, and tlte kettle boiling
cheerily. She nodded to him familiarly.
Tom thought he must be dreaming.
"Tom and I are acquainted," said she.
11 Are you?" responded the astonished
"Yes," said the girl. "I've watched
lorn many a time walking alongshore
with his red shirt, and once he took me
and father out rowing. Tom, vour
mother saved my life."
"Saved your life!" echoed Tom, who
never in all his lite had heard of his
mother's doing anything before.
Tom, stupid andv staring, was hurried
off in search of the inissinrr crarmni!.
And meanwhile his mother betook her
self to making a cup of tea for her
protege. It was wonderful how a little
warmth of human feeling had roused
this woman to life and activity again.
"When Tom returned, laden with
various articles of apparel, the two were
quietly sipping their tea together at the
old round table.
He elid not return alone, however.
Following nira came a tall, gray-headed
"Here's father!" cried the girl, spring
ing forward. "OL, father, this good
lady has saved my life J"
Ladyi The widow Hinton wanted to
kis the beautiful rosy iip3 that pro
nounced the words.
"Well, my dear," said the old gentle
man, good humoredly pinching the
plump cheek; "she has done it very
thoroughly. You certainly don't look
very near death just cow."
Whereat the story, with 'ue enlarge
ment and variation, was told him with a
pretty pout.
The father smiled, but also he fur
tively wiped away a tear.
"Well, madam," said he courteously,
"accept my cordial thanks for looking
a ter my little madcap Belle. She's my
only child, you see, and as full of
pranks as any dszen."
Belle playfully put he: hand over her
mouth. '"I won't have my character
traduced where they've been so good to
me," she cried. "And oh, father, isn't
this a beautiful place such a view of
the water ! I mean to come down here
every day and do my sketching."
"I'm afraid," said trie sire, shaking his
head, "that this good lady will have
cause to wish she had thrown you overboard."
"Oh, no, lather; she likes me and I
like her. And I've fallen in love with
Tcm long ago, you know."
Tom blushed painfully. Something
strange and new stirred in his mind.
Compliments did not sweeten his
thoughts as they did Lis mother's, for
Tom had never seen better days, and felt
as if he were being made a jest of.
A week passed, during which the
young girl strolled almost daily to the
cabin. When she was there Tom sel
dom entered the house. He had grown
shy and sulky; he sat on the shore
darkly brooding, orient oft silently to
his fishing,
One morning Belle and her father de
parted. Belle kissed the withered cheek
of her friend, and that was all. For
when mention had been made of helping
her substantially, the widow had drawn
herself sharply up, all" the lady shining
in her eye.
"I may have seen my best days," she
sa!d, "but I haven't come down to that
yet. And if I needed any reward, I've
had it now," tho added, as she felt the
solt blood mantling in the cheek that
Belle had kissed.
Long after the two had left, Tom went
about with a cloud on his face, and in
his ears were ringing those mocking
words: "I'm in love with Tom." A
digust for his fishing life and for him
self and for all their miserable sur
roundings of poverty filled the lad's
heart with an unwonted bitterness.
"Mother," said he one day, as he sat
darkly brooding over the hearth, "you
said you were a born lady; why didn't
you make a gentleman of me?"
"I hadn't any money left when you
came," said the widow briefly,
"Then it's money that mvkes people
gentlemen and ladies?"
"I don't know,'' said the widow, puz
zled ; "they somehow mostly have it."
One day Tom came and told her he
was going to sea. There haa been a
man down looking for hands, and he had
taken Tom gladly, for Tom was a handy
fellow at almost any kind of sea craft,
and would soon make a good seaman.
"And you must just bide here pa
tiently till 1 come back, mother; for if
there's better days anywhere, I shall
bring 'em with me, be sure."
After that the sea looked bluer and
colder than ever, and the solitary wo
man lived a sort of hermit's life. No
cheery voice of gossiping neighbor
lightened the dreary cabin, no children
prattled about her; and only Belle, the
bright, blithe hearted lassie, seemed to
remember to cheer her with a letter now
and then. Belle was away now visiting
some distant friends, but in her kindly
heai t she kept a corner, it seemel, for
the poor old woman who had saved her
Three yean; -four passed away, and
dai'y of a summer afternoon you might
have seen the widow sitting in her door
way, eager and hollow eyed, looking out
for some possible ship that might be
Tom's. Tom was not a good correspond
ent, but occasionally up at the little
Postofflce a wundering epistle waited lies
trembling hand. She was growing very
old and feeble now; but Tom wasgettin"
up in the world. Tom was first mate of
his ship, Tom was a success, Tom was a
gentleman, and oh, above all things, Tom
was coming home !
Not every one watches in vain, though
we may not always be looking in the
right direction. It was so with the
widow. As she sat one day, with strain
ing eye gazing on far off sunlit sails,
and seeing how some of them hovered
nearer and nearer, and some, alas ! took
wing farther and farther away, the door
way darkened suddenly; there came
rushing upon her, as if dropped from the
clouds, a plump, dark eyed, rosy cheeked
lady, who flung herself into the arms of
the watcher with a cry of joy.
"Oh, .mother!" she exclaimed, half
sobbing, half laughing "oh, mother!
don't you know me? Why, I'm Tom'a
wife, anel I've brought Hie captain with
"Mother," said Cap:. Tom, that night,
"yoa ve seen better days, perhaps, but I
never have."
"For didn't I tell yon," said Mrs. Tom,
archly, "that I was in love with Tom?
And father owns half his ship, yon know;
so if Tom's captain, I'm second mate,
yoa see. And we're going to take you
away to where xee found our better
Senator Johnston, who has just been
re-elected by the Legislature of Virtjinia
to another term in the United States
Senate, is a nephew of Gen. Joseph E.
Johnston. He is about 65 years of age,
and before going to the Senate never
held any public office except, that of
Judge, to which he was appointed by a
military commander
Fluid Lightning instantly core Neuralgia
Nervons and Sick Headache, RBcomatlsm and
all nervous pain . Druggists keep It.
There U nothlne like leather." And
there is nothlne l.'ke Uncle Sam's Harness OH
to preserve leather. For sale by all druggists
and saddlers.
A Fanner's Paper The Pathos's HsLrxR
has this brief bat very plain platform: To help
farmtrt everywhere in all their relations of lift;
trhether cirtl, tocial or proftttlonal. See adver
tisement. The Photographic Copyiaa; Coaapaay of
Burlington, lows, is giving essplojrment to hun
dreds of men and women as canvassers for old
pictures to be copied and talarged. eitner plain
or colored. Agents wanted in eTerj connt v md
town in the W est.
VA horse Is entirely unfit for work if be has
even the slightest attack of the epizootic, and it
is not only cruel, but nnurofltabie to compel htm
to work while in that conditioa. Put tim In a
warm, comfortable stable, give him good care,
and administer Uncle Sam's 'Condition Powder
three times a day, in bran food.
Vcgetlnc is the great health restorer, composed
exclusively of barks, roots and herb. It Is very
pleasant to take; every child likes it. Vegetlne
purifies the blcod, renovates and Invigorates the
whole system. Its medical properties are altera
tive, tonic, solvent and diuretic.
Paris Theatre, ChJcaco. This is one ot the
most popular theatres in the West. The nightly
bill offered is very attractive, and those spending
an evening in Chicago should not fall to visit it.
See the location as given in another column.
Attention, Loulles. We call the special at
tention of our lady readers to the advertisement
of Messrs. Burr t Gary of Chicago for their
Stocking and Skirt Supporters. The advantages
of these crinoline appendages cannot be overesti
mated; they are invaluable to health and com
fort, and should be worn by every woman and
child In the land. Among all the health-preserving
inventions of the present age we know of
nothing so indispensable to womankind as the
articles offered by Messrs. Burr & Gary.
Eastman Boslaass Cellec- The proprietor
of this deservedly popular institution of learn
ing, whose advertisement appears In another
column, is the leading business educator of young
men in this country. By his experience in scbo
laitic matters, guided by an indomitable energy
never before (in our opinion) equaled. Professor
Eastman has established at Ponghkeepsic, a
practical school for the times, devoted to the
training of young men and boys for a successful
start in.lifc, teaching them how to make a living,
and become actie, useful bualnefS men. As
such a school, Eastman's University ranks pre
eminently the leading, if not the only one of its
kind in the United States.
A New Thing: in the World.
Dk. C. Frakcoi'8 French Queen Strup
a sure euro for croop, whooping
cough, and severe colds which settle
on the lungs even in consumption,
chrcnic bronchitis, and catarrh.
The French Queen Syrup is one of the most
powerful remedies that has ever existed In the
world. It is an old French remAly which has
been in use in France for many years, and has
given great relief to the suffering. It Is well
recommended by all French physicians in
Europe. Be sure to get no other. Sold by all
first-class druggists and drug dealers in the
sountry, at 50 cents per bottle. Addiees Dr. C.
FRANCOIS, No. 818 Olive street. St. Louis, Mo.
ty Do not neglect a cough or cold. Ellcrt's
Extract of Tar and Wild Cherry is a standard
remedy, and will cure a cough in half the time
rcquiied by ordinary remedies. In asthmatic
and bronchial affections, and all throat and
breast diseases, it is truly a great medicine, and
has saved many valuable lives. Sold by all
Dr. McAFFKK A regular graduate of Brltisn
and American institutes. 20 years a practicing
hynician. Treats all Diseases of the Kidneys,
lver. Lungs, Heart, Throat, lit id and Nervous
system. Errors of Youth and Abuses oi Man
hood successlully treated and even alter others
have failed. $luU forfeit for any case ol Seminal
Weakness or private disease of any kind er char
actcr he undertakes .and fails to cure. Ladies
will find proper treatment for disease peculiar
to their sex. All letters containing stamps for
reply promptly answered.
Consultalionfree. Send for circular. Address
Lock Box 2t0, or call at office, 317 Perry street,
Davenport, Iowa.
A Sewing MachlneforJMO, Keducril from
CO. Tnere is no more important subject of
selection presented to the family than thai ot the
tcwing machine, lor it involves questions of
economy, durability, case, convenience, and even
that of Health. The machiuo which most nearly
complies with all these vital qualifications is the
Home, for which Johnson, Clark & Co., Ill State
St., Chicago, are general sgents in the United
Slates. As its name implies, it is a machine for
the family; it is ligut, yet strong, easy running
and swift, simple in construction, and complete
in its work. It sews tho back stitch, and Is
adapted to every fabric that entcis into domestic
life, performing its task In a manner unsurpassed
by any other machine. To still more popularize
tnis machine and place It within the reach of all,
the price has been reduced from 60 to $40. II
you wish a machine, do not delay longer, but
send for circnlars and terms. Seeadvertlicment.
Schenck'c Mandrake Pills will be found to
possess those qualities necessary to the total
eradication of all bilious attacks, prompt to
start the secretions of the liver, and give a healthy
tone to the entire system. Indeed, it Is no ordi
nary discovery In medical sclsnce to have InvcLt
cd a remedy for these stubborn complaints,
which develop all the results produced by a here
tofore free use of calrmel, a mineral J ustly dreaded
by mankind, and acknowledged to be destructive
in the extreme to the human system. That the
properties of certain vegetables comprise all the
virtues of calomel, without Its injurious tenden
cies. Is now an admitted fact, rendered indisput
able by scientific researches; and thee who nse
the Mandrake Pills will be fallr satisfied that the
best medicines are those provided by nature In
the common toots and herbs of the fields.
These pills open the bowels and correct all
bilious derangements without salivation or any
of the injurious effects of calomel or other poi
sons. The secretion of bile is promoted by these
pills, as will be seen by the altered color of the
stools, and disappearing of the sallow complex
ion and cleansing of the tongue.
Ample directions for use accompany each box
of pills.
Prepared only by J. U. Schcnck & Son, at their
principal office, corner Sixth and Arch streets,
Philadelphia, and for sale by all druggists and
dealer. Price 55 cents ner box.
Fancy Cards, 7 styles, with name, 10c. Ad
dress J. B. Una ted, Naasna Renns. Co.. N. Y.
OOTPBINTrf of the Area.
and CeateasUal History.
Goodspeed's Book, Bible and
Map House. Chicago.
WANTKUto sell Bantea'
Ceateanlal History of tKe
U.S. Good commissions to
good agents. Address
Publishers. Chicago, 111
The Railroad Watch.
The most economical Watch ever
manufactured; an extra fine Watch
adjusted to heat or cold: equal for
accuracy of time to a 9ZSO Gold
Watch. Sent to any address C. O. D.
S4.QO. Enclose stamp for circnlars
and testimonials. Address Great
Western Wateh Works, Chicago.
The Great JUxcelsior
Well Boring an. Mining Machine.
This Is the only perfect well boring machine
of the age; bores a hole 2, 8, 3.or4 feet In
diameter, at the rate of from 30 to 0 feet per day
and bricks or tubes the same from the top with
oat any one going below the surface. Thousands
oT dollars made by operating and selling these
machines. Write for price or machine and com
mission to agents to HEWITT EVELETH,
ropnetors and Mannfactarers. Kaciae. Wis.
BOYS and MUMUe-Arf MKM, trained for a
successful start in Business Ufa at Eastman Col
lege. The oldest. largest aad only Institution
that gives an Actual Business Practice. Currency
and Merchandise used have a real value. Eaca
day's transactions based on quotations of New
York Market. New BaDdinn. Ratea low.
Graduates assisted to situations. Applicants re
ceived any week day. Refer to Patrons and
Graduates in nearly every city andjowm.
Adoress xor particulars aM
Catalogue of 3,000
Graduates In Basiaess.
Pongkkeepsle. N. Y.
la leva.
Upon imBroval ftissl la naia nf
wards, for a termors to a years: Uteres i at
t W
percent., payable 1 sauaally.
Funds snppUeiha. saoar sotmb aad at n
bcobo batb of rosnilisfcm. Apply to
i Cosatfl lags. loam'
alfctMate History ever waUsaed. Wswaat
180 saetftUc ate to canvass mn vosrma ea
txtra tarns. X. 8. PtALE CO., CUM, I1L
rvr ji
A Large Weekly Paper, at Des Motnes. Iowa.
Devoted to tho Interests of Parsers.
A Farmer's Paper. Price, 1.50n Tenr.
A Commercial Paper.
A Family Paper,
A News Paper,
A OriDce Pnprr,
W. Dlmux Wiwos, J tiro. Willuk Joxx.
Associate Editor. I Pnbllsher.
TTTfTI know on CwuruMp, Mir-
GUIDE Manttsass
AND ot Ukhiu1 rrHrcv,Phl-
their eirnr. ana can. tttu on .u mtm intrttn, n
explaining thtiresuM, tjmptotn and meani to rnr
utaaonlr raany Kirnuic .on oruf lira errr
id. cootAlnj BcmrtT aBO nun and It fomdrtr in rvrry it
Stnt by Mali woirrly Mld on rrmpl ol M cU. 'Ad'
to umr,
Stocking Supporter
Or Udia' Carsaet Suptad-r.
adopted and recommended
b r the Ladlei' I)ms Itrform
Committee of tho United
States. An aentw anted lu
cerytqwn. Sample sent
by mall-TV:. AiMn'-Korcall.
82 rT.XadIoaM.,'hlrairo
Lock Box M I. Kooinl.
Patent Stove Pipe Shelves.
igJgygV,, Over 200,000 already
sold. Agents wantet
all over the TJ. S. Pricx
to Agents reduced.
Saxnplo sent for 12.00
0. B. Olmsted, Beloit. Wis
Also Manufacturer i
lsxlipae Wind atTlUTAldrirh (vimlM til.
Pumps, etc. Send for Circular.
Sarsaparillian anil its Associates.
Carnages as Seen aad Felt aa They Daili
Occar after Using; a Few Doses of
I. Ooc spirits, aisafMsnass wtaknMS. Unraor.
iltath-ilj- iaensM aad bardaMS of 8m& aad moselea, U.
Z. atnagta iaenaaM. appstits UaprorM, rtlUh for food.
no mors soar .nictations or vaurbrwa. good digwUoa,
ala aal andUtortod alsop, awak.a fmh aad ritoron.
5. DitappMnaes of pots, bloteboa. pinplts; th. akia
looks eUar aad ksalthy. tio aria eaaaftd from lu tarbld
aad oloady appaarano. to a altar sbnrj or amUr colon
rattrpasMS frosty firea th. bladdor taroach th. nntara
without rla or sealaiaf; UttUoraossdUMat; no pala or
4. Markod dlalaatlsa of qmaatlty aad frwraoaer of la
Tolaatar wtakoaiag dischargm (if aSleUd that way), wiia
oartalatjof Bsmaasatenra. IncnaMd ttroatth .ahibiud
la th. soentlaf t'cads, aad faaotwaal hanaoay rottortt
to Um MTtral orgaaa.
ft. Tollow ting oa tho whits of tho orss. aad the iwartbr.
ssfroa appoaraaos of tho akia ebaagd to a char, Uvolj
aad boaltby oolor.
6. Tho. raffsriag from woak or alomtod Inn or
tabtrelM will rtallM gnu boaoflt la .tpootoratiaa fredr
th. touch phltgo or anens froa th. Uagt, air e. Us. troacht
r wiadplp. throat or bead: diminishing of tho frwiaoaer
of eongh; central lnerew. of stroagth throughout th. sj.
Um: stoppag. f sight iwwtl aad paias aad ruling of
woakact aroun tho aaklM, logs shoaldors, ota; eeuatiom
f eold aad chills, mbm of mffbcatloa; bard breathing aad
paroiims of congh oa lying down or ariiiag la th. morn
tag. All thM dutroitiag sjmptoaa gradnallj aad saralj
dU appear.
7? Aj day after day tho flAMArAKlXI.IAlf Is
taken, sew tlgm of returning health will appou; aa th.
bltod ixaprorei is stroagth aad parity, disease will dlmla
bh. and U foreign aad iaporo deposit, node, tamers,
sneer, hard lomr. et&. b. reaolTCd away and th. unoun.
aad. sound and healthy; olosr. fTer son., eyphilHJo son.
aroaieekin diseases gradually disappear- ....
8. la easts where tho system baa beta sallTaud, aad
Mercury, Qoicksilfer, CorroslTO SaUinau (tho principle
constituent of the advertised carMparillas) associated la
soma case with Ilyd. of Potass,) bars aeeuaolated aad
become deposited la tho bones. joinU, eta, causing carle of
th. bones, rickets, (pinal eurratures, contortion, white
swellings, vanoo. Tela, etc, tho IABIIP1BIIi
LIAN will resolToaway these deposit aad aztermiaate
th. Tins of th. disease from th. sjsua.
9. If tho. who are taking the, medicine for th ear
of Chronic, Scrofulous or Byrhilitla disease, bowertr slow
may U the cure, "feel better, aad Had their general health
ImproTing, their fleeh aad weight iaeroatiagor oven keeping
Its own. it is a rsr sign that tho euro I progressing. In
these diseases th patient either gets better or worn th
virus of th. disease is not Inactive; If not amited aad driria
from the blood, it will spread aad eontiau. to undermine th
constitution. As soon a th NAEIAPABILLIaN
make the tiUent 'feel better," overy hour you will grow
better and Increase la health, strength aad flesh.
The great power of this rmdyU la disease that threaten
death a In Consumption of the Lung aad Tuberculous
Phthisis. Scrofula, Hjr hllold Diseases, Wasting. Degeaon
tiuand UlrrraUon of tho Kidneys, Diabetes, Stoppag of
Water (irwd'.u nou relief afforded where catheters Ear.
to be u-. t'..u doing away with th. painful operation of
uingtlieeoiuttrumenU), dissolving stone in th. bladJer,
and in all cases of Inflammation of th Bladder and Kid
aevv inchunioeaesof Leucorrhea aad Uterine disease.
In tumors, node, bard lamp and syphiloid nicer; la
dropsy; in venereal soro throat, ulcers, aad ia tubercle ot
th. lunge ia goat, dyspepsia, rheumatism, rickets; in mr
eurist deposits it Is In these terrible fosms of disease, wber
th human body haa become complete wreck, aad where
eve or boor ofezlsteae 1 torture, wherein this great remedy
challenge th astonishment aad admiration of th sick, ft
is in such case, where all the pleasures of aiUtenc. appax
cut off from the unfortunate, and by it wonderful, almost
supernatural agency, it restores the hopsless to a new life
and new existence where this great remedy stands alaa la
IU might and power.
In th ordinsry skia diseases that every ea I acta
leee troutW itfi. a few dote will in met cases, aad a frw
bottle la ui nor aggravated forms, work a paraaasal
Tho. afflicted with ehrenle disease should purchas a
pwekag. containing one down bottles, rrie Sjlfj pr doom.
er as per half doles kettle, or 91 per bottle, gold bfl
Will AlTord Instant Ease.
Tb applicatlaa of th IKABT atELICr to th.
saner part wber th pais r diacolty xiu will afford
aad comfort.
Twenty drop la half a tamWer of waur will, la a few
Traveler should always earry a bottte f M Aa W A T
BUCf with them. A few drop la water vill rrsvsal
ukaoas or pia froa ebaags of waur.
Price 5 Ceata. Sold bj Druggists.
PcrfoeUy TMtelosa, teaawy waked with mat gum. paraa,
rola.rnry. cleanse aad stTMCthra. aXAWATTfl
ttXlJa, ter th. car ef aa diso-atr of Cos) ",
Liver, Bevel, atodacyr. Bladders, Herros DiataM. Head
ache, Constipation Cmtivm ladigMaoa. Drspetta.
RiIhoejwoM. BUlioM Taer. IaSaaaatioa ef th. fiewass.
Filea, aad all DeramgeacaU of th. Internal Viarwra. Wa
noted u aet a pcativ. earn. Purely vigtaile awsaia
a MBxBy,airJstdJrtrrioMdraa fljj
SMTOMrts taej fcttowiagsjaituasreaal'iagtSa a
etgeftMiCTaaatT Orgaac
C scipation. la van rue.. fnUaaM ef the Btoed IB IS
Head. Acidity of th. Stomach. Nnasa. Ueaetirurn. Dime
ef Fotd. Fullness er Weight ia th. Stomach. Sur EracSa
tws Siakiag er Ffoaenaf at tb. Pit ef th. riiesaik.
Bwiassiag of th Head. Mamed aad Disacalt Breathing.
Flattering at tb yeas. Choking or awffatasiag SesMtieas
nisamuiaaw, iissme T via
before th. . Tew aatd DU Paia ia
eyes rvTCaaacej; asiiewn
bi th. f i. fkart. "-i
tka kkia a4 Zree. Pata
a rhMkssj ef Hea
AIM nJaAatWAYS aTtU. QX frw ate
sjisfiaaaR a lfT aaaed dlswscra. Brfr SB
asabfeaarsjasu bold bt dbccoist.
Tab. laawmatiw wsMk
'XLnfXA aad aTatW TOMMJ Tas
rljai Tjka'tBslr bbbm tv waawtrt
bbbbbbbTsiJ- affafafr
fsBBBBTBTa " aafaf
oWNyStasJyw; gasT SsaW
dgaaaaaasV? " "
Viliratiii;? Harrows anil Equalizers.
Our XX .Stirring l'luw nccr tail H scour even In nu: dlrilcslt soils m fcmiulrc of jour Uxal
dea'cT bWorc jMirchapItig
asaaassasas! .Qr asnw'aasB""'"
I - f - - 3
r a HaiBLaaC,v
Baa Ssrw wABwBassasasaBs
Send for osr Descriptive Circnlars and Late Terms to Cash Purchasers.
Agents Wanted Everywhere. Addrcjw
141 State Street, Chicago, 111.
Dr. Whittier,
617 St. Charles Street. St. Louis. Mo.
ArrcuI&rgralatoftwoMo!lct Cc'crf.baibrrnliirrenfsd
In tne i-til trf stmrnt r Vcnrral and itexua! Diiruw ttuo
or olbfr Phr.lelin ia bt. Louu, at cllj fprt i!ir, u4 all
oil rtskltfiU SDOW.
Syphilis, Gonorrhea. Gleet, Stricture. Orchitis,
Rupture. allUrinary Diteates and Syphilitic or mer
curial affections of the throat, eliin or boneo. - in-.!'
with unparalltlnl aaeceu.oa tcLnilnc nocl l SiUlj, frit atrl.
Spermatorrhoea, Sexual Debility and Impotceny,
as tb. rtultofSlf abuw la joutn.attnalcinawi la maturerjMi?
orol&er caur, ant which pfodaev aro?of the following tcrrta
arrvouanritra.lQBlriultalona,i2cMlltj.t!linnri4of tlffbt,derli
omorj, pltnptra oa th frv. r !jUaI decay. arrriMo la aorirtv
of female, e'ufU4la of Mraj. 2o4 of actual ;mrr. .ur . rvaU.ritit,
maniacs improper or unhappy, ar prrnianrntlr euro-i
CotnaluUoa itwlmorbj mall frtr. ao 1 Imltol.a rilrujlj talk
or his oplolon coiti nothing. Mntklorcao ho nt br rit "" or
mail, turn OuaranUr.1. OBI-. baun A U M T I U Man
Ujs.lrU.tal P M. Iampbl-t. toauTsdJrrterur iiiiiudm
MANHQQIV-AII about it. for 15 Ccnti.
WOMsOfHOOD Every woman wants it. lOct
Bent Sealed, both for 20 cent. Also In Oerman. bound
together. Illustrated, for 18 cent, llrnlt br mail.
Also In Elegant Cloth and Ollt Binding. U60 pages.
chaste EngTurlnc. Bent soiled for 60 cent.
. 11 IB
0r nrtj woo4trlul ru ; iciurra, true to Uu. ariku-i on th. loi
lnving satjMU : Hbomir outrj.ahuM. hr l'nir !u
marry. Who marry flrat. Manhot. VTuaaahuol. rhjlcl Jai
1 bt fffru of celibacy ulnnn U'hnshouM marry . Ho. Ufa ao-1
hmpplcraa may blacrra.l Th rhTaktlitT of Hfrui!iictiH), a nu,
ar more. Thoae marrle,l or cobtrtnplatlojt marrlaf e thoull reat It.
After a Uflooc practk. 1 ataf rt from human aa w.ll aa moral
eooTlclioo, It eaght to b rra.l by all aJult .rvo. then locked
np.Dot lalj arcunlor lrjet. aait la worthy of rr-raJli(. Itcoa
uioa the cream of literature on thla subject.
vxw ixpsovxd
T.Ibsral tsnna to AjjeaU and th Trada,
Price List aad Terms on application.
Address, GKOVEB 4 BAKEIl S. M. CO.
lMSuteSL, Chicago, 111
70S Chestnut St.. ST. LOUIS, MO.
TnfrUton ar rhjilclaas (rtcnlar sradaatra) har1nj allfs-Uwj
rractlee. ThOMUrrlsteMtnctlrdlaar.(casMb7SKrTltAh
ltof tU. orj txms), ajch as BpermaWiThc). Seminal
wr. am eew. jTerroua Debility aad Impoteney. ad thiir
rare, Urtmlmt errmftn. incapttttm fr marrUtt er SwaV
-...uvtI:-rawlU ntrmtnu, ra e f-
. arsasaves. . Lodf mnd nlnd. At., aiao rwot or okl iuh of
Olct.Oonorrbc. Btrioture. ait &ra SyDhllla. arti
K?Z?2Z!.Zftn ". . : .. . W
CAJf CUB.K. uW; aa.1 peraaaUy ; aralicatlas aU rlmu tnm
tasjicm. Caarjaa aolrrata. Tnatsmst.aratawxraJTacyl prt
aaMytorraiel a ilisueee CoaualUUoas r. aU er wrV.
PrtTat. Btodloal Onldtitla aUi m-j. tut iniue).
Grt Meertj aaj labrssatloti tororrU& sa4 static-totk a-iee.
HUUUparfau Uw u k keaiuty, baaUral ttlMm (lno
artlrli) aeslraO. art fSo bfeaa4 rMalala tr, M.a
bowt ao4 'rBaua9ai. UtJtial attm act rervriMlaas. ft.'.! aa
mat prl'ato aSartloas lu-llou to marrta K. Akwlbr
rriTawrnrcr Sat a-rarljal4((o.Usaib1i loraSeu. it-
-" wwuw. anucai usuraie.7SBtuaiiri,si.lka
s K'. -' - Vrrne c r- f jt Kpl!rr7
r FltH, ST- IVnt Daaco. arfi a:i cerrou iet
wt suaranteX iod Lr Ctrcujn Aiitcu Xjn.
icsh, 507 CarrsU As., Oucao. 12.
l-OCV1! VSX.T OW-.
?& t
aUsOXaXJaXb (UU CUy lMriCscrir.
O. ftAJSata. Brtsjr.
liS 41 0 WalsviVaT7 SAuXsss-sCIKlOa
Too wlH Sad ! stjl. bat toon t1 eoeafcart tta&
saaj as oi anater srtuiaaaout asd aic&ar acasea.
fl.fO to $2.00 A PAT,
laecrdlaf fc Eea. T01Ua KMBJUOT. Ft
' " rAWr bbb .asBBsaaf
i-" vjFiSmm
jF axrT.'--'
.Monmouth, III.,
Manufacturer of thecctc
Clipper Plows,
Sulky Solf-Dumpin,
ami HrttitM'UBtplntr
Any jcrpon u anting
A FltK'!asv Light Kubbib? and
Katllj flnuagrtl Skattle
Sorclnir Jfarhiar,
"lil find It r ltupntatico to fend to ux f
our latest term? to jmrchaffrr. a. wc offer
Large Discounts
sedfrmi MACHINES ON TIM A I. to an ,
part cf the Norths est.
It Coata Mottuue; to Try thn '
As wo hear all the czpenrer. If ant acrcptcih
CASH nucE, io.
SS )
Ar.d JsZtntak jOitiiUff
1. Klght Kmtnent 1'rofraaorB ss-Itistrtictors.
2. Thn Ilest and Miwt Klenat Kuomaln the tVeat.
3. Iloairdlns: Cluti. ()xxl Hoard about 93 pvr wcwK.
4. Three Klrst-clasa I'entnen constantly employ 1
0. Individual and Superior lostrBctlonlrtlknikycrpInf
6. Commcrctal Law tnralusba ttbualBainrn.
7. Conimerclal Arithmetic- tharooghMalDracitral.
H. t'neuled Adranta;e for IralBTarrnplir
ft. Thrac atlrantairea arc afforded by HQ eTHBa acuuux.
Addrt-ts, for I trrulana.
l'Iuic wtntf where yoo yaw th..
Important to Granfers and All Corners
Wholesale Grocers !
44 Mat Hi., ChlrieB. HI.
Mke a specialty of supplying lrit;e and
Club with Tosw, t'ttnVa. .Splrra. Krulta mimI
(Innrrnl (irorrrloa In an desired uantlt (
at vckolttate prictM. Nat f fart Inn nuaranteid
tatr-Clrculars with fall ixplanntlin mid new
price Met an: now ready and will lo vent to any
person rt-qtioKtlni: the raiui.
Thrnugliont the Unlti-tl SUtrn.
THK l'.'antrr of Lonllaia arn anxloiia to lu-nl-li
tliflr Ilrtdh. r Tntron" In the North and
West with pure and unadultiTn'id sasar. tnolaa
se, rice, etc., dliectly from th Ir plantation.
Send a postal card with jour uame and ro.U
ufllce address to
.Stwte (Irnnc Act-nl for I.olIina,
andycu 111 receive In return (po.tpald)a pan.
pblet conlalntcK the dlaVrtnt j:rvlo of nujiar
mola-a.-P, rice, cofloo. ate. with advice a to bow
to oidtr. Tim clrcalor also fnralstir full list of
rrelglit rates ft urn New Otleann fo tauitit In the
North snd Went.
Wyoming Monthly
Lealircd by aathotltofan act of the I.eS!IrCT.
AffcntM Special Drauiii.
Only B BOO Tlekatta Send tor partlnslarr
and c-t a ticket
A cent wanted..
Ls ramie City. Wyomlr.r
19 and i'l canal M., bt" R a "uinton aad lUn
w.II. LEi, - Minajrrr
OliCi .t.Te7, cennC llh a Brst rlas Mar
Hpeclalty Company. All the leading artlsU.
or tho day In rapid socceaalon and constantly
ensssed. Lllorsand travelcm who wlh to en
Jor n hour of fun and amnsemect shou'd not
fall to Tlslt the l'arls. Onr reals of prices the
loweatln the world :-I5 ,t. , 2J ct... 11 10 snd
.C. Af.rsndOalalllll every Sunday evenlnit.
Hin. ata M
It aaomai cacrarixa, aa4 ui.a TitaiM laWiaai
t Ir." U,.Y1T"V? T " eeuw eua It I.
-.-- " -.nm.i
ailiitn.l mr..w
as f 10; eorr rnarsmsL t
rim. Wfnamamr er L ti &
t. i. i -T wni-a
eaJed.for2SBBBBa. OTliriZZ ?IaT !" t
m.m.utarj-mmm rvuimffJH-,-
cpee,iry rid hT DR. KFX-K-H r.zir krnm am
fur Keojeriy. Ass ClfAaUil, far treareat
usul cupl. CaU on or viir
It. 3. & MCI. 113 ;ba St. CisefsfiAti, 0.
1919. postpaid. tLea
A Meatttlr Marsala for Teunet Ur.
Svtmmmlt Iu.crnjkTz. Ca?-.c ! cat for
a .ample aaabtr. MajbaHW JtOW flB7Si
aad jet the las: aasaVrr of UI jear rfxKic.
?2 Brooai aWIa lHret. Hkssss.
by Ksdlsr S4 ?S for as. ava Smt.. -j
mi WEEKLY TRIBCNK (reralar pritt a()
or J5.T5 for th XasazlM aad THK SMli
WXSKLT TSIBUXS (rrs!r prta S3.) A4-
.WBafaWMUKsrWrn iVlW
tflZSyr"mf & rrit WtXB lTX.
? rM'id. Fmfrtf. - Tin i MMMM.
yvKwrmMut ecu WtstaTJS. Caassasja. flt.
"" tamoaat aierBj. r U.1
ar laieaaatatU
Ity. tic lUaiamcm
Ttsaax sary. Tmm
frtaaasj Vl. ttmm Mala. tmT
FFY P1CQ If 7c vast a 1b lot erpsw
aaaas a ttf t. -
""" " '
aiar CTnHc i7i
9 (J
It rii. asoresa
KJtV J. D.TAS aXaX5.