TL-c xu&ig'g-s:ycHp' li . i. ;2j & -33b frtf-fc..- fr -- W ', M " , ft " '2 f "" 5 1 -"?-. - . t y v I 1 b 4 -&F"' -1 if - 'IX ,v 4 ' f 'i i-S.VE.SS I fi: E( 'TO li Y Attorney at Law. . X. W. TUMiJEYS, HQiSCEQPATRIOPKYSIGIAN r. K. WILhfoX. J. S. A.M. Willeox o& Cffilha2 ATTORNEYS AT LAW, "Wii! Practice in all the Courts, oftht; State. VF3 Collection Piomptly Attended fo i) F F(JE IN' I jsr O F F I C F i;uii.!in. Red Cloud. ... Neb. U. S. l'ENSK2 SC1I0EON. Ofiic Eccidesco Cnc THE RED CLOUD CHIEF partc :-oii to tiu. itu www 1 some misunderstanding, aa-1 a great deal of rrowlin-..' aboti the departure RED CLOLD, NLUKAMtA. ofmai frou, th, offl5rf: frcC ruJIow;n A"0 TICK. .M . ri,jos atl r,itirv iioirr- wii; i) LOCAL MATTER?. J an,j enforced, in the future itio'iiiiinti'li, Nt-1'. Janniry -"th, t ". J rules and ollirv hi:Y- will be observed t Conwhiint 1 Mn I WF1 1 ' W F f I -2 ' I ui.hh. . uj-.m. . .MARTIN PCPKAl All wanting well- Uirf will do well to call itjm.-' W. W. H.vuvky, I ii.i vale, WelMirC-v, cb. Ici-fLaxl notes taken ifJerfred. 10HP iSUKKX'wff II. S KALF.Y, , ATTORNEY AT LAW, N0TA3Y PLTLIC A17D ZiSAL 237AT3 ACfSNT. lit'rt Ootid, Ndtrtiikn. JoHtity H:tH.iintrinii-nl oj I'nU't In .t(,t Helton. Cokb. fla nusit & Moore, I.AWVRliS, LINCOLN, NERKASKA. tieifu 'tit! li in :il mi nice lit 'n-h fcrm f Jlir llt-i d'iT !Jiir! 'if tiic -i-i-nl ciu:itiut-in tli.j lic-i:i!ilic.i) Valley Z 1 A. II. iS'V'KS. J.. i.At:ti AtZ'n&gs at liaisr an:- HEAL LSTAT1-: AtJKNTS. fiU1" 1V tract it r in' all the C'nuls the ?$late. iri- tunes " .sMii'uri urown rniu.-t e 'M dortr outl offurt llou-e - ZvU MaiU K.-..i. tl,. office in the ism : ,w.n :,,K 'r "ra m.iomi:iii, ii.ue .- -.-T..., t llils 2a:t :f ?.si Irci -. --. . r-,.. ..;n .;. i ... i r-'J,,V ''. -;rl ,, ,a. r:'..?; - - - " " " .ArrlVMl n.t lprii.r r Jia.U Jrrs .Jle(1 n Sul)jay Office hours W. m Wal.-tiT .MBntv.' .WLrnAa. M 'ij ft) '& $ j ( jA'jlV it. II. SUEllEK. rro,u tn, n... c.,u., wr,i b. from s a.m. to 4 . ... .. ! J'' lw V' ' T1 ! -J- iW, . IfvT Fjeavc , Mondays . . , . , i en'ry: the nl jurti.'s ate hereby ., ,. ., -'l.-" !.'. ..,! MiilavTa 111. week UJJ3.4 lo 6 p. OU Fuinlay. UmiimouMl t.. ai.r-ir :.t tl.U on L U- l oTTK- - - - - Prop. . - -.. r". Mnil c1hm I 0 i. m. Anive? Tnc diiyThutday and Saturday'? 7 p. n:. HAJtVAiti Jiaves Tihj-day's and Kridjv'- r p in. iirrive Tuesdaj's :.-nd Vrhhyib p. w. 3IaH" closed .ri ji. m. Fra.nki.i.v, iroirnr oist, Monday' run 'I 'hiiimi:iv'- 3 ii. m. (Join:: wet Republican RiVe? j;,y, un Friday', li) a. ui. l't.i:AA.JT fltl.r leavo Thur.-days G ITastaily 3?aaysifi;issii. 0E:3 :a-0it7 Driic Store. iu:i cLuin. :;c::kaska. .M. U. 3I6NITT. V. M. I tl2!'-t ..iv .:' Kebniarr. 17. nr 1 (Vh paid for egg dt.nvorcr at J J,'",r!r :- " w rTIwn,I a,, 1 fWh ai" -UJ' ' ' - .... , j- te.;::ininy wMieeruin hatd alleged e alley Hou-e. ! abandonment lVp'e at hr,e can tin 1 cnnianily th 'Wu.ntkd A kooiJ S'rl (a do vro:k at the ValLy llouso. Th.i.-n; wanting w:'l do veil to call soon. Wki:-ti:u Katon, I-ci-tor. I5 It i.s WoiiTirX'!, Kcceivtr. soncu. STACK LINK- HASTINGS ant! RED CLOUD. -J. C. Wolf !., newely eloctcK ,- h ()..nci. Ju-'i-e lor tin- pr cmct wn? jaalR; j li!oo:Miit!tmi. Nh. on Saturday the Sth and his pndec- f January ti:h 17'". I hall be p'.-T!" d to cai rv passenper .. i. . .1... . ,.: i i. .. .:.... i.. iitiuu Liii; iiu uji;iii!i.fiii-.. i.nv tii uv I Cloud at li a M on Minidaj. Wedno davsund h'li'ln-. I wi'. iiifi llastmj: at 0 A. 51., ju Tue.d."7j, Thursdays i : :i... Fare reaonab! byvu left fur his homy Wednesday a. m. Arrive- Wednesday ! p. ni ' -Mail elided 'j p. m'. i.ikwki.l. Kan.-a. arrive- 1'ridayja i i - l.:.!..,. i . ... ,.--" I -. III. ii'.i.t-T ;.('MJ i j'. " ilegular triiis, will be uiade U lw.- n ,. .- ; T,,aray' .... . - 1 -v la i.i. Ji0.ivc.-5 Lhuday I p. m ) nion.inir. lie tut, been iritmp hi- iei- Oftee open trow 4 untiil t) p. ui. , atne-and trien.1.-: in thla place an 1 All reawtered matf-r nm-t be in the evening befiiro fhe nir;i!.- leava M. V.. M N'irr. P.M. ) f I not beinu aware of ih'n- faet mnriicdu I Cuiuplaint having t.een enter! at ,.rt,r..V ,. S'lir..!? rh. 0'h " ',!-v 'V . ' :.V-" " i5P"K'T nri Inn 1 L-n:V'r, Lath, huile.-, Sa.-h, lKior-and Hliu L-. Building Paper and Mould ings. Pine and Hard wood LUMBER. RED CLOUD BREWERY, J. BERENZEN & CO.. Webster Street. No. IG5. a ;oon i'Chw authm.k of kakk jkkk cwr..s n. Ziif" Vt'l.t"l iciU bt tuhai iii rxrh,vuit i v II v ' I) I lll.l" f .y.i. - ajiui-i .iiuii i u. niM ior anan- ( fur iitimirr. in. m u :iii;;iv, Mr. (Ijte-s of Whim !'.:' Co. doni;u hi- hi nie-t-a 1 enrv. No. 7110 .Uteii April J-t, i.. upon rne ne, and oj -:, e -JJ. r.iwnhin A) fur, r:::;'e U we-t, !:i U'cb-ter county N"hr.i-ka. witli a vi-T tn tliM-a'i 'o i rion of.said en'ry : thf partie-are lnreby sinunnneil to aipeir at thi 'th"ft n the -! it day of Feliruary, Io70, at '.."o'el-jek, a. m.. to re-porvl. and fiutiKh te-tiniony concerning a"ni alleged ibatidimni'iit. will rctuni sotsn to tay. Mr Ja- Gilhani ha pone to Kearney. t alfiTid a- inetinx of Co. Superltituudeuts culled by the-Stutu Sunt. .V, "c. r"- s "a."- ji' i,-'- S. Garser 1 Co. 1T33SAS2A w. i.ti.i. i.'..rv !...:... :i.nVf.f.r1M'!MMV.II Mlll)(HL.! -Hlr .'.T .T, Tv.r I.'l w..,t nv.T wilJl ... " . '." 'V .."" '" 'i .' l ' "- ; w.r.inr.anw.iaN v. it j "-. f v-. -- - - i .. .j. jy.vN WoltTIIIM'.. ItecelVCr. ' eiiy tir.-t sum tliiui ab- , the mail on .'londay, and u'liseucnt- IiKAl.KU IN I 1...1., ! I !. .. Ma I 'I. ..1.1 Half 2' Mi & Mtt,f?X :,d Inavale. 7'. o'clock P. 51 at lird CI. Hid. - o'clock I'. .M. at In- :iv::lv. Kvery socinid and fouith Deal iistate Agents, -.&c. W. :; Kir 1 Utl.auN, .1. A. TUhLB YS "v Richardson & Tulleys. P.-:.iL 23TAT3 & COL'CTZNtf CtZInTS Wii! l!i !!! m-II lit:il K-t tc mi ('niiiii!--?...! i L: iv i io fip :iiri-re.-,ili i.t-. "-J- --i-I lll.'lil'.ill ClVCIl tlU'lll!."!!"!!". fttf r" I 'iii'i .ioSiciti'l. Aj'l I.Micis.iJ"Jij(uiry. i., (. '. .. ir.ii!illy an.-i. oruJ. I:KI)."L-)IJI), ----- NFJt. SeorW. Sheppard, fLa:crU. S". Land OiHif, IMoo-mii-tOll, Nrb. ) COVHllNMF.NT IN TUB S. 2. HOLKLS, ?r:pr!ct:r. Thi.- Stji-e L'i'V inimim: fioin B-oomiuptoti to Cuido I5n(k connects with the lint (nun the ninth, af.-o the onr ciiniititr fr-iiii In -ousii. Artic-:it iti'.itMiiird ' 'mm I hi- wt Ionda-and 'l'hm-da-, and seturu Tn.' das and Fii lay-. (Ii-ivl ttini' ; -ubcr drivers and nin foi'tabic u.von-. HAKPTGW & BAL3T0H. Red Cloud. Having !e;i-;il the Vi":ii:hi and I Hack --mull ltp, late!'.' oci'tipted by Ira SicepiT, an- now i-pired to do uveiy thiujf in the line of WAGON-SI AKIJr(i AX1 Sab.:-!h- at Iiatin and Harmony riM-iiRti. tti.v. A. Maxwell, i'a-tor. h IJA1TTST CIirBCIL Rev. To. M; M.iiW, 1'a-tor. .Service evciy ! fourth Sabbat it at " r. 51. ?aij:saiii ScH.niM, every- Sabbath' a' In i. 51. .1. Q. FOTTF.K, Slipt. i.lin U.Wi WxWMMVJ NOTICE. ; -:F UT.:fiT;;!vri C. S. L'.M.OlTM'K ). BldliUilhtun, Neb January 10th. ls7'. J ('(mplaint havinp lurn cnti-rcd at', , thi- olli.-e by Wondaline Hetz apiinst Ulau ll,t,K Wiiha.i: IJ. -MeCIclhsn for abandonimr Ki. Chief: Alb ly tin1 until armed thnn the 15. K. on Tue.-dy st 4 o'clock; V. M. C. 1'ott.r is putting ipiito a stock of Lumber into in. aru opposite the l'o,t Office. The Minstrel of thi-. placo went to Kiverton last Monday nipht and pave one of their entertainmenti to the ".'eiieral satisilicaiou of ..!!. Last Sabbath i", enini; we liitoned with a great deal of interest and pleas ure to a diseour-e from I'rof. Williams delivered at the r-chooi hou-e in thi-. place. It was truly a uifiital fca.-t, and at no time In-vc we Ii-teued to a uunder or belt.r delivered- dtrcou:-C" iUow tne thrrou'.'J: bi hoii.i-ti-afl entry, No. 1 1 ', dat-d vour piI,eri t0 1oajjl,u tin,. l. M. ai Juur i-Jjji. l7J.apo e nrthcnst Hafctills. allIMIt vlt fia.ccSal stat... ipiartei Sc J?Zt township three (J) ... , . T r:::ip ni;:e ('. we-t, in Wcb-fer county tmsiit ui bia in the la-t Journal, in N'bjr.k:i. r.iih a view to the eaucella- which he says h.i In-, paid b- money tion uf6.r:din.'ry: the said parties a:c j urdei.-, at the enonno'H e.xpei:.-e of i.cicby sunlmonf'd to appear at thb- Ui. ,.,. i., m i.,.,.. : ;,,:,.,, J ,. , , , ,. ,. , .TiMHi:' t4. liro 1 . at , liow j it luat lie mi (In 2 Jth dav ui I'Oi.ruarv. , , , 17ii at ) oVh'k a. "m., to rcsporitl J "- i t. oo-tly up there. 1 o.-t- Wisi tit-n 1 i .:.' lui-5iiii.-;i bni(irc in. Pti j i ...ii ii i!i ....,;.. ...... ill: i .. .-1.11 '-'ii .it i iiiM.iu iiii i.ii. i ... ?.-'. . a.! t.h...,lu..:i!.ifli..i- W ,-hiue X "rM" mAxX "' f.i i i1 t'Jir'f ' :ir nflieia! Vp- i .., ;'it':i -e ttt I' S. La:id t.'iiice at ntBil! si ii 1 l.'-i 'iijiotfttin. 'JIl!ClTLI'nt L IMS'LriMKNTS Kepaired on .-horr notice and in a ttn -r : :1 .r.'i u. i- t- :ir;i.iK ll-l-IiT !' "r- "tt'lVlil '!. 18" J" 1-1 JL'.ld T.JO liiT ' lit tit.- I r - :.. .. i .i a : it .-.i i t . ! .. : i r II U. .- I. I I. 1 Ijlici- IJUllltlll. t.; , a a d:i A e-i, 1- a''.i; i idy to dy v.otk in hi, lii- a: a iy lime. Call on or ...hho fii u nt Wo.:-. V. O , Wo'ii-ttfr county. N'lni-L:i. U; ?V ..j-vS. Vi.i.:--;s.i5 jiT.Odti-3a 1rc- :: ii::l Wnlp ?,sk? .- tc. WAtXo AXi i i:i;t:xis mad:: to f)tt !::. i:M!'n .t iitM.-ToN. ' '. , ; ; .v .t .' i ;; '7.-7: . .v y x. itid Jiirni-li tiMimony eoui-erninp said a!list(',d aband. 'titi. .Mil. Wimisths Katov, Ib.-pistor. L'li-iw EAN WouTlliNC.' Ueeeiyer. xdrwF j. D. VVCDD-i. I J S Land Oj kv'e, J ljiLiGturnp'on, Neb J fa ii. (it h, l7f. j Co'i'i'l dnt liavinp b'-cii entered at 'In. otHc-f j' Pavid T. Mortiv apiinst tiiur'.'e W. HuIdiTiie. ibra:i:inuoiiiinr ni- homutcutl entry. No. 'I'l'l, dated -...ji .-., .t'.-x. ,i.'i v.v jr'.in.i . I.llICl. SlJ. '2. tiU!l-!lil) t'Vn I'.'i . UI-.-1- !:: wa-t, in F:?nkhn cotrity, I Arc yen ashur.eJ to lull, or i- it be i'. --.:" ? V-, ,,,.-,. ,"-1' ' va-t- i'ttMlUltl cotl'ltV, I--"'--' yu in urn, u i" uw !1 itvl-- iL3li j.-25 N.biaska, wiih u viev. to the caned- r..u,e you didn't have any cake ? Some master- generally v.ould only be allow ed to pay $110'), at th- most, for that number -.! ordeis. If -earcety of the article Ins atiy hinq to do it, or ders must bo very soareo in your vicinity. Nel.-on iMielpi. Jt'-tica of the I'eicc of Walnut Cieek L'.ecfnet, cad cd j'c.-to.d-Ji'. Marriage-', wc learn arc quite numerous in then prirt-, but we a n't find out who, and whci it happened ! Witt .w.,!.. !,; .it.r.l.. ii,:... i.v.i,,. i huhiti of said ci.tij : the said pai.h -'- - ...... ...... ...... . aie :h relv -'lUmnotiLtl ro appear tit tills oih.-e on the tOtli-diyof February. 17(5. at I o'cljck p. u:., to respond .iial hun'i-ii te-timony eoneininij said .ilb'iri'd liiandonuient Wl-ksti.k Kahix, Kcpi-tcr. )iv- to :he pi u'tiee of medicine. Olli.vat 1. A. Williams & Co. D: Stare. us iv lJtviv.rro.v. Nku. I !?!VEin ON HOUSE. I'-'' s WimiM7, Heceiver. W. 0. T2SC?S0:, - - Pro?. SOliCJS. Vj.S. Land Ori-in. iJloouiinptou. Neli. Iee. 'J'.'th. 17"). '. Cointtlaini bavin-; been entered at .. - .t- f..-:-,.- a. ...j. ..-i. V,i!l in:ci!:iin !iis miestii: the iiio-l t. .vislw..iii!..:iiiii..uuaii.r .rfiiituiu::, li!.-mali'.-r, wirh as. jj.iod' 98 "-- , , , 1,'uk-ci;itV.inK '!; t .im ..i-l-i- i r'-rit:(ra ,n lrrfu-ni-h' -1 t! .- . -i .-.j. .. ii . ic".. (..a.i.u . '..i-.i i Y'it'10-iavdiirri-aIiiuwcivi.aJi -.lyIn-i.JaniC- .!. M.'Ulb-id lor atni .ig&u... :.-::i;5: :. HAi:M una ; ,i5 : -3- ! - ti.L,r uu.e uUt0 No tf . I ,... -,r-v. wJSAqri ' i S U't. .J)tli, li I. upon tli-j U.lii...v:'ii ... .,-!!. .o-.. . ... fled. .Cloud Miirsll - Wj ?io pjopired to dscus- "5- y'Hi,i'f',n i ? .tin .! tiriini t it mi i rm LOiliB VVOi k ' ' ' '" :n 'ted to apicar at this office on the ' ITCTAiir milO AJ3 HEAL "S7A7'2 i '"!'! 'a.v " February. IS7", at fn "- 24.fcV '. si U ;t;;u A.--?'n i .. -i .. in iu iu.-'iunu a.iu u.-ui.-u M , , . , J ti'-jimoiiy ci'iicomni said alleged T.,3'23 JvS l'-ivte.i Franklin County KcSiraska. Z-" S i'-l:i-:; ni uiiaraiitM . in j .:irl i" ir''-il? -anil t'lihrtiu- il-no in tin- i.lCltfwr'IC. body, we learn, i yoinsr to do likewise one of these days, and wc hope they'll rou.emb'r us nest timo. Waponer. ) vs V Replevin. Stauson I This cav- oa 'no of? on Tuesday be- UCr. Judge Tuiloys, and originated u: tue defendants irupounidim; tiio plaiii tifJn stoik. It was suppo.-ed by many that thi- would bring in question the anundment to the herd law but de- We notice that the pre-ent appro priatiim of i-ehoo! niontoi is about apral to fhe average; while the pre vious one, J'l-t after the la-t -o-iou of th li-gi-Iat'ire w.i.- only about one third ui'ieh. A great ciy wa"- made ag tiii-t the legislature, and soma po Iitical and pornal cipif.d wa- nnde. over tiie Jucrcasc i -c!.o?i i jtiics. lut thi- sud ien te'u;n to the u!d amount look.--a little a- if there w.u a c..t i'i the meal tub, .-omewheie. Win. MjUri le has just received .mother itiniiiv ol harne--! mate- isul, .-a d lies, btidJej, whip-, A:c. Cj and -jcc wnat Me. ha- in Ills hue. C. V. Springer recently ofihy Supciior Enterprise called yesterday. Oh Iloj.-ier liaiiuuh! thou i.eaveu in tfjiired d tun, Woo could, or woaal rc-L to covet Voar wide eon.'oe led, w'J.l uo-er.ol t oetic lame, Or wtio tii u- sen, or reudi:u!df tail to lovj it Vour li-t bj.-ii child, your ''.MeWsings ciiilstcu ' es that's the same. Your flight, fir food are high and far, proud .ird, And no d moi in Krois l-Ie the land of our .' KcuiuV' tiirtli The sjul- of patriot Irishmen will 3'et be stitrel With lapturou- strains of eloquence by you brought forth, In ovei mastering all prevailing charms ot style and word, I admire, applaud, and chcri.-h Ah llauuah 1 could low the true and t'or-'-'v!jiati'hh'Ss fs ness of the compliment, by ou to "David'' paid For sure 1 de-in, -uhhmer truth you'I be uuabie soon to tell, Ttianihit ttie sobli.-t, iiiatilicst," deed that New Ytari eve aayed. Was, that one patriot heart, should ; ilara alum: to rtivj hs country a ctn- taiiU'il Uli. Centennial Lone S'.ar. &rfj Coois anfi Groceries. f f'llv. it?t iv nrri IIii-k viirMMi.f J.inic- M. Ma Ih-id for afnn.b'nmg ! fou bljlfc 'lca ct UP thc ''re.ik!nK of a . hi- timber ouhuie entry, No. jl.i, d.i- lawful fence by plaintifi's stock. south wc-t quurii-r ee 'S' town '.',, laupe '.l wjsi, in Webster iounty, Nebra.-ka. with a view to the cineeihtion of -aid 1 entry : the .-aid panic.-are hiTiby.-um- ii :a'ity !" il nir ii t. and : sTi.m v...t:c. F-fiiii'i- -i'-I bv p-situuhir to -ecuro the bi-t ol .-cj Iwheat. r.v A. Ji ; HAAW'ER. t Sht-ier'.N DrugStoro, Hd t'ioud. .i-iv-Shaving, Shatnpooingiand Ilair- i'uttitig in thi highest, -tykjjpf the art. td DO YOU KNOW THKUKIS A Wbeieyou oati get anything ymi Want in the line of l'irre lni,i;-. Mcdi- cipc-, and in fact all aifieles u-ualiy ib-iin -i.iMi'iit. i '--ft.:: Cvjd.v. Ket;i-ier. lM l Ka: W oiniuxir, Receiver. Jadgmt'tit for plaiiiiilFIO. damage and cost-. SStfOTPS ami HUOIZH Hats Caps. & Iktti.'t Jllttdc Clothing ! We have the Largest Stock in the Vallay and will net be undersold. CIYI-: US A CALL, ONF. & ALL. Garber & Co. i7.d ltd! CojkI, Xeh T i V Iv JE The Newspaper Furnishlnfj THE MOST NEWS For the Least ffloney ! VALLEY HOUSE. J. C. (irARr35xl, rop- Is ahvay ready to itiond to ind make foiuf-ntablf hi putri n. Thi- Hotel i.-entirely now, hiving been fitted up for therxj-o purji.-e of the traveling public. 5TAOK LKVYF.S FOU THK KAILHOAO ON MMAi WHlWlDAV, A FUIDHY OF F.A(MI WMKK AT7nr.).'K A. M. I Claim to Have the BEST STABLE West of Lincoln. AIway keeping on hand a good supply of i IT A Y A N I) CI R A 1 N, AI-o a good conveyance for the purpose of convoying pas-tt mr from this place to any other ut reasonable rates. Kcil !o;i:K AlrHk:tJ TIIIH'IIICACO POST & MAIL Xnir in it f-Icii'tith your. " i- i!o i.itrnr.- k. agv ot the iiij'iiu' "ii i t- brii.i'i c uiiia Uiat it i c:iiii..iliiMil. The People's Paper ! 0. L, BATTLES & SON. PKALF.KS IN- SHELF & HEAVY HARDWARBf And all FARING MACHINERY at Grange Prices AULTMAX& TAYLOIJ TMRWHMVG ?' KK.YKS,; Foi? 2Q7 fflfirWi TTT"jTj7'TT fl SS ' Th'' v-w .:uWr't n n or ..m. P.iiljr ami 3) JL a AM iiJ'JtlLlJjiJXi 3 ' Wi'kl) nrc'tii.i'lc IviT ;i. t,, urn..- .le p;i- I jifr.- uitnin the miMUi "1 very iiinn w!i- itunr'i ti t.iKe.iuy Ki'ia ol ii nowi.; ami tlio new o' the ljy "1 iniiti-r nniortrfiico i coniSin-e I iu" ti cin'iM"! ,pnt lrmu al point jcvp"i 1" l ok'r.ipli or mail. UI all niiH.r! Jilt h.i -nini;-. Itcii r irnieral. thr- Miper tiH C':itam lull .111 1 Kratuc c- couiiL-. r ATter two yiarV of iiro'pcrlfr.'e.l iu the a-iii.ti- ul jut unlit! Iimriiturt-. itiirinc uhii Ii S. Xioiiix. is In I''cd with!' it. -.rjiici't oiiii:.itii"r.. tno inib- II?!ie fiml tli-'in. el . . in .1 o-:ti'n to pr.-m - 1 im; iuo I ipl tJlimie. hPirmninir with :. hTrt.if. ri- tin- I'- t ami Mail iir-'iui'i tc ivcit tie-t t-ir-irt.-t' tin" ml-f ! -it t tHri j 111 tli ic mini: l'r-ilentil Ciihiuuii. a well I to -While in Kiverton the other day , S I Z e Hopped at iLc Centennial Uotel ' I---J '' " 1 -fc mis volutin-. In !- 1 ,l ",r '"r Ulc we loiii' 1 1 Iv At 1-1 'Pi- 1 '..ii'iuiu iiiiii 1 (i 111 it'll- iiii;ji 1 ti; kept by I. v.. tiodndge. ibis hou-e , rilljr ukukus or aukkum, ."S' Xcilt ?SarIiiS J kl?l't in a '.ii-t-ela.-.- Diug Stnie JOHN H. DALTO. lias ju.-t opened a Meat Maiket on "Webster Street, next door south of J'lrk'sShot '.1 p where he will keep mid -ell fre-h meats, of all kinds. H HI HKST MAUIvKT PK1CK PAID FOR UKEF 0ATTLB. IIOCST AND HIDES. iil'J? Red Cloud. - - - - Keb. IIEALKUS1N Fure Wines and Liquors lor medicinal u-e. Physician pre.-ciiptions carefully compimuded day or irght. ,5QX7'Joj' fr?'iftl ictth ratprcl ami & 1 GIVE HIM A CATX. IT .- SAEE, . imn o " - 27oti:-3 m Teacicrs, No'icc is hereby given. That I fill exr.mine all person? who may deSlret CIGARS, Now llrue JiOcn-t Seed, choice quality, ivithoiid in trw fall of 187.") for .-ale by II. Mi Coiuwcrc. 17 :hit Urownviile. Neb. TH e"q,n lT" paper" i n WEHSTER CO. AND TIIE L4ltfiLVI PAl'ER IN TI1K RErUHLfVAjY is large and eouiodious and traveller will be well taken care of. Our Merchant--both Carberand Ii.Mim are erecting more curn cribs ! I bin looks like business. Last Sumbtv we hud .1 little snow' J but ""Monday it cleared ofT aud.ihle weather is as waim and delightful a3 ever. A W0ek;igO last Monday, together I- 'i;e article' on "A5t:on..-Tiy for Yourn: ." , t 1 Vnplc hivi-b"-i iTonn'e-l by the popular with other delegates Jrom tins emnty, ) Entirh A.- we attended the railroad meeting at inn wiii tc .cimuiiiwi ?t70i 1. He in Icilani" by DY VUI) TAYLOR. llirrc will be stories, l'ootns. timl Ski'ohr. by -owe of tin- M'Jt I'nii-i'ti' nf i:iii;!i;h Au thors: Arr ititi-mi-nu liuve ocen iiu-lc fir a. vny itite'e-t.'i; eri--,(l'i ip-tr oa . . I! Mr. OLIPitANf. Treat. tiz of iu lli'tory iitnl ihe C'hiM-Life of -uceciirc ! I -. 1 ilcncrition. che:sci:ta s. sos zrn WiP contribute te-the new volume. ? r.?vr vf i?pfl Wiq jrt"".Mariflrics Iiirlh-by Gift-', .ind othe."sh'jrt Muui. GT.KATKST CHiuP TO TIIK UltK.ATKiJT MMMIL'It. Lincoln. The weather wis delightful Mini nnr riil- to tin' i.-ibru.ul was one of ... ., r- 1 i I. In tho Sovp'nhi'r NmnMcr, ib ojiea pleasure. e paiu our ineuu, oro. the neTvo.aue,wts ,ijr. .m Haboi.ek of the A-iams Co. Gaztlle a very pltaaiit vi-it Jlonday night, and Thj I lily i'o't aa-l Mnil i. for it" sue. th Chf.ijtf-'t etMi'-r 1.1 th Wpi, ari'l halor yaM beu 1 iiroiiimoiit a tin- lvliu vi'Ol nent ol Chei .loiirnHlt.m. flitch mean to ziv tin i.rni.I." tlr n- tf tb dav .it thi; liwtft i -bj'tTiire. 1 he p.-Jfi-r . furui'J-.- 1 cl to 'iilifcnbers by mail. io tau i-rei.-.i'l. at follows : i:nly, ier annum 5i.-0 I Daily. 1mvuttl "f ix tn-h '..fl " IirMii'i r- f-"-"- i'F Tr- t" """t- -- "i T)- ' J-Iea than Hail the Cot of other'! Daihe-. A-- rTr- '".' 1 ' trT3 ,&JtTasiT.eji'i ''OTOXJZaTED" and DOWK'? house row e us. v "?'- rii "i '-.v--.- . y-r :t A TJ-'rMrr.zf-ntiirf'ifthe Pity its tiakk3:t ki;ios:t Which nroirfully !i"pare! by exi.Tn-neetl men. at -i lire-ii : c. andoovir with thf u;tno; sc"tir.i. the arti;ii A good aorttncnt of NAILS, HAKES, LOLT COHN PLAN'l KIL sho-vk'ls; stpaOks. foi:ks 1 CARPK-NTKKS' AND MASONS' Tt )0LS. PA INTS. 01 LS. iUaua.i iiziir. b.wuir "TI5 B'lV nUMIRLVTa." I!v ll llltonKH elt him next UioiiUng With many kind tvirjzihe.i-lventtiro- of a pariy ofboytr h: I . t"hI every jftrnw . thJ pap-rfur-wib.s .in Id- iv.rf lor our -UI-CI.-S in t Calirorni-i 'h.Xd Mine, in tne early d v-Ij-' tVe publi-ot the -North-i witt:t7 Hlsllti 0!) Ills Ifcllt ior our success in J 0fjj,egoj(j t"eVcr j wannd iljret IIcp rtstloot the euterprtae. wa;ch we were goiug to abb if possible to a .vance. Step ping aboard the ea tern bound tran I I f ' .' we were landed about noon at the - CaphoL Our'app 'titea reminded us that we werelio a.conuition to' ajiprt 4. T TltOWilKIIXiF. Anthnrof ih" J.-irk l.n.irl" -:"Tre. will' cm tribute sitae hue ily mter-tja; stohe otadventure a; "Uaj Cvve.'' NKWTON WACONS, CLASS, TINW AKS ttenpr.U rfiid I'draranis from th trad . . insof inccitie' ut thi.mi f-reiu e-untrn till i r1f WH IlVTOTTR PLOWS. i farther enhance the va tie of the p-rticalar 1 OKA U 1',v-'ui1' JjV w with Wood or Iron Beam. itb Wood and Iron tteamJ.. And Every tH'DS needed by the Farmer or Mechanic. Fine Table and Pocket Cutlery. O. L. BATTLES & SON.- ' I departtnelt ot tho p-j.f. l!uinwi men tlirt.ti. noui me court1 ry cn riy on itm m-xr-kt 'luotatio. of thelVftitnd .Mail ajbeioe ac-umte and coinprheriiv. --.-- An TALKS WITH HIRLS B lc.wlin HUthor. n'll be a Ifalin feature , of.the neir brii.e. Kptcil atteution will no &e given to T T-T I? rTl TT?77r ' citte a goodi1UJe ue!, a' L xx tu kj X J Xiix. , - j Vin,neii Wc bt0pred it the INCIDENTS OF AMERICAN Metropolitan; Wliero our wants ..were ( IlfSTOPiY, I .. .--.'- t . - - iinsp rrej piionai iiiaxruu. NEW SUmnlv supplied 'with aU tilt hcait iuip htm pwww n b nuon. I'I- -" r"5J? j ,.' The rsnou department.". Jnn:-iTi-tn-P't'- I 1 could wish..' While taolling about tbe . pit. Tje Yaj v is,, U r n. ,n 1 th-; i ,". t 1 sffes for 1'fv Lxt'lr toil', arc to bs more , I Streets ill the afternoon Wd Observe I atfnttive than ever The French. L-itm, fifth aiornitiK paper, a rain inth time. ind a avins In niney which btiiini-;; uiea la the counttycin apprei te. In aiMitiec f tai eeia! feature. i!m Tt-ft and .Mail Riv-- the bet ot speelal Telegram CoO'-i"ene far lmitie Men. the A"-iatcl Prj; Pispatrhe. Cnp Con-."pndeace, aud tienen! a-I Locil NewofRli lnl. In all aiatter? that tend to dak & ha.-p. pieyaau cruerrn'tiff fi3i:y rcw.p-pev wi Diily Puiiandilau w:il nut t-act- Ouiae Rock, jiUrnkz AND" the new Opera Ifo i proces? of constru i of which has since been completed and the work inside w osing rapidly push- . . ,ni.:i. Tj ; tl.o "'t t.ernin stortey. tor tranMitina. wftirti OUse Which U in the j fcT? prrll ao pVar. w. 1 fre-rucnt in Ction, the brick WO.k , e nc- volnme. S-Jtnc of the finet w rk of m i;- AM eONrEGITONERI A Specialty. HKD'ULOt'D, NEIL i;:c j your.-elves accordingly, aud save costs. t. Nov. 30th, LS73. j It; if E. IL JK:-, Tr":inrr. a VIll j. fi.1 PhaiLhn Cmitnn Tnh'arrn oxmuuio all person? who may ueolreto fjj bnevvino,mo.ving. JoDacco ler lhcm4,ves 3S rauilidarftJJ fori . .m f i "T"A" I I v Til 17 TT I TO ! l'hcrs"of tha primary of common I i A t i ! M ) Iv ft, I ! 1 L iV fhools of the county, at uiy otP.ce in yJlX L It XJ U a. LOVX-I - oij.,.1 iu,,,,.! .I... fi-.t s'f.,-,lnt-. . 11UU 14V Vf 41 VW- UIC V41.M A VI I "OF ALL KiNDSr August, voveinber. Febrtmry and May. J. S-.SlLHAM. Co Superintetident. ' S07ZC&70 ?A2-VaTS2S. I', . It is nccesssry that all case due and ' unpaid ahoui.i Kn p id without delay. F-psh LiQrHeerfrohi "' Antelop'e" j Tax-payers take notice and govern IJrewery, constantly on hand. 0M have been enrnveil expr-"ly ior T. tCH-nt-iJ. and theSrtartit of the day will eoa trlbcti frrh atvl original drawinc? for thi i .. . , , - ..,.. rt.l.n-i in.lrf.MTp.rfinr tor 11 omc uennue eu torwi'.u. A great mam other ;.-.,,. .,. ;n.un-anjnoT- I ' rbin.rc niifort tri; fn h? srpn which ' I fcatare- were -sa-Je i the December num f tnings o4 interest was to oe seen wuiuu bgr ?t NirHM a, will conrinae utderthe "i we Have nat time or Soace lomeuuou. i nccc.--:ai ei:tcrniu c: ; There is ouly one other thing wc wish i topcak tliasilbe hospitality s ? --V.-"- r?..i. r- t CO S' .VARYJ!APS DODGE, Ana n ort- will be "Pir-sl by eiitor and -.- . . . " ri,l.T.irr to miat-iin and inr-x?e the at- lextended'to Ucrby our frranF Atr. J. i triwtion r. J vVoeo the m-uraie. Z l HM HI II V lU i, v 5 t the M. P. IL K. lands. 3I'r.Ui0t-. VoiitmeH. uo earn. ' .? trldze nrat will- r a, pleannt P?le I t1JlVSSW "AS? It- Follvwin-; ht p'.aa pur3ci by icj i!Iy, TIIE WEKKI Post ancL JSTnil ! Hajben re.lui'ed is priee.and.-inbicripti' a Piront year now cot only ONE DOLLAR! The Weekly wh rzuxlc . '1 he Xewg ofthe We--k. tfv .lioei vf Stone. eaeral resl as for Men r,f all trade anl t)rofrrioc Itrn of Art. LiU-ratu e. FahHr.. si-acietyetr-. mm LUMBER LUMBER W. L. VANALSTYlie RKD CLOU J), i,JSif.iJ4Vi DEAL Kit IN MlDlt'CTPPDODTJ ' tj'i:ii:n;iPHE lumber, lath shinel I Fne. The Weekiy In the Wwu aad wi:bia tbe u.ear jf every oce. Extraordinary LtJucrmznti Are ffered t ea"Tirr. ?nd fr ttrta aOii ..u4e s,pic- mr .. rx - mr. .1 i i i .1..-. . . I . .i -. . .. ,.t iuji. i -i r. i . v t mi o rsi i.i io i. a'" iiinuine Tt 4 r A tr i t ji v-" i:uu "" i'"-uic um "7, ' ifaiu .-nr- f-v;- v. c..r t..:jr- Kver n , - ... , ,. - Lime. ! arrGCi raner, Etta l,h j nrlt r &Ah-'fitXSt Mimr.nd thvlr home is a iwrfcct Kitie t icd. We w,H -e"l the m,car ne one y-ar -Oo? FsraderY.wiH pkae notkre the -1 1 1 1 C IrtffOU f" d f. C T , C; C :) . Y--- yaie'5" nndAiH rion ioua Folk-, pubKsb- Anl very Article usmHt ept in rirsi Ch- Luaorr a .. '-.vliJ(rirflhrIi:fesut.g cbtlire-,. h.P; f0g-n:MtTn-JjaS5S od : Toka, Kan-a. The Farmer Minvn wfiV'P ' i uiiscpi? a-icn, s-ipreme. Wc never ea- jWt8.erwirtriabjriMinf oj9Bp j an obi estaMbhoiI ami propero .'l.lo li. . AtlNcli. , 1 nyrvol&iae; -it i afc rale. . .11-- r 1.1 j jjovenarinwith friends tuor- thic I'w.V, y- v. ro 713 .f- Tlalf01 '-." ; le-t ttistor &. Pronritr i '- Miw o-xeiion. ricnltu: Doors, Blinds, Sash. Mouldings 'I GUARANTEE TO DUPLICATE AN 7 BILL THAT BE GOT XT JHNIATA OH. JWHX'W H "-JC